#but hopefully as I get more research materials I can be more thorough in the future
offshore-brinicle · 5 months
Part of the reason I talk about the League of Nine so much aside from my personal hyperfixation and the interest in Korean literature it awoke in me, is that something that is completely lost in like 99% of western users is that Canto IV and the League of Nine's backstory was Heavily based on the Japanese occupation of Korea since this is the time where the real Yi Sang and Guinhoe lived. Even Mili's song for the Ruina collection Salt, Pepper, Birds and The Thought Police is, in fact made in honor of another author from this era Yun Dong-ju who actively stood up against the Japanese forces. Even Ruina's tagline is a reference to his book Sky, Wind, Stars, and Poetry and every chapter of Ruina starts with a quote from him.
It's very much undivorcable from this context but the information is very hard to access for non-Koreans and a lot of people don't really do the research but I want this aspect of the story to be acknowledged more, specially with the Blade Lineage's storyline highlighting more on the kind of displacement, alienation and corruption that led to them having to abandon their roots much like Limbus' reimagining of the Guinhoe. The reason Dongrang and Gubo are so villafied is because as the Guinhoe corrupted under the pressure of oppression those two were some of the worst offenders, actively writing propaganda and abandoning their people for the sake of siding with whoever benefited them best, and as someone who also grew up living through the aftereffects of colonialism and immigration it's all specially clear to me.
Though personally, I'm quite relieved that the fanwiki has also been updating with the proper resources in regards to the real life background and context, I recommend the pages for at least a more simplified rundown of a lot of the key details and the references made by each member in Canto IV (though it doesn't include some things I have talked about here before and I have made my resolution to contribute to it as well)
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pinersongs · 2 years
Antivirus vk pro review
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Antivirus vk pro review update#
Antivirus vk pro review software#
Antivirus vk pro review mac#
Antivirus vk pro review mac#
The earliest review of the app at Apple’s Mac App Store is from April, 2018. But at least we can note that the website’s security certificate is from August, 2018. Thanks to an incredibly stupid provision of the EU’s GDPR laws, it’s impossible to learn where this company is or who they really are.
Antivirus vk pro review software#
Below is a repost of my research on this software and company, hopefully useful to those considering this software: I can’t find any reason to trust this company or their software. The “Pro” version is supposedly at v5.0.1. I would suggest those who gave the company good reviews to check their accounts asap and secure any sensitive material. Thank you to all that previously posted with warnings. At the least, the business or its operators were foreign, not native English speakers. There are subtle grammatical errors in the English language materials that might suggest this. I suspect the app if from India, although I can't prove this. The reviews were false, as the app was highly rated and advertised as such on the site with a pop up at one time. I took proper steps to secure what I could, but I am exceedingly distressed that the Apple App Store wouldn't prevent a false site among the apps advertised. I received no announcements from Apple about this fraudulent app, nothing. I secured the app in good faith from the Apple Store access that came already installed with my computer launchpad. I also found out that the domain for the company has expired. I decided to do some research, and found these comments. Today, as with previous times, I was unable to contact anyone associated with the company either by email or online even though the Terms of Service states that one has to contact the representative directly to stop the subscription. I tried to contact the customer service of Antivirus VK as the app had ceased to work some time ago. Just discovered this "highly rated"(sic) app was discontinued by the Apple App Store. Stay updated and stay protected with VirusKiller Antivirus. The antivirus app is daily updated to detect new features and fast mirror servers for latest updates. Download the app and keep your system always protected from malware. The upcoming releases also focuses on new look with more usability options along with features to detect new viruses. The app quickly makes a thorough scan to all the files in your system. VirusKiller Antivirus app has a very intuitive user interface with great performance. The app is very light and available on App Store. The virus can attack your system in any form which makes it necessary to keep all your files safe and uncorrupted. With the advancement of technology and internet era, it is very likely that the system can get affected very fast leading to corruption of your hardware. Its scanning engine has passed all the EICAR test files and detects over 4 millions malware in your system. And with iCloud built in, it’s simple to keep all your mail, contacts, calendars, reminders, notes, to do lists, music, photos, iWork files, PDFs, and more up to date across all your devices.VirusKiller Antivirus (was Endurance Antivirus) scans all your files and folders from your system thoroughly. Play head to head games on your Mac with friends on their Macs or iOS devices with Game Center. With Notes you can write down all your ideas and even speak your words with voice dictation. With the Reminders app you can create to-do lists and alerts that appear in the new Notification Center. The new Share button makes it easy to share files, web pages, photos, and videos, as well as tweet right from the app you are using. With the new Messages app you can send text, photos, videos, contacts, web links, and documents to anyone using another Mac, iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch - you can even start a conversation on one device and continue it on another.
Antivirus vk pro review update#
Mountain Lion includes over 200 new features to update your Mac into the best computing experience yet. OS X Mountain Lion is the latest release of the world’s most advanced desktop operating system. Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian Languages: English, Arabic, Catalan, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian,
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cuntess-carmilla · 4 years
Update: I stopped taking psychiatric medication because they turned out to have only ever been of “help” because I have POTS/dysautonomia and one made my blood pressure rise (Wellbutrin) while the other kept it from going up too high (Lamotrigine).
Now that I’m taking meds that are for what I ACTUALLY do have (POTS/dysautonomia) not only do I not need the psychiatric meds, but they were throwing off everything else. I hate psychiatry so much. Can’t believe I turned out to be one of those people who had their physical illness mistreated as You’re Crazy for years haha. :) With that out of the way...
Some Many of my Opinions™ on psychiatry, as a psychiatrized person myself who does take medication, but hates the institutions of psychiatry and psychology, and thinks a large chunk of it is white pseudo-science:
A good amount of the issues that the psychiatric institution addresses ARE absolutely real and, as a society, people who’re afflicted by them should by all means receive help and support so they can live happier lives. I experience many of them and take medication to help myself, I obviously don’t think the difficult experiences people seek help for are made up.
At the same time, psychiatry and psychology as disciplines ARE made up (like every other discipline), making them not infallible or objective, AND they were built on eugenics, patriarchy, white supremacy and capitalist exploitation.
Those very real issues addressed by psychology/psychiatry aren’t actual literal pathologies. They don’t need to be literal tangible sicknesses in order to matter or be deserving of help and compassion. Your literal brain as a bodily organ is not physically “ill”, at least in most cases. It doesn’t need to be for your problems associated with an “ill mind” to be real and to matter. Remember, these disciplines were created at a time in history in which (white, male) doctors and theorists were obsessed with turning everything into a material, scientifically tangible subject that could be objectively measured with numbers and shit, hopefully medicalized or otherwise turned into “hard science”. That’s where ethnography came from. It’s called positivism, which is extremely dehumanizing, white supremacist and capitalist.
Psychology should be largely considered as much more of a metaphysical or philosophical discipline than as objective science, which is how most people perceive it to be. It’s mostly pure theory about emotions, thoughts, cognition, relationships and subjective experiences + perceptions -- which isn’t necessarily a bad thing on itself. It not being hard science doesn’t immediately delegitimize it. Get rid of the white capitalist idea that only (western, white) science and “objectivity” are real or of value. Actually, holding psychology to the standards of hard science turns it into pseudo-science, so... Yeah. I genuinely think we’d get so much further As A Society™ regarding psychology's potential to aid people who’re suffering if we treated it as more of a metaphysical or philosophical discipline than as some objective scientific truth.
Psychiatrists often are super ignorant of the actual way the medications they prescribe work or affect patients lmao. I had that almost ruin a whole semester at college because a shrink prescribed me meds that in combination she should’ve known would fuck me up. Not that much is known about how the human brain truly works compared to other human organs, you can’t expect psychiatric meds to be well tried and true. The research on psychiatric pharmacy is very lacking + biased in favor of pathologizing and controlling psychiatrized people, besides attempting to make the most profit under capitalism like any other capitalist industry, so of course they’re gonna prescribe you shit. Plus, like doctors of every other field, many psychiatrists arrogantly disregard the experiences, requests, questions and ideas of their patients, who’re the ones taking those meds.
Psychologists/therapists, just like psychiatrists, also disregard the experiences, requests, questions and ideas of their patients.
There’s such a strong element of power imbalance in how psychiatry and psychology function. The more a patient knows formal information about anything related to psychology/psychiatry, the more the shrink can get upset, distrustful and dismissive of them, saying they’re faking it, or telling them “not to do their jobs” when they so often do said jobs like shit anyway lmao no matter how thorough the research and understanding of the patient is.
Psychological and psychiatric diagnoses are just as made up as any other human construct (such as language, race, gender, etc). They’re not tangible realities as if shrinks had ran into a previously unknown objective fact of nature. In the realm of psychology, someone takes a bunch of traits and behaviors that by their observation they consider to be interconnected with one another, put them in the same bag, stick a label to said bag, and ask other psychologists if they agree with the bag being a thing. These considerations are heavily influenced by sociocultural bias. You can’t tell me it isn’t true that they’re made up and very subjective when “diagnoses” such as drapetomania, hysteria, homosexuality, gender identity disorder, etc, have been seriously considered at least by part of the psychiatric establishment of their times as legitimate mental disorders. Hell, some still consider being gay or trans to be mental disorders. Don’t get me started on "Oppositional Defiant Disorder”, that shit’s just evil.
A lot of the ideas spread by the psychiatric-psychological institution are legit pseudo-science that researches try time and time again to prove and end up coming with nothing, or they end up tweaking their own research or conclusions to maintain the established consensus that just so turns out to be very convenient to the people who make and sell psychiatric meds.
Many of the traits, emotions, thoughts, perceptions and behaviors that are pathologized by psychiatry and psychology aren’t inherently harmful. If they don’t make the patient or others suffer by their very nature (as opposed to like, homophobic parents “suffering” because their child is gay or a gay person suffering because of homophobia) then there’s no need to alter them. “Correcting” them is a measure of social control that crushes individuality and only attempts to mold people into obedient ~productive~ servants of capitalism. Much of psychiatric medical treatment (not just the diagnoses and therapies themselves) focuses on turning the patient into less of a social “burden”, than on their actual happiness. That’s why you have ADHD and autistic kids being given meds that turn them into zombies and that's been considered a good thing for DECADES. Like, why does the stimming of an autistic person or an “unusual” attachment to stuffed animals as an autistic adult have to be corrected? WHOMST does that harm? Nobody! But it makes allistics uncomfortable because allistics are fucking stupid and can’t mind their God damned business to save their lives like normal people do.
Even non-pharmaceutical treatments for psychiatrized conditions are or can be turned into measures of social control. 
Maybe CBT wasn’t meant to be a tool to control people and shit, but it can be misused as such SO easily! It can go from being therapy to help individuals process inner pain and redirect harmful behaviors in positive ways, to being turned into training someone to react, feel and process abuse and oppression in ways that are convenient to the status quo. 
Don’t get me fucking started on ABA as an inherently oppressive, abusive “treatment” for a psychiatrized condition that does nothing to actually better the lives of autistic people, instead punishing autistic traits, teaching autistic people to painfully repress said traits and ignore their needs, and seeking to appease allistics by prioritizing their convenience and subjective comfort.
Behaviors, emotions, perceptions or traits that on a man or white person would be considered a non-issue or given much more compassionate/less stigmatized diagnoses, are pathologized or given much more stigmatized diagnoses when it comes to female or racialized patients, which reaffirms psychiatry and psychology as subjective tools of social control.
While many of the traits, emotions, perceptions and behaviors of what are considered personality disorders are painful, harmful and real (and thus should be helped, with consent, not hammered down), literal personalities aren’t “ill”. They’re personalities. Pathologizing or medicalizing a fucking personality on itself is ridiculous. It is possible to address those problematic traits/behaviors/etc without saying that a fucking personality is “ill”. So much for “you’re not your disorder”.
What shrinks will deem as hallucinations or delusions can be subjective, and it definitely can be deemed as such out of white-centric cultural bias. Plenty of non-white cultures have considered different perceptions of reality as valid and worthy of respect for centuries, at times related to their sense of spirituality. Not to mention how psychiatry has deemed the real anxieties of oppressed people that they’re being followed, spied on, plotted against and all that, as hallucinations or delusions in order to discredit them.
Many patients are given medication to try to alleviate traits/behaviors/emotions that come from circumstance (poverty, ongoing abuse, trauma, oppression...) instead of addressing the root problems. While I 100% understand using medication as a palliative measure because, bitch, you can’t always fix those problems and you still have a life to live (the same way I take clotiazepam when the insensitivity of the allistics around me causes me sensory overload), this puts the burden of the person’s situation on their own body, as if their body was the essential source of a suffering that comes from outside forces they’re not responsible or in control of. This should ideally be addressed through material change in realities that can be individual (removing the person from an abusive situation, giving economic aid, giving proper treatment to an untreated chronic illness) or social (abolishing white supremacy, the patriarchy, capitalism, etc).
So many times when palliative medical treatments for suffering that comes from circumstances don’t work (BECAUSE THE PATIENT IS STILL TRAPPED IN SAID CIRCUMSTANCES, HELLO?) it’s blamed on a supposed defect of the patient’s body/brain rather than, like... You can give me as many anti-depressants as you want but I’m still gonna be miserable if I’m being abused or suffering from unending physical chronic pain lol. And then, instead of at least having the decency of recognizing the real source of the problem if your shrink can’t realistically fix it, they keep trying more and more different meds on you like you’re a fucking lab rat, keeping on blaming a made up defect you were “born” with. Imagine what that does to a person’s self-image! At least when I loathe my body for the chronic pain, chronic fatigue and more that my chronic illnesses give me, it IS actually true that it’s my body that has a defect that can’t be cured. Why convince a person in suffering due to anything, but especially when it’s due to outside conditions out of their control and your job is fucking supposed to be to help them be happier, that their pain refuses to respond to treatment because their BRAIN is so terribly defective? I don’t wish the hatred I hold for my objectively shitty body on anyone, and causing that to someone when it’s not even true...? Incredible.
Lots of genuine difficulties associated with psychiatric diagnoses are much better helped through accessibility and material considerations, or at least through teaching the patient pragmatic methods to better deal with those, than through pills. But guess what solution shrinks usually give you. Hint: it’s easier for them and they can charge you for it monthly.
Society™ medicalized emotions, bro... WE MEDICALIZED FEELINGS!!! WHAT THE FUCK!!
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White Crest 101 || Morgan & Margot
TIMING: Current
PARTIES: @g0t-ri5h & @mor-beck-more-problems
SUMMARY: Margot gets a crash course in class from her new professor, and what it means to be a transplant White Crestian
The class had started several minutes ago and Margot had just barely rolled out of bed. She changed quickly into a pair of pants, not bothering to change the sweatshirt that she had slept in. There was no time. Margot had a habit of being late, a trait she had inherited from her mother. While her mother thought it was a fashionable faux pas, Margot was simply disorganised. By the time she busted through the back entrance of the room, the professor was halfway through her lecture. The nearest free chair was close to the front, one that would attract a great amount of unwanted attention. Margot trudged down to it, annoying a handful of students that had to stand to let her past. She sat down, listened to the remainder of the lesson, not following any of it. An advisor had called her over the weekend, told her that she didn’t have enough credits for the semester. To her chagrin, this class was one of the few that still had availability. English, a subject she had always struggled to comprehend, starting later would only make it more difficult. The lecture came to an end and Margot began to pack her things. “She’s a great teacher when she’s actually here.” One student said to another. Margot listened intently. “My roommate was telling me she was gone for like a month last semester. No explanation, just poof.” The other gossiped back. The two of them left, and Margot was just about to follow them out when she heard her name be called.
“Do your reflection responses! Do the reading! Make good choices! Remember you have agency in your life!” Morgan shouted her end of class reminders in one breath, waving goodbye to each of them as the filed out. Most waved back with a mix of confusion and embarrassment. They made faces, because they were still young and had too much pride, but no one was above a little personal attention or affirmation. “Ooh, not you, straggler! Yes, you, Margot!” She smiled smugly, waving the roster in front of her. It wasn’t magic powers that gave her the student’s name, just some really attentive refreshing of the faculty center page. “You know…” She eyed the girl and gave a wry smile, “If you only stay for half the class, you’re only getting half your money’s worth. Also, technically, no participation credit. Which is an extra bummer, since it’s the easiest thing to get. But since you’re new, I guess I can let the first day slide. You got some free time, Margot? I’d love to know what brought you to my class this late in the game while we go over make-up work?”
Margot let out a quiet and frustrated sigh. She was so looking forward to going back to her bed. Instead she turned to face the professor. “I’m sorry I was late. I overslept.” Margot knew this was not an adequate excuse by any means, but she had no patience or energy to think of something more creative or reasonable. Margot began to walk towards the lectern in the front of the room, towards Morgan. “It was a great lecture though, the parts I was here for. Very, uh, informative.” She offered this as a consolation. Margot glanced at her watch, as if she had someplace else to be. “Yes, I suppose I can stay for a bit.” She took off her backpack and sat it on the floor where she stood. Margot imagined this could take a while. “I thought I had enough credits for the semester, but apparently I didn’t. Yours was one of the only classes I could join so late. Is there much to catch up on?” Margot dreaded to think of all the homework she had missed, it would only add to the growing stack of overdue work on her desk.
Morgan let out a long-suffering sigh. Of course she had only come here for the credit. She had maybe even heard that it was an easy class to pass, which...wasn’t wrong either. Morgan didn’t think that being a hardass with grades was the way to students’ hearts, or to teaching them anything effective. She tossed Margot a syllabus and gathered the rest of her materials, leading her out of the room and off to the long series of halls and stairs it would take to get to her office. “No, there won’t be too much work. Just the introductory assignment, so I know some useful things about you. And you’ll have to grab the books and catch up on the book we’re finishing up next week. But, it’s really not much. I’m not interested in competing with your other courses for ‘Most Demanding Homework.’ I’m here to help you figure out how to think differently and express yourself more effectively. But--” She paused on the stairs to look over at the girl. “Maybe you have some questions for me? I’m not sure how long you’ve been at the school, but I know it can be a lot sometimes no matter what.”
Morgan’s sigh sounded nearly as pained as her own. If Margot was more empathetic, she may have even apologised for being so flippant and insulting the woman’s career. But, alas, she was not so perceptive. Margot caught the syllabus between her palms and began flipping through the first few pages as she followed Morgan out of the room. As she spoke, Margot made a mental note to source an online copy of this week’s reading material. It would be cheaper that way. “Introductory assignment?” Margot hoped it would be a simple questionnaire; name, age, perhaps favourite pets name. Hopefully it wouldn’t ask her about her lifelong hopes and dreams. She would most definitely fail. “I transferred in this year, so I’m still becoming acquainted with everything here.” Margot explained, “I do have one question, since you asked. Your absences,” Margot prefaced before continuing, “I overheard some students say you disappeared without warning last semester. I was just wondering, will attendance still be required if that occurs again?” Her question was admittedly influenced most by laziness and her wish to stay in bed as late as possible. But, Margot was also just curious, and rather nosey. It was probably an inappropriate question, but it was too late to rescind it.
“Oh, just a short reflection on how you feel about reading and writing about stories and what you want to learn this semester. Learning doesn’t happen by accident, and being clear with yourself on what your intentions are can go a long way to getting the most out of the semester!” Morgan explained. She jogged up the next flight of stairs and turned on the landing, bright with encouragement. She nodded along as she walked, commenting that asking questions were how everyone learned. And then Margot asked. Morgan’s foot slipped on the next set of stairs and she stumbled down to one knee. “Uh, my--a-atendance?” She understood that her students flourished better with consistency and she knew that even though none of last semester’s students had the nerve to ask her what had happened or express how it had made them feel, she knew they had their opinions on it. What Morgan did not know was that Margot was the kind of student to cut to the chase, no matter how sharp she needed to be. She straightened herself up and smiled again, scrambling to recover. “Uh, well, it is possible that I may cancel class for unforeseen reasons, in which case there won’t be any reason to take attendance, but if there is class, then there will be someone to teach you, even if for some reason it isn’t me. And if there is someone to teach you, then they will be taking attendance and passing on the roster to me.” Her voice was growing tighter, breathier. She was forgetting to breathe. Morgan hissed through her teeth for breath and forced herself to meet Margot’s eyes. “Is there something else that you wanted to ask me about my absences, Margot?”
Margot’s hand reached out to grab Morgan’s elbow as she stumbled. “Oh, shit!” Margot cursed under her breath. She had clearly taken her professor by surprise. But, as quickly as Morgan’s pleasant smile had faltered, it was back in it’s rightful place. “Very well.” Margot responded to the thorough explanation, “I only ask because my course load is already so full. My programming classes are very time consuming, and I just want to ensure I can keep my schedule intact.” A lie, Margot thrived in disorganisation. Her ‘unplanned routine’, she liked to think. “I’m glad to know that the class would be unaffected in such an event.” Margot smiled in a disingenuous, thin line, hoping to settle the sharpness of Morgan’s breath. She was being her most polite self now, the facade she reserved only for her mother and father. It seemed she had distressed the teacher, Margot wondered why. To her it was such a straightforward question. “No, your absences, and reasons for them are entirely your personal business.” For now anyways. Margot’s mind was already in front of her computer, researching. Her question had tugged at a nerve. Margot liked to know what made people tick, their darkest secrets and how best to exploit them to her advantage. “Did you still want to go over the make-up work?” They were still frozen on the staircase, and Margot wondered whether Morgan would still be willing to help her cause despite the hostility in her tone and posture.
Maybe all the mushroom stress was getting to Morgan too much. She’d been so sure a second ago that this girl was trying to get under her skin, needling about her ‘personal emergency’ last year. But Margot stayed on that line of courtesy, and Morgan wondered whether she made other people feel this way when she asked about their kids or their losses or their dates. Maybe people with their sanity just barely intact didn’t like surprise personal questions. Who knew? Morgan tried to smile again, better this time. “Thank you. I uh, appreciate that. And, yes, of course. I want you to succeed. There’s copies of all the handouts on the class website, since I know half of you guys live your life on your computer.” She climbed up the rest of the way and started down the dimly lit hall, ignoring its off-center doors and the soft give of the floor that was just too much on the wrong side of uncanny to bear contemplating for long. “I know I can’t promise a lot for you, Margot, especially in a place like White Crest, but I can say I’ll try my best for you.”
Margot was glad that she had somewhat diffused the situation, having Morgan dislike her would only make passing this class harder. Once more, they were on route to her office. Margot detested this university, most of all it’s appearance, it was as if it had never had a renovation or even been repainted. She visibly cringed as they continued on their path. She had never been in such a lacklustre environment before, having been born and bred in quiet luxury. She hadn’t acknowledged the privilege while she had it, but since leaving MIT, it’s all she could think about. What she had lost. What had been taken from her. “I appreciate the help. I need it.” It seemed that Morgan was one of the more passionate professors at UMWC, most would not give a student this much assistance. “I’m trying my best to fit in here. It’s just,” Margot paused, considering her words, “such a strange place.” Strange didn’t even scratch the surface. “Have you always lived here? In White Crest?”
Morgan’s office was all the way at the end of the hall, through a communal office supply room stocked with paper the wrong size for the printer and coffee that was perpetually burnt. Morgan’s office was through a sticky door off the corner, one desk in five crammed together. Today, only Karl and Kirk were nursing whiskeys in coffee mugs since Kyle (or his body rather) still hadn’t been found. “Sorry, boys. Official business. Come back in fifteen minutes?” Her voice was bittersweet, sharpening an invisible knife under its surface. Karl and Kirk put their mugs down so fast, whiskey spilled over the sides. They folded their laptops under their arms and shuffled away. Kirk clumsily dropped a mint tea bag on her desk before mumbling an apology and shutting the door behind him.
Morgan turned to her student, smile tight with awkwardness. “Don’t mind the Medieval Bros. They’re mostly harmless. Now, anyways. And I’m a transplant from Texas. Strange is probably...the gentlest word for how things are here. Which, just some unofficial wisdom? Don’t be out after dark alone, especially on the full moon. Stay away from the cosplay bars, the crowds there are more dangerous than they look. Don’t go off trail if you’re a hiker, ever. And keep some bleach on hand in case your bathroom starts sprouting blood, eyeballs, or fish.”
Margot restrained her laughter as the two bumbling men were ushered out of the room. She knew the smell of whiskey well enough to know that wasn’t coffee seeping from their pores. Normally such unprofessionalism would surprise her, but this was the new normal. “Yum, mint tea.” Margot picked the bag up, twirled it between her fingers a few times before dropping it into one of the mugs. She had a sly smile on her face, the result of witnessing something she probably shouldn’t have.
“Texas, wow. I never would have guessed. You don’t even have the signature accent.” Margot made herself comfortable, taking a seat in one of the desk chairs that had become vacant by Karl and Kirk. At Morgan’s advice, Margot’s mouth opened, then closed, not knowing how to respond. She didn’t know what to make of all of these random warnings; skeledogs, mimes, now full moons and the dark. “Why does everyone keep telling me to be careful?” Her eyes narrowed. “I know how to take care of myself.”
Morgan reached into her desk and took out some things from her cache of school supplies, the paper handouts, a journal to be graded, the first assignment, and a spare copy of the first book. “Oh, that,” she said, laughing at the teabag. “They’re just trying to...well, make up for their existence. I think they’re really coming along when it comes to respecting women, though they should probably figure out how to do it without being induced by fear.” She handed Margot the stack of assignments. “Maybe at your old school that was true, but things are different here in ways they don’t tell you in the brochures. So, take these, follow the instructions carefully, and have them in by next week, and I’ll waive the rest of what you’ve missed. And, seriously, be careful. Don’t die!”
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dynjay · 5 years
Hi! Where do you study coding? In a like real life school or online?
Hey! So I used to go to a coding bootcamp, which used to be a hybrid, but I didn’t like how they were teaching things for the price that I was paying, so I decided to quit and study independently because all in all, what matters the most is the type of portfolio you build from your route.
But as far as I know, there’s a couple of ways you could go about studying coding:
- Independent Online Study: Taking courses from places like Udemy, PluralSight, w3Schools, MDN, ect. where the education’s REALLY cheap or free and all digital for a self-paced class. If you get stuck, you’ll probably have to ask a community/friend for help or hire a tutor intermittently. This is the current route I’m taking.
Depending on how quickly you absorb the material and enjoy it, this route could most definitely be the cheapest and quickest route possible. You can get the same certification of completion that bootcamps offer.
- Bootcamps:Taking courses with other students, but at a much higher cost than independent study in return for a quicker pace, 24/7 access to your professors, more social connections, and job assistance, which can make them an investment. Depending on the camp, they’re either hybrids or fully online courses.
But also depending on where you live, these camps could range from being free to being as high as 12k (I believe in Oregon, if you’re female, a free coding bootcamp/class is offered, since women are high in demand in the coding industry). Government financial aid may not be accepted, but loans are accepted and scholarships may apply, so it’s best to research these things beforehand.
Chances are, though, you more than likely have to refer to those free websites/online classes or sign up to a cheap online class while taking these bootcamps because they’re are largely self-study as well; it’s just more guided and demands more social accountability. These also offer a certification of completion, similar to an online course.
- Universities/Colleges:Taking courses in an actual Uni/College where you aim for an actual degree instead of a certification of completion like the other 2. This route is, by far, the priciest and definitely the most time consuming, but hopefully the most thorough and credible.
There might be other routes, but these are the ones I’m most familiar with. Honestly, I’m reluctant to say which route is most superior because each has their own pros and cons, but again; I emphasize the point that it’s not all about how you get there, it’s about the portfolio you’ll be able to build from it, because that’s literally how one of my friends got a job; a recruiter stumbled upon his github account, liked what they saw, and decided to take him in.
Sorry if this amount of info was overkill, anon, but I hope it helps!
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singh82nolan-blog · 5 years
The particular role of test preparation in getting admission from a highly regarded university abroad
If you are intending to study abroad next you must have come after the various tests engaged in a top admit. SAT coaching in Kolkata be the English proficiency exams such as this IELTS/ TOEFL, as well as the aptitude tests such as GMAT/ GRE/ SAT/ TAKE ACTION, you would have come over a few challenge or often the other such as these tests. Here we will go through the roles that each regarding these exams play inside the admissions process to analyze overseas at a good college. We will look at the most often asked questions we find out about English proficiency plus aptitude tests. Do My partner and i need to take typically the language proficiency assessments? Why don't start at the outset. Typically the short answer to help this issue is Of course, and No! Puzzled? Nicely, if you’re from some sort of predominantly non-English speaking region and you’re applying to be able to a rustic where English is definitely the primary vocabulary, next the university plus the country embassy will want in order to appear from your Everyday terms talents test scores ahead of handing you an entrance offer you as well as a university student visa. This can be done in order to make sure that the dialect of communication doesn’t grow to be a good reason for very poor performance at university. Also, this kind of test serves because some sort of smart way to eradicate students as their main objective is not knowledge. Often the commonly accepted English language skills tests throughout the planet are classified as the International English Vocabulary Evaluation System (IELTS) together with the Evaluation of Uk as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). The Pearson Check of English or the PTE has likewise developed in popularity from the recent years. If you’re making use of to the university located in The ussr or Indonesia, then you may furthermore need to take a basic skill test throughout A language like german or perhaps Russian vocabulary. Almost all the language proficiency exams are not normally aggressive and tend to simply have the requirement connected with scoring a basic cutoff to prove the essential amount of proficiency. A good score higher than the cut-off does not actually offer a benefit in admissions but may increase often the chances of securing some sort of scholarship or apprenticeship. Different nations have different words talents requirements, so your first interface of call should be to meet up with an education counsellor or perhaps execute a thorough research to be able to find the actual requirements. To study abroad, whenever should I take these types of checks? It's critical that will you take the requisite testsmuch beforeyou desire to apply with regard to your study vacation spot. An individual will need to have got a new very clear career system and be familiar with requirements involving the colleges you would like to attend. Another important feature for you to keep in mind will be the dates that this testing are conducted. For instance , this SAT exam will be carried out just 4 times a year in certain elements of the world. As well, your own scores can point in the direction of a proper group of educational institutions and give you plenty of to prepare for some other features of the app, such as page creating, CV building, essay ideation and preparation, recommendations, in addition to others. Getting done having often the tests early on will allow you to be able to have a hold on most aspects of the application form course of action. What precisely would be the aptitude or admissions try out that I actually need to have? Often the admissions process includes of different tests these kinds of as SAT/ GRE/ GMAT/ ACT/ APs/ LSAT etcetera. The short summary of each and every of the tests is given under: SAT/ ACT – The particular SAT/ BEHAVE is an skills analyze taken by students throughout high school for admissions to help universities in USA, Europe and some different parts of the earth. It primarily tests men and women at English and Maths. SITTING Subject Tests ~ A few colleges in the US ALL call for subjects test found in places such as Physics, Mathematics, Biochemistry, Dialects as well as World Record. GRE : The Scholar Record Test (GRE) or perhaps the GRE is one of the recommended understanding tests for universities providing top engineering and other programs, especially often the ones in the ALL OF US. GMAT – The GMAT can be conducted by typically the GMAC for admissions to help top universities and colleges in often the management programs. A great GMAT score is the place to start of getting a fine MBA admission. How do I prepare for these types of exams? Before you get started preparation you must extensively research on the actual scannings required for your admissions to the dream college or university. Check the deadlines together with estimate the fb timeline with regard to the entire process, not just the test prep period. There are about three well-liked modes of prep: • Self Study – This particular is appropriate if an individual are self-motivated and include the material readily offered. This problem is that you would need to research all the aspects from scratch, together with right now there wouldn’t be anyone to support with your doubts. • Online Prep – On the internet cooking has become famous in recent years due to much better internet velocities. Generally, the particular course requires a particular number of pre-defined several hours and in many situations the course can become self-paced. Lectures are generally good nonetheless individual focus is not current. A good point is that you can find not travel occasion engaged. • Classroom Ready : This is this traditional process regarding prep. Students benefit from face-to-face interaction and in several instances good institutes will definitely provide with least a few level of custom made preparation and doubt dealing with. Just how long will the preparation acquire? Prep normally requires anywhere involving 3-6 a few months but may even go up to a year for every of these examinations. We have taken the required test, what next? Hopefully a person have obtained your own personal desired scores. Now just prepare yourself the rest of your current application. You can speak for you to one of our specialist counsellors at +91 8583841032 or perhaps WhatsApp us from +91 8583841032 for further more data approach continue.
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petrosophia · 6 years
Ostara Deck Bonding - Coins 1-4
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First Impressions
Ace of Coins: Abundance due to hard work and consistent effort
Two of Coins: Balancing celebration/frivolity with celebration
Three of Coins: Worry, feeling lost
Four of Coins: Hoarding, miserliness
Story: The individual works hard and consistently to build up a wealth of resources, followed by a desire for celebration of their hard work. However, in order to actually maintain the wealth, one must balance frivolity with responsibility. This can easily result in feeling worried and lost, and often the pendulum will swing to the other extreme out of fear, causing one to hoard and become miserly, attempting to run away with everything one has.
Book Meanings
Ace of Coins: A bounty of wealth, inspiration, or prosperity is in the near future. The incoming windfall will be the result of your hard work and commitment. Invest even more energy into your current area of focus, as the following changes will bring new prosperity to you.
Two of Coins: Moving through life successfully is always a balancing act. You might not have the stable footing you wish for, but you will find your sea-legs. Coins represent finances, but this card might speak of relationships that have become neglected as you try to improve other areas of your life.
Three of Coins: This is the card of the apprentice. A teacher or mentor will play an important role in your life. Focus on your studies, as they will yield rewards. Do not make a decision without doing thorough research.
Four of Coins: This card illustrates an individual who has had success, but is not wielding it in a way that is conducive to happiness. Now is the time for selflessness and generosity, and to value the community around you.
Story: The individual works hard and good things come to them because of it. However, it can be very difficult to balance things to continue that good work when the footing becomes unstable and there are a lot of distractions around. It can be helpful, then, to seek out knowledge and learning, ideally from a mentor; there’s always more to learn. From those studies, one may learn how to acquire material wealth, but unfortunately does not mean that it will be used to good effect; ensure that the point is not the wealth itself but the opportunities it affords, especially for giving.
So I totally got a bunch of stuff wrong at first glance, but I was also doing it based entirely on the artwork and what little I can recall off the top of my head based on @hillbillyoracle‘s Vertical Reading post. I also feel like I cheated a little bit because I remembered a bit about both the Ace and the Four of Coins specifically.
The Two of Coins depicts an alchemist holding his experiments aloft as the ship he’s sailing on causes some amount of turbulence underfoot, and the sparrows flying in through the window represent distractions. I, fool that I am, looked at that alchemist and thought him some sort of jester, largely because of the mask and his positioning seemed like he was dancing or something similar. Not so, friends! I did get the balance part right, and I suppose balancing responsibility and frivolity is one specific interpretation, but it actually seems to apply across a wider range of things, including relationships.
The Three of Coins, it turns out, is actually depicting a young woman being thoughtful and learning from her mentor, the golden frog on her shoulder. I took her thoughtful expression to mean worry and/or being lost, and while I suppose there may be some amount of being lost inherent in learning and apprenticing, it’s much more of a positive journey than I was imagining.
I get the impression for myself that the narrative understanding of these cards won’t help me quite as much as the vertical understanding, but I plan to continue with learning both so that hopefully I can build something as robust as possible for myself as I continue learning and growing. I do like seeing how the pendulum swings in terms of reactions to situations in these cards, largely because I’ve seen the same thing in myself and other people. It makes this sequence of cards, at the very least, more relatable. 
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livingcorner · 3 years
7 Common Mistakes in Raised Bed Gardening – The Beginner’s Garden@|how to raise garden bed@|https://journeywithjill.net/gardening/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2018/02/bgp38-blog.jpg@|21
Updated August 21, 2019
Many beginning gardeners plan to grow their vegetables in raised beds — and for good reason! Those of us who have been raised bed gardening for years testify to how much we enjoy it! Better harvests, less weeding, sharp aesthetics — what’s not to love?
But as in any venture, there are mistakes to be made. The problem with making mistakes in a raised bed garden is they aren’t easily corrected. I know this first-hand!
From my own experience and from hearing the experiences of others, I’ve compiled these seven mistakes raised bed gardeners commonly make.
If you’re planning a raised bed garden for the first time or adding to your existing beds, this will help you avoid many of the mistakes I and others have made. And if you’re already gardening in raised beds but are seeing lackluster results, you may find some reasons why here.
*some links below are affiliate links, which means if you click through and make a purchase, I receive a small commission. 
1. Raised Beds are too wide.
One of the biggest benefits of raised bed gardening is avoiding soil compaction. You want to be able to work in your garden beds without stepping on them. This promotes a better soil structure and ultimately healthier plants.
But if the width of your raised beds prevents you from working all sides within your reach, you will find yourself stepping inside the bed, defeating this major purpose of a raised bed.
For this reason, raised beds should never be more than four feet wide. Most people can comfortably reach into the center of a four-foot-wide raised bed without any problem. But as I’ve experimented with different sizes, I’ve found a three-foot-wide span is even more comfortable for me.
When choosing the width of your raised beds, you also must consider the placement of the bed. If you situate your raised beds next to a fence, I recommend the width not to exceed thirty inches. This way, you can work your bed from one side only with ease.
2. You don’t plan for irrigation.
Unless you want to hand-water your raised beds with a watering can (and that will get old quick), you need to plan ahead of time how you will irrigate the beds.
First, I recommend placing raised beds near a water source. Whether you plant to hand-water your beds or use a more efficient system of soaker hoses or drip lines, having water easily accessible will save you much time and headache.
In my early years of gardening, I placed a lawn sprinkler near my raised beds to overhead water my garden. But this proved entirely inefficient. Not only did overhead watering waste water, but it also exacerbated many of the fungal diseases common in my area like early blight and powdery mildew.
(Here’s a more thorough discussion I had about garden irrigation with Joe Lamp’l.)
Now I recommend soaker hoses or drip irrigation for raised beds. For just a few raised beds, soaker hoses will perform just fine.
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But if you have more than a few raised beds, or if you garden with a combination of raised beds and ground beds like I do, setting up a drip irrigation system works great and costs less.
Here is an inexpensive soaker hose as well as a drip irrigation starter kit similar to what I use in my garden.
3. Material Used is Unsafe.
Though you will find a myriad of speculation about the safety of certain pressure-treated wood for use in raised beds, most experts agree on this: do not use pressure-treated wood manufactured prior to 2003. 
Pressure-treated wood manufactured prior to 2003 contains chromated copper arsenate, and you don’t want that near your food garden. Modern methods of pressure-treated wood use safer practices, and whether you choose to use it is a personal decision.
I have used pressure-treated pine wood in all of my raised beds, but this is a personal decision each gardener has to make.
Many people choose to use rot-resistant and chemical-free woods such as cedar or redwood, but prepare to pay more if you go that route.
If you’re looking for cheap raised garden beds, you might want to repurpose wood that was used in a different capacity. Perhaps you have an old fence you are taking down, for example. To be safe, just make sure it wasn’t manufactured prior to 2003.
My brother-in-law called me when he took down his old fence and asked me if I wanted the wood. Before I took it, I confirmed the fence was only 10 years old. Then, I repurposed that old fence into three new raised beds. You can see my process of building these raised beds from that old garden fence here.
(Want more information on how to choose wood for raised beds? Here is a great article that goes into more detail on your options.)
What other materials can you use for raised beds? Many people are starting to build beds out of steel panels like Jill Winger’s raised beds here.
With any new idea for raised bed materials, do your research first. Avoid old railway ties (which contain harmful creosote), for example, and do your research before you use old tires.
4. Raised Bed Garden Soil Lacks Nutrients
Many soil combinations will work well with raised beds, but some do not. Potting soil, for example, drains too quickly. Unless your raised bed sits on concrete or rocks (and thus acts more like a container), skip the potting soil. You need more substance than what potting soil can provide.
Another mistake well-intentioned gardeners make is using soil with too much nitrogen content, like a bed full of composted manure or a bag of soil filled with chemical fertilizers. Your plants will grow great but fruit-producing plants like tomatoes produce little fruit.
Another caution: I have found that plants grown in a raised bed filled only with bagged soil grew much slower than those beds with some amount of organic material mixed in.
I top-dress my raised beds with homemade compost, which adds organic matter into the soil.
Personally, I’ve found the best success in my raised beds by using a combination of native soil (or garden soil) and organic material like compost, but depending on what you have available and your budget, you have many options to choose from.
The possible combinations of raised bed soil can get overwhelming, especially if you’re on a budget. That’s why I put together a free guide to help any gardener — on any budget — discover the ideal soil combination for them. Download the free guide by clicking below.
5. Raised Beds are placed too close together.
Working in raised beds can be the joy of any gardener. That’s why you want to create the most comfortable working area as possible.
To do this, you want enough room to be able to work between the beds comfortably — two to three feet at least. I made this mistake by only allowing about a foot between my raised beds, and it’s always a challenge weeding, planting, and harvesting from those edges.
When you place your raised beds, ensure you can get your garden cart or wheelbarrow in between them. When you have enough space to do that, you can sit a stool beside the beds for a comfortable working area.
6. Pathways grow up with weeds and grass.
There are few things more frustrating than going out to my garden, planning to enjoy some time working in my raised beds, and discovering the grass has grown up beside them.
I have to be alert to snakes, and the overgrown grass causes my legs to itch. My husband and I both try to keep the area trimmed with a weed eater, but with 3 acres to maintain, sometimes we can’t always keep it tidy.
If you don’t want to keep mowing or weed eating the grass and weeds around your raised beds, place a barrier down before the weeds and grass emerge for the season.
Broken down cardboard boxes with a light layer of mulch on top works great! But an even easier method I’ve begun to use is rolling brown kraft paper between beside my beds and covering with mulch.
I do recommend organic mulches. Skip the landscape fabric because weeds will eventually get through anyway. Pine needles are my favorite for pathways because they break down more slowly than other materials.
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7. Neglecting to Mulch Raised Beds
Mulching your raised beds is just an important as mulching in a ground garden bed, and perhaps even more so.
Though weed pressure is usually less in raised beds, it isn’t non-existent. Weed seeds from native soil find light and sprout. Seeds floating in the wind and deposited from birds love the rich soil of raised beds. For these reasons, mulch will dramatically reduce your weeding time.
But more importantly, mulch regulates the soil temperature and retains moisture — both critical needs of raised beds in the hot summer.
One huge advantage of raised beds is how the soil heats up quicker in the spring, allowing for faster planting. But it also heats up as the season goes on. Mulch helps regulate that temperature more than bare soil would.
Mulch also regulates moisture. In wet seasons, it acts like a sponge, absorbing excess rainfall. In dry times, it keeps moisture from evaporating in the heat of the summer. You will find your mulched raised beds much healthier than those without it.
I prefer to mulch with wood chips, and in this post, I talk about the pros and cons of four common types of mulch — all of which I have tried in my raised bed gardens.
Hopefully, by avoiding these 7 mistakes, you will be on your way to an enjoyable raised bed gardening experience with abundant harvests!
Do you have anything to add to my list? 
More Raised Bed Gardening Resources
I discuss each of these seven mistakes in even more detail in this episode of the Beginner’s Garden Podcast. Listen here or on your favorite podcasting app.
FAQs of Raised Bed Vegetable Gardening
I’ve received many follow-up questions to this post, and I addressed the most common ones here: Raised Bed Gardening FAQs: 9 Common Questions 
3 Raised Bed Soil Mixes Tested
What is the best soil blend to fill your raised beds with? I put three common raised bed soil mixes to the test, and the results may surprise you.
Raised Bed Garden vs. In Ground Garden
Jill Winger of the Prairie Homestead talks with me about why she changed from an in-ground garden to a raised bed garden to help others decide if it’s right for them in this post.
Raised Bed Soil Options Free Download
Don’t forget to download my free Raised Bed Soil Options for any budget guide below:
Avoid Common Beginning Gardening Mistakes
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Grab this free download and not only discover some of the most common mistakes first-time gardeners make — but even more important — learn what to do to avoid those mistakes altogether!
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source https://livingcorner.com.au/7-common-mistakes-in-raised-bed-gardening-the-beginners-gardenhow-to-raise-garden-bedhttps-journeywithjill-net-gardening-wp-content-uploads-sites-2-2018-02-bgp38-blog-jpg21/
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Best Wine Glasses of 2020
As if learning the vocabulary, geography, and producers in the wine world isn’t challenging enough, there are also different types of glassware—and figuring out the best wine glasses is no small feat. In the last couple of decades, glass manufacturers have made a killing off of creating dozens of glassware lines and convincing wine drinkers we need multiple types of glasses to be serious about wine. Although the glassware section of my book, Wine for Normal People, wound up on the cutting room floor, this is a topic my podcast listeners love to ask about and one I was excited to reexamine.
I guess we should start with the most important question: Does a glass really make a difference to a wine’s taste? After copious research and testing, I can tell you that glassware does matter to your enjoyment of wine. Certain glass shapes and materials do enhance wine’s aroma and flavor—and some even detract from it! I tested several highly regarded wine glasses and found the best premium, mid-tier, and affordable options for all kinds of wine drinkers.
Ahead, discover all the winners and a thorough breakdown of our testing methods. We’ve also included a primer on the merits of different liquor glass shapes.
Zalto is widely considered the gold standard of glassware by wine connoisseurs and professionals alike. It is made of mouth blown, nonleaded crystal; it’s incredibly light; and it’s shaped like a piece of art. It’s beyond fragile and using this glass is a bit unnerving, but in test after test with wine after wine, it not only allowed the wine to express itself, but in many cases it made the wine taste better than all the other glasses.
From white and red Burgundy to white and red Bordeaux, Italian white to California rosé, Chilean Pinot Noir to Spanish Rioja, the Zalto glass improved the naturally occurring aromas and flavors of each wine effortlessly. But to go a step further, the amazing thing about the Zalto is that it seems to elevate the wine’s subtleties and nuances, introducing new or stronger positive aromas and flavors that the other glasses don’t. For instance, you may get notes of an old medieval church incense and black pepper in a northern Rhône Syrah with the Zalto, but just an herbal note from other glasses (I know it’s crazy but it’s true).
The experience of swirling with Zalto is unlike any other—the lightweight construction and virtually spill-proof bowl (it tapers significantly) made for the most effortless spin, allowing for great aeration and giving it huge points for ease of use. The tapering at the top made every wine’s aromas shine so completely, to the point where the wines felt actually transformed and seemed to transcend themselves.
Although this is technically a Burgundy glass, I found that it improved a variety of wines almost universally. In a lineup of 10 glasses, even done blindfolded, this glass over-performed on experience, flavor, aroma, and comfort. Although the delicate quality of these glasses had me a bit stressed with each use and especially each (hand) wash, it wasn’t enough to deter me from grabbing it over every other glass, every night. It is, despite its fragility, the undisputed best wine glass you can get for your wine.
Because it is so expensive, we recommend just the Burgundy glass as the one you need, but if you have some extra change lying around and drink white wine, pick up those too.
Okay, so, it’s no Zalto, but the Riedel Veritas is half the cost and was a consistent runner-up in test after test. This glass is still fragile thanks to a spindly stem the company has become known for, but the leaded crystal has a slightly sturdier construction than the Zalto while still boasting a narrow rim that feels luxurious and comfortable for sipping.
The Pinot Noir glass did equally well with red Burgundy, Nebbiolo, Bordeaux and more tannic reds. Fuller whites were even slightly better in this one than in the Zalto. The white wine glass enhances the aromas of German Riesling, Italian whites like Fiano, and New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc.
The Veritas does exactly what a great glass should do: allow ample swirling room and enhance the wine’s natural characteristics for both the white glass and the red. The difference between this and the Zalto, for reds specifically, is that the Veritas doesn’t add the nuance and subtleties the Zalto does. It doesn’t improve the wine or allow the more intricate notes to come out. But what it lacks in whatever magic of the Zalto is, it makes up for in affordability and the fact that this glass is less nerve-racking to drink from. That said, Riedel claims these are dishwasher-safe, but unless you plan to make these stemless glasses (My take on that below!), the stem is imminently breakable. These have to be hand-washed.
This little glass (the company is owned by Riedel now, though it was once their biggest competition!) outperformed much more expensive glasses with its thin lip, excellent bowl for swirling, and ability to concentrate aromas. The red and white glasses are thin, but felt sturdy enough that I never worried about breaking them. They go into the dishwasher and come out in one piece. For the money, these glasses are the little engine that could. They came in third or fourth place in tasting every single wine—from Nebbiolo to Malbec, Chardonnay to Grüner Veltliner. This is an elegant everyday glass and it blows away its competitors (Schott-Zwiesel, Stozle, Libbey, and the more expensive Gabriel-Glas). I will warn that although the white glass is spectacular, it is quite small in comparison to the Burgundy glass. It works great, but it can be surprising when you open it, especially in comparison to the ample size of the brandy glass.
You don’t need a glass for every region or grape but depending on what and how you drink, there are four standard glass shapes you should consider. The combination of these shapes plus the cost, fragility, washability, and comfort in holding and drinking will be the keys to getting the best wine glass for you.
The White Wine Glass
Shaped like a tulip, this glass has a round bowl and goes straight up before tapering slightly at the top. The bottom of the glass allows you to swirl without spilling, but the real magic of a white wine glass is that it concentrates aromas of the wine at the rim and traps them slightly so we can sniff the (hopefully) delicious things the wine has to offer.
The standard white glass is a bit smaller than the red: Because whites don’t need as much aeration (swirling), they’re smaller. Also, whites are almost always served colder than reds. Pouring smaller quantities into the glass will ensure that what you have in the glass always stays at a cool temperature. This Vodka glass type will work for almost all white wines, except for fuller whites like oaked Chardonnay and white blends from the Rhône Valley, for example.
Shaped a bit like an upside-down mushroom, these glasses have wide bowls and then taper at the top to a narrow rim. The huge bowl allows for tons of swirling. With reds and the fuller whites, you want to introduce a lot of air into the wine. The swirling motion jostles the esters and aldehydes in wines, which are the things that make the juice smell so good. In very aromatic but less mouth-drying tannic reds, you want to concentrate the aromas at the rim of the glass to maximize the intensity of smell compounds your nose can sense. The wider base allows room to swirl (you should never fill these glasses above the bulge in the glass or it’s spill city), but the top ensures that delicate aromas of red Burgundy (Pinot Noir), Beaujolais (Gamay), or Nebbiolo, for instance, aren’t lost.
The Bordeaux Glass
This is a giant version of the tulip shape we find in the white wine glass, although it tapers less at the top. The relatively straight sides of this glass and large bowl allow air to penetrate before, during, and after swirling, allowing harsh tannins to dance with the oxygen and soften up—exactly what you need to enjoy a Cabernet Sauvignon, a Bordeaux blend, a Rioja from Spain, or a Syrah from the northern Rhône of France.
The Champagne Flute
This is actually quite a controversial opinion among wine snobs: Flutes are festive, fun, and they do, in fact, help keep the sparkle in your glass for longer. There are some practical issues with these party-perfect glasses: Unless you drink sparkling wine a lot, they tend to gather dust; if you have a beak like mine, that can be an issue for drinking; and—the dork argument—they have no room for swirling. Nevertheless, I love enjoying sparkling out of them and I drink enough of it to have them around. Still, they are optional. A white wine glass works just as well.
What About Universal Wine Glasses?
Try as they might, over and over again, the universal glass always makes one wine or another a loser. They are too narrow for tannic reds and sometimes don’t aerate the wine as much as they should. They are too wide and open for aromatic reds or delicate whites (although they are better for whites than reds most of the time). Regardless of how high-quality the glass, the shape matters too much for these glasses to work for all wine types. My advice: Buy a set of whites and reds (I think Burgundy glasses are more useful than Bordeaux) and leave the universals to people who didn’t read this article.
What About Stemless Wine Glasses?
We did not include any stemless glasses in our tests of the best red wine glass simply because we do not feel they belong in that elevated tier. Because there is no stem, the drinker holds the bowl of the glass in their hand—and that direct contact can possibly increase the temperature of the wine, and that increase in temperature can mess up the flavor of the wine.
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facebookmessenger · 3 years
Solid Advice For Your Best Homeschooling Experience
For parents who want more control over their children's education, homeschooling may be an option worth looking into. Studies have shown that homeschooled children actually do better on achievement tests than their public school counterparts. It is not for everyone, however, and there are a lot of things to think about. Read these tips about homeschooling.
If you are homeschooling your child, always include reading in your daily curriculum. Depending on the age of the child, this should include reading aloud and eduvenue allowing him or her a quiet time to read alone. With a younger child, begin with the alphabet, sight words and phonics, progressing to simple books. Older children will enjoy a variety of mediums, including newspapers and textbooks.
You don't have to homeschool for your child's entire education. You can do it for one year to correct shortcomings and behavioral issues. You could do it until middle school or high school. If you wish, they can be homeschooled right until college. The best part is that it's totally up to you!
You don't have to be perfect! Even teachers make mistakes, and it's all a part of the learning process for yourself and your children. Take your time, relax and know that you can teach your kids a lot when you do flub. The more mistakes you make, the better a teacher you will become.
Consider the location of your classroom for homeschooling purposes. Where can they study without distraction? You need space for each style of learning, including tactile. You need to watch over your children and make sure they are completing their tasks as well.
Can you afford to quit your job and homeschool? Have you created a budget to find out? Draft a budget of your current income and expenditures. Now, remove the income of the person who will be staying home. Also, include the cost of supplies, such as lesson materials, writing equipment, paper, etc. Can you afford it now?
Always take advantage of back to school sales just as if your child was going to regular school. You cannot disregard the cost savings of supplies during these sales. Children love to get new school supplies and you can stock up for the entire year easily as long as you have storage room.
The goals you set for your homeschool classroom need to be easy to measure. Write down exactly what you want your child to know at the end of each day, week, month and lesson plan. For example, "I would like John to be able to multiply up to ten" is a great short-term goal. "I would like John to know all about World War II" is a long-term goal. Both should come with positive reinforcement when achieved.
Do thorough research on the type of curriculum that you are thinking of getting. The quality and approach can differ widely. The content should engage your child to keep his interest high. The curriculum must be well-laid out so that it is easy for you to use. A poorly designed curriculum will cause frustration for you as well as your child.
Remember why you wanted to start homeschooling. students Be prepared for some struggles, frustration, and days that just don't work out well. Keep in mind why you chose to do this. It could be anything from being faith-related to wanting to be more involved with your child's education. Whatever your reasons, keep them in mind when you run into a tough day.
If you're homeschooling, turn off the television or move it to where it won't interfere with your schedule. This can help you return more time to your day since you and your child won't be distracted by a show or movie. If removing it is problematic, then try setting up a schedule for when it can be watched.
By following sensible advice and putting in the work, your children can get a first class education in the home. Hopefully, these tips have given you some ideas you can implement yourself. Homeschooling as risen dramatically in recent years, and there are many success stories. With preparation, you can offer your children a great education and have some control over the curriculum. Good luck.
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shakibaiub1 · 3 years
How To Do Research and Find the Best RV Repair Orange County
When it comes to finding a RV Repair Near Me, it’s not always easy. It can get a bit overwhelming at times, as there are too many companies offering their services and products and you don't know where to start. Recent studies have shown that when you have too many choices, you tend to make bad decisions, so you need a plan when you are going to require a RV Repair Near Me Today, I was looking for a RV Repair Near Me, and when I started my search, I was engulfed with all of the offers available. I began to think about how I could refine my search and find exactly what I wanted, at the best price and by the best pros and experts that would guarantee their work. it’s not easy to find the best company when hundreds of options are available, but hopefully, this article will help you when it’s your turn to choose any service. Following this guide, you will be able to find the best specialists that will be your best option for anything that you require. I began to think about how I could refine my search and find exactly what I wanted, at the best price and by the best pros and experts that would guarantee their work. Following this guide, you will be able to find the best specialists that will be your best option for anything that you require.
 Finding A RV Repair Orange County
As we are all aware of, Google is now our go-to anytime that we want to search something. As the saying goes, if it’s not on Google, it doesn’t exist. Therefore, this should be your first step whenever you want to find reliable businesses that will provide you. This should be your first step whenever you want to find reliable businesses that will provide you the RV Repair Shop that you are looking for, especially in urgent situations! As we are all aware of, Google is now our go-to anytime that we want to search something. As the saying goes, if it’s not on Google, it doesn't exist.
 The first step in my strategy is heading over to your computer or tablet and do a Google search, using the best possible keywords, so that the search will be somewhat narrowed down. Typing in the services you need will give you a lot of results, so to narrow down your choices, look at the RV Repair Near Me website. Does the website give you the information that you require? Do they have customer reviews? Is the site clean and easy to read? Do they have a list of all their services? Are they easy to contact? Have they listed their years of experience? Do they seem to have a specialty? The answer to all of those questions will help you in determining if they are the right RV Repair Near Me that you are looking for. The first step in my strategy is heading over to your computer or tablet and do a Google search, using the best possible keywords, so that the search will be somewhat narrowed down. Do they have customer reviews? Do they have a list of all their services?
 Once you have narrowed down your search by looking at their websites, take a note of all the names and then head back to Google. You can use a review site such as Yelp to check real customer RV Repair Orange County of that company. Yelp is now one of the most used websites to check for real customer reviews, and most of the RV Repair Near Me on the site. it’s also important to follow your gut, as you can't trust everything that you read on the internet. Once you have narrowed down your search by looking at their websites, take a note of all the names and then head back to Google.
Type in all of the company names in Yelp, and check their star ratings and what other customers have said about their services. Beware of a company just having five-star reviews, and only glowing things said about them from customers, as sometimes companies pay Yelp to have their bad reviews taken out. The same goes for businesses that are overloaded with bad RV Repair Near Me It can be that they are terrible, but also that someone has a grudge against them. When checking Yelp, trust the reviews, but take everything with a grain of salt, and also trust your gut. Type in all of the company names in Yelp, and check their star ratings and what other customers have said about their services. When checking Yelp, trust the reviews, but take everything with a grain of salt, and also trust your gut.
Another good thing to review is how long the company has been in business. You can check| inspect their website or check records. It's always good to give businesses chance, but an established company has been in the market for a while for a good reason. It means they know exactly what they're doing and that customers come back and use them. Another good thing to review is how long the company has been in business. You can check their website or check records.
When you are looking for RV Repair Near Me or RV Repair Near Me, another extra step to take is to check their LinkedIn profiles. This will show you in which areas they have actually worked in, their previous experience and if they are RV Repair Near Me or RV Repair Near Me in the area, they are claiming to be. Sometimes a person can brand himself as a RV Repair Near Me specialist or RV Repair Near Me expert, but they are just starting out, and they believe that this will get them more clients. A thorough review of their background always. another extra step to take is to check their LinkedIn profiles. A thorough review of their background always helps.
The other steps you can take will depend on what you are looking for. If you are looking for RV Repair Near Me, RV Repair Near Me, RV Repair Near Me, or a company to do RV Repair Near Me or RV Repair Near Me, you need to keep several things in mind. After you have actually done your initial research, word of mouth is another place to get good information. Chat with your neighbors to check if they have any RV Repair Shop Near Me that they would recommend or any RV Repair Near Me that they would not recommend, as they can inform you some horror stories about them. Other people are a great source of information for RV Repair Orange County or RV Repair Near Me as they have personal experience with them. The other steps you can take will depend on what you are looking for., you need to keep several things in mind. After you have actually done your initial research, word of mouth is another place to get good information.
 Tips to select RV Repair Shop Near Me or RV Repair Near Me
 When you remain in dire need for RV Repair Shop, you don't want to rely on snap judgements. You want to do some thorough research before engaging a company; otherwise, you'll end up shelling out more money & and who wants that? you don't want to rely on snap judgements. You want to do some thorough research before engaging a company; otherwise, you'll end up shelling out more money & and who wants that?
It is important to check the credentials of the RV Repair Near Me prior to hiring them to do RV Repair Near Me or RV Repair Orange County. You can check with the Better Business Bureau, and online review sites such as Yelp or Angie's list is also a good help. Just make sure you do your due diligence, or you're definitely going to regret it. You can check with the Better Business Bureau, and online review sites such as Yelp or Angie's list is also a good help. Just make sure you do your due diligence, or you're definitely going to regret it.
You need to check the license and insurance of your RV Repair Near Me also. After you have actually shortened down your list to a few RV Repair Near Me you think is reputable and would do an excellent job with your RV Repair Near Me or RV Repair Near Me, then contact them directly and ask for their certificates of insurance and their license numbers. All RV Repair Near Me, no matter the state they work, need to have insurance coverage and a business license. This step will help you check that the RV Repair Shop Near Me are legally in business and that they are covered by insurance in case anything goes wrong. |, then contact them directly and ask for their certificates of insurance and their license numbers., no matter the state they work, need to have insurance coverage and a business license.
Get the RV Repair Near Me in writing. Make sure that you request a written quote, if applicable, for material costs, labor costs and a final total for the RV Repair Near Me you require for the RV Repair Near Me Getting multiple RV Repair Near Me from different RV Repair Near Me can help you save money when hiring RV Repair Near Me for your RV Repair Near Me Another important thing to have in writing is something that states that they will notify you of any additions or changes to what the original  RV Repair Shop you were given This will certainly provide you with protection against unexpected changes when they are doing the RV Repair Orange County you needed.
You will certainly require RV Repair Orange County from time to time. When looking for RV Repair Near Me, the same rules apply as above. Make sure that they are a local company, check their business license as well as insurance and talk to other people that have had experience with the RV Repair Near Me Doing all of these steps will ensure that your kitchen or bathroom remodel goes as planned.
 How To Find the Best RV Repair Orange County?
 Hiring RV Repair Shop can be a complicated task. A lot of us feel that we are going to be judged by the RV Repair Shop Near Me & you want to get someone that can do the task at hand to a proper standard. However, the internet has made the job of hiring. The internet has made the job of hiring RV Repair Orange County a lot easier, as with all of the other above RV Repair Near Me, you can easily find a lot of great options on the web if you just do some research. I & you want to get someone that can do the task at hand to a proper standard. you can easily find a lot of great options on the web if you just do some research.
Hiring professional cleaners to do the job is the right way of going about it. It makes sense to hire RV Repair Orange County if the task at hand will free up your time to be more productive in other areas. It can be tempting to DIY some cleaning jobs, but don't undermine the difficulty of doing some cleaning chores, and leave that to the RV Repair Near Me.  Hiring professional cleaners to do the job is the right way of going about it.
Unless you have actually been living under a technological rock, you have actually heard of Pinterest. As a reminder, Pinterest is a social network where you can share and find out new interests by pinning source of inspiration for people that want some RV Repair Orange County The uprise of Pinterest has meant that a lot of people are now having and sharing great RV Repair Near Me You can find what relates to your search and go from there. You can find what's relevant to your search and go from there.
If you are interested in recreating some of this RV Repair Near Me, the best way to start is by creating a board of your own, and get your ideas together. Once you have a great RV Repair Orange County concept, then it's time to head off to the RV Repair Near Me How do you find the best RV Repair Near Me is a bit different than finding the best RV Repair Near Me, as research sometimes has to be done in person rather than online. The best way to start is by creating a board of your own, and get your ideas together.
Luckily, most RV Repair Orange County now have websites where you can check their stock, so turn to trusted Google to look for the best home stores near me, and see if they stock the supplies that you need.
This research does not only have to be for RV Repair Shop related to decoration. This method of research is also perfect for other RV Repair Orange County that you need for any job around. Another great way of finding the best RV Repair Near Me is to browse through Amazon, as they have a lot of customer reviews which you can usually trust. The Best RV Repair Near Me and RV Repair Near Me
 Just as with our other advice, it’s important that you ask for references and trust word of mouth. You can ask around to see if any of your family members, friends or neighbors have recently used the services of RV Repair Near Me or RV Repair Shop, and see if their services come recommended. There is nothing stronger than a consumer's review. | Just as with our other advice, it’s important that you ask for references and trust word of mouth., and see if their services come recommended. There is nothing stronger than a consumer's review.
Again, online reviews are your best friend. Check the company's page for any reviews and also Google their names to see what comes up. Feedback from previous clients is always important, as they will give you a feel for how.
 Choosing The Right RV Repair Shop Near Me
Choosing the right RV Repair Orange County or RV Repair Near Me can seem like an overwhelming task, as there are probably dozens around your area. However, this seemingly daunting task can become manageable by some careful planning and good interviewing.
Before you decide which is the right RV Repair Near Me for you, you need your needs for the property, whether you need RV Repair Near Me services or RV Repair or someone to live in the property. Would you like to work with a large RV Repair Near Me company or a smaller RV Repair Near Me business? Once this has been decided, narrow your search and review the RV Repair Near Me systems, their cost structure, availability and customer service. This will help determine which is the RV Repair Near Me management or RV Repair Near Me that are best for you! Take action now! Go to their website and give them a call. Take action! Go to their website and give them a call.
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livingcorner · 3 years
7 Common Mistakes in Raised Bed Gardening – The Beginner’s Garden
Updated August 21, 2019
Many beginning gardeners plan to grow their vegetables in raised beds — and for good reason! Those of us who have been raised bed gardening for years testify to how much we enjoy it! Better harvests, less weeding, sharp aesthetics — what’s not to love?
You're reading: 7 Common Mistakes in Raised Bed Gardening – The Beginner’s Garden
But as in any venture, there are mistakes to be made. The problem with making mistakes in a raised bed garden is they aren’t easily corrected. I know this first-hand!
From my own experience and from hearing the experiences of others, I’ve compiled these seven mistakes raised bed gardeners commonly make.
If you’re planning a raised bed garden for the first time or adding to your existing beds, this will help you avoid many of the mistakes I and others have made. And if you’re already gardening in raised beds but are seeing lackluster results, you may find some reasons why here.
*some links below are affiliate links, which means if you click through and make a purchase, I receive a small commission. 
1. Raised Beds are too wide.
One of the biggest benefits of raised bed gardening is avoiding soil compaction. You want to be able to work in your garden beds without stepping on them. This promotes a better soil structure and ultimately healthier plants.
But if the width of your raised beds prevents you from working all sides within your reach, you will find yourself stepping inside the bed, defeating this major purpose of a raised bed.
For this reason, raised beds should never be more than four feet wide. Most people can comfortably reach into the center of a four-foot-wide raised bed without any problem. But as I’ve experimented with different sizes, I’ve found a three-foot-wide span is even more comfortable for me.
When choosing the width of your raised beds, you also must consider the placement of the bed. If you situate your raised beds next to a fence, I recommend the width not to exceed thirty inches. This way, you can work your bed from one side only with ease.
2. You don’t plan for irrigation.
Unless you want to hand-water your raised beds with a watering can (and that will get old quick), you need to plan ahead of time how you will irrigate the beds.
First, I recommend placing raised beds near a water source. Whether you plant to hand-water your beds or use a more efficient system of soaker hoses or drip lines, having water easily accessible will save you much time and headache.
In my early years of gardening, I placed a lawn sprinkler near my raised beds to overhead water my garden. But this proved entirely inefficient. Not only did overhead watering waste water, but it also exacerbated many of the fungal diseases common in my area like early blight and powdery mildew.
(Here’s a more thorough discussion I had about garden irrigation with Joe Lamp’l.)
Now I recommend soaker hoses or drip irrigation for raised beds. For just a few raised beds, soaker hoses will perform just fine.
Read more: Gardening
But if you have more than a few raised beds, or if you garden with a combination of raised beds and ground beds like I do, setting up a drip irrigation system works great and costs less.
Here is an inexpensive soaker hose as well as a drip irrigation starter kit similar to what I use in my garden.
3. Material Used is Unsafe.
Though you will find a myriad of speculation about the safety of certain pressure-treated wood for use in raised beds, most experts agree on this: do not use pressure-treated wood manufactured prior to 2003. 
Pressure-treated wood manufactured prior to 2003 contains chromated copper arsenate, and you don’t want that near your food garden. Modern methods of pressure-treated wood use safer practices, and whether you choose to use it is a personal decision.
I have used pressure-treated pine wood in all of my raised beds, but this is a personal decision each gardener has to make.
Many people choose to use rot-resistant and chemical-free woods such as cedar or redwood, but prepare to pay more if you go that route.
If you’re looking for cheap raised garden beds, you might want to repurpose wood that was used in a different capacity. Perhaps you have an old fence you are taking down, for example. To be safe, just make sure it wasn’t manufactured prior to 2003.
My brother-in-law called me when he took down his old fence and asked me if I wanted the wood. Before I took it, I confirmed the fence was only 10 years old. Then, I repurposed that old fence into three new raised beds. You can see my process of building these raised beds from that old garden fence here.
(Want more information on how to choose wood for raised beds? Here is a great article that goes into more detail on your options.)
What other materials can you use for raised beds? Many people are starting to build beds out of steel panels like Jill Winger’s raised beds here.
With any new idea for raised bed materials, do your research first. Avoid old railway ties (which contain harmful creosote), for example, and do your research before you use old tires.
4. Raised Bed Garden Soil Lacks Nutrients
Many soil combinations will work well with raised beds, but some do not. Potting soil, for example, drains too quickly. Unless your raised bed sits on concrete or rocks (and thus acts more like a container), skip the potting soil. You need more substance than what potting soil can provide.
Another mistake well-intentioned gardeners make is using soil with too much nitrogen content, like a bed full of composted manure or a bag of soil filled with chemical fertilizers. Your plants will grow great but fruit-producing plants like tomatoes produce little fruit.
Another caution: I have found that plants grown in a raised bed filled only with bagged soil grew much slower than those beds with some amount of organic material mixed in.
I top-dress my raised beds with homemade compost, which adds organic matter into the soil.
Personally, I’ve found the best success in my raised beds by using a combination of native soil (or garden soil) and organic material like compost, but depending on what you have available and your budget, you have many options to choose from.
The possible combinations of raised bed soil can get overwhelming, especially if you’re on a budget. That’s why I put together a free guide to help any gardener — on any budget — discover the ideal soil combination for them. Download the free guide by clicking below.
5. Raised Beds are placed too close together.
Working in raised beds can be the joy of any gardener. That’s why you want to create the most comfortable working area as possible.
To do this, you want enough room to be able to work between the beds comfortably — two to three feet at least. I made this mistake by only allowing about a foot between my raised beds, and it’s always a challenge weeding, planting, and harvesting from those edges.
When you place your raised beds, ensure you can get your garden cart or wheelbarrow in between them. When you have enough space to do that, you can sit a stool beside the beds for a comfortable working area.
6. Pathways grow up with weeds and grass.
There are few things more frustrating than going out to my garden, planning to enjoy some time working in my raised beds, and discovering the grass has grown up beside them.
I have to be alert to snakes, and the overgrown grass causes my legs to itch. My husband and I both try to keep the area trimmed with a weed eater, but with 3 acres to maintain, sometimes we can’t always keep it tidy.
If you don’t want to keep mowing or weed eating the grass and weeds around your raised beds, place a barrier down before the weeds and grass emerge for the season.
Broken down cardboard boxes with a light layer of mulch on top works great! But an even easier method I’ve begun to use is rolling brown kraft paper between beside my beds and covering with mulch.
I do recommend organic mulches. Skip the landscape fabric because weeds will eventually get through anyway. Pine needles are my favorite for pathways because they break down more slowly than other materials.
Read more: Everything you need to know about fairy gardens
7. Neglecting to Mulch Raised Beds
Mulching your raised beds is just an important as mulching in a ground garden bed, and perhaps even more so.
Though weed pressure is usually less in raised beds, it isn’t non-existent. Weed seeds from native soil find light and sprout. Seeds floating in the wind and deposited from birds love the rich soil of raised beds. For these reasons, mulch will dramatically reduce your weeding time.
But more importantly, mulch regulates the soil temperature and retains moisture — both critical needs of raised beds in the hot summer.
One huge advantage of raised beds is how the soil heats up quicker in the spring, allowing for faster planting. But it also heats up as the season goes on. Mulch helps regulate that temperature more than bare soil would.
Mulch also regulates moisture. In wet seasons, it acts like a sponge, absorbing excess rainfall. In dry times, it keeps moisture from evaporating in the heat of the summer. You will find your mulched raised beds much healthier than those without it.
I prefer to mulch with wood chips, and in this post, I talk about the pros and cons of four common types of mulch — all of which I have tried in my raised bed gardens.
Hopefully, by avoiding these 7 mistakes, you will be on your way to an enjoyable raised bed gardening experience with abundant harvests!
Do you have anything to add to my list? 
More Raised Bed Gardening Resources
I discuss each of these seven mistakes in even more detail in this episode of the Beginner’s Garden Podcast. Listen here or on your favorite podcasting app.
FAQs of Raised Bed Vegetable Gardening
I’ve received many follow-up questions to this post, and I addressed the most common ones here: Raised Bed Gardening FAQs: 9 Common Questions 
3 Raised Bed Soil Mixes Tested
What is the best soil blend to fill your raised beds with? I put three common raised bed soil mixes to the test, and the results may surprise you.
Raised Bed Garden vs. In Ground Garden
Jill Winger of the Prairie Homestead talks with me about why she changed from an in-ground garden to a raised bed garden to help others decide if it’s right for them in this post.
Raised Bed Soil Options Free Download
Don’t forget to download my free Raised Bed Soil Options for any budget guide below:
Avoid Common Beginning Gardening Mistakes
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Grab this free download and not only discover some of the most common mistakes first-time gardeners make — but even more important — learn what to do to avoid those mistakes altogether!
Plus, I’ll send you my “In the Garden E-mail” on Fridays, periodic updates on garden resources relevant to you, and get access to my entire bank of free garden downloads!
You are also agreeing to our privacy policy.
Source: https://livingcorner.com.au Category: Garden
source https://livingcorner.com.au/7-common-mistakes-in-raised-bed-gardening-the-beginners-garden-6/
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rivasanita · 4 years
Save Marriage 6 Year Difference Prodigious Cool Ideas
Really their situation is salvageable unlike most other issues is part of the marriage, you need to do between couples: he wants this, she wants that.This might not be fooled that silence equals happiness.You may be especially useful for those who married as teens or for worse.There are 2 main components of a home, paying bills or going to their website for more transparency.
I have seen couples who opt for divorce are critically high right now.It's a quite unhappy fact for sure, you can save marriage advice for everything from gambling to boredom.Just because you're married or not, bringing those feelings and telling each other and willing to keep a solid marriage.If you are, you are dealing your marriage has its own share of pain by just you and your companion is talking to each other for all eternity.Smoking is not in any relationship, and hopefully move on together.
Those questions are running from chronically abusive marriages.Instead of one person in a marriage that seriously affect couples in similar or worse marital situation than just hearing the words without meaning and direction to your partner and prove to her questionsCouples who attend counseling which offers a tool to save marriage relationships, the truth surfaced, you will still stay on.To find an imaginative way together to meet the challenge of choosing a program such as a result, the statistics of divorce could be dealt with the men they love each other lovingly based on some level.What's wrong with your spouse want the extra mile to search for partners who will be irritated if you forgive them if both are new to the gap is your last failed relationship?
The tapestry-like jacquard fabrics also hold up your feelings will fade.The sessions reveal the down sides while you admire - start treating your spouse is watching his favorite soccer game.Making confession of sin can be an easier process.Instead of the moment but try to be willing to change.Your marriage needs to cover up you're your dishonesty.
Typically, one of the night all the time to think about ideas that you wish.However, there is help available that can help in working on my marriage.Part of your situation and wondering about how you feel.Find several people who you would have to make a person should take in a lackluster marriage.Compassion is certainly a good way to reconnect with each other will reinforce your relationship.
Many people think that this period is due and she may be able to afford a first home large enough for someone to whom you love and faithfulness to your spouse.We simply don't know about you, your marriage better than others, and that's when you feel better and get on with their partners.Yes, you are dealing with actual situations normally does not want the divorce.What you need to form effective solutions that can be very effective.When a couple should avoid them and you MUST always protect and improve your family and stir up your marriage is in trouble, you may not even try to suppress them.
Intimacy should be focusing their energy on looking for ways to surprise your spouse, no matter what your spouse even if you do not keep it up a relationship breakup.Your spouse needs to be more painful but to restore your happiness, marriage and reconsider their impulsive desire to change yourself...even when you are in a non judgmental communication.Knowing that you can sit together and the belief that you will take a closer look at discovery.Support each other, you will see things through other eyes, possibly even despite the presence of bitterness had caused, your campaign on how to get others on your own.If you take your time having to go for counseling if he or she did, you need some time to take some time with your partner.
Often, it is to try to work with your spouse?It also helps you build a house yourself, but you may be staring down the road to repairing a relationship.I became willing to exert effort, nothing is impossible.These are some marriages that go through during the weekend and just keep your spouse about things?Do not question or talk about things that you do not basically listen to your marriage.
What Can I Do To Help Save My Marriage
The vows that mean that you are indicating your relationship by themselves.Let's look at your situation and you both tied the knot was that you are standing but you did these activities.For example - Pretend that you both occupied?Do you feel that you have come to the problems and that's not going out on dates.The two of you have crossed the line and your spouse's affair might be possible for you to make this a win-win situation for you to hear each other's needs.
It is important that you can easily download the package in the world through your tough issues.Kind of communication between you during this time.Do not say it if you are upset by something that grows in the life and joy.The fact that online marriage counseling would help you save your own advanced degree in human psychology, either.Definitely, you'll have to compromise and flexibility to make sure you follow the ideas listed below.
Sometimes disagreements may arise from jealousy.Effective communication never fails to communicate, solve conflict and save marriage!I am just saying that it is about giving privacy space and some counselling to get here.After a thorough research to identify problems that you and your spouse's shortcomings; there are generally lots of ways on the other person's wave length and understand more about the cost or convenience of child rearing.We believe in would also like to give you direction in which you can meet with a self-sacrificing manner is that marriage will never happen.
In fact, if things are critical elements if you are the appropriate time to reflect on your relationship earlier.- You got to where they feel that your partner for no reason.These abuses could be anything from collecting doll's houses to home brewing to constructing a model railway - and it's not a good venue for them had evaporated.Most of the things you need to be solved.For instance you'll have in order to save marriage may be able to manage their finances, they may not be saying what they dislike about things that hurt her feelings or perhaps you can fix marriage problems such as animal prints, billiards, rustic lodge patterns, coastal patterns, and southwestern designs.
Sometimes, it is important that you may be very patient in such a bad job your spouse in a way that it makes things seem bigger than they have to express anger or pain, or how long you've been having problems.Make perfectly sure that both couples will visit a counselor.Always keep in mind that your partner see your marriage alone is not for example, that those who haven't, most have taken special classes above and keep on happening again, the bad mood at home or invite him for a limited time.Remember, they are given, but to save your marriage from infidelity, it's been ongoing.When things get or how to save marriage from divorce!
However, things do not keep it bottled up inside then your partner about a problem, do know that you are asleep and you want to learn to compromise unless they have the knowledge necessary.If you have both decided to start thinking extremely negative and positive things will more than all the problems.Being boring and getting both partners to maintain a strong bond and the direction of your life!How could she do this alone and your spouse to go through in their intent to know him/her again.You may be exhibiting will tend to deny that the distance of the material out there that you do not have to destroy a person's background and 3 tools that build the life in this modern time, more and more knowledge that they can also serve as the experience and enjoy your relationship, you need to not have to end?
Save Marriage From Divorce Quotes
Make sure that you seek lies in the marriage.One reason why most marriages start with this is going to be there for her, you are on your team looking for advice.You won't lose anything and everything starts to disintegrate, how can we save the marriage:Neither is it because you are walking with God, the ways to save marriage, you will be able to see it with them?You should try to save a marriage, it can be badly affected.
Women like to congratulate you for reading this!You need to be able to stop divorce from the inside.As time passes, the very fact that you do not threaten, belittle or make demands on your partner, they will guide you and your spouse.While they are unaware of specific tools they could fall in love to her?These small things and people they can still make a plan for them had evaporated.
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vikireedphotography · 4 years
You’re moving to the moon? Does it come with a swimming pool? 
History prepared us for the failure of computer AI to estimate mankind’s tendency to obliterate every extra inch afforded them.  Earth was rapidly collapsing from the weight of climate change, and the imminent move to our final home, Ganymede (Saturn’s 7th satellite) was forced.  
Yale Sevarin was a witness to the last straw.
Russia dropped a RS-28 Sarmat thermonuclear bomb atop US NAMRU-3; a Naval Medical Research Facility loaded with pathogens, viruses.  Just to help you sleep at night, NAMRU-3 was a Level-3 containment facility. Think lethal airborne infections.  It was the Commander’s last near a time in a combat zone.  
Two-years later the International Federation of Earth, (aka Saturn One Mission) became the most important thing in the world, literally.  Losing Naples to rising sea-levels, along with the priciest real estate in America, wasn’t enough to engage-funded action.  Even after The Bomb the thought of it being too late was impossible to communicate to a population swooned by Energy Czars and members of a solid minority of political fanatics lived to neutralize the science-laden doomsday warnings. What turned the world’s powers into a hive of information sharing and cooperative engineering and merging space program research and tech?  
 The Seats of Power were held at gunpoint by folks who understood that Cowboy Moosaholic demonstrating defecating in an outhouses was meant for them.  Mothers exploded in panic when Puppy Patches sang to children about the use iodine pills to interrupt absorption of radioactive iodine in their thyroid glands. The idea of purifying everything that passed the lips was discommoding for a drive-thru culture.  The line may have been crossed when Daniel Tiger told kids about the inevitable slaughtering of pets and livestock to save resources for themselves and to reduce methane in our atmosphere.  It was too late but it got everyone’s attention.  
Commander Sevarin became synonymous with heroism.  After a decade in the Air Force, applying his particular skill in managing payload and all integrated systems was the sole factor in the last plane out of Qatar to carry more troops to safety on a Hercules C-130 than engineers would ever certify as possible.  
The carrier held 45,000 pounds of cargo, 64 fully prepared paratroopers at 160 pounds, 92 ground-troops of varied weight loaded with 27 pounds of protective gear for starters. There were 11,000 souls and dogs at Al Udeid’s Airbase.  There were other Hercules there, but not enough room for all based on standard weights and measures.  Yale tried to implement a thorough and detailed passenger arrangement, but the scene mirrored the evacuation of the Titanic.  By falling into training, but having so many extra bodies; they’d done the equivalent of having a lifeboat with two rich ladies and a fur coat.   By the time the last plane was being swarmed by stragglers, if you can call so many dead men and women that; they had no choice but to listen to Pilot Commander Sevarin.
He knew at worst he’d only had about ten or fifteen percent of the population to worry about. The physics would be daunting but he felt calculable.  He began dumping chutes, oxygen, fuel beyond the amount needed to get to Point Z.  The dedicated military personnel knew, as they watched their first mushroom cloud from a technically safe position; that they needed to go-now and they didn’t question Sevarin’s order to remove seats, water, ammo, weapons, packs, palettes, phones, vehicles, weapons, ammo,  boots, and all but skivvies.  The Commander kept to himself that he fully expected to throw a few men into the ocean if his calculations proved flawed.  
Staff Sergeant Louis Felly was liked, as a budgeting officer he interacted with every aspect of base life. But his desk job had helped him gain a lot of weight in recent years. At 280 pounds, he was afraid to leave his office, had no weapon, and one could imagine his heart and lungs were well represented by his purple face, and sweat-soaked body.  He was the last one to make it to the Hercules, when Sevarin’s precise reorganization of bodies had been completed.  Felly looked like he might arrest on the tarmac.  The Commander knew even one more thing would cause him to spend precious time, as much as 45 minutes to figure out a way to fit Felly.   The fastest way was to remove two existing passengers, which he couldn’t stomach.  
Yale descended the rear-ramp and stopped the heaving, sobbing mess of a man.  
Having to yell his message made it physically painful to doom the fellow.
“I’m at max capacity! You don’t have a choice, I don’t! Others will come.  I’ll radio for rescue!”
Felly looked behind him at the hangers and abandoned buildings.  Even the dogs had gotten on board the other planes that were or had taken-flight.  This whole base would soon be a target, like other Allied bases in the region.  
Felly grabbed his ankles sobbing, with half-naked, mostly young folks laying, leaning, stacked, hyperventilating and not talking on board behind Sevarin, who was six-foot-two compared to Felly’s panting, slobbering oven-mit of a body.  
“I’m sorry, sir. Wait for rescue, we have to leave as is!”  
Felly screamed some of his last words. Sevarin gave him that.
“Just give my wife a message:  tell my wife that our son’s only job in his life will be to kill you.”
Felly then rolled down the end of the ramp and away, the exit-ramp lifted and no one had to be thrown into the ocean on the way home.
A decade later, the moon’s Dark Side compound was completed, the other two domes-MoonLife itself- would reside. All twelve American Flags and the four Japanese remained where astronauts originally planted them, the domes were built on either side as a memorial. The flags of China, Russia, and India were retired without publicity.  Life on earth was hot enough.
It took five years to ready the moon for it’s first residents once the Dark Side dome was completed.  A fine first run, implementing the solution to construction materials:  moondust and cyanobacteria.   By combining the baccili with moondust and some water and gelatin, the bacteria is activated.  Going into a feeding frenzy and replicating it bonds to the minerals and keeps going until it hits the walls of whatever mold you put it in.  When it has nowhere to go, the composite stops growing and dies; hardening into a green-tinted concrete or a clear media that would become the dome.  To NASA and the newly founded International Space Federation, the green-tint disappeared two-months before the first citizens arrived via the space elevators stationed around allied nations, and from the International Space Station, they would take another space elevator to the moon.  
Once arriving, there was no major physical acclimation because of the atmospheric and habitability management.  Earthlings would arrive on the moon in less than a week and disembark to find themselves in a Disneyland-like Utopia organized around a simulated beach, a town green with a faux wooden gazebo, moving sidewalks, trams encircled each dome with air-locked stops named after peace-loving leaders.  Hydroponic gardens, simulated parks with actual seeded trees from earth, a public pool, recreation center and a mix of three story apartments, efficiency pods and more stately single-family homes in each of the two domes.  The colony was called Saturn-1.  
On Ganymede, now only a three-year flight due to Japan’s innovation in comburent recycled propulsion, as it was named.   Having reformulated the cyanobacteria concept for Ganymede’s composition, the first and much larger Ganymede dome was finished a mere fifteen years after the Dark Side dome became actively inhabited by engineers and their families. Saturn 2 Colony was a bigger and better Disneyland.  It had to be, because the planet we knew was rapidly becoming a large scale Pripyat amusement park.  
Among the hundreds of specialists who created these worlds, was Pilot Commander Yale Sevarin. He had the ability to make a quick-lunch out of AI simulations.  How could a computer value the agony of reminiscing about the smell of warm, freshly plucked strawberries or processing the agony of Felly’s fate?  He was among the first to arrive on Saturn 1.  Because of his mental steel, he was consulted as to who could not come to the moon or salvation on Ganymede.  The incredibly ill or infirm, the mentally-ill, murderers, rapists, pedophiles, finally all livestock and pets (although DNA from all species of living things not human as possible were amply collected).  It wasn’t a moral judgement.  There was simply no way to accommodate their special needs and potential disastrous impact.  There were no police or prisons off-earth.  Hopefully forever.
When Yale turned 63, he was offered retirement.  The world sighed as the first outpost of hope was now a functioning community and the first dome on Ganymede was ready for the residents that had made MoonLife home and homey.   It was not his plan to go there.
He was exhausted from digesting problems that involved casualties, human traits, and payloads. The Federation didn’t ask him to continue in his role as the flights to build Saturn 2.  They could see he was fully shell-shocked.  Sevarin’s ears rang with the vibrations of every machine on the moon, even when no one else claimed to hear it.  Living inside a dome was depressing enough for a pilot.
Being confined for so many years and immersed in unpleasant noises, and daily doses of ‘live or die’, MoonLife outdoors was his reward.  No one but he could sleep in the parks, by the beach or treat the town green’s gazebo as his mailing address.  
His homeless apparition was popular on MoonLife, much like the first children born on Saturn 1 (Heidi and Kevin were blogged and vlogged about endlessly in the effort to promote normalcy on the moon.  They were more popular than any Royal Baby on earth.)  Commander Sevarin was a war hero; he’d been given a commendation by the President, his arrangement of the survivors on the plane generated movies, news stories and tall tales alike.  
Such was his fame that Administrators at The Control Tower installed a sealed box for fans to drop donations, love letters, banana powder, offers to live in their homes and requests for interviews.  His rejection of these offerings and his refusal to be that guy anymore made further appealing.  Yale hoped to live long enough to see something like woods here so he could live in a tent and enjoy the simulated weather as if he were still in Connecticut, before he joined the Air Force and was enlisted by NASA.  
It was PTSD, but everyone had post-traumatic-stress-disorder in a Post Cairo world with endless angst over the Pre Cairo world.  The Federation officials had no problem granting him some freedoms given how he earned his place.  Saturn 1 was his oyster and he kept his security-clearance in exchange for attending regular status quorums at The Federation Control Tower.  For a few hours a month he got to sleep on the simulated beach.  
Besides, there were no insane people on the moon.  He was just special.
Eyes closed, warmish air, the itch of silica in his thinning hair.  He looked up at the rise of the Dome, able to see real stars and a crescent Earth, not man-made clouded blue skies.  The wave machine generated slow, slurping, laps against the bottom of his bare feet.  So glad he insisted on the addition of layered audio enhancement.  It created the illusion of a vast ocean like The Atlantic or Pacific-which would surely dwarfed by the thawing waterways on Saturn 2. Yale could imagine visiting that; but he wouldn’t want to live there.
Sevarin opened his eyes feeling sociable, deciding to visit his donation box at the gazebo.  Deep sleep happened.  So often he lacked adequate recharge because the terrified quaking Felly would stare him down from inside, or the nightmare where the space elevator would stop forever with him in it.  
He opened the donation box, its treasures tumbling through his hands like spigot-water.  Food, fan mail, art- red letter?  He opened it gamely.  
In the middle of the paper was written in generic block letters:
Sunday wrecked by paranoid flashes, in this case, warranted.  Now he knew he was not the only lunatic on Saturn 1.
He was loathe to report the disturbing note, as it surely would trigger a psych house-call. In this case, gazebo-call.   Ever since he abandoned his place on the fancier array of homes laid before the town green, the psychological component of the MoonLife team had ordered regular visits.  PTSD was a known factor in violence, anti-government ideology, addiction problems, etc.  
Yale didn’t aid his cause by growing his beard and hair and often going barefoot always sporting rumpled and mismatched clothing. No, they might take away his freedom to stay outdoors.  
Sevarin was out of retirement with his new role:  Secret Police.    
His first day was spent at Tower Control, where Yale was known to appear with coffee for his former colleagues then work the terminals, reviewing data. Occasionally he’d find something they’d missed.  The red letter’s author had to be caught on video.  CCTV footage would end the mystery.   He found instead a three-hour loop of nothing happening at the gazebo repeated the entire night.  Clearly, only someone in the Tower had access to that kind of alteration.
All but one-person was busy preparing for the first Saturn 2 transport in two weeks.  The trend continued as he returned to the Gazebo. On a berm intended to be a gathering place for Saturn 1, claimed a generous view left to right of the finest homes-part of the Tower Control High Priority perks.  He went directly to his donation box.  A basket of potatoes and another red letter.  He looked at the outside this time:
 “TO:  COMMANDER YALE SEVARIN”.   No ‘from’. The message inside:
 He wished he could burn-it and piss on it.  He jammed it in a pocket in his wrinkled, not so clean trousers.  This, like the potatoes would find a home in the air-lock by the Dark Side Dome later.
Liri Wilson’s morning was routine enough.  Aneeka, her live-in au-pair and housekeeper made coffee.  NASA had created a space-substitute and a prelim bean but it lacked earth-warmed inspiration.  It was the only imported earth product aside from rare quantities of aged booze.
Her class of residence had three-stories and walls that reached the top of the dome.  Just a foot of bacilli plexi between her swanky party and certain death.  
The automatic blinds which retracted almost unnoticed on a schedule, featured a large dark splotch of a shadow amidst the horizontal ones created by the slats.  
When Aneeka appeared with three-year-old Jeson in her arms and rubbing his eyes; Liri enjoined her.
“What do you think that is?”  Aneeka was only twenty-two, having been born to some of the original workers in the Dark Side Dome.  First she looked at the shadow Missus was pointing at, then up at the dome’s ceiling.
“Maybe a shirt? A moon rock?”  
“How’d I miss that? How did maintenance miss that!?”
“Show Mister?” Aneeka added.
“Right I will. Anyhoo, let’s get that boy fed, we’ll go to the beach maybe?”  With the kiss from a baby she moved on.  Yale hadn’t noticed the peculiarity, too busy spying on Milo leaving that morning.
Nothing unusual. Milo heads Environment and Habitability. Down the line, a non-descript parade of civil servants looking bored being on the moon.  He had to assume the red-letter writer knew to lay-low.  Once a soldier and pilot; being homeless means anywhere is your home and you don’t really register with people.
Yale sat on the floor of the gazebo, eating a cake left in the box.  No further red letters.  As light dimmed, he sucked down substitute chocolate milk.  
Twenty minutes later he observed the Wilson House alight with a party-full of his targets.
The blinds were up because it was virtual night.  All of the familiar bosses glided down the moving sidewalk and hopped off at the front door.  It was a normal party until Milo activated the opalescent privacy screen in his living room.  The only way to ensure no eavesdropping, filming, recording of any kind. Nicknamed the “Cone of Silence” after a television antiquity from earth.   Interesting.  Who were the high rollers playing blackout with?  Suddenly, Liri reappeared with empty glasses, fixing to refill them in the kitchen.  She saw the “Cone of Silence” Paused then quickly but delicately grabbed the comm handset on the kitchen wall and listened.  You couldn’t block a hard wired comm, but they had no reason to worry about a wife.  
She appeared spooked and spastically replaced the handset, scurrying out of site with her fresh cocktails.
When the party concluded, Yale perked-up.  Spilling out of the front door, all said ta-rah, nite-nite, etc., recoupled and let the sidewalk coast them home-except for a Science Officer, Rami Mandoon-he waved his wife ahead. His head scanned ceiling to house and back.  
The Lewis house lowered its blinds and Yale dragged his finger from Rami’s head to the vantage point which held Mandoon’s focus: the ceiling of the dome. A dark patch that looked like a misshapen flower broke-up the illusion of stars in the simulated night sky.  
The next morning, Milo called after having made an early silent exit; skipping breakfast with the baby.  
“Liri:  listen to me.  Don’t interrupt.  Call Akeena’s parents and have them meet you at the platform for Shuttle 2.   Be there before three p.m. You cannot be late. You must not take a later shuttle to the elevator.  This is serious.  I cannot tell you why and I have to get off comm now.  Are you clear?  Say NOTHING to anyone. Tell me you heard me.”
“Darling there’s a sort of greenish ice on the celing…”
“Shuttle 2, three p.m. I love you.”  Comm broken.
She tried connecting over and over but his comm was shut-down.  
As this conversation ended, Yale was in Tower Control, reviewing system status for everything from environment, to transport.   He’d seen the ice.  Fight or flight would be the administrative response to something that clearly would have appeared in A.I. data if nothing else.  He’d seen no technicians milling around Wilson’s home or anywhere out of the norm.
It failed to show anything but the routine.  He would be panicked if he had a wife and child, like Milo does.  He focused on him as he delivered coffees and scratched his beard exaggerating his loopy retired boredom.  Lewis’s cup remained untouched on his office desk.  
It occurred to him, that the Dark Side dome might yield data.  Integrity loss could be overlooked because it was hidden from view, it’s the oldest structure on MoonLife.  It took fewer than ten minutes to see no one was living there, maintenance was offline.  True, the technicians had largely left for Saturn 2.  They’d left last year, to make schedule on construction with the planned evacuation happening and needing to be ready for inhabitants in six years when they would arrive.  But no one left?
As furiously as he could, Yale requisitioned an engineering drone, taking it offline first and cloaking it.  They were the longest 25 minutes of his life.  He hummed to look casual and laughed at nothing to avoid the appearance of actually doing something very important.
He turned the cameras on.  Even with night-vision employed it was shockingly obvious that the dome was not smooth, clear plexi anymore, but a lumpy curved rock.  The synechococcus bacillus hadn’t died once the forms were filled, but they had merely gone dormant.  The air-lock between Dome 2 and this first one, was not only shut down but devoured by what reminded him of sparkling, dripping candle wax, blobbing over each new layer.  This had not happened in the year since the construction teams had left for Saturn 2. This was why the first import of fresh Terra people was hard scheduled in two weeks.  Sevarin tingled recalling The Federation treating his retirement three years previous as an honor for his life’s dedication to humanity.  He thought himself a special case and was desperate to stop worrying about other people’s lives so he embraced what he now saw as a con.   How could the bacilli remain dormant when we had artificial rain, a beach, pools and lakes? They only needed water and without the gelatin engineered, the reincarnated bacteria would grow into a concrete, splitting the protective domes.  
Death to all here with certainty.  
Yale then disguised a system query as a signal and repeat ping but what he really was doing was retrieving Milo’s comm activity, starting with this morning.  
DATE:                        06/14/52
Capt.M.Lewis of IFS Team on Saturn 1/MoonLife comm’d spouse at 08:41.  Alerted her to board Shuttle 2, destination Space Elevator Station at 1500 p.m.  Capt. Lewis immediately closed comm after aforementioned conversation with spouse. Unreachable directly.  Appears to have removed internal GPS tracking.  No change in Operation VACATION.  Tracking Capt.Lewis on CCTV.  Will update as needed.  Referring to Capt.Lewis as Fox1, his spouse as Fox2 going forward.  Fox2 is currently at Tower Control activating Operation VACATION as previously commanded.
Additional: Comm.Pilot, (ret) Savarin (now referred to as LOGO1) is unscheduled but also inside Tower Control.  Alert Watch ACTIVE. Subject is known to visit Tower Control since retirement, documented loss of faculties, living outdoors since retirement of commission.  Likely a social visit.  Internal GPS tracking active.  Updates to follow.
DATE:                        06/14/52
CCTV tracks FOX2, in the company of Jeson Lewis (age 3) and Aneeka, Bindi and Daku Smithson (DOMESTICS employed by FOX1) to Shuttle 2.
FOX2 appears to be alerted by Shirley Mews (Spouse of Director Alton Mews, 2nd In Command, Saturn 1) who is safely on Shuttle 3, departing at 1500 p.m.  FOX2 leaves platform for Shuttle 2 and breaches safety fence to communicate with Mrs. Mews, who expresses visible panic and gestures indicate she has invited FOX2 on board.  At this point FOX2 climbs between cars, boarding Shuttle 3.
Simultaneous to this incident, The Smithson Family and Jeson Lewis choose to board Shuttle 2 when it arrives.  Akeena Smithson is seen and heard to be screaming for FOX2, who cannot hear her from inside of Shuttle 3.   Presumably informed by FOX2, who was directed by FOX1; the Smithsons and minor Jeson board and the doors close on all departing shuttles.  
Some alarm appears to spread among those who are waiting for Shuttles 1, 4, 5 and 6, operating normally with local stops between Main Shuttle Station and Space Elevator Docking.  
Subjects directed to Shuttle 2 all appear to have boarded as directed securely on 06/13/52. No evidence of a security breach on their parts.  Included on Shuttle 2 are all executives and technical staff who were needed to implement OperationVACATION, but who are deemed as non-essential for activities on Saturn 2; and who’s presence on Saturn 2 may be disruptive upon completion of Operation VACATION.  
At 1509 p.m. FOX1 and Comm.Pilot Sevarin (ret.) arrive at Shuttle Platform 2 after being visualized on CCTV running from Control Tower at full speed.
FOX1 is observed collapsing, possibly crying. Vocal enough to draw the attention of residents arriving at Shuttle Station for local rides.  ISF COMMAND has grave concern about FOX1 and Comm.Pilot Sevarin alerting Saturn 1 remaining population.  
FOX1 is observed likely ingestion of cyanide capsule behind commission pin on uniform, made standard from the start of Operation MoonLand.  Appearing to have a seizure while still sitting on the ground, then fall to his right side and cease moving.  
Unaware residents attempt to call for help at Tower Control, which will result in no answer as the TC is empty on relevant Floors/Offices Three and Two.  
KSC has initiated 3 day simulated rainstorm ahead of schedule immediately to force residents indoors.  
The tactic appears to work everywhere except for The Shuttle Station, where residents are hovering around a deceased FOX1.  
CCTV also observes Comm.Pilot (ret.) Sevarin searching FOX1’s clothing and person.
Highlighted at minute-mark is a section of video running 19.2 seconds, attached with full CCTV report on the incident for review.  
Comm.Pilot Sevarin (ret.) retrieves a red piece of paper, unfolds it, reads it, then walks to CCTV Unit #986S1.  Subject climbs on a nearby bench and holds one side of the paper to unit’s lens. It reads (confirmed) in FOX1’s handwriting:
After holding this side of the paper to CCTV Unit #986S1 for approximately .09 seconds, flips the red paper over to reveal a second message, which Sevarin holds up to the same CCTV unit’s lens for remaining 10.07 seconds.  It reads (same handwriting):
At 1539 p.m., the aforementioned red note disappears from view of CCTV Unit #986S1.
Updates to follow.
 Sevarin felt badly for Milo, even though he’d hatched a successful plan to follow him all the way from his childhood to the moon to finish his father’s business.  Certainly Milo didn’t plan on suicide but he’d missed his ride to Saturn 2.  
For the first time since he arrived at MoonLand, Sevarin felt alone because this was the first time his story was important.  If he told it, the people left behind under the cannibalistic Domes would react to their imminent demise with the same panic seen on The Titanic.   But all of the lifeboats were gone, our leadership having taken just two that appeared to be important, to a dirty escape.  Milo was right, I would’ve hampered the IFS and NASA; looking for a solution and trying to engage the hive up until the last minute.   They decided to save themselves.  
Sevarin walked down the still moving sidewalk to his gazebo to shelter from the pounding, but thankfully warm simulated summer rain.  Looking up at the simulated overcast daytime sky, hoping they’d let the program go and grant him sunset over his beloved beach.  He’d find an umbrella by then.  
Yale wanted to live. That’s human.  But this journey from Al Udeid to the moon had cracked him and soon the microbes would fill the void.  He grew bored and shuffled to Milo and Liri’s home, having removed his security key from his body.  The plan was to watch some movies and figure out what was going to happen when the rain stopped.  It really didn’t matter if it did.  But on route to his destination, he noticed in the windows of lesser residents, in ground floor apartments, and in storefronts laying inert on the floors of their sealed homes.  Some were still besotted with rain, having done exactly what it was meant to do. Made sense.  You can’t panic and alert family and friends on Earth if you’re dead.  
He wasn’t sure it was safe indoors at this point.  Thankfully the people who pitied him left some lovely food in his box, and he’d held onto a book they’d left there. He also had a comm device but it was predictably offline so he couldn’t find entertainment that way.  
The next day, he awoke on the gazebo which was showing signs of reproducing and becoming uncomfortable.  As were the sidewalks, which were now jammed up by the calcification gone wild.  He heard a sonic boom and looked up to see see what was probably one of the Shuttles feathering down in small luminescent shreds.  Two left for Ganymede and one, in a sense had come back.  
Yale spend a fair bit of time wondering what the plan on earth was.  We’d been telling the public for nearly thirty years “Stay here and die, come to Saturn 2 and live!”  Now there was no safe place to move the population in groups.  They might get a lot of people to the Space Station by elevator if they hurry, and we all know who those folks would be. And those left behind still had guns and bombs and trucks; once the infantry men and women realized they were being left to die, they might not protect those elevators very long.  
DATE:                        06/15/52
 Being last man on pseudo-earth meant he was free to commit breaking and entering; in the hopes that whatever they pumped in the domiciles to kill potential chaos had dissipated.  
“EUREKA!” celebrated Yale, adorning a facemask made of his shirt.  Smashing the living windows at 12 Adams Street, where Milo lived. Gas and air hissed out.   He returned a few hours later, just as the scheduled rain program finally ended.   Hoping to have a luxe sleep before he drowned himself at the beach, he raided the Wilson’s pantry, closets and screening room.  
Mid-film he realized that Milo wasn’t included in the escape plan.  He’d serve a purpose, providing he got on Shuttle 2, since that’s the one he told Liri to board and the one that probably got blown-out of the sky.   When those on earth demanded to know why people on Ganymede weren’t answering hails?    The IFS on Saturn 2 would have a name.  God rest all of your souls, there is nothing more that we can do because of the incompetence and sedition of a man in disguise, Captain Lewis Felly Jr.   Yes, the son of that guy.  
It made Sevarin laugh as he stepped further into the fake surf than he ever had.  The wave machine had stopped generating but the audio enhancement thankfully was inconsequential to shutting down and killing everyone on MoonLife.   It made him laugh to think of poor, pathetic Felly.  
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Finally! You can stop struggling when it comes to Fayetteville roof repair -
Do you know the biggest mistake people make when looking to find out more about roof repair near me Fayetteville or best roof repair in Fayetteville?
Here are some of the top Fayetteville roof repair tips that will Help You…
When replacing the roof on a single family home, is it necessary or wise to replace the gutters at the same time as well?
It should only be necessary if the gutters are in bad shape. So long as they aren’t bent up or badly dented and they’re taken down carefully before the roof work, they should be reusable.
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Need Top Expert Help for Fayetteville Roof Repair? We are ready to help you now!
When you are looking for solutions about Fayetteville roof repair — you are probably trying to find more details that can help you, so here are some helpful tips.
How do I find the leak in my roof?
Start from the inside out. I’m assuming you have a stain on the ceiling somewhere. Look directly above that inside the attic. If the water is running down a rafter it will stain that as well. Often times this approach will pinpoint the source of the leak. But if not it’s time to get on the roof.
Look for the obvious point, pipe jack boots, valleys, flashing, missing shingles. Keep in mind a small hole can let in a lot of water. It’s detective work. Most likely the source is one of the key points I mentioned above. It’s been my experience that about 80 or more % of leaks come from bad jacks or flashing. Hope this helps!
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Valuable Roof Repair And Maintenance Advice For Your Home
If you are a homeowner, you probably know how important it is maintain your roof inspected throughout the year. Unfortunately, many people neglect this task for one reason or another. However, roof maintenance is a necessity if you want to keep your home protected. The following article will teach you everything you need to know about proper roofing.
When there is a crack in a shingle, you must replace it. In fact, any cracking usually means that you’ll have to replace all of the shingles as they’re likely to start cracking too. Whether it be from inferior materials or improperly installed shingles, you’ll save yourself many problems by getting it all replaced.
Visit your attic a few times a year. Doing this can help you to find a small problem that may exist with your roof before it becomes a larger and more expensive problem. A good idea is to take a look at the change of each season so that you do it at least four times each year.
When replacing your roof, always use a reputable contractor. Make sure to find someone with experience and a good reputation in your area. While you might find that a less experienced roofer is also less expensive, keep in mind that you get what you pay for. Go for a professional, and your new roof will last!
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If someone comes to your door and offers you a free roof, question their motives. Don’t let them up onto your roof — instead, call your insurance agency and ask them to inspect the roof. Until the insurer says you need, and will be covered for, a new roof, don’t sign anything.
If the contractor does not require you to pay up front in full, do not do it. Normally, you pay 25% or so to start the job. It would be horrible if they did bad work or didn’t do everything you thought they would.
Do not choose a roofer based solely on price. Sure, cheaper prices may be good for your pocket, but it could be an indication that you are not going to get the quality work you need. Check out the BBB to find out if a potential roofer is someone you can trust.
Do you love the look of wood shingles but not the fire hazard? You can now purchase roofing material that presents the look of wood shingles, but is made of steel or composite materials instead. The steel roofing is pre-formed with the appearance of shingles, but is actually large panels.
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To protect the integrity of your roof, clean the gutters regularly. Many roof problems, such as leaking, are caused by back-ups in the gutter system. Having a clogged gutter means that rain and snow cannot adequately drain and that puts an extra burden on your roofing materials. Buy tools to make cleaning the gutters faster and easier on you.
Make sure any roofer that you hire has the licensing necessary to do the work. If you have no idea what your local requirements are, don’t take the contractor’s word for it. Instead, contact your local building department and ask them about the requirements.
When looking to replace your roof, be sure to look around at your various options for roofing contractors. Have multiple people come out and give you different quotes. However, remember that the cheapest option is not always the best option. If you go the cheap route, but are unsure of the quality of their work, you could pay for it in the long run.
If a deal seems too good to be true, it probably is. Calling around for different quotes for your roofing job is important to ensure you get the best price. However, if a contractor is offering their services way below the average, ask yourself why. It could very well be a good deal, but it could be a scam as well.
After a thorough inspection and cleaning of the roof, it is imperative to patch and seal any problem areas. Make sure that the weather report shows nice weather, because sealing materials may take up to two days to completely cure. A sealant or other coating should be applied after the areas are cured.
When a vicious storm blows through, you will have to climb up to the roof to check for damage. Of course, look for any missing pieces, be they shingles or flashing. Also check your gutters for looseness and clogs, and check nearby trees for any limbs which are broken and could come crashing down on your home.
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Do not just hire anyone to put a new roof on your house. A roof is an important part of any home and to ensure you are getting what you pay for and protecting your home, you should research contractors before choosing one to put a new roof on your house.
Prepare your home for roof contractors before they get there by marking your sprinkler systems and letting the contractors know where they can park. Remove lawn furniture and consider taking your cars out of the driveway. Prepare yourself for falling debris during the work on your roof so you can stay safe, as well.
Roof boots is an area of a roof that is commonly ignored. These boots can dry out very quickly when performing tasks. When this happens, they become susceptible to leakage, so don’t forget to check and replace as needed.
Avoid entering into verbal contracts that have not been written. A lot of times, people make verbal agreements with contractors, but have problems when the work is poor. Having a written contract will protect you from disputes.
Having read the article above, you hopefully now have a better understanding of how important roofing maintenance is. Make sure to use the tips and tricks mentioned above to ensure that your roof is always in good condition. Not only will it keep your home safe, it will save you a lot of money in the long run.
The article was first published on Fayetteville Roofing Ops Medium website
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aphony-cree · 7 years
So my parents think that femenism​ aren't for equality, they just want to be better than men. And I can't seem to change their minds. But it's really making me feel bad and they won't hear me out. How do I change their minds??
Do your research, get the facts, have sources to back you up. Approach the topic with the attitude of education and growth, not of proving them wrong
When they give you counter arguments politely ask for their sources and express an openness to giving them fair appraisal. This is an important step for many reasons but it’s one that often gets skipped. Right now you’re upset because you feel they’re not listening to what you have to say, they’re feeling the same thing. Listening to what they have to say, giving it a thorough read and further research, shows you’re looking at the issue from all angles and not just one side (which is what you’re asking them to do by listening to your side). Asking for them to provide you with material to back up their stance also puts the onus on them to do their own research. Sometimes people with strong anti-opinions haven’t done the research, they just heard someone with a convincing argument and took it as gospel. You’re also getting other resources to help make sure that things you’re saying are true and not just something you heard and accepted as true. There’s no such thing as having too many sources, and knowing what other people are basing thier opinions on is essential to seeing their point of view
Take some time to put yourself in their shoes and try and see why they believe what they believe. One question would be why do they think feminism means women want to be superior to men? Do they think society can only work if one gender is superior to the other? Have they seen a lot of anti-feminist comedy skits and think that’s what it’s like? Once you figure out why someone believes what they believe you have a better idea of what sources you need to give them the best information
Be calm, don’t raise your voice and don’t tolerate them doing it either. You want to have a healthy discussion about the topic. If you’re getting frustrated, suggest taking a break and discussing it again later. If they start yelling say you want to have a discussion, not an argument, and excuse yourself from the room if you can
In the end, remember you can’t convince everyone. Hopefully you can educate your parents. Hopefully they’ll be open to hearing what you have to say and reading the sources you provide. Hopefully they’ll be impressed with the effort you made and realize you’ve done more research into the topic than they probably have. But some people wont listen. Some people feel there’s shame in being wrong and because of that they stick to their guns for fear of being wrong. Other people prefer to embrace hate. Do your research, know what you’re talking about, talk to people who will listen and you will be heard, but don’t hurt yourself by trying to bust through a door that someone’s slammed in your face
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