telepathy-supremacy · 2 years
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thedevilspearl · 1 year
asking them stupid questions — all brothers
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a/n: having a hard time writing smut atm so here’s some silly headcanons with the brothers. i was really tired when i proofread this so there may be some mistakes.
tags: 2k words, no gender specified, reader x lucifer, mammon, leviathan, satan, asmodeus, beelzebub + belphegor. (belphie’s is a little suggestive).
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lucifer has had enough.
it’s been a long day and he wished for a quiet night in his office to relax with some tea while overlooking the bills his brothers have riled up.
but he’s quite distracted tonight.
peace and quiet is not an option. especially with you loitering, floating around his office and touching all the trinkets and décor. you’ve never shown interest in them before, but tonight, all of a sudden lucifer’s office is the most inviting place in the world.
“yes, honey?”
“is something the matter.”
there is a painstakingly long silence before you answer. “….no.”
letting out a little sigh, he asks, “are you quite sure?”
you hum with a subtle nod, barely looking him in the eye and he is now certain something is wrong.
“mc, please. if you aren’t feeling well, you can tell me about it. you don’t need to make this difficu—”
“would you still love me if i was a worm?”
“what?” lucifer’s voice croaks.
“it’s just that i felt sad thinking about how you might not love me anymore if one day i turned into a worm and couldn’t turn back into me.”
“mc, in what world would you ever turn into a worm?”
“most likely this one. remember that time mammon accidentally turned me into a sheep in spells class? i was cute as a sheep, so it was okay. but as a worm, i’d be small and slimy and gross. i’d be unloveable.”
“that is enough,” he rises from his chair, speaking with command but still gentle enough to not upset you further. “you shouldn’t think of such things. it is so silly of you to think i would ever stop loving you.”
“if i must spell it out for you, then yes. i would still love you if you were a worm and i would carry you everywhere with me to ensure you’re never lost or hurt. i would need something small and protective to carry you in, but yes. i will always love you.”
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“if there was a zombie apocalypse and i was bitten, what would you do?”
“hah?!” mammon’s face contorts at your random question. “what are ya talking about?”
“i’ve been thinking about that movie we watched….the zombie one. and just wondered what it would be like.”
“gave up on surviving already, did ya?” he chuckles, collapsing onto his bed beside you, his hand resting on your waist.
“no, but i wanna know! what would you do if i turned into a zombie?”
“well….what are the options?” his smirk earns him a playful smack on the chest. “hey! i’m serious. i’ll be so sad that i won’t be able to think straight, so ya need to give me some options.”
“fine,” you pout, scratching your brain for solutions. “i suppose the most humane thing to do would be to kill me. you know, to make sure i’m not forced to live as a mindless zombie eating other humans.”
“or you could tie me up, maybe chain me, and keep me alive by feeding me living people.”
“why would i keep ya around if you’re gonna stink like a rotting corpse?”
while mammon laughs, your brows furrow with annoyance, mostly feigned but there’s a small sense of hurt in there when you think about mammon not wanting to keep you after you turn into a zombie, despite it being completely logical and reasonable.
“hey,” his voice is soft as he leans over and kisses your cheek, “don’t worry. i’d handcuff us together and let you bite me. then we can be zombies together and never be separated.”
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movie night always means one thing, and that’s you and levi curling up with tangled limbs and a hoard of cushions and blankets. a joint blanket burrito with little space between you but that’s a good thing.
the closeness makes it cosier.
tonight, you opted for a more emotional movie. a romance, but romances are always emotional for both of you. that’s why you try your best to stay away from the romantic movies and stick to action packed fantasies or sci-fi’s that are the furthest thing from romance.
but there was a new and popular movie making the headlines and levi couldn’t wait to watch it. you knew watching it was a lost hope, and now you’re sobbing in levi’s arms watching the struggles the love interests are going through to get to each other.
“i’m so glad it wasn’t that difficult for us to be together,” you sniffle, feeling a wave of gratitude take over. “i love you, levi.”
“i love you, too,” his voice trembles and he quietly wipes his own tears.
“hey, levi?”
“what is it?”
“can i wipe my nose on you?”
“what? no!”
too late. you buried your head into his chest, wiping your face clean and covering his favourite shirt in snot.
“i’m sorry. i wanted to get a tissue but they’re too far away. i didn’t want to leave the burrito.”
“it’s fine,” he grumbles, begrudgingly patting you on the head to tell you it’s okay despite ruining his shirt. “let’s finish the movie.”
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“would you still love me if i told you the truth?”
satan tries to hide his piqued interest, like he usually does. he likes to come off as the too–cool–to–show–i–care kind of guy but the truth is, he is more invested in this truth than anything else.
he nonchalantly turns the page of his book and with a swipe of his tongue over his lips, he asks, “what truth?”
“that i’m really a lizard.”
well, he wasn’t expecting that.
he watches you intently over the pages of his book. you stop pacing around the library and make your way to him, showing no expression on your face. usually, he would be quite good at reading your face but in all honesty, he can’t tell if you’re serious or not.”
“a lizard?”
you nod. “a lizard.”
“you don’t look like a lizard.”
“that’s because i’m a lizard pretending to be a human.”
“a what now?” he shuts his book, sitting upright from his laid position. he tried his hardest not to give in to your silly but mysterious notion but he is far more interested in your explanation.
“you know about the lizard people, right?”
“i do not.”
“so i just exposed myself for nothing?”
“what in the devildom are you talking about?”
“it doesn’t matter. forget i said anything. if anyone finds out i told you, i could get killed.”
“please tell me that isn’t true.”
you refuse to even look him in the eye. surely, you are joking. there’s no way you’re really a lizard, let alone it be possible for lizards to be secretly living inside of humans. what kind of conspiracy would that be?
it’s unimaginable, even for demons. but whether the lizard thing is true or he’s falling for a joke, you still need an answer to your question.
“yes,” he pulls you into his side. “i would still love you if you were really a lizard.”
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“asmo,” you sing the demon of lust’s name, catching the attention that he would devote to you at any given moment. “can i ask you something?”
“go ahead, my dearest. fire away.”
he winks, hoping it would be something on the more flirtatious side, but instead you fill his mind with a grotesque image.
“what would you do if you could never touch me again?”
he immediately smothers you with a hug. “what are you talking about?! of course, that would never happen!”
“but what if?” you snuggle into him further. “what if you could never touch me?”
he hums, thinking of any solution to be able to touch you again.
“i’d cry,” he says simply. “i’d cry a lot.”
“aww,” you pout. “i don’t want you to cry.”
“and i don’t want to imagine a world where i can’t hold you like this,” he kisses your lips, “where i can’t kiss you like this,” he lifts up your hand and intertwines your fingers with his, “where i can’t hold your hand like this.”
“i don’t know what would ever cause me to never be able to touch you again, but it would be the end of my world if it came true. i don’t know if i’d be able to live.”
“you’d still be able to see me and speak to me.”
“but not being able to touch you when i see you and hear you is the most painful torture imaginable. but you know what that means, right?”
“what does it mean?” you squeal and his hands tickle your sides.
“it means i need to do all the touching i can now to make up for it!”
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“hey, beel?”
your quiet voices fill the dark path home from rad. beel always walks you home; be it in comfortable silence or deep conversations, you don’t imagine walking home any other way.
and the quiet air of the evening provides the perfect chance to ask him a question you’ve been waiting to ask all day.
“can i ask you something?”
“if i had five million cheeseburgers and you could only eat them if you slapped me in the face, what wou—”
“i’d slap you in the face.”
“i didn’t even finish my question.” you yelp, brows furrowing in frustration.
“you don’t need to finish it. i’d do anything to eat that many cheeseburgers.”
your feet plant in the ground and beel doesn’t stop walking until your hand which holds his pulls him back.
“are you serious?”
“uhmm….i think so?”
you’re grateful for the fact that he’s rethinking his answer but it was a shock to hear him say he’d slap you so firmly in the beginning. it was a stupid question to ask in the first place, but you never imagined beel ever wanting to hurt you.
he tugs on your hand and you continue walking with him, picking up the pace to get home.
“mc….” he asks. “did i say something wrong?”
his obliviousness to his own words is a harder slap in the face than the slap he promised those five million burgers.
“you said you’d slap me, beel, and it makes me sad.”
“hm….we can go halfsies on the burgers?”
“i’ll slap you and then we can share the burgers.” he promises. “you’d feel bad because i slapped you. and i’d feel bad because i slapped you. so to make it better for both of us, we can split the cheeseburgers.”
you look at him, astounded because you don’t know if his explanation makes his answer better or worse.
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a cuddling session in the attic with belphegor is exactly what you needed after a long, draining day. you naturally made your way up to him as soon as you had some free time, desperate for his warmth.
but belphie had a different warmth in mind with all the kisses he litters up and down your neck.
“belphie, i’m tired.” you whine, but still urge him on to kiss you harder.
“then close your eyes. i’ll kiss you until you fall asleep.”
your heart swarms with the thrill of his words, the promise of being here and showering you with affection even on your worst days.
“is something wrong?” he asks.
“no. why?”
“you’re not falling asleep.”
“that’s because you’re kisses are keeping me awake.”
“they’re meant to help you fall asleep.”
“i hate to break it to you belphie, but they’re having the opposite effect.” you tease.
“is that so?” he nibbles you ear. “what about this?”
you arch into his body, sensitive from his kisses and now the more urgent movements of his lips ignite a fire in your belly. his lips graze you, teeth nip you and tongue swipe over your skin. he sucks hard enough to leave bruises, and kisses softly on every mark he leaves.
“belphie….” the soft whisper of his name catches his attention. “how many ghosts do you think are watching us right now?”
he ceases for a moment, then lifts his head from the crook of your neck. “what?”
“what if there’s ghosts watching us right now? and what if they keep watching us while we….you know….?”
“i never thought of that before.”
“it’s weird, right?”
“definitely. let’s never have sex again.”
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skyeslittlecorner · 5 months
Belphegor brainrot...?
I wanted to put together all crumbs about Belphie just like I did with Asmo.
We know Nilfheim is a something like a military hive mind. Nobles use swords or other melee weapons (the scythe is somewhat included in this), and since consistency is usually maintained, plus Bathin has a uniform resembling a soldier (we will talk about uniforms later), let's very roughly assume that it is, to some extent, a knightly country.
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Okay I'll be honest, I'm just amused by the idea of Belphie as a mixture of Sleeping Beauty and a knight on a white horse lol.
I don't have a screenshot unfortunately, but Satan during Halloween event said Beplhie don't like tedious work (even if it's just a signing.) Expected. He's embodiment of sloth after all.
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Actually, I can relate.
It looks like Gusion and Bael could shake hands. But Belphie is there, he really does a lot when he's out of his cave. It is not without reason that it is said that lazy people are the best employees because they will get the job done in the fastest way.
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Looks like his Majesty is flirty! A big point in my opinion, because for me he seemed cold and distant. I was afraid that we would be too similar to Leviathan, but I guess that's not the case.
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He doesn't sound like this decision bothered him at all. I don't know how to interpret it, so I leave it here out of chronicler's duty. And to please the eyes, look at my pretty boy!!!
But... that's it. That's all. So, I have found a related topic to rabmle about.
Nilfheim boys what's wrong with you?
We only know two, only recently three of them. Gusion, Bathin, Andrealphus.
And I guess they have a different definition of military than us.
Two of the three are like, "hey, have you seen that unicorn in the green cloak? This one who is never in his country? Great idea!" and yeeted themselves from Nilhfeim.
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He just. Randomly visited Earth. Because why not.
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Honey, you don't. Although… you're the devil. *Hands AO3* Have fun!
We are fresh from Andrea's escapades to Avisos. We know that he spends a lot of time there and from the screenshot above we also know that he doesn't really need things like his king permission to be happy.
Considering that Bathin is friends with Stolas...
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...aka his personal radio, I'm sorry I can't get over this lol, it is very possible that he also often visits Avisos. Beel, you are tempting nobles from the next country and you are not even in your own country.
Bathin? Andrea? I understand that in a sentence "The devils of Niflheim almost never move individually" you are the "almost". Two of the three known. A known majority. They are hopeless.
And you know what? The third one isn't any better.
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Yeah. Who in a MILITARY COUNTRY would wear a uniform. Well, no one normal. Let's get back to those uniforms, this time for real.
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We already know that Gusion doesn't bother with such bullshit, so we don't know if what we actually see is the one times he wears something he should wear all the time. (I guess we do and he just doesn't have a jacket.)
Bathin has a uniform, but it's from Paradise Lost. It is possible that his appearance refers to this and not Nilfheim, as we know that other devils associated with foreign countries, especially Buer, but also Sitri, have appearances related to the latter country.
Andrea seems to be the most reliable. But who knows? He wanders where he shouldn't, do you think he would care about his uniform? Plus… A wing? And a halo? Exactly.
Ultimately, I would lean towards uniforms of nobles that look like hitmans. Just like someone described Andrea in the event.
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At least one thing is right. The devils of Nilfheim are unnaturally strong, even by their standards. We all remember how Andrea abused every angel in his path. Even the big guy who seemed to break him like a match. No, the big guy was shaking like an aspen under his feet as Andrea happily dismembered him. As we can see, Gusion's sword also proves his strength.
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Even some of Nilfheim's lower devils seem to have great fighting skills. Not all of them, of course. One is a fish.
We have the least information about the countries of Asmo and Belphi, but we have some coherent idea about Abaddon thanks to the nobles. Nilhfeim? Nope! Funny country. I can't wait to visit it.
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temis-de-leon · 25 days
Day 19 - Missing a kiss
Characters: Belphegor x gn!MC
25 kisses challenge Masterlist
Main Masterlist
CW: Belphie being a smitten petty brat, established relationship
If Belphie hated one thing about MC, it was all the times they called him dude; or worse, bro. He wasn’t their dude or their bro, he was their boyfriend. And he would appreciate being called as such. Sweetheart? Bring it on. Honey? Sounds good to him. Baby? His favourite. Dude? Absolutely fucking not. Bro? Did MC want to get the silent treatment? And buddy? What did they think he was? Their dog?
He hated it, despised it, and they thought it was so funny, soon moving on to more platonic nicknames like bestie, pal and, the worst of all, champ.
“Love you so much, dude” they would say while kissing him in the darkness of the attic.
“Miss you, bro” they would message him when they took separate classes.
“How’s my bestie doing?” they would ask after waking him up from a long nap on the floor.
It was heinous, worth of every ounce of his pettiness towards them. Fortunately, MC knew it was nothing extremely serious or something to actually worry about, but still.
Absolutely foul.
The situation reached a point where Belphie ultimately decided to give his beloved MC the cold shoulder. His need of keeping them close and touching them even in the smallest of ways made everything difficult, and he still needed to at least hold their hand throughout the day, but he was determined to get his point across.
So he did.
Looking the other way whenever MC talked to him and observing every bit of their features the moment they turned away, not reciprocating their hugs and discretely grabbing their, his, sweatshirt to not get left behind, laying on their lap only when he was sure they were already asleep.
And so on.
Finally, not even a full week after his shenanigans, Belphie found himself hidden under the blankets of MC’s bed, frowning when they uncovered him with a knowing and amused smile. They didn’t waste any time in joining him and soon his relief at being next to them became obvious.
MC laughed and he could feel himself blushing in response.
“Are you done being mad at me?” they asked in a mocking tone.
“I’m not mad at you”
“I’m not”
They laughed again, irking him, and quickly launched at him before he could turn his back on them. Belphie hugged them back on instinct and then couldn’t find the will to push them back, keeping MC close to his chest instead and letting his irrational irritation disappear in a matter of seconds.
“Are you done now?”
“Yeah, I guess I am”
Belphie felt an immediately sense of embarrassment filling his body, reddening his cheeks even more and making him hide his face in MC’s clothes so they wouldn’t see him.
Just when he was hoping they’d both fall asleep surrounded by warmth and the familiar smell of their combined scents, MC lightly shook him and talked in tender whispers.
“Tell me what happened” they pleaded. “Is it because I call you bestie? But you’re my bestie!”
“I’m your boyfriend!” he answered in a stern tone.
“You’re my boyfriend and my best friend”
The clarification made his heart flutter, but he was still irritated.
He slowly started to feel light ticklish touches across his face, the intimate caress of MC’s lips marking his skin and making him shiver. From his closed eyelids to his cheekbones, up his temple and down his nose, barely touching the corner of his lips before playfully biting his jaw and letting him go.
“Kiss me” he demanded, causing their smile.
“I already did”
“Not where I want you to”
MC leaned on their elbows, looking at him from above with hilarity. He was blushing, again embarrassed, but the ghost of their kiss on his lips made him impatient.
“And where does my baby want me to kiss him?”
He avoided their gaze, feeling his face getting warmer.
“My absolute favourite demon? The love of my life?”
“Okay, stop”
“Where do you want me to kiss you, Belphegor?”
His breathing stopped, unable to even hear their heartbeat over his own.
“My Belphie”
They slowly closed the distance between them, eyes fixated on his lips, and just when he thought he would finally have a taste of what he was craving the most, MC raised their trajectory just a little and merrily kissed his cupid’s bow.
He immediately and deeply frowned, again making them laugh, but the sound quickly died when he threw himself at them and locked their lips together.
It brought peace to his mind and it made them sigh in delight and he’d make sure it wouldn’t stop until very early in the morning.
Taglist: @ourfinalisation  @owlisbuffering  @chizukimp4  @ravenredwine @darkflowerav  @craftysclown @mehkers
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ifearzombies · 1 year
The Brothers See MC’s PTSD. TW for mentions of abuse (nothing graphic, but just in case)
     Today you’re sitting in the living room, staring off into space as the fire crackles before you. It’s a ‘bad day’. Last night your memories haunted you of people who hurt you greatly and today you’re still feeling the effects. Every loud sound is making you jump a little, your eyes occasionally dart side to side, and you’re curled up in a small ball on the large couch.
     “MAMMON!” Levi’s voice being so loud makes you curl in further and you let out a small whimper. It’s upstairs, but it still feels like the voice is inches away from you.
     You decide to go to your room and as you pass the foyer, a hand grabs you and you flinch. A small cry of fear comes from you as you attempt to pull away.
     “... Did... I scare you,” Satan asks, shocked and hurt. You’ve never flinched from him before.
     You take a few deep and steady breaths and start to cry before grabbing onto Satan tightly. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry... I didn’t... It’s not you. I’m sorry. Please don’t be mad. Please don’t be mad I’m sorry I’m sorry.”
     Satan looks horridly pained that you’re afraid and crying. He holds you tight and gently leads you to your room. “What is wrong, my kitten?”
     Before you can answer, Mammon’s slamming his door and you flinch again and cry harder. You can feel the anger building in Satan and you push away. “I’M SORRY!”
     You dash for your room and close it. You lock the door and bolt under the bed, your cries shaking your frame as you try to calm down. You take out your D.D.D. and start texting everyone.
[MC:] Please stop. Please stop. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.
[Asmo:] Sweetie? What’s wrong?
[Satan:] I think Mammon, Levi, and I scared them. They were already looking spooked when I stopped them.
[Levi:] Stupidmammon! If you hadn’t stolen my collector’s DVD of Help! I Got Teleported To A Galaxy Far Far Away And Now The Emperor Wants To Marry Me But I’m In Love With His Son And The Rebel Leader!
[Mammon:] Oi! I just borrowed it!
[Satan:] OI! Quiet both of you! Your yelling scared them! They were crying!
[MC:] I’m sorry. You guys didn’t do anything wrong. I’m sorry. Please don’t be mad!
[Lucifer:] Why would we be mad? Dearest. What is wrong?
[Beel:] I don’t think they can text anymore. I’m in the kitchen and I can hear them crying. I’m going to knock and see if they want anything.
[Beel:] That did not work. They let out a scared cry when I knocked. :C I’m sorry.
[Satan:] I’m reading up on the symptom’s and behaviours they’re displaying. ... Kitten? Did someone abuse you? Do you have PTSD? Please answer.
[Beel:] I just heard them mumble yes through the door. Who hurt you, honey?
[Lucifer:] Please. We want to help.
[MC:] I don’t... I can’t... It doesn’t matter. They’re not in my life anymore.
[Satan:] But the scars linger on your heart. I’m so sorry I scared you, Kitten. Please... Can you leave the room so we can comfort you? Mammon and Levi have stopped their yelling.
[Mammon:] Yeah. I’m sorry. Never meant ta scare ya.
[Levi:] I’m sorry too. I’d never want to scare my Player 2. :C *Offers hug*
[MC:] I will in a minute. Sorry. I’m trying to catch my breath still. I’m sorry.
[Belphie:] You don’t need to apologize. You got scared. It happens. ... Was it me? Did I cause you this pain?
[MC:] No. Like I said. They’re not in my life.
[Beel:] Was it your family on Earth? You don’t talk about them much.
[MC:] Yeah.
[Lucifer:] Mammon, Levi, Asmo, Beel, Belphie. Please take care of them. I have to go stop Satan. He’s trying to go to the Human Realm to dispense justice.
[Beel:] Do you want to talk about it? I can bring you snacks? I’m still outside your door.
[Mammon:] I’ll come down an’ cuddle ya.
[MC:] Okay. I’ll unlock the door.
[Asmo:] We’ll keep our voices low, lovely.
     You slowly climb out from under the bed and unlock the door. Beel is right there with your favorite snack with tears in his eyes. “Can I come in?”
     His voice is so soft. He’s being so careful to not spook you further. Mammon approaches with Levi and rather than speak, they gesture to ask if they can come in. You nod and move out of the way as Asmo comes in with some juice.
     “Hello sweetheart,” he says, his voice full of love, concern, and sing-songy, “Let’s all cuddle, hrm?”
     “Thank you. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt anyone or upse-”
     Asmo gives you a smooch. “None of those apologies, sweetie. You’ve done nothing wrong. We’re here because we love you and don’t want you feeling sad.”
     “You mean... You’re not... upset? That I didn’t tell you guys?”
     “Ya were clearly havin’ that, uh, whatever Satan was calling it.”
     “PTSD, Mammon,” Levi corrects.
     “What does that even mean?”
     “Post Traumatic Stress Disorder,” Belphie explains, “It means that our MC reacts to stress badly because they were hurt. I... probably didn’t help that.”
     You go over and hug Belphie. “You’re fine. You... It was once. What they did ... It went on for a long time.”
     “Well. How about we order out dinner and put on a nice movie and cuddle,” Asmo suggests as he starts re-arranging the pillows of your bed for just that, “And we’ll figure out something for Satan and Lucifer once Lucifer calms him down.”
     “I’ll apologize for causing this to them la-”
     Belphie interrupts your apology this time with a small kiss. “You didn’t do anything.”
     You start to cry again as a sense of safety fills you. You’re not in trouble. No one’s mad at you. You’re not going to be hurt. You hug the brothers as they gently guide you to the bed and cuddle you.
     You’re home. You’re safe. And it’s in the arms of your chosen family that you finally fall asleep and have good dreams.
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malleusfucker · 2 years
Beelzebub Kinks and HCs
warnings: smut/nsfw, mentions of breeding kink/belly bulge, size kink, food kink, oral sex, threesome w/ belphie, reader is afab but no gender or pronouns are explicitly specified
words: 1.8k
definitely gonna write about my obey me favs now that i’ve done this (diavolo, belphie, simeon and solomon i’m looking at you 👁👁)
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this one is self explanatory so lemme just get this one out of the way 😐 beel’s breeding kink 100% stems from pure intentions, this man just wants a family really bad. he just thrives in the thought of you carrying his children and wants nothing else but to pamper and take care of you whilst doing so.
however, those “pure intentions” start to wane every time he’s inside you, he never realised and thought about it in the beginning, but the first time he saw you completely filled with his cum - his mind was racing to say the least and swore he never got so hard until he saw the outline of his cock in your stomach
he was a changed man after that and ever since, his mind has just been clouded with thoughts of you being filled with his semen, resulting in you having his children 
food kink 😟
bet no one saw this coming. this goes without saying that he absolutely loves seeing you covered in shit like whipped cream, honey - fuck it, any sort of sweet stuff that he can lick off you. and best believe he says shit like “there's still some stuff on you that i haven’t licked off!” just so he has an excuse to lick you more 👍
man just loves food and being intimate with you and if it means that he can combine both, hey, he’ll take it. he loves to just nibble on you softly, licking everywhere until he’s certain that no part of your body has gone untouched.
but beware, because beel is literally called “the avatar of gluttony” don’t think that he’s going to be any different with you; if anything, he’s gonna be worse
light licking and nibbling will turn to biting and soon enough, you’re going to be completely covered in hickeys and bruises just from how “hungry” he is and stopping him will be more than difficult - (we’ve all seen the man when he’s hungry 😟😟😟)
absolute GOD when it comes to oral 
this is not an exaggeration when i say beel would literally be in between your legs for days on end if you didn’t tell him to stop. his love for giving oral is definitely rooted in his food kink, all this man wants to do is taste you on his tongue and bare in mind, this is a literal fucking demon we’re talking about and a BIG ONE, so his tongue is inhumanly long. therefore you will be crying and screaming just from how good he is at giving oral. beel actually enjoys oral sex more than anything else just from how satisfying it is on both ends - not only are you the one being pleasured (big emphasis on “pleasured”) but he cannot get enough of how you taste and the way you moan in response and shower him in praise only fuels him even more. beel would get in between your legs any chance he gets so if you smell or look a certain way he’s gonna be in your pants immediately
wants to be gentle with you but ends up being very rough
beel is the definition of a gentle giant (kinda). because he’s so big, in literally every sense, he tends to start off being very gentle with you. stroking your face with his thumb, asking you every second if you’re okay or comfortable but sigh… once he gets in the zone, yeah you’re fucking dead. 
very aggressive but not in the sense that he’s rude or purposely tries to hurt you, he just gets so excited and loves you so much that he can’t hold back. he will fucking destroy your insides and then afterwards realises what he’s done and will just be like “oh. my. god. i am so sorry.” expect a lot of kisses and sweets as a form of an apology because he feels so bad :(
he’s very big on his policy of not hurting you during sex and so if he does, it is 100% by accident and he didn’t mean it. he believes sex and any form of intimacy with you should just be about feeling good with your partner so hurting you in any way is off the list for him.
generally vanilla but you wouldn't think it with the way he POUNDS YOU
i don’t imagine him having any intense or insane kinks but yeah, sex with him is NEVER boring and especially for you because he will put all his attention on YOU. and you only. he prioritises your pleasure above anything else and will definitely make sure you’re satisfied (which you most likely are) (you will be crying by the end of it)
but as said above, this man gets very excited. he just feels like a kid in candy shop when he’s with you and those feelings of eagerness he tries so desperately to hide will soon just aggressively spill out onto you - meaning that he starts off relatively slow, and whilst you may be in pain to start off with just because he’s THAT big, he wants to slowly ease his way into things. until that all completely disappears and next thing you know, he’s thrusting into you at a speed which makes your eyes go into the back of your head and will have your legs shaking for the entire week. it’s an extremely dangerous combination of being both a gym junkie and also gluttonous so once he gets started, it’s going to take a very long time for him to stop. 
beel is big even on demon terms so seeing a little human like you definitely does things to him. it’s only fair that he would end up having some sort of kink relating to how big he is and how small you are. he’ll always have his hands on you, seeing how big they are compared to your body - seeing how small you are to him always makes him want to completely smother you until he’s just got his entire body wrapped around you.
praise kink - likes to be called “good boy” n all that shit *gags*
because of all the attention and love he gives you, he wants you to tell him how great he is at pleasing you. beel has a MASSIVE praise kink and never gets tired of hearing you compliment him on how well he’s doing.
he loves reassurance and just making sure he’s doing the right thing, especially with how insecure he is with his size and the possibility of hurting you so tell him he’s doing an amazing job and he’ll be like putty in your hands
very touchy-feely, doesn't like restraints 
one thing beel really ISN’T into is being tied up, or vice versa, like at all. one of his favourite things to do during sex is to just be able to touch and feel you, it’s such a key act of intimacy for him and if he’s restrained somehow he won’t be happy about it. if you were to tie him up as an act of some sort of punishment, he may let it slide just so it would make you happy and that he could make it up to you but either way he feels pretty miserable when his hands are bound because he ADORES skin-to-skin contact and just feeling your warmth. everything down to hugging or even just holding hands, he wants it and CRAVES it. it might take a while but soon enough he’ll show a more vulnerable side to him which is needy and wants your touch 24/7. 
doggy style/mating press ALL THE TIME
yeah come on, this man is a fucking animal in bed 😐 just cuz he looks sweet doesn’t mean he won’t literally destroy you from behind. this will always be his favourite position (along with the mating press) because there’s something just so primal and animalistic about it that makes him go wild. when you get in this position don’t expect him to be all sappy and sensual, he’s gonna go all out and straight up break your back (lovingly)
and his other go-to position is the mating press, as expected from someone who would supposedly have a breeding kink 🙄🙄 this man is just very greedy when it comes to this position, having your legs up over his shoulders as he ruthlessly just pounds you into the mattress. as previously mentioned, he gets excited and with this position he becomes just that - with it literally being called the “mating press” yeah he’s gonna go CRAZY.
will fuck you in the kitchen, doesn’t care if any of his brothers walk in on you
along with his two favourite positions, this is probably his favourite place to fuck you in. the kitchen is just his happy place, it’s his space with him being in it most of the time, so it ends up becoming common with him “accidentally” bending you over the counter-top and fucking you.
fortunately or unfortunately for you because the kitchen basically belongs to him, his mind instantly goes to food and will become HUNGRY. and seeing you there will only unleash a monster that will make him go even harder and faster (if that's possible). beel becomes absolutely shameless when he fucks you in the kitchen to the point where he ultimately couldn’t care less if one of his brothers ends up walking in on you two. he won’t stop nor try to hide you and whichever brother that ends up walking in will just be greeted by the sight of you getting literally obliterated over the counter.
he will share you with belphie and belphie ONLY.
on the topic of brothers, beel is pretty possessive over you… except if it ends up being belphie. being that belphie is his twin and that they’re the closest to each other, beel would definitely not mind sharing you with him from time to time. if anything, it makes beel really happy seeing you with belphie as he’s glad that you see what kind of person he is, and that they both really care about you ALOT. belphie is alot rougher with you, often being almost rude to you and very demanding which just makes beels touch even more soft when you compare the two. being with the twins is always exhilarating as you have a contrast between beel’s gentle attitude against a very sadistic belphie.
- also i have this headcanon that when they both get intimate with you at the same time they get INCREDIBLY horny - with their whole “telepathy” thing of feeling each others feelings - i would just like to imagine that if one of them gets horny, the other does the same. therefore them both feeling horny and fucking you will just create A MESS - them just panting and going crazy from what they’re feeling and not being able to stop fucking you until one of them is worn out (it’s usually belphie).
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obae-me · 2 months
Hello, and welcome to another installment of niche content containing another mash of my two special interests. Written out of boredom at the airport. Today's edition, fueled with my excitement of being able to go to none other than Miku Expo 2024, I give:
The Brothers As My Favorite Vocaloid Songs!
Yes, I know, please, quell your excitement. I know everyone was waiting for this one. I will take no criticisms or judgments, only enthusiastic additions.
Warning: While nothing stated in this post needs a full content warning, if anyone decides to look up these songs, many songs themselves have plenty of individual warnings, so please search with caution.
Now, the song I think he'd actually enjoy listening to is Daughter of Evil. It's got tragedy behind it, the song is a bit more classical/waltzy, exactly the kind of thing he likes. However based off his vibes alone, I'm gonna say Honey I'm Home. Mostly because I love Ghost and Pals but also because religious trauma. And I know other people agree with me because I've seen fanart of it.
I think Mammon would listen to Sand Planet. Oo, or Bring it On. Do I have a detailed explanation as to why? Not really in so many words, but it just seems like something he'd listen to, I feel it in my bones. I will not be taking any questions. Now the song I think he embodies? Wildcard. I mean, the whole motif is about playing cards, it's upbeat and fast paced and I love it and I love Kasane Teto even more.
I will physically fight anyone who doesn't think Levi listens to Rolling Girl at least once a day (I won't actually fight anyone but I feel very strongly on this matter). It helps him get through hard times but it also makes him cry. Which...same, Levi, same. But if Leviathan were to be a song itself, I'd have to pass it over to Volt Tackle by Deco*27. Pokémon, talking about fighting and struggling at first to capture someone's love? Oo, or Digital Girl. It's got him written all over it. (Or if I want to be sad, give him Anthropophobia)
See, Satan is hard because I never know if I envision him listening to heavy metal or if he prefers soft melodies. And, I mean, I know he can like more than one genre at once, but picking THE song I think he'd listen to is hard... but if I'm going off of what I like as well as gut instinct... Abstract Nonsense. Now, selected off his character, I'd have to pick Hikari Yo. It's just very emotional and desperate and the poor demon boi is like that on the inside quite a lot. WAIT or Pathalogical Facade! Oo, lots of options for Good Ol Satan.
Easy, he'd love Gimmie×Gimmie and I don't think I need any further explanation on this opinion. I actually think Asmo would unironically like a lot of vocaloid songs, personally. And as for his songification, I handpick Aishite, Aishite, Aishite. And I know there's a lot of different people's interpretations to this song and everything and people get very... I guess territorial when it comes to this song (at least from specific corners I've seen) but it makes sense to me. It's a really popular song and it's hauntingly beautiful and it's about wanting to be loved and adored and this is MY post so I can say whatever I want about it.
Beel is another one that's hard for me to pin down... I think his music taste (joke not intended) is rather eclectic. He probably actually has no real preference other than more upbeat songs to make it easier to work out to. In which case I get to pick whatever I wish. For him I would make him listen to Happy Halloween. I don't care what time of year it is, it's cute and upbeat and about getting treats and it's one of my favorite songs ever. Now one to embody him?... Goodness that's even harder. I would love to say Appetite of a People Pleaser, but Beel's not a people pleaser... I actually don't know! Maybe I am a sham of a fan. I am open to suggestions for my baby Beel.
You know I have to pick Tokyo Teddy Bear. This mans is too edgy not to listen to it all too often. Plus, it's a classic. And, you know I have to make this all even sadder by giving him the song Error. Because I like to make myself cry. And Belphie needs a good cry, let's be honest with ourselves.
I'm also going to add the Distortanist as an honorable mention for unhinged Lesson 16 Belphie.
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strawberry-cowmilk · 1 year
the brothers when mc is sick
mc's gender is not mentioned, not proof read
content warnings: illness, taking medication, some of the brothers being dramatic and thinking mc is dying
acts like he's not insanely worried (he is)
if you're okay with it he'll move you to his room so its easier for him to keep an eye on you
lucifer will check your temperature every so often and leave medication next to the bed for you
if you want, he'll stay at your bedside until you fall asleep
when you're resting and he's (supposed to be) doing work, he opens the door to the room you're in to check on you every 10 minutes
his ddd search history is full off stuff like 'how to cure human fast' 'human has a fever is this bad' 'is my human dying'
he literally doesn't leave your side, unless he's getting you food or something, and mammon will talk about random stuff to keep your mind a little busy
at every little change, mammon almost loses it because of worry
if you bring up how sweet he was to you after you're cured he'll deny everything
it could be something as harmless as a mild cold and levi would be freaking out
if levi looks up 'signs a human is dying' and something like coughing is listed as a symptom, he will nearly call an ambulance every time you cough (even though he knows it's probably nothing but still)
levi really wants to stay near you the whole time but he feels like it might be awkward, so he just leaves all his anime merch plushies, pillows and blankets in your room instead
he's actually kind of calm, he makes sure you're hydrated and are taking medication to help fight the illness
satan will get worried if your sickness lasts for a while or if any fevers are hard to get down though
if you want company he'll read you books but don't tell anyone about that please (he's embarrassed)
if you seem to be getting a little better he'll take you to the balcony for some fresh air
he calls solomon in panic every time he's worried about something, like how high can a human fever be before it gets dangerous? how to get a human fever down fast? how much paracetamol can you give a human?
asmo is worried you might hurt your throat from all the coughing, so he gives you plenty of tea with honey
when he is sick, he'd prefer it if somebody stayed near him, so he does just that for you
worried to the point he wants to stay in your bed and hold you until you feel better
he will be extra worried if your appetite is severely decreased, he has to look up how to make light meals you can eat
if he has any questions he will text solomon for help and advice, after all he is a human too maybe he'd be of good help
if you feel bad again after you almost recovered beel might actually call a doctor
when he's sick he just tries to sleep it off, so he encourages you to do the same
he will be awake and holding a damp cloth to your forehead the entire time though
belphie has a little trouble falling asleep knowing you're sick, he knows how fragile humans can be what if you die
he will get mad at anyone who dares disturb you when you're recovering (mammon walked into the room while belphie was looking after you and he wasn't happy)
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fanficsat12am · 2 years
how the brothers react to playing with his hair headcanons | Beelzebub & Belphegor
WARNINGS: This contains angst with comfort and mentions of Lilith
📜 𝙼𝙰𝚂𝚃𝙴𝚁𝙻𝙸𝚂𝚃!! 📜 Lucifer & Mammon Leviathan, Satan & Asmodeus
You opened your eyes to see Beel in a cold sweat, tears brimming his eyes with quick and shallow breath leaving his agape mouth. His eyes looked unfocused, darting to look around the dark room. Little did you know that while you saw only darkness in the room, he saw vivid images of Lilith and the war, the past continuing to haunt him.
You noticed that Beel had been waking up more frequently than usual for a midnight snack. You’ve caught him multiple times in the kitchen already, each night feeling uneasy with his wavering smile meant for reassurance. Wanting to help the poor giant, you decided to sleep beside him tonight–claiming to just want to spend more time with him.
Trying to rack your brain for anything that can help your lover, you’re hit with a fond memory between the two of you. Times when you’d go to him in a heap of sobs and he’d hold you tight, brushing his hand through our hair and whispering words of reassurance.
So, you do to him what he has done to you over and over again with no hesitation. You envelop him into your arms and start playing with his hair, the hue resembling that of amber.
To your surprise, it seemed to have made the situation worse. His cries were now more severe than that a while ago.
But it wasn’t your fault. It was never your fault. He didn’t tell you about his nightmares, nor did he tell you much about his time before the Celestial War. Did she tell you? The times of when Lilith would run her fingers along his hair, your gentle touch almost an exact replica of how hers felt.
You were about to pull away when his hand shoots up to rest on top of yours, a sign to keep going. So you obliged, the demon's tense shoulders finally slackening. You continued until the demon’s eyes closed, deep and shallow breaths indicating that he was asleep.
Since that night, he longs for that certain touch from you. It ends up being a form of relaxation that brings him to the euphoric times in the Celestial Realm.
“Honey, you haven’t eaten anything for an hour and your stomach’s been grumbling non-stop. You need to eat”
“Just a few more minutes please…I might be hungry, but I don’t wanna be starved of your touch”
Plus Belphie can probably sense it so he’ll bring me some
He woke up from one of his afternoon naps to something rummaging about in his hair. His breathing hitched, thinking that it was a mouse or an insect, and was about to shoot up from his position. A sigh of relief left his lips when he saw your familiar hand on his head.
The demon tries to keep his eyes open, your touch bringing him to a heavenly place he hasn't been to for what felt like eternity. He might seem composed on the outside, but in reality he’s scared. Scared that if he falls back asleep, he’ll wake up with you gone just like her.
To his dismay, the warmth of your touch lulled him back to a deep slumber. He found himself in the arms of his little sister once again, her small hand brushing through his locks. They were in his room, the pristine whites and golds filling the space unmistakable.
Before he can even relish in the feeling of the moment, he finds himself plummeting from the skies, the bed they were on was suddenly gone in a split second. He's now standing in the middle of a darkened void. Where were you? Where was Lilith? For the first time after being freed from the attic, he's once again alone.
Belphie woke up from his slumber in a jolt, the demon still groggy. He looked around his room expecting to see you talking to Beel or going through your D.D.D., but you weren’t.
A deep dread in his stomach starts to form and he feels tears start to form. He wanted to believe that this was just another one of his dreams, but it wasn’t. This was a nightmare coming to reality. With a heavy heart, sobs start to leave the poor blunette.
Through heaving breathing, he hears the door to his room creak open. He thought that it was just Beel, knowing that he can somehow sense his heartbreak.
But it wasn’t Beel. It wasn’t his gentle calloused hand resting on his face, nor was it his violet eyes staring at him. It was yours.
You leaned down to his ear and whispered five simple words, the sound almost inaudible... "It's time to wake up"
His eyes slowly open, feeling an uncomfortable wet feeling on his face. Was this another dream? He almost thought so until he made out a familiar silhouette and gentle fingers combing through his blueberry hair. This was real, he was sure of it. Without a second thought, he clung tight to you, thinking you’ll slip away if he lets go. You coo at him, whispering sweet nothings into his ear with obvious worry lacing your voice.
After he told you everything that happened, not a day passes wherein he doesn't wakes up to you playing with his hair. He often finds the line between reality and his head blurry– the gesture reassuring him that he’s awake, with you in his arms.
“How was your nap, baby?”
“Waking up to you and your touch is always better than only seeing you in my dreams”
AN: HELLO THERE!! I hope you guys liked my third work 😃 I've had a great time writing these and have a lot more coming up❗❗ Thanks for all your support and I hope you stick around to see what's coming in the future <33
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projectbluearcadia · 2 months
Welcome To The World Of Tomorrow!
Lucifer: Annelie? You're...
Annelie: I'm okay. I'm okay, honey; you don't need to cry.
Annelie hugs Lucifer tighter, and Lucifer wipes at his eyes. Barbatos slumps over.
Barbatos: So it was... that way...
Barbatos' eyes flutter, and he falls unconscious.
Diavolo: What... just happened?
Annelie: ...I think I have an idea.
Lucifer: You... You do?
Annelie: Uh, so... remember how I accidentally took like most of your soul out of you.... y'know, back in that... place?
Lucifer's eyes widen.
Annelie: Yeah... I think I might've.... done that. With maybe some damage control since I took it from three people this time. Maybe a little disproportionately.
Diavolo and Lucifer glance over at Barbatos.
Diavolo: Well... I'm glad.
Diavolo smiles with relief.
Diavolo: Lucifer, take her back home and make sure she gets some rest. I'll take care of things here.
Lucifer: I want to hit him again.
Diavolo: Later. I've never seen you so upset before, and I think you need some time to recover from this. I'm saying this as your friend; I want you to take a few days off at the least. Annelie, don't you think so too?
Annelie sends a brief, malicious glare towards Barbatos.
Annelie: Yeah. Let's go home and split a nice bottle of demonus. We'll listen to your record of Danse Macabre.
Lucifer: ...okay. Anything you want, Annelie.
Lucifer kisses her forehead, her cheek, and then her lips as he hugs her, still squeezing one hand.
[ timeskip ]
Mammon: So, uh... Is nobody gonna ask what happened?
Mammon points at the scene in the living room, where Lucifer is laying on Annelie's lap, his face turned into her stomach. Annelie herself blinks at Mammon slowly, her disconcerting eyes making him shiver as she pets Lucifer's head.
Annelie: Shh, Mammon, stress is bad for the baby
Lucifer: Oh, shut up.
Annelie: I'm kidding; don't get snippy.
Beel: Omgroph guffs worph...
Belphie: Yeah, I agree with Beel. Seriously, I've never seen him act this clingy.
I will continue not to understand how these two comprehend each other.
Annelie covers Lucifer's ears.
Annelie: I kind of almost died in front of him again. So he's been really on edge lately... I can't imagine how traumatizing it was for one of his closest friends to try to kill me while he couldn't do anything.
Mammon: Hold the hell up, what?
Satan: Yeah, what?
Annelie: Just please don't talk about it in front of him; I want to give him some space from the whole shitshow. Fill in Levi and Asmo later when they come downstairs.
Satan: You can't just drop something like that on us and expect us not to ask questions.
Annelie: I wasn't---
Lucifer finally swats at Annelie's hands and sits up, revealing his haggard face.
Lucifer: Barbatos thought she would be better off dead, so he tried to kill her. Apparently, the future he saw with her in it was grim.
The brothers fall silent, and Annelie sighs.
Annelie: We'll take care of it as best we can, just like we always do. Diavolo texted me not too long ago that I nearly killed Barb trying to resurrect myself, so I feel like we're even.
Satan: I have more questions than I started with.
Lucifer: That makes two of us.
Lucifer rubs his face.
Lucifer: Among other things, Annelie clearly awakened some kind of power, which I suspect is a stronger variant of what she already has. Which is a problem, given that according to Barbatos, the vaccine is only effective towards treating surface level symptoms.
Annelie: He could have just been a little delulu, considering he admitted to being romantically attracted to me.
Lucifer: Annelie, you can't pretend to me that you haven't felt something change. Don't coddle me.
Annelie: ...hah... Sorry. I just... I don't want you to be at your wits end because you're worried about me. It's bad enough that you're afflicted with whatever succubus bullshit that makes your love for me border on blind devotion. I want you to worry about you first right now.
Lucifer: ...I will try. That is all I will promise.
Annelie: Fine. Good enough. And anyway, I haven't really felt much of a change. Except for a ridiculously strong desire to...
Annelie's face pinkens, and she whispers in Lucifer's ear.
Annelie: ...to see you tied-up, red-faced and begging me in the most obscene way possible for the slightest stimulation.
Lucifer's body shudders, and he clears his throat.
Lucifer: Of course, you didn't have breakfast this morning. I should fix that.
Lucifer takes Annelie by the hand and leads her upstairs while she grins. Satan groans, facepalming.
Satan: Please tell me I'm not the only one who hates it when he makes that euphemism.
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the-lady-writes-what · 4 months
How the Brothers react to you riding them, Beel
Pretty much All Porn/No Plot, so minors be warned (and stay out)
Content: face sitting, food play, praise + body worship (receiving)
These are all my own head canons. Don’t be mean about it. 
Lucifer Asmo Levi Mammon Belphie Satan
🔞NSFW Content Below! 18+ Only! Minors DNI!🔞
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I think Beel is an ass man. Personally, I think he likes a soft stomach and thick thighs as well. He espeically loves to grope your cheeks (and I don't mean your face) while you're sitting on him
Food. We're talking about the Avatar of Gluttony. Food play is on the metaphorical table
I'm not saying he has poor stamina, but I feel like Beel (in my personal opinion but you're free to have any valid headcanons of your own) has to work up an appetite for sex.
And the best way to do that is to sit on his face. I mean it. He loves it. No matter how big you think you are, he's going to have the strength to keep you there. You're not going to suffocate him, I promise. Besides you're going to need it.
I think Beel isn't very big, but he is very girthy
He's not known for being very noisy in the bedroom. Beel in general seems to me a quiet kind of person. It doesn't make much sense to me that he'd make a lose of noise or be a loud grunter in bed. He makes a little bit of noise, but not a lot.
Snacks afterwards
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"Belphie is going to be working on a school project with Levi and Asmo all night. So...if you want to come over?"
Say less.
It wasn't often that you and Beel got his room all to yourselves. Belphie would usually be sleeping in his bed while you guys slept in Beel's. Having his twin in the same room more often than not killed the mood. You couldn't get horny while Belphie was just a few feet away. The one time you two got all hot and bothered under the covers, Belphie's snoring disrupted any plans of sex. Whether it was accidental or on purpose, the mood died. Most of the time, Beel managed to sneak into your room when you slept there and do the deed there, but your bed was small for the pair of you.
After dinner when the other brothers left the table to be off to their own devices, you scurried your room and grabbed a couple things you might need. When you arrived at Beel's room, the same one he shared with his twin, he appeared in the doorway as if he'd been there since he left the dinner table. You didn't even need to knock when the bedroom door swung open. There was a slight blush to his cheeks.
"Hey," said Beel.
"Hey." You repeated.
You both glanced up and down the hallway to make sure nobody saw you go in. When it seemed the coast was clear, you slipped inside. The bedroom was dimly lit with a few cherry scented candles littered about the room. Belphie's side of the bedroom was mercifully void of Belphie. You smiled to yourself before Beel kissed you.
No matter what size you were, Beel could lift you off your feet. He was stronger than ten oxen. The Avatar of Gluttony had well-fed muscles to pick you up. Beel did just that. You gave out a squeak of surprise when Beel bent down to crook his arm behind your knees, pull you up, and carry you to the bed. The upper blankets were peeled back in anticipation. Spread out on the sheet were bowls of fruit, honey, and whipped cream.
"Is this dessert?" You ask.
Beel answered, in part, by kissing your shoulder as his large, rough hands worked free the buttons of your shirt.
"You're my dessert." Beel murmured against your skin.
You turned around and faced him, putting your arms on his shoulders. You pushed his jacket off. The kissing resumed. Your mouths parted only long enough for you to take Beel's shirt off. In return, Beel slid off your blouse. Where your clothes ended up, you couldn't care less. Layer after layer, you both got naked. You carefully moved onto the bed while trying not to tip over any of the bowls. Beel joined you, though he had to be a bit more careful than you.
Skin to skin, hands roved each other's bodies. You delighted in the bumps and muscles on Beel while he admired your everything. Perhaps this wasn't the time to take things slow as Belphie could make a surprise visit or come back early at any minute. But you wanted to be touched and loved on and worshiped by your demon lover in his own large bed instead of making due with your much smaller one. There was space aplenty as Beel often liked to toss and turn in his sleep.
Beel daubed a fat strawberry into the cream to feed you. He ate two himself but licked the whipped cream that you'd forgotten from the corner of your mouth. He fed you more strawberries and fruit, sometimes forgoing the cream or honey and sometimes not. You flicked your tongue agianst his fingers every time he fed you, teasing his fingertips. With the last strawberry, you licked his fingers clean and sucked on them. A burning heat rose in Beel's eyes. He dipped his fingers into the honey and put aside the bowls on his bedside table. His sticky fingers made a beeline for your honey pot (puns very much intended). You gasped. The sensation was a little unwelcome. Sticky was not what you should probably have down there.
But, before you could protest much further, Beel pulled you to him. He laid on his back. His large hands pulled you by the hips towards his face. You squatted down after putting a pillow beneath his neck. Beel held you down by the hips. His tongue and lips licked and worshiped your pussy. Even after he lapped the honey clean off your most sensitive area, Beel still hadn't had his fill. You gripped the headboard until your knuckles ached. You rocked your cunt against his face, riding it.
"Beel, Beel," you chanted. "Don't stop. Don't you dare stop!"
He hummed against your skin. Beel moved his hands from your hips to your ass. He squeezed your cheeks with both hands while helping you rock against his mouth. The room filled with the sounds of you moaning and whimpering and calling out his name. Your toes curled as pleasure shot down your spine. Beel's tongue drove you up and over the edge. You came crashing down with a loud moan, arching your back, and bucking against his face. You creamed all over his mouth. Beel slurped it up before finally letting you off.
Boneless, Beel settled you on top. He slipped you down to his crotch. You knew what he wanted. You reached down to help slip his hard cock inside your slippery cunt. It was easy impaling yourself on him now that you were so wet. What he lacked in length, Beel more than made up for it by spreading you open. It was enough to make you lean your head back as he bottomed out inside you.
Beel let you take the lead. You lifted your hips and came down again, impaling yourself over and over on his cock. Beel reached for you and grabbed you by the hips. He spread his fingers over your flesh and held on. Beel grunted softly as you rode him.
"So, so good, MC. You feel so good."
Beel sat up. His arms were like temple columns around your waist as he pulled you to his chest. Your nipples rubbed against him as picked up the pace, going faster. Your mouths met in a kiss. Beel tightened his hold on you and started moving with you. He thrust upwards, making you see stars.
You broke away from the kiss. Your mouth feel open, first with a sigh, then moaning. Skin against skin, flesh against flesh, Beel pounded you from under you. Your nails dug into his shoulders knowing full well that he could take it. Your human nails couldn't be a match for such a strong demon lord.
"You're perfect, MC." Beel growled against your skin. He bucked up into you harder. His mouth latched onto your breast. He switched between them as he suckled and nibbled on them.
"B-Beel, I'm...I'm close!"
"Me too."
Beel wouldn't let you go. You matched his pace, driving his cock deeper, faster into your body. White hot pleasure shot down your spine. As if sensing the approaching climax, Beel held you close, rocking his hips into yours as hard and fast as he could. You shuddered as you cried out. You gushed around him. Goosebumps prickled your skin as you came down. Beel kissed your shoulder with an open mouth. His mouth sucked on your skin with his teeth lightly grazing it. He groaned as he bit into crux where you shoulder met your neck. His body stuttered beneath you, thrusting upwards a handful of times before burying to the hilt. Beel squeezed you as he filled you up. When he finally released you, he kissed your mouth pushed your hair out of the way.
"Beautiful," he said before kissing you again.
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ur-dad-satan · 7 months
I'm almost certain that MC would introduce the brothers to human world holidays and they would try their best to emulate it with what they have. That being said, have a mini fic!!
!! Fluff, wholesome, thanksgiving themes, shit postish, gender neutral MC !!
Also, I'm basing the food and traditions off of my personal experience so sorry if you don't see your faves mentioned in the foods
MC had been hanging out with Asmodeus and Mammon in the common room gossiping about both human world and Devildom social media. The three were scrolling and laughing when a certain human world post caught MC's eye.
"Oh! I didn't realize today was Thanksgiving. Damn, it's really almost December." They sighed. Their tone was no longer as happy as it was before and their expression had switched to a slightly somber one.
"What's wrong, honey?" Asmo asked causing Mam to pay more attention too.
"Sorry. I didn't mean to kill the mood." MC smiled slightly only for Mammon to roll his eyes.
"No. Stop that. What's going on with ya? What happened, MC? Do I need to get Beel to fight someone?" Mammon asked getting closer to comfort them.
"I just realized that today is Thanksgiving. In the human world, it's a holiday where you're supposed to remember the native people killed by European settlers in order to take their land by having a huge feast and sharing what you're grateful for with your friends and family. My family would make a lot of different foods, desserts, drinks, and watch movies all afternoon until night and then we'd all go home and sleep of we were at someone else's house. We always made so much that we would be eating the same thing for at least a week!" MC smiled nostalgically. They sighed in contentment before shaking their head and looking back up at the two demons with them.
"Oh, honey that sounds like a... wonderful little tradition! I'm sorry we don't have anything like that here." Asmo said gently and placed a hand on MC's leg.
"Hey, how about I try to make ya feel better, huh?" Mammon asked excitedly.
"We'll all go out! Even if we just walk around and window shop, all of us will go out on the town!" Mammon suggested. MC thought about it for a moment, then nodded their head and smiled gently.
"Alright. I'll ask the others if they want to go with us." MC said and stood up to go talk to the others.
"Don't worry about it, MC. Asmo and I will take care of that. I'll even let you wear my lucky ring today, okay?" Mammon said and helped MC up off of the couch. He kissed their forehead and shooed them off to get ready.
"Okay. Thanks Mam. Asmo, can I use your tub, please?"
"Help yourself to anything you need, gorgeous!" Asmo smiled and watched MC walk out of the room. "Mammon what are you planning?" He asked more seriously.
"We're gonna throw them a Devildom style thanksgiving! C'mon! They'll love it and it'll make em happy! It only makes sense, right?"
"Wow, Mammon, that was actually a good idea. You tell the twins and Satan and I'll tell Luci and Levi." Asmo smiled and pat his older brother on the shoulder as if to say, 'good job'.
A few hours later, all eight residents were out and about. They spent the whole day laughing and joking around with MC to make them feel better. By the early evening, Lucifer, Satan, Levi and Asmo went back to the house while Mam, Beel, Belphie, and MC stayed out a little longer. The four of them walked around a park for a while until Mammon looked down at his D.D.D and quickly spoke up.
"I'm pooped. Let's go back to the house." The white-haired demon suggested.
"Fine with me, I'm hungry and Belphie looks like he can barely hold his eyes open anymore." MC chuckled and peeked over at Belphie who was leaning on Beel and almost asleep.
"I think Lucifer's cooking tonight, so dinner should be ready by the time we get home." Beel said happily and the four of them made their way back to the House of Lamentation.
MC opened the front door and was immediately hit with a cacophony of familiar smells. They looked back toward the three brothers they were with who were smiling at them excitedly. MC immediately walked straight into the dining room and gasped in pure shock and awe.
"Happy thanksgiving, MC!" The crowd yelled in glee. The rest of the brothers, the angels, Solomon, Lord Diavolo, Barbatos, Mephieso, and Thirteen lined the sides of the room. In front of them was a giant spread laid out expertly across the huge dining table. There were dinner rolls, ham, macaroni and cheese, sweet potatoes, fresh collard greens, redxred apple pie, wicked cupcakes, demonus, and so much more across the table.
"You guys! You didn't have to do this for me! It's just one little human world holiday!" MC gushed holding back their tears.
"Well, we heard how sad you sounded, and we wanted to do something nice for you." Solomon said. Being human too, he understood missing little things like a holiday.
"Thank you all so much! I'm so glad that I came to the Devildom. My life has never been more exciting." MC said happily.
"It was Mammon's idea. You should thank him the most." Lucifer piped up. Mammon blushed as every eye in the room turned to him.
"Aww, Mammon! Thank you so much! I love you so much!" MC ran to Mammon and hugged him with everything they had in them. Mammon blushed even more and stuttered out an 'of course' in response.
The rest of the night was spent full of laughing, delicious food, jealous glared thrown and Mammon, and lots and lots of good memories. Solomon even pulled some strings and got MC's favorite alcohol so they could get a bit "silly" just like everyone else.
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lou-struck · 11 months
Belphegor x reader
Prompt: 😴+hypnosis
~ You and Belphie stumble across a hypnotist’s show while on a date in the human world.
WC: 1.8k
~This is one of the requested prompts for My Emoticon Expression’s Event; check out the Masterlist on my welcome page.
a/n: I’m not the biggest fan of hypnosis, it has always made me feel a bit uncomfortable, so I decided to put a spin on it and relate it back to the last time I saw a hypnotist perform.
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You have been in the Devildom far too long and were in dire need of a bit of sunlight and some good ole fashion people’s food. And, as much as the Devildom may try to make a decent cup of coffee, it will never measure up to the real thing. 
You take a deep breath in and smell the fresh air and the faint aroma of ground coffee beans before turning to your yawning companion; After accidentally sleeping through your movie date last night, Belpheghor had begged to join you on your little trip to the Human world to make up for it. Which you, of course, agreed with. 
He is all too aware of the soft spot you have for him. But neither of you mind.
“Thank you for coming with me today Belphie,” you smile, leading him into the shop. “I didn’t want to come up here all by myself for the day. 
“Thank you for letting me,” He sighs, looking just a bit guilty as he rubs the back of his neck. “I really want to make it up to you after I fell asleep last night. Those chairs were just too comfy, and I always sleep better next to you.”
“It’s not that big of a deal, Behlpie; it was an accident,” you say as the two of you make your way through the modest line. “It could’ve happened to anyone.”
“But it happened to me, and it’s already so hard to get time with you.” he chuckles before looking at you with his deep purple gaze, “Sometimes, I don’t even want to share you with Beel.”
You feel your cheeks heat up at his words but try to remain composed by scanning the menu. The coffee shop has added some summertime drink specials that look so refreshing you just have to try them. You order a honey lavender iced latte for yourself and a sweet cold brew for Belphie since he needs all the help he can get to stay awake.
“Hey, what’s that over there by the stage?” He asks, glancing out the window. Following his gaze, you see that in the park across the street, there is a large crowd gathered next to the outdoor stage.
It must be a show,” you say, squinting to get a better look at the scene. A few people have already set out blankets on the ground, and more are on their way. “Do you want to check it out?”
He shrugs, “Sure, why not? It’s a good day for it.” The Togo bell is rung, and you go to pick up your drinks at the counter. Your name is horribly misspelled, but it’s nostalgic and makes the drink taste just a bit better as you and your Demon exit the shop.
It’s only a short walk to the stage, but the crowd makes it take longer than you had expected it would. By the time you make it to the foot of the stage, your drink is half finished. 
Just to your left is a large sign for the entertainment. Apparently, performing today is a hypnotist who goes by the name ‘The Amazing, The Astounding…Kevin’
“Oh, it’s a Hypnotist,” you say aloud, and Belphie looks at you with wide eyes.
“So this guy is just practicing magic out in the open, and no one thinks it’s weird?” he asks, reading the sign. 
“I don’t know if I would call it magic,” you say, trying your best to comfort the Demon, who has quite a different outlook on the concept of hypnosis thanks to a certain lustful older brother of his. “Hypnosis in the human world is more psychological than supernatural. It’s more about people responding to suggestions than being forced to do anything they don’t want to do,” you explain, hoping that you actually know what you’re talking about.
“That makes us sound kind of evil, doesn’t it?” He asks while taking a sip of his drink; you can tell that he is enjoying it based on the considerable amount he has had so far. 
“Not evil, just different,” you say, leading him to the seating area. The statement is comforting to him, but you can tell he doesn’t want to think about that any longer. It’s then, a man in a powder blue suit steps onto the stage. Who must be The Amazing Kevin? He introduces himself to the crowd and begins his show as you lean over to whisper into Belphie’s ear.
“I have no idea how he can wear a three-piece suit in this heat.” you number, earning a quiet chuckle from him.
“Oh hey,” you whisper again. “He’ll take volunteers from the audience, so if you want to volunteer, either raise your hand or try and listen to him.”
“Are you going to try to get hypnotized?” The Demon asks, looking around at all the eager volunteers waving their hands to get the Hypnotist’s attention.
The Hypnotist selects a few of them but makes sure to leave a few chairs open just in case there are a few people in the audience who are more suggestible as the show goes on.
You shake your head, “I think I just wanna watch. Let someone else enjoy it today.”
As the two of you talk quietly, the Hypnotist chooses a few of his volunteers and starts to tell them to relax.
“Feel your eyes getting heavier and heavier as you begin to relax.”
At the Hypnotist’s suggestion, you see the volunteers on stage already sinking deeper into their folded chairs, and the crowd gasps. 
Belphie nudges you slightly, speaking to you in a hushed whisper. “Are they really falling for that? I guess the guy has a boring voice.”
And despite the situation you are in, the laugh that slips past your lips is much louder than you had anticipated drawing a few curious looks from the people around you.
But what you don’t notice is that you have caught the attention of the Hypnotist on the stage.
The Hypnotist scans the audience looking for anyone drifting off at his command but continues speaking. A few volunteers fall harmlessly off their chairs and sprawl out onto the stage. 
The last of the volunteers slump down and lean against each other, appearing to be deep in sleep. You look over at Blephie and see that he is dozing off, his hand holds yours tightly, but he still nestles in closer to you. Which tells you one thing. 
He fell asleep on his own. 
Kevin sees this and smiles victoriously. “Oh my, it looks like we have another volunteer in the audience, Ladies and gentlemen.” he makes his way down the steps of the stage and over to your seat. “I see you’ve been hiding your friend from us.” he grins before leaning close to you and whispering, “This is what you get for talking through my show.”
“Oh, no, I’m sorry, Sir, he’s not hypnotized. He just fell asleep.” you try to explain as kindly as you can, but he shushes you.
“That’s what they all say.” He scoffs into his mic and turns his attention to Belphie, placing his hand on the Demon’s shoulder and looking at you impatiently.
“What’s his name?”
This isn’t going to end well, but The Amazing Kevin is kinda rude, so you’re okay with messing with him just a bit. “It’s Belphie,” you mumble. “But he really just fell asleep,” warning him one last time eases your conscience as he waves off your remark and continues on with the show. 
With his hand still on Belphies shoulder, he speaks to him calmly through the mic. “Now, Belphie,” he starts, “Listen only to my voice and allow yourself to fall deeper into relaxation.”
Belphie doesn’t even stir, continuing to rest peacefully against you.
Kevin takes this as a sign that the hypnosis is working and continues. “You feel amazing when your body is so relaxed; you can do anything and be anything.” His statement is meant to be inspirational, but you have a feeling he is going to try and use Belphie for the crowd’s entertainment. “So why not be a chicken?”
The crowd is all giggling at the Hypnotist’s words, ready to see your sleepy boyfriend perform for them. “Belphie, when I tap you on the head. You will be a chicken; you will act how you think a chicken would act and make your way up to the stage.”
With no hesitation, he taps the Avatar of Sloth on the head and waits for him to start clucking, but just as you said, he doesn’t budge.
“And you are a chicken,” he says again, sounding a bit frustrated, this time tapping him much harder on the head. Getting no reaction at all. 
The crowd murmurs in confusion amongst themselves, and he taps him again, shaking his head a bit. “Chicken!” he commands loudly, not even trying to hide the desperation in his voice.
“Mmm, what are you doing?” Belphie groans tiredly, smacking away the Hypnotist’s hand and earning a chuckle from the crowd. “I was comfy.”
The Not-So-Amazing Kevin blinks in surprise and looks at you in disbelief. “You were telling the truth?”
You nod, and Belphie sits up, looking at you apologetically. “Sorry, I guess I fell asleep, Mc. I really thought the coffee would keep me awake longer. Is the show over?”
“No, we are right in the middle of it.” you laugh, giving him a reassuring squeeze on his hand to let him know you are not upset. He smiles thankfully and finally notices the stunned performer in front of him.
“Oh, it’s you?” he says, “Why are you down here and not on stage with the volunteers?”
At the mention of the volunteers, the Hypnotist realizes that he has forgotten about the ten people currently passed out on stage and rushes away from you rather embarrassedly. 
“Should we go?” Belphie asks as the Hypnotist makes his way back up to the stage, “For some reason, I don’t like this guy. He seems mad at us.”
“He may be just a bit upset,” you giggle, already halfway out of your seat. “But we should go get something to eat.”
He nods and extends a hand, “That would be great.” You pull him to his feet, and walk away from the stage. A few people look at you as you walk away, but their attention is fleeting. 
“You wanna know something, Mc?” Belphie asks, glancing back lazily at the stage. 
“What’s up?”
"It’s odd, but for some reason, I am really craving some chicken right now.”
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mallowdarling · 6 months
I miss my boys so I will rant about them cuz they're so fangtastic. . .
Lucifer is just a sad man, he wants kisses and hugs but don't know how to ask and that's okay I give it to him and also a pet on his head cuz I know it's hurting like hell. Can I tuck him in bed? I hope so, I hope he doesn't escape :((
Mammon is my everything, my beginning and my end, he's so girly pop and also so :3 yknow? He just hides it cuz he's silly but he's very >w< to me. I hope he gets paid today like 100000000000 grims and I hope somebody validates him
Levi is pathetic and cute and soggy wet cat and that's self explanatory. I think somebody should shrink him so I could carry him in my pockets or ontop of my head. Like ratatouille! But snake version!!! I think he should do the sssssss thing tbh. Like imagine imagine.. he's nervous and then he keeps accidentally prolonging his S sounds waaaaah (^o^)/
Satan is so funny haha he's all angry and he kills people I think but he's so funky talking about cats like that's the only thing keeping him from going completely delulu on his blonde head and it's also very distinctive the way he will put a whoopee cushion on the chair for you to sit and laugh his ass off. He's the number one Tom & Jerry fan me thinks
Asmo is the girliest of the girly pop but like in a maniacal way. He's actually insane and very murderous, he is a psycho but the "pretty litte" kind of way, yknow the song. He's so pretty and smart and beautiful and divine. He's very monster high, you see it don't you? But still he just needs a kiss and true love just like a princess, oh honey <3
Beel is live laugh and love. I am not great at cooking but I could make him a ramen you get what I mean cuz he deserves it. But also more than hungry he's so very sweet, he's a family guy! He's so cute that I would let him hug me even after his fangol matches when he's all sweaty and dirty, idc. He makes fly noises when his wings are out too, I know that cuz I was there when it happened, and I think that's great, super kudos for him for that. I hope he also makes the hand rubs flies do
Belphie is a BRAT! Gotta love him. He's also a psycho and an actual killer but like he said he was sorry :( I still hold that against him but I will throw that in his face and humiliate him while I hand him cookies and a glass of milk. I hope he falls face first on the floor but then stay there and have a comfortable nap. His voice is so cute the cutest I want to strangle him with my bare hands. I hate him, I want him to be happy!!! I want him so so happy just so I can ruin his happiness and leave him miserable and then restore his spirit by shaking him and giving him a kiss on the cheek and then slap his face as hard as I can. I hope he falls off a plane with a parachute in hands of course but like I want him to feel the fear
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atticsandwich · 11 months
listen i need this as self assurance and indulgence. will include all dateables, mephisto, thirteen, and raphael. will also include any honorable mentions!
I'll link a playslist with all the songs at the end for funsies hehe
False God (Lover)
I know heaven's a thing; I go there when you touch me, honey, hell is when I fight with you.
I was debating between this one or I Can See You from Speak Now TV, but I feel like the religious imagery in this one really sold me
hon. mention: Invisible String, Don't Blame Me
Paper Rings (Lover)
I like shiny things, but I'd marry you with paper rings
I want to drive away with you, I want your complications too, I want your dreary Mondays
I think Mammon's definitely the type to propose with a paper ring either while he's drunk or as an impromptu proposal (of course, he'll still buy you an actual ring) but it's kind of a cute contrast from his greed image
hon. mention: New Year's Day
Glitch (Midnights)
I thought we had no chance, and that's romance, let's dance
This one is definitely not just because of the song's theming 🤞 Even the first line (we were supposed to be just friends) is a direct parallel to his character song 😭 (which, fun fact, is my favorite out of all the songs we have... That and Telepathy.)
hon. mention: Tied Together with a Smile
cowboy like me (evermore)
I've got some tricks up my sleeve, takes one to know one
You're a cowboy like me, never wanted love, just a fancy car
Satan was the hardest to pick for, I think. Originally I wanted to go for something like. idk. Sweeter Than Fiction? Which to be fair could be a good pick too. But I feel like cowboy like me encapsulates his "i've finally met my match, so i'm never letting go" kind of thing
hon. mention: Sweeter Than Fiction, I Think He Knows
Gorgeous (reputation)
You should take it as a compliment that I got drunk and made fun of the way you talk, you should think about the consequence of your magnetic field being a little too strong
This one was the first one I thought of LMAO I think people might say it's a pretty shallow pick but it's exactly why I went with it anyway - he seems like a very shallow demon and his aesthetic is definitely what first draws you in, but if you don't bother trying to get to know him, he'll only ever be gorgeous and nothing else. Do you get what I'm going for here. I hope you do.
hon. mention: Style, Bejeweled
Stay Stay Stay (Red, Taylor's Version)
You carry my groceries and now I'm always laughing, and I love you because you have given me no choice but to stay
All those times you didn't leave, it's been occuring to me, I'd like to hang out with you for my whole life
I take back what I said about Satan. BEEL was the hardest to pick for 😵‍💫😭 tbh this pick went purely off of vibes and not necessarily any deeper connection. How dare I call myself a Beel simp. (Someone help me out here i'm dying)
Run (Red, Taylor's Version)
Darling, let's run, run from it all
We can go where our eyes can take us, go where no one else is, run
I think I gravitated towards this song for Belphie because of the themes of escapism. Like all he wants to do is be with you and no one else (and maybe Beel) but as long as he's with you, anywhere is home
hon. mention: Untouchable
Enchanted (Speak Now, Taylor's Version)
This is me praying that this was the very first page, not where the storyline ends, my thoughts will echo your name until I see you again.
He was so fun to think for because he definitely has this almost naive, fairytale charm when it comes to romance, I think. Like he's definitely the type to reference fairytale romances with prince charming and sweeping you off your feet and all that. I think.
hon. mention: Today Was a Fairytale, gold rush
Dancing With Our Hands Tied (reputation)
I could've spent forever with your hands in my pockets, picture of your face in an invisible locket, you said there was no one in the world that could stop it
I was divided between this one and Timeless, but went with dwoht bc the vibes felt right. On-the-low sutuationship-relationship yet always craving their presence and intimacy? Yeah sign me up
hon. mentions: Timeless, Haunted
Sweet Nothing (Midnights)
Outside, they're push and shoving, you're in the kitchen humming, all that you ever wanted from me was sweet nothing
note: do NOT let him do shit in the kitchen
I picked this one because I think out of all of them, I associate Solomon with domesticity the most. I think he'd be one to crave for that too, and that all he wants is to go home after a long day to see you.
hon. mention: Ours, Our Song
Treacherous (Red, Taylor's Version)
Your name has echoed through my mind and I just think you should, think you should know, that nothing safe is worth the drive
Oh Simeon, the most un-angel angel (or ex-angel?) to ever exist. I originally wanted to go for something a bit more sensual for him, but I think Treacherous encapsulates his inner conflict of where he stands as an angel, his love for the brothers, and his love for you.
hon. mention: So It Goes...
Electric Touch (Speak Now, Taylor's Version)
All I know is this could either break my heart or bring it back to life, got a feeling your electric touch could fill this ghost town up with life
And I want you now, wanna need you forever, in the heat of your electric touch
Listen. Mephisto feels like a slowburn which was why I chose this song exactly. The uncertainty, the hope, the longing, but with a sprinkle of denial and starvation. The overthinking. YEAHHHH BABYYY IM GOING TO LOSE IT (<- has the unfortunate trait of being a mephisto simp)
hon. mentions: Cruel Summer, Afterglow
Wonderland (1989)
Haven't you heard what becomes of curious minds? Didn't it all seem new and exciting? I felt your arms twisting around me, I should've slept with one eye open at night
Oh picking a song for her was fun. I also got stuck between two songs but chose Wonderland just bc I felt it suited her better. There's an air of mystery, skepticism, madness, longing... you name it
hon. mention: Message in a Bottle
Snow on the Beach (Midnights)
This scene feels like what I once saw on a screen, I searched aurora borealis green, I've never seen someone lit from within, blurring out my periphery
Okay this one feels like a stretch but also I'm half projecting because Raph is my favorite undateable LMFAO I just think his. Distance(?) makes it so it's almost magical that he gets drawn in. y'know. Almost like a once in a lifetime thing.
hon. mention: Dress, Superman
And that's all of them! I'm aware I didn't include Luke and although I still could include him with a more platonic/familial song, I went into this with like. Romance in my brain so. Sorry Luke ur still my bff don't worry.
There's also a distinct lack of debut, fearless, and folklore i'm so sorry i didnt mean it 😭
Anyways if you have any songs you also associate with them, I'd love to hear it!!
I made a playlist here!
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soul-of-the-sanada · 1 year
obey me brothers and picking up a new hobby
a/n: I can't sleep so have this
starting a new hobby because you're bored with the regular day to day, or someone's feeling inspired? who knows why anyone does anything.
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lucifer would want to do something classy. maybe he'd offer to learn an instrument with you, or teach you something he knows. 
i think he'd enjoy some kinda craft where he can use his hands. maybe throwing clay, sitting there shaping it in his hands gives him a good sense of control and that's important to him. downside is he'd throw out anything with the slightest imperfection. 
whatever you want to do, mammon is with you every step of the way. and vice versa which makes picking out a new hobby for the two of you just plain exhausting.
i bet you could get this guy into hardcore couponing. he'd be the type to whip out that huge binder. everything is color coded by store/purpose/intended recipient/etc. 
he'd be really interested in antiquing. who knows what kind of treasure he might find, that would undoubtedly make him a quick grimm on the auction sites. 
pls just let him go back to his room and play games
but not really. he's willing to go out, he just doesn't want to do anything physical. 
i think he'd like to take up something arty. he already does his own sewing and designing so maybe some kind of drawing class where he can design his own manga. you could easily sweet talk simeon into letting him do a special edition graphic novel of tsl. 
idk I just get birdwatching vibes from him. he'd love tracking migration patterns and learning about native species. Satan would also learn birdcalls so he and belphie can signal each other for anti-lucifer club shenanigans. probably tries to set dangerous birds lose in the house because it makes lucifer a little crazy. he quickly stops when someone mentions that mc might get hurt. 
asmo would be all over designing and building miniatures. you want a tiny house, decorated in the best styles? they've got you. a tiny little hol, built to scale, where asmo pretends their brothers care about their fashion and design advice. there's little minis of the entire family and when someone misbehaves (mammon), their little figure gets put in time out in the crypt. 
beekeeping. it's a pretty chill hobby, and he's generally a pretty chill person. he's a bit in tune, thanks to his demon form being insectoid. it's also good for him in the way of the bees making him honey. they love him so much, he gets so much honey. everything is sticky. send help.
photography. another pretty relaxed hobby. his biggest problem is getting sleepy if he has to wait for a while to get his shot. he would prefer to stick to nature sources because less people to deal with. his favorite shot is one he got of mc and beel silhouetted against a setting sun on their way home from RAD. he'd also learn how to develop his own film. 
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