#but he has starry robes in all sorts of colours
seagullcharmer · 2 years
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besties for the resties
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covenofwives · 2 years
The Oldest Friend
GeorgeHD thinks he gets to enjoy a moment alone. Not if Sapnap4K has anything to say about it.
It's been a while. Please enjoy this debut fic of Sapnap4K within the God Sibling AU. And don't worry they'll be a lot more of him :)
GeorgeHD wished he never dreamed. Most of the God’s time was spent sleeping so that meant most of it was in dreams. Some dreams were nonsensical, and others were so vivid that he had a hard time telling when he was awake and when he was dreaming. Those were the worst sleeps.
After those sleeps, HD would wake up and be still, trying to think and compose his thoughts together to know if he was truly awake. It was easier to go back to sleep but this time HD couldn’t.
Something was off. Usually HD only woke up like this when someone had woken him up, but he was alone in the realm of swirling colours. They could have sworn someone woke them. But…
No. They were not alone. HD’s senses slowly came back to them, proving they were awake and they could feel someone with him. Someone who was hiding!
“HEY HD!!!”
Before HD could properly assess the situation, he felt a heavy weight crashing into him quickly but not painfully. It was almost something akin to an excitable puppy jumping onto the bed to wake its owner. Except this puppy was over eight feet tall and had the heat of the sun radiating off them.
Sapnap4K laughed to HD’s grumbling before rolling off the starry haired God and sitting up. His long wild mess of black hair was barely held in by the hair ties. The black slowly faded out, becoming a blazing orange at the frayed end tips, matching the glow of his eyes. The black at the roots of his hair were a near pitch black, which made the horns stand out all the more. Starting as a deep red and ending in a sharp point of teal blue. He wore murky, almost singed looking clothing but most of it was covered in netherite armour and then covered again in a half ripped apart black coat. The inside of the coat shinned with a purple swirl before 4K readjusted it, pulling it closed and then grinned down to HD again.
His fangs were thin, but long. HD thought they sort of looked like XD’s but Sapnap4K’s were just a bit thinner and there was one overgrown fang on his right side that always hung over his lip.
“I thought it had been a while since I’d seen you.” 4K snickered. “You needed some company.”
“I have enough company…” HD muttered. They suddenly felt a heat overcome their left side and pushed away without looking, knowing it was 4K trying to lay beside him. “Get off! Don’t touch me…”
4K laughed again, but he did roll away. He didn’t go far but he gave the space HD asked for as he chuffed. “Who? Who comes to visit you? You bite anyone’s head of if they come near you.”
HD untangled themselves from their blankets and robes. Shaking out their hair which was then resettled again as ethereal hands worked over and fussed it back into a somewhat reasonable shape. Even out of the blankets, the warmth radiating from 4K was still hot enough as though HD was still wrapped up. They’d forgot how warm the Nether God was.
“Its none of your business.” HD huffed. “But if you must know… DreamXD visits me.”
4K’s eyebrows shot up in genuine surprise. “XD still comes around here?” He whistled. One of his arms bent, holding his head up as he lounged over the colourful nothing void. “I thought they’d still be enjoying their little power trip in the mortal world.” 4K pointed his long clawed finger and poked into HD’s shoulder. “Which is where you should be, by the way.”
The poke never hurt, but HD still flinched away from it. “Nope!” He popped as he sat himself up.
4K huffed. “Suppose I’ll be the only God, as usual, actually doing my job.”
HD felt a defensive impulse overtake him. “The overworld isn’t going anywhere.” He snapped. 4K gave an annoying shrug to that.
It didn’t matter if 4K spent his time in his domain and HD didn’t. Or…well it didn’t matter to HD anyway. It wasn’t like the overworld was in peril or needed his constant attention. It was doing just fine and HD wasn’t going back. XD was watching things anyway.
Though, thinking of XD, the sleepy God now looked over to the 8 foot giant currently lounging over his blankets and he tried to rack his brain and remember if XD and 4K have ever spoken to one another. Or, had XD had ever spoken about 4K. HD knew the Nether God knew of XD. But he couldn’t remember XD ever mentioning 4K’s name. Is it possible they hadn’t even met?
So then…did Sapnap4K know much about humans? Or their games?
Excitement bubbled up in HD’s chest but he calmed himself before the giggle escaped his lips.
“Actually XD visited not long ago…” HD started. He kept his voice as calm as he could.
“Oh yeah?” 4K spoke in a voice that wasn’t really interested but they were still listening.
“Yes. They were telling me about their time in the overworld.” HD looked over to 4K. “They showed me a game the mortals would play with each other.”
“What kind of game?” 4K asked. HD couldn’t read his move. The Nether God’s orange eyes were looking over HD’s blankets and absent-mindedly playing with a few of them. But his voice sounded generally interested.
HD needed a hook for them, and quickly thought of an idea.
“Yeah. A proof of strength game.”
4K’s eyes suddenly snapped to HD and glittered with interest. “Strength game?” 4K pushed themself to sit up. “How interesting could a mortal strength game really be?” They spoke like they were thinking out loud, but it was something HD could work with.
“Interesting enough that it got XD’s attention.” HD tried to keep his voice even, and from 4K’s reaction it seemed to work.
“What do they do?” He asked almost immediately.
“Well why don’t you try and test it for yourself?” HD suggested. “If anyone should be the judge of strength, surely it would be you?”
The comment hit right into 4K’s ego and they didn’t do anything to hide it. Their chest puffed up slightly as a toothy grin split their face. “Fine! I can handle it no problem! Let’s see what the mortals consider strong!”
HD had to bite his lips to stop the laugh threatening to burst. Instead he sat himself up properly and turned himself around to face 4K properly.
“Alright, you got to put your arms up, and out to your side. Like this.” HD raised his arms out in demonstration. The sudden memory of XD lunging on him and digging into his armpits came at him and he quickly pulled his arms down after 4K copied him.
“What’s this for?” 4K asked. While he still followed the instructions he looked curiously at his arms. “Are the mortals so weak that holding their arms up is a challenge?”
HD remembered themselves saying the near enough same thing, and scoffed to it all until they were quickly humbled with XD’s attack. Knowing they were going to be doing the same thing to 4K filled them with a giddy sort of joy. Perhaps a rather cruel kind of joy but joy none the less.
“You have to keep your arms up.” HD repeated XD’s own words, trying to remember if there was anything else. He noticed 4K’s netherite armour again, but there were spaces to allow easy movement and one of the spots uncovered were his armpits. Perfect. “Ready?”
“Yes. I’m ready for this proof of strength which also has to be kept as a surprise.” 4K rolled their eyes before shaking their arms slightly. “Yes I’m ready! Hurry up.”
You’ll regret that. HD thought before shuffling himself closer. 4K was much bigger and much stronger than him which worried HD. He could maybe get them by surprise and his helper hands could hold them down surely. HD just had to get them by surprise.
Before HD had a chance to think themselves out of it, they pounced forward. They could see their hands just inches away from 4K’s underarms when they were suddenly on the ground.
HD felt the ground against his cheek as he blinked in surprise. He was just moments from pouncing onto 4K and now suddenly he was on his front, his arms pinned behind his back as a warm, heavy weight pressed onto him.
HD opened his mouth to ask 4K what the hell he was thinking, but all that came out was surprised squeak which broke into snorts of laughter as long nails scribbled into his sides and up his ribs.
“You really thought, huh?” 4K chuckled above. They swung one leg over HD’s hips to straddle them, pinning down their legs while one of their hands had both of the smaller gods wrists in their grip. The other hand scribbled up and down HD’s side before switching to kneading. The scream from HD told 4K they had found a good spot, and they couldn’t help but laugh along with the other god.
“H-Hohohohow! Hohohohow d-dihihihid y-yohohohou knohohohow!”
“You think I’m an idiot and I’m just going to believe you, the most anti-social being ever made, suddenly wants to show me something cool?” 4K’s tickling turned rougher and rougher with each word, bumping up HD’s laughter from hysterics to desperate.
4K pulled up HD’s robe, tickling over the bare skin on his sides. “Ohoho! Someone’s got real tickly sides~!” 4K cooed. “This needs double attention!”
4K stopped his tickling to straighten himself up over HD’s back. He grabbed both wrists, laying them down at HD’s sides before pinning them under his knees. Apart from just slightly being able to move their shoulders, HD was completely trapped. Even with their arms pinned to their sides, 4K slipped his fingers between the arms and sides, and began kneading all up and down HD’s sides.
Every nerve in HD’s body came alive, all forming into a loud scream of laughter and he tried to struggle away, but all he could do was just lightly wriggle under 4K’s knees and barely turn his upper body from one side to the next.
When tears starting to leak from his eyes, the relentless tickles stopped. HD felt nothing but relief. With every pant of breath his nerves calmed and shook off the endless tickling.
The weight was suddenly off his back, but before HD could curl up as his body begged him to, he was manoeuvred; pulled up into 4K’s arms. He had a small panicking moment that 4K would tickle him again, but the bigger god just settled him into his lap, cradling him in one arm while the other hand was running through his hair.
HD hated how nice it felt.
“There, you’re fine.” 4K’s voice was softer. The rumbling in his voice almost sounded like a purr now. “You okay?”
“I’ll live…” HD’s grumbled. Their voice felt rough. Not sore but it was tiring to talk.
“Good.” 4K nodded. Their chin rested over HD’s head as one of their fingers slowly curled around one of HD’s unruly hair strands.
HD huffed, though even he knew it was forced. He hated how relaxed he felt almost instantly. He hated how warm 4K was, making him practically melt into the monster God’s arm.
“H-How’d you even know about tickling?” HD asked partly to keep himself awake and another from genuine curiosity.
“It’s not a big secret thing.” 4K chuckled. “Though I suppose that means you just learned about it.”
HD felt his face heat up, trying his best to cover it with the robes as 4K teased again.
“Did XD tickle you like how you tried to get me?” Their voice rumbled, like a mix between a playful growl and an excited purr. “Did you fall for the arms up trick?”
“Sh-Shut uhup!”
“I’m surprised you even let him close enough to tickle you. You normally hiss at me whenever I go to touch you.” 4K grinned. “Where else did he tickle you?”
“N-Nowhere!” HD answered too quickly for it to be believable, and 4K picked up on that immediately.
“Oho, you’re a bad liar!” 4K’s hand poised at HD’s side again, pressing his claws in. “If you don’t want to tell me, I guess I can just find out myself~”
4K slipped his hand up just slightly and HD jumped, a panicked squeak escaping as he struggled to push away 4K’s hand. “W-WAHAhait! N-NOhoho mohohore! NOHO! IHI’LL TEHELL!”
4K chuckled, stilling his hand but his claws were still very much poised. “Go on…” He prompted.
While 4K’s hands were still, it was near impossible to think with the threat of tickles still there. HD had to do a full reset of his brain at least twice before 4K gave him a light squeeze and it kicked in his mind. “N-Noho! No! Juhust give me a mihinute! Th-they t-t…g-gohot my s-sides…armpits…m-my ribs too.”
HD tried their best explaining through the giggles that wouldn’t leave their throat. They didn’t forget the tickles XD gave them on their stomach, but it was embarrassing enough to admit they were tickled, HD felt like he’d die if he had to explain how XD blew and nibbled along his tummy.
HD was sure 4K would call him out on hiding something, but the taller God only hummed and as HD looked up he could see the orange eyes of the nether god were transfixed onto HD’s side but also glazed over, like he was deep in thought.
“Can I tickle your ribs?”
The question came out so suddenly, HD hiccuped before he could form the words. “N-NOHohoho!”
“Aww, come on.” 4K’s voice turned sweet, but HD knew it was a fake kind of sweetness. “Just a little bit! I wanna see how tickly they are.”
“N-Nohot ahat ahall!” HD kicked their leg up, trying to push away 4K’s arm or wriggle out, but any way HD got to manoeuvre, 4K just rearranged his hand, or his large arms and engulfed HD again and he was a new type of stuck.
A hand pressed into HD’s ribs, and he squeaked. “P-Plehease…”
“I won’t tickle for long.” 4K pleaded, his voice dropped the sweetness but went soft. HD risked a look up, though they knew that a mistake because the horned God’s glowing orange eyes were wide and pleading. HD hesitated to call it puppy dog eyes because there was no way 4K could be classed a puppy. He was a huge dog if anything.
“I’ll be super gentle. I’ll even let you tickle me after!”
The words to refuse died on HD’s tongue before he spat it out. The offer rang in his head, piquing his interest and he calmed for a moment.
“Wh-Why wohould you ohoffer that?”
“Seems like a fair trade.” 4K shrugged.
“But you’d be tihickled. Wait…you-you’re ticklihish?”
“Yeah. And I like being tickled.”
The words bounced in HD’s head, refusing to make sense. It was a lie, it had to be, but 4K looked so genuine and HD had never known them to lie.
“H-How long would you t-tihickle for?” HD asked cautiously.
4K shrugged. “Until you say stop? That seems fair.”
“I’m going to say stop right away!”
“Okay, then when should I stop? Do you want to set a time?”
Knowing there would be a time when the tickling would stop, somehow put HD more on edge. While an end would be in sight he couldn’t control it and it’d be a terrible countdown in his mind. Yet he knew he’d say stop and the idea of getting to tickle 4K was too tempting.
“Uhhh… if-if I say ‘clouds’. Th-Then that means stop…”
4K paused for a moment before slowly nodding. “Alright. I can remember that.”
The horned God offered HD freedom of what position he wanted to be tickled in. It was flustering and impossible to think, but eventually HD mumbled out an answer. Somehow in his mind it was better if he wasn’t looking at 4K, but he still had to see where the tickles where. So his thoughts reasoned that it was best to lean his back onto 4K’s chest so he could see the tickling on his ribs.
Panic tingled through HD when they saw 4K’s hands take their spot. They slipped under HD’s own arms, wiggling slightly and strumming over the trembling ribs. HD never really took in how big 4K’s hands were until they saw their own ribs fit so easily into the taller God’s palms.
“Ready?” 4K’s voice rumbled.
“N-Noho… B-But juhust dohoho ihit!”
4K chuckled and being ever so kind, complied to HD’s wishes and started tickling.
HD expected the rough tickles he had before. He tensed in preparation but instead of the rough tickling, 4K’s fingers started to gently knead into the ribs, slowly moving up and down. The softer tickles surprised HD more than he thought. When they first started he squealed, almost jumping out of 4K’s arms to the absolute delight of the taller God.
“Oho~ Your ribs are quite ticklish. A bad spot?” 4K teased.
“N-Nohoho! Sh-Shuhut uhuhup!” HD giggled into the back of his hand, wiggling in 4K’s hold but not as much as he thought he would. The tickles weren’t as torturous as he built up in his head. It reminded him of the soft tickles DreamXD gave him, and his face reddened. His cheeks swirled with soft colours and he brought his hands to hide it.
“You’re hardly struggling.” 4K purred out their thoughts, like they were analysing every one of HD’s moves. “Not a bad spot… A good spot!”
“N-NOHOHO! Ihi hahahave n-nohoho gohohohod spohohots!”
4K hummed in a tone that they didn’t believe him. HD felt a flare of annoyance rise in him but when he opened his mouth to snap back, another surprised squeal came out when 4K’s fingers stopped kneading and started tasering in to each rib for only a moment before moving on to the next one. He didn’t start struggling until the fingers travelled to the lower ones, then his legs started to kick and the hand grasped desperately into 4K’s arm.
“StahaHAP!” They gasped out. Kicking their legs and digging their heels into the blankets. “S-Stohohop!”
“You want me to stop, you know what you have to say~” 4K taunted. “Hmm, your lower ribs are more ticklish than your upper ones. Do you know that?” 4K’s voice was calm but absolutely delighted to this discovery.
“N-NOHOohoho theheHERE NOHOT!” HD jumped, but 4K’s arms weren’t letting him go anywhere. “L-Lehehet gohohoho!”
“Mmm, nope. Can’t do that I’m afraid.” 4K shook his head, his wild black hair brushing along HD’s neck. “You’ll sneak off and how will I get these ribs of yours?”
“YohoHOhoHOHOU s-SUHUhuhuck!” HD tried to twist and shake off the restless fingers but nothing could dislodge those tickling menaces.
4K changed his tickles again. He held around HD’s ribs in a claw shape, scribbling up and down the bones and divots between them. The tickles before were in a mix between gentle and teasing, but the rougher tickles were shocking every ticklish nerve in his body and the words bubbled out without HD’s control, activating on pure survival instinct alone.
“C-Clohohouds! ClohOHOHOohous! STOHOHOP!”
The tickling stopped instantly, 4K keeping true to their word, but the hands never left. Instead of claw shapes, their hands flattened and arms wrapped around HD, bringing him into 4K’s chest. HD was practically a melted mush in their arms.
“You doing alright, buddy?” 4K chuckled. “Living?”
“F-Fuuhuhuck yohou…” HD managed to breath out. He hated the giggle still in his voice and buried his face into 4K’s arms.
“You’re fine if you can still insult me.” 4K’s upbeat tone annoyed HD.
They were tired with the last of the ghostly tickles leaving their system, and the Nether God’s stupidly warm body was lulling them into a further daze. They wanted to sleep again.
A poke into their side made HD squeak and growl to 4K’s chuckle. “You still want that revenge, or are you too tired?”
Every tired feeling suddenly left HD’s body, replaced with an excitement and he practically jumped out of 4K’s arms. “N-NO! I’m not tired, idiot! I’m tickling you back!”
“Ohokay! Alright!”
4K’s happy laugh to HD’s enthusiasm irked the sleepy God more, and he was determined to use it for fuel to his vengeance. 4K had to have been bluffing when he said he liked being tickled and HD was going to prove it.
4K suggested it was probably easier for HD if the taller God was laying down. After removing the netherite armour, they lay back over the blankets and robes with arms out stretched to their sides. HD straddled over their waist, though it was more kneeling over the God’s stomach. It was stupid how much larger 4K’s body was but HD was deliberately putting that irk aside and instead looking towards 4K’s armpits and ribs. Open and vulnerable and 4K was willingly letting it happen.
“What word do you want that means stop?” HD reminded himself to ask. It was on his mind since they had agreed ‘clouds’ for him.
“Oh. Just when I say stop.”
HD frowned. “Then you’ll say stop right away.”
“No I won’t.”
The cocky grin lit a fire in HD, and any concern he once had left as soon as his hands went to 4K’s armpits and he began tickling.
It only occurred to HD now that perhaps 4K was lying. Maybe the taller God wasn’t even ticklish and it was all a lie just to get HD again; but his concerns melted. As soon as his fingers started skittering against 4K’s skin, the Nether God began giggling.
“Ohoho fuhuck!” Their arms moved slightly but they never brought them down to block out the tickling. HD could feel their legs shuffle behind him, 4K’s hands gripped into the blankets below but they just giggled and snorted, occasionally turning their head and finally giggling out. “Y-Yohohou’re ahaha reheal gohohod tihihickleher!”
HD felt his cheeks heat up. The taunt simultaneously made him seethe and fluster him at the same time and he pressed in, tickling rougher.
4K snorted and his giggling kicked up into laughs and chortles. His legs kicked out more and slightly bucked his hips, not moving HD off but enough to shake him a little. “Ohohoho gohohod!”
4K’s voice went higher, more desperate and hysterical. His cheeks dusted with a light pink blush, but he kept his arms out at his side. HD switched, scribbling down and around 4K’s ribs which really kicked up. Literally.
4K kicked out his legs, his heels kicking into the blankets and he half turned side to side. Not enough to knock HD’s off at all, but the it gave the smaller God a sense of pride, making him grin as took 4K down a peg.
But still, the black haired God’s arms remained out at their sides. Hands clutched and slightly tore into the blankets but they didn’t move. They didn’t even look like they were struggling to keep them up. They were laughing deeply, and shuddering with the scribbles along their ribs but 4K looked…reserved. No struggling or panicked fighting. Nothing to try and make it stop.
Were they…actually enjoying this?
HD started kneading along the ribs, tickling up to under 4K’s chest where his laughter started to chirp, and break into giggles. “Ohohohoh!” 4K’s voice jumped. “Thahahat’s ahaha bahahad spohohot!” 4K turned his head, slightly nuzzling into the blankets under him. “M-Mihihihiy rihihibs ahahahare sohohoho tihihihicklihihihish!”
HD’s chest swelled, turning their lips up to a grin. “Are you ribs so ticklish?” They cooed. “You are so hulkingly big as well, so there’s a lot of space to tickle~”
4K’s laugh jumped up to a chirp, his cheeks going fully red and shoulder’s scrunching. HD saw the outstretched arms partly bend, almost wanting to pull down, so HD skittered his fingers around the side of his lower ribs, kneading into the bones so gently and 4K squeaked.
“Stohohop! Stohop!”
HD stopped as soon as he could, but even as he did, he was suddenly engulfed at 4K’s arms, pulled down and turned to the side as 4K turned over. HD was pulled, cuddled into the God’s wide chest as 4K came down from his giggles.
HD stretched up, pulling his head out of 4K’s arms. “I-I thought you liked tickles?” He asked after taking a breath.
“I do.” 4K nodded. “You were very good at tickling. But they made me sleepy. And you’re sleepy too after yours.”
4K’s matter-of-fact speaking over something like them liking tickles still didn’t compute in HD’s mind. It brought a red up to his cheeks again, but he huffed, distracting himself. “I’m always sleepy, don’t flatter yourself.”
“Of course.” There was a slight tease in 4K’s tone, but HD let it go. He was tired and 4K’s stupidly warm body was lulling him more and more down. A sleep actually sounded nice.
“I need to get back soon, so I’ll only take a quick nap.” 4K explained through a yawn. He curled up so he was near circling around HD, making him warm all over and even more sleepy. His eyes were half closed when 4K said. “So the DreamXD knows about tickling.”
HD gave out a grumbling huff. “Yes. Unfortunately.”
“Do you know if they’re ticklish?”
That was an interesting thought, but HD was too far gone to really put effort into the idea. They hummed out a sleepy “maybe…” and then they fell into a warm sleep.
When he woke 4K was gone, as expected, but the blankets were still warm from his heat. HD wrapped himself up in them, making a blanket igloo for himself and fell back into a warm sleep, where his dreams were kinder and full of soft giggles and laughter.
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forineffablereasons · 5 years
i can’t draw but here are my submissions for book omens week:
1. anathema is very tall with a very long ponytail wearing a save the trees tshirt, denim shorts with a knife holster in the belt, and old worn red converse. she does not look like a witch; she looks like someone who is campaigning against seaworld in the trader joe’s parking lot, which is a just and true endeavor because she follows up by belonging to anarchist groups that are working to attack seaworld’s security and smuggle animals out. she’s got skinned knees and a bit of a sunburn. 
2. newt. this one i actually have nothing for. jack whitehall’s newt walked straight out of my mind and onto the screen. that’s...........just newt 
2. adam looks like this 
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but 11
3. shadwell is 4′10 on a good day and essentially just a nose sticking out of an overcoat that has neither been cleaned nor removed from its person since the 1970s 
4. madame tracy is big, buxom, and beautiful. she is constantly wearing a pink or purple flowing robe with a faux fur hem, lots of large costume jewelry, and occasionally a purple turban with a large fake jewel in the middle of it depending on what job she’s fulfilling today because she saw that in disney’s aladdin in 1992 and thought it looked cool, which is just as cringe as aladdin is. her fingernails very long and very gorgeously decorated. looking at her makes you think about crystal balls, gauzy curtains, and starry skies in barren woods.
5. crowley looks like an absolute asshole at all times, sitting somewhere between 6-18 months out of date in his attempt to look cool. black suit, skinny black tie, slightly greasy look about him. there’s something mid-90s keanu reeves mixed with something used-car-salesmany about him, like he could sell you back a car you already own while doing the finger-guns motions at you and winking, all of which is a deliberately cultivated facade that you can sort of see through sometimes but only if you know how to look. he’s got good in him, sure, but he doesn’t want you to like...know that 
6. aziraphale is richard ayoade in a sweater vest and none of his clothes match, either in colour or in texture. looking at him is like taking a big, deep sip of something hot and burning the roof of your mouth on it, but you don’t care because it was worth it.
thank u for ur time 
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roses-of-rutherglen · 5 years
Uniquely Normal- Chapter 5
They stepped out into the night shivering against the autumn chill.
"Firs' years firs' years over here!" The call came from the largest man Dean had ever seen. He was as tall as a giant with hands the size of dustbin lids holding a lantern triple the size of a regular one. His face was hidden behind a bushy beard and his hair was matted and long but his actions were gentle and his eyes were kind. "C'mon follow me mind your step now, firs' years follow me!" They shuffled down a narrow slippery path in the half darkness, the light from the giant lantern only stretching so far. "Where's he takin us you reckon?" Ernie's Scottish accent cut through the silence covering Neville's quiet sniffles as he tried his best to stay upright without slipping over. "I dunno but we had better get there quickly I'm bloody freezing" Hannah shivered. Dean dropped back a few people to walk next to Neville "He'll be alright, I promise you we will find him even if it means we have to miss the first term of school." Neville chuckled a little they walked in silence for a while. "It's just that my uncle got him for me after he dropped me out a window and discovered I had magic when I managed to bounce down the path. No one believed I actually did they all thought I was a squib." He smiled before his face dropped again, Dean put his arm around him as they continued along the path. "You'll get your firs' sight o' Hogwarts in a sec." The giant called out "just round this bend here." The crowd oohed and eagerly picked up their pace, making their way toward the lake. The path they had been following suddenly opened out onto the bank of the lake, a collection of wooden rowing boats moored to the bank. The most magnificent castle Dean had ever seen sat atop a mountain its windows shimmering in the starry night its many towers and turrets silhouetted against the sky. "No more than four to a boat" the giant called out, pointing to the rowboats.
"Now how are we supposed to get across the lake without any oars?" Dean questioned hopping into a boat with Seamus Ernie and Neville they shrugged. "Everyone ready?" Asked the giant, but without waiting for a response commanded the boats "forward!" They started gliding across the lake at a gentle pace heading towards the castle on the hill. "How are they moving?" Questioned Dean the rest of the boys shrugged and he chalked it up to being a mystery just like the barrier at 9 3/4. He turned his eyes to their destination as the boats moved along rocking slightly in the wake of the other boats. There was a movement in the water and he swore he saw a tentacle wave at him from the darkness of the water, but before he could ask anyone the giant called out "Watch your heads!" As they ducked through a curtain of ivy into a cave with a small stone landing in front of a plain wooden door. Dean, Seamus, Neville, and Ernie quickly hopped out of their boat and found Hannah who was standing talking to another girl. "Oi there," the giant called out pointing in Neville's direction who looked terrified "this your toad?"
"Trevor!" Neville answered with delight taking the toad and putting him in the pocket of his robe. The giant smiled and the group turned back to each other. "Everyone, this is Grace" they all smiled their hellos introducing themselves. They were startled by a knocking sound as the giant started knocking on a massive wooden door three times. There was a moment's pause before a severe-looking woman with her hair tied in the tightest bun Dean had ever seen and her robes in perfect order opened the door and addressed their guide. "Thank you Hagrid, I'll take them from here." The giant, Hagrid, smiled his agreement and stepped back. "Good evening and welcome to Hogwarts, if you'll follow me." She turned and lead them through the door, after a dark walk up a steep staircase they emerged into a room that could fit Dean's house two times over. They stopped in front of four large hourglasses each one filled with a set amount of either rubies, sapphires, emeralds or yellow diamonds. The woman suddenly stopped causing several people to bump into each other. She turned to address the students in front of her. "My name is Professor McGonagall, these are the house hourglasses, they measure each of the houses points throughout the year, follow me." She leads them through the hall past a set of impressive wooden doors where muffled voices could be heard. They continued to a small chamber off to the side where McGonagall instructed them all to wait.
"What's going on?" Someone called out before there was a shriek and a dozen figures that could only be described as ghosts cruised through the wall. Thankfully their group avoided any spiritual interactions. Though it caused a gap in the crowd revealing an interaction between a boy with glasses and a boy with hair so blond it was almost white. "No way... No way!" Exclaimed Seamus "what?" Dean questioned looking around, nothing but the ghosts caught his attention. "That's Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy. The boy who lived and the son of a Death Eater." This came from Grace who up until this point hadn't really spoken. Dean tried to get her to explain more so he changed the subject.   "So Grace, where are you from?" Questioned Dean she paused sensing if she was trying to get more information but decided it was a safe question.
"Well, I'm originally from Australia but moved to London when I was seven so I guess you'd say I was English." There was a pause and Dean could tell Seamus was about to say something. "Don't you dare ask me to say anything stereotypically Australian or I will cut your throat." No one was sure whether to laugh or be terrified. Thankfully the tension was cut when McGonagall reentered the room. "The start of term banquet will begin shortly but before you take your seats in the Great Hall you'll be sorted into your houses." Ernie nudged Dean a mischevious gleam in his eyes. "The sorting is a very important ceremony" continued the Professor " while you're here you will have classes with your house, sleep in your house dormitories and spend free time in your house common rooms. The four houses are Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and Slytherin. Each house has its own noble history and has produced outstanding witches and wizards. While at Hogwarts your triumphs will win you house points while any rule-breaking will lose them." Dean nudged Ernie at this point and they stuck their tongue out in retaliation. "At the end of the year, the house with the most points is awarded the house cup, a great honor. I hope each of you will be a credit to whichever house becomes yours. The sorting ceremony will take place in a  few moments so I suggest you all smarten yourselves up while you're waiting." Her eyes lingered over Neville's mis-fastened cloak a ginger boy with dirt on his nose and the boy wearing glasses with insanely messy black hair. "If you all would like to follow me" there was a noise of shuffling and quiet conversations as they trooped out of the room and into the hall.
They followed with fear and excitement in their hearts into a room even more huge than the original hall. It seemed to be the size of a Quidditch pitch the ceiling seemed to not exist and open to the heavens a dark midnight blue scattered with millions of stars. The room itself was lit with hundreds of candles suspended in midair. "That's not really the ceiling its bewitched to look like the sky outside, I read about it in Hogwarts a History." Seamus heard a curly haired buck teethed girl say as they continued down the middle of the hall between four tables, each stretching from one end of the hall to another each table filled with students wearing a different coloured tie and pointed hats. They were heading towards a long table lined horizontally across the front of the hall. Sitting on the very end was their guide Hagrid he noticed the children looking and gave them a smile and a wink. In the middle of the table was a man with the longest beard Dean had ever seen who looked very similar to Gandalf. He and his dad were both massive Hobbit and LOTR fans. He made a mental note to write to his dad with a photo of the headmaster, it would certainly entertain him. As they reached the front of the hall they saw a stool with the most ragged patched and dirty looking pointed hat sitting on it. Everyone seemed to be staring and just as all focus turned to the hat a rip in the brim opened and it began to sing
"Oh, you may not think I’m pretty, But don’t judge on what you see, I’ll eat myself if you can find A smarter hat than me. You can keep your bowlers black, Your top hats sleek and tall, For I’m the Hogwarts Sorting Hat And I can cap them all. There’s nothing hidden in your head The Sorting Hat can’t see, So try me on and I will tell you Where you ought to be. You might belong in Gryffindor, Where dwell the brave at heart, Their daring, nerve and chivalry Set Gryffindors apart; You might belong in Hufflepuff, Where they are just and loyal, Those patient Hufflepuffs are true And unafraid of toil; Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw, If you've a ready mind, Where those of wit and learning, Will always find their kind; Or perhaps in Slytherin You’ll make your real friends, Those cunning folk use any means To achieve their ends. So put me on! Don’t be afraid! And don’t get in a flap! You’re in safe hands (though I have none) For I’m a Thinking Cap!"
The hall burst into applause as the hat bowed its point to each table then went back to its still self. "Thank god we only have to try on a bloody hat!" Exclaimed Seamus. McGonagall stepped up to the stool and unrolled a scroll. "Oh god" Dean heard a Welsh accent in his ear "I hope they don't do this in alphabetical order. I'm always bloody first." He put an arm around Hannah's shoulder in comfort as McGonagall cleared her throat and read out the first name. "Abbot, Hannah" Dean felt her deflate next to him as she sighed and headed up to the stool. There was a slight pause then the hat yelled out "Hufflepuff!" Hannah's face lit up as she walked towards the cheering house with the yellow ties. "One down half a million to go" joked Seamus, Dean sighed in acceptance. "Bones, Susan" went to Hufflepuff "Boot, Terry" went to Ravenclaw the house with blue ties clapped enthusiastically but politely. "Brown, Lavender" became the first Gryffindor. The house with red ties clapped wildly and enthusiastically. 'They look like fun' Dean thought as the number of students began to shrink more and more towards his name. "Bullstrode, Millicent" became the first Slytherin. The house with the green ties looked rather intimidating but Dean had a feeling that it was a facade or a coping mechanism though he wasn't quite sure what from. Dean suddenly felt a spike of anxiety, what if this was all a mistake and he'd go up to the stool and just sit there for ages until someone told him there had been a mistake and he'd have to go back home and forget about all of this. He breathed deeply to quell his rising panic as more and more names were called out. He started to notice that with some students the decision would be fast and with others, it would take quite a long time to decide. He pondered this for a little while longer until he heard a name he recognized. "Finnegan, Seamus" the Irish man sighed next to him and Dean gave his hand a quick squeeze of encouragement as he headed up towards the hat. ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************** -Seamus-
Had Dean just squeezed his hand? He was blushing as he headed up towards the hat. It fell over his eyes and a voice that sounded eternally old and also kind of like his old school principle filled his ears. "Ah what do we have here? An Irish man eh?" Seamus internally sighed as he thought about the words he would love to say to every person who has commented on his accent. The hat laughed in his ears "Don't worry I'm not going to make any potato jokes but thank you for that slew of expletives, been a while since I've met an eleven year old who shared my taste in language." Seamus smiled as the hat started to mutter. "Now where to put you... Slytherin no definitely not, Ravenclaw no...Hufflepuff possibly but I feel the best fit for you would be..." the hat paused before announcing to the entire hall "GRYFFINDOR!" The house with the red ties exploded with cheers again. Seamus moved to get up and only just caught the last sentence the hat said to him. "By the way, I completely agree on the attractiveness of that young lad." Seamus blushed again moving off towards the table giving his friends a thumbs up as he passed. ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************* -Dean-
After Seamus had sat down Dean had full and ample time to evaluate just how stupid he had just been. He came out of his reverie when he heard the next name he was listening for "Howell, Grace" Dean watched as she adjusted herself and walked up to the sorting hat with confidence he envied. The hat was placed in her head and sat there for about two and a half minutes. As the tension in the room escalated nervous chatter began to break out until suddenly.”Slytherin!” Shouted the hat, the table on the far left cheered and Hannah smiled and gracefully went to join her housemates.
Neville was the next person he paid attention to, the hat took almost five minutes to place him. McGonagall almost moved in to take the hat away but it yelled out “Gryffindor!” Neville ran off towards the cheering table completely forgetting about the hat still on his head. He jogged back guiltily handing it over to McGonagall.
”Lovelock, Lenore” was the next name called, she was placed in Hufflepuff.
“McDonald, Isobel” went to Ravenclaw and Earnie was up next. They were pale and looked like they might faint.
“Hey, Earnie it’s okay you’ll be brilliant.” Reassured Dean as their name was called out.
”Hufflepuff!” Declared the hat and Earnie breathed a sigh on relief as they went over to join Hannah.
Then there was one though Dean as names began to stream by. No reactions were as ridiculous and excited as for Potter, Harry, Gryffindor, or declared as fast as “Malfoy, Draco" Slytherin, but some were mildly interesting. Then it got dangerously close to the T’s. oh god this is deciding the rest of my school life right at this moment he thought. Then his name was called
“Thomas, Dean” he took a large breath and stepped up to the hat. The last thing he saw before it fell over his eyes was Seamus’ smiling thumbs up and then darkness.
”well well well what do we have here?” And an ancient voice spoke into his ear, “how are you doing tonight my fine fellow?” Dean shrugged
“nervous if I’m honest” he replied in his head then jumped at the chuckle the hat gave.
“Yes, many people are surprised that I can read their minds, but this is not our main concern. So Dean, where do you belong?” The hat paused and seemed to be thinking before muttering “brain of a Ravenclaw but not quite the dedication, kindness and nature of a Hufflepuff but can easily get smothered with too much attention, the ambition of a Slytherin but not quite the sly nature. I think the best fit for you would be” there was a pause as the hat seemed to think about something. “keep an eye on that Finnegan lad he may be attractive but watch his temper ey? I like you so take my advice alright son?” Dean nodded then the final result was announced to the room “Gryffindor!” He took the hat off his head handed it to McGonagall and walked over to where Seamus was cheering enthusiastically.
”Fricking brilliant mate,” he said patting Seamus on the back.
“Welcome to Hogwarts” said a rather pompous looking older student Dean nodded his thanks and turned his attention back to the sorting. Soon it was complete and all eyes turned to the golden plates laid out in front of them. The man with the long beard chuckled and walked up to the podium in front of the teachers' table.
“Good evening students old and new, I know you are all hungry and so I’ll just say a few words and they are, nitwit, blubber, oddment tweak. Thank you very much” the hall burst into applause.
”What’s up with him?” Dean wondered aloud the older student from before answered the question.
”Old Dumbledore, he’s a bit of a nutter. I’m Percy Weasley by the way, Gryffindor prefect.” Both Dean and Seamus shook his hand and started a conversation with the people around them.
The boy with the glasses from before introduced himself as Harry Potter and Dean swore Seamus nearly fainted. Ron and Hermione introduced themselves as well.
"Gosh that looks good." He commented gazing at the food sadly. Dean frowned at him. “Can’t you?” The ghost finished for him. “Haven’t eaten in nearly four hundred years, I don’t need to of course but one does miss it.” He smiled sadly “I don’t believe I’ve introduced myself,” he paused building up a pompous tone “my name is Sir Nick...” at this point Seamus cut him off.
"Hang on," he burst in "you're Nearly-Headless Nick!" Sir Nick looked a little disappointed “Yes, but I would prefer to be called Sir Nick if that’s alright with you” Dean quickly answered for his friend with a hurried nod. The conversation drifted on as Sir Nick drifted away to meet the other new students. The chatter soon turned to families.
“I’m a half and half, dads a muggle mam’s a witch.” He paused and took a breath “bit of a nasty shock for him when he found out.” The last sentence was so rushed they struggled to hear what had been said but they all laughed.
“Dean?” Questioned Ron the red-headed friend of Harry that Seamus had pointed out before.
“I’m what you guys call a muggle. I only found out earlier this year.” Hermione, the girl who had helped Neville look for Trevor on the train nodded her understanding before saying that her situation was incredibly similar. Harry seemed to want to glaze over his story, which was understandable and Ron stated that both of his parents were magical. Avoiding the word pureblood that Dean had heard the snobby blond haired kid say earlier with a sickly amount of pride in his voice.
Soon dinner had come to an end Dumbledore had made his final speech and sent them off with their prefects and it was time to spend their first night at Hogwarts. Percy called for them to follow him and they made their way out of the Great Hall.
“Seamus, Seamus look!” Dean exclaimed in surprise as they began ascending the first staircase. “The portraits are bloody moving!” Seamus seemed to be too tired and full to give any full attention to Dean’s excitement and so Dean stared in wonder for a while until Neville nearly bumped into him and they shared their enthusiasm for a world they never thought they could enter.
Percy lead them through passageways hidden by tapestries and ones that looked like walls up and around and sometimes through balconies and walkways until eventually, they reached a portrait of a plump lady in an extravagant pink ball gown.
“Password?” She enquired regally.
“Caput Draconis” Percy quoted sounding as is he had been rehearsing all of the holidays. The woman nodded her approval and her portrait swung forward to reveal a room that appeared to sit within one of the towers. There was a ginormous fireplace to one side surrounded by squashy red armchairs. Percy lead them toward two staircases that went into the walls before appearing to spiral their way upwards.
“Boys dormitories are to the left and girls are to the right. Keep going up until you’ve reached the top. Your things have already been brought up and I hope you find yourselves comfortable. Welcome to Hogwarts and more especially congratulations on making it into Gryffindor.” He smiled and urged them towards the stairs.
They seemed to go on forever but eventually, they found the door with their names on it. Seamus actually woke up enough to show his excitement about sharing a room with “THE HARTY POTTER DEAN DON’T YOU GET IT” Dean didn’t but he didn’t push it. The boys all settled in said their good nights and pulled the curtains on their beds shut. Tomorrow was going to be the biggest day of their lives.
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arthistorymomil · 4 years
5 Romantic Era Artworks That Go Bump in the Night
Have you ever stood on the edge of a cliff, with a pit in your stomach and awe in your eyes, thinking: wow, this is scary, yet beautiful at the same time?.
How about swimming in the ocean? There you are, rocking in a tiny boat amongst the waves, when suddenly you realize that you could drown into the endless blue, and no one would hear you scream. Yet you appreciate the extreme beauty of the blue, blue, ocean, while also thinking about how small you are compared to it.
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Let’s take it closer to home. Have you ever been lying wide awake in bed, thinking about how small you are compared to the universe? How you are but a speck in the vast, endless galaxy?
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Creepy, huh? There’s a word for that feeling. 
And that word is sublime.
When someone says something evokes a sense of the sublime within them, they mean that it produces a feeling of awe or other high emotion within them, feeling that something is so vast and grand, while they themselves are so small and arbitrary. Often we feel this emotion whilst looking at scenes within nature.
Basically, this is how we feel:
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Yup. That’s a look of awe, alright.
The sublime is often linked to Romanticism. That’s Romantic with a capital ‘R’. This isn’t your Valentines Day sitcom, folks. Romanticism was a huge artistic movement in the late 18th and early 19th century. The Romantic era was known for its emphasis on the individual, stemming away focus on rationality that was based in Neoclassicism and the Age of Enlightenment. It was a type of revolt against aristocratic hierarchies and political norms, and valued freedom, imagination and the self above all else.
The Romantics were also very in tune and attracted to nature, hence the connection to the sublime. Romantics desired to ‘go back’ to nature, believing it to be one of the only things that was pure and uncorrupted. However, they didn’t think that nature was all daisies and rainbows.
Why should we care about Romanticism, though? Aren’t all those artists and writers dead, anyway? Well, have you ever wanted to be different? Not want to be like everyone else? The Romantics were like that too. They believed in the power of individualism, the freedom from authority. And their artwork reflected all of that. 
The Romantics knew that nature and the self was wild, untameable, and a true free spirit. Much of the artwork from this period feature scenes that evoke a sense of awe, wonder, and sometimes, fear.
We’re going to focus on the fear aspect today, and lean towards the darker side of Romanticism. 
So sit back, try to relax, and here are 5 Romantic Era paintings that’ll give you a true sense of the sublime - or at least a case of the the heebie-jeebies.
                                         #5: THE BARQUE OF DANTE
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Eugene Delacroix
Oil on Canvas
189 cm x 246 cm
Starting off at number five, we have Delacroix’s painting The Barque of Dante, also known as Dante and Virgil in Hell. The French painter created this painting using oil on canvas, and based it on Italian poet Dante Alighieri’s Dante’s Inferno. The painting is a shift from the style of Neoclassicism into Romanticism. In this scene of the epic poem, Dante and Roman poet Virgil cross the River Styx with the help of Phlegyas, son of Ares. The souls of the damned are also pictured clinging onto the rickety boat, attempting to escape their fate. 
The characters in the water are depicted as demonic, the anger and hatred that sent them to Hell in the first place clearly reflected by Delacroix through his work. There is an era of insanity in this painting, raw emotion coming to the surface. The murky colours of the background show us the treacherous nature of the River Styx. 
The stark contrast of colours within the characters of the painting also speak to the Romantic nature of it. Dante’s red hood and frightened reflects the fiery inferno of Hell, whereas Virgil’s muted brown robe, coupled with his almost calm expression, reflect the nature of the calm and collected poet. Interestingly, Phlegyas’ blue robe sharply contrasts with the red of Dante’s hood. Phlegyas’ back is turned, the muscles contracting as if he is using all his might to row the boat.
Delacroix’s painting clearly focuses on the fury of Hell. Raw anger is expressed through the quick brush strokes for the background, the reddish brown colour palette, and much more. The painting is unrestricted and wild, showing the true terror of Hell!
                                        #4: THE LADY OF SHALOTT
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John William Waterhouse
Oil on Canvas
183 x 230 cm
Continuing on with #4, we have another haunting painting, this time by British artist John William Waterhouse. Waterhouse’s paintings illustrate the following lines of Lord Tennyson’s poem “The Lady of Shalott”:
And down the river’s dim expanse Like some bold seer in a trance, Seeing all his own mischance – With glassy countenance Did she look to Camelot. And at the closing of the day She loosed the chain, and down she lay; The broad stream bore her far away, The Lady of Shalott. 
(Tennyson, 1832).
To get a better understanding of the painting, we’ll provide some brief information about the poem itself. Tennyson wrote it in 1832, and it focuses on a woman who suffers from a mysterious curse. Unable to leave her tower, the only way she is able to view the outside world is through a magic glass. She spends her days weaving tapestries of what she can see of the outside world through her glass. One day, she risks it all, and glances below her tower at the image of the handsome knight Sir Lancelot, and the mirror cracks! As she feels the curse come upon her, she attempts to escape the tower in a small boat to Camelot, but dies before reaching her destination.
Sounds pretty dark, if you ask us.
Staying true to of the sublime, Waterhouse’s background is highly naturalistic. There are water plants pictured, as well as several other plantlife. The lady herself looks small and puny compared to the grandiose nature around her. She is depicted sitting in her small boat, surrounded by the tapestry that she has woven. A look of vulnerability is pictured on he face, her hair loose and in disarray. in her boat, Waterhouse also has painted three candles - two of which are blown out, signalling that her end is near. 
The lady loosely grips a mooring chain in her hand, as well. We emphasize the loose, because, usually, if someone is about to perish, they’d hold onto the chain of life as hard as they can. Yet the lady’s grip is loose, faint. She has accepted her fate.
Compared to the rich, bright and vivid hues of the background, the lady’s dress is a bright white. The colour white may symbolize the sorrow of the lady, as well as her impending doom. 
This painting screams Romantic. Waterhouse was exceptionally skilled at painting scenes of the sublimity of nature. Combined with the backstory of the Lady of Shalott, we can say for sure that this painting is one that gives us goosebumps.
                                         #3: THE GHOST OF A FLEA
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William Blake
Tempera mixture panel with gold on mahogany
21.4 cm × 16.2 cm
William Blake wasn’t just a writer, he was an artist, too! This tiny piece was done by him after he claimed to have been visited by the entity in the work while he was sleeping. Blake was a huge believer of ghosts, goblins, and other ookyspooky identities, as many Romantic artists were. Blake said that the creature ‘posed’ for him while he sketched it. We don’t know about you, but if a monstrous entity came into our room and asked us to sketch a photo of it, we’d have left the building in zero seconds flat. Blake clearly had nerves of steel.
Blake’s monster is enormous and gargoyle-like, despite the small frame of the work. It is backdropped by starry curtains, holding a bowl filled with a mysterious substance. The creature looks into it, as if proud of its prize. Blake has etched the monster to be almost humanoid - further expanding its monstrous identity, making viewers ponder if humans can be monsters, as well, a question that many Romantic artists posed to their audience.  The ghosts spine is long, throbbing, almost, and scaly like a reptile. Its tongue is curled upwards, as if licking the blood that may or may not be within the bowl it clutches in its talon like hands. 
The ghouls eyes are glittering, alive with madness. Blake does an amazing job with his use of colour, the hues almost hazy and dreamlike. This painting is one that taps into the unconscious sublime.
We wouldn’t want to swat this flea. 
                                            #2: WITCHES’ SABBATH
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Francisco Goya
Oil on Canvas
43.5cm × 30 cm
Coming in at #2, we have Goya’s Witches’ Sabbath. Now, you all probably have heard of Francisco Goya through his insanely popular painting Saturn Devouring His Son, or even The Third of May. However, we thought we’d focus on a painting you may not have heard of. 
Witches’ Sabbath features a coven of hideous witches, young and old, in a barren landscape that is illuminated by the moon. The witches surround a large goat that is most likely the devil. The goat is wearing a garland of oak leaves upon its head, symbolizing knowledge. It is at the very centre of the canvas, with its large horns and ominous eyes. 
Interest in the supernatural was typical of Romanticism. Romantic artists were fascinated by what was beyond the earthly realm, and sought to make sense of it, as well as explore it. Goya does exactly this in this painting.
Two witches are seen holding what are most likely dead infants in their hands. The goat extends its left hoof out towards a child, to take and feast on it. The witches are most likely sacrificing the children in order to gain some sort of forbidden knowledge (hence the oak garland). 
The skeleton of a child can be seen on the left side of the painting, grey and shrivelled up. Goya’s painting uses murky, earthly tones to set a nocturnal, barren stage, an absence of light that leads the way for all sorts of supernatural things to occur.
We wouldn’t want to pull this goat by the horns.
                                           #1: THE NIGHTMARE
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Henry Fuseli
Oil on Canvas
101.6 cm x 127 cm
And here’s the one you’ve been waiting for, folks. Claiming the #1 spot on our list, here is The Nightmare by Swiss artist Henry Fuseli. If you’re a literary nut, or an art nerd, you’ve probably seen this painting before.  
Fuseli’s composition shows a woman clad in stark white, stretched across a bed. Her arms, neck, and head all hang off the end. The woman has a blush to her cheeks, indicating that she is alive, just fast asleep. A look of helplessness is on her face, signifying that she is having a bad dream. A monstrous figure squats on her chest, staring right at the viewer with a murderous look in its eyes, while a black, shadowy horse emerges from the darkness in the background.
Through his use of chiaroscuro, Fuseli heightens the drama of his work. He plays with light and dark in order to reflect the inner mind, to attempt to explain the unconscious.  The conflict between the clean, formal and rational; the composition of the woman, and the mysterious, dreamy and wild background with the horse and monster marks the contrast between Classicism and Romanticism.
The black band pictured on the hand of the woman may symbolize bondage, the way she feels gripped to her nightmare. This may also suggest that Fuseli intended for the painting to have horrific, yet also sexual connotations. Does this mean that the monster sitting on her chest is an incubus? It’s up to your interpretation, readers. Similarly, the red cloth draping off of the bed may symbolize desire and lust. 
No matter what way you look at it, Fuseli’s painting is truly the stuff of nightmare. Brilliantly composed, it is deserving of the fame it has received, and is likely to remain relevant in the art world for a long, long time. 
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And there you have it, folks! 5 Romantic Era paintings that are guaranteed to chill you to the bone. Hopefully you’ll be able to sleep tonight! And remember: always be yourself. That’s what the Romantics would have wanted.
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