#but i NEVER have the energy to full heartedly interact with him whenever he tries to talking to me
calico-kiwi · 4 months
gave my number out to someone (god i wish i’d come up with a good reason to say no) and reeeaaaaaalllllllyyy wish i hadn’t but wouldn’t dare make the social faux pas of ghosting them because that’s mean and also i see him almost every day of the week
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randxmthxughts · 6 years
Time flies | part 3
AU/Imagine series w/Shawn Mendes
Part 1/Part 2
Word count: 2K
Original request:  Hello, I was thinking if you could do an imagine wherein reader has a son with Shawn, but he doesn’t know about him, cuz reader left Shawn few years ago without a words (when she found out she is pregnant)? And one day her little son (5 years old maybe?) accidentally bump into Shawn and he is shocked that reader has a son. Sorry if its complicated 
Short description: Shawn finds out that he has a four-year-old son when he accidently bumps into him and his ex-girlfriend Y/N.
Author’s note: Please comment and keep encouraging me to write, cause if I haven’t received so many asks I probably wouldn’t even make this into series. Let me know if you’re excited for part 4 :)
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  “I still can’t believe it, Shawn!” Karen’s voice was muted from behind the door, as Y/N nervously stood in front of it, hesitant whether she should knock or just leave.
  “I just found out myself today.”
  Y/N was ready to turn around and walk away, already thinking of an excuse she would text Shawn, but Tommy was growing impatient with his mother. The boy loudly shouted something about wanting to play, and Y/N’s heart started to beat faster realizing that Shawn and his family probably heard them. She quickly reacted and knocked on the wooden door, while rocking Tommy and whispering to him to be a good boy for his mommy. The heavy bag filled with a few of his toys, her essentials and a bottle of wine she brought for Shawn, was pulling down her right shoulder.
  “Y/N! Hi!” Shawn’s breathy voice greeted her, as he widely opened the door with a smile, and leaned into Tommy held in her hands, “Hi again.”
  “Hey,” Tommy replied cheekily, hiding his face in Y/N’s hair forcing his parents to chuckle.
  “It takes him some time to get used to new people,” Y/N justified, and Shawn smiled understandingly and stood back letting them in.
  Tommy who was desperate to leave his mother’s grip just a few seconds ago was now trying to get to her as close as possible, clinging onto her legs, when she placed him on the ground.
  “Honey, it’s okay,” she patted his back, and Shawn laughed at the boy’s behavior, “I’m sorry,” Y/N sighed looking at Shawn.
  “It’s okay,” he laughed back and squatted next to his son, gripping his attention, “I was waiting for you, little buddy. I picked up a few toys for you, do you wanna see them?”
  “Shawn, I brought some of his toys-” Y/N tried to communicate, but Tommy’s change in behavior interrupted her.
  He let go of his mother’s legs and fully turned to Shawn, nodding his head, eyes curiously examining his face again.
  “Okay, well, let’s go into the dining room. The toys are there,” Shawn stood up and extended his hand, which Tommy quickly gripped on with a silly smile.
  “Wow, he is so quick to abandon his mom for new toys,” Y/N playfully threw, rolling her eyes.
  “I mean who can refuse new toys?” Shawn looked over his shoulder with a toothy grin, forcing her to chuckle.
  As Shawn walked into the dining room holding his son’s tiny hand in his, his heart was radiating warmth through all of his body. He couldn’t believe that he was a father, and this was his son, but Shawn decided for himself that he had to win him over and make up for the four years he missed and be there for this little curly boy. Y/N slowly walked behind them, and as they entered the room she saw Karen and Manny quickly standing up from the couch, Aaliyah looking up from her phone to give her a small wave. Y/N smiled nervously, and watched them from the doorway, as Shawn quickly tried to introduce Tom to his parents.
  “So before I show you the toys will you introduce yourself to your grandma and grandpa?” Shawn squatted next to Tom with a big smile.
  Tommy didn’t reply but instead looked back to his mother, and when she gave him an assuring smile, he nodded to Shawn, forcing everybody in the room to laugh. He liked the attention, and suddenly felt more comfortable, now letting go of Shawn’s hand and extending it to Manny who was standing in front of him, Karen next to him.
  “Oh my gosh, he’s adorable,” Karen exclaimed when Manny accurately shook the boy’s hand.
  “What’s your name?” Manny squatted in front of Tommy, letting go of his small hand.
  “Thomas,” he announced with a grin, now focusing on Karen who also lowered herself to his level.
  “How official,” she laughed, “well I’m Karen, your grandma, and this is your grandpa, Manuel.”
  Y/N held her breath watching them, still slightly terrified at their first interaction. Shawn was smiling full-heartedly, happy that Tom won his parents hearts in a matter of a few seconds. He was so small but already knew how to present himself with all of his manners, the small things Y/N had in herself as well.
  “Well, you wanna play with some of the toys?” Manny asked him, and as he received an enthusiastic nod, he quickly got up to get the shopping bag filled with Tom’s new toys.
  As Shawn joined them in getting the toys out and showing them off to Tom, Karen stood up with a smile, her eyes now landing on Y/N, who was struggling to keep the heavy bag on her shoulder.
  “Y/N! Hi, honey, I’m sorry I haven’t greeted you yet,” she exclaimed extending her arms to invite Y/N for a hug.
  Y/N could sense the way Karen and Manny would look at her. She could also feel how they tried to ask her things, but the conversation was completely focused on Tommy, and being very polite they didn’t want to make her uncomfortable. Tommy was sitting on her lap, Shawn right next to them. He didn’t hesitate to take the opportunity of getting closer to his son and offered to feed him, even though Y/N told him that Tommy was quite independent with his food.
  “So how’s life, Aaliyah?” she asked, taking a sip of her water.
  “Nothing much except for I’m now in college,” Aaliyah chuckled, “but that’s nothing compared to having a child.”
  Everybody laughed, as Tommy furrowed his eyebrows, refusing to eat the small piece of meatball Shawn was offering to him on a fork.
  “Oh come on, buddy. This is good for you,” Shawn begged for the third time now, but Tom only shook his head, receiving a round of laughter from all of the new people he just met today.
  “He’s loving the attention you guys are giving him,” Y/N chuckled, “let him be for a few minutes, and he’ll quit playing these games.”
  Shawn nodded, leaning back in his chair, eyes still lovingly glued to the little curly boy. Shawn couldn’t believe how much this little boy was reminding him of himself, and with the more attitude, Tommy showed the more Shawn was getting attached to him. Karen was absolutely in love with her grandson and tried to steal him for a few minutes, but Tommy got shy and ran off to his mother again. Manny was satisfied with the small game he had with his grandson before the dinner and was waiting patiently to get another round. They weren’t ready to become grandparents yet, didn’t even expect to; Shawn hasn’t been in serious relationships since his and Y/N’s breakup, and Aaliyah was too young. But now having a four-year-old running around their son’s apartment was unusual to them, even though they loved it. Loved hearing small giggles, witness changes in attitude, babbling and silly questions accompanied by sounds the toddler would make while playing with his new toys. They wanted to bath this boy in their love, and couldn’t help but compare him to Shawn every few minutes, tiring out Aaliyah.
  “Warn me next time you’re planning on buying him toys, because I’ve carried this heavy bag with me all the way from home and your son- Tommy didn’t even remember about his toys,” Y/N corrected herself quickly, giving a little attitude to Shawn.
  “Sorry,” he jokingly raised his hands in the air as a sign of giving up.
  “Look at them,” Karen whispered, pointing out to a couch, “it’s like having Shawn as a kid all over again!”
  As they quickly looked in the pointed direction the scene made everybody smile; Manny was laying on the couch, while Tommy rested on his chest, both of them loudly snoring. The cartoon that Shawn put on earlier was casually playing in the background, and all of the newly bought toys spread around the ground proved that the two had a great time playing instead of watching TV.
  “I know I always joke about dad’s age, but he is a literal grandpa right now,” Shawn commented, forcing Y/N to giggle.
  “He has the energy of a four-year-old,” Karen added with a grin, “he can take a nap wherever and whenever.”
  Aaliyah who was lost in her phone suddenly stood up from the armchair and quickly walked past them to the balcony which was connected with Shawn’s kitchen. All of their gazes followed her, and as Karen didn’t pay much attention to her daughter’s inattentiveness, Shawn had his eyebrows knitted.
  “What’s that on your face, Shawn?” Y/N noticed.
  “She’s always talking to that guy,” he crossed his arms on his chest, gaining a chuckle from his mother.
  “It’s her boyfriend, Shawn, and he has a name,” Karen turned to him.
  “Y/N, have you already thought about school Tommy will go to?” Karen switched the topic.
  “Ugh, yeah, actually,” Y/N mumbled, avoiding Shawn’s curious gaze, “there are a few places.”
  “But you have to have the first choice, don’t you?” Shawn talked in.
  “Well yeah,” she sighed, lowering her voice, “I’ve heard great things about the Coonley elementary.”
  “Never heard of that? Where is it?” Karen raised her eyebrows, and Y/N sighed again.
  “It’s in Chicago actually.”
  “Chicago?” Shawn repeated, frowning his eyebrows, “What’s wrong with the schools in Toronto?”
  “Nothing,” she almost exclaimed, wishing that this conversation would end, “it’s just one of the many choices. Nothing is decided yet.”
  Shawn opened his mouth to say something else, but the presence of his mother was making him uncomfortable to confront Y/N at the moment. He couldn’t ever imagine her moving from Canada and giving their son to a school that was in another country. He just got to know his son, and she was planning on taking him away again? Karen was having the same thoughts, but she didn’t know what to say. She felt like Shawn would get even more frustrated if she continued the topic, so she decided to leave it to themselves.
  “I think we have to wake them up; otherwise, Tommy won’t be sleeping this night,” Y/N interrupted their thoughts.
  “You’re right,” Karen agreed and walked into the dining room.
  Y/N stood with Shawn for a few more seconds, feeling the air between them intensifying again, and she didn’t like it. She quickly followed Karen, and joined her in the other room, avoiding the topic that upset Shawn so much. For the rest of the evening, Shawn didn’t hesitate on giving all of his attention to Tommy. Y/N found herself chatting with Aaliyah for another hour, often looking at the ground where Shawn and his parents were occupied with Tommy. The toddler wouldn’t stop giggling and playing out his little tricks forcing everyone to adore him even more, becoming more and more comfortable with this new side of the family he just discovered. And every time he would ask Shawn something, he would suddenly get excited and look at Y/N his eyes filled with surprise. And every time Y/N would smile at him, happy that Tommy and Shawn already started forming their unique connection. She couldn’t help herself but feel like a part of this big family, and how welcoming Manny and Karen and Aaliyah were to her all over again, and to Tommy. As if Shawn and she never break up and this was an expected stage of their life, and all of this seemed so natural, she forgot that she wasn’t in her apartment. And in fact, these people weren’t her family, and the only thing that was bringing them all together was the little curly boy sitting on the ground surrounded by a bunch of adults and new toys, enjoying the moment.
@justmesadgirl @wigglepotato @p3rf3ctlywrong @illletitgrow @whenyourereadyjay 
let me know if you want to be tagged in the next part :)
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