#welp time to pretend like none of this ever happened and go back to my hole underground
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What the fuck was that
X-men nation I don’t feel so good
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Send help
Edit: Erik’s probably fine btw, no corpse means no death. I hope.
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madlori · 25 days
The Claw is our master.
I've had a few folks in DMs ask me how/why/when my shipping did such a completey 180. It's a fair question. I am, after all, someone who spent the last 2 years fervently Buddie shipping, writing fic for them, doing the same hoping/analyzing/searching etc that everyone else (well...not exactly the same, I've always been skeptical of most of the theories and such because I don't believe in a production's ability to be that sneaky, covert or mischievous).
And yet, here I am. I can't really even pretend I'm still a Buddie shipper anymore. Initially I said sure, I still hope for it. I...can't in all honesty say that now. I've firmly decamped for BuckTommy Land. Is this a recipe for heartbreak if they eventually breakup? Sure, but that's always a risk. No more than shipping a non-canon pairing, anyway.
And there's nothing wrong with shipping a non-canon pairing. People do it every day. Hell, it's practically the backbone of fandom. Obsessing about ships being canon is a one-way ticket to dissatisfaction and sometimes total unraveling. I've seen it happen more times than I can count over 30 years in online fandoms.
But if that's the case, why didn't I stay on Team Buddie? Why did I defect so thoroughly that I'm at the point now where not only do I not think Buddie will ever happen, I don't want it to, because I now want to see something different from those two characters, something I believe we will actually get from the writers.
The answer to that question is: I have no idea.
People ask this like I'm somehow in control of it. I'm not. The Fandom Brain is like The Claw in Toy Story. The Claw is our Master. The Claw decided who will go and who will stay.
Fandom Brain is my master. It decides what I'm going to ship, what I'm going to be fannish about and what I'm not, and when I'm going to stop feeling fannish about something. I have zero say in the matter, I'm just along for the ride. At some point in every fandom I have ever been in, my Fandom Brain has, usually with no provocation, decided "Ok we're done with this fandom now." And nothing I can do will make that not true. I can't force it. I can't cajole it. It just is.
Similarly, Fandom Brain has decided "Welp, we're done with this pairing now. We like THIS pairing now. Proceed." Are there reasons? I'm sure there are.
Is it just that it's a canon pairing? Possibly. There is something very seductive about a canon pairing after so long of looking for crumbs and tiny hints where there (mostly) none to find. But I've shipped plenty of non-canon pairings before.
Is it that I prefer Tommy/Lou to Eddie/Ryan? Absolutely not. I love Eddie, always have. I admit to being slightly more of a Buck girlie, but that doesn't mean Eddie means nothing to me.
Is it the immediate gratification? Maybe. Is it just how the relationship's being written? Possibly. Is it just a mental adjustment for my belief that Buddie will never happen, and Eddie will always be straight? Likely. But that doesn't change the outcome.
So here I sit, just...yep. Sometimes it just be like that. I didn't choose this, it's just what my brain decided was going to work for me going forward. If this goes up in smoke, my brain will choose something else, whether it's to run back to Buddie, or be done with 9-1-1 entirely, or who knows what else?
The good news for any of you who follow my writing is that I'm still working on the next Husbros installment. That universe is removed enough from the canon that it almost feels separate to me now, and I'm still feeling connected to it. Yes, I've written a few short BT fics, but so far I've not had any lengthy or involved plot bunnies for it.
So there you have it. I didn't choose the thug life, the thug life chose me. I don't know if I'd have chosen this if I could, but tbh I'm having a pretty good time with it so far, so. That's probably a big part of the reason.
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strangerwheelerthings · 4 months
Can you write an angsty hurt/comfort fic about the wheeler siblings?
Mike was screaming at her. He was screaming himself hoarse as he tried to get her to leave. He threw an action figure at the wall beside her. When that didn’t make her flinch, he stepped forward, intent on shoving her out of his room. On any other day, she would have left long before it got to this point, grumbling about her weird brother with clear anger management issues. Not now. Today she would stand her ground. She wasn’t going to budge an inch.
For the first time, in far too long, she saw the pain in her brother’s eyes.
For the first time, she paid attention to more than his words, and worked to understand where all this frustration was coming from. It wasn’t rooted in anger like she’d thought for so long, but in pain and fear buried deep below the surface. 
His reaction to their father’s words over dinner had finally unlocked something. The puzzle pieces all came together at once, making her sick to her stomach at the realization. Not the realization of who her brother was, but the realization of how little she’d stepped into the role of supportive older sibling throughout the last few years.
The blindness was gone, and she determined to never let it creep in again. She was not going to sit back and watch her little brother self-destruct alone. She’d go down with him if it came to that, but he was going to know he was loved if it was the last thing she did. He was going to know that his hurt and anger at the world was justified and understood. 
No eleven year old should have ever suffered the heartache and trauma that he had. No child should have had to shoulder that alone, to pretend it never happened just because some Government Agent Assholes had declared it so. No little boy should have to suffer their father’s repeated homophobic remarks at the dinner table, making him feel so ashamed and scared that he struggled to admit his sexuality even to himself. 
No, none of this had been acceptable. It could not go on this way any longer. Something had to change, and that something started with her opening her own heart back up to a sibling relationship with him again. 
His voice had broken under the stress, and he went quiet. She knew this was not by choice. His tone was cold as ice as he strained to make himself heard. “Get Out. Please.”
“Not yet.”
She stepped forward to snake her arms around him before he could register her intentions, and pulled him into a hug.
“What’s wrong with you? Let go of me, weirdo, and get out of my freaking room!” He tried to pull away, but didn’t quite escape her grasp. He could have, if he had truly wanted to, she knew. 
“I love you no matter what. You know that right?” She tried to put every ounce of sincerity she could into those words, desperate for him to really hear her and believe. Desperate to squeeze past those solid walls between them that they’d both been responsible for.
“Uh, yeah, sure, whatever.”
She released him, and stared directly into his eyes, needing him to fully understand. “There is nothing you could do or be that would ever make me love you less. I don’t think you understand what that means.” She smiled weakly, half joking but entirely serious as she continued, “I would bury a body for you. I would create a body to bury, to keep you safe. Something as small as who you love would never even faze me.”
He sucked in a startled breath. His mouth opened, but no sound escaped. Silence reigned for a number of moments.
Welp, that was probably more than enough vulnerability for the night for both of them. Small steps. She patted his arm awkwardly, then backed out of the room. “Anyway-” she rushed out, “Just wanted to let you know that. You can talk to me about anything. Ok, goodnight. Sleep tight, don’t let the bed bugs bite.” She shut his door in his face before rushing to her own room. She was emotionally spent, and embarrassed by her fumbling attempts to support him. She felt as adept as a newborn lamb. Hopefully something she’d done had gotten through to him.
Her sleep was restless, but when she awoke the next morning to a note under her door, her heart lightened considerably.
“You too - Mike”
|—---------Hug #2-----------|
For a moment, Mike could only stare. He was shocked speechless at the overwhelming despair in his sister’s voice.
“I didn’t know!” Nancy wailed, tears streaming down her face. He had to strain to understand her through the hiccuping sobs. “I didn’t. I didn’t know…”
He stumbled back a step when she collapsed against him unexpectedly. His arms instinctively circled her as she clutched his jacket sobbing into his shoulder. 
“I- I just wanted to be a rebellious teenager for once in my life. I didn’t mean to kill her. I didn’t! I promise. Please.” She was begging, pleading to some unknown God or being to relieve her of all the guilt and pain, yet unwilling to part from it if they did exist. She didn’t believe herself to be worthy of the release.
Mike had no freaking clue what to do. He hadn’t even been present for whatever triggered the start of this breakdown. He’d found her staring at a bleeding hand, glass covering the kitchen floor at three in the morning, not moving. Her eyes stared vacantly, even as her head turned in his direction at his entrance.
“What’d you do?” he’d asked,originally more tired and grumpy than worried at the sight of the mess. 
It took a moment for her to react before all hell broke loose and she completely fell apart. It became quite clear quite quickly that Nancy was not grounded or aware enough to talk out of it. She was lost in her own world of pain and memories, and it was all he could do to keep his arms around her as she shook. 
His brain kept fumbling as it attempted to adapt this scene into his understanding of his sister. She was always so uptight and bossy. She worked hard at her job and at school, and he’d always been a little jealous of how well she’d handled everything since the first Upside Down incident. He’d never seen her cry. Not since she first learned about Barb's death. 
He’d always assumed that she had moved on. She’d worked towards justice by taking Hawkins Labs down and then lived her life. She never seemed scared when monsters attacked. She became quieter after, in some ways, but that was all he had noticed. 
The girl crying in his arms on the kitchen floor was not that unstoppable girl. She was broken and small, and so overwhelmed. He held her as the sobs eventually sputtered off to quiet weeping, and then finally silent stillness. She wasn’t asleep, that much was obvious through the tension still present in her body. She didn’t say anything, just sat there, unmoving. 
At some point. He gently pushed her back enough to see her face. Her eyes were dull and unfocused. She’d detached from reality in an entirely different way, exhaustion shining through easily. Seeing her then, after truly coming to understand how not ok she was, it scared him how familiar this expression was. He’d seen it hundreds of times, not always so overt, but still plain to see. Except he hadn’t seen, had he. He’d glossed right over, taking it to mean anything from disinterest to simple tiredness. He’d assumed that Nancy’s pain would look like his, and when it hadn’t, he’d never looked deeper. 
After who knows how long, he eventually guided Nancy back up to bed, before finally stumbling back to his own. His original goal of a midnight snack was long forgotten. Despite his own exhaustion he didn’t sleep, simply stared at the ceiling, lost in thought. He didn’t know what to do with this revelation, but he did know he would be far more observant of his sister than he’d ever been before. 
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paintball169 · 3 years
Day 1- Checkmate in your own game!
- Part of Salty September -
One Eleanor Davis was going to visit her cousin Marinette Dupain-Cheng in Paris. It was a Surprise visit because she doesn't have much free time. Eleanor was studying fashion much like her cousin, but in modelling. She was going to be the face of MDC once she graduates. You see Marinette wasn't like most people, she had been designing as world famous since she was fourteen. It had been two years since MDC made a debut. Marinette had asked her cousin to be her head model after two months of launching her brand. Jagged Stone had sponsored her brand till she finds a face. Initially she was going to ask Juleka to model for her to help her dream come true. But all of her class had turned on her because of one Lila Rossi. So she asked her cousin whose dream was to become a model for Audrey Bourgeois to model for her. Eleanor was shocked that the overnight famed designer was her cousin. Eleanor became a hit quickly. When Eleanor had asked Marinette that her friends could model with her too, Marinette said that none were interested. Lila rossi was the actual reason Marinette refused to let her classmates model, but her cousin did not need to know that.
So, Eleanor Davis was on her way to the Dupain-Cheng bakery. Eleanor quietly made her way to her cousins room.
"Boo!" She said. Eleanor gasped on seeing her cousin curled up in her boyfriends arms sobbing. Her Aunt and Uncle were rubbing her back.
"Chipmunk what's wrong?!" Eleanor asked worried for her cousin.
Marinette or Chipmunk as dubbed by Eleanor, stopped sobbing slowly only to find her cousin standing in front of her. "Elly what are you doing here?" She asked once her sobs quieted down.
"I came to see you Chipmunk, since we don't see each other frequently. Now golden boy what happened to my little Chipmunk?" Eleanor asked Felix, Marinette's boyfriend.
"Lila rossi, one of her classmates, a pure bitch. She and the others ripped her sketch book and called her names, few also beat her up. Imbeciles. I'll kill that bitch." Felix answered furiously.
"Felix! Shhh! you weren't supposed to say anything!" Marinette exclaims in a hushed tone.
"That bitch! What did my chipmunk ever do to her! Let me at her! Where is she? I will rip her to shreds!" Eleanor shouts.
"Elly calm down. You'll become an Akuma!" Marinette tries to reason.
"I'm calm now. How long has this been going on?" Eleanor asks.
"Two years now. Damocles doesn't do anything." Tom Dupain answers looking at his daughter.
"Two Years! Aunt Sabine have you considered switching schools?" Eleanor askes.
"I have Eleanor dear, but the school refuses to send transfer papers." Sabine answers disappointed.
"What about this, Everyone knows I am MDC's face. How 'bout I threaten to sue them? Then I'll transfer there and take care of that bitch." Eleanor Asks hopefully.
"Elena you can't sue them! And you're not killing anyone!" Marinette panics.
"Don't worry chipmunk, only a threat. Also I'm not killing anyone." Eleanor says.
"That's a wonderful Idea Eleanor!" Felix exclaims.
"Any allies I should know about Pipsqueak?" Eleanor asks facing her cousin.
"Only three. Marc, Nath, and Chlo." Marinette answers still looking down.
"Marc as in your look alike cousin?" Eleanor asks hopefully.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Eleanor's POV
"Class we have a new student here. Be nice to her. Now Dear will you Introduce yourself? I'm Caline Bustier." Ginger haired teacher speaks.
Yeah. As if I don't know you Bully Enabler.
"Marinette quit acting! We know that's you!" An overly sick voice sounds. Brown Sausage hair. Yep that's Lila.Scoff.
"Look I don't know who are you Sausages for hairs. But I'm not this Marinette you speak of!" I'll have to pretend I don't know Chipmunk here.
"Who're you calling Sausages hair? You're rude!" A pixie girl says. That must be rose.
"Sorry if I was being rude. But I just Complementing her. Besides If someone's rude here that's her! She called me this Marinette and reprimanded me! " I say with an obviously fake sweet voice.
"Thanks for the complement, Sorry for being rude." Lila answers gritting teeth. Sweet. Serves her right.
"Now if that's done, Introduce yourself please!" Bustier says.
" Hi! My name's Eleanor Davis. I'm from New York. Recently transferred here. You might know me as MDC's face. I like modelling! Hope ya'll be friends with me!" I say in an overly exited voice.
Their Jaws drop.
"Can I Have an Interview? Your THE Eleanor Davis. Sorry If lila was rude. Can you tell me who's MDC?" An aburn hair asks. Lila's Jaw drops as she apologises for Lila. Maybe one of her biggest followers. Right the Ladyblogger, Alya.
"No, Sorry no Interview, But you're the LadyBlogger right? MDC's my Cous. If that's good enough inside scoop?" I say with fake concern.
"OMG girl that's the best scoop I've had for MDC's !" Alya says.
"Your welcome. If that's not it MDC's a teenage girl younger than me by a few months?" I say.
"Wow ! that's awesome!" Alya says.
Mentally rolling my eyes I make my way towards the back. I hear faint those're bullies from the others.
"Hey Cous!" Marc exclaims fist bumping me. "Hey Marc." I reply.
"He's your Cousin?!!" Everyone shouts. Alya says "So he's MDC! That's great!"
"No Alya He's not. No offence bit you need to pay more attention. I just said MDC's a girl." I say with concern.
" Oh sorry. So how's he related to MDC?" She asks.
"Oh that. He's her mother's older brother's youngest son. I'm her father's younger sister's only daughter." I say.
I pass notes to our friends explaining my plans.
Welp, this class is dumber than I thought.
Alya's POV of the above
While we were chatting we were interrupted by mlle.Bustier.
"Class we have a new student here. Be nice to her. Now Dear will you Introduce yourself? I'm Caline Bustier."
The new student examines her. She looks a lot like Marinette. Only Green eyes. Maybe she is. Doing it for attention. Attention Whore.
"Marinette quit acting! We know that's you!" Lila says. We all make hums of agreements.
'Marinette' Scoffs suddenly.
"Look I don't know who are you Sausages for hairs. But I'm not this Marinette you speak of!"
Sausages hair. That's rude. But if that's the case then lila was rude to her first.
"Who're you calling Sausages hair? You're rude!" Rose shouts.
"Sorry if I was being rude. But I just Complimenting her. Besides If someone's rude here that's her! She called me this Marinette and reprimanded me! " The new girl says with a sweet voice maybe I was wrong about her.
"Thanks for the complement, Sorry for being rude." Lila answers. She looks annoyed
"Now if that's done, Introduce yourself please!"Mlle. Bustier says.
" Hi! My name's Eleanor Davis. I'm from New York. Recently transferred here. You might know me as MDC's face. I like modelling! Hope ya'll be friends with me!"Woah! THE Eleanor Davis!
Everyone's jaw drops.
"Can I Have an Interview? Your THE Eleanor Davis. Sorry If lila was rude. Can you tell me who's MDC?" I ask without wasting time. Inside scoops are the best.
"No, Sorry no Interview, But you're the LadyBlogger right? MDC's my Cous. If that's good enough inside scoop?"She recognise me!
"OMG girl that's the best scoop I've had for MDC's !" I reply.
"Your welcome. If that's not it MDC's a teenage girl younger than me by a few months?" She says.
"Wow ! that's awesome!" I say. Now my Blog is sure to take off!
Woah she's heading towards the back. "They're bullies don't sit there!" I say. All back me up.
"Hey Cous!" Marc exclaims fist bumping her. "Hey Marc." she replies.
Woah sweet MDC's in our class.
"He's your Cousin?!!" Everyone shouts. I say "So he's MDC! That's great!"
"No Alya He's not. No offence bit you need to pay more attention. I just said MDC's a girl." she says with concern. I'm offended. But no one's frowning. I'll keep quiet.
" Oh sorry. So how's he related to MDC?" I ask.
"Oh that. He's her mother's older brother's youngest son. I'm her father's younger sister's only daughter." she says.
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Eleanor's POV
Stage One: Sow seeds of doubt.
"MDC's name stand for Micheal de Collins! I should know i'm his bestie!" Lie-la says.
"Lila, no offence but someone's fooling you. My cous is seriously a girl." I say.
Stage two: Pile up evidences and collect Lawsuits.
"Thanks Mr.Stone. That's great." I say while he hands me Lawsuits for Lila.
"Anything for Nettie" He says.
Stage three: Report to Police.
"I'm sorry, we had no idea this was going on Ms.Davis" The men from the school board say.
"Kid the case's registered, When do you want us to arrest her?" Raincomprix asks.
"The End of Lycee Gala." I say.
Stage four: Invite all celebrities to Gala
"Mlle. Bustier, I invited many Celebs for the Gala!" I say.
"That's Great Eleanor." She says.
Stage five: Gala
"Welcome to the graduation of the Akuma class! We'll end with our validectorian, Eleanor Davis's Speech."
"This year was Great........"
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Marinette's POV
I was sitting in the audience. Now's time for Elena's Speech.
"This year was Great. First I got to model for my Cous MDC. I have a special presentation for tonight. Everyone can you please pay attention." She says.
That's a slideshow of every little crime Lila did. Everyone Gasped by the end.
"This is the Two Faced Bitch Lila Rossi. Wanted in 7 countries. The police are here to arrest lila today." She says. WANTED in SEVEN countries!
"Why?!!! We could've ruled together?" Lila screeches.
"Because you hurt my Family." Elena says.
"But I never did anything to you or your Family!"
"Wrong! You hurt my Cousin MDC AKA Marinette Dupain Cheng."
Everyone of my classmates are being arrested.
I've never felt so good.
"This went better than we thought, Right marigold?"
Felix says as he presses a soft Kiss to my lips.
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c-is-for-circinate · 3 years
More Hades thoughts:
Chaos just told me, "This space grows more interesting when you occupy a small amount of it." Chaos is, without doubt or exception, my favorite family member. They are so completely different and removed from everything and they still love us. In their own primordeal strange way that does not experience love in any mortal sense and yet still experiences emotions of good and yes and approval when Zagreus is near, when they can see what we're doing, when we come by to talk. I put their aspect on my shield. They are my stepmom's parent and that makes them my grandparent, sorry, no take-backs, you used to play hide-and-go-seek with Nyx when the universe was little, and you told me about it, and now I love you forever, kthxbye.
I continue to love the family relationships in this game entirely. We have seen more and more cracks between the Olympians, where they don't entirely like or trust each other even as they put on big smiles and talk about being a Big Happy Family Up Here, Come On Zag, What's Taking You So Long, Why Would Hades Ever Want To Leave This? (The dialogue for Zeus and Aphrodite's duo boon makes me cringe, it's perfect and also perfectly awful). The game does such a good job of being subtle about highlighting some of the issues within this family. Athena is the Reasonable One, who talks about how Nyx seems sensible in the same breath that she mentions how the Olympians don't have much to do with cthonic gods, of course, and also that underworld is simply wretched, let's get you up here where you belong--and okay, the underworld is wretched for Zagreus, but also, hey, I just put down new rugs and installed an oven in the lounge kitchen, it's not that bad, and not only has Nyx been endlessly kind to me, you are currently under the impression that she's my mother, so maybe don't give me that "you won't be judged for your parentage up here on Olympus" like she's something to be ashamed of, ok?
Speaking of relationships, I've finally met Thanatos, and, welp. First of all, he is great (his accessory gives me more attack if I don't take damage in a room! He doesn't want Zagreus to get hurt!!!). He is terse and full of Emotions that he pretends not to be experiencing. He is also, based on the way he said "you didn't even say goodbye" the first time I ran into him, very clearly Zagreus's actual, current boyfriend (unlike Meg who is very clearly his ex), who we didn't actually technically break up with before we started trying to escape Hades and get up to the surface, so that's Extremely Awkward. (Achilles called him our "closest friend". Why not just call him our "dear companion", Achilles, come on, and also yes I am still keeping an eye out for your boy, he's got to be in Elysium somewhere do I need to nectar you up to get you to spill details come on.) Like, you could make a case for platonic affection with a vast unplumbed reservoir of UST, I guess, but that is not the most obvious interpretation. (Also awkward: given the timing of everything, Zagreus probably last saw Than before the Persephone-discovery, which means that if they were in fact dating, then, welp. Congrats, Zag, you are definitely a Greek god. Thanatos and Hypnos's dad is canonically Nyx's brother in the first place, it's probably fine. Do love that dialogue line they decided they had to put in about 'I should've known you couldn't be my mother, Thanatos and Hypnos couldn't possibly be my brothers', though. Got to be very delicate about admitting to such things when you're making a game about Greek mythology.) Anyway love the dynamics of Meg who loves but also feels owned by her job enough that she has to try and stop us, vs Thanatos who pretends he's not helping us while absolutely helping us, vs Nyx who knows so much more than she's telling anybody but has an agenda here that we can only be glad is probably for our benefit. (Fun fact, in the Aeneid, the three Furies were the children of Nox and Pluto, aka Roman Nyx and Hades, so like, there's that, too.)
You know, running the same gauntlet of enemies again and again should get boring, and at points it does, a little, but there's something almost meditative about the pattern of it. And I think the really rewarding thing might be that as Zagreus gets stronger, I do too. I might do a little more backstab damage and have a lot more hit points than I did when I started, but none of that matters if I can't position myself to do the backstabbing. I think I may have figured out how to take out the giant purple crystal miniboss without absolute misery and spending fifty hit points on it, and that's not just Zag's build getting better, that's me as a player. Hell yeah.
It's increasingly clear how this game intends to keep going even after I reach the surface, which I am almost going to manage to do. (Yes, it's going to take me ninety runs. Whatever.) Because, look, it says right in the codex: "The darkness, having taken root within, connects the bearer to the Underworld and makes them inseparable." Unless I strip every point of Darkness out and make a full run with zero buffs--which, spoiler alert, is NEVER going to happen--Zagreus is gong to be four thousand points into the darkness by the time I get up to the surface no matter how many times I try. It's not the pomegranates, it's the dark of he underworld itself, and whether we are going to be the Persephone of this myth or simply take her place so she doesn't have to descend again and again each year, we will never get to stay on the surface for long. We can visit, maybe, if we're willing to battle our way back out past every enemy and exit each time we go. But we're not going to live on Olympus, and we're not going to move in with our mom in her little cottage by the sea. Not right away. Maybe not ever. Even though the Fates have prophesied that we'll escape--the reward for fulfilling that one is so much more Darkness. We will leave, soon. But that sure doesn't mean we're going to get to stay.
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slyther-bi · 3 years
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Wings to follow
Chapter 2
There's gonna be a time skip. Pretend they're all the same age except for Barty & Regulus who are a year younger than them all. Plus they all have happy families. Don't question me about the houses they're placed in.
Gryffindor: James, Mary, & Barty
Slytherin: Avery, Mulciber, Evan, & Sirius
Ravenclaw: Severus, Regulus, & Remus
Hufflepuff: Lucius, Lily, & Peter
~6th yr~
"Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!"
Severus groaned and grudgingly woke up "It's Saturday, why are you waking me up?" He asked as he rubbed his eyes. Lily smiled and laid down besides him "Because today is a special day Sev! Do you know why??" She spoke with excitement. Severus couldn't help but smile at his friend "Why?"
"Because on this exact day 7 seven years ago, you and became best friends!!" She shouted out "So you and I must celebrate this joyous occasion!! So get out of bed you lazy bum that I love so much!!" She added as she stood up on the bed and began to jump "Get up! Get up! Get up!" She chanted as she jumped off the bed and jumped around the room.
"I'm up, I'm up" He said as he got out of bed "God how do you always have so much energy?" He spoke while looking through his dresser for clothes. Lily laughed "I have no idea but that doesn't matter, I'll wait for you in main room alright" She said to which Severus only responded by nodding.
He began to remove his pajamas the minute he heard the door close and began to put on the clothes he'd picked out for the day. Once dressed he grabbed a hair tie and tied up his hair. Some of it came loose but he didn't seem to mind. He then grabbed his wand and he went to grab a small box from his trunk. It was a gift for Lily something he'd obtain while out in Hogsmeade last weekend. Once he retrieved it, he made his way to the main room.
Lily leaped off the couch once she saw Severus and rushed over to him and engulfed him in a giant hug. Severus chuckled and hugged her back. "Come now, Let's go eat some breakfast" She said as she took his hand and began to lead him to the dining hall.
The pair walked hand in hand to the dining hall without a care in the world. Everyone knew they weren't together, nor were they meant to be together. Why? because Severus's mark never changed color and neither did Lily's. Severus's mark was on his hand so it was impossible to miss, Lily's mark tho was placed just above her hip. It was an owl and Lily had practically checked her mark whenever she came into contact with anyone.
She eventually went about asking anyone she met if they had a jellyfish as their soulmark. Tho sadly it seemed no one had one but that wasn't gonna stop her. Severus tried to convince her that maybe Petunia's soulmate was a muggle but for some reason Lily felt that that wasn't true. Nothing he said manage to get her to drop the issue and he too went about asking his housemates if they had a jellyfish soulmark.
To his surprise a boy, who was a year older and named Danny, had a jellyfish as his soulmark. Sadly Danny had already found his soulmate. Severus frowned at the revelation but he congratulated him none the less and left. He eventually told Lily and she too was bummed.
The pair soon reached the dining hall and stepped inside. They made their way to the Ravenclaw table but Lily stopped midway and squeezed Severus's hand tightly "Let's sit at the Hufflepuff table" She spoke nervously. Severus stared at her in confusion before he looked at the Ravenclaw table and then it hit him.
Regulus Black was there, he was talking to some friends of his while also eating breakfast. A smile appeared on Severus's face, he knew why Lily didn't want to sit there. It's because Regulus just so happened to be her soulmate. They had met during summer after their first year. Sirius had invited the two to spend the summer at his home.
Once the pair had gotten permission from their parents, they left to Black Manor. When they arrived Sirius was quickly greeted by someone who appeared to be a smaller version of him. Sirius eventually introduced the small boy as Regulus Black, his younger brother by a year. Lily was the first to shake his hand and then Severus. By the end of the day Lily had dragged Severus into the bathroom in panic.
She lifted up her shirt just a bit to show that mark had turned a greenish or teal color. Severus couldn't help but gasp. The rest of that summer was spent with Lily trying to avoid Regulus, she had always dreamt about meeting her soulmate. Tho she never expected to meet him at such a young age or that he would be younger than her.
Severus tried to muffle his laughter with his hand, this earned him a smack on the arm. He shook his head and rubbed his arm still smiling. "Seriously? Ever sense you found out Regulus was your soulmate you've done everything to avoid him" He spoke "Why don't you just go talk to him already" He added. Lily huffed and crossed her arms "I will, tho not now because today is our day" She said in a serious tone.
Severus sighed but then an idea popped into his head. He reached into his bag and pulled out the small box that held Lily's gift. "Here" he said and thrusted the box towards her. Lily looked surprised and uncrossed her arms to take the box. She stared at it for awhile before looking back at Severus with a questioning look. "It's a present, for our friendship anniversary" He stated.
Lily felt like tearing up "Oh Sev, that's so sweet. You didn't have to get me anything you know" She said softly. "Oh I know, but I felt like it. Now open it" He said happily as ever, Lily chuckled softly and quickly opened the box. She gasped softly, inside the box was a hair clip. It had a small crown made of gems attached to it and on the clip it obtained the word wonderland on it but it was hardly noticeable unless you looked really closely at it.
She looked back at Severus with tears forming in her eyes. Severus simply smiled "All hail the queen of wonderland" He said softly, Lily quickly engulfed him into the tightest hug ever. Severus couldn't help but laugh as he hugged her back.
"I take it you like the gift?" He asked
"Like it? Severus I absolutely love it!" She shouted out, Luckily only a few people took notice and none of them were Regulus. "But..." She muttered. Severus tilted his head "But what?"
"I didn't get you anything" She mumbled and Severus chuckled. He knew she didn't get him anything, they've never gotten eachother gifts before. They simply took turns paying for everything each anniversaries. So he was very lucky when he decided to buy her a gift. "Oh I know but I know how you can make it up to me" He said and Lily gave him another confused look "How? Do you want me to pay for everything today?" She asked.
He shook his head and grabbed her hand "Nope" he spoke and dragged Lily to the Ravenclaw table. It took her a few minutes before realizing what Severus wanted. She tried to remove her hand from his but was unsuccessful. There was no point in trying to escape they already arrived to the table and to the very person she was trying to avoid.
"Hey Regulus, you remember Lily right?" Severus spoke as he quickly sat down next to Regulus, luckily there was hardly anyone at the table, and pulled Lily onto his lap. He wrapped his arms around her waist to avoid her escaping. Regulus turned to face the pair and stared at them weirdly, seeing as Lily was trying to escape. "Uh yeah, you guys are friends with my older brother Sirius. Why?" He said in a confused tone.
"Did you know her soulmark is an owl?" Severus asked and Lily wanted nothing more than to die. Regulus felt his eyes widen at that information "It is?" He asked and Severus made a humming noise in confirmation. Regulus felt stunned, he wasn't sure what exactly Severus was trying to say but it felt like he was implying that Lily was his soulmate. "What does that have to do with me?" He asked nervously.
Severus smirked "Not much, also her favorite animal is a rabbit and her favorite color is orange" He said and Lily hid her face with her hands inorder to avoid people seeing her blush especially Regulus. "Just thought you should know" He added and Regulus was stunned into silence. Why? Well cause his soulmark was a rabbit and it had turned orange a year before he was to enter Hogwarts.
Severus pushed Lily up and stood up himself. He then gently pushed Lily down to where he was sitting before. Lily was simply glaring at him the entire time her face completely red. Before Severus walked away to the slytherin table to talk to Sirius, he leaned in towards Regulus "Also her mark turned teal the day we first went to Black Manor" He whispered in his ear. He straighten up and smiled at the two "Welp I'm gonna go say hi to Siri, by you two" He said and ran off before Lily could attack him.
Severus arrived to the slytherin table and was happy to see Sirius sitting there half asleep. He quickly sat down next to him and grabbed hold of his arm which caused to jump out of his sleeping state in fear. "Sweet merlin Sev, what the hell" Sirius wheezed out, Severus merely smiled and pointed towards Lily and Regulus. Sirius turned his attention to where Severus was pointing and gasped in shock."Did she finally tell him?!" Sirius said a bit loudly as he turned to look at Severus for confirmation.
Severus nodded his head happily and Sirius cheered with glee "About fucking time!" He shouted and Severus couldn't help but laugh. Both he and Sirius talked about the new relationship forming between Lily and Regulus. Eventually they began talking about other things clearly no longer interested in their friends relationship.
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fishingforyolos · 4 years
That Awkward Moment When...
What if Dean got Castiel back from the Empty, and DIDN’T confess his love right away? What if instead, Dean and Cas just...didn’t know how to bring it up to one another, and forced Sam to endure the most intense third-wheel moment that he’s ever experienced, while these two emotionally constipated dumbasses sat in awkward silence?
This is here to answer that question.
It was the fourth time within two minutes that Dean had cleared his throat, and pretended to look out the window.
Sam was counting, now, in a desperate bid to distract from the incredible, palpable awkward silence emanating from the front seat of the car.
He had given Cas the front as a KIND gesture. He was being nice! It was only FAIR that the guy who had just escaped from super mega turbohell got to have a free pass at riding shotgun.
Or, so he thought. When he sidled into the backseat an hour ago, he did not anticipate the absolutely lethal levels of weird that Cas and Dean would be radiating—all pretending not to look at each other, conspicuous rubbing of the back of their necks, and god DAMN it Dean was fake-looking out the window AGAIN! There was nothing out there but corn, Dean!! Corn for miles!!!
Sam sat back and groaned. This was one of the most intolerable hours that he had ever witnessed in this godforsaken car, and that was saying something.
He allowed himself to drift off into his thoughts, letting his analytical side take over. Whatever it was, it probably happened in the bunker, right before Cas was taken by the Empty. Dean had been very...vague, about that situation, which only made Sam all the more curious. What could they have SAID to each other? Sam was no stranger to having a tense relationship with Castiel, but...if they were mad at each other, they’d be doing that stupid stony-faced silent treatment. But no, they both seemed too full of nervous energy. Cas was currently rifling through the glovebox, of all goddamn things, and Dean was toggling the blinker back and forth on a two-lane highway.
Click, click. Click, click. Click, click.
“Are these...salted?” asked Castiel, holding up a box of bullets as if they were a sale item at Costco.
“Huh? Oh, yeah,” said Dean taking a quick glance, “We bought those for the uh...for the ghosts.”
“I see,” said Castiel, nodding for just a bit too long.
Click, click. Click, click. Click, click.
Sam scrubbed his face with his hands. He had been to hell before, but listening to bad small talk was its own special kind of hell. What happened in that bunker room that would make them behave like-
Sam’s mouth fell open.
Like the awkward morning after.
“Oh, my God,” Sam blurted, before he could stop himself, “Did-did you two have a one-night stand?”
Castiel dropped the box of bullets.
Dean choked on nothing.
“Sam, what the HELL?!” he coughed.
“Well, SORRY,” Sam said, in a way that he hoped conveyed how NOT sorry he was, “But you guys are acting, uhhh, really weird, and I thought maybe, I dunno-”
He shrugged, and held his hands up in defense against Dean’s murderous glare, “I thought maybe you hooked up! Y’know, last night on earth style!”
“Wha-no. No, no, no,” Dean said again, gesturing forcefully with one hand before pointing directly at Sam, “That’s-that’s not what happened in there.”
“Indeed,” Castiel murmured lowly, throwing a glance to the backseat, “I can assure you, it was worse.”
Dean nearly swerved off the road.
Sam’s jaw fell open again, eyes flicking from Dean to Cas. “W-WORSE?!”
“Oh my FUCKING god,” Dean whispered into the steering wheel.
“What I mean is, it was more...personally humiliating. To me,” Castiel clarified.
Sam blinked several times, trying to process this new bit of information. 
“But I thought...you said, that the Empty's deal was about you experiencing happiness,” Sam said, shifting back into analytical mode, “Does it make an...exception, for humiliation?”
He sat back and grimaced, as he weighed the horrible possibility in his mind. “Is it into that??”
“W-well,” stuttered Castiel, his gravelly voice betraying his discomfort, “Regardless of the...preferences, sexual or otherwise, of the Empty-”
Dean suddenly slammed the steering wheel with his palm.
“Can you two PLEASE, shut up?!” he roared, “And let me fucking DRIVE in PEACE?!”
Sam and Cas fell silent, the atmosphere of the Impala even more tense than before.
Sam put his head in his hands. God, he should have just kept his mouth shut. Or maybe, he should have just taken shotgun in the first place, and stuck Cas in the back. Would've saved everyone all this trouble, maybe.
“I’m sorry, Dean,” Castiel said, finally breaking the silence.
Sam pursed his lips in annoyance. He could already tell, simply by the look on Cas’ face, that this was going to be another heart-to-heart where they completely forgot he existed. 
Dean, meanwhile, didn’t react.
“I…” Castiel sighed, “I don’t...mean to make things awkward, it’s just that I didn’t-I never expected to SEE you again.”
“Really, Cas?” Dean exploded, “Really? After all we’ve been through, after all the times we’ve dragged each other out of the clutches of-of Hell, Heaven, you name it, you didn’t-you didn’t even consider the POSSIBILITY that we’d get you out?”
“Of course I considered it,” Castiel said quietly, “It was my most desperate desire."
He sat back, and turned to direct his gaze out the window.
“But there is a sort of...freedom, in confessing directly before death,” Castiel said, speaking a fog onto the window with each word, “All the vulnerability...none of the consequences.”
Sam’s eyes flew wide open as it all finally clicked. 
No way. No way. NO WAY.
He shot up straight, incredulity plastered across his face that the other two were too preoccupied to notice.
DId Castiel...confess his feelings in that bunker? Make a move? Shoot his shot? And then DIE?! 
What the fuck, Cas?
Sam sat back, reeling, running his fingers through his hair as Dean and Cas continued to stare out separate windows. He quite literally didn’t think he would LIVE to see the day that they acknowledged their...thing, and now they were doing it right in front of his eyes.
“I...I meant what I said, Dean,” Castiel said, fixing Dean’s profile with a longing stare, “Every single word. And I still do.”
Sam turned back toward Dean, hunched defensively over the wheel of the Impala. He still wouldn’t look at Cas. 
Please, Sam prayed silently, Don’t fuck this up.
“But, I’m acutely aware that it made things different between us,” Castiel sighed, “And I’m sorry for that. I can’t take it back. However-”
“I love you.”
If he wasn’t literally watching Dean’s mouth move as he said it, Sam wouldn’t have believed his ears. Holy shit.
He whipped his head back to Castiel, who was stopped in his tracks like a deer in headlights.
Even the rain, beating against the windshield at 70 miles an hour, didn’t dare interrupt the moment at hand.
Dean was still staring out at the road, hands gripping the wheel like he was clinging to sanity itself.
“You didn’t let me say it back,” Dean said through gritted teeth, “In the bunker, you just-you dropped that on me, and then you were GONE, and you didn’t even let me say it back.”
Sam’s mouth was agape once again, eyes flicking back and forth between his brother and the equally speechless angel. The air between them was charged, and ready for a lightning strike.
“W-when you say that,” Castiel said, after a solid ten seconds of trying to find his voice, “Do you-do you mean it-”
Dean DID swerve off the road this time, sending Sam sprawling across the backseat as he skidded to a stop on the shoulder.
“Ow! Dean, what the-”
“Yeah, Castiel,” Dean said, finally taking his eyes off the road to fix him with a wild look, “I mean it. Same way you did. When you said that-that the one thing you wanted, you couldn’t have, it-it didn’t make any sense, because I always thought that I was the one wanting what I couldn’t-who I couldn't-”
He sniffled.
“Fuck, I didn’t want to do this in the CAR,” Dean said, wiping his eyes, “Not in front of Sammy.”
“Honestly? I prefer this over the past miserable hour,” Sam said, leaning back, “Do what you gotta do, man. Just...pretend I’m not here.”
Dean actually chuckled at that, but turned his attention back to Cas, who was still blinking in shock.
“Cas, you...you gotta understand,” Dean said carefully, reaching across the seat and cupping Cas’ cheek in a hand, “Come hell or high water, you have me.”
He swallowed hard. “You don’t have to...to want, I-I’m yours, a-already in the bag. Got it?”
Tears tracked down Castiel’s face as he nodded.
“Yeah,” he said, trying unsuccessfully to stop a wide, tearful smile from spreading across his face.
Dean visibly softened, and brought Castiel’s face in, kissing him right on the mouth.
Sam hoped he wouldn't come to regret the "do what you gotta do" comment, but they broke apart just a moment later to touch foreheads like a couple of saps.
“...Yaaay, congratulations!” Sam said, waving celebratory arms in the air as widely as he could in the cramped backseat. He searched around him and found some crumpled receipts, which he tossed into the front seat. “Whoo! Confetti!”
“Sam…” Dean said, closing his eyes and shaking his head.
“I appreciate your jubilation, Sam,” Castiel said, dead seriously, looking back at him with just his eyes, “Your approval means a lot to me.”
"Hey,” Sam said, clapping Castiel on the shoulder, “This changes nothing. You're still like a brother to me, man. You’re still family." 
Cas smiled at him. “Thank you, Sam.”
“Aww, look at that smile, Sammy,” Dean said, tapping Cas on the cheek, “Look at it! How could anybody resist that smile?”
“I dunno, Dean, it’s pretty easy when you’re not in love with him,” Sam smiled.
“Welp,” shrugged Dean casually, as he shifted the car back into drive, “Guess I wouldn’t know, then.”
Sam was taken aback by the...ease, with which all that just rolled off of Dean’s tongue. 
“God,” Sam groaned, “You’re going to be an INSUFFERABLE couple.”
Dean just laughed, light and loud, as he merged back onto the highway, offering out his right hand.
"I'm sorry, Sam," Castiel said, taking the offered hand with a twinkle of mischief in his eyes, "But as you can see, I cannot resist his charm."
Sam rolled his eyes at that, but he couldn’t keep the grin off his face. It was insufferable, yes, and Sam was going to have to have a LONG talk with Dean later, but...for now, he just laughed, as the tension bled out of the car, and Dean FINALLY turned on the stereo, letting the soothing sound of Led Zeppelin carry them into a lighter mood.
Sam took a deep breath, and let it out slow. Maybe sometimes, good things do happen.
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ranvwoop · 3 years
Ran!! Techno lore!! How we feeling :)
I like. technoblade. he is my streamer. My streamers are Phil, Techno, n Ranboo and I am bracing myself for the inevitable plot-relevance where they no longer hang out on the smp but. but i adore them...... this colours my perception, because, if you had read any of my previous lore things, I Really Care About the Syndicate, because it's got all three of my faves :D.
(I have some more faves, but. they are my top three.)
To start I really like the setup!! For like, a Plot Narrative speaking, both of Techno's streams this week are very viewer friendly :D. Since Techno has been gone for a little while, it isn't like... a horrible stream to jump into if you, too, have been gone for a little while. I mean, I haven't, but I've been trying to like. Ease a few people into actually watching instead of just listening to my frantic yelling, and you don't need too much prior knowledge for this one. Granted, it didn't work, I'm going to shove dsmp lore at my pals until it works, guys please D:. But either way it's a nice break from the super conspiracy-theory red stringing! Also Technohumour is always fun.
I am a simple person, sometimes. There's some downtime. Syndicate my beloved! All four of them! I love! The birthday party made me UwU. And then just a simple inciting action setting up for today. I also saw a post about how much the birthday stream emphasised that Techno did have friends, and that was the difference between who is he is now and who he was and also the difference between himself and Dream, with the whole attachments n stuff.... head in hands.
The start of the stream was !! very good. I love the ae duo or emerald duo or whatever they call Phil and Techno hanging out. I Love how it was lighthearted and joking and Phil being concerned but they're still laughing and it's all good! Because Surely Nothing Bad will ever happen to Technoblade. Even when he passes Phil his will, which, I loved just seeing a bunch of posts (myself included) in which everyone was just. A WILL?? But. I love them. I am going to spend all of my time thinking about the like ten minute interaction.
Also it was very funny that it just. messed up. Scuffed streams my beloved. Phil rlly just Poofed out of existence. And then his photo poofed out of existence. It would have been really funny if Techno started to monologue to a painting, though.
But. But the actual part that matters. Technoblade goes to prison.
First of all. I would like to acknowledge that Sam doesn't break character. He's made it through Tommy, who is Tommy, Softie Ghostbur, Sad Ranboo, Clever Quackity, and Techno, who is Techno, among others I didn't watch. cc!Sam playing the warden my beloved. How do you not sound like you're smiling.
BUT. I adore clever characters. Similarly with Quackity, Techno knew what he was getting into and I just love that attitude. Very fun to watch. He is unconcerned, Absolutely scouting out the prison. Lingers the camera on the stasis chamber. Doesn't put his valuables in the vault. Rip to all those gapples because there was absolutely the hestience of. welp. He's not getting those back.
A lot of people interpret his behaviour as excited, but I choose to interpret it as more nervous. You know, the like, cool nervousness like ahah yUP nothing's wrong. (• ▽ •;).
There are lots of ways it could go!! There've been Quite the jokes about everyone breaking in to see Dream, but that honestly looks like how it could go again. Tommy and Tubbo had an interest to break in and kill Dream, though Wilbur's reappearence sorta threw a wrench in that, but he wants to visit his hero, and the Syndicate would have an interest in bringing Techno home. I don't think that there's gonna be a Syndicate breakout stream, but I would Love it. Another contender to meet in prison would be Michael Mcchill and I think that would be hilarious to meet a lot of the characters that way.
More likely, Techno will fill his inventory with the books and be brought back with a stasis chamber, and maybe the Syndicate will still break into the prison with this knowledge and free Dream?
I'm also Very interested in Ranboo, because I'm always very interested in Ranboo lol. But. I see Techno and Ranboo's spoken philosophies as basically the same but opposite. The person and their alligences are seperated, except Ranboo chose to pretend as if the alligence is irrelevant and Techno saw alliegences as Very Important. (In past tense since it's really been a long time since this group was involved in any politics! The Egg doesn't count, since it's not really an alliegence but. mind control.) They both want to get rid of things that force people to do what are percieved as Bad Things. It's more nuanced than that with the whole Syndicate and Actual Power Structures, but honestly alligences as a whole sort of fits with Techno often feeling like he's betrayed and changing his plans accordingly.
Ranboo and Techno Are Friends. Dream and Techno have a business relationship, and Techno is severely misled about what exactly is going on. Ranboo has no obligation to join in on any prison breaking, with no hard feelings, that's part of the explicit rules of the Syndicate. Will he just sit out and let it happen?? Will he try to propose a better solution??? Will he help?? Please don't cause infighting in the syndicate please they're All I have on this server—
Oh, also Philza Minecraft deserves to be concerned, sad, and also angry. Let him fight someone. You cannot hurt his bestie that's illegal.
I am not really aspiring for a Dream + Techno team post-prisonbreak, or anything. From a meta standpoint, all of Dream's lore is Very heavy (literal child abuse!) and Techno's lore would uhhhh. really not mesh well with that. Honestly I would be content if Techno still didn't know what Dream did, because it's funny, and they walked away once again as conditional "if you need a hand". Maybe there wouldn't be that much development in that, but you see, it's funner.
This was an Absolute Mess, I am sorry Cryptid. I had a lot of feelings. I just think he's neat. I was also Very Sleepy so none of my thoughts are coherent. Why thank you for asking :D.
TDLR: i liked it a lot!!! It was really good. I like Technoblade's lore style, n I think it is. A well needed little break from almost constant angst. Also, Please Syndicate, please communicate with eachother or just. do not fall out. that's all i want.
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Sanders Swap AU
So, I’ve heard tale of a new AU circulating in this fandom. Basically, it’s an AU where the Sides swap jobs and powers with the other sides.
Here’s my take on who’d get what (this isn’t even a theory, just what I hope happens)
First off, it’s the same characters with the canon-verse history. However, Thomas decides that if they all swapped jobs and powers for a day, they might understand each other more and stop arguing 24/7
This may have been Emile Picani’s idea. I’ll figure it out (the sides need to go to Emile’s therapy sessions).
Janus is Morality
-And he’s having fun with it
-”Why pursuing a false sense of morality is more detrimental than taking a singular self-care day: A 256 Slide Presentation”
-He only starts not liking it when he realizes how much responsibility Pat is really under
-He doesn’t know the answers to everything! He can’t deal with all of these emotions! HE ISN’T READY TO BE A FATHER
-It’s really easy to forget that Patton’s job is also dealing with all of Thomas’s emotions. Patton has practice at repressing everything, but it’s all hitting Jan like a truck
-There will be angst.
-Also now he has to kind of take care of all the light sides, including Virgil. So, more angst!
-Reactions Of The Other Sides
Roman: How Dare You Stand Where He Stood
Virgil: Nope. Nopity nope. NOPE.
Logan: It probably isn’t the mature, logical thing to do to laugh at Janus struggling with the FamILY. But he technically isn’t Logic at the moment, and it is kind of funny.
Of course, when Janus starts really struggling, that all stops.
Remus: Jan has to pretend to be the boring one! This is fun to watch!
Patton: He knows what it must be like for Janus at the moment. Trying to help him.
Patton is Dark Creativity
-Patton’s going through a crisis of conscience at the moment, so turning him into a dark side has Angst Potential
-He’s determined to fail at his job. Unfortunately, he’s quite good at the religious guilt part of Remus’s job.
-I think he’d like conjuring stuff though
-He’d try to conjure kittens, but since Remus’s powers work the way they do he’d conjure the ugliest sphinx cats you’ve ever seen in your life
-But Patton’s allergies are better around hairless cats! So he keeps the cats even after the drama is over and learns to love them
-He has no idea what to do with a morning-star or deodorant. Deodorant tastes like deodorant to him, and he doesn’t get why Remus eats it.
-Is this entire AU an excuse to have Dark Creativity be the one to say, “Language!”? Maybe so.
-Reactions Of The Other Sides: 
Roman + Virgil: They already have complicated feelings about both him and the dark sides. This is just a calzone of weird.
Logan: Not that much has changed, in his opinion.
Remus: The guy who thinks babies come from fucking STORKS is him?? NO.
Janus: So many thoughts and none of them intelligible. More like a long, drawn out scream.
Remus is Logic
-However much of a shitshow you think it’s going to be....it’s worse
-He goes full mad scientist. He eats his glasses. He knows the science of so many things he was curious about.
-He can justify anything with “It’s for science!”
“Why did you release goats into the living room?” “FOR SCIENCE!”
“Why did you draw all of these dorks on the ceiling??” “FOR SCIENCE!”
-Remus is Logic now, baby. And the world will burn.
-Reactions Of The Other Sides: 
Roman: Logan’s cool! Remus most definitely isn’t! He has no right to wear that tie.
Virgil: Terrified? He shouldn’t be in charge of anything!
Logan: Please. Could someone please get him to stop. THAT IS NOT PROPER LAB SAFETY-
Patton: Welp. That’s disturbing. Time to pretend this isn’t happening.
Janus: Entertained beyond belief. 
Logan is Anxiety
-Existential dread o’clock! Ever considered the true size of the universe when compared to you? Logan is the feeling of terror you get when you look at the sky and realize just how little it cares about you.
-Logan is a better Anxiety than Anxiety, because instead of being emo he’s informed (and potentially emo, since the concept of an emo Logan is quite a concept)
-And people listen to him more. He doesn’t even use the demon voice option. People just pay attention to him when he’s like this. God, no wonder Virgil acts the way he does!
-No but emo Logan consider it
-Him having to go back to being Logic after this would certainly do things to his character arc
-He still can never get into Evanescence, though.
-Reactions Of The Other Sides: 
Virgil: Why is he better at his job than the actual Anxiety? Is he even important to Thomas?
Remus: Likes Logan’s new aesthetic very much
Patton: Is happy that Logan seems happy, but knows that they’ll have to change back eventually. Worrying about all of his kiddos, honestly.
Janus: Was the first one to be hit with the Existential Dread. Freaks out.
Roman: Thank the gods that he isn’t the only one who doesn’t want to go back
Virgil is Creativity
-He hates everything about this.
-The imagination is confusing, Thomas’s hopes and dreams are worryingly fragile, and he is constantly suppressing the urge to sing Disney songs.
-The only thing he likes is the sword. The sword is awesome.
-Conjuring feels weird, like sticking your hand in a magician’s hat full of scorpions to do a trick. But he manages to conjure the darkest eye-shadow known to man, so there’s that.
-He wants out of this little experiment ASAP. He may not be the villain any more, but that doesn’t mean he was born to play hero.
Reactions Of The Other Sides:
Roman: Why is he so bad at this?? Thomas is going to need a creativity!
Logan: Worried that he’ll accidentally destroy all of Thomas’s hopes and dreams.
Remus: He prefers this to his insufferable brother, so
Patton: Swords are sharp DON’T STAB PEOPLE
Janus: He could have conjured a million dollars and given it all to his former best friend, but no. He went for the eye-shadow.
Roman is Deceit
-At first, he loathes it with every fiber of his being. Now he can’t even pretend to be a hero?
-But lying is just good storytelling, and he hasn’t been able to spin words like this in ages
-Plus, he gets to sing villain songs for once
-And he does love the shape-shifting. For once, he doesn’t have to be Roman Sanders, and it’s the best thing in the world
-After a while, he hasn’t looked like himself in the mirror for days. It’s much easier to tell you’re not the evil twin when you don’t resemble him at all.
-He isn’t going back.
-Reactions Of The Others: 
Virgil: Oblivious to the danger at hand, but would scream if he knew because he can’t be creativity forever.
Logan: Conflicted as heck. He knows that they both have to go back to their old jobs, but it’s harder to say it with conviction when Roman is encouraging him to stay.
Remus: Ugh. His brother is the one who gets Jan’s job? Typical.
Patton: Roman doesn’t seem okay. Why is everyone in his family not okay
Janus: AfraidTM
Just my thoughts!
Now I have 39 fics to write
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keichanz · 4 years
Like Magic
hmm self control? don’t know her *fucks off to the land of unfinished WIPs*
so, i started this oneshot a while ago, forgot about it, then decided to dig through my WIP folder to maybe work on something else besides YRM for a while because I needed a small break from it. found this again, immediately dove in and welp here we are haha. I had a lot of run writing it and I hope you guys enjoy it :) it’s 32 pages jesuS CHRI
real quick, if Souji appears smarter than the average 2 year old boy it’s because i legit don’t know how to portray children since i know virtually nothing about them, so just pretend that half-demon children are slightly more advanced than human kids in this fic mkay? kthx. :)
oh and also when reading Inuyasha’s little light show for Souji, think about this video.
@fantastiqueparfait​ @morikothehalfangel​ @cammysansstuff​ @heyy-ahriii​ @tsukinohimeusagi​ @eternalnight8806-3​ @mamabearcat​ @hinezumi​ @sssuperbartola​ @doginabirdcage​ @ideasthatbuildcities​ @armor-emblem​ 
oh and @meggz0rz​.....remember a while ago when i first started this oneshot you mentioned that i should make Inuyasha do Joker’s pencil trick on Kouga? 
well...you’re gonna get a kick outta the ending ahahahah.
enjoy, lovelies~ 
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Kagome’s head was positively throbbing and she was pretty sure it had more to do with the very distraught, screaming child in her arms than the fresh cut on her forehead that was still bleeding.
The flashing lights and loud engines of the emergency vehicles combined with the tow truck’s back-up alarm as it prepared to haul her totaled car away definitely wasn’t helping matters, and she was damn positive all the noise wasn’t helping her baby’s current temperament, either. With his ears pinned flat against his head to no doubt muffle the noise, his face red and scrunched up into a consistent howl with tears running unchecked down his flushed cheeks, her precious Souji had been inconsolable ever since she pulled him from her wrecked car.
At first she’d thought he was hurt somewhere and so she’d frantically searched him over as he cried, ignoring the witnesses that rushed over and asked if she was alright, but she’d only been able to marginally relax upon discovering he’d only suffered a few minor scrapes and bruises. She’d taken most of the damage, with a gash on her forehead, severe bruising on her side and diagonally across her torso form the seat belt, and her right ankle was aching something fierce, but she’d gladly take all that and more if it meant her baby boy was spared.
The accident had happened nearly an hour ago, Kagome was tired, sore, worn out, and Souji was proving rather thoroughly that he was perfectly fine by showing the entire neighborhood that he had quite the set of lungs on him.
Which really was quite unfortunate since it was, y’know, one o’clock in the morning and no doubt people were trying to sleep. Key word: trying. Kagome was pretty confident the entire damn neighborhood was awake now because of her son’s consistent shrieking, and she sent another mental apology to them.
She’d tried everything to get him to calm; singing his favorite lullaby, settling him in his mercifully undamaged car seat to rock him back to sleep, talking to him, walking around with him in her arms—absolutely nothing was working. Some of the kind spectators and even police officers had tried offering food and a young mother had even provided a sippy cup of chocolate milk, but Souji was having none of it. Kagome cursed herself for leaving her phone at home since usually putting on his favorite cartoon worked like a charm, but this was supposed to be just a quick drive to get him to fall asleep; taking her phone hadn’t seemed necessary.
He refused to let anyone come near her to treat her wounds, and he wouldn’t let anyone take him from her either. He became aggressive and nearly hysterical whenever an officer or EMT tried to take him, and she was sporting several scratches from where his claws had dug into her shoulders and arms. His screeching was the worst when that happened and it wasn’t long before they stopped trying altogether. Probably because with every attempt, whoever it was walked away with teeth marks or scratches somewhere on their body and Kagome had lost count of how many times she’d apologized.
To be honest, however, she couldn’t say she was very surprised. Ever since she’d left his father, Souji had been extremely protective of her, and even though he was only two years old, he let it be known if they were out in public that no one was allowed to touch her. He started growling whenever someone got too close, even bared his teeth on a couple occasions, and more than once she’d had to stop him from physically swiping with his claws.
Kagome understood his behavior. She knew why he was acting like this, and while most of the time it was endearing, sometimes it…well, wasn’t, and she wanted to go back in time and punch her ex-boyfriend in his stupid face for what he did. It was his fault her sweet little Souji was like this, and while completely understandable, it was still utterly frustrating and difficult to deal with, especially during times like this so Mama could get some relief.
“Oh, baby,” Kagome cooed for what seemed like the thousandth time, bouncing her son in her arms as she walked aimlessly around a little ways away from all the action of the police cars, ambulances, and curious spectators. Souji continued to wail at the top of his little lungs and she sighed, closing her eyes as she rubbed his back and tried to ignore the pounding in her head. Her arms were aching from holding him for so long, she had a limp from her sore ankle, and his slight weight agitated the fresh bruises on her body.
Ignoring the looks directed her way from the police, medics, and street residents alike, Kagome limped her way back over to the flimsy plastic chair someone had provided from somewhere and gratefully sank down. She grimaced when her sore chest and side protested, but she endured it as Souji burrowed against her, clinging to her shirt and digging his tiny claws in as he sobbed into her neck, his little body shaking, his sobs breaking her heart.
She kissed him between his little ears, feeling completely helpless. She knew he was scared and this was just his way of telling her that, but still, she wished she could do something. She wished she had the ability to make him understand he was safe, she was here, and nothing would ever harm him as long as she was around.
“Shh, baby, shh,” Kagome soothed, resting her head against his own and heaving another sigh as she stared tiredly at the ruckus surrounding her.
The man that had ran the stop sign and slammed into her had long ago been detained and was, last she knew, passed out in the back of a police cruiser. If she recalled, he had sustained little to no injury and that just freaking figured, didn’t it. It was always the drunk assholes that suffered the least, and the victims ended up with most of the damage.
Police tape was cordoning off the scene of the accident, and her car was in the process of being secured to the back of the tow truck along with the truck that had totaled her little sedan. Most of the spectators had returned to their homes, either too tired, or leaving because the excitement had passed. Police milled about, taking statements of witnesses or those who claimed they saw what happened, and the medics just sort of wandered around since their only patient was unapproachable. She felt a little guilty since she was keeping them from doing their job so they could pack up and go home, but it was fleeting because she had no energy to care anymore.
She just wanted to go home because maybe then Souji would finally calm down once he realized he was in safe, familiar surroundings, and a long, hot bath sounded positively divine right now. Thank god she worked from home so she didn’t have to worry about that in the morning, and though she doubted she’d be able to sleep in – a thing of the past when she became a mother – she would at least be able to sneak in a couple naps when Souji slept.
Souji paused in his howling to suck in a few unsteady breaths before continuing his distraught sobbing, mercifully at a slightly lower volume this time, and Kagome sighed as she rubbed his back, thinking that she would just have to let him cry it out. What else could she do?
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When Inuyasha arrived on scene, he was greeted with the familiar sight of flashing red and blue lights, ambulances, and a tow truck with two very banged up vehicles hitched to the bed. It was your typical accident scene, nothing at all he hadn’t seen before, and when he spotted several of his colleagues seemingly just standing around doing shit all, he wondered why the hell he’d been called in if medics were already here.
He’d been planning on spending the night watching bad movies and eating slightly burnt pizza since he still hadn’t fixed his oven, but then he’d gotten the call to report to an accident not far from his apartment and those plans sailed right out the window. If it had been anyone other than Kaede that had called he would have flat out ignored them and carried on. But if it was his boss that was calling, he knew it had to be serious, so he hadn’t bothered to ask questions before giving his affirmative and suiting up.
Now, however, as he approached the yellow police tape and cut the engine on his Ford, he had a very good idea as to why his services were required. His ears flicked from beneath his ballcap and when he opened the door, the racket get even louder, confirming his suspicious. Oh yeah—that was one seriously ticked off kid.
He sighed and retrieved his medical bag from the backseat along with another smaller drawstring bag before ducking beneath the tape and heading toward a waving Kaede. He took a moment to glance around, instantly pinpointing where the racket was coming from, and his eyebrows rose into his bangs. Jesus, the kid couldn’t be more than two years old, and the mother looked pretty banged up. What the hell? Why hadn’t she been treated yet?
When he reached Kaede, she didn’t bother with pleasantries and launched right into an explanation. That’s what he liked about her; she never beat around the bush and didn’t like to waste time with small talk, much like himself. Probably why she was the only one he could tolerate to be around for more than five minutes at a time.
“Two patients, one child aged one to two years, one female, appears to be in her lower twenties,” Kaede started, relaying what he already knew, but it was standard procedure so he didn’t stop her. “Baby appears to be unharmed—”
“You don’t say,” Inuyasha muttered under his breath but Kaede ignored him.
“—both from observation and continued reassurances from mom. Mom has sustained several contusions along the torso and left side, possible whiplash and bruised ribs, possible sprained ankle, and possible concussion—”
“Possible?” Inuyasha repeated with a perplexed frown. “Why is nothing confir—”
Kaede leveled a glare at him and he wisely shut up.
“Nothing life threatening,” she continued, shifting her gaze toward the two patients in question and Inuyasha watched as some of her professionalism slipped, face softening into a concerned frown. “However, because we are unable to get close enough to perform an accurate assessment of both of them, injuries for both are as yet undetermined, so nothing concrete is confirmed.”
This just kept getting weirder and weirder. “Why the hell can’t anyone get close? It’s a woman and baby. Hardly any threat.”
At this, Kaede actually sighed and looked directly at him, her one gray eye intense and serious.
“The child is not fully human, Inuyasha,” she revealed and his eyes widened. “Any attempt to get close or take him away results in the babe physically lashing out in an endeavor to, I suspect, protect his mother. Unusual behavior for a child so young, and the mother refuses to have him sedated, which I can’t blame her.”
Inuyasha sucked in a breath and shifted his gaze over to the mother and child, amber eyes zeroing in on the infant bawling against his mother’s chest.
“You said…not fully human,” he murmured and flicked a glance at his superior.
Kaede nodded.
“She managed to relate some information before the child started getting aggressive,” she supplied. “I called you, Inuyasha, not only because of your skills with children—”
He snorted at that because really?
“—but because I thought perhaps out of anyone, you might be able to get close enough to treat both of them without the child deeming you as a threat. It’s a long shot, I realize, but at this point I’m willing to try anything.”
Inuyasha took note of the exhaustion in her eyes and posture and he couldn’t keep the corner of his lips from twitching upward.
“How long has he been screaming?”
“One hour and thirteen minutes,” one of his colleagues groaned from behind her and Kaede sighed again as she pinched the bridge of her nose.
“Fine,” Inuyasha finally said and then cocked a brow at her. “I’ll do what I can, but he’s probably only howling because he’s scared, Kaede, not because he’s hurt. No doubt he smells his mother’s blood and senses her pain, and combined with the shock of experiencing something he doesn’t understand and all the different scents around, it’s unlikely he’ll let me examine him.”
The look Kaede sent him was very dry and suggested that this was reason number two as to why she’d called him. He shrugged and simply raised his brows as if to say “what?”
“Just do something,” the same colleague pleaded and there was a general murmur of concurrence of that statement from the people still present, three of which were police officers.  
Shaking his head, Inuyasha nonetheless did as he was bade, however before approaching he took a minute to appraise his tiny patient and his mother. He still couldn’t get over that the kid was in fact a half-demon like himself since they were such a rarity now a days, but he didn’t allow himself to think on it for too long. The kid was trying his level best to burrow inside his mother’s shirt - a shirt, he noticed, with numerous tears in it no doubt caused by wee claws - and she looked…well, she looked like hell.
Unsurprising, considering she’d just been in a goddamn accident, but still she looked about ready to collapse and before Inuyasha even realized it he was moving forward, absently slipping his hand inside the smaller bag he’d grabbed to set his tentative plan in motion.
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“Sou, you’re gonna rip Mama’s shirt if you keep doing that,” Kagome murmured and once again gently stopped him from trying to crawl inside it. “I don’t feel like flashing everybody here if that’s okay with you.”
Souji screeched his protest and Kagome winced, fearing that after this she’d be partially deaf. Sure he’d had his tantrums before, but never like this. She hadn’t even known his voice could reach that pitch, and if it hurt her ears, she couldn’t even imagine what it was doing to his. Then again, he did keep them pinned down most of the time, and he was upset enough where he was ignoring all her attempts to calm him down, so perhaps he wasn’t even aware of it.
“Shh, Sou, it’s okay, Mama’s here,” she soothed for the nth time, kissing his forehead and rocking him in her arms, or as much as she could while sitting. “Mama’s got you, you’re safe, it’s alright…”
Her baby boy continued to cry, obvious, and Kagome’s heart broke a little more. God, she hated this, hated that she couldn’t figure out what he needed, hated that her son was so upset he was having trouble breathing, and she hated how useless she was. She felt like the world’s worst mother and tears pricked her eyes, but she stubbornly held them back. Now was not the time for that. She needed to be strong for her baby, she needed to be there for him. And no doubt he would smell her tears and become even more upset and she really wanted to avoid that.
Feeling helpless, Kagome started humming his favorite lullaby under her breathe as she rubbed his ears, but paused when she glanced up and saw the approaching figure. She sighed and shook her head in a wordless plea for him to keep his distance, vaguely registering that this was someone new she hadn’t seen before, with a lean build, broad shoulders, and long silver hair that hung over his shoulder in a loose ponytail. It didn’t matter, though; man or woman, human or demon, Souji always reacted the same and made it clear that they were not to be touched. She was positive this time would be no different.
As predicated, Souji started growling when he registered the new, unfamiliar scent that was drawing ever closer and when he was close enough Kagome opened her mouth to warn him. But then to her surprise, instead of getting too close and immediately trying to cajole Souji into compliance, the man stopped a few feet away and slowly lowered himself into a crouch before them.
Kagome blinked. Eyes the color of whiskey regarded her steadily before his head dipped in a slight nod and bemused, she returned it. His gaze flicked to the child in her lap and he seemed to be waiting for something, not moving, his posture relaxed, expression giving nothing away. If Kagome had bothered to look up at that moment she would have seen nearly everyone present was watching them but she couldn’t tear her eyes away from the admittedly very attractive man in front of her who, she belatedly realized, must be an EMT judging by his attire.
Souji’s growling steadily grew in volume until, when the scent did not move away like anticipated, he spun around in Kagome’s arms and snarled at the newcomer, his little face screwed up and baring mini fangs. The man was unfazed, calm in the face of her infant son’s righteous fury and since he wasn’t in the vicinity of tiny claws, Souji merely continued to glare at him.
Though not exactly a very good tradeoff for his constant howling, the reprieve was nonetheless welcomed and Kagome was sure she was not the only one giving a soft sigh of relief.
Evidently having been waiting for Souji’s attention, the man braced one knee on the ground, propped his elbow on his opposite thigh, and then did something that Kagome’s exhausted brain was having a very difficult time processing.
He brought his hand up, reached into his uniform shirt pocket, and…brought out a…glowing red ball of light?
The results were instantaneous and so confounded by how the hell he did that, Kagome didn’t realize until a solid ten seconds later that Souji had gone quiet. His growls had stopped, he wasn’t snarling, and he wasn’t attempting to lash out of the man. Utterly captivated, his blue eyes were fixated on the red light grasped between the EMT’s clawed fingertips and Kagome could only gape at him in astonishment. Part of her was actually a little insulted that it had been that easy to gain his attention, but the much larger part of her was just plain glad he’d stopped screaming.
Satisfied he’d gained the pup’s undivided attention, Inuyasha resisted the urge to grin in amusement as he started “tossing” the red light back and forth from one hand to the other, those blue eyes following every move. Relieved his plan seemed to be working, he put on a little show for his two-person audience, making the light disappear and reappear, and he’d be lying it he said the look on the kid’s face was completely endearing.
So was the woman’s for that matter, but that was something to dwell on later.
Alright, on to part two now. Allowing one side of his mouth to quirk up into a half-grin, Inuyasha brought his hand to his mouth and pretended to swallow the red light before splaying out his hands, showing it was gone. The kid made a sound of confusion and blinked. Flicking a brief glance at the pup’s mom, Inuyasha lifted his hand and removed his hat, revealing the twin ears atop his head.
She gasped but he didn’t look at her again as he flicked his ear a few times for effect, tilted his head, and gave a few solid taps to his temple as if to empty his ears of water. He lifted his other hand to his ear and the red light reappeared between his fingers, as if he’d plucked it from his ear. The kid’s face lit up in delight and he caught the soft giggle of the woman before him.
Inuyasha dared to inch a little closer and when the child did not react, his eyes zeroed in on his hands, he edged closer until he was kneeling right in front of him. He never paused in his little magic trick, tossing the light and catching it again in his fingers, changing it up at times by putting the light in his fist and then opening it only to reveal it had vanished. He “ate” it a few more times, only for it to reappear on some random point on his body, and it wasn’t until the fear in the pup’s scent had significantly decreased that Inuyasha decided to take it a little further.
The next time he pretended to swallow the light, instead of plucking it off of his body, Inuyasha very slowly reached forward and grasped it out of thin air beside the pup’s head. He actually giggled that time and Inuyasha released the breath he hadn’t realized he was holding, giving a quiet chuckle as he caught the gaze of the woman behind the child.
She was smiling at him, big brown eyes bright, and he detected a trace amount of salt as she mouthed, “Thank you.”
Inuyasha swallowed thickly and felt his face grow a little warm as he nodded once, his stupid heart doing stupid little palpitation in his chest, and he returned his attention to the task at hand. The light appeared once again and he was surprised when the kid actually reached for it and amused, but grateful, Inuyasha held still and waited until little fingers curled around his own.
It disappeared and Inuyasha held his hands out as he rumbled, “Where’d it go?”
The pup blinked at him and pointed to his ear. Inuyasha obliged and reached for an ear not unlike his own, gasping softly when the light reappeared in his fingers.
“Found it,” he said and received a happy giggle before tiny hands went to grab it again.  It vanished, and he plucked it from under the babe’s chin this time.
Delighted, great blue eyes swung around to regard his mother with a big grin and Kagome couldn’t help but release a choked laugh and lean forward to kiss his forehead. God, she couldn’t thank this wonderful, beautiful man enough.
Inuyasha blew on his fingers and the light vanished. The toddler laughed and pointed to his nose. The older half-demon chuckled and plucked it off the tiny nose that time before boldly reaching for a small hand and placing the magic light onto the chubby little palm.
He held his hands up and said, “Throw it at me, bud.”
Blue eyes blinked at him but the Souji grinned and he waved his entire arm in an approximation of a toss.
“Whoa,” Inuyasha exaggerated, rearing back onto his heels and pretending as if the throw had a lot of force behind it. The kid laughed and bounced in his mother’s lap, utterly delighted. He held out his hand again and the silver-haired medical technician put the red light onto the small hand.
Immediately Souji smashed his hand against his mouth and Inuyasha gasped in faux outrage.
“Did you eat it?” he asked and was rewarded with joyful baby giggles. “Well then, I guess I have no choice but to…”
With a crooked grin, Inuyasha darted his hand out, tickled the pup’s round little tummy, and as the sound of his laughter rang into the night, he withdrew his hand with the magic red light grasped between his fingers.
Souji made the most adorable little “o” face and put both of his small hands over his belly, blue eyes wide as he stared down at it in astonishment. Then he whipped his head around to stare up at his mother in wide-eyed wonder and Kagome couldn’t help but laugh.
The toddler turned his attention back to the EMT in time to watch him put the red light in one pocket of his uniform slacks, only to bring it right back out of the opposite pocket with his other hand. He did this several more times, much to Souji’s giggling pleasure, before one hand up to his mouth and blowing on his fingers.
As he predicted, the kid gasped and started looking around, as if he would find the vanishing light floating about in the air somewhere. Flicking a glance at the woman behind the pup, Inuyasha wasn’t expecting to find her already staring at him, her eyes soft, her smile small but warm and totally grateful. The urge that slammed into him then was so strong and abrupt Inuyasha didn’t even think to fight it, his lips quirked upward slightly as he reached toward her.
Keeping his eyes locked on hers, he heard her soft gasp as he brushed his claws against her cheek, snapped his fingers beside her ear, then withdrew his hand with the red light glowing anew between clawed digits.
Absurdly Kagome felt her face heat in a soft blush even as a delighted smile blossomed across her face. In her lap Souji made a questioning noise and suddenly started squirming around until he was facing her. He pushed to his feet, balancing on her thighs, and Kagome’s hands automatically went to his waist to steady him as his hands reached for her ear and started inspecting it, his face utterly bemused as little sounds of confusion escaped him.
Inuyasha chuckled at the sight and figuring that was enough tricks for now since he still needed to examine his mom’s injuries – that cut on her forehead was especially concerning – he pocketed the fake fingertips and sat back to watch the two for a minute. Despite how clearly exhausted she looked, her patience was evidently limitless as she allowed her son to poke and prod around her head.
But then when he caught himself on her shoulders as he teetered a little on her lap, she gasped and then hissed through her teeth as her face scrunched up in involuntary reaction to the pain. Souji froze as his eyes went wide and as if he felt her pain as clearly as she did, his eyes started tearing up and he whimpered, his little hands fisting in her shirt.
Inuyasha’s eyes widened and they flew to Kagome’s. She was staring at him too, her eyes just as wide, and they knew if they didn’t do something fast Souji was going to go into another screaming fit.
Fuck. Fuck. Wracking his brain, Inuyasha darted his eyes to the pup, who was sitting on her lap now and putting even more tears in her shirt with his claws as he tugged at the fabric. Kagome grunted as she shifted him on her lap to alleviate his weight against her bruised flesh and Inuyasha went with the first idea that popped into his brain.
As Souji’s whimpering became louder, he flashed his eyes to Kagome and urgently mouthed, “Name?”
“Souji,” she immediately whispered back and started rocking her son in an attempt to stall his hysterics, wincing when his claws scratched at her skin through her shirt.
“Souji,” Inuyasha repeated aloud and much to his surprise the pup actually went quiet and turned around to stare at him, most likely perplexed as to how this stranger knew his name.
Encouraged, Inuyasha tried to appear as unintimidating as possible as he continued, “You know your mama is hurting, right? Do you want her to feel better?”
Souji blinked those great blue eyes at him and then nodded, his bottom lip trembling as more fat tears leaked from his eyes and another whine echoed in his throat.
Inuyasha nodded in what he hoped was in a reassuring fashion and cajoled, “Okay, champ, that’s good. Now listen up, I know how to make her feel better. I can treat your mom’s hurts and take the pain away, but in order to do that, I need you to let go of her and come to me, alright? Your mom needs help, and I want to give it to her. You understand?”
There was no way to tell if Souji did indeed understand what he was saying or if he didn’t as Inuyasha watched him, heart in his throat. The young half-demon frowned at him as if he was digesting the words, turning them over in his head, but at least he wasn’t on the verge of another break down which, in Inuyasha’s book, was a success.
Biting his lip, Souji turned his gaze to his mother and stared wide-eyed up at her, uncertainty and a smidgen of fright in those clear blue depths of his. Kagome’s heart ached and she smiled down at him, ignoring the ache in her side and shoulders as she gathered her baby boy closer and kissed him between his ears.
“It’s okay, baby,” she told him gently, rubbing one of his ears and then kissing his pudgy little cheek. “You can trust him, okay? He’s going to help me feel all better and take away all my hurts. Remember when Mama took care of you when you were sick last month? He’s gonna do the same thing, Sou.”
Souji blinked, furrowed his brow, then glanced back at the older half-demon, still a little uncertain. Could this stranger really make his Mama feel better? He remembered when his tummy hurt a while ago and Mama took care of him and made him some soup and crackers and rubbed his ears to make him feel better. This man would do the same?
The pup was still struggling a little on whether or not to trust him so Inuyasha gave him a little nudge in the right direction, slyly slipping his hand back into his pocket.
“You can trust me, squirt,” he rumbled and withdrew his hand to reveal his fingers alight with a familiar red glow. “I have magic fingers, remember? I promise I’ll make her feel better.”
The kid’s eyes grew wide once again as his gaze zeroed on in the clawed fingers. That’s right; he was magic! Then that meant he could make Mama feel better if he had magic hands. Right?
He looked at his mama again and when all she did was smile down at him with a little nod of encouragement, Souji made up his mind. His mama would never lie to him and he did want her to feel better. And besides…this man was different than the other people who tried to take him away from her.
He smelled like him, so he had to be good. Right?
Nodding and giving a little sniffle, Souji finally nodded back and slowly crawled off his mother’s lap. Relieved, Kagome helped him down, keeping her hands beneath his arms in case he slipped and when his tiny socked feet finally hit the cold pavement, she took a moment to rub his ear and run a hand through his hair, so very proud of her little boy.
“There’s my big boy,” she said softly, contrary to her thoughts.
Sniffling again, Souji wrinkled his nose and turned toward the other half-demon, hesitating before taking small steps over to him.
Breathing a sigh of relief and exchanging a quick thankful look with Kagome, Inuyasha offered a crooked grin at the kid and gestured him a little closer. Even though he was a half-demon like himself, he’d still feel better, and no doubt so would his mother, if he performed a brief exam just in case.
“Atta boy,” Inuyasha praised when the kid stopped in front of him and he reached up to ruffle his hair. The twin ears, just a shade lighter than the black hair, flicked in response and then he was rewarded with a soft, watery giggle.
“Thanks for trusting me, Souji,” he went on and reached down to tug his medical bag closer. “Do you mind if I ask you a few questions first before I treat your mom?”
Souji wrinkled his nose and looked back at his mother as if wanting her approval. Kagome nodded and gestured that it was alright, so the little half-demon sighed and turned back toward the older male before giving a nod.
Inuyasha had to smile a little at that. “Thanks, bud. I’ll be quick. I’m gonna use this”—he held up a standard stethoscope—”so I can listen to your lungs and see if there’s anything wrong. That okay?”
Souji nodded again. He recognized that weird smelling thing whenever Mama took him to the get-better man.
“It’s gonna be a little cold,” he warned and with swift movements, Inuyasha placed the eartips into his ears before lifting up the hem of his shirt a little and pressing the diaphragm against the pup’s small chest. Souji squirmed a little at the cold steel but nonetheless stood there and allowed him to listen to his lungs.
“Everything sounds good,” Inuyasha announced a few minutes later and caught Kagome’s gaze over his patient’s shoulder. She was looking at him like he was her hero, eyes bright, the biggest, most grateful smile on her face and he could practically hear the sincerity in the two words as she mouthed to him, “Thank you.”
Inuyasha’s face softened even as a lump developed in his throat and he nodded once.
Putting the stethoscope back into his bag, the silver-haired medic started gently inspecting his arms and legs for scrapes or bruises as he asked, “Do you hurt anywhere? Your head? Ears? Feet?”
Souji wordlessly shook his head and bit his lip, unable to stop from wriggling beneath the older half-demon’s professional touch. He didn’t like people touching him, but he had to be a good boy so Mama could feel better. This was all for Mama, because he had to protect her, right?
“Do you feel sick? Does your stomach hurt?” Another negative. “Do you feel dizzy? Like you can’t see straight?” Souji once more shook his head, his young face open and honest.
Satisfied, Inuyasha nodded and pulled his hands away. “Good. Now, I have one last question.”
Souji cocked his head and blinked.
Inuyasha grinned. “Are you hungry?”
At that, Souji visibly perked up, ears swiveling forward, eyes going wide, and he put his hands over his tummy as if just now realizing he was indeed hungry.
The older half-demon took that as a yes and he chuckled a little then gestured him forward a little. Souji inched a little closer and Inuyasha placed his hand on the kid’s back as he directed his gaze over to a slightly confused, but smiling Kaede.
“See that woman over there, the short one with gray hair?” he asked and pointed across the way toward his boss. Souji stared blankly for a moment and then nodded. “She’s got some snacks for you along with some juice if you’re thirsty. Don’t worry, you can trust Kaede. She’s my friend and she’s also here to take care of your mom, alright?”
Souji was clearly hesitate though, despite the quiet rumbling in his tummy, and his ears flattened as he looked uncertainly between the nice man that smelled like him and the old lady he was pointing too before finally settling his gaze on his mom, needing a little guidance.
And even though her head was pounding, her side was aching, and her shoulder was burning, Kagome managed a warm smile for her little boy. Though it was slightly strained – something that Inuyasha did not fail to notice – it was completely genuine.
“It’s alright, Sou,” she encouraged, sounding tired but nonetheless sincere. “Go ahead. I know it’s late and you aren’t allowed snacks this time of night, but just this once is okay. Bring me back some juice, yeah?” She winked at him and was finally rewarded with her son’s brilliant smile.
Excited at the prospect of a snack so late at night, Souji nodded and with one last glance at Inuyasha, who quirked him an encouraging grin, he brushed by and headed toward the old woman, confident that the man would take care of his mama like he said he would. After all, he smelled like him and his ears were the same as his so he couldn’t be a bad person.
Kaede, already knowing what her half-demon subordinate was up to, gestured to one of the EMTs still lingering to fetch the bag of snacks she kept in her car for just this purpose. She knew it had been the right decision to call him in. Despite his constant gripes about being bad with children, he always proved himself wrong whenever it came to calming down a child and it was a sight she never got tired of. She was certain that the little boy being a half-demon like the EMT was definitely in his favor as well.
It was merely a bonus, she supposed with a sly little smile, that the boy’s mother was single and attractive to boot.
Chuckling to herself, Kaede thanked the young medic that handed over her bag full of treats and sweets and then told him, along with the rest of them still milling about, to either head back to the station and wait for another call. She was fairly certain Inuyasha could take things from here, and sneaking a glance over toward the two adults as the boy finally approached with wide blue eyes and cute little ears, she smiled.
Yes, she thought, kneeling down to Souji’s height with a warm smile. Calling Inuyasha in had been a very good idea.
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Two pairs of eyes, one caramel colored and the other a rich honey hue, watched him toddle away, matching looks of relief on both of their faces. When the two-year-old reached the woman Inuyasha had pointed out to him, they both looked at one another and the smile she gave him had Inuyasha’s heart doing double time in his chest as his stomach did not so unpleasant flip-flops.
“I know I sound like a broken record at this point,” she began, her eyes suspiciously bright, “but I honestly can’t thank you enough. For your little show, stopping his crying, and looking him over even though he’s half-demon. So just…thank you.”
Inuyasha felt his cheeks warm and he shrugged, trying to play it off as he picked his hat off the ground and shoved it back on his head.
“It’s nothing,” he mumbled, although he couldn’t stop the little curl to his mouth a he picked up his bag and scooted a bit closer to her. “Just doing my job.”
“So calming down hysterical and terrified toddlers with magic tricks is in your job description?” Kagome teased and she was a little caught off guard by the slightly roguish grin the medic sent her.
“Keh. It worked, didn’t it?” he asked, not exactly sure where this confidence was coming from but not about to squander it. Not with the way she was smiling at him with a little blush on her cheeks and looking absolutely beautiful.
Inuyasha paused. Here she was, shirt nearly in tatters because of her son’s claws, hair a disheveled mess, face a little pale, bags under her eyes, and dried blood on her forehead from a cut and he thought she was beautiful.
Fuck. He was done for.
“I can’t argue with that,” she said, drawing him out of his musings and he focused his attention back on her. “I have to admit, even I was a little captivated. It was a neat trick.”
She giggled and good god could she get any fucking cuter.
“Oh good, because the real reason I do that particular trick is to reel in pretty mom’s with blue-eyed half-demon sons,” Inuyasha shamelessly flirted because fuck it, he was already one toe in dangerous waters he’d only ever attempted to swim in once before; why not just dunk his whole fucking body in in one go and get it over with because at this rate she’d have him on his knees before the night was over.
Crouching next to her now, Inuyasha watched in proud amusement as her pale face turned a deep, becoming shade of scarlet as those dark eyes widened with delighted realization. The corners of her lips twitched upward and she bit her lip, ducking her head a little shyly, but not once did she take her gaze off of his.
Yup. Totally, absolutely, wonderfully done for.
His eyes softened and he murmured, “What’s your name?”
“Kagome,” she replied right away, so trusting, so goddamn beautiful and god fuck she was pretty.
“Kagome,” he repeated and slid his arms beneath her body. She gasped and her arms automatically went around his neck. “I’m Inuyasha.”
Without preamble he stood with her in his arms, his medical bag slung over his shoulder even though he wouldn’t need it, and ignoring the knowing look he just knew his boss was casting him right now, he strode over to the idle ambulance with the open back doors and hopped inside.
“Better light and more convenient,” he explained as he carefully set her on the stretcher. “Plus it’s got better equipment and medical supplies than my bag does. And I think Kaede mentioned something about a possible sprained ankle?”
Kagome’s expression cleared and she nodded, flexing said ankle as if to test it and she winced at the twinge of pain that shot through it.
Silently the handsome golden-eyed medic started poking around the limited space of the vehicle, collecting the supplies required to treat her injuries and managing to find some painkillers along with bottle of water while rummaging about.
“I’m gonna start with that cut on your forehead since head injuries are top priority,” he announced and sank down on the cushioned seat provided for the medics before reaching over and tugging the gurney closer to him.
“Then if you’re alright with it, I’ll examine any contusions, determine if you have any fractured or bruised ribs, and take a look at your shoulder and ankle.”
Kagome gasped a little and curled her hands around the railing beneath her knees. He chuckled and gave the bed one final tug until her knees were between his spread legs. Perhaps the position was a little scandalous, but he needed a good look at that cut to determine if it needed stitches or not after he cleaned it.
“Sorry,” he murmured and received a smile in response. “I probably should have asked this before, but better late than never. Are you dizzy or lightheaded at all? Nauseas? Ringing in your ears? Any disorientation or confusion?”
Kagome took a moment to do a mental inspection of her body, but besides the general feeling of exhaustion and soreness, she otherwise felt fine and told him as much.
Relieved, Inuyasha offered her the painkillers and water for the no doubt pounding headache she had and she gratefully knocked them back with a swig of water. While she did that, he ripped open an alcohol swap and debated on whether or not to use gloves, but decided against it. His claws would just slice the latex, anyway.
He waited until his patient had had her fill of the cool refreshing liquid before muttering a word of warning for the sting and carefully started cleaning the cut on her forehead. Kagome hissed and flinched a little at the anticipated sting, but remained still so he could treat it with minimal difficulty, breathing deeply as she fisted her hands around the cold steel of the railing beneath her.
Inuyasha saw the strain on her face and his ears flattened against his head, feeling guilty, but knowing it was necessary. The more he cleaned it, though, the more apparent it became that she probably wasn’t going to need stitches so at least that was a bit of good news he was more than happy to share. This had no doubt already been the night from hell for her and he didn’t want to make it even worse.
“Good news is,” he said and used a fresh cotton swap to dab some antiseptic on it, “you don’t need stitches. It’s minor and should fully heal in a week or so.”
Kagome sighed, relieved. “And the bad news?”
Inuyasha’s mouth quirked. “It’ll probably leave a bit of a scar, but hey. It’ll look pretty badass, in my opinion. A battle scar.”
Kagome blinked and then snorted a laugh at that. “Something to tell the grandkids about?”
“Yeah, but lie and say you got it fighting a dragon.”
She outright laughed at that and Inuyasha grinned, thoroughly proud of himself. At least he seemed to have distracted her from any pain she might be feeling.
Then her laughter slowly turned into a groan as she wrapped an arm around her middle and bent over a little, however she was still smiling while shaking her head.
Grimacing, feeling a little guilty for indirectly being the cause of her pain, Inuyasha snatched a gauze pad and the medical tape, hoping she hadn’t fractured any ribs and they were merely bruised.
“You alright?” he asked once she straightened up, her face once again pale with lines of pain bracketing her mouth and eyes.
“Yeah,” she answered a little breathlessly and winced as she rubbed her chest, where the seat belt had dug into her skin when she’d been thrown forward. “Sorry.”
“Don’t be,” he immediately said and reached up to brush her bangs away. “My fault for making you laugh. Can you breathe okay? One to ten, how bad is the pain?”
While he carefully went about applying the bandage to her cut, Kagome closed her eyes and thought about his question, trying to rate the amount of pain she was in. Probably not counting her head and ankle, she ranked it to be about a seven or so.
“Maybe a seven,” she answered honestly, knowing it wouldn’t be a very good idea to lie about that sort of information. “It hurts to breathe a little, but only a dull ache. Probably from when I got thrown forward against the seat belt.”
“Thing probably saved your life,” Inuyasha told her, keeping his eyes focused on the task of securing the bandage. Satisfied, he dropped his gaze back to hers, a slight frown furrowing his brow, and Kagome gasped a little at the intensity in his eyes.
“I’m glad you were wearing it,” he murmured, his voice a low rumble, and butterflies rioted in her stomach as he brushed his knuckles against her skin, just below the fresh bandage he’d just applied.
Swallowing, Kagome said a little breathlessly, “Me, too,” and she watched with a little thrill as his gaze dropped to her mouth.
Kagome’s breath sped up a little and she licked her lips. Inuyasha’s gaze grew heavy-lidded and the growl that leaked past his lips did very pleasant things to her insides. But just as she was about to say screw it and lean forward, Inuyasha’s expression suddenly cleared, he grimaced, and leaned back, turning his head with a light flush on his cheeks.
Hoping the disappointment didn’t show on her face, Kagome sighed and ducked her head, biting down on her lip. Well, that had been dumb, and she felt a little foolish now. What had she been thinking, leaning in like that and hoping…
“I need to check if you have any fractured ribs,” Inuyasha stated in a voice huskier than he would have liked and he cleared his throat. Though he was still blushing a little, he didn’t look away from her eyes as he continued, “If that’s alright with you, anyway. I’ll understand if you’d rather I didn’t and if that’s the case, I can go get Kaede and she can do it.”
Kagome blinked as she tried to understand what he meant by that, but then realization dawned and her eyes winded a little, her flush deepening at the thought of where his hands would be on her. But Inuyasha was a professional and she trusted him. Besides, Kaede was keeping Souji occupied, and she didn’t want her son to see the extent of the damage on her body.
Clearing her throat, Kagome managed a wan smile and responded, “No, it’s…okay. Go ahead, Inuyasha. I trust you.”
Inuyasha’s eyes widened at that and his ears perked straight up beneath his hat. Something warm and wonderful bloomed in his chest and the corners of his mouth quirked up slightly, those three simple words meaning more to him than she could ever know.
“Thanks,” he murmured as without being told, Kagome lifted her shirt to expose her belly and ribs while still keeping her modestly covered. “I’ll be quick, I promise.”
Kagome smiled wordlessly and he leveled a quick grin at her before getting to work.
The first thing Kagome noticed was that his hands were warm and calloused, not at all unpleasant against her skin, and she almost missed it when he told her to take a deep breath because she was so focused on his touch. Inuyasha frowned, then withdrew one hand to take his hat off, dropping it to the ground before replacing it on her ribs and repeating his request for her to take a deep breath.
She did, her eyes trained on those adorable ears of his so much like her son’s, only a lovely sterling instead of black, and she winced a little when her chest protested the action. Inuyasha was still frowning as he moved his hands up and down her ribs and she breathed deep once more without being told. Again her sore body protested the movement, but it was bearable.
“Well,” he said after a moment and removed his hands from her, trying very hard not to think about how soft and smooth her skin had been. “I don’t think you have any cracked ribs, but there’s some definite bruising. I can’t tell for sure without an x-ray, and I’m assuming since you weren’t immediately whisked away to one when the ambulance got here that a hospital is out of the question.”
Kagome grimaced, but nodded. “With the way Souji was acting, it would have been a very bad idea. It probably would have just made the situation even worse.”
Inuyasha sighed and nodded as he raked his claws through his bangs. “You’re probably right. I do recommend it, though. Preferably as soon as you’re able.”
Kagome nodded in understanding. “Of course. Just…not tonight.” She smiled a little apologetically and he had to return it with his own lopsided grin.
“Nah,” he murmured, eyes soft. “I get it. As long as you can breathe fine, then there’s no urgency.” He nodded to her shoulder then. “Let me see?”
Wordlessly Kagome tugged the collar of her shirt over enough so the skin of her left shoulder was visible. Her eyes widened because this was the first she’d seen of the extent of the damage. No doubt caused from the seat belt, the wound was an angry, bright red stretch of skin that extended down to the top of her breast where the color changed to an array of yellow and purple. A few places had scabbed over where there had been open scrapes, and all in all in looked very painful. No wonder it had hurt so much when Souji had caught himself on her shoulders.
Inuyasha whistled low, drawing her attention, and she watched as he grimaced and very, very gingerly brushed his thumb over the bruised skin.
“Fuck, baby,” he murmured and Kagome blinked at the unexpected endearment but it seemed as if he hadn’t even realized what he’d called her, his eyes focused on her shoulder. “That thing really did a number on you.”
Kagome sighed and gave a tired, wry smile. “A small price to pay if it means I’m still here.”
His eyes flashed to hers and for the second time Kagome’s breath caught in her throat, her heart stalling, warmth blooming in her stomach, in her chest. Her lips parted and for the second time that gloriously honeyed gaze dropped to her mouth, making the blood rush in her veins as more butterflies took off in her belly. Inuyasha was the one to lean in this time, his hand sliding from her shoulder along her arm, claws gently grazing her skin and feeling her shiver beneath his touch.
He growled, Kagome sighed—and then a familiar and very unwelcome scent reached his nose right then and Inuyasha forced himself to lean away with a short growl of irritation, ears pinned against his head. Kagome blinked at him, confused and unable to hide the flash of hurt in her eyes as she sat back. Inuyasha cursed and opened his mouth to explain—
Gasping, face dark red, Kagome spun around, and then groaned when her sore body protested, arm going around her middle as she muttered, “S-Sou?”
Sighing, Inuyasha leveled an annoyed glare at the old woman that stood before the open ambulance doors, one eyebrow lifted and a knowing little smirk on her face while Souji clambered up into the vehicle to be with his mother.
Recovering quickly, though with a strained smile, Kagome nonetheless accepted her son’s weight in her lap when he crawled onto it and shoved a juice box under her nose. She smothered him in kisses and hugs before taking the offered beverage and setting it aside for now, not particularly in the mood for some juice despite having asked him to bring her one.
While Inuyasha sighed and studiously ignored his boss still watching him with that damn smirk, he hunted down an ace bandage for her ankle since there wasn’t much that could be done for her side or shoulder except let them heal on their own.
“Thank you,” Kagome said and a quick glance revealed she was addressing Kaede with a grateful smile. “For watching him so Inuyasha can treat my injuries without a fussy toddler to distract him. I hope he wasn’t too much trouble and behaved himself.”
Smiling warmly at the young woman, Kaede shook her head and said, “Oh, not at all, my dear. Your boy was perfectly behaved and he was very pleasant company. I did my best to distract him for as long as I could, but I suppose his concern for mom came back after his third mini bag of animal crackers because he ran over here before I could stop him.”
“Three bags?” Kagome repeated with a little smile and poked her son’s belly. Souji giggled and tried to shove her hand away. “You little piggy.”
“No!” Souji protested through his giggles and shook his head with a grin.
Despite his initial irritation at having been interrupted, Inuyasha had to smile a little at the sight. Kid was cute; he had to admit that, at least to himself.
“Thanks, boss,” Inuyasha said loudly, drawing the old woman’s attention. “I got it from here. Can you take care of the paperwork for me? I still need to wrap Kagome’s ankle and take care of a few things.”
Kaede raised an eyebrow and that damned knowing smile was back, but thankfully she said nothing and simply nodded.
“Of course, Inuyasha,” she said, trying not to laugh. “You can have the next few days off too, since you came tonight despite having just ended your shift.”
Inuyasha narrowed his eyes at her. “Sure,” he said slowly, knowing she was up to something, but not sure what.
Her one gray eye twinkled as she smiled at him then turned her gaze toward the mother and child, her expression softening.
“Kagome, was it?” she asked and said woman nodded. “My name is Kaede, dear. While usually I would say it has been a pleasure, I’m sure this night has been anything but for you, hm?”
Kagome sighed and smiled wryly, the exhaustion evident in her eyes and the lines on her pale face. Absently she ran a hand through Souji’s hair, who had settled down and was cuddled up against her chest, the long and eventful night finally catching up with him as a big yawn escaped his mouth.
Kaede’s heart went out to the poor girl and her child and she was glad she had Inuyasha to help her through such a hellish night. He was a good man with a good head on his shoulders; she knew she was in good hands and would be well taken care of.
“Make sure to get plenty of rest, dear,” she told her and Kagome nodded with a grateful smile. “You too, Souji, though it seems you’re already half way there.”
Blinking at the old woman drowsily, Souji grunted then burrowed his head into his mother’s good shoulder, his arms going around her neck with a gusty sigh.
Kaede chuckled and with one last glance at the clearly impatient half-demon that was still pegging her with an annoyed glare, she turned and headed back to wrap things up with the police. Kagome and Souji were in good hands; she wasn’t worried.
Shaking his head and grumbling under his breath, Inuyasha turned toward Kagome and discovered that Souji had more or less passed out in her lap, his breaths deep and even. Kagome was smiling gently down at him, all the love in her eyes as she kissed his head and rocked him slowly back and forth, stroking his hair and back like a loving mother would to her child.
Inuyasha’s heart melted and he suddenly wanted very, very badly to be a part of their cozy little duo.
But then reality slammed into him hard and he ducked his head to hide his grimace, ears flattening against his head as he fiddled with the rolled up ace bandage in his hand. What the hell was wrong with him—she’d literally just met him an hour prior, and he doubted dating was anywhere close on her mind on such on a shitty night. Plus, and he couldn’t believe he hadn’t even thought of this before, making him inwardly curse himself for his earlier attempt to kiss her, there was also the very real possibility that she was unavailable. Hell, she had a fucking kid; the father could be waiting at home for her, though if that was the case he wasn’t sure why the guy wasn’t here by now. Wouldn’t she have contacted him?
Beneath his hat, his ears perked just a little. Then again, she hadn’t mentioned anything about the kid’s old man, and maybe it was just wishful thinking, but he could have sworn she’d leaned in earlier like she wanted to kiss him before he foolishly pulled away, so…maybe not?
He flicked a hopeful glance at mother and child, took in the tiny ears on top of Souji’s head, and the hopes promptly came crashing back down. Souji was a half-demon, which meant the father was a full demon.
Why go for half when she could have full.
Inuyasha bit back a groan and dragged a hand down his face. Dammit, he was reading too far into this. She was his patient, for god’s sake, he had no right to—
Startled out of his thoughts by the soft inquisitive voice, Inuyasha jerked his head up and his gaze collided with dark, beautiful depths filled with concern, delicate eyebrows dipped down into a small frown.
“Hey,” she said, offering a little smile. “Are you okay? I lost you for a second there.”
Inuyasha blinked at her choice of words and the instinctive response of “You’ll never lose me, Kagome” was right on the tip of his tongue but then he remembered himself and shook his head. Fucking hell.
“Yeah, uh, no,” he said, frowning at his own words and tried again. “I’m fine, Kagome. Sorry. Didn’t mean to space out on ya.”
Her smile broadened. “No need to be sorry. It’s been a weird night, huh?” She chuckled a little and Inuyasha couldn’t help but level a crooked grin at her.
“Yeah,” he agreed then held up the forgotten ace bandage in his hand. “Which ankle is bothering you? I’ll check it out and wrap up so you can finally call it a night and head home.”
“That sounds heavenly,” Kagome said with a sigh and lifted her right foot. “This one. Please tell me it’s not broken.”
Inuyasha only tossed her a wry grin before very carefully pulling off her slip-on shoe and cradling her bare foot in his hands. She winced a little when he turned it over as he inspected and she shook her head at his muttered apologies.
“Can you pin point the pain for me?” he asked and leaned forward to tenderly touch her fingertips to the soft part of her ankle, just a little above the bone. There was some mild swelling and she could still flex her ankle slightly, but not without pain.
“You’re in luck,” Inuyasha said after a minute and shifted forward to prop her foot on his knee while he prepared to wrap bandage around it. “Looks like it’s just a mild sprain, but you should still keep your weight off of it as much as you can.”
Kagome laughed dryly and at his inquisitive look, she raised her brows and remarked, “It’s hard to stay off your feet when you’re a single mother with a hyper-active two-year-old.”
Despite himself Inuyasha felt the hope bloom warm and wonderful in his chest again and he really hoped the excitement didn’t show on his face. She was single. She was single. The dad wasn’t in the picture, fuck yes!
Wow, you fucking idiot, can you be any more insensitive? To hide the shameful blush that colored his face, Inuyasha ducked his head and focused on wrapping her ankle. For all he knew, something tragic could have happened and she might still be recovering. Jumping to conclusions would not only be foolish, but inconsiderate to her as well, and he needed to stay in her good graces if he ever wanted to have a chance with her.
And he wanted. God, did he ever.
“Is there anyone that would be willing to stay with you for a while? Friends? Family?” Inuyasha only flicked her a brief glance before turning his gaze back to his task, not wanting to make the wrap too tight or uncomfortable.
Kagome wrinkled her nose and adjusted Souji in her arms, wincing when her shoulder protested the movement.
“Mama and Gramps are both retired and don’t have the energy to chase after a toddler like they used to, and my brother is away at college. And the only friend I really have is…well, he’s not really…a good candidate for babysitting.”
Inuyasha paused to quirk a brow up at her, a wordless inquiry.
Kagome sighed and her voice was dry. “Let’s just say that Miroku is more interested in the baby making process than actually raising one.”
The silver-haired medic snorted and continued his work, passing under the arch of her foot and around her ankle one last time before gently securing the end via the strong Velcro attached to it.
“How’s that?” he asked, sitting back and inspecting his handiwork. “Not too tight?”
Flexing her foot a bit, Kagome smiled and nodded in approval. “Feels perfect. You’re really good at that; I remember whenever I hurt my ankle when I still lived at home Mama always made it too tight or too loose so I had to fix it myself.”
Inuyasha shrugged off the compliment, though inwardly his ego was inflating to twice its normal size.
“It’s my job,” he remarked and started putting everything back where he’d found it. “Be a pretty shitty EMT if I couldn’t do something I was specifically trained for.”
A soft laugh reached his ears. “I suppose you’re right.”
They lapsed into comfortable silence, and since the driver for this damn thing was still nowhere in sight, Inuyasha decided to give voice to a curiosity that refused to leave him alone and really, really hoped he wouldn’t regret it.
“So, uh,” he began, frowning down at the plastic bin of bandages in his hand as he tried to think of how to phrase it without sounding like an opportunistic asshole. He slid the bin back home to its proper place in one of the cabinets and tried to make himself look busy, avoiding her curious gaze.
“Pup’s father. Is he, uh, is he still around? Why isn’t he here?”
As soon as the words left his mouth Inuyasha wanted to slam his head against the nearest hard surface. Smooth, asshole. Real smooth.
Too busy beating himself up, he missed the little smile that curled Kagome’s mouth as she watched him. Honestly she’d been waiting for him to ask that question. She’d purposely hinted earlier that she was unattached by saying she was a single mother and he hadn’t seemed to really take the bait, so she was glad he took the initiative this time and asked. She’d thought about dropping another hint, but didn’t want to seem too desperate.
“Do you remember how Souji was acting earlier?” she asked by way of reply. “Growling, sort of aggressive and wouldn’t let anyone come near me?”
Not expecting that, Inuyasha turned toward her, the confusion evident on his face. But then he frowned and nodded, prompting Kagome to continue.
“Last year his father and I got into a screaming match that got out of hand and he punched me in the face. Souji saw it happen. I left him and ever since that day Souji has been extremely protective of me and he’s very distrustful of strangers, especially men.”
She looked down at the slumbering boy in her arms and her expression softened, her smile turning sad as she kissed his little brow.
“My fierce little warrior,” Kagome murmured, smoothing back his hair before glancing back at the handsome medic. Inuyasha was frowning at her but she could see the concern in his eyes with a hint of anger simmering just beneath the surface and she had to smile. He was angry because of what had happened to her, even though it had happened a year ago, and she thought that was incredibly sweet.
“I’m sorry you had to go through that,” Inuyasha said, his voice a low rumble and his gaze intense, sincere as he stared into her eyes. “I’m sorry Souji has such a shitty sperm donor, and I’m sorry I wasn’t there to deck the son of a bitch myself for hitting you. Women are meant to be protected. Cherished…loved. Never hurt.”
Kagome didn’t know what to say to that so she said nothing, eyes locked on his and heart in her throat.
Another moment of silence passed as the two of them simply gazed at one another, the air between them charged, heavy with something both of them didn’t quite understand, but then Inuyasha sighed and racked a hand through his hair, shaking his head. Kagome blushed and cleared her throat, dropping her gaze to watch her son’s face, relaxed in sleep.
“So you’re telling me a full demon punched you in the face and he didn’t knock you the fuck out?” Inuyasha quite tactlessly asked, a puzzled frown creasing his brow.
“I saw it coming and managed to dodge at the last second so he only glanced my cheek and temple,” Kagome readily answered, grateful for the subject change if only to calm the rabid beating of her heart. “I smacked my head against the kitchen counter as I went down and I was dizzy for a few minutes, but it passed and I was able to grab Sou and get the hell out of there. I haven’t seen him since.”
“So you have full custody,” Inuyasha assumed.
Kagome nodded and heaved another sigh. “Yes. But even if I didn’t and it was shared, I still wouldn’t see hide nor hair of him.”
Inuyasha’s eyebrows rose at that. “You mean the asshole has no interest in his own son?”
Kagome closed her eyes and the smile that curled her lips was so incredibly sad Inuyasha had to fight against the urge to take her into his arms.
“Souji is the reason why we were arguing that day,” she explained, eyes fluttering open to regard her baby boy the way only a loving mother ever could. “When I told Kouga that I was pregnant, he told me to get rid of it. He didn’t want a half-breed to be related to him in any way, shape, or form, regardless if it was his own offspring or not. I didn’t, of course, and our relationship deteriorated after that. I know I should have left him that day, but part of me hoped…”
She trailed off with a sigh and idly ran a hand through Souji’s dark hair. The toddler stirred slightly and grunted softly in his sleep, but settled down soon after, going still with a quiet sigh. Kagome kissed his head, so overcome with love for her brave, beautiful little boy.
“At the risk of sounding completely selfish and maybe even a bit like an asshole,” Inuyasha began, drawing Kagome’s gaze back to him and he stubbornly refused to look away despite his face heating.
“I’m…sorta glad it happened. I mean not that he punched you of course, I would never—because you’re here now and—ah, fuck.”
Groaning, Inuyasha dropped his head in his hands and willed himself to just fucking turn into a ghost so he could phase into the goddamn ground or some shit but then the sound of soft laughter reached his ears and he dared at a glance at his beautiful patient. Judging by the hand over her mouth, she’d tried to stifle her mirth and failed but even if she’d succeeded, the amusement in her eyes would have tipped him off easily and despite himself Inuyasha felt himself grinning in return.
“Me, too,” Kagome whispered, lowering her hand to reveal a soft, beautiful smile and fuck, what he would give to have her look at him like that all the damn time.
Inuyasha opened his mouth to say something, anything as long as she’d keep looking at him like that, but then she suddenly yawned and he remembered where they were. She blinked and then gave a sheepish smile and shrugged.
Chuckling, Inuyasha pulled out his phone and checked the time. “Two AM,” he supplied and tucked it back in his pocket. “Things are wrapping up here anyway, so how about we call it a night and get you two home?”
The thought of her bed was nearly enough to make her weep. “That sounds like the best idea I’ve heard all night,” Kagome replied and shifted Souji in her arms again. Her shoulder twinged in protest and she hissed through her teeth.
“Um, can you do me a favor?”
Inuyasha crossed his arms and cocked a brow at her, waiting.
“Could you get his car seat for me, please? My shoulder is starting to really hurt for holding him for so long.” She tossed him a pleading smile and he was helpless but to obey.
He deliberated for only a second, casting a brief glance at the child in her arms before surprising her by saying, “I’ll do it.”
She blinked. “What?”
Shrugging, though not without a slight flush on his cheeks, Inuyasha turned his gaze away and repeated, “I’ll put him in it. I mean if you don’t mind. It’ll save you from having to lift your arm if it’s hurting you that much.”
Both of her brows lifted into her bangs and she tilted her head. “Do you know how?”
Inuyasha frowned and looked offended.
Immediately Kagome winced and shook her head, a flush darkening her face. 
“Sorry, that was rude,” she murmured and received a grunt in response. “I was just surprised, is all. I didn’t mean to insinuate anything.”
He grumbled but nodded and Kagome somehow knew he wasn’t really upset over it. Still, she leveled him with an apologetic smile and adjusted Souji in her arms to make the transfer easier.
“Please,” she entreated softly and the wind was abruptly blown right out of his sails.
Relaxing, Inuyasha wordlessly bent down to carefully take the slumbering child from her arms and cradle him in his own. Souji didn’t stir and Kagome watched as the handsome medic who had taken such good care of them tonight stepped off the ambulance and crossed the scant distance to the car seat sitting on the ground. The sight of him slowly settling her baby boy in and checking to make sure everything was secure warmed her heart in ways she hadn’t felt for over two years now. It made her think that maybe, just maybe…that missing piece of her heart, the part that Kouga had viciously destroyed with his actions and carelessness of his own son, could be replaced with a new, much stronger piece to make it whole again.
And that piece had golden eyes, a fanged grin, and two adorable silver dog ears so much like her little Souji’s.
Kagome was just thinking that maybe this night wasn’t as bad as she thought it was when Inuyasha returned and gingerly set her son’s car seat with sleeping toddler cradled within on the ambulance floor before hopping back up into it.
With a rumbled word of warning, he slipped his hands beneath her and easily lifted her up into his arms, only to hop back to the ground a minute later and set her beside her son.
“Sit tight,” he said and before he could stop himself he tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “I’ll bring my truck around since I can’t carry you both at the same time with him in that thing.”
“You’re gonna take me home?” Kagome questioned, surprised, but undoubtedly pleased.
He leveled her with a look and quipped, “You really think I was gonna make you walk home with a bum ankle and a toddler?”
Kagome offered him a sheepish smile. Neither of them pointed out that she could just catch a ride with one of the cops still hanging around for whatever reason.
Rolling his eyes, Inuyasha shook his head and walked away, grumbling under his breath about silly wenches and dumb questions, Kagome’s soft laugher following after him.
Fifteen minutes later Inuyasha had his two patients bundled into his truck with the still snoozing Souji secured in the backseat of the crew cab and Kagome beside him in the passenger’s seat. Despite it being a rather mild night, she was wearing his leather jacket that had been lying on the floor in the back, the EMT claiming that he hadn’t wanted her to get sick on top of everything else she’d endured tonight. Kagome had simply smiled and tugged the garment closer against her and Inuyasha had delighted in the fetching shade of scarlet that colored her cheeks.
The ride to Kagome’s apartment was spent in comfortable silence but that had more to do with Kagome being dog-tired than not having the need to fill the quiet with soft chatter. Inuyasha let her doze with her head resting against the widow and he was content to steal brief glances at her during the short commute. Souji hadn’t stirred once strapped into the back and the half-demon doubted the pup would wake any time before 7 am, possibly later since he’d had a long night.
Parking in front of the address Kagome had given him, Inuyasha put his truck in park then cut the engine before turning his attention to his lovely passenger. She hadn’t stirred, and he hated to wake her up, but he needed to get them both inside so they could get some proper rest.
“Kagome,” he murmured and reached over to gently nudge her awake. “We’re here. Kagome?”
She murmured and frowned, but otherwise ignored him and he chuckled. Shaking his head, he unbuckled his seatbelt and shifted his hand to tenderly cup her cheek, sweeping his thumb across the softness of her skin.
“C’mon, baby,” he rumbled and was gratified to see caramel eyes flutter open to blink drowsily at him. “Let’s get you and Sou inside so you can get some sleep in a real bed. Doubt you’d be very comfortable out here all night.”
Blinking once more before wrinkling her nose in the most adorable way, Kagome offered a small, sleepy smile and gave a slight nod. She yawned and Inuyasha hopped out to retrieve Souji still passed out in his car seat. The older half-demon was a little surprised the pup didn’t wake even once as he carefully scooped him up into his arms, figuring he’d just come back for the car seat after he’d settle the two of them inside. Instead Souji merely sighed, snuggled against his chest, and Inuyasha’s heart about damn near exploded with affection for the kid.
It was astounding, and maybe a little frightening, how badly he wanted these two in his life, and he hoped to god that Kagome would allow him to see them again after tonight.
Keeping the sleeping toddler secured against him with one arm, Inuyasha helped Kagome down with his other arm tight around her waist and he effortlessly bore most of her weight as he led them down the short sidewalk to her front door. He didn’t like how she’d left her door unlocked, but after her explanation of how she’d planned on coming right back after a short drive to get Souji to sleep, he accepted it with a soft grunt and more or less carried the both of them inside her cozy little apartment.
Reluctantly he released Kagome and she took her son from his arms before tossing him a quick smile and turning to no doubt put him to bed. Inuyasha watched her go, frowning at her limp, but forced himself to remain where he was. She needed to stay off of her ankle for it to get better, but he couldn’t very well tuck in her son for her. While he wouldn’t have minded, he didn’t want to impose, and they had just met, after all.
He also didn’t like the thought of her staying here alone with no one around to help and he thought about asking her if it was alright for him to stay, but again he didn’t want to be weird or make her uncomfortable. They were practically strangers and despite the strangely overpowering need to care for and protect the both of them, he didn’t want her to think he had an ulterior motive or the paramedic side of him wanted to ensure she would be alright.
No, it went much deeper than that. But he didn’t want to scare her or freak her out, so he’d force himself to back off unless she outright told him she wanted him around. Or hell, he’d even take a very obvious hint that was impossible to ignore. He didn’t want this to be the last time he saw her, or the kid, and he desperately hoped the feeling was mutual.
Kagome came limping back down the hallway after closing Souji’s door most of the way and instantly Inuyasha diverted all of his attention on her. She looked utterly drained as she gimped her way over to him, however she still managed to muster up a smile for him and his heart ached.
Inuyasha closed the remaining distance between them and wordlessly scooped her back up into his arms. Kagome’s exhaustion was evident in the way she didn’t even gasp, merely releasing a quiet sigh as he strode down the hallway and followed his nose to Kagome’s bedroom. He set her down on the bed and knelt before her so he could carefully remove her shoes for her. He checked her bandage while he was at it, making sure it was good and secure before resting his hands on her knees and lifting his gaze to hers.
“Thank you,” she whispered and he knew it wasn’t just for taking off her shoes.
“I wish I could do more,” he confessed, eyebrows dipping into a slight frown. “I don’t like the thought of you being here by yourself. Are you sure there’s nobody you can call? I’m sure even your friend Miroku wouldn’t mind helping out if you told him what happened.”
Kagome stared at him, warmth blossoming in her chest. Somebody must be really looking out for her up there to introduce her to such an amazing, caring man like Inuyasha. Granted, she could have definitely done without the circumstances in which they met, but, well…beggars can’t be choosers and all that.
“It’s sweet of you to worry,” Kagome began, lifting a hand to cup his cheek and she smiled when he unabashedly leaned into her touch. “But I promise I’ll be okay. Souji will no doubt crawl into bed with me sometime during the night and wake me up when he’s hungry. After he eats something he’ll probably go back to sleep and I’ll be able to stay off my ankle, if not catch a little more shuteye myself.”
Inuyasha still didn’t look happy, but he finally conceded with a sigh and a nod. “Can I at least leave my number with you so you can text me if you need help? Just for my own peace of mind. Please.”
Boldly he reached up, dragged his claws against the soft skin of her jaw and caught a strand of ebony hair between his fingers. He kept his gaze on hers as he brushed his knuckles against her cheek and he heard the way the breath hitched in her throat. Inuyasha fought back a grin and tenderly tucked the lock of dark silk behind her ear.
Biting her lip, Kagome didn’t give herself time to think as she dropped her hand to grab the lapel of his uniform shirt, fingers curling into the fabric to keep him close. Inuyasha didn’t move, didn’t even dare to breathe as she smiled and peered at him from beneath twin fans of midnight lashes.
“You could,” she murmured, her smile widening just a bit. “Or…you could stop by tomorrow morning and we could maybe talk over coffee and pancakes. If you want.”
Abruptly the breath left Inuyasha’s lungs in a relieved whoosh of air and he nodded, eyes going hooded as he slipped his hand into her hair.
“Yeah,” he said, voice husky. “I want.”
“Yeah?” Kagome repeated, eyes bright, lips curving up even further in obvious delight.
Inuyasha nodded again, gaze fastened to her mouth, and that time Kagome sighed. Her hand tightened on his shirt, refusing to let go, or maybe she was unable to. She couldn’t tell, not with the way Inuyasha was staring at her. Or more accurately her mouth and unconsciously she swallowed, lips parting on a stuttered breath.
“Okay,” he muttered. “Alright. Good.”
They stared at each other, saying nothing, her hand gripping his shirt, his in her hair, and Inuyasha was fighting desperately to keep himself where he was, to not give in no matter how bad he wanted to. He couldn’t take advantage of her like that, he couldn’t risk destroying the trust she had so graciously given him—
She breathed his name, the softest of whispers falling from her lips, and Inuyasha’s control shattered.
“Aw, to hell with it,” he muttered right before surging up and claiming her mouth in the passionate kiss he’d been wanting to give her all damned night.
Immediately Kagome responded, both hands gripping his shirt now as Inuyasha braced his knee on the bed beside her and wrapped an arm around her waist to keep her from falling as he leaned over her. He nipped her lips and she parted them with a gasp that turned into a whimper as he deepened the kiss, greedy for her taste. Despite the hunger ravaging in his gut, however, he kept his kiss gentle, his mouth moving over hers in a hot, sensual dance that she eagerly reciprocated with flicks of her tongue and gentle nips.
He growled and with his hand cupping the back of her head, fingers tangled in her hair, Inuyasha pulled back only to press a series of hot, lingering kisses to her mouth but it wasn’t long before he was unable to keep himself from going in for a much longer, deeper taste once more. Her breathy laugh turned into a moan and he would have smirked in arrogant pride had he had the higher brain function to do so.
Several heated seconds later, Inuyasha finally pulled back to allow them both to breathe and he rested his forehead against her own as they panted for breath.
“I’ve been wanting to do that all night,” Inuyasha admitted in a low rumble that sent pleasant tingles down Kagome’s spine.
“Funny,” she whispered. “I’ve been wanting you to do that all night, too.”
He chuckled and couldn’t help but to brush one last lingering kiss across her smiling lips.
“Get some sleep,” he entreated against her lips. “And I’ll see you later.”
“Okay,” she sighed and gave him a sleepy, but genuine smile. “Good night, Inuyasha. Thank you for…everything.”
Inuyasha smiled at her and pressed a soft kiss to her forehead. “Anytime,” he husked. “Good night, baby. Sleep well.”
He helped her get settled into bed and wasn’t surprised that she was out as soon as her head hit the pillow. Inuyasha sighed, kissed her brow one more time, and then quietly stole out of her bedroom to let her sleep. Before he even thought about what he was doing, and almost like it was second nature, he checked on Souji who was still fast sleep in his little toddler bed before making sure all the lights were off and ensuring her door was locked when he finally left a few minutes later.
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Just as she’d predicted, Kagome woke up just a little after 7 am to the feeling little hands on her face. She opened bleary eyes to find her son hovering over her, wee hands on her cheeks and blinking owlishly down at her. The biggest, sunniest grin split his cherubic face when he saw that she was finally awake and he patted her cheeks with a happiness only a child could have after only going to sleep a few hours before and getting up at what the fraaaaack o’clock in the morning.
Tiny fingers grabbed her nose and Kagome sighed even as a tired smile lifted the corners of her lips.
“You’re lucky you’re cute,” Kagome murmured and then released a yawn. “It’s too early for your shenanigans, Sou.”
“Mama,” Souji said by way of reply as his mother levered herself upright with a groan. God, she hurt everywhere. Her entire body was sore, not just her torso and shoulder. Not surprising, considering what she’d went through last night, but still.
With a soft grunt, Kagome very, very slowly wriggled around until she managed to get her feet on the floor, her sore body protesting every movement. Obviously any pain meds she’d taken last night had worn off by now and her ankle throbbed in protest when she put a little weight on it. Kagome winced and dragged a hand down her face. God, today was going to suck.
But at least she had something to look forward to, Kagome mused to herself, a little smile lighting her face as she remembered they were going to have a visitor that morning. Which meant she needed to get her ass in gear, take a much-needed shower, and feed her hungry toddler.
Souji wedged himself between her knees and stared up at her with worried blue eyes.
“Hurt?” he asked and very gently patted her knee as if the barest touch would cause crippling pain.
Kagome sighed and smiled for her little boy, running a hand through his dark hair and tweaking his ears.
“Yes,” she admitted. “But I’ll be fine, baby. It’s only a little hurt”—lie—“and I’ll feel better once I take a nice hot shower and get some food in our tummies.” She poked his belly and was relieved to see the smile bloom across his face.
“Puffs,” he said and darted for the kitchen.
“Puffs it is,” Kagome murmured and taking a deep breath, she braced her hands on the mattress and slowly pushed herself to her feet. There was pain, but it was tolerable, and she tried to keep as little weight on her bad ankle as she could as she hobbled her way to the kitchen to pour her two-year-old a bowl of Cocoa Puffs cereal.
Even though she wanted nothing more than to sleep all day to let her weary, banged up body recover, being a single mother made that very tempting option unavailable So, despite being slow and muttering curses under her breath every few minutes, Kagome provided her boy with his coveted diabetes-on-a-bowl disguised as sugary chocolate cereal and then went about making herself a cup of much-needed coffee.
After two cups and by the time Souji had finished his second bowl, Kagome was starting to feel human again and since her son had wandered off into the living room to watch cartoons, Kagome seized this chance to take a shower. She knew Souji would pass out soon after on the couch so she wouldn’t have to worry about him for a few hours, or at least until Inuyasha arrived.
The thought of the handsome medical technician brought a flush to Kagome’s cheeks and warmth to flood her entire body. She couldn’t wait to see him again and she wondered if he was as excited about it as she. She could only hope, and the giggle that bubbled up in her throat as she hobbled into the bathroom was girlish and completely involuntary.
Half an hour later Kagome was showered, dressed, and feeling much more like herself, if not still a little tired, but she supposed that was to be expected. The pain meds she’d taken with her coffee had dulled the pain in her ankle, side, and shoulder, and she was grateful because the pain would make whipping up some breakfast much more difficult.
Unsurprisingly Souji was passed out cold in the most ridiculous position on the couch while Paw Patrol played on the television and Kagome left him be to start breakfast. She had no idea when Inuyasha would show up and she wanted to have something made up by then.
Unfortunately, she didn’t get very far before her phone started ringing and Kagome whipped her head around to stare at the device. It was still on the counter where she’d left it last night before venturing out for a drive with Sou and she sighed because she had an idea as to who it could be. And lo and behold, when she picked it up, “Mama” flashed across the screen.
Kagome grimaced, braced herself, and answered.
The conversation with her mother went as expected. Evidently someone from the accident scene last night had captured a brief video snippet of Inuyasha performing his little magic show for Souji and her mother had seen it circulating on social media. Asako explained that she recognized her own daughter and grandson in the video and Kagome managed to calm her down enough to enlighten the older woman what had happened. Several times she had to assure her mother that she and Souji were both fine and probably sometime later that day they were both going to go to the hospital to get an official checkup and an x-ray for Kagome’s ankle and ribs.
Of course, her mother being her mother, wanted to come over and help with Souji while Kagome focused on recovering, but the younger woman managed to convince her that she didn’t need to make the drive just for a likely sprained ankle. She might have put in the little white lie that Miroku would be stopping by later and it was enough to pacify Asako into agreeing.
It wasn’t really a surprise that seconds after hanging up with her mother, her phone beeped with a text message from Miroku but she really didn’t have the energy to put up with him right now so she ignored it and went about preparing breakfast.
In hindsight, she really should have replied to that message.
It was about a quarter after nine when the doorbell rang and instantly butterflies took off in Kagome’s belly from a combination of nerves and excited anticipation. Still, though, it was impossible to hold back the brilliant smile that spread across her flour-dusted face as she shuffled as fast as she could to the front door, heart pounding in her chest as she quickly unlocked it and whipped it open. God, but it was embarrassing how much she’d missed him—
“What the hell are you doing here?” Kagome asked, her radiant expression instantly dropping to one of horror.
Kouga didn’t answer and instantly zeroed in on the bandage on her forehead, blue eyes narrowing as a sense of unease roiled in his gut. So the stupid human hadn’t been lying, then. Least he was good for something other than grabbing ass.
“I don’t want you here,” Kagome hissed after recovering from the shock of seeing her ex out of nowhere. “Leave. Now.”
Stone-faced, she grabbed the door and started to close it in his face, but Kouga wedged his foot into the threshold and prevented it. Kagome glowered at him and tired again, but Kouga pushed his way inside, forcing her to stumble backward and nearly crumple to the floor as her ankle was forced to bear her weight. She gasped as pain ricocheted up her entire leg and she would have fallen backward had it not been for her ex grabbing her wrist and hauling her back up.
“What the fuck, Kagome,” Kouga growled and darted his gaze down to her feet, snarling when she saw she was favoring her right one. “Were you really in a goddamn accident last night and didn’t fucking tell me?”
Regaining her bearings and her balance, Kagome yanked her wrist out of his grip and stumbled backward with a scowl, dark eyes flashing with a mixture of pain and anger.
“Why the hell would I tell you anything?” she snapped, flicking her gaze toward the living room and hoping like hell Souji would remain asleep. “We’re not together anymore, Kouga, or don’t you remember when you punched me in the face?”
Crossing her arms, Kagome simply glared at him, giving up on getting him to leave because she knew in her current state there was shit all she could do. Even if she were at peak physical health, he was still ten times stronger than she and he never let her forget it, either.
To her surprise, Kouga actually looked regretful as he winced and thrust a hand through his bangs. His hair was up in its usual ponytail, but it looked as if he’d dressed in haste, donned in a simple t-shirt and loose sweatpants he wore when jogging. Oh please; don’t tell her he was actually worried?
“C’mon, Kagome, you know I hate it when you bring that up,” he muttered, having the audacity to actually look embarrassed. “I said I was sorry and it’ll never happen again. It’s been a year, can’t we just forget about it and—”
“You and I both know it’s far more than just a punch to the face, Kouga,” Kagome murmured, face tight with pain and old fury that bubbled up to the surface at his sudden reappearance. How the hell had he even found out, anyway? As far as she knew he wasn’t on social media and her mother would never reach out to him after what happened last year.
Kouga tensed and clenched his jaw, cobalt eyes going hard and cold as steel. Evidently his opinion hadn’t changed about half-demon’s and the old scar he’d left on her heart ached.
Deciding now wasn't the time or place to revisit that particular topic, Kagome sighed roughly and leveled him with a suspicious glare.
“How did you even find out, anyway? I know my mother didn’t tell you.” She arched an expectant brow.
Kouga snorted. “Of course she didn’t,” he confirmed. “It was that perverted friend of yours, Miro-whatever. At least he had the sense to—”
Tuning out the rest of whatever he was going on about, Kagome snapped her gaze around to land on her discarded phone still lying on the counter and the color drained from her face when realization dawned. Oooh, that complete and utter moron! That asshole! She was going to throttle him when she saw him next!
“Ooooh, I’ll kill him,” she hissed, glaring with such vehemence at her phone it was a wonder it didn’t burst into flames right there on her counter.
“—good thing he did because you can’t be staying here alone in your condition, you could fall and hurt yourself even worse—”
“Shut up, Kouga,” Kagome cut him off and the wolf-demon was so startled by her cold tone he actually did. “I have no idea why Miroku would ever contact you because it’s literally none of your business what happens to me or Souji because we are no longer together. I haven’t talked to you in a year, and I liked it that way, so now I want you to leave before my son wakes up and sees you. We’ve both had a very long night and he does not need the stress of your presence after what he went through last night. So get out. I’ll be talking with Miroku to make sure he never contacts you again.”
Arms tight across her chest, dark eyes stern and lips in a flat, thin line, Kagome stared him down and didn’t even flinch at the low growl her ex-boyfriend emitted.
“Like hell I’m leaving here without you,” Kouga growled, his eyes twin pools of blue fire as he stalked forward and reached for her arm. “I don’t care what you say, you can’t be alone—”
“So you’re the asshole sperm donor Kagome told me about, huh.”
While Kouga stiffened and slowly turned around with a dark scowl on his face, relief swept through Kagome and the smile that split her face was grateful and positively radiant.
“Inuyasha,” she breathed and Kouga sneered, crossing his arms as he took in the unwanted newcomer.
Leaning against the door jamb, a paper bag tucked under his arm and holding a cardboard drink holder with two coffees in it, Inuyasha looked unimpressed as he returned the once over before shifting his gaze to the woman behind the wolf. Kagome looked infinitely glad to see him, relief swimming in those dark eyes of hers, and his expression softened. Damn, he’d missed her.
“Who the fuck are you?”
Inuyasha ignored the question and kept his gaze on Kagome.
“You alright?” The sperm donor was blocking most of his view, but from what he could tell she seemed alright. His nose told him Souji was napping in the living room and he was glad for that. From what Kagome had told him, the pup didn’t need to see his father here and have a repeat of what happened last night. Poor kid already went through hell.
“I’m fine,” she assured him and stepped around her ex to take the bag and drinks from him. “I was in the middle of making breakfast, but now I suppose I don’t have to. Smells absolutely divine.”
The most delicious smell of muffins and honeybuns were coming from the paper bag and her stomach growled in agreement.
“I thought about taking you two out for breakfast,” he admitted a little sheepishly with a shrug. “But then figured you wouldn’t really wanna go anywhere considering what happened.” He paused. “How you feeling, by the way?”
Shuffling over to the bar counter and completely ignoring the increasingly pissed off wolf-demon, Kagome deposited their breakfast onto the surface and went about collecting some plates.
“Sore, obviously,” she told him. “But it’s tolerable. It still hurts to walk on my ankle, and I had to take the bandage off so I could shower, so if you wouldn’t mind wrapping it again—”
“I asked you a question, asshole,” Kouga interrupted their pleasant little conversation, stepping up and inserting himself right in front of the half-breed’s vision so he was forced to look at him. “Who are you and how do you know Kagome?”
Immediately Inuyasha’s expression changed from warm pleasantness to cold and flinty as he finally looked at the fucker in front of him that had so rudely interrupted his conversation with Kagome. The wolf was attempting to pull off a pathetic intimidating act by snarling in his face and baring his fangs while glaring balefully at him, a steady growl leaking past his clenched teeth.
Inuyasha stared at him for a beat before saying curtly, “I don’t think that’s any of your business, wolfshit. Matter of fact, you don’t have any business being here so why don’t you do us a favor and get lost because Kagome clearly doesn’t want you here, and you know what, neither do I. Your stench is already giving me a headache. There’s the door. I hope it hits you on your way out.”
With that, the half-demon roughly shoved his way past the other male and made his way over to Kagome who had silently watched the exchanged with a worried frown.
Kouga was having none of that, though, and spun around with a snarl to reach out and dig his claws into the mongrel’s shoulder.
“Listen asshole, I don’t know who the fuck you think you are—”
Inuyasha reacted so fast his movements were a blur. He spun around and in the same movement threw his arm above Kouga’s head before jerking it down hard against his back to dislodge the wolf’s grip on his shoulder. Kouga grunted but could do nothing as the next second the half-demon forced his body to turn and then with a swift kick, swept his feet out from under him. He landed on the floor with a grunt and a scowling half-demon glaring down at him.
“I know where very major artery is on your pathetic, weak little body, wolfshit,” Inuyasha growled and narrowed his eyes in lethal warning. “Touch me or her again and my claws just might slip. Comprende?”
While Kouga grumbled and glowered up at him as he pushed himself to his feet, behind him Kagome was feeling quite flushed at having witnessed the hanyou display a very effective self-defense skill and she had to resist the urge to fan herself.
Good lord, but why had that been so hot? Not to mention that threat if he touched her again.
God, Kagome mused, pressing a hand over her wildly beating heart. Take me now.
Scoffing in the face of the half-breed’s anger and threat, Kouga rolled his shoulders and leveled another scowl at him. If he thought he was just going to—
Inuyasha’s ear flicked behind him at the muttered curse and a familiar scent told him the reason of Kagome’s sudden apprehension. Instantly schooling his expression, he shifted amber eyes toward the living room and found sleepy blue eyes blinking at the three adults. His black hair was a mess and he’d managed to kick off his pants sometime during his nap.
“Hey, bud,” Inuyasha greeted the toddler with a grin, not even sparing the sperm donor another glance. “Remember me?” He wiggled his clawed fingers and raised his eyebrows.
Souji, sleepy mind still trying to register what he was seeing, blinked and settled his gaze on the older male. He sniffed a few times, tilted his head, and wrinkled his nose.
“Magic man,” he said and gave a toothy grin.
Inuyasha’s face softened. “That’s right,” he affirmed. “The magic man. You hungry? I got some tasty muffins and honeybuns that I’m sure you’d like.”
“He shouldn’t be,” Kagome opined, hobbling over to stand beside him and beckoning her son over with a smile and a wave. “He had two bowls of Cocoa Puffs before his nap.”
“Lucky,” Inuyasha commented with another grin. “My mom only lets me have one bowl.”
Kagome snorted a laugh and covered her mouth, but Souji was too busy staring at Kouga to react. His ears were pinned, his little face was scrunched up and Inuyasha couldn’t tell if it was because he was scared or agitated at his father’s unwanted presence.
Shit. Acting fast, and without thinking twice, Inuyasha crossed the distance between them and abruptly scooped the kid up into his arms. Surprisingly, and thankfully, Souji let the older half-demon carry him and fisted a tiny hand in his shirt as Inuyasha crossed back over to Kagome, who was smiling and had suspiciously bright eyes.
“Chock?” Souji asked and it took him a minute to figure out what he was requesting.
“I’m pretty sure I got chocolate muffin for you, champ,” he said and watched the kid’s face light up in delight. It was true; he did have a chocolate muffin that he’d gotten for himself, but he’d give it to Souji in a heartbeat if that’s what he wanted.
Tired of being ignored, Kouga growled and stalked forward again, refusing to let this mutt get the upper hand here. If anyone should leave, it should be the half-breed, dammit!
“Goddammit, I’m not done—”
“Hey Souji,” Inuyasha interrupted the wolf’s tirade loudly and big blue eyes stared up at him questioningly. “Wanna see a magic trick?”
The tot’s eyes widened and he nodded, remembering the magic he’d showed last night with the red light and his fingers. There was more?!
Wordlessly Inuyasha handed the kid over to his mother and at Kagome’s puzzled frown, he merely grinned and winked before spinning around to face the red-faced wolf-demon. Grabbing a pencil that he assumed Kagome used when making grocery lists, he promptly stabbed the pointed end into the counter with enough force to make it stand upright and he mentally apologized to Kagome for ruining the surface. Kouga paid it no mind and stormed forward, growling low while Inuyasha casually rounded the counter to meet him head on.
“I’m gonna make this pencil disappear,” he announced jovially just as Kouga reached him and with both Kagome and Souji’s wide-eyed gaze on him, Inuyasha promptly grabbed Kouga by the back of the head and slammed his face down hard onto the counter.
Kouga dropped to the floor with a groan as Inuyasha threw his hands up, gesturing to the counter now sans pencil.
“Ta da! It’s gone,” he announced and while Souji squealed in absolute delight and clapped his hands, Kagome gaped at him in disbelief. Where…where did—
Inuyasha reached into his pocket and procured the aforementioned pencil before carelessly tossing it onto the counter. Crossing his arms, he stared dispassionately at the writhing wolf-demon on the floor, clutching his nose with both hands and the scent of blood was prevalent as he groaned in pain.
“I won’t ask again,” Inuyasha growled, golden eyes hard and flashing with thinly veiled warning. “Now make like the fucking pencil and disappear before you really piss me off, wolfshit.”
Managing to heave himself to his feet, but still clutching his nose that hadn’t stopped bleeding, Kouga glared murderously at the half-breed mutt and then shifted his gaze to Kagome. He was expecting sympathy, maybe even a little anger on his behalf – the fucker broke his nose, dammit! – but instead what he got was complete and utter ignorance from his former flame. She dedicated her attention to the boy in her arms, setting him on the counter and reaching inside a paper bag to retrieve what looked like a chocolate muffin, not even sparing him a glance.
And just like that the fight left Kouga and he sighed, giving up. Fine, he could take a hint. He pinned the mutt with one last venomous glare before turning tail and finally leaving, closing the door behind him.
Inuyasha grunted. “Good riddance.”
“Rinse,” Souji repeated with a mouthful of chocolate muffin and Inuyasha turned around to face mother and son. The toddler had more muffin on him than in him and the older half-demon chuckled as he stopped forward to ruffle his hair.
“That’s right, runt,” he praised and then locked eyes with his mother, who stood a few feet away, arms crossed and staring at him with a raised eyebrow.
“Magic trick, hm?” Kagome drawled as he made his way over to her, trying to remain stern but unable to keep the smile off her face as Inuyasha snaked his arms around her waist and pulled her close.
He shrugged, unrepentant. “Souji liked it,” he defended and grinned down at her. “Hi.”
Kagome gave up and laughed, wrapping her own arms around his neck. “Good morn—”
His mouth cut off the rest of the greeting and Kagome melted against him, happily returning his kiss with a little hum of contentment.
“Sorry,” he rasped as he pulled back. “Couldn’t help myself.”
“Hmm,” Kagome murmured and pulled him back down for another one. Kagome felt his husky chuckle and smiled against his lips, tangling her hands in his hair and sighing in bliss as he nibbled the soft flesh of her bottom lip.
Several more kisses were exchanged, some sweet and slow, others deep and hot, until eventually Inuyasha figured it probably wasn’t he best idea to make out in front of her toddler son so he reluctantly pulled back with a sigh and contented himself by holding her in his arms. Kagome seemed perfectly happy to remain there as she watched her son sitting on the counter making a big mess with his muffin. He’d managed to get it on the floor too and she sighed. She wondered if she could persuade Inuyasha to clean it up while she gave the messy toddler a bath…
Her gaze suddenly landed on the pencil and she blinked.
“Hey,” she said and Inuyasha hummed in response. “How did you do that, by the way?”
“Do what?” He rose his eyebrows in question, but the corners of his lips twitched upward, belying his innocence.
She gave him a look and he smirked at her.
“A magician never reveals his secrets,” he rumbled and leaned forward to kiss the corner of her mouth.
“Oh, so you’re a magician now?” Kagome breathed, shuddering as he trailed kisses along her jaw.
“Obviously.” Inuyasha ran his hands up and down her sides, claws snagging the fabric of her thin t-shirt. “I mean I have magic fingers.”
He gave a suggestive waggle of his eyebrows as he said that Kagome couldn’t stop the snort-laugh from erupting from her throat even as a light blush stole across her cheeks.
“And speaking of,” he continued with a devilish glint in honey eyes. “Wanna see me do another magic trick?”
Kagome eyed him suspiciously. “Okay,” she agreed somewhat warily, curious despite herself.
“Alright,” Inuyasha said and nodded. “Now watch closely.”
Kagome blinked and stared at him. Inuyasha stared back and vaguely she was aware of his hand crawling up her back, the feeling of claws through her shirt sending shivers to crawl along the length of her spine.
“What am I supposed to be watching?” she whispered and Inuyasha merely grinned before leaning in to press a lingering kiss to her lips. She felt a slight pressure against her back, but paid it no mind, his kiss thoroughly distracting her.
Then he pulled away, released her from his arms, and that was when Kagome felt the tell-tale slackening of an unlatched bra and Kagome gasped as she immediately snapped up an arm to keep the garment in place.
The devil had just unhooked her bra! Through her shirt!
“Inuyasha,” Kagome squeaked, her face turning five shades of red as the wicked half-demon cackled and darted away, grabbing a happily squealing Souji and making his getaway.
“You—! How did you—?! Dammit, Inuyasha, get back here!”
With one arm pressed against her chest, Kagome took off after the pair of laughing half-demons, chasing them around her small apartment and it wasn’t long before she was laughing too.
“I told you!” Inuyasha shouted as he hopped the couch, grinning when Souji laughed in utter delight. “It’s magic!”
“Oh yeah, well watch as I magically shove my foot up your ass! Let’s see your magic solve that one, you mangy mutt!”
Inuyasha’s reply to that was to drop Souji safely onto the couch, catch his pursuer around the waist as she lunged at him, and then swoop her into a kiss and when Kagome wrapped her arms around his neck and immediately responded, it was warm, it was wonderful, it was…
Like magic.
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shot-tothestars · 4 years
Before you go.
Guess who just wrote a fic??? Me!!! Yup it took me 3 days to finish a 1168 words one-shot but welp...I’m not good with angst :’) (but I’m proud of this so :3) The title is just because this song by Lewis Capaldi inspired me a lot (listening to it in my dad’s car and imagining all the angsty scenes) 
Hope you like it!!!
Summary:"He wishes he had noticed sooner. For the first time, he encounters a problem he can't solve. It's Ray after all."
Fandom: The Promised Neverland/ Yakusoku no Neverland
Pairing: (you could say) Norman x Ray 
Type: Angst, canon divergence
Arc: Paradise Hideout arc!/ King of paradise arc!
Warnings: Mention of suicide and mild spoilers (if you haven’t read the manga this won’t make sense to you XD)
Who would have said the sweet Astrid would write angst? To be honest... this my sec fic of this two, the other is in my notebook, is fluff and it would never see the light of tumblr :)
"So, where is he?"
Her eyes darken and he really doesn't want to listen to what his brain is screaming at him.
"Norman I..."
Tears appear on her green eyes.
. . .
His eyes open up. The first thing he distinguishes is a white ceiling. He notices that his body is in a resting position (almost as if he had just woken up) and decides to stay like that for a few minutes, trying to avoid the dizziness that he would surely have had otherwise. Instead, Norman decides to take a look at his surroundings by moving his head gently and the couple of beds beside him, the mahogany wood flooring,and the infantile drawings that are hanging on the milky white walls set all the alarms on his brain because, without knowing how, he's back at that place that still gives him nightmares almost two years later.
How is he back at Grace Field House?
Quickly, his brain gets out of the shock and starts reasoning as usual. He gets to the conclusion that he must be dreaming (at least until the place starts to turn into the night terrors he is accustomed to). He sits down,grateful that he isn't experiencing any whirling sensation, and since he knows that none of what he is seeing is actually real, decides to let go a bit of his nerves, still paying attention to everything around him but with a more curious than afraid instinct. He starts to wander through the place. He can't say he hates it here, the house brings him fond moments that he refuses to see as lies. Still, he can no longer call it a home (even though he wishes he could). Staring at the old childish drawings that make him smile melancholic, the perfect made up beds that, in some bizarre way, he had missed and the "nut-brown" door, he sighs with a mixture of comfort and sadness, not knowing why he feels this way, and then decides to explore some more, maybe if this was those "lucid dreams" mama once told him about he could stop pretending for a bit (it had been so long since the last time he had the possibility to do something so carefree).
He quickly finds himself in front of the library's door he has spent so many afternoons in. He can't say he was expecting something when he opened the door and that figure was so connected to the place that the few minutes he took to approach him, take a seat next to him and give a quick look at what the boy was reading were passed without him noticing what was actually happening.
The moment his brain finally realized the situation, he almost choked on his own breath and instinctively got a few inches away, his fight or flight reflexes as active as ever.
The other gave a little chuckle and looked at him, amused.
"Why so scared? Have you seen a ghost?" His eyes sparkled charmly "Or was it just your reflex? To be honest, I thought it was impossible for you to get paler, Nor-"
He can feel hot tears running through his face, he's probably ruining the other's shirt and the whole stoic facade he has been working so hard to perfect doesn't really matter anymore.
Ray's alive here and that's all that matters.
"Don't be stupid" He gives little rubs at his back, awkward to comfort but trying his best. "You know the truth"
"I don't really care" he buries his face in the other's shoulder "let me be like this for a bit more, please"
He hears a little hum as response, a hand patting his head while the gentle strokes in his back continue.
Feeling protected was something he had missed for so long without knowing. His heart wrenches, his mind keeps trying to make him accept the truth, but he doesn't want it right now. Norman feels tired, has been feeling that way for what seemed like an eternity (even though it had just been two years) Asking himself questions he couldn't really answer, taking a role no twelve year old should, doing things that he could say his body was in a better condition than his soul. Being able to finally be comforted was, to say the least, nice.
"Why did you do that?"
"Do what exactly?"
"You know what I'm talking about, idiot"
"And I'm pretty sure you still don't want to admit the answer, idiot"
His heart gets heavier with that sentence.
He remembers discovering Ray's secret place, where he had hidden all he would need for his plan to work out. At a quick glance and with the knowledge he had, it was easy to figure out what the boy had been planning for so long. He remembers how his own lips let a soft smile, he wouldn't let him die, that was for sure, if the dumbass wanted to die, he would make sure to show him a million reasons to live, each for whatever reason Ray had for desiring to end with his life.
He, for the first time, had encountered a problem he couldn't solve. It was Ray after all.
"Was there something I could have said to change your mind?"
"What kind of question is that?"
"If only I had-"
He feels the hug being broken and a hot sensation in his cheek. Those dark green eyes covered by tears as well.
"Stop right there, I thought you were a genius, Norman" He can't look at him anymore, his voice hurts too much already. "Not some stupid with a it-was-my-fault complex, don't you dare to think it was or else..."
"You were hurting and I couldn't do anything!" His throat hurts, and his eyes are swollen but he feels strong enough. "I can't even tell for how long you had been like that and I was supposed to be your best friend!"
He can't control anything, not even his body. He feels so useless, what type of friend he was? How could he be called a genius if he couldn't even discern how much Ray hated himself, to the point of...
"That's because you two make it all better" The tone sounds so soft and broken he is forced to look at his face. He is smiling. "All the moments I had with you and Emma were the best in my poor excuse of a life."
He's about to open his mouth, but decides to keep it shut instead. There is a soft smile on his lips even though tears keep running down. He wanted to ask more questions, he wanted to make him realize how wrong he was for wanting to go so soon, he wanted so many things.
"It's already too late" He's opening the library's door. "It was nice to see you again, Norman. Tell the other idiot it wasn't her fault either. She's starting to annoy my "Eternal rest" and I want to enjoy it, you know"
The room starts to fade out.
"I'm looking forward to meet you two again."
"I couldn't Norman I-" She starts sobbing uncontrollably and he waits for the worst. "He's gone."
If you read this let me tell you you are my hero <3, I would give you a cookie but I don’t have my phone so :’( anyways, THANKS FOR READING!!! <3<3
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things ive already established r on this post
besties this got so fucking long but heres a giant ramble about cherri
okay so. there are huge differences betwn cherri as a hyperviolent drac hunter and cherri as a friend of the four and cherri as the girls mentor. with the first one he was 17 and desperate to distance himself from his upbringing so he went all in on Being A Killjoy. he was always one of the first ppl to rush into a fight and he fought hard. he blew up his fuckin hand with that attitude. and all the while he was just racking up more unaddressed trauma and eventually he ran away from that, too. giving himself radiation poisoning was more appealing than facing his problems.
so as a teenager/young adult hes kind of constantly in a panicked state. hes scared the people from his past are going to find him and drag him back with them. so he lashes out and he runs away over and over again.
i said in another post that he has some past life shit goin on which usually would give him a connection to the witch that manifests early in life, but with all the stuff hes gone through he has been Preoccupied. he can become oblivious to almost anything that doesnt apply to whatever hes focused on. not in a hyperfocus way its likeeeeee. when u live on survival mode during prolonged periods of stress. hes immune to magic bullshit bc hes too tired and scared.
anyways around his mid-20s he finally has a little more stability (as much as the average person living in the zones can have, that is) and he finally notices that Weird Stuff happens around him. basically: out of my list of Powers People Connected To The Witch Have he has the prophetic dreams/enhanced intuition as well as a form of sensing ghosts where he can see auras and kind of like, echoes of past events in ppls lives. that look like auras. itz complicated and not of utmost importance so im leaving it at that.
anyways thats what makes him start writing poetry. just 4 funsies he'll describe his weird experiences and embellish them to make em pretty. just as a casual hobby n all that.
he would forget fun ghoul in between the times they ran into each other but its pretty easy to be reminded of who fun ghoul is. the most insane 10 year old cherri has ever met. cherri isnt a brother figure to ghoul. hes just. his friend that happens to be more than twice his age. its whatever lmao
to cherri, ghoul is kinda like a stray animal he keeps seeing. which is hilarious. ghoul actually goes and finds him to introduce him to jet when they start running together, and cherri meets party and kobra (spark and birdie at the time) when he drives the four of them to a party. because he has a truck hell yeah. so now instead of one stray animal he has, like, a feral cat colony that he drives around occasionally. i have no real-life human relationship equivalent to them because irl if some guy that is not related to any of you and isnt even a childhood or family friend and theyre hanging out with you? they are usually not a safe person lmao. but this is my fantasy land and im too stubborn to change anyones birth years even though ghoul being born in 2004 makes everything really hard to make not creepy.
so yeah hes a casual somewhat friend of the fab four. hed probably get more and more concerned as they got famous. the beginnings of any sort of protective feelings, awww :) that sets him up for becoming the girls mentor.
OH FUCK. THE GIRL..... i think if i was in my late 20s and i heard that the gang of 13-17 year olds had adopted a 5 year old kid i would go bananas. what the fuck. it is a LONG while before cherri meets her. but he has the strongest affection for ghoul (if you could even call it that) and ghoul absolutely adores the girl and swings her around under her arms like a cat to show her off to cherri and its very endearing and the girl is sweet and funny so its easy to be around her. and (unfortunately) she is somewhat used to interacting with weird easily agitated people so she kinda gives him space. cherri isnt quite the uncle figure the fandom usually makes him (i luv uncle cherri sm but he simply cannot exist in the universe ive created, f), but hes a little similar.
and then the four had to go and pretend to die. lol.
when the girl was kidnapped, fucking everyone who knew her was ready to storm the city then and there. like regardless of how little you knew her, if you had ever met her you would fucking die for her. she is pure childish charisma and shes precious. i love the girl. so cherris immediately on board with whatever plan the four make to get her back. ive already talked abt how it fucked up the girl tho; there was no way to tell her that the four werent actually dead, she sees the building collapse and she shuts down. and cherri has to fight against his instinct to leave the radio station and never come back when he sees an eight year old girl sitting dissociated on the couch. that fucks everyone up.
i just realized i havent talked about literally anyone else at the radio station. i think cherri started lingering around the station bc it was safe and sheltered while also not being a popular spot. there are less kids there (people pass through but its not a hangout spot). he was kind of just hanging around to get away from the heat and noise and dr d took notice. because that man can see ur soul and no one knows if thats literal or not. so theyd chat a few times a day and show pony was the one 2 get him out of his shell a little and also was the first one he mentioned his poetry hobby to. im making this all up right now as im writing bc i dont know anything about LITERALLY any of the ppl associated w the radio like im not even going 2 try with chimp n newsie i do not have the willpower to tackle all that. justttt. cherri pony n D become bros and live 2gether there.
back 2 the regular timeline. the rescue mission happens in 2019. the girl lives at the station until 2023. during that time she is very much depressed and withdrawn and is only happy when the four come to visit. none of the Adults know how to help her so they just keep her safe and cared for and hope she'll open up to them.
she does not. she takes the weird cat thats been hanging around and she runs away.
cherri does not see her for three years. shes still worse for wear in the mental health department and he can see all kinds of visions of what shes been through since the last time he saw her and he fucking hates the ultra vs bc they remind him of his past. he does not want her going down that path but its obvious that she isnt crazy abt the ultraviolence thing either so thats a relief.
they have a kind of tense relationship throughout the comics. he feels like he failed her and that spirals into feeling like he failed the four for not being a good adult to them and fun ghoul for not helping enough when his commune was bombed and all kinds of shit and that irrational thinking mixed with plain old, yknow, caring about the girl, is what makes him take a bullet (laser. whatever) for her.
i was trying to figure out the timing of each of their ghost experiences, but i want both of them to talk to the witch and im just gonna make it like dreams where a whole buncha stuff happens but irl its been like seconds. so its like barely a second while the girl has her Witch Convo and cherri FINALLY gets a straight answer, yes there is weird shit going on with him having powers. he doesnt have any story-significant past lives because im lazy, hes just an old soul. like really fuckin old. the amount of latent life experience and stuff his soul/energy/whatever has picked up along the way makes him VERY noticeable to gods n stuff. he fuckin lights up all the alarms like what the FUCK is that over there. she wasnt rly able to get to him or even properly notice him while he was a kid and a young adult so shes happy to finally see him again. he has a STRONG sense of familiarity with her. they know each other on a wild ass level that he cant really comprehend.
welp thats some more lore I'll have 2 think abt. anywayz
post canon is when he and val get to have the most awkward spiderman meme moment of realizing that they have the same trauma SOOOOO thatz fun lol /s sorry kings i thought it would be fun to give u something fucked up to bond over <3
not much changes in his personality. he has a better understanding of Weird Magic and delights in freaking out the ultra vs but for the most part he returns to his life at the radio station. i love him
THIS GOT SO CRAZY LONG I DID NOT MEAN 2 GO THROUGH EVERY PART OF HIS LIFE LIKE SOME WEIRD CHARACTER STUDY but here we are. this is basically a first draft like almost all of this is subject to change but u gotta start somewhere. so heres my start i love this guy. its probably obvious but i have not read ANY twitterverse killjoys stuff </3 maybe i will someday idk
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danetobelieve · 4 years
Frappuci-oh-no || Athena, Orion and Winston
When: 22/09/2020 Who: @3starsquinn & @danetobelieve & @athenaquinn​ Where: Coffee Plus Summary: Winston and Rio’s timing sucks and they manage to have a run in with Athena... Warnings: n/a
Winston looked up from their laptop. They’d been working on a little technomancy project and they weren’t sure what Rio had been doing. Anything to keep themselves busy with everything that was going on with Roland’s death and Rio’s hospitalisation. But Winston was convinced that there was never too much coffee that could be consumed in the day and whilst they had agreed to see Athena for coffee it was better seeing Rio. But as they still had not told Rio’s twin sister and Winston’s former -- they weren’t sure what she was -- that they were now dating it was probably a good idea for them not to be caught together. Glancing at the time, Winston quirked an eyebrow and sighed. “I think she’s gonna be here in a minute, you should probably …” Winston didn’t want to tell Rio to leave, but it was probably for the best. Leaning over, Winston placed a gentle kiss on Rio’s lips before he left to go and do whatever his plans were. Winston would have to ask him about those later.
Orion had been working on translating an old Scribe’s journal on exorcisms onto their database, but now he was mostly staring at the coffee listing and dozing off. Though Rio was incredibly uncomfortable with the idea of Athena and Winston hanging out, that unease had little to do with Winston and way more to do with Rio’s own relationship with his sister. Okay, admittedly it was still a little weird that Athena and Winston had been together before Rio and Winston got together. But considering none of them knew about the others, Rio could hardly hold that against anybody. So he swallowed those anxious feelings and just accepted that he was glad that Winston had let Rio know about this coffee date with Athena in the first place. Rio had planned on getting some training in today and had come here to hang out with Winston before Athena got there. Unfortunately, Rio had been so focused on the text and then staring off into space that he had lost track of time. “Crap. You’re right.” Rio jumped back into reality at Winston’s words and started shoving the laptop and book into his bag. “Have fun! I’m not just saying that!” Rio wanted Winston to be sure that Rio did support their friendship, even if Rio had always sort of hoped that the two wouldn’t continue talking to each other after Rio moved. “I’ll see you later!” Rio returned Winston’s kiss quickly before grabbing his bottle of water and walking away from the table. He was in the middle of taking a drink before glancing outside and seeing Athena outside of the cafe. On reflex, he spit the water out and dropped to the floor, crawling away from Winston’s table and behind a sign next to a very confused couple sharing coffee. He hoped he was out of sight. More than that, he hoped that she hadn’t seen him.
She was almost always early to things. She had been, back when she and Winston had first hung out, but they’d managed to beat her. Athena had to appreciate that about someone. Had to further appreciate that even though they knew more about her than she’d ever intended to be honest about, they still talked to her and even wanted to get together. However, something had given her pause upon arrival at the coffee shop. That was, her brother and Winston sitting at a table together. She’d been vaguely aware that they knew one another (mainly through a bit of figurative arm twisting on her part), but this still gave her pause. Except they kissed and she felt her eyes grow wide. Well, this was an interesting development. Then her brother got up and then somehow disappeared onto the floor, and with a smirk she pushed the door open. Flashing a small grin over to Winston, she turned on her heels over to where she could spot her brother’s hair. “Fancy meeting you here, brother dearest. Getting coffee with a friend? I didn’t know you’d taken up that habit. Friends or coffee, that is.” She raised an eyebrow at him.
Raising an eyebrow gently at the situation, Winston felt the familiar surge of anxiety rush through them as they spotted Athena making her way over to Rio who had in the least convincing way attempted to hide behind a sign with a couple giving him a very awkward look. Not to mention that they had seen Rio spit water all over the floor and promptly drop said bottle of water. “Oh fuck fuck fuck,” Winston muttered to themselves. It didn’t take a genius to work this out. Athena wasn’t dumb either. Knowing that they had definitely been rumbled, Winston swallowed away some anxiety and rose to their feet, making their way over to Athena. “You’re early,” they commented with a deep furrow on their brow. Honestly, they hadn’t been expecting this at all and they should’ve known better. Of course Athena would arrive early to something like this. “I’m pretty sure Rio was just heading out…” Winston was pretty much praying that she was going to pretend this hadn’t happened and not address this because it had been awkward enough when they’d found out from Rio that Athena was his sister, they hadn’t been looking forward to this. Though in hindsight it now seemed somewhat inevitable.
It wasn’t the greatest hiding spot of all time, Orion knew that. But desperates times called for squeezing his eyes shut and praying for a miracle. A miracle that Athena hadn’t spotted him, Athena wouldn’t notice him now, or everyone in the coffee shop had mysteriously and inexplicably lost their vision. But fate or whatever was not on his side today and after a few excruciating seconds of hiding, Rio heard his sister speaking to him. With a sigh, Rio spin around, slowly raising his head above the sign and smiling, “Oh. Hey there Athena. What a coincidence. I was just… uh…. looking for my pen. That I dropped. On this floor. Welp, guess it’s gone forever.” Rio climbed to his feet and wiped at his pants. Then he walked around the sign and awkwardly back towards the table. “Oh. Winston. Hey! Wow isn’t this crazy? All three of us running into each other here? What a pleasant surprise. Well, you two have fun. I’ll just be going anywhere else now.” 
Winston coming over only confirmed whatever doubt she might have held. Not that Athena held many of those - she knew that her brother was hardly a touchy-feely sort of person, and even she didn’t kiss her friends on the lips as a good-bye. “Pretty sure it looks like he was heading out.” She tossed her ponytail over her shoulder and looked between the two of them. “Cut the bullshit, Ri, I saw you two. You always have been a terrible liar. I think I might like it if you stayed around a bit longer. Clearly Winston will not have a problem with that, right?” She glanced over to them. “What a shame, I did wear the shorts you so seemed to appreciate at the carnival.”
Raising an eyebrow gently, Winston had to physically restrain themselves from rolling their eyeballs a million times at Athena. Now was probably not the time for that particular expression. Honestly, Winston would rather that Rio stayed so that they weren’t forced to sit through this on their own with Athena. Whilst they couldn’t help but feel sorry for her after what her parents had inevitably put her through too, Winston also didn’t trust her half as far as they could throw her. “I literally said that they were nice shorts Athena, they are nice shorts, but you’re kind of missing the point, which was that Rio was clearly just looking for his pen,” Winston pulled one out of their pocket and handed it across to Rio, “which whilst he has not found he now has my pen to borrow and he can go and we can enjoy our coffee and we can all hang out individually at another point in time.” This had definitely not worked. She knew and Winston felt the pit in their stomach growing. What if she told her parents and what if her parents found out where Rio lived and what if they came after Rio?
Orion crossed his arms awkwardly as he listened to Athena berate him and flirt with Winston. Rio was staring at the floor, careful not to make eye contact with Athena and feeling too ashamed to make eye contact with Winston. Rio had made a lot of progress recently, but Athena had some magic ability to dig under his skin and bring out the worst qualities in him. “Um… yes. My pen.” Rio perked up when Winston agreed with Rio’s clearly bogus story and he slid over to Winston to grab the pen from Winston’s hand. “Thank you Winston. That is very nice” Rio spoke, almost robotically in an attempt to avoid any hint of admiration from leaking into his voice. It was stupid, being so afraid of Athena knowing about their relationship, but Rio couldn’t control the way that his head was hammering in his chest. But for as fearful as Rio had been about Athena finding out, he hadn’t actually considered how Winston must feel about it. Would Winston want Athena to know? Or does this whole secret thing hurt their feelings. Now Rio was even more stressed. “Isn’t this great? Friends. Hanging out. And siblings. Hanging out. At a coffee shop. I don’t even drink coffee. Wild, right?” Why were coffee shops where all the worst things happened to Rio now? “I wouldn’t want to intrude. On you two hanging out.” 
“You checked me out, don’t lie,” Athena raised an eyebrow. “Or perhaps you wanted to, but didn’t do it because of another little bit of a hiccup. No shame, I am pleased to know you thought I looked good.” Something in her chest felt tight for a moment. If there was something going on (and it was quite obvious that there was), it hurt her for a moment that Rio hadn’t told her anything. Perhaps he really was cutting her out of his life and she could almost feel the tattoo burn against her skin. “Right, your pen. How kind of you to just so happen to have one, Winston.” She glanced between the two of them. “You know what? No.” Another smirk covered her lips. “I’ve hardly gotten the chance to see my brother so much as of late, and I would like to have time with the both of you. It does seem as though we may have a bit of catching up to do. Ri, before you make up some excuse for schoolwork, I know that you are often ahead, and besides, aren’t summer classes done? Won’t you join us? I’ll even pay. Get you a hot chocolate or whatever.”
Athena was intent on making this as uncomfortable as possible and it was really starting to piss Winston off. Had they not been through enough recently with Roland and the fire? “You know what Athena, this is exactly why we didn’t tell you about this.” Winston wasn’t really thinking, a rage that they rarely felt building in their stomach. “You’re meant to be my friend AND Rio’s sister, but all you’ve done is make us both feel uncomfortable, make clearly inappropriate statements and generally act as if you’ve got some right to what we should do. What is your problem huh?” Winston glared at her, daring her to talk back. “Sure, you saw me and Rio kiss, congratulations, did it maybe strike you that there was a reason that we didn’t tell you that we were involved? Which we are by the way, so now you know.” Winston reached out and took Rio’s hand, they were sure that their boyfriend was going to be freaking out by now and Winston normally would be too. But their own pulse was racing and they were frankly furious. Athena treated Rio so poorly at times and Winston was done with being a pawn in her games. Rio deserved better then this. He deserved better then a shitty family and a shitty sister. “You know what, I think Rio will join me and I think that I’d like you to apologise and then I’ll consider whether or not I want you to join us too. If you’re not going to act like you’re actually my friend then I am not interested in you being my friend. It’s time for you to grow up and start treating everyone with more respect, because frankly you’re being really nasty and I’m done with it.” 
Well... This was awkward. Orion felt trapped between the two. Winston was defending Rio, talking back to a family that Rio had never really learned to do himself. But Rio didn’t want another argument with Athena. She wasn’t fun to be around when she was mad, and Rio didn’t want Winston caught up in the middle of that. As much as he wished could just leave, Rio didn’t want to ruin friendships. He was tired of interfering with people’s personal lives for some twisted sense of greater good that Rio had no place in trying to determine for others. It hadn’t worked with Skylar or Ariana. And he still felt a pit in his stomach thinking that he may have been the reason that Athena and Winston stopped… whatever they had been doing months ago. All because Rio thought that he knew what was best. If Rio was being honest with himself, he didn’t know anything. The last few months had made sure of that. “Hey, it’s alright.” Rio didn’t want to defend Athena. He didn’t want to be there at all. He wanted Winston to be friends with whoever they wanted to be friends with. He accepted Winston’s hand with reservation. He was still sweating and ridiculously nervous. “Seriously. It’s okay. She’s fine.” Athena owed him a lot of apologies if she ever wanted Rio to talk to her again, but none of them had anything to do with the three of them. God, could this be anymore awkward? “We’ll all stay. And I don’t need a drink I have-” Rio patted at the mesh net on his bag meant for holding his bottle of water and realized that it wasn’t there before he had dropped the thing on the floor. He dropped Winston’s hand for a moment, sliding over and picking up the now empty discarded bottle of water and tossing it in the trash can, “I guess I’ll just get some water.” He threaded his hand with Winston’s again and stared at the floor, “I can’t stay for too long. I do actually have plans in a little bit.” But he could put up with this for a while if it meant keeping the peace, right? “So uh, like Winston said, we’re dating…. Surprise.” Rio fell into the open seat and tried grinning, flashing two thumbs up.
She felt her eyes narrow at Winston’s comments. “Well maybe if you had, we wouldn’t be in this situation.” Athena could feel her nails digging into the palms of her hands. “What the heck is your problem, Winston? You aren’t exactly acting like a good friend either.” She was only grateful that she hadn’t gotten her drink yet because it would undoubtedly be all over the floor by now. “You know,” she turned to her brother, then back to Winston. “You know that you invited me, and you know who I am, Winston. So don’t act all innocent just because my saint of a brother happens to be here.” Her voice was hushed but still bitter, she didn’t want everyone in the coffee shop to be even more aware of what was going on than they already were. “Also he says it’s fine. Though fine, I am sorry for surprising you, Ri, but I suppose that if we are being honest, you should know that Winston and I hooked up once. They didn’t want to do it anymore, and even though they were very kind to me in the moment, I think I misjudged them. You might want to watch out for that, if they are so quick to turn on me.” Her voice was level, perhaps unnaturally so. She slid into the seat next to her brother.  “Unlike a lot of the people both of you know, I have never claimed to be good. You can do good without being it. You know I’ve never been such a fan of surprises.”
“My problem is that you and your family treat Rio like he’s a second class citizen, my problem is that he’s such a good and sweet person that he’s actually defending you… after he’s the one who has been hurt the most” Winston felt the rage subside somewhat, but not much. Athena had clearly received a different level of treatment from her family that had twisted her in different ways to how it had twisted Rio. Winston had seen both of their scars, but they hadn’t missed the fact that Rio had far more then Athena. “I stopped hooking up with you after I found out that you used to bully a very good friend of mine and I tried to be your friend to give you the benefit of the doubt that you had changed, but yeah, maybe you did misjudge me if you think that I would ever do anything that would do something to hurt Rio.” Winston had to be careful about what they said moving forward, they didn’t want to make Rio uncomfortable. “But fine, we can get a drink.” They narrowed their eyes as they slipped opposite the two of them, detaching their hand from Rio’s as they did. “I just don’t enjoy the fact that you seemed to take pleasure in making both of us feel uncomfortable, call me old fashioned but friends don’t do that to each other.”
How did Orion try to remain neutral when the right side was so obvious? He didn’t want to cause a scene or ruin friendships, but clearly the right choice was Winston here. They were defending Rio, standing up for him in a way that Rio had only barely managed to do for himself recently. Which was why Rio hated the idea of not taking their side. But Athena was good at hiding her true nature to people. Odds were, Winston may not have seen her at her angriest. Rio didn’t think that she would completely lose her cool in a coffee shop, it didn’t seem her style. Plus she usually had a better sense of self control. But a lot had changed in the last few months. “We don’t have to do this here, okay?” Rio was talking out loud, but he was looking at Winston. Rio’s hand was still in Winston’s, and Rio gripped it tighter in an attempt to show his gratitude to Winston, “We can have coffee and we can talk, yeah? About…” Rio paused. What the heck could the three of them possibly have to talk about? “I don’t know, what do you even want to talk about? You wanted to catch up. Now you know. I don’t-” I don’t care that you two hooked up. That was what Rio had meant to say, but he wasn’t sure he could say them sincerely. He didn’t blame either of them of course. This happened before Rio moved in, before Winston knew who Athena was, before Rio and Winston became what they were now. But that didn’t mean that the doubt crept its way in every now and again. His sister had always been better at everything. How could he measure up to that? “I don’t know what you expect from me.” He settled on.
“He’s a good person.” Athena did her best to keep her voice even. Getting into a shouting match in public wasn’t about to do anything. “Well, I don’t anymore, and you still never asked me personal questions, just because you thought I was attractive. You never even knew my last name.” Athena sighed. “Not the point right now. My brother is right. We do not and should not do this here. Thank you very much for keeping me up to date.” Her voice was level - perhaps too much so, but few people besides her brother would understand that that was a way she showed her frustration, but that was beside the point. “Well, I did not expect this, but it is a good thing that I have always been adaptable.” She raised an eyebrow. “But yes, drinks! I am feeling quite generous, so I’ll buy. What would you both like? Are you sure you just want water, Ri? I am still worried you aren’t getting enough to eat.”
Rio’s hand made it clear that this wasn’t the time or the place. Winston kept their eyes locked on Rio’s. Gazing at him, Winston steadied their breath. “Fine, we’ll do this another time I guess, but I’m not going to let anyone take advantage of Rio, hurt Rio or do anything other then treat him exactly as he wants.” Winston wasn’t willing to engage with Athena on this one. She clearly hadn’t taken everything in the way that they had wanted when they had agreed to stop sleeping with one another. But here they were anyway and if she was going to buy them coffee then Winston wasn’t going to say no. “Can I have a triple shot latte please?” they said please out of habit and almost regretted it in that moment but they were nothing if not polite. 
Orion realized that despite sitting here with Athena, his hand was still holding onto Winston’s. It was under the table, but Athena as well as anyone in the store would be able to tell. More surprising than that, it didn’t bother Rio in the slightest. He didn’t care that Athena knew it was happening. Not to say that he was completely comfortable with the situation. On the contrary, Rio felt like he was one minor inconvenience away from a full blown panic attack. The entire situation was one of the most awkward situations that Rio had ever found himself in. But Rio found himself absent-mindedly stroking Winston’s palm with his thumb and that helped keep Rio grounded. “Well this is…” Rio trailed off, looking for the best adjective to describe the environment. Eventually, he spoke without thinking, “Awkward.” He sighed, betrayed by his own lips. “The water’s fine, seriously. And I eat. I totally eat.” Not always healthy food, but he definitely ate.
“He is free to speak his own mind, Winston. You do realize my brother is right here?” Athena  sighed. Even she could feel that this was all awkward, and even she had to admit that she did not feel entirely comfortable. “You got it.” She stood up abruptly and marched over to the counter, ordering Winston’s drink, followed by her own - a dirty Chai latte, and a bagel and water for her brother. It took a few minutes for everything to come together and she ran her fingers through her hair and grabbed the order when it all came, bringing it back over to the table and placing the bagel in front of Rio. “Can’t help looking out for you. Got your favorite type.” She took a sip of her drink and looked over to the two of them. “So, do I get to hear how you two met, or is that still top secret?”
“Really, Rio’s here?” Winston replied with an eye roll that was difficult to miss, “Where is he? He’s my boyfriend after all and I’d love to see him because you know I just hadn’t realised he was here with us.” It wasn’t like Winston was holding Rio’s hand or anything. Looking across the table at Rio, Winston’s eyes went wide and they sighed. “Rio, I’m sorry I shouldn’t have snapped at her like that, I just can’t stand the way that your family treats you and acts as if you’re some kind of second class citizen and I know that Athena isn’t always like that but you know, still, but yeah I probably shouldn’t have…” they trailed off as Athena headed back towards them. “We met through a mutual friend, we have like an anime night with her every now and then and the first one was when we met.” Thank God that was the truth. Would be awkward to admit that Winston had literally sleep walked in on him. 
What else could Orion do besides listen to them bicker back and forth? Seeing them now, it made Rio curious how the two usually talked before all of this. Back when Rio and Winston were just casual acquaintances and the relationship between Athena and Winston was closer than Winston and Rio’s. However, as soon as Rio started thinking about it he immediately regretted it. He realized, with a painfully awkward start, that his imagination was far too overactive. He had no troubles at all imagining what things might have been like, but forgetting those conjured images weren’t nearly as easy. As the two bickered, Rio found himself staring at one of the walls of the coffee shop, his focus homing in on one single spot near the ceiling where the painters had missed a spot. His attention was brought back to Winston with a start when they said his name, speaking directly to him. “No- seriously don’t feel bad. This? Standing up for me it’s just one of the reasons why I lo- Uh, why you’re so great.” Rio coughed through that awkward moment and tried to control his cheeks from glowing too brightly from the slip up. Rio was thankful that Winston had chosen their initial meeting when Athena had asked. Admittedly, although that night had technically been the first the two had actually met, Rio didn’t typically consider that. Maybe it had been both of their awkwardness at meeting new people, or the disaster that had come from Rio’s awful mistake to violate Skylar’s privacy. But that had seemed to be more of a precursor to their actual meeting. That night in the Scribe headquarters, despite being long before there was anything actually between the two, had been more intimate than Rio would have been comfortable admitting. Despite barely knowing Winston, the two had slept in the abandoned headquarters together. Rio had never slept in the same room as anybody that wasn’t his immediate family. Looking back, Rio may have already been head over heels for them. But Athena couldn’t know about the Scribe building, so Rio was thankful on multiple levels that Winston had kept that between them. “I didn’t know. Just so you know.” Rio said before realizing how vague he was being and deciding to elaborate, “Um, I mean about you two. I had no idea that Winston was even seeing anybody. And Winston didn’t know that we were related. All of this” Rio held up the combined hand of the two, “Was long after the two of you. I promise it wasn’t related.” For some reason, Rio still felt like he owed Athena some sort of explanation. It was almost as exhausting as it was infuriating. “And we haven’t like uh-” Rio physically had to stop himself, absolutely no clue why he would even consider telling something like that to Athena. Had he completely lost his mind? Athena didn’t need to know anything about Rio’s sex life, or lack thereof. Rio grabbed the water and took a large drink in order to get himself to stop talking for a minute.
“Yes, he is. Also, sarcasm.” Athena rolled her eyes. She didn’t like this at all, and very little of it had to do with the fact that the two of them were dating. She loathed the fact that her brother had lied to her, and the fact that someone else who she had trusted had, too. “Speaking of people who are right here.” She raised an eyebrow. “I do not treat my brother like that, and whatever we do or do not do is our private business, and not something you could understand. I care for him more than anything else in the world.” She took in a few steady breaths. It wouldn’t do anyone any good if she broke something in the middle of the café. She could work out when she got home. She needed to punch something when she got home. “When we were what? We were never anything, they slept with me and decided afterwards that they didn’t want anything to do with me.” She looked pointedly at Winston. “Sudden change of heart, after asking me out to dinner. We were never seeing each other. If you want details, we slept together, as I have just said, and that was that.” Some of us don’t need deep emotional attachments. Some of us aren’t afraid. She kept those words to herself and with a sip of her drink she sat back, her nose wrinkling as her brother did everything to side-step the word sex. “Good to know. Thanks for the details about your life, but I think I figured that out for myself.”
Honestly, Winston was in disbelief. “Sure, the way you treat him is definitely your private business, nothing that I would care about.” They couldn’t help it. They should’ve probably stopped picking a fight but Athena wasn’t exactly making this easy for them. “We stopped sleeping together because I found out what you had done to Blanche and I had been considering dating you, we stopped sleeping together because I wasn’t sure that I wanted to continue having a physical relationship that might turn into something more with someone who had terrorised one of my best friends when they were at school…” Winston swallowed, “not to mention the unsolicited photos you insisted on sending me afterwards. Athena don’t act like I was being unreasonable by not wanting to see you. I get that you were hurt by it but there were good reasons for my decisions. I wasn’t trying to hurt you it just didn’t work for me anymore and I won’t be made to feel bad about that.” They already felt bad enough about everything else, they didn’t need to add something else to the list. 
Orion really didn’t want to be here. He wished he had the ability to disassociate or astral project or even just evaporate into a gaseous substance. Any of those options were preferable to hearing his sister and the person he was dating go on about their former sex life, and hearing about how they could have been the ones dating if not for the interference of one very nosy and potentially hypocritical third party. The third party of course being Rio, who had really had no business within their relationship in the first place, and now only felt worse about getting involved considering that he and Winston ended up together. An awkward set of tumbling dominoes that led to the probably the most awkward moment of his entire life. This moment right here, sitting in a coffee shop with Athena and Winston and wishing that someone would laser beam him into outer space. “I really feel like I should probably just like… go, yeah?” Rio laughed nervously, not trying to interrupt their bickering but definitely trying to get away from it. Would they have fought like this if Rio had left a few moments earlier? Or would things have been more friendly? The selfish part of Rio wasn’t sure which one he preferred. “I can totally dip out. Let you two uh- work this out. I sorta feel like I’m intruding.” Even though the conversation had begun because of him, it was starting to enter territories that Rio had no interest in hearing. It was bad enough knowing that Winston and his sister had slept together. He didn’t need Athena spilling all the gory details. 
“We barely hung out and you considered that?” Athena rolled her eyes. “Okay, terrorize is an extreme overgeneralization, but also I don’t owe you anything.” With another scoff, she added, “I am not hurt. You think something as insignificant as that could hurt me? Guess it’s good you decided to date my brother instead because we truly do not know one another much at all.” She certainly hadn’t appreciated their sudden change of heart, but focusing on interpersonal negatives was not something she considered worth dwelling on. At her brother’s nervous laugh, she whipped her gaze toward him. “No, you can stay. I’m not about to say anything more, if that’s what you’re concerned about. Besides, you haven’t taken even a bite of your bagel yet.”
Swallowing gently, Winston sighed. They didn’t want Orion to have to be watching this and honestly they didn’t even want to be having this argument with Athena. They were sure that there was potential for friendship but this wasn’t something that they would stand for. It was almost like this was why they hadn’t mentioned any of this to Athena in the first place. “I’m glad that you aren’t hurt, I wouldn’t want your feelings or anything else to be hurt. Not by me and certainly not by this.” Winston looked at her over their coffee, their stomach a pit of vipers curling on themselves, this certainly hadn’t gone the way they’d wanted. 
Things seemed to be cooling down, but Orion knew Athena’s temper. He didn’t need to give her another reason to be set off. He shouldn’t even be talking to her. He had made it pretty clear that he wanted nothing to do with her, but she didn’t seem to want to listen. Plus, he knew Winston liked her and was friendly with her. Rio was out of the ruining friendship business. “It’s fine. I already told you beforehand that I had plans anyways. It’s not like I’m purposely trying to get away or anything.” Rio was absolutely trying to get away from here, preferably as fast as humanly possibly. Or super humanly possible even. Hopefully without him there the two could hang out in peace. At least Rio knew for sure that Winston was safe around her. “I have training today anyways, so I don’t want to keep him waiting.” Not that Adam would mind much, he was way too easy going, the perfect fit for trying to train someone as neurotic and prone to panic as Rio was. “I’ll text you later, okay?” Rio squeezed Winston’s hand before pulling free from it. He was careful to avoid any comment that may lead Athena to think that the two lived together. “Athena, it was uh- We ran into each other here. So uh- that was cool. Welp, talk to you both later bye!”
“Clearly those plans weren’t that important.” Athena muttered. This had not turned out at all like she had expected it to, and apparently her brother was now keen on nearly yelling at her in public, which she was certainly not a fan of. Nor was she a fan of how Winston was acting. Her stomach felt tight and uncomfortable, in a way that she couldn’t quite place. She knew that she didn’t like it. Athena had never liked to feel uncomfortable or unsure, and that was how she was feeling now. She set her coffee down on the table and stood up at the same time as Rio did, rolling her eyes as she did so. She grabbed the edge of the chair. “No, actually, I realized I’ve got something to do for Kappa Iota Lambda, and Jenny’s gonna kill me if I don’t get over there. So I should be going. Such a shame this didn’t work out as much as the plan had been.” She glanced at Winston, a small smirk crossing her lips. “Maybe next time.”
Winston sighed, this had all turned out to be a bit of a shit show but honestly right now they weren’t sure that they were surprised. It seemed like everything in Winston’s life was going the same way. They wished that everything didn’t have to be so complicated but all they knew was that they had to keep Rio safe. That was all they could do. “Yeah, it is a shame.” Winston rose from their seat and drained their coffee. “I’ll see you around.” They didn’t bother to say anything more. What good would it do?
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gaamagirl565 · 4 years
Matters of the heart Season 3 Episode 3 A heart of thirst WARNING: this episode of matters of the heart contains heavy subject matters 
Matters of the heart Season 3 Episode 3 A heart of thirst WARNING: this episode of matters of the heart contains heavy subject matters {OPENING CREDITS} {Open to Corona castles throne room; Larkspur sits sideways on one of the thrones sipping from a golden goblet despondently} Vergus: Mistress? Why do you look so blue? we have everything we could ever want. Corona is ours. Larkspur:  not everything... those morons continue to fight us... and noremoth…. {Her grip tightens on her cup before she throws it across the room} Larkspur: I WANT HIM FOUND!.... Vergus: O-Of course mistress! Larkspur:  he betrayed us all...He betrayed me! {Vergus walks up to her throne; he takes off he cape and drapes it across her} Vergus:  of course he did mistress. did you expect anything less of the man? Larkspur:  to be honest I don't know what I expected of him…. more than this! Vergus:  for all we know mistress he could be dead.  our sweet vessel took care of him quite nicely the last time we saw him. Larkspur:  that is true... wherever he is I hope he's burning. what traitors deserve... what everyone deserves.  those privileged, underhanded… Vergus:  mistress if I may… {he hands her a small vial} Larkspur:  what is that? Vergus: a sleeping aid. you've been awake for more than 2 days. you must be exhausted.  for the sake of-!? {Larkspur snatches it from his hands and chugs the small vial} Vergus:....Right then….um... do call me if you need anything… Larkspur:  I'll be fine…. Go. {Vergus bows and leaves; Larkspur turns over in the chair tiredly and closes her eyes; fade to Vardaros where rain pours from the sky; a younger Larkspur dressed in rags watches with a cold glare as a coffin is being carried through the streets with a large crowd of people; a young woman steps on the stage in town square} Vex: Ladies and Gentlemen...We have….sorry...We have lost someone dear to all of us. Larkspur: pfftt… “dear”... Vex: Captain Quiad was an honourable and just man. He fought for what was right and whenever we needed him he was always right there.  whenever he thought he was out of the game he always searched for a reason to get back in. He cared for all of us. no matter who you are or who you were….He was a brave Sheriff who fought for every man, woman, and child... and it is with a heavy heart that we today say goodbye. {Thunder rumbles causing Larkspur to jump and go back into the alley} Larkspur: Fought for everyone...puh!  he was nothing but a tired old man running around with a sword.  if he truly did anything for our town then why am I still hungry!? Why are my brothers and sisters dead!? Why did I watch my family starve!? {She kicks a can but yells in pain} Larkspur: I hate Vardaros… I hate them all... {fade out to Larkspur asleep in the throne mumbling; Cut to the medical tent at camp; Noremoth breathes shakily as Hector looks over the wounds with the physician} Hector: Straight through… Physician:  yes unfortunately the blade went straight through him. it caused some serious internal injuries that I was able to repair mostly through surgery but I fear that infection is going to take him. Hector:  judging from the wound shape i’m going to say it was a straight single edged sword. Physician: I've done what I can to the wound as for the infection… Hector:  not much you can do for that... he's got to fight his own battle now. {Varian walks in with Eugene} Varian: how is he? Hector:  let's just say he's had better days. and if he doesn't fight off this infection he won't have any more days. Eugene:  we don't have much medicine left... kids we are able to learn some valuable information about whatever gas the cult used... it can be lethal  but we don't have an antidote. Varian:  I could synthesize one if I had my lab but it's too dangerous to sneak back into town. Hector: welp... better practice Your Grave digging boys… {Hector walks out of the tent} Eugene:  you know I was kind of hoping that after all these years he would have lightened up a little bit but clearly not… Varian: Isaiah...I know you're there you can come out now. {Isaiah walks in with Benny} Varian: theres my girl! {Benny runs over and is lifted up} Varian: what going on with you two? Sneaking around? Isaiah:  are the sick and injured really doing that bad? Varian:....ummm Isaiah:  dad come on… I need to know. {Varian sighs and puts benny down} Varian:  yeah... they're not doing good. Eugene: people are going to want to know what's going on... we might as well be honest.  we're running out of Medicine.  Hector and his family have been quite the help foraging for ingredients for remedies but that's not going to hold these people off.  if we can't find a way to cure them we're going to lose a lot of people. Isaiah: *gasps*...but...Nathaniel...he.. Varian: I'm sorry buddy but it's not looking good for him. {Isaiah runs out of the tent and Eugene places a hand on Varians shoulder; Cut back to Larkspur groaning in her sleep; Fade into her dream; Younger larkspur sits outside a shop begging for coins} Larkspur:...please...coins? I just want some bread… {A child stops by her and reaches out before being pulled away by his mother} Mother: Don’t speak to beggars! They probably have the plague! {Larkspur growls in anger before shivering} Larkspur: Pathetic whelps...what makes me less than you?....one day you’ll be the ones begging… Unknown woman: Oh is that so? {Larkspur jumps surprised and looks up at a young woman with golden curly hair} Larkspur: ...and you are? Unknown woman: You cut right down to business don't you? Larkspur:  I don't like speaking unless I know whom I'm speaking to. Unknown woman: Fair enough...I’m Chiara, and you? Larkspur:....Larkspur… Chiara: like the flower? Thats so pretty! {She sits next to her} Larkspur:....You're not from here are you? Chiara:  is it that easy to tell?  I just moved here!  I heard there was a huge demand for bakeries!  I want to set up my own shop here. Larkspur:  well lesson number one little miss Chi-chi... I'm a beggar you're supposed to avoid me and pretend I don't exist…. Chiara:...that doesn't sound right.  if you're so down on your luck shouldn't we be working together to help you? {Larkspur laughs} Larkspur:  oh you're really not from here. Chiara:...hmmm...oh! Here! Have some!  it's going to be my bakery’s special! {She hands her a muffin; Larkspur looks at her suspiciously before rolling her eyes and taking it; she takes a bite and her eyes practically glow with amazment} Larkspur: it...IT’S AMA- {She looks at Chiara’s beaming face} Larkspur: it’s good… Chiara: Oh!  I'm so glad you like it! I'm good at baking all sorts of treats but muffins are my specialty.  this one is specifically an apple cinnamon one! {She leans in real close to whisper} Chiara: they're my favorite too! Larkspur: *snerk* Chiara:  oh dear I'm supposed to meet the movers at my new shop!  it was lovely meeting you Larkspur!  I'll see you soon! Larkspur:...yeah...um...thanks...bye. {She sits back against the wall and takes a bite of the muffin before slightly smiling; Fade out on Larkspur smiling asleep; fade back into her dream; Chiara sneaks into a back alley} Chiara: Larkspur? You here? {Larkspur jumps down from a roof onto a wooden crate making Chiara jump} Chiara: OH! Haha! You startled me! Larkspur: How's business? Chiara:  it's been doing great in the past months! I brought cake by the way! Larkspur:  you know I don't have much of a sweet tooth. Chiara:  I know but who doesn't like cake!? {Larkspur smirks and sits next to her; Chiara takes out the cake to show it has larkspur and rose flowers on it} Chiara: Ta-daa! Larkspur: huh? Last time I checked flowers didn't exactly taste very good. Chiara:  no silly!  they’re just decoration! Your name is Larkspur so that was an obvious choice but roses are my favorite!  this is to celebrate several months of friendship! Larkspur:.... Chiara:  you don't like it?  chocolate not your thing? don't tell me you're allergic! Oh i’m sorry! Larkspur: N-no! it's not that at all... I'm just confused. Chiara:  confused? Why? Larkspur:  I'm a beggar..people avoid me...it’s always been that way...people despise me. {Chiara sets the cake down} Chiara: tell me about it? Larkspur:.... my parents died when I was young. plague. I didn't have any next of kin so I was sent here to a poor house.  I don't know what you are living situation was but when you're all alone in the world you have to find allies.  a group of children in that poor house... they were my family… Chiara:....were? Larkspur:...Vardaros was taken over at one point by powerful man. the baron.  he’d pay you good if you worked for him. So my siblings and I decided to work for him. Of course I never got to meet him personally mind you he always had his little big-nosed henchmen do everything for him. that included paying us. I'm not going to sugarcoat it the stuff I did for him... it was bad. not stuff for the faint of heart. you do what you can to survive. Chiara:  what happened? Larkspur:  some people from Corona came and overthrew him… once he was gone that spineless little weasel decided he didn't need us.  he tried to take over the town. he lasted maybe a few days before those people from Corona overthrew him as well.they had Quiad return in “glory”... as if he hadn't been gone for over a decade already.   with our steady pay gone we had to look for other means of survival. nobody wants to hire beggar children…. they all started getting sick… Chiara: larkspur… Larkspur:   there was nothing I could do... I stole whatever I could to try and feed them... but no matter how much I stole it was never enough.  and none of those self-righteous people would ever help.  I watched them all slowly starve to death. they were so much younger than me.  sometimes I would think of them as my children. {larkspur gasps as she feels Chiara wrap her arms around her} Chiara:  I'm so sorry…. I can't imagine that pain. Larkspur: To this day I still don't understand why nobody would help... they think they’re so much better than us... I swore on the day that I saw the last of them starve that I would make everybody in this town feel the same pain and Desperation that I felt. that one day everybody around me would be the ones begging while I walked over them. Chiara:... and would that make you feel better? Larkspur: of course it would! they need to suffer as I have suffered! this whole the innocent and meek shall inherit the earth is garbage!  I didn't do anything to anybody and I suffer day in and day out!  yet these people treat me like I'm garbage and they have a full belly every night! Chiara:  Larkspur... would you say that you felt happy when you were with all those children? Larkspur:... they were my family... course I felt happy with them. Chiara:  and now that you're alone you feel miserable and angry. Larkspur: what is your point? Chiara:  you don't want Vengeance you want love. you miss them. you miss having someone care for you the way that they cared for you.  losing them broke you.  but just because you're broken doesn't mean you can't be put back together. {Larkspur leans into her and Chiara strokes her hair} Chiara: You know I think I have an idea! Larkspur: hmm? Chiara:  there's a spare room in my house. I've mostly been using it for storage but I don't have many things of my own so it's pretty much just an empty room.  but it's warm!  downstairs is the bakery and I could use the help! Larkspur: Are you giving me a job? Chiara: Of course!  you'll get paid and free room and board! Larkspur: why?... Chiara: when something's broken it's easier to have help to put it back together. {Larkspur smiles and hugs her; cut to a few months later as Larkspur enters the shop wearing a simple dress and apron} Chiara: Hi! Welcome home! Larkspur: I just put the horse back and there's new bags of flour in the storage room. Chiara: you’re the best!  thanks for doing that pick up. Larkspur:  it's my job. Chiara:  I know but it's still nice that you do it. {The door jingles as costumers enter} Chiara:  can you handle this one? I'm about to take a fresh batch of sourdough out. Larkspur: don't lie to me you were experimenting with the cakes again weren't you? Chiara:  I will perfect a cake with the best strawberry cream filling! you will see yet! {Larkspur gently shoves her into the back} Larkspur:  just make sure you are trying to use gunpowder to cook faster I don't want another explosion like last time….How can I help you sir? Villager: one sourdo-....... Larkspur:.... Sir? Villager:  you were that beggar… Larkspur:... yes I was a beggar.  but I don't appreciate people prying into my personal life so I'll ask you again, how can I help you sir? Villager:  please tell me you wash your hands before touching the dough! Larkspur:  excuse me? Villager: you were a beggar! you were exposed to all sorts of illnesses weren't you!?  and now you're working in a bread shop!? Disgusting! {Chiara walks in} Chiara:  is there a problem out here? Villager:  you hired a beggar!?  you know how disease-ridden these people are!? Chiara:  sir, that's not very polite. Villager:  who cares about being polite when you could infect the entire town! Chiara: I care about being polite!  now sir if you don't mind I respectfully ask that you leave my establishment and seek business elsewhere. Villager: Oh i’ll leave!  but I'm warning you it isn't good business to hire a beggar! They’re filthy! They have lice! Chiara: Leave now! {Chiara pushes the man from the shop and closes the door} Chiara:  are you okay? Larkspur:  it's nothing that I'm not used to.... in this town once a beggar always a beggar. plus I'm sure some of the people who come in here recognize me from my old work. Chiara:  don't think like that!  sure that guy was a jerk but that doesn't mean all people are bad! once more people start coming in and tasting the delicious bread that we bake they'll forget all about the past!  Promise! {Larkspur furrows her brow for a moment before sighing and nodding} Larkspur:  you have so much faith in people… Chiara:  no I have faith in good food! {She sticks a bun in Larkspurs mouth and she laughs; cut to Isaiah giving water to the sick as Varian watches and sighs} Varian: I have to do something… Eugene:  Varian there's nothing you can do you said it yourself it's too dangerous to sneak back into town. Varian: But there has to be something we can do they're all getting worse! Lance:Well maybe if worse comes to worst we can go to a nearby Kingdom and get some supplies. of course then we'd risk leaving everybody defenseless and possibly leading some people back to the camp… Varian:  you're both just rays of sunshine today aren't you? Rapunzel:  haven't seen this many injured or sick since the Great Fire of Vardaros… Varian: the what? Eugene:  oh right, Varian wasn't here for that, sunshine… Rapunzel:  oh that's right he was on his little Adventure! Varian: AY! Scientific Expedition! Rapunzel: riggghhtt… Lance:  it was this great big fire that spread all over Vardaros… Eugene: yeah apparently it spread in the middle of the night. Vex wrote to us asking for help.  when we got there the entire place have been ravaged by the fire. Rapunzel:  I had Corona help with whatever rebuilding that needed to be done.  unfortunately turns out a lot of people didn’t survive that fire. just find it weird how it started in the middle of the night and nobody seems to know how. Eugene:  a lot of people died sunshine maybe they just didn't want to talk about it. {Varian gets up and starts walking away} Rapunzel: Varian?  where are you going? Varian:  I have to do something to help! Coronavirus faced many bad things throughout history but it's not going to end with us. I'll be sure of that. {He walks off; cut to Larkspur shivering in the throne with her lip quivering; fade into her dream; Larkspur is driving her wagon full of flour, yeast, and sugar home; at first she is calm then she sees an orange glow getting bigger} Larkspur: What on earth? {The bakery is on fire with a crowd of people around it; Larkspur gasps in horror and signals the horse to gallop; once she gets close enough she sees Vex yelling at the small crowd as the bakery is engulfed} Larkspur: …..What...h-happened…? {She hops off the wagon and stumbles over to the burning building; Vex runs over and pulls her back} Larkspur: W-Wait! Chiara! WHERE’S CHIARA!? Vex: Who? Larkspur: The baker! My friend! Vex: ...the bake-.... {Vex sadly looks over at the covered person on the ground; Larkspurs eyes dilate; for a moment all that is heard is Larkspurs heartbeat} Larkspur: AHHHHH!!!! {She runs over and pulls the sheet off her friend to reveal Chiara’s soot covered face} Larkspur: Chiara! Chiara please wake up! Don’t leave me alone again! {Larkspur holds her and sobs} Vex: I..I’m so sorry… Larkspur: WHO DID THIS!? Which one of you monsters did this!? Villager: I did… Larkspur: ….y-you!? Villager: someone in town who frequented you shop caught the plague… Larkspur: SO!? You can catch that anywhere! We were both clean! Villager: as I was just explaining to our lovely Sheriff here we were doing our civic duty and burning the infected business Vex: And as I was telling YOU- you can’t just burn down a building! You didn’t even have evidence they got sick here! And you set it a blaze with someone inside! That’s murder! Larkspur: you...you set fire to the shop and let her die!? {A small explosion rings out; everyone turns to the flames} Larkspur: th-the gun powder… Vex: Gun po-EVERYONE DOWN! {A large explosion erupts from the shop blowing people away and blasting out the display window; Larkspur groggily sits up before looking around and crawling back over to Chiara and holding her close} Larkspur: Chiara… Villager: Help! {Larkspur turns to see the villager pinned under some debrisas the fire spreads to other buildings} Villager: Please help me! The smoke is becoming too thick! {He coughs and sputters as larkspur lifts Chiara} Villager: Please i’ll do...anything..please help… Larkspur:...Shut up you filthy beggar… {She turns an begins walkin out of Vardaros carrying Chiara as the fire spreads further; fade to a hillside over looking Vardaros; Larkspur lays down some roses on a makeshift grave; she looks over at the smouldering town} Larkspur: Never again...I Swear Chiara...I'm never going to let this world bring me down again...I'll show them all... I'll show them what happens when you kick people around. Eventually we're able to kick back.  that's what I'm going to do. If I'm not allowed to have love... I'll have fear... I'll be the one on top... people will follow me. I'll make them pay for what they did to us. all of them. {Cut to Larkspur jerking awake with a gasp} Vergus: Mistress? Are you alright? Larkspur:...y-yeah...yes..I’m fine.. how long have I been asleep? Vergus:  almost the entire day.  you needed the rest. Larkspur: Vergus?... can you cook? Vergus:  mistress? ummm... yes I can cook fairly well why? Larkspur:...  could you please cook some apple cinnamon muffins? {Vergus cocks an eyebrow} Vergus: I..uhh..Y-yes... of course mistress I'll get right on it… {larkspur stares off at the sunset coldly; cut to camp as Isaiah is carrying in a stack of logs; he trips} Isaiah: YAGH! Bjørn: Whoa little man! {Juniper catches Isaiah and Bjørn catches the logs} Bjørn: Don't over exceed your own weight. Isaiah:  I could say the same to you whenever the Soup pot is done Juniper: PFFTT!! Bjørn: why you little- Hector: Bjørn! Juniper! Bjørn: Coming father! This isn’t over. {Isaiah yawns and stretches as he walks over to his families tent; he stops once inside an smiles; Varian snores on his bed  surrounded by various books about healing. Herbology, and alchemy; Isaiah throws a blanket on him and blows out the candle} {END CREDITS}
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i-mushi · 4 years
I finished FFVII Remake!
And I kinda want to pretend all the scenes from entering Hojo’s lab onward happened exactly like in the original.
Spoilers below the cut if you haven’t finished
Wh-what was the Kingdom Hearts final battle stuff doing in FFVII? The internet is blowing up with time travel theories of Sephiroth shooting his mind back in time and trying to change fate or somehow learning of his death because it’s sitting in the North Crater feeding off the Planet. But then why did the crew destroy fate if that’s the fate where they defeat Sephiroth? The only person gaining from the destruction of fate was Seph, not AVALANCHE. Was this just a transparent attempt to explain why the plot ahead will be different than original?
I’m not happy about any of that :(
Also, the mood was totally killed as Hojo’s lab dragged on and the trail of purple goo did not lead to the president stabbed in the back. That moment is seared into my memory from my first playthrough: the horror and shock thinking “wait, is there someone else worse than Shinra here?” and “I thought all this security was for me?” as I followed that grisly trail of blood. I get why they had to make that purple goo, it would have probably made it an M rating otherwise. (Also, how could we be denied Barret shouting “Where’s its fucking head?”????) But then there’s zero explanation for how President Shinra is stuck hanging off the balcony (the whispers? Sephiroth? WHY WAS NEITHER MENTIONED THEN) and that whole scene where the president basically proves he’s a sociopathic capitalist to Barret happens, which was unnecessary, we already knew that and that Barret is super upset about being blamed for the plate and hating Shinra (and we were robbed of the opera music while the plate fell too!! salt on the wound!). That tension of never getting the confrontation with the person we THOUGHT was the bad guy, only to realize it’s so much more than that vanished, and instead there’s Barret dying but not (I hate that, I hate every scene where they almost die but the whispers save them, it’s the most deux ex machina thing I’ve ever seen and I write fanfiction), then that super annoying fight with Rufus, and then ten more super annoying fights (MOTORBALL), and then a massive heartless of fate showed up. Oh, and Sephiroth, because apparently we can’t not fight him even though his set up as the arch-villian required an info dump from Aerith ten minutes before. New players lack ANY of the context of Cloud’s backstory with Sephiroth and without the full game get none of the amazing lead up to it, but then there’s also no explanation for why this is intensely personal, which must be kinda weird since no one is also exclaiming “Sephiroth? The guy who’s been dead for 5 years? WHAT IS HE DOING HERE?” 
Lastly, the Midgar Zolom shot where it’s been impaled on a tree is going to lose a lot of it’s oomph now. Chasing after the mysterious man in black was awesome, especially when you get there and realize holy shit this guy is insanely powerful how the hell am i gonna defeat him. Now it’s like, welp, already did that once, so I guess I could impale a dragon/snake on a stick if I wanted.
I love the world-building, the depth of Midgar, the way Biggs, Wedge, and Jesse were fleshed out (I wanted to cry when they died damnit, not see Biggs wake the fuck up), the Japanese voices were fantastic (I might play hard mode with the English for flavor), and the MAYOR OF MIDGAR EXPLANATION helped bolster the story enormously except for the Wedge part. I don’t feel like they needed a reason to go to the roof because they learned about the AVALANCHE helicopter ten seconds before finding the trail of not-blood, and Barret could have argued the president should pay for dropping the plate on thousands of innocent lives. Anyway, all the fighting systems were great, the music was insanely awesome, they did a great job hitting the nostalgia points, even the SAVE ICON WAS THE SAME. I was so hyped, I even liked Aerith’s painting on her wall even though I was like, wait a minute, this was way creepier when the doors just randomly became unlocked like a horror game. 
I guess this is both good and bad though. Bad because I didn’t love the ending and I’m worried about the next game, but good because nothing makes me write fanfiction more than fixing the fuck ups canon makes. So yeah, my summer is gonna be spent working on the rewrite. I’ve also been rereading a bunch of it and I think I’m only going to be rewriting the early chapters, probably through the SOLDIER Exam. Past that point my writing got cleaner and more concise, and there were less and less things I was making a note of editing. But the early chapters were written ten years ago and it shows.
BUT DON’T WORRY I’m not going to do what Nomura and Square did to FFVII. This rewrite will be 100% faithful to the original Green Dreams, nothing will change except things will be written more precisely. Honestly, it’s more a massive editing for flow than anything else.
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neptunevasilias · 4 years
Oh boy...... this dude. Buckle the fuck in
Favorite thing about them
Gay bitch! *does a gay little run that pisses you off* also he is trans
Serious answer: what a fucking nerd. Same hat! Seriously though, I love how for all he tries to seem “cool,” he’s just a nerd. Also, I think he’s very analytical! I really liked his chapter in btd because of that. And same hat to that as well. Just in general, he’s super fun to play with, and he’s really compelling to me because of how much he Tries but ultimately does not succeed.
Least favorite thing about them
Apart from the Everything(aka the playboy attitude)? I actually hate that he’s treated as a joke for acting “gay” in rwby chibi. Like ok, yeah, I’ll take my crumbs, but make it canon fuckers
Favorite line
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
*gets out my metaphorical spreadsheet* ruby and here’s why
They’re both bookworms! Ruby loves fiction, Neptune loves nonfiction. Together, they tackle the whole library. But at the same time, Ruby absolutely grew up watching remnant’s bill nye the science guy and also is smart enough to make crescent rose, and also I think she’d read a lot about any topic that interested her. And Neptune would be such a romantic and secretly read YA romance novels. Just. Bookworms bonding, yes. Also they’re both autistic don’t @ me. Also also, iirc lindsay said her favorite character(besides ruby of course) is neptune, so yeah.
Seamonkeys but this is where I actually Talk About It
So. The fall of beacon wasn’t actually the first time Sun left his team, and he says this himself. He did this in volume 1, when he ditched them to leave for vale early. So the thing about not just seamonkeys, but the whole team dynamic, is that this isn’t the first time sun fucked up like this. But what makes the fall of beacon the more important and gut-wrenching and dynamic-altering one, apart from what I just said, is how long he’s gone. He’s gone for months. And right after the fall of beacon no less, which was traumatic for everyone, these boys included. So while they’re recovering and trying to get things back to “normal,” they don’t even have their team leader there to help them or even just be with them.
Neptune of course is in love with him. Obviously. Who do you take me for, this is a seamonkeys blog. Honestly I think he was in love with sun the whole time and has been pining since the beginning of their friendship. Anyway, he’s got all these conflicting emotions about what’s happening. Obviously they’re all mad, him included, but most of all he just misses sun. And his absence is noticeable. Who’s there to rally them into doing dumb shit anymore?
The worst part is that they can’t contact him, because the CCT network is down. But can you imagine, the day that sun finally showed up again in his contacts once he went back to haven? God.
So once they’re reunited, neptune clings to him. He doesn’t want to lose him for a third time, and he also wants to make up for lost time, and also he wants to be able to pretend like none of it ever happened, that they can go back to their normal routine now that he’s back. That’s what they did last time, right? And between sage and scarlet not wanting anything to do with sun, neptune trying so hard to pretend things are how they’ve “always” been, and sun wanting to just get on with it all without putting in any of the emotional work to reconcile with his team, nothing is getting done.
I have my own version of events that goes down after that because before the dawn is my playground that I can do whatever I want with, but basically what needs to happen is that neptune needs to basically get a life outside of his team. And honestly the reinitiation was the perfect way of doing that. I have him bond with team BYRN(especially Rae, wink wink nudge at my followers who’ve seen me talk about her before). And being around new people helps boost his self-confidence, and then he’s ready for a romantic relationship with sun.
Sun though? Just needs someone to put him in his place and wake him the fuck up. And blake did give this to him, at the start of before the dawn he’s leaps and bounds better than he was in volume 4. But there’s still more work he needs to put in. He needs to actually commit to his team, so btd is about that.
Basically, sun fucks up, and both of them need to put in the effort to make their relationship work. Mostly though, it’s about the pining. You cannot even begin to imagine the pining. Surprisingly I didn’t tallk about it much during these several paragraphs, but that’s because it can really be summed up in one sentence llksdjfdlksfj. Also as a subset of that, JEALOUS NEPTUNE good god
Him and yang sorry for anyone who ships them but she just finds him so fucking annoying god bless good for her
Random headcanon
Buddy...... buddy. You have no idea. There is one in particular that i’ll tallk about though: him and pyrrha used to be friends at Sanctum.
Not best friends. Not even close friends. But they were the only friend the other had. They were the loners that sat at the same lunch table and did group projects together, but didn’t hang out or know each other that well. But they were in this situation for opposite reasons. With pyrrha, it’s the same as when she’s at beacon: everyone sees pyrrha nikos the champion fighter, the celebrity, someone they shouldn’t talk to, or get to know. She was isolated from everyone. With neptune.... well, he canonically has “about the presence of a chair.” And one of my biggest headcanons for him is that before he met the rest of team sssn, he didn’t put effort into trying to look “cool,” he was just a nerd. So yeah, no one really noticed him either.
So him and pyrrha only really had each other, and even then it wasn’t that deep of a friendship. They were both academic, though; like, invested in their studies and stuff, so I think that commonality did make them more comfortable with each other. And maybe near their graduation, pyrrha invited neptune to study with her, but then they went off to different academies and never got any closer than that. Maybe neptune started crushing on pyrrha, but again nothing would have come of it and he would’ve just tried to hide it.
Actually, now that I think about it, I bet they danced with each other at school dances, very awkwardly of course. Pyrrha would ask him once the dance had started and they had been standing there a while bc he was the only one she was comfortable with. Hmmmm actually writing this made me even more invested in these two than I was ten minutes ago. Welp. And they’re not a ship for me, but brotp doesn’t really fit either, I just think they were really important to each other at that point in their lives.
Unpopular opinion
Ok so this is complicated. I guess my unpopular opinion is “he actually has the possibility to have so much fucking depth if the writers could just SEE it” *loses my mind*
Song I associate with them
The song from that album is Ewing
But uh lskdjflkdfjd I have a (more or less) carefully cultivated neptune playist and I could show you everything here individually, and explain exactly why it’s on there, but I won’t. I will say though, Drops of Jupiter by Train perfecty captures the seamonkeys feel, although Sleepless Nights by ayokay has been THE seamonkeys/neptune song for me for over a year now so nothing can take its place. Here’s the full playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2ZulwB4hWIdZ3LxxQ5QuvQ?si=-XiW2VUeRVacrMs23vYlnw
There’s everything ranging from serious songs(i wanna get better) to joke songs(santa baby) to otter pop which is on there because of ottertune(if you remember ottertune you’re entitled to a rwby senior discount)
Favorite picture of them
So fucking many but here take this yes it is my current pfp
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