#but for now i sleep 😴
gideongrovel · 1 year
Really proud of myself of the times when I really get in the drawing zone, and crank out the full sketch and do the line work in one go! 💪🏾😤 Probably just gonna go with short wig for Chop, his classic s.onny.bono wig-do,,,, was nice to see some of yall say new wig style tho will keep that in mind for future art pieces :3c also blowing a lil kiss to the one person who voted no wig /p
I kinda wasn't sure about making a pride piece or not since I thought it would make me too sad I can't actually go with Chop to a real pride,,,, but its actually been really healing and nice drawing it, I'm feeling all smiley looking at what i got so far,,, it feels real enough to me!!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰
ALSO I mentioned this like a day or two ago? But I did decide "fuck it" so there is a lil k.ink in the art, as a treat! (pun that will be funnier a couple days from now),,,, tho I'm making more then one vers of the art so people can still reblog the "mild" one if they feel uncomfy 💀
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toasteaa · 2 months
"But whatever the case, Neuvillette really is devoid of selfish want. Indeed, he is a person most impartial."
Until it comes to you.
Until you invade his every thought; occupying his mind every second of every day. Until even that isn't enough, and he finds you in his dreams. At least there he can make you his.
At least in those moments, pressed between the breathing room before the next meeting or in the late evening hours when the Palais has long closed for the day, he can allow himself this selfishness.
Take himself in hand (would you touch him the same way?), murmur your name in the empty air of his office (would you say his just as reverently? As sweetly as you always do?); bask for a moment in his afterglow before that bitter tang of shame rises like bile at the sight of the mess on his hand.
You'd reject him, surely, if you knew just how much he desired you. He's convinced himself of this fact. And so he remains impartial on the surface. He wears the countenance of Chief Justice and performs his duties just the same as he always has.
But here, where he can indulge in the mere idea of having you, taking you in the most intimate of ways, claim you for his own...he gives in to that selfishness he's so devoid of.
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xejune · 3 months
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a little floyd for ur dash 🤲
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skitskatdacat63 · 7 months
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2023 Las Vegas Grand Prix - Qualifiying - Fernando Alonso
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total-drama-brainrot · 3 months
No like umm
B x Scott or sam x scott fanart because help😔💔💔
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Super quick 6am Samscott sketch!
v. videogayme...
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nico-di-genova · 28 days
The “A Lesson in Braking” Boys and Their Love Language:
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Expressing: Gift giving. His dad gave him the world, Lance portions it out to his friends because it’s too much for him anyway. He’d give you the shirt off his back, he’d give you his car (if you’d take it). No, he doesn’t understand why that’s such a bad thing.
Receiving: Words of Affirmation. Please someone tell him he’s doing a good job, please someone love him, please someone say they’re proud of him.
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Expressing: Words of affirmation. Praises people he loves to see the way they blush, to see how much it makes them feel better. Love letters on sticky notes and text messages wishing you luck.
Receiving: Quality time. Oh please will someone listen to him, lay with him, be with him simply because he needs their presence. He’s so alone now, his bed is so empty. So cold. He misses having someone to talk about his day with.
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Expressing: Acts of Service. If he makes the time in his day to help you with something, that’s how you know he loves you. He’s so busy, always so busy, school and his job and the clubs and the pressure and oh Jesus he loves so much. He really hopes they know, he hopes they see.
Receiving: Physical Touch. Hold him. Wrap your arms around him and turn off his laptop because he’s been staring at the screen for hours and you know his eyes are starting to strain. Lay with him in bed and keep him close because he can’t sleep unless there’s the comfort of your weight against him.
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Expressing: Physical touch. He loves so easily, affection pours from him like water. Pats on the back, arms thrown drunkenly around his friends, kisses to cheeks that smell of vodka, hugs because he can. In his arms it is safe. If you need to be held he will do it, willingly, without question, without hesitation.
Receiving: Physical touch. Hug him back, please hug him back. Except you can’t, because he’ll keep you at an arms length even as you’re pressed against him. Love him, but don’t kiss him. That makes it real. That makes it something.
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sykloni · 4 months
The picrew is now updated with the current season!
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I really hope I didn't miss anything, but honestly I'm not that confident 😅 (I will probably double check some point myself, but if you notice something missing or in a wrong category feel free to tell me)
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twottie-m8 · 6 months
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I had lots of fun in the group doodling, thank you @liannnn77 ^u^)/
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dolxiba · 1 month
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next on the req list is dee!! belonging to @dol-dee
this was just a quick doodle before bed but she has such a great design and i would like to draw her again in the future .. 🙏🙏
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eluriart · 8 months
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Inktobertale Day 26- Fireworks
Ink belongs to comyet
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gideongrovel · 1 year
I should of been trying to go to bed a couple hours ago,,, I'm eepy 🥱🥱🥱 moots if I missed your tier list and you want me to do it,,, you can send it to me and I will do it later :3c
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polaroidcats · 7 months
Sirius Black wereanimals multiverse/animagus fancasts
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here you go, these are my fave Sirius Black fancasts, @plecotusauritus. Credit for "toujours puddles" goes to @hollyivydruzy, I stole that, as well as the duck and the goat from a conversation about marauders as herd animals we had a few weeks ago. toujours puddles has lived on in my brain ever since then lol!
This post is the sequel to the Remus Lupin wereanimal moodboard
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icantalk710 · 3 months
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Bracing myself for the post-concert depression in the morning
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wormstan · 1 year
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cuteness aggression is real and lethal
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ilynpilled · 1 year
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We look up at the same stars, and see such different things.
A Storm of Swords - Jon III
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planetsallalign · 3 months
I love that fact that even though Rocket sleeps on my legs it’s sometimes not near enough. I’ll get up to pee and when I get back in the room he will sleepily/squeaky meow at me, then climb right up onto my chest once I’m back in bed. He’ll tuck his head under my chin and purr his heart out, and I’ll fall back asleep petting him.
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