#but i genuinely thought up until this moment that i hadn't actually seen this episode
blueorange123 · 3 months
Reaction Post to Skittle Steve's Creation And First Time Meeting People
https://youtu.be/bdGhIEXW03E?si=U9IXw3PMlbmH0cuK (I know the whole story of The Steve Saga, but haven't even gotten close to seeing all of Origins, so I'm gonna watch this in timeline order.)
This reaction post format is inspired by @illusion-reality-steve, go read Stress's posts if you like The Steve Saga.
Hm, so Rainbow Steve is basically a last resort. Maybe even an act of desperation. Interesting.
So, Rainbow was created in this place, I don't see any hoppers or anything. Doesn't really look like a machine.
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This part looks like a meeting room, and for some reason Rainbow Steve's "storage tank" leads right into it? Odd.
He apparently doesn't know what a table is? I mean I guess he has an excuse, having just obtained consciousness, but he knows what paintings are though?
He really does not like thunder, to be fair though, it is an indication of power here, so I guess that makes sense.
"Wait a second, who am I?", wasn't expecting that, he must have so many questions. "Why don't I remember anything? [...] I don't even know my name." Yep, here comes the emotional damage.
Interesting that Rainbow Steve expects someone else to be there, perhaps this ties into memories of the Elders that created him. Could he hold their memories, deep, deep down?
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So, like, do steves... bleed or is this redstone? We see so little of this place it's hard to tell.
Rainbow Steve is out here avoiding that hallway and his problems like Neo from The Matrix. Also, yep, no redstone up here, how in the world did the Elders create this steve?
Not even RBS knows what the stuff on the floor is.
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Okay, no, seriously, what is is this place? It's just on the side of a mountain.
Welp, guess he's RIPbow Steve now. (Also, he had so much time to avoid that.)
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Wow, sure is convenient that Green was casually strolling through the area.
Rainbow Steve just casually starts catastrophizing, lol.
Ha, he tries to be intimidating, scares Green and immediately goes back on that idea. He's too nice /pos.
Rainbow seemed to have forgotten that he's only been one other place when he said he didn't recognize Green's house.
Nature rectangle man lives in a big ol' tree. That's genuinely pretty cool.
Ah, a Tree of Life, just like the Rainbow Tree of Life, but seemingly much smaller and made of actual wood. Wonder if we'll learn more about these.
That moment when Rainbow Steve is born knowing what chimneys are, but not tables.
Is "The Steve Realm" implying there's realms for other beings or is it just the overworld and then places like the Spirit Realm are the only others? I mean Sabre went through multiple servers before reaching the main one with Rainbow Steve.
And Rainbow Steve gets his name, ironically with the same thought process Sabre went through.
Rainbow Steve listed a bunch of possible steves, let's see what he got right:
Red Steve, yep
Blue Steve, yep, both part of the big 3.
Brown Steve, nope, would've been cool though.
Yellow Steve, yep
Purple Steve, yep
Orange Steve, not until the reboot buddy.
Red Steves just out here getting casually generalized as being aggressive.
The immediate realization Rainbow Steve has when saying Green can be a tree person is glorious.
He is here, if I hadn't already seen the first 4 episodes of this, I'd guess who "he" was (maybe I'd even think he was Reverse or Shadow), but since I have seen these first 4, I'll conclude the post here.
Have a nice day!
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stitching-in-time · 4 months
Voyager rewatch s2 ep15: Threshold
I hadn't watched this one the whole way through in a while, since that ending is definitely not one you ever forget once you've seen it. But I forced myself to do it, and, surprisingly, it actually had some good qualities I'd completely forgotten about amidst the whole lizard baby fandango.
The ending really overshadows the rest of the story, which was actually pretty good in general. For one thing, the idea of trying to break the barrier of infinite velocity to arrive home instantly is a cool concept. Considering all the weird stuff they tried over the course of the show, that's not any weirder, and it gave us fun science nerd buddy time with B'Elanna and Harry, plus bonus Tom! Tom rarely gets to do anything science-y, so it was nice that he got to here. This is the first time we see all three of them work together on a project too. They're a good team, and I enjoyed their dynamic a lot- obviously we'll see various permutations of the three of them hanging out together in future eps, but I like the working relationship they have here and think it would have been nice to have more of that. It's also the first time we see Tom and B'Elanna actually hang out together, and they seem to like each other pretty well already. It's obviously not part of a romance plan yet, since the writers were still stuck on the Tom and Kes thing in this one, but it's nice to see them forming a friendship here. (I was not a fan of the 'kiss me before I die, Kes!' nonsense- at least Tom was near delerious at that point, but still, ick.) And I'd forgotten that Tom actually died for a few hours in this one, or at least everyone thought he did. Tbh, the most unrealistic part of this episode was that they thought Tom died, and Harry didn't come to sick bay to cry at his bedside like a lost puppy. Come on, he absolutely would!
The first half of the story actually works just fine- they figure out a cool new way to try to get home, Tom wants to prove himself, so he flies the test flight- it works! They broke the warp barrier! It seems great, until something goes wrong- travelling at infinite velocity is actually dangerous, he's dying, how do we save him? That's actually solid, and if they'd have just left it at that, that would have been great. There were plenty of interesting themes to explore here- the thing you wanted to bring you glory ending up almost killing you instead; seeing all of the universe at once, but only being able to remember bits and pieces before it slips away- I mean, that's a pretty big deal! How would that affect him long term? How much of it is still buried in his mind, somewhere? (They missed an opportunity to use that somehow in a later episode tbh.) That's much juicier than 'what if going too fast turns you into a lizard?'
With more thoughtful writing, it could have been a really good episode. We do get some genuinely sympathetic moments here where Tom talks about being miserable as a kid, and always feeling like he needed to prove himself to his dad, and it's good stuff that lets us see a vulnerable human side underneath the toxic masculinity nonsense they give him most of the time. It's the first episode in the whole series that focuses primarily on Tom, and I do remember watching it for the first time as a kid and being totally invested in Tom's story and caring about him, so it was doing what it set out to do in that regard. But about halfway through, it all gets derailed when it veers off into crazy town.
When they start having Tom turn into a molting lizard creature with the grotesque makeup, and yelling at people like a crazy person, any opportunity for character development gets lost because he's not himself anymore, he's just a crazy monster, and it's become a horror story instead. They could still potentially have saved it if they'd just had him evolve into something actually plausible for humans to evolve into- they've had humanoid species evolve into glowy light creatures or other ethereal, cool looking stuff on Trek before, and it worked just fine. But no, they went with... a salamander.
Why, in the name of all that's holy, would anyone think humans, or any primate, or mammal even, would evolve into an amphibean? Like, we're not even related to salamanders, and they're definitely not superior beings, so where did this even come from?? How high was Brannon Braga when he wrote this script?? And what was he on?? Because it's completely bonkers. And then we get even further into crazy town with an old timey pulp sci-fi monster movie trope of 'monster kidnaps beautiful woman to be it's mate'. Did someone forget that this is supposed to be Star Trek, and not King Kong or Creature from the Black Lagoon? I guess so, but actually, an old timey monster suit would probably have been preferable to what we got here: The goofiest, slowest, fakest giant salamanders you've ever seen. How are they the ultimate evolution of anything?! The away team walks up to them and phasers them practically point blank! They're obviously not as smart as they're cracked up to be lmao. And then the cherry on top of it all- salamander babies. They had salamander babies. They turned actual people into salamanders who had salamander babies.
And they're adorable. They're actually so cute! Somehow, that only makes it worse. And despite their human DNA, Chakotay (who was obviously still in his bitchy mood during this ep) leaves them there! Even though they could apparently revert the salamander DNA into human DNA super easily, they're like, nah, let's not!
And they tell the Captain and Tom that these salamander children exist, but they're just like, 'gee that's awkward! gonna sweep that one under the rug and never think of it again! lol!'
And then whatever moral they were trying to get across is out the window, because unlike fictional characters, we, the poor audience, cannot simply forget about salamander sexytimes and the poor, abandoned salamander children.
I'm all for episodes where we focus on one particular character and give them a chance to delve into their hopes and fears and motivations, but unfortunately, poor Tom here only got half an episode to do that before he was relegated to B-movie monster shenanigans. It makes me so sad, because it would have been so much easier, actually, to just make this script decent. The mental gymnastics it must have taken to go from 'interesting engineering problem' to 'let's turn people into lizards!' is honestly pretty astounding.
One thing I'd totally forgotten is that this one takes place while that one Maquis guy is spying for the Kazon- and he actually gives them the records from the shuttle flight! The Kazon have the warp ten flight records! Did they ever try it?! Are there some Kazon dudes who turned into lizards too?! Is there a 'Planet of the Kazon Lizards' out there right now?! I smell a sequel! (But really, please. no. no more lizard people and lizard babies, I beg you.)
I thought I would have to go back to pretending this one doesn't exist after rewatching it, but actually, I'm delighted to find that I only have to pretend half of it doesn't exist now! And from now on, when I observe the Trek high holy day that is Threshold Day, I'll carry it's true message in my heart:
Don't get really, really high before you write things.
Tl;dr: Surprisingly only the second half of it was actually bad, but the ending went so disastrously off the rails that it overshadowed what was actually an important character growth episode for Tom.
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jaskiersvalley · 11 months
This is GENUINE SERIOUS BUSINESS ANON HATE so you better take it seriously you Letho cosplayer bot you! You're just a moist sock and deserve all this hate for being way too funny and smart!!
Ooooh! Some 'serious' anon hate going on here XD This has been sat in my inbox for far too long because I was having too much fun laughing at everyone else's 'hate' and their responses then promptly forgot I hadn't replied. But long enough has passed now that I look foolish now rather than just super late to the party. I can live with that. And, as always, an ask gets a ficlet in reply. But an ask like this? It gets "rewarded" with dubious morals, questionable medical knowledge and some bittersweetness.
Choose a Different Path
Whatever it was that Tissaia had done to Cahir, it had left some permanent marks. At first it hadn't been obvious, the fainting spells and funny turns chalked up to being on the run, to sleepless nights, to not having enough to eat, to having lived through horrors beyond most people's imagination. It wasn't until Geralt took his ragtag group to Kaer Morhen that it became apparent more was at play than trauma and lack of physical care.
At first they thought things were getting better. The instances where Cahir's movements slowed to sluggish and clumsy before sinking to the ground unresponsive were fewer. He hadn't passed out at all in Kaer Morhen, even seemed to be able to smile again.
Eskel had a lot to do with the smiles. For reasons he wasn't going to question, Cahir had taken quite the shine to him. And Eskel was never going to reject affection, not even when Geralt glared at him while Cahir was slumped against his shoulder and softly snoring away. In a way Eskel found Geralt's near enough fatherly attitude endearing. He'd seen the way Cahir and Ciri bickered, teased and generally terrorised each other. But while Ciri was more like a niece, childish in her youth, Cahir had lost that attitude years ago. Not to mention that Cahir was the one who initiated the start of whatever it was between them.
Of course it wasn't all sunshine and rainbows. Eskel had more than once watched as Cahir, for seemingly no reason, stumbled or slumped over, eyes glazed and unresponsive to touch. Each time he came back, he was upset, confused and sometimes defensive to the point of lashing out. Yet after a while he began reaching for Eskel for comfort, mumbled "what's happened" and "where am I" were tearfully asked into Eskel's chest. It was rare for Cahir to remember what had happened in the run up to such an episode, mind completely blank, not even the odd whisper of memory to help clue them in to the cause.
As quickly as they had fallen in love, found solace and comfort in each other, things were just as quick to falter. Cracks were appearing, Cahir was much more inclined to stay by the fire while Eske itched to be out of the keep. They clashed over whether the cold made old injuries hurt more, just because Eskel had more scars didn't mean his opinion on winters not actually making things worse had more weight to it than Cahir's experiences. Meanwhile, Eskel grew fearful of losing Cahir who was only a fragile human after all. They were doomed from the moment they met, Eskel had come to realise. If he didn't die first on the Path, Cahir was sure to succumb to old age eventually.
Arguments became more frequent and, with that, Cahir's dizzy spells increased too. It didn't take a genius to work out that stress was what set him off yet Eskel was powerless to protect him from it. Especially as he seemed to be the source of so much of it. He loved Cahir, he really did, but he didn't know what more he could do to prove it.
In the end he didn't have to. They were in their shared room but Cahir was pacing, throwing his belongings into a pile on the bed, not that there was much in the way of that.
"I can't do this," he seethed. "I'm not some child to coddle, not some pet to pamper. I love you but you're suffocating!"
Conflict had never been Eskel's strength. His bulk and general appearance meant that he looked imposing enough that few people picked fights with him and the few that did usually used their fists instead of words. Most considered him too much of a brute to be a worthy opponent in verbal sparring.
"But you're so young. And fragile!"
Whirling around, Cahir looked downright murderous. "Looks, as you well know, can be deceiving. I don't make decisions for you. And you don't make them for me."
"I don't though."
"You do!" Cahir yelled in frustration. "No training because it is cold. Should have a bit more food because I look like I needed it even though I said I was full. You put more wood on the fire because it was colder than what humans tend to like. And that was all just this morning!"
"I did it all for you!" Voice raising, Eskel ran a hand through his hair, ready to tear it out. "I love you and I want the best for you."
Suddenly Cahir deflated as he looked at Eskel with sad eyes. "Do you though? Or do you love and want the best for what you want me to be?"
"You! It's always been for you and your needs." Tone shifting, Eskel felt the argument slide into something beyond annoyance.
Sadness tinged the air as Cahir shook his head. "I can't do this. Sorry." Before Eskel could ask what he meant, Cahir held a hand up to silence him. "I'll move my things into a separate room. This is your home, don't feel you have to skulk around and avoid me. I won't make life difficult, I promise."
"This is it?"
"Yeah. I'm sorry I couldn't be what you wanted."
Just like that, Cahir walked out of the room. Eskel watched his back, rigid like that of a soldier going into battle. Except there was no battle, Cahir wasn't a soldier anymore. Lost and at a loss for what to do, Eskel followed a minute later. He couldn't be there when Cahir moved all his things, left Eskel's room how it had been before the winter.
Noises from the Great Hall drew him in. Desperate for a distraction, Eskel shuffled in, shoulders hunched. Lambert was kneeling on the ground, yelling at Geralt to get something soft while Ciri stared wide eyed. Cradled in Lambert's hands was Cahir's head, his body rigid as another of his spells wracked through him. It was worse than they had seen before but Geralt didn't seem overly worried. He trotted back with a folded throw.
"He hasn't had one like this in a while," he commented idly.
Uncertain whether he was allowed next to Cahir, Eskel kept his distance. He watched as Cahir was rolled onto his side as his muscles relaxed. Eyes which had been rolling slowly blinked and tried to focus, only tears were quick to blur his vision as Cahir came to. It broke Eskel's heart.
"Esk?" Cahir's voice was a wobbly croak as he blindly reached out.
Resolve to keep his distance breaking, Eskel sank to his knees next to Cahir and cradled him against his chest. After everything, Cahir still called for him.
The usual, teary question of "what happened?" was met with broad strokes across Cahir's back and the reassuring rumble of "you took a funny turn. You're okay now." Eskel couldn't help himself. "What do you remember?"
A head shake and a sad whine was the first response. "I don't- I don't know. We went to bed. But we're not there now. Where am I?"
Distressed sobs were buried into Eskel's soft shirt. His mind was spinning. Cahir didn't remember that morning. Didn't remember the final couple of straws that broke their relationship. Didn't remember breaking up with Eskel. If Eskel was a better man, he would have been honest. But he was only human, he saw a second chance at happiness. And this time he could probably get it right. As long as Cahir never found out, never remembered that morning.
"You're safe in Kaer Morhen. Vesemir is bringing you a warm, watered down cider. While you drink that I'll go make sure our bed is setup, okay?"
Slowly, Cahir untangled himself from Eskel's shirt. Wiping at his eyes, he nodded and accepted the drink Vesemir was holding out for him. Standing, Eskel didn't run but he hurried back to his room. Their room. Swiping everything off the bed, he made it look like they were in the middle of having a tidy, adding his own clothe to the pile with Cahir's. Bed ready, he raced back to the Great Hall where Cahir was bundled in the throw, empty tankard on the ground next to him.
"Come on, I'll get you back to bed, okay? Then we'll see how you're doing after a nap, yeah?"
Meekly, Cahir nodded and allowed himself to be picked up, feeling so much like a weak kitten in Eskel's arms.
"Thank you," hu murmured, eyes closed.
"No," Eskel replied. "Thank you."
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rawwkfingers · 10 months
The Green Death
Wow. Just, wow. What an amazing serial
Not going to lie, while I did enjoy the entire story, up until the very end scene I wasn't going to place it above Silurians or Mutants for me but Jo's departure was so well done that I really think it elevated the entire serial to stand with my favorites from the era, and Classic as a whole
A huge part of why her departure was so good (the first one in Classic Who to actually make me tear up) is that the entire serial *felt* like a goodbye story for her. Like a lot of past companions, her romance with Jones did come from nowhere, but unlike past departure stories the chemistry between the two actors felt genuine (they were engaged in real life) and her leaving had been set up before she ever met him, not just in this story but throughout the whole season. Even if I hadn't known before watching that this was her final story, I would have known right from the start of this serial. So, when Jo and Jones (lol) announce their engagement and the Doctor quietly leaves her behind to live her life without him, it's a truly heartbreaking moment but also feels like a natural end to their journey together
In a way, Jo's character growth makes me feel bad for Carole Ann Ford because Jo was everything Susan could have been (if the whole alien princess stuff was off the table.) She began her arc as the damsel in distress who rarely contributed, but over the course of the series she became more and more independent, resourceful, and active in the story and I really grew to love her as a character. So when this story began with Jo refusing to go on a trip with the Doctor because there was a climate protest she felt was more important, it was a believable change in her
Which, yes, like all the best Pertwee era stories this serial was also extremely political. And while there were some elements of the political storyline that I thought could have been improved on (I think BOSS would have been a more intimidating villain and compelling allegory without the mind control stuff or the random human emotions thrown in) you can't really fault the story when what saves the day is a mushroom protein replacement. One little thing that I particularly liked was the way that the main danger was unintentional, but avoidable had Global Chemicals been willing to not seek out profits above all else
I hate to say this, but throughout the serial I was comparing it a lot to Series 11 and its abject failures when compared to this one serial, specifically Arachnids and Kerblam. Those two stories deal with similar issues that Green Death does, pollution and corporate greed specifically. But where the Series 11 stories only barely touch their topics on a surface level (and ultimately comes out in favor of corporate greed in arguably the most out-of-character episode the Doctor has ever had,) Green Death really shows its viewers the impact these issues have.
This was definitely one of the stronger seasons, but I still gotta rank the episodes haha
The Green Death. Just, what a powerful story. Political in the ways Doctor Who does best but with more character work than I've seen in Classic Who ever before
Frontier in Space. A really great political thriller with the Master working as an agent for the Daleks to start an intergalactic war, what's not to love
The Three Doctors. I love the fanservice and the world mythos building, but I do have to admit the actual plot is fairly basic
Planet of the Daleks. I actually quite liked the story of this serial, but its politics weren't great and also it having a romance subplot for Jo just doesnt make sense considering how her story ends
Carnival of Monsters. While a fun idea with some really wacky character designs, the story itself just wasn't strong
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ilaiyayaya · 1 year
Hunter X Hunter Is Sooooo Good
I normally don't particularly love shonen anime, it's by far my least favorite genre, and outside of a few specific shows, it's just not really a genre for me. I don't entirely hate the genre as a whole, I like One Piece decently enough, I used to like Dragon Ball as a kid, and there's a few shorter ones that I enjoy, like I thought the first season of My Hero Academia was good (I have not seen past the first season and I likely never will, knowing that the 2nd season is a tournament arc completely kills any interest I have in continuing), but the typical genre tropes of shonen just don't really do it for me. I started rewatching Hunter X Hunter recently, I never actually finished it on my first viewing around 2015, but I remembered enjoying it and I was looking for something that I could watch while just barely paying attention while doing other things. Plus, I won't lie, I am 100% mostly interested because I want to see Alluka, and she doesn't appear until the very end, she was probably the first trans character that I ever really took a liking to, long before I identified as trans myself (I'm non-binary), I never even got far enough to see her as a kid, but like, she has such cute clothes, and for 12 year old me that was all I needed for a character to become my favorite, even if I hadn't seen a single episode with said character and knew almost nothing about them :). Honestly that's still all I really need to like a character, yes I am shallow and I am proud >:). I know it's one of the most highly acclaimed anime ever, so I expected to be good, but like, I expected it to be good for a shonen, which means for me personally it would probably be like, a 6.8/10 at best, but like, no it's genuinely just really good. I just finished the Hunter Exam arc, which is only the first arc, but I'm already completely entralled, everything about it is just so well put together, the characters are fantastic, it looks so good, I even noticed the great sound design, and like, I normally don't care about that at all in anime, so it's gotta be really good for even me to take note of it. It's not very often that I watch large chinks of episodes nowadays (I used to almost exclusively binge full anime, but not anymore, not enough attention span sigh) but my first session was 10 episodes, and my 2nd was the entire rest of the first arc, and I wasn't bored for even a moment the whole time. I know the later arcs are way better, so I'm really excited to get to those, but I also remember the 2nd arc is a tournament arc, which is where I dropped it the first time years ago (I really don't like tournament arcs) so I may be coming up on my first major wall, but like maybe it won't be so bad.
I'm also watching Cardcaptor Sakura right now as well, I'm not nearly as far in it as I am Hunter X Hunter, but I'm still very thoroughly enjoying it. I'm watching it in pretty much the exact opposite way as I am Hunter X Hunter too, I am 100% paying attention at all times with all of my focus on Cardcaptor and it's for the dumbest reason imaginable. Before watching it, I was told by a friend that in every episode Sakura has a new unique outfit, which immediately piqued my interest, like how can I not watch something with potentially countless cute outfits, like that's the easiest way to get me interested in anything ever. Therefore I am judging EVERY new outfit and writing my own personal little review on all of them and it makes watching each episode take like 50 minutes, but it's worth it, and maybe once I'm done I'll put a doc with all of them on here. I'm only 5 episodes in so far but like, damn, Clamp absolutely knows how to design nice clothes, like in one episode they gave Tomoyo an all bright yellow outfit and it is genuinely probably the best looking outfit in the show so far, like how do you even do that, bright yellow is such a difficult color to make look good. Truly the power of oomfie teamwork drip knows no bounds. Oh and also the show itself is really good too, very typical magical girl stuff but like, I like that so it's good, but like who gives a fuck about stuff like characters or plot just give me cool looking clothes and character designs.
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Matt making every them roll a constitution check after every. single. time. they try a bit of the fusaka with a straight face is absolutely hilarious
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katsukikitten · 3 years
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Hello friends! Here is my contribution to the Bakugou Birthday Bash! The master link will be linked here ! Please enjoy my bit of an angsty fic! And all of the other art and works that are on the master list! Enjoy the big bakugou blow out and remember to leave a comment on your favorite pieces! Happy birthday ya shitty man! (Lowkey become 3d please)
Warning: he's 28 btw 😂 (my fic says so also)
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It shouldn't be this fucking hard to get groceries and booze. It's a quick and easy errand. Everything already pre-ordered for an important birthday that just needed to be picked up. And yet here you were crying in your car trying to get it together before the attendant asked for the order name. Honestly you had texted out "I can't do this today. Sorry." Several times before deleting it, telling yourself not to hit send. But you would have to be having the worst mental day of your life wouldn't you? Today of all days, how fucking selfish of you.
Especially with the amount of time and effort you and Kirishima had put into this idea. Since New Year's actually, months and months of planning after the two of you had gotten shit faced at Denki and Mina's new years party, creating the brain child. All after bonding over switching patrol partners six months before, you had gotten Bakugou and he had gotten Ashido. Kirishima and yourself giggle over stupid things to the side of the party, people watching as you took shots. Kirishima points towards a normally grumpy blonde.
"Wow I think he's actually having fun." You snort, as you watch Bakugou hide his rare cat smile behind a sip of his beer as Mina makes Denki the butt of a joke.
"He actually loves parties. He never says it so people just think he's a wet blanket." Kirishima laughs, pouring the two of you another shot. Bakugou lets out a particularly loud laugh after 'Dunce Face' proves Mina's point. I guess that would be the time that it started.
When you started to fall. His laugh makes your cheeks deepen in hue and burn, to want to hear it again, to watch it again and learn all of the other sides of your patrol partner that he obviously only reserved for his closest friends.
"Let's throw him a great birthday party." You say, holding up your shot as a devilish smile spreads over sharp teeth. The mountainous man clinks your shot glass before he adds.
"Let's." In unison the two of you down the burning liquid as the plan comes into fruition.
Four months, four months and nineteen days of you thinking of nothing but your patrol partner with whom you got extremely close with since New Year's. So why? Why today of all days were you struggling? Why would normal everyday tasks feel more as if you were wading through mud than the breeze they should have been? You flip down the visor, looking yourself in the eye through little square mirror as you grit your teeth hissing
"Get your shit together."
Your little pep talk helps you get the several cakes and the cart full of booze that everyone requested, planning to make this the best birthday ever. Helping Kirishima set his house up with decorations, setting out the snacks, catering and even pouring some drinks as guests began to arrive to set down their gifts and help with the last minute touches before hiding. Masking through the pit in your stomach as you smiled at all of your friends as they poured in through Kirishima's door. Through the weighted emptiness you felt as each one wrapped you into a tight hug, already praising you and Kirishima for the amazing effort, that Bakugou would be so surprised when it was more than just you and Kirishima here. . Finally you had to go and get the guest of honor just before sundown to catch him before he went to bed. A much needed breather from the constant smiling and forcing a laugh that everyone thought sounded genuine.
Enjoying the silence of the evening train as it pulled you across town to the unsuspecting blonde. And maybe you could have made it through the night from your shitty pep talk or at least through getting the freshly 28 year old to his party but instead you catch your reflection in the window. Your facial features weighted with exhaustion, shoulders hunched allowing your body to continue to produce cortisol. Tears prick your eyes as you deep low, too low. Remembering everything and nothing all at once, steeping in guilt as you beg yourself for just a few more hours. That the depression episode can happen when you're home and alone, after the party goes off without a hitch. Tears fall anyway and they do all the way to Bakugou's until you finally get enough control to step out of yourself for a moment. Ringing the doorbell several times as a smile is plastered on your face, the door swings open. Bakugou's eyes narrow as they take you in, he notices that something is off. Your smile is a little too wide, your eyes rimmed red but he says nothing about it. Instead he lets his initial anger come forth.
"Oi! I told you to fuckin' text me when you were on the train so I could meet you at the station!" He growls, slamming his door shut and pocketing his keys. Deadly and sweaty hands deep in the pockets of his leather jacket as his palms itch to hold onto something else. Garnet eyes track your own hands as you reach over your head stretching.
"Yea yea, I hear you Dad." You tease giving him a look, "I still made it okay."
"Kirishima should have come instead of you that fuckin hair for brains." He snarls keeping pace with you as he always does on patrol.
"I know Dad must be sad cause his favorite didn't come to pick him up." You try not to sound dejected, nudging him in the ribs to distract from the crack in your voice, "Happy birthday ya big lug."
Bakugou cuts you a glare, mind racing before his barks out a "Thanks."
Comfortable silence stretches between the two of you before you two hit the train station, passing a corner store.
"Was shitty hair burning dinner? Do I need to stop for back up?" His thumb hooks over his shoulder towards the neon as he stands idle waiting for you to jog your memory. Kirishima had burned the last friend's dinner making Bakugou so angry he walked six blocks to make something that was 'FUCKIN EDIBLE!' while you tried to air out his apartment. You laugh loudly, genuinely for the first time that day causing Bakugou's shoulders to sag with relief. In the ten months he had been working with you he had only seen you faking a smile or laugh once or twice. Then the time after that you were absent from work the next day or two forcing him to patrol with Denki but worse yet...making him worry.
"Guess I'll grab something just in case." He gave you his back so you wouldn't see his face or the faint blush that dusted his cheeks.
"No, no! I ordered out this time. From that famous chef you like." Bakugou glares your way, digging in his back pocket for his wallet.
"How much." He demands through gritted teeth while you show him the palms of your hands in surrender.
"Woah woah! It's your birthday gift! You can't pay me back for dinner! I'd sooner burn the money before I'd accept it from you!" Your watch dings with a message from Kirishima asking for an ETA. You grab onto Bakugou's hand pulling him along into a run as you shout over your shoulder.
"We're gonna be late!"
Oh how Bakugou wished you hadn't done that, he was already struggling to keep his heart beat even when you were around and now to grab onto him. To pull him along in a hurry like those cheesy insta posts that couples did on their "grand adventure" together. He swallows the lump in his throat as he reminds himself that you are nothing more than his patrol partner. His friend at best.
Even though the train was mostly empty Bakugou stood closely by you, as he always did when the two of you were in a crowded space. He had seen how most men took advantage of the situation and he hated the idea of that happening to you although he knew you were more than capable of handling it on your own. Hell you could kick even his ass but he would die before ever admitting that. Instead he watches you talk about what you ordered for dinner and how you got the cake from that bakery Sato works part time at, the same one he got your birthday cake from but he doesn't hear a word. Instead all he can see is the golden light from the setting sun worshiping you. Kissing your skin to make it glow, giving your eyes a hue that makes his heart fall into his stomach and illuminating you in a true light. A radiant ethereal thing is what you were and Bakugou was just lucky enough to be standing by you. So out of it he doesn't realize the two of you are at your stop.
"Uh Suki?" Your voice is soft paired with the setting sun has him acting weird. He leans closer to you, pulled by some invisible force before he stops himself as he watches you look up at him beneath long lashes.
"You okay?" You ask almost nervously from his proximity, the smell of spice and caramel wrap around you making you feel warm and fuzzy. Temporarily making you forget that you were trying to act on the train, making you relax as you just talked to Bakugou. He sucks his teeth as he picks up your bag to sling over his shoulder.
"Yea but you were gonna forget your whole damn purse like you always do." He huffs, this time he was the one pulling at your hand in a rush before the doors closed to trap you two on the train. His hand feels warm in yours, his grip tight as he drags you along before pulling you within his sight, another habit of his you happened to notice. Almost reluctantly he lets go of you hand as Kirishima's house comes into view.
"We better have a good time tonight patrol Princess or you owe me a special birthday gift." He laughs causing you to roll your eyes at his stupid nickname that stuck after your first day with him, adamant that the two of you take your route instead of his it was a huge argument. But it was a good thing he listened to the "princess", it put the two of you smack dab in the middle of a robbery. You stick out your tongue.
"Trust me. You're gonna have a good time!" You push him up the steps as he bats away your hands. Opening the front door before everyone jumps out of various and bad hiding spots.
"SURPRISE!!" All of the alumni of class A and some of B shout, a select few already slurring their words. Bakugou's scowl turns into a smirk before he looks over his shoulder at you.
"Aw you did this to me?" His voice is teasing but his eyes almost sparkle, you nod encouraging him to go deeper into the party. As he does people flock to him laughing and yelling out happy birthday until he's sick of hearing it. All the while your smile wanes with the night. Until an hour in that heavy episode hits you full force. Numbness setting in where happiness should be, rotting as it turns to shame and guilt as you watch your friend, your crush, enjoy his night. Bringing a glass bottle to his lips as he talks with Kirishima, who then presses a shot into his hands. Bodies dancing to the house music that beat out of the speakers competing with chatter and laughter.
It felt weird to watch everyone truly enjoying themselves while you felt low. It felt more as if you were standing outside of the house, looking in through the window to see everyone enjoying themselves, no one even knowing who you were as you stared in.
You felt distant, alone. What a shitty way to feel in a room full of people, none of it being their fault and so the guilt pressed harder. Eyes watering as they lingered on the blonde who deserved this celebration and more. Making you decide to give the best birthday gift of them all.
To slip away upstairs and onto the roof, to give the room space to breathe when you felt like suffocating.
Crying to no one but the moon.
And no one noticed. Two hours slip by before Kirishima insists that Bakugou make a wish and eat cake before everyone gets too drunk too. The entire house drunkenly sings happy birthday but Bakugou notices a voice missing. Yours that's just a touch off key, not to mention he didn't hear you say the stupid nickname 'Suki' where his name should be in the song. Plus you weren't one to miss out on dessert. For as long as Bakugou has been working with you, you never turned down the opportunity for sweets. Whether that was taking the long way back to the agency to try to catch a certain street vendor or to hover by the deserts at a party to pick the very best treat.
And if it was a birthday party, you never could shut up that y'all could not leave until after they blew out the candles and made a wish.
His eyes linger for a second longer, making sure he didn't miss you before his heart sinks. He takes in a sharp inhale, thinks on his wish and blows out the candles.
Meanwhile you hear the cheers of everyone down stairs and sob into your knees. You missed your favorite part of birthdays. Of hoping they make a wish that comes true, of watching their face as they think of something quickly or how some people tear up when they finally realize just how loved they are on their birthday.
It isn't long after that do you hear the sound of combat boots on shingles. Whipping your head up in the direction of the sound. Stomach clenching with guilt as you watch Bakugou walking towards you with a slice of cake.
"Brought ya some cake, since I didn't hear you sing off key to me." He says sinking down beside you as you furiously wipe at your tears.
"You don't gotta explain yourself to me." He snarls as you stare dumbly at your cake, "You know that."
"I know…" Silence passes slowly, the moon shines overhead and the party carries on below.
"Well, I'm waiting!" Bakugou says dramatically, "You gonna sing or am I gonna have to sing to myself?"
"Oh." It makes you giggle a bit before you blush, realizing he is serious. You take a deep breath before singing "just off key" when you don't, to him.
"Sukiiiiii!" Relief washes over his features when he hears the dumb ass name, "Happy birthday to youuuuuu!"
"Okay, now you can eat the damn cake." He grunts, his smile never wavering as he looks to the empty street below. You follow his eyes, chewing the inside of your lip, setting the cake down.
"What'd you wish for…" Curiosity gets the better of you and earns his intense gaze. He smirks, scoffing at the end.
"You always say you shouldn't tell or it won't come true." He laughs at your pout, before he finally admits "I wished for courage."
With a furrowed brow you give him a puzzled look, he just holds your gaze.
"Why? You're like the bravest hero I know!" Bakugou can hear the truth in your voice, you aren't saying it just to fucking stroke his ego.
You actually meant it, making this conversation that much harder.
"Yea except when it comes to this one thing I want to do. Its fuckin easy and I've done it hundreds of times just as I'm about to do it I fucking back down cause I'm probably fuckin reading into things too much." He leans in closer, again his smell mesmerizes you, causing your body to visibly relax, "Too much of a fuckin bitch, thinking she doesn't want me like I want her. So I wished for the courage to follow through. To fuckin' just do it."
Your heart is racing out of your chest before one of his hands finds the nape of your neck pulling you into a feverish kiss. Teeth gnashing from the passion, lips perfectly modeling to the other before tongues lightly dance around one another. Lengthening seconds into hours with just a few head tilts and plush lips. You moan into his mouth, he pulls away, eyes clouded with lust as a string of spit connects your tongues. He pants, face flushed and his hand warm, almost burning at the nape of your neck, the shingle by his hand charred from restraint as he pants out.
"I wished for you."
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oatmilkovich · 3 years
that's exactly it - up until the end of episode 4 i tried to understand august. it's clear he's been through a lot, he's very insecure and is experiencing a lot of pressure. probably most of it is created by himself, but it's pressure nonetheless. sure, he was also an asshole, but up until he took the video i thought "maybe...". his arc was completely different from felice's. they were both a bit annoying in the beginning, seemed snobbish and elitist, but she turned out to be a very good friend and she stood up for herself and others. august can never be forgiven for what he did. ever. and omg waiting for the second season is torture!! i hadn't even thought about what might happen once simon finds out and now that is killing me too. and when wille goes back to school, if he goes. we don't even know if the story will continue directly after christmas for example or if there will be a time jump 😭
another thing. when they break up and simon says wille must do it alone 😭 because it's literally alone. how is he coping, willa? 😭 i'm so sad for simon too, but he has family and friends.
sigh. but on a more positive note, i'm really happy for edvin 😊 he deserves the recognition.
you’re so right, for some reason comparing both felice and august had never occurred to me when their storylines run so similarly. they’re both trying to live up to societal/familial pressures, they’ve both got an initial idea about what wille could bring/do for them, but as soon as felice has that first pushback moment (when wille doesn’t kiss her back and she accepts that her mother’s dream of them ending up together isn’t ever going to happen), she accepts them and they start the beginnings of a precious friendship. whereas august just kept pushing and pushing, trying to force wille into this box that he had crafted and absolutely buried any sort of sympathy on my part with filming and releasing that video. i think it was such a good decision on the writers part to parallel them initially, then show that they’re actually opposites — it shows us that wille does have an ally his upper class lifestyle. there’s someone that genuinely does like him for who he is, not just for his position in the monarchy. also, i love felice’s friendship w sara (parallel that to august’s treatment of alexander).
i know, i’m so interested in simon’s reaction when he finds out because he already hates august plus i know there’s going to be drama brewing once he finds out about sara x august — especially now that sara’s deal is off because wille found out (and august doesn’t know that she wasn’t the one who told him).
wille is so alone 😭😭😭 i just know he’s spending christmas lying in bed with his arms wrapped around himself like we’ve seen him do so many times before and that breaks my heart. he’s so angry at his mother - i can’t even imagine the tension in that household. i hope there’s not too much of a time jump and that we pretty much pick up where we left off — there’s too many feelings there that i want us to touch on.
i’m so happy for edvin!! he deserves it so so much. he’s a phenomenal actor, especially for someone so young snd so seasoned in the industry. imo it doesn’t usually work in people’s favour if they’ve been in the industry from such a young age, but it’s definitely not impacted him the way it usually does with child actors.
hope you have a good day anon ❤️❤️❤️
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punkrock-writer · 4 years
Space Cowboy- part 4
Roasting the Shit Out of Toro Because He Deserves It 
Pairing- Din Djarin x F!OC
Warnings- Mentions blood, fighting, swearing, Canon Typical Violence. Spoilers for The Mandalorian
A/N- WOAH It is here. 5.3k words. The longest chapter so far. Let me know what you guys think, is it still too short or too long, lemme know. And yeah, the end IS cheesy. I am the Mayor of Cheeseville it should be expected. 
And a reminder Din is de-aged a bit, he's around mid to late 20′s here, just for a little more ~spice~
Let me know what you think! I love hearing from ya’ll it helps me a lot :D 
Masterlist AO3 
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She honestly didn't know how he was so quiet. That collection of Ironman armor should make much more noise than it does. Or he could have at least woken her up before screaming.
"HEY" Sedona jumped violently. Her eyes springing open in panic, he wasn't in the ship, but his voice echoed throughout it. She heard the panicked voice of Peli yelling outside. She scooted further into the middle of the hull to peer out of the open door. Din looked as intimidating as he could, shoulders raised and feet wide. Peli marched from her office up to him, cradling a wailing Grogu.
"Give him to me" she wanted to laugh. The paternal instincts kicked in so fast, albeit a bit misplaced and underdeveloped. But he tried his best.
"Not so fast! You can't just leave a child all alone like that." Peli cried out, though not entirely alone, she was right. "You know, you have an awful lot to learn about raisin' a young one."
And then much to Sedona's discomfort, Peli's eyes met hers.
"AND leaving an injured lady! No water or bandages, that isn't very kind. Prisoner or not." She scowled up at the towering Mandalorian, whose head slowly turned to meet hers. She quickly scooted herself back against the crate. She wasn't ready for that kind of attention, she needed to get her thoughts in order.
"Anyway-" she racked her brain as she heard Peli continue to talk about the ship. She had gotten this far in the episode, and Din had obviously made the deal with... that motherfucker whom she cannot remember the name of. She was so focused on trying to remember she didn't even notice Din had walked back onto the ship.
"I thought I told you not to talk to anyone." His voice made her jump once again, it was rough, a warning. Her wide eyes met his visor, and suddenly the right words met her tongue.
"Don't leave him alone with the bounty" they were rushed, she probably looked crazier than Peli's wild curls. "Y-you can't trust him, something bad is going to happen."
She watched as he turned with a bag in his hand. He looked like he was going to speak, or step closer to her, his body seizing up. Instead, his gloved hand curled into a fist at his side, and he spun quickly on his heel and exited her line of sight. She heard the pair talk a bit more, mostly Peli talking at Din's retreating back. Then she was alone again. And her ass hurts.
Standing up was much easier now that the magic space goo had somehow healed her knees. Though she had extreme doubts, she sincerely hoped Din might heed her warning. She really did not wan't to be caught in the crossfire of their shoot out that was soon to come. Maybe that was the worst part about being plunked into this universe. The constant dread of knowing what's going to happen, and having no power to change it, was going to destroy her. She could already feel the way her body sagged with exhaustion. The ever-present headache was taking a toll on her mind, and her fight or flight response was kicked into high gear. She hadn't felt like this in years.
Trying to keep her mind from straying too far into the darkness. She decided to do some light exploration of the Razor Crest. She wouldn't touch anything, as Din so kindly instructed. But she was definitely going to touch all over with her eyes. First, she was going to figure out if that man had a shower. She turned opposite the open door and headed in the direction of what looked like an airplane toilet. She was pleased to find a small door stationed adjacent to the weird space toilet. Obviously hidden from view on the show, it was a rickety metal sheet. Actually, everything on the ship was a metal sheet, but she wasn't going to roast it too harshly. Opening it, the oval-shaped door created an edge that she had to step over to enter the small room. The floor and walls were tiled, and there was a small drain in the middle. A large ledge jutted out from the wall at about knee height, above it was what looked like a sink, and a small foggy mirror. Avoiding its reflection, she ventured back further. There was a curtain, pulling it back revealed a showerhead and a series of ledges cut into the wall. She tried to keep her heart from fluttering at the sight of soap bars, and a razor. Then heat began to creep up her spine, embarrassment making its way to her cheeks.
How fucking old are you 13? Get a hold of yourself.
She spun quickly not wanting to be caught snooping. She felt like a high school girl who had just seen her crush's room for the first time. She was 26 for fucks sake, and it was a bathroom.
On a space ship.
On an unknown planet.
In a universe that had once only existed in media form.
She wasn't able to wallow in her embarrassment much longer, through the open door she saw Peli return from wherever she had followed Din. She walked with determination, coming up to some kind of machine that was attached to the ship. Sedona didn't really know what to do, she stood awkwardly in the hull of the ship. Listening to Peli mutter to herself, she hated feeling like this. She liked to be moving or at least distracting her brain in some way. Now there was only the unfamiliar ship, her bags were already organized neatly- and then it hit her.
She still had her phone in her purse.
Springing into action she darted for her bag, rummaging through it until she finally found it. It was an iPhone and she still had her headphones attached to it. Her heart soared in her body, unable to contain her smile at the sight, relieved to find at least this thing hadn't magically transformed into a space object. But clicking it on she was met with slight disappointment. Only 32% charged, and the fact that her phone was wicked old and functioned at about 60% of its normal battery life, it would be dying soon. There are no outlets in space. She thought angrily. So she sighed and set it back into her purse, deciding to save it for when she truly needed a mental escape. For now, she could maybe go and see what Peli was up to.
And that's how she spent her first evening in space. She sat at the table, watching Peli fix the Crest. Or making sure the child didn't eat sand or some shit. Peli didn't talk much while she worked, which she was secretly grateful for. Only asking occasional questions, or pausing to complain about the old ship. Sedona didn't offer much, vague answers, allowing the older woman to speak more than herself. She really didn't feel like having to convince someone else she's from an alternate universe. Especially someone who was very much capable of throwing her into the endless Tatooine desert.
In time it grew darker in the hangar. Peli wiped her hands off on her jumpsuit, leaving grease marks in her wake. Sedona held a sleeping Grogu in her arms, he had been quite a hassle for her to wrangle with her hands still cuffed together. He was quick, and incredibly sneaky when he wanted to be. He currently held some kind of bolt in his little clawed hands, one of the braver droids had given it to him when he was fussing in her lap.
"How about another round of some bone broth, and then we get some rest." She snapped her fingers at a droid, who scurried off to the back of the hangar quickly. "It looks like that little stinker has the right idea." Peli sat, the smell of oil and metal rolling off her. She grabbed the cup of water she had sipping out of periodically and drank. Then she turned to Sedona, who up until this moment had been zoned out, staring at the shadows cast on the ground.
"You look like you've seen some shit." Sedona's heart nearly stopped at that, but when she met Peli's eyes they glittered with amusement in the dim light of the hangar.
"Yeah, I guess you could say that," she said with a laugh and a shrug. Then a droid appeared next to her, carrying more bowls of broth. She accepted it, thanking the droid once again. The liquid warmed her, she didn't consider how cold a desert got a night, and her shorts and men's t-shirt didn't exactly hold much warmth. But the broth helped, and she tried not to let Peli notice her shivers.
"Listen, I wanted to ask you something" Sedona almost choked on her broth. "I heard what you said to the Mandalorian, why do you think he can't trust that other bounty hunter?" Peli's gaze was quizzical, genuine curiosity, not suspicion. It gave Sedona confidence, but not enough to tell her the full truth.
"I guess I just have a really bad feeling, I think there's something off about the deal." She said after swallowing, and Peli was silent for a moment. Searching her gaze before suddenly leaning forward.
"You know I was thinking the exact same thing." She said it like it was the juiciest secret in school. "There was just something off in his eyes." She finished with a nod. Sedona couldn't stop her smile. She felt the beginnings of a friendship blossoming there in the cool evening. She hoped it wouldn't be ripped away from her too soon.
They finished their broth in comfortable silence. Then Peli rose, a mischievous smile on her face.
"Well, I'm going to take this little womprat to the back with me, if you need anything just holler," she said, reaching down to scoop the sleeping bundle from her lap. "You sure you'll be all right in that ship by yourself?"
"I'll be okay," she said with a smile, trying to look convincing "but Peli, if you see anything happening, take the child and run."
Her face turned serious, and she gave a curt nod.
"I'll make sure the droids stay awake, they'll give us a good warning" and with another nod, and a pointed look at the group of droids, she turned to the back of the hangar.
Sedona was alone again, and fear was beginning to crawl up her spine. She had to prepare herself. Somehow, she wasn't going to let that fucker touch baby Grogu.
Night came and went, Sedona spent it pacing. Somehow, that sneaky tin can had taken her taser, and her Swiss army knife. Leaving her with only pepper spray from her keychain to defend herself. She held it tightly in 2 hands, having finally sat down when she saw the hangar becoming light again. She heard Peli out in the open area, talking to the droids and the child.
"Here's a ration bar, I'm going to try to finish these repairs before the Mandalorian gets back." Peli had walked into the ship quietly, giving her the foil-wrapped bar, the child gurgling on her hip. The tension was thick between them, both women could sense something wrong. But if Peli wanted to say anything more she didn't, instead turning her attention to the ship, the child held tightly to her. Sedona honestly didn't feel like eating, her head was pounding again. The effort of trying to figure out the plot was scrambling her brain.
She didn't know how exactly to define it, but it felt like the memories of the show were drifting away from her. Scenes she had remembered and re-watched multiple times now were faint memories. It felt like she was losing her mind, literally the only information she needed right now was dissolving like snow in her fingers. So she settled for clutching her pepper spray and hoping the droids gave her a good warning like Peli said.
The droids held up their end well.
It was maybe 3 or 4 hours later, Peli had miraculously just taken Grogu to the back for some food and a nap. When suddenly the droids went absolutely batshit crazy.
Sedona sprung from her spot on the floor, her headache was instantly forgotten as she squeezed herself against an indent in the wall of the ship. Hoping to spring on the hunter. She heard his blaster fire, then it was eerily quiet.
God, I hope they can get out of here.
Sedona tried to keep her mind from straying from the task at hand. She tried to keep her breathing quiet, straining her ears for any sounds.
Those shitty self-defense classes are going to have to work today.
There were footsteps on the ramp. Slow, but heavy, he really was a pretty shitty bounty hunter. She switched the safety off on her pepper spray, trying to judge where he was on the ship by the sound of his footsteps. Then the barrel of a gun crept into her line of sight, and she didn't hesitate.
Springing from her hiding spot she sprayed upwards, toward what she hoped were his eyes. Based on the shouting she was successful. She did her best to ignore the burn in her own eyes as the fumes carried toward her. Taking his surprise as an advantage she attempted to kick him in the balls.
Keyword- attempted.
Sedona did not consider the fact, that he might be wearing goggles. And that he might catch her leg. With a shove, she was sent sprawling onto the floor, with no way to catch herself. Her butt hit the ground hard, knocking the breath out of her. She looked up to meet a gut-churning smile.
What a fucking dick.
"That tasted awful, but I don't think it did what you wanted it to." He said with a smug smirk, he was so incredibly proud of himself. "Look at this! A third bounty, I'm going to be the king of the Guild!"
Well, if Sedona couldn't beat him physically. She was going to try to demolish his ego.
"Fuck you, Toro, this is why your mom doesn't FUCKING love you" the words were filled with rage as they flew out of her mouth, she lunged toward him. Her mind suddenly supplying the correct name when she needed it most. His face immediately fell, twisting into shock and confusion.
"What do you know about my mother?" he sneered, taking a few steps forward to tower over her on the ground. But his intimidating stance did nothing to stop the pure hatred Sedona felt in her heart.
"You look like you watch Big Bang Theory on purpose." It was one of her more creative insults, her new goal was distraction. Try and confuse him as much as she could, so that hopefully Peli could escape with the child. It seemed to work so far.
"I don't know what that means, but I would shut the hell up if I were you" he leaned down and sneered at her. She grit her teeth, the insults flowing fast.
"Your earring looks like shit"
"I said shut up!" He raised his blaster to her head, a position she had just recently became familiar with. She met his eyes, and with as much bitterness as she could muster, she put the nail in her coffin.
"I know how you die, and you die like a bitch."
That was the last thing she could say. Toro reacted very poorly, to say the least.
And for the first time in her life, Sedona was pistol-whipped across the head. Toro stalked away from her body that laid slumped on the ship floor. Continuing on his original journey, much more confused and irritated.
The Mandalorian could not shake the sick feeling in his gut as he tied the dewback to the hitch outside of Hangar 3-5. One look at the speeder outside had the mysterious woman's words repeating in his head.
You can't trust him, something bad is going to happen.
It really didn't help that she was right. In fact, he hated that she was right. It was making his decision on what to do with her much harder. He unclipped his blaster, drawing it ahead of him as he made his way down the stairs. The hangar was quiet, aside from the annoying droid that startled him. He slowly made his way through the sand toward his ship.
"Took you long enough Mando" there he was. He stalked forward raising his blaster up into the dark ship. Calican emerged; somehow he got angrier at the sight of the child in his arm, and the scared woman who had been kind to him caught in this mess. "Looks like I'm calling the shots now. Huh, partner?"
Din wanted to roll his eyes and shoot him right then.
"Drop your blaster and raise 'em." This time he couldn't stop the eye roll, instead having to suppress an annoyed sigh as he carelessly flung his blaster to the ground. Twisting his body in a way that let him quickly grab a flash charge. He truly was a pretty shitty bounty hunter, this would be his final mistake. Din was irritated, just waiting for the right moment to strike. Calican handed it to him on a silver platter.
"Cuff him." After that, Din really didn't give a shit about what this guy said. Instead watching as the woman approached him with the bindings. He rolled the flash charge in-between his fingers. Waiting.
"You're smarter than you look" the woman whispered in his ear. Obviously not, if only he had listened to the woman she left in his ship. He wouldn't be in this mess.
The right moment came as Calican raised his blaster higher. The flash brightening the entire hangar for just long enough, Din slipped behind some of the junk lying around. Coming around the side before Calican even knew he had disappeared. It was over quickly, his body tumbled off the ramp, taking the child with it.
"Stay back." He tried to tell the woman, who scrambled quickly over to him as he went to inspect the body. He didn't like the way she fumbled around him, grabbing his cape as he tried to make sure the man was actually dead. Then he heard the babbles of the child. He didn't really register what she was saying to him, just thankful she was calming him down. Inspecting the body he found what he was looking for, the bag of credits was heavy in his hand.
Turning to the woman holding the child, he prepared to pay and leave.
"Be careful with him." She said, the child simply snorting as he was placed back in his arms. She then tried to break some of the tension, bringing up the question that Din knew she would ask. "So I take it you didn't get paid."
Din didn't really feel the need to say anything. Instead pouring the contents of the pouch into her outstretched hands. But he decided to make sure.
"That cover me?" The woman sputtered in response, giving a shocked form of Yes. Din then turned, making his way back to his ship, babbling baby in tow. Until he was stopped.
"Listen, I don't know what you plan on doing with that girl, but she fought to distract him. She tried to make sure I could get away with the baby." Din turned back to the woman, his curiosity peaking. "She told him she knew how he died, and something tells me she did. Sh-she was very nice and helpful. I think you should give her a chance."
Din thought about it for a moment. It seems she was truthful about yet another thing she said to him.
"I would protect the child with my life."
Internally he was glad it hadn't come to that, or so the woman who stared up at him made it seem. He nodded at her, hoping he conveyed his understanding and turned back to enter his darkened ship. He heard her yelling at her droids, but he was more concerned with finding out what state his ship was in. As the ramp closed, he flipped back on the lights. With a heavy sigh, he observed the way her body was crumpled on the floor once again.
There was a large, bloodied scrape on her temple, the area already beginning to bruise. The child was struggling in his arms again, letting out indignant cries as he reached for the girl on the floor. He set him down next to her and reached to grab her under the shoulders and knees. Deciding to move her much gentler than he had the first time. He didn't really know where to put her though; he spun in his ship, her body limp in his arms, the child followed him in circles crying out in frustration.
His eyes landed on his sleeping compartment, figuring that was better than nothing. He quickly set her into it. Taking a moment to remove the cuffs still on her wrists, he internally cringed at the redness. Another thing he should apologize for. He didn't feel comfortable sitting in the hangar for much longer. He scooped up the child, who was trying in vain to climb into the compartment with her.
"Come on we have to get outta here" he grumbled to the child, who was squirming in his arm. He paused to look up at him, angrily babbling at him before resorting to pouting as he was hauled into the cockpit. Din started the ship quickly, not entirely certain where he was going. He only knew he needed to sit down with the woman in the hull, and really figure out what the hell she was talking about.
Sedona really didn't want to wake up. In her dream, she was warm and comfortable, and definitely not about to get crazy-murdered by a space villain. Whatever she was laying on was slightly squishier than the floor, but only slightly. It felt like if you were to lay a thin yoga mat onto a wood floor and then tried to take a nap on it. But she kept her eyes closed, trying to stay in her comfortable bubble just a few moments longer. Whoever was shaking her leg did not get the message.
"Please, just let me pretend this isn't happening for a little while longer" she grumbled, not yet opening her eyes. She tried to imagine her bed again, her soft blankets, and a cup of her favorite tea. She could pretend her head didn't hurt, and her body didn't hurt, and her brain didn't hurt. She could pretend she didn't have to open her eyes and face more confusion and struggle.
"Please, I'd like to talk." A soft modulated voice was not what she expected. She slowly opened her eyes, taking in the metal ceiling above her. With a deep breath, she slowly sat up, taking in the sight before her. At some point, after she had been knocked out, she had been placed in Din's sleeping compartment. At the end of the 'bed' (she didn't really want to call it a bed this was awful) stood the Mandalorian himself, and Grogu was vigorously shaking her leg with 2 hands. He babbled excitedly when she sat up, looking up at her and giving a wide smile. "How is your head?"
The new gentle tone was mind-boggling. She could only stare at him, mouth open like a fish. Her head was bad actually, feeling very bad. She just got smacked across the head with a gun, she couldn't imagine how she looked. But the sudden shift in mood was what confused her most; there was a stumbling, awkward, sort of kindness in the way he stood and spoke to her. She searched the visor a bit more, not really sure what she was looking for. A particularly loud coo broke her from her distraction.
"It... could be better I suppose." She licked her lips, mind suddenly wandering in fear. "Where are we? Are we stopped?" The Mandalorian couldn't afford to just stop, so they had to be in hyperspace or he wouldn't be down here. Why was he down here exactly? When did the cuffs come off?
"Yes, we're still on Tatooine, I— I wanted to talk to you," he cleared his throat. "I had some things to say, and to ask." He turned and walked further into the ship, she just now noticed the door was open. Showing the dark Tatooine desert.
She was going to be dropped off here. Left to wander the space desert. It was a short run of things, but at least it was horrible while it lasted. She slowly got up, moving around the child to set her feet on the cold ground. The child babbled up at her, raising his arms, and for a brief moment, she considered picking him up. Her mind flirted with the idea of carrying him over to the metal man who leaned against the hatch door. Looking out to the rolling sands together, in peace. But instead, she grabbed her purse and prepared for the worst.
"So I guess this is it?" She paused next to Din, nervously looking up at him as she twirled her purse strap in her hands. His helmet snapped to her, quickly his body followed, straightening out to face her completely. He looked down at her for a long time, his body tense. Her body heated up under his gaze, feeling even more nervous under the scrutiny.
"Do you think I'm leaving you out here?" He tilted his head at her, it was almost condescending. If she was able to re-wind it and analyze the tone of his voice, she would've caught the amusement.
"Well I mean you did leave me handcuffed on the ship for like 3 days, and then brought the Crest out to the desert. Which you would never do if you weren't going to...leave me here" she rambled. Her eyes searched the area around them, not meeting his visor. He was silent once again, just watching her squirm under his gaze. She didn't know how to read him in real life, he was so much taller, and without the fan analysis she could skim through, a lot of his body language was lost.
"I was going to apologize..." he paused, his voice soft but gravely. Her mouth dropped open, slowly looking up to his helmet. "I'm sorry for leaving you cuffed in the ship, but you have to admit, you sounded pretty crazy."
The humor was detectable now, and after a long moment Sedona smiled, and as the words penetrated her brain a little deeper. A chuckle bubbled into her throat, and before she knew it she was laughing. It wasn't that funny honestly, but this was the first display of emotional release her body had experienced in a while, so it kind of went overboard. When she finally calmed down she was breathless, tears gathered in her eyes. Mando just looked at her, head tilted in confusion, and when he folded his arms over his chest, she knew he was irritated.
"I'm sorry... that wasn't that funny, but I think I need to cry and that's as close as I'm going to get." She wiped a tear from her eye, looking back at the still Mandalorian. She quickly dropped her face when she saw the way he was standing, straightened her shoulders. "W-what else did you want from me?" She should know better to think she was off the hook, he could still freeze her in carbonite. He would probably be able to get some sort of profit from her. The thought had her shrinking, she suddenly felt small again.
With a hefty sigh, he readjusted, facing back toward the endless desert. His trend of silence was much for daunting when it wasn't happening on a tv screen. Suddenly something grabbed her ankle. Of course, how could she forget the 3rd passenger? With an incredibly grumpy face and some mighty grump squeals, he reached his arms up to her as hard as he could. She smiled in pity at him, it didn't feel right to pick him up in front of Din. It wasn't her place, and she really didn't want to upset him when he was deciding his fate.
"You can pick him up." His voice was soft again, though he hadn't turned to look at them. "He seems to like you a lot" Her eyes glowed, and with free hands, she bent down and picked up the little one. Finally being able to hold him properly was wonderful, he was a comfortable weight in the crook of her arm. His little dish towel onesie soft on her skin, she smiled at him, and he cooed happily. Looking up she found Din had turned around, looking on with a tilted gaze.
"I want to know... do things work out well for him." It was almost a whisper, true concern laced in his modulated voice. She had to think about it for longer than she wanted. Yes, as far as she knew things went relatively well for the child, as for the man protecting him that was different.
"You have lots of adventures, but he makes it out okay." She gave him a small closed-mouth smile. Thinking further filled her with hope. "D-does... this mean you trust me?" She searched his visor, hoping she met his eyes.
"I..." He cut off, his head shaking. "I don't know for sure what to think, I know you're not a threat, but I can't...comprehend the things you've told me." He inhaled deeply, letting out a long sigh. A gloved hand reached out to stroke the ear of the child. "But I can't shake the feeling that I need you with me, so I suppose you should stick around for a while."
As if he understood Grogu chirped happily up at you. His head turning back and forth between the two of you. Sedona's heart soared. She couldn't stop the smile that crept its way onto her cheeks. She felt like jumping, but she resorted to squeezing the little guy tighter to her chest.
"Thank you." It came out in a whisper, she hoped he could register her gratefulness through his helmet. Grogu gave a little cheer, reaching up one clawed hand to tap her cheek.
"Well...don't get too comfortable, I'll need your help." There was the familiar grumble. She dropped her smile quickly.
"You got it. I used to be a babysitter, I'll earn my keep." She gave a sharp nod, determination overtaking her face. But another tap to her cheek had her cracking a smile once again.
"Can you fight?" That question was a bit trickier to answer. While she had a knife and a taser, there was no formal training to back them.
"I... had to take a few self-defense classes, but I didn't have many options in my city." She answered with a shrug. "But I'm willing to learn." She said, determined. No, she wasn't a gifted fighter yet, but if that's how she would be able to survive here, then she was going to become the best damn fighter this galaxy had seen.
"Good." He said, seemingly satisfied, and gave her a nod before abruptly turning back to the ship. "Then I'll train you when we're able to stop, but for now, we keep going." With that he brushed past her, the hatch closing behind him. She watched as he made his way up the ladder, she heard the hiss of the cockpit doors opening. She looked down at the gremlin in her arms, and his big eyes looked back at her. A smile showing off his nubby teeth on his little face. With a shrug, she walked back over to the sleeping compartment.
Now as she looked over her belongings, 2 bags, and a fucking hotel towel. It didn't seem so bad.
She should really put on a bra now.
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segernatural · 4 years
Char, firstly please accept all of these hearts for that ask that made me smile so much: 💕💞💓💗💖. Secondly, I love your long tags on spn posts so much. You’re always so articulate and smart! I’m rewatching the show at the moment (got up to around 10/11 when I was watching it as it aired) and it’s been a trip and a half. I’m nearing the end of season 3 so I’m very excited to see a certain angel soon. I was wondering if you’ve watched the whole thing or you’re still getting through it and if so how far you are at the moment? I’m enjoying getting back into it a lot more than I thought, like there are moments that fall a little flat but also good moments! Dean is definitely still more interesting and likable next to Sam for me, I’ve found. Have a good day, my friend! ☺️💕
Aww nina! I'm so glad that it made you smile😊 we always have such wonderful interactions that i was like 'nina wants to know why i follow her? Time to send some love!' 💛💛
I really do appreciate that you take the time to read my little essays in the tags! They're a lot of fun for me to write--i tend to have a lot of thoughts on things, and you saying that they come across as articulate and smart really warms my heart :D i try my best!
Wowie you're going through the rewatch fast! I 100% get that feeling of being excited to see Thee Boi. He's wonderful, and Lazarus Rising is an amazing episode.
I'll let you in on a bit of a secret: i hadn't watched spn at all until the craziness that was November 5th. There's a few layers to that though. I have been a part of online culture since like, 2013, so due to cross-fandom contamination, i've been aware of supernatural for a very long time. In fact, when i heard it was having its final season, i vowed that i would check in on the fandom after every episode--to pay my respects, in a way. This fandom is responsible for trailblazing a lot of what fandom exists like today, so i wanted to check in and see how folks were doing.
Which means, while i had little context, i was around for the big moments of season 15. i felt the highs and lows, just not as deeply. I didnt even know its final eps got delayed, until the night of november 5th when the world was holding its breath.
Thee scene was my first ever spn scene. And it was such a ride to be a part of the experience of that night--i had heard theories and things from the show, but i was like i *have* to know how it got there. Bc i couldnt believe (in a good way!) that fans were right.
Bee and i had a breakdown over it all--and we kind of havent stopped 😂 i ended up watching both 15x19 and 15x20 *live on television* despite not seeing the 325 episodes that preceded them.
I wrote meta before even watching a full episode.
And that christmas, i decided that i was gonna commit to watching the whole show. Bee's doing a rewatch, whereas i'm seeing it all for the first time.
I take copious amounts of notes while watching--screenshots, commentary, quotes, the whole deal. And it has been an absolutely fascinating show. I'm not really a horror person--ive never seen a horror movie. Early seasons spn is not a show that i would normally watch, but because im paying such close attention and taking apart the layers, it has been a lot of fun. Ive been genuinely having a great time. It's so interesting to know bits and pieces of this show--plot points, scenes, characters--by cultural osmosis by being in an online space, that i know some of what happens next, despite never actually seeing it.
As to where i've gotten? We're at the season 4 finale tonight!
There's something about all three of our main guys that fascinates me--although i am a self-admitted dean-coded casgirl. Currently we've got all the actors giving it their all, which just makes the characters so compelling. Jackles throws his heart into dean from the get-go, which instantly made me very intrigued by his character, and s1 doesn't do a lot with sam, other than he's kind of there. S2 and 3 sam is really, really interesting, and he shines in episodes like Roadkill and Heart, along with Memory Spot. There are aspects of sam that i definitely relate to, and i really like him! I also, unfortunately, have eyes, and cannot look past how awful his hair was in 1-3, and the 2005 styling of the wardrobe was not good 😂 we've gotten to better hair but he still can't dress himself.
Dean is a fascinating character. He's a walking contradiction that shouldn't be as compelling as he is, but jackles does a fantastic job at piecing together this man that is intricate and understandable. As sort of implied by the self-diagnosed 'dean-coding', i feel like i have a grasp on how he thinks and operates, which means i am with him on every decision he makes. It all makes so much sense. Even if it hurts. His hurt strikes me to my core. Also, the wardrobe team doesn't usually do dean dirty, and jackles pretty, so,,, 😂
I've only just started to truly get to know cas, but his ideologies in the show conflict so much with the boys' and its just fascinating to watch. Its an opposing side, in a lot of ways, but its a very rational one. And getting to watch him fall for the first time, while knowing the Truth, is incredible. Misha is phenomenal as cas, and i can't wait for more. I love our lil gay angel. He is Thee Boi. Amazing. 11/10.
I could talk about this for ages, clearly 😂
I'm glad you've gotten into the show again! It truly has been a mindblowing experience to go "wait. The show did that. Really?!?" And have the rest of the fandom go "yeah! They did!" And to fully realize how not exaggerated any of their thoughts are. Its literal text in the show, that the network and writers try to avoid. Like. I get it now. I one thousand percent understand why people shipped and continue to ship dean and cas FROM THE FIRST EPISODE with them together. It's electric.
Ok i was gonna stop and then i got going again 😂
Thank you for this lovely ask nina! I wish you the best day as well :D 💛
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