#but fck i love them sm
nyashykyunnie · 11 months
//Sung Jinwoo Yume
I'm gonna talk abt them finally, nobody would read this but I like talking to walls so heheheh and introduce to wall-san my oc who I yume with Jinwoo: Moon Minseok
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Minseok didn't partake in Jinwoo's life in the first timeline after they had graduated hs. Jinwoo also never found Minseok there because he actually died after being sucked into a gate^^. (Jinwoo would actually later find his corpse in one of the gates he raids but never realized it was Minseok all along).
Their actual love story begins when Jinwoo regresses through time, back to the past where the gates never opened. Jinwoo actually didn't recognize Minseok at first, it took him a while to remember that Minseok was actually his childhood friend and of course just like in the original timeline— Both of them were classmates.
Jinwoo didn't really remember much about Minseok. Just memories of how pretty the boy was with his amber eyes, his round blossom eyes, and freckled cheeks. A baby-face that suited Minseok childish personality.
He was very bubbly, in contrast to the Shadow Monarch's gloomy and rather nonchalant personality. And since Minseok was a very upbeat person, he often hung out with Jinwoo and babbled to him about all sorts of things.
Jinwoo knew his memory was fuzzy,but he had no recollection about Minseok's hyperfixations about the galaxy, the sea creatures (especially the medusas), dinosaurs (don't judge baby:<<<) and fungi and flowers!!! He could name them all in even scientific form. Minseok could even point at which star is which, which constellation was located— He was just very knowledgable!
It slightly overwhelmed Jinwoo at first, he wasn't used to such an eccentric person— But he never pushed Minseok away. Instead, he listened to all his rambles. At first, he would just keep his eyes closed, but when he noticed Minseok had cute little habits while talking— He paid even closer attention to Minseok.
You see, Minseok has a habit with his hands. He curls them into lil cat paw fists and shakes them around. Jinwoo has never seen such body language before, so his grey eyes closely followed Minseok's little 'Cat Paws' as he listened. He found it...Cute.
What started as him as just him listening to his old friend's rambles— Slowly blossomed into something more.
Minseok introduced Jinwoo to the more finer things in life. Things that he didn't know that can be therapeutic outside of his daily exercises— From cafes, to breads in the bakery, to sweet stores all around them. Jinwoo just started learning the more cuter things in life.
And all the prettier sides of it too. Minseok would always take Jinwoo to the parks they cross by after school, and maybe even the little beach near them. Jinwoo would watch him pick up seashells and seaglass. His grey eyes followed that freckled boy as he pranced around in the waves, picking up silly little things.
The shadow monarch couldn't help but smile softly.
'That boy is so radiant.' He would think as he picked up Minseok's discarded shoes by the shore.
The more Jinwoo watches him, the stronger his desire grows to protect that sweet boy. That sweet, sweet boy. Prettier when he smiles so carelessly. Jinwoo wanted to protect that innocence, shield him away from everything cruel and ugly— Cover him up with pillows and thick blanket and coddle him
'Coddle? I'm out of my mind.' Jinwoo shook his head. Minseok's silly attitude was rubbing off of him a little.
Yeah, that's right.
The more Jinwoo hung out with him, the clumsier he got. He even broke the punching game in the arcade once due to Minseok's contagious childishness. It was as if he was slowly letting his guard down, he was relaxing more. Smiling a little more.
He was in love.
All those days he watched Minseok, all those hours of him killing time as he listened to the latter's rambles, the small things that he was introduced to.
It was making Jinwoo's heart flutter.
He slowly started building a habit of subtly touching Minseok. It started with little pokes on the shorter boy's hands, then gently holding to rub that small and delicate— Dainty little hand. When he feels bolder, he'll bring up his hand to swipe away some stray hairstrands blocking him from admiring Minseok's pretty face.
While Jinwoo's gestures were by touches, Minseok's admiration was through sketching him.
Little did Jinwoo know, Minseok has a sketchbook of him. From the angle of his jaws, the height of his nose, the way his eyes curve, and how his hair fluffs here and there.
Minseok was Jinwoo's Angel.
While Jinwoo was Minseok's Muse.
Their love story was slow, like a flower taking it's sweet time to fully blossom. Jinwoo would let Minseok hold on to him as much as he liked. And when he feels like it— He would Join Minseok as he danced around under the pouring rain. Their fingers intertwined as they waltz away in the puddles and in the cold weather.
They were just so in-love.
Soon though, soon. Jinwoo couldn't contain himself anymore. When he saw how radiant Minseok looked against the setting sun, thats small but the prettiest smile he could ever wish for, the wind softly blowing at Minseok's fluffy black hair that made him look like a fairy— Jinwoo's remaining self-restraint got obliterated.
Thus, he tugged at his hand. Holding him tightly but not firm enough to cause any harm. No. Jinwoo would rather kill himself than ever hurting his angel.
He held him in his arms, leaning down to him and embracing the plump lips he longed to taste for many nights and days. The kiss was gentle, but it had the fiery flame of overflowing love.
"Seokkie..." Jinwoo cooes as he pulled back, his grey eyes lovingly watching Minseok's flushed out face. "It's selfish of me, but I love you."
"Then I guess that makes us both selfish."
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leeyacy · 1 month
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Stop saying ivan is dead you guys,i saw him and till holding hands while attending mizisua's wedding smh🙄
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yumedoca · 8 months
I've finished the Okinu arc.... 😭
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drathe · 4 months
Your durgetash art has totally bewitched me, I cannot stop coming back to it, the way you draw them and their longing (also lowkey giving me dissociative state) expressions… holy fck.
I would tattoo it on my eyelids if possible, I mean it. I cannot fathom the skill you hold, it’s very inspiring! Makes me wanna try & get better at drawing 😅
Will you ever do more art with those two lovely nutcases? 💕
Thank you sm ;_; I have like FUCKTON of Durgetash sketches, I just don't post them most of the time because I'm always like... YOU, YOU GOTTA MAKE FULL ART, DONT DO JUST SKETCHES but well ;_;
One can have some Durgetash as a treat :3
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aphrodite1288 · 8 months
Idk if you still perceived them as a toxic relationship, I'm the one who thinks that the most healthy thing in a relationship is communication so I really doubt ksoo get enlisted bc he wants to and not telling anyone about it, I mean exo is a thing, his relationship with jongin is other, maybe he didn't tell the other members but Ji is something else in his life plus his dad just died almost a year ago. I kinda understand your point and your theory about ji's depression cus his disease is a fact told by him, but speculate everything is all about ksoo fault its fck toxic. Depression is not something you experienced from one day to another and can be caused by so many accumulated reasons that took years and years to understand and ksoo must know that tho do u think he's that cruel and go to the army without a reason knowing Ji could be really sad about it? Kai must know that before anyone else so he could have time for processing and plans to do tgt but is normal still be fck sad after ksoo left and having therapy is a completely smart thing to do, that doesn't mean they had a huge fight
First of all, all what I said is not my perception, not my opinion, it's what I've been told from everyone: from K-EXOL, to our sources to the insiders who know SM staff or worked in SM and from Exo themselves told about this issue. And guess what? They know better than you. They're closer to him than you would ever be.
Sorry if it can't fit your narratives and feed up your fantasies.
Kadi just like any other couple aren't perfect they have their ups and downs and they certainly have their own flaws. Calling a relationship toxic just by one argument is wrong of you. This is not wonderland I think you should go seek medical help if you think like this.
You're the one calling them Toxic for not having a communication not me!
Ask your parents, I don't think they've never fought in a relationship of 2 decades at least.
I don't know if I'm allowed to share this info, but fuck it, I hate when dumb people who think they know their faves start calling us liars.
Kadi in 2022 in March exactly, they were on a massive fight and had a break again and they even went to Couple Counseling and the old Fans of this Tumblr from the Instagram group know this already. I've seen kadi's name on their Couple Counselor's Chart with their names and IDs, it was a bad thing from that Counselling company as they sold the Info to Sasaengs easily, K-ExoL, when they saw Ji and Ksoo going there frequently alone separately were curious why were they attending couple counseling sessions? Do they have issues with each other or with someone else they know ? And hence they followed them dug into the subject and discovered this and unfortunately the info was leaked. Remember when Ksoo went to Hawaii alone? Well it was during that period of time they were on a break.
Couples fight dear. It's normal ! And most of the couple fights occur because of LACK OF COMMUNICATION.
So yeah ! Expecting a couple in a relationship of 14 years won't have any miscommunication or a fight is so dumb of you. We don't live in Wonderland ! This is life! Have you ever been in a relationship have you watched BLs and Couples movies haven't you seen couples hurting each other and crying and breaking up despite being in love??
, t
So same for Kadi, they can hurt each other, misunderstand each other, Do things to each other, TAKE DECISIONS WITHOUT DISCUSSING IT WITH E/O! Take decisions in a moment of anger ! It's normal it happens and this is what Ksoo did and unfortunately it's true and it was a no-going-back issue becos that's with the government it's military application. He himself regretted it later because he missed many good Movie offers and opportunities at that time, even his managers and SM's production team told him he messed up he acted in a moment of anger at that time, and going on hiatus due to military in the Epitome of his career is a very bad move and he was told that by Veterans and his friends in the industry and he admitted it to movie producers and Management teams in SM, and.it was a famous discussed subject. No idol wants to go on military hiatus when they're on the epitome of their career, but instead until they settle things down first then they go. Because Many idols and actors get a little forgotten and may lose their popularity after military due to the hiatus and some DON'T! which is why you see Baekhyun and all idols always anxious telling their fans "Please don't forget us! Promise you'll be here when I'm back! It won't take a longtime! I'll be back before you know it!" " think of me all the time when I'm absent" and Baekhyun was smart enough and was the very first idol to have filmed Content for his fans to be outed every month it was so smart fans didn't even get to forget him.
So moral of the story: Kadi aren't perfect. And you should know Honey that YOU DON'T KNOW KSOO !! The idea you have on him is not 100% what he really is like! Y'all tend to glorify and shape idols in a perfect mold and put them on a pedestal as Sacred people who don't sin or Do wrong. Honey 😂 your Ksoo Oops isn't a Saint! He makes mistakes!! Remember you're just a fan! You don't know him personally to keep saying he can't do such things and that it's not his character 🤣 blah blah blah who are you? His mother?
Listen I'm just really tired of explaining everything to dumb people here. I don't care anymore, I say the info I have which I didn't create myself, I just report what I've been told and confirmed with Evidence, believe what you want if you don't wanna believe, leave it and leave.
Don't come up here and force your opinion on me, because we're not here discussing opinions, I'm giving you an info most of the time "A FACT" means something that actually happened and was proven to me, so I'm not here discussing it with you wether it happened or not and what you think about it, I don't care what you think , the thing happened years ago and that's on Period. I'm not gonna go back in time to discuss with you how it should have happened.
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destinyc1020 · 12 days
Confession Sunday: This is going to be very unpopular, but after SM4, I don't want Tom and Z to work with each other as love interests. Or again, if that means they can maintain privacy in their relationship. I hope Z has a smaller role in that film, and it's more on Tom's Peter and Black Cat, maybe. The backlash both of them got for TCR and Challengers because they became public is very deranged. They should be able to play characters with love interest without fear of public backlash because they are adults and professionals. Im kinda scared with Romeo and Juliet. I hope ppl are sensible and dont embarrass Tom cause it's not just him on stage. Francesca and the rest of the cast deserve their moment.
They are not the first couple to act but they the first famous couple of the younger generation that ppl are too invested in and honestly don't have the best energy towards their union depaite them being complete starbgers to us. I'm aware this is hypocritical as I am a fan of both and I'm on tumblr but I've been aware of both sides of the fandom on these blogs, solo fans of each other and I understand the frustration to want you fav to be independent of their relationship because it limits their artistry. They are actors first!!!!
Unpopular opinion, and I'm gonna get tomatoes, but looking back, SM NWH presstour was a blessing and a curse. It was a blessing for Tomdaya fans, but its a curse cause now when they do it again, the soundbites are gonna feel curated and tired. I started to see a problem when Tom kept mentioning it when he was promoting TCR because, let's be honest, he was ashamed of the results of the show. He used it as armour, and that's not fair case it was him that chose to do that show with poor execution. Using his family as pr is no better than Dom no shade. Even when Challengers was promoted and Tom was mentioned, it was cute as Tomdaya fans, but objectively, it's unheard of unless it's a podcast.
David Bowie and Iman are the best counterparts because they both were successful in their lane but were together. Iman was asked about David, but I was brief because she already had a business and foundation stand from. Both Tom and Z are in the middle of building that foundation.
I read on a blog how Riley from that Daisy amazon show filmed an intimate scene with her actor husband, and she said it was awkward because they were acting, and when they are together, it's real. I want them to have a life that we, as fans, don't know because overexposure is always bad in hindsight. Look at Jelenas. They can't get over the accessibility they had to that couple, and that's just sad.
I enjoyed the intimate scenes in Challengers and TCR because I was invested in the characters they were playing because they had respectful costars who i had little information about them other than acting, and it was great acting. I think it's even why I couldn't buy Paul and Chani in Dune 2 because I know Timothee and Zendaya are very good friends. Almost like siblings, like Timothee called her a sis!!!😭😭😭
I never have this issue when he's Taylor, Florence, or Saoirse because i know them through acting only, and I'm not invested in their lives cause its private as fck.
What are your thoughts???
Wow Anon.... you said a LOT with this ask/confession lol.
Thank you for your input and confession Anon.
Personally? I don't think there's anything wrong with Tom and Z working together even though they're in a relationship together. 🤷🏾‍♀️
Do you know how many actors have worked together in Hollywood and were in relationships with each other? Paul Newman and his wife Joanne Woodward, Elizabeth Taylor and her husband Richard Burton, JLo and Ben Affleck, Emily Blunt & John Krasinski, etc. Shoot, even Baz Luhrmann and his wife work together on films lol 😅 It's not exactly unheard of in Hollywood. 🤷🏾‍♀️
Re: The NWH press tour....
Hmm... I'm not sure why this is a concern exactly. 🤔 But I also don't feel like how TZ were during the press tour together was a bad thing either? 🤷🏾‍♀️ Even if they were to break up tomorrow, their press tour videos are endearing, sweet, and just a testament to a good friendship and casting for their Spiderman film imo.
While us shippers and Tomdaya fans may love the press tour for other reasons lol, I don't think that the general public has an issue with the press tours with TZ being together and in love etc. I think most think it's cute? 😅
Granted, I will say that if you do feel like you're having a very hard time separating an actor's character from their real-life persona, and it's hard for you to see them disappear in certain roles, then maybe it might a sign that you're following a celebrity a little too closely, and it may be a good idea to perhaps lessen the amount of time you spend tracking and following that celebrity/actor. 🤷🏾‍♀️
Re: Fans...
I def think that SOME fans get a little too invested with the lives of their faves, to the point where it can become a bit parasocial, but like I mentioned earlier, you can always take a bit of a break, and try not to be so obsessive.
Re: Public Backlash
While I def understand the concern regarding the gp and any backlash on TZ and their projects, the truth of the matter is, a lot of actors get bad reviews on their projects also, but it's not an automatic death. Many Actors have recovered from bad projects and have gone on to do wonderful films that had critical acclaim. ☺️
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YALL SORRY I JUST HAD TO QUICKLY POST THIS BECAUSE ... bad omens dropping Concrete Jungle The Ost just like that ?? BYE i love it 😭🫶 also Loading Screen gives me major flashbacks to the concert from them that I went to earlier this year I MISS IT SM-
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t-a-k-a-k-o · 1 month
This isn't my usual 3dblr content btw
I just learned abt skz at the met gala
I am so fkn pissed rn
They were hated upon SO MUCH
This hits so hard for me bc I LOVE skz and I am also Korean
The paparazzi was making fun of them for being performers AND bc they r Korean!!
They were making comments abt how "unemotional" they look and how they r "unfeeling" and how they were not smiling and they were jeering being like "how do u say right in Korean?" even tho over HALF R FLUENT IN ENGLISH
The paparazzi b1tched abt having to take more pictures bc they took off their jackets! Saying sh1t like "it's a whole new look" and "people won't recognize them" (THE STUPID HATE ABT ALL ASIANS LOOKING THE SAME [my mom, sister, and I r all mistaken for each other all the fkn time even tho we don't look the same, like fck my sister weighs like 130 lbs more than me {I fkn got mistaken for one of my cousins but she is literally half a foot taller than me, had red hair, and I barely even know her}])
There is a whole lot more but I'm just so fkn pissed rn bc my mom, sister, and I have all been hated upon in the same way, recently my mom was told that she "didn't look remorseful and she doesn't care abt her coworkers" she was verbally ATTACKED by this old white guy until she broke down crying, we have had people be like "u look like a b1tch" and yelling at us to stop being "antisocial Asians" amongst other things
I just hate how they were hated on in the stereotypical way all Asians r, they made history and they r rly sweet people and don't deserve this
There were literal ppl yelling JAPANESE at them
That also pisses me off bc I am also Japanese and have been hated on for both and the stupid fkn stereotyping of Asians, they don't deserve this
I hate racists and this pisses me off sm bc it's 2024, why r we so mean, I thought we could put this behind us, there hasn't been any attacks recently and I thought we could possibly put the "Stop the Hate" behind us, I thought it was stopped but ig not
People. Make. Me. Sick.
If these wonderful, beautiful people r hated upon, then I will be too
I don't want to go out and see that, face that
I genuinely thought "stop the hate" was old news, but the hate is still thriving apparently, and if these men that have literally had MODELING CONTRACTS r fkn hated on my ugly ass will be too!
And I'm in a super white, trump-supporting, backwards town, filled with fkn xenos, and racists, and homophobes, that think mental health is stupid
This genuinely makes me want to km$
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makoodles · 7 months
I FEEL CALLED OUT SEEN AND EXPOSED BY YOUR FIC OMFG I LOVE YOU SM 😭🫠💃🏻 that’s ghost fic has me screaming with and without the s. Pls like you deserve some good fck for that like 🫠 melting over here old ffs you’re amazing old I aspire to write like you and I cannot stress this enough, the length of your fics fill my tiny little heart with overflowing joy. Thank you thank you thank you 🖤🖤🖤🖤😭
i love EVERYONE that feels seen by my fics !! i loveeee writing a reader who's a little inexperienced and unsure and isn't really doing things right but is also super fucking eager and horny cause that's meeeee!
i had a really bad first sexual experience, and my next two weren't very good either because i just didn't know what was normal or what to expect, so it's super healing for me to write about inexperienced readers being guided and taught by men who really care about them lol.
i'm so glad you enjoyed <3
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ghastlybin · 1 year
Reader has a strong passion for everything is creepy and dark and she likes to visit old castles and mansions. In one one her trips, she goes in a real beautiful gothic castle but she find the owner: Kim Bora (also SuA is a vampire and they fall in love)
Dude, vampire SuA can on GOD ruin me I am not kidding I don’t even really care for vampires as much as other mythical beings but this is an exception fr and I think I like vampires a little more now that Bora is one SHEESH 🥵 as always, thank you so much for requesting btw!! So sorry if this is late or bad💜💜🫶🫶🥹 ily though but goodnight lol
Pairing: Vampire! SuA x GN Reader
Word count: 1.8k
Genre/contents: Maybe a mixture of angst and fluff? Vampire AU
TW: talks of blood & blood sucking, missing people, implied m u r d e r, cannibal mention but no cannibals involved, I know veins are triggers for some people, these are all just mentions though I’m not detailed about these things but to be safe I will include them here anyway
Note: y’all already know I have to overexplain myself lmao I’m bad at fluff relating to falling in love so please excuse my attempt at it, I also love horror/creepy/dark things so… Yeah. I loved this request sm!! :,) Also also, I lowkey (like 5%) based Bora’s castle off of Castle Dimitrescu from Resident Evil Village because it was a pretty cool & beautiful fcking castle in the game if I gotta say :,) except the window entrance ofc I improvised that shit lol but I hope you enjoy it and that it’s up to your standards, otherwise please please let me know! I’m always open for constructive criticism. 🥹 Adios, until next time
Fck it we’re using this gif again.
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On the way out of town, you’ll feel bittersweet, and all the more refreshing, the feeling of leaving the city in your rearview.
Where the roads get narrowly winding and more flora is evident around you and the further the road takes you, you see why you left the city.
And why you may never return.
It was beautiful.
The way certain things unsettled most, how with just the right amount of shade you could turn something completely mundane and make it dark.
From the webs of spiders to coffins, to the macabre style contained in the form of artwork, stories, the horror, even.
The eerie allure of the darkness had to it.
The century-old castles, mansions, and even regular townhomes- All untouched and deprived of signs of life, and at the same time they looked lived in.
The haunting beauty of it all.
You were in the chokehold of all things creepy, all things dark, and a deep-set curiosity.
You didn’t mind the way it all made you feel. Some would say you’re just braver than the rest, others would say you’re weird or that you’ve simply just embraced the darkness.
Maybe you were brave.
Maybe they were weird for not seeing the way you saw things.
Maybe you have embraced the darkness.
You were never afraid of the dark.
You loved it. Growing up, you imagined yourself living in a dark castle or mansion that gave everyone in town eerie chills that would unnerve them to look at, and yet they were still very beautiful to look at.
The other kids back then would debate which urban legend they believed Castle Bora held more.
The one where a vampire was living there in that unexplored, untouched, and far from society-castle- where it was meant to be. That Bora was the name of the vampire living there.
Or the one where Bora was a cannibalistic witch that would lure young people into her Castle to feed on their blood to keep her youth.
You argued that that was still a vampire, not a witch at all, and there was a vastly large difference between vampires, cannibals, and witches.
No one ever listened to your explanations.
But you at least knew the difference between the three.
Castle Bora.
Its grand walls encompassed the area, the pointed arches, the vaulted ceilings that were located on the inside, and the grey tint to the exterior topped off the beauty of the castle altogether.
You knew since you were a kid that you would explore the castle.
You’ve explored Castle Handong, Castle Yoohyeon, and even Castle Yubin before it had closed off to the public for reasons unknown.
Castle Bora has been your goal exploration and the day had finally come.
You had enough money for the transportation, you knew the route thereafter that too had been kept hidden from the public after someone had gone missing when going that same route.
An explorer of old castles and mansions, they said.
That only made you anticipate the trip more. The fascination of what was out there with you and this beautiful castle.
You weren’t crazy, and you didn’t have a death wish.
But you were going to explore this castle.
If that meant sharing the same fate? Well, death was never one of your fears anyway.
The long, winding road stretched on as you drove, excitement building up inside of you as you were finally going to live out your childhood dream.
The paved roads turned into dirt, the trees became more close-knit, and civilization was far beyond you.
And there it was, Castle Bora. Home to the late Kim Bora.
You pulled over to a stop just before the road had been cut off before the gates.
The centuries-old castle looked to be well taken care of, to your surprise. You stopped your car and grabbed a camera and a notepad to transfer to your journal later on before heading for the front gates.
To further your surprise, the gates opened with ease, the loud creak it made was the only sound accompanying you in the isolated area.
The main door was locked, to your dismay, but you’ve never been one to give up. Not when you were this close to getting in.
One thing you learned from the other castles was; there is always at least one window unlocked.
Luckily, you found that one window and it let you into a room that exited into something reminiscent of a main hall located on the other side of the main entrance.
You marveled at the sight.
The beautiful exterior, the chandelier that hung in the middle of the main hall with stairs spiraling upwards, and the wallpaper that had been maintained for centuries.
You took as many photos as you could as well as notes to help keep the memory fresh in your mind for later.
You began to ascend the stairs but were immediately greeted by a rough shove back down the stairs.
Luckily you were only two steps up and didn’t fall as hard as it felt.
Your camera was still intact, but it had slid across the slippery linoleum tiles of the main hall along with your notepad.
“Breaking into my castle, taking photos, notes… Who are you and why shouldn’t I kill you right here?”
You were in a trance seeing the woman descending the stairs and hovering over you. Her beauty was mesmerizing in ways you couldn’t begin to describe,
“I didn’t know someone lived here.”
The woman pulled you up to your feet, harshly by the collar of your shirt.
“No one warned you about me?” She bore a hole into your eyes and for a minute, you felt her peering into your soul.
“Bora?” The corners of your mouth curled upwards. “It’s so cool to meet you.”
Bora blinked, taken aback as she let go of your shirt. “Why aren’t you screaming?”
“That would be rude, wouldn’t it?” You fixed your shirt and retrieved your camera and notepad.
“Everyone screams when they see me.”
You checked your camera to see if it was still functioning. “Why?”
You met her eyes right as she snarled, showing you her fangs and running her tongue under the sharp tip.
“You should fear me.”
And you smiled, even more captivated by her.
“I should,” you took a step closer to her. “But I don’t. You are my role model.”
Bora glared at you, but only for a second and out of disbelief.
You were the first human that hadn’t screamed or tried running away from her. The first human she didn’t immediately lunge at and suck the blood right out of your veins.
The first time she had ever been called a role model.
“If you aren’t going to kick me out, might I request a tour of this beautiful castle?” You mentally prepared yourself for the rejection, seeing as you did break in thinking no one lived here.
But Bora accepted.
She showed you around the entire castle and even let you take more photos and notes. She watched the excited gleam in your eyes the further in she took you.
Everything about her castle she thought was average, you treated it as gold. She appreciated that you were careful as to not make any messes and asked her before you took any other pictures.
It was when you had tilted your head to view a sculpture she had on display for centuries, that she saw the crook of your beck exposed and the veins lying under the layers of skin that could be easily broken by her fangs.
And for the first time in centuries, she fought the urge. The craving or need to taste your blood.
The hunger she felt within.
She wanted you.
But she fought it. She fought it because she was your role model.
She fought it because of how appreciative you were during the tour of her castle.
She fought it because you were the first person in centuries that didn’t treat her as a monster.
Bora wasn’t a witch or a cannibal.
But she was a vampire and vampires have needs too.
“Are your fangs real?” You asked.
Bora snapped out of her craving for sinking her teeth into your neck with a nod.
“So you’re a vampire?” Saying that out loud, you felt silly. Who would ask something like that in someone else’s home?
“Yes.” Bora uttered. You smiled, fascinated.
“It’s cool until you have to watch every mortal you love die before you.”
Your smile faded a little, and a hint of guilt surfaced.
“Do you want to turn me?”
“Absolutely not.” Bora immediately shook her head. She would never wish her condition on anyone else.
The pain and isolation she’s faced.
Even now, meeting you, she wouldn’t consider it. She was beginning to like your company too.
But she would never simply turn anyone.
“Shame. I wouldn’t mind living here forever.” You spoke, closing your notepad as the tour ended.
“Guess it’s time for me to go?” You looked at her expectantly, hoping she would lead you back to the main entrance.
Hearing you say that, Bora felt the isolation over the centuries kicking in again.
You were invested in her castle, you even broke in to see it. That kind of dedication was admirable to her. And now you were talking about leaving.
Possibly never seeing her again.
“Would you like to stay for dinner?” Bora blurted, immediately trying to remain cool.
“I promise, it’s not human meat or blood.”
“I would love to.” You smiled, accepting her offer without a moment's hesitation.
She wondered if you’d still have said yes if it were human meat and blood she’d be serving.
You were someone Bora liked having around, despite you breaking in and her almost pouncing on you first thing.
You were someone Bora yearned for in her period of isolation.
Maybe not you specifically, but someone who didn’t run away screaming in terror. Someone who didn’t seem to care that she was a monster.
It scared her to have met you.
Seeing your face, hearing your voice, the faint scent of your blood as you stood beside her, walking beside her, and how she might lunge at you at any given moment if the urge got too strong.
Bora wasn’t afraid because you were a human vessel full of fresh blood.
She was afraid for the first time in centuries, she felt a beat in her chest where her heart should be.
She was afraid of how alive you made her feel by meeting you.
She was afraid you, too, would leave.
“Right this way.”
Bora hoped you would visit her again.
And with a smile, you would vow to.
Back in the city, you’ll smell the pollution of car exhaust and hear cars honking, people chattering, and school or church bells ringing.
And you’ll wish you had never returned.
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star-drip · 9 months
isla and emerson have known eachother since childhood. they basically grew up together!
what started it all off with diana is that isla met her at a party. (diana is very rich and lives in this huge mansion, so ofc she's gonna throw parties <3) emerson meets her later when isla introduces her.
diana is very like, "anti-drugs" (even though she is an alcoholic💀), like even weed is a no no for her. and then emerson is fucking little-miss-addict over here. so they just started disliking eachother because of their lifestyles.
ok so now isla is best friends with diana and emerson, and now diana and emerson just don't get along.
BUT HONESTLY, they're so similar and different at the same time. even though they botb struggle with substance abuse, they find reasons to hate eachother over it, (probably because of insecurity).
but STILL diana's like, "ew u do drugs that's nasty," and emerson is like "fck u bitch go get liver poisoning and die."
but isla is always inviting them both over at the same time hoping that they one day will get along! 😭 (and they do eventually, but oh my god).
honestly everytime those two argue, its so trivial. it's just over dumb shit. i wanna put spongebob music over their arguing because its just so insane- the shit they decide to hate eachother over. HAHA
low key, they would make hilarious podcasts tho. especially with isla involved, because these mfs omg they are SILLY
LIKE LOW KEY THAT COURT VIDEO I POSTED SHOULD JUST BE THEM ONG. maybe it fits them better bc ong their arguments are insufferable to be around.
but honestly emerson can be snarky with anyone if they give her a reason to be so-
then isla is just watching them like 😐
but like 80% of my head space is just emerson
she's just such a fun para to fuck with idk 😭 i love her sm <3
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iamhereinthebg · 2 years
i just read ur headcanons of the mystery fam and i adore it so much!
but as much as i love fluff and found fam, could i ask for ur angst headcanons about them?
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Heyaaaa! first of all I wanna say I am really sorry for taking this much time to answer dshjds
Thank you sm for your asks aaaah I am so glad you like how I write those idiots (affectionate)
Mei is such a queen who doesn't give a fck I love her sm XDD
Here is the first post with the stupid hcs!
Dicslaimer: this is as always, really long x')
And the 'timeline' doesn't make sense, I absolutely don't know how some stuff could be put into the canon timeline so yep accept it doesn't make sense sometimes x'))
And I am really not good to write serious/angsty stuff because I prefer shitpost so idk if that's really angsty or not :00 (and there are still some stupid stuff here too I couldn't stop myself XD)
-Mei once joked that the mystery kids had at least one thing in common and it was having an identity crisis. It hit a little bit too close to home for all of them and they never mentioned it again. 
-Shinigami knows all the people who will die/died in the school. When Sousuke learned that he asked if he was the one who took care of the human Sousuke’s soul and if he talked to him. Hakubo didn’t come out of his boundary for a week and number 3 dropped the subject because he understood the other didn’t know how to answer. 
-Akane and Sousuke have a complicated relationship because Akane knows the other is jealous of him (how can he be human and supernatural at the same time? It’s not fair). Akane has a soft spot for him because he understands how he wants to be human even if only a little. He tries to explain human stuff as best as he can (even if he is pretty terrible at it since he is 12 oops). Sousuke tries to do as many things as humans, it drives his supernatural ‘life’ and it is sometimes really hard to watch how much he tries but can’t interact with anyone or do things like real humans.
Akane realized he actually met the real Mitsuba Sousuke who was the first human he met who was able to see him as a supernatural. He understood really recently that the reason the real Sousuke was able to see him was because he would die soon. 
Number 3 discovered it while looking through a window’s memories once and didn’t talk to Akane for two weeks because he felt betrayed he never told him. Akane managed to apologize for not telling him because he was afraid number 3 would think he talked to him only because he met the human Sousuke.
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-Tsuchigomori knew all of the mystery kids before their deaths (or their human counterparts). He decided not to interfere too much because he can’t but still helped the real Mei to continue her art classes when she went into the hospital and was the one who said the photography club would be great for human Sousuke. 
Number 4 knows because she has some of the memories of the previous Mei and Number 3 saw it in the mirrors. They all pretend they don’t know. 
-Tsuchi absolutely hates the fact he doesn’t know what is gonna happen to the other mysteries especially number 3 and 4 since they are supernatural. Akane’s book is pretty much like every other human except for his future which is really really blurry, because of his supernatural status. Some pages are pitch black because he is in between, and Tsuchi absolutely hates that. He hates being unable to do things when he knows what is going to happen, but the others say they prefer him to stay with them rather than disappear.
(I am not sure if mysteries have any books? because maybe here it could be their books (that’s mostly because I think it’s cute Tsuchigomori keep them in his secret place with his yorishiro ahaha))
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-When he saw that Akane was chosen to be number 1 he only helped him but from far away (letting him take books about supernaturals to better understand what he was). The first time they interacted was when Akane got sick when he was 13 and he couldn’t go ask any humans since his body doesn’t react the same way (so he would have been placed in a hospital or something like that even for just a cold, since his body reactions are really weird for a normal human). Akane has a low tension and his body is colder than a human’s body. His temperature is around 35° most of the time and he gets super sick because his fever can go up to 39°. Whenever he is sick he goes into a boundary so people don’t realize he isn’t here (because whenever you are in a boundary people forgets you). Akane was mad af to see that someone had been watching him, knowing he didn’t know if he was going absolutely crazy for a year because he could see stuff no one else could see and didn’t do anything to help him. He understood much later why Tsuchi couldn’t do anything and that he was the one helping him from far away.
-Yako has those bad  moods where she doesn’t want to talk to anybody around the date of Misaki’s death, they let her be most of the time. Mei is the one who is the most approachable around Shijima Mei’s date of death and they never guessed when Hanako died because he never changes his behavior most of the time. 
-Number 3 likes to be called Sousuke by the other mysteries (because humans have two names! He wants two names too!) Sometimes he doesn’t feel like being called that way, (especially around human Sousuke’s date of death) as he is only a ‘cheap copy’ of the real Mitsuba Sousuke, so he stays with Mitsuba or number 3 if he feels really bad. The others respect this and Mei proposed him to call her Number 4 when he is in those moods so he isn’t alone. 
He refuses to see Akane during those periods most of the time (his jealousy can be really strong towards him). Akane pretends he isn’t really hurt by this but number 4 always ends up telling nicely to number 3 that the redhead didn’t choose to be this way either. Number 3 ends up giving him something he tried to cook alone or invites him to chill in his boundary with only the two of them.
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-Number 3 and 4 have a really strong bond. Even if number 4 doesn’t really see herself in the human Mei she knows she still has a part of her soul in her and number 3 knows she is the one who understands his worries the most. She listens to him when he is talking about becoming humans even if they both know it can’t come true. He has a little mirror in her boundary he can use to come whenever he wants.  
-Sousuke absolutely HATES the fact that Mei doesn’t mind disappearing at all. She never wanted to be a mystery when he wanted to be one so much. She kinda knows now she has some reasons to stay and had to tell Sousuke several times that no she wasn’t going to disappear now. 
-Number 3 actually thinks a lot of what the real Sousuke's mom would think of him. (He saw her in a mirror because she went for student orientation days) He is really jealous of Sousuke because of this too but he is absolutely afraid to imagine if his mom knew a 'monster' has her son's apparence.
-Number 4 is really sensitive when talking about Mei mostly because she thinks she doesn't deserve to be her creation and that she stained her memory a lot. She tries to be more proud of what human Mei decided for her now.
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-Mei has operation marks under her uniform because human Mei had some and drew them on her drawing. She doesn’t mind people seeing them at all , contrary to Hanako who always wears tons of layers to hide his scars.
-In terms of pain resistance, Mei doesn’t feel anything, Hanako is pretty careful with wounds and Sousuke is scared of anything which could hurt him. Their main problem is Akane who absolutely doesn’t give a fck about his injuries because he has a high pain resistance . They often have to tell him that no he doesn’t have to go into suicide mode for them and protect them from everything because if he is badly hurt he will DIE contrary to the others. That’s something he is still working on (accepting to see the others getting hurt for him, because they can’t die as easily as him). Mei is actually the one who goes the most suicide mode most of the time, using her power way too much and ending up being nearly powerless for some days after. 
-Number 4 can create a lot of clones and has to put a bit of her personality in each of them. If she creates too much for something once she gets rid of them she is sometimes unable to show any emotions for a week. She never deleted the ‘bad’ clone which is only just a brush and is the one who she uses the most. She knows this brush is one of her earliest clone she created before going crazy to try to save Mei, so the brush’s opinion is kinda important to her; (it’s like a good voice she hears in the back of her head when she is trying to do something stupid) 
-Even if Hanako pretends to always smile and jokes he is definitely the edgiest of the mystery kids. They don’t annoy him when he is in one of ‘those moods’. He feels like he is not loved at all by the others and Tsuchi often has to tell him that they just are very wary of him and if he opened up a little bit more it would be okay. (and that he loves him *sobs*) That they still love him but would like to understand him more.
-When Hanako refuses to assume his role as Hanako-san sometimes (especially at the beginning) his body starts to be really transparent with a wound around his stomach. It is when he feels too human. It hasn’t happened to him for a long time now since he doesn’t recognize himself in Amane Yugi. Hanako was human once but has lost most of his connections with humans because he has been a mystery for a long time, he doesn’t know what is left of Amane Yugi. He has a really really hard time to learn things or to change his mind because he isn’t growing up anymore and it drives him crazy especially because he knows that he used to remember everything quickly when he was human.
-When Akane started spending more and more time with the mysteries, Tsuchigomori had to remind the other mystery kids to take it easy on it and to let him time to sleep (now they are the ones who force him to go to sleep most of the time). Even if his body can go a whole week without sleeping or eating (but that’s really the maximum and if he does this he is gonna have to push himself a lot. He never went a whole week like this; his maximum was 4 days.)
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 -Sousuke goes to see Hanako during class time sometimes and they play games together (Hanafuda most of the time) They get along okay and can accept each other's company. Sometimes, Hanako teases him about the fact he does things to imitate humans (like sleeping or eating) and Sousuke always tells him how much of a hypocrite he is and that’s why no one wants to stay too long with him. When Number 3 gets really mad at Hanako’s teasing (he uses it to say a lot of things that are not really nice) he calls him Amane-senpai and that makes him shut up and hides in his boundary right away. They rarely apologize orally but go back to normal some days after, accepting they both went too far but too prideful to say they were wrong.
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-No one talks about the time when Akane will leave. 
-One day Sousuke went to see Tuschi nearly crying, to apologize because he saw in the mirrors that he used to be friends with the old number 3. Tsuchigomori had to tell him several times that he didn’t hate him at all because of this (Tsuchi would die for all of them) and that he knows it’s not his fault the old bird died. 
-Mirai is not allowed to go out of the boundary. Akane doesn’t really know why except for her causing some ruckus she isn’t that bad. Especially because the youngest doesn’t seem to understand what is sad about her situation, because she is always happy to have someone ‘escort’ her everywhere she goes (when they are here to prevent her from doing anything.) Akane will learn later that it’s because she used to ‘kill’ students on accident (because she didn’t control her powers entirely or at least didn't see the problem in doing this) with moving their time too much forward and even if Kako can turn back time it is really difficult to do when the person is dead and just… a pile of dust and the kids who went through this will always be more fragile after. 
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(absolutely random doodles lemme just drop them idk when I will ever show them otherwise)
-All mysteries have a hard time to taste things. Mostly Mei because she is at first made from paper. Everything she creates also has a paper texture/taste if she can't get a good idea of it.
-Akane once decided to go see the graves of Sousuke Mitsuba and Mei Shijima to put flowers on it (because the others clearly wanted to do something during obon but can’t leave the school (the only other place Mei can go is the hospital and she didn’t go for a long time because why would she?) Tsuchi definitely tagged along with the most ridiculous excuse ever. Akane was unable to go see Hanako’s because he refused to tell him his real name. (and he knows the other two know it, he is kinda jealous and doesn’t feel included because of what they lived during the perfect picture arc sometimes. He is also the only one not knowing who Tsukasa is) He realized later because Tsuchigomori told him not directly, it’s because Hanako doesn’t have a grave. He once came across Mitsuba’s mother and had to lie about his connection to him, saying he was his senpai and just went to check the students’ graves because it’s his job as the vice president (full bullshit Akane, well done)
-Tsuchigomori is the one the most used to change the rumor/keep them okay (he tells them to his students) and Akane is the second option among the mysteries (he tells them to Aoi indirectly, he hates to do this but he knows he has no choice sometimes.) Akane knows the clock keepers rumor is the one which has changed the least since he is here (and maybe even before) and he understood it’s because of him. He didn’t ask why though. They are all using Nene a lot to change the rumors if anything happen. 
-Yako, Tsuchigomori and Hakubo often go to see Kako to have ‘adult meetings’ because they are the most responsible mysteries and also think that the others can spend more time having fun, it wouldn’t hurt.
-Hakubo never talks about Sumire and Yako often goes to see him when he is even more quiet than usual and will force him to go out of his boundary to go see the garden and annoy the Kodama tree (who is really easy to annoy). 
-Tsuchigomori, Yako and Kako are trying to find a hobby for Hakubo because he doesn't know what to do without having orders. (He usually listens mostly to Kako and then Hanako). Akane hates him with his whole being and the others kids are not super fan of him at first. Even if he doesn't say anything, the others 'adults' can say that he would love to be a little bit more expressive and loved by every mysteries.
-When any of them fight, it’s dirty, like really. They are supernatural. They will stand their ground because they think they are right and think they definitely know what is better for others. Accusations can be really violent and some of them can even stop talking to each other for weeks. They rarely forgive the others, they just know they will have to work together again at one point and that they still care for them in the end. It is really hard to make them change their minds, especially between each other. Humans are the ones who are able to change their minds at least a little. Akane is known for being stubborn but he met the mysteries and realized that maybe he was okay? 
That's all for now! I remember having more but I can't remember exactly what rn ahah I have no idea if this angtsy or not I am pretty bad at this ahah I just do know it's less funny thant the others hcs :'DDD
hope you will like them yay
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youraverageaemondsimp · 5 months
i got this idea from this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4FfJ2mvPio
let me do a bit of a headcanon of bipoc reader married to aemond and how it affects aemond, aegon, halaena and alicent.
gained a protective older sister in law.
each of them adoring each other.
gained an adorable younger sister in law.
gained an ethnic grandma who feeds her a little bit too much. alicent and reader had to step in. reader had to explain to her mother that it is not because halaena wants to reject her mother in law's affections. she is just full. now, put down that slipper.
her mother in law would slip in little candies to her.
gained an adoring wife and fiercely protective wife.
can have a go at him yet, at the same time, will go to the ends of the earth for him, making him feel incredibly touched and loved for the first time in his life.
gained a younger sister in law.
gained an ethnic mother in law who would try to feed him to death. again, his wife had to prevent his mother in law from getting angry at him. again, put down that slipper.
his ethnic mother in law would slip in little trinkets like she would give to her two children.
if you think that she is one of those typical disgusting stereotypes about ethnic women, you are dead wrong. some might argue that she is the scarier one.
have you seen what happened to the strong boys? they may throw a punch at aemond but his wife?! jesus christ! she would brutally scream and humiliate them in every language she knows. if you think that cursing in the common tongue and valyrian is harsh, you are dead wrong. the common tongue and valyrian will only say, "fck you". but in one of the ethnic languages she spoke? it does make valyrian and the common tongue look cute because she will say, "fck you! fck your mother! fck your mother's sm*lly v*gina! fck your 18 generations of ancestors!" with her slipper on hand. yup. she took no prisoners. 😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑
or calling them bastards in her language. yes. it sounds worse in her language.
her curses towards viserys in her ethnic language? "you spineless political d*g!"
rhaenyra? "you back stabbing b*tch!" she tries to hit back at her?! reader will say, "you are sh*t head! no wonder why you failed in politics!" in her language.
daemon? called him a, "son of a btch" in her language.
and if vizzy t didn't like it? she will hurl more curses that are worse than the previous ones, such as, "your head is full of rocks! you passed it on to your kid, didn't you?!" leading that old rotting man to whimper and cry like a baby.
aemond be like, "yup! that's my wife! proud hubby!" 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
refer to this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4FfJ2mvPio
gained a terrifying ethnic monster mother sister in law.
has a taste what his monster mother sister in law went through during her childhood.
if he thought vizzy t was the worst thing ever to his life, his life was about to be turned upside down by his monster mother sister in law.
reader did not have the patience to tolerate his bullshit. once called him a loser in her language because she was sick and tired of his drunken bullshit.
that tolerance died when she saw aegon, running away from an adult club, drunk. she took off her shoe and threw it on his head, knocking him out.
aemond and criston cole be like, "😯😯😯😯😯😯😯😯😯😯"
criston cole picks up her shoe, "uhhhhh, i think we need to take aegon to a hospital".
reader be like, "why?"
criston cole be like, "your shoe: it's kinda warm so....."
she used to wait for him to wake up after his hang over but gradually, she didn't give a damn. she needed to clean the house!
so, she'd start vacuuming noisily outside his room, bumping his door loudly, making his hang over even worse.
cleans the dishes loudly.
brutally kicks down the door and bangs the pots and pans.
"wake up! wake up! wake up!"
"god. your mother giving birth to a p*g is a lot easier than you!" of course it sounds worse in her language.
"but i'm not hungry!" he whines.
"eat first! then sleep! move it!"
"that doesn't even make any sense!"
"so spoiled! ungrateful!"
aegon sleeps again.
reader, barges into his room, "okay your highness! i bring the food to you!"
"what the hell?!"
"why am i even bothered?!"
one day, the targaryen family was sitting around the family dining room. alicent, "where's aegon? it's time for breakfast!"
aemond targaryen, so annoyed, "i'll get him".
"sit! down! aemond!" said reader, pointing at him. staring him down too.
aemond, "ohhhhh boy!" 😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑
reader, stands up. takes a deep breath. yells out in her language, "COME AND EAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTTT!"
watching her daughter in law traumatise aegon and the blacks and seeing her loser of a son behave for the first time in his life, "i must say, aemond, you picked a good bride". 😯😯😯😯😯😯😯😯😯
aemond be like, "told ya!" 😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏
I can't copy the links for some odd reason but honestly this is so funny 😭😭
Aegon is traumatized, Aemond is just proud, Helaena is just SOOOO OVERPROTECTIVE which is so cute oml while Alicent is overlooking everything but she's also lowkey glad that the reader is making her eldest son behave probably HAHSAHSH
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ranhaitanisgf · 5 months
RIGHT?! PLEASE! GIVE MY QUEEN YUZUHA SOME LOVE OMG her and senju fr. yeah,, senju was a part of the tragedy that was draken's death butdjdjjd she's what. 16? barely in high school. immature. naive. we've all done stupid, naive fck-ups when we were teens; we're human esp. at that age lmao (not defending her or attacking her. like pls djsjd she's my other badass queen! *fans self* thats my daughter! just stating facts). plus takeomi was all she had and she had a simple, pure dream of leading a cool gang like mikey's toman. the fact she was sorry for everything and felt remorse and took control of her gang when takeomi lost his cool. yooo! maturity! character progression! go queen! she wanted to make things right. she apologized to haruchiyo even if he didnt take it.
eh whoops! meant for this to be about my queen yuzuha loml aaaaa she is so strong and amazing and brave and silly and pretty and kind anddjsjsj hhhhhhh heart eyes fr. i could go on but then i'd run out of room lol i already went a bit on a senju tangent
*sighs* senju's and yuzuha's characters have so much to unpack omgg i love them sm fr aaaa
i feel like i am gonna get attacked esp. for the senju bits butfjdjd i saw one of the asks u answered talking about the lack of yuzuha talk and get super passionate (likedjsjd yesss! where are you, yuzuha fans ?? plssss djsjsj sniffles) and then i remembered some of urs??? i think urs?? asks about senju. andxjsjd BUT MOMMA DDIDNTBNRAISE A BITCH!!!! SO IM DOING THOS OFF ANON!
UR LITERALLY RIGHT ON THE MARK !!! when you think about it , you really do have to remember that all of the characters in the past are just kids , ofc they’re gonna be doing stupid things !! ofc senju made mistakes , what kind of teenager doesn’t ??? the big thing i love abt her character is that she owned up to it and took ownership of her own mistakes !! takeomi on the other hand … actually LET ME NOT EVEN GET INTO THAT 😭😭😭
& YUZUHA AHHH !!! honestly like i just love her overall character sooo much and i feel like she deserves her own spin off or something !! bc how did she learn to do the kind of kick she did w inui ? what’s her life like ? how is her life after everything that went down during the bd arc ? she’s suchhh a complex character and so interesting and she was such a great addition to the bd arc !! and then she just never appeared again . >:|
honestly though i just feel like in general we need a spin off abt all the tr girls , they just did not get enough screen time !! plus they have little interactions, but we need to see more of their little friendships !! yuzuha and senju have no canon interactions BUT i feel like they r bsfs . and hina and emma’s friendship is so cute and we only got to see so little of it !! emma literally helped hina get back w mitchy and we only got scraps of their friendship which just aggghhh . I NEED MORE .
(zont be afraid to speak ur truth abt the girls IF ANYBODY SAYS ANYTHING i will have words w them bc I AGREE W U WHOLEHEARTEDLY they literally deserve the world & SENJU DOESNT DESERVE THE HATE . where r all the senju lovers from when everybody thought she was a guy hmmmm ???? riddle me this tokyo revengers fandom … u don’t support senju but you support bonten trio , kanto mikey and izana ? oh you don’t have anything to say ? yeah that’s what i thought . 😘☝🏽)
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onlyswan · 7 months
art I don't know how to even explain how this song feels like some poem our oc would write like how the fck these words didn't came from her little wonderful brain? I'm sorry if I push your good away Especially when I'm needin' you to stay I know you hate that I still test your love I'm tryin' not to fuck this up
But the benefit of all the broken hearts That I broke before they could break me Is a little bit of life regrets I won't bring that mess to you when you're with me
And I wanna be brave enough for everything Surrender my heart I'm out here in the open I wanna get closer I'll believe in you every night Surrender my heart I wanna be open, I wanna be honest with you btw its surrender my heart by carly rae jepsen <3
oh my gosh anonie !!!! the lyrics in bold felt like a stab through the heart 🥲❤️‍🩹 why am i so pleasantly surprised every time you guys show how much you know oc and jungkook so well hdjshdjshfhf i guess i still can’t comprehend that some of you have read most of the drabbles if not all of them… and you think of them too when you listen to music??? 😭
listening to the song as i type this out and i’m gasping i could kiss you rn anonie thank you for bringing my attention to this beautiful song?!?! since i started getting song recs for the iw couple i’ve been discovering sm good music and i’m loving it 🤭 hehehe thank you
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ventismacchiato · 1 year
Hey!🥰 I've seen that u may have a lot of pressure w updates from some messages or comments, so I wanted to stop by and tell u that pls take ur time!! I dont rlly interact much cause I'm quite shy, but I rlly love ur work!! specially ur smaus, and honestly, seeing an update from u just makes my day better🥺👉🏻👈🏻
That being said, I felt that u could use some positivity so pls, update only if u feel like doing so!! Even if we miss ur work, we can stand the wait (knowing for sure that all ur updates are great, btw), and if someone doesn't, well, that's their problem🙂 Obviously u got a life aside ur blog, and fck, editing everything must take quite a lot of time😅 Even if u dont have an "excuse" for posting less, this is a hobby so be sure to enjoy it as we do!!
Take care in general, rest properly and take the time u need!! Eventhough there's people who don't get it, I'm sure u have a lot of fans who dont mind to wait for such a great work as yours (me me me, I'm here🙋🏻‍♀️!!)
hihi! and thank you for reading and omg 😭🫶 the pressure does annoy me and when that happens i kinda just log out and write the chapters beforehand and keep them to myself 🤭
thank u for understanding ^^
thank u sm :)
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