#but he's complicated bc he's a good man that's why he'd quit but he is still Down Bad
the-acid-pear · 10 months
Devil on my shoulder tells me to make more frog serial killers . I just want to make dudes who suck ass so bad . . .
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daybreakrising · 16 days
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bc my funky lil oceanid man needs people to talk to-
just want to clarify, these suggestions are intended as NON-ROMANTIC DYNAMICS - that's not to say i wouldn't be open to developing some of them in that direction if they vibe, but i'd like to establish any dynamics in general first!
most of these will be in his current timeline verse for obvious reasons, but any characters who would have been alive 400+ years ago are also welcome to interact in his canon past verse!
i am sticking mainly to characters that would make sense for him to interact with (this list will almost entirely be characters from f.ontaine) but i'm always open to others if you have ideas, so if a character isn't on here it doesn't mean i'm not interested - the only exception to this rule is n.euvillette, as i already have three incredible neuvis to write with and i want to focus on those developing dynamics and give them the time and unique attention they deserve.
w.riothesley vautrin feels a sense of duty towards the fortress, but he also has a great respect for the man who currently runs it. it's my hc that vautrin first "awakens" again within the fortress & therefore, interacts with wrio and s.igewinne before anyone else (this can be tweaked if necessary). i also like to think vautrin would offer his services to the fortress and/or request to continue serving the sentence that was cut short by his "death".
melusines - all of them, any of them vautrin will adopt all of them as his family.
c.hevreuse former captain & current captain. again, i like to think vautrin would offer any help he can provide to the team he used to be a part of. also.... i just think they'd get along well.
the HotH siblings listen, i just think they'd vibe. l.yney in particular with his dedication to his family and the fact he'd do anything, even put his life at risk, to protect them.
a.rlecchino OR any harbinger this could just be an interesting dynamic, and i've always thought the f.atui might be interested in a being who returned from the dead for ??? unknown reasons, and also has weird, lingering powers from the primordial sea. especially if they could convince him to help them........
n.avia the man needs a purpose in this new life, and he likes to help people who stand for justice and/or protecting those who are less able to protect themselves, so i feel like he'd vibe with n.avia and the s.pina di r.osula. also i feel like she'd be very good at helping him find himself again.
f.urina vautrin's parents were professional performers & he was a dancer as a child. he needs to rediscover his love for music and dance - and the stage - and who better than f.urina to do that??
a.rchons or other ancient and/or inhuman beings this is a very general, vague suggestion - vautrin needs friends who understand what it's like to be Other, to not be human, to live out of time and to face the prospect of immortality/long-life. he needs people who can help him understand what he is, why he came back, or at least help him look for those answers.
again, characters from other regions are more than welcome if there's an Idea there, and i do hc that vautrin does travel around t.eyvat at some point to see the world as it is now, so it's not impossible for him to cross paths with anyone!
and just as a quick additional note regarding potential ships:
vautrin is Complicated when it comes to shipping, as he is a very closed-off person by default, and he's now struggling with being alive again and being Not Quite Human Anymore so.... it's a lot to deal with. that being said, shipping is never a no. just please bear in mind that:
vautrin identifies as bi, but has a HEAVY preference for male-presenting partners.
he is exclusive with @wwriothesley's wrio. any dynamics with other wrios will be non-romantic only.
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mrtashiduncan · 2 years
IBLBM, Chapter 4 live slug (me) reaction
idk how you did it, but you've so easy for me to relate to jake, it's insane
"it's not a french press morning" lmaooo
jake. baby. love of my life. of all the bradley memories you have to choose from, you chose THAT ONE to remember in the middle of your medical???
"you don't need it" AH WTF WTF WTF
why mango though, is it bc he's hot?
willingness to leave people behind.. DUDE. they way i projected
okay brief but relevant parenthesis: i think it's amazing the way you've built jake from the scraps that the movie gave us on him. the material is close to nothing AND YET, you've managed to perfectly encapsulate jake's barely-there essence and make it something real and palpable and layered. also i think what's truly remarkable is that every single thing he says or does or thinks, feels in sync with movie!jake. there is not one thing i've read where i say "hmm not sure jake seresin would say that", quite the contrary, really
ngl i feel kinda weird that he didn't sit with fanboy and payback right away, BUT i'll attribute this to this widely-accepted fanon's idea that somehow all the daggers became like siblings in 2 weeks (which btw reminds me of the dark times in the mcu fandom when all fics post-avengers (2012) took place in the stark tower with them living together) lmaooo
fanboy my love i want a hug from you
oh man. my boy is down bad
i'll be a good former catholic and keep to myself my thoughts while readings jake's thoughts on bradley's body
ANOTHER RELEVANT PARENTHESIS: i also love the way you've built bradley. obviously the movie gave us a lot more material than with jake, but still, it feels (read: i feel) like you might've taken some of miles' personality (or at least what he and kaleigh let us on) and attached it to the character? am i correct? did you intend to? in any case, let me tell you this: YOUR BRADLEY IS AMAZING. he is, in my very not-so-humble opinion, The Perfect Man (haha i just remembered jake says this in Like What Up) because, again, he feels very real and in character with what the movie presented us with
you really should get an award for you E scenes
god the pet names
THE PHILLIES. I KNEW IT. miles' traits bleeding into bradley YESSS GIMME MORE
ah this progressive camaraderie between everyone does feel natural!
teagan, you'll be hearing from my lawyer AND my therapist
no, for real, i LOVE angst, i love complicated and kinda self-sabotaging characters so that last part with jake and what we get to see of his past and the way he reacts to everyone, but particularly bradley is just *chef's kiss*. everything felt like a natural progression. it hurts in the best way
i've said this before but it bears repeating: you are an incredibly talented writer and i cannot wait to see where this goes <3
the way I love you!!!!!!! a live slug reaction so epic deserves it's own appropriate under the cut (with spoilers) response:
yes thinking of THAT while in medical... well it wasn't Jake's best plan was it
honestly any callsign I give a student I can guarantee I've given zero thought to 😂 it's usually the first word that comes into my head. you are absolutely welcome to picture mango as being hot <3 (if you're even referring to his callsign)
your first parentheses has me like 😭 thank you!!!!!! Jake is so precious to me and I try so hard to both keep my version of him true to the movie while also adding depth where I can... ah. thank you <3
re Jake not sitting with Payback and Fanboy straight away... yeah. I don't really believe that they'd go from the open animosity at the beginning of the movie to Super Besties by the end of it/after the mission, personally! gotta build that friendship first imo
re your second parentheses... thank you ahhh!!! I haven't necessarily consciously taken aspects of Miles' personality and applied it to Bradley! I just think that outside of a high stakes, stressful mission he'd be very confident and cool and collected and cocky because in their line of work you sort of have to be, I feel?
'you really should get an award for you E scenes' hehehehe 😈
'ah this progressive camaraderie between everyone does feel natural!' I'm so glad!!!
'teagan, you'll be hearing from my lawyer AND my therapist' I tried to warn people!!!!!! good to know that the angst lands well 🫣
'i've said this before but it bears repeating: you are an incredibly talented writer and i cannot wait to see where this goes <3' we are holding hands right now 🫶🏻
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ssaalexblake · 2 months
You know, I find Lindsey in ATS an incredible waste of space, not necessarily in a comment about his character as a person but the archetype of it instead, random early 20's white guy, objectively hot, wracked with guilt over being Oh So Bad when literally everybody around him is objectively so much worse (even the "hero" of the story he's the villain to is 89x more evil than he is), but i see a lot of Kane (as in, his actor) around on this site bc a lot of people I know like Leverage, and I think I may have responded to his character better had Older Kane played him as opposed to baby faced Kane.
A kind of, I climbed this ladder of depravity to never again be the kid living in destitution, I didn't feel bad about it but now i've hit close to/am winning at it i am empty and hollow and it is not worth it, but how can i Quit? Kind of thing instead.
They're trying to parallel him with Angel, but it doesn't Work because he's not that bad compared to everybody around him, his tragic backstory of horrific poverty is Actually a tragedy not of his making whereas Angel actually Does have a whole lot to feel tortured about, justifiably. Even souled Angel is no... Angel. I hate to phrase it like that but that's what it is really. And Liam wasn't exactly charming, either.
What we actually got was the show trying to convince us that Lindsay was in any way on the level, or was in any way a good board to bounce Angel off of when Actually the character who was the best mirror for their protagonist was Lilah. Which ofc the writers wouldn't have noticed and/or capitalised on bc the woman issues in this show are prolific.
But Lilah's the one who understands and shares Angel's philosophies, her black and white speech was literally Angel's beliefs about redemption, the only difference in them is that Angel sees the point in being good after you're 'dirty' anyway. Lilah, seeing she's gone too far to ever be considered good again, sees No point in trying to walk back the unwalkable. Brutal, streamlined, efficient, but her belief stems from the same outlook as Angel's.
Lindsay is... a not-interesting wet cat of a man, and I don't even understand why W&H were interested in him. He can talk the talk (lawyer) but their firm literally has mind readers, so surface level complicity seems like it'd be a liability to them, ngl. It was not hard to predict that he'd turn on them. It wasn't hard to predict that he'd run from them, either.
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mclarenyaoi · 4 months
Ooo! I have some fursona ideas if you want them! (Feel free to ignore if you don’t)
George is very Gray Heron vibes to me, tall and ~dramatic~. Yuki could be either a Japanese Dormouse or a Japanese Tit. Lewis I think could be a Lesser Kudu (and maybe he got his horns removed and it was a Really Big Deal)
hi anon!!! first of all, congratulations, you're my first ever anon ask on this blog! second of all, that previous thing is pretty much exactly why this is being answered a bit late ^^' i'm terribly sorry about that, i just really wanted to make my answer good!! thank you for giving me these ideas, i love them and i love you, whoever you are <3
this is gonna be a long post so my actual answer to this ask containing all the doodles and commentary will be under the cut. just like last time, all written notes will be transcribed in the alt text since my handwriting isn't particularly legible. apologies in advance for any spelling mistakes or accidental misinformation, i don't have the time or energy to give this post a proper proofread so if anyone finds any errors or needs clarification on anything, please let me know! anyways hope you all find this post enjoyable ^^
first up, grey heron george! i've never drawn a grey heron before, so this was quite fun if a bit complicated
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i ended up settling for the mid-length neck in the "final" headshot, but now that i've had more time to think on it, i think i'd choose to draw him with a long neck, tho he'd get some serious cramps after every race. it'd also be funnier as well — herons are, as you said, tall and dramatic... but herons from the front? yeah. blimey indeed.
there's also the matter of how his helmet would fit, esp since you can't exactly go and shave off a man's mouth. i couldn't find a good solution for this; my best idea was that little confused drawing in the corner. it's not a terrific solution by a long shot, but i suppose that's just how it'll be until i (or someone else? this is an open invitation, tho do tag me) come(s) up with a solution
i didn't do a fullbody sketch for grey heron george, but if i did i'd have him stand next to someone for comparison. i guess the question with that is how much his neck would factor into his height since he's plenty tall as is. i did also want to do a dramatic drawing for george, but i was severely struggling to figure out a pose. maybe i'll do one in the future..
next up, yuki. anon, i LOVED these suggestions! i ended up drawing both suggested fursonas bc why not lol. (also, i did assume by "japanese tit" you meant aegithalos caudatus japonicus (called shimaenaga (シマエナガ) in japanese) the white-faced subspecies of the long-tailed bushtit only found in hokkaido, japan) and not parsus minor, since the shimaenaga definitely gives more yuki vibes)
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(before i say anything i Just realized 2'58" makes no fucking sense so i need to correct this first — it should be 2'7" ! my bad yall)
i drew yuki as a tit before i drew him as a dormouse so i'll talk abt them in that order
obviously as a creature the shimaenaga is SO very yuki sdkjfh i mean just!! look at ittt!! the definition of borb (bird orb). ngl i was kinda hoping they'd have shrike-like tendencies just bc i love when little cute things kill with brutality, but nope! they're insectivores year-round. shimaenaga are polygynous and lay 7-10 eggs per brood, which is great bc they're vulnerable to cold temperatures and hokkaido has long winters. long-tailed tits typically have facial markings resembling big brows, but this subspecies loses those markings in adulthood, probably to better blend in with the snow. i think i was gonna draw hatchling yuki with big brows at some point, but didn't bc drawing babies is difficult and drawing babies as birds is even more difficult lmao. you might notice that i chose to go the beastars route with anthropomorphic animals and gave bird yuki humanoid limbs and no wings. why did i choose to do this? well. i am not great at drawing bird legs and i didn't feel like drawing them here
the japanese dormouse has an avg length of less than 8cm (3.15in) with a tail of 6cm (2.4in). they're omnivores, with a diet consisting of fruit, nuts, insects, spiders, bird eggs and nestlings, and small rodents—even other dormice, hence my little comment abt cannibalism. again, i like it when little cute things kill with brutality. i think this works better for yuki, who i personally see as being small but mighty, though it's not like it doesn't work to make him a particularly vulnerable animal. rise against the odds and all that
regardless of whichever animal you (widely encompassing) or i choose to draw yuki as, i find yuki as a small prey animal to be v interesting. both the shimaenaga and japanese dormouse are small and agile creatures, and fitting a small animal with yuki's personality is compelling to me (which is not to say i buy into the narrative of yuki being particularly explosive or having anger issues, bc i don't believe in nor stand for that lol). for the purpose of the narrative, i love you small but stubborn animals that can and will bite you!
before i move on please appreciate pierre and yuki in the corner, i am forever and always a citizen of yukierre nation
ok last and anything but least, lewis! i'll admit, anon, i was a bit confused at first why you specifically picked the lesser kudu for lewis, but after seeing a comparison of the greater and lesser kudus.. i get it. lesser kudus look cooler (more markings) and i enjoy that
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so, pretty clear timeline here. a headshot of lewis in the present, what lewis would look like with horns (i spent. so long on this. completely on accident bc i wanted the horns to look good and then had to make the rest of it look like it matched asgjfkh), what lewis looked like in ~2007, lewis post-surgery (complete horn removal), and then a sketch of lewis smiling bc i like his smile \(^u^)/
(btw, while you're here, there are only ~100k lesser kudu left in the world due to over-hunting and habitat destruction, so. figure i could stand to add a link to the african wildlife foundation page on kudus, where you can find a donation button in the corner)
anon, what you said abt lewis' horn removal being a really big deal... ough it had me thinkinggg. i think the symbolism in permanently sawing off a part of yourself to fit a mold is sooo intriguing (tho not completely matching w/ lewis' story, i think as a general concept it fucks) and also represents the sacrifices needed to be part of motorsport, particularly from a young age. pecora would need to either cut off or greatly shorten the length of their cranial appendage in order to fit their head in a helmet — technically you could like, cut holes in your helmet, but then if you have a serious crash it'd probably be a near-certain fatality due to the bone and blood and nerves in there, in addition to the obvious danger of having a heavy bone object potentially crushing into your skull. there's only a few species of pecora where having a cranial appendage isn't a sexually dimorphic thing (eg caribou, reindeer, cattle, wildebeest) so having big horns is largely a sign of masculinity, hence why lewis initially kept as much of his horns as he could (there's probably some regulation for how large horns can be before they become a danger)
so with that being said, when lewis removes his horns entirely, it causes some uproar since he's effectively socially emasculating himself on purpose. there's definitely shitty articles written about it left and right, angrily bullshitting about how it's a sign that this is the end of masculine pecora (it's not) or that regulations have gone too far (no one made him do it) or that lewis is a bad role model (nope) or whatever the hell. lewis gives like One statement on it, smth abt how he did it for his own comfort and nothing else, how it doesn't emasculate him (bc it doesn't, anyone can do whatever well-informed decision forever and it can mean fuck all if you want it to mean fuck all, Truly who give a shit), and again more shitty articles quote it. etc etc usual circlejerk of illiterate media "journalism" continues until it dies down once something else happens. idk, smth like that, i didn't go to fucking school for math realistic furry-verse timeline creation
asdkjfh oh my god THANK YOU SO MUCH to anyone who's read this whole thing, please let me know your thoughts and opinions or if i made any errors. anon, i appreciate you immensely, i am so terribly sorry for the rambling but i hope you found this post interesting!
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menalez · 2 years
Quite frankly I think you should be able to say he’s an asshole if you want. Unreservedly. There is no debt to a man defending a woman from another man for one thing. It is expected every person defend another against rapists that’s the floor, not the bar for debt. And especially not when it’s almost a given he’s doing it protecting his property/dibs ... I feel bad saying it in a way because I don’t want to act like I know everything about it but also child porn?? Fetishising your age regressing?
To speak to my own experience my relationship with my dad is complicated. He defended me against so much. Effectively and with passion. I would be dead without his defense. But he also had specific ideas about what “I” was to be ... so was it really me he defended? Or His Obedient Daughter? Did he even know or see me? The answer is yes and no. The situation is as I said and he was truly corrupted by it. But also despite everything even someone fully embracing the life and mind of an oppressor is human. They have qualities and interests and will be gentle and kind at times. They can relate to your humanity and feel love and express it truly and feel entitled possession and rapidly, regularly, lose all sense of your humanity too. So then you’ve got yo defend yourself. But when you do suddenly it’s the human person looking back at you asking why you’re so hateful and bitter, so ungrateful, why not give peace a chance? Maybe it was you who made him bad. And on and on. When I think of what makes people on the receiving end of these relationships “crazy” I think of that.
im in a weird like back & forth on my own situation, sometimes i recognise he was wrong regardless of what good he may have done and feel an anger towards him. other times i feel guilty and like i should cut him some slack bc he was a teenager too, and teenagers are dumb and naive and maybe just maybe he didnt know better. since im also open about it, people on here will use aspects of this situation to place me as the bad guy and position me as a liar trying to make people think hes a bad person when hes just a poor wittle guy that got corrupted by me (and then on another hand there are people who take my story and change it up a bit saying i was groomed by an adult pedo), which doesn't help me process the situation fully & move forward from it tbh. but yeah theres things i know are clearly wrong now, such as him fetishising my age regressing (i was so dumb back then that when he confessed that to me, i was like "ohh u know thats a thing in bdsm called ddlg!" which resulted in him getting into that n roping me in) or the child porn stuff (his story was that he had a strange app on his phone, he opened it, saw horrific child porn and he was so shocked he kept scrolling and within a few minutes he was caught by US authorities and paid a fine for viewing child porn or sth. i first talked 2 someone about it years later and they basically told me thats not how it works and that he must've been looking on multiple occasions & for a prolonged period). he'd also get me drugs and would ask the dealers for something that'd make me want to have sex with him, which he would admit to me later on if his plan failed. so many red flags n looking back this was still good bc, as i said, he did stand up for me against my rapist. and he didnt like outright rape me. and i was so desperate for some sort of support that i felt obligated to him in many ways. at least now i have enough self-respect that im not willing to be with somene out of obligation/duty/fear/etc and rather bc im into them, and i certainly understand now that theres better ways 2 protect myself from SA than just 'dont say no'......but that wasn't always the case.
i can relate to what u said about ur dad and ive faced the same w many people in my life, esp the thoughts of "maybe i made this person bad" but ur definitely right. even the worst person is human and has some good to them and i struggle to understand that still.
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franken-x · 2 years
This isn't a fandom but. characters specifically from vocaloid music videos if that works?
so I'll be linking the music videos and this is probably gonna be mostly nilfruits focused (we'll see where this goes)
blorbo (top fave) : doc/dr popart
it kinda depends on the day but i uh. i listened to doctorine around like 400 times last year (I don't have the number anymore :pensive:) so def doc
(hospitals, suicide, hospital affiliated paraphernalia)
scrunkly (cuteness aggression) : the bellboy
literally look at him. and I had a whole au and everything. i love him he is precious to me and he's living his best life in ironina
haine kleine
(see below for content warnings)
scrimblo bimblo (underrated fave) : oro andalucia
I cannot put into words how much I love this anticapitalist waluigi
he saw capitalism and was like "guess ill die"
(suicide references, eyestrain)
glup shitto (obscure fave): haine
not quite obscure but when I saw him in the background of ironina I was like "oh!!!! the man!!!!!!" haine and kleine is that type of song that you forget about for a few months and then when you listen to it again You listen to it for a week straight
but in terms of who appears in the background of music videos the most technically flurry and welter who have had the most appearances, one outside their actual series (baba yaga silhouettes (0:41)
haine kleine
(flashing, alcohol, depression, choking)
poor little meow meow (pathetic or problematic fave) : Fuck I already said haine he's literally the pinnacle of pathetic man UHHHHH armis?
I stole my name from her she's problematic bc she's a bitch but also I think she should be a pathetic girlboss I love those ppl i hope she's still alive OH BUT ALSO CLAY? definitely the most popular nilfruits character (maybe slightly less than kalmia but ehh) definitely a poor little meow meow
okay honestly most nilfruits mv characters are pathetic little meow meows
ESPECIALLY THE ONES IN SHAMA (which includes winnie schrader it's complicated but if u know miyashita yuu you know winnie)
shama kilmer
(religious trauma, human sexual trafficking, eye trauma, homophobia)
horse plinko (character id like to torment for whatever reason): okay first off fuck gui oakes but that answer is too easy so here's my ranking excluding gui
1. Ai (a mistaken belief of love)
2. Baron (franken X)
3. Haine (haine kleine)
okay so all of these guys are actively going through some shit and being tormented in all their MVs but that little part of my brain is like "it'd be so funny if you made it worse" and that's basically why
a mistaken belief of love
(animal death, suicide, blood, flashing)
franken X
(dysphoria, hospitals, blood, eyestrain)
haine kleine
(flashing, alcohol, depression, choking, honestly it looks like onceler x onceler shit I'm not even joking)
eeby deeby (send them to eeby deeby): strelitzia dude
I think he'd fit in
(eye strain, flashing, the mortifying ordeal of living to serve someone wealthier than you, blood, alcohol)
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mhalachai · 5 years
hi, HoC inquiry here! i was rereading the last few chapters since u updated (which–WOW! cannot wait for more) and was wondering about the part where bucky inadvertently tells nat he'd kill to keep her safe and wanted to know like what was steve's reaction to and feelings about that? bc it says that bucky like Pointedly did Not Look At Him
Hey there! Okay so the One Thing that Bucky Isn’t Ever TalkingAbout With Steve™ has to do with Bucky’s military service. He has always beenvery hesitant to even bring it up around Steve because he suspects that Stevewill ask questions that Bucky won’t want to answer… because his honest answersmight drive Steve away.
"No one," James said again. "No one isever going to do anything that hurts you, and if anyone tries, I'm going tostop them, do you understand?" He closed his eyes. "And I was in thearmy, so I'll be able to stop them, okay?"
It was as close as James would ever come to tellingNatasha that he'd kill to keep her safe, and in that moment, he couldn't lookat Steve to see the man's judgement.
Steve’s reaction was a) of course (because he would do thesame for Clint) and b) I wonder why Bucky never talks about his time in theRangers and c) is it that he doesn’t trust me to talk about it or is itsomething deeper that he has to work through, like that thing that happened tohim in high school? Now I am sad about both Natasha and Bucky and wish I couldfix things.
AKA Steve knows that things are Complicated with Bucky anddoesn’t know how to bring things up when Bucky keeps shutting things down. But thatright there wasn’t the right time to press Bucky on it, not when everything wasso emotional. And then the right time never came around…. Until they weresitting in Natasha’s hospital room and Bucky starts rambling about how boringlife in the army was.
Okay, thinks Steve. I wasn’t expecting this but I can rollwith whatever Bucky needs from me today.
That was Steve’s general reaction – more on Bucky’s side ofthings below the cut.
The thing is that reading between the lines in the storyabout Bucky’s time in the Rangers, he saw some solid action, a lot of which wasclassified and quite messy. The bit about Nick Fury’s eye, about what was happeningwhen Bucky was in that explosion, was just the tip of the iceberg.
But this isn’t a story through which we’re turning acritical eye to the American military complex, so I’m keeping Bucky’s reactionsvery focused on himself, his past actions, and his fears that Steve (acivilian) wouldn’t understand what Bucky did.
Bucky has put most of that behind him, came to terms with ithimself or whatever you want to call it.  But he joined the army when he was 18 (or 19?I can’t recall off the top of my head) and spent his formative adult years inthe Rangers. Getting spat out into the civilian world missing an arm at 28? Hehad to adjust, but that time in the military didn’t go away. Bucky is wellaware that his reactions and instincts were shaped by what he went through duringhis service.
So when Bucky tells Natasha he’d stop anyone who tried to hurther? He knows Natasha will hear that and be reassured, but Steve will start makingconnections, and Bucky’s fear was that Steve would make the connection of “wouldtheoretically kill someone” to “has killed someone in the past”, and what thatwould entail.
However: we have previously seen where Bucky misinterprets/misunderstandsSteve Rogers (to hilarious and dramatic effect) and Bucky’s worries aren’treally founded – Steve would have some concerns, but it’s Bucky. And if they talkedthrough things then maybe Steve would have a better understanding and bebetter able to support Bucky. Because while Bucky may be “all my PTSD wascaused by that thing in high school haha” that’s all sorts of bullshit (akaBucky should really consider therapy because he’s got more issues than the NewYorker).
The conversation in the hospital in this recent chapter,where Bucky needs to talk about something and so he picks up on the boringparts of Army life? Actually a good step for him. That it’s coming out at atime of extreme duress? Less great, but he’s starting the conversation. Whichis good for him and good for Steve and good for their relationship.
Also, sidebar, but if we work backwards, Steve’s previouslybeen involved with two undercover spies and one pararescueman – he really has atype, doesn’t he?
thanks for reading!
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