#but i did go from 200 followers on IG to over 700 in about a year so idk if that illustrates anything
nctjpeg · 5 months
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kecharacosplay · 1 year
Currently Feeling Like The Worst Person Alive
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Rant post ahead, skip if you don't like sad/angry pouting.
This is my beautiful princess, Tonks. She's about 7 years old and is the most pampered baby I've ever had. She's also my first long-term cat, as before I'd only fostered a few.
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She's always been a bit delicate, specifically regarding her health(little colds all the time, possibly allergies), but never anything serious...at least until the last year or so. A few months ago, she got a hematoma(swelling of the ear) that required a cannula(drain tube/surgery), and these past few weeks we've been dealing with a combination UTI/ear mites situation.
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Luckily at her checkup, the ear mites seems to be taken care of, although the UTI came back after getting back from the appointment(was worried she had a blockage this time, but the pee -did- come out eventually, just took her a few tries).
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So you may be wondering why I feel like a horrible person because of this? Well, it's because she also has shitty teeth and needs a deep cleaning/possible extraction...but of course it's going to cost over $700 dollars. Those who know me, and maybe those who don't can probably guess that I don't have that kind of money. I had to beg help from my parents just to cover the antibiotics/checkup(about $200 including vet fees for current issues, nearly $400 last year for the cannula).
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I feel horrible because they've told me a few times over the years that her teeth weren't great and she'd probably need to have them cleaned. And because of the cost, I just keep putting it off, hoping that someday things would turn around financially and I'd be able to get her the help that she needs.
This has not happened yet...but I'm still hoping. She hasn't really been eating much the last few weeks, possibly because of the stress of medicine/appointments/uti pain...but her shitty teeth probably cause her pain every day too.
So here are my options:
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1: Commissions: My primary source of income, and preferred method if I'm being honest. Cosplay costumes, dresses, purses, hell I've even done a few plushies now. If it's sewn, I can probably make it, and I use Paypal mostly(invoicing system allows for payment plans), but I also accept CashApp, Stripe, and a few others I can't remember. You can contact me about this in any form you wish. Tumblr message, IG, FB, email, anything except phone call(I don't have a 'business line', just a personal phone).
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2: Patreon- I don't post newd stuff, but I do occasionally do tease things, but only for the higher tiers. I have a whole bunch of stuff planned to add to this if it ever actually gains traction, but for now I just post a set of pics(cosplay/casual/sometimes boudoir) once a week.
3: Donations- My least favorite, but possibly has the highest potential? I don't use GFM because they are greedy bastards that abuse the shit out of desperate people, so instead I use Ko-Fi(and CashApp too I guess?) If you don't wanna pay monthly, and don't have the funding for fancy-custom-made garments, but still want to help, this is the way to go. I also have a handful of digital patterns here as well, which I guess is a way to donate while still getting something back.
Sorry this griping ended up so long. I like to type when I'm extra frustrated and depressed, and I know Tumblr isn't the best place for money-raising, but I honestly just don't have the energy to attempt building a following anywhere else. I've been on IG for 8-10 years and still haven't hit 500 followers, so I just don't think I'm one of those people that flourishes in the spotlight.
Still, for the sake of my sweet little princess(I also have a dog with recently-developed seizures, and the other cat Cirilla is fine on health but just recently added to the bills with vaccine updates), I will keep trying until my dying breath.
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moonhoures · 2 years
Been away for a couple days. I was hanging out with 2 of my friends yesterday (March 5th). One of them including the friend I confessed to. But we went to a arcade kinda place and we was looking for food to eat and ended up going to Walmart and grabbing snacks. Butttttttttttttttt(let’s call my friend I confessed to Bathrobe🤷🏾‍♀️ first thing I saw and my female friend let’s name her Paper Towel)
So we walked into Walmart, Bathrobe and Paper Towel both went to grab some bakery area snacks like muffins and brownies. Then we walked a little and in the middle by the entrance there was more and we was looking at them. So Bathrobe was standing really close behind me, like so close that the front of his body rubbed against my shoulder. (😏😭😂) but then we kept walking and ended up in the chip isle we all grabbed a bag of chips and then we walked to the area where it’s the drinks they don’t put in the refrigerated area. I went to grab a vitamin water while Paper Towel went to grab something a little further down, Bathrobe followed me. ( keep in mind me and Bathrobe have been friends since we were in the 7th grade and now we graduated High School. Me and Paper Towel have been friends since 6th grade but we didn’t get reallllly close until like 10/11th grade. And we all didn’t start being on the phone together until like maybe 12th grade.)
Anyways, Bathrobe and I both had a jug of Sunny D (i dont know if you’ve heard of it cause i know some places don’t have specific stuff.) but so Bathrobe is walking behind me while I grab a vitamin water (XXX flavor is the best) but as I’m walking I feel him tap me on my butt with the jug of juice he had😭😭 all I said was “Yeen have to hit me😭” in a funny voice. I looked back and he looked away from me smiling a little bit. He had hit me on my butt at least twice including that time.
We were shyly physically flirting that whole night. Like just little touches.
Side note, we did the punching game that arcades have to see how hard you punch. I got a 700 the first go. Paper Towel got a 200 with her left hand and 200 something with her right but that’s cause she messed her hand up a while ago. And Bathrobe got a 800 something the first time and one of the others he got an 803.
I’m strwong
But anyways that was my little rant about that. Sorry😭 you just give me best friend/ friend like older sister in a way🤷🏾‍♀️😭
ALSOOOO, we all went to a trampoline park called Skyzone Thursday (I probably told you about that🤔) and he had gave me a hug and ig one of his family member was looking for him and was like “Where is Bathrobe?” And his sister was like “Over there with his girlfriendddd” and Paper Towel was handing Bathrobe’s sister her gift and she turned around and was like “AWWWW LOOK AT YOU GUYSSS” HALF OF HIS FAMILY LOOKED LIKE THEY WERE LOOKING INCLUDING HIS MOTHER😭😭😭😭
-a slightly flustered ✨ anon
get it bestieeee 🗣🗣 i ship y’all already 😌☝🏻
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