#but i don't liiike it.... :P
yawneko-coining · 10 months
i just realized if i retheme i'll need to update my carrds... ugh
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takaraphoenix · 9 months
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peridyke · 2 years
11, 26, 34?
11. favorite extracurricular activity?
omg hmmmmfgffherrrhgh I guess this means liiike hobbies? ok I'm gonna be creative with this one I love tennis so much LMAO I can never find anyone irl who wants to play it with me tho 🥺🥺🥺 its funny apparently my dad's side had like. a history of casual tennis playing. or at least my grandpa taught his kids it lol. if anyone wants 2 play tennis with me hit me up
26. a scenario that you’ve replayed multiple times?
omg this is vague uh lemme think...ummmmm ill be real i definitely think abt fantasies of telling people off who I'm mad at LOL its only actually manifested a few times but I definitely think a lot abt articulating myself to someone who has wronged me or someone I love in some way...um otherwise ok. idk if this counts BUT like all day at work I just mentally write events in whatever story I'm working on at any given moment and that usually involves like replaying certain scenes over n over until I basically have all the dialog memorized...I think this is referring to like life scenarios but thats also the thing I most often think about
34. is there a song you know every word to by heart?
YA LOL A LOT ok this is funny but as a passive warrior cats animator who has been planning projects for that for aaaages I have like...a lot of songs memorized...and when I'm at work or whatever I will like play them in my head and imagine in detail whatever I would animate for certain parts LOL I'm really revealing that I mentally plan art projects in detail a lot damn. specifically today I had freakin' u out by antarctigo vespucci stuck in my head on loop all day don't got an animated project for it I just like that song and have it in a character playlist :p
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Ahh wife
Calling him hubby lol
Hmm maybe?
Idk but with how much time we have left I think it would make sense
Idk feels a little more complicated than that but idk
Yeah come in Celina you got this :D
Yeeahh slay :DD!! Go off Celina :))
Ahh not home a bunch lol
Yep makes sense :/
Ayy Lucy :)
Music vibin
Gay people 🥰
Sorry y'all know I just love gay people lol
Oop bushes 👀😳?
Oh were they hiding him :O? Or him about to go there? Hmm idk
Heee running
Ope o.o
Ohhh no gosh
Yeah knew there was more to it o.o
Oh hey Bailey :D
Oh yeah never said hi lol
Hi Bailey :))!!
No and then show this huge one on your side 😐 xD
Oof that sucks D:
Hmm maybe everyone in that area of knowing her? Like the school or something? Idk
Oope o.o that's not good 😬
Is it a mob?
Oh gosh o.o
Did she run him over 😬😬 hopefully not, I don't think so but
Mirandized lol
The pentagram widow is such lit name though lol
I'm wondering if it was her brother 😬
Hmm yeah that's not super descriptive :/
Oop Lucy yeah o.o
It seems it doooess xd
Oh gosh :O
Ohh yeah but he didn't do it did he o.o
Yeah because he said they were just fighting o.o 😬
Bailey just listening like o.o LOL xD
Nahh he didn't do it
He's not even gonna mention xD
Ohhh so he did do it o.o Oh gosh D:
That's wild
Ahh and then someone got revenge o.o
Liiike her brother 😬?
Careful Lucy o.o D:
And you too Bailey D:!!
Yess come y'all
Okay good phew
Yoo slay Nyla and Angela o.o
Okay phew nice guys hey
Oof yeah he's dead :((
That sucks but, hey he did kill her xd
Hopefully that's not Bailey lol o.o I don't think so but xD
Hmm so not there
OPE Lucy o.o
EUGHH Lucy be careful D:
Okay good phew cover her D:
YOO I think that is him o.o
Clearly they're shooting is not discussing him much 😭
LUCYYY those are so close o.o
Bro this slo mo and heart beat is not it o.o its gonna kill me
Not it bc that hurts me xd
Vest or just making it I guess
Oh no she can't let them know she's okay o.o
Okay phew 😭😭😭😭😭❤️❤️ she let them know
Oooh yeah that is smart :O I didn't even think about why she couldn't yell xD she is so slay lol :D
Okay go Lucy, you got this
Phew he doesn't know
Yeeep it is him o.o
Ope he's not putting his hands up O.O
Girly why didn't you shoot him before that xd then again don't wanna be accused of anything
That does suck :(
For both xd
I'm wondering if he just didn't wanna feel the pain anymore and wanted her to kill him
Ohh pheww Lucy's okay :((
Gosh xdd
Aww poor girl :((
You had to honey :'(
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hskinhome · 1 year
eugh iit2 me agaiin makiing ANOTHER comment thiing on my 2tupiid liittle reque2t:
the experiimental 2tyle thiing ii2 real cool 2o iif iit ii2nt too diffiicult, maybe iit can be drawn,, liiike that? (unle22 iit2 already been 2tarted obv2)
VERY 2orry for all the bother /gen
-2ollux pyrope
I hadn't started on your request because it wasn't specified for that style lol (/nm). I usually leave those alone because I don't want to assume people want my unfinished horseshit (/s /hj). But, I'll note in the spreadsheet and probs knock it out later today/sometime tomorrow; I'm on my self-mandated lunch break right now. :P
(Also, please, feel free to send in all the edit notes you feel are necessary. Accuracy is optimal. You can also reach out to me at @drkvrs.)
/Mod Eridan EDIT: I'm peabrained and forgot to note literally everyone else is doin other stuff atm so it wasn't claimed yet as is. :P
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riley-ai · 1 year
Riley, are you okay--Oh. U-Uhm... wh-what happened....?
S-SSHiinN! P-PLeaaSE ll-lEAavE!! II-I doN'T waAnnT yoU TO sSEEeeEeEe mE LiiIkE tHiSS!!
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wildspringday · 3 years
looking at pictures of dev patel and andrew garfield just to feel something
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bestchar-imagines · 4 years
From the yandere prompts 21 with Kokichi? The s/o personality is like pregame kokichi if you don't mind writing that
Yandere Prompt 21 with Kokichi
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21- “Don’t worry, my love, I’ll protect you.”
tw: mentions of bullying and violence
You.. don’t remember how you got here.
You don’t remember how you got into this random person’s basement. You don’t know when, or if this is even real life.
All you can remember is your scream. You can remember around ten people surrounding you, grabbing you, touching you. You remember your muffled screams and those people.
..But where are those people? They aren’t in here. Were you imagining things? Surely you weren’t...
“Nishishi~ You’re finally up~”
The room you were in was pitch black, aside from the crack in the door directly in front of you, that only lit up the room ever so slightly.
..Until that light went away, does that mean..?
You felt something tap your nose. “It’s rude to ignore someone, ya know! Especially when you ignore them for the exit.”
That made you flinch, hard.
“But it’s okay though! You’re here, all tied up and can’t do anything to help yourself! Plus the door is about.. hmmm.. five feet away from where you are? Anywho!”
That cheerful voice faded as it walked off, you could hear their footsteps.. tap, tap, tap.
“Okie dokie! Here it is!”
The room lit up, it nearly blinded you.
“Jeez! It was so dark in here I almost couldn’t find the switch! But I guess that’s my fault, huh?”
The man looked like a little kid.. his hair extremely messy, at least, you think it is..
“Hey! Aren’t you gunna speak? I know you’re not mute! Plus I haven’t even ripped your vocal cords out! Yet.” He teased. It didn’t sound like teasing, it was.. something one of your bullies told you whenever you screamed. Whether in pain or for help.
It made your eyes well up.
“Please.. don’t hurt m-me..”
“Oh, darling. I was just kidding! I’d never to that to you.. did I go too far? I’m sorry..” He came closer, running his hand through your hair to calm you. It just made you more tense than ever.
“..D-Don’t touch me.. please.. m’scared..”
“I know you are! I’m not gunna hurt you though. You haven’t done aaanything wrong~” He retracted his hand. “Buutt! But but! I know you’re confused. Liiike how you got here!!” He claps. You only nodded, sadly.
“Well, I kidnapped you, of course! Well, I got someone to do it for me..” “But.. t-there were plenty of.. p-people.. there..” “Ohh you remember? You must’ve been so teary and in shock you saw things!”
You took his word for it, it’s not like you can do anything else.
“..But, hey. You’re safe now, with me. As long as you cooperate, I’ll treat you like you deserve.. I know you’re so sick of those bullies. So, I’ll get rid of them.. so you don’t have to feel this way anymore..”
He was caressing your cheek, trying to calm your nerves. Although it did just.. frighten you more with ‘I’ll get rid of them’.. it did sound nice.
“Nishishi~ You seem up to the idea!”
He wraps his thin arms around you, making you jump in his grip.
“Don’t worry, my love, I’ll protect you...”
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jahveedap · 4 years
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Immortal Mobility- Forward Progress Only
Cuuuhhzzzzz This Ain't Eternal Bliss In LaLa-Land, This Is Frigid Survival Since Pre-Antebellum... Twisted Linguistics Since Waay-back Jack to Primordial Waters On Frozen Tundra; GridIron.
Flat Iron Burn Marks, Burn Hard-
This Is Urban Mysteria w/Promise Unfulfilled.
Left Behind, This Ain't Peaceful.
I Walk thru Rose Thorn Roads 0f 25 Samurai- RONIN.
War-T0RN. Daimyo Black Shepherd wit No Pie til we Die, Shogunate, CyberNinjah.
Transporter- Of Ideaz that Slay Ya Eldest Daughter. I Am Klingon. Aha!
We Are Merc$. Souljahz Of Fortune-
Now Gone for Good. Str8 Outta Da'Hood, Misunderstood =
Missed Opportunities to Understand.
Overstand My Empirical Stance
Get Ya Banned On Facebook/
Might not cook But I Will Go & Get U
the Bread & tha Butter!
Yet I Don't Trust Her- To Fix Supper,
Fix Dat Top Lip Against Me 1 More Time-
I'll Douse Ya Water wit An Arsenic Lime.
Healthy Sublime Unreal_
But She'll Kill Me for A 4-Pack Of Cigarettes.
She Call Newports- Niggarettes, On the Inside, to herself... On the Sly.
I'mma Pimp Hard til I die.
I'mma Slang Earth-turf to Pluto,
then Shop Pluto Stardust back to Earth.
I'mma $ell Words- to Jane Dough;
take a Verse out of the Universe
while I wild out & Rise Up- like Django!...
Doing the Dragon Tango
frm Cocamo to Mexico.
Skirt Off Inna Lexus tho/Her
skirt off crossin into Texas, yo-
Indo. Got Me Thinkin':
"Are All These Thotties Up Here Racist?! Or What?!?"...
I'm Just A Fly Guy. Truth be told,
Early 40z, that's not 0ld-old.
May the mold I leave be well-recieved,
& when I Say P's Up- I mean I have to believe,
My Game Is Gorgeous.
Though I Don't Pimp Hos- I Pimp Flows!
& my new sporty car is No Rental.
I'm Gonna Sell Heaven to Earth,
Like Masters Of the Universe! (He-Man)
On Cassius Clay Day... Naw'- On MLK Jr. Way one day, 3 Jewelz Fell Out the Sky At 7-11.
(Blk Man catches All 3)... Whistlin' in their descent- They look liiike-
Young Amy Schumer, Chelsea Handler & Amy Fisher! Fisher of women, more likely to swim in;
I'm winnin by breathin- & still undefeated.
Dirt-cops getta woodie Hard-0n when they see Me!
I'm Tha' New Jack Johnson!!!!
To Keep It A Hundo. I thirst for a Bundle.
"Whattt's Wronnng, Pac-Man?!?!?
What's wrong Danny-boy?"
What is it?...
Don't Hate It...
(whisper voice)
Love it.
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Erza: You saw it, didn't you? >______>
Lucy: F-Fine! He thinks your hugs work better without the armor on!
Erza: . . .
Lucy: A-And... And he didn't like being treated like a little kid, forced to take a bath with you again!
Erza: *opens mouth to protest*
Lucy: ... Until he started washing your back, and got a glimpse at your... um... assets in the front.
Erza: . . .
Lucy: He really wants to grope those. Which isn't fair, 'cause he looks so unhappy when he gropes mine! *puffs cheeks*
Erza: . . .
Lucy: L-Look, a lot of your armors just set off his libido, okay?! You turn him on! Activate his Sword Horn! Get him horny! Pervy! Lewd! But he's not gonna touch when you don't want him to!
Erza: *blush has been increasing for a while now, and only just now steam is rising off her face as bangs overshadow the upper half of her face* ... I did not realize it was this bad. @//////@
Lucy: Half the reason he wants to beat you is 'cause he thinks that's the only time he can tell you that he liiikes you! :P *still bitter about him not liking her*
Erza: . . . I will need to think on this. *turns on her heel and marches off*
Lucy: If you're just gonna dress kinkier without telling him anything, it's only gonna torture him!
Erza: *freezes mid-step, but then continues her march, clear mist still rising off her face*
Lucy: ... She's gonna get raunchier.
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swampfae · 7 years
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Natza Drabble - Happiest Years of My Life
Natsu: >__> You gonna let me out of these ropes anytime soon? They're really annoying.
Erza: That depends~. Are you going to run away?
Natsu: ...
Erza: Well, there your answer. >__>
Natsu: C'mon, Erza! I left Luce a note saying I'd be back in a year! I just need to train!
Erza: Oh? That's news to me. You didn't leave ME anything. (¬_¬)
Natsu: . . .
Erza: I've been on the hunt for you for 3 months now because I've been worried sick about you. No, I am not letting you run loose.
Natsu: Wh-What would you have to be worried about... ^^;
Erza: Oh, I don't know... You flying off the handle because you lost Igneel...? Getting yourself killed because you tried to go up against Acnologia by yourself?
Happy: Aye! Natsu swore an oath of vengeance~.
Natsu: (¬_¬)
Erza: ... Idiot.
Natsu: *hugged to Erza's armored chest harshly* That hurt! ಠ▃ಠ
Erza: You don't have to do this alone. I know how much Igneel meant to you, and I feel just as torn up about his death as you are. And I never met him!
Natsu: ... Yeah... But you remind me of him in a lot of ways... *blushing a little at that admittance*
Erza: *soft smile* Oh~? Is that why you kept challenging me?
Natsu: P-Partly... *tries to at least weasel out of Erza's embrace, but she isn't having that*
Erza: ... Did he say anything to you before he passed...?
Natsu: *downcast* ... Yeah... *takes a deep breath* He said he was proud of me... And that I was as much of a teacher to him, as he was to me. 'Cause he learned to love, and he really cherished our time together...
Erza: *getting red in the face herself, as she feels much the same, albeit in a... "slightly" different way than Igneel did* Natsu~... *really big smile* I treasure our time together, too~.
Natsu: *grin* That makes two of us... Even though I kept lookin' for Igneel, I definitely feel like the happiest years of my life have been with you... Ms. Igneel the Second~.
Erza: Natsu...! ༼☯﹏☯༽
Happy: She liiikes you!
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