#but i don’t pretend otherwise
i think the funniest part about the “hannigram is queerbait” crowd is that they are loudly and confidently declaring they have 0 media literacy and are the exact type of person that should not be watching shows like hannibal given that is told largely through metaphors and requires copious amounts of media literacy
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What the fuck was that
X-men nation I don’t feel so good
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Send help
Edit: Erik’s probably fine btw, no corpse means no death. I hope.
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sexygrammaticalerrors · 9 months
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jeida-chi · 6 months
"What does my mentor do besides bring me roses?"
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So I actually HATED how this portrait turned out (the oil pastels finally betrayed me 😔🥲) but aside from the eyes WHICH LOOK WRONG the color work was banging and I didn’t want it to go to waste (but still didn’t feel like spending more hours trying to save it;;;;) sooo yeah we’re going for artistic rendition idk lmaooo
thematically I think it works though hehe 🤭
Added the unaltered drawing if anyone is curious what it looked like 🙈
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kendallroygf · 11 months
collection of lana tweets stewy would tweet on his own private twitter acct:
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naturecalls111 · 2 days
Hey!! I saw your “I’m blocking you if you” post and I wanted to ask, if someone tags your art with something along the lines of “I don’t go here but this is amazing” or “I’m not in the fandom but this is too good not to reblog” does that feel okay? I sometimes see art and have no idea who the characters are/the ships/etc but I really, really appreciate how much time and effort is spent on art, but I obviously don’t want to make anyone uncomfortable.
I imagine there’s as many answers as there are artists, but I still wanted to ask! Thank you for taking your time, and don’t feel as if you have to respond!
Hello! Someone’s asked a similar question before, and my general principle for my personal boundaries on the blocking thing is someone explicitly stating that they don’t like the ship/character. Everything else is free game and I won’t bat an eye at it.
I’m beyond flattered when someone who is not typically part of a fandom goes out of their way to reblog my work — I am not flattered when someone wants to like my stuff publicly by hurriedly adding a caveat that they don’t actually like it for some arbitrary audience they’re trying to virtue signal/appease to.
Thank you for the kind ask, anon!
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spoofyleaf · 10 months
To people who are rather dependent on glasses to see clearly bc now I’m curious:
Pls reblog bc I’m genuinely so curious
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arachnophanatic · 3 months
I actually found this Uloborus sp. too but couldn’t persuade it to break its “no I swear to you I am just a dead leaf” pose
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I ran out of space but this is from a letter Tolkien wrote trying to sell his publisher Milton Waldman on the Silmarillion and LotR, which Christopher Tolkien included as the preface in the published Silmarillion.
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gaypornluvr420 · 1 year
and are these child slave quinoa vegans in the room with us right now
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posting on here is like my sisyphean boulder i'm constantly rolling tbh
#god i am trying so hard to just have fun and be myself#but when i do that i'm immediately a strange outsider creep#and since i can't really mask my version of masking is just not talking and then obviously you don’t find any joy in fandom spaces either#i will always be a shitty unlikable freak no matter how much i pretend otherwise. it was obvious from the start that getting involved in#fandom spaces was a fucking mistake. it's always a mistake because you're some laughing stock at best and a horrifying freak at worst#i don't blame people for not liking me i've realised what an awful person i am long ago#but it's always so hard witnessing something like fun social groups from the sidelines knowing you'll never be a part of it#this is why my mental state has been deteriorating so severely in the last few months. that Realisation once again nothing fucking changed#i know it's stupid to get so upset over fandom but it's only a pattern for me#i stopped trying to be friends with people when i was a teenager because it hasn't worked a single time#this attempt at integrating myself into the wotr and bg3 fandom by sharing my shit was just one mistake#gortash/zeke is so different from anybody else’s work and i wish i could find joy in something that it isn’t fucking deranged but i can’t#like yes it’s just fandom bullshit! gortash/zeke is a fucking oc x canon ship! why am i getting so upset over it!#i love writing them. i’ve never been this happy writing anything. and it’s entirely indicative of a common pattern in my life#when i earnestly share parts of myself/things i’m passionate about people get creeped out. and honestly? rightfully so#i would leave the discord servers i’m in because it’s fucking crushing me dude. this is so petty but i’m so jealous of what you people have#but in one i am server owner and i don’t want to just dump that responsibility onto someone else and then dip#and in the other two i’m not sure anyone would even notice that i’m gone but i still worry about being rude#though i’m not entirely sure i didn’t get invited to one of those just so people could laugh at me. idk probably just being paranoid but i#it’s been gnawing at me#ok no if i’m being this vulnerable on tunglr.com i can also say that part of me staying is also still having the hope that i could fit in#one day. logically i know it won’t happen but it’s nice to have hope sometimes#watching you all from through the window having fun like a creep#so yeah. i’ve always felt like this but it’s been rapidly getting worse with my failed attempt at the bg3 fandom#idk just been crying non-stop for the last few hours. went through an entire pack of tissues in an hour it’s very disgusting#they’re all lying around me as i’m typing this like a pillowfort of snot lmao#so yeah. idk. if someone could come over and lobotomise me that’d be nice. orin where are you when we need you most#i never had any friends irl so i foolishly gave this a shot. i’m sorry#also doesn’t help that i can see someone dropping me for people that are easier to be around in irl rn#it just hurts because it’s always like that. someone you are around when you have no other option at best. not even that sometimes
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gojoskellington · 3 months
If one more goddamn person tells me to vote for Genocide Joe because “we can’t let Trump win” is getting hit with a shovel. Biden is actively funding a genocide, and there are US troops helping murder Palestinians. I don’t know what morals you have, but I sure as fuck know mine won’t allow me to vote for a genocidal fucker.
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chirpsythismorning · 11 months
I just got an ask about how I’m a ‘shit stirrer’ on Twitter? And I just thought I would clarify, I do not have a Twitter account…
Occasionally, yes, I do go on Twitter from the safari app to search things, but once I get blocked by the log-in page, I move on.
Twitter isn’t so bad when it comes to wanting to see what people think about certain things, but too much of that can be overwhelming, which is why I choose not to reside there in much of any capacity.
So anon, whoever this ‘shit stirrer’ is that you are referring to, it is not me 😭 And idk why you would assume they are me, unless they’re putting up some sort of front that they are me?…
Maybe this was meant for someone else and you accidentally clicked on my profile? Not sure. But just to be clear, chirpsythismorning on Tumblr, is not on Twitter.
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kendallroygf · 5 months
i once read something that described kendall as taking up maximum space at the dinner table, scoffing everything down and even picking at the food stuck between his teeth at the end . and it’s like. what a wild misunderstanding of the character. he’s constantly wilting, has literally never finished his plate and it’s actually. odd how absent he is at every dinner table , constant dissociation that’s framed as normal as everybody chats around him
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biend · 1 year
btw calling it now that jaune sacrifices himself for team rwby to leave and gets an ever-after pyrrha reunion
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amateurgirltoy · 7 months
what if I said something rude and whiny and you slapped me across the face without warning and asked me—totally neutral, totally unaffected—if I really wanted to try that again
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