#but do the others play any instruments??
atsushis-fangs · 2 years
Past Scotland, holding a sword to North's neck: where are your parents?
North, panicking: what are parents?!
@winterwrites23 yay it's the first of december <3
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majorshatterandhare · 10 months
[Answer options in order are:
1. Yes, guitar, mandolin
2. Yes, piano/keyboard
3. Yes, violin, viola, cello, bass (inc. electric bass)
4. Yes, percussion
5. Yes, a woodwind
6. Yes, a brass instrument
7. Yes, multiple
8. Yes, something not mentioned here
9. No, I do not currently play an instrument but I sing
10. No, I do not currently play an instrument and I do not sing.
End Options]
Please specify in the comments or tags!
I’m sorry there aren’t more options, I only had 10 spaces or I would’ve included more. I tried to go with the most common and obviously with groups!
What counts for singing is up to you. I think most people sing some amount, but you can decide if yours counts or not. The reason for this is because you can teach yourself an instrument, so not requiring lessons or anything for either instruments or singing.
If you want to learn an instrument, especially if you don’t currently play any, I would love to know if you shared!
Please reblog! I wanna know how many of us play instuments ourselves and what that distribution is.
If you don’t listen to the Mechanisms don’t respond to this poll! I’m sure your answer is very interesting, but it will skew the results!
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hecatesbroom · 4 months
Thanks to the lovely @the-eclectic-wonderer for tagging me in this tag game!
Bold & colour whatever applies to you:
i’m over 5'5 / i wear glasses or contacts / i have blonde hair / i often wear sweatshirts / i prefer loose clothing over tight clothes / i have one or two piercings / i have at least one tattoo / i have blue eyes / i have dyed or highlighted my hair / i have or have had braces / i have freckles / i paint my nails / i typically wear makeup / i don’t often smile / resting bitch face / i play sports / i play an instrument / i know more than one language / i can cook or and bake / i like writing / i like to read / i can multitask / i’ve never dated anyone / i have a best friend i’ve known for over five years / i am an only child
No pressure to participate of course, but I'm tagging: @roseeycreates-blog @alectothinker @srosehh @timelessbian @tvmilfs
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savebylou · 19 days
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13 Days of Niall Horan 2024: Day 6. Niall + instruments (click in the image to read quote) [credit: x x x x x x ]
Join to the 13 days of Niall Horan here.
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painted-bees · 2 months
Are there any songs you’ve heard that 100% feel like TBH songs but you *Don’t* like them for whatever reason?
Hmm... Nothing really comes to mind if I am being honest!
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roseband · 10 months
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sammy once again showing why the thirst tweets were too tame for them
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dnangelic · 7 days
tsun what are ur top three fav insane random daisuke skills 🎤
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1 --- lockingpicking/hacking. this isn't an insane skill by itself, hell even i know it's criminal muse 101 but the sheer phantom thief mastery level of Opening Things Up that daisuke has is insane imo. he's canonically picked open a lock with just a random twig from the ground in a LN and always has a pin hidden somewhere in his hair in the manga for manual locks; he can crack electronic ones (which azumano is, contrary to its romantic european appearance, completely stacked and filled with) within as little as 1-4 seconds without even looking. he can crack and/or hack vaults, cameras, lights, vending machines, arcade machines, pachinko machines, phones, (which is really funny imo since he still has his flip-phone,) literally you name it and he can probably open or disable it. there's this really good light novel portion that i love describing daisuke (and daisuke alone!) as dark going through a heist: "the trajectory showed that dark was headed straight for the snow queen. it's always like that. no matter how much manpower or cutting-edge equipment you put in front of dark, it's as if it's completely meaningless, easily and freely invaded."
like it wouldn't matter if you put 24899535 locked doors and walls in front of him, he's going to go right a straight line towards whatever he wants. you can't possibly keep him out of anything, and you can't possibly keep him in; he can't and won't be stopped. THAT'S SCARY, DUDE!!! (though the lns are very firm on insisting he's never like this and forceful/invasive with people and their feelings, which is also so sweet 😭👍) even if he has nothing else on him dark also has his retractable claws/talons, so if a lock's big enough, dark/dai can even use those to quietly pick and click their way into someplace, which is a different kind of insane. lockpicking is something daisuke doesn't get to use much in rp but he has used his tech related skills and dexterity to actually fix some broken things for people. if you have the kind of muse that blows up electronics every other week daisuke's actually someone who's got a good chance at fixing it. he's even basically fixed everything that was going wrong during his school play (lights, sound equipment, etc...) because he was going all out for it lmao
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look at him go!!
2 --- daisuke's.... problem solving skills?? it's adjacently related to all a' that ^ up there and not really all that random on the surface but is still a top fav For Me, and can produce some really interesting random thoughts daisuke has every once in a while. daisuke gets assumed to be a clueless airheaded moron a lot and he even calls/believes himself to be stupid constantly, but the fact is he actually has really good problem solving skills and like..... phantom thief ultra instinct. i'm not talking about his duties as a magical girl therapist helping all the live arts through their struggling emotions, i'm talking about portions in the light novels like this:
'the reason for the "please do not lean over" warning on this fence is because the 3d light that is projected from the floor covering the mermaid's tears doubles as a sensor to detect intruders. the security device activates when the light is blocked. daisuke carefully listened as a security guard gave an explanation to two young women who were trying to touch the 3d mermaid.
that means we have to do something about security first.
reflexively thinking that, daisuke scratched his head and said 'no way, are even my thoughts turning into dark's?! i'm not going to turn into dark anymore!'
... and that was only from the first light novel, (hence him attempting to reject dark,) wherein he also basically immediately figures out how a certain sensor / chasing mechanism functions within a haunted house attraction. even when dark is in the one in control of the body and performing a heist, daisuke is still the one who constantly figures things out for dark; he stays quiet and calm and pays very close attention, which is the opposite of what most people assume daisuke and his perpetual freakouts to ever be capable of. although he does this in the first LN and the wink CDs, my favorite quotation is just this tiny portion from the third LN:
dark, who's tormented by the sound itself, may not be able to hear hiwatari's voice. wiz was also shaking his wings in pain on dark's shoulders. ---i have to be strong. daisuke carefully checked the information coming in through his eyes and ears. he wondered why hiwatari was able to remain calm while dark and wiz were suffering so much. daisuke felt something strange as hiwatari approached him. he was louder than usual. not only that, but something else was different.
^ even without full context, you get a feel for daisuke's attitude under pressure; he actually shapes up more and more rather than collapse and drop the ball or start shaking and give up like a lot of people think he would!!! also that 'i have to be strong' is just cute as hell too 😭 dark might be the 'face' of the heisting operations but honestly without daisuke dark would have been legitimately outright screwed over and probably captured a couple of times by now, hiwatari is that good, but likewise so is daisuke despite how disparate they seem as uhhh weird daytime friends and nightime rivals.
3 --- honestly whatever the hell this all is
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stop ripping your weird fake skins of people off!!!! IT'S CREEPY!!!
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you may not have heard of the viola, but have you heard of joe hisaishi? i bet you have! well, guess who just wrote an AWESOME piece for the viola!!
both of these videos are cutoff before the end of the piece, but it's available on spotify and wherever you listen to music :) youtube also has the full recordings, but not with the video.
little more explanation on the viola under the cut :)
if you didn't know, the viola is a four-stringed instrument. it has a lower range than the violin and it has the same strings as the cello (but an octave up). those strings are C, G, D, and A, so the strings are tuned in fifths.
fun fact, the opening of movement 1 of viola saga plays a lot on those open* strings, clearly hisaishi's way of establishing the viola-y nature of the piece. the viola is the only instrument that can play those notes in that range, so unless it was transposed, only a viola could play it! as a violist i really do feel the love for my instrument coming across in this piece :)
*playing "open" strings is when you play the strings as they are, without putting any fingers down on any string to change the pitch
sadly, many people have never heard of the viola and just confuse it for the violin, when really it is its own instrument with its own beautiful role in the orchestra and honestly some pretty sick solo pieces.
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the one on top is a violin and the one on the bottom is a viola. as you can see, the size difference is pretty big. every time i pick up my friend's violin, it feels so small in comparison that half the time i feel like i'm going to accidentally crush it with my neck.
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this is my baby <333 hope you enjoyed learning about the beautiful awesome badass viola if you did in fact read this far lol
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foraged-porridge · 5 months
i think i like, need to learn banjo. bad.
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lordgoretash · 1 year
Note to self: please stop coming up with new Tavs and Durges. You have enough to keep you busy for a long time.
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Will joins marching band but he's on banner duty. He's "in guard" but he walks in front on one side of a long horizontal logo banner and his job is to hold it still. CEO of smile and wave.
lmaoooo yes he totally would
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andoutofharm · 1 year
did you know that. when you consistently practice playing your instrument you actually get better at it. mindblowing
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oaky-dokey · 10 months
hey google how do i trans my singing voice without submitting myself to the mortifying ordeal of being known
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doctorwhoisadhd · 1 year
my dog will start LOUDLY crying if anyone is playing any instrument other than the flute. i need to start using this to win arguments
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kangaracha · 1 year
what's a really unfortunate discovery in my life in the last two years is that my boss told me i was racing against my beeper counting seconds last year and confiscated it (secret skill unlocked: can count to fifteen seconds in your head with extreme accuracy) and i'm like he cannot be for real with this, how do you Race Time. and then i play guitar against a metronome and You'll Never Fucking Guess What My Fatal Flaw Is
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eyivibyemi · 1 year
✧ I won’t really write descriptions for these, but see original post tags for explanation/commentary on the song snippet ✧
#I actually like the background piano of this more than I like the weird singing improvised over it#probably just because it was vaguely cool to clank out something that even vaguely sounds like maybe an actual chord#that might exist or something despite - again- having so little clue about the piano or how to read music that I could#not even point out like what the names of the notes are or etc. ghghjbj#Which is still funny because if you improvise something and also have no idea how to read or identify musical notes then you will#never be able to play it again because you couldn't identify how to lol. THAT'S WHY I LIKE singing!!! I could hear any tune once and on the#spot repeat it back exactly as long as it's within the range of noises I am physically capable of producing#But with tangible insturments it's like... you have to memorize.. the names of things. or where to put your hands. or#be able to name and recognize something and keep that in your head. Whereas voice noises just come instinctually and naturally#I do think I could probably learn an instrument if I really tried but I guess the thing is just like.. I already have 4724867289 other hobb#es that I am trying to split my time between that I barely have enough energy to dedicate to all of them and hardly make#progress at any of them because I'm spread so thin jumping back and forth between them. should i REALLY pick up another???#one thats going to take years and years and lots of practice?? It's kind of like learning languages. I REALLY want to learn some other#languages and I'm not like terrible at it from times that I've started to beofre in school and stuff. but it's just like.. do I really have#the TIME?? I think I need a logical justification to warrant a certain level of investment like.. if I knew for certain that in a year I'd#be moving to france then of course I could dedicate many hours to learning french because now it's necessary and despite#all of my other projects that I have going on I need to make time for it. But if I'm just learning it for the sake of doing it? then??#why should I not simply dedicate that same amount of time to my writing or my sculptures or something else? etc?? Like if I for some reason#was talked into starting a band with one of my friends or something then yeah maybe I'd learn an instrument but. I just see no#practical need to or way to justify the time investment when I currently have so many other things going on and music is my silly hobby lol#ANYWAY.. all that to say. BECAUSE I have no clue what I'm doing and likely never will. then even when I do the most basic#boring sounding bit of barely passable zero skill hardly capable piano plonking or something I'm always like#wowww. wow. I did something. wow. music is so magical. peace and love on planet earth. hhbjhbjhb#ANYWAY.. so I like the background more than the singing but. eh. still sounds a little fantasy elf choir-esque#bantasy tag
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