#but i feel insane whenever i do lol y’all i dug deep for this one and only paraphrased it 😭😭😭😭
akkivee · 2 years
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so the imagery on kuukou’s nb sukajan!!!!!!
these lotus mandalas of course represent enlightenment, but in this specific instance, i believe they are in reference to the the ‘mandalas of the two realms.’ these realms, the diamond and womb realms, come together to basically teach wisdom and and the principles of buddhism. within these realms reside deities and the sanskrit in the mandalas represents a deity in those realms!!!!!
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the character that looks like a ‘b’ represents ‘kujaku myoo’ a female wisdom king residing in the diamond realm!!! she is associated with the peacock, which eats insects (like we’ve seen kuukou do in arb lol) so she’s worshipped for removing suffering and misfortunes from others. the other character represents the deity ‘dakiniten,’ another female deity residing in the womb realm!!! she’s one of the handful of gods carried over from indian mythology into buddhism known for protection and blessings.
combining these together, kuukou’s sukajan likely symbolises protection from suffering and misfortunes, as we’ve seen him do a handful of times in canon!!!!
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jae-daddy · 4 years
magic (7)
Draco Malfoy fanfic 
one / two / three / four / five  / six /
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pairing: Draco x reader genre: shifting realities, romances  plot: you were shifting realities for the lols, but ended up in harry potter universe with Draco Malfoy as your companion  a/n: long time, but hope y’all enjoy this <333 
The sharp branches cut your skin, the rocks painfully dug into your feet, but you kept ongoing.
The silence of the damp dark forest grew louder in the darkness of the endless shadows. Your heartbeat in your ears, your lungs burned from running too long, your legs beginning cramp.
But you weren’t stopping.
You didn’t stop no matter how much it hurt. Because deep in your heart that shivered with the fear, you knew if you slowed down, or stopped, you would get caught by the thing chasing you. You didn’t know what it was, you couldn’t remember exactly what had frightened you so much that you wouldn’t stop running even when as you throat began bleeding from dryness.
You could feel the coldness closing in around you. It licked your ankles, teasing you as your fear rose.
“No.” You begged in your mind, desperate. The words slowly falling onto you your lips, “No. No. No.
“No, please, not like this.”
You rose in your bed just as Draco entered the dark dorm room. His piercing light eyes met yours in confusion, and then with a flick of a finger, the fireplace lulled to life.
“Naptime, muggle?” Draco scuffed walking in, clearly still displeased with you getting him detention with Granger.
“It’s the only thing I can do apparently,” you shrugged as you got out of the bed. You wondered if you should tell Draco about the dream.
But it was just a dream. A dream you’ve been having for many nights now.
But, nonetheless, it was just a dream.
“What are you doing here?” You clicked your tongue at Draco as he settled on the armchair loosening his tie and throwing his head back.
Images flashed through your mind. Your mouth on his pale skin, your tongue tasting his skin. Your fingers loosening the tie, slowly opening his white shirt and letting him take over your mind.
Draco’s lips curled into a smile, before he snorted, “I can feel you ogling me, muggle.”
“You wish,” you tore your eyes away, as your cheeks flamed red. You kept your eyes cast on the wall as you hid your hands in the holes of the sweater you had borrowed from Draco’s closet, “Shouldn’t you be at detention?”
Draco snorted as slid backwards over the arm of the armchair, his legs hanging over the edge as he sighed, “Taking a rest before I get tortured, thanks to you.”
“Fine,” you frowned looking at him, but he kept his icy blue eyes on the ceiling, “if it’s so terrible, I’ll come along and suffer with you.”
Draco looked back to you, a knowing smile spreading onto his lips, “Be my guest muggle.”
“Enjoying yourself, muggle?” Draco sneered over his shoulders, peeking back to find you struggling on the uneven surface.
You gasped almost tripping over an overgrown root but catching yourself before you fell onto the dirt. “I really thought you guys would have detention like normal people, or I don’t know, at least together.”
“Don’t think, muggle,” Draco replied, as he stepped over a large root, and then watching you as you followed him. Once you were over he continued walking, “Whenever you think of something, it never works out.”
“That’s not true,” you frowned.
“Well, you thought of helping me suffer through this detention, yet all you have offered is your company,” his blue eyes twinkled with humour as he checked back at you with a smile, “which is quite honestly making this whole thing less bearable and more torturous.”
You glared at his back, not being able to find a good comeback. However, the answer dissipated as a small smile started on your lips. Your eyes followed his robe elegantly falling over his shoulders as he walked through the enchanted forests. The buckets in his hands wobbled overwhelmingly at tricky steps making some of the bile brown water to splash onto his black material.
Draco hissed as another splattered wet his robe before he turned around to face you, “This could all have been avoided if you had just listened.”
“Listened?” You chortled, as you stopped in your tracks and stared at him glaring at you. The smile gone from your lips, “I should have listened? No, this wouldn’t be happening if you had just agreed, or at least tried to talk to me about it. You really left me with no choice.”
“No choice?” He snorted darkly, his tongue poking the corner of his rosy lips in frustration. His piercing blue eyes turned back to you, the intensity causing butterflies in your tummy.
You held onto every bit of self-control you had to stop yourself from looking away from his gaze.
“If I’m not mistaken it was you who made me blurt out in class to Professor Hambridge that cost us this bloody detention in the first place. I was given no stupid choice; it was you who made the decision.”
“Right, blame the muggle.”
You strutted past him, bumping your shoulder against him. You smiled wickedly as you heard him grumble as a new wave of the potent liquid fell onto his robe.
You heard him sigh after a moment, and began following you. Draco caught up next to you, taking the lead once again. Once he arrived at the pond, he placed the buckets down, lifting one up to empty it.
You grabbed the other splashing the water out of the bucket and into the pond following Draco who was doing the same. A smile sprung on your lips as you took in his light blonde hair flopping against his forehead freely, and a foul frown etched onto his lips.
“Disgusting,” he grunted as he jerked his hand, trying to rid whatever imaginary droplets had remained onto his long elegant hands. His gaze flickered towards you before it settled on you with a confused frown on his lips.
“Why are you smiling like that?”
“Like what?” You shrugged, looking away from him and onto the pond swarming with brown unknowns, your face void of any emotions.
“The way that you were,” his blue eyes narrowed, as he took a dangerous step towards you. You couldn’t help but look back up meeting his questioning stare. “What are you thinking of, muggle?”
You swallowed nervously as you looked away from him and his icy blue eyes that pulled you in closer.
“Your hair,” you kept your eyes averted, but you could feel your cheeks flame under his gaze as it remained on you. “It looks nice like that.”
Draco stopped in his tracks, his eyes widening before he quickly looked away too. Your eyes flickered between him and the gloomy forest that was suddenly filled with sunshine.
You bit your lip to stop yourself from smiling like an idiot when you noticed the rosy blush on Draco’s cheeks.
“Whatever,” you muttered, turning on your heels. The empty bucket swung around with you as you marched into the tree line. You kept walking speedily, trying to outrun your racing heart.
You were an absolute idiot flirting with Draco Malfoy.
It was different when you were trying to shift realities and meet Draco. That Draco Malfoy would be whoever you wanted him to be. He would’ve been spicy, but he wouldn’t be the muggle-hating Draco Malfoy who stood by the murky pond right now.
He wouldn’t have hated your existence, and your survival wouldn’t have depended on him either.
This was not okay, you can’t flirt with Draco Malfoy. It didn’t matter how insanely beautiful he was, or how much he made your heart skip a beat, you will not. You could not risk it.
Not unless he tried something, but that was near impossible.
You were so lost in your thought that you didn’t realise where you were walking.
“You stupid muggle!” Draco caught up next to you, his hand on your shoulder stopping you in your tracks. Your skin burnt even through the thick layers of Draco’s autumn clothes you had piled on. Draco’s face pulled into a sneer as he gritted through his teeth, “You are going the wrong way.”
“Oh, sorry,” was all you could mutter, as you looked away from his eyes.
Draco didn’t say anything, taken aback by how easily you gave in.
“This way,” he looked at you sceptically, leading you towards another direction.
You followed Draco through the dark and gloomy forest. Your eyes flickering between the uneven ground, and his soft light hair that remained perfect even through the trek.
“What is the future like, muggle?” Draco asked, after a while, his eyes looking straight ahead.
You bit your lip thinking about it for a moment, before saying, “Muggles have magic.”
Draco’s wide eyes turned to you in shock, making you laugh.
You threw your head back, the laughter bubbling out of your chest as your voice loudly echoed through the dense forest.
Laughter flowed out of you so easily, that it made your heart sink. You realised how long it had been since you had last laughed so freely. You wiped away the tears from the laughter and hint of sadness and pushed down the feeling that was trying to creep out from where you had hidden it.
Right now wasn’t the time.
Draco watched you for a few moments, his lips in a tight line but his eyes soft. He cleared his throat and looked forward once again, continuing down the path. He spat out the question, “Magic and muggles?”
“Well, it’s technically not magic magic,” you followed him, your eyes wandering through the thick trees. “It’s magic achieved through technology.”
“Technology?” Draco sneered, peering back at you, annoyed. “That already exists.”
“Yes, but there is a lot of advancements,” you replied. “We have moving pictures too! But you need a laptop or a phone or something digital to see it in.”
“A laptop or phone?” Draco murmured, confused. Before offering, “A telephone?”
“Yes, a portable telephone,” you caught yourself, almost tripping over a fallen branch. “Do computers exist right now?”
“You are meant to be the muggle,” Draco sighed, but nodded nonetheless.
“I have bad memory,” you pouted slightly, before continuing, “A laptop is a portable computer that fits onto your lap-”
“Hence the name,” Draco nodded. “Makes sense.”
You chuckled, nodding, “And a phone is a telephone and a computer in one, and fits into your palm.”
Draco looks back over his shoulder, staring at you blankly. He slowly blinked and looked away, nodding, “That is quite impressive... for muggles.”
“I mean, there are really bad things going on too,” you softly continued. “While the good is good, the bad is really bad, and there’s too much bad in the world.”
“The people, the society,” you sighed. When Draco didn’t say anything you continued, carefully. “You know, how the magic world has purebloods and mudbloods and muggles, and all that bad, stupid and senseless stuff, we have that too. But it’s race instead.”
“Depending on the skin colour, the ethnic features of a person defines how they are treated,” you explained shrugging.  
“We’ve learnt about this in muggle studies,” Draco turned and looked at you. After a moment he whispered, “I’m sorry.”
You felt the breath kick out of you, as you looked away from him.
“It is all senseless stupidity,” Draco said, still looking at you. You nodded, keeping your eyes low.
And then you finally lifted them to meet his icy eyes, glowing with the warmth. You bit your nails into your palm to stop yourself, but you couldn’t help yourself, “Then why do you do it?”
The softness in Draco’s eyes instantly vanished as darkness swirled in them. His jaw locked and fists clenched by his side.
“The divide between Purebloods and Mudbloods is nothing but labels. It literally means nothing, it’s nothing but hate and pointless childish tantrums. It’s exactly what muggles are doing, it’s no better.”
Draco didn’t say anything for a long moment. His throat bobbing, as he swallowed nervously, before meeting your eyes, “You have no idea what you are talking about.”
“Whatever it is, Draco,” you took a step towards him, your voice desperate. “It can’t be --”
“That is enough for today,” Draco turned, his voice cold again. There was no curiosity or lightness in his voice. You sighed and followed him down the forest that looked the same to you no matter which way you turned.
Your eyes travelled up towards the sky as you took a deep breath to calm yourself. You reminded yourself that maybe not now, but you need to have this conversation with Draco.
However, your thoughts changed into confusion when you saw something move along the treetops. Your eyes narrowed to watch more carefully; your heart and feet stopping once you realise what it was.
“Draco,” you rasped, not looking away from the branches that were slithering. “Is this the right way?”
“I am certain I know this forest better than you, muggle,” Draco spat, his tongue sharp, but the easiness slowly returning. When you didn’t reply, he looked over his shoulder to you.
He turned around as he let out a tired sigh, “What’s the hold-up? Spot a good place for a little tea, princess?”
You kept looking above noticing the slithering of the branches increase. You felt your tummy drop as you croaked out through a whispered cry, “Draco, look up.”
Draco groaned, muttering something under his breath, but whatever it was, it died immediately.
“Do not move,” he whispered under his breath, “Do not speak or breath. Do not make the slightest noise.”
You just nodded, your sweaty palms holding onto the empty bucket tightly.
“Now, walk over to me, carefully,” Draco told you. Your frightened eyes finally moving away from the creatures above to his alarmed cold eyes.
You tried moving but your knees felt made out of rubber and your feet cemented to the floor. Your heart shook in your chest and lips bit with fear.
Draco’s sharp eyes softened as he slowly lifted a hand towards you, “It’s okay, there is no need to be afraid. They won’t hurt you.”
You held his gaze, as golden swirled in your chest.
You wouldn’t get hurt, not because those slithering creatures won’t hurt you. No, you won’t get hurt because Draco Malfoy won’t let them hurt you.
There was no need to be scared. It’ll be okay.
You took a deep breath in, holding it as you took silent steps towards him and his outreached hands. You lifted your shaking hand, your eyes not leaving his piercing blue ones, watching you, waiting for you as you walked towards him.
You placed your shivering hand in his cold ones. The breath you were holding in slipping out of you, as you took a step closer towards him. His cold fingers wrapped around yours, his eyes watching yours for a moment longer, before he turned away slowly.
His hands tightened as he led you out of the forest.
You followed him in a daze. You no longer noticed the branches that slithered as you walked past them. Even when glowing eyes blinked open and followed you, you weren’t scared.
Electricity danced through your veins, as his cold hands gave you the warmth of a summer afternoon. You watched his broad shoulders, the robe that elegantly draped across them. The paleness of his neck, and the snow-kissed strands of his hair that tickled the nape of his neck.
You let him take you away.
You trusted him.
You observed from Draco’s side as you walked towards Hermione Granger. You watched as she physically tensed up, spotting the boy who looked like winter walk towards her. Her big eyes concentrated on Draco as he strolled closer to her.
She wasn’t paying attention to whatever the student standing in front of her was saying; all her attention was on Draco.
Your eyes flickered to Draco, his face cold and sneering as always. But he didn’t have that cocky smirk or smile that he normally adorned before he began relishing the torture of his peers.
“What do you want, Malfoy?” Hermione spat before Draco even reached her.
Draco snorted, reaching back into his robe and pulling out an old-looking book. He held it out to her, a mocking smile on his face but his words kind, “Here. The library said you wanted to have a read. You have three days before I want it back.”
Hermione stared at him, her brown eyes round with shock before narrowing with suspicion, “Whatever prank you are trying to pull, it won’t work, Draco.”
Draco rolled his eyes, a corner of his lips lifting with darkened humour before he threw the book at her. Hermione caught it before the hardcover could collide against her nose. She gasped in surprise and anger as she glared at Draco who stared at her with a cold smile, “Three days, mudblood.”
Before she could say anything, Draco already began walking away. His hands tucked into his black trousers under his robes. You followed hot on his trails, his eyes meeting yours for a moment as he rose his eyebrows, excited.
“I don’t think calling her mudblood has the desired effect that we want to achieve, Draco,” you clicked your tongue at him as he led you through the shortcuts to the Slytherin dorms.
“I don’t think there’s anything else I could call her,” Draco spat back, his tongue dripping with distaste. “What would I even call her if not that?”
“Hermione? Granger? Bro?” You offered.
“Bro?” Draco frowned, confused, “That sounds crass.”
“Right, cause mudblood is honourable,” you retorted, entering Draco’s room. You made a beeline towards the bed, collapsing onto it letting out a guttural sigh. “I am so exhausted.”
“And who’s fault is it that we got detention?” Draco asked as he discarded his robe.
“Well, technically it was you who got detention.” You called out as you stared at the ceiling your arms and leg spread open.
Draco just snorted in reply, before disappearing into the bathroom. When he came back out, you turned to lay on your tummy watching him as he dried his hair with a white towel.
Your cheeks heated as you gulped nervously.
Draco Malfoy was a sight to behold in his everyday polished black suits and black robes, hair done to perfection. But nothing could compare to the white-blonde haired devil standing in front of you at the foot of the bed, looking down at you. A hand rubbing his white strands with his long fingers, the first few buttons of his black pyjama set opened revealing his pale skin.
You wanted to reach up and unbutton it more.
Your cheeks flushed more as you thought of the things you wanted to do to Draco Malfoy. While being friends with Draco was one the main object of trying to shift realities, you had realised that getting railed by him would not be a such a bad added benefit.
Indecent images raced through your mind. His long fingers tangled in your hand, pushing your head down as he groaned. His cold rings digging into your neck, cutting out your breath as he chocked you and spat in your mouth.
Oh lord.
“I’m going shower,” you rose up at once. You didn’t look back at Draco as you walked into the bathroom, discarding your clothes instantly and walking into the cold shower, yanking it to the heat from hell.
You walked out calmer. Your hair rolled up in the towel on the top of your head, and you straightened Draco’s plain black shirt as you walked out.
“Don’t you have any t-shirts?” You groaned, fidgeting with a button, as you groaned into the armchair opposite Draco. When he didn't reply, you lifted your gaze to find him with a book in his hands.
A different book, but same subject, “Do you have a paper on consciousness?”
Draco didn’t say anything, he just sighed and put the book down. He lifted up the basket bringing out tonight’s dinner.
You shot him a sweet smile grabbing your plate from him.
Draco only sneered at disgust, but didn’t comment and settled into his chair and began eating.
You watched him for a moment. It was quite surreal seeing Draco Malfoy; the Slytherin Prince, sitting in an armchair, eating dinner awkwardly from his lap. You felt your heart swell as he took a gruff bite of his bread, frowning as he struggled to balance the plate.
Draco could easily eat in the dining hall with everyone else, like a normal person on a table. But instead, since the first day you had arrived, Draco would always eat with you in his room. You couldn’t deny, even though he struggled, he had improved a lot at eating so unmanneredly.
“This is uncivilised,” he sneered as he took a sip of his wine. You bit your tongue to stop yourself from saying something that might ruin this moment.
“I think the food is delicious,” you gave him a cheeky smile, making him roll his eyes at you.
“So what,” Draco rose a perfect eyebrow as he placed his plate onto the table. “All we can do is wait for that mudblood to join us?”
The fireplace crackled, the shadows of the flame falling over you both as you snuggled into your armchair with your dinner plate.
“Us?” You rose your eyebrows mockingly, making him roll his eyes as he slumped into his seat. “There are other things we need. For instance, Luna and Neville.”
“Are any of your required things not students I loathe?” Draco sighed, rubbing his forehead in annoyance.
“Oh, and Fred and George too.”
“Merlin, muggle,” Draco groaned. “Not the Weasleys.”
“They’re the only ones!” You defended, putting the plate down. Draco flicked his finger with a ring, and it disappeared instantly. “You like Fred and George.”
“Yes, far away from me,” he replied instantly.
“Okay, fine,” you folded your arms, as gave him a smug look. “You name a group of people who you know you can trust completely and would help us.”
“Well, Pansy and Blaze, for starters.” He stammered, his eyes widened in a slight panic as he tried to come up with more names. Once he couldn’t think of any more, he groaned once again, sighing a frustrated, “Fine.”
“Fine,” you shrugged, “they can join us too, but are you sure you can trust them?”
You wished instantly you could take those words back, as soon as they left you. You watched Draco flinch, as the looseness in his body from the afternoon, tightened instantly as he straightened up.
His piercing eyes met yours, burning you with its coldness.
“Can’t trust us, muggle?” Draco spat, his voice low with distaste. “Scared we’ll go running off to our Death Eater parents and ruin your little plan?”
“Draco,” you whispered, your voice barely above a breath. Your hands wanted to reach for him, to hold his hand and take him away from the darkness that began to shadow him. “I didn’t mean it like that-”
“It doesn’t matter,” he cut you off, your gaze following him as he got up from his seat. He leaned in closer to you, his warm breath kissing your forehead, as the smell of green overcame your senses. His eyes burned so darkly, your heart sunk low, “It will never matter what you think.
“Never forget what you are, y/n,” your heart stopped as he said your name. He didn't ever say it after the first night you showed up in his room. But now that he did, he said it with so much bitterness and hatred it pierced through your heart painfully, “You are a muggle.
“You are nothing.”
His fingers curled around the edges of the armchair, as he leaned over you. His face a few inches away from yours. His rosy lips curled into a cruel sneer, his tongue sharp and dripping with venom.
Your eyes burned with tears as you stared into his sharp eyes shining with the bitter victory. His lips turning into a sinister smile, as he took into your frowning lips. He enjoyed seeing you hurt, he enjoyed seeing you affected by his poisonous words.
You tore your gaze away from him, looking at the fireplace instead.
Draco remained for a beat more, before chuckling darkly and moving away.
He walked away from you and into his closet, returning with a coat on. He didn't have to say it, you could tell he was not returning back to the dorm tonight.
“I trust you,” you spoke softly. Draco halted in his steps, not moving. He didn’t look back at you. He didn’t say anything, he just remained still. You studied his back, as it got rigid with every passing second. “I trust you, Draco Malfoy, with my life.”
Draco didn’t say anything. He remained still for a few more moments, and then his blonde hair disappeared behind the heavy dark wood doors.
And then a few moments later, a piece of chocolate cake and hot chocolate appeared.
You bit your back, trying to hold back the tears, but you couldn’t stop them. You curled into your seat, crying as you watched the hot chocolatey beverage and the delicious piece of chocolate cake.
Prick, you thought, as you took a bite of the cake.
And you could swear you heard the faintest chuckle in your head, but you brushed it off as imagination.
not edited
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