#is dia lying in her letter too? honestly probably not hahah
cheemken · 1 year
all this talk about the champions, but what about diantha's own league? what about the kalos league, her elite four, her gym leaders? what do they think of their champion now?
God the Kalos League was absolutely devastated when they all saw the news of what happened in Galar. Fucking imagine all of em vibing and watching the tournament, cheering for Diantha, and everything happened oh so suddenly. Suddenly Diantha had that edge, suddenly Leon started attacking her, suddenly she called out Yveltal, suddenly they see her eyes full of cold fury that they never thought they'd see, suddenly she's there calling out the Galar League, calling out Chairman Rose, telling the entire world about the threats she and the other champions had gotten from the man himself if they so much as beat Leon. And suddenly... They all started attacking her.
They're all so conflicted, they don't know what to do. That's Diantha, their champion, their angel, their queen, the one who protected all of them at all costs, who made sure they were all safe, who gave them purpose, who welcomed them despite their backgrounds, who encouraged and inspired them with her work. Their Diantha... How... How could they do that to their Diantha?
But at the same time, they were lied to. Diantha had lied to them. About Flare, about Yveltal. An argument broke out between the League, when suddenly Gengar showed up, stopping the feud, and dropped two envelopes across the table each containing a letter, with Siebold seated at the head, always her right hand man in the League. And Gengar left, but not before prompting Siebold to read the letter. And read he did.
He read out loud, for everyone to hear. There were two, but Gengar had motioned to read the one from Chairman Rose first. It read of Rose threatening Diantha of death, not only her, but her brother and even the league as well. Every Elite Four member, every Gym Leader, was mentioned by name by Rose, saying how he'll make sure Diantha would watch them all die one by one and he'll kill her brother last, making sure that everyone she loves dies before her.
Everything became cold, some were gripping the edge of the table, some almost couldn't believe that someone could ever write that, and some almost didn't want to hear the rest of it. Even Malva was surprised to hear that Rose knew she meant enough for Diantha to even threaten her too.
And then Siebold read the other letter, the date was set... Yesterday? What? Unfolding it, it's written in Diantha's own hand writing. She wrote her apologies, wrote why she ever encouraged Lysandre to create Flare, why she wanted to create a more beautiful world, so everyone she ever loved, her brother, her league, her friends, wouldn't have to be hurt anymore, so they won't have to suffer anymore. She said she had to lie to keep them safe, so the plan would go perfectly, but Lysandre was incompetent, she said, and thus the plan failed. If it didn't, then all of this wouldn't have happened too, they could be living much peaceful lives, and people like Rose won't be w them in their new world.
The League still felt conflicted, they don't know if Dia's still lying in her letter or not, but it felt so genuine, it sounds so much like the Diantha they know, to put herself out as a shield to protect those she care about. The silence was dense, and suddenly Malva stood up, hands slamming the table, despite what happened during that night, Diantha cared enough to let her heal her Houndoom, and now Malva understood why Diantha didn't want her to come to Galar to broadcast the tournament, because of what Rose would do to her too. And here she thought Diantha hated her as well. So Malva looked at Siebold, and it surprised everyone, it's been such a while since they last saw Malva being so worked up by something.
"well, it's clear what we need to do, so what are we waiting for?" She raised a brow towards the rest of the Elite Four, questioning.
Siebold sighed, heavy and tired, then he nodded, looking at the rest. "I'm sure Diantha is here in Kalos right now. And this time we'll be there for her too. She gave us support when we needed it, it's time to return the favour."
Drasna then spoke, "right. Our dear Diantha is probably so scared right now too, we'll help Augustine in his search, and together we'll all help her."
"we'll split up, all the Gym Leaders you search within your respective zones, us Elite Four will search the entirety Kalos, we'll find her soon." Wikstrom added.
And the Gym Leaders all nodded, determined to help their Champion too, and they all left, back to their respective zones and cities and towns, telling the people of their own zones what they can do to help, and soon the people followed their lead. Everyone was prepared to defend their own Champion this time, and if she finally shows up, they'd welcome her with the same warmth she showed towards them. No more will their Queen fight these battles on her own.
If Galar wants another war, then Kalos won't be going down without a fight.
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