#✁ ⇾ call.
ultfan · 2 months
like this post for a one liner
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killmeprettypleasee · 2 months
𝐔𝐧𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐲 𝐓𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬
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Imagine── Skipping in the woods going to your grandmother's house to accompany and give her these cookies your mother made for her.
While you navigated through the woods you were met with a big wolf,, his gaze scare you causing you to jerk back and fall on your butt, your basket fell and the cookies cracked inside, its crumbs scattering on the dirt floor.
The wolf looked down at you and apologies immediately,, despite his scarred scary face he was actually kind hearted!
He promised to make it up to you──
Now you were on the ground with your ass up and chest pressed to the ground.
His cock pistoning in and out of you, his knot teasingly pressed against your hole causing you to shudder.
"I hope you're- h-having a good time.. fuh-fuck.. agh~ you're so tight pretty boy!"
He would let out little grunts against your ear as he whispered dirty words against your ear, calling you a good boy while he breeds your little boy pussy.
And after that, he walked you to your grandma's house without the cookie basket and with your ass and pussy leaking uncomfortably with his seed underneath your garments.
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roses-r-rosie3 · 6 months
X-Mas list presentation
Batfam x M!Reader
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Summary: instead of making a regular Christmas wishlist, the reader decides to make a whole presentation
Quote: “That is all Family! So open up your hearts and your wallets for me this holiday season”
✁ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
“Why are you here?” Duke asked Jason.
“Same reason why you’re here, y/n wanted us to all meet up in the living room for some announcement” Jason sighed.
After everyone was in the room, you pulled out your computer and connected it to the Tv, which made everyone confused.
“Hello family, I know you must be wondering why you’re all here” you said.
“Can I go back to my game now?”
“Last year you guys totally fucked up Christmas, so this year I put together an entire presentation to tell you guys what I want specifically” you smiled.
Everyone in the room let out an audible sigh/groan. It was known by everyone in the family that you were very dramatic from time to time (24/7). But they never thought you would get this extra!
“Is that really what you called us here for?” Damian grumbled.
“Would you shut up for a second?” You snapped.
“Y/n I don’t think that’s how you should be talking to your little bro-”
“Anyways, Here’s the things you should keep in mind when you’re thinking about what kind of gift you will provide for me this year” you said as you interrupted Bruce from his lecture.
“First of all, I’m the only one who knows how to reset the Wi-Fi, and yeah that’s threat” you threatened.
That certainly got everyone’s attention.
“Secondly, if you don’t get me what I want I will get a sugar daddy, I don’t even care what you guys are going to say, I’ve had so many offers for sugar daddies that it’s unreal. The perks of being son of Bruce Wayne I guess” you said.
“Y/n, you do know that Bruce is rich right?” Jason asked.
“Not the point” you mumbled.
“And third if I don’t get what I want, I will also sell my feet pics online like I did last year” you said calmly.
“YOU WHAT?!” Bruce shouted
“Calm down, I only ended up making about 1 million from it” you sighed.
“ONLY?!” Dick gasped.
“I created a three tier system of different gifting levels, basically, the levels equivocate to how much you love me and how much money you have” you explained.
“Level one is the ‘I’m going to need therapy level’ which is only four to seven gifts. I would probably go into a depressive spiral, actually not probably, I definitely would be depressed” you said.
“Would you stop being so overdramati-”
“I’M NOT DONE YET” you said as you interrupted Tim.
“What would that mean for us? You may ask. It would mean that you would have to pay for my therapy. And the money that you guys spent on therapy would have been basically wasted, you could’ve bought me a whole bunch of gifts right now and avoided the situation” you smiled.
“I think that he’s lost his mind” Bruce whispered to Stephanie.
“You think?!” Stephanie whisper yelled.
“Level two is the ‘You’re getting warmer package’ This basically if you love me- Bruce can you stop whispering to Stephanie” you scolded.
“As I was saying… Level two is eight to fifteen gifts, which is basically equivalent to you texting me happy birthday” you continued.
“Level three is the ‘You’re sleighing it’ level. And if you remember, you guys were just a bit off the mark of hitting this because you guys only got me twenty three gifts. And in order to reach ‘You’re slaying it’ you have to get me twenty five or more gifts, I think this is totally do-able for you guys, especially because you can just use Bruce’s card if you guys are running low on money” you said.
“I have tons ideas for you guys and this whole slideshow is already in your email so you guys can look at it and reference it at any time” you smiled.
Everyone quickly checked their phones to see that you indeed emailed them your whole presentation.
“That is all Family! So open up your hearts and your wallets for me this holiday season” you smiled before leaving the room.
“Yeah he had definitely lost his mind” They all said in synchronization.
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jchampionsgf · 1 month
✁ THE DINER. ethan landry
inspired by "THE DINER" by billie eilish.
warnings: stalking, obssesion, posessive, no smut just plot343 words
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𐙚 mdni!! ↓↓ 𐙚༘⋆ೀೀ
"DONT BE AFRAID OF ME, IM WHAT YOU NEED." That was the note slipped under your dorm door. You assumed it was from your so-called stalker, as your friends would tell you whenever they saw the notes he left. At first, they were things like, "I know we're meant to be" or "You're starring in my dreams." You leaned down to pick up the note when your roommate, Mindy, stopped you."No, Y/N, enough. Seriously, this stalker stuff is getting creepy.""Oh, don't call whoever this is a stalker. Look, it's nothing."Mindy picked up the note and read it. "Don't be afraid of me?? Is that what you call nothing? For me, this is sounding a bit Ghostface-like." She looked at you with judging eyes. "Come on, we're going to be late for class."You grabbed her arm, leaving your dorm. In front of Mindy, you pretended to brush it off. You knew she'd freak out, but in reality, you were also scared, terrified.
"So, how's stalker boy?" Tara asked while you two were walking to the lunch table."Tara, I'm starting to get scared," you said, stopping in your tracks."Trust me, it's nothing. Plus, think about it, someone is obsessed with you.""Yeah, you're probably right." You both sat down with the rest of the group."Hey guys," Chad said, smiling."Hey, where is Mindy?" you asked. She was the only one missing."Oh, she forgot her pen or something. She'll be back in a bit," Anika said. That was technically true, but Mindy was actually looking for more notes or letters from your stalker. An envelope was attached to the fridge, marked "From: Stalker Boy." Mindy yanked it from the fridge and tore it open.In the meantime, you were sitting next to Ethan. You two were never really close; you'd only talk because of Econ."Are you okay?" he asked, putting his hand on your shaking leg."Yeah, I'm fine, don't worry." You smiled sweetly, turning to face him, and he smiled back."Hey, I'm back," Mindy said, eyeing you. You stood up from the table and went to talk to her."Stalker boy wrote you a letter.""Wait, a real handwritten letter?"Mindy nodded. "Well, that's... weird.""Finally, you came to your senses. Anyways, I destroyed it.""Mindy! That could've been evidence.""Yeah, no, I don't think 'you could be my wife' is evidence." You both chuckled.Ethan was watching from the table, reading your lips. Knowing you knew about his letter just made him more aroused.
Later, you got ready to go to a random Halloween frat party someone was hosting. Maybe you should've worn an outfit that showed less skin because the number of guys hitting on you was obscene. Some were gentle, talking about your future together, while others were more aggressive, kissing you without permission. You needed to catch some air.You stepped outside, sitting on one of the steps of the doorway. "Hey, can I sit here?" Steve asked. He was from Econ, and you always thought he was cute."Yeah, sure.""So, are you enjoying the party?""Not really, actually. Guys keep hitting on me. I want someone who wants me for me, not just for my body," you blurted out."I guess I feel the same way." You both stared at each other. You leaned in and kissed him without much thinking."Oh my God, I'm sorry. I don't know what I was thinking." You put your hand over your mouth and got up."Wait," he ran over. "I liked it." He smiled and kissed you again. "Do you need a ride home?" You nodded, smiling. You couldn't believe you just kissed the boy you liked and now he was taking you home. You both walked over to his car, and he opened the door for you.What you couldn't see was Ethan watching. He tilted his head slowly, observing. He pulled his phone from his pocket and took a picture of you two, gripping his beer bottle, chugging one more time before throwing it on the ground when you both took off. He put on his helmet and rode his motorcycle to the diner.
He sat down at his usual place and wrote you another letter, more aggressive and explicit than the last one. He didn't even care if you'd be scared. You were his, and he was yours, at least that's what he thought.
You came back home exhausted. Mindy wasn't home; she texted you saying she was sleeping at Anika's. You entered your bedroom, set your purse on your bed.Sitting in the bathtub, you let the warm water envelop you, trying to wash away the anxiety that clung to you. The steam rose around you, and for a moment, you could almost forget about the notes and the unease they brought. After a while, you drained the tub and slipped into your softest pajamas, feeling a bit more at ease.As you walked back into your room, you noticed the clock on your nightstand blinking 11:45 PM. You sat on the edge of your bed, brushing your still-damp hair. Your phone buzzed with a text from Mindy."Are you okay? Did you get home safe?""Yeah, I'm fine. Just tired," you replied, setting your phone down.You tried to distract yourself by scrolling through social media, but your thoughts kept drifting back to the stalker and the unnerving notes. You considered telling the campus security, but part of you felt it would be dismissed as a prank or overreaction. Besides, you didn't have any solid evidence, thanks to Mindy's well-meaning destruction of the latest letter.After a while, your eyelids grew heavy. You turned off your phone and snuggled under your blankets, hoping sleep would come quickly. But as you lay there in the dark, every creak of the dorm, every rustle of the wind outside, seemed magnified. You couldn't shake the feeling that someone was watching you.
Meanwhile, at the diner, Ethan was finishing his letter. He wrote with a fervor, his handwriting becoming more erratic as he poured his obsessive thoughts onto the paper. The letter was filled with declarations of love, veiled threats, and vivid descriptions of his fantasies about you. He folded it carefully, placing it in an envelope with your name on it. As the night stretched on, you finally drifted off into a restless sleep, unaware of the shadowy figure lurking outside your window, watching. Ethan stood there for a moment, his breath fogging up the glass as he stared at you. He slipped the new letter under your door before disappearing into the night.You woke up in the middle of the night with a headache, feeling slightly more rested but still uneasy.
The memory of the kiss with Steve brought a small smile to your face, but it was quickly overshadowed by the sight of another envelope lying on the floor inside your door. Your heart sank as you saw another paper "310-807-3956" it was your phone number. you picked it up, the familiar handwriting sending chills down your spine.You tore it open, dreading what you'd find. The words were more intense, more disturbing than before. "i could change your life, you could be my wife" it read. "please dont call the cops, they'll make me stop, and i just wanna talk". "No one else can have you. I'll make sure of it." The explicit nature of the letter made your skin crawl. Suddenly, your phone rang. The caller ID displayed "Unknown Number." You hesitated for a moment before answering, your heart pounding in your chest. "Hello?" you asked, your voice trembling slightly. "Hey gorgeous, did you get my letter?" The voice on the other end was eerily calm, almost familiar. "Stop calling me, please," you pleaded, trying to keep your voice steady. "I memorized your number, now I call you when I please," he continued, ignoring your plea. "I tried to end it all, but now I'm back up on my feet. I saw you in the car with someone else and couldn't sleep. If something happens to him, you can bet that it was me." The call ended abruptly, leaving you in stunned silence. The phone slipped from your hand, clattering to the floor.
what the fuck.
part two?
@jchampionsgf on tumblr
a/n: heard the diner and decided to make history
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bryngmemoney · 5 months
Megumi Fushiguro x Reader
⭑story masterlist link
tw: none
Writing in between messages!!
🪡Chapter Nineteen: First Date
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Megumi led the way as you walked by his side to a restaurant he had recommended, which was apparently also his favorite.
“I think you’ll like it, well I hope you like it.” he smiled at you as you two continued your walk. “I bet I will, sounds good from what you’ve described.”
He looked down at your hand, wondering if he should reach for it, at least to try and be a little more romantic. Megumi had been alone with you before, last night he was feeling especially brave, so why couldn’t he do that now. He felt nervous, more than he had been any other time with you. It might’ve been the fact that this was officially a date.
He was a little thankful when he finally saw the street sign of the place a few feet away from you. Maybe once you guys had settled down to eat he’d know what to do.
There ended up being a couple people waiting in front of you, so you guys ended up waiting to be seated for a bit. “You really like this place?” you asked him. “Yeah, it’s pretty good i’d say.” You took a moment to look around the place as you waited, it definitely went in line with the atmosphere you’d think he’d enjoy.
You turned to look at him about to bring up the whole fiasco in the morning, only to stop when you saw he had his camera app open, ‘discreetly’ trying to look at himself. You saw him try to adjust a few strands of his hair that fell on his face, his eyes scrunching slightly with worry as if he thought he looked off. “I like your hair.” you complimented, catching him completely off guard. He looked up from his phone, immediately trying to hide the screen as if you hadn’t already been looking at him.
“Oh, uh, it’s nothing special.” He had to look away before you noticed how red his face was getting.
“Megumi,” you laughed, watching his back completely face you.
“Shut up, don’t laugh at me, I take you out for lunch and this is the thanks I get?” He peeked back over, still slightly flustered but in a better condition to at least look at you.
“You’re cute, and pretty, it’s why I chose you to be my model.”
“Shut up, you don’t know what you’re saying.”
Just then the hostess called out his name, signaling the table was ready for you two. “C’mon,” he spoke, finally deciding to just grab your hand, as you both walked to be seated.
Excited to finally just sit down with you and talk, especially after working up more confidence, he was about to let go of your hand so you could take a seat across from him in the booth you’d been assigned. Yet the moment he heard an all too familiar voice call his name he cursed the universe for ruining his one chance. He debated running off with you knowing exactly who was approaching.
“Megumi kid, is that you?” You turned to look behind you, only to be met with your teacher, Satoru Gojo.
“Megumi! It is! And Y/n? What is going on here?” He had a more teasing, playful tone, yet you were a bit put off by the whole thing.
“Go away, please.” Megumi said, you felt him slightly tighten his hold around your hand.
“Oh but we haven’t caught up in so long! I basically raised you and now you shew me away? Why don’t we have lunch together, me and Geto were just about to be sat down, but we can just join you two! Don’t worry i’ll pay.” Before Megumi could protest again, he was already sat on one side, turning around to wave Geto over once they saw each other.
“I’m so so sorry,” you heard Megumi mumble to you as he sat down defeatedly opposite of Gojo, leaving room for you.
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Author’s Note: megumi’s so done
anyways next date will hopefully be uninterrupted 🤗
hope you guys enjoyed!
Taglist below, feel free to comment or dm me to be added!!
@iridescentrays @gumimegz @maya-maya-56 @mamafly @lunavixia @swissy23 @coltsgf @m00nglad3-mp3 @etsukis @xosren @qtnfer @oengleli @harek89 @y-sabell-a @morgyyyyyyy @getolvr @liliumaraneae @k3lbade @aiieera @dancedancey @get0sfav @chuyasthighs0 @hyssoplampflickers @kpopanimen @sad-darksoul @vivi-loves-penguins @kasumitenbaz @talkingsperm @nymphsdomain @inlovewithlondonn @rzcnlb @enchantingkitty @fuyuzemi @lysaray @ni-ki-ismyluv @renemy @frumira @mixzimi @miralunaela @dreamxiing @p3achiee @anianurst @nishii28 @arguendo @sleepytoges @hallothankmas
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y0urm4m · 3 months
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Warnings:unprotected sex(wrap it before you tap it 😮‍💨),car sex,semi public,smut,hook ups,swearing, alcohol usage,drug use,arguing, mentions of threesome, name calling ‘slut,baby’, mentions of vomit!
My entry for the writers comp by: @annamcdonalds67 (honestly was super fun to join in and do this so thanks for making the comp)
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Chris pov:
“Yo, pass me my lighter.” I told the girl next to me. She rolled her eyes passing me the lighter. The other girl sitting up grabbing her clothes.
“Right I’m heading out.” I mumbled, the two girls looking at each other before one of them spoke up. “He’ll come running back when he’s fed up with the next one, don’t worry Celina.” The blonde one spoke now scrolling her phone. “Of course he will, he always does.” Celina added.
I shook my head walking out. How can she say that when they were the ones begging me to fuck them, I laughed to myself at the thought as I pulled out the drive way.
— My phone buzzed. Jenna, what does he want. I broke it off with her weeks ago, she was so determined to stay I practically had to push her out my apartment. “What do you want jenna?” I mumbled puffing from the lit joint in my hand. “Hey Chris, am I gonna see you at the party tonight.” She giggled. I almost choked on smoke. “Yeah, but I ain’t there for you. So don’t be expecting anything.” I spat, ending the phone. I wasn’t going to not go cause she was there, I just had to stay away from her.
Reader pov:
I huffed looking down at my empty rolling box. My dealer was currently out of town, doing god knows what and I was currently completely out of weed.
I decided to call up Sydney to see if she had any other dealers. I clicked on her contact listening to the ring, “what’s up y/n.” She spoke. “Do y’know any possible dealers around town at the minute? I ran out.” I asked biting on my nails. I heard her huff through the phone. “I don’t know any dealers but there is Chris he always has some on him, I’ll send you his number one sec.” She replied sighing. “Alright, thanks.” I said smiling. “No problem girl, anyways I’ve got something to do bye love you.” She said. “Oh alright, love you too.” I replied ending the phone.
— I stared down at my phone, Chris’ number on my screen. It was only for some weed it should be fine I mumbled to myself and began typing.
:Sydney told me you could possibly hit me up with some weed?
:Uhm let me check how much I’ve got and I’ll get back to you
I rolled my eyes tapping my hand on the kitchen counter awaiting a reply. I was sat for around 15 minutes before I heard my phone buzz, I whipped my phone up to see what this Chris dude said.
:I have some spare but the only place I can meet is at this party I’m supposed to be at
:Oh I suppose I can meet there depending on where and what time
:It starts at like 9 or something I’ll just send the info I got sent
I chewed at my cheek looking at the address Chris had just sent me. Not much else I could do except go and hope I didn’t get mugged when I got there.
:I’ll be there
:alright lmk when you turn up
— I sighed finishing the last of my eyeliner and slipped my shoes on, heading towards the door. This was it I would just grab the weed and go home.
The whole drive there I was full of worry, until i was outside the house.
Just a classic house party, the uneasy feeling washed away. I headed up to the door walking past people already drunk out their mind, moving back as someone threw up right in-front of my feet. “Watch out!” I said pushing the drunk man back, rolling my eyes as I walked past him.
:you here yet
:yeah I’m near the front door
I was stood at the door awkwardly until I felt a pair of eyes burning into the back of my head. I turned around my gaze reaching a pare of blue eyes. I’m guessing this was Chris. I walked up to him.
“Are you Chris?” I asked, looking up at him. He looked me up and down, raising an eyebrow. “You’re who was messaging me about weed.” He chuckled. “Does that surprise you orr.” I replied looking confused. “Don’t worry about it, anyways you wanna smoke some with me now? Or you just going to leave?” He said sucking on his teeth.
I could either smoke with Chris or I could go home smoke and sleep. I guess I didn’t come here for nothing. “I guess I could stay a little longer.” I said smiling. “Alright, the only place I usually smoke is in the bathroom so follow me.” He said walking off, i just followed like a lost sheep.
— There me and Chris sat passing a zoot back and forth. Whatever strain Chris had, I’d never had before and it was strong. Although I wasn’t complaining.
“What is this shit, I’ve never had it but it hits the spot.” I giggled, looking at Chris. “It’s called gorilla glue.” He replied twirling the joint sat between his finger tips.
Our conversation was cut short as the bathroom door was practically slammed open. “There you are chrisss.” The girl slurred, as I grabbed her shoulders before she could slip over the bath mat. I raised an eyebrow at Chris, he rolled his eyes. “Jenna what the fuck are you doing?” He asked furrowing his eyebrows. She turned her head to the side looking at him, he shook his head. “I’m going to get a drink, I’ll just leave you two for a second.” I said slipping past the two of them heading straight for the drinks. I was not going to get involved with whatever was happening.
Shortly after I had left, I saw Chris walking up to me. But before he could get right up to me, another girl started speaking to him. What’s up with him and these girls. I watched him shake his head at them and walk over towards me. “You alright?” He asked looking down at me before grabbing a bottle of Jack that was next to us. “Uh yeah I’m all good.” I replied drinking the rest of my drink, squinting my eyes to look at the girls that were talking to Chris prior.
— “You wanna smoke another?” Chris asked motioning another joint towards me. I nodded slipping off the kitchen stool, pushing past drunk people dancing.
We sat outside this time sitting on the steps, I took a hit from the joint slowly making tiny o’s as I exhaled. This time the high hit even harder as there was now alcohol in my system.
“You high baby?” Chris chuckled, I didn’t even take time to process the nickname. “Yea.” I answered giggling, but after the thought of the way Chris had said the nickname it had my thighs clenching together for some sort of friction. Chris seemed to take notice of the way a reacted. “Yeah?” He spoke softly as I felt his hand start to make small circles on my thigh.
I felt a rush of confidence rush through my body as the words left my mouth. “We should take this back my place.” I said looking up at Chris through my doe eyes. His eyes shone with lust, “I don’t think you understand what you’re asking right now.” He chuckled,
And with that I was on my way to my house with someone I met not even 5 hours ago. We were sat in the car, Chris driving. His hand on my thigh once again. “Chris talk to me.” I whined. “You want me to tell you something?” He replied chuckling once again. “Uh huh.” I licked my chapped lips. “I know what you wanna hear.” He said taking a u turn pulling into an empty car park.
And there I found myself in the back of Chris’ car, sat on his lap. His hands rested around my waist as I pulled his lips into mine.
His lips parted slightly, allowing my tongue to slip inside. As one of his hands made its way to my ass squeezing it roughly.
I pulled back, grabbing the bottom of his top. “Fuck, you’re a desperate slut aren’t you.” He mumbled his head now rested in the crook of my neck. I hummed pulling his shirt over his head chucking it next to us.
— Chris began pulling my top off, my tits on full display. “No bra.” He said raising his eyebrow,a harsh breath left my lips as I felt his breath on my hardened nipple. He looked up at me. “This okay?” He asked. I nodded. “Words y/n.”he added sternly. “Yeah it’s fine.” I replied moving forward on his lap for some sort of friction. He grabbed my hips. “Patience,” He grumbled, flipping us over him now towering above me.
He looked down at my skirt, as if to ask for permission. I nodded my face flushing pink as he began pulling my skirt down. I pushed my hips up helping him take it off, my lacy underwear now on show. He smirked at the sight of my underwear, “This all for me.” He chuckled his eyes full of desire as he began to unzip his cargos and pull down his boxers with.
I reached my hands up to help pull them down, out of desire for immediate sexual relief.
“Fuck, so impatient.” He muttered shaking his head.
Finally pulling down the rest of his clothes, he smiled down at me. He was big, and I wasn’t even the slightest bit surprised.
He then pushed my panties to the side, running his fingertips over my clit making tiny circles before inserting his middle and ring finger inside me. “Fuck, Chris.” I gasped at the feeling of his fingers stretching me out.
He sped up, curling his fingers inside of me reaching places I didn’t even know existed. I let out a high pitched moan and the immediate pleasure flowing through out my body as Chris placed his other hand on my lower abdomen. “Shit.. Chris I’m close.” I whimpered at the feeling of the knot forming in my stomach. “No you’re not, you can wait to come on my cock.” He spat, pulling his fingers out of me. I whined at the loss of contact, but before I could begin to complain Chris’ hand was in-front of my mouth. “Spit.” He demanded. I collected the saliva around my mouth, spitting in his palm, a small grunt leave his lips.
He then used the spit as lubricant, pumping his dick a few times. “You sure you want this?” He asked, his other hand tucking the loose hairs behind my ears. “Yes.” I breathed out. He nodded moving the tip of his dick in-front of my entrance, slowly burring himself inside of me.
I hissed in pain at the stretch, as Chris began thrusting into me. “Fuck your so tight baby.” He groaned burying his face in the crook of my neck, my hands pushing through his brown locks of hair. His thrusts speeding up. The car windows fogging up, the only things heard were skin slapping and groans and moans slipping out of mine and Chris’ lips.
Suddenly Chris pulled me up by my waist, now I sat on his lap. His eyes still on mine, watching me as i pushed my hips up slowly sinking back down on his dick. “Fuck, Chris.” I moaned out. A Loud groan falling from his lips in return. His hands making their way back to my waist squeezing the flesh. I then began raising my hips and slowly sinking back down but it seemed as if Chris had other plans. Just as i began moving my hips back down, his hips jutted up thrusting into me causing me to let out a loud whimper. “You like, you dirty little slut.” He growled, squeezing the flesh on my hips even harder. There was definitely going to be bruises there tomorrow, no doubt about it.
“Fuck, Chris don’t stop.” I moaned, the knot in my stomach forming once again. “Yeah, you’re close aren’t you. I can fucking feel you clenching around me.” He grunted. I began toppling over, shockwaves of ecstasy rushing through my body as i came but Chris didn’t stop. He was trying to chase his own high now, i could tell he was close by the way his cock kept twitching inside of me.
He let out a loud groan slightly croaking out my name, as he shot ribbons of white inside my walls. I sighed. blissed out and out of breath.
— “ So am i dropping you home then.” He muttered pulling his boxers and cargos back up. I nodded slipping my clothes back on, looking down at my phone. Multiple missed calls and messages from Sydney. Shit she must be worried sick.
I had finally made it home, Chris dropping me off and driving away. I waved at the car, slipping into the front door, taking my shoes off and looked at my face in the mirror. The makeup I had put on before I left looked practically non-existent, my hair looked like a birds nest and my eyes looked as red as a tomato.
I brushed my hand through my hair sighing and taking time to recollect what had just happened. I just had sex with someone I hadn’t met even a day ago, what the fuck. I looked down at my phone, maybe Chris would have messaged me or something. Nothing, absolutely nothing.
I decided why don’t I message him instead. For 10 minutes I sat staring at the keyboard, my finger tips hovering the screen before I started typing.
:hey I hope you made it home safe
:yea I made it home fine
:good, we should see each other again some time
:yeah just hit me up when you need more
Oh. I didn’t mean about drugs of any sort, I genuinely wanted to see him again.
:That’s not really want I was talking about but yeah I will do
I guess I got the wrong intentions about what happened.
Did he really just leave me on read. I sighed messaging Sydney but before I could send the message she was already calling me. “You fucked up girl, like bad.” She spoke as I could hear shouting in the background. “What do you mean? And what is going on in the back.” I asked my eyes widening as she spoke. “Well everyone knows you fucked Chris for one, and two I’ve got Jenna screaming in my face right now because of your actions tonight.” She muttered down the phone.
Jenna the drunk girl that I stopped from falling over, is now bitching about me. “I’m not the only girl he’s fucked since they broke up, anyways he literally left me on read so she can stop whining,” I replied rolling my eyes. “But I’ll call Chris and get him to sort her out, bye.” I mumbled, ending the phone and calling Chris.
“Chris you need to sort your little ex girlfriend out, cause she’s whining to Sydney about what happened earlier.” I said filing my nails. “Not my problem.” He spoke his mouth obviously full of food as it sounded like a mumble. “Chris fuck you, literally an hour ago you was moaning and groaning my name.” I spat, my blood boiling as he spoke. “Can’t get pissed off now, you was the one all over me ma.” He replied. My eyes widened at that sentence. “Y’know what actually kiss my ass Chris, I’m going to Sydney’s to sort your ex out and I swear down if you don’t come and at least pick her up I’ll drop her outside your front door and you can deal with her inside your house.” I spat through the phone ending it.
— I eventually turned up to see Sydney and Jenna outside, Jenna still crying and shouting. I strutted over, Jenna’s face dropping when she saw me. “What the fuck is she doing here.” She spat, her face full of disgust. “I’m here to sort this shit out, Chris is also on the way.” I said looking at Sydney who stood in her dressing gown. I felt bad for all the shit I’d caused tonight because of Chris.
My attention drifted to the sound of a car pulling up, Chris’ car to be in fact. He slipped out the car, joint in hand. I shook my head looking at him. “You gonna sort ‘your girl’ out!” I shouted at him, Jenna still going off. He shrugged looking down at Jenna, who was now sat on the floor, her makeup was also non existent.
“Chris you actually need to sort this whole situation out, playing around with girls and leaving them like this.” Sydney spoke joining Jenna on the floor. “I don’t even know why she’s being like this we broke up.” He shrugged once again. “Chris- I guess that’s what you think- but you didn’t even tell me you wanted to break up you just told me to leave.” Jenna slurred resting her head on Sydney’s shoulder. “What can I say, bitches they come and go.” He shrugged, finishing the joint and throwing the bud on the floor squishing it down with his shoe.
My eyebrows raised at the derogatory reply Chris had. “Really Chris, you have no respect do you.” I spat, folding my arms. “He wasn’t always like that Y’know,” Sydney piped in. “He isn’t the Chris I met 2 years ago, the Chris I knew wasn’t a drug dealer or a ‘fuck boy’. This was before he met Jenna, I don’t even know what happened to be honest.”
Chris’ face dropped as he walked over to Jenna. “Come on Jenna, I’ll drop you home.” He sighed, looking down at the drunk girl.
Sydney stood up, walking over to me. “Do you just want to come in? It’s late as shit, you can just go home tomorrow.” She asked, tightening her dressing gown. I nodded, before turning to look back at Chris and Jenna, Jenna quickly hunching over vomiting on Chris’ shoes. “Shit!” He shouted jumping back a bit. “I’m sorry Chris.” She mumbled standing up and walking over to Chris’ car. “I’ll see you later Chris.” Sydney spoke, as she walked inside. I looked back at Chris shaking my head before walking inside Sydney’s place. Leaving Chris who was trying to get vomit off his trainers and Jenna who had already fallen asleep in the car.
Chris pov:
I sighed, turning the corner to drop Jenna home. The comment Sydney had said earlier replaying in my head.
‘He isn’t the Chris I met 2 years ago, the Chris I knew wasn’t a drug dealer or a ‘fuck boy’. This was before he met Jenna, I don’t even know what happened to be honest.’
She was right though, I wasn’t always like this. I was in the wrong group of friends before I met Jenna or y/n or any of the girls I’d slept with in fact. The group of friends I was in was the reason I am how I am, the reason I do the drugs I do and the reason I’m like this. But I can’t really blame them for how shitty I treat people, I usually go home recollect what had happened that day and smoke my life away.
Flash back:
“Yo Chris try some of this!” Nathaniel shouted to me jogging over. A joint, I’d never had any sort of drug before. “I uh- I don’t know- I don’t smoke.” I said looking down at my feet. “Awh c’mon man don’t be a party pooper.” Leonard piped in throwing his arm around my shoulder. I bit my cheek looking at Nathaniel take a puff from the joint. “I guess I could try it.” I sighed, Nathaniel handing me it.
I gulped, brining it in between my lips. Taking a big toke, I could feel my chest tighten as I exhaled. Almost coughing my guts up, everyone around me laughing at my reaction.
End of flash back:
I remember sitting by myself for the rest of the night but the next time they offered I took it once again, my main priority was to prove I could smoke.
But then when I began smoking, then came all the girls wanting to hook up with me. At first I would refuse and say no as I had a girlfriend, my first girlfriend ever. Although that didn’t go to plan as I walked in on her fucking Nathaniel, that’s when I had stopped being friends with that group but the bad habits didn’t stop. I just became worse and what i guess you could call a drug addict and a piece of shit.
If I could warn my younger self of all the horrible people and stuff awaiting him in the future I would, I’d tell him it’s not about ‘popularity’ or even ‘having a girlfriend’ and to have fun to a certain extent whilst he can.
I’ve caused a lot of drama in the past but tonight I just wanted to wake up and it be a dream. Y/n was a genuinely nice person and I feel shit for fucking her over, Sydney was done with all the drama and Jenna, she needed an apology, sleep and aspirin for when she woke up.
Once I had made it to Jenna’s place, i helped her inside. And placed some aspirin I had found in the glove box, on her side sighing as I left.
I slid into the drivers seat pulling out my phone, calling Sydney and apologising. “I’m sorry for all the shit tonight Syd.” I spoke rubbing my hand over my face. “It’s not just me you need To apologise to chris did you just forget about y/n.” She sighed through the phone. “I was going to call her after.” I replied, still sat outside Jenna’s house. “Well maybe you should call her now Chris, I’m gonna go bye.” She muttered ending the phone.
I drove to my apartment before calling y/n so she had all my attention.
I clicked on her contact, calling her. “What do you want Chris?” She asked. “I just wanted to apologise for everything earlier and for leaving you on read.” I spoke, biting my cheek. “It’s fine Chris, i understand it’s how you ‘roll’ now.” She replied. “Also maybe if you were still up for it I could take you out to make up for today?” I asked,rocking my knee. “I don’t know Chris after what happened tonight.” She sighed as I could taste blood from how much I was biting on my cheek. “I shouldn’t have asked it’s fine, after tonight it’s understandable.” I said as she said something inaudible to Sydney. “Y’know what, why not Chris.” She added. “Alr-” I began speaking but she butted in. “But one thing, you have to stop messing around with these girls it’s unfair. I’m not going to get involved with the whole drug situation as I can’t say much myself but messing around with girls is a no go.”
“I promise I’ll stop fucking around with girls.” I replied smiling slightly. I didn’t expect her to say yes to be honest because of everything that happened. “Right I’ll speak to you tomorrow Chris, I need sleep after everything that’s happened today.” She muttered, I chuckled slightly. “Alright, night I’ll talk to you tomorrow.” I replied ending the phone.
That night I made a promise, a promise I never broke and never would break.
A/N: The enddd, this took foreverrr to write. Honestly don’t know how to feel about it but it was fun to write. Anyways hope you enjoyed — hugs and kisses Gracie 💋
Tag list: @junnniiieee07
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hanniluvi · 1 year
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— ★ : when a game of truth or dare leads to a confession.
✁ pairing : friend!ricky x gn!reader
// genre : friends 2 lovers ; fluff | word count : 2K+ (2505)
♪ warnings ! — not proofread (so there may be mistakes), a kiss is made w ricky n reader, peer pressure (in a good way?!?), lmk if there’s any more!
☏ soph speaks ! — first zb1 work aaaa !! and its not a smau?! surprising in a way 🫡 . since ricky has be flooding my tiktok fyp (and has been slightly bias wrecking me), here is something i thought of late at night !! hope you like it :)
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“Come on, it will be fun!”
“Obviously not if there’s only four or five people! And probably not even five if they don’t want to participate!” you scoffed at Hanbin quietly, not taking him seriously.
Who would’ve thought you’d be playing such a childish game on a Friday night?
Staying at Hanbin’s house made you guys brainstorm on things you should do for the night.
Play sports? Boring! Plus, you could imagine the amount of rage quitting — you didn’t want to deal with that!
Bake? It’s too late! You weren’t really in the mood to bake anyways.
Play games? Sure, but what you didn’t expect was a game about asking each other questions.
“You’ve declined everything I suggested—can’t take it anymore!” Hanbin dramatically grasps his chest. “Plus, I’ve been wanting to do this forever! We have to—at least once!”
You continued to refuse — there was no way you were going to participate in this!
“If Ricky agrees, we ARE doing it!” Hanbin pleads with his eyes, waiting for a response.
Ricky looks at the two of you cluelessly, not picking up what you and Hanbin talked about earlier.
Noticing the heavy stares, he takes out his airpod, waiting for someone to say something.
“Ricky—“ Hanbin cuts you off immediately, “Ricky, just say yes!”
“Just say yes for…?”
“Just do it!”
“Hey, you can’t do that!” You nudged Hanbin jokingly, a small chuckle escaped from his mouth.
Still clueless as ever, Ricky scratches the back of his head.
“Okay then…? Sure — for whatever you guys are planning to do.” Ricky is still unsure whether his answer was good or not — you groaned and sat in defeat while Hanbin held a mini celebration.
Hanbin easily used your weakness to play some stupid game. Your weakness? It was no other than Ricky.
Ricky. Your crush since the first year of high school. He became your best friend after you guys shared a majority of your classes together. And of course, you were afraid of rejection, so you held off confessing for now. (as if you were even going to actually do it.) Cliche, but not really. And you thought you held onto your secret of liking him pretty well.
You totally don’t turn red whenever Ricky indicates any physical touch. You totally don’t smile like an idiot when he walks away. You totally don’t fix yourself up whenever you see him walking your way.
Nope! There was no way you were that obvious.
Despite your great hiding skills, Hanbin had to be the first one to know about your crush. (as if you didn’t give it away from the beginning.) Ever since then, Hanbin has been using your crush as an advantage.
“You better tell me or else!” , “Ricky is with me.” , “I’ll bring Ricky along.” — the phrases he would always say to get you to do something. You practically engraved these in your brain already.
If you heard one of those phrases again, chills would shiver down your spine—that’s how traumatizing it is.
He knew that if he just mentioned his name once, you’d probably agree to something so fast.
Hanbin does the same thing everyday. Asks you to do something, you refuse—he calls Ricky’s name, and you admit defeat.
And you know it works every single time too. It just became something you could never avoid.
Having no other choice, you went to the living room.
…Just maybe, you’d participate in this stupid game.
Totally not for Ricky, though.
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Here you are, gathered around in a circle in Hanbin’s living room. Not only did he manage to get you and Ricky to play, he even got Woongki, Seunghwan, and … Seowon?
Seowon showed up to the house last minute—it seemed like he only joined the “party” for this game. So now there’s six people instead of five. I guess, the more the merrier.
You stared at the four intensely, not knowing what they would be up to. Those four were mischievous together, and unbelievably chaotic when next to each other.
You’re sure that especially those four know you have a crush on him.
Seunghwan. He knew because you accidentally said you had a crush on him. Not surprised, Seunghwan heavily supported you and Ricky. He would always secretly drop hints to Ricky such as, “You and Y/N look great together!” or “Aw, couple goals!” However, he’s not sure whether Ricky is picking up on his signals.
Woongki. Your saved contact for Ricky was questionable — “my ricky 🫶” Seriously? Do friends put each other’s contacts like that? You eventually told him because Woongki kept asking you to explain. Since then, he has always teased you by saying, “Oh, your Ricky is here!”
Seowon. When you told Woongki to not tell anyone, it was too late! On the phone, he unintentionally mentioned your crush to Seowon. As a result, he called you … and you chased after Woongki. It was astonishing that Seowon was unaware of your crush, let alone that you were crushing on Ricky, your best friend.
And Hanbin…well there’s no need to explain how he found out.
It just had to be those four to play this game with you and your crush.
“Ah, wait. Let me get us some snacks.” Hanbin interrupts the tense moment briefly — the only thing you were glad he did today.
The other three scattered to “find” things to get to leave you and Ricky alone for a bit. (but you didn’t know that.)
The two of you sat there silently, waiting for the others to start the game. Ricky managed to see you nervously picking at your fingertips. Tapping on your hand slightly, he was able to get your attention.
You hummed, ignoring your slightly reddened cheeks, and gradually stopped picking the skin off your fingers.
“Are you okay?” he mouths to you, just to get a quick nod from you.
“You sure? You only pick at your fingers when you’re nervous.” you smiled at him for remembering one of your habits. He should know, after all, you've known each other for at least two years. “Are you uncomfortable with playing this game? I can tell the others.”
“Oh no, I’m fine with this.” you lied — I mean, it’s just a childish game, right? Plus, you didn’t want to be seen as a coward to him. (although he would never see you like that). “Just randomly nervous, I guess.” another lie — you’re good at lying aren't you?
Ricky did have many questions, but to prevent you from getting even more overwhelmed, he sat there quietly. But, he never failed to take a glance or two at you.
The four slowly returned back, hands filled with snacks that could last for at least two weeks.
“Let’s start!”
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The first few rounds were fine, with Hanbin being fearless, Seunghwan doing ridiculous things, and both Woongki and Seowon screaming their heads off. The sweets that had been collected began to vanish slowly.
You were chuckling quietly when you noticed Hanbin staring at you — you quickly stopped laughing because you knew what that stare meant.
It was finally your turn.
You exhaled deeply and attempted to ignore the twisting knot in your stomach. “Go ahead.”
“Y/N, truth or dare?”
You considered your options briefly while deciding what to do.
Truth. Hanbin will almost certainly ask you if you like Ricky, which you will most likely refuse to respond at this time.
Dare. It appears to be a much safer option — after all, what could Hanbin possibly force you to do?
“…Dare.” you said, wanting to get this over with.
“Sit closer to Ricky.”
You gave him a little death glare while the others said “ooh” quietly. They were aware of Hanbin's actions and enthusiastically supported them. I mean, it wasn't as horrible as you expected.
As you scooted closer to Ricky, he couldn’t comprehend why the rest were smiling. Why are they laughing now that you and him have been this close before?
There were many reactions, but Ricky didn't seem bothered by your proximity to him. You, on the other hand, were most likely the same shade as the pink couch pillow. You were humiliated for no apparent reason – why were you driven to be this way now? This would undoubtedly make Ricky suspect something is up.
Ignoring your friends' gaze, you knew it was Ricky's turn.
You ignored your bad feeling and watched Hanbin ask precisely the same question he had asked you a few minutes ago.
Without hesitation, Ricky quickly said dare. You had no idea how he made such an easy decision — he was as calm and cool as always.
Seunghwan patted Hanbin on the shoulder as he was going to say something. Hanbin smiled as he murmured something into his ear.
"That's a much better idea than I had in mind!" He held his hands together, his attention returning back to Ricky and you.
Oh no. You just know this dare will be awful.
"Hold hands with Y/N until the end of this game." The words that came out of his mouth made your jaw drop. You needed to listen back to make sure he said it correctly.
You and Ricky don't hold hands very often, if at all.
Ricky reached for your hand before you could even deny the dare uncomfortably. You stared at him with slightly bigger eyes, unable to break free from his grip.
He lays your hand on top of his thigh after interlocking his hands with yours. His hands fit perfectly with yours, like his hand was the final piece of a completed puzzle. He looked and raised his brows at the others, again with the serene face (with the slight pink hue on his cheeks that you didn't catch).
"Are you happy?" the others ask, secretly squealing to each other as if they'd gotten you and him together.
You and Ricky both shrugged, pretending holding hands didn’t affect you two at all.
Another sigh escaped from your lips as you stared at the rest slowly taking their time to answer the simple truth or dare questions.
They were clearly doing this on purpose — but you had nothing to complain about though. You just worried your palm would start becoming sweaty if you continued to hold onto his hands for at least another twenty minutes.
His thumb would frequently brush against yours, causing your heart to skip a beat. When you put your hand on his, he prefers to play with your fingers rather than stay still. This game became too much for you to handle.
Once again, the simple question went back to you. You hoped that saying the truth would be much better than picking a dare.
“Truth.” Seowon looked at you mischievously and fixed his posture.
“Do you like anyone in this room right now? Romantically, I mean.”
You froze.
What did you expect from your circle of friends? They wanted you to confess just as much as you wanted to let these feelings out.
It’s just a game. Just say yes and continue. You had to remind yourself — there are five people here, so Ricky has a one-in-five chance of guessing correctly.
“…Yes.” Ricky was taken aback, and his heart in his chest sprung slightly. He kept his face expressionless and collected himself. He couldn’t be too sure, right?
Woongki playfully asked if you had a crush on him, which elicited some laughter from you and the others.
Ricky was gently laughing, but he hoped that wasn't actually the case.
They raced to make Ricky pick a decision when they were satisfied with your response.
“Truth.” That surprised you because you expected him to keep saying dare. That's exactly what he did last year.
"Do you like Y/N?" they inquired emphatically.
You turned to look at him, attempting to read his expressions.
The abrupt question tightened his grip on your hand. It's unusual to view Ricky in this light – it was like seeing him for the first time.
But he wasn't the only one who was taken aback by this question; you were as well.
You felt a surge of feelings rush over you: anxiousness, happiness, and worry. You hoped you knew the answer to this question.
You're not sure whether you should be grateful for Seowon's direct question.
He did take a bit longer to answer this question, the anticipation was killing you. He opens his mouth slightly, making your twisted knot feeling in your stomach grow bigger. Why won’t he say something already?
Ricky finally responded, feeling the eyes from you and the rest.
"Well, I wouldn't be holding hands with Y/N if I didn't like them, right?" He turned to face you, hoping for the same reaction. Ricky feels more at ease when he sees you smiling.
The four's loud cheers flooded the living room, ruining this romantic moment. Ricky ended himself laughing in embarrassment, wishing he had confessed in a more private setting.
“You mean it?” You said to him over the ongoing cheers. He nodded, staring into your eyes with much love. He had been waiting to say this for ages, and he finally did.
Ricky had finally noticed the blush you had, which made him smile widely.
“You look so cute like that.”
“Oh, enough.”
Looking right back at them, you wore a shy grin on your face. “Well, are you guys satisfied?”
"Trust me, we're not satisfied!" Hanbin says, knowing he was serious. "Let's just ask you guys the questions—it's more fun." The others nod in agreement, eager to bombard you two with questions.
The nervous feeling you experienced at the start of the game began to diminish as you giggled slightly at the questions being asked. Instead, a warm, loving sensation arises in your stomach.
It wasn’t just you who felt that feeling, it was Ricky as well. “Oh, just kiss already!” Seunghwan says dramatically, slightly opening one eye to check if you'll actually do it.
You were staring at Ricky when you noticed him gulp, which made you giggle. "...Can you guys turn around? It’s kind of awkward, yknow…" Ricky was taken aback by your unexpected question – it's amazing how much can happen in only a few hours in this game. The others eagerly turned around, remaining silent to allow you and Ricky to have some "private" time.
Noticing how Ricky was caught off guard, you took your chance. Grabbing his chin softly, you pulled him closer to you.
As you went for a peck there, your lips felt the warmth of his cheek. The four screamed in excitement when they heard you kiss him. They appeared to be happier than you, as if they had received a kiss from their crush.
In your own little world, you stared at Ricky lovingly — you made him feel shy with your gaze.
“..So what are we?”
“Definitely more than friends.”
Your hands with his collided even tighter, both of you not wanting to let go. Resting your head on his shoulder, you both watched the others continue to create chaos.
…Just maybe this game isn’t bad or stupid at all.
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taglist .. @dwcljh @ilovewonyo @jiawji @tzyuki
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sunlightwoo · 11 months
king of hearts
✁ pairing: wooyoung x g.n reader
✁ genre: established relationship, mafia au, illegal underground casino and fighting themes, twinges of fluff but there’s angst,,, but open ending? i wasn’t sure how to end it. warnings: descriptions of blood and scratches but its not on wooyoung, language rating: 16+
✁ wc: 2.2k
✁ plot: you were his red, his lucky charm; from the color of your outfit to the way that he views the world to protect you from its evil, including himself. however you knew what you were getting into from the moment that you first locked eyes, and you maybe enjoyed the thrill of it all. after all, you were his red.
✁ a/n: welcome to my attempt of a writing comeback! this was so much fun to write and i really do hope that you guys liked this!! it’s not my best, but also not my worst as i attempted to get back into the writing groove~ however i hope you all enjoy reading this and also check out the rest of the outlaw the project works that are also written by other amazing atiny writers!! until next time~
my ateez masterlist | outlaw the project masterlist
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You should be considered lucky. 
Being the fiancée of a powerful man in the underground mafia world, it should be a privilege that you were to be prosperous for the rest of your life without having to move a finger at all. Both you and Wooyoung had known each other since your college days, except he wasn’t in college whatsoever. It was more of a situation where the man had stumbled into your previous part time campus job, just when you were about to close down for the day. 
Something about him that night should’ve sent alarms right to your head, but you fell for his cheeky smile and the glint in his eyes, which got you to where you were today. 
Today was another moment where Wooyoung was going to be out for the night; but you knew what he was going out for. Him and his friends were a part of a secret night life, one that had different casinos, underground fight clubs, and even dealerships that you would’ve never thought about in broad daylight. Nobody would have suspected them in the first place, considering the fact that they were all highly respected noble citizens, yet you knew. 
Wooyoung came clean to you almost three months into your relationship, all based on the fact that he was heavily in love with you and knew that you had been the one that he wanted to settle down with. 
“What’s going on in that cute head of yours?” 
You turn to look at your lover, who was sitting beside you in his car, the soft hums of the engine filling up the atmosphere as you give him a small smile before shaking your head. For a moment he gives you a look as if he was not convinced with your words. Before he could voice his doubts,the red neon traffic light turns green once again, giving him no option but to proceed with the journey that you were both going on. 
Tonight was one of the biggest nights for him, as he was not only coaching one of the biggest underground fights of the year, but also trying to make sure that a deal goes through with a rival gang. The opponent that his gang member would face tonight was from a group called TXT, and was known to be ruthless and merciless. However, you had faith that both Wooyoung and San had a plan to defeat them for the night, all while Wooyoung’s leader was in charge of making the deal with TXT’s leader, Soobin. 
“What if something happens tonight? Like if San loses tonight, what does that mean for the rest of you guys, or even you?” You whisper quietly, glancing over at him once more and for a minute you can see a twinge of hesitation in his face. 
You could tell that he was a bit perplexed from your words, and maybe you should’ve kept your thoughts to yourself so that he wouldn’t be paranoid. However, he knew that you were right because that was something that he wanted to push to the back of his mind. He didn’t want to think about the negatives that could happen tonight, knowing that the underground scene was unsafe for you to be in, in the first place. 
But he trusted you: his good luck charm. 
“You’ll be there beside me, won't you, Red?” He grins suddenly and the hand that was previously in yours is brought up to his lips as he places a kiss on the back of your hand. 
Of course you would. 
“I’ll be there to cheer you both on, I promise.”
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“Y/N! It’s so good to see you, darling!” 
Your grin widens the moment that you see your old friend from college, Hueningkai, as soon as you enter the outer ropes of the ring. He gives you a hug at the sight of you and for a moment you can feel eyes on you, unsure as to why the feeling of paranoia was creeping up your spine. You chose to ignore it for a moment as you greeted your friend. 
“What brings you here, Kai? I wouldn’t have imagined this place to be your scene.” You smile while motioning to how grimy and musty the place was smelling, but he lets out a small chuckle before giving you a look, which you understood. 
“I could say the same for you, as someone who once hated the locker rooms that were in the rec center,” He jokes before stuffing both hands into his pockets and nodding over towards one corner of the ring, where one of the fighters was already preparing himself. 
“I’m actually here for Taehyunie. I’m his coach for tonight’s match.”
His words explained the paranoia in your system, which caused your heart to sink into your stomach as chills crawled on your skin. If anybody could see the blood drain from your face, they would assume that you had seen a ghost in this abandoned arena. It seemed as though Kai had caught on to your shift in expression, and was a bit concerned.
“Red!” The sound of your friend San arrives in your ears as he wraps an arm over your shoulder, grinning at the sight of you before sizing up the tall male that was standing right in front of you. “Who’s your friend, Red?” 
You could tell that Wooyoung had sent him over as the latter was probably collecting all of the money for the bets that were going on for tonight’s match. There was a lump in your throat as you struggled to get the words out, but both males were just outright smiling at each other, as if there wasn’t going to be a large match against both enemy gangs. 
Nope, just one friendly fighting match… That could be the demise of one group and possibly start a gang war. 
“Hey Red, your fiancé wants to see you real quick,” He says after breaking the tension filled stare that was sent at Kai before sending the individual a small smile, “See you later Huening.” 
The fighter drags you away from him and rather towards his corner that your fiancé was standing in with his arms crossed, but the glare that he was sending towards the other gang was everything that you needed to confirm his thought process. 
He was angry. 
“How do you know Kai?” He interrupts your sentence and hops down from the ring to look at you with his arms still crossed, an eyebrow raised as if you were a child being scolded, causing an  unsettling feeling to bubble in your stomach. 
“Well, in case you don’t remember, I used to have a life before all of this,” You said before motioning towards the scene behind you both and mirroring his stance, “He was one of my close friends before  graduating, but never had I once found out that he was in a gang, much less enemy gang.” 
Your eyebrows are furrowed in confusion, or even a tiny bit of anger as you could tell that Wooyoung was once again perplexed for the nth time tonight. You could see the bills of cash that were threatening to spill from his pockets, which meant that tonight meant huge for him, but you didn’t want to be seen as the trophy standing beside him the whole time. 
You could do something too. 
“I’m not judging you for having other friends, baby, I’m just-”
“Nervous about the fight, I know, whatever.” You huffed, deciding to shrug off the black and white racer jacket that was draped over your shoulders that was given to you earlier by one of the other members in Wooyoung’s gang. 
“Find me when it’s fucking over, I guess. I’ll be in the car.” You huffed and shoved the jacket into his arms, taking the keys that were previously in the jacket’s pocket into your own hands and heading back outside to where your car was parked earlier. 
You didn’t have to be there anyways for good luck. It was San’s fight anyways, not his.
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You don’t know how long you have been knocked out for, but the sound of someone knocking on the car’s door wakes you up from your impromptu car nap and you open your eyes to see that it was your fiancé with a small smile on his face. He motions for you to unlock the car for him to get in, and you roll your eyes at his action, deciding to turn away from his face after remembering the events that lead you to where you were now. 
“Oh come on baby, don’t be like that-”
“Shove a foot up your ass, Woo,” You grumbled and tried to close your eyes once again, up until you heard the familiar sounds of police sirens in the background, “Shit.”
Reaching over to unlock the doors, you see him scramble to get in and start the car,  disregarding his seatbelt as he sped off into the neon city lights. The sound of police sirens had felt like they were getting closer with every second that Wooyoung was speeding off into the night, your grip on the passenger handle above your head getting tighter as your heart was beating fast in your chest. 
It was moments like this where you’d pray that you didn’t get caught today, because if something were to go wrong then it was over for all of you. Your heartbeat was pounding loudly in your ears until you felt the car coming to a stop, making you open your eyes which had  unknowingly been clenched shut as you realized that you were back at your shared home. 
You didn’t even notice that the sirens stopped with how fast everything was going. 
The car turns off as you slump back into your seat, hearing Wooyoung release a breath of relief. You could tell that he was staring at you, figuring out what your next move was. On one hand, you want to scream and slap him across the face for being on the edge of getting arrested tonight, because what could’ve gone so badly that the cops had shown up. On the other hand…
“We lost tonight,” He whispers, before you could even reach over to open the door that was on your side. You looked over at him confused, wondering how it was even possible for them to lose when San was known to be undefeatable. 
“Turns out I didn’t have my good luck charm tonight, because I messed up.” He chuckles, trying to give you a small smile, but he frowns when he notices that you were not giving into his endeavors. 
“Baby, there’s no excuse for how I acted tonight-”
“You were a big dickhead-”
“An absolute dickhead to you,” He says, pressing a kiss onto the back of your hand. You let out a deep breath from your nose, still glaring at him as he plays with your engagement ring which he placed on your fourth finger just memories prior to this, “But I was scared that you’d leave me.” 
You scoffed in response, taking your hand out of his as you turned around to look at him for the first time tonight with your thoughts as clear as day. 
“I said yes to marrying you for a reason, Jung Wooyoung. I didn’t give a shit back then when you told me that you were in a mafia gang, hell if I cared about the fact that we just ran away from the fucking cops because of your sick gambling addiction and desire to win so bad against your enemy gang,” You started ranting, feeling the tips of your ears and cheeks flare up in anger because of how much you kept it all bottled in after all these months of just sitting aside and just being his fiancée. 
“But the moment that I greet my friend after not seeing them for a while, even after saying yes to you and running away from what I know, you treated me like I couldn’t be trusted. How am I supposed to be my own person, after I marry you, when I constantly feel like a little trophy? How many times am I going to be an accomplice to your illegal activities, until I end up facing your consequences from the amount of blood on your hands?” 
Your words felt like a kick to his stomach as tears surfaced in your eyes, but his lack of words was confirmation enough. Unlocking the door, you get out of the tension filled car and slam the door behind you before reaching up to wipe the stray tears that were falling from your face. 
Neither of you were in the right headspace. It felt like you were stuck in a game of cards where you were about to lose it all to a hand with the king of hearts. But, this time, you weren’t even sure how this was going to end, as maybe this was the end of you and your own king of hearts. 
You realized from the moment that you stepped inside your home; Wooyoung never chased after you.
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permanent taglist: @viastro​ @bbanghoonie​ @wooyoung-a​ @pwttychannie​ @sunwoahkim​ @karsohn​ @escapewriter​ @wooyeouu​ @0710khj​ @awfullytiredbuthealing​ @fylithia​ @allorysayshi​ @nlnkm​ @jannine00742​ @rebsmoonn​ @jjhmk​ @beomgyugyu​ @ja4hyvn​ @wccycc​ @invuwrld​ @ahnneyong​ @bambi-vixey​ @comic-wanda​ @black-rose-29​ @vatterie​ @marsophilia​ @soonyoungblr​ @watanabehan​  (add yourself to my permanent taglist here!)
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haillilie · 3 months
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picture from pinterest: https://pin.it/6B559Iv66
Modern AU
You're walking around the grocery store, buying a few things to cook for dinner. As you are checking the prices of some canned foods, you felt someone tugging the hem of your pants.
You turned your head around and looked down. You were met by a little girl, around the age of 5 or so, with blonde hair tied up on pigtails and a red flowery dress.
She looks up to you with a bright smile,
"My big brother over there thinks you're cute."
She told you with a toothy grin and pointed at a tall, tan, blue-haired man who's at the other side of the aisle.
You smiled at the little girl, feeling flattered by the compliment. You crouched down to her eye-level,
"Is that so? Tell your brother I said thank you."
You replied with a chuckle, patting her head as she beamed at you and nodded.
The little girl replied and took off, running back to the man she called as her 'big brother' and tugged onto the side of his pants. The man leaned down on the little girl as she also leaned close to him and started to whisper something on his ear.
You can see him slightly tense up from whatever the little girl whispered. He then glanced at you.
Suddenly feeling embarrassed, you stood up and looked away, pushing your cart and quickly leaving that aisle. You took a few laps around the other aisle, trying to brush off the feeling of embarrassment.
As you were walking around, the little girl from earlier suddenly appeared at the other end of the aisle. She gave you a huge smile and waved at you.
You just stood there, awkwardly waving back at her. You then saw her calling out to someone and pointing at you. Then the man from earlier peaked out and glanced at you.
The two started to make their way towards you, with the little girl skipping as the man followed behind.
You stood there, panicking and wanting to leave, but for some reason, your feet won't move. None of your body parts could move.
So you just stood there, your grip on the handle of the cart tightening as you stared at the man walking towards you.
"Uhm.. Hi. Sorry to disturb you but uh, is this yours?"
He asked with a sheepish smile. He took out a [fav. color] wallet and handed it to you.
"Ah-- Yes! T-Thank you."
You replied, taking your wallet and mentally cursed at yourself as you thought, why are you stuttering?
He then gave you a soft smile and nodded. The two of you then stood there with an awkward silence.
Suddenly, the little girl came forward and gave you another toothy grin.
"My big brother says you're cute. Do you think he's cute too?"
She asked, giving you a bright smile. The man suddenly became flustered and quickly covered the little girl's mouth. He looks back up at you and gave you an awkward smile.
"I-I'm so sorry. She's quite the talkative one."
He apologized, picking up the little girl by his arm while still covering her mouth.
You smiled and shrugged,
"No need to apologize. Kids are like that."
You replied with a chuckle. You then glanced at the little girl and gave her a smile.
"I think your brother's quite cute too."
You whispered to her, yet loud enough for her 'big brother' to hear. The little girl beamed, she removed her brother's hand which was covering her mouth and stared at you with wide eyes, smiling widely.
"Would you like to go on a date with him?"
She asked, looking at you with sparkling eyes.
You and the man's face suddenly became flushed at the little girl's question.
You looked at her brother's face and noticed his embarrassed expression. Not wanting to make the situation anymore awkward, you smiled back at the little girl.
"Uhm... How about you talk about that with your big brother first? So he could prepare, hmm?"
You replied with an awkward smile as you tried to make up a convincing excuse for the little girl. She stared at you for a while, then whipped her head to face her 'big brother'.
You watched as the little girl suddenly pulled him to the side, a few inches away from you and whispered at each other.
For a few seconds, you're just standing there awkwardly as you tried to wait for the two to finish their conversation.
You started to look around, feeling anxious and awkward. Unsure whether you should still wait or move along, continuing on with your shopping.
As soon as you finally decided to move along, the two also finished their little meeting.
The little girl faced you with a seemingly proud smile on her face, with her hands placed on her hips.
"Big brother Kaeya said he wants to go on a date with you!"
You stood there with a shocked look on your face as you didn't expect for the guy to just agree with the kid's request. Especially with a stranger! Your gaze landed on the so called "big brother Kaeya" still in complete disbelief. He met your gaze and gave you a sheepish smile.
He mouthed some words that you could barely make out, but some of the words you were able to decode are; "sorry" and "run along".
You looked back at the little girl who's still staring at you with her proud smile, as if waiting for your response.
You let out a sigh.
"Sorry about this. I just couldn't bare to disagree with the kid." Kaeya apologized as he handed you a drink.
You let out a small chuckle.
"It's alright, I should've honestly seen it coming since I'm playing along with her. Still didn't think it would land me into an actual "date"."
You both laughed at your response.
You're all now at a nearby park from the mall. Sitting by the swing as you both watched Klee play around with some other kids.
You're sudden "date" with Kaeya happened as soon as you agreed to play along with Klee's request. You were terrified at first in all honesty, but as soon as you got to talk with Kaeya, you became less anxious, specially right after seeing that your "dating spot" is a park nearby.
It's not so bad.
Words of the Story: 996
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woncon · 8 months
Flufftober Day 15
"Oh no, you're a Morning Person!"
🍁 yeonjun x gn!reader
🍁 special thanks to @honeytwo for helping me translate this into english, correcting my grammar and other mistakes. thank you for everything! °♡̷•.
🍁 flufftober masterlist | main masterlist
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Some might call you a voyeur at this point. But it's early in the morning, your boyfriend is bathed in sunlight, breathing sweetly, so you don't feel like one, just a very proud, contented lover.
You plan to wake Yeonjun. He's very sweet as he snores with slightly parted lips, but you're hungry and this is the first time you've slept over. You want to eat with him.
You kiss him on the cheek, then you try to wake him up.
"Oh no, you're a morning person!" he whines.
Then he fidgets a little in his sleep, his shirt slides up revealing the skin of his stomach, the sharp muscles he hides in embarrassment and shame, and every time you mention how much you love his tummy, he smiles awkwardly at this, because he doesn't think his body is as divine as you describe.
But you find him irresistible. Even now, as you gaze at the protruding slice of his masterful body, you are overcome with an invincible desire to touch it. Perhaps this will even help you to awaken the dreamy soul. You crawl out from under the covers and gently lean down to Yeonjun's belly, but instead of stroking the mesmerizing area, you press a soft kiss to the warm, sweet, taut skin.
Yeonjun hums unconsciously. A few kisses later you lean your forehead against his tummy, inhale his scent, and next thing you know your partner is slowly sitting up.
"What are you doing?"
"Smooching and loving you." You smile lovingly at your languid lover and you press a kiss to the corner of his mouth. "Will you have breakfast with me?"
"Of course. Now that you've woken me up," with a silent sigh, he stretches out "would you give me a proper kiss?
You kiss his skin by his navel.
"No, on the mouth!" he pouts.
You giggle and lean up for his plush lips. "Hi!"
"Hi. What would you like for breakfast, pretty?"
"Perhaps a sandwich."
"I can make you one. C'mon." He holds your hand to get you into the kitchen.
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flufftober taglist (send an ask! <3)
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missbunnybunny · 1 year
" Miguel Look . At . Me ”
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⚚ This story had been in my Draft for a while, I wasn't sure if I should post it or not. But here ya go. It a LONG reading!⚚ 🚩 cws: cursing, yelling, gore, suggestive, slightly, proofread but don't count me on that. Enjoy! Miguel O'Hara x Special Spider-Women. This is a y/n story hopefully by the end it's well written. There is Spanish in this story. Plz enjoy and I hope you all liked it.
There was a terrible humming in your ears. Your head felt literally as though it were submerged in water due to your swelling and impaired eyesight. It was hardly audible and distorted like a damaged radio. A voice yelled out, "/n." Then even another and yet another "y/-". Your name must have been called out by several individuals. Y/N! reverberated in your thoughts as your conscience faded in and out. "Get moving right NOW!"
However, for us to get here, we must first go back a few hours. The weather had been miserable for a few days already, so it was not your week. You had very little chance of escaping without taking a direct hit from a bucket of liquid sky bullets. Less deadly rain was falling, and it was turning into a lovely, soft drizzle. Your little sister kept pleading, "Please, can we go play? I'll behave. " delivering her best puppy eyes. Despite being aware of what she was doing, you fell for it.
Putting your phone down and sighing, you turned to face her. She had been begging to play outdoors in the rain for the last ten minutes. As much as Jay was annoying you, he also enjoyed rainy days. "plz y/n. It would be exciting. " Jay talked to you from the left. You ruddered your templé and muttered, "Didn't I tell you to quit coming up in front of Liz?" "No lo regañes!"Liz commanded. You'll never understand how your 5-year-old sister didn't run away from the symbiote. Really, kids are odd.
Jay had unexpectedly entered your life. You got your ass beat while fighting a bad guy, yet you still won. You had been a spider woman for nine years, and every battle taught you something new. One of these lessons from six years ago was to never, I repeat, never, fight in the presence of a crazed old guy! The senile old guy was restrained by the time the struggle was over. Glass was all throughout the place, with liquid green and other multicolored pieces on the ground. You created a terrible mess, slightly horrified that if your mother had seen this if it had been your room, you would get an ass whooping. however, it was not your mess. When you reach out to shoot your web, a quick, sharp pain struck you in the back.
You spun around to confront whoever did this but couldn't find anyone. You concluded it was back discomfort, went home, had a shower, and went to bed because the old guy was still chained up, and the room was empty. waking up the following morning to a slimy-looking monster in black and crimson, staring you in the face. That being was now giving me a puppy-dog expression. "Esta bien!" while raising your hands. "You win. Get ready." < fine> After 20 minutes, everyone was prepared and ready to leave.
Grading your keys and phone, you left the apartment turning around to lock the door. Liz was standing next to you in her favorite raincoat. It was clear with cats sprinted on the design. Yours, on the other hand, was a hooded cyberpunk long cape raincoat in black and white. The second you both were outside, Liz started to jump into the puddles. She was having fun while I was taking a video of her to show Mom later.
Speaking of Mom, she was calling me. Asking me how our play date was going. " va bien, ma. Se está portando bien." < everything's good, ma. She's behaving well> You turned around to see she was still playing. "Si, mami. La Quiero adiós."< Yes, Mom. Love you, bye.> You ended the call and turned around to see some sort of portal take your sister. You dropped your phone and jumped right into the portal. Jay is grading your phone on the way down. Landing in an empty hallway, no little sister in sight. Spidy sense going absolutely crazy, Jay growling as he spoke, "Smells like more of you, think their nice?" You scoffed a little," you bite, so we're good, " you told him.
After walking for what felt like forever. Finally you saw the light of a bigger space, you saw a sea of spider people. You looked at them wide-eyed and mouth agap, and they stopped what they were doing to stare right back at you. "Uhh, hi." You smiled, fans slight poking out. Jay manifested on your shoulder, looking at them. Before anyone could move to get you, you had glitched right out of there.
In the meanwhile, with Liz:
"Ow, ow eso duele." < Ow, ow that hurts.> Liz rubbed her behind and murmured." Where are we, Hermana?" < Sister> She turned to look, but she couldn't find her big sister. Standing up, she set out on a quest to find an adult and ask them for assistance. While moving, She checked each open door to see whether anyone was around. She approached a door, knocked a few times, and waited for it to open. The door was opened by a huge, extremely tall man who was glaring aggressively from side to side. Still staring at him, she timidly said, "Hola, hi, can you help me." Children do think grownups are tall.
He noticed a young child with an umbrella and raincoat as he looked down. He questioned what a child was doing here. He asked, "What's your name, Niña?" < kid> "My family and friends call me Liz, but my name is Eliza." She gave him a smiling face. "What's your name, mister?" Liz questioned. He said, squeezing the bridge of his nose as he anticipated getting a headache, "Miguel O'Hara." He saw the little girl enter the room and was shocked that she didn't immediately start touching everything. He sensed her staring a hole through the back of his head after five minutes. He gave her a raised eyebrow and silently prompted her to continue.
"Your suit looks like sis, but hers is cooler," she said playing with her umbrella from where she had taken a seat. Miguel froze, his mouth slightly wide as he stared at her. He said, "What does your sister's suit look like?" Liz smiles as she starts to explain, her eyes glinting. She wears a black mask with a crimson inside. She wears a hood that is black on the outside and crimson inside with a white lining. Oh, her mask only covers her eyes, not her entire face. she wears a stylish cyberpunk jacket that hides her mouth. It has a glitchy spider with a heart for a head, and it is black with a crimson lining. Also, her pants have several pockets with zippers in black and red. black Snickers with a bottom color of crimson. She grinned while panting, I helped her design it. "
The child responded with a shake of the head in the negative when a holographic woman asked her, "Did you even breathe?." He thought to himself, "Can kids talk so much without breathing." But thanks to her eager and thorough explanation, he now knew where on earth she was from. Although it sounded like earth-xxx, he still had to determine how she entered his world. Lyla and Liz were having fun. the lady abruptly appeared in front of Miguel. A spider person wearing a cyberpunk raincoat with a symbiote had entered the mess hall,  they glitched just as soon as they appeared and disappeared. 
Liz jumped up onto her feet and excitedly spoke, "That y/n my big sis. Vino por mí." < She came to get me.> Now Miguel had another problem on his hand you! Liz ran towards the door in front of him before he could take another step. She stumbled and nearly fell face-first to the ground, forcing Miguel to grab her hand. It was amusing to observe Miguel clutching the hand of an adorable kid who was carrying an umbrella while wearing a raincoat with a cat print. She was a smiling woman with a stylish motorcycle jacket and yellow spectacles, staring down at the small child. The little child hid behind Miguel's leg when she knelt down to talk to the child. As he knelt down next to the girl, Miguel sighed and said quietly, "This is Jess; Ella's una buena persona." < She's a nice person.> He gently persuaded the small kid to shake Jess' hand. The little girl reluctantly shook Jess's hand after looking at Miguel and then at her. Eliza introduced herself before hesitantly moving to Miguel's chest and said, "Hello, my name is Eliza." When Miguel stood up, he was holding Liz in his arm to prevent her from falling and accepting that she wasn't going to let go of his neck.
They encountered several floating passageways while Miguel was narrating to Jess how Liz and her sister Y/n had arrived in this reality. Liz started gushing to Jess about how amazing you were and how she wanted to grow up to be just like her big sister. " But I don't like it when she calls me at weird hours of the night to open the window." Liz sighed. The kids' concerns were teased by Jess, and Liz said, "But, they make it up. I always get some snacks from Jay. " "Who is Jay?" Jess questioned after pausing for a few moments. The young girl hesitated, seemingly recalling something. "Oh, Jay is my sister's symbiote; I should have told you about him. But don't worry, they won't bite. As soon as she finished speaking, Miguel and Jess' spidey senses activated. "Oh, but we bite alright," said a lady in a voice that sounded like it was coming from a doll's voice box.
returning with Y/n✁┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈
" Oh, but we do bite alright," we spoke. Jay wondered who these guys were and why they had his small human friend, and he was on high alert. The huge man in particular felt odd. He smelled like a spider, but he couldn't determine what was in the mix. You questioned, "Who are you?" "Tiny human, are you okay?" said Jay as he suddenly appeared on your shoulder. He reserved a hum from Liz in response. Liz called out from above them, "Am okay, these kind people saved me." As you leaped up to meet them and your sister, you exhaled a breath of relief.
"This is Miguel O'Hara and Jess." You acknowledged Liz's introduction by nodding and telling both. As you took Liz from the tall man named Miguel and said, "Hello, I'm Y/n these ones' big sister, and this is Jay. You had to admit that he had fantastic looks, but that wasn't the goal.
You realized it was 2:30 when you looked at your phone and realized you needed to get home before Mom got home. It means your search for your sister had taken an hour and thirty minutes. Due to traffic, she didn't arrive home until 6 or 7. You were ready to start talking when you heard someone else's stomach gurgling. Liz looked at you shyly and said, "Oops, am hungry." Jay also added his voice, saying, "I agree with the tiny human." You rolled your eyes and chuckled a little. "We have a mess hall; feel free to eat there," replied Jess.
When you arrived, it was the same area you had initially entered when seeking Liz. Jess and Miguel had led the way. but soon after arriving, Miguel went off to his office. Jess advised you not to take it personally since it was simply the way Miguel behaved. You all approached the counter and placed orders. "Please give me 20 chicken nuggets and a large plate of fries," Liz asked. You said, "I'll have a plate of (favorite food) and some lasagna, please." "And I'll have a grape soda and (favorite drink), please," Jay stated. Following the completion and settlement of all orders, Jess took you to a table with a large group of people. Liz carried her food, you carried yours, and Jay held the beverages.
they all waved at Jess and at you once you had fully arrived at their table. They moved over to make some space for you both. You thanked them before taking a seat and placing your plates down. Jess announced that she had to go " enjoy the food, take care." With that, she left the mess hall. " am Hobie, nice to meet you mate." Said the man with a guitar and cool punk style. " am Miles, and this is Gwen," the young man introduced himself and the girl beside him. " And am Pavitr Prabhakar." The last one of the group was introduced. Liz let out a Squeal, " Am Eliza, you're all so cool. Special you Hobie." She commented.
Everyone was eating when a sudden purring sound could be heard. Except for Y/n and Liz, everyone froze. Miles, who was glancing about, questioned, "What was that?" “Oh, that was just Jay, I guess.” Liz moved her plate to you and stated, "Am done," as you continued to eat. When Liz stated that black and crimson liquid came out of your raincoat, you said, "Jay can have the rest. "Don't mind if I do," Jay suggested getting a few chicken nuggets. “That's Jay's sister's symbiote; he enjoys nuggets. Because of that, he purred.” While the other guests at the table were fixated on the new friend, Hobie was the first to say, "That's cool." He stated while gesturing to Jay. Jay commented, "I know”.
"Jay, at least drink something. You're giving me a stomachache," you said as Jay continued to eat endlessly. He was hesitant and downed the grape soda after you reprimanded him. When you sipped your (favorite beverage). Of course, you were eating for two, so when you finished your meal, you felt content. Liz was having fun as Hobie was showing her how to play the guitar and looking at the stickers. When you're having fun, time does fly, as you discovered when you checked your phone at 4 p.m.
You stated, "Can we be taken to Miguel's office, I think it's time for us to go," as you cleaned your plate and disposed of it with the other dirty dishes. Hobie took hold of Liz's hand while the rest of the gang led the route and sometimes talked. Once everyone had come into the room, an older man holding a young child with red hair greeted them. Miles sprang up and said, "Oh, hey Peter," while waving a hand. Gwen exclaimed as she removed her from Peter's head, "Mayday, stop pulling his hair."
Miguel continued to work while staring at the several screens in front of him without turning around. When Liz saw him, she raced and clutched his leg, asking, "Can we go home now?" At last, Miguel turned his head away from what he was doing to look at Liz. True to her claims, a portal opened just a few meters away from Liz when Lyla said, "A portal should be ready in a few seconds." Liz tightly hugged Miguel's leg before releasing her grip and waving goodbye to everyone. A clawed hand grabbed her and pulled her into the portal just as it started to crash before she could scream.
" ELIZA!" You hurried to the portal while yelling in terror only to have it close in your face. You spun around in horror only to see the look on everyone else's face. save for Miguel, who had a contorted expression of rage and fear? Liz was gone, what were you to do? And you have no idea where she may be; is she alright? Is she injured? She had to be located. Miguel continued to type, and eventually, it looked like he had solved the issue since a perfectly shaped portal suddenly appeared next to you. "You should return to your universe. We'll find your sister," Miguel remarked. You headed over to him because you were enraged. Having been recently told to leave your sister by him? Was he crazy? You lowered him to your level by grading his jaw, "Miguel Look. at. me. I came here for Liz and am not leaving without her." You informed him while looking him in the eyes, then released your hold on his face. Jay was experiencing the same level of anxiety as you were by silently pacing back and forth in your head.
Everyone saw the encounter as it took place. To their amazement, Miguel merely let out a sigh and hit a button. They had anticipated Miguel to lash out at you for scolding him for even ordering him. "Your sister was unintentionally sent to this Earth." Your legs quickly carried you there when a gateway popped up next to him. "Thank you," you said to him before briskly moving through it. With the exception of where the city and the forest appeared to meet, it appeared to be your earth. Your spidey sense went off behind you; it was beautiful, but Liz was more crucial. Miguel and the other spider people appeared as you turned to face them.
You puzzledly turned to face them. You didn't expect to see them, so you questioned, "What are you doing here?" "I think that the little lad is cool," Hobie remarked. " We're friends, and friends support one another," Miles and Gwen nodded in agreement as Pavitr Prabhakar made his statement. You turned to face Miguel as he assuredly nodded and continued, "We'll find your sister." You spoke out, "Jay, you know what to do," and maintained a forward gaze. With that, a dark, red liquid began to seep out of your body and completely cover you. You were now dressed in a completely black suit with red eyelining. "Ah, it's wonderful to have control every so often," Jay remarked. He began to smell the air, searching for any traces of Liz. In times of need, having a fairly keen sense of smell was helpful. Once he spotted her, he started to leap. Jay said, "Try not to get left behind you, slowpokes." Jay came to a rest on top of an abandoned factory whose windows were all smashed after swinging from building to building. Jay squats and scans the ground below him. A big Lizard was tying up an unconscious Liz, which they could see.
Miguel was explaining his strategy to safely rescue Liz when Jay rose up and hissed, "Blood." " What did you say?" Miguel questioned. "He made her bleed, and I'm going to kill him," Jay stated before thudding to the floor with a loud THUMP. Miguel merely looked down at Jay before diving down as well. "Huh?" said the man, turning around to face Jay. "You're not Spiderman," said the Lizardman. when he watched more people plunge from the roof. "Give me back the tiny human," Jay commanded. Jay charged towards the Lizarded, punching him in the face before being struck by a Tail. Miles shocked him, while Gwen, Pavitr Prabhakar, and Hobie fired their webs to keep him in place, and Miguel punched the Lizardman in the face. While they were doing this, Jay hurried up to Liz, who appeared to be in good condition, save for a scrape on her left knee. Jay relinquishes the majority of power to Y/n. As you scooped up your sister, you sighed a sigh of relief. As you were doing so, someone yelled your name, "Y/n watch out!" You felt as if your back had been crushed by a sack of boulders, knocking the wind out of you, even though you were still clutching Liz firmly.
There was a terrible humming in your ears. Your head felt literally as though it were submerged in water due to your swelling and impaired eyesight. It was hardly audible and distorted like a damaged radio. A voice yelled out, "/n." Then even another and yet another "y/-". Your name must have been called out by several individuals. Y/N! reverberated in your thoughts as your conscience faded in and out. "Get moving right NOW!" With that, your eyes shot open. The fight was still going on, and you had to keep Liz safe. standing up and wobbling from side to side a little, after a few seconds with the help of Jay's help, you managed to stand up straight. looking to your side, you saw a large pail of (favorite color) web safely covering Liz.
taking a deep breath, you looked at the battle head-on. When you saw there was an opening, you mustered all the strength that you could and ran to the Lizardman. punching him in the face and blasting him throw the wall, leaving him unconscious. " Ah, eso duele como una puta," < Ah, that hurts like a bitch> you remarked while clutching your hand. The trip back to the Spider Society was probably a blur to you because Jay led the entire time. Liz had awoken after having her knee treated; how she had so much enthusiasm, you I'll never know. Your injuries weren't too serious; Jay had healed most of them. Miguel gazed down at Liz with a small smile on his face. " Si sonreíes así más a menudo, no me importaría llevarte a casa conmigo." < if you would smile like that more often, I wouldn't mind taking you home with me.> You gave Miguel a sly grin. Liz said, "Uu, ella está tratando de seducirlo." < Uu, she's trying to seduce him > Laughing her little head off. 
Lyla announced that the portal to your world was complete. You had Liz picked up and were ready to head home. Liz murmured something into your ear as the portal opened, and you smiled. "Can you come here, Miguel?" Liz said, inviting him over. The man raised an eyebrow but nevertheless approached her. "Come a little closer," she whispered, causing Miguel to stoop to your height. Liz grinned as you kissed him on the cheek, "Tengo un nuevo tío." < I have a new uncle.>You grinned even wider as you noticed Miguel's cheeks get slightly pinker by the second. " Ay, Que lindo. Bye everyone, see ya next time." < How cute.> You mentioned entering the portal. As the portal finally closed, Liz yelled, "Bye-bye, everyone."
Miguel was rendered speechless as his mind absorbed what had just occurred. Muffled snorting and laughing jolted him out of his stupor, and he spun around, glaring angrily at the perpetrators. "You hear me, not a single word of this to anyone," he warned. "Get out, all of you," Miguel yelled. Hobie said, "I wasn't even here." He headed to the door, followed by the rest of the gang.
It was still softly raining when you exited the portal. It was a nice and much-needed melody. You entered your apartment and opened the door. Liz leaped out of your arms and raced to her room to change into her pajamas and take a bath. You did the same once she was showered and clothed. After a while, the jingling of keys drew your attention. " Ya llegué." <am home> yelled a lady from the front door. " Hola ma, como te fue?" < Hi, Mom. How did it go?> You asked. " Me fue bien, les traje Pizza. Se divirtieron?" < It was fine. I brought you some pizza. Did you have fun?> she asked. " Si, verdad Liz?" < Yes, right, Liz?>  Looking at your sister, you said. She leaped and shouted si <Yes> as she held her pizza dish." Eso es bueno, me voy a baña." <That's good, am going to take a bath.> she replied as she exited the room.
"We should do it again!" Liz stated. "The next time you fall, throw a portal," you said with a smile. Make a note of Miguel's phone number." You made a joke poking her nose. She glanced at you and smiled, saying, "On it." You couldn't keep a straight face and burst out laughing. You both had a long day, Jay was out cold. It was interesting. You couldn't wait till your next visit to the spider society. But it would have to wait till you got some much-needed rest after such a long day.
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ultfan · 2 months
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alriiiiiiight it's about time i put out a relationship call. this goes for any and all relationships*, including but not limited to: romantic / familial / platonic / rivalry / enemies / (something) with benefits??? / and more !!!
* let it be known that komaeda is a very mentally unstable individual and may not be capable of having a truly healthy relationship with anyone. i won't say it's impossible, just unlikely. we don't do baby boy fanon komaeda here, sorry folks.
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killmeprettypleasee · 2 months
𝓝𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽 𝓒𝓵𝓾𝓫𝓼
Warning: Loving sex, nipple play, Stripper reader, age gap! Reader is 23 price is mentioned to be around his late 30's.
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It was a normal work shift at the strip club, you were at the back getting ready for your show while your other colleagues were keeping their clients busy.
Only 5 minutes left before your show starts... You wore light and natural make up aswell as a revealing bunny suit with a big diamond opening at the back and a small one by your tummy, white thigh high stockings matched to the outfit.
You looked in the mirror to see your wear and it looks so cute, the fluffy ear bounced at the top of your head as you turned around to get a better look of yourself.
You then got out of your studio and went on the stage, where men and women glanced at you, they were in awe to what they saw.
Especially the man with a bucket hat.
As you began to dance, you body gracefully moved while you pole danced, all eyes are captivated by the mix of your cuteness and sexyness.
The music played was a slowly beat, matching your movements as you danced.
Then a crowed began to throw money on the stsge, showing how entertained they are to have you danced on the said stage.
While looking in the crowed you saw a poor looking old man man maybe around his late 30's with a bucket, drinking whiskey while watching you, he noticed that your eyes were on him and gave you a flirty wink causing you to turn away in embarrassment..
The old man was attractive, yeah? He's really attractive.. you never knew you were into old men before.. but damn...
After your show, you were back at your studio to rest until someone knocked on your door, you opened it and saw it wad your manager.
"you're free right now, kid?.."
He spoke out, he looks clearly in a hurry.
"why's that Daniel?"
You replied.
"You goy a bew client and he seemed to want you now?.. he literally payed a fortune for you there"
Daniel shot you a smirk.
It shocked you that someone would really pay alot just to have you..
"how much?"
"Around 10k"
Your jaw dropped when you heard that, normally people would pay around 300-500 each round but damn! You thought you're gonna faint at the amount.. but you were also curious on who this man was.
"Lets go.. we should not keep him waiting."
"Y-yeh.. okay?.."
After changing-- you are now wearing a pair of cropped tops and shorts that has an opening to your ass.
You followed Daniel to the back, and opened a room to see the same man tha winked at you during your performance..
"Ive been waiting pretty boy..~"
The man spoke out and called you to walk in, you already done this before but you felt so shy around him, there's totally something about him that makes you weak to your knees.. and you couldn't quite identify it.
You walked up to him and.sat on his lap, you could feel his hard on press against your thigh.. you could tell how bug it was.. then soon he pulled you closer to him grind his hardon against your thigh, making you let out soft moans.
"Call me Price, I'd love it when you scream my name, sweetheart"
He spoked out, kissing your forehead lovingly.
His movements we're so loving and gently, you couldn't help but whimpered softly.
Slowly his hands spread your trembling legs as his finger's played with your tight ass hole, You moan against him, clinging close to him.
"Such a pretty boy hm?.. you feel so tight.."
Price chuckled softly as he fingered you, feeling how tight you'd gotten.
Then he laid you down on the bed, lifting your cropped tops up and began to play with your nipples.
To Price, The sight was so cute! Having you beneath him and being all cute and submissive for him.. he knew the moment both of you locked eyes, he knew the he had to have you.
Soon his lips wrapped around one of your nipple and began to suckle on it making you whine out softly.
Then Price took out his cock, stroking while pre cum slowly began to drip down his base,and slowly pushed in.
"A-ah.. s-so big"
You whined out, letting out soft sobs of pleasure.
He let you adjust to his size around a minute and when he felt you loosing up he began to gently and carefully thrust into you.
The way he did it was so gentle and almost so loving.
Praises slip down his lips as he thrust into your warm core, he felt like he was in heaven having to be inside of you.
It was the perfect feeling to be inside a cute boy like you.
His fingers kept on groping your skin, making sure you were really really as his thrust began to slowly increase.
His lips got back, wrapping up around  your puffy nipples as this action made you feel so blished out.
Having some man use you was the norm, but this was different..
"Such a good boy aye?.. be a good boy for me baby boy.."
Price grunted.
"N-ngh.. a-hah! G-gonna cum.. P-price.. f-fuh.. fuck--"
You whimpered submissively as you clung unto his broad shoulders as you legs began to tremble.
Price's gips pistoned abit faster as he whispered little praises of encouragement in your ear as his lips kissed a trail on your neck oh so lovingly.
Finally he slammed his hips into you both cumming at the same time, his lips soon met with yours in a loving kiss, you kissed back.
You felt so loved for once doing your job, other's treated you like the cheap whore you are but this man? Price?.. oh god you felt like you don't wanna leave him..
"Fuck.. my little price looks so cute, just wanna have you all to myself my cute boy.."
Price chuckled, holding you close in his embrace, you cuddled up close against him.. breath getting heavy as you cuddled up against his form.
"P-please.. im yours please"
You begged softly, wanting to stay with him so badly making him let out a soft laugh.
"Dont worry.. I'll keep you and make you feel the love you deserve pretty boy.."
After that encounter Price became you regular, always wanting to be with you, sometimes he paid just to make love with you and sometimes just to cuddle up with you on bed and do nothing but feel each others embrace.
You end up quitting your job and went on to have a date with your new boyfriend, he would spoil you all the time and even pamper you like a baby, he just thinks your so damn cute!!.
He so happy he have you now.. he felt so blessed winning your heart, now that you're his, he only wished to love you and to be loved back by you, he woukd never love another because he has you in his life now.
A/n: I just noticed military captains get paid alot! So yeh... And ive been craving for loving sex lately with older men 😞
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roses-r-rosie3 · 16 days
Cool With You
Tim Drake x Parent!M!Reader
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Warnings: angst subject, fluff, suggestive bi!reader, struggling!parent!reader, kinda long fic,
Summary: While on patrol, Tim comes across the reader who is being harassed by loan sharks in an alleyway. When Tim saves the reader, he notices a baby is in the reader’s arms and before he can ask any questions the reader walks off. Tim decides to track the reader down and talks to him at the park.
A/n 1: This post is inspired by @strangeshoepatrolbandit
A/n 2: this was originally supposed to be one long story but I decided to split this into separate parts so that you guys had something 😭
Quote: “So… uhh… rough day huh?”
✁ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
It was a dark and stormy night in Gotham and Tim was out on patrol as usual. There was surprisingly nothing really happening that night so Tim decided to call Alfred and just have a chat.
In the middle of their conversation, Tim heard some noises in an alleyway, so he decided to check it out. It could’ve been some rats digging the garbage can for some food, but something in Tim’s gut was telling him that it wasn’t. Lo and behold there were some guys in the alleyway surrounding someone and harassing them.
“Hey fellas, what are you up to?” Tim asked.
One of them immediately turned around and tried to attack Tim. The guy tried punching Tim, but quickly got knocked out. As soon as the first guy went down, the rest of them immediately went after him. One by one, Tim knocked all of them to the ground until it was only him and the person they were surrounding.
“T-thank you so much sir!” The guy said.
Tim took a moment to look at the guy’s face. He looked so handsome, so innocent. Were those people trying to mug the poor guy or something? But that’s when Tim noticed that the guy had a baby in his arms. Who’s baby was that? It couldn’t possibly be the guys, he looked far too young to even be a father.
“Is that a bab-”
“Sorry I have to go” the guy said quickly before walking off quickly.
Tim didn’t even have time to process what you said before you zoomed away. When Tim finally came to his senses, he tried to see if you were nearby, but you disappeared. That was really weird.
After that night, Tim couldn’t stop thinking about that guy. He was stuck in Tim’s head, so much so that Tim decided to do some research and try to crack who that guy was. After weeks and weeks of investigating, Tim finally found out who the guy was.
A guy named y/n l/n. A former college student who dropped out due to unknown reasons. You used to be the top of your class, you would’ve even been valedictorian. But one day you just dropped out without an explanation.
Tim found out that you worked several part-time jobs to pay rent for your crappy apartment. He felt bad for you, from what he’s seen, you came from a wealthy background, you had good looks, good grades, good friends, and a good social status. But what happened? Why was that baby in your arms? What did those guys want from you?
Those are the questions that Tim wanted to find an answer to. He decided that he was going to follow you for a whole week, just to get an idea of your schedule so that he could “accidentally” bump into you.
He found out that you just worked the whole day, but the only time you weren’t working was to go home, and to go to the park to relax during your break. Bingo, he knew exactly what he was going to do. For the first time in a while, Tim actually made sure to get a good nights sleep beforehand. What were you doing to him?
It was the day that Tim was planning to “accidentally” bump into you. Tim was feeling really happy and giddy, was it because he finally got a good night’s rest or was it because he was excited to see you?
You usually walked into the park around 3:30pm so Tim just had to wait for you to sit on the bench where you usually sat. When you finally arrived you immediately sat down at your designated bench.
Tim felt a bit nervous at first, was he being too creepy? Should he have just let you be? But regardless, Tim took a deep breath before walking up to you.
“Hey can I sit here?” Tim asked.
“Yeah, of course” you smiled.
Tim sat down awkwardly and you both sat there in silence for a good five minutes before Tim spoke up.
“So… uhh… rough day huh?” Tim said.
“Don’t even get me started” you chuckled.
“Work problems?” Tim “guessed”.
“Yeah, I work all day. I barely have time to spend with my kid, he spends more time with my neighbors than he does with me” you joked.
“You have a kid?” Tim said.
“Yeah, I accidentally got a girl pregnant when I was at a party. We decided to keep it but she didn’t want to be a mom so she gave up her parental rights. I don’t blame her but it’s kinda hard you know?” You confessed.
Tim started putting the pieces together in his head slowly but surely. The reason why you dropped out was to take care of the baby.
“I-I’m sorry if I overshared” you apologized.
“No, no, you’re fine, how’s life like with the baby? Tim asked.
“It’s pretty hard, but I’ll always be grateful that I have him, I honestly don’t know what I would do” you chuckled.
“What’s his name?” Tim asked.
“Theo” you smiled, thinking about the image of your child.
“That’s a wonderful name” Tim complimented.
“Thanks” you said.
It went silent again and for some reason, Tim just felt attached to you. He wanted to get to know more about you, but not in a “I need more information about him” kind of way, more like a, “I want get to know more about him” kind of way.
“Hey uh, I can watch him for you if you want to” Tim suggested.
“It’s fine I don’t want to trouble you, and I’m pretty low on money right now, so I wouldn’t really have anything to pay you with” you replied.
“I can do it for free” Tim said.
“Really? Thank you so much, you have no idea how much that means” you exclaimed.
I know what you’re thinking, ‘why would you just trust some random stranger that you just met with your baby?’. Something in your gut was telling you to let him.
“My name is Tim by the way” Tim smiled.
“Y/n” you smiled back.
You pulled out your phone to check the time, and your break was almost over already!
“Shit, sorry but my break is almost over” you said.
“Can I get your phone number before you go?” Tim asked.
“Oh, yeah sorry about that” you said before typing in your number on Tim’s phone.
“I’ll see you tomorrow then” you smiled before waving bye to Tim.
Tim looked on as you slowly walked away. When you were finally out of his eyesight he started looking back on the conversations until he realized something….
HE OFFERED TO BABYSIT! Tim couldn’t even take care of himself properly! Let alone a baby! WHY?! WHY WOULD HE DO THIS TO HIMSELF!
Tim took some deep breaths before slowly calming down. Who knows maybe babysitting won’t be that hard. He spent the whole night looking up videos of how to change diapers and take care of a baby. All he could do now is pray that all we go well….
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jchampionsgf · 24 days
✁ THE DINER. #2 ethan landry
inspired by "THE DINER" by billie eilish.
warnings: stalking, obssesion, posessive, smut, spit, use of "good girl", non-con, chocking lmk if i missed anything 1092 words
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THE NEXT MORNING, the sunlight filtered through your curtains, signaling the start of another day. You woke up groggy and disoriented, your mind immediately going to the unsettling events of the previous night. You reached for your phone on the nightstand, hoping for some sense of normalcy. But as you opened your social media feed, a breaking news alert caught your eye.
"College Student Found Dead in Apparent Homicide," the headline read. You clicked on the article, your heart pounding as you read the details. The victim was identified as Steve, the boy who had given you a ride home last night. Your stomach churned, and you felt a wave of nausea wash over you.
Your mind raced as you tried to process the information. Steve was dead. The letter, the call—it was all connected. Panic set in as you realized the danger you were in. You needed to tell someone, but who? Mindy? The campus security? The police?
You dialed Mindy's number with shaking hands. She picked up on the second ring. "Y/N? What's wrong?" she asked, concern evident in her voice.
"Mindy, it's Steve. He's dead. I think my stalker did it. He left another note and called me last night. He knew about Steve," you said, your voice trembling.
"Stay where you are. I'm coming over right now,"Mindy replied, her tone urgent.
While you waited for Mindy, you tried to calm yourself, but every little noise in the dorm room made you jump. The silence was oppressive, and you felt like you were being watched. to calm down you decided to make a cup of hot chocolate but in the middle of brewing the milk, your phone rang. "unknown caller". "hey pretty did you like my little surprise?" "now, call mindy and tell her that she doesn't need to come or ill gut her on the way here" the caller said "no don't do that please, ill call her" you responded, voice trembling. mindy didn't quite get why you didn't want her to come but she gave in, after all that trauma you've been trough. the phone dialed again "good girl" the praising voice said "sit on the kitchen counter for me" you sat on top of the kitchen counter as the voice said. "now, turn around" You turned around, the kitchen suddenly feeling cold and unfamiliar. The voice on the phone continued, its tone both soothing and menacing. "Good. Now, stay there and don't move. I'm watching."
A chill ran down your spine as you glanced around, trying to find any sign of where he might be. The feeling of being observed was suffocating. You clutched your phone tightly, desperate for a way out of this nightmare. you felt a gloved hand on your mouth, you tried to scream but there was no hope, whoever this was, they were way stronger than you. "i waited on the corner till i saw mindy leave, it was easy getting over and i landed on my feet" the familiar voice said. he spun you around, as you were trying to fight it off he brought a knife to your gaze "stay still or ill have to butcher that pretty body of yours." he whispered in your ear you froze, tears ran down your cheeks. "spread your legs he commanded, he started to rub his clothed cock against your inner thigh, a million thoughts ran into your mind as more tears fell down. he brought up two fingers to your mouth "open" he said sticking his fingers into your throat "wider" he watched as you engulfed his fingers "good girl" he praised and took his fingers out of your mouth. he took off your pants and shirt in one swiftly motion. he put his cold knife up against your clothed clit you couldn't help but moan, a chuckle came from him. he put your panties to the side and gets a hold of your folds, dry. “spit” he demanded and held up his hand to your mouth, he rubbed your now bare clit with your own spit spreadingit all over "no, please stop, please" you begged "why would we stop if it feels so good?" he sped up his movements, making it harder to contain your moans, as you were about to burst he pulled out of you, you whimpered at the lost of contact. "please, you dont have to do this, i wont tell anyone i promise" you sobbed "thats the problem, i want everyone to find out that ur a slut that is begging for ghostfaces dick" he said as he lowered down, lifted up his mask ever so slightly that his face still couldn't be seen licking your folds "and that you taste so sweet baby" he sucked your clit as you tried to contain yourself  "ple-please im beg-ging you do-nt" you sobbed more and more, you kicked your legs hoping for some hope, he grabbed your throat and put you against the wall "you disobeyed me princess, you shouldn't have" he threw you into the floor, his hand still on your throat, you are gonna pass out. “pl-ease” your able to choke out “what? your going to pass out? poor baby, open your legs” he mocks you are able to get your legs to open when he finally takes his hand away from your throat but you arent even able to breathe when he pounds into you, fitting each bit of his length inside you “see? thats what you get, a hard floor rail by ghostface” he whispers in your ear hitting a new angle making you moan. he starts thrusting back and forth, pulling out and smashing his entire length in one strong motion. you couldn’t handle it anymore, your nails gripping into his back “please, stop please” you begged, eyes soaked in your tears he didn’t do anything but speed up his pace making you tremble you screamed as you milked his dick with fresh and hot cum, he chuckled ag the sight. “im gonna cum inside you” he whispered. panic washed over you. you tried pulling him away but you couldnt, you legs so weak from the abuse its been trough and just like that it was too late. he let out a loud and deep groan, you felt him fill you up as you cried. “i came into the kitchen looking for something to eat, im glad i found it. if you tell anyone about this, your dead.” he whispered before letting you go and storming out.
part three?
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bryngmemoney · 5 months
Megumi Fushiguro x Reader
⭑story masterlist link
tw: death joke
Writing at the beginning and in btwn messages!!
🪡Chapter Eighteen: Bro
You looked around trying to see where Megumi was, jumping at the sudden arms wrapping around you, but settling down once you realized it was him.
“Found you.” he let go of you as you turned around to face him. “Don’t scare me bro.”
“Heyyy, you ran away so fast? What’s wrong was I getting boring?”
Oh him. He was still looking for you.
“Is this your boyfriend or something?” he asked, staring at Megumi. He pieced two and two together, figuring that this was the man who was bothering you while you texted him. “Yeah, who are you?” he answered, hoping to get him to back off. “You can just call me Mahito, but that’s too bad. Well, you two have fun then, i’ll leave you alone for now.”
You both watched him get lost in the crowd, sighing after finally seeing him gone. “So, boyfriend huh?” Megumi just looked at you, and although he tried his best, it was still obvious to you how he was trying to fight a smile. “Just said that to save your ass, can’t be your boyfriend after you called me ‘bro’ .”
“Oh my god are you for real?” You almost laughed at his expression. “No, let’s go and get something to drink,” he grabbed your hand and pulled you with him, “and i’m not letting you get lost again, I don’t like weirdos flirting with you.”
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“Who are you texting?” Megumi asked, finally recovering from his embarrassment of childhood pictures that you had been showing him from Maki. “Why are you jealous?” you asked. He hummed a little leaning his head into your shoulder. “It’s just a group chat, and Maki of course sending me more photos.” He smushed his face a little more into your clothes, “Doesn’t she have anything better to do? She’s at a party tell her to go do something instead of ruining my life.” You laughed a little.
It was a nice atmosphere, you could hear the music blasting from the main room, but you and Megumi had snuck away into another little foyer room of the house, sitting in the corner on the couch. It wasn’t the most secluded as the rooms around it were still full of people, and there would be others passing by you guys, but a lot less crowded than where you originally had been.
Megumi had gotten you guys something from the kitchen. He wasn’t one much for parties you soon found out by his nature of trying to keep you guys in less public areas. That wasn’t really a problem though, but you were surprised by how much he was attaching himself to you. From what’d you’d previously experienced with him, the only time you remember him being this close was that one time he fell asleep at the movies, and the exception of you helping him into his outfits. You never took him as a big fan of PDA, but maybe this really was moving forward some way.
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Author’s Note: thought giving megumi an ex-emo phase would be funny 😊😊😊
made a playlist with songs i think megumi would listen to on spotify lemme know if anyone wants the link
also just wanna thank u guys for all the support you’ve shown this story i really appreciate it :3
hope you guys enjoyed!
Taglist below, feel free to comment or dm me to be added!!
@iridescentrays @gumimegz @maya-maya-56 @mamafly @lunavixia @swissy23 @coltsgf @m00nglad3-mp3 @etsukis @xosren @qtnfer @oengleli @harek89 @y-sabell-a @morgyyyyyyy @getolvr @liliumaraneae @k3lbade @aiieera @dancedancey @get0sfav @chuyasthighs0 @hyssoplampflickers @kpopanimen @sad-darksoul @vivi-loves-penguins @kasumitenbaz @talkingsperm @nymphsdomain @inlovewithlondonn @rzcnlb @enchantingkitty @fuyuzemi @lysaray @ni-ki-ismyluv @renemy @frumira @mixzimi @miralunaela @dreamxiing @p3achiee @anianurst @nishii28 @arguendo
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