#but i couldn’t tell. it actually was kind of a funny exchange
gent · 10 months
trying to convince my psychiatrist to not institutionalize me
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chukys-mouthguard · 3 months
8. “What are you wearing right now?” w/ Trevor Zegras
I love your work!!!
Prompt: “What are you wearing right now?”
Note: i actually got so excited to write this because i recently have watched a few videos with Trevor and his personality cracks me up, so i tried channeling it as best i could since im still not super familiar with him 😅🤞🏼thank you so much for the kind words, hopefully you love this as well!
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“I am desperate for this road trip to end, ohhh my gosh.”
Trevor playfully groaned as you heard him unlocking the door to his hotel room, laughing as you rolled over in bed to plug your phone in after placing the call on speaker.
“So you can get home to see me right?”
You joked as you bit your lip, Trevor agreeing as he set his wallet on the table before plopping down on the bed. “Well of course! That’s actually the only thing getting me through this road trip. I keep dreaming about your world famous pancakes, oh baby I can’t wait to get some of those when I get home.”
“Trev, you’re the only person who has ever eaten my pancakes, not sure they are world famous.”
He laughed as he protested, “Not true, I travel the world and tell people, so they are most definitely world famous.” “If you wanna count Canada and the United States as the world, then it sounds good to me babe.”
The two of you sighed, almost in unison, as you both lay in bed staring at the ceiling. This road trip had been one of the longest Trevor had been on in awhile, and you were definitely missing him. In more ways than one.
The bed felt colder, bigger, without him sleeping next to you. The dinner table was more lonely. Watching your favorite shared trashy reality tv definitely wasn’t the same. Though you two would check in after episodes to debrief and be sure you both stayed up to date on things.
As you laid in bed thinking of Trevor, one of his tshirts covering your body, engulfing you in the smell of his cologne. You were tempted to see how much fun you could have with him.
“Hey Trev?”
He hummed a response as he laid in bed with his eyes closed, enjoying the sound of your voice as he intently listened.
“What are you wearing right now?”
His eyes shot open at your words, not expecting that to come out of your mouth in a million years. “Uhhhhhh, ummm.”
You slightly smirked at how flustered he’d become, though you weren’t entirely surprised. This wasn’t something you’d ever tried with him before.
“See, there’s a really funny story about what I’ve got on. But, I just, I don’t know if I can confess to it right now.”
Rolling onto your side you stared at your phone confused, wondering what the hell your boyfriend had on. “Yeah no you’re definitely gonna have to explain because what?”
The two of you were laughing as Trevor was growing red with embarrassment. “Okay, fine. So..John thought it would be a great idea for us to do one of those t-shirt exchange things for our team dinner tonight. And, god mine is awful! I don’t even know if I can tell you babe.”
The idea of John Gibson coordinating a t-shirt exchange for the team dinner had you practically in tears. It was nothing surprising from this group of guys, but you could only imagine some of the shirts they’d bought for each other.
Trevor continued on, telling you some of the shirts the other guys were stuck wearing, but the ping of a new text distracted you as you opened up a message from the culprit John Gibson himself.
The text was simply a photo of Trevor smiling, with two thumbs up in his t-shirt that read “Appreciate the little things” with an arrow pointing down at his crotch.
“Oh my god, well, John beat you to it and told me himself.”
Trevor couldn’t hold in his laughter as he heard you cackling into your pillow.
“It’s so bad! Like I had one of the worst shirts tonight, imagine how embarrassing that was to wear out!”
He groaned as you were finally reeling in your amusement.
“Maybe they are just jealous, or they didn’t want people to know what you’ve really got going on down there, so it was like a fake out.”
“Who freaking knows, but I think I need to burn this shirt. And the pictures, gotta burn the pictures.”
“Well, it looks like Caufield got his hands on it, so I’m not sure your efforts will be worth anything.”
Trevor cursed to himself at the thought of his best friend having the photo. Knowing instantly that it would be sent out in every group chat and plastered everywhere for anyone to see.
“Well, it was nice knowing you. Because if Caufield has that photo I am officially retiring and entering the witness protection program.”
“Trevor, don't be so dramatic! I’m sure it’s all gonna be fine.”
Another groan escaped his lips as you assumed he’d gotten a text or someone had posted a picture of him, not bothering to ask as to not make him feel any worse than he already did. Just letting him continue being a little dramatic, promising him world famous pancakes when he got home to try and lift his spirits.
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greyscale-enthusiast · 11 months
chapter 17 thoughts
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You’ve forgotten about our promise.
Shut up.
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I’m not your toy, Reo!
Nagi is a genius, in every sense of the word. We have been told this so many times. Of course he’s going to know the rich ‘i get what i want’ kid has taken an interest in him as a ‘tool’ for getting whatever recognition he’s looking for. But it’s also the first time he was told he was fun to hang out with, that he’s been made the center of someone else’s world if only for a couple hours a day (we have not been told his background yet).
Nagi knew he was a ‘tool’ for Reo, and he was okay with it. In a way, Reo was also a ‘tool’ for him, with the way the promise to feel alive was dangled by Reo over his head. He thought a friendship could be maintained like that, probably. And Reo had only had friendships like that, so they were both in for an unpleasant surprise once they started wanting more: wanting to be more vulnerable, more authentic. They wanted real connection. And boy they really are teenagers cause the way they seek it is so gut wrenching i had to stop reading for a bit :(
Reo is showing Nagi through his actions he has forgotten the promise to -become the best- together. Reo, before, was kind of okay with the idea of telling Nagi they’d see each other in the future. It was a show of good sportsmanship, he’d get across how he was strong enough to not fear what the future departs. Yet he couldn’t say the words because it wasn’t about only football anymore. It was about attachment.
Now, Reo doesn’t want Nagi’s kind words. He doesn’t want Nagi to look down on him here, because he gave it his best and it still wasn’t enough. Twice. Here, the possibility of Nagi leaving him became a reality to him. So he did what his ego needed him to do to survive and changed tactics. He made Nagi mad enough to ‘properly abandon’ him (still controlling Nagi which Nagi probably knew at some level), maybe to have a reason to leave soccer or to actually force himself to find another way to fight for himself, like he explicitly wanted to do in the MSC vs BM.
(Then Isagi had to come back and, not content with being the catalyst to their separation, had to go and make Reo overthink even more his ego survival tactics and further humiliate him in front of his person. Isagi ur so funny.)
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What i really like with Nagi fighting back against the idea of being Reo’s toy is how they both had this perspective of their relationship. Because BOTH WERE DOING THE SAME THING. Both Wet Cat Reo and MSC Nagi were trying to make the other behave ‘out of character’, thus controlling them like toys. But that’s a really cold way of seeing normal friendship interactions. In a healthy friendship you change your friends and they change you, allowing each other to confidently explore different aspects of their personalities in a safe space. And Future Nagi, who had probably the least ‘materialistic and exchange-focused’ interactions through his life in the basis of having the least interactions out of the two, will see this, and think ‘i never wanted that but i can see why you’d think that’. Not like that but he’d feel the realization in his body, if that even makes sense.
TLDR Reo wanted to be the best and got stuck on the ‘together’ part and Nagi made Reo promise to stay together while getting distracted by the ‘best in the world’ part.
Also TLDR2 Nagi saw Eternal Sunshine and manifested it perfectly in his life. Really the epitome of born to shojo forced to shonen, these two.
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starryevermore · 9 months
foolish one ✧ leo campo
angst city™ library | send in a request (consult request faqs first)
request: Hiiii, I just read your Leo fic and I absolutely loved it.  Is there any way you can write another one? - anon
pairing: leo campo x fem!reader
summary: you know how to keep me waiting. i know how to act like i’m fine. don’t know what to call this situation, but i know i can’t call you mine. and it’s delicate, but i will do my best to seem bulletproof. ‘cause when my head is on your shoulder, it starts thinking you’ll come around. and maybe, someday, when we’re older, this is something we’ll laugh about over coffee every morning while you’re watching the news. but then the voices say, “you are not the exception. you will never learn your lesson.”
word count: 2,076
warnings?: implied smut, friends with benefits, angst, no happy ending, not proofread
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It ran like clockwork. Every Friday night, you would go to Luigi’s an hour before closing time. Leo would bring you a vodka martini that you would drink as he flits between flirting with you, serving final drinks, and running through the closing activities. As the last of the patrons left, Leo would offer you a charming smile, ask if you’d like to take the party upstairs, and you would (trying to not seem so eager) accept. He would lead you to his apartment and…Let’s just say, make a mess in his sheets In the morning, Leo would offer you a coffee—a croissant if he was feeling particularly nice. By the time you finished drinking, you would be ready to leave. and it would all repeat again the next week.
You liked the routine. You liked the simplicity of the arrangement. 
You liked that, for once, Leo would actually pay attention to you. 
For as long as you could remember, you had had a crush on Leo Campo. It wasn’t an uncommon position to be in. He was funny, witty, and handsome as could be. Nearly every woman in Little Italy—single and taken alike—wanted him. But it was an equally uncommon position for Leo to not notice you. In your younger years, his attention was completely devoted to his best friend, Nikki Angiolo. Then, when their friendship eventually deteriorated because of the sudden feud between their families, you still couldn’t catch his eye. You were a dorky sort of kid. No one really spared you a second glance. 
It wasn’t until you left for college, had a glow up, and returned to Little Italy to take over the family business that anyone really noticed you. (In some ways, if you were being honest with yourself, that kind of hurt—the younger version of you deserved to be noticed, too.) But the most surprising thing of all was when Leo noticed you. 
“Don’t think I’ve seen you around here before,” Leo said, two shot glasses in hand, when you came to Luigi’s one Friday night. He slid a shot of tequila in front of you, keeping one shot glass to himself. 
You were caught between being snarky (“You’d’ve seen me if you paid attention to women who don’t look like a model straight off the runway”) and finally, finally, getting to be the giggly girl who finally caught the hottest boy in town’s attention in your fantasies. You tried to find the middle ground by saying, “Been gone a few years.”
“You’re from here? Nah, I think I’d remember you if that was the case. Can never forget a beautiful woman like yourself.”
Humming, you picked up the shot glass, tilting it in Leo’s direction. “Maybe you should get your memory checked.” You leaned in a little.
“Would you mind helping me refresh my memory?” Leo asked, picking up his own shot glass. 
“Do you talk like this to every woman who comes up to the bar?” Truthfully, you didn’t want to know the answer. You kind of already did. A man as handsome as him? With as well-known playboy tendencies that your friends loved to tell you about whenever you’d call? Yeah, you technically knew. But you that this line was the ultimate flirtatious exchange. It would make his feelings toward you more clear, let you know if it was okay to make a move. 
“Only the gorgeous ones,” Leo said, flashing you a grin. 
It felt weird to be this bold. It felt so out of character, so out of left field that if anyone was witness to this, they’d think you had gone off the deep end. But… Well, you already got this far. You couldn’t back down now—not that you really wanted to. So, you asked, “When does your shift end?”
Leo glanced at the clock on the wall behind you. “‘Bout an hour. I gotta close, but my place is right upstairs.”
“Maybe I’ll stick around then.”
Leo’s tongue darted out, licking his lips. He shamelessly looked you up and down, pausing for a bit longer than maybe necessary to stare at your cleavage. (Thank God you had decided to wear a shirt that provided a tasteful peak at your breasts and a push-up bra that accentuated them all the more, you had thought.) When he looked back up at you, his face was subtly tinted pink. “You should.”
And you did. 
It was a night you would never forget, finally getting to live out your fantasies. And, oh, what an amazing night it was. For all of Leo’s womanizer tendencies, you expected him to be more focused on his own pleasures. To not care about making you feel good. But you were so, so wrong. Because that man was fucking dedicated. 
You never expected it to last, though. You thought it would be just a one time thing. Something you would tell your friends about and giggle over the idea that maybe he would show interest in you one more time. But come morning, Leo was handing you a mug of coffee and saying, “We should do this again sometime.”
You were caught between being shocked and giggling like a schoolgirl. You distracted yourself by taking a drink of the coffee, trying to figure out how to response. Finally, you said, “Just name the time and place.”
And so, the routine began. And you never looked back. 
At least, you didn’t for a while. This was always supposed to be a casual thing. Nothing serious. The classic friends-with-benefits, no-strings-attached scenario. You both were free to see other people as you pleased. Either one of you could call it off if you so pleased. And you were content with that. Leo Campo, after all, was not the sort of man to commit. You always knew that. You always knew you would never hold a piece of his heart. You never expected anyone to. 
But then you saw her. Saw the way he looked at her. Saw how he dedicated all of his time to her ever since she came home. And you knew then that Leo Campo could love. It’s just that he could never love you. 
And yet, he still came back to you. Still invited you into his bed. Pretended that neither of you could see the way he burned for Nikki Angiolo. And you knew it shouldn’t have, but it gave you just enough of an inkling of hope to think that maybe he did care about you in some capacity. 
Though the question ate at you, you never intended to voice your concerns. You knew nothing good would come out of it. And even if you would eventually lose Leo to Nikki…Well, you so selfishly wanted to keep him around for as long as possible. 
But nothing ever really went to plan for you. Perhaps it was because it was a Monday, not a Friday. Perhaps it was because he came to your apartment. Perhaps it was because you weren’t expecting him at all. But it brought the question to the very forefront of your mind, and it wouldn’t let you rest until you got an answer—no matter if it was the one you didn’t want to hear. 
“What are we?” you asked one night as the two of you basked in the afterglow before you could stop yourself or even think about what you were saying. 
Leo shut his eyes, suppressing a groan. You knew he hated when you brought this up, even if it was seldom that you did. It’s just…The boundaries of whatever this was, was never defined. You just wanted to know your place in his life. If you were more than just a good lay. If you meant something to him like he did to you. 
“Not this again,” he grumbled. You weren’t quite sure you were supposed to hear that. It almost sounded he was talking to himself. You certainly had never had this conversation with him before, had always respected the boundaries he so carefully constructed. How often, though, had he had this conversation with the other women he slept with? Did he consider you to be one of them—never satisfied with the arrangement, trying to trap him in a relationship he never wanted? Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Leo run his hands over his face. A little louder, he asked, “Why does it matter?”
You turned over on your side and looked at Leo. When you tried to reach out, caress his face, urge him to look back at you, he only pushed your hand away. You asked, trying to swallow your hurt, “I mean…we’re friends, right?”
He didn’t say anything immediately. Didn’t try to convince you he felt something, anything more than lust, for you. You were really to take that silence as an answer, turn away from him, pretend that you hadn’t said anything at all. Of course it couldn’t be that simple. “Never really thought about it.”
And, oh, that hurt. Reaffirmed everything you ever thought about how Leo felt about you. In just five words, Leo told you that you never meant as much to him as he did to you. And even if that was something you always knew, deep down, it still hurt for it to be confirmed. To know that it would the truth instead of some lie you just told yourself to keep you from getting your hopes too high. 
Leo finally looked over at you, his brows pinched together. “Huh?”
“Leave,” you said, thinking that he didn’t understand you were telling him to get out. Sometimes he was like that. Sometimes you had to tell him something very directly for him to understand. 
Leo pushed himself up, propping himself up on his elbows. “You’re kicking me out?”
Why wasn’t he understanding? Why didn’t he get that, if you meant nothing to him, he didn’t get to stay? What was so hard about understanding that? You rolled over on your side, turned your back to him. You couldn’t look at him while you did this, or else you might change your mind. 
He reached over, touched your shoulder. You jerked away, pushing yourself closer to the edge of the bed to get away from him. “Don’t be like this.”
“I have work in the morning. Gotta get up early.”
“Earlier you said you have tomorrow off.”
Damn him. Damn him for remembering what you said but still not caring about you. “Errands then. I just got an early morning, and I’d like to sleep.”
Leo reached for you again. This time, you didn’t move away, let him touch you one last time. “Don’t push me away. Please.”
“Why should it matter? You don’t even think of me as a friend.” You pulled the covers around you tighter, burrowing yourself in a little cocoon. Didn’t even care that, in doing so, you were taking the covers from Leo. He didn’t deserve your covers. “And that’s pretty fucking clear. I never ask anything of you, but when I ask you to leave, you can’t even give me that.”
“Why are you doing this? What’s wrong?” Leo moved closer to you, sure that you wouldn’t try to pull away again. He pressed his body against yours, buried his face in the crook of your neck. His lips ghosted over the spot where your neck met your shoulder. “C’mon. This isn’t like you.”
“How would you know? We’re not friends.”
Leo kissed your shoulder softly. In any other circumstance, you might have melted. But, now, it felt like he was burning you. “I care about you—”
You fought the urge to scoff. How was this caring? “I don’t want to do this anymore.”
“Me neither. I never want to fight with you. Just, please, tell me what’s upsetting you so I can make it better—”
God, how was he so obtuse? How couldn’t he understand what you were saying? 
“No. I don’t want to do…whatever this is anymore. I want to end this…arrangement between us.”
Leo pulled away. Finally. “Are you serious?”
You could only nod.
“…did I do something?”
You squeezed your eyes shut, trying to will the tears pricking at your eyes to not fall. Not now. Not while he was still hear. “You did nothing at all.”
And maybe that was the worst part of all. 
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sugarcryztal · 28 days
Match up exchange with @unitheuniverse
info i’m going off of:
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From CRK, I match you with. . .
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Capsaicin Cookie !
- basically I took this from the fact you like spicy food (half joking)
- you guys are basically goofy guy who pulled a baddie because that’s what i’m taking from you I don’t make the rules !!
⟡ When he was pining for you it was so painfully obvious when he was trying not too.
⟡ Whenever you approached him he would physically jump and start stuttering over his words no matter how hard he tried. Prune Juice would always be near by and quietly giggle at Capsaicin because he was fumbling so bad. ☠️
⟡ The type of person to just cling to his crush without even realizing it.
⟡ When he confessed, he was so nervous. Like he’s usually a very loud and confident person, but he had to try and not mumble during his confession.
⟡ When he confessed he has to do it face to face because all the words he wanted to say just did not fit on paper.
⟡ Thankfully, you didn’t reject him! And he didn’t have to dig a hole to die in out of embarrassment! Hooray!
⟡ Tbh, I feel like as a boyfriend he’s like a big golden retriever
⟡ Doesn’t get what going on in your games, but will support you either way! “Woohoo!!! That’s my boyfriend right there!!”
⟡ Tries not to chew with his mouth open after he figured out you don’t like it, but sometimes it’s a force of habit.
“So I was like-“
“Capsaicin, Honey. Please close your mouth when you chew.”
“Oops! Sorry!”
⟡ It’s kind of funny because opposites attract.
⟡ He tried to listen to rock music once, but he couldn’t take it and started playing pop LMAO
⟡ “It ain’t that deep” IT’S SO DEEP. How dare anyone say that?! Who disrespected you! Tell him now!!
⟡ Nah I’m just joking, but he’s seriously lowkey protective of you..?
⟡ A lot of the time, when he’s trying to get into table top games, he always asks you for help and understanding.
⟡ Yapper x Yapper, Yapper x Listener, he can do it all!
⟡ The extrovert to your introvert. He has a bunch of friends that you will get acquainted with over the course of time because he doesn’t expect you to immediately click with any of them!
⟡ He also understand when you’ll need time for yourself though, but please assure him that you still love him because he will think at least a LITTLE bit otherwise.
⟡ LOVVESSSS to yap to you about different spicy foods! Like LOOVVEEE! It’s one of his favorite pass times!
⟡ His other favorite pastime is hearing you talk about your interests!
⟡ Finds taxidermy the most interesting, I feel like at first his immediate reaction was “Wow so you-!” No that’s not how that works!
⟡ His pet names for you:
- Babe
- Honey
- Love of my life
⟡ Ever since you guys got together he can’t call you by your name anymore, he has to call you by a pet name. It’s a habit now. But he will listen if you’re uncomfortable with it!
⟡ He tries to get into all of your interests, but some things make him really squeamish.
⟡ What I mean by that is when you guys watch horror movies instead of you jumping into your arms he’s jumping into YOURS.
⟡ You also won’t have to worry about minimalism with him! Not at all. Because I feel like deep down he’s a maximalist. I know it in my heart.
⟡ He won’t force you to, but he likes watching romances occasionally. Like the ones where they actually build the characters and give them character development.
⟡ He hates Hallmark shows though. Don’t make him watch those. He calls them an insult to any genre.
⟡ If it’s anything else though he will happily watch it with you though! As long as you’re there he will be there!
⟡ He can only cook spicy food btw so goodluck…
You and your boyfriend, who you lovingly call Caps, were currently sat down in the living room. Getting ready for your guy’s anniversary movie marathon.
Except now he would NOT stop screaming!
As another spooky figure popped up on the screen, he let out a squeal and hugged your side tightly. You rolled your eyes and pat his head, “Caps, it’s just a movie. None of it’s real.”
He blinks at you for a moment before laughing, “Haha! I guess you’re right!” And then everything is chill again and you guys start watching the movie again.
He won’t ever tell you, but he acts like that on purpose. Just to hold onto you for a little more.
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siriuslysatorusimping · 5 months
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Teasing and Techniques (Another Level - Installment 2, Part 1)
“Gojo Satoru,” she called, watching his lips quirk upward into a smirk. “What’s a Tokyo boy such as yourself doing all the way out in Kyoto?” “Kurisaki Rinko,” he replied easily, hands in his pockets as he walked towards her slowly until he stood directly in front of her. “You never did tell me how your cursed technique works. How about it?" - “You’re a Zenin.” More like an unwanted mistake. Which, funny enough, had actually been the first words she ever heard her father say to her.
AN: I decided to combine the first two parts of the original, so this is Part 1 and 2 from the AO3 version :)
<- Prev - Make a God Bleed | Another Level Masterlist | Kiko's Masterlist | Next - Teasing and Techniques: Part 2 ->
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Teasing and Techniques - Part 1 (and 2) 2010
“Gojo Satoru,” Rinko called, watching his lips quirk upward into a smirk. “What’s a Tokyo boy such as yourself doing all the way out in Kyoto?”
It had been almost four years since they’d first met at the exchange event when they were in school. Their paths hadn’t had reason to cross since.
She never imagined she’d come across him in an abandoned warehouse in the middle of Kyoto, exorcizing the curse she’d been tracking. It was a Grade 3 at most, so it surprised her that he was wasting his Special Grade time on something so weak.
A different kind of confidence oozed from him, a result of his obvious growth.
She’d heard about his achievements through the grapevine, never surprised that he was excelling. After all, she’d experienced his power before he reached his full potential and barely survived.
Part of her shuddered at the thought of another fight like that now, with him at his full strength. Another part craved it more than anything else.
He’d exchanged his sunglasses for white bandages to cover his eyes, but even still, she knew he could see clear as day. The makeshift blindfold covered most of his forehead too, pushing his hair up so it stood in uneven spikes.
“Kurisaki Rinko,” he replied easily. His hands were in his pockets as he walked towards her slowly until he stood directly in front of her. He was somehow taller than he had been in school, towering over her even more than their first meeting. “Guess I shouldn’t be surprised to run into you.” He tilted his head to the side, obviously staring at her even if she couldn’t see for herself. “What am I doing here? Dealing with your messes, of course.”
His reply caused her to roll her eyes, watching the small smirk grow into a grin.
“You never did tell me how your cursed technique works,” he said, leaning down so his face was level with hers. “How about it?”
She could tell his eyes were narrowing behind the bandages as he stared down at her, unable to sense her energy. It was how she’d snuck up on him to begin with.
“Don’t tell me you’ve been obsessing over me and my technique for the past four years?”
She kept her voice teasing, but she knew he’d made inquiries about her abilities since they’d met and even more after they’d graduated. He was a man who didn’t like not being in the loop, and she was sure it drove him crazy not getting answers.
Unlucky for him, her records were sealed tight.
“Of course not. But your energy output,” he continued, “reminds me of someone else I’ve met.”
Releasing the tight hold on her cursed energy, she poured it into her duplicates and prepared for the fight she knew was coming. The fight she was asking for.
“Ah,” she replied, letting her smirk grow. “I heard you had a bit of a run-in with Toji-kun.”
Just as she’d thought, the name made his energy spike, bloodlust filling her senses and she barely had enough time to swap with her closest duplicate before he annihilated her.
“A friend of yours?” he called, not turning to look at where she’d moved to. “Fushiguro Toji was a friend of yours?”
She knew better than to tempt fate, to taunt Gojo Satoru. But just like the first time, it was too much fun to resist. Still, she knew that if she wasn’t careful, he would kill her with ease. Last time she made him angry enough, she’d barely survived. With his power levels now? She didn’t stand a chance. And this time she didn’t have the luxury of teachers and witnesses stopping him if she actually pushed him too far.
If only he wasn’t so much fun to tease.
The strongest in the world was predictable when it came to how to rile him up.
“I only met Toji a few times,” she admitted, holding her hands up. “Heard he gave you a bit of a problem-”
He was barely containing his rage, but she knew that he could tell she wasn’t a real threat. That knowledge didn’t stop him from rushing towards her, his entire body buzzing with his cursed energy.
He’s faster than I remember, she thought to herself.
But of course he would be. His fight with Toji had supposedly unlocked something in him that had laid dormant until then. Allowed him to harness techniques he’d been unable to tap into before.
Her adrenaline spiked just like it had during their first fight years ago. She forced the excitement down and focused on ensuring she had a duplicate ready to swap with.
Staying on the defense was going to be harder this time, seeing as she knew his senses were stronger. He’d see through pretty much anything she threw at him now. Getting any cheap hits was extremely unlikely. With that thought at the forefront of her mind, she struggled to keep up with replacing her duplicates as he destroyed them. He was using just a smidge of cursed energy with each hit, meaning it was harder for her to create another.
Avoiding his hits was proving to be nearly impossible. He grew faster with each miss, a sadistic smile on his face the entire time.
“How did you know Fushiguro?” he asked casually as she physically dodged one of his punches. Her heart stuttered in her chest when she realized how close he’d been to hitting. A millisecond slower and her brains were painting the walls behind her. “And I am still so curious about this technique of yours-”
It was a display of his strength, how easily he could carry a conversation while she focused every ounce of energy on avoiding his inhuman barrage. And he was doing it on purpose. He knew exactly what he was doing.
Playing with her, just like she had with him.
Pouring energy into another set of duplicates, she instantly swapped with the furthest, watching as he exerted more cursed energy than before to demolish it.
He had learned how to tell the difference immediately, she realized. In fact, she paused, assessing the situation. Eyes narrowing slightly, she noticed that he was pulling his punches when he knew the her in front of him was real. The second she swapped away, he destroyed it.
It was true that he had surpassed his former self and even more true that she was in over her head in a fight against him. She’d always known she was no match. But now it was painfully obvious as he toyed with her.
Whispering to herself, she allowed her energy to flow freely, knowing it was a stupid risk. But picking a fight with Gojo Satoru had also been a stupid risk.
“Cursed Technique,” she murmured, taking control of her duplicates and allowing them to multiply. “Shadow Step.”
The echoes of her movement surrounded them now, and Gojo paused his assault to let out a loud laugh. Turning around slowly, he saw the dozens of copies, all mimicking her movements as she wanted. Releasing her grip, she allowed them to act independently, repeating past actions as she focused on masking her own energy to blend in.
But the level of concentration needed to keep the echoes going at the same time as her duplicates was quickly draining her energy.
A low whistle escaped Gojo’s mouth, his grin still in place as he reached up to pull his bandage blindfold down. Revealing his icy bright irises, he observed her technique with the full weight of his Six Eyes.
With those, he’d find her in seconds, she knew he would.
“You’re full of surprises, Kurisaki,” he called, searching the shadows for her. “Which one is real, hm?”
Without another word, he set to work destroying her echoes, letting out a laugh with each one that disappeared. Struggling to keep up with how quickly he got rid of them, she felt her energy waning as he enhanced his fists with cursed energy.
“Gotcha,” he suddenly said, turning and staring directly at her. He anticipated her dodge, fist shooting out faster than she could react and throwing her backward. Her technique fell, and she released a heavy grunt when her back met the hard concrete wall. It knocked the breath from her chest, and she struggled to push herself back to her feet.
Breathing was harder for more reasons than the shock of the impact. She’d felt some distinct cracks when his fist came in contact with her chest; and another crack when she slammed into the wall. 
Letting out a somewhat unhinged laugh, Gojo appeared in front of her again and grabbed her the front of her shirt.
“How many more techniques you got in that pretty head of yours?”
His breath was fanning across her face as he leaned down, his bright eyes staring straight through her. Destroying her echoes hadn’t been an attempt to find her, it was meant to weaken her.
“Guess you’ll have to wait and see,” she breathed, still trying to force the air back into her lungs. Her ribs creaked in response to her shaky inhale, a groan of pain almost escaping. “Or, you can buy me dinner as repayment for cracking a few ribs.”
Another smirk pulled the corners of his mouth, and he chuckled quietly. Releasing his grip on her shirt, he braced his hands against the wall behind her so she was caged in. He leaned even closer, his lips inches away from hers as his eyes stared into her soul.
“You asking me on a date, Kurisaki?”
It was her turn to laugh, watching his eyes flit down to her lips as the air wheezed out of her.
“Wouldn’t you love that, Gojo?” she teased, tilting her head to the side. “No, I’m offering to tell you about my technique. But you have to buy me sobayaki dan okonomiyaki first. I know a great place not too far from here.”
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He had put his blindfold back in place as they walked to the izakaya, shoving his hands back in his pockets nonchalantly.
Now, he stared at her through it as their food was placed in front of them. His expression had been neutral when she returned the owner’s cheerful greeting. But when she snapped her chopsticks apart and sighed happily, his indifference began to crack. The amused smile broke free as he watched her barely resist the urge to inhale the steaming food.
She let out a quiet, delighted groan when the taste of the fluffy pancake and sauces exploded on her tongue.
“Ugh,” she moaned, ignoring how his amusement shifted into a smirk at the noise. “Nothing better than some delicious food after a long day and a few cracked ribs.”
He hummed quietly in agreement, digging into his own food while he continued to stare at her expectantly.
“How did you know Fushiguro?” he asked, his voice serious. Pulling part of the bandage down, he stared at her with one eye. “How would you know the Sorcerer Killer?”
“Cousins tend to know each other,” she stated vaguely, shoving a giant bite into her mouth.
Partially true. She hadn’t actually met most of her cousins.
But as she spoke, his eyebrows met his hairline.
“You’re a Zenin.”
More like an unwanted mistake. Which, funny enough, had actually been the first words she ever heard her father say to her.
Swallowing, she tutted, motioning with her chopsticks.
“Ah ah,” she began, forcing herself to pause to take a sip of her tea. “Fushiguro willingly gave up the name. Took his wife’s instead because of how much he hated the family.”
“But you didn’t.” Gojo’s voice was even as he set his chopsticks down, still staring at her intently. Clearly, seeing as she wasn’t married. But she’d let that slide. “Then what’s your story? You related to the Fushiguro family? They’re not related to the Zenin clan outside of-”
“Not Fushiguro,” she snorted. “I’ve never met any of them, at least outside of Toji.”
“Kurisaki isn’t a known family. And it isn’t associated with Zenin either-”
“Nope,” she stated, watching his face twitch when she cut him off. He was getting irritated, she could tell. “Kurisaki is a family with zero cursed energy, zero Jujutsu Sorcerers before me. Zero knowledge of curses-”
“Then how the fuck-”
“Someone is impatient,” she teased, feeling a thrill when he scowled. “Kurisaki is my mother’s name. My father, however-” she trailed off, feeling a small spike of fear at her almost slip up. She was already telling him too much.
At her pause, Gojo only quirked an eyebrow.
“Wanted nothing to do with me,” she continued flatly. “A bastard from a non-sorcerer family. My mother raised me away from the Zenin clan.”
“Then how’d you end up at Kyoto Tech?”
“Gakuganji,” she replied, pausing to slurp up some noodles. “Zenin may not acknowledge or want anything to do with me, but they couldn’t just let me run around untrained. Too much risk. So, when I hit the right age, they sent him to collect me. According to him, I was technically enrolled the day I was born under the stipulation that I displayed any signs of cursed energy when I got older.”
“Doesn’t explain how you ever met Fushiguro,” he said, leaning back. “He was a legitimate kid. Just didn’t have cursed energy. And if you were raised away from the main clan-”
“You’re so curious about Toji,” she said, her mouth still full of noodles. “S’pose he made an impression, huh?”
His mouth pressed into a thin line, and she quickly swallowed her bite as she realized that one was probably too far.
Toji had killed him, after all.
“Toji came and found me,” she admitted, placing her chopsticks down beside her plate. Gojo looked like he wanted to say something, but she held her finger up to silence him as she turned and called out, “Oi, could I get a beer?”
Upon confirmation, she turned back to see Gojo still leaning back as he crossed his arms over his chest.
“Toji found me before Gakuganji came to get me,” she said, accepting her beer and taking a huge gulp. “I was twelve, I think? Maybe thirteen. I knew of the Zenins. Knew my father was one. But I didn’t know anything else.”
Except that one phone call, where her father had addressed her as the ‘unwanted mistake.’
“I was just starting to understand what I could do, or at least understand that I had the potential to do something. And had just found out I was lucky I’d been allowed to be born. He’d heard about me through whispers. Wanted to see what the fuss was about.” Pursing her lips to the side, she remembered what he’d asked her. “And he wanted me to keep him informed of clan happenings. He thought I’d be more involved with them once I started school.”
“At the time, I considered it,” she admitted, shrugging. “I’d never met anyone else from the clan in person, I hated them already, and his ask wasn’t that difficult.”
She’d been bitter and angry. Hated that her only conversation with her father had started with him asking if she was the mistake.
“So you helped him-?”
“No,” she snapped defensively before deflating slightly. “Not really. I agreed that I’d let him know if and when the clan reached out to me. That was why I ended up meeting him more than once. But- after Yoshinobu took me to school, it didn’t take me long to tell him Toji had contacted me. Made me realize how stupid I’d been.” Pausing again, she took a deep breath, feeling her ribs protest. “Probably saved my life, though, agreeing the way I did.”
Gojo released a quiet grunt at that, a small frown on his face.
“He’d have killed you as a kid?” he asked, tilting his head to the side slightly. “Cold.”
“Pretty sure you already knew that,” she retorted. “Found out first hand, yeah? This was before he only cared about a paycheck, too. I have little doubt he’d have killed me that day to keep me from talking. Luckily, he never learned about my technique. But now, I obviously don’t have to worry about that-”
“So you’re telling me you owe me for getting rid of him,” Gojo said, an almost predatory grin forming. “Kurisaki Rinko in my debt?”
“Hardly,” she scoffed, staring at his blindfold now. “Toji’s only concern by the time you killed him was a paycheck. It’s why he killed you in the first place, remember? The only reason Toji ever would have targeted me was if it would have made him money.”
Though, she thought darkly, the Zenins would have paid him well.
“Last I heard from him was almost a year before you met him-”
“Oh?” Gojo leaned forward as he pulled his blindfold down slightly, revealing his left eye to her. “And why was that?”
“He’d heard I’d been to the estate for the first time,” she replied, her side aching. The scar under her ribs was a fun reminder of the only time she’d visited. “He wanted to know about the kid that was like him, the other one born without cursed energy.”
“Ogi’s kid.”
Everyone knew how much the Zenins despised that Ogi’s kids were ‘weak.’
“Thought that my visit was my introduction to clan activities,” she continued. “It wasn’t. I haven’t been back since. Too bad for him, he didn’t get his insider. He was honestly surprised I wasn’t welcome at the estate. Said he figured I would be with how strong I seemed. Think he was bullshitting me to get me to do what he wanted, though. He said he thought my father would want me around, which I know was bullshit-”
“Your father-?”
“I’ll leave that one as a mystery,” she said evasively, her gut dropping at the thought of him knowing. She knew better than to talk about him. “Anyway, yeah, as you pointed out earlier though, Toji had no cursed energy, and I can mask mine. Noticed how easily he could sneak up on people, thought it might come in handy.”
“Neat trick,” Gojo mused, tilting his head to the side. His blindfold was back in place. “So,” he was grinning again. “A Zenin bastard, eh? What a concept. They’re pretty traditional-”
“One reason I’m not welcome,” she agreed, watching him smirk. “One of the many reasons I’m not welcome.”
Taking another, longer pull of her beer, she felt the cool alcohol soothe her throat and her anxiety.
She hated the Zenins. But she also knew that she could get in huge trouble for telling Gojo as much as she had. While she wasn’t privy to details, she knew tensions were high between the two clans, and she’d technically just handed the Head of the Gojo clan a trump card.
Her stomach dropped as the weight of what she’d told him hit her, and she fought the panic that began to rise in her chest. At the very least, she hadn’t revealed her father’s name. But she assumed it couldn’t be that hard for him to figure out.
Rinko hated that old man, but she feared him more.
She feared that entire clan more, really.
That first and only visit to the estate had ended with a brawl that resulted in her being rushed away, barely breathing as the threat whispered in her ear echoed in her head.
And now, she’d just willingly told Gojo more than she’d ever told anyone about her family. Especially her relation to Toji. But for some reason, as she watched him, part of her believed she could at least trust him to not broadcast the information.
At least she hoped he wouldn’t.
The Gojo and Zenin clans didn’t get along, and tensions were high, but she hoped he didn’t care enough to use the information.
Plus, she’d promised she’d explain how she knew Toji after teasing him. Admittedly, it had probably been too much, poking fun at the fact that he’d quite literally died.
Not even a week after Rinko had met Gojo Satoru for the first time, he and Geto Suguru were escorting the Plasma Star Vessel. It wasn’t well known exactly what happened that night, but she knew enough to know that Toji had killed the girl and Gojo had killed Toji. And Gojo Satoru had died and risen again, calling himself the one and only blessed.
Hime knew more than she did because she’d been assigned to Tokyo at the time. And Shoko was there. But neither told her anything. And she hadn’t asked. It had been a sensitive subject, to say the least. Amanai Riko had only been thirteen, after all.
The one thing Rinko did know about that was that Gojo had been a terror in the few days leading up to them receiving the assignment for the escort. Hime had called her, saying that Gojo was grilling her about who Rinko was. She realized later that he had no idea she knew Shoko beyond her healing her injuries after he’d almost killed her.
“What did you do to him?” Hime had asked, her voice filled with amusement. “I’ve never seen him so worked up.”
She’d utterly humiliated him at the exchange event.
Well, humiliated was probably too strong a term. But she still reveled in the look of shock on his face when she’d landed that first blow. And the cold look in his eyes when she’d refused to tell him anything about her or her technique.
She hid her smirk at the memory by taking another drink, draining the rest of her beer, and letting out a small sigh of contentment.
Gojo had tried to find out more, she remembered the lecture she’d gotten for her display because of how many questions he’d asked. The more resistance he was met with, the harder he pushed, still coming up empty.
He’d inquired about her after they graduated, too. Tried to access her records. But, just like she’d discovered early on, he found they were sealed tighter than the higher-ups’ assholes.
“The great Six Eyes of the Gojo clan was bested by a Zenin bastard,” she stated, knowing she was once again poking a much larger, stronger bear. But she just couldn’t resist. “And not even just a bastard, a half-breed.”
As she spoke, Gojo’s jaw clenched. She watched his brow furrow, knowing now that meant he was narrowing his eyes at her.
To her surprise, though, he didn’t take the bait.
“Zenins are strong,” he stated, shrugging his shoulders. “Not surprising you’re stronger than you look.” He tilted his head towards her empty glass. “Indulging, I see.”
It was her turn to shrug, grinning at him as his face slipped into a bored expression.
“Might as well if you’re paying, right?” she teased, somehow just knowing that he was rolling his eyes. “Also helps numb the throbbing pain in my chest,” she said dramatically, and he let out a scoff. “Because you definitely cracked a few of my ribs.”
“Just means you still need to get stronger.”
There was no sympathy in his voice but also no malice. To him, he was just stating a fact.
Because to him, to the strongest, cracking someone's ribs like toothpicks was nothing.
They sat in silence for a few moments, before he was suddenly letting out a quiet hum. Leaning forward, he pulled the bandages down again so she could see his left eye staring at her intensely as he asked:
“You wanna get outta here?”
Next - Teasing and Techniques: Part 2
AN: Thoughts on the lil headers I'm making for these so far?
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hii, since requests are open, could i get a professor neville and professor reader (shes a slytherin) where some students ask her about her time at hogwarts and she lets it slip that they "hated" each other at school (enemies to lovers has my heart) and the kids know they have a crush on each orher and brings them tgt?? thanks!!!
Sorry this took so long! I hope you like it ❤️❤️
You smiled at your students as they took their seats before class. Officially, you didn’t have favorites, but everyone knew you had a special soft spot for the fourth years, especially the Slytherins and Gryffindors that now sauntered into your dungeon classroom for their first class of the day. This particular group was funny and very engaged, although they had some trouble remembering personal boundaries.
That trouble is what led to a lecture going completely off-topic and evolve into a general chat about your own time at Hogwarts. They all knew you were an alumna, and they were always fascinated to hear about what was the same (Professor McGonagall’s withering stare, for instance) and what had changed (inspections on pets that began sometime after your third year for some reason).
“Weren’t you in the same year as Professor Longbottom?” a Gryffindor girl piped up from the back of the room.
The tip of your nose went warm at the mention of his name, the way it always did. “Why yes,” you confirmed, hoping that was enough to change the subject.
“Did you hang out a lot?” another student asked.
“No, not really.”
Now a Gryffindor boy raised his hand. “But you’re friends now, right? I mean, you work together.”
“I wouldn’t call us friends-”
“Oh, so you are dating! Smith owes me ten sickles.”
Your eyes went wide. “N-no! Absolutely not! Professor Longbottom and I are- we’re nothing. Coworkers, that’s all.” Your words were barely heard over the excited twittering around the room. “Alright you lot, come on, back to the uses for a bezoar before I double your homework this weekend!”
Neville was surprised to see his after-lunch class arrive to early at the greenhouses. Normally the fourth years were straggling in just before class started, drowsy and sluggish after gorging themselves in the Great Hall. But today, they waited for him at the locked door to the greenhouse, looking alert, with something sparkling in their eyes.
“Well, good afternoon,” he hummed, unlocking the door and letting them in. They quickly found seats, none of the usual fighting over the seats in the back where they could attempt to doze off. He turned his attention to the plants he had on the counter in the front of the room, keenly aware of the sly grins and knowing glances his students exchanged.
“Professor Longbottom?” a particularly outgoing Gryffindor boy called out. Neville gave him a nod, letting him know he was listening. “Were you and a certain potions professor of ours ever… friends?”
Neville’s head popped up, his mouth in an O. “Excuse me?”
Another student nodded. “She was telling us that you two used to go to Hogwarts together.”
“And she said we were friends?” Neville, who was usually much firmer about keeping things on track with his students, couldn’t help engaging.
The student shook his head. “Well, no,” he admitted. “She got kind of weird about it, actually.”
Neville turned his gaze back to his plants. “Well, there you go then.”
“Professor Longbottom?”
He looked back up at the Slytherin boy who now smirked at him.
“Why are you blushing?”
You sat in your office, grading the essays the seventh years had been stressing over for the past week. As you read a particularly bad essay that made you want to question your teaching abilities, there was a small knock on your open door.
In the doorway stood a couple of Slytherin fourth years, Rebecca and Heather, probably your two favorites. “Hello girls,” you greeted, picking up a new essay to grade. “D’you need something?”
The girls walked in and plopped themselves down on your couch by the fireplace. These two students were staples in your office hours; sometimes they came to ask for help with an assignment, sometimes they came in just for a quiet place to work, sometimes they just hung out and bugged you with personal questions.
This evening, they seemed to be interested in the last option.
“We talked to Professor Longbottom about you,” Rebecca sang as she picked up a pillow.
You raised an eyebrow at them. “And?”
“He got just as weird as you,” she answered with a sour expression. “Come on, what’s the deal?”
“You girls really think I’m going to tell you personal details about me and another teacher?” you asked with a dry laugh. “Hilarious.”
Heather rolled her eyes. “Let me guess. You two dated for like a month, got in a stupid fight, broke up, and that’s why you hate each other.”
You couldn’t help the snort that flew out of your nose as you marked the essay in front of you. “Me? Date Longbottom? Yeah, that’s not the reason we hate each other.” Your pen froze, realizing what you’d just said.
Rebecca lit up. “So you do hate Professor Longbottom!”
“I mean- hate is such a strong word,” you sputtered, knowing your blush was evident. “We just, didn’t get along too well.” Stoptalkingstoptalkingstoptalking. “I mean, he was in Gryffindor, I was in Slytherin, you know how it is. And our friend groups just never got along so neither did we and- and I’m just going to stop now.”
Heather giggled as she and Rebecca stood up, fixing the pillows on my couch. “Thanks, Professor!” The girls skipped out of my office, leaving the door wide open behind them.
“Oh no,” you muttered. Those girls were up to something.
 Neville looked up at the sound of the greenhouse door opening. No one ever came into the greenhouse outside of class time, so he was surprised to see the two Slytherin girls strolling in.
“Heather, Rebecca,” he greeted as he returned to watering the plants. Two fourth years, nice girls, if not a little overenthusiastic. He knew they much preferred potions to his class, so he figured they had some scheme in mind as they approached him.
“Professor, we need to talk,” Heather said matter-of-factly.
Neville couldn’t help but smile at how serious the girls were. “About what?”
Rebecca smirked. “We know about you and a certain potions professor.”
His smile slightly faltered. “Excuse me?”
“Listen,” Heather said, as if she was talking to a peer and not the adult in charge of her herbology grade. “We get it. The whole Gryffindor-Slytherin thing can be intense. But come on Professor Longbottom, isn’t is obvious?”
His curiosity led him to humor them. “Isn’t what obvious, girls?”
“You like each other!” they said in unison, as if it were the most apparent thing in the world.
Some moments really made Neville feel like that round-faced little boy losing his toad for the millionth time. This was unquestionably one of those moments. “Er, I don’t know where you got that idea- we’re not even friends-” He stopped. Nope, he was not going to spill personal information to students. Unlike some professors, he was determined to keep private things, well, private. “Right, well you two best be going, you must have something useful to do.”
Rebecca shrugged as the girls started to walk away. “Oh. Guess we were wrong, Heather.”
“Yeah,” Heather agreed. “We thought they liked each other-”
“But I guess Professor Longbottom doesn’t feel the same way as Professor-” Rebecca cut off, glancing over her shoulder at Neville. “Oops, sorry Professor Longbottom. See you tomorrow!”
Neville watched the Slytherin girls link arms and skip out of the greenhouse. He furrowed his eyebrows and looked down at the plant in front of him. “Wait, what?”
You sipped on a butterbeer in the Three Broomsticks, reading and listening to the chatter around you. It was a lazy Saturday afternoon, and you’d decided you deserved a break from grading and lesson plans and all the other things that made up your life.
“Good afternoon.”
Neville Longbottom stood in front of you, a drink in his hand, that unsure look in his eye and a cardigan wrapped around him, as usual. You nodded to him.
“Hello Neville,” you greeted.
He nodded to the empty seat across from you. “May I join you?”
Despite all the years you’d gone to school and worked together, you two had never really hung out. On occasion, you discussed work matters, sometimes you’d talk about what mutual friends were up to, but that was about it. You two never fought or anything, you just always felt awkward around each other after all those years back at Hogwarts.
But you had no choice but to say: “Of course.”
He sat down, studying you carefully.  “Had an interesting chat with a couple of students the other day.” He took a sip of his butterbeer, raising an eyebrow at you.
“Which two?” you asked with a chuckle as you closed your book.
“Rebecca and Heather.”
Color immediately flooded your cheeks. You knew those two had been up to something. “Listen, Longbottom, whatever they told you-”
Neville held up a hand, “Please, let me finish.” He took a deep breath, tapping his glass. “They, er, told me how you feel about me…”
No no no, you thought. They did not tell him I hate him! That was so long ago! I was a child!
“Oh Merlin, Longbottom-”
He stopped you again. “I just need you to know, I feel the same way.”
You frowned. Ouch. “Excuse me?”
He nodded earnestly, running a hand through his messy hair. “I know. It’s weird. We were never exactly friends, but working together, seeing you every day…” A small smile began to form on his lips. “I mean, I hate how juvenile it sounds to say, but ’ve got a pretty big crush on you.”
Why was your face suddenly so warm? “You… you…” You couldn’t help the little gulp you gave. “You like me?”
“Well, yeah.” He averted his eyes and rubbed the back of his neck. “I guess it was obvious to all the kids, so I figured it was obvious to you too.” His eyes found mine again. “Hope that’s alright.”
You stared at him for a moment. No, you didn’t like Longbottom… Right? Definitely not. Even though he was incredibly smart and a passionate teacher. And he was one of the kindest people you’d ever met. And even you had to admit that he’d been so chivalrous and brave during the Battle of Hogwarts. And he had grown into an incredibly, ridiculously handsome man over the years.
You let yourself smile in spite of yourself. “Yeah,” you said softly, laying your hand on top of his. “That’s alright.”
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bestworstcase · 1 year
man jaune is not a reliable source of information is he
“you’re the one who gives afterans to the tree” “i help them return to the ever after, yes”—this is not new information the cat literally told them exactly this like an hour ago. “i’m not taking you there to ascend, i’m taking you there because you all have such delightful information for me!”—which is what their entire plan was, feed the cat information in exchange for being led to the tree, because they decided they needed to get to the tree. “you pretended like you’d never heard of the story”—the cat didn’t know that alyx wrote a book but does know why ascension isn’t in the story; it’s still entirely unclear whether they understand that these two things are the same thing as far as the girls are concerned
“what happened when you took alyx and lewis to the tree” “i… i don’t know. she told me she would take me with her, through the door to remnant, but… she tricked me”—the cat says they didn’t share any of this because they never asked, and when ruby asks directly they give an honest answer. “just like all of you… you only want to use me in the same way i’ve only seen others as sources for knowledge and entertainment; well, at least now i know what not to do”—the cat isn’t angry or even particularly upset with them, and their acknowledgment of how the girls hurt them goes hand in hand with acknowledgment of how they hurt the girls, and then they just—not only leave but they take the crossroads with them. (“i thought there was more to the story,” they thought this storm was an opportunity to clear the air and get the whole story out there, but these three have already made up their minds, and the cat recognizes that they messed up, so they’re not going to leave the girls just stuck here if that’s not where they want to be)
“thank you for this lesson, ruby. rose, huntress. i’ll be on my way now.” <- truly insatiable hunger for knowledge, huh. but also grabs them by the scruff why did you phrase it like that what are your secrets
meanwhile yang and blake don’t have this particular baggage so they get split off from the rest and, with no real reason not to, figure out and then commit to playing by the ever after’s rules—okay, we make progress when we say stuff about each other that we’ve never said before, let’s be brave and completely honest with each other so we can get where we want to go—with the result that they solve the riddle and make it out of the storm on their own.
it’s interesting too that Yet Again ruby has been interrupted before she can answer one of the ever after’s challenges—the herbalist’s trial, the blacksmith’s offer, now this. (the cat was the one who interrupted, each time.) (and now the cat has left them.) and jaune + weiss + ruby are all given the same crossroads because they all have the same problem, which is festering guilt about the things they couldn’t save (penny for jaune, atlas for weiss) or couldn’t be (summer for ruby)
ruby did NOT want crescent rose back holy shit
neither jaune nor the cat knows what actually happened to lewis (and i mean. his name is lewis. so. question mark. if these kids were real which one of them really made it home to tell the story, and if these kids were fictional—stares hard at “like this whole world was simply make-believe and the rules didn’t apply to her” don’t think i missed THAT—then alyx/lewis being split halves of the singular character who made it into the book is really. hmmm. one is kind and clever and the other thinks the world is her personal fairytale, huh.) also “she lost all trust in us, started accusing us of things, the more i tried to get the story back on track the more she distrusted me” well yeah. funny how that happens when you treat someone like a storybook character you need to railroad into a specific path? jaune’s belief that that’s what the cat does is exactly why he hates the cat!
i want to know why jaune is so sure that alyx returned to remnant but lewis never made it home
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rose-lord-of-simps · 2 years
Hi, can I request PLATONIC headcanons for all the characters reacting to a child mc who is also super powerful witch? They love magic and are slightly weaker then Solomon but still strong enough to put up a really good fight against him? They are eager to protect and will absolutely turn you into a dog if your mean to Luke. Thanks!
Characters x Child Witch MC!
Gender neutral MC! Kid MC! Witch MC!
Oh my goodness yes-
I’m so sorry it has taken so long to fulfill this request anon!
Reader isn’t referred to by any specific set of pronouns but is referred to as a witch!
He reviewed your file with Diavolo and already knew you were a witch before you came to the exchange program but when he saw how powerful you really were?
Tried to train you immediately!
He couldn’t have you running around with all that magic and not knowing how to use it, you could ruin Diavolo’s exchange program.
He likes you well enough
He likes you better than Luke
You don’t tap at him like a dog all the time
Although you are much harder to tease than Luke so minus points for not being as funny.
He hates how well you and Luke get along
The first time he insults Luke in front of you and you blast him
He handles it with perfect decorum.
(He absolutely loses it and almost destroys the both of you)
At first he very much resents you
Why does he have to take care of a child?
He’s the great Mammon! He has more important things to do!
He also had to take care of his brothers as babies already, he doesn’t want another childZ
But that was so long ago.
And protecting you and taking care of you reminds him so much of when his brothers were small.
He likes it.
He quickly loves taking care of you and hanging out with you.
Is basically like an older brother to you too.
He tucks you in every night and takes you to Majolish photoshoots with him sometimes where the other employees coo over how cute you are
He knows how powerful you are because he saw you take down a demon double his size with three hits when one tries to attack you your first day. It was great.
He still worries over you constantly
He comes to every training session with Solomon, not trusting him to make sure you’re safe.
Whenever you practice magic he has to be physically restrained so he doesn’t stop you from trying something because you might get hurt
It takes him a while before he trusts Simeon to take you anywhere alone but he knows you’re strong and can take care of yourself
Sometimes you and Luke perform magic shows for him and Simeon and he loves every second of it
He’s like a proud parent
He likes how well you get along with Luke, it means you have a friend your age which is always a good thing for kids
During the altercation with Lucifer he is trying not to laugh while also dealing with Luci
Is pretty neutral about you
Doesn’t love you but doesn’t hate you
Mostly avoids you
When you come to him asking to play video games he is kind of confused
You have magic why do you need video games
He tries to tell you no but he know Mammon’s threat is real and at least if he lets you play with him he can make sure the game is actually returned to him.
He does not let you into his room though with your grubby hands, what if you break one of his Ruri Chan figures!
He collects his game consul and a game he thinks you’d enjoy and sets up in the living room
To his surprise, you barely need instructions
He is kind of jealous of how quickly you pick up the controls
But those thoughts get pushed aside when Luke wants to play too and he has to get another controller for the Angel because Luke is not touching his. That is Levi’s controller.
He does not like to share your video game time.
Levi normally plays high action games or dating games so slowing down to play something chiller with you is nice
Also the game “characters in go karts throwing things at each other while driving around a track race” is a fifty/fifty toss between if you win or if he wins
He honestly didn’t even know you had magic until you blasted Lucifer and he is just too shocked to do anything but stand and watch it all unfold
He finds you annoying at first
You’re a child what is he supposed to do with you?
Can you even read?
He doesn’t know how to bond with you or if he even wants to at first
When you come to him asking for a spell book he is hesitant to give you one considering you’re a child and can get it dirty so easily
But he sees the giant thing in your tiny arms and thinks it’s the cutest thing in the devildom
He helps you carry it to whoever you’re trying to go
He watched you practice spells
Very impressed with how smart you are and your magical capabilities
He is secretly worried you’ll hurt yourself while practicing though
He’s less worried than Mammon though
He is right next to Simeon on the floor laughing his ass off watching the exchange between you and Lucifer
Actual tears are coming out of his eyes from how hard he is laughing
For two weeks after that he has to avoid Lucifer because if he sees Luci’s face he will burst out laughing again remembering what happened and Lucifer’s face
He thinks you are the cutest little thing ever and can’t wait to dress you up in little outfits
Gets upset when you try to get out of it though
On the days you let him play dress up with you though he uses it to his advantage and talks to you about the importance of looking your best while kicking butt
You also join the club of having weekly nail meetings
As he does for all his brothers, he makes sure your nails are well taken care of
He also does your hair for you some mornings
You both gossip about everyone and trash talk a bit
He likes your sass
He films the exchange between you and Lucifer to show to Belphie after it all goes down
He thinks you’re cute
He thinks you’re cuter when he finds out you can use your magic to get food in the back of the shelf without him having to dig through it
Very surprised when he finds out how powerful you are though
He likes to share his snacks with you because you share your’s with him.
He sits you on his shoulders a lot and just walks around like that when you aren’t hanging out with Luke
Honestly you don’t even have to walk if you don’t want to
He will happily carry you wherever and whenever
He thinks it is kinda weird how well you get along with Luke though
He didn’t think you two would mesh as well as you do
He is to busy to laugh when you blast Lucifer
He is a little surprised when you expertly unlock his door the attic without needing to make a pact or anything
But after that he kinda doesn’t really care all that much
Belphie isn’t too fond of children so he kind of avoids you
When you do try to play with him and don’t go away for a while he puts you to sleep with his own magic
You are fun to snuggle though
Perfect to hold
And you are kind of cute
When he hears that you blasted Lucifer he cries that he missed it
He is genuinely upset that he was sleeping while it happened
He asks you to do it again for him
The next time you are getting close to blasting Lucifer for insulting Luke, Satan wakes him up and Belphie rushes downstairs when he hears it is happening again
No one has ever seen him move that fast
He thought it was only Solomon!
It’s nice to see another human with this kind of power, makes the human race seem less pathetic.
He thinks you’re fascinating
He gets pouty whenever he hears you put on a magic show and forgot to invite him
He loves to ask you everything about your powers and life on earth as a witch
Listens to every word you have to say with his full attention
One time Lucifer was trying to coral him into a meeting but he wouldn’t budge from where you were sitting with him having a snack break from school work and talking about the spell you used to prank a demon
Whatever you want is your’s instantly
He asks you to do a magic duel with him almost daily
He loves having someone who’s blast actually sting a little bit
He thinks you’re the cutest as well.
He thinks you’re cute. He was the first of everyone to know you were a powerful witch because, ya know, future vision
He is another person who tries to train you a bit
He mostly shows you how to do party tricks though and discreetly use magic to tell when someone is lying
When he hears of the incident with Lucifer he tries so hard not to laugh
He has to do his best to remain composed but the image of a child blasting Lucifer to defense Luke is one of the funniest things he’s heard in the last 100 years
He likes the life you bring to the area
You don’t know much healing magic as far as he knows but he enjoys seeing the positive effect you have on everyone
He has also seen into your future though and worries about you even more after meeting and getting close to you.
He tries to make sure that this time line is the timeline where you get the best future.
He is the person who actually trains you
When he learns you have magic he severely underestimates you
Until he asks you to show him some stuff so he can see it for himself
He thinks pure gonna make a little ball of light not smash the window by blinking at it-
His teaching style is very chaotic
He teaches you so many hard things before getting to the basics
He also does not keep to a schedule
He will randomly get you and say it is time for a magic lesson
One time he tried to pull you away from hanging out with Luke and that did not go well.
It is a good thing he has magic.
He will not attempt that again.
He is surprised to see another human with so much power but delighted that there is another magic user here
Magic aside, he loves that you’ve become such good friends with Luke.
He enjoys seeing you two put on little magic shows for him
He never says no when you two need him for something
It’s almost like he adopted the both of you!
He tries his best to regularly schedule sleepovers between you and Luke with Mammon
He treats you the same way he treats Luke honestly
The first time you defend Luke to Lucifer’s face, he is on the ground laughing
Not because a child sticking up to Lucifer is funny
But because Lucifer after being blasted at all is funny
Rarely ever does anyone have the balls to do what you just did so he applauds you for it later
He just found a new best friend.
He doesn’t know it yet but he just found a new best friend.
At first he is put off by the fact you’re a witch. He also doesn’t believe you can do any real magic because you’re human but then there are people like Solomon so maybe you can do some cool stuff.
He starts to tag along whenever you need to find potion ingredients or try a new spell.
It helps that you also really like his friendship.
He helps with whatever spell you’re trying
Sometimes he’ll try new spells to and you practice together
When the weight of being such a powerful witch really falls down on you though he is quick to find a distraction to make you really feel like a little kid
He’ll ask Simeon if he can take you guys to the Devildom zoo or if he can help you guys bake something, no magic allowed.
He looks at you with so much awe the first time you blast Lucifer for insulting him
Lucifer had to be physically held back
When hems sad he asks you if you can do a light show with your magic for comfort, only if you’re feeling up for it
There are also so many days when you guys make flower crowns and hang out together
Y’all have so much fun
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89words · 6 months
1. Looking across the tracks of the subway and seeing someone in the window of the opposite train, someone who is reading the perfect book and who wears that familiar combination of tired and hopeful on their delicate features. 2. Stirring your coffee in a small, quiet café where the music is just soft enough to remind you that it is playing every so often when you look up from your notebook. 3. Exchanging a few jokes with a charming stranger stuck in the same endless, bureaucratic line as you, reminding you that you are not alone in your battle with everyday tedium. 4. Sitting on the beach with old friends whom you are visiting for a few weeks in the summer, when the weather is just hot enough to permit you to stay out all night and enjoy one another’s company in a way you were always too busy to do. 5. Reading old chats and messages and letters with people you used to love, and remembering what it is about them that was so wonderful. 6. Looking at pictures where you are smiling in that unflattering way you almost never allow yourself to do, but you couldn’t help it because you were surrounded by people who made you just that happy. 7. Kissing outside at night when you’ve had just enough to drink that your cheeks are tingling and you are afraid that the words “I love you” might fall out of your mouth all by themselves. 8. Hearing someone tell you something that they’ve never told anyone before, because they never felt like anyone would really listen and actually understand. 9. Seeing someone be kind when they think that no one is looking, because they know it is simply the right thing to do. 10. Finding out that an old love is getting married to someone who is so much more right for them that you could have ever been, and realizing that you can love someone and not ever want them for yourself again. 11. Sitting at a restaurant by yourself and getting so deeply lost in your book that you forget you are even alone, and you feel as though you are on a date with the world’s most interesting person. 12. Telling someone that you’re happy for them, and watching their whole face light up with well-earned pride when they realize that you actually mean it. 13. Waiting at the bus stop and seeing the most perfect person in the most perfect outfit who is looking at the map with just as little understanding as you once did when you were new in the city. 14. Realizing that someone who is so very beautiful does not imagine themselves to be anything special. 15. Hearing someone say “If there’s anything I can do to help, let me know” and knowing that you can ask them anything and they would do their best to follow through. 16. Visiting someone when they are sick and seeing the way their eyes light up at the soup and juice you brought them. 17. Sitting in the movie theater with someone and watching them laugh out of the corner of your eye when they think something is really, really funny. Watching their dimples and eye creases form and wishing they knew just how wonderful every little line on their face is. 18. Seeing someone at the gym who is having just as hard a time as you but is still going at it every day. 19. Reading something online that makes you cry, alone, at your computer, simply because it makes you feel — in a way you are rarely lucky enough to feel — that there are other people like you. 20. Running into an old friend at the store and letting it bleed into a long coffee where you talk about every subject that you didn’t even realize had been lying dormant inside of you for years, longing to be confirmed and expressed and understood. 21. Looking across the restaurant at the couple who is too happy to notice anyone around them, and realizing that sometimes we can get a contact high, a little burst of pure joy, just from seeing people who are that in love. 21 Places You Will Fall In Love by Chelsea Fagan
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strawberry-cowmilk · 2 years
I posted something like this for Asmo before, so why not do the same for other characters.
it makes me feel better
-> simeon x mc
mc's gender is not mentioned, not proof read
a/n: I'm not very confident in my ability to write for Simeon, so I hope this is still okay and he's not ooc or something.
content warnings: lesson 5/6/24 spoilers, mild strong language, bottling feelings up, overworking, celestial war
It’s lonely up here, ever since that fateful day. Actually, it probably was already lonely before. Simeon cared about the former angels a lot, especially Lucifer. They were a family. Simeon wanted to be Lucifer’s dearest friend, but he always seemed to be busy. Or did he just not care about Simeon the way he cared about him? At least he had somebody to talk to, right? 
The day it began, Simeon actually didn’t want to fight. Surely there would have been a better way out of that situation than to spill blood, but apparently the other angels didn’t share this mindset. He remembers that moment like it was yesterday: the moment he saw all seven of them fall from grace. Simeon tried to reach out to them, but it all happened so fast. He couldn’t save anyone. All he could do is watch as these seven former angels got smaller and smaller in his field of vision.
You know, it’s funny how Michael still loves Lucifer after what happened. He keeps a whole collection of the now-demon’s old possessions, and talks about him a lot. Why? Michael played a big role in the whole war, and the reason the Celestial Realm lost seven great angels. Sometimes, Simeon finds himself wondering why he even works for such a hypocrite, and why the younger angels admire this dude so much. To Simeon, Lucifer and his brothers are way more admirable, whether they are demons or angels. That’s why he writes books about them. Or is it because he’s trying to distract himself from the loss? But none of that matters now! The prince of the Devildom announced a new exchange program, and Simeon has been chosen as a candidate. Finally he gets to see them again.
But that doesn’t take away from the pain and loneliness. Some days, Simeon feels extra shitty, and some days he feels okay. But, he has a child to look after. What kind of guardian neglects a child for some ‘self-care’? Also, said child wouldn’t expect his caretaker to harbor such dark feelings. So, guess it’s a secret now.
You were doing some homework in the RAD library when Luke came to you. ‘Mc, I need your help.’ the angel said as he sat on the empty chair next to you. You turned your attention away from your book to face him. You assumed Luke was having some trouble with school work, or maybe Mammon was teasing him too much by calling him a chihuahua. You never expected to be met by this response after you asked him what’s wrong. ‘It’s Simeon, he’s doing too much work around Purgatory Hall and I can tell he’s sad.’ That’s certainly weird. Simeon doesn’t seem like the type to be sad for no reason. ‘What kind of work does he do?’ Could he be using the work as a coping mechanism. ‘Well, it started out as just doing all the laundry and cooking but recently...’ Luke paused for a while. ‘He’s been going overboard taking care of people! Just yesterday, Simeon made me some new clothes and offered to read a bedtime story! I mean it’s nice, but this usually happens only on special occasions.’ You closed your book and stuffed it in your bag. Something is definitely going on. ‘Thank you, Luke. I’ll go check on him right away.’
When you went to Purgatory Hall, Simeon wasn’t there. Luckily Solomon was, he told you the angel went to the House of Lamentation. It took you a good ten minutes to find him, planting flowers in the garden. Upon having spotted you, Simeon flashed you a smile. You waved back meekly, you couldn’t help but notice the dark circles under his eyes. 
‘Simeon, what are you doing here?’
‘Ah, Lucifer said this garden is a mess. So, I’m here to clean it up for you.’ 
‘But, he didn’t tell you to clean it up right?’
‘No, he said he was going to do it himself later but I wanted to save him the trouble...’ 
Simeon muttered something you couldn’t quite hear after that. You leaned in a little closer to him. ‘Sorry, what did you say?’ The angel briefly closed his eyes and exhaled. ‘I said he’s already so busy, he needs more free time to spend with his family.’ This seems like a good moment to bring up what Luke told you. 
‘Hey, Luke told me something’s going on, and I think he’s right.’ You placed a hand on his tense shoulder. ‘Do you want to talk about it?’ Simeon placed one of his hands over yours and gave it a gentle squeeze. ‘No, if you don’t mind. I’m sorry.’ he sighed. ‘It’s just... I take care of others when I don’t know what to do with myself.’ Your chest ached for him, whatever is bothering him must be messing him up a lot. You tried to comfort him to the best of your abilities. ‘You know, it’s okay to be a little less selfless sometimes.’ You showed him a sympathetic smile. ‘Everyone admires the things you do for us, and we want you to be okay in return. Plus, you’ll never be alone because we love you.’ Simeon looked down while squeezing your hand a little harder before his shoulders relaxed a bit. ‘Mc, thank you.’ the angel pulled you closer to his side, leaning against you a bit. 
‘No problem, but now you need to go to sleep.’
‘...Okay, then.’
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ripaxed · 1 year
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Forgive the lazy and rough graphic but, Season 2 team ideas?
Should note I made these with the self imposed and probably unnecessary restrictions of having an equal split of former Ferocious Trout and Frogs of Death members.
Splitting up both Wayne & Raj and, to a lesser extent, Millie & Pryia just feels very natural to me. Wayne & Raj were nearly always together so separating them AND making them compete against each other is just a natural source of conflict. Whereas Millie was of course very dependent on Pryia during the first season to make it far so isolating them from each other seems like the natural next step. This would force Millie to try to make new allies and use whatever skills that stuck from Pryia’s training.
Having Bowie/Raj and Emma/Chase on the same team not only creates the contrast of a very healthy couple vs a very toxic one, but also forces interaction between Bowie and Emma after their fallout.
Also for Bowie, there’s drama in him interacting with Caleb, as he would now know that it was Bowie who got him voted out day one. His reaction in the first episode tells me he wouldn’t let that go.
Axel and Scary Girl can kind of work on any team, so I don’t have much to say for them. Though I do think the idea of Axel and Bowie contrasting against each other to be rather funny.
(I know a lot of people want a Lauren-Damien-Pryia thing to happen and I support that, I just think it can happen with not all of them being on the same team)
I’d like to see Julia and MK on the same team again. It was MK who jumpstarted Julia’s whole villain arc and, more notably, it was Julia who got MK eliminated, which she’d definitely not be over. I could definitely see them having a strong rivalry, or a bit of a villainous alliance. Either way I think they should be gay about it.
Speaking of MK being eliminated, I’m imagining her line about “At least [she] didn’t make any friends” to be some sort of foreshadowing. Who’s the character I think has the best shot of being an actual friend to her? That’d be Zee. He’s shown to be able to get along with pretty much anyone. MK typically avoids having any deep interactions with other characters by overloading her conversations with sarcastic insults, and I literally couldn’t imagine Zee actually comprehending that she’s insulting him. Instead, he thinks they’re just having a pleasant conversation. I see them becoming ‘friends’ by Zee just hanging around her a lot and MK eventually getting used to it (and start to enjoy his company, not that she’d admit that).
In contrast, I actually like the idea of there being someone Zee doesn’t like, that being Nichelle. In Taste Buddies there’s that whole exchange with Julia and Zee about how rather than him not wanting to talk about a very disgusting alien movie because it was gross, he didn’t want to talk about it because he felt it was a weak directorial effort. I could imagine this idea of Zee being a bit of a film buff being expanded to him not vibing with Nichelle like he does everyone else because he finds the movies she stars in to be vapid or something along those lines. I easily see this bothering Nichelle since she’s so used to being praised and beloved. (Should note: I saw someone else come up with this concept, but I don’t remember where)
Speaking of Nichelle, something I’d like to see is her being contrasted with Priya, as she’s someone who actually has the skills everyone believed Nichelle to have. Though, I like the idea of despite that, they actually end up bonding, as I could see Priya’s parents making sure she knows a lot about the entertainment industry (both because of Total Drama of course being a show and in case of a TDA like season) and them getting along from there.
I also want to keep Priya and Damien on the same team. Wether it be to develop them romantically or further their friendship, I’d just like to see more of them together. Maybe make up for the lack of ‘knows everything about TD vs knows nothing about TD’ interactions that I’m surprised we didn’t get in the first season. Maybe they could even have a bit of a brains and brawn duo thing going on.
I don’t have too many thoughts on Ripper, I’m kind of imaging him as an early boot this time around. Still, this gives him a chance to interact with characters he hasn’t before. And maybe Priya finds out he was who suggested that Millie cut her raft, and something happens from that? Could be something there.
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aita-blorbos · 2 months
(🌸📼 for tracking purposes. Also this isn’t oc, but headcanon-influenced)
Am I the jerk for hurting my friends over some VHS tapes?
Uh…howdy! If there’s any mistakes on my end, I apologize. One of my more tech savvy friends is helping me write this.
Anyways, I (M, like 5-6 physically? We toons age weirdly) used to be a part of a popular kids show. Maybe you’ve heard of it before. It’s called- oh, huh? My tech buddy is telling me that I can’t use any names. In that case…I’ll call it DW. And back in the day, DW was all the rage! Me and my friends all live in an educational center/museum, and humans would visit us all the time.
But one day, people just. Stopped showing up. I can’t quite remember the reason why. Regardless, me and my friends were left to fend for ourselves in our home. But that’s ok! It’s not like we needed to eat or anything. We had each other, and all was good.
…which is what I would say, if it wasn’t for the fact that not too long after being abandoned, toons started acting funny. Their eyes went red, and they started attacking people! We ended up calling these guys Twisteds, and we trapped them on the building’s lower floors to keep ourselves safe.
When you’re surviving with your friends, you all have parts to play. And mine is scavenging, and in turn selling whatever odds and ends I could find. We don’t exactly use human currency, so I exchanged my wares for old VHS tapes of our show. I missed the good old days, you know? And if I couldn’t relive them, I could at least rewatch them.
So I’m doing my thing, scavenging some pop bottles and chocolate bars from one of the deeper levels of my home. I was dodging Twisteds left and right, so by the time I made it back to the surface, I was just about ready to call it a day. But then I see S (M, also like 5-6 physically), a “friend” of ours, messing with my tapes. I asked him to stop, and he said something about ‘my prices being outrageous’ and ‘I’m hogging all of the actually useful items for myself’.
Some other friends were there, too, and they tried to calm me down, but I wasn’t having any of it. And to make matters worse, my anger seemed to only excite S further, who knocked a whole box of tapes off of a shelf. By the time I reached the box the tapes were strewn across the ground, and most of them were broken! S was always kind of a meanie, but he had taken things too far. He KNEW how much those tapes meant to me!
What happened next, you might ask? Well, I don’t remember every detail. Though I can recall kneeling there, some broken tapes in my hands. All those happy memories, now lost. I remember feeling really angry. Angrier than I ever felt before…..and then I woke up on the floor. The door had been barricaded from the outside, and black liquid (the colour of our blood) stained my face, hands, and the room. My friends checked on me not too long afterwards, and explained what had happened.
They said that I just- turned into a Twisted? And that I went on a rampage, attacking just about anyone who got in my way. And yet somehow, they had calmed me down before knocking me out. I’ve since resumed my shopkeeper job, and everything has returned to normal for the most part. But my friends get all quiet when they’re around me, and the ones who I injured avoid me entirely.
So, am I the jerk for hurting them? I must reiterate that I wasn’t in control when I was a Twisted, but S shouldn’t have messed with my tapes in the first place. Um. I’m getting off track, aren’t I? My bad. D, signing off.
Edit: I failed to mention that I’m the only toon who un-Twisted. So maybe there’s a cure after all…
Edit 2: Oh, and none of us have seen S in a little while now. Apparently I hurt him pretty badly. But there’s no way that I killed him. Right?
Edit 3: He’s alive! But, uh. I think he’s twisted now. Oops.
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adarkrainbow · 11 months
A Snow-White from Corsica
One final post about the Delarue-Tenèze catalogue, or rather inspired by it. Each “fairytale-type” is illustrated by a selected fairytale collected from Delarue’s research, and I wanted to share the one chosen to illustrate the type 700, Snow-White.
This is a story called “Angiulina” and that is actually a Corsican version of the fairytale, collected in 1959 and originally published in 1963 in Massignon’s “Contes corses” (Corisan tales).
Here it goes, roughly translated/summarized by me:
Once upon a time there was a lady who had a daughter named Angiulina. The lady’s husband was dead, and her daughter was a beautiful girl. She was very, very beautiful… But her mother could not stand seeing her. She wanted her gone so much she went to see bandits and told them to take away her daughter in the forest to kill her. The bandits asked why, since Angiulina was such a nice and kind girl – all the mother said was that she could not see her anymore, and couldn’t stand her. So the bandits took her away in the forest, as they had been asked… But instead of killing her, they decided to keep her for themselves. They went to their house – a beautiful house filled with all sorts of things, and located in the “maquis”. [A maquis is a type of Mediterranean landscape formed by numerous thick and tangled shrubs and bushes]. Every day the bandits went “to work” [Note: it is quite funny to see how the fairytale literally treats the bandits as just regular workers, going to work every day, with no trace of irony. Ah… Corsica. Always has been the paradise of bandits], and they came back home every evening. And every time the leader of the bandits told Angiulina to not open the door of the house and to not let anyone in.
But unfortunately Angiulina was much too kind… In the village of Angiulina, there was a wicked witch, and she went to see Angiulina’s mother to inform her that her daughter still lived. The mother simply replied “Kill her! You, kill her!” And so the witch disguised herself to look like a little old lady, and then she bought in a shop all sorts of laces and ribbons, and she went to the house of the bandits, knocking at the door. Angiulina, not wanting to open the door, appeared at the window, and told the little old woman she couldn’t open. But the disguised witch claimed she as very, very cold, she just asked to be let in for some warmth, promising to not stay for long and leave right after. Angiulina, too kind, opened the door – allowed the witch to enter, climb up the stairs, and the girl offered her a bowl of coffee. The witch said “Ah, you were so kind! What do you want as a reward?”. Angiulina said she wanted nothing – the witch insisted “Don’t you want a book?”. Angiulina said that she already had all the books she wanted here, as the bandits house had everything one could desire. But the old woman insisted: “But you do not have THIS book!”, and the witch placed on the chimney’s mantle a book before leaving.
Angiulina, however, did not touch the book. When in the evening the bandits came back, they saw she had opened the door and the bandits’ leader scolded her for disobeying – telling her if she had touched the book, misfortunes would have happened. They order her to take some tools to grab the book, and then throw it in the fire. Once the fire falls into the flames it starts to scream – proving that it was the work of a witch. The leader of the bandits insisted again on the fact that Angiulina should NOT open the door.
But when the witch saw Angiulina was still not dead, she put on a different disguise, and this time came carrying brooches, ear pendants, bracelets and chains (the story insists that the witch had to disguise herself very well, because since she lived in the same village as Angiulina, the girl knew her well). She came knocking at the door and the same exchange repeated itself – Angiulina at the window refusing to open, the disguised witch convincing her by saying she will die of cold, the girl offering her a bowl of coffee… Again, the disguised witch wants to offer her a reward. Again, Angiulina refuses anything… And so the witch, not allowed to give her anything, tells her to sit in an armchair: she will curl her hair! So Angiulina obeys. The witch takes the girl’s hair and, lock by lock, she curls them… But once she is done, Angiulina finds herself unable to move, unable to speak, her eyes wide open. She is still alive but paralyzed: she was “incantada”, that is to say she was “enchanted”, spell-bound. The witch leave.
When the bandits return they find their Angiulina, unmoving, unresponding, her eyes wide open… They all cry. The following morning they carry her, on her armchair, to the edge of the forest. They build an altar in the forest, for Angiulina, and cover it in flowers and candles – and every morning they go lit up the candles on the altar.
One day, a young man son of a king arrived in the area, he had with him a coach and a servant. Seeing lights in the distance, the prince went alone, telling his servant he shall come rushing as soon as he whistles for him. Arriving near the altar, he sees Angiulina in her armchair, and tries to speak to her. No response. The prince clearly saw that she was alive – but she did not speak, did not move, did not blink. So the prince whistled for his servant – he told him to carry the girl inside the coach. Both of them, they take her to the prince’s bedroom, hiding her there without anyone else in the castle seeing it.
After that, the prince barely ate anything, and he stopped leaving his castle – and he refused to allow his sister to go in his room. [Note: it is implied he has fallen in love and is “love-sick”, but this is not explicitly told in the story at all] One day, the sister glimpse inside her brother’s bedroom as he closes his door (he always locks it with a key) and she spies the girl. The sister tells her brother she saw the girl, and the prince had no choice but to let her in. The sister started asking the girl questions – no answer. Since she couldn’t speak, the sister touched the girl’s hair and she noticed that her hair were all twisted and tangled, or rather as she says “all crooked”. So the prince and princess call forth a blacksmith and, with his pliers/his tongs, he “untangles”, “untwists”, “un-crooks” the girl’s hair. It took a long time and a lot of effort, but finally Angiulina started speaking – she was back to her old self.
The king’s son married Angiulina, and they had a great party where they invited all of the town's folk. [Note: it doesn't seem to be the same town Angiulina comes from, since she comes from a "village", and here it is the people of the "ville" - town, city - that are invited. But who knows?]
The end
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l223m0nade · 2 years
wheee I finally wrote that fic I posted a snippet from 1000 years ago! Stoked to share it. Happy New Year everyone!!
Steve and Bucky, WWII First Avenger fic, friendship or stucky, 3.4K words
            Goddamnit!” Bucky gave the broken-down, mud-trapped Jeep a vicious kick. There was never an ideal time for transport to break down on the road during a war, but over 20 miles from base with daylight ticking away and an icy cold rain beginning to drizzle down was close to disaster, and definitely infuriating.
           “She isn’t going anywhere, Cap,” said Morita.
            Steve frowned thoughtfully. “We’ll split up the gear between the other two jeeps, and I’ll cut through the woods to meet you all back at base.”
            “Alone?” Bucky was incredulous. “No chance. I’m going with you.” 
            Steve’s face was a funny combination of stubborn and uncomfortable. The other Commando’s exchanged amused glances and settled in for yet another bout of Cap and Sarge: The Bickering Old Marrieds. 
            “I’ll travel faster alone.”
            “Like hell I can’t keep up with you!”
            “Steve.­ I know I can’t run like an actual racehorse like you can now, but there’s enemy troops in those woods. You can’t go crashing through ‘em at top speed no matter what. And you need someone on your six, and that someone’s me.”
            “Besides, there ain’t room for me in there anyhow,” Bucky finished triumphantly, gesturing to the two working vehicles. 
            Steve huffed. “Fine. Bucky’s with me. The rest of you, travel fast, quiet, and safe. Keep your eyes peeled. We’ll see you at base tonight.” Then he clapped Bucky on the shoulder with a cheeky grin. “C’mon then, Sergeant. Hope you can keep up.”
            The Commandos “ooooo”-ed like school kids and Bucky made an exaggerated scandalized face. “Did I tell you to keep up back when you had the land speed of a snail and the lungs of a paper bag who smoked cigars??” He swung his pack up and fell into step behind Steve.
            “You did, actually.”
            “Well, I was joking!”
            “So was I, Buck.”
            They fell out of earshot as Barnes sputtered in outrage. The rest of the Howling Commandos had to take a moment to recover from laughter before they moved out swiftly down the road.
             An hour later, Bucky’s triumph at out-stubborning Steve had waned a little. The rain was falling thicker, enough to get them through the trees, and it was cold, even walking at their brisk pace. He’d gotten soaked in his sniper nest the day before, and then again on watch in the middle of the night, and it felt like he could barely remember what being dry felt like. His headache from the morning had faded, but left a heavy feeling in his face, and his throat was dry and scratchy.
            Suddenly a tickle erupted in his nose and he barely had time to suck in a breath or turn his head before the sneeze burst out: “ih-tsshchoo!” He inhaled as another one came right after, “hih-Ihh—” but then the tickle abandoned him as suddenly as it had come, fluttering unsatisfyingly around his sinuses and making the back of his nose and throat feel irritated, stuffy, runny, and itchy all at once.
            Comprehension dawned and he bit back a huge groan. He was catching a cold. As if it wasn’t miserable enough out here. Dugan was just getting over one and he thought he’d escaped but apparently not. 
            “Bless you,” Steve called softly over his shoulder, and he felt himself glower. He just needed to push through the afternoon and night’s march through the woods and just …not be sick until they were back at camp and he could hole up in his tent for a day until he shook it off. 
            Even as he thought it, the need to sneeze rose back up in his sinuses, making him squint and his breath waver. He rubbed his nose roughly on his sleeve and it faded but didn’t go away.
             …It wasn’t as though he couldn’t tell Steve, or let him know by not hiding it, it was just—Steve wasn’t just fair, he was kind. He was harder on himself than anyone else. He knew what it was like to be the less strong one, and he sure knew what it was like to be sick and trying to slog through it. He would be sympathetic, slow down for Bucky’s sake, suggest they stop and find a place to sleep for part of the night…
             —and, damnit, wasn’t that his job? He’d never resented Steve when he was a short stringbean who got laid up a lot, it never even occurred to him to look down on his best friend for not being as strong as the other idiots in the neighborhood, but their role reversal felt pretty damn strange to him nonetheless. It was all well and good for Steve, who’d always thought Bucky was an action hero; to him, the playing field was finally level and they were two supermen swashbuckling through the war together. 
           The army had stripped Bucky of any illusions that he was anything but an ordinary man, and he didn’t envy the new Super Soldier Steve. All he’d ever really wanted to be was a regular guy, someone who managed to enjoy life and be thought of as a decent man by those he cared about. Inspiring people was wonderful, but he saw how celebrity made Steve’s skin crawl and he wanted no part of it. 
           So: Bucky Barnes, regular-guy sidekick to Captain America, watching his back from outta the spotlight? Sure, sounds good. But Bucky Barnes, Damsel in Distress, who needs Steve to risk death and imprisonment storming a Hydra base to rescue him, who needs Steve to ease up the pace of their march because he’s coming down with the sniffles? Hell no. 
           He rubbed the bridge of his nose hard to ease the burning itch in there. He was going to have to sneeze again soon, no way around it, but he could be stealthy when he needed to be, and that included sneezing. He looked up at the grey sky to let the feeling build, then clamped his lips shut, shoved his fist under his nose, and shuddered forward with an entirely silent stifle. He let out a shaky exhale, making sure to stay quiet, and watched Rogers’ giant triangle of a back with suspicion, but he showed no sign of noticing. Success. It felt like shit to hold them in that way, especially with how ticklish and satisfying to let out his cold sneezes were, but maybe he’d be able to keep his misery under wraps until they were back at camp and he could curl up in blankets and self-pity in dignified solitude. 
              After a few hours he was soaked, shivering, with a sore throat, and feeling less thrilled with his plan. He had underestimated how miserable it would be to hold back every sneeze that crept up on him in total silence, and how much he would need to sniffle. He figured he could get away with the occasional sniff in this cold weather without sounding like he had a cold, but now his nose was so stuffed and runny he knew he’d give himself away. Searching his pockets, he came up with a tiny but blessedly clean and dry cloth scrap he held onto for cleaning his guns. His current need was more urgent, and he rubbed and wiped his nose until it felt like less of a faucet, wishing he could blow it and get some real relief. 
            He shivered as a chilly breeze reminded him how cold and wet he was, and the tickle in his nose crested, forcing his eyes closed, and he only just managed to stifle what felt like it wanted to be a huge sneeze. The urge to sneeze came right back, but as he let his breath hitch and buried his nose in the cloth to stifle, it deserted him just as suddenly, right on the brink. He breathed out slowly, not letting himself growl with the maddening frustration of the false start.
            Bucky squared his shoulders and smiled resignedly when Steve glanced back at him, looking fresh and comfortable and totally in his element. The plan was to walk through the night and he was going to do it without flagging or a word of complaint. 
                        Steve was pretty sure something was up with Bucky, and that it was something he was determined to keep secret. For one thing, he wasn’t complaining about the cold or the wet or the woods at all, which sure wasn’t like him; he generally seemed to fuel himself through any uncomfortable situation by griping about it constantly. Also, he kept hearing little sighs or funny hitches of breath behind him. Steve was trying not to worry, and finding it difficult. Had he bruised his ribs during their last skirmish? Why was he trying to hide it if something was bothering him?    
            During the long walk from Kreischberg Bucky had stayed on his feet, stayed walking, found a gun and ignored the offer of a ride on the captured tank. He had seemed fine beyond being tired, underfed, a little shaken, and utterly bewildered by Captain America Steve Rogers. He had definitely not taken well to any suggestion that he had changed from the fusser to the fuss-ee in his and Steve’s relationship. Steve figured the smart move was to follow his lead. 
            “…You say something, Buck?”
            “Nope.” It sounded oddly resolute and came accompanied by a sharp sniff.
                        Bucky drew up beside him as he paused below the crest of the ridge they’d been slogging up. “Camp’s due southwest from here,” Steve murmured. 
           “If they’re not in front of us they’ll be thataways,” replied Bucky, gesturing north. Steve tried not to quirk an eyebrow at him. They hadn’t spoken in maybe two hours, and Bucky sounded totally different: hoarse and stuffy, like he was coming down with the bad head cold Dugan had gotten over a few days ago. Bucky kept looking in the direction he’d pointed, giving his pink-rimmed nose a swipe with his jacket sleeve. 
           Steve sent him to scout the alternate route while he checked the path ahead, and pointed out the tall tree one hill over at the spot for them to join back up and choose the clearest way to camp. Bucky nodded agreement, his eyes fluttering for a moment, and shoved his nose roughly into his wrist.
           So he was catching a cold? That was all? And trying to hide it for some reason, which wasn’t really like Bucky at all. The rare times he’d gotten sick in Brooklyn he’d tended to be open, even a bit dramatic about it, something Steve had noticed in other big tough guys to his own exasperated amusement.
           Still, a bad cold on an overnight march, after not enough sleep the night before, exposed to the icy rain still falling on them, wasn’t nothing, even if it wasn’t life-threatening. As he moved stealthily through the trees, looking and listening for signs of the enemy, Steve indulged in his hobby of Fretting About Bucky.         
           He didn’t run into anything, and when he spotted Bucky waiting for him at their rendezvous spot not bothering with total concealment he figured he hadn’t either. Bucky hadn’t caught sight of him yet, so Steve paused behind a tree, feeling a bit guilty for blatantly spying on him. 
           Bucky was tucked between a bush and a tree trunk, but Steve’s enhanced eyes gave him a good view of his face. As Steve watched, a hazy expression came over his face, and he wrinkled his nose up and wriggled it in every direction. He tilted his head up, breath visibly hitching, frowning and looking a bit desperate, until he finally shoved his nose into his elbow and shuddered forward with a muffled “hhhmmMPTsschuhh” that sounded like he just didn’t have it in him to squash into total silence. He looked up from his elbow with the sneeziest expression, gasped an inhale, and then sighed as the second sneeze deserted him. He looked around suspiciously as though he could feel Steve’s eyes, then tilted his head against the tree with a soft, fed-up growl and a harsh sniff. 
           Poor guy. He seemed determined to try to get away with coming down sick without Steve knowing. Steve knew well how pride could make you act funny, especially if you were already feeling off-balance. He waited a minute before announcing his presence so Bucky could keep his secret for now, but he was determined to find somewhere dry-ish and call a halt for sleep tonight. He wasn’t sure how he’d get past Bucky if he stonewalled him, but Steve didn’t really know any approach beyond the direct. He’d work it out. They fell back into step.
            “What.” Geez he sounded testy.
           “Was that a…sneeze?”
           “…How did you even hear that?”
           Sheepish, Steve tapped his finger towards his ears. “Got super-hearing now, I guess, along with the rest of it.”
           Bucky groaned, tipping his head to the darkening sky, and then cleared his throat with a wince. “Can we just keep moving?”
             A few hours into the night, Bucky could only breathe through his mouth, Steve had gradually slowed their pace from a march to a stroll, and both men were judiciously ignoring the frequent, helpless, stuffy sniffles and stifled sneezes from one of them. 
           Steve slowed down all the way and turned. “Whaddya say we—”
           “hehh-kngtt! mmpt! hihh…hiDtchuhh!”
           Steve eyed him sorrowfully. “I know how crummy doing that feels when you’ve got a cold.” 
           “Sdeved…” Bucky sounded exasperated but he didn’t take his arm down from where it was pressed to his nose.
           “Here.” Steve fished out a handkerchief and pressed it into his free hand. Bucky took it with an air of personal offense and turned aside to rub at his nose. “We’re finding a dry spot to sleep within the next half-mile. We’ll still make it back to camp before they start to worry,” cautiously, “and you need the rest, Buck.”
           Bucky opened his mouth to retort, but his nose betrayed him. “…hihh—fuck—hih-gnnkt! hh-hih-ktccht! idsch!” He sniffed violently and aimed a full-force Bucky Barnes Glower at Steve, just daring him to say something. “I’mb fide.”
           That scowl had never really fazed Steve much, including back when it was him shamelessly lying his ass off to Bucky about his obvious sickness. “I hear ya, pal. You just seem a little…chilly, is all.”  Boy, if looks could kill. The red-nosed sniffles were kinda taking the edge off of this one, though.
           After a few seconds of Bucky’s silent mutinous glare he lost patience and scoffed, “C’mon, even if I was still half-blind and half-deaf it’d be obvious you got a cold. You look like an ad for Vick’s Vapo-Rub right now.”
           In truth he looked worse: wet, shivering, pale, with a chapped bright red nose that quivered even as Steve looked at it. Bucky deflated, sighed, turned his face up toward the dark sky, and let his breath stutter in and out before snapping forward and sneezing openly off to the side. “Hehh…hhAH-ESHhhuh!! uhhKSHhoo!! …hhhuhh..” he waited desperately for the third one before it finally shuddered out, “hihhhIISHHieww!”
            He took a moment to catch his breath and straighten out after that last sneeze, and then he gave in and blew his nose properly at last. Steve nudged his shoulder affectionately. “C’mon. There’s a spot under that tree that’s actually dry, I swear. And I’m a good pal to have in a bivouac— I run hot now.” 
            Bucky seemed to have surrendered his pride, as he just groaned and went in the direction Steve prodded him, helped drag some boughs and jackets around until they had a dry, decent shelter, and then curled up with his back to Steve without prompting so Steve could wrap around him and share his warmth, in a precise role reversal of the coldest nights they spent in Brooklyn.
             Bucky turned into Steve’s warmth and let himself savor it, half-asleep. After a moment, the change in position caused one of his blocked nostrils to suddenly open up, and the relief of being able to breathe through his nose was overcome by the immediate need to sneeze. Squeezing his eyes shut and willing the tickle away did nothing; he frantically wormed his sleeve in front of his face just in time so he wasn’t sneezing directly into Steve’s chest, “hhh-huh-huh-Djtcsh! hhhNtsch! IHgtcshuhh…” he gave a pitiful snuffle.
           “Need a hankie?” Steve’s familiar deep voice in his new massive chest was a soft rumble all around him. 
           “Shuddup,” he answered on a sigh that became a series of hitching breaths that became another, more frustrated sigh, as his nose teased him mercilessly. When Steve wriggled and a soft cloth appeared next to his face, he accepted it wordlessly and blew his nose, catching a sudden, damp little sneeze in the handkerchief as he did. After a moment he mumbled a grudging, congested “Thangks,” then, “how come you have so mbany of these in a war zonde, anyhow?”
           Steve huffed, sounding a little embarrassed. “Guess I’m used to needing them in weather like this. Old habits.”
           “Huh.” That was funny. Little Brooklyn Steve had certainly spent more time sick than not in the cold, wet winter months, and as much as he had pushed through it and never complained, it had clearly been miserable even when it wasn’t debilitating. On the rare occasions Bucky picked something up from him, it always ended up a much milder version than Steve had suffered. Bucky had sometimes felt like a bit of an asshole with his taken-for-granted good health while Steve sniffled and sneezed and coughed his way through the winter. 
           He didn’t want Steve to feel that way now. “Well, you don’t need em now, probably never again. I’mb glad, Stevie, that’s great.” The warmth in his voice was genuine. He was getting used to Big Steve, to a world where Steve was strong and healthy and capable of coming to his rescue. “Snff! At least something good came of your superman serum beyond you getting to risk your neck in new exciting ways.” They both tried to elbow each other in the ribs at the same time.
           “Snffsnfff! Guh. And I guess I’m glad you forgot you didn’t ndeed these,” he muttered ruefully, rubbing his running nose into the cloth.             
           Steve’s only response was to casually wrap his arms around Bucky and snuggle him just a bit closer to his chest. Bucky let his eyes slide closed, musing sleepily that things weren’t that bad after all.
             When they finally got to camp in the bright sparkling mid-morning of the next day, they ran into the Commandos straight away, playing cards on the outskirts and disguising their worry for their first-and second-in-command quite effectively. Their expressions of relief turned to amusement at the sight of their Sergeant, looking rumpled and tired and sporting an impressively red nose that was currently buried in a well-used handkerchief for a loud, honking blow. 
           “What the hell happened to you?” asked Morita.
           Barnes gestured at Cap with his hanky and said in a ridiculously raspy, plugged-up voice, “Rogers got tired ad called a halt for the dight. I wandted to barch straight through, but, y’kndow. He’s -hehh—frah-hagile—heh-EHdjchshuh!!”
           Jones turned to Steve with his eyes sparkling. “He put a gun to your head to get you to go along with that story or what, Cap?”
           Steve blinked, the picture of innocence. “Dunno what you mean. It’s true.”
           The Commandos all started guffawing at them over their cards. Bucky barked a husky laugh-cough and socked Steve on the shoulder with an actual grin on his face despite how crummy he felt. “You’re a good pal to have, Stevie.” Without further ado he lurched toward his tent, not bothering to hide his exhaustion. “Outta by way, you truck-ridin’ sons a bitches, or I’ll sdeeze on you.”
           Steve looked at him go with a mix of concern and dopey fondness on his face that made the Commandos chuckle softer, then harder at the retreating sound of Bucky sneezing loudly followed by a dramatic drawn-out groan.
“HUH—DSCHhhehh! Uuuuuuuuuuugh!”
I hope you enjoyed this! And I hope it came off light-hearted like I was aiming for. Would love to hear any and all thoughts, I had a blast writing this just like every time I write in this community and genre :D
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rpbtgirl · 1 year
Ok, I’m relaxing, nice deep breaths. I chill a bit and it must be me because Neighbour seems to be relaxing a bit more, back to his usual casual self. He asks how the day was as we are munching on chips so I tell him what happened in the parking lot and going up the stairs, no details of what I was thinking and hoping, just the universe deciding that that was the day my ass was to be put on display… surprise lol 😱
He makes a comment about would have loved to seen that, well you’ve see a whole lot more than that lmao. I make that comment and he agrees but thinks it would have been funny and I can’t say that I disagree with him. We are getting back into a normal relaxed, joking groove so yup, it was my pissy little attitude that did it, so I apologize for being bitchy and all. The exchange went something like this. “I’m sorry, not sure what my issue is but sorry” “It’s ok but you’ll have to make it to me.” “Beer and snacks not enough.” “Nope.” “Oh?” “You hurt my feelings and I have beer and chips at home.” “Well you let me know what I can do to make it all better.” He smiles, stands up, drops his shorts and say “Suck this” while pointing at his cock. He sits down and without any hesitation I hop over in front of him, kneel down between his legs, grab his cock and wrap my lips around it. As I start bobbing my little blond head up and down I’m think how good this feels, I’m getting wet(ter) and then it dawns on me, that buzzing in my head is gone. Welp, it is kind of starting to look like what I thought might be happening is actually happening. Doing my thing and his hands start to drift, he touches my arms, up to my shoulders, starts playing with my hair. This is starting to feel a little weird, like all romantic, right up until he grabs hold of my messy bun very tightly which actually pulls my hair……well if I wasn’t wet before I certainly am now. He pulls my mouth off of his cock, holds me there with my mouth hovering over it and asks if I’m ready…….ready for what?!?! I nod, I’m not sure what I’m saying yes to but I don’t really care at this moment, he is taking control and I’m loving it, every part of me is loving it. He guides my mouth back onto his cock the pulls me back up almost off but not quite, he has me just working the head. Then he starts pushing down a little farther, a little faster, I completely relaxed and let him take total control. The tight grip he had on my hair got tighter. Suddenly he was making me fuck his cock with my mouth hard and fast, he was jerking himself off with my mouth, every push down I could feel his cock hit the back of my throat. I was gagging and trying to get a breath where I could but he had such a firm grip on my head and hair now with both hands and was going so fast I couldn’t get a full breath. My neck started to feel like it was going to snap, I would need to go see chiro after this but there was something about him just going for it without any thought or regard for me. How was I feeling, was I ok, no, it was about him and his need, him rutting into my face. I seriously could not believe how turned on I was, how wet I was. I had to stop though, I felt like something was going to give, like my spine lol. I managed to turn my head to the side so his cock popped out of my mouth. Gasping for some air I told him I just couldn’t keep going like that, that we had to switch it up. He looked around real quick, a hint of frantic, and saw a little step that I use around the house, yes I need them everywhere because as I mentioned before, I barely break 5’ tall.
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