#but i had to pay for my dog's vet and medicines
dangerousdan-dan · 1 year
I don't need to buy more comics I don't need to buy more comics I don't need to buy more comics I don't need to buy more comics I don't need to buy more comics I don't need to buy more comics I don't need to buy more comics I don't need to buy more comics I don't need to buy more comics
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Am I the asshole for refusing to help my friend out financially after they got a new dog even though they need financial help often and are currently in debt?
Everyone is this story is mid to late 20s.
I have a friend in America who is on social benefits. So I know they don't have a lot of money. I'm also not rich but I earn minimum wage in my country and can afford to pitch in a little sometimes which I don't mind doing generally. I'm also not a big spender at all and I'm able to save up something every month.
In the past I've helped them with buying groceries and even gave them some so they could buy a laptop for art commissions and some games. I don't mind doing that at all. When their old dog got sick I helped out as well. Since I figure some people are going to want to know, in the last 5 years I have given maybe about 2000 dollars.
They got a new dog after the old one passed, which I get. A dog can be a good companion. I did find it a little irresponsible to get a new puppy when they at the time needed several hundred dollars for rent. I told them it might be better to wait until they where no longer in debt with their landlord before getting a new dog. They told me they understood my concern but they got the puppy for free from a friend so it would not be a big deal and they would be able to feed the puppy.
I did tell them puppies can get sick and end up costing a lot more than anticipated but they told me they were willing to take that risk and I decided to not push any further. I had given my opinion and there is not much else I can do. I did tell them not to count on my help financially especially since I had some things of my own that needed fixing and they told me they understood and not to worry.
But then a few weeks later the puppy ate their medicinal weed, which for some reason was within reach of a puppy, and had to get it's stomach pumped and stay overnight at the vet clinic for a few nights.
They came to me and asked if I could help out with the bill and how they would pay me back in part. The bill was over 4000 dollars. I told them sorry but no I can't. First of all, I don't even have that much, I'd have to take out a loan. Second, I warned them this could happen and that I would not be able to help out financially. They seemed a little pissed at that but I just thought it was because of the stress of the situation. They said they would try and get the funds elsewhere and asked me to share it around, which I did.
Unfortunately they didn't manage to get enough to pay the vet and ended up having to give the puppy to a shelter. It's a cute and calm pup so I have no doubt it will be adopted out quickly but it's still sad and I do feel for my friend. But now I'm being blamed for it. I've been getting several angry messages from mutual friends about how I'm the reason my friend lost their emotional support and how I'm the reason they are having a breakdown and suicidal thoughts.
I feel really badly for my friend but I also don't think it's fair to put the blame on me. The reaction from my online friend group makes me feel like I'm missing something that does make me the asshole.
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jayjj7 · 8 months
chapter 7. helping (half written)
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a/n: thank you for 300 followers omg❤️
hanni and haerin arrive at the vet that you work out in a panic not knowing what’s wrong with haerins cat, kitty. haerin is holding kitty close to her chest like one would hold an infant. kitty had been throwing up regularly for the past week but after some medication you prescribed her it stopped, though it was a very small amount because you just suspected kitty just had a stomach ache. hanni, still panicked, was calmer than haerin; she still thinks kitty is fine and just needed more medication.
as they both walk in they are greeted by a lady sitting down peacefully on one of the waiting chairs, 7 vacant leashes in hand. hanni and haerin look around, confused as to why no one is at the reception. but because this was like a second home to the both of them because of how often they’ve visited you on your breaks, they weren’t patient.
“hello?” haerin tries to draw your attention towards her.
“y/n! kitty needs help!” hanni shouts leaning over the counter hoping to make her voice heard.
haerin slightly slaps hannis arm, offended.
“don’t say that, kitty is okay” haerin scolds while petting kitty’s head in comfort.
hearing your name being called after ryo and tae arrived to help with the dogs felt like a call from heaven. an excuse to leave you explain to the boys, “okay dani is coming with the gloves, i’ll be right back to help you all” you jog out of the room. you recognized hannis voice but you assumed it was nothing important and it was just another time she stopped by to say hi.
as you jog to the reception you bump into danielle, throwing you off balance towards the wall, which she quickly holds you by both arms so you don’t fall.
“oh my god i’m sorry!” danielle stares at you, hoping to not irritate you.
“it’s fine, go help the boys with the dogs” you don’t even hold eye contact with her as you leave her grasp and make your way to the front.
“hey what’s going on?” you ask slightly out of breath.
“kitty won’t stop throwing up and i ran out of the medicine you gave her!” haerin looks at kitty while explaining to make sure her cat isn’t distressed.
“oh uh okay,” you’re kind of shocked by this as you thought the medicine given to kitty would stop the sickness.
“here, ill take her into the back and run a few tests but that’ll be a $50 copay” you wince, feeling bad charging your dear friend.
“yeah okay here” haerin doesn’t hesitate as she hands you kitty before inserting her card to pay.
in the inspection room you start off by getting kitty some water and writing down any observations. you decided to place some food for her to eat and see any reactions she may have. after serving the food, all kitty does is sit there and stare at you instead of approaching the food. this happens for several minutes. no matter what you do, she won’t eat.
“maybe dani knows what to do?”
you leave the room to find dani washing the dogs with the boys.
“dani can you come here for a second?”
danielle mouths a ‘thank you’ as she takes her hairnet and gloves off before throwing them away after leaving the room.
as you both arrive to the room where kitty was left, you explain the situation to her. danielle hums in confusion as she listens while kitty is cuddling up to her.
“mmm..? how about this?” she walks over to a cabinet and pulls out a can all the way in from the back before opening said can. danielle picks up kitty in her arms and holds the different kind of food to her while she speaks sweetly to kitty, trying to convince her to eat the food.
confused and somewhat annoyed, you cross your arms thinking that danielle won’t be of any help until kitty eats the food with no concerning reactions.
danielle looks at you and smiles.
“maybe kitty doesn’t like the food her owner gives her, i mean she’s not throwing up. she’s almost finished the food!” danielle laughs as kitty continues eating. you can tell danielle loves her job and every animal she treats. it’s heartwarming seeing her care for animals and the smile on her face after she’s found a solution to a problem.
“she’s also over due for a shot so we should take care of that” she says in a more serious tone while handing kitty over to you after kitty had ate all her food.
you’ve been through this process before: hold the animal in a comfortable yet secure position so that it’s not only hard for them to leave your grasp but also comfortable enough for them to relax. all while someone else injects the medication into the animal. simple enough.
“okay ready? one two three” danielle whispers as she inserts and injects the needle into kitty…or so she thought.
“wow did you even give it to her? it’s almost like she didn’t fee-woah” your amusement was cut short as you feel the medicine being poured into you. your hand was under kitty’s stomach so it was hidden, danielle must’ve not seen your hand and injected the medicine into you instead of kitty.
“oh my god y/n!”
in a slump, tired, and exhausted manner, you hand over kitty back to haerin. “turns out she doesn’t like the…food…you give her” your voice is almost a whisper as you talk with noticeable pauses in between words.
“what? kitty!” haerin takes her cat back in disbelief.
“i told you it was nothing” hanni groans and she holds haerins shoulder.
you lean on the counter with your head facing down and hold up a thumbs up. “she was…due for her shots so we…gave her it-to her” you stumble.
“thank you y/n! see you later!” haerin thanks as she walks out with hanni, both of them waving to you.
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pleasantlycrazyworld · 4 months
Losing your pet.
Triggers: pet loss; talks of depression.
Author note: I had to put my cat to sleep at the beginning of the month, he was my baby so things have been really rough lately. I'm hoping writing this will help with grieving and it may be posted it may not be. If it is I hope it helps anyone who is also experiencing something like this.
You call him when you were freaking out about what to do. You were awoken by your animal crying out and knew they needed a vet but it's so early in the morning you don't know where to go.
When he got the call he was instantly worried for you. He knew how much having your animal helped you cope with your depression and he didn't know how losing them would make you react.
He rushed over and took you two to the 24 hour vet.
He was there to hold you as you cry, he talked to the vet for you, he called the place to make arrangements for the remains
He'd offer to have you either stay at the trailer or for him to stay at your house. He thought being in a quiet house would make you feel worse and since it happened in your room he knew you wouldn't be able to sleep in your actual bed for a while.
The two of you slept on your couch for a week after everything happened.
He would set even more reminders to help remind the both of you that you need to take your medicine
I think he would have you come and sit in on a DnD session to give you entertainment and take your mind off of things, he'd feel pretty prideful when it works
He wouldn't rush you to do anything. There is still a box of litter, still a collar, still toys on the floor oh thats fine! We can get rid of it whenever you are ready to. You want to get a new pet great! Let's get into the van! You don't even want to be around animals that's fine too!
He will map out the store trips to make sure you do not have to even walk by the pet supply aisle if you can't handle it
He paid for everything. He knows money doesn't fix much but he didn't want you to be worried about paying for anything.
He never had a pet but he knew how close you were with your pet and he knew you were going to take it hard.
He would make sure you ate and took your medicines, he isn't the best cook but he can do basics so it was about a week of mac and cheese before you started cooking again.
He had you stay at his house, he would worry about you being alone so he made a plea deal and convinced you to stay with him. It's already pretty big and there is more than enough room for the both of you
He would try and get you a new pet better soon after everything happened
I think he would try and get you to talk about your feelings, either by making you therapy appointments or getting you stuff to journal he doesn't want you to keep things bottled up
He tends to treat it as any other heartbreak. There will be days where you two just eat junk food and watch sad movies and when that happens he doesn't mind holding you as the both of you cry into your bowls.
Alot of people would probably say Billy wouldn't be that helpful.
I think he would struggle with knowing what to do, he could tell you were struggling but he freezes when he doesn't know what to do.
He would make some sort of comment that made you start crying and that is when he realized how serious this situation was. "It was just a cat/dog/bird/lizard/etc. get over it." Seeing you break down in front of him was his wake up call.
He would bring take out everytime he came over, he'd act like it wasn't a big deal but he knew how much it meant to you.
I think if you were to journal it would be because of Max and if/when Billy tried to make fun of the new habit you both would give him a look that made it clear to back off and he took the warning loud and clear.
I think the next time he sees a stray he would pull over and try and take it home for you. He either comes home with the animal successfully or he comes home covered in scratches and is refusing to speak about what happened.
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xagave · 7 months
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Absolutely, get ready for BABIES. The oldest foster we have right now is Lazarus who we got when he was 3 months old from a hoarding case. He had an extremely bad case of herpes that almost killed him and it turns out he has a really bad immune system so he's always getting sick. He's about 8 months old now and he's sort of a long term foster because he currently has FIP and treatment requires one shot every day for 80 days minimum. The meds are a bit expensive so shameless plug but if anyone wants to help us pay for the meds my wife's ko-fi is here
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Here he is the day we brought Lazarus home ^
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And here he is now! His FIP treatment is going very well so far ^ Our second oldest are Penny and Kazoo. We got Penny when she was 5 weeks old from a guy whose dog brought her home in his mouth (she was fine the dog was gentle.) We got Kazoo when he was 10 days old from some dudes in the next town over who didn't have time to bottlefeed a newborn. Kazoo is 2 weeks older than Penny and they became best friends!!
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10 day old Kazoo and 5 week old Penny ^
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Kazoo and Penny now ^
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Kazoo and Penny at an adoption event ^ We're having a hard time finding them a home because we refuse to split up bonded pairs
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Penny playing in the tub lol ^ Next are a batch of kittens we got from an irresponsible breeder who was fine with letting kittens get sick and starve to death. We originally only got 2 of them when they were 3 days old (breeder let mom cat get sick and die because she didn't want to pay for vet care and tried to pawn the babies off on the other nursing moms and it didn't work out) and they were born premature so they had a lot of health problems. They had rhinovirus and coccidia and the little brown kitten had an umbilical hernia that then became septic and THEN she started getting big pockets of infection in random places like under her chin and in her toes? But we managed to get them healthy and fat and thriving. My wife was able to convince the breeder to give us the remaining kittens 3 days ago and they're half the size of our first two because they've been sick and slowly starving this entire time (they're now 5 weeks old). They're still really sick and have Poop Liquid Until You Die disease so it's not fun on our end but we're working hard on getting them fat and healthy. They don't really have official names but we've been calling them Zoosmell Pooplord, Insufferable Prick, Flighty Broad, Farmstink Butlass, and Huss lol
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The first two nuggets ^
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They were sooooooo small ^
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Finally fat and healthy at 3 weeks old! ^
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The full litter now at 5 and a half weeks old ^
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Comparison pic ^. Right kitten is the nugget we've had since he was 3 days old and left kitten is his brother who the breeder just now let us take. It's hard to tell with the fluff but he's borderline skeletal :( Next is a 3 month old kitten that a foster brought to an adoption event who was very clearly sick. Skinny and lethargic with a bad coccidia infection so we took him home that day 1.5 weeks ago and also sent the foster person home with some medicine to fix the coccidia in their other kittens. We've been calling him Christmas Tree Boy cause he's always got a poofy tail or Poop Boy because he hates sharing litter boxes and keeps pooping in random corners 😒 Didn't take long to get him healthy so this weekend he's getting yeeted into another adoption event and whoever adopts him needs to give special attention to his Litter Box Needs
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^ He's very cute and loves playing with our other fosters but for the love of god we are TIRED of his Poop Surprises Someone who adopted a bonded trio from us a few months ago is returning them to us tomorrow because their fiance is allergic, so as of tomorrow we will have 12 fosters in our house. Sounds like a lot but we've had 30+ foster kittens crammed in here at the same time so it's a breath of fresh air in comparison💀
Edit: Not a foster kitten but honorable mention to my new betta who I named Gemini because You Know Why
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He has a 5 gallon tank all to himself but I don't have a pic of him in it cause he's shy and he hides lol but it's the one behind the cup. Aiming to give him live plants soon
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jellydishes · 4 months
i have had to take my dog to an emergency vet visit after he got bitten in the face by another dog. between sedation and stitches and flushing the one wound and medicine to go home with, it'll be between $800 and $1,000
i've only recently gotten a small pet sitting job but it doesn't bring in much and i am very very poor because i am too disabled to maintain the old jobs i used to do. i don't qualify for care credit and i am flat broke atm after paying the peco bill recently. if anyone could send anything at all i would really really appreciate it
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en-chi-la-da · 5 months
general animal death talk below
last night my dog sissy finally passed away
when i say finally i don't mean it like "god FINALLY i've been WAITING for her to GO already", i mean it like, i've been expecting it. "she's a tiny elder dog so i shouldn't be surprised when it happens", it's happening > it happened > time goes on. she's lived a long life, a solid 21 years (her birthday is in january) which was way longer than i was expecting her to go to be honest (although it is the estimated lifespan for the chihuahua breed WHATEVER) she was a strong little geezer. never broke a bone, rarely got sick, it felt like she was indestructible, looking back on it all.
unfortunately, she did get sick once again, so it actually wasn't from her old age catching up to her (again, that's what i expected to happen). she became lethargic and weak, very hot, was not eating/drinking or getting up to use the bathroom, when she did it was only to pee, and lots of sleeping. when we got her checked out she was dehydrated, ran over 103-degree F fever, and they told us that after an ultrasound they had found some cysts that had developed in her lower body (her digestive tract i believe). they said her body was trying to fight off an infection, most likely from the cysts, but they couldn't tell if they were cancerous or not or if one of them had popped or something. in the end, she wasn't looking good.
long term, we would've had to pay for numerous tests and surgeries for them to figure out what exactly was affecting her and try to treat her, although with her current state and how old she was, the vet estimated that most likely, her body wouldn't be able to handle all of that. short term, the quality of life route, we administer painkillers for a predetermined amount of time until she passes on her own or we run out. or, euthanization right there in the clinic. i saw no point in the medicine, why try to keep her around, just so we could watch her continue to suffer in her own bed? so she could keep not drinking or eating? so the infection could keep spreading? so i could end up one day coming home to find her dead body? horrible and ugly and the last thing i want to remember her by.
it felt like the best course of action, all things considered. she gets to pass painlessly, and i get to say goodbye and hold her in my arms one last time. honestly, i hadn't even started crying until it was over. when i felt her stop breathing and the vet confirmed that her heart had stopped. sure, at this point i had already accepted the fact that she was dying, there's not much we could do about it without hurting her more, it's the cycle of life, it was her time to go, i knew it was going to happen eventually - still, despite everything i was telling myself, to just get through it, for her sake - all my feelings in that moment still hit me like a truck. never before had she felt so small.
her life and her death will remain with me for the rest of mine, and i can only hope to see her again one day, but not for a long, long time.
i'm okay now, for the moment. honestly, ive just been rewatching all the videos i have of her, continuing to think of her and remembering her life with me. all that's left is to let the grieving process pass, i suppose. this is the last pic i got of sissy - this was from only a day before she started getting sick, can you believe that? i have others of her obviously, but this one i'm more comfortable with sharing.
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on 4-15-2024 i said goodbye to the strongest chihuahua i've ever known and had the pleasure of raising 💖 may she rest in peace! :')
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CW: discussion of trauma (the trauma was a bad car accident)
I was able to pay for my dog's vet appointment and her medicine thanks to the person who paypal'd me ❤️❤️❤️ She isn't happy about having to take medicine again but hopefully this will be the last round, it's pretty much just probiotics and something to settle her stomach because the antibiotics really did a number on her tummy.
My hands ache from the crash but it's no worse than the soreness after crocheting for several hours. I can do some crocheting but I find thicker yarn much easier and less painful to work with right now. That said, I got a bunch of chenille yarn a while back and I have some larger plush versions of my Ralsei amogus dolls in the works. The first one is almost done, I just have to assemble and attach the hat. Will post a pic when he's done. I want to have at least 2 each with and without squeakers made and then I might reopen my Etsy shop and list them. They will cost more due to the cost of materials, but I'll probably mostly have dolls made of the chenille yarn for a while, at least until I can work with normal yarn without pain within minutes again. I'm hoping to sell a couple by Tuesday because I have another chiropractic appointment that day I'll need to pay for and my husband doesn't get paid again until Friday.
I'm still trying to process what happened. I'm seeing my therapist tomorrow and I will be discussing it with her. This therapist is new to me, my previous one that I had for a few years left the place I'm with and is now working elsewhere. We've only had like 2 sessions but she seems nice. It's just a little frustrating having to break in a new therapist all over again but not really a problem so I'm not worried.
I drove today, to take my dog to the vet. It was scary. I didn't realize how paranoid I would be of other drivers, fully expecting anyone and everyone to whip out in front of me when they're waiting to exit a parking lot to the road or suddenly veer into my lane when they're right beside me and I panicked every time I saw them. It took a lot of self control to not slam on the brakes and to remind myself that other people are not going to do things like that. I have to remember I know how to drive safely and most people are not going to be so reckless as to do the dangerous things my brain is expecting them to do. My anxiety around driving is almost back to where it was while I was still very new at it, terrified to be on the road with other people and having no trust in them and even less trust in myself. I have to build up my confidence again and I have no idea how long it will take.
I have to say, getting hit by one huge trauma all at once sure feels different from the trauma I'm used to, which is the kind that builds up over many years in a toxic and dysfunctional family. It's kind of surreal, I find myself wondering if it was all a dream but then I see the bruises on my legs and feel the ache in my palms and how stiff and sore my body still is even after a chiropractic appointment and see the empty space where I would have parked my vehicle and I have to remember it really happened. I get this weird chill that seeps up the back of my head like cold water in my hair when I remember it. And yeah, I'm grateful I walked away with nothing worse than bruises and stuff my chiropractor fixes literally all the time anyway, but I wish it didn't happen.
It's all such a mess. Right now I'm just trying to focus on keeping myself fed with good food and busy with things that can make some money. I'm making chili tomorrow because it's one of the less expensive things I can make, and also I could use some comfort food after the week I've had. And maybe the familiar routine of cooking the beans will help soothe my brain. I only use dry beans as I can't stand the texture of canned beans. Cooking them isn't difficult or complicated, just time consuming and I think the 2 or 3 hours it'll take to cook them will do me some good.
It's after midnight and I'm exhausted, so I'm gonna try to get some sleep. Goodnight, and stay determined.
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littlestpersimmon · 11 months
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Hello. Sorry this is a bit stupid. But can any of my followers please help me foot vet bills for my dog Sif. I am hypoglycemic, and I keep a small stash of m&ms in a basket on top of my bed. Last night I didn't notice that a hole had formed on the basket and my dog Sif got in and ransacked my chocolate. I took him to the emergency vet last night, and the medicine and treatment and carfare (we don't have a car) amounted over to 55 or so usd. I still need to get him charcoal just to make doubly sure he is OK, and he already puked.
Fwiw, I'm broke and totally swamped with work. I work two jobs- the other day, our fridge broke, then my dad's cat broke every single plate in our house. And just.. everyone has been having a very hard time . Would super appreciate any help. Thank you so much. Not really sure if this will work since links are broken on tumblr.. but I'm just. So tired. Thank you again
https:// www.paypal.com/paypalme/calebhosalla
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We had another really great appointment with the fear-free vet. We were scheduled for an hour so we had plenty of time for questions & training. We did the Librela injection at the beginning incase she had a negative reaction but she was fine. She has been off LDN for the last two days and has been sore as a result so I’m interested to see what this new medicine does for her.
We are ready to schedule a consultation with the neurologist and work towards getting an MRI. There is also a new Orthopedic specialist that opened in town so we might go to them depending on what the MRI shows. All of this is only possible because our pet insurance has agreed to cover her back pain and our plan pays back 90% of the cost.
We used a chin-rest to allow Mandana to opt-in to the injection. We did several practice rounds and it didn’t take long before the vet was ready to inject. Mandana held completely still for the entire injection without any restraint. It was a really beautiful moment and the vet has deemed her their best Malinois patient (they do the vet care for the city police dogs who are apparently nuts and have to be sedated for every appointment)
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While Mandana was a very good girl for her injection and she was doing medical alerts as needed she was also “stressing up” as usual. That’s why I’m glad we got to have an hour long appointment. It gave us time for her to calm down and relax before leaving. I’m really hopeful this new approach will help reduce her stress at appointments. The vet even said I could stay with her during sedations if she ever needs to go under for anything which is a huge relief because that has been a major cause of stress for her in the past.
I also asked about using a dog safe disinfectant on her for my own safety now that I’m officially immunocompromised (she suggested Douxo-Chlorhexidine Spray) and the elbow that had surgery continues to get irritated so she suggested using Solva-Ker Gel to help keep the skin healthy. All-in-all it was a very productive appointment and we have a follow-up in a month.
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The Valley Vet
Azriel x Veterinarian!Reader 
Modern AU Fic
Part 2
Summary: A slow burn romance. The reader just moved to town and is starting a new job at a new veterinary clinic. Her little sister said there is a man there she’s going to love. Will that be the case?
Warnings: None for now. 
Word Count: 1,144
Notes: This is a fic that is close to my heart for many reasons. I am hoping it will be a slow burn series. 
You grabbed the last box from your car to take into your new apartment. The heat in this town was sweltering and oppressive, making your skin feel singed. Blowing hair out of your eyes, you closed the trunk and went into the cool of the AC. The place was small, but cute with high ceilings, new carpet, and new appliances. The living room and kitchen were in one open space with the bar separating the two and one bedroom off to the side. It felt a bit dark with only one large window in the living room and one in the bedroom, but that was nothing cute lighting couldn’t fix. With a deep breath, you plopped onto the couch. Freyja, your large black brindle dog, hopped onto it next to you with a sigh. 
“I know girl. It’s quite a change.” You had only moved down to this town because your mom had convinced you it was wonderful. She tempted you with the beach, sea turtles, and good Mexican food, but you couldn’t help but miss Austin, Texas. It just was getting too crowded and too expensive and your schedule was so hectic it was hard to ever come down to visit. So here you were in a small obscure town in south Texas, right next to Mexico and the Gulf. It would be nice to be close to your parents and younger sister and brother. If you were honest, it was really just for your siblings. Your parents were too chaotic and hopefully you could watch out for them a lot easier being close by. Your phone dinged, rousing you from your thoughts. It was from Holly, your new manager. 
“Hello Y/N, would you like to swing by this afternoon? That way we can get you into the system and ready for tomorrow. Once you get here, come in through the side door and my office is right to the left. Ready to get you on board.”
This would be your second vet clinic after graduating vet school. You hadn’t really been sad to leave the first one in Austin. It was small, stuffy, and cramped. The head veterinarian had also been a bit of a bitch, though you loved all of the technicians and they had become your friends. The pay here wasn’t going to be much better, but they saw all animal types, not just dogs and cats. Your true passion in veterinary medicine was large animals like cattle and horses. Your sister, Annie, had actually been the one to hook you up with the job. The owner of the clinic, Dr. Gary Montague, had just fired a doctor and needed a new one pretty badly. Perfect timing. Annie thought Dr. Gary was pretty great. There was one other doctor too, Dr. Azriel Gonzalez. Annie swore up and down you’d like him. Just your type, dark hair, hazel eyes, and he liked to sing. She said his only downfall was that he was a drinker. You weren’t interested. Your last relationship had ended poorly; he was precious in every way but his alcoholism had gotten to be too much so you ended things. You did not want a repeat of that. All you had to do was resist his charms. How hard could it be?
“Great. I will be there in 15.” You sent the reply to Holly and grabbed your keys to head back into the sweltering August heat. 
15 minutes later you pulled into the parking lot of your new job, Valley Vet Clinic. It was a large cream colored tin building with green trim and a gravel parking lot. Next door on the same lot was a similar building that housed a feed store. You parked and got out of the car, thankful beyond words for tee shirts and jean shorts in this heat. You walked to the side door Holly had indicated and into the cool air.
It had blue walls with gray tin trimming the lower half. It smelled faintly of cleaner and various animals smells. You went right, into the office which was piled with clutter of various papers, vials, and tools. You knocked lightly on the door.
“Holly?” A curvy woman turned in her office chair. She had olive skin and dark hair in a pony tail.
“Dr. Y/N Hi! Give me just a minute to finish up this test form. If you want to go out back, Dr. Gary should be out there and he can introduce you to everyone.”
“Yeah sure sounds good.” You smiled.
“Just go down to the right and then a left to the back treatment area. He’s out there with some horses.”
You walked out back where she had directed. There was a tall roof over a large concrete area with some kennels and two horse stocks. Dr. Gary, a thicker set bald man was floating a horse’s teeth while another man held its head. He had an electric grinder to file down sharp points in the horse’s teeth. You waited until Dr. Gary was finished and turned the tool off, it was way too loud to have said much before hand. You cleared your throat and walked over.
“Dr. Gary?” His eyes lit with surprise.
“Dr. Y/n hello! So glad you’re here. Are you ready to work?” He wiped his hands off on a rag and set the tool into a bucket of water.
“Yes sir. Although I didn’t come dressed today, Holly asked me to come to get my pin for the computers and fill out my paperwork.” You chuckled. Hoping he wasn’t going to make you take patients in shorts and a tee, but if he was insistent you probably would so as not to make a bad impression. “I will be ready bright and early tomorrow though.”
“Good, good. Dr. Y/n, have you met Dr. Azriel?”
Your breath caught. Your sisters description had not done him justice. He wore jeans and a simple black T shirt that stretched across his chest and around his arms that read “The Valley Vet” on the left side. His dark hazel eyes appraised you and he gave a slight smirk, still holding on to the horses halter.
“Well, I’ll leave y’all to get acquainted. I’m going to go check on rooms. Azriel, you got this covered?” He nodded and with that Dr. Gary walked back inside.
You moved to pet the sorrel horse on the muzzle. It was still groggy from the sedative. Azriel stepped back and crossed his arms.
“So you’re Y/n. Your sister told me about you. She said I was either going to love you or hate you.” His voice was deep and cool.
You have a snort. “Well I guess we will just have to see now, won’t we.”
“I guess we shall.” And with that he gathered the bucket of water, syringes, and tooth drill and walked inside.
  -->     Part 2.     <--
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buffysummers · 1 month
on tonight's episode of "what the fucking fuck"
My dog, Anya, has been getting chronic ear infections since she turned 1. She's 3 now, and after spending thousands on vet bills (she basically had an infection every 6 weeks), my vet was like maybe you should go to the dermatologist. I was like, yeah, ok, makes sense. So, two months later (that's how long it takes to get an appointment) I finally go. Drop 463 dollars for them to check her ears out and give me medicine. But, like, that's just a temporary fix. A bandaid over a bullet hole, one might say. The issue is her allergies since that is what's causing her ear infections.
So, basically, I'm going to need to put her under anesthesia so they can do a deep cleaning of her ears (this is a part of her ear that I cannot reach to clean, and it's so close to the eardrum so she needs to be put under because if she moves, her eardrum could get punctured and rupture) and then they're going to do a skin allergy test. After that, once we determine what she is allergic to, they are gonna create a serum to either inject her with or give it to her by the mouth for like 8-12 months. It's meant to help her build up a slight immunity to it. (She could literally be allergic to grass lol like I feel like that is what's going on). She will never be 'cured' like you can't cure allergies, but she will at least not be miserable and getting infections every 6 weeks.
Long story short, they just told me the estimate is going to be 3,277 dollars. There is no way I can afford that I couldn't even afford the 463 dollars today lol. I want to die. I feel so badly for her I just want her to be healthy and happy but like, even my sister, who has a really good job and is engaged to someone who also has a really good job, would struggle to pay this. I feel sick. There is no insurance for me to use to make this cheaper. I am fucked.
I just needed a place to rant and panic so just ignore me but please send good vibes Anya's way <3 She is, at the moment, not itchy because of the treatment I got today.
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pandaspwnz · 1 year
we might have to put down my youngest dog Lily. She just turned 5 but a few months ago she started limping so we took her to the vet and found out she has arthritis. No big deal, she's on daily painkillers, seems fine. Then she starts limping again and wouldn't really stand or walk very far, and we take her to the vet wednesday and get a shot of a painkiller that should work better over time, since her regular painkillers weren't doing enough to manage it. Thursday she seemed to be doing better again but then suddenly friday evening something happened and it. got. bad. she limps constantly, legs shaking badly, hind legs won't support her weight, won't take more than 4 shaky steps without sitting down again. We were in contact with a vet over the phone saturday and sunday to figure out if it was urgent or something that could wait til monday (since in the weekend just stepping a foot in the door would be 2200 dkk (around $320). We had given her her regular pain meds, even though we were supposed to cut down on half of it after the shot, but clearly she needed it. The vet over the phone says we can give her some regular strength paracetamol and if that manages her pain well enough, we can wait. So we get her more painkillers, she takes them, it seems to help a little. Meanwhile my mom was willing to be carrying Lily to where she needs to go, but I dug out a cart we had in the basement so Lily could ride on that and spare my moms back and Lily's own little legs.
So today, monday, we got an emergency visit at the vet and the vet says it is. bad. they're overbooked and busy but she said she wanted to see Lily right away and went and made sure they could squeeze Lily in for an x-ray and bloodtest.
So we leave her at the vet to get the x-ray and go home and a few hours later we get a call and it turns out Lily has completely torn her cruciate ligaments in BOTH hind legs. We don't know if they went at the same time because somehow?? this little fucking terminator has said. NOTHING. No howls, whines, screams, anything. Nothing.
Only option is surgery. But it is SO expensive. Getting one leg fixed is 24000 dkk ($3.5k), but since it's both they can do it for 38000 dkk ($5.5k). And that's not touching the 6000+ dkk ($875) diagnosis fee we paid today, or any medicine for treatment post surgery. We thankfully have insurance which will cover a total of 29700 dkk ($4.3k) UNLESS we/the vet can say there's a chance she tore her ligaments in two separate incidents, in which case they'll give us that amount twice, once for each leg. I don't know how it works, don't ask me. It's fucking stupid.
Thing is, we live paycheck to paycheck. At a push we can scrape together 15700 dkk ($2247) which we already spent some money on today for the diagnosis fee on, and we have 3 other pets we need to take care of. If we spend all the money we have and then some on Lily and something happens to the others, we wouldn't be able to do anything. So basically my dog's fucking life is depending on if the vet can somehow tell us, either truthfully or by sticking their necks out for us, that the ligaments tore in two separate occasions. Otherwise we just can't afford it.
Which fucking sucks and makes me so angry because she can get the surgery and there's a really good prognosis!! It's like an 85-90% chance she'd be completely normal once she's all healed (it would only slightly increase the risk of getting arthritis, which she already has a little of anyway). And it has to come down to fucking money.
And we are not. at all. willing to do surgery on one leg at a time. Absolutely not. We are not going to have her suffer for so long just because it would make it easier for us to somehow pay for.
Anyway, we have a surgery booked for monday (which is in a whole fucking week!! that's so long from now!) but we don't even know yet if she can have it. We're expecting a call from the vet who saw us initially so we can find out if we can say it was two incidents or not. We'll know at the latest on wednesday and if not, then we just. have to put her down. because of money. we don't want her to be in pain. but man this just fucking sucks. she's my little baby and I don't want to lose her.
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this was taken on the way home from the vet. (yes she's fat we know, she's on a diet and already lost 1.5kg)
please send good vibes
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claudiadpdl · 2 years
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ADDING AS OF 12/8: please reblog this everyone duke is only getting worse and i've been to 2 vets already that charged me over $600 but didn't help or give him medicine. his condition is TREATABLE but if i can't afford medication or visits, none of the vets around here will help me and he will die. they don't have payment plans and he cant get pet insurance bc they consider his condition to be pre-existing. i don't want duke to suffer. his breathing is labored and his heartbeat is rapid, he is struggling and needs help and i am trying everything i can to get him treated.
PLEASE BOOST! reblogs help just as much as donations!! boosting this and spreading it helps others who may be able to help see it! even if you can't donate please, please reblog this!!
Hello everyone! I'm going to put most of this under a read-more so I'm not forcing everyone to read/scroll through a wall of text. This is Duke, he's my father's dog, but recently I've started to take care of him as my father gets older (he's almost 70) and is currently recovering from serious dental surgery. About 5 days ago I noticed that Duke was eating far less than what he usually does, and was breathing harder/coughing. At first I assumed it might be something minor, but as he continued to eat less and less and become more lethargic, I decided it was time to take him to the vet.
The first visit was just an exam because I had no idea what to expect and was still hoping for something minor. Duke has been healthy his whole life and that is honestly a blessing because my father is retired and I do not make nearly enough to cover hundreds of dollars in vet bills, unfortunately.
When the doctor returned she told me Duke had a combination of ventricular tachycardia and ventricular fibrillation, and wanted to change $730 to do x-rays and tests even though she warned me that the stress of those procedures could be detrimental. I declined at the time because something like that is way out of my price rang. Interestingly enough, aside from his breathing, she told me he exhibited no other symptoms of VT/VF.
I was recommended to a larger animal hospital in my state so they could give him a echocardiogram and prescribe the proper medicine. I called that hospital and explained my situation, and was told that such a procedure, plus the medicine/treatment he'd need would be upwards of $1,000. And that without these things Duke's heart would fail and he would die.
I decided to get a second opinion today and took him to another vet in my city where they gave him a more thorough exam and told me they believe he has arrhythmia instead (the doctor called it a mild case of tachycardia). She also recommended I take him to that larger animal hospital (as can be seen on his health plan sheet) for that same examine and treatment. She could not give me a definitive diagnosis or confirmation if he would need medicine despite listening to his heart and giving him an ultrasound. Along with the bloodwork done it was over $500.
Which I did not have. That money came out of what I use for groceries, gas and bills. And Duke still wasn't given any medication for his heart condition (I would have had to pay $200 extra for another in-house ECG scan without the promise that he would get medication).
I was referred again to another hospital where they expect me to come up with $1k or more depending on the medicine. I am already planning on changing what dog chow he eats and adding more heart-healthy foods/vitamins, but that alone will not keep Duke from being at a very high risk of heart failure.
Duke needs medication to correct and slow his arrhythmia. Without it he could unintentionally over-exert himself and fall into ventricular fibrillation, which will kill him. I want to get him walking again (as I stopped due to work and the weather here) but I'm terrified to start doing that because I don't want him to collapse. Duke is my father's companion and he's been with him for his (Duke's) entire life. He is basically the family dog, but my father has a very close relationship with him, and I know losing Duke would devastate him. It would devastate all of us.
I've been looking into animal assistance programs but I don't believe I qualify for most, or I'm not in their area of operation (there is one in my state but I fall outside of its area code). Please, if you can donate and help towards Duke's treatment and medication, I will be eternally grateful. And if you cannot do that, I'm begging that you just reblog this to spread the word and help others see it. Please. if you have any questions or would like to know more about Duke's condition please feel free to message me.
I'm sorry this is such a long post but I wanted to provide as much information as possible for anyone reading. (also I have blacked out names and addresses on the documents for obvious reasons)
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natxsha-rxmanoff · 2 years
Description: Hi! I am trying to raise money to help may for my dog’s medications. His meds are the only thing keeping him with us, but they are getting expensive. My aunt doesn’t make a lot of money so any donations would really help.
Ozzy is my childhood dog. When I was a baby, he was a baby so we grew up together. He loves twizzlers, but his favorite thing is eating ice even tho he doesn’t drink his water, but that’s a dog thing. He currently is one of the only joys in life that my aunt has left, and no one wants to see him put down due to financial reasons.
Please help raise money for him. We would greatly appreciate any donations. Even a dollar or a share would mean so much. Thank you so much ❤️
If you have any questions read the bullets below-
• The reason Ozzys medicine is so expensive is because he is on the highest dosage of almost 5 different medications. He takes 13 in total.
• He has congestive heart failure. In simple terms that is. His heart is enlarged and their is liquid filling around his heart and lungs. When the liquid fills his lungs he can’t breathe and starts to cough. He also is a very active dog but when he does run around his heart basically can’t catch up with him and because of this we have had scares, which is why his vet has upped his dosages. But now he is maxed out.
• My aunt is a retired Sargent and Ozzy is basically her partner in crime. Since she lost her life partner, Ozzy is all she has left. She is actually turning 69 on March 10th so Happy Birthday!! This would probably be one of the best birthday gifts she would ever receive.
• She doesn’t have a lot of money. Her pay a week is only enough to pay her bills and for her groceries. She is a very independent and proud person and would never ask for help but my family helps as much as possible. She is still in a rough patch with the money since she is an active member is our community. Also her hours of work are severely limited due to her own health issues.
I hope these have answered any questions you may have!! If you need anything feel free to reach out to me! Thank you! :)
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adultswim2021 · 2 years
Shamefully I forgot about me mail bag, so it’s been piling up. So this post will be a big mail bag one. How about that?
Also, I have a LID BLOWER at the end! Maybe? I don’t know. I have succumbed to covid-19 and also my marijuana addiction, so this post might be incomprehensible. I’m sorry:
shitsucker69 writes:
Nah this was anonymous but I figure some dipshit who would write that would probably have some fucked up name like shitsucker69. This guy is twisted. Anyway, fuck off wanker
speaking of bozo, if you played bozo buckets how far do you think you would get (i believe there are 6 buckets in total)
Bozo Buckets? What on earth... ???
if this hiatus takes long enough can you review the Tiny Toons episode One Beer? I know it was never on Adult Swim but it is a cartoon :)
I will have to start a new blog that is called something like “Shows that weren’t the Simpsons or aired on Adult Swim”. Wouldn’t you just love it? Me talking about Duckman and such? Gettin’ wild talkin’ Family Dog and all that?
you have a cat? tell us more about them!
Her name is Lucy and she we were forced to take care of her by a guy who moved to Africa and I guess cats were illegal there. She is elderly and last time I took her to the vet it cost $700. She spins around in small circles on the way to her food dish which might be cuz of an ear infection but I don’t know because I accidentally ruined her medicine for it and had to wait for another pay day before I could get some more. That day has come but now I have Covid and am much more concerned with my own ailing health.
Bernie Sanders passed away because he was too gay
Uhm, probably because he was homophobic/racist too...
You got more food reviews? I would watch another and others
I am planning to become famous and wealthy from doing food reviews on YouTube.com
you remind me of Philip in the Alex Ross Perry movie Listen Up Philip. Make it your mission to watch it ASAP
(snottily/sarcastically saluting) sir yes sir
The Heaven's Gate stuff is such a trip because remember how stupid looking the old man leader looked. It's like falling under spell of James Quall.
Laughing. My. Fucking. A-S-S. OFF! That guy was a turkey, and I could gobble him up
I heard it's your birthday and I wanted to wish you a happy birthday. What is your number one adult swim birthday wish. You can tell us. It won't come true otherwise.
My number one Adult Swim birthday wish. Uh, I guess it would be to have sex with any woman who has been on Adult Swim. I don’t care who. It could be a normal one even. Like a not-that-hot one. I’m not going to name any names because that would be sexist and I’m not sexist
Seinfeld sucks, jerry is a bitchass hoe
true dat! Actually... nah, I like Seinfeld and Jerry is cute
the real folk blues? more like BABY blues
You ain’t kiddin (also I am reading and reviewing every Baby Blues coming up next)
Okay here is the NEWS, thank you for reading me be nasty online
I have begun a NEW BLOG to cover non-original Adult Swim Content. It’s called ADULT SWIM 2022! What do you think of that? It will take a backseat to Adult Swim 2021 always, but It’ll be a fun side project to tinker on, and you know I love to tinker. It is one of my noted traits! You gotta respect that. There is more information up on the WELCOME POST, but there you have it. A SECOND ADULT SWIM BLOG.
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