#but gotta go with janeway
grissomesque · 2 years
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Tom Paris + making the captain laugh
STAR TREK: VOYAGER 5.23 "11:59"
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baylardian-1 · 2 months
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sending these to heaven haha some old philippa doodles when i was drawing her arc with moidrah focusing on her tail but there out of order and vague zzzzzzzzz DONT WANNA TOUCH EM
and then a bad liam drawing!!!!! XD
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thresholdbb · 6 months
Yes, yes, coffee black, but what kind of coffee?
Arabica? Robusta?
Light? Medium? Dark roast?
Drip? Pour over? French press? Percolator?
Single origin? Blend?
Ethiopian? Brazilian? Colombian? Hawaiian? Kenyan? (Ad nauseam)
Paris Delight? Landras Blend? Paksor Blend? Firenut Blend? Even-better-than-coffee Substitute?
Fruity notes? Chocolate notes? Earthy notes? Warm notes? Bright notes?
Is it the ritual? The caffeine? The flavor? The comfort? The headache?
And why did she stop taking cream?
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Since we know she has coffee opinions...
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bumblingbabooshka · 2 years
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My own personal journey, everyone gets there differently (their relationship is miserable and they break up quickly)
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maliciousalice · 2 years
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truly gotta hand it to Voyager for having none of that ~more connected to their emotions~ gender essentialist crap for three out of four main female character. Janeway, B'Elanna and Seven ARE going to repress, turn off and otherwise ignore their feelings simply because they're very inconveniently painful to deal with and they got important shit to do. But watch out!
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renthebarbarian · 2 months
Chakotay: I’m not some faucet you can just turn off and on, you gotta romance me-
Janeway: *pulls the zipper on her uniform jacket down one centimeter*
Chakotay: Faucet’s on, let’s go.
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purlturtle · 1 year
Which Star Trek Show Lead has the best smirk?
Because why the hell not. This poll is brought to you by a Anson Mount Thirst Post I saw today, in which I realized that both he and Kate Mulgrew are actual pros at smirking. So, let's put it to the vote:
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(yes, I'm only going with the live action leads here. And no, I'm not putting Picard in twice. And no, these aren't all captains; I said "show leads", not "captains". And yes, there is no "other" option, you gotta pick one!)
Feel free to judge them not on the actual smirk pictured, but on the smirk you remember - it was bloody difficult to find good photos for a almost all of them. Also feel free to reblog this with your favorite Janeway Smirk or Kirk Smirk or Burnham Smirk added - always appreciate a good smirk!
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clementine-kesh · 8 months
personally i think the most likely scenario if they’d brought the threshold babies on board is janeway going deadbeat mom mode and telling tom she’s way too busy for that shit so he’s gotta raise them and tom immediately using them to babytrap harry
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foone · 8 months
So if Threshold happens to different Trek crews, who gets who pregnant? Voyager is one of the few shows where it makes heterosexual sense, (for lack of a better word, "sense" not being the word anyone would use to describe threshold)
So for Voyager, it being Paris (pilot) and Janeway (captain) makes sense through that lens. Paris, sure, because he is a pilot. We could pick a Science Guy to do it, but then it might be B'Elanna who does the flying fast, and then who is she going to kidnap for Lizard Sex? Harry? ... Yeah it'd be Harry. Anyway once you've picked Paris, you've got to figure out which woman is funniest to have him abduct into Lizardry. B'Elanna? No, not funny enough. She'd be a Klingon lizard and beat him up instead of mating, even if they did get married later. Besides, what if she evolves into a super-advanced Klingon, not a lizard? *claps* PUT TUVOK ON THE SHUTTLE. Kes? No, they already did a Tom v Neelix episode. Seven of Nine isn't on the show yet, so Janeway it is.
Ok so for other shows, we gotta pick a pilot or science guy (who might be screwing around with transwarp, and thus get Lizarded) and someone they could turn into a lizard to have babies with. The show is assuming heterosexual pairings here, but we know about things so we are not so limited.
The original series: as much as I'd love to say Sulu and Uhura ("I'll save you, fair maiden!" "sorry, neither"), I think TOS was much less of an ensemble than later Treks, so it'd need to be Spock. Spock is doing some science stuff, he gets hyper-evolved, and he picks someone else to hyper-evolve and turn into his lizard bride. As much as I want to say "Kirk", I think it's more likely that he runs off with Uhura and then Kirk has to rescue them. Kirk was always about being the one who rescues people, having the Enterprise come rescue Lizard!Spock (is that antisemitic?) and Lizard!Kirk and it's called commanded by McCoy? Nah.
TNG: the direct analogy to VOY would mean we have Wesley and... Picard? No, no, and no. Sorry. Frankly, we already had this plot on TNG (Genesis), and canonically the answer is Worf and Troi. The problem with it being a pilot thing is that Wesley is a child and Data (the official science guy) is an android, so he can't really be hyper-evolving. We could go with Geordi, the other Science Guy, but then we've got the image of a black man kidnapping a white woman. Uhhhh no. We already did that episode and it is an example of Deep Shame for the show. So Worf and Troi it is.
DS9: so this is what inspired me to make this post. We all agree Sisko would be a damn good father to his lizard babies, but would it be him? If so, with who? You could have it be Dax, and she lizards first and kidnaps him, which makes some sense given that she's a Science Guy. But you also have to consider Weird Guys. Every Trek series needs a Weird Guy so that whenever an ancient alien artifact turns the whole crew into Muppets or whatever, they can be the one who isn't affected and can thus solve it. This is all to say, Odo/Kira could be done. We've had a few episodes where he's been shown to do very extreme things out of his pining for her, so it makes some sense. Odo/Quark would be funnier but given how the DS9 writers handled Profit and Lace, I really don't want to see them do a gay mpreg episode.
ENT: the series with canon mpreg! Direct translation of would be Mayweather/Archer. Mmm. Probably not. I think it's gonna be a rarepair: Trip/Hoshi. Trip/T'Pol is too canon to be funny. The next best option is Archer/T'Pol and that's just kinda bleh. It makes sense but it's just the kind of thing they'd do and it'd be bland. We can do better. Honorary mention: Trip and Reed.
I've not watched enough of the New Treks to have an opinion there. Maybe SNW: Ortegas and La'an. Don't ask why.
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stitching-in-time · 4 months
Voyager rewatch s2 ep25: Resolutions
Holy crap, I didn't remember that this one was so early on in the show! I thought it must have been somewhere in the middle, with at least a few previous shippy episodes to kind of set it up, but no! We just get dropped into a domestic AU slow burn one-sided pining Janeway/Chakotay fanfic episode right out of nowhere! Alrighty then!
The opening scene of Janeway and Chakotay emerging from stasis pods on a lushly vegetated planet was certainly attention grabbing, and the premise of them having contracted a virus that forces them to stay on a planet which renders them immune to the disease progression, together, until they find a cure, which could take forever, is just... genius level shippy romance plotting. Slow clap for Jeri Taylor, she needs an AO3 account, stat.
So anyway, Voyager leaves Janeway and Chakotay on the planet with a ton of equipment and a little Starfleet prefab house, and she sets to work collecting data to try to learn more about the disease and find a cure. Meanwhile, Chakotay is just like 'guess this is our life now! right on!' and sets to work building furniture to make their little house cute. (To this day, I remember the first time I watched this with my mom as a kid, and I still remember her saying, 'yikes, she better watch out if he starts building a cradle!' and it still makes me laugh, because it's so true lol.) There's a lot of lingering glances from Chakotay toward Janeway, and I have to say, I don't usually notice the orchestral scores of Star Trek episodes, because they're usually pretty dull and soulless, but this one was notably lush and romantic during the planet scenes. Apparently, the composer ships Janeway and Chakotay too.
Janeway, meanwhile, doesn't even notice Chakotay pining away, since she's too busy with her scientific research, and being unbearably cute and enthusiastic about it. She sparkles like a diamond when she gets excited about science, and I can't blame Chakotay for being in love with her for a second, because dude, same!! It's so lovely to see her out of the context of having to present a captainly face to the Voyager crew at all times- she's charming and funny and very human here, in a way we usually only get to see smaller glimpses of on the ship- no wonder Chakotay is going out of his mind pining for her! Of course, it leads up to a very non-regulation shoulder rub (ooh la la!) that even Janeway can't rationalize as platonic, and they have The Talk, wherein Chakotay confesses that he's in love her. I gotta say, for coming out of literally nowhere, Kate Mulgrew and Robert Beltran sell the fuck out of this script, and make it totally believable. Especially in the confession scene- they're both crying, and I'm watching like, fuck you, how dare you break my heart like this?? This romance didn't even exist an episode ago, and now I'm invested?? In one episode!! Give these people Emmys, what the fuck?!
But of course, this being Star Trek, a love confession is usually just there to make us feel angst, because they are far too professional to ever act on it- which of course, they don't here. Starfleet captains aren't supposed to date their crew (even though they totally do- guess it's like the Prime Directive that way- just ignore it if inconvenient!) and most of them are too workaholic to devote time to romance anyway. We don't get any further dialog after the confession and the tearful hand hold. The next time we see them, they're back to the status quo of friendly banter. Janeway, who still hasn't let go of Mark, doesn't return Chakotay's feelings at this point, at least not romantically, though she obviously loves him as a friend. She's still invested in getting back to Voyager, though after the storm breaks most of her science equipment, she starts to resign herself to staying, and it's implied that things might have a chance to develop between the two of them eventually- until Voyager contacts them.
Because meanwhile, back on the ship, the whole crew is distraught at the loss of their mom Captain and Harry Kim pretty much leads a muntiny to get his mom Captain back. Even Tuvok can't argue with an entire crew of dorks simping for their beloved senpai, so he agrees to go get an antidote from the Vidians. The Doctor's Vidian girlfriend Denara Pel helps them out when the Vidians attack them, and Janeway and Chakotay are given the medicine, and rescued from the planet. (I really hope they beamed all their equipment up after them, because that was a lot of Starfleet swag they can't just replace at the next Starbase! Don't just leave it there for the monkey, you idiots!!)
Janeway and Chakotay return to Voyager, the crew are overjoyed to have their mom and dad back, and we know that Janeway and Chakotay, who don't make eye contact during the entire final scene on the bridge, will never acknowledge anything that was said on that planet, ever again. But the subtextual pining will be there for like, ever now. And many, many shippy things will ensue in future episodes, which will feel even more bananas now that I remember that they all take place after he literally tells her he's in love with her! I truly, honestly feel so unbelieveably sorry for diehard Janeway/Chakotay shippers, they really set out to murder them with this, didn't they? I'm neither especially for or against them as a ship, personally- it just sort of exists as a thing that makes me feel a little bit crazy because of how far they took it without ever directly addressing it again. I mean, it's not the first time Trek has done this to us, but it's always so frustrating when they make it a thing, only to never resolve it. If you start a story arc, resolve it one way or another, conclusively, cowards! Being in love with someone you live and work with is not a thing you can just sweep under the rug, especially when the object of desire knows about it! But it's Star Trek, so yeah, they will actually just make us suffer. They've done it before, they'll probably do it again. (Unless Prodigy actually gives us something more substantial than Voyager itself did, which tbh, considering how stellar the writing has been so far, it might actually do! Save us, Prodigy, save us! You're our only hope!)
Tl;dr: An insanely shippy story that literally made Janeway/Chakotay a thing in one damn episode, it actually works really well unto itself, despite the years of torment it will wreak on the fandom. Iconic tbh.
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pigtailedgirl · 2 months
Star Trek Prodigy; For The Love OF WATCH THIS
Speed to the finish.
Gotta find a way to get the missing ten like Janeway hunts Chakotay lol.
What a fantastic little series. So full of heart and just makes me Trek happy. It had me spending an hour after nostalgia scrolling.
It did so much perfectly. Fun and cute new characters. Pretty new starships. Pretty new places.
While honoring the old. Continuing the old. Starfleet, the people in and the concept, felt like it mattered again. Like these kids were learning from all the oldies and callbacks and being a part of. So imparting their interest and youth and joy and want for better as well. It made a timeloop of temporal awesome.
Because that's the heart. This series nailed seeing that passion in Trek of want to have good. Whether it for your ship (HELLO JANEWAY x CHAKOTAY) or characters or ship ships.
Like, the Protostar finale as she flew off to her beginning end was gorgeous. Her and Voyager A were tag team awesome.
I loved Wesley. I loved the new Vulcan. Janeway's crew. Heartbroken about Chakotay's. Laughing myself sick at the perfection that the whales of Star Trek once again save the day.
Rok Tahk is my gem favorite character. She's so everything best. Her science love. Her uncertainty mixed with try. Her enthusiasm.
They are all fantastic characterization though.
Was very very moved by all the newbies arcs. Zero's body episode especially felt very Trek in message and world outreach.
Was so proud of Gwyn helping her home. Of Del trying as captain. I'm shocked he gave up for number one actually. But what a great contrast to the other command couple.
Minor minor nitpicks would be that it had to tie in to Picard. Keep everything Wesley, and jetson that please. I don't like the insert that Starfleet is working hard at sucking in the background. That it's gonna be bad times tacked on my hope and happy and explore end.
Also I shook Janeway was gonna retire. I can see Starfleet command protocols and being governed by or over for her not aligning with her wants after this. *Coughs finally getting cozy with Chakotay hell with regs. being a hold back. *Coughs her wanting to aid the kids. *Coughs her passionate belief in principles of connection against the meh of Starfleet future hints. But she is not the stay at home of the pair ok. And not a gardener. Even if you want to call it back to growing tomatoes Resolutions style, she was Admiral/starship Cap perfection in command this season. Retire and do leadership adventures Janeway. You and Chakotay and Janeway Jr. (hologal) as a triple team would be a kick.
I really wish I could kick someone in the Paramount offices. That this could get a third season or be felt in the flagship. This should be what other new Trek should take notes to mimic. To include. I say it again: Hope.
Another season of this world would bring so much potential. Of the kids out there making contact and exploring as Starfleet. Learning the rules and structures as bad and goods. Of choosing your role be it number one, captain, science, med. Heart or head. Or other species and worlds as contrast. Other options. How that would all again tie into the old foundations. Seeking out boldly. The little Trek jingle in the theme my jam, cause the noticed.
And maybe finally addressing in a good way holograms sentience and relations as we have two of our best now to tie that loose Starfleet unexplored area in a good plot. Or more of the OG bosses, you know, whales in Starfleet. (LOVE THIS SHOW. The writers know. I mean c'mon, they solved Tribbles versus Klingons here. This is god tier Trek.)
To the stars Prodigy. Let's go!
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baylardian-1 · 9 months
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was playing around (((again))) with the fun little teehee scenario of janeway and chakotay getting captured/imprisoned/separated on an away mission together likeeeeee in season 3 and kathryn has her first epic Heat Sickness moment (its been about a year since she got warp 10'd). and she busts out of her cell and finds him via smell or something like a freak and she strips off her uniform on the way and takes off her shoes so she can scurry around faster (freak) and chakotay's like 'wow queen good job busting us out' but her 1 goal was to find him and never let go so hes gotta like convince her somehow to prioritize escape over whatever the heck she's thinking of doing to him lmao I THINK ABOUT THIS A NORMAL AMOUNT OKAYYYYYYYY
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bumblingbabooshka · 2 years
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Matching icons for when you and your bestie are in a heartbreaking moral dilemma <3 (4th time this week)
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jone-slugger · 5 months
Brb gotta go watch every shippy scene between Janeway and Chakotay.
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thegeminisage · 1 month
star trek update time! wednesday we watched voy's "displaced" and ds9's "children of time" AAAAAA from which i will. never recover
displaced (voy):
this one was truly so fun. i loved the mystery of what was going on, i loved how janeway was (i felt) unnecessarily hostile and then it turned out she was RIGHT, i loved when chakotay gave up on winning and decided to simply do as much sabotaging as possible before the same was up because i loved watching him cause problems on purpose
similarly the scenes in the biomes/tunnels were fun not only because janeway had a blast bargaining with that one guy but because and and tuvok were ALSO having fun creeping around causing problems on purpose
the final moment of joy was janeway willing to leave those aliens to freeze to death in their own fake biome if they didn't let everybody go. prime directive? we don't know her. sometimes it's annoying how trek only remembers the prime directive when it's convenient, but this was so much fun that i don't really care
shoutout also to tuvok for vulcan nerve pinching that one guy. not nearly enough vulcan nerve pinches lately
and, all right, look. tom and b'elanna are cute. i'm not going crazy stupid over them or anything but it was really special to me when he didn't fuck her. you can overlook so much annoying buffoonery from a guy when you begin giving him the benefit of the doubt (because he didn't fuck her) instead of being instantly annoyed every time he opens his mouth. tom paris maybe earned his redemption. i only wish i could have had a turnaround like this for picard instead
i was really glad they didn't Talk About It at the end. they both opened their mouths as if to say more and then decided not to and that was PERFECT. like the fact that she came and sought him out was apology enough. well done.
children of time (ds9):
girl, help
never in my life...
I DID NOT EXPECT THIS. i read we were due for a season 6 get together
ok. like. ok. she's by the bucket rip odo back in the bucket so she's by the bucket smiling fondly at it and then THE OTHER ODO. WALKS IN. AND JUST SAYS IT. I HAD TO ADJUST. PRESENT DAY ODO IS SICK RN I KNOW IT
the way he almost touched her face without actually touching it. the way he says it because he's had 200 years to regret not saying it
also, the way that he can love someone for 200 years and not have it diminished in any way. like i'm not saying offing 8k colonists was the way to go but for someone whose body can change shape his will and the way he loves people is so steadfast and UNchanging and that is very. wow. what a situation that is
HIIIII THEY HELD HAAAAANDS. did i have to pause the episode and recover from hysterics and maybe also tears? don't worry about it
he makes hands to touch people with and when he woke up that morning for the first time in 200 years he made hands to touch her with.........
also, kira praying over her own grave. insane.
THE KISS!!!!!!! she was very much like giving that to him as a one time goodbye thing but AAAUGHGHGH
i kind of wish she'd asked WHY he loves her - that it had had a little more substance - but we gotta save some goodies for modern day odo
also aw he's still bad at shapeshifting even after linking with his other self...
also, i had odo vision this entire episode. kira has never looked more beautiful
anyway, sorry, the ethical dilemma. i don't think erasing 8k people from history is quite the same as killing them. they don't know they were erased and no one grieves them. it's more existentially horrifying, worse in some ways, but also not the same as murder, because again - what about the people on ds9 who exist right now and need their families? keiko and molly and yoshi and jake and kassidy? what about the people who would be born because they go back? the people who need sisko especially in the war efforts?
there's really not a clear right and wrong answer and it kind of sucks that the episode painted staying behind as like "the right thing to do even though it's very difficult to make such a sacrifice." like maybe the colony is miserable. struggling to survive. and that thickens things up a little
i read that dax was originally supposed to be the one to redo the autopilot because of his guilt over the accident which would have made lots of sense - i think we could have swung it to dax getting helped by odo, because dax's dedication to keeping the colony alive makes less sense the more you think about it, and then kira's slightly less horrified? maybe that removes some of the teeth, idk
also, imagine being bonded to your grandma's trill. like you'd remember her sex life. wack
AND I NEARLY FORGOT BUT SISKO BABY TALKING HIS LITTLE DESCENDANT!!!!!!!! please please PLEASE somebody give that man a baby he loves babies so much
anyway, 10/10, blew me away, i can't believe that really happened
TONIGHT: voy's "worst case scenario" and ds9's "blaze of glory"
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