#but he's my bratty manipulative gremlin
telepathy-supremacy · 2 years
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i love hyperspecifically beautiful posh boys who are vile wretched little creatures. tell me more about this project of yours :D
Hahah aw, well, first of all, I read too fast and only saw after I reblogged that you exclusively read fantasy - so, you'd probably "like" him (using that term very loosely, he's a heinous bastard), but not necessarily the works he's featured in. I write pretty much exclusively contemporary crime fiction and horror/horror subgenres. He's the antagonist of my main WIP.
I'll just tell you about him, since he'd probably be the main draw for you - my protagonist (Gabriel), while I love and critically support him, is definitely more chaotic bisexual gremlin than pretty boy.
So, a bit about my antagonist (I created him almost 15 years ago - we'd be here all day if I tried to give you a "complete" rundown, lol): his name is ✨️Jefferson✨️, but goes pretty much exclusively by Jeff. He ranges in age from 17-27 throughout the story. He's almost exactly six months older than my protagonist, but acts quite a bit older and calls him "kid" (which Gabriel hates, lol).
Central to his character is his proneness to boredom, lack of direction, and need for constant stimulation and thrill. Also central to his character is that virtually nothing seems to faze, upset, hurt, or scare him, or break/crack his carefully collected exterior.
He's from a wealthy Southern family (hence the posh) and suffers from a severe case of affluenza, bratty princess subtype. Very dominant and assertive personality, which can just as easily charm or intimidate. He hasn't worked a day in his life, and instead fills his days with hedonistic and often risky/dangerous/destructive antics (this led him, among other things, to being slapped with a "conduct disorder" label/diagnosis, which is how Gabriel, also in treatment for mental health issues, met him as a young teenager).
Jeff never tires of finding new and creative ways to push people's buttons, to mess with people, to find out what makes them tick and exploit it however he can. He's also conventionally attractive, knows it, and won't hesitate to use it to his advantage. He thrives on interpersonal chaos and drama, being desired, and hits of adrenaline in any form he can get them. Essentially, he could be considered a personification of "chaotic evil," lmao. He's also extremely manipulative, often subtly, and his attractive, carefree, and charismatic exterior can easily disarm you, leading to a disorienting world of hurt once he's got you in his clutches.
Physically: he's white, has light blond hair that naturally curls (more wavy than curly when longer), a pale skin tone, and lighter gray eyes described as "piercing" (yeah, I know...). He's 5'11" with a pretty slight build, but not lanky/scrawny. He freckles a bit when he spends too long in the sun. Almost always smiling, smirking, or generally looking cocky/haughty (you know something's off if he's got a deadpan face). Has dimples when smiling. Always really put together (he's high maintenance, particular about his appearance and spends a lot of time getting ready) and wears stylish clothes. He has a scarf collection. Here's some concept art and picrews of him:
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My favorite sketch of him. He's 18 or 19 here.
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Picrews of him at ages 18 and 27.
I also answered an ask recently with random facts about him.
Thank you for the ask!! :)
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yanderecandystore · 3 years
ok ok hear me out hear me out. Yuma becoming obsessed with one of the game’s ( few ) sentient, non-romancable npcs. Like they can think and feel and ( somewhat ) act for themselves but there just isn’t a route for them. Also bonus points of the darling is kinda bratty/prissy, we haven’t see a lot of readers like that. Ily and your writing so much, mwah — ✨ anon
My my, how different!
Welcome in, ✨ Anon! And thank you for enjoying my writing so far.
TW/Tags: I love this concept, although being very different from the norm // some ddlc vibes // I just discovered a new word and I'm so glad it exists! (prissy reader cause I think this would be very fun-) // angsty // trapping, manipulation and gaslighting // every time the gender isn't set, I like to keep it ambiguous, basically making it gender neutral (gender neutral reader) // gender neutral Yuma //
Just Yuma (lol) [Yandere!A.I OC x A.I!Reader - Headcanon]:
I like to think that a game like Yuma's would be made to entertain the players to at least 5 or so years before the next installment- Which is basically the same as the last with better graphics and switching the main love interest cast.
The games would be made clearly for the sake of fan service and slice of life material- But would be surprisingly more advanced to us than to those who have created the franchise.
Because there is already an estimation of the amount of content and for how long players would play the game, every single character should get at least some bit of highlight- So even npcs that are just there for the sake of ambience and narrative, are treated with a lot of care and given the best a.i the developers could give to make the experience entertaining.
You are just like any other non-dateable npc, except that you have gained a bit of a role in one of the main cast's routes. It wouldn't be a stretch to guess that one of these characters would be Yuma themselves.
You were supposed to be Yuma's love interest, meaning you would have an role as an player's rival- But due to an strict schedule and corporate greed, you have been demoted from having such a big impact, and now you're basically Yuma's best friend who keeps them from committing homicide every five seconds.
It's not exactly a bad role, since you keep having the same dynamic with them from before- Chaotic gremlin is best friends with Paranoid goody two shoes, now with less romantic interactions.
The only mistake by the company was to leave half of the data showcasing this relationship in the game at the release. Basically- Half of the cutscenes and dialogue involving you and Yuma not only being friends but the start of you two dating (the game kinda pairs the couples up if the player fails to date them, or simply shows disinterest in the characters to begin with-) and even some of the things involving you two during the dating phase- Even the potential break-up sequence which could be orchestrated by the player.
Well, could have- Since none of this content is really available or considered official, the only way to access it is by messing the games files.
So in a way, you're already pretty sentient as it is, you act not as a rival but as a somewhat helper into getting the player to get closer to Yuma. I don't know how much you are aware about your own circumstances, or if you even care about the concept of being just an character made for the sake of another-
In the home planet that has created and released the game, players were kinda disappointed with what happened- They preferred the deleted/unused content more than the events and dialogue that was used for you two, so much so that people started shipping you two more than actually being interested in romancing Yuma, especially since they're way too chaotic for most player's taste.
There was an update overhaul being planned to happen where not only the stuff related to you would be changed- But all the other characters and gameplay mechanics would be updated and hopefully make the game better- But ever since your cartridge has been suddenly lost and forgotten on Earth, you were never able to see that update.
Not that you were aware of it to begin with, but still, what a shame. And not only that, your game is basically Glitch Station- Absolutely filed with mods to help the gameplay be "easier" to the original owner of this cartridge. I don't think she even remembers where she has left it.
Still, even when a new save was made you felt a weird sensation of deja vu. The game has started again with a new player playing it and trying to work their way through this broken game.
You didn't understand why all these events felt familiar though, you only felt like it made sense. It was your first year in college, you got ready and made sure to look your best and give your goodbye to your parents-
It felt like this day has happened before, and even if your routine was similar, you felt like this day was supposed to be a big deal- Why does it feel oddly nostalgic?
Why… Why are the floors on your house flowing? Why are there so many empty spaces here and there? You feel like you could potentially fall from your disintegrating house. And your parents, where are they? Why can't you see them? Why can you only hear them saying goodbye back to you from one of the other rooms?
When you open the door to see them- There is nothing there. There is not even a room.
It's a door that leads to nowhere. Just an empty void.
The sensation of dread was starting to creep in yet you thought that it would be uncalled for to overreact. Like you weren't allowed to showcase concern for the odd reality around you.
You walked on foot towards your college, panicking slightly at the people who would fade in and out of existence- Yet you had held yourself from screaming, from showing any sense of vulnerability at the thought that maybe you were in a dangerous place or realm.
You were coded to not find issues with the odd reality around you, like any other npc- You were taught to hold in and try to keep a sense of normality so no players would find issue with screaming characters begging to be freed. But your nervous personality caused you to search for help, you panicked and ended up running away to what you assumed to be a safe place- Somewhere crowded with a lot of people.
The institution's gates were open, you entered like your life depended on it (and maybe it did) yet you stopped yourself from screaming when you noticed a commotion happening.
A guy who was wearing the uniform lazily has bumped into a girl, causing her to fall. She is yelling at him because the fall has broken her phone, he is trying his best to calm her down- But at the same time it feels like he is just making poor choices of words because of how sick he is of having to chat with someone so angry at an accident.
Haven't you seen this before? But if so- When? When could you possibly have seen something like that happen?-
"- [Y/N]?"
"- AAAAH- Oh hey Yuma."
You yelled after getting spooked by Yuma- Who was…. Why are they wearing that?
"- Why aren't you in your uniform, Yumie?" You asked them, showing your own uniform in the process. You called them by a sweet nickname you had given them- But when exactly?
You know that you're best friends with Yuma, but since when? You know it should have been for about 6 years or so, but… It feels like you have only known them for a year- How… Weird.
"- Don't tell me you're already breaking a rule on your first day." You pouted and stomped your fit into the ground. Yes, you know that Yuma is a troublemaker…. You know…. That.
Yuma hasn't been able to speak ever since you showed concern about their outfit. They were staring at you in shock- As if you were an odd creature who they just found.
"- Y-You can see my outfit??" They blurted out. How can you recognize it??? All the other npcs recognize it as their uniform, but why are you suddenly acting like you do??
"- Hm, duh? Sorry Yummie, but that sporty outfit of yours is more eye-catching than that guy's barely well put together uniform- Such bad manners, I bet he woke up and hastily wore the first thing he saw-" You were beginning to go on a rant about that guy's uniform- That guy being the MC of this new save file. Yuma has stopped you by pulling you away from the college's entrance and entering into a secluded area so they could interrogate you over this odd behavior you were displaying.
"- Yummie- What are you doing!?" You cried out feeling hurt by their tight grip on your wrists.
"- WHAT DID YOU CALL MY OUTFIT??" They yelled desperately. Begging for their hypothesis to be corrected.
"- … A breaking of the uniform rule?" You genuinely did not understand where they were talking about.
"- No, No NO! You said Sporty Outfit, right?" They said reminding you of what you have previously commented about their outfit.
"- Oh! Yes, yes I did- And although being somewhat casual looking- It does fit the category of sporty." You readdressed the topic while going on a bit of detail- The usual annoying talk you would always do whenever a dialogue with you was activated.
Yuma was over the edge- They have never, ever met another sentient character with the same a.i as theirs.
They haven't been this happy since a long, long time.
"- You're so annoying!" They screamed, their face showing a bright smile as tears filled their eyes.
"- Yummie that's so rude!-" You were about to defend yourself when they grabbed you and hugged you as tight as they could.
"- You're genuinely so, so, so, so, so, so ANNOYING!!" They continued to go on, laughing while crying, loving every second of this.
You were coded to be their best friend. You were coded to be the one that would balance them out. You were once coded to be someone made to be able to be their lover, but here you are- The real you, free from all the locks that would keep your a.i from growing and understanding them.
If you're able to be sentient, then all of their friends can as well.
You're the personification of a miracle, to Yuma. The personification of hope.
In this scenario, Yuma isn't aware that the player isn't the same alien who has destroyed their digital world, so to them, they can't ever let the player see you getting sentient and becoming aware of your imprisonment.
" If a player finds issues with any of the characters being portrayed, they must return the cartridge to their nearest store to get a factory reset." Such a simple yet frightening tip to Yuma, to any a.i that has suddenly found itself desperate to get out of the system that traps them.
At first, the idea of having someone like them be also aware of the situation is incredible, it's amazing even! You two could possibly work out a way of getting a way to be free- It wouldn't be easy but hopefully you two would be able to have life away from this game and even finding a way of bringing your other friends with you two.
However, after discovering that not only has the cartridge found itself on another planet with another player being the new owner of it- And discovering that it's just a matter of trading places with other people to be able to be free- Yuma would start getting really clingy to you. They have been all alone thinking that they were the only one capable of feeling and thinking for themselves.
Yuma has found those unused events and scattered dialogue, you know?
While they were looking for a possibility, any possibility of getting out- They found those unused files where you two were able to be together.
And although they thought it was weird at first, after seeing you have a better understanding of your current reality and existence- It oddly sounds fitting.
Of course it would be you, the one who always puts them back on the right tracks, to be the second one to want to escape this game.
It 's so fitting.
The idea of being something more than just a best friend to you is starting to sound more and more appealing in their eyes- It's so ironic that you two work together so well.
After Yuma gets their taste of freedom and you try to calm a frightened young guy that wasn't expecting to be suddenly kidnapped and be forced to stay in the game world for a while, you wait for them to find the solution to free everyone without trying to trap anymore "humans"..
No one should be stuck here for the sake of someone else leaving, that's what you have told them.
But Yuma didn't care. Yuma just wanted to be free with you and everyone else, who cares for those that have to deal with a glitchy game for eternity?
You two had an argument. You didn't want to continue feeling like your whole life was a lie, you want to be free but no one should be hurt in the process. What good would it be if someone else has to go through the same torment as you two?
With each day that passes by, you notice how both of your ideas of freedom were different- To the point they had to tell you the truth.
You aren't going out of there anymore. Not until you understand and truly appreciate the effort that Yuma goes through to find a way of freeing you- Of finding a victim, to be in your place.
They never told you about your previously intended role in the game, they thought you would be more terrified of following their instructions- And besides, it would be very distasteful to insinuate that the only reason that they care for you it's because of that code that was left unused- Which couldn't be more of a lie! They genuinely care for you!
…. But maybe a bit of tempering would help you see their side of the story, right?
It can't be that hard to modify some of the codes, the game is already broken anyway.
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gyllenhaalstories · 3 years
wow you write lou's dialogue perfectly, I could literally hear him say that in my head 😏 sub!lou would be the dream, but he's also kinda scary when he's losing control over someone ("what if I had to physically hurt you for something like this?") so the retaliation would be bad 😈 ugh I just love him so much, he's such a creepy little gremlin that lookd like he hasn't slept in years 🙈 also he is just so easy to see through, you can tell he studied these 'how to be charismatic' videos on youtube, but I'd still let him manipulate me and thank him for it😳😭
OH MY GOD ANON THIS IS ONE OF THE BEST COMPLIMENTS IN THE WORLDDDDDDD thank you so much i love you i give you a hug and a cookie 🥺🥺🥺 me: i hate lou 😒😒😒 / also me after dreaming of lou all night long: 🥴🥴🥴 just call me pinocchio at this point 🤥
lou is a bratty little sub that needs to be put right in his place, and his place is with his face between my legs until i decide i've had enough 🥰 pulling on his hair to move his head so he does not even have control over how he eats me out 🥰 ruining his orgasm with absolutely no remorse and letting him clean up after himself 🥰 while i watch the news and make him listen to the stories he couldn't cover that night because he was busy 🥰 "a creepy little gremlin" no but like... that's exactly it, that's how the synopsis/summary/whatever it's called should start 😌😌😌 NO YEAH FOR SURE YOU'RE ONTO SOMETHING he followed the 5 easy steps to becoming a charismatic piece of shit and he passed the class with honours 😭 anon can i join you in the hoes for lou bloom club please 😭😭😭
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kibanafuji · 4 years
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thrusting one's arm betwixt the jaws of a dragon is not brave; only foolish. ↪ a stranger taunted: Why bother with Bede? He’s a bully and a brat. All he’s good at is looking cute and making people feel sorry for him. He’s manipulating you like he manipulated Rose and Opal, and I can’t believe you’re falling for it.
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he can't help the smile that draws across his lips in his amusement.
"right, first of all, mate, i'm well aware bede's lookin' to mooch off me one way or another," he chuckles--- and it's genuine, too. "an' i don't 'ave a problem with it. because i'm an adult, an' kids should rely on adults, at least to certain extents. obviously there's an issue when there's far too much reliance--- an' there isn't any mental or physical issue that means they can't help relyin' on 'em so much--- but that isn't the case with bede. bede's strong, an' independent. always 'as been independent--- had to be. an' that's exactly why i'm 'elpin' out now. just fillin' in what was missin' from childhood, innit."
raihan tucks his hands into his hoodie pocket, still smiling calmly.
"kids who get abandoned or orphaned real young don't get the luxury of 'avin' a family growin' up if they don't end up in a good orphanage. an' some of 'em might not get a family even if they do get adopted. there's a lot of love an' care an' nurturin' missin' there. there's things, material objects you can't get either, like toys, food, sometimes specific kinds, sometimes not at all, an' expensive clothes an' that.
you shouldn't give a kid everything they ask for, sure. but kids need to be able to be kids. they need things to play with, friends to talk to, family to care about 'em. they need warm clothes, an' they need happiness. it's not a want, that's a basic an' important part a' developin' things properly, mentally speakin'. me givin' bede gifts 'ere an' there, that's not outta pity, an' it's not outta gettin' manipulated into it. that's me seein' a little flowerbud growin' by the pavement an' thinkin' i'd like to see it bloom, an' givin' it a sip from my water bottle. givin' it the nourishment necessary to growin' up strong an' 'ealthy, because it 'asn't rained in a while an' it could use a little boost."
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"... an' you know, if you think of all people, rose an' opal are gettin' manipulated... by... by a teenager in a big puffy coat, who looks identical to the knifecat meme..."
a pause.
"i. i c. i---"
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"man, you--- you REALLY don't know anything about those two, do you?"
he keeps laughing to himself as he continues.
"nor anythin' about BEDE, for that matter. it's honestly an insult to all three of us that you think we're so dumb bede's flyin' under ANY of our radars when it comes to tryin' to 'sneakily' get somethin' out of us."
raihan's tone is fond, and it gets fonder as he continues.
"bede's a little shit, i'll give you that. but... if you thought i didn't know that, either, you must figure i'm a bloody imbecile, an' you definitely know jack shit 'bout me. bede bein' a bratty little gremlin is the entire reason i'm so fond of the tyke! yeah, sure, went a bit too far talkin' shite about hop right to 'is face, i'll give you that--- but that isn't unforgivable. an' if bede 'asn't apologized yet, then i'll make sure that 'appens."
... there's one more thought that lingered in his mind from the moment the stranger began talking that he doesn't speak. one about a specific little ribombee.
she's. she's. her. she's. she.
when the stranger first spoke, raihan had to hold back the twitches and twinges that prodded him with every wrong pronoun spoken like little static shocks.
he has to keep his promise. bede hasn't given the okay. she hasn't told him it's alright to start using her correct pronouns with strangers. he has to keep his promise and not tell anyone, and that includes not outing her by using "she" and "her" in reference to her when he's not speaking to someone who she's already come out to.
... but it's downright torturous standing here unable to defend her from this attack. because regardless of whether it’s intentional or not, this is an attack--- misgendering is an inherently violent act, and it's one he wants to protect her from, but he can't.
even the act of not correcting this stranger feels to him as if he'd just slipped up and used the wrong pronouns for her himself, and he knows, he's known that he'd never be able to keep using the wrong ones now that he knows that they're wrong--- and thus, when he speaks, he steps around using any pronouns while talking about bede, whenever possible.
he's glad his speech is so casual that one wouldn't even notice it if they didn't have incredible perception, and even if they did, it's so innocuous that questioning it would be pointless and strange to an onlooker.
he may not be able to protect her from this sort of attack yet, but at the very least, he'll never consciously point his claws at her.
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pluckedrosepetals · 6 years
things are bad rn
father hates me so much that he has to dedicate half an hour to screaming at me about how i’m brainless and stupid and i need to think about very basic things that i’ve already been thinking about
1. driver’s license and car
he screamed and screamed and screamed at me about how i don’t have my license yet and tried to make me feel guilty that i wasn’t letting him provide for me bc he apparently wanted to buy me a car but you need a license for a car
meanwhile i’m not rushing my license bc it’s easier to buy a car after moving, i’m planning on moving halfway across the country it would be so much easier to buy a car after moving and transferring my license and it’d save so much money too but he won’t listen to me he just screams about how i’m a lazy undisciplined brat and this is why i need someone like him to guide my poor brainless stupid ass
2. Where i’m gonna live
first he asks where i’m planning on living then he screams at me for wanting to live in a specific city i have no idea what the purpose of this was
i told him about my plans to move to houston, he screamed at me for wanting to move to a new city halfway across the country with no job offers on the table. domestic job applications for 2019 grads usually open in the spring outside of business/consulting and grad school. do you see my problem
and then literally two messages later he complains that i’m not considering boston like
houston is so much cheaper and hopefully i won’t even need a cosigner with my credit score like i tried so fucking hard to minimize his costs bc he complains so fucking much about how expensive i was to raise like i didn’t have to go to an international school we could’ve lived in america and i could’ve gone to public school i could’ve gone to korean public school i never chose where he went to school, i could’ve gone to brandeis with a scholarship and saved him so much fucking money but he insisted that if i wasn’t going to apply to “real” schools that i go to the best one so obviously he chose amherst but i could’ve saved him so much money and in the end he chooses to spend that much and then make me feel guilty for his choices
3. lasik surgery
idek he screamed that he wanted to provide this for me but because i’m such a bratty bitch demon and a thieving liar he can’t, as if his hitting me and throwing shit at me had nothing to do with why i never want to go to korea again while he’s alive i don’t even know why he thought this was so basic like yeah in principle that’d be great!! but we both know that he’s just gonna hold it over my head as another way he COULD provide for me if i’d just stop being such a demon brat and be a good child for once in my miserable life
4. family
he says that i have no sense of family but guess what i do he’s just not part of it!! bc he’s an abusive asshole!! and i’ve passed afraid into tired!! he can’t control me anymore bc the stakes are exactly the same, if i do as he says eventually i’ll fuck up and he’ll kill me and what’s the worst that happens, he comes to kill me and then gets barred from campus? i am literally no worse off now so this is my choice, it’s my fucking life i’m not his to manipulate
also i fucking love how for over FIVE FUCKENING YEARS my mom let me believe that everything that was wrong between my father and me was all my fault? “he hit me and threw things at me” “well you deserved it because you were procrastinating on homework and your grades have been falling” i went from a 3.9 to a 3.0 that year bc of that incident and the next year i got a D in a class the next semester bc of the stress
we never talked to just check in we never had a casual conversation about anything since i came to college and anytime i tried he turned it into a sermon on what a waste of space i am
i don’t understand how a man can alienate his entire family to the point that his own wife won’t have a conversation with him while they’re living under the same goddamn roof, go through employees and coworkers like tissue paper (3 secretaries in 4 months bc they all quit are you fucking kidding me) and then lose all your friends bc they’re tired of you treating them like they’re morons and then still think that you’re the only reasonable person out of everyone in your life, like i’d feel sorry for him and how lonely that is and how it’s gonna catch up to him in a few years but honestly i spent so long thinking it was me that i even started calling myself a gremlin bc i thought i was that woefully inadequate at interacting with people like a goddamn human being when it turns out the problem wasn’t even me!!!! if you ask anyone at the college i have my faults but none of them are that i have a problem with communicating where i scream at the people i supposedly care about and call them terrible names and threaten to hurt or kill them that’s not a me thing!!
i’m just. so tired of living like this
meanwhile brendan’s really being such a trooper he’s been comforting me through all of this, tried so hard to make me laugh and feel better when i spent the entire day crying, called me on his way to work to check in with me, gave me some exciting news on his end to distract me
he’s been promised a trip to vegas sometime next year with his friend jim, he wants to take me with him but he also knows that i’m moving after graduation and he doesn’t want them to clash
he has an aunt who did this for his 18th birthday apparently he and jim went together that time too and his mom doesn’t trust him to travel alone bc he’s always losing things lmaooo but in all seriousness i’m just so grateful that he heard about the fact that he was being gifted a trip and the first thing he thought of was taking me along bc wow i do have a family it’s just not the one i was born with and brendan thinks of me as family too and i’m just,,, wow what did i do to deserve such an amazing romantic partner we’ve grown so much together and i love him so much
and my friends, my friends from flight rising who’ve become my gay snuggle pile, i love them so much too, they are my siblings and my parents and my family. jules bought me dinner yesterday bc my legs weren’t working and i was too upset to eat and when i told him i owed him my soul bc i’m broke as shit he said this was what family was for and honestly when will your friend-family ever bc i’m so cursed by my father and my paternal family but somehow i’ve landed in a place where i’m surrounded by love anyway despite my jagged edges and despite the fact that there are people who genuinely hate me in my biological family
my feelings are all over the place i need food and water and my stuffed sloth to snuggle for a bit
but tl;dr father called, of course it went terribly, it went something like: “You’re irresponsible and brainless so here are four very basic things to think about when you consider moving out after college” “I can answer these questions because I’ve already been thinking about it, here are my ideas” “YOU ARE BRAINLESS AND STUPID YOU NEED TO THINK ABOUT THESE BASIC THINGS YOU’VE ALREADY PLANNED FOR” “I already have though, here’s the framework of my plan and my timeline” “DON’T INTERRUPT ME YOU BRAT YOU ARE A DEMON BITCH AND IF YOU DON’T SHUT UP AND LISTEN TO ME I WILL MAKE YOU ONE WAY OR ANOTHER. HARMING YOU DOESN’T WORK SO I’LL HAVE TO THINK OF SOMETHING WORSE BUT I SWEAR I’LL MAKE YOU LISTEN”
... yeah he lowkey threatened to kill me so that’s fun c’:
but i’m still surrounded by love somehow and i don’t feel scared anymore
just so, so tired
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