#but i couldn't get the trans flag from the trained version
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trans flag colorpicked from Aya's trained card This Is Perfect! (これで完璧!)
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astr0exe · 7 months
Ch.1 , Ch.2 , Ch.3
reader is transmac and autistic cause i said so :)
SUMMARY: The boys meet someone new. He seems cool but his dog seems to enjoy ripping people apart.// The boys meet the K9 trainer
(first time transferring my AO3 work to tumblr so)
(my writing is also quite shit but hey ho)
( i project so so bad with this character)
(pls give me feed back)
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Soap's POV :
The Captain dragged us into a meeting and we have no idea why. I was busy watching Princess And The Frog after working out for ages, I just wanted to relax after so many back-to-back missions.
"Thank you all for showing up I do appreciate it, I know we are all probably tired, however I thought this was important to discuss before you saw them around the base." Huh saw who around base? Is someone new joining? I glanced around the room and caught Gaz's confused eyes.
"See who sir?" I asked cautiously, "___ they are the K9 trainer and his callsign is K9 because of this. He has a fully-grown perfectly trained cane corso who is with ___ at all times. If any of you are scared of big dogs then I am sorry because Bucky is huge. There will be a meeting introducing you all do not worry but I thought I should give you a heads up. Dismissed." Answered Price.
Whilst walking next to Ghost in the hallway I couldn't help thinking about what Price said. I don't even know what a cane corso looks like. Oh well, when I get to my room I'll find out cause Google is my friend. "Hey, Lt. Do you know what a cane corso looks like?" I questioned, "I think I have an idea, pretty sure they grow up to 70 cm (27.5 inches) ish and weigh up to 50 kgs (110 pounds) They are massive dogs." Ghost murmured.
I could feel my eyes bulging out of my sockets at the thought of a dog that big.As I finally got to my room, I instantly looked up what a cane corso looked like and I think I shit myself. I have to meet one of those tomorrow.
Time skip : meeting K9 and Bucky
We all sat in the common room for our introductions. Me and Gaz were playing uno whilst Ghost was just watching us like a babysitter would with two children whilst we were waiting for Price and ___. Slowly we heard footsteps, they sounded heavy like platform boots, you could hear heavy breathing coming from Bucky and mumbling muffled talking from K9 and Price. The footsteps gradually increased in volume until Price walked in along with an awkward-looking guy. He wore large combat boots which had to add at least 3 inches to his height, and a large leather jacket with lots of patches on ranging from band patches to quotes. Oh and a trans flag. Nice. His belt was studded like he bought it in the 2000s with added chains which actually looked heavy, he had black eyeliner on and a face mask. If he wasn't like 5"7 with his boots on I'd say he was terrifying.
After I finally stopped staring at this Greek god of an emo boy and got my shit together I noticed his dog, Bucky, who was eyeing everyone wearily as if at any point we would attack him or ___. With how intimidating they both look I think they suit each other.
"Um hi I'm ___ or K9 and I'll be training dogs you take on missions and sometimes taking the dogs on the missions myself. Nice to meet you all. As you all know, this is Bucky, he won't hurt you." He giggled towards the end and oh my god it's like I heard heaven gates open and when I gazed around the room I knew everyone felt the same with all the wide eyes and stuttering introductions.
"Well these are my boys, Lt. Ghost Riley , Sergeant Soap Mactavish and Sergeant Gaz Garrick. Boys this is Sergeant K9 he will be working with you as he described he will also be living on base and training with you lads so I expect them to come back to me feeling welcomed into the Taskforce is that clear?" Demanded Price. "Yes Sir." We all responded in unison.
As I observe K9 and Bucky I cant help but smile at how at ease he seems with his dog. I think he is gonna fit in perfectly.
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zydrateacademy · 2 months
Just for fun, a brief summary of my FO76 Journey
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I forget what caused me to return to the game. My brother is typically unsuccessful at convincing me to join on his hyperfixations, though this time I think I was the first to reinstall it. Pamsdottir here (a name to remember and respect my late mother) is probably my third character total. I originally played back in 2020 or so. Didn't like it. Tried it again shortly after the Wastelanders update that added NPCs and various questlines, but couldn't get over the boring, shit mechanics. But here I am.
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Now officially at the highest level I'd ever been. Previously some level 14 or 16 or something all those years ago, but there's a drive to keep pushing forward. Not being ammo starved helps, and the insane abundance of stimpaks has left me healthy and resourceful enough to keep going. Also, shotguns in this game are dogshit.
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Now officially during the time I had my first hovel. I didn't know each piece had different "versions" so the sharp-eyed FO76 players can peek at my hovel in the background and notice it lacks a doorframe. I just had a wall-less hole for an entrance. But hey, it had a roof and some workbenches.
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When I hit around level 34 I joined in on some Expo train that slingshot me well into level 50. I was taking my ramshackle and scavenged power armor in hopes that, if I couldn't do dick for damage, I could at least not be a burden and have some kind of heightened AR to not die immediately. I'm not fond of this screenshot but this was actually shortly before one final expedition that made me hit 51, but I wanted something immediately at 50. It's somewhat fitting. This grungy, seen-some-shit mess of a photo certainly exhibited my experience with the game so far.
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Taken the next day alongside my brother. He made me a set of armor and a somewhat useable weapon, though single-fire weapons are not a good time. I don't think I see anyone under level 80 ever use a single-fire weapon unless it's some kind of explosive launcher.
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I had been given an outfit to overlay, right after some Nuka Tour wild west event. I liked it, made my backpack a quiver to better suit the style. Didn't wear it for too terribly long, but I still have it as of this writing. It looks neat, don't know the source of it.
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I forget when exactly I made the shift from rifles to the 50cal. Roughly in my 70's as I struggled to keep up with any meaningful DPS with the Fixer that was once made for me. As of this writing it's still one of my highest damaging weapons I've ever had in my own hands, though I see plenty of people do incredible work with other weapon types. Still, it's useful and strong, and it apparently had some kind of accuracy nerf in the past because of its strength. Don't care, I enjoy it.
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Just a sort of interim, "I'm on my way to 100" kind of screenshot. My attempt to walk around in a sort of tacti-cool outfit with Brotherhood gear. Best I could do, anyway.
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All of the other shots were sort of made in the moment, but this one I actually planned around. I've long since shed the trans flag from my early levels (in the strictest sense I'm not quite trans... not yet, anyway). This exhibits my Inferno Mark 2 armor (I would later get mark 3 that will be featured in future screenshots), on the X01 armor which I've always loved the look of. The rugged, intimidating look is a good representation of how far I've come, having made it to 100 and all of the experience and resources that it might imply.
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I had long since completed the Enclave questline by this shot but ever since I received the uniform I never took it off. The hat looks a taaaaad too "secret police" for my liking but the main outfit itself has undeniable style.
I have tried to make an effort to keep doing this every 25-50 levels but sometimes an expedition spam runs away with the experience, almost always giving me one or two levels regardless of whatever else I might have planned for the day. That is typically why some of them are uneven.
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cakesexuality · 3 years
What's wrong with Ru Paul?
There's several problems with RuPaul, the main issue people tend to have is the things he's said about women and trans people, but there's some other stuff too. Buckle up, this is a long one.
For a long time, people who were AFAB couldn't compete on Drag Race. There have been AFAB queens on the show now, but not until 2021 so we've only gotten 2 so far in the form of Gottmik, a trans man on US13, and Victoria Scone, a cis woman on UK3. Some people compare Drag Race to Dragula, which has had 3 AFAB competitors in only 4 seasons, while Drag Race has been running since 2009 and there have been international spinoffs for more than 7 countries, which totals to 28 seasons (not even counting France or the Philippines, for which we haven't gotten a cast announcement yet, or All Stars, which is all queens we've seen before).
For a while, we didn't know if we would ever get an AFAB queen on Drag Race bc RuPaul had said that it stops being "punk rock" when a drag queen is AFAB bc it's socially acceptable for someone perceived as a woman to put on makeup and a dress, and that real women just look like drag queens anyway. He's also said that drag queens don't look like real women, trying to have it both ways. Every AFAB queen I know of intentionally makes herself look not like a real woman (e.g. Mik's white face paint, Victoria's giant costumes), and wouldn't it be "punk rock" for an AFAB person to do something that society thinks is only for cis men/AMAB people??
RuPaul has said that the difference between a trans woman and a drag queen is thousands of dollars and a plastic surgeon, and that trans women were only allowed to compete on Drag Race if they hadn't had any transition-related surgeries like FFS or SRS bc then it would be like athletes using performance-enhancing drugs. The problem with this is that it's equating something that would improve someone's mental health to something that would make someone better at a sport, and also the fact that they DO allow queens on Drag Race to get things done to improve their drag, so long as they aren't part of a transition, like Eureka getting lip filler, Trixie getting veneers, or Trinity the Tuck getting surgery to exaggerate her hips.
Trans queens tend to be discouraged from discussing their genders on the show, though this problem also exists in versions of Drag Race where RuPaul isn't heavily involved. I don't know how true this is, but I've heard that Peppermint on US9 was asked to butch it up so she looked more like a feminine man, and that Kylie Sonique Love wasn't allowed to discuss being trans on US2 until the reunion at the end of the season.
The funniest part of all this is that one time when he tried to walk back one of his transphobic statements by tweeting about how he only casts for "charisma, uniqueness, nerve, and talent" along with a green and yellow artwork titled "Train Landscape"... so he would've Googled "trains flag" and wouldn't have double-checked to be sure whether or not it's actually the trans flag.
Outside of his sexism and transphobia, there's also the issue of racism on Down Under, a version of Drag Race where Ru is the host. The US show is usually quite racially diverse, but Down Under only had 2 POC out of 10 queens, both POC were early outs, and when production wanted to bring back one of the first 3 eliminated queens, they picked the white girl over the Native Australian girl or the Fijian girl (not at all Art Simone's fault, but suspicious on production's part that she was chosen instead of Jojo Zaho or Coco Jumbo). The winner of the season ended up being a default win bc of issues created by production. Kita Mean is lovely and I think she's a suitable winner, but it's frustrating that the options were Art, who fans felt had been carried to the top 4 by production; Karen From Finance, who used to collect blackface dolls and had a tattoo (that's now thankfully covered) of one of the dolls; Scarlet Adams, who has a history of doing multiple types of raceface; and Kita, who was the only person in the top 4 who could have been crowned without huge backlash. The show called out Scarlet's raceface, but only after Coco and Jojo were no longer there, and RuPaul forgave her on behalf of all the groups she imitated, even though Ru is just one black person and also isn't part of the other groups Scarlet did raceface of, like Native Australian people. Ru claims to have the final say in every elimination, and Scarlet was allowed to compete until the very end when many fans think she should have been disqualified. An Australian YouTuber called Rifenstine did a video talking about the mess that was Down Under.
Another problem is that RuPaul and Drag Race hold people's careers in their hands. Many queens who go on the show end up having to suck up to RuPaul if they want to maintain that level of fame. Ru recently made a song making fun of queens who "blame it on the edit" aka they got unfavourable edits on Drag Race and have publicly said bad things about the show. Unfavourable edits can have a huge impact on someone's career and Jaremi Carey (formerly Phi Phi O'Hara) still gets nasty messages to this day over a TV appearance he did a decade ago where he was given a villain edit.
There's also a whole thing about how RuPaul and his husband have a ranch in Wyoming where companies frack for oil, though I'm not sure whether consent is required for fracking on their ranch or if RuPaul is paid for it. Someone else would know more about this than I do.
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