#but i am hella proud of it regardless omg
goodollouise · 8 months
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Oh to be as cool as Amy Rose...
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deidaratheartboi · 3 years
Akatsuki Show Part 5
Kevin: Welcome baaaaccccckkkkk everyone today we are doing things different. We have decided to partner with Tobi Tea to host and fund these events. Now some of you may have heard of it and some of you may have not. But, either way it's gonna be a blast. Now as I said last time we are switching things up as in switching partners.
Kisame: I think the fuck not
Deidara: Tobi that weasel!
Sasori: I hate him
Hidan: Damn Tobi really do us like that.
Kakuzu: He's getting the money isn't he? Besides he said he'll give half to me.
Hidan: Oh how lucky for you
Kevin: If you guys look on the board you will see you and your new partner names.
Sasori: How did boss allow this
Deidara: I don't know
The board
Hidan is now with Kisame.
Deidara is now with Kakuzu
Sasori is now with Konan.
Pain is now with Itachi.
Hidan: Damn
Sasori: Hey what about Zetsu?
Kevin: He's Tobi's Co Host
Pain: That son of a bitch
Kakuzu: Never trust plants
Kevin: Now go and have fun guys.
Tobi: Yeah guys
Deidara: Don't talk to us Tobi
Tobi: :c
At the hideout with Hidan and Kisame.
Hidan: I can't believe Tobi would do this to us!
Kisame: I mean he is succeeding shouldn't we be proud?
Hidan: No we shouldn't that ass hat practically sold us!
Kisame: Well the past is past. How about some tea and donuts?
Hidan: Your even more of a stick in the mud then Kakuzu
Kisame: Am not
Hidan: Then watch Gravity Falls with me
Kisame: Fine
After binge watching the whole ass show.
Kisame: If Bill didn't let his pride and his want for vengeance get in the way he might have won. When he had them he could have just as easily killed them and took whatever it was he wanted from the uncles.
Hidan: I guess your right but, damnit Bill. The bad guys always lose or turn good or some plot armor shit
Kisame: I think it was an amazing show.
Hidan: Really?
Kisame: Yes the characters were all interesting even the villains and minor ones, the buildup to the end is neat, and it kinda teaches you something about life.
Hidan: But, what gets o my damn nerves is Mabel. She says Dipper is selfish when all he has done is sacrifice for her. Like damn kid give him a break your worried about friends and he's worried about life as you know it.
Kisame: Yes she is a bit annoying. Who's your favorite chracter?
Hidan: Bill duh. He seems all nice and stuff but, before you know it it's too late. Notice what all is victims have in common? Desperation? All of them were so desperate to achieve something they would do anything to get it. He takes advantage of their weaknesses and exploits them. It's amazing he's so damn smart. And ya know what else is funny? Bill being a dream demon can only go into people's minds with the consent of people. He may be evil and shit but, without those people he wouldn't have gotten far. He brings out their flaws and weaknesses therefore they can't really blame him for it. I love him because he's such a complex character. (Not me making a whole speech on this nope)
Kisame: Wow your pretty smart to notice it too
Hidan: Heh thanks
Kisame: I get what your saying about Mabel but, she is a kid and kids are more likely to make more selfish choices then adults. But, when it come to character development she hasn't developed much like Dipper or Stanley. But, it's funny because when Bill brings it up about Dipper having to constantly having to sacrifice for Mabel that seems to be the main reason fans hate her. It's almost as if Bill is manipulating the audience watching as well.
Hidan: Woah that's some fourth wall breaking. Am I right author? Making us talk about Gravity Falls?
(I'm sorry back to the real story I just wanted to rant how good this show was)
Hidan: This wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be
Kisame: Yeah this was really fun
Hidan: Perhaps we can watch another one next later?
Kisame: Yeah
Leon walks in
Hidan yeets him out.
Kisame: Thank god
Kevin: They seem to be doing just fine. Let's check in on Deidara and Kakuzu.
Greg: Team Bill
Jorge: I don't care what anyone says Mabel hella annoying
Rianna: But, Kisame did say she was just a kid. I like the way Kisame thinks new favorite.
Sofia: Bill is amazing regardless
Jorge: But Dipper is big brain
Sofia: Not too big brain to be easily manipulated by a flying dorito. The whole damn family fell for it
Rianna: It's just human nature we are easy to manipulate.
Greg: He's a smart flying dorito
Deidara: ....
Kakuzu: ....
Deidara: So...
Kakuzu: What do we do? Sit here all day? And say so?
Deidara: I don't know what do you and Hidan usually do?
Kakuzu: Fight each other, argue, listen to drama.
Deidara: Your nothing like Sasori other then the argue part.
Kakuzu: I'm flattered
Deidara: You got any vide games?
Kakuzu: Yeah I have a gameboy
Deidara: Damn your a boomer
Kakuzu: -_- You wanna play or not
Several hours later
Deidara: Damn your good at this
Kakuzu: I play it when Hidan isn't bothering me it's been awhile so I'm a but rusty.
Deidara: I see
Leon struts in the room.
Leon: Hello darlings I am here to ask you some questions
Deidara: Dramatic much?
Leon: Hun you shouldn't talk
Deidara: What's that suppose to mean?
Leon ignores him.
Leon: So Kakuzu how do you like the new teammate switch?
Deidara: I exist too ya know
Leon: Oh I know I just wish you didn't
Deidara: Now your asking for it
Leon: What are you going to do? Blow me up like you did yourself?
Deidara starts to get up but, Kakuzu grabs him and pulls him back.
Kakuzu: Ignore him he's just trying trying rile you up
Deidara: Well it's working
Leon: Guess your nothing without your boy toy huh?
Deidara glares at him.
Kakuzu: Stop messing with him Leon and just ask the damn questions so you can go
Leon: Alright alright. Kakuzu what kind of relationship do you have with Hidan?
Kakuzu: We are only friends
Leon: Really because you seems to always be at each others necks
Kakuzu: Just take the answer
Leon: And I'm guessing you and Sasori are only friends too Deidara?
Deidara: Yes
Leon: Hmph of course why would I even ask he wouldn't be interested in someone like you
Deidara stiffens and looks away.
Kakuzu: Leon if you want to keep your arms attached I suggest not talking to him that way
Leon stiffens but, regains his posture.
Leon: Ok time for me to take my leave.
Leon walks away as fast as fuck.
Deidara: Thanks Kakuzu
Kakuzu: No problem kid
Deidara: Ok boomer
Kevin: Damn Leon is grinding and not in a god way
Tobi: How dare he talk to my senpai that way!
Zetsu: Next up we have Sasori and Konan
Tobi: Ew Sasori
Kevin: Damn Tobi
Tobi: Shut up Tom
Kevin: My name
Tobi: Tobi doesn't care
Jorge: I hate Leon
Rianna: For real
Greg: Damn even Rianna hates him.
Sofia: But, Kakuzu and Deidara are wholesome af
Greg: Mhm
Sasori: I hope Deidara is ok
Konan: Don't worry Kakuzu won't let hurt him or anyone else. He doesn't want to deal with you
Sasori: He better not
Konan: Stop worrying Sasori come and sit with me
Sasori sits down.
Konan: You know this a great opportunity to get to know you better.
Sasori: Yeah defiantly
Konan: So what kind of books do you like?
Sasori: Romance, Mystery, Psychological, and Thriller
Konan: Oh Sasori I never took you as the romance type. (Please don't look at this wrong she's only being nice. Like an older sister)
Sasori blushes a little.
Konan: So do you like tea?
Sasori: Who doesn't?
Konan giggles.
They talk for awhile.
Konan: So do you have a crush?
Sasori: No what is this a sleepover?
Konan: No just me being nosy
Sasori: What do you have one?
Konan: Yes
Sasori: Is it Kakuzu?
Konan: No he's too in love with money
Sasori: Deidara?
Konan: He's yours
Sasori rolls his eyes.
Sasori: Is it Itachi?
Konan: He's handsome but, he's too attached to Kisame.
Sasori: Me?
Konan: That's cute
Sasori: Ouch. Pain?
Konan nods and laughs.
Sasori: I knew it
Konan: Yeah
Sasori: So when are you gonna tell him?
Konan: When are you gonna tell Deidara?
Sasori: Touche
Leon: Hello lovebirds
They both jump.
Leon: So we talking about crushes? Wanna know my mine Konan?
Konan: Get out
Leon: Moody much
Sasori: Didn't you just interview Deidara and Kakuzu?
Leon: Yes and your bf is mad
Sasori: What did you do?
Leon: Nothing
Konan: L e a v e
Leon: Tough crowd
Tobi: Senpai won't see this right
Kevin: Nope
Tobi: Good because Sasori better back off Senpai is miiiinnnneee.
Kevin: Heh ok
Rianna: Sasori cute
Jorge: He's like 35
Sofia: Love is strange
Greg: Just like your taste in anime
Sofia: Stfu
Zetsu: Last but, not least we have Itachi and Pain.
Itachi and Pain have been sitting in silence for awhile until Leon came in.
Leon: Hello there boys care if I join you?
Pain: ...
Leon: Ok so what have you two been doing?
Itachi: Minding our own business
Leon: Feisty
Pain: What questions do you have for us?
Leon: So you two are single huh? Maybe we could I don't know go out?
Itachi: No
Pain: I'd rather go out with Hidan then you
Leon: Damn that was low
Pain: You were disrespectful to Konan
Leon: Not my fault she was being a cockblock
Itachi puts him in an genjutsu.
After dah genjutsu
Leon: Fuck you both Leon
Leon stomps off.
Pain: He was annoying
Itachi: Mhm
Itachi: Don't see how anyone could be mean to Konan
Pain: Yeah she's sweet I hope she's fine with Sasori
Itachi: Tch Sasori wouldn't hurt her
Pain: Yeah your right.
Goes back to silence.
Kevin: That was...interesting
Tobi: Leon can go suck a lemon
Zetsu: Amen
Jorge: Omg Konan is so wholesome
Sofia: Pain is ma boi
Rianna: I'm just glad Leon got what he deserved
Greg: Mhm
Kevin: And that's all folks
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chil2de · 2 years
hi bb:) sorry i took so long to respond i have a bunch of things to do today (·•᷄∩•᷅ )
HSJAHDJJA i’m actually a childe main !!!!!!!!!!!! i’m AR 52 and i love my boy sm. I also really really love xiao i want them both to destroy my body so bad The biggest number i’ve ever hit in genshin is 91k which was with childe but it was a vaporise so it’s not super impressive :,) I wanted thoma so bad and i mean i got him but i’m #polearmuserphobic and i’m not a fan of his gameplay :0 Seriously tho i fucking hate polearm users i’m so close to benching my raiden. I also use noelle a lot !!!!! i have a phys noelle but she’s not built properly so she’s not amazing,,,,,,
PLEASE OMG I LOVE THE SOUL EATER INTRO SO MUCH ITS SO COOL i am a #certifiedmakastan SHES SO COOL I LOVE HER SYTHE AJGDJSVEJVAGEJSVRIBEGSHE i used to have a big fat crush on kid but maturing is realising he actually isn’t hot like at all tbh
yesyeyysyeysyyes :) thank u sexy. Rn i’m in the middle of writing a paper abt control and how it effects our lives and psychology n stuff which is cool bcs i love that sort of stuffs yk
I LOVE PSYCHOLOGICAL HORROR SM OMG u should definitely play ddlc and yttd (ddlc is my favourite but yttd is still super good) it’s free u can download it on steam !!!!!!! big big warning tho if u don’t already know there’s a shit ton of scary stuff and suicide and self harm and stuff so proceed with caution
i have a 5 star animal crossing island tehe :] i also have marinas emiibo in my phone case it’s my lucky charm
-🦕 <3333
(istg if this doesn’t send through )
don’t worry about responding<3 gotta do what u gotta do first.
childe mains have my fuckin heart. honestly and truly. deadass the other day someone joined my co-op and just stood next to me so I could hear childe’s idle dialogue LMFAOO i want that man so badly it’s not even funny. xiao is certified daddy if i ever see someone maining him i make sure to tell em that they’re sexy.
“vaporise so it isn’t impressive” stfu stop downplaying urself wtf. that’s hella good even for an elemental reaction anyway?? u should be proud </3 smh a large sum of kisses is going to necessary for me to forgive u after saying that👺
LMFAOGJOAS i can’t. i genuinely cannot thoma’s gameplay sucks so much ass and for what reason... it pains me to the utmost degree when he says shit like “don’t get too close!” n “supporting fire!” but.... then he misses? 😐 baby, thoma i love u but i gotta let u know that ur not even on the field for more than 3 seconds.
thoma’s auto looks sexy but i don’t think anything can top zhongli kicking his polearm. and xiao.... man... what. i love him but how do people not get headaches wtf the camera panning every time he lunges w the polearm makes me wanna cry? i saw a clip of c6 xiao and what on god’s green earth. he’s just perpetually stuck in a washing machine why does the camera shake around like that
noelle <33333 im using her as a diy 5 min craft phys too until i get the characters i actually want for my main team. sorta? i just can’t be bothered to ascend her bc she uses the geo hypostasis and so does albedo😭 god knows i’m not ascending both of them
i rlly luv maka’s attitude and the way she dresses???? she’s so cool. her character design is lowkey so normal but it’s really pleasing. the cape is very girlboss on her. love when women are strong we don’t look at damsels in distress in this establishment (lmao genshin barbara who)
good luck on your paper, princess. sounds really fucking interesting i’m not gonna lie if you made it into a 40 min documentary i’d watch it. afraid i can’t give you any insights with my qualifications in fine art LMFAOO but i’m more than happy to support u regardless. u got this<3 pass ur exams n get that bag baby
actually starting to sense a pattern here. avoided genshin like the plague cause i thought it was a paid game and ur out here telling me they’re both free. genuinely dashing to my pc later when i have more time and fingers crossed i actually have a speck left of storage for me to download it😍 ily thanks for the warnings i have no issues w it but you singlehandedly made my day. very sweet of you even if it is common decency. tell me ur hot without telling me ur hot
marina!!!! tried hunting for her once and i ended up with... octavian... not even zucker. OCTAVIAN. and he was an autofill as well. i wanted to suffocate him his house infuriates me to look at it’s physically sickening. dude has a whole NASA spaceship crammed into such a tiny dwelling :/ that’s the same island where i got beardo as my first campsite villager and it was at that point where i decided to restart
do you have a theme that you decorate ur island w? or do you just throw shit down randomly because me too.
please charge ur phone. although it would be funny if it died the same time as when you plugged it in. i love when that happens
ganyu rerun is going to break all hell loose it’s the funniest shit i’ve seen this month LMFOAIFOA. everyone i know is either “pull for ganyu” or “why aren’t you pulling for ganyu?” but i’m tryna get xiao and his constellations so... i say this, full confidence, knowing earlier that i was dissing xiao’s play style. sacrificing it all for the sneaky link adepti baby
rip my wallet i’m terrible at saving primos i instantly spam the wish button the second i have 160 so i have to give u major kudos for being able to save. i love when ppl are financially responsible it’s very attractive actually. good luck for when she does roll around! ganyu wanters shall be ganyu havers. maybe you can get her cons too and if you don’t it’s bc genshin hates hot people
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anxiety-trademark · 3 years
The week in review:
Raw 11/16 NXT 11/18 NXT UK 11/19 Smackdown 11/20 Survivor Series 11/22
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Appreciate Lana providing logic to the creation of this match.
“Is this a Disney movie” lmao.
Honestly Shayna works better as a henchman than as a final boss.
Love Lana’s theme btw.
rip Mandy.
Ugly kick by Asuka. Not a compliment.
hahaha Lana tagged herself into the match while Shayna had Asuka in the clutch. hahahahah.
“You suck, get out” rofl.
Asuka you’re trash for not saving Lana. Truly.
“I’m actually really proud of you, you showed a lot of courage tonight.” Nia is funny. A bitch and a bully, sure, but funny.
There’s number 9. rip.
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First of all, Dana’s shaky interview was going really well, and I wish they had let her finish it cuz god knows she needs the practice.
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I’m not sorry, I shamelessly love Bray and Alexa together, goodbye.
“Your word is... jackass” lmaooo why is he even doing a spelling bee to prep for this match.
rip Rambling Rabbit for the 38th time.
What makes him being killed so damn demented is not only the way he exhibits agony and suffering as he dies, but the way they STAND BY LAUGHING UNCONTROLLABLY. This is the definition of sociopathy.
“Bullseye!” “More like... Rabbit’s heart!” *continues laughing hysterically* jfc.
Really love how Alexa puts her hand beneath her chin and then waves. That goes along with her characteristics developed since the fairy gimmick in nxt back in 2014/2015, to the cosplaying mean girl in 2016/2017/2018, to the babyface in 2019/2020. Also adds another layer with her gloves. Love that.
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Nikki’s wandering around looking for Alexa, when clearly she should be looking for the Firefly Funhouse. I suggest asking Seth or Randy.
“Friends never give up on each other,” they also don’t give each other ultimatums cuz that’s toxic af, but okay.
She keeps running her mouth about Fiend and I can already see Alexa demolishing her for it.
LOVE the cohesion in going from one segment to the other as Sarah runs around looking for an interview. Fitting since that’s obviously her job, but it went together smoothly. They really come off as tmz lol.
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I appreciate how Miz doesn’t want to fuck with Bray cuz he knows Bray will just torment his family lol. I also appreciate his reasoning because he’s a true opportunist. he doesn’t want to exhaust himself with this match cuz he might cash in later.
Love Alexa’s remixed theme, it’s jarring af. Walking red flag btw.
Oh nooo Nikki what are you doinggg.
I’m not a fan of how Nikki sold this interaction. Didn’t feel natural at all.
OH SHIT the sound of that slap, oof.
Oh my god I love how Bray came out and glared at Nikki. FANTASTIC. Absolute gold. Then he just smiles at Alexa as she takes his arm to escort him to the ring.
And the way the camera focuses back on Miz and Morrison... Miz’s face... I can’t, this is tremendous tbh. What a great story to run throughout this week’s Raw.
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lmfao the way Alexa stuck her head between the ropes to scare Morrison. Ugh this pairing is easily my favorite thing in wwe rn.
Interesting, so Bray protects her. A fair duo.
I will never not cringe at watching people pretend to break someone’s neck by twisting it to the side. If I was a wrestler, that’s a move I would NEVER allow to be done to me.
On the plus side, Alexa took out Morrison and he sold it really fucking well. On the negative, it seems that distracted Bray as he’s more concerned for her well being now.
Oh my god the way Alexa reappears from behind the barricade. Creepy as shit.
Love watching her “balance” on the barricade considering she was one hell of a gymnast in her day.
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Now don’t get me wrong, I’m all for watching Lacey progress in the ring, cuz I think her character work is just fantastic, but holy shit what a downgrade going from Mandy and Dana to Lacey and Peyton.
Why is she excited? Why is it exciting to fight Sasha? Maybe Asuka should’ve taken that match a bit more seriously, considering the outcome. But I’m jumping ahead of myself.
“No one is ready for Asuka,” except for Charlotte, Becky, Shayna, Alexa, Sasha...
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I do appreciate how Lacey isn’t scared of anyone while Peyton is wary of literally everyone. That’s good. Nia has a point though, y’all could’ve used Mandy. I guess it doesn’t matter though, considering the outcome. Jumping ahead of myself again.
“Worst idea since Quibi” lmao shots fired.
*Bonus* Peyton/Lacey online exclusive: they vibe real well off script. Peyton made points saying she can’t wait to teach Lacey how to be on a team. That’s valid cuz Lacey is NOT much of a team player. Points to Lacey though, she’s funny as hell.
Highlight: Alexa Bliss
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Awesome hearing War Pigs during that Shotzi promo. Is that the official theme song for War Games? If so, baller to wwe for shelling that cash out.
I’m guessing Shotzi was fixing her tank? Was that the premise? Regardless, the setting was different and interesting.
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I really like the fencing around nxt’s ringside. Fits with the grungy “indie” feel.
God I’m gonna have to watch Candice defeat Kayden and Kacy aren’t I?
Indi bought the Garganos a flat screen tv? :/ mk. What does she have to gain? Johnny was an AWFUL champion and Candice has never even held gold. What is she hoping to accomplish?
“Indi is gaining one of the best mentors in the nxt locker room” lmao WHAT.
omg Kacy and Kayden are so fucking entertaining, I feel like I say this every time I watch them. All tag teams need to TAKE. NOTES. Look at that cohesion and teamwork. Whew.
Hold on don’t try to retcon Tegan as leaving Candice’s side. I hate Tegan even more than I hate Candice, and she was a shite friend to Dakota by proxy of being a spineless dweeb, but do not try to paint Candice as the victim in her feud with Tegan.
I know nothing about the Dakota/Candice friendship but I’d go ahead and blame Dakota since she’s hella douchey lmao.
Imagine thinking Indi is an upgrade from Dakota. Commentary is super funny and distracting tonight lmao.
Was that not a flatliner? Sure looked like an intended flatliner.
So Kacy attempts to kill herself in the process of taking out Indi and none of the cameras caught it? :/ we still using interns looking for college credits in production? Is that what’s happening??
Vic is kind of an awful commentator in his actual calls. “Nice suplex, almost a brainbuster” better hope that was a brainbuster cuz if not, that was the saddest fucking suplex I’ve ever seen in my life.
So Kacy almost kills herself using offense against Indi and Indi was coherent first? Ugh anyway.
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Why do we have to listen to Ember speak every week? What a terrible idea.
So now she’s gonna be nxt’s savior by getting rid of Dakota and Raquel? Oh for fuck’s sake.
Why does she have fucking soda tabs on her gear still.
Why is she teaming with Toni. I THOUGHT THEY WERE HEELS. Seriously, am I the dumb one? Am I the one who needs their hand held? Has Ember not been acting like a heel since she returned? Am I the only one confused about Toni’s alignment??
“We’ve fallen victim to the numbers game” WHEN have you fallen victim to the numbers game, Toni? WHO WROTE THIS.
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I know nxt wants me to give a shit about Ember and Toni, but good luck making me care about anyone down there more than Dakota or Rhea.
I would really appreciate it if Dakota was moved up to the MR without actually showing any dissention from Raquel.
Dakota calls a lot of matches, I’ve noticed. Pro shit.
Toni’s German suplexes are amazing if she’s actually never hurt anyone, cuz MAN they look gnarly af.
Gorgeous tornado ddt by Ember. Nice speed, great handling by Raquel.
Don’t Dakota and Toni have quite the history? From UK?
Today in wrestling commentary: Vic cannot tell the difference between left and right.
Whoa I just noticed Dakota isn’t wearing her knee brace. That’s kind of monumental, right? Isn’t that a big deal? I feel like that’s a big deal.
Honestly I might like Toni more than Ember. She comes off as a lot more likable since her move to nxt.
Oh Christ I gotta see Candice again. 
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Hi why isn’t this main eventing? Do Rhea fucking Ripley and Io fucking Shirai not deserve it?? For real???
Hate it when refs hold the title up crooked. Noob.
Holy shit Io’s speed is TOP. TIER. Whew.
And then slips on the turnbuckle, sad. Could’ve been worse, could’ve been a Shotzi wipeout (and that’s what I’m gonna call it from now on)
What Io has in speed, Rhea has in strength, these are the facts.
Why did Vic cut Beth off by saying exactly what she was in the middle of saying? Vic’s losing a lot of points tonight tbh.
oof gnarly German suplex off the second rope by Io.
Oh my, Rhea’s ear is covered in blood. Must have punctured her ear with an earring. Rough. I say this as someone who has her fair share of piercings: it BOGGLES MY MIND why any of these women wrestle with their piercings in lmao. No ma’am.
Brutal match, whew.
Rhea wiped her own blood on her face.
There are some aprons spots with Rhea obviously waiting around that needed some work.
Rhea can sell, certainly, but her screaming is way too dramatic at times. Most notably at wm in the empty arena, but this match is a close second. Almost borders on annoying.
Niiice Rhea adding a nice vortex spin on the tail end of her cloverleaf submission. Points. Keep that.
Oh that Riptide attempt countered into an armbar by Io. BEAUTIFUL.
I liked that. Io goes for the 619 in the middle rope, Rhea ducks. Io goes for the 619 on the lower rope, Rhea dodges. Io strikes her a couple times, Rhea falls to the opposite side of the ring and Io proceeds to hit the 619. Good stuff.
Lol Io’s smiling at Rhea kicking out of the missile dropkick.
Nice flip off of Rhea’s clothesline but I’m not a fan of Io landing her moonsault on her feet. That’s not really her M.O.
Fucking spiked Rhea with a ddt by countering the Riptide again. That’s a solid champion, has her opponent completely scouted.
Beautiful sunset flip powerbomb through the ropes with Rhea landing through a table. Would’ve been cool if Rhea had let go right away, though.
In kf, I give points to Rhea for dragging herself from the rubble just to eat a clean pin. Great match.
Highlight: Io vs Rhea
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Wow robbing me of KLR’s entrance. Guess Piper is officially the heel.
Quit calling her a “new” Piper Niven. A slight aggression is hardly “new”
Y’all got tape out? Have we learned nothing from Bayley/Sasha hiac?
Ugh headbutt that takes everyone out. Tsk.
Ric who? Charlotte’s dad??
Who do I gotta pay to see KLR vs Becky Lynch in an extreme match?!
KLR rolls away after that fisherman buster on the outside. Smart points.
Alright listen I’m on KLR’s side but WHY IS JINNY OUT HERE
Lol smacked Piper with a ‘no entry’ sign. Haha.
And Piper broke a sign over KLR’s head, followed by puns from the commentators.
rip random guitar.
Match doesn’t have any creative spots really, but they sure know how to utilize random objects.
BRO YOU CAN’T TAKE A STEEL PIPE TO HER KNEE ON CONCRETE, THAT’S HELLA RUDE. KLR lit a fire under Piper’s ass and Piper’s trying to retire her as thanks. Super, super rude.
Fuck her up fam, I don’t even feel bad.
??? Did KLR even land through the table or did she just land straight onto the fucking concrete? Jesus Christ man. No, she didn’t, she slid into the second table and just ate the floor. Oh my god. IS SHE OKAY??
Highlight: That vicious ending gained KLR a lot of respect in my eyes
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Imagine being surprised that Adam chose the longest reigning SD women’s champion as his team captain. Granted she’s probably despised by everyone, but she’s got the pedigree, come on now.
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Look how good Bayley looks. Whew.
“You know what time it is? Bayley time.” she’s so annoying rofl.
Wow riveting stuff, I have zero comments about this 2 min match tbh.
Go stand in the ring with your damn captain, Bianca.
Lmao Bayley allergic to hugs now. Character progression.
It’s quite the team I’m ngl. I just wish we could’ve wrapped up this Sasha/Bayley shit like... months ago so we could enjoy captain Bayley for a bit longer. Gonna burn through this in one damn episode. It’s a bummer.
*Bonus* Nattie’s online exclusive: “I sailed through some rough waters [...] I’m smart, I’m sexy, I’m funny, I’m rich” She is funny, I will give her that.
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We’re getting Asuka/Sasha face to face? For real? Okay.
Cute, Sasha’s smile toward Asuka actually looked genuine. I miss when Sasha seemed genuine. It’s like Bayley killed that part of her.
“Michael are you forgetting what time it is?” BAYLEY TI-- “It is boss time, baby!” welp my mistake.
I’ve played Asuka’s dialogue to Sasha 3x and I still have no idea what she was saying because of her ridiculous fucking dancing and animation. I’m tired. Bayley come take her title.
Omg now she’s doing “you can’t see me” SHE ACCOMPLISHES NOTHING I absolutely despise her being champion.
Actually she is ready for Asuka, and I’m gonna take great joy in watching her win this Sunday. Sasha is hella unlikeable until the moment that bell rings, then she’s a god. Is what it is.
Booo Sasha was actually doing good on the mic, how dare you ruin that, Carmella.
Asuka is awful. Even Becky and Ronda fought off common enemies once upon a time. Asuka helps legit N O B O D Y. Awful champion.
Highlight: Captain Bayley
Survivor Series:
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Love Sasha’s gear.
Asuka kicked out at one, quick everyone cry about her selling. Oh wait she’s not Charlotte, my bad.
Beautiful attempt at an armbar by Sasha, whew.
Sasha is so good at this whole wrestling thing lol.
Nice pop up from that backstabber.
Right and in contrast, Asuka is an amazing striker.
Oh a codebreaker to Sasha as she dangles from the second rope. Gorgeous move.
Ahhhh the blue haired god got the job done. I knew she’d win but it’s so gratifying to see.
Not much to say about the match. The spots weren’t brutal or super creative/innovative, but it had GREAT back and forth and really showcased their chemistry in technical wrestling. Also might very well have been the best match they’ve had yet, seemed pretty short though. Still, an enjoyable watch. Good for Sasha.
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Lol the disdain in Nia’s face as she looks at Lana.
Look, Bayley’s arm band says ‘captain’ so she’s the captain.
Love seeing how creative people get with their gear at Survivor Series, as opposed to just throwing a damn brand shirt on. Looking at you, 2016.
One thing I’ve learned about Bayley is if she calls you sister, she genuinely likes you behind the scenes. So glad to see Lacey is in her good graces.
Omg Lacey learned how to do a kip up, everybody clap.
Love how the light shines off of Nattie’s gear. Got rainbows popping.
Squatting while stalling a suplex, and synchronized kip ups. Bianca and Nattie are fun.
“Bayley and the great Becky Lynch,” Oh shit, peep that RESPECT we’re putting on her name now? She gets ‘the great’?? wwe finally seeing her on the same level as ‘the great’ Charlotte Flair??? I am shook. Good for her, fucking deserved (also poor Bayley rofl)
Lana tags herself in again lmao. Nia 5 seconds from killing her. Look, Lana tries. Let her try.
I can’t breathe. she been put in timeout.
(referring to a move by Peyton) “I give that a perfect 10“ PPPFFFFTTTT
What a bump by Bayley; a suplex off the top rope onto the entire roster on the outside, and what a great locker room leader to be checking on everyone IMMEDIATELY as if she didn’t just fucking take a massive bump. Also poor Lana standing over there watching the fun lol.
Now I already knew Peyton pinned Bayley cuz of the outrage by Bayley fans who deemed her “buried” afterward, but I think it was a poor decision to have Peyton get that pin. Peyton sucks, not sorry. Have Lacey get that pin before Peyton. Actually, have Lana get that pin before Peyton.
Not sure what Nattie was going for with that submission to Peyton, but she improvised real quick. So points.
Doesn’t Nattie usually wear wrist guards? Awkward seeing her without them.
Goes for a sharpshooter on a woman who’s not even active rn. I’m removing her points lmao.
I legit never get to see Bianca’s 450 splash and you know what? Fuck y’all.
Well Bianca’s a great partner to do a Spanish Fly with so, good on Lacey.
That’s an interesting elimination. Ruby would’ve pinned Shayna as she had rolled back and reversed the Clutch, but the ref was distracted by Nia. By the time he started counting, Ruby had passed out. Interesting.
Crucifix Bomb by Liv eliminates Lacey, fucking dope.
Having Bianca as the last survivor on her team is great for Bianca. This is a compliment from management.
BEAUTIFUL catch by Shayna into the Clutch. Wow that was nice.
Ah we redoing the spot from their Takeover match, IE my introduction to Bianca. Solid.
Oh this is good. Bianca passed out from the Clutch while on the ropes so Shayna was disqualified. Nia drug Bianca out of the ring to put her through the announce table and they started brawling until they were both counted out. 
Again, I knew Lana was the sole survivor but seeing it happen is fucking hilarious. Nice protection for Bianca though, and seeing Nia this pissed off is so cathartic.
Highlight: Bianca was the real standout imo
*Survivor Series shined the brightest as we had both a great technical match, and a fun, entertaining multiwoman match filled with shenanigans. If that’s a cop out, then I’ll give it to NXT this week. 
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    i cannot believe i hit such a huge milestone recently. I’m blessed with such amazing people and writers on my dash. #shookaf yeah i’m going to make that a hashtag. i cannot express how happy i am that more than five hundred of you have stuck with me with a blog that i’ve only had since january. and though this may be something small, just know that i appreciate every one of you. thank you for giving me and my portrayal of veronica a chance. even if we may not write together, just remember you are hella amazing. i hope you guys have an amazing day/evening wherever you are.  
            stuntin’ gang
 @vanityriot / @spellmage :  OMG where do i even start with you? this has been such a wild ride. so wild that we got to know each other so quickly in a span of six months. and it’s weird because i feel like i’ve known you my whole entire life. i’d totally believe we knew each other in a past life ( :thinking face: ).  i can’t believe you’re seven hours away from me and you’re the first person i’ve met on tumblr in RL, an experience that’s unforgettable. you know how b & v were forever forged, well rita and krislyn are forever forged. i guess we just knew from one meme that this was going to be it, that we were going to write reggie and veronica the way we’ve been doing. our writing and just in general, your presence, the vibes we’ve given off each other just cement how much you’re in important person you are in my life. i’m so happy and blessed to call you my bestie. i can’t believe we have so many similarities in interests and in our personal lives. i admire you so much, you’ve always motivated me to workout, to just be a better person in general. and i’m forever blessed by that. here’s to many more hangouts, drinking parties, sobbing about reggie and veronica, korean drama binge watching, and being there for each other. you know i’ll always be here no matter what. that’ll never change. just like somehow my day isn’t actually a day until i’m talking to you. #rideordie can you believe we were sleeping on each other until the river.dale fandom? 
@valiidations : okay i couldn’t tag your other blog, but i hope you can see this. leela, leela LOML.the river.dale fandom wouldn’t be complete without you. i remember we connected over a rant about kevin. and i think i knew from there you were just going to be someone special in my life. i’m so honored we were able to explore kevin and veronica, the way we have, and how in a way our friendship mirrors their own. i mean that in the way that we’re very close friends. we’ve been through a lot of things and despite that i’ve always loved despite the hectic schedule going on with our lives, you’ll always make time to talk to me. even if it’s just a little hello. you don’t know how much that means to me, how much happiness i get whenever i see you pop up. you never have to apologize for taking breaks, i’ll always be here. same with everyone else <3
@welldriven / @leftown:  lee, lee <3 wow, i can’t believe that this was another person i was sleeping on. i still remember being hella nervous to talk to you on jughead because your writing and your mannersisms were just so on point. and i’m like what am i doing ? i’m just this awkward mess. but we’re both cheese balls at the end of the day, we’re going to unite with that. your portrayal of all your muses and the love you put into them are just hella flawless. you know i’m always going to listen to whatever is bugging you. and we can definitely relate with a few things. next time, when we’re all united together we will be definitely going to that bar and yes we’ll have rum together. lol. i made you a promise about that and i’m not going to forget that. i’m just glad with how close we are and i can’t thank you enough for being there for me. also our snap rants stay iconic af.
@steeledveins :  sam ! my OG meme dealer, my cooking expert, and lover of all things HOT DOG BOI!!!! i will never forget that we bonded over gordon ramsey and we watched kitche nightmares while i was in the process of moving. good times and also many more rabbi.t adventures. it’s facts that we watch movies together. you never fail to make me laugh all the time, you’re so ridiculous, and i appreciate that we have the same type of humor. i’m blessed to have met you tbh. and i’m always in love with seeing you thrive on roman, aka the only roman for me. we’re pretty much the same in how we put a lot of effort into our muses. like we’re extra af when it comes to research and you get my struggles when we gotta make it on point as possible. i’m always happy to hear your thoughts on roman and i’m always happy to each about anything else you’ve been willing to share with me. thank you so much for being an amazing friend to me. 
@kefsana / @sonderlai  : miza, you’re here because ?? honestly i don’t think my dash would be the same without you. i’ve always admired the way you write. how you describe how your muses feel with such precise words like it stays making me cry. i love all the effort you put into your muses, whether it be from something philosophical sayings or just the random back and forth in our conversations that are insightful. we don’t have to be in the same fandom, i just love to admire you and everything you do. also, no matter what i’m always going to be here for you. i hope you know that. so, just thank you for being a blessing in my life <3. still pretty convinced you’re real life sana ? xoxo @ithurielbled : i have to include you, you know you are my love even if we haven’t written anything on veronica. i love you and clary to pieces. you’re such a sunshine and truly your words always bring me to tears. you’re so good to me, like you’re always spreading positivity through our convos and i know you do the same with others. you’re always making me smile and i’m convinced you’re an angel. also the way you detail how clary views someone or even the metaphors you use are so well thought out. your writing is very beautiful to me. also i always die with your rants about SH, they crack me up so much because of your passion for clary, the books, and your ship gives me joy. it’s a highlight i look forward to after watching an episode. i love you <3
@dangeress / @heartlikegold : dani! i think what makes me cry about you is that fact that i somehow inspire you to be a better writer/ you admire my writing?? idk, i’m always shook that someone would think that way about me. like that convo that we had about that really touched me. so thank you for that ? but also thank you for being hella supportive of my ideas and just in general. regardless of whatever happens, you’ve always remained resilient through it all. and i just admire that quality about you so much. thank you for being friend and blessing me with your portrayals. good shit if i say so myself !!!
@ithurielblade : MY GUUURL!!! i think you’re such a blessing in the SH fandom and i’ve always admired your honesty with anything. i’m always going to be proud to be your friend, and even if we are not always in the same fandoms i know that we’ll always find each other. are you sure you aren’t tracking me? jk jk. though we deffo need one soon, i love our ps4 calls and just our bonding of animes or video games. i think ffxv will forever hold such a special place in my heart because it brought us closer. i’m not sure i can imagine ffxv without because of that 3 hour call lol and supporting me through that post game quest. lord oh lord. and also, thank you for being such an understanding and lovely friend. you are of course my shade to my himalyan salt. one half of the most amazing thing and best inside joke we’ve come up with. we’re forever going down in history like that. #matchingdiscordusernames 
             people i love and admire ( whether or not we’ve written anything doesn’t matter):
     @steeledwill @joneshead @chaosblossomed @eatsboys @glossedlip @bravewitch @nightswarriors @crimsonuproar @atomicked @cinephiliac / @halfwithered @piinkperfection @scrveuse @daayaan @beedork @jerkisms @awesomegaydar 
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daniedoodles · 5 years
Danie’s Dilemmas Ep. 26: Books Closed
Today of all days, I’ll Always Remember You by Hannah Montana could not be taken more seriously. It’s the last day of senior year. In spite of how much I anticipated to cry on this day, I actually didn’t, possibly because I’ve thought about it so often for the last two months (or maybe it’s because my last diploma isn’t until this Thursday so really, everyone’s last day is slightly different). I have so much to say, but none all at once. This has been said time and time again, but I feel like for most of high school, we had the tendency to take it for granted; we all wanted to drop out or give up at some point because it just felt like there was nothing about our experiences that implied that eventually, it would get better. All those times complaining about homework or cramming for exams... except now that it’s over, we can’t help but focus on the good parts about it that have also come to an end, most of which were moments spent with friends doing dumb shit lmao. 2019 so far has proven to be one of the most bizarre years thus far. I’ve spent time with people that I never thought I would get the chance to, endured the most UNserious exam season, and now, the most UNserious last day of school. Since I was not remotely prepared to face the last day in terms of taking the opportunity to formally thank all of the people that made high school as fun as it has been, I thought I’d kill two birds with one stone and mention them on this episode :) And yes, I will be mentioning names. We’re NOT in high school anymore so there’s no need to play guessing games. 
Vicky: I never know how to start these things without making it sound cringey or sappy, but bitch we have been THROUGH it. Regardless of how we’ve managed to not get into a single class together throughout the entire three years we’ve spent in high school, we somehow managed to stay hella close which you should know by now, I am incredibly grateful for. I haven’t exactly been as active with the group, but that’s only because I know we have all of summer ahead of us to make up for it. Just know that I’m always going to be here to be the voice of reason, but also your partner in crime. We’ve laughed too loud and cried too hard over the dumbest shit, taken bomb ass photos and eaten too much food. I’m so excited for what other dumb shit we can do together. When you’re out on your own adventures, pls text me so I know you’re not dead. I love you, my favourite rat. OwO
Alex: Whew, sis. We came together on the oddest terms, talking about failed love interests and all that bs, but aren’t you glad that it happened? Otherwise, we wouldn’t have had that deep talk at the ridge, wouldn’t have realized how similar we were in terms of how bad we are with gaining closure lmao. I’ve never felt more comfortable to cry as hard as I have about the death of a fictional character as I have been with you, and that speaks volumes because I hate crying in front of other people. Last summer was by far one of the best summers I have ever experienced and I’m grateful to have spent a majority of it with you. Thanks for saving my ass when I snuck out of the house that one time and for staying up and feeding me after I got back from being out until 3am. Now that school’s out, let’s get on that mf tanning grinddddddd. ily bitch. I swear, I feel like I have I lot more to say for you but right now I’m coming up blank. But I feel like you already know what else there is that I have to say... if not, I’m saving it for your birthday (hurry up and be 18 already goddamn). 
Laureen: Laureen you already know we’re on the same wavelength lmao. Even though I feel like I see you the least of all in the group, it’s comforting to know that it doesn’t lessen the integrity (sorry to give u ptsd from the diploma) of our friendship. Being born on days that are so close together really be hitting us different. I swear, there have been so many times where we’re just thinking about the exact same thing, which is both cool and creepy. LIKE OUR GOD TALKS OMF. Seeing that we’re both the moms of the group, we gotta stick together to take care of our crackhead children. But fr, I trust you with everything. My future children, my own life, my phone, my butler ;) How are you not my emergency contact, honestly? We need to have a car talk and see what comes out of that. There is so much more I have to fill you in on. (also don’t forget about clubbing next Thursday eeooow). 
Joscelynn: Let me tell you, Joscelynn, how big of a blessing it is to have you live so close to me. Out of everything that you’ve done for me, I think the one I’m most grateful for is for the time that you “broke” into my house to check if I unplugged my straightener LMAOO... or that time when you just hugged me while I was breaking down in the washroom at the end of the day where I had a test for all four periods. As much as I don’t know who most of your tea is about, it’s nice to know that you’re comfortable to confide in me and the whole group about all kinds of things, even when we don’t ask for the kind of detail you provide HAHAHAHA. Also, thanks for always coming in clutch with all the board games. Much love, Pennywise. <3
Diane: I know we sort of hit a wall with our friendship at one point, but I’m really happy that we were still able to recover from it and rekindle our friendship. I understand that the circumstance is all different now, and we aren’t as attached to one another as we once were back in junior high, but I think there’s some good in that because we were able to grow at our own pace. Although we have to admit that we did grow a little bit apart as well in the process, I like that we are both still able to reminisce fondly on the moments we’ve shared in the past. You’re one of the brightest minds I know :). I feel like I never told you enough but I always appreciated how easily you could bring a smile to people’s faces. Yeah, keep doing it. If you ever need to vent, I’m only a 4-minute scooter ride away. 
Anna: Holy shit sis, idek where to begin. You’re by far the biggest reason why I was able to haul my ass through to the end of high school. If you didn’t look out for my water intake, or the little errors in my calculations... I don’t even want to imagine it. You’ve done so much for me and have had to endure all of my shit that I can’t encapsulate it all into a single letter. I can’t thank you enough for all the memes that have made me piss myself on countless occasions, no matter how old they were nor how often I would look back on it, for recommending me to the program that will finally release me from the constraints of the status of being a “broke ass bitch”, for staying up with me discussing all kinds of things from the environment and ethics, to fortunes, astrology, love, and TEA. We’ve both seen each other at our most vulnerable and beaten down state (which is literally every English class), and we’ve celebrated each other’s triumphs, but most importantly, laughed at our failures (English, again omg). I can’t help but get emotional whenever I think of how you’re gonna be leaving soon for UBC, but it’s not like that’s going to affect how often we keep in touch anyways lol. We can’t just have the kettle always overflow, you know? Fr tho, I’m big fucking sad about you leaving, but I’m also so proud of how far you’ve come. I really don’t know how tf I’m supposed to be able to cope with suddenly not seeing you everyday. Ugh, ew I’m crying now but as I was saying, thank you for everything. I can’t wait to get those dream recorders out on the market after we’ve gathered all the knowledge on neuro/psych and business so we don’t have to wake up in the middle of the night and write out the dreams in our notes anymore. I’ll miss you a fuck ton ON GOD. 
Cheyenne: Cheyenne!! I’m so glad I met you and Anna when I did :)) we made the best chemistry lab group, we basically made titration our mf bitch. There was always so much comfort in knowing that we were all on the same page about not getting assignments done on time for English lmao. You just hear that sigh of absolute relief. I’m happy to have become close enough with you for you to be able to trust me with all the stuff you’ve spilt, and for reading your cards when you need them read. I can’t wait for all of us to actually do shit together this summer, I don’t even understand how we let the summers prior pass us like that. In all seriousness though, Cheyenne, you’re so kind and genuine, I’m glad we’ve gotten a lot closer this year. After summer, I guess I’ll be seeing you around campus!! 
Yuan: Bitch, hay nako. Where to start? I don’t think I’ve ever been quiet OR in a bad mood after hanging out with you. I’m glad that I was able to count on you to distract me from getting any work done in class and for getting photos of mee sleeping. Grabe, nakakabwiset HAHAHAHA. Actually though, I don’t think we’ve been close-close up until recently but I’m still so happy that we are now kasi ang saya mong kasama. Not a lot of people can convince me to speak Tagalog so already that says something. Basta, I’ll keep this short cause it’s not like we’re not seeing each other over the summer. We’ve got a lot of time to make more memories. Pwede nang uminom (thank God). Thanks for all the laughs, and for keeping up with the bullshit I write on this page lol. 
Joaquin: Hey, “best friend” wassup?? We haven’t been close for long either. In fact, we’ve barely just hit the 2-week mark of our friendship. But I will say that that was the most last minute transition from acquaintance - close friend. Even though we’ve been in at least one class together during each of the three years, we weren’t necessarily on active talking terms... until now. Thus far, every moment I’ve spent with you and Yuan, or just you, have all been for the books. I don’t think I’ve laughed as much as I had on that one day that we went to Southcentre. Already I can say that you’re one of the greatest people I know: generous, kindhearted, hilarious, and with a great taste in music. I’m excited for whatever it is that ends up happening in the summer, spontaneous or planned, I can’t wait. :D Ps. Thanks for getting me out of the house lol.
Jay: James, bruh. We haven’t been in touch lately, but I feel like you already know what’s coming to you, considering a majority of my indirects to you are basically just going to get reiterated right at this moment. Always know that I genuinely appreciate all of the deep talks we’ve had in the past and that you’re one of the few people I trust to openly express my thoughts to. I hope everything with tennis continues to go well, and that we get to catch up soon ‘cause lowkey it has been TOO long since we’ve last talked-talked.  
Maxine: Max, by the time you’re back on social media, you’re probably never gonna see this because it’s going to be buried so deep into my feed and I know that you’re too lazy to scroll that far down, but I’m gonna write it anyway. We’ve been friends for awhile now, and only now, in our second semester of senior year, did we manage to get into the same class ever since junior high, and it’s safe to say that there has never been a dull moment with you... to the point where I’m pretty sure we made the teacher hate us. I don’t know why you were so set on saying goodbye today when we literally live in the same community and have each other’s numbers, but aight lol. Max, you really be the OG out here. Every time we talk we can’t help but reminisce on how much we sucked ass at opening our own lockers in grade 7 and to this day it still cracks me tf up. Thank you for dealing w my bs after all this time, and for letting me stay at your place before and after school in junior high. ily  
Jerry and Cam: Y’all we go WAYYY back. Even though you guys didn’t attend school at bob, I still wanted to make a point of thanking the both of you for reconnecting. Plus, this is one of the few opportunities I have to acknowledge the support of my audience (LMFAO) so I thought “why not?”. We’ve only hung out once since February (or March? idek), but that’s definitely gotta change now that we’ve got a lot more free time. Y’all know where to find me when you need advice/opinions/someone to talk to when you’re bored/a tour guide to the boring south lmao (or maybe not that.. I lack street smarts). 
That’s it. I’m also probably going to email my teachers because I did not have the time nor the energy to do anything before the last day of school so that’s how they’re going to get it. Is this what it means to be eco-friendly?? Writing emails instead of actual handwritten cards??? I mean.. okay I guess. 
In conclusion, ending the senior year is bittersweet. If there’s anything I’ve learned from going through it all, it’s that you should get all your shit over with in your grade 10 and 11 years, so you’ll be cruisin by senior year. Also, don’t deprive yourself of hanging out with friends. That shit sucks ass and you’ll regret it a lot. 
ps. just because high school is ending, does NOT mean that this is the end of Danie’s Dilemmas. You really think the tea’s gonna stop there??
For now. 
Keep up. 
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singzhularity · 7 years
Once you get this you have to say five things you like about yourself, publicly. Then, you have to send this to ten of your favorite followers. (only if you want, but positivity is great so there's no harm in it
i really like my hair it’s actually a style and colour that i’ve longed for for a while and finally realized “wait….. i can do that now and nobody can say shit”
i’m proud of my progress as a lineart-maker (lineartist??) and authour + the fact that i’m keeping up with it lately
i like the fact that i’ve been able to ignore everyone who has told me “your major is useless” and stuck with it regardless (chinese & korean language)
i really like my cupid’s bow (aka how pointy-looking my upper lip is) it makes wearing lipsticks look hella good and idk i’ve always liked that part of my physical appearance
i like the confidence i’ve gotten tbh in many aspects of my personality (wearing more clothing i wouldn’t before, talking to people i wouldn’t have before, doing things i wouldn’t have before, etc)
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