#but hey it's september now!
why-the-heck-not · 7 months
death to services that ask for ur payment info even tho they are free >:( then why in the good goddamn hell would u need that info then hhUH ???
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distant-velleity · 6 months
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A wallflower with very little regard for friendship. Some nights, he can be found singing for the customers of Mostro Lounge.
and some trivia—
Twisted from: Ursula’s golden necklace
Chrysos is a lionfish merman (don’t ask why I chose lionfish specifically, the reason has become really convoluted by now). Side effects of this include being able to open his mouth ridiculously widely should he feel the need to; he usually doesn’t. It freaks people out.
He has ties to Prince Rielle—or so the rumors go, anyway.
He has an uncanny talent for being able to mimic others’ voices upon hearing them frequently enough (and ‘frequently’ can be subjective). This can be dangerous when paired with his UM, for both others and himself.
Consistently has some of the highest grades in the freshmen year. Classmates are always asking him about it, but he stays tight-lipped; only recommending that they talk to his housewarden.
(tagging @thehollowwriter cuz i think you’d be interested)
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celestiachan · 11 months
the fact that dark is treated as enough of a main character for a plushie to be made of him is SO funny to me. fucker got blasted to hell 2.5 years ago and no one's seen him since but yeah we'll make and sell dolls of him
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Do we know to what extent Danton was responsible for the September massacres?
According to Côme Simien’s Un ministre face aux massacres de septembre 1792 (published both as an article here and as chapter four of Danton: Le mythe et l’Histoire (2016)), this is a question that has been tackled a lot throughout the years with different historians giving widely different answers, though perhaps more due to ideological leanings and less due to them actually trying to find the truth.
The article itself establishes that Danton, throughout the weeks predating massacres, multiple times declared himself sympathetic of swiftly punishing the enemies of the revolution, in order to calm the masses and avoid an outburst of ”popular justice” (without neccesarily condemning said justice). On August 11, in his first speech held as minister of justice, he said the following:
Citizens, the French nation, to rid herself of despotism, made a revolution; but she has compromised to generously with the tyrants. The experience has proven to her that there’s nothing to hope for in the old oppressors of the people. She will regain her rights… But in all times, and especially in particular debates, where the action of justice begins, popular revenge must end. I take before the National Assembly the commitment to protect the men who are within its precincts: I will walk at their head, and I answer for them.
The same day, he promised a crowd that presented itself before the Assembly that ”justice would have its course” with the survivors of the Swiss guards who had been protecting the Tuileries palace.
A week later, on August 19, he similarily said:
Swear equality; congratulate the National Assembly on its liberating decrees; turn against the traitors, against the enemies of the fatherland and public happiness, let the sword of the law in your hand be directed against the apostles of freedom. Let the justice of the courts begin, and the justice of the people will cease!
And on August 28, when speaking of the foreign troops marching against Paris, he proclaimed the following:
The time has come to tell the people that they must throw themselves upon their enemies en masse. When a ship is wrecked the crew throws overboard everything that endangers it. In the same way, everything that might endanger the nation must be expelled and whatever may be of use put at the disposal of the local authorities, in return for compensation. […] But for these measures to have their effect, we have closed the gates of the capital, and we were right to. If one still needs to put 30,000 traitors under the law, let them be put there tomorrow, but let us communicate with France as a whole. The municipality is vested with the right to seize all male suspects; but, as of tomorrow, the people can come to defend you and communicate with the inhabitants of Paris.
Finally, on September 2, after the news that the last fort standing between Paris and the enemy had been taken, Danton went up and held the speech which contains his famous words ”the toscin which is about to sound is not a signal for alarm, it is a call to charge upon the enemies of the fatherland. To defeat them, monsieurs, we must be bold, and bolder still and forever bold, and and France will be saved.” After that he went out to order the Paris Commune to start ringing the toscin.
So to summarize Danton’s actions in the leadup to the massacres, it can be established that he never openly called for them to happen, and that there’s even less proof for the idea that he orchestrated them. At the same time, it’s not impossible that his words about charging upon the enemies of the people, though clearly mainly about the emerging foreign armies, also contributed to the intoxication of violence spreading through Paris, and one can wonder if it was just pure chance the massacres got started the same day Danton held his fiery speech and ordered the toscin to start ringing…
Once the massacres get going, Danton disappears from the public scene. Discours de Danton doesn’t record him as having intervened in any debate until September 8. We do however know of a circular drafted on September 3 by the surveillance committee of the Paris Commune, a circular which invited the departments to imitate the massacres in the capital and bore the countersignature of the Ministry of Justice. According to Simien’s article, it is however not fully established if it was Danton himself who affixed this signature, or his general secretary Fabre d'Églantine. 
The article further establishes that Danton saved Adrien Duport from the massacres by refusing his transfer to Paris ordered by the surveillance committee. On September 7 and 9 he also ordered that those arrested in the vicinity of the capital "should not be transferred to Paris, given the circumstances.” On September 2 he tried to protect 53 prisoners from Orléans by ordering them to be sent to Saumur instead of Paris. This last move was however not one that was met with success, as the prisoners were instead transferred to the capital by a Parisian army on September 4, where they were massacred five days later. Finally, we also know that on September 4, Danton personally intervened to save Roland from an arrest warrant recently issued against him. In Discours de Jérôme Pétion sur l’accusation intentée contre Maximilien Robespierre (November 5 1792) Pétion described this in the following way:
The surveillance Committee launched an arrest warrant against Minister Roland; it was the 4th (September), and the massacres were still going on. Danton was informed of it, he came to town hall, he was with Robespierre; he was very enraged over this arbitrary and mad act; it would have lost, not Roland, but those who had awarded him. Danton provoked its revocation, it was buried in oblivion.
Speaking of the massacres after the fact, Danton judged them to have been terrible, but also necessary and even unstoppable:
Perhaps Pétion could have explained to you more clearly that these deplorable scenes, these terrible massacres, which were so well taken advantage of to embitter the departments against Paris, perhaps he should have told you clearly that no human power would have been able to stop the effects of this revolutionary thirst, of this rage which set everything ablaze. A great people, perhaps a few members of the Extraordinary Commission, informed of these deplorable events, could also have reminded you that these terrible acts, over which we all mourn, were the consequence of a revolution; and if individuals can be blamed for having professed acts of revenge, it was never the immediate action of a few individuals, but indeed of a people, which had never seen justice take its course with the greatest culprits. If one had explained these dreadful events frankly, we would have been spared from many calumnies. Danton at the Convention, January 21 1793
Here, public safety demands great means, terrible measures. I see no middle ground between ordinary forms and a revolutionary tribunal. History has attested to this truth; and since one has dared, in this Assembly, to recall those bloody days over which every good citizen has groaned, I say that if a tribunal had existed back then, the people, to whom we have so often, so cruelly reproached those days, would not have bloodied their hands. I will say, and I will have the assent of all who witnessed these events, that no human power was in a position to stop the overflow of national vengeance. Let us take advantage of the faults of our predecessors. Let us do what the Legislative Assembly didn’t: let us be terrible in order to prevent the people from being so. Danton at the Convention, March 10 1793
Finally, there also exists several anecdotes regarding Danton and his role in the massacres, though given the fact they’re mostly from after his death and/or written by his enemies, they should be treated with caution:
Grandpré, who, by his position, is bound to render an account to the Minister of the Interior of the state of the prisons, had found their sad inhabitants in the greatest terror on the morning of September 2; he had taken many steps to facilitate the departure of several of these, and had succeeded with a fairly good number; but the rumors which had spread held those who remained in the greatest perplexity. This estimable citizen, back at the hôtel de ville, awaits the ministers at the end of the council: Danton appears first; he approaches him, talks to him about what he has seen, recounts the steps, the requisitions made to the armed force by the Minister of the Interior, the lack of regard that seems to be there, the alarms of the prisoners and the care that he, as minister of justice, has to take for them. Danton, bothered by the unfortunate description, exclaims with his bellowing voice and a gesture appropriate to the expression: I don’t give a fuck about the prisoners or what happens to them! — and he goes away with temperament. It was in the second antechamber, in the presence of twenty people, who all shuddered to hear such a harsh Minister of Justice. Appel à l’impartiale postérité (1793) by Manon Roland (written somewhere between her arrest in June and execution in November)
September 2, at midday, I go, hearing the noise of the tocsin and the cannon of alarm, to my section de l'Unité.  People came to announce that the barriers had been closed. A general consternation was painted on all faces. At the news of the arrival of the Prussians in Paris, as well as of a conspiracy of the prisoners against the patriots (a vague rumor had been circulating about it for fifteen days), a number of citizens questioned me on this subject. ”Your profession as a journalist should enable you to know something,” one said to me. ”I know nothing,” I responded, ”but I’m going to visit someone who could tell me.” As I knew Camille Desmoulins since a long time back, I thought it a good idea to go to his house. I didn’t find him anywhere, one assured me that he was at Danton’s, minister of justice. It was about half past two in the afternoon, I went home to the minister, and told him: ”I have come, in the quality of pure patriotism and in my own name, to ask you what this canon of alarm, this toscin and the arrival of the Prussians to Paris.” ”Calm down, old friend of liberty,” Danton responded, ”it’s the toscin of victory.” ”But,” I told him, ”people talk about slitting throats.” ”Yes,” he told me, ”we were all about to have our throats cut this night, starting with the most patriotic. All those arisocrat rascals, who are in the prisons, had been provided with firearms and daggers. At a specified time next night, the gates were to be opened to them; they would have spread in different quarters to cut the throats of the wives and children of the patriots who will leave to march against the Prussians. We addressed ourselves principally, above all, to those who had demonstrated the principles of freedom.” ”All this comes off as a bit made up to me,” I responded, ”but what means are to be employed to prevent the execution of such a plot?” ”What means?” he said. ”The People, irritated and instructed in time, want to do justice themselves to all the bad subjects inside the prisons.” At these words I was seized with horror; I told him that such a measure appeared to me unworthy of a people who claimed to be free. At this moment, Camille Desmoulins entered. ”Hello there!” Danton said to him. ”Prudhomme just asked me what is to be done. ”Yes,” I said, ”and I am heartbroken after what I have just heard. ”So you didn’t tell him that one won’t mix up the innocent with the guilty? Camille said to Danton. ”All those who will be claimed by their sections will be returned.” ”Seems to me that we could take a less violent measure,” I responded. ”Spilling blood is an abominable act of which those who govern are responsible. The people will one day make those who make them commit this crime pay dearly. Let Paris marche en masse against the Prussians. Send the wives and children of those who are to march at the enemy out of Paris to avoid them getting massacred by the prisoners, let us lock them up in fortified castles.” ”Any kind of moderate measure is useless,” Danton said. ”The anger of the people is at its height, there would even be danger in stopping it.” His first anger assuaged, one could make him listen to reason. ”But,” I say, ”if the Legislative body and the constituted authorities spread themselves through Paris, and harangued the people?” ”No, no,” replied Camille, ”that would be too dangerous; for the people, in their first wrath, might make victims in the person of their dearest friends.” I withdrew filled with pain. As I passed through the dining room, I saw the wives of Camille, Danton, Robert, etc, Fabre-d'Eglantine, and other guests. I did not know what to think of the tranquility that reigned at the house of the Minister of Justice; everything led me to believe that it was indeed impossible to stop the resentment of the People, at the news of a conspiracy hatched by the nobles and priests. l’Histoire générale et impartiale des erreurs, des fautes et des crimes commis pendant la Révolution (1797) by Louis-Marie Prudhomme
I was on time for the appointment, and Danton received me in the chamber of the Seal of State — in that same room where, twenty-two years later in the month of May 1814, I found myself sitting with Chancellor Dambray at the same table near which I had been sitting beside Danton in 1792. […] ”So, in a word (Danton said), do you know who gave the orders for those September Massacres you inveighed against so violently and irresponsibly?... It was I." "You!" I exclaimed, with an uncontrollable expression of horror. "Yes, that's right. But pray collect yourself and continue to hear me calmly. To judge such actions, you must envisage the situation in which we found ourselves as a whole. You must remember that when the entire male population of military age was speeding to the armies and leaving us without forces in Paris, the prisons were bulging with a mass of conspirators and wretches who were only waiting for the approach of the Foreigner to rise up and massacre us ourselves. I only acted to anticipate them and throw their plans for vengeance back at them by making them undergo the fate they planned for us. But I had further reasons. Don't think that I am deceived by these spurts of patriotic enthusiasm that carry away your youthful virtue. No, I know what rehance to place on this inconstancy, on these rapid transitions that so often expose us to panics, flight, shouts of everyone for himself, and even treason. So I did not want all these Parisian youths to arrive in Champagne until they were covered with blood, which for us would be a guarantee of their loyalty; I wanted to place a river of blood between them and the émigrés…" "Monsieur Danton, you make me shudder." "Very well, shudder as much as you like, but learn to control your shuddering instead of continually vaunting it; and believe me, this is the best advice you can be given." Louis-Philippe: mémoires 1773-1793 (1977)
In his Réponse au rapport de Saint−Just, [Brissot] assures that he would have gone to the by then ”almightly” Minister of Justice on September 2, in order to beg him to "take all means to stop these crimes that dishonored the revolution". But Danton would have told him that "this was necessary to appease the people of Paris, weary of seeing the conspirators go unpunished". Then he is said to have added: “It is an indispensable sacrifice […] besides, the people of Paris are not mistaken. Vox populi, vox Dei, that's the truest and most republican adage I know.” Since I can’t find this Réponse au rapport de Saint−Just anywhere, I’m just citing what the article says about it.
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bluewinnerangel · 2 years
Louis' exit song last night was The Stokes - The Adults Are Talking and I knew I had put that in some Louis or Harry related playlist recently and !! asdkljaslkdjklsdjf I just found it:
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So I had made a playlist of songs similar to all songs on Harry's House (this is the final one, yeah some suck) put The Adults Are Talking as "the equivalent of As It Was" (in this dump of a playlist). Decide for yourself if you hear the similarities, but it's a little bit funny I thought to hear these songs sound alike... only for Louis to put it as an exit song not long after.
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ennji-undertale · 2 years
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Its a crime I havent drawn this kid very much.
Asriel for undertale september?
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coffeeandcalligraphy · 7 months
I haven’t read this section of Feeding Habits in probably 3 years & tell me how I wrote ALLLL of this before I watched Hannibal
The confessional smells rank, like rotting paper and expired cologne, its corners seedy with overuse. Scratches mar the fabric he rests his elbows on, like someone clawed into it while reliving their sins, track marks on the floor from a rainy day. He can’t imagine anyone else but him in this small box, caged in by the lattice, mumbling incoherent sins to the priest he hasn’t even committed. Stealing a set of glass eyeballs from a garage sale. Forgetting his wedding anniversary. Missing Easter Sunday mass to go whale watching. He doesn’t sign himself at the right times or speak at the right times or thank the priest at the right times. He lies when he’s asked if he’s lied since his last confession. He mentions nothing of drinking with Anya, of not saving the sheep or the bunnies even though he knew the outcome of their lives without finishing the program. Of being a wicked child, of knowing wicked children, of not knowing the difference between wickedness and innocence, and which one he learned first. He says his name is Luka. He works at a law firm. He’s married to a Harriet, a seamstress or a stock broker or an antiques trader—he doesn’t know. He likes golfing, parcheesi, drinking martinis on yachts. He’s never overindulged, he’s loyal to his woman, he wants three kids and a house with finished floors and no neighbours. He’s a good father, a gentle father, a careful father, no wickedness, just an empty shell of goodness, like a father should be. His father is retired, and visits him on weekends—they play checkers, paint birdhouses, keep a distance but toast with spirits he can’t pronounce. Everything is good—it’s all good, all good. That’s not a sin, the priest should say but they laugh—it’s good to be good. Children are good, marriage is good, fathers are good, everything an iteration of good. By the time his confession is over and he’s well on his way out of the church mumbling I am heartily sorry, he believes his lies are true—he’s absolved into someone new, Luka married to Harriet, three kids, an empty shell, dreamily stumbling through a house with finished floors that’s actually just the sidewalk until a woman passing by with two small children has to help him sit on the curb.
She asks if he needs something to drink, if he needs someone to call, and emerges with a half-empty bottle of sparkling water and a cell phone. She asks what’s wrong with his eye, and he doesn’t know what’s wrong with anything—with eyes, with children, with sins, with confessions, with baptisms, with orange juice, with madeleines, with wickedness, with practicing how long he can breathe underwater because he knows it’s possible just like walking on it.
One of the children, hair pulled into two plaits secured with pearlescent butterflies, pokes at her mother and asks if he’s crazy. Her mother shushes her at the same time her older sister shows him a cool trick she learned with a toy convertible. Its wheels whir. Lonan gasps. The girl says, “Even crazy people think I’m gifted,” and wheels the car again. People stop to watch. Church bells gong an elegy he’s sure he’s heard before. The woman’s sparkling water dribbles from his mouth and dampens his dress shirt. Sun eclipses his face and eats at his throat like a parasite, like it knows all the unclean things about him, a watcher, an eyeball, a scorching little thing that bullets through his neck like the tooth of a wolf. The woman shushes her children and asks if he’s got a health problem, a drug problem, any problem, and he could say yes to all three but instead keeps repeating I am heartily sorry, I am heartily sorry. And when she does call someone, no one he knows, he leans against the cool pavement, cranes his neck to the sky, and parts his lips so the sunlight fills his mouth.
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xeneric-shrooms · 8 months
I-... as i opened the nest page i thought to myself "what if i got another primal, that'd be crazy. Hopefully it won't happen with a fodder pair" AND GUESS WHAT FUCKING HAPPENED
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flintbian · 5 months
Well, one year to go
#well at least im trying for that#ive scheduled round two for alaska and hopefully i see the lights this time#and my second favorite band announced yesterday they're coming here with guess who? another of my favorite bands#(blackbriar and battle beast may 2024)#i literally said the other day id be happy if i got to see them and now they're coming! can you believe it#but im tired...my health has plummeted and i am not doing well#im not going to last#ive just got to hold out for these last bucket list items#so im trying for the auora again in september around the equinox#ugh it's so bad im hooked up to shit all day now and constantly have to monitor tachycardia for instance#im exhausted. i can barely breathe. it hurts so much. i never stop shaking and spasming now#but hey ive started playing dnd...finally found a group. so that's crossed off my list too and it's been very fun so far#i need to get the motivation to read all the books i want to read#it aint in my control though...i just have to hope i can hold out until september#ive been trying lots of new foods but there's still so much more i want to try#but yeah im tired...every day i wake up from pain and feel like im going to die...if i sleep at all#even clare has given up it's progressed too much#but im trying. im trying#and ive been gathering all our family photos and things so theyll have memories#me and my dad take a selfie every time he visits too#idk. there's not a whole lot i can say without making people sad but it's been so much lately#i struggle to scrape through the pain every day. it's been 14 years. i just want to be free#it's not like i want to die...i just want to be free of the pain and rest finally#wish me luck#p
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ironmanstan · 1 year
Guy who does consistently does all of eir assignments but does half of them the morning of
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why-the-heck-not · 7 months
Love your Blog! Please keep doing this
Thank you!! :33 not planning on quitting anytime soon, I think I’m stuck with tumblr till the end of my days lol
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dadbots · 8 months
August… time to get spooky.
#dadbots.txt#this has been in my draft for... almost a month. Yikes.#I’ve been dissociating hella hard these past months or something. swear I don’t remember time moving this fast. maybe it’s just me tbh.#idk what to say about July other than… boring? not much happened and I don’t really remember it if I’m honest. just. mm. shrugs.#best way to describe it LOL#been sleeping a LOT lately and I think it’s fatigue again. was it like anything before? no. not at that rate (yet) but just.#where you wanna sleep and sleep and sleep type of fatigue. you never feel rested and just gotta sleep it off kinda.#just one of those moments yknow.#it sucks. all I’m doing is letting the days pass me by and ‘missing out’ on living life when I could be enjoying it. but I lost interest -#- in doing so for months - years now due to personal health matters. And whaddya know - it came back again. after months of healing.#I'm pretty pissed as it does feel like a slap in the face. but you win some - you lose some. Gonna try and fight through it.#I wrote something at the beginning of august but that got deleted. Had a breakdown and thought huh. what a great way to start the month -#and now it's almost september. Just like that. What a month it's been. Stuck on what else to say but that really.#don't want to keep talking about depressing stuff as that's what i used to do and realized hey. maybe you should stop doing that so often#and not use it so casually in humor and/or stuff. Even though I reblog vents here n' all. but yknow.#maybe it is hypocritical. but that's not the point. Just want to reflect and see if i've changed since coming back to the web after a year.#not like it's going bad. just wished this year was a bit more optimistic. Last year was rough & i'm afraid this year will be another repeat#though I did come out to a family member this month and that was like a punch to the gut. Considering my status with them and all.#won't get into that. for now let's just say i'm not too close with them. An impulsive choice on my end but hey. it went well.#and that's what matters tbh. My younger self would've thought i was actually insane. like to even DO that? really?#shocking. I'm still not over that moment. Probably one of my biggest achievements this year.#I'll update this if anything else comes to mind. none of this make sense and that's ok. clearing my mind right now.#let's see what september has in store for me. Hopefully it'll get better as things slow down w/ winter on its way.#hope y'all enjoyed your summer. 🖤🤘🏽
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Made some shoes for a cosplay project that’s 2 (almost 3!) months overdue 🥲
These are my first pair of shoes I’ve made by hand since discovering/ picking up the skill way back in May 💜💜💜
They’re pretty comfortable for the most part and mostly came out the way I wanted. The only thing I wish I’d done better were the outsoles, but I sculpted those by hand with EVA foam, a dremel, crafting knife and sandpaper so 🤷🏾‍♀️
Uppers are a Faux Stretch Patent Leather
Lining is a Spandex Jersey
Interfaced with Cotton Canvas on the vamp and a knit interfacing on all the stretch fabrics
Insole is Texon Board wrapped in the jersey with a steel shank and cork sheet to fill the gaps
Outsole is 6mm EVA-70 + 2mm Hard-Lite EVA foam painted with acrylics
Sock liner is 1mm Form-Lite EVA foam + Cork sheeting wrapped in Polyester Satin
Embellishments are 4mm EVA foam wrapped in the jersey and Gold beading glued to 2mm Hard-Lite EVA foam and cut to shape
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nuzzle-me · 9 months
im back to scream into the void
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mar-the-magician · 2 years
It is officially the twenty first night of September now.
That is all.
Thank you for your time.
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nomaishuttle · 8 months
emoji annoyed
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