#but hey least now she knows the people of kalos are on her side hahah
cheemken · 1 year
all this talk about the champions, but what about diantha's own league? what about the kalos league, her elite four, her gym leaders? what do they think of their champion now?
God the Kalos League was absolutely devastated when they all saw the news of what happened in Galar. Fucking imagine all of em vibing and watching the tournament, cheering for Diantha, and everything happened oh so suddenly. Suddenly Diantha had that edge, suddenly Leon started attacking her, suddenly she called out Yveltal, suddenly they see her eyes full of cold fury that they never thought they'd see, suddenly she's there calling out the Galar League, calling out Chairman Rose, telling the entire world about the threats she and the other champions had gotten from the man himself if they so much as beat Leon. And suddenly... They all started attacking her.
They're all so conflicted, they don't know what to do. That's Diantha, their champion, their angel, their queen, the one who protected all of them at all costs, who made sure they were all safe, who gave them purpose, who welcomed them despite their backgrounds, who encouraged and inspired them with her work. Their Diantha... How... How could they do that to their Diantha?
But at the same time, they were lied to. Diantha had lied to them. About Flare, about Yveltal. An argument broke out between the League, when suddenly Gengar showed up, stopping the feud, and dropped two envelopes across the table each containing a letter, with Siebold seated at the head, always her right hand man in the League. And Gengar left, but not before prompting Siebold to read the letter. And read he did.
He read out loud, for everyone to hear. There were two, but Gengar had motioned to read the one from Chairman Rose first. It read of Rose threatening Diantha of death, not only her, but her brother and even the league as well. Every Elite Four member, every Gym Leader, was mentioned by name by Rose, saying how he'll make sure Diantha would watch them all die one by one and he'll kill her brother last, making sure that everyone she loves dies before her.
Everything became cold, some were gripping the edge of the table, some almost couldn't believe that someone could ever write that, and some almost didn't want to hear the rest of it. Even Malva was surprised to hear that Rose knew she meant enough for Diantha to even threaten her too.
And then Siebold read the other letter, the date was set... Yesterday? What? Unfolding it, it's written in Diantha's own hand writing. She wrote her apologies, wrote why she ever encouraged Lysandre to create Flare, why she wanted to create a more beautiful world, so everyone she ever loved, her brother, her league, her friends, wouldn't have to be hurt anymore, so they won't have to suffer anymore. She said she had to lie to keep them safe, so the plan would go perfectly, but Lysandre was incompetent, she said, and thus the plan failed. If it didn't, then all of this wouldn't have happened too, they could be living much peaceful lives, and people like Rose won't be w them in their new world.
The League still felt conflicted, they don't know if Dia's still lying in her letter or not, but it felt so genuine, it sounds so much like the Diantha they know, to put herself out as a shield to protect those she care about. The silence was dense, and suddenly Malva stood up, hands slamming the table, despite what happened during that night, Diantha cared enough to let her heal her Houndoom, and now Malva understood why Diantha didn't want her to come to Galar to broadcast the tournament, because of what Rose would do to her too. And here she thought Diantha hated her as well. So Malva looked at Siebold, and it surprised everyone, it's been such a while since they last saw Malva being so worked up by something.
"well, it's clear what we need to do, so what are we waiting for?" She raised a brow towards the rest of the Elite Four, questioning.
Siebold sighed, heavy and tired, then he nodded, looking at the rest. "I'm sure Diantha is here in Kalos right now. And this time we'll be there for her too. She gave us support when we needed it, it's time to return the favour."
Drasna then spoke, "right. Our dear Diantha is probably so scared right now too, we'll help Augustine in his search, and together we'll all help her."
"we'll split up, all the Gym Leaders you search within your respective zones, us Elite Four will search the entirety Kalos, we'll find her soon." Wikstrom added.
And the Gym Leaders all nodded, determined to help their Champion too, and they all left, back to their respective zones and cities and towns, telling the people of their own zones what they can do to help, and soon the people followed their lead. Everyone was prepared to defend their own Champion this time, and if she finally shows up, they'd welcome her with the same warmth she showed towards them. No more will their Queen fight these battles on her own.
If Galar wants another war, then Kalos won't be going down without a fight.
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cheemken · 1 year
since you love the platonic pairs so much any other platonic pairs in pokemon that you have?
Anon you are so dope for sending this ask I hope masarap ulam mo ngayon uvu
Anyways ouo
I'd say the Kanto trio and the Johto trio but like I also wanna say they're also a polycule and Silver and Green are fighting on who has the better polycule, Red and Gold are placing bets, Blue is filming the entire battle, Kris just gave up halfway through and is honestly just hoping Silver somehow leaves unscathed
Hoenn kids on the other hand?? Fighting the Unova kids on the best friend group. Like the Hoenn kids there's Brendan and May and Wally and Lisia and these four have one working braincell and for some reason it's Brendan who's the one holding it. May has the most issues and she wants to spite her father so ofc Lisia, being the lil shit that she is, was the one who told her to beat the Frontier Brains and rub it in her father's face she's better. Wally is honestly just so supportive of everyone and Lisia got so attached to him and got so happy when she saw Wally also had an Altaria. Brendan is the one keeping them all together, he can't leave the other three for more than a minute bc the next thing he knows they're off to fight god
Hoenn kids basically just
Brendan, seeing a bunch of people doing smth stupid: hah, what idiots
Brendan, squinting and seeing May, Lisia, and Wally: wait shit those are my idiots!
Sinnoh trio also great friends, they're all close w each other and I know for a fact Dawn and Barry would visit Lucas in Sandgem to distract him from his work. Like Barry looks at Dawn when he's bored and goes "hey wanna piss off old man Rowan by taking Lucas away from that boring old lab?"
And Dawn, who has nothing better to do, just goes "bet."
Lucas keeps them in check. Well. Tries to. It's hard keeping the other two in check bc they see anyone looking at them and it's just "HEY YOU! LETS BATTLE!" Ofc, Dawn is more,, well, more calm, but Lucas knows that she's as bloodthirsty as Barry when it comes to battles, she's just really good at hiding it. Lucas isn't a good battler, he admits that and he doesn't really mind, as his field of work doesn't really require him to battle, but Dawn and Barry were insistent that he should at least have six pkmn w him. Lucas said it was alright, but still yknow, that made Dawn and Barry a bit protective towards him
We all know abt my Unova kids hcs so hey, let's just go to the Aspertia kids hahah idk what to call their friend group so like,, Unova kids 2, yeah. So Unova kids 2 there's Nate, Hugh, Rosa, and Roxie. Look, listen, listen, they're as tight knit as the Unova kids okay, they're like the epitome of a great and healthy friend group too, they love each other so much, Nate honestly needs a break every one in his friend circle is thirsty for a battle pls someone give this boii a relaxing vacation in Undella. Hugh and Rosa would battle each other everytime they see each other to see who's the strongest now, it always ends up tied. Roxie would join in on those battles and it'd end up as double battles w Hugh and Rosa on opposing sides.
Your honour pls they're also soft w each other okay, like Nate, Hugh, and Rosa would always be at the front row of Roxie's concerts, they cheer so loud for her that it's on par w how loud her music is. She gives them her albums for free too, ofc she does, and they love her music so much. Also pls the four of them in the Battle Subway, having lil challenges on who can get to the Subway Bosses first
W the Kalos kids, ngl I honestly don't see them as that,, that close idk hahah like yeah they're friends yknow but like, not as close as the ones previously mentioned. I hc for Calem to always fly solo, and like, his friends are cool yknow, but he's just not as attached to them nor does he hang out w them that much. I do wanna say he's close to Serena just a bit, and she's probs the only one who knows why he doesn't hang out w them much, and hey she doesn't really fault him for it, she understand, that's just how Calem is
The more I think abt it May and Calem are kinda similar in my hcs, cause they're both from different regions that just moved in to Hoenn/Kalos, but like the difference is May actually managed to make friends and has her own friend circle she can trust, whereas Calem only had the surface level of friendship w the Kalos kids, as they already know each other that well and it feels like he's missing a lot of things abt them that at this point he couldn't be bothered to know
Alola has a lot of kids man and they're all pretty fuckin close and like, man, Kukui needs a goddamn break these kids take years off his life hahaha like he's a chill prof yknow, he's cool, but also, those are his kids at this point and they don't have one working braincell between and he honestly thought that at least Gladion or Lillie would hold the braincell but nah they get pulled in on their friends' antics that Kukui really has to keep an eye on them. He tasked the Trial Captains to at least keep watch but let's be real only Kiawe reports back to Kukui, most of the time, some times he'd be dragged to their hijinks too and as much as he denies it, it's fun not being stressed over his duties as Trial Captain
Small quick edit: not me being an idiot and accidentally posting this💀
Anyways omf Galar kids hcmdnd
Right okay so, in my hcs Victor is like, Gloria's older brother by at least two or three years so he went on a journey before her. So that left Gloria w Hop and look, listen, these two bond over the fact that their parents probs like their older brothers more. I mean ofc, Hop's brother is the champion, undefeated in Galar since he was ten, and Victor was one of the few to actually go through the Isle of Armour and get himself an Urshifu, and he may not be champion but w his strength he might as well be one. And the two bonded over that, that they always had smth to prove to everyone else, that they're as great as their bros, and the way they bond is basically just them trauma dumping on each other. But yknow, as they went on their journey, they became even closer and didn't let their insecurities get the better of them, and they end up just encouraging each other to do their best. Your honour pls these two are also really soft like Gloria would drop kick anyone insulting Hop. Bede probs insulted Hop once and while Gloria knows Hop is capable of defending himself, no one fucking calls her bestie weak. Their dynamic is really just Gloria going "hey bitch, he asked for no pickles"
Paldea kids well they already are a great friend group in canon so hey, not much to say, they're like the Unova kids ig hahaha
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