#but for reals I was concerned Casey would disappear at the end of the movie cuz the future he’s from doesn’t exist anymore
rainbow-squirrels-7 · 2 years
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Changed timelines don’t always end up sad, it turns out
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anotherbeingsworld · 4 years
The Bitterness of Love
Pairing: Bryce Lahela x F!MC (Casey Valentine)
Word Count: 2160
Warning: None
Disclaimer: I don’t own the characters except for the storyline. All rights goes to Pixelberry.
A/N: Hi! I am back and this is... an angst. (I have missed writing angst and I want to try and write something!) I hope all of you enjoyed it, it made my heart break a little but, I am proud of it hehe! Apologize in advance for any grammar mistakes since English is not my first language! Enjoy! (Also, I just winged it on the title since I suck at it, but.. it sounds pretty cool honestly *winks*) 
Tags: @bitchloveskcbaseball , @storyofmychoices , @jaxsmutsuo , @mvalentine , @princess-geek​ , @lahellacute​ , @kacie-0156​ , @simp-for-villains​ , @annekebbphotography​ , @brycelahel​ , @mrsbhandari​ , @dcbbw​ , @choicessa​ , @choices-confessions​ , @aylamwrites​
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They wonder what the future might be like as they glanced at their windows, one of them was on the other side of the world while the other is living their life at their ‘home’ where all the memories were stamped on every inch of the place.
She was getting ready for the day, as she curls her hair. She suddenly felt a touch, the one that she felt familiar with, his touch. The way he would play with her hair, as they took their time getting ready for work once upon a day. The room was quiet as she sat in front of the mirror, with her hands on her hair somehow, trying her very best to feel the familiar touch once more. At the end, its just a memory as she pulled her hands off her hair, shaking her head before she slips on her white coat.
He was stood up gazing through the glass windows, as the sun starts to rise. The view was breathtaking, as his mouth curled up into a smile. He would often take a seat a few minutes before the sun rises as he would enjoy the view. His life was somehow at a fast pace, as the highway but… sitting there watching the sunrise; it slowed down just for a few moments. Those moments where he could envision anything, anyone, and anywhere. He was brought into a trance, as he felt arms hugging him on his waist, along with the familiar smell of lavender shampoo that made his day. He tried to grasp the touch, but it felt invisible. Nothing was there, as he tried to reach it but… the luck runs out. He was brought back to reality once more, as he shook his head somehow trying to get rid of the memory within his mind. Soon, he found himself wearing the same old green scrubs that had helped him survive this life.
The day went by quickly for both of them, he was doing several surgeries whilst she was diagnosing her patients happily. Once before they were together, but… now, together was a memory where they would relieve as it were there glory days. The days where the love was a presence, happiness was something real, before heartbreak entered into the horizons.
She would sigh, as she walked through the familiar hallways where they would sneak their little moments where love was blooming. The small interactions where they had been the talk of the staff. Her pace was slowed down, as a camera was capturing her every motion slowly.
He was cheered upon after he managed to complete a complicated surgery, where he would earn endless praise. The look on his face was happiness, somehow.. it felt incomplete. His mind would search to find her, to tell her the good news. His head tilted as in the search for her, but she is not there. She hasn’t been there for a long time. He lets out a sigh, as he walks away.
The day went by quickly after, as their work captures their whole attention from the lingering feeling in their heart. Longing for one another’s touch. They would go out and meet new people, as an attempt of so-called, filling the void. Every party, every drink they had as they tried to vanished the feeling away. They would fill their desires, but… the heart still longed for a feeling named, ‘love’.
‘I am okay.’
‘Never better, man.’
They would smile through the pain, as somehow a reminder of one another appeared. The smell of her perfume, the sweet scent of his favorite shampoo, his favorite food, her favorite song. The one trigger that made their friends look at them in concern, giving them the look of sadness when it was mentioned.
The day was long for both of them, working in a hospital. It took a lot of time, as their shifts would end during the time where the darkness replace the sunlight. The moon shines brightly being their guide back home.
The shine from the moon reflects through his windows, as he walked into the quiet apartment. It's different from the home they had before where it's their heaven where all good memories were made. Fast forward, he sat on the couch as he stared blankly at the television in front of him, as his smile perk up remembering a memory from before.
‘C’mon Casey, its tradition to watch every popular horror movie on Halloween night.’ Bryce said as they are deciding on what to watch.
Casey lets out a sigh,
‘I have a huge hatred towards horror movies Bryce. We can watch any movie except horror. I don’t want to be awake at night to fetch water and imagining Chucky is about to kill me in that kitchen with his damned knife…’ Casey shivers at the thought.
They went quiet, as he was thinking about a solution.
‘Okay. I have a preposition, you would watch one movie and I promised to be your trusty hero if you ever encountered a living Chucky doll in our kitchen.’ Bryce couldn’t help but stifled laughter as he finishes his sentence.
He felt a huge thump as Casey throws a pillow straight to his face, as she pouts. Bryce laughs and pulled her into his embrace.
‘Alright, I am playing with you.’ He said as he starts to place small kisses on her arms making her smile despite her attempt on staying mad at him. It's impossible to stay mad at him.
‘Its serious Bryce, I had this weird dream that Chucky would kill me in my sleep and I am not kidding.’ She playfully smacked his arm as he pulled her closer.
‘Alright, alright. We will watch any Disney movie of your choice tonight if you promise to watch one horror movie with me.’ Bryce stated as Casey raised a skeptical eyebrow at his statement.
‘What’s the catch?’
Bryce smiles at the question, making her curious even more on his intentions.
‘There’s no catch, cant a man wants to make his girl happy?’ Bryce replies as his eyes soften at the sight of her. Her hair was tied into a messy bun, she was wearing his shirts with sweatpants. She still looked like the most beautiful woman in the world.
‘You are a sap Lahela.’ Casey said as she placed a kiss on his cheek.
‘You love me anyway Valentine.’ He winked as they settled on watching ‘Tangled’ and a horror classic, ‘Saw’ as the night goes on.
He smiled at the moment that flashed before his eyes, he knew he loved her at the time. But, ‘love’ sometimes can disappear. The feeling can be self-destructing, as life gets in between them. He lets out a sigh, as he gets himself ready for the night.
Casey made her way back to the apartment where she used to share with her friends, most of them had moved out ever since they had gotten their very own personal lives to follow. They would still visit her frequently especially Jackie and Aurora since they would crash at hers after work is over. Sometimes, they would have a sleepover and just, have fun like old times. She turned on the switch as she was meet with her living room, the darkness around her felt comforting. After placing her jacket on the rack, she immediately made her way to change as she felt needed a fresh change after the long day she had.
The sight of her room puts a smile on her face since she is ready to plop herself to bed and just let herself sleep for the night. After a perfect shower, Casey gets herself ready as she raids her closet. Her eyes stopped at a familiar number of shirts, and a pair his very own sweatpants that were folded nicely at the corner. The sight of it brought a small smile to her face, as he would leave it there during the times he would stay for the night.
She took a deep breath, as she decides to wear it after all these years. The smell of him was gone, it was replaced by the smell of nostalgia as the memories flooded in her mind. The shirt was huge on her, but… she didn’t mind. The familiar comfort from it brings tears to her eyes as she is ready to call it a night. It felt like he was hugging her through the fabric, as she pulled the covers above her head.
‘When are you leaving for the conference again?’ Casey asked quietly as they were laying down with their faces a few feet from each other.
‘Tomorrow night.’ Bryce replied with a sadness in his voice, he had to go on a conference with Harper at New York for a few days and he knew Casey ain’t taking it easy.
There was silence, as the only sound that can be heard was their heartbeats. They were close enough to hear each other’s heart.
‘I’ll be back Cas, don’t worry.’ Bryce’s voice was as soft as silk, as his hands brushed the strand of hair that was covering her face.
‘I know… it will be very lonely without you here.’ Her green eyes gazed into his brown ones, as she lets out a small sigh.
‘I will be sure to leave some momento of myself when I leave.’ Bryce winks at her, causing her to smile as her head was buried into his chest.
The atmosphere was quiet, as they decided to call it a night. Casey was still awake, as she felt herself smiling at his beautiful face which is illuminated by the moonlight that was reflected through her window.
‘I love you Bryce Lahela.’ She whispered before letting herself fall into a deep slumber safely in his arms.
The day he left for New York, Casey makes her way back to the apartment. Following her routine, her eyes widen at a box on the coffee table. After placing her stuff on the counter, she rushed to it.
She opened it gracefully as a smile appeared on her face, the smile that one would have after their food would arrive. She took out the contents of the box which consists of a few t-shirts of his, and a pair of sweatpants. People might call her crazy for smiling over pieces of clothing but, she couldn’t care less. All of the contents were taken out, and the scent of him made her smile even wider.
In a flash, she gets herself ready for the night with her ‘new’ outfits, consists of his very own sweatpants and a very rugged t-shirt. Somehow, the scent of it bring comfort to her and laying in the bed felt like he was there with her. Hugging her from behind, telling her that everything is gonna be alright.
Bryce was in his hotel room, as a smile appeared on his face thinking about the goodies he left for her. It wasn’t much, but… maybe he would surprise her with something even better when he gets back.
His mind was wandering at the three words that had escaped from her mouth the other night. He never thought about that, the feeling of love. He had dated a few people in the past, the feeling with them is different than what he felt for Casey. He would feel somehow at peace as he saw the smile on her face, the way his days would light up at the sight of her and the feeling of having her in his arms felt like…
The thought was playing in his mind, as he smiled. Because, he felt it too. Love.
She didn’t realize her tears had fallen from the memory, it had been a long time since it happened. She haven’t seen him in a long time, the only reminder left of him was the garments that she was wearing. The nostalgia of his touch, is something she didn’t know she needed after all these years.
He was tossing and turning in his sleep, the mention of her from the snippet of his mind bothered him. He saw her face through his friends, the way she would smile in the pics as they went to dinner together. That smile, makes his heart leap in happiness. The smile that he never gets tired of seeing. After all these years, even from a thousand miles away she never failed to make him smile.
‘I miss you so  much.’ The words echoed from the both of them, as the darkness around them paints as a disguise on the pain that their heart is feeling.
There were times it would work out, where their futures is filled with happiness from once upon a day but… sometimes, it’s just not meant to be. And, they have to live with it for the rest of their lives.
A/N: Hi! I hope all of you enjoyed the ride, it was really fun to write! Don’t forget to like, comment and reblog! It really means a lot to writers. Thank you so much for reading once more. 💖😊 - A
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homesweetsewer · 6 years
Harmless Part 3 (Donatello x Fem Reader)
Part 3 as promised...2 more to go! I hope everyone is having a great weekend. Tagging @gummiwormsandonedirection as requested. I hope it meets your expectations!
Part 1 is HERE
Part 2 is HERE
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Donatello sat at the kitchen table, absentmindedly drumming his fingers on the surface. His plate of pizza sitting forgotten in front of him. Raph and Casey were seated across the table, busy arguing over the latest Knicks game while Mikey stuffed his face with pizza while having a friendly debate with April over whether hand tossed or pan pizza was the superior pie. Donnie barely heard any of it. His eyes kept wandering from his watch to the door of the lair and back again. Leo had been gone for quite some time and it was beginning to really eat at him. With every minute that ticked by, the nervous knot in his stomach wound tighter. His brother was only supposed to check on you and make sure you really were alright and report back his findings. He couldn’t imagine what could possibly be taking so long.
A gentle hand on his forearm made him jump in surprise. Donnie turned his head to see April looking at him with a concerned expression on her lovely face. Normally, her touch and close proximity would have sent a pleasant shiver straight through him. Right now, however, all he was capable of feeling was a deep concern for you and the uncertain status of your relationship. He blinked at her, “I’m sorry, April...what did you say?”
April bit her lip worriedly. It wasn’t like Donnie to zone out and it especially wasn’t like him to ignore her. “I asked if you were alright. You seem like you’re a million miles away.”
“Oh,” Donnie chuckled but it lacked any real humor. “I’m fine just...uh...thinking about a project I’m working on,” he lied. He didn’t know how to adequately express his fear that he’d somehow drove the person closest to him away.
“Oh,” April smiled, completely oblivious to the turtle’s inner turmoil, and gave his arm a squeeze. “What kind of project?”
“Um,” Donatello wracked his brain, trying to visualize the many half-finished experiments that littered his workbench. Finally, he stuttered out the first thing that came to mind, “It’s a perpetual energy generator based loosely on Nikola Tesla‘s fuel less generator schematics...”
April’s eyes clouded over slightly, the woman obviously having no clue what he was talking about. Still, her smile widened, “Well, it sounds brilliant, just like you...”
“Th-thanks,” Donatello stuttered, his face heated at the compliment but he suddenly felt quite uncomfortable. He couldn’t enjoy April’s company when he very well may be losing you. He carefully extricated himself from April’s grasp and quickly stood from the table causing her to frown. “I’m, uh...I should probably head to the lab.” He fidgeted, “You know, get back to work while I’m feeling inspired...”
“Oh, uh, sure,” April nodded, utterly confused by the terrapin’s suddenly standoffish demeanor. “Need any help? It’s been a while since we worked on anything together.”
“No,” Donatello blurted a bit more forcefully than he intended. He internally cringed at April’s surprised expression but he needed to be alone with his thoughts. In a softer tone he added, “There’s lots of, uh, volatile compounds. It’s probably safer if you didn’t.”
“Oh...okay...” April reluctantly agreed as the turtle turned to take his leave. “Maybe another time then?”
“Yeah...Maybe,” Donnie called back over his shoulder as he practically fled to the solitude of his lab. “Thanks for the pizza!”
“But you didn’t even eat any of it,” April huffed under her breath as the ninja disappeared from sight leaving her completely baffled.
No sooner had Donatello secured the door to the lab behind him, he’d collapsed into his chair and reached for his phone. No missed calls and no new messages from you or Leo. Surely, he thought, if there’d been an issue or had you not been alright, Leo would have let him know. His brother knew how worried he’d been. How could he not be worried when his very best friend in the entire world suddenly decided they wanted nothing to do with him? He couldn’t for the life of him figure out where your relationship had jumped the tracks but he would have given anything to fix it.
Honestly, he hadn’t realized just what a huge part of his life you were until you suddenly weren’t around for him to talk to and confide in. Guilt gnawed at him because he knew that meant he’d taken you for granted. It’s just that...it was so easy to settle in and be comfortable around you that he really hadn’t given it much thought. He hadn’t needed to. The two of you just clicked. You were pleasant and easy to talk to. You enjoyed the same types of music and movies, you both loved to read and often swapped books, you both loved learning new things and, though science and technology were not your strongest subject, you showed a genuine interest and fascination in his work that he was both appreciative for and proud of. When he was with you, he wasn’t a mutant turtle living in the sewers and you weren’t a human girl cavorting with monsters. You were simply two close friends enjoying one another’s company and sharing the joy you found in your common interests.
God, he missed you.
The intensity of his lonesomeness surprised him. Sure, he had his brothers and April...even Casey, but they weren’t a replacement for you. The pair of you had grown incredibly close since that fateful night they’d rescued you from a pair of thugs who’d knocked you unconscious and dragged you into a dark alleyway to do God only knew what with you. It had never dawned on him at the time that those first few tentatively awkward moments between you would blossom into such closeness and camaraderie. Certainly, you cared for his brothers and spent plenty of time, especially, keeping Mikey entertained, but, it wasn’t completely lost on him that you seemed to prefer his company the most. It was that tiny bit of knowledge that sparked a proud satisfaction within him.
He was your favorite, or at least he had been. Now...now he wasn’t sure what had happened between you but he desperately wanted to fix it. He wanted, no, he needed his best friend back. With a heavy sigh that bordered on a sob, Donatello buried his face in his hands and hoped that Leo returned soon. He didn’t know how much more worry and uncertainty he could take.
Donnie wasn’t sure how long he’d remained sitting idly in his lab—it wasn’t like him to remain still when there was so much he could be doing, but his heart just wasn’t in it. Eventually, he became aware that the sound of revelry from the living area had quieted. With a tired groan, he rose and made his way over to peek out of the door. The living room and kitchen areas were devoid of people and most of the lights were off meaning April and Casey had taken their leave and Raph and Mikey had turned in for the night. 
Curious, he stepped out and closed the lab door quietly behind himself. He took a moment to allow his eyes to adjust to the change in light, blinking behind his glasses as he made his way through the space. He felt as though he was moving on autopilot as his feet directed him to Leonardo’s neat, little corner of the lair. A heavy feeling settled in the pit of his stomach at finding his eldest brother’s gear still gone and his bed empty. He still hadn’t returned. Now Donnie was really starting to become concerned. He backtracked quickly, making a bee line for his own niche, fully prepared to suit up and go find out what was going on for himself. It seemed he wouldn’t have to, however, as Leo’s voice stopped him suddenly in his tracks.
“Donnie, what are you still doing up?”
Donatello spun toward the sound to find his eldest brother sauntering toward him with a curious look on his face. Instead of answering his brother’s question, however, he made a demand of his own, “Where have you been all night? Do you have any idea what time it is?”
“You sound like dad,” Leo chuckled tiredly. He smirked at his younger brother as he passed by, heading to his room. “Gonna send me to the Hashi?”
“I’m serious, Leo...”
The blue clad ninja sighed as he unstrapped his gear and began stowing it away, “Where do you think I’ve been? You’re the one that asked me to go check on her...”
“Yeah, I did,” Donnie frowned, “But you’ve been gone for over three hours! What were you doing?”
“Well,” Leo took his time removing his mask and carefully folded the scrap of cloth before answering. “She invited me to have dinner with her...”
Donatello bristled, “Dinner?!”
Leo nodded, turning to face his younger brother. “Yeah, dinner...Indian takeout. Her parents were out for the night and she really didn’t want to be alone so afterwards we ended up watching a movie until they got back.”
“You two had dinner and watched a movie together?” Donnie felt strangely put out. He’d been practically begging you to come over for over a week to have some dinner with them and watch a movie and you’d blown him completely off but you apparently had no problem sitting down with just his brother to do the same. It hurt and he reluctantly admitted to himself that he was feeling just a little jealous. Okay, maybe more than a little. His eyes widened behind their frames at that realization.
“Yeah,” Leo confirmed. “Look, Donnie, we talked and she’s not mad at you.”
“She’s not?” Donatello may have been the taller of the two of them but he suddenly felt very, very small as his brief burst of anger was smothered by gnawing anxiety. “Then...why is she acting like this?”
“She’s...” Leo tried to search for the right words. “She’s worried for you.”
“Me?” Donnie’s face twisted in confusion. Why on earth would you be worried for him? As far as he was concerned, it was his job to worry for you.
“It’s complicated,” Leonardo shook his head. “Something was brought to her attention and it’s been weighing on her, that’s all. She wasn’t sure if she should bring it up, or how to bring it up for that matter. So, she’s been staying away.”
“What?” The purple ninja’s brow furrowed, fresh worry bubbling in his chest, “What is it? Maybe I can help.”
“The thing about that is,” Leo tried to explain, “the person that can help doesn’t see the problem and, well, that is the problem.”
“What?” Donatello pondered his brother’s words as he pushed his glasses up his snout. “Leo...that doesn’t even make sense.”
“It will,” Leo mumbled and, quickly changing the subject, asked, “Was April here?”
“Yeah,” Donnie nodded. “Why?”
“Was Casey with her?” The blue banded leader asked pensively.
Donatello let out a snort of irritation, “Isn’t he always?”
“Did they leave together?”
Donnie shrugged, “I don’t know. Probably. Things just felt...weird, I guess. I went to the lab and by the time I came out everyone was already gone so I didn’t see. What does this have to do with anything?”
“Nothing...forget I asked.” Leo continued to turn the April/Casey situation over in his mind even as he tried to reassure his brother. It would need to be dealt with, yes, but right now comforting Donatello was his main concern. “Like I said, we talked and she’s not mad at you, alright? So stop worrying about whether or not you did something wrong. You didn’t. Understand?”
Donnie sniffed as he felt wannabe tears burn behind his eyelids. He hadn’t messed things up with you and that had been his biggest fear. He wanted to feel relief but could sense there was a lot Leonardo was leaving unsaid. “Yeah...okay.”
“Good.” Leo clapped his brother on the shoulder. “Because she’s coming over tomorrow night...”
“She is?!” Donatello brightened considerably at that statement. His best friend was coming back. He wasn’t sure what Leo had said or done to convince you to return but he was willing to forgive him the evening he’d spent with you in exchange for whatever magic he’d managed to work while he was there. He’d certainly not been getting anywhere with all his calls and texts. Still, he found himself feeling the slightest bit apprehensive. After all, you had run out on him the last time. “Are you sure?”
“Positive,” Leonardo assured. “I made her promise. So no more moping, okay?”
Donnie couldn’t stop the smile from spreading across his face. “Sure, Leo.”
Though relieved to see his brother in better spirits, Leo couldn’t help but think they weren’t out of the woods just yet. There was still Casey and April to deal with. He wanted to say more but found himself biting back a yawn instead. “I gotta turn in...I’m wiped. You should probably get some sleep, too.”
“Yeah,” Donatello nodded, suddenly realizing how tired he truly was. He rarely slept much as it was, his inventions and experiments always keeping him up till an ungodly hour. Fretting over you, however, meant he’d been sleeping even less than normal. “You’re probably right. Goodnight, Leo, and...thanks.”
“Sure thing, Donnie.” Leo smiled at his brother but it didn’t quite reach his eyes.
Donatello was too elated to notice.
To be continued...
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obsessedwithfandoms · 7 years
Feed 2017
Spoilers are ahead. This movie deals with eating disorders (ED) so this movie and post may contain possible triggers. Please look at the trailer before you decide whether you'd like to watch it too.
Last night, I finally got around to watching the movie Feed with Troian Bellisario and Tom Felton. At first I was kinda worried I'd only see them as Spencer and Draco. I worried for nothing because that did not happen! From the first moment, the story drew me in and kept me enraptured from start to finish. A few points:
- Tom Felton as Matt was flipping scary at times. Maybe because I'm so accustomed now to seeing him as a happy-go-lucky and sweet type of fellow like Matt was in the beginning. When he became her ED voice, he progressed from her sweet twin brother Matt who she always depended on to something almost like a controlling and abusive boyfriend
- I was incredibly impressed by how well the movie flowed in terms of storyline and the story itself was enrapturing. It's such a different way of presenting EDs compared to what I've seen stereotypically presented in the past. Especially how Olivia had no idea of how she was restricting - to her, she was giving that to her 'brother'
- I'm a little confused on one scene - the part where Casey/KC (Matt's sort of girlfriend in the beginning) confronted Olivia in the changing room. Did that really happen? Was it a manifestation like Matt? I thought it was because Julian called her later and said that KC/Casey had been home sick sleeping all day. However, later in the movie, when Olivia tried to talk to her, she gave her a hard stare and ran away.
- The scenes with her parents, especially her dad, really hit me hard. Even when she was at her worst, they didn't even notice what was going on with her. Her dad was so accustomed to overlooking anything to do with his daughter unless it was to do with her academics (or, for him, his bragging right). When he called her a "beanpole just like (he) was in college", I wanted to hit him. And the way he treated her mother! I felt so bad for her. She was the only one of the two who ever really showed concern for their daughter. But I think she herself was struggling in her relationship (which, to me, was at least verbally abusive) and her grief to notice what was happening.
- The hospital scenes were incredibly eye-opening for me as the audience to see how everyone else had been perceiving Olivia. The entire story until that point had only been told through her eyes. "She's underweight"-"She's never wanted to look like a model in a magazine" - I'm paraphrasing what was being said when she was first admitted to the hospital and like I said earlier, it goes to show how much EDs are stereotyped more as a result of body dysmorphia than other potential triggers like, in Olivia's case, the death of her twin and the need for control and stability. The tube feeding scene was brutal and as someone who is in that field, it's forcing me to re-evaluate how I would do in such a scene as a medical professional.
- I really liked the ending of the movie. To me, it showed that Olivia was only beginning her journey to getting better. The hint that "Matt" would always be lurking in the background was daunting and still scary as hell but she was able to take deep breaths and re-center herself and then "he" disappeared. I don't know, something about that was very real to me. A lot of people think treatment = problems disappear forever but I think it's valuable to know that that's not always the case, especially when it's something like a mental health disorder.
Overall, I found this movie to be captivating and I highly recommend it. However, please be cautious and aware of the potential triggers before going into it. Some of the scenes are disturbing.
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i wrote this based off of a prompt on reddit: “You are in a movie genre. Everyone else is in another movie genre” 
  A beat up chevy pulls into my driveway as i prepare myself for what could happen this weekend. The nature side of me has always wanted to go camping. I mentioned it to my friends a few times,but way before I came to terms with what my, and only my life is. I always had the feeling I was being watched. When I would close my eyes and try to sleep, when i stepped into the shower- every second the hot water ran down my face I was afraid to shut my eyes in fear of what I would see when I opened them. Fortunately, no one, no thing ever attempted to harm me. Doors were always shutting when no one else was home though, shadows always appeared on the walls....and then I saw him. After years of begging my parents to stay home at night time they got sick of the routine and left me in my house all alone. It was Halloween and I hadn't made any plans but to baby sit my neighbors daugher.
  "Casey" She said
  "Someones here-..." her voice changed it's tone, and a song began. A ridiculous disney style, life is great song.
   I looked out the doorway to find a man in a painters suit and weird halloween mask staring back at me. I survived the night- and based of the slasher films i've seen, its because i'm a virgin but still...the feeling of being watched never left me.
   One of the movies i saw, there was a guy in a hockey mask killing teenagers at some camp...he was supernatural or something. So yeah, i'm a little nervous to go camping, what if that guy who came last Halloween comes back again? Then what...my friends start singing as a knife pierces through my skin, cause their world is perfect and mine is just some f*cked up horror movie? I ditched my friends a little too much this year though, the camp base looks pretty nice and safe. I would have felt bad if I said no to something I wanted to do.  
  I open my front door just in time for my three friends to finish their musical number. I don't get why they always do that, no ones watching them...is life really that great they have to sing about it all the damn time?
  “Hey Marie” I call, walking towards the car.
 She calls my name back enthusiastically, adding a nice wave.
 Though her boyfriend, Tyler jumping off the roof of the car as part of his routine is attention grabbing I can’t help but notice an odd figure next to the bushes across the street. Next to Marie now, I ask if she see’s it too.
 “I don’t see anything, why are you so paranoid all the time?” she says turning away and into the car.
 I look again but find there is nothing there.
 Driving off my street I can’t help but look out the back window. Nothing appears like I expect so instead I try to relax.
 As we pull up to the camp site the sky is not as bright, in fact in the distance smoke can be seen, a lot of it too. The four of us hop out of the car into the camp that wreaks of smoke.
  “Here we are-” Tyler coughs, “Camp Crystal Lake”
  Why does that sound so damn familiar?
   The three of them go into another musical number, despite the difficult attempt to breath. In the far off distance it looks as though the trees on fire are spelling out something.
  [And so the trees did spell out something- MICHAEL VS. JASON]  
Seconds later all smoke and fire disappear out of thin air as if it had not happened. Weird.
  “did you guys…did that happen for you guys too…or-” I attempt to ask
 “Sing along!” Matt calls out
 “Guess not. Camp Crystal Lake…why does that sound like I’ve heard it before?”
 “Camp Crystal Lake? It’s pretty popular.” Marie answers
 “Why?” I ask
 “Because…of legends” She smiles at me
 “Legends??? Like what kind of legends?” I worry
  The only definition I know for legend is, psycho-killer… legend has it…Jason Voorhees, supernatural killer roams around…..camp…..
 “Shit!” I say out loud. “We should go” I propose
  “No! we came here for you we’re gonna have fun! I was kidding there’s no legends. It’s funny that you think someones following you all the time, no ones following you.”
 “I didn’t mention my stalker….who is real BY THE WAY.” I yell
  It doesn’t take long for the sun to set, and so my three friends and I find ourselves inside our cabin bored out of our minds. Rain begins to lightly tap on the window, but then more heavily. Marie and Tyler silently get up from the table and make their way to the bedroom they claimed.
  “We’re tired” Tyler fake yawns. “See you in the morning?”
  “Hopefully” I reply.
  Matt and I look down at our phones a short while before we decide it is too early to be sleeping. I hadn’t mentioned to them before but I couldn’t help but shake the feeling there was someone roaming outside our cabin. Now that it was just him and I, him less judgmental than Marie and Tyler I decided to speak on it.
 “Have you noticed the creeks on the porch make every few minutes?” I whisper
 He shakes his head, no.
 ‘Are you a virgin?” I whisper again, knowing this will grab his attention.
 “Are you?” he smiles
 “Seriously, yes or no Matt.”
 “Someones here, and by some scientific law that I have yet to comprehend, if you’re not lying you’re gonna die tonight….and so are they, we need to get the hell out of here.”
 From across the room, where Marie and Tyler lay a loud crashing sound interrupts our conversation. It sounds like it was glass, the window probably- followed by their screams. Matt and I run to the other room as our friends attempt to run out. Our reality slows down for a second though, and a piano begins to play soft background music. The hands of my stalker back home grab onto Tyler’s leg, dragging him slowly. Marie reaches her hand out to grab her loves for one last time, and begins to sing a ballad. My stalker and I look at each other too, in confusion and fear. Time speeds up again and the man in a painter overalls rips Tyler away. The remainder of us run as fast as we can towards the front door but before I can open it a machete tears through the door. Jason, the legend, the psycho-killer has his hand wrapped around the other side of the weapon. He does not seem to be concerned with the three of us, but the killer across the room. They both just stand there for a quick second, then a battle begins. We do not take this opportunity to stand and watch but run out into the pouring rain in hopes of survival.
 Marie stops in the middle of the woods, “Casey…..I’m sorry…”
  “About WHAT??” Matt yells, anxiously and afraid.
 “There really was a legend….” A piano begins to play faintly in the background again
 “Marie!” I yell
 She continues to sing, ignoring my call to her
 “He’s right behind you!” I yell again
 Drenched in rain and mud I watch my best friend mercilessly killed at the hands of a horror movie killer and I know for sure now…that is what my life is…a movie…a form of entertainment for kids bored on the weekends…on Halloween…film enthusiasts and I’m a victim, it’s never going to end is it?
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