#and now they know how fucked up the galar league is
cheemken · 1 year
all this talk about the champions, but what about diantha's own league? what about the kalos league, her elite four, her gym leaders? what do they think of their champion now?
God the Kalos League was absolutely devastated when they all saw the news of what happened in Galar. Fucking imagine all of em vibing and watching the tournament, cheering for Diantha, and everything happened oh so suddenly. Suddenly Diantha had that edge, suddenly Leon started attacking her, suddenly she called out Yveltal, suddenly they see her eyes full of cold fury that they never thought they'd see, suddenly she's there calling out the Galar League, calling out Chairman Rose, telling the entire world about the threats she and the other champions had gotten from the man himself if they so much as beat Leon. And suddenly... They all started attacking her.
They're all so conflicted, they don't know what to do. That's Diantha, their champion, their angel, their queen, the one who protected all of them at all costs, who made sure they were all safe, who gave them purpose, who welcomed them despite their backgrounds, who encouraged and inspired them with her work. Their Diantha... How... How could they do that to their Diantha?
But at the same time, they were lied to. Diantha had lied to them. About Flare, about Yveltal. An argument broke out between the League, when suddenly Gengar showed up, stopping the feud, and dropped two envelopes across the table each containing a letter, with Siebold seated at the head, always her right hand man in the League. And Gengar left, but not before prompting Siebold to read the letter. And read he did.
He read out loud, for everyone to hear. There were two, but Gengar had motioned to read the one from Chairman Rose first. It read of Rose threatening Diantha of death, not only her, but her brother and even the league as well. Every Elite Four member, every Gym Leader, was mentioned by name by Rose, saying how he'll make sure Diantha would watch them all die one by one and he'll kill her brother last, making sure that everyone she loves dies before her.
Everything became cold, some were gripping the edge of the table, some almost couldn't believe that someone could ever write that, and some almost didn't want to hear the rest of it. Even Malva was surprised to hear that Rose knew she meant enough for Diantha to even threaten her too.
And then Siebold read the other letter, the date was set... Yesterday? What? Unfolding it, it's written in Diantha's own hand writing. She wrote her apologies, wrote why she ever encouraged Lysandre to create Flare, why she wanted to create a more beautiful world, so everyone she ever loved, her brother, her league, her friends, wouldn't have to be hurt anymore, so they won't have to suffer anymore. She said she had to lie to keep them safe, so the plan would go perfectly, but Lysandre was incompetent, she said, and thus the plan failed. If it didn't, then all of this wouldn't have happened too, they could be living much peaceful lives, and people like Rose won't be w them in their new world.
The League still felt conflicted, they don't know if Dia's still lying in her letter or not, but it felt so genuine, it sounds so much like the Diantha they know, to put herself out as a shield to protect those she care about. The silence was dense, and suddenly Malva stood up, hands slamming the table, despite what happened during that night, Diantha cared enough to let her heal her Houndoom, and now Malva understood why Diantha didn't want her to come to Galar to broadcast the tournament, because of what Rose would do to her too. And here she thought Diantha hated her as well. So Malva looked at Siebold, and it surprised everyone, it's been such a while since they last saw Malva being so worked up by something.
"well, it's clear what we need to do, so what are we waiting for?" She raised a brow towards the rest of the Elite Four, questioning.
Siebold sighed, heavy and tired, then he nodded, looking at the rest. "I'm sure Diantha is here in Kalos right now. And this time we'll be there for her too. She gave us support when we needed it, it's time to return the favour."
Drasna then spoke, "right. Our dear Diantha is probably so scared right now too, we'll help Augustine in his search, and together we'll all help her."
"we'll split up, all the Gym Leaders you search within your respective zones, us Elite Four will search the entirety Kalos, we'll find her soon." Wikstrom added.
And the Gym Leaders all nodded, determined to help their Champion too, and they all left, back to their respective zones and cities and towns, telling the people of their own zones what they can do to help, and soon the people followed their lead. Everyone was prepared to defend their own Champion this time, and if she finally shows up, they'd welcome her with the same warmth she showed towards them. No more will their Queen fight these battles on her own.
If Galar wants another war, then Kalos won't be going down without a fight.
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melonthesprigatito · 7 months
So I found out in a Pokémon Masters OST comments section of all places that Atticus shows up as a special vendor in the auction market in Porto Marinada, and the things he sells are clothing items that are easter eggs from past games. The thing I find weird about it is that Atticus himself says that he "took inspiration" from clothing items to make replicas of them to sell. Which is fine except for the fact that there are some items he should have NO WAY OF KNOWING IT EXISTS.
So for funsies I'm ranking all of Atticus's auction items by how likely it is that he and the average Pokémon citizen would be aware of the existence of the things they're replicas of
Ball Guy Helmet: 10/10
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Literally a famous sports mascot. Maybe if you weren't into battles you'd be unfamiliar with him but I bet if you typed Pokémon League Galar into PokéGoogle, he'd show up everywhere. There's merch of him too. Cursed, cursed merch. Plus, Penny is from Galar so she most likely told Atticus about the Ball Guy.
Replica Leader Bag: 9/10
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More obscure than the Ball Guy, but again. Penny is from Galar, she probably informed Atticus about it. Marnie is the Dark Type Gym Leader at this point. Penny knows about Marnie as much as Paldea trainers know about their Gym Leaders, especially if Atticus decided to look for any neat styles he could copy from them.
Replica Dragon Gloves: 8/10
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I fully blame Giacomo for this one. Had to Google Ryuki myself because I'm not familiar with his lore, but apparently he's a famous rock guitarist. Giacomo literally wrote the background music for Team Star, I bet he knows his musicians. I can 110% picture him running up to Atticus like "DUDE DUDE YOU GOTTA MAKE THIS"
Replica Expansion Suit Helmet: 7/10
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Ranks surprisingly high considering that nobody in the Pokémon fandom knows what this it because 90% of players dont know that X and Y has a post game story, but assuming Scarlet and Violet takes place a few years after X and Y's post game, Emma has probably been working as Essentia for a few years at this point. A superhero working in the capital city of the region next door to Paldea is probably gonna be recognisable
Replica Aether Shoes: …..5/10???
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Uhh….. Umm…. Huh????? I guess the Aether Foundation is famous… But THAT famous…? Would a guy in Spain know about an animal conservation company from Hawaii? And even if if they are that famous, I certainly don't know the kind of shoes Apple employees wear. Or Mc Donald's employees. Or literally any other multinational company. Why the shoes, Atticus? How do you know about the shoes? Why?????
Replica Aqua/ Magma Helmet: 3/10
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Ok now this is just getting ridiculous. Even if everybody knew about what went down in Hoenn, I can almost guarantee that nobody knows the specifics or about SOMETHING THAT WAS SECRETLY DEVELOPED BY TEAM AQUA/MAGMA
Replica Ultra Glasses: -1000000/10
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Didn't Sun and Moon's Looker postgame imply that the existence of Ultra Beasts is something that the government/ International Police has been deliberately hiding from the public????? I assume the same goes for the existence of LITERAL HUMAN ALIENS. Either someone from the Aether Foundation leaked a selfie with the Ultra Recon Squad to some obscure message board or Penny hacked the Alolan government just to give her buddy inspiration for neat clothing items he can recreate. I can't think of another explanation.
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microwave-core · 1 year
SWSH Headcanons
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I love sword and shield and the chokehold these characters have on me, but if I ever tried to write dialogue for most of them I would have a stroke, so have this instead.
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I’ve written a bit for Sonia before, but there is one point that I completely forgot to bring up, and that is how absolutely excited she is to share her research and discoveries with you. She loves her job (most of the time), and is absolutely going to blab to you about it, so be prepared.
You don’t have to understand everything she’s saying, you likely won’t, but that’s okay. Just listening and trying your best to work through what she’s saying will be enough for her. Feel free to ask as many questions as you want, she will answer each and every one of them with incredible enthusiasm. But if you understand what she’s talking about, she would fucking ascend on the spot from happiness.
Please have a girl's night with her. Get holed up in her room while spilling trashy gossip all night while painting each other’s nails over cheap wine, she’ll love you forever. She’d jokingly ask if you had a crush on anyone when you’re already dating and act all innocent and teasing about it, like, “aww, you had a crush on me??” when you’ve literally been dating for years.
Yamper goes everywhere Sonia goes. You can expect him to be begging at your feet whenever you meet up with her, wanting nothing more than for you to bend down and shower him in love and affection. He’s a good boy and he knows it. Sonia might send him off to fetch you when she’s busy, so please trot behind him slowly. He wants to lead you there and doesn’t want to fall behind.
I’ve brought this up before, but Leon would be so supportive. Sonia is his bestie, so when you get into a relationship, he wants to meet you as soon as possible. Man just loves his friends and is so happy when they get into loving, meaningful relationships. He also knows a lot about you because Sonia has gushed about how much she loves you to him on several occasions. He can seem kind of intimidating with his status and all, but he’ll definitely end up thinking highly of you.
And I have to mention Hop as well, because he’s also very supportive. He takes it upon himself to be Sonia’s wingman when she’s pinning. When Leon’s not available, she’ll blab to Hop instead. The second you meet, he begins planning your wedding. Be prepared. 
But that’s not all, because Nessa is also Sonia’s bestie. She’s the only one of the three that you really have to worry about, as she won’t hesitate to speak her mind if she has any kind of issue with you, but she ultimately knows how much you mean to Sonia, and so she has no choice but to be supportive. Anyways, if Sonia takes too long to confess her feelings for you, she’ll get Leon and Hop together to form a plan to make it happen. Sonia is mortified.
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Nessa… Need I say more? She is the woman of all time, with one of, if not the, best design in the entire series. She’s gorgeous, she’s powerful, she’s described as having an “indomitable nature”, what more do I have to say?
Unfortunately, as both a model and a gym leader, she’s a busy gal, always running to and fro to get work done. She’ll always try to squeeze in time for you, but that doesn’t always work out, much to her dismay. It also means that many, many people are going to be jealous of you. This goes for all of the gym leaders and champion as well, considering they are essentially celebrities in Galar, but Nessa may as well be in a league of her own.
Many people have crushes on Nessa, both young and old alike, so finding out that she’s taken is a crushing blow. You’re gonna end up with weirdos that hate your guts for daring to date their crush, which sucks. But on the other hand, you’ll also have weirdos who are completely obsessed with you and  your relationship and want to know every little intimate detail. You decide which is worse.
Speaking of being a model, expect to be roped into a photoshoot every now and then. Nessa loves you and thinks you are drop-dead gorgeous, so, naturally, she’s not above pulling some strings to fit in a shoot or two with you. Expect to at least have a Valentines photoshoot every year, since it’s the most obvious way to show off how great of a couple you two are. 
Nessa yearns for the ocean. Having grown up in a sea-side town with fishermen for parents, she’s used to floating out into the ocean and just relaxing. When she’s feeling stressed and pent up, she’ll drift out into the blue abyss with one of her pokemon, staring into the sky above while being rocked gently by the waves. She’d love it if you joined her sometime.
She also really likes fishing. She often comes back to her roots, which leads her to pulling out the full fishing ensemble, “fish fear me women want me” hat included, and getting onto a dinky boat to sail off into the middle of the ocean to fish for hours on end. You are asked to join her on these trips, but they aren’t super exciting unless you absolutely love fishing.
She has pictures of you everywhere. In her gym locker, in her wallet, on her phone, around her house, in Sonia’s lab, everywhere. They’re almost entirely pictures that she’s taken, too. While she is by no means a photographer, she knows a few things about taking good pictures from modeling, and loves to use that knowledge to take wonderful pics of you (not that you don’t look wonderful all the time). Her phone’s lockscreen and wallpaper are also pictures of you, obviously.
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So I don’t have a sword so I am not as familiar with Bea, but her design alone is enough for me to write for. 
Girly pop is stoic, but she’s not unbreakable. It’s not the easiest task, but it’s absolutely worth your time to make her smile and laugh. That being said, it makes her very embarrassed and flustered, so please spare her and her image and only do so when in private.
She thinks about you a lot. Bea’s been trained to remain calm and collected, even in tense situations, which makes it difficult for opponents to read her in the heat of the moment. Little do they know she’s just thinking about what her girlfriend is up to at the moment. Were you doing alright? Were you in the stadium watching her match? Were you cheering her on? She hopes so.
Is not above using you to indulge in her love of sweets. She has the biggest sweet tooth in the league, but has a hard time actually eating them without garnering too much attention. So, when she wants to have something sweet, she’ll bring you with her and play it off like it was your idea, therefore she was just following you and being a good girlfriend and not just getting dessert.
Training never stops with this one. She works out all the time, and will invite you to come sometimes. Her training is incredibly rigorous, though, so you likely won’t be able to keep up. Sitting on the sidelines and cheering her on or helping her workout in some kind of way are more than acceptable in her mind. Easiest way to help her is to sit on her back while she does push ups, it helps her workout while also getting to be close with you. Don’t expect her to be talking too much, though.
Her training sometimes brings her to remote locations in the region, and she sometimes forgets to warn you ahead of time. You might spend your entire day trying to get ahold of her and asking others if they’ve seen her, only to receive a text from her hours later that just reads like “ out training”, no further elaboration. 
Bea’s a tad bit touch starved, so she thrives off of your affection. However, she’s not very good at vocalizing her wants, so it falls to you to notice her longing stares. She wants to hold your hand and cuddle and sling her arm around your shoulder when sitting close, but she’s too nervous to initiate on her own due to her lack of experience.
 Her only ask is that you keep your relationship pretty lowkey in public. PDA makes her a little uncomfortable, both because she’s shy with affection and also because she knows people are watching. Hand holding is as far as you are gonna get with her before she breaks a little inside.
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Melony my beloved. They did not have to cake her up so much but goddamn I am not complaining because ahjdkgh milf. She’s hot and also incredibly caring and sweet and supportive. 
First things first: you have to get along with her kids. This is non-negotiable. She already has a rocky relationship with one of her children, she doesn’t need to jeopardize that relationship further, or the one’s with her daughters, for any reason, even for love. It’s a lot to suddenly have five step-kids, especially if you don’t have any kids to begin with, but if you aren’t willing to at least try, Melony isn’t going to be sticking around.
She doesn’t want to overwhelm you too quickly, but meeting her children is something she wants to happen early in the relationship. Once things get serious, she’ll invite you over for dinner which, surprisingly, goes very well, with little family drama being drudged up in the process. It takes a monuementous amount of effort to convince Gordie to come over, but he does, reluctantly. It’s probably pretty stressful because, uh, if you mess up then your relationship is toast, but it’s worth it in the end. 
Also, congrats, by doing the bare-minimum, you become Gordie’s favorite mom. This is by default, considering the previously mentioned rocky relationship he has with Melony. She’s just happy that Gordie isn’t upset about her hopping back into the dating scene, same with her daughters, and that they actually like you.
Not normally what I write about with these, or write about in general, but, when it comes to arguments, Melony can be a little difficult because she’s used to being the one in charge. Most of her arguments are with her own children, over both silly and important matters alike, and so she’s used to taking the perspective of “mother knows best”. It’s never her intention to control or demean you, but it can easily come off like that. If you bring it up to her, she’ll do her best to work it out of her mindset (communication is important kids). Not to say that arguments happen often, of course, but they can be incredibly annoying to deal with when they crop up.
Melony loves to cook, and would love to both cook for and with you. It’s maternal instinct to make sure you’re well fed, there’s simply no way around it. Expect her to make you adorably packed lunches and plenty of home cooked dinners. You’ll almost always end up with leftovers, since she’s used to cooking for five people. But she’d love it if you joined her in the kitchen for some quality bonding. If you’re lucky, she might even show you how to make the snomlette. 
It’s honestly incredible that she has time to do so many things for you and her children along with her duties as gym leader with time to spare. It’s the mom magic.
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Marnie, despite being punk, is shy and sweet in equal measures. Even as a gym leader, she has a streak of being a little stand-offish and awkward. That’s not to say that she’s meek or a push-over, or that she gets nervous in front of a crowd. She’s just easy to fluster and is usually on the quieter side.
Like many others, Marnie’s got a lot on her plate. Of course, she’s got her duties as a gym leader to tend to, but she’s also working on restoring Spikemuth to its former glory. These don’t just eat up her time, they also leave her tired. Please hold your arms out for her to fall into when she walks through the door after a long day, it’s her favorite way to recharge. 
Morpeko loves you more than anyone else, a blessing you should be thankful for. He’s kinda like a cat, in that he can be very sweet at times and an asshole at others. Oh, and he shows his love through biting. He likes Marnie well enough, but she’s not safe from being bitten or scratched. You, however, are a different story, as he seems to always be sweet when you’re around. Marnie’s convinced he does it out of spite.
Keeping up with the theme of “talking about other character’s important to this specific character”, Piers. He wants the best for his baby sister, considering that he basically raised her and all, but he doesn’t even try to be overprotective or intimidating. Does it sting to watch Marnie grow up, seeing her get into her first real romantic relationship? Of course. But he knows that she’s got a good head on her shoulders, so he sees no reason to butt into her relationship. 
He’s an overall chill guy with a lot more time on his hands since he’s no longer a gym leader. As long as you’re chill, he’s chill, and won’t mind your company. Hell, he might even start looking forward to hanging out with you, thinking of you as part of the family, when you’ve known each other for long enough. The only issue he might have with you is your music taste.
This is a bit more general, but I like to think that Marnie and Hop are good friends. They didn’t know each other too much during the gym challenge, since all they really had was a common friend/rival, but they actually got to know each other once the champion cup was over. It’s not super easy to hang out since they’re both striving towards their own goals, but they find a way.
It’s funny, because I don’t think they would have much in common outside of their music taste, but they’re still friends who hang out and complain to one another. While he’s dropped his dream of being champion, Hop still gets excited over the gym challenge every year and loves to watch her matches. Marnie’s not the most knowledgeable when it comes to pokemon research, but she finds it all interesting and tries to lend a hand. She’s not that helpful. She also is the only person preventing Hop and Bede from throwing hands when they run into each other.
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Oleana is the pinnacle of “very busy and very tired”. Gatekeeping, gaslighting, and girlbossing all day takes a great deal of time and effort. She’ll trudge home and fall face first into the couch, perfectly content to call it a night if you don’t step in and make her come to bed.
She loves the chairman dearly, but he also stresses her out immensely. There’s really no point in going out to meet loyal fans on the way to business meetings, but that doesn’t stop Rose from doing that anyways. She badgers him to the best of her ability, but he still takes his sweet time. While she appears composed, she’s screaming internally, waiting until she can go home and scream about it externally when venting to you.
Speaking of the chairman, it seems as if she cares more about him than she does you at times, but she does her best to reassure you otherwise. The chairman is, unfortunately, her priority due to being her boss, but that’s more about admiration than love. Consider the fact that he (unintentionally) makes her incredibly stressed, whereas you don’t. That alone gives her a reason to love you.
Also consider that the idea of coming home to you at the end of the day is part of what keeps her going. Sure, her job is stressful, considering the fact that she is essentially the backbone of the Macro Cosmos company, but she always gets through the day because she gets to see you once it’s all said and done. The tension within her bones dissipates upon walking through the doorway. Hold her in your arms, brush your fingers through her hair, get shitty take out to eat over trashy TV that neither of you are really watching, and you’ll win her heart in an instant.
While she shows her more… aggressive side to you when ranting passionately about all the issues involved with her job, she reverts back to her poised and punctual state whenever in public. Due to her professional nature, expect little PDA. The most you’ll get is hand holding. Unless she’s jealous, at which you’ll get a hand wrapped around your hip which grips just a little too tight until she calms down.
Date nights are typically spent indoors unless she has a day off, which is incredibly unlikely to happen. Firstly, she wants to rant, and she can’t do that in public without destroying her public image. And secondly, she’s tired of dealing with people given how much shit and disappointment she has to deal with throughout the day. You get her, so why would she want to be around anyone else?
Also! Garbador is an absolute sweetheart. She knows how much you help Oleana and that makes her so happy. She tries to show her affection but is a little awkward about it because she doesn’t want to gross you out since she’s… literally made of trash. She usually just watches from afar, all smiley and happy to see you two being happy, getting embarrassed if you catch her doing so.
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Sooo I wasn’t originally gonna write anything for Klara because, again, I don’t have sword and am not as familiar with her as I am Bea, but thoughts started rolling so here we are. Also kinda toxic behavior incoming because it’s Klara.
Girl is a pop star, or is at least trying to be one, which means she’ll naturally write love songs about you. And by love songs I mean songs that describe how much she loves you but are also not really love songs because they’re lowkey toxic? Listen, it’s Klara, what else do you expect when that is literally her thing. She also has songs about her exes, which contain… worrying content, but that’s neither here nor there.
In general? Don’t break her heart. She will key your car and slash your tires and will attempt to instigate physical fights and will also write a song about you and how much she hates you and all of the things she hopes happen to you. Again, it’s Klara. But if she loves you with her whole heart and soul, then you have nothing to worry about. She’ll be more than happy to do all those things towards people you don’t like instead.
She's not the best at showing her love. Her goal in life was always to be loved by everyone around her without having to do much in return, but your existence has disturbed that goal because she actually really likes you and actually wants to try for you? And she kind of hates that, and it takes her a while to even figure out what the hell was wrong with her, and she ends up resenting you for a hot minute for making her feel so weird.
But she gets over that and decides to put in actual effort into your relationship, trying to be a better person both for you and herself. She takes the time to listen to you and work out your likes and dislikes, and puts effort into coming up with cute date nights, and does her best to be there for you when you’re down or need to get something off of your chest. Just normal girlfriend things. She’ll never admit to changing how she acts, though. This unintentionally turned into an “I can fix her” post whoopsie.
Klara loves to take pictures of herself and photoshop them, so expect to be sent most, if not all, of them. Sometimes, she just thinks she’s looking exceptionally cute and just needs to share her hotness with someone else. She also expects you to send pictures back in return, as it’s only fair. Like Nessa, she has a large portfolio of pics she’s both snapped and received of you.
Anyways, Klara posts shit like “I love doing wifey shit for my girlfriend <3” while burning down the kitchen trying to make you scrambled eggs.
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I also originally wasn’t going to write anything for Peonia but I had a change of heart because, after thinking of it, I couldn’t not write embarrassingly supportive supreme dad-of-the-year Peony hyping her up.
Peonia’s biggest mistake in life was coming out to her dad, because the man is simply too supportive. The moment she tells him this vital information, he is searching every store and market for all of the lesbian flags he can find. She has an entire pile of them in her room because she literally doesn’t have any space on the walls to hang them on. He also sews smaller ones onto her clothes and jackets upon being asked to do so,
If he ever sees her talking to another girl, he’ll ask about her afterwards. He just needs to know if she’s into this new person he’s never met before. Peonia always tells him off in an attempt to subdue her embarrassment. Thankfully, he at least waits until the other girl leaves, or else she would literally combust.
That being said, don’t think you can date Peonia without Peony putting up an overprotective fight. At the end of the day, that’s his baby. His darling. His pride and joy. Sure, she’s grown up and is more than capable of making her own choices in life, including her choice in romantic partner, but he’s still her father. He just needs to make sure you have her best interest in mind, then he’ll back off.
But once you’ve gotten past the over-protective dad phase, you get yourself a new father figure. He’ll come to think of you as one of his own. He’ll also provide you with plenty of embarrassing childhood stories. At some point, he’ll start referring to you as his daughter-in-law. Every minute you spend talking with him makes Peonia rip her hair out. Again, Peonia is happy that her dad is supportive of her sexuality and your relationship, but she’s also on the verge of dying from embarrassment.
Even though she is incredibly embarrassed by her father’s antics, she can be super supportive and exciting when it comes to doing anything with you. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, and when she realizes how she acts similarly to her father when it comes to spending time with you, she dies a little inside.
Enough about dad. Please go with her on Dynamax Adventures. Not only does she have a blast with them, but she can show off how cool and strong she is as a trainer. Please swoon over her and how cool and brave she is, being as dramatic as humanly possible. RIP to your teammates who are forced to third-wheel on the adventure, but at least Peonia is having fun.
Also, please help dye her hair. The pink looks great but it was a pain to do by herself, and she’s too embarrassed to ask her dad for help. Besides, it means you get to hang out and she gets your input on what color to use. 
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alolanrain · 11 months
(Ash is 24 and Raihan is 26)
Non-HAO!Au where Ash and Raihan finally decide to get a house because their adults have have been together for a while at this point. They decide to live in Galar, making frequent visits to Kanto when they can between both of their schedules, and Ash’s friends fucking corner him. Basically vomiting up information he should absolutely know to make sure he and Raihan get a good house. The do’s and don’t and all that.
Ash’s Unovian friends scare him with stories about HOA’s and evil neighbor Karen’s. Even though Galar’s neighbor hood’s are very different then Unova’s, Ash is determined not to fall in love with a house in an HOA. Despite how many times Raihan has told Ash that the don’t exist in Galar and that his fear is wholly unfound.
It’s already hard because Ash is picky about his house. He wants it out in the countryside. Wants a garden like his mom and room for their Pokémon to enjoy and tumble about to the full extent. He prefers a more older look. Brick houses, long gravel road and preferably plenty of trees surrounding the potential future house.
Raihan, the simp legend that he is, is on board but I’m one condition. He wants a more futuristic house. He’s tired of living in old buildings, he lives and works in the oldest gym in Galar already. He’s tired of this shit. So they settle on a compromise; Raihan gets to pick the house and Ash gets to decorate.
Of course their not monsters to each other. Each gets a say regardless as it’s both their future home. It’s lucky that Raihan prefers warmth and comfort over the cold sleekness of what designers dare to call furniture now. He grew up in that kind of cold home and refused to let it deep into his. Not when his love deserves the soft security he’s been denying himself these days do to stress of both their jobs.
It was almost an international league PR scandal since Ash is the Champion of Alola and Raihan is the strongest gym leader of Galar. It’s a rule that gym leaders and other league members like the Elite Four and the Champions can’t date each other, Steven and Wallace excluded because they were engaged before Wallace started going for Steven’s throat on the battle field, and ever more if it’s a colleague from across the pond. The kicker is that the last part is just unspoken. Ex-nay on the dating someone from a different league isn’t written in the rules. Just them coming out dating alone had caused such waves of support and backlash.
Another reason to move somewhere discreet so no one can fuck with them.
If people found out they were finally moving in together at the ages of 24 and 26 after a three year relationship after meeting each other in Unova during a drag type convention during Ash’s later travels in the region.
Low and fucking behold, the perfect house that they both love. It’s a 5 and a half acres in the woodlands that surround a medium sized town just between Hammerlocke and Turffield near the river. The gravel road does come into a more modern neighborhood. Besides the entrance to their property the street is a dead end to anyone else. They fully expect not to know their neighbors and Ash is fine with that. They have no kids and their friends are scattered across the continent and they could just call them. The time spent at their house is theirs and theirs alone with each other. It’s not going to be often with what their work demands of them.
The house is nice and more futuristic looking then modern but the space house design blends well with Ash’s choice of furniture and decorations. The most important part is that the real estate, that Leon recommends still he was blue in the face, took Ash’s fear in stride. Assuring both of them that she checked, double checked them triple checked their house wasn’t in an HOA. Raihan couldn’t be even more thankful for her and offers to pay more so she gets a bigger commission from the sale. It’s not like both Ash and him are even near strapped for cash after all.
So it’s just their luck when a person comes knock-knock knocking on their door as they were relaxing, finally unloading the last of their collective stuff into their new place. It’s a women, obvious Unovian descent and with an okay Galaran accent. Obviously learned through passing and not born with it. Before Ash or Raihan could even get a worse out, the woman let out the sentence that set Ash’s heart to his stomach and Raihan’s stress through the roof.
“Hi my name is Karen, I’m the president of the HOA here, let me be the first one to welcome you two to the neighborhood.”
Leon’s prized estate seller has some explaining to do.
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pinkhairandpokemon · 5 months
(( OOC: uhhhHHH I dunno what to specifically tag this as but SOMEONE GETS FUCKED UP SO. BE AWARE ))
Yesterday, Blake’s frustration had been running high, and they’d been more than ready to execute this plan. Put an end to their organization’s schemes once and for all, before any more damage could be done. Throughout the course of the day, though, that sureness had all but completely fiddled out. Especially following that small argument they’d had with N only a few hours prior.
When they saw Cole come up those steps, though, they knew there wasn’t any turning back now. For better or worse, they had to follow through.
“You managed to find your way up here, I see.” N remarked, his gaze on the trainer several paces away cold and calculating. Waiting patiently for the other’s response. Blake stood at the king’s side, looking at nothing, while their heart pounded beneath the fabric of their uniform.
“Yeah, believe it or not, I’m not really all for the idea of you Plasma bastards waking up a Legendary Dragon in order to take control of the region,” Cole scoffed, crossing his arms and keeping that defiant stance he always held when facing off N. Or anyone who tried to stand in his way, for that matter. A Samurott stood at the ready by his side, fur bristled on end and the jagged point on its helmet glinting in the sunlight.
The king didn’t reply for a moment. Rather, he looked down at the Dark Stone nestled safely in his left palm, eyes tracing the lines of light reflecting off its smooth, dark surface.
“You’re definitely brave. That’s something I’ve always admired in you, you know.” N mumbled, gaze trailing back up to his opponent, though he showed no sign of amusement. “Your tenacity, your unrelenting will to do what you think it’s right. It’s a true shame that determination is so… misplaced.”
“Yeah, yeah, haven’t heard that one before,” Cole brushed him off with an eye roll. “Look, I’ve tried time and time again to just talk things out with you. To sort out our differences without a fight. But time and time again, you’ve refused. So here’s how this is going to go- you’re going to surrender the Dark Stone, not awaken an ancient power that’ll release hell upon Unova, and we’re all gonna go home happy! Okay? Please?”
N laughed at that, like he’d just been told a joke. Cole shot him a glare to affirm he wasn’t joking, but the king ignored it. “You’re sorely mistaken if you think unleashing chaos onto Unova and forcing Zekrom to bend to my will is my goal here. I’m not like the monsters who brought destruction down onto places like Galar and Unova. I plan to befriend Zekrom- earn her favor so she’ll help me pave the way for a better world.”
He clutches the Dark Stone tighter. “Once I do, I’ll defeat Alder, then stand at the top of the Pokémon League as its champion and issue out an order to all of Unova’s trainers- to release their Pokémon.”
“How exactly do you expect people to listen to you, then?” Cole argued. “Just because you’ll be champion and have a big scary dragon on your side doesn’t mean people aren’t going to resist… Believe it or not, there’s plenty of people in Unova who aren’t going to crack and give up on their Pokémon that easily.”
“Maybe not,” N concurred with a shrug. “But they will over time. One way or another, I will free the Pokémon of this world-”
“Look, are you just gonna keep monologuing at me, or are we gonna get this over with?” Cole cut him off, balling his fists in impatience. His Samurott gave a snort beside him. “I’m getting really sick of hearing this over and over again. I don’t wanna fight you- but if you won’t stop and listen to reason for even a second, then I’ll put an end to this myself.”
“You think you’re up to the task?” N challenged. Shadows around him began to warp and distort, before a Zoroark emerged at his side. The black and red fox carried a menacing aura, blue eyes seeming to glow in the darkness. “You might’ve beaten me in our previous disputes, but I was holding back for the safety of my friends. Don’t expect me to do so now.”
“So you’ve finally decided to stop being a wet blanket, huh?” Cole huffed, quirking a brow in doubt. He flicked his gaze towards his Samurott. “Looks like we’re doing this, then. Calder, battle ready!”
Without a beat of hesitation, Samurott responded and jumped into action, stomping out onto the stone floor that would serve as their battlefield and unsheathing one of its long scallop blades from the slot on its arm.
Nox didn’t even need a vocal command. He stalked forwards on all fours, red mane bristled up like spines and eyes trained on the Samurott meters away as he awaited N’s command.
The two trainers exchanged a few more words across the field, Cole murmured some words of encouragement to his Pokémon, N and Nox shared an affirmative nod. It all went by in a bit of a blur for Blake, words flying over their head until the first crack of claws and blades colliding together snapped the grunt out of the nervous daze they’d fallen into.
They jolted, alert and present now. Their eyes flicked back and forth between Nox and Calder, the two Pokémon becoming blurs of red, blue, black and yellow as they clashed, leaping here and there across the floor. Then their gaze fixed on Cole, who shot them a knowing look across the room. Then, they shifted to N- and the Dark Stone huddled securely under his left arm. Just barely in Blake’s field of reach from where they stood.
Was this it? Was this supposed to be their chance? The expectant glances from Cole in the corner of their eye didn’t go unnoticed. Their mind raced with questions and second guesses on whether or not they should really go through with this, bouncing back and forth between “Just grab it!” and “Don’t! Not yet!”. Dragons, they wish they had talked this out more with Cole beforehand. They wished they’d thought this through, instead of running off their reckless anger alone.
They froze. They waited. And waited. And waited. They could tell from here that Cole was growing anxious with their hesitation by the second, without even needing to look at him. They waited, watching the Pokémon exchange blow after blow until they both looked like they were at their wits’ end.
Nox, although bruised and battered with his fur sticking out every which way, made another jump at Calder. The Samurott faltered on its paws, but looked up just at the right moment to see the Zoroark closing it. With a mighty roar, Cole’s valiant and loyal starter swung its arm upward and snatched Nox in mid-air, claws digging into the collar of fuzz around his throat. With a just as lethal amount of force, he then slammed his opponent into the floor, cracking the marble underneath.
“NOX!” N shouted, panic bulging in his eyes at the sight of his best friend being crushed under the weight of the armored behemoth.
The Zoroark hissed and pried at the Samurott’s claws, but to no avail. Blake knew he’d be fine, though- Nox had survived way worse. The only reason Cole wasn’t claiming victory now was because this was it. N was distracted. Nox was pinned down. Blake could practically hear the younger trainer screaming “Now!” at them in his mind.
Not a second to lose. Blake’s arms shot forwards, almost like they were moving on their own. The second they felt the Dark Stone’s cool, smooth surface under the fabric of their gloves, they knew it was time to run. The artifact slipped seamlessly out of the king’s grasp in his distracted state, not even giving him a second to realize what was going on before Blake had turned heel and bolted.
“BLAKE!” The sound of N exclaiming their name was almost drowned out by the sound of their footsteps thundering up the steps, and the sound of their own heart practically reverberating in their ears. Fuck, I should’ve went down, the thought quickly brushed past their mind, realizing not only that going up was a ticket to a dead end, but they would’ve had Cole’s protection if only they’d ran the other way.
Too late now. For all they knew, the Shadow Triad could have been right behind them, and turning to stop and look back for even a blink could spell a sword cutting through them.
So, they ran. As fast as their feet could take them, and as swiftly as these narrow spiraling steps would allow. Up, around, up, around, faster, faster, up, around, they repeated the course of their movements over and over again to themself in their mind, if anything as a distraction from the immense strain on their body. Frigid cold stung their throat, turning it as dry as sand, and their lungs heaved violently with every shallow intake of the quickly thinning air the higher they climbed.
Why are there so many stairs? They wanted to choke out and collapse right then and there, but they didn’t. Practically wobbling and rocking from side to side, they continued their frantic ascent to the next floor, the final floor, where there wouldn’t be anywhere to run after that. Hopefully they could come up with something before then. Not likely, but they hoped.
The sky above was cloudy and dark, but there was still enough light out here compared to inside for Blake to be blinded as they erupted through the final passageway and emerged onto the tower’s peak. Squeezing their eyes shut, they stumbled across the flat ground, putting so much focus into not dropping the Dark Stone that they forgot about keeping themself upright. They lurched forwards and landed on the cold, scratchy ground with a thump, Zekrom’s slumbering form still clutched tightly to their chest.
Rolling over to their back, they gasped desperately up at the sky for oxygen, ragged breath almost coming out as pained cries. The wish of having an inhaler briefly crossed their thoughts, until they remembered they were still in the middle of a chase, and were in even deeper water now that they’d reached the top of Dragonspiral. No where else to go but down, and that was where some unpleasant fate- most likely immediate assassination by the Triad- awaited them.
Their best bet was to wait until everyone caught up, try to avoid whatever was bound to be thrown at them and make their escape downwards. Not a very sound plan, but the only one they had. Hopefully their body would hold out until then.
As the grunt stumbled back onto their feet, the screeching wind and their still heavy panting blocked out the sound of footsteps approaching, until a familiar voice rang out from behind-
“Blake! Stop!”
They looked back to catch a glimpse of tea green hair rise from the stairway, and took off like a frightened prey animal. They sprinted clumsily across the tower’s roof, tripping over themself and almost teetering smack-dab into a pillar at one point, miraculously managing to keep themself from getting a second face-plant full of rock.
The edge came up on them sooner than they would’ve liked. Blake skidded to an abrupt halt, scrambling away from the ledge like a newborn Deerling trying to walk. It was a long, long way down. The cloud cover up here was so thick, they could hardly see the expanse of ocean stretching out below the tower. Echoes of thunder crackled everywhere around them, and there was the occasional flash in the dark misty skies looming above. Any moment now, and a burst of rainfall could come crashing down on them all.
“Blake!” They whirled at the sound of his voice, almost knocking themself over with the amount of friction they used to turn. N stood barely a yard away, hair messy and wind blown under his now crooked hat. There were a thousand emotions flooding behind his storm cloud colored eyes, all wanting to burst out, but couldn’t- like they were clogged up in a drain pipe. Confusion. Hurt. Anger. Betrayal. The desperate, dwindling hope that this was all just a misunderstanding.
Nox dashed to his side. Blake noticed Cole and the Shadow Triad appear from the stairs over his shoulder.
It wasn’t until now that they felt the burning of hot tears flooding down their puffy, sweat-stained face. When had they started crying?
“Blake, what are you doing?” N croaked out, eyes searching them for an answer. “Give me the stone back-”
“No,” they sputtered out, taking a step back. Their voice wavered, but still held strong.
N paused, and looked at them with surprise. Then, his brows furrowed, and his tone became more stern. “Blake, give it back-”
The wind whistled past. Silence.
“What are you doing?” N rasped out, his voice cracking. He looked ready to either cry or scream at them. Maybe both. It was such a stark contrast to his usual collected demeanor.
For a moment, Blake’s words caught in their throat. They knew exactly why they were doing this. But they knew trying to blubber out an explanation for themself again would be as pointless as it had been before.
“I… I can’t let you do this,” they declared.
There was nothing left to be said.
N clenched his fist, then unclenched again. All sorts of conflicting feelings were rising up in his chest. Reluctance burned behind his eyes, but still, he gave the command.
“…Nox,” his Zoroark’s ears perked up. “Take the stone back.”
Nox stood up on his hind legs, and crept forwards, like a predator closing in on its chase. Blake’s shoulders tensed, and they sucked in a sharp inhale as they took another step backwards. They felt their heel hover over an absence of ground, which caused their heart to do another leap in their ribcage.
Nowhere else to go.
Nox lunged. From the way he moved, Blake could tell he wasn’t aiming to hurt them. He was most likely planning to yank them away from the ledge, while snatching the Dark Stone back at the same time.
But that wasn’t what happened.
A burst of light exploded from the single Pokéball dangling on Blake’s belt. The form of an Axew appeared, but the light didn’t fizzle away like it was supposed to. Encased in a white glow, Petra threw herself onto Nox and tackled him to the ground. Once she was on his chest, her silhouette began stretch and grow. Her rounded tusks grew into sharp points, and new, stronger muscles began to materialize in her arms, legs, and tail.
Soon enough, the light dimmed out, and a Fraxure took her place. Petra’s sudden evolution left everyone around her with a gaping jaw, but the Dragon-type didn’t take a moment to stop and revel in her newfound strength and appearance. Instead, she hauled Nox over her head with a grunt, before throwing him into a nearby pillar without so much as a twitch of struggle.
“FRAAAAAAAA!” She bellowed in triumph, exposing her red-tipped tusks to everyone as a display of power. A warning not to mess with her. Or her trainer, for that matter.
“Petra-?” Blake sputtered out in shock, eyes sparkling at their Pokémon in awe. Of all the times she finally chose to evolve, she couldn’t have picked better.
It didn’t take long though for it to click that now wasn’t the time to stop and gawk, though. Blake felt the Dark Stone buzz under their arm, and gritted their teeth when they realized they couldn’t stay up here for long. The approaching storm was calling to the stone, slowly lulling Zekrom out of her centuries-long slumber.
Petra turned to them and understood- almost like she could sense the draconic energy thrumming inside the orb herself. She gazed at the artifact like a subject would at a ruler- but also with same the sense of urgency to get it out of here as her trainer.
Blake gave her a nod. “Come on!”
In a heartbeat, the Fraxure was at their side, acting as a barricade between them and N before they shoved past the king together. He stumbled around after them, but didn’t break into a pursuit just yet.
Instead, the first thing he noticed was the blue energy pulsing and building up beneath the surface of the Dark Stone. His breath hitched when he realized what was about to happen.
Blake didn’t listen. They only read his shout as a desperate last attempt to get them to surrender, not as a warning like they should have. Everything happened in a blur around them as they made a beeline back for the staircase- Cole had sent out half his party to hold off the Shadow Triad, clearing a safe path for them. Petra had made it there first, and waited right at the first step for her trainer.
Blake was just seconds away from the stairs. Seconds away from getting away. Seconds away from saving Unova, possibly the world, from putting an end to all of this-
The sky flashed. There was a deafening, crackling boom, and Blake barely knew what was happening before an agonizing, indescribable burning shot down the length of their left arm.
It felt like it had been torn clean off, or maybe fizzled away into cinders like a sheet of paper. But, it was very much still there, reduced to a sizzling black chunk of flesh as Blake’s body hit the floor like a sandbag.
Not everything went black right away. They stayed conscious long enough to hear a scream of their name. Someone rushed to their side to hold them. They couldn’t tell who. They figured Cole, but the voice sounded a pitch too deep.
Raising their eyes to look up took the same amount of effort it would to lift a mountain, but they did anyway. Perhaps they were hallucinating, but their gaze met N’s. Everything was so blurry, they couldn’t discern his expression. But fragments of his voice cut through the haze and reached their ears.
“No no no no, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, please- don’t-” They’d heard him sad before. They’d heard him cry before. They’d never heard him so broken before. “Stay with me, don’t close your eyes, just st-”
Were they in a dream?
They were on the floor. Their arm felt numb, the edges still simmering with pain. Cole and Petra hovered over them, the former shouting things at them they couldn’t hear while occasionally glancing up at something.
Blake turned their head. More accurately, it tilted off to the side by itself, from the lack of strength to keep it upright.
They saw something. A shadow. No- claws. Scales. Sparks of electricity dancing under jet black hide.
Their gaze trailed up. A towering, dark figure, casting a menacing silhouette against the sky with the membrane of its wings. Rumbling with an ancient, newly reawakened power.
N was on its back. His hair swayed to and fro in the wind. His hat was nowhere to be seen.
They extended a trembling hand out towards him. He was so far away. But they reached for him anyway. Please, don’t go-
He didn’t even look back.
Zekrom took to the skies.
He was gone.
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captain-mommy-issues · 9 months
[Not really Pelipper Mail… Under-The-Tree Mail? That you’re pretty sure was put there by Clavell? Anyways! Once the tornado of four very excited children has rolled through and woken everyone in the house, Arven’s left with a good few things for himself!]
[Firstly, there’s a printed image of an upper-end cookware set! There’s Clavell’s handwriting on the bottom saying “We Delibird left it at the Academy, since your kitchen is there”. You don’t think Delibird know how to write.]
[There’s a few smaller wrapped boxes too! Each one contains a video game: Super Mario RPG, Super Mario Wonder, Super Mario 3D World… the last one seems to be the Wii U version? There’s a sticky note that says “We didn’t know which one :-)”.]
[Wrapped far more cleanly, it seems like Aunt Melony’s enclosed some new picnic blankets (one with the Dogs of Paldea on it, one with the Galar League’s symbols on it) and some custom silverware with dogs at their base. There’s also a hand-knitted scarf there in yellow and purple, with a “welcome to our family” note tucked in, written in clean cursive. Melony’s kids have copied the message below that, with varying levels of cleanliness. Gordie just left his autograph.]
[Finally, for Mabosstiff… there’s a load of home-baked dog biscuits from Aunt Melony, four squeaky Maushold plushies, and a big old squeaky sandwich-shaped chew toy. The sandwich toy’s wrapped in an appropriately-sized dog bandana, with some Herba Mystica printed on it.]
[Happy Delibird Day, Arven!!]
//I usually don't do this but I feel like this would be cuter if I wrote this one out as an in-person :)
Arven stared in complete awe at all the gifts. He picked up the photograph and laughed to himself, reading the handwriting. Dad, really...
"That actually looks awesome! Arc, don't make me wanna go home already. I'm so excited to use that."
He laughed again and shook his head, then began opening the other gifts. The boy had to do a double take on all the video games. SERIOUSLY? THREE?! That's like $180 right there! But in Pokedollars that I don't feel like converting right now!
"Fucking HELL. Why did you spend so much on me?! I- I thought I told you you didn't have too!" Arven immediately covered his mouth. Right. Children. Don't swear. Contain your 15-year-old edgy potty mouth, Arven.
"Flipping heck," he mumbled to himself awkwardly.
Arven just turned back to his presents, moving onto Melony's. He pulled out the baskets and silverware and examined them, smiling.
"Arc, these are adorable! Jeez, the dogs are so cute... I am gonna use these every day."
He picked up the scarf, taking a glance at the note that fell out of it. He grabbed it, and started tearing up. Just... Wow. Family. He had family. This is his family. Don't Cry, Arven. Don't Cry. Don't Cry. Arcdamnit he's crying. He turned his head down, avoiding eye-contact with everyone.
"T-hank you..." His voice was soft, and slightly shaky. However, he had a huge smile on his face, despite all the tears flowing rapidly down his cheeks. This entire trip has made him so emotional... This poor guy has never spent time with family like this...
His tears were then interrupted by a soft woof. He looked next to him where Mabosstiff was pawing at a present.
"Go ahead, Buddy."
The Pokémon excitedly ripped open the package, very happily wagging its tail at the sight of all the gifts. It excitedly spun around in a circle and barked surprisingly loudly. Arven chuckled, looking back at the others. He stood up and pulled Clavell into the biggest hug ever, burying his face into his shoulder. Most likely because he was still embarrassed about the whole crying bit...
"Thank you," he looked over at Melony. "You too, of course. I... I appreciate this. A lot..."
"Happy Delibird Day."
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a-tale-of-legends · 2 years
The last post made me really think now: what is a champion in the pokemon universe. What they can and cannot do. What power do they have.
Obviously, these questions have different answers depending on the region. Kalos' league is not the same as Kanto's. The culture is very different, so the leagues are probably as well. But fundamentally what does a champion do. What does the league do. I'm gonna jump around a bit but bear with me.
There's the pokemon league. And then there should be The Pokemon League. The pokemon league are the gyms the elite 4 the champion ( to an extent). The Pokemon League is the ones actually running that shit. Do you really think the Champion is in charge of organizing the gyms? Especially when champions can come and go as please? No! There hasn't been a single canonical pokemon champion in the main series games that have ever been stated to have influence in how the gyms work. Not saying that there isn't any influence, there the champion. I feel like they are a bridge between the gyms and elite 4 and the ones running it. The only one that has ever been stated to have direct influence on the gym challenge is Geeta, and that's only because she's the chairwoman.
Now earlier I said there should be The Pokemon League, aka the ones that run the league itself and handle all the nitty gritty stuff of that, but outside of Galar and Paldea we don't really see that. I know in the manga, it's explained more, and I definitely know fan works have run with this piece of world building ( so I'm not the first one who thought of this lol. If anything these pieces of world building from others inspired me a lot), but in the main series games only Galar and Paldea ever really mention something other than the champion at the top of the league. And again, different regions have different cultures and ways of handling their own leagues in my opinion.
Also, on another note: The Pokemon League. What the fuck. *points to Giovanni, and Malva* how the fuck did you allow this. I mean. I understand these two had their affiliation with their evil teams a secret ( I think. Malva definitely), but after the fact when everything is exposed???? Malva openly says she was a part of Team Flare???? And you're still gonna keep her in a high ranking position???? Seriously?????
Now going aaaallll the way back to the initial question: What does a champion do. I think it's rather simple on paper: protecting their region is their utmost priority. That's what the league is for, a line of defense against anything bad happening ( which literally happens every other year). They are also the face of the region. Leon was a great example of this. While I don't think being champion isn't 100% political ( again, that's what the league is for).....it kinda is when you're the face of the region. Everyone is watching you. You also have to make sure the league ( gym leaders elite 4) and probably more importantly The League ( the ones running this shit), look good. And if you mess up on that.....oof. That's just me, of course.
Okay! That's a ramble. Later!
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r0-boat · 1 year
Aaaaa I missed the last round of requests!! Can I ask for Geeta teasing a partner who's SUPER horny but also way too prim and uptight to admit without a whole lotta teasing?
I was trying to write a full fic I plan to write a full fic but for some reason the brain cells just weren't connecting 👍
So here's some head cannons
Teasing!Geeta X Horny! Prim&Proper partner
Geeta x Gn! Reader
Extra: I made reader a reader and writer of fanfiction. Because I guess the trope of finding out your partner reads fanfiction of yourself is kind of funny to me
Cw: the slightest mention of pet play,black mail, semi public monster fucker, dubcon,( none of these are actually written they're just mentioned in some way)
Let's get one thing straight Geeta is very much a tease, she wants to have a little fun relationship with her employees however it always kind of falls short because she's just so strict with the Pokemon League job...
As a person from a more affluent background, you thought Geeta was a perfect companion; she looked like she knew a thing or two of etiquette, and not to mention, she seemed pretty cool. However, you cannot see the shadow of Giratina underneath This shining light...
Since her employees don't really like when she reaches out and tries to have fun in the office, her partner usually falls victim to her teasing.
Especially when you look so elegant and all your expensive clothes, she can't help but try to tease you and turn you into a blushing mess. And it really doesn't take much to have that pure elegance facade crack...
It was about the second year into your relationship when it started becoming sexual. At first, Geeta didn't think you were too interested in anything to her; you didn't seem like the type of person to really have a sex drive or much of an appetite at all.
That all changed one day when you asked her to fetch your phone when you left it in the hotel room. Your phone was sitting idly on the nightstand plugged into its charger, face down. She did not mean to violate your privacy!! It just so happened to be on that page when she picked up your phone. When she saw that red banner she didn't think anything of it however when she saw skimmed, the words " top Champion Geeta x reader" she double-taked... she was no stranger to fanfiction she knows that the gym leaders especially her elite four members are quite popular and have many fan as well as her many travels to galar she has seen first hand how dedicated fans can become (mostly blame Iono) and personally she's very neutral on the idea. However she has to admit that she knows very little of this type of the internet.
Now knowing that her own partner is reading fan written erotica of herself, does she dare look further??
Bdsm?? Semi public and blackmail?! MONSTER FUCKER?!
What in the hell is dubcon?
She already did enough damage to your poor privacy but now she kind of feels like she has an excuse after seeing Geeta X reader on your phone.
You seem to have an account on this website and this was one of the many pieces of literature you saved judging by the extraordinary High number next to the work "Bookmarked"
She feels like she's only scratched the surface of this new side she has never seen from you. 2 years of being in a relationship with you if she knew how to praise you were sooner she would fucked you long before. Come to think of it when she first went on a date with you you did say you were a writer hobbyist and fan of literature however you didn't seem to want to carry the conversation further when she tried to pry
After that experience with your phone Geeta made it her mission to leave little hints here and there that she knew of your little online Hobby until you catch on
When you went out that same night, your date seemed different. She had a hungrier look, her touch lingering as well as her gaze. She did say she wanted to take your relationship further but the way she looked at you was different, you couldn't explain it tell her deep dark blue eyes made you shiver and squirm in your seat as you try your best to hide the fact that a simple gaze was getting you aroused.
You swore up and down that it was just your imagination when you felt her hand brush against your butt.
Or when the two of you went out to lunch, and her leg started brushing against yours as she sat across from you.
The final straw is when she pulled you into some alley and kissed you, her tongue running across your bottom lip, asking for more than just one kiss. Only to immediately stop at your slightest protest. You kicked yourself for that because wanting her to stop wasn't really what you wanted.
After more teasing throughout the day, you hoped this was leading to something more... praying to Arceus that Geeta would take initiative tonight and just take you.
You internally celebrate when she backs you into the wall of your hotel room. Her hands touch and caress your body as her lips move with yours before kissing down your neck. Her sensual touches to the way she looks at you, even some suggestive comments here and there, have been driving you crazy all day.
She pushes you onto the mattress removing her coat before slowly removing your clothes as well. Geeta parts your thighs with her leg pressing deliciously against your core.
Your heart races waiting for her to finally fuck you the way you deserve... only for it to never come giving you a peck on the lips before removing herself from you entirely.
Noticing your reaction of shock and disappointment she smirks. " Is something the matter?"
'YES SOME IS THE MATTER!!' You practically scream in your head only for it to come out as " No... Nothing at all..."
"Oh?" The chairwoman says that smirk turning more into a grin "Are you sure?"
Shell give you a little hints of what she'll do to you without outright saying it... maybe even sprinkle mentions of some of your kinks. Geeta has quite the way with words and she could easily make you squirm.
She'll coax you into saying naughty things from your own mouth, with praises then immediately mock you "oh my how dirty have you to say that, who knew my dear sweet innocent partner was such a naughty little slut."
Geeta always sees you look like a polished diamond. She would be lying if making you into a mess didn't excite her. She likes being in control. And she adores the thought of you saving this side of yourself for her eyes only.
You're just so cute she could collar you if she could~!
Her eyes light up when you finally break admitting what you truly want from her and that's when she showers you with praises before finally, giving you the fuck you deserve...
Sadly her relentless teasing is only the beginning, and she'll only get more and more bold.
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t4tbedehopmar · 1 year
heck yeah am i ready for another essay 🎉🎉 i probably wont be able to read it until im done w school but i will be excited hehehehe
OK THEN i'll so it now so u can see it as soon as school ends! also why the hell are u going to school isn't it still summer. fuck the people who are making u go to school like what the hell is wrong w them ANYWAYS prepare urself for a um. pretty long essay ^^;
OK THEN let's start w the basics as always! :D hop like marnie is one of the three rivals protagonist has in swsh but unlike marnie he's the main rival! u probably know abt main rivals in pokemon games yes u do 👍👍 and if u don't. it's just the rival that is more important. ofc there's only been main rivals since like. xy i think? bc earlier there was only like one rival or maybe two. i think it was in uno a actually ANYWAYS i'm just boring u rn so i'll move on fkhdjdk SO as i said hop is protagonist's main rival and BOOM his brother is the champion of the region. yup just like that. he's called leon btw but this ain't abt him 😒😒 AHEM SO hop and protagonist too live in the first town in the game called postwick! they're literally the only people who live there. which is pretty funny considering there's literally another village like. 20 meters away but wtv pokemon can do wtv they want dkhfjd i just realized that if i tell u EVERYTHING abt hop this won't be an essay but a research work so i'll try and stay brief in the least important parts! OK SO protagonist's seeing a match between leon and his rival aka dragon type gym leader raihan and he comes over saying leon's gonna arrive soon so u both go out BUT just outside protagonist's house there's this fence that leads to a very creepy forest called slumbering weald and oh no! a wooloo (aka sheep pokemon) is using tackle against it! obviously it's bound to open at some point BUT that comes later 👍👍 SO leon arrives gives protagonist and hop a starter and that's when hop brings up the gym challenge! u see unlike other regions in galar u need someone important from the league to recommend u so u can participate in the gym challenge and Yes obviously leon's gonna recommend u BUT NOT YET!!!!!!! after that it's made clear that hop rlly wants to defeat leon and become the new champion but um. if u have basic pokemon knowledge u know that protagonist ALWAYS becomes the champion. and in this game specifically all the rivals want to be champions so the protagonist rlly does shatter their dreams ^^; but we don't talk abt that HAHA OK u have ur first battle w hop and just after that the wooloo opens the fence and enters the slumbering weald! and protagonist and hop don't think abt the risk of going in there bc they're heroic and stupid sighs. so they enter and there's a lot of fog and OH MY GOD IS THAT THE LEGENDARY DOG FROM THE COVER OF THE GAME yes it is! depending on the game u've chosen either zacian or zamazenta appear BUT in their normal forms w/o the sword and shield respectively! the fog gets horrible and protagonist and hop faint and oh no it's the end! but no bc leon exists and he saves them AND the wooloo 🙄🙄 ok i might have a bit of hatred towards leon BUT THIS AIN'T ABT HIM ANYWAYS protagonist gets a pokedex, fights hop and they get the recommendation from leon and so u leave the village to go to the opening ceremony in motostoke! u arrive there and reach the fire type gym to get ur league number and participate in the gym challenge and um. w-well. remember how i said this was the time when protagonist met marnie? but u didn't have to talk to her right then if u didn't want to? well u see i also said that's when protagonist meets me/bede and this time it is mandatory to interact. kind of. i don't think that was interacting ANYWAYS let's just say me and hop don't rlly get along very well during the gym challenge ^^; i'll have to talk abt The Thing later....... BUT THAT'S LATER OK? OK THAT'S SETTLED THEN ANYWAYS protagonist goes to the opening ceremony and then battles hop and he gives the protagonist.......
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ta-da! his beautiful league card <3 i mean srsly isn't he the most beautiful guy ever And i think i'll shut up now bc i'm not gay COUGHS so protagonist does the gym challenge like normal, hop goes his own way and just like that ur already back in motostoke bc NO the fire type gym isn't the first gym but the third for. reasons. both of them win and now they're both on their way to hammerlocke to continue w the challenge BUT. but. what a powerful word am i right? just by saying it yk smth's gonna happen. and smth DOES happen. um. well i uhhhhhh how do i put this. maybe if i just don't say it hahahaha 😁😁 OH BUT I HAVE TO THIS IS A PART OF HOP'S LORE AFTER ALL....... OK FINE ibedeappearoutofnowherestartinsultinghopwehaveabattlehelosesisayhesdraggingleonsnamethruthemudandthenleave PHEW OK that was easier than i thought <- almost started crying while typing it SO UM yeah the thing changes hop completely and it's all my fault :') dies WE IGNORE THAT EPISODE OF MY LIFE AND THE GYM CHALLENGE BC IT WAS HORRIBLE OK THANK U anyways after The Incident hop becomes more doubtful abt how good he is in pokemon battles and in general he's less cheery and all :c i actually haven't explained abt his personality yet so this is the perfect time! so like every other main rival he's a happy and mostly hyperactive individual who's also impatient! he also loves leon bc he's his hero and all that :] wldn't u say he's the most adorable ever Dies anyways and after all this i've told u well yeah he's sadder it's all super sad and i swear that part of the game is super depressing and everytime i replay the game i start crying BUT we're here to learn abt hop and not abt bee crying over hop during the gym challenge DO BACK TO THE THING from there his pokemon team changes constantly and he even stops having wooloo (aka the pokemon he's had since he was like five) in his team to see if he gets better in pokemon battles :') he's not even bad in battles but his rival is the future champion of the region and he just fought against a future fairy type gym leader so uh. yeah kfhdjdj ANYWAYS he's down for a bit BUT THEN after protagonist defeat the rock or ice type gym leader (depending on the game) he's happy again and everyone's happy too and i cry bc he's just so dkfjksjdkskd :') i lvoe him I MEAN nothing hahahaha ahem so after all that protagonist defeats some more gym leaders and eventually reaches the last city in the game in which the semifinals are taking place! BUT BEFORE THEY START there's this dialogue w hop.......
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screenshots from my very own switch bc i'm insane. u see i haven't said it but a bit after The Incident i go batshit and decide to destroy this mural in a village. there's an explanation i swear i'm not insane fkhfjdj back then i worked for the chairman and he wanted to collect wishing stars and what is that u may wonder! well to stay short they make dynamaxing possible! but the chairman is using them for..... smth else. that i'll explain later SO since wishing stars are in caves i decide that it's a great idea to fucking destroy a mural! it actually pays off bc there's some important statues beneath it BUT the chairman doesn't like it and BOOM ur no longer in the gym challenge koha basically ur dad just expelled u 👍👍 but that's for another time fuck rose ANYWAYS as u can see he doesn't even hate me. WHAT IS WRONG W HIM i hate him (i'm in love w him) ANYWAYS protagonists defeats him and just like that breaks hop's dreams :') so basically the only character his age that doesn't hurt him at some point is marnie! way to go my girl ur the best 🫶🫶 but yeah some stuff after that happen and when protagonist goes to fight leon the chairman goes BAM and he wakes up this alien pokemon w all the wishing starts he's collected and everything goes a bit insane BUT during the story (i haven't mentioned it bc this wld end up being too long altho this is already horribly long but too late now fkdhjdjs) protagonist and hop learn abt the story abt galar and oh! there's this two heroes w zacian and zamazenta! and so they both go back to the slumbering weald get the rusted sword and shield to see if they can summon them and so they go to hammerlocke where the chairman is defeat him and then go fight the alien pokemon aka eternatus bc leon fainted while trying to catch it w a pokeball. who tf tries to catch such a powerful pokemon w a POKEBALL. but anyways zacian and zamazenta appear but they look cooler thanks to the rusted sword and shield and they defeat eternatus and three days pass protagonist defeats leon and becomes the champion OK so after that everything goes back to normal but now hop feels like he's a burden to everyone bc everyone's become super cool things and all that but at the end of the post game he catches zacian or zamazenta depending on the game and becomes the assistant professor!! so after all this u get that he's very cheery yet insecure. which is strangely like me. but that's NEVER happening ok? ok NOW random facts. i think i've given u all the possible random facts EXCEPT for the league number one! his league number can be read as hiyaku in japanese which means jump and well. that makes a lot of sense fkdhjfjs OH ALSO
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THE CUTIE 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 TYE MOST BEAUTIFUL EVER 💕💘💝💞♥️💘❣️💘♥️💘💝💕💘💖💖💘💝💘♥️💞💗💘💗💗💞❣️💘♥️💘💝💘💕💖💘💖💕💘💝💘💕💖💘💝💞💝💘💕💕💘💝💝💞💕💘💝💕💘💝
SO and let's finish this like an essay ahem in light of the above it's blatantly obvious that i'm not very sane abt hop hope this helps 👍👍 some things rlly didn't make sense so if u want an essay abt me/bede or abt the galar story pls tell me and i'll go insane just for u again <3 now if u'll excuse me i need a break flops over and dies
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riris-dock · 1 year
💕 for ur pokemon s/i :3 she’s so silly…
You're enabling me so bad this is gonna be miles long
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Is the protag of gen7/Ultra Moon but different backstory prior to the games!
Instead of being from Kanto like og gen7 protag, she's originally from Alola, but moved away when she was like 6 cause of her dads job. Note that she never rlly had a close relationship w her dad cause its important later 👍 No negative thoughts, he was just very busy w his job and all. First moves to Kanto, lives there for two years, then moves to Hammerlocke in Galar when she's 8 and lives here till she moves back to Alola w her mom at 11.
While in Galar, her mom befriends Raihan's mom, so the two become friends despite a four year age gap(I hc Raihan as 25 by SwSh games so 👍). They hang out somewhat often, Lilith doesn't really have social media until she's like 10 but they stay in contact when she moves back to Alola.
Cue entirety of Ultra Moon that I am not recapping, becomes Alola's first champion, deals with some Ultra Beasts, fucks around and finds out in Ultra Space for fun. Reverse adopts Guzma as her dad because 1) Man that ran away from home is funny 2) just went through some traumatizing shit together 3) Not very close with her actual dad, has no father figure 4) funny dynamic
As a champion she remains pretty lowkey ig? Continues to pick up every odd job she can find, very close with the people in person but remains stone-faced and professional in any official stuff(battles, interviews, etc..). She wants to promote Alola as not just a vacation spot, but also a place that's a serious menace when it comes to battling, despite the league being so new, so she's very active in battling, visiting other regions for exhibition matches and what not.
But! The gremlin is real. Though she's got a lotta work cause league is so new and shes basically the chairwoman,,, she also investigates Ultra Space on the side because she thinks it's fun and a chance to relax!! She may be professional or kind on the outside but by god will she fistfight a UB if she has to.
Here's the spice tho,,, is invited to Galar along w Alola's elite four for some exhibition matches and a small vacation to meet old friends, about when she's 19 so two years before "current" time yk.
First time she sees her friends in Galar since she lived there so she spends a lot of time w them ofc, gets introduced to people within thr Galar league like different gym leaders and, ofc, Piers, who she has a few mutual friends with. Heeheehe they mainly become friends cause Raihan and Leon r like "You're both my pals so you're pals now" n all is almost good
Finally,,, the crushing part(Sorry not sorry this is so long I have soo many thoughts). So Champ originally only sees Piers as a close friend cause they get along well and have shared interests, while Piers starts like,, a small interest at first and then as they get to know each other more has a realisation one day that he's got a big fat fkn crush 😳
Champ only realises like. Almost a year later that she might have a thing for him when she watches one of his concerts for the first time
Ougoiuoho I havent thought out how they start dating yet okay but I'm thinking like. Slowly start doing more n more stuff like holding hands and then one day "so what are we?" "Dating?" Dbjwbehxisn but I also think it would be super cute if Piers was all flustered confessing n shit,,, choices choices. Anyways 1 year later, Champ 21, Piers 23, they r power couple that terrify interviewers 👍
If u read this far I salute you, soldier 🫡
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astererer · 2 years
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Vern’s ref has been updated!! Again!!! Some info on him under the cut :))
Voiceclaim: Julian Barratt
Like Aster, Vernon was gifted a Rookidee as a child. Unlike Aster, however, he followed in his dad’s footsteps and became a cabbie. Cares a lot more about traditions than Aster does in general — he’s very proud of his family and does not want its legacy to die out.
Has always been protective of his younger sister. During Aster’s second gym challenge attempt, Vern was apprehensive but supportive of her taking part. Would show up to all her battles and help usher her away from people trying to interview her post-match when she would get overwhelmed. Was distraught when Aster decided to leave the region to get away from the league, because how could he look out for her if she’s in another region? Has since dialled this back, still cares a lot about his sister but knows she’s her own person with her own life.
Never had a rebellious phase. Part due to his parents not being particularly strict in the first place, part due to having spent too much time caring about the well-being of other people that he forgot how to act out, and put up a more stoic (and polite) front when doing anything he considers “public facing” (so his job, hanging out with friends, leaving the house, etc). Probably why he gets so stressed so easily — he’s not always very good at putting himself first, until someone actively disrespects him or someone he cares about. Just because he’s willing to look after people doesn’t mean he’s a doormat or lacking in self worth.
Softens up considerably whenever he is with family, and maybe a couple of close friends. Still probably the most serious person in the family, but he’s more open about sharing his hobbies and able to actually be enthusiastic about things.
Very easy to wind up. Flirting with Vernon will cause him to mentally short circuit and his initial reaction will come off to other people as anger or irritation, especially as he’s likely to drop any politeness and tell them to “piss off”. He’s not actually either of those things, he is just very bad at handling attention of the more amorous variety. A bit repressed. In an actual relationship, though, he’s capable of being very tender and affectionate. Would like to settle down and start a family at some point.
Lifelong history nerd. Currently doing a part time BA in ancient and medieval history through an online university course. When a work shift is going a bit slow, which is often, outside of weekends, he’ll spend time listening to history podcasts or getting through one of the various books he’s collected over the years. Man could tell you everything about ancient Hisui if you asked.
Works nights because while the hours are less social, the pay is slightly better. His sleep schedule is a bit fucked as a consequence, but he doesn’t mind. Days off are dedicated to sleeping, spending time with his team and getting that degree.
One of his regulars is Leon. Vernon does not dislike the man, he is friendly, polite, and does not expect Vernon to chat with him constantly. He could also sense that Leon did not enjoy being champion as much as he seemed to in public appearances — based on how Aster dipped so soon after she was handed the title, he can’t say he’s surprised. Never said it out loud but he was pleased for the former champion when he took over as league chairman, he seems much happier now in Vernon’s opinion.
Miscellaneous info:
Has kept up with every single one of his sister’s matches outside of Galar. If it’s been televised or streamed, he’s watched it. He’s very proud of her — may have cried when she became champion all those years ago.
Tends not to show it in front of other people because he thinks it’s a bit embarrassing but he adores and spoils his team rotten. Other than Roddy, who is both a best friend and coworker in bird form, his pokemon are all companions and exist to be babied. Roddy is still pampered out of work hours though :)) Vernon has a series of those corny 80s pet photoshoots of him and his pokemon on display in his apartment. He loves all his beasts so much and they love him too.
Camus and Shelley were both originally Aster’s pokemon. Camus came into Vern’s possession through a trade — both siblings caught an Applin and traded with one another during Aster’s gym challenge. Shelley was a gift from when Aster was in Paldea as a teenager. Shelley is actually a bit over levelled for Vernon so doesn’t really listen to any commands, but she enjoys his company and they both enjoy being in tidy spaces, so she allows him to cuddle her when she feels like it.
Bit of a neat freak — Joyce and Shelley help him do a weekly deep clean of his apartment together, which is sorely needed when living with two other people who do not clean. When he visits Aster, she has to physically restrain him from trying to do the same for her home. She likes organised chaos. Leave off it.
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cheemken · 8 months
OUGH just wanted to let you know I'm storing all these hcs away that when I have the time and energy to write it out, I will. Something about Drayton is just making me rattle the bars of my cage fr fr
Gosh speaking of Drayton not being able to keep up with training + staying up for Iris, it reminds me of that other ask where Iris finds him asleep at the table. Just picturing she's holding Drayton's hand, feeling her heart break to pieces when she can circle her fingers around his wrist.
With the clothes Drayton is wearing + training he tries and fails to complete, maybe it hides how he's a smidge underweight for someone his age and height. Maybe he eats late or skips meals altogether because he prefers catching a nap than eating, and because he wants to eat with Iris. He keeps snacking on various snacks in the clubroom cause it staves off feeling hungry but it's not enough for a growing body y'know?
Now I'm also picturing Crispin, who doesn't fully understand but he too once grabbed Drayton's hand for whatever reason and like Iris, notices how his fingers can almost circle around Drayton's wrist. He knows at least that for a guy like Drayton, he shouldn't be able to do that. Crispin loves cooking, and he wants people to eat what they need cause 'food's important for your development!!' so he starts making 'test dishes' and having Drayton be his main taste tester.
Drayton has token complaints but he can't say no, not when Crispin's earnest eyes are looking at him and genuinely wants feedback so he eats, easing hunger that he wasn't really paying attention to. It becomes a routine, so much so that when Drayton sees Crispin with a box or dish he's just 'okay lay it on me. What is it this time?'
Just love these kids sm fr. I like to think that, for all their bickering, they care and look out for one another
Oughghgh your honour this is melting my fucking heart too holy shit😭😭
No but that's so sweet of Crispin tho, that he also finds out abt Drayton not eating much so he makes him food which he disguises as his test dishes, but really, it's also a way to find out what dishes Drayton actually likes so he can make more of it for him
But what also gets me is the fact Drayton did have a dialogue going on how he likes the Academy Special or smth bc it's soft and he can gulp it down, barely even have to chew, so idk what to make of that without like,, y'know making it triggering for peeps so yeah ask me to tag stuff bc this involves,, this. Anyways, y'know, I do wanna say that's not on him being lazy that he doesn't chew his food much, rather, he just doesn't have the energy for it, or he just have a handful of food he can actually stomach down. Or he's a picky eater which then I will proceed to project lmfaooo
But also it'd be sweet tho if Iris does try to bring food from other regions back home after every Champion meet ups. Like yeah she sometimes come home late, but she always try to head home at least a lil bit earlier, oftentimes leaving the league duties to Hilbert for a bit, just so she can hang out w Drayton who she now knows always wait for her to come back home. So far he likes the curry from Galar bc it reminds of the one Crispin made too
That'd be so cute tho, Iris catching up w him, asking him abt his friends, she knows better than to ask him abt his classes
And he's there telling her abt how this one guy, Kieran, managed to beat him and became the BB League Champion, but now he isn't Champion and didn't join the league again. Then he tells her abt his friends, the E4, Carmine, and even some other students that talk to him. He then mentions abt the curry Crispin made too, how it's similar to the one Iris made, and Iris asks more abt him
And yeah, tells her how Crispin always makes these test dishes and would have him taste it first, some are good, some aren't much, but he loves how Crispin makes him his favourites sometimes
Imagine Iris smiling at that tho, that at least he eats well at school, when she subtly reached out to grab his wrist again while he was talking more abt his friends, she noticed it wasn't all skin and bone anymore, which lifted her spirits a bit, it was a small change but it was a change she'd love to see more of. Drayton said Crispin wanted to be a chef, well, perhaps as a thanks, Iris could pull some strings and have Diantha agree to let Siebold teach Crispin more abt being a chef, she thinks it's only fair for taking care of her brother while she's away
After catching up, Drayton grew tired, ofc, it was rather late, he stayed up late again for her, she tells him everytime he doesn't have to, but he really wants to. Imagine tho like true siblings Drayton asks Iris to carry him cause "what's the point of all that training with gramps if you won't put your muscles to good use."
"and good use being me carrying you to your own room?"
He gives her a cheeky smile all "yeah," which then made her roll her eyes at him
"fine, just this one time."
And just deadass gives him a piggyback ride lmfao, she's just "you're getting old for this, Dray."
"no I'm not, plus you owe me, you missed our training day so now you have to carry me."
But imagine tho as she's carrying him to his room, he fell asleep, and Iris finally noticed he wasn't as light as he was before, he grew a bit heavier than she last remembered, and that actually made her happy; she really has to give her thanks to Drayton's friends for taking care of him while she was away doing her Champion duties. But also her making a promise to herself to be on break for a bit and have Hilbert deal w being Unova's Champion while she really catches up w her brother, ofc, it's been a while, and she'd rather not have him stay up late again just to wait for her to come back home
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This was originally posted on the discord of the Pokemon Showdown League I'm a part of but I'm weirdly proud of what I wrote so I'm posting it here
Sorry I couldn’t make it to Finals night, but I was BONE tired from working overtime. Coach is super busy in the Summer and I had to pick up the slack. I just wanna give a shout out to everyone on our team for a great season! 
Mega-Mawile AKA Large Marge: This bruiser was brought on after hearing glowing reviews of its performance in Season 2. She was brought on to hit really hard and holy shit she did that well. She also told great stories, like how she miraculously survived a truck accident and met a nice young man in a bowtie. Weirdly enough she told me to say this just before she left HQ; 
Large Marge sent me! 
Staraptor AKA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!: What else can be said about this guy that hasn't been said? The strategy with this one was as subtle as a flashbang during Easter Mass. Point at a target, say you no longer wanted to see it, and they got rid of it. High chance we will see them again next season. 
Slither Wing AKA Ripped Mothra: I once told them, “gal, if you were just a little faster, you would be 20 points if not completely banned.” They then punched me apart. Spent the rest of the day putting myself back together. I deserved it though seeing how I misgendered them. They were a crucial part of the team. Could give big hits and take them as well. They are one to watch I tell you. 
Tangrowth AKA Scott Smith: This guys great. Hell of a tank and he always smelled like freshly baked bread. An amazing ventriloquist as well. Before they were brought on we heard some unsavory rumors about him. That he murdered a bunch of tourists in the jungles of Mexico, on a pyramid of all things. The coach and I ignored this because we’ve been wanting him on our team for a few seasons. Hmmmm……we never did see Iron Thorns and Incineroar leave the building though….. 
Slowking-Galar AKA Cool Hat: When I heard that Slowking had a bizarro version of himself, I jumped at the chance to get him on our team. Great move pool, tanky, Regenerator, could hit real hard, and had great synergy with Cetitan. Guy had a really fucked sense of humor though. How bad you say? We didn't have an HR department before he came on. Now we do. 
Cetitan AKA Da Boi: Cetitan didn’t get to do much this season admittedly. Great synergy with Cool Hat, Belly Drum, and Ice Spinner are great but too much set up was needed for it to work. They were an absolute joy to be around though. Also he sounds like a groaning abandoned derelict ship trapped in the ice, Which according to the Coach, is “rad as shit”.  
Starmie AKA R’yleh: They are undoubtedly a forward scout that transmits indecipherable radio messages for some unfathomable alien horror that seeks to wither all life and love. But we needed a fast special sweeper and they had Rapid Spin so we brought them on.
Cobalion AKA (Insert the last thing Coach ate): After the first week we discovered we were in dire need of someone who could set up stealth rocks and Cobalion was brought on to fix that. An amazing utility pokemon that went above and beyond what we expected from them. Unfortunately they won’t return our calls due to us calling him Soup one too many times. 
Rotom-H AKA Meatball Maker: Coach met this guy at an Italian deli that sells imported stuff from Italy. Boss has been trying to get better at cooking and Rotom-H offered to come over and teach him some cooking tricks. Next thing you know they’re on the team as an all star pivot and an amazing cook! Never been more upset that I don't have taste buds or a stomach. 
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oceandiagonale · 2 years
Asks for next oc Sunday! Cream would absolutely cheat on the arceus fight
Cream at their unown parents: can you make the boss fight easier 🥺?
Emoji unown:...you know what fuck it sure I want my kid to be the one who beat up god go ahead
Cream: yay! 😁!
Arceus: uh oh.
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(more under the cut inc. cream story stuff!!)
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OH SHIT well good for them since Lusamine just got absolutely WRECKED in the last ask!!! 😂😂😂
probably made by necrozma right?? since it’s like a parallel to arceus 🤔🤔🤔
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yeah I thought the SWSH games took place in November since that’s when the games were released, but maybe there was an anime thing or an obscure commercial?? galar is weird, their League season being an annual thing puts an odd restriction on timeline stuff while also being completely open to interpretation??? 🤔🤔🤔
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oh that’s awesome, they get two parties to celebrate existing!! and they deserve it too after all the self-doubt they had 😭😭😭
I’m looking forward to their “B-day”!!
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alolanrain · 1 year
Headcanon because depression just hit me like a truck, and I'm in desperate need of comfort rn:
Suddenly, and often without warning, the trauma hits Ash like an Extreme Speed attack, and he just ceases. All ability to function just stops. He goes numb, eyes dull and lifeless as tears occasionally spill and trickle down his cheeks.
Raihan knew what he signed up for when he became romantically involved with Ash. Whenever these episodes occur, no matter how long they last, Raihan would simply drop whatever he was doing previously, pull Ash into his arms, and hold him tight.
No words are shared. There is no need or room for words. But all the while, Raihan is hoping (read: praying) that sooner, rather than later, the bubbly, energetic, feral Ash he knows will return from the dark clouds that have taken over his boyfriend.
YES!!! Holy fuck this is a HC.
Raihan is more than willing to drop everything or as much as he can in that moment to help Ash. Sometimes this leads to Raihan sprawled across the couch with Ash tucked securely in his arms as he’s on a call with other league officials. No one’s going to say no to The Ash Ketchum, let alone his lover who he protects so fiercely.
Adding on:
Raihan’s protection is more media based, to protect Ash for not being in the media presence. There have been dozens of times he had thrown his weight around outside of Galar and his fan base. Though he picks different reason’s why publicly. Galar as a whole will protect him no matter what, even his hater’s would take his side over anyone else just because of their country pride ways. Let alone the other league members of other regions that genuinely like Raihan for his personality and not just his paparazzi ready smile and icy blue eyes. Ash helped boost his image in front of much higher league officials. Champions from far off regions he’s never heard of and now constantly in touch with.
Genuine friends that weren’t made from working side by side in forced acknowledgement for years. Ruled over by fucking Rose the entire time and some even controlled as puppets. It does things to people and Ash was his saving grace from falling into a bitter, bitter life. His precious little legend. He’d do anything to protect the life Ash gave him the moment he fell into Raihan’s lap. Not even his colleges were safe, Leon still quivers when Raihan smiles with a little to much teeth now. Rose and Oleana tried once and they had almost the entire International League come down as a whole. The first time everyone had seen each region agree upon was that they were out of line.
Despite being Rose’s only child he was openly against the man from the start, openly gave his opinion to every foreign leader his father wished he could meet. Nothing would or could stop him. Ash was an absolute instigator the entire time. Not once has he stopped Raihan and even prompted the man to speak out. It had rewarded him in the end when a good chunk of people had actually apologized to Riahan that he had to be that mans son. It had most likely solidified his position as the Champions most favored lover of Ash’s. Settling him permanently at Ash’s side-despite the fact they weren’t even official dating to each other. They saw people on the side but not as often as they did at the start. It petered out to once or twice a month. To occupied in each other even from a distanced but unwilling to do anything about it.
Like the dumb fucks they were.
But now? Now he has a black little velvet box sitting in an old beaten and slightly bent pokeball, Pikachu’s decommissioned one after broken in an a freak accident with some God Ash won’t tell him about. Moss agate stone plated in gold, flashy because Ash wanted it to be. And then it’ll be one custom made by Steven Stone and Lance. A traditional wedding band for men and a more sleek design. Designated to show that it was official, they were each other’s and no one else’s.
Ash is also very protective of Raihan, more so than equal to the gym leader. So fiercely protective in the swing on this motherfucker and I’ll make you beg in front of Arceus way. Ash wouldn’t kill unless pushed to the absolute limit or either protecting a vast majority of people before it’s to late. Blood on his hands is what he’s trying to avoid in this world but it’s a necessary. But when it comes to Raihan? The only person Ash has never had to explain any aches or pain, never asked about a new mark or unless in passing. That doesn’t mean Raihan never worshipped him. Nearly does every night and he cherishes it in every form of love that he can show. Which also means he’s going to rip into some fuckers that even dare breath wrong in Raihan’s direction. Anyone was fair game and it was quickly established that the Champions were not running Raihan out of his love life. Arceus, Raihan was his.
There was rarely another person, only when he got to pent up from the stress and aura usage. Ash almost found the act enjoyable in some cases. He doesn’t know what raihan knows whats going on when he’s out and about. If he keeps tabs on Ash through social media or not. It wouldn’t surprise him and was more then welcomed. From what he’s seen on the news played during breakfast Raihan has a pretty tight grip about Ash’s overall arching online presence. Backed by the other leagues own need for safety reasons when it comes to Ash he was well protected.
Though is defeats the fact that Ash doesn’t necessarily care. He’s okay with being on scream and in pictures and videos. Which leaves to a lot of Ash’s failed attempts to do parkour in public, even to this day, on the web.
But back to Ash being the scary Houndoom to Raihan’s sly Liepard.
Raihan is literally the only person Ash has a “touch them and your dead” outlook on everyone. No one’s safe and he’s very good at keeping that under wraps.
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awellboiledicicle · 3 years
i love my mental au where all my pokemon protags are the same person, wandering around with no regard to timelines, because it means that the champion of most of the world with pokemon leagues got yote into hisui and absolutely clocks Ingo---- not because they’re champion in unova, bc i never played b/w, but because i feel like Emmet and Ingo would have timed their 1 vacation of the year to barrel headfirst into a series of exhibition matches in galar bc 1:battle, and 2: new kinds of trains. 
And i can only assume my protag got a 3am call from Leon while back in Hoenn like “those train guys from unova are going to come to the battle tower and enrolled in doubles for the exhibition. i’d pair with Raihan but he said something about not wanting to tangle with their fans online?? How soon can you get here?”
“Leon its 3am”
“I’ll get Sonia to make you curry?”
“Leon just because you can’t cook doesn’t mean i--”
“i’ll pay to get us matching outfits”
“.... fuck ok. i’ll book a plane in the morning and watch some battle footage on them on the flight. Er, is there clips on--”
“I already had Hop email his research to you.”
“Why Hop--”
“We both know why Hop.”
Basically im just imagining that it was one hell of a battle when the twins inevitably got to them, and i am 90% sure the four of them end up hanging out after the event no matter how it went out of sheer “ok that was fun!!” on both sides. I’m imagining there is a level of ‘these are my friends, i kick their ass now and then” there in all directions. 
So cut to hisui and they’re just like “INGO???”
“That is my name, yes. I wasn’t aware that my reputation was running a shift ahead. I’m.. Apologies, do we know one another?”
“Ingo.” They blink very slowly at him. “I have literally slept on your couch while your brother ate cereal at 3am.”
this evolves into “im going to figure out what the fuck is happening once i see what kamado’s fucking up to now” and ingo’s wondering why he doesn’t know this person irida insisted was kinda like him AND appearantly knows he has a brother?? Which is new info to him??
also love it because it lets me xena the timeline in such a way that i can pretend the whole world is just having a Whole Ordeal for a span of time, several timewarp things happen, and cynthia’s grandmother wakes up one day like “oh right” and hands her a box my protag entrusted to the town and cynthia has to trek to wayward cave and wake up giratina like “what did you do” 
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