#but i do think it'd be fun to plot out some deeper relationships
ultfan · 5 months
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alriiiiiiight it's about time i put out a relationship call. this goes for any and all relationships*, including but not limited to: romantic / familial / platonic / rivalry / enemies / (something) with benefits??? / and more !!!
* let it be known that komaeda is a very mentally unstable individual and may not be capable of having a truly healthy relationship with anyone. i won't say it's impossible, just unlikely. we don't do baby boy fanon komaeda here, sorry folks.
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night-market-if · 11 months
Little rant about the MC cuz it's been on my mind :) btw this isn't hate or criticism! I love the game a lot!! Binged it twice in two days.
The strange thing is that I didn't even realize MC was being used by the rest of the cast until Malcom explicitly laid it out. This is probably just me being dense, cuz I just kept thinking "wow everyone's really pushy, ig I need to do another thing." But now that I think about it, the more I realize that damn—MC really got the short end of the stick. This isn't in comparison to any other character, I'm just saying that in general, MC's situation sucks a lot more than I thought initially.
Like coming into a world where you constantly are reminded you don't belong there, yet having no recollection of where you do belong (and on top of that just frustrating skelticism from people you want to trust/are working with)?? And then finding out your origin only to spiral into an even deeper existential crisis???? I can't even imagine how that must feel, and I'm honestly surprised the MC is even functioning at all.
MC plays the role of an outsider looking in, but in doing so, has to grapple with the fact that their, quite frankly, scary situation of being plunged into the unknown is used as a mechanism to solve a problem that is larger than life. They are constantly put on the back burner in favor of some new plot, some new goal. They're there to comfort other characters, mend relationships, negotiate, and run errands when they have only been in the Night Market for a fraction of the time every other character has been in, pushed to hold such a huge burden in such a short amount of time. It'd be a miracle to even begin processing everything, let alone healthily.
Not to mention, I can't get over how quite literally every character has wronged them or used them in some way. They usually are justified in some way, but that really strains a person's trust. I'm looking forward to getting a nice friend group in book 2, the support would very much be appreciated.
I hope we get a nice long break after everything. MC really needs it and a counselor 😭.
Yes! Yes yes yes! So, this was all done by a very specific design. There is not a single relationship within this game that is I'd say 'healthy'. Now, part of that is because that is way more fun to write. But, the other part of it is because I really want to explore a character that does from not really knowing much of anything, to being what they are now and how that does change a person. I still don't know how that is going to look but I'm incredibly excited for it.
This was an incredibly thought out response to the MC and it made my day seeing it. I love when I get things in where I feel like a reader went into my brain and took out what I was thinking. :)
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bittersweetresilience · 8 months
Sentitwin fake dating AU! I gotta know man
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i love the premise a lot, so i got overexcited and shared the entire outline. romantic tropes in platonic relationships... yes, please. also, a rare crack fic from me.
Adrien, in an effort to divert suspicions on his secret identity, pretends to be dating Chat Noir. This is sort of difficult to pull off, since he is in fact Chat Noir.
Enter Félix. Jazz hands.
Félix doesn't know Adrien is Chat Noir. Félix thinks Adrien is busy and he is supposed to be pretending to be him. Félix has no idea how romance works and completely sucks at fake dating. Chat Noir thinks this is absolutely hilarious and is having the time of his life poking fun at him.
After their first date Chat Noir fesses up to knowing Félix isn't Adrien. He says Adrien told him ahead of time and he just thought it'd be funny to tease him.
Félix gets dropped off at the mansion. Whatever, he thinks. That's the end of it. He goes back into Adrien's bedroom, where the both of them have been staying. Adrien is coming out of the bathroom. He feigns a smile and asks how Félix's date went. Fine, Félix says. That's great, Adrien says. They stand in awkward silence for several minutes until Félix pretends to start reading.
Okay. Awkward. Sentitwins are actually fighting. But Adrien is in a pinch after he ran his mouth about Adrichat, and Félix loves his cousin. Come a few days Adrien says he's busy again and Félix agrees to keep fake dating.
Chat Noir and Félix hang out. Chat Noir and Félix hang out again. Chat Noir starts taking Félix to places he likes instead of torturing him. To Félix's surprise, he discovers Chat Noir is kind of tolerable. He even acknowledges why Adrien might be dating him. Meanwhile, Chat Noir is ecstatic. He gets to get away from the tension in the house and hang out with his cousin.
The secret identity suspicions fade away. But Chat Noir keeps coming around to hang out with Félix, and for some reason, Félix keeps agreeing to go on fake dates with him.
The two of them spend more and more time together. First they do things Félix wants to do. Then they do things Adrien always secretly wanted to do with him. Adrien is having a great time ignoring the fact that they're fighting at home and, as Chat Noir, bonding with him. Félix is lightening up to Chat Noir. Eventually he starts opening up about his childhood to him.
Félix now has one friend, which unlocks character development. He decides he should try to mend his relationship with his cousin. But Adrien is so happy about how things are going as Chat Noir that he keeps unintentionally blowing off Félix's olive branches to run away and transform and hang out with him.
Félix is getting kind of stressed out by this.
Chat Noir notices something is wrong, but he has no idea what. They keep hanging out, but Félix gets more and more quiet. Finally one night after Chat Noir drops him off, he breaks down and confesses he thinks he's ruined things and Adrien must hate him.
Okay. Awkward. Two seconds ago Chat Noir was feeling incredibly good about how close he was getting to Félix.
Chat Noir realizes he's lost the plot and forgotten that the whole time he was lying. He reassures Félix that Adrien loves him. Um, he knows because remember, he's dating Adrien. Adrien talks all the time about Félix. Adrien definitely misses him.
Félix takes some convincing, but he has come to trust Chat Noir, so he does appreciate this.
Chat Noir transforms back and stews in his guilt about tricking Félix into befriending him. He only dug himself a deeper hole by continuing to lie while comforting him. Félix is going to be so angry. Chat Noir has to tell him the truth. He gets in his head. It's cool, he can totally do this. He'll just have to plan the perfect day. He'll put Félix in a good mood and say and do all the right things and then he'll gently break it to him and they can be best friends again and forget about this.
Félix tries to talk to him as Adrien, and Adrien is trying to pay attention but he's distracted and doesn't notice when he says something he isn't supposed to know as Adrien.
The next day Félix stops Adrien by the door to their room. Adrien is rushing to finish preparations for the last fake date. Félix catches him by the hand and hugs him. Adrien hugs back, surprised, but then he skedaddles, which is okay, he justifies, because it's the last time, really. Félix will understand once he's explained everything.
Midway to the kitchen he realizes his finger is bare and wheels back into the bedroom, where Félix is holding his ring.
Okay. Awkward. He didn't get to explain anything.
He's expecting Félix to be angry, but Félix just starts laughing.
Of course you were always running out of the house. Of course you were always busy. Busy patting me on the shoulder and promising you loved me.
You're not mad at me? Adrien asks timidly. Oh, no, I'm furious, Félix says. But don't worry, you have a chance to make it up to me. Take me on whatever date you were planning as yourself and we'll see.
(wip ask game)
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charlioak · 1 year
I have some questions about Honey Badger and Yellow Jacket, maybe you've answered them before, sorry if so. 1. Do HB and YJ end up together (romantically) in canon, or are the shippy drawings of them just for fun? 2. If they end up together, was HB's hypnosis involved in attaining YJ? 3. What kind of business does Honey Badger run? (The more in-depth you get here the happier I'll be). 4. What is Yellow Jacket's day job? Is he good at time management like Clark Kent, or always having trouble with being late to or skipping out on things like Peter Parker? 5. Do you have any posts dedicated to worldbuilding? Do you have any posts where you summarize all of your main characters and their personalities, like as a rough guide I could read? I tried going through the tag but I wasn't seeing anything. 6. Not a question, but I love love love that HB has hypnosis as a power, it's such a fun power both visually and storytelling-wise.
AHHHHH THIS ASK IS EVERYTHING I'VE EVER NEEDED... first of all, thank you sm for the interest in my ocs! ;V; lovely people like you are the reason i love sharing them <3 WITH THAT BEING SAID, here's some oc info! >:]
1: mostly for fun! although i enjoy playing with the idea, i'm not entirely committed to them ending up together canonically. reason being is that the plot i've developed isn't as fleshed out as i'd like it to be in order to handle that seriously. however, what i can state canonically is that the relationship is non-threatening to YJ. this intrigues HB, and sometimes frustrates him; not being taken seriously and all. it's just in YJ's nature to be a little cocky bastard LOL, he loves getting the best out of HB! that isn't to say HB isn't formidable and dangerous but... well, he let's the superhero get away with a little too much sometimes. sigh <3 but this is canon. it needs to be.
2: although my first response was a shy maybe, in those situations, the commitment wouldn't stem from HB hypnotizing YJ for that gain... canonically, he only uses it to interrogate and intimidate YJ. everything else is for fun :]c hehe. honestly, it'd be YJ making the first move, if i had to say U//v//U
3: HB is a CEO of a prominent robotics company in the setting! i recently thought to myself as him using this company as more of a disguise for deeper and darker works going on behind the scenes. perhaps a portion of the company's products is used to assist superheroes' abilities, which are prominent in this setting. but in turn, this gives him the ability to lock them all down with a push of a button. very fun to think of..... even if it's giving incredibles 2 plot LOL.
4: (spins around in my chair) YJ works for HB's company - DUN DUN DUNNN!!! but he doesn't know it. personally? can't blame him, i don't know what the CEO of the job i work for looks like, nor do i care. YJ truly lives up his name, he's a real worker bee! (worker wasp?) he manages his time exceptionally well, just tends to show up late. he is usually sleep deprived in the day, but hyper at night.
5: at this time, the only resources i have is going to be their individual toyhouse pages (chaotic i know). as for the world itself, it's set in 1970s las vegas. the 1970s aspect is mingled with modern amenities, like a cassette futurism type alternate universe. but i hope to straighten things out soon and perhaps build up a google doc or something to show you guys! <3 YJ's page - HB's page / they also have playlists if you're interested! YJ's music - HB's music - yellow badger music hehe
6: THANK YOU!!!! <33333 it was an on-the-spot sorta thing, but i think it fit in really well for his design! supers with psychic powers are my weakness
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leohttbriar · 2 years
like, i watched the obi-wan series first episode and i had fun and thought leia was an adorable little trouble-maker and recognized that they went with the whole dramatic inquisitor aggression/kidnapping to 1) force obi-wan into engaging with the outer world again and 2) establish that obi-wan both doesn't know that anakin survived their fight but now does know, like i get it
but the framing of obi-wan's specific plight seems so strange to me, as this struggle for loneliness/feeling ultimately defeated being addressed by him rescuing a princess and fighting a bunch of seedy criminals/some people working directly for the evilest dude out there with a personal history with obi-wan---that all seems to me to be both overkill and a boring story.
i know they were never going to write and produce the story that i most wanted to see, the story i would've written if i had all the resources and could do what i want: sad hermit man, survivor of genocide, rediscovers a sense of community and meaning in the unlikeliest of places in the unlikeliest of ways. would my version have some action scenes and some lightsabers and some pew-pew? yeah, probably, but to me that should all be so incidental to obi-wan's story post anakin's fall because, like, it's not as if he would lose trust in his jedi fighting abilities after anakin. it'd be the more complicated stuff, the deeper stuff, the self-defining stuff--if eventually he needs to be able to take in luke and teach him what he knows in the very short time he has when luke is finally ready to learn and obi-wan isn't dead, then the stuff between revenge of the sith and a new hope should be centered on addressing his failure and coming to peace with it.
i get that they weren't going to make an existential show about a once-powerful man reconvening with nature and finding meaning in the desolate desert to reflect his desolate life, etc, but i also think they're relying very much on obi-wan's last act, when he, like, becomes one with the force or whatever, when fighting vader, as the guide for this story, and not obi-wan's present conditions.
of course, we're only one two-part episode in, so i shouldn't write off all their choices already, probably. but they ended the prequels recap in the episode with a yoda voice-over explaining how obi-wan could train and see his old master and then ended the nightmare scene with him calling out to qui-gon, so obviously this is The Plot. which is fine, and expected, but it's all still disappointing. it could be a rich story that relies on writing new characters and new relationships and new adventures, adventures that could be small and un-connected with the larger adventure beyond, but that seems fairly unlikely at this point. that's not what disney star wars is all about anyway.
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mmacabrera · 5 years
The episode was fun, but it felt a bit...Out of place?It was weird to see Della that concerned about crashing after we already saw her being completely fine with letting her 10 years old pilot and crash the plane.I think it'd have made more sense if she'd returned from the moon understandably paranoid about flight security, but then this episode had happened and she'd recovered her confidence/carelessness before taking Dewey to the Doomsday Vault.Did I miss something in terms of her development?
No, don’t worry you didn’t miss anything! I agree that while fun, the episode felt underwhelming and kinda strange? Like it could have been executed in a complete different way, but that might be because:
1. Our expectations have been already influenced by the other episodes that were top-notch in regards to characterization, development and main plot, and this one episode was more like a filler episode, and
2. There is some tension in-fandom in what concerns the episode since we first knew what it was gonna be about, thing that raised the expectations even more and some mixed feelings (excitement + anxiety) to the concept in general.
DT crew at us while making this episode: It’s not that deep, bunch of clowns.
Now, in regards to Della’s characterization, there’s a big difference in how Della treats her skills, Dewey’s skills, and Launchpad’s skills.
Della’s skills are something that she is confident about, the crash on the moon didn’t really take that away at all since that specific crash is attributed to the cosmic storm and not her actual ability. Also, the crashes she has done, she has done them by necessity not because she wanted. If she can avoid them, she will by any means since she prides herself on being the best pilot around because she already learned all there’s to learn, and the best pilot Does Not Crash. Those crashes are simple mistakes, accidents she will learn from, she doesn’t look for them nor she necessarily likes them (in opposition to another pilot we know, that embraces them wholeheartedly).
With Dewey is different, he is kid, he is just learning, and also Della is his mom, the mom that got stuck on the moon for 10 years and, well, she must enable him. There are expectations she wants to meet and there’s mother affection involved. She is patient and encouraging and she has to let him commit mistakes once in a while to learn. She executed it in a complete careless and limitless way because that’s how Della and Donald were parented by Scrooge, take the most dangerous hit and then continue (but don’t worry I will be there to catch ya). She still didn’t know how to discipline her children (and she’s still learning to do it) but she has learned that she has to put limits and not enable them in the desire to make them more happy with her presence. She was kinda trying to overcompensate, just like with the cakes and the dangerous trick in the stairs. Della was also confident that she could help him make the crash the most safely it could be.
With Launchpad, the situation is completely different, she doesn’t know him personally nor does she have attachments to him, and what’s worse Della already has friction with him even before she even saw him in the air (“It’s not personal,” she said as if she had not immediately threatened him the moment she saw his face the day they met without any prompting whatsoever lmao).
Launchpad is supposed to be an adult, an experienced pilot that knows what he is doing and his apparent “ineptitude” gets on Della’s nerves more than anything. Though an unconventional person, Della goes technically by the book when it comes to piloting. She knows what everything is for, she knows the safest, fastest way. She is the perfect pilot. That sure is to cause some one-sided friction between her and the most unconventional pilot the world has ever seen. Crashing is something you’re supposed to avoid when you’re a good pilot, something that Della prides herself to be. But a good pilot means something different to Launchpad, he looks for the crash, crashing is fun! And he does that splendidly! But that goes against what she believes, and also, isn’t kinda terrible that this “bad pilot” replaced her, the best pilot? That gotta cause some rifts and underestimations on her part.
This episode was fun, and of course I’m a clown and I'm gonna look it to be deeper than it is (dt crew @ me: [it’s not that deep]), overall the characterization is consistent though not that obviously, there are some meh here and there, though the “Launchpad and Della have a pseudo-mother/son relationship and oh, also LP is Phooey” has to be the most unexpected but funniest thing that got out of this characterization and that Frank already said in an ask asdfghjk The Webby and Della’s part just got to me, it was really nice to see (I may or may not be thinking about how Webby and LP’s respect to Della interconnects to that desire they both have to be part of the McDucks Family) and Launchpad was such a goodie this episode, I loved him a lot!
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