#but i pray my words are descriptive enough to help you envision yourself in a sea of saeyoung glory
Okay so SKDHAJDHWH I read the fic with the cowboy Saeyoung and AJDHAHDHEH
Cowboy Saeyoung has my soul goodbye AHAHAHAHAH- I can't believe I love Saeyoung this much AJDJWHSH
I'm currently reading the one where Saeyoung is a demon and Saeran is an angel and I really like how it's going so far! Your writing is really good and it has me so hooked istg-
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Oh, I'm happy to hear that you enjoyed reading Andromeda. That story was definitely a labor of love and a lot of care went into figuring out the best way to invoke his personality in a way that hadn't been done before. It's fun to work with Saeyoung, honestly. The way that he loves others is tentative but intense at the same time. He might play things off for a laugh but what he feels deep down inside is passionate and unwavering.
That's why he's willing to own up to his mistakes when he meets you again after spending months apart. He knows that nothing can make up for his mistakes, but he wants to make it right. He did promise you he'd make it right. That means handing you a bag of taffy and smiling even though he knows you want to hold a sword to his throat and see him beg for forgiveness.
He didn't mean to leave you that way. But in a world where he promised to protect his brother first, he had to make that right before he could come back to you and see if he could break the chain that keep you shackled to that ship. It's just tough when you consider he's living in a world where it's not easy to travel.
It’s the 1890s, and it takes months to get left from right. If you see someone leave, it might be for the last time. As complicated as it was, he's your cowboy and he hopes you can be his pirate captain. That story always makes me smile no matter how far away I am from writing it the first time. If you want to look at him and all his glory as a cowboy, [look no further than here.]
Never hesitate to ask me questions about him. I will always answer cowboy questions. 
Gardenia, et tu Polaris is a labor of love, too.
That's a story where you have to deal with the boys being separated by a divide that can't even be put into words. It's hard to imagine the twins being ripped apart the way that they are in that story, but it plays out that way because they have no choice. Saeran has a gentle heart and Saeyoung… no, Luciel is more than willing to do whatever it takes to protect that heart. Even if it means he has to face damnation for all eternity. As long as he knows that the brother that was created with him gets to experience what heaven is made for. 
I hope you can see yourself as the stubborn Angel who aligns themselves with the belief that everybody is worth saving. Even if they're a little too lawful for their own good. Being able to write reader-insert stories is always a challenge because the reader has to have a little flavor to them but still be relatable to you. I'm just happy to hear that it resonates. I hope to hear your excitement when you get closer to the end of that story. 
Iris is my love letter to SE Saeran, though.
That story in particular means a lot to me because even after all these years of being with him, there's something about him that still sits with me deep inside my heart. Because his character means so much to me and having a reflection of him that can find some semblance of inner peace makes things feel like they’ve come full circle. If it wasn't for him, I don't think I'd be where I am today.
That's why when I think of my story, Iris, I don't just think of how far he's come as a character to me, I think of how far I've come as a person. SE Saeran is… complex. His character is hard for people to pin down and yet, he remains one of my favorites. Even if you hit rock bottom, it's not over. Sometimes you just need a reminder. I'm happy you enjoyed it as a Saeyoung lover who wanted to know what sort of story you'd find.
Writing is my passion. It makes me happy to know that something that I can create with my hands makes somebody feel a little bit better. My stories aren't just a journey for the characters I write about, I know they mean something not just to me but to the people who decide to click the link and see what it's all about. Knowing that people want to read more than just one of my stories humbles me in a way that's hard to explain. I'm happy just knowing that one person enjoyed one of my stories, but it warms my heart to know that people have enjoyed more than just one of them. 
Anyway, I appreciate your key smashing. I don't care if people have a poetic response to my stories when they read them or if they just want to smash a couple of keys. They both make me smile. 
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gray-anxiety · 5 years
The Request | Levi X Reader
Not going to lie, I went really overboard with this, but this was a continuation/story adaptation for the HCs I did earlier that was requested. Almost 2,000 words aha.
requests open
Oneshot masterlist
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         “Come on, Levi! Y/N is taking commissions from everyone else! You’re her boyfriend, you should support her too!” Hange had kept repeating the same statement over and over again to Levi, who was quite tired of the crazed scientist and it was only the beginning of the day. Levi clicked his tongue and simply blew on his piping hot tea before drinking the soothing beverage. Hange wasn’t going to take no as an answer, Levi already knew this well before Hange even stepped foot in the room, but it doesn’t mean that Levi can’t ignore her endless riots. Levi’s brows furrowed in thought; he would genuinely like to support his girlfriend for obvious reasons, except there was a problem. Almost every single person important to him either left or died long ago, leaving him with a very minuscule pool of important people left that was growing tinier by the day. Levi’s heart ached at the memories of so many people that he’d lost; though he wouldn’t say nor express it, Levi genuinely cared for those left around him, he simply didn’t know how to, nevertheless thought it was unprofessional to let his guard down. Because of this, Levi decided to just simply admire the work Y/N did for others; he felt too uncomfortable allowing anyone to hear about the memories that he kept under lock and key for only him to relive. 
         “..vi! Levi! Come on, you should go request something to be drawn!” Levi drew his eyes near the source of the loud, and frankly, annoying sound. Out of the corner of his eyes, he was still greeted by Hange. Levi sighed and set his cup down; little black streams clouded his vision –– his hair was in the way again; it must’ve been unkept for Levi’s standards. Levi started to pay attention to anything aside from Hange; how his crossed legs started to ache, the endless chatter from cadets in the background was loud enough without Hange, and how Y/N was silently drawing from a corner far away from any crowds or noise, but yet still remained in the Dining Hall. Hange somehow managed to get even louder each second Levi didn’t spend paying attention to her unruly ways of begging; it annoyed Levi to no end.
        “Fine, Four Eyes, I’ll request something.” Levi scoffed the moment the words left his mouth; Hange started to blush and drool from excitement once again. Levi tuned Hange out the moment she started to blabber again about him requesting Y/N to draw fucking titans. Levi stood up and went to clean his cup out; he wasn’t ready to tell Y/N about his fair share of a horrible past, but he also knew that she wouldn’t ask just as he never asked about her past. The thought of seeing a lost face once more unnerved Levi; he wasn’t ready to describe the person, nevertheless try and explain who they were to Levi. Alas, if it got Hange off his ass then he would gladly do it, or simply just kick her ass to the high heavens above. The day passed by like normal; forcing the cadets to clean the entire HQ top to bottom with no exemptions, yelling at the unfortunate souls that ran past him in the hallways, paperwork, expedition planning, and more grueling paperwork, but even with all of that and so much more; Levi still failed to erase the knawing thought at the back of his head about asking Y/N to draw something –– or someone, for that matter, for him.
         Levi sucked in a breath and walked into his office already exhausted, though, he already knew that it was once again going to be another sleepless night for him. Levi turned his head slightly to greet your E/C eyes –– you had been waiting for him again. It was like this almost every night since the beginning of your relationship; you stayed with him until you eventually fell asleep in the corner you occupied. Levi had the decency to place a bench in that corner to keep you off the, in his terms, ‘filthy’ floors. Levi walked over to his desk, once again full of unfinished paperwork Erwin gave him to finish. Levi’s knee popped as soon as he sat down, causing him to let out a tiny growl from under his breath. Your eyes never left his tense form; you knew he had something to inquire you about and was simply trying to avoid it at all costs. 
        “Levi, please don’t overexert yourself too much, I know you have something on your mind that’s bothering you. If you don’t wish to speak about it, that’s fine, but please don’t let it push you to tackle more work than you already have.” There it was. You could read Levi like a book –– you related too much to him to not know when something was off about his stature. Levi clicked his tongue and kept a blank face when he looked up to you from the sheet of paper in front of him. You raised your eyebrow and gave him the look he knew all too well; he wasn’t going to get out of this. 
        “Draw me someone.” He finally said it. Y/N simply shook her head and gave Levi a soft smile. She knew he had just as hard of a time asking anyone for anything like she did, but she knew he must want something done involving his past. 
        “Alright, Levi, who do you want to be drawn?” 
        “My mother.” Y/N stopped working on the request she had from Eren and immediately flipped to a new page in her sketchbook, prepared to write down every description given to her on the page beside the future page that’d contain the portrait itself. Y/N motioned with her hand for Levi to start describing anything he remembered of his mother, but little did Y/N know, Levi remembered every detail his mother had before she died, leaving him only in one of her old dresses curled up in the corner starved. Levi finally set down the document he had held in his hand and sighed. He really was going to do this. Levi closed his eyes and envisioned his mother like he’d seen her oh so often; tired, pale, and half-starved, but nevertheless beautiful.
         “She had the same slit eyes as I have, though, more feminine and delicate looking; thin eyebrows; long, small nose, and a plump bottom lip accompanied with a smaller top lip. She had almost the same exact facial structure I have and had long black hair. Before you ask, yes, she had the same eye-color and pale skin as I have.” Levi kept his eyes closed; he didn’t want to open them knowing that his mother had been gone for years. Y/N cleared her throat and looked over every detail Levi described to her.  
          “Basically, a more feminine you...?”
          “Yeah. Less constipated too.” 
           Even in the dim candlelight, you began to work, carving out a face from the light, but precise, graphite strokes that eventually made a shell of a face that would soon resemble Levi’s mother. Every once in a while, you’d look up and stare at Levi before looking back down and once again focusing at the drawing at hand. Levi knew you were only staring so you could get a more accurate version of his mother, but he couldn’t help commenting on it being ‘Hange-like’. The two of you worked in silence even in the early hours of the next day, not once stopping to rest nor even think about stopping with the amount of work left to do. Finally, you had finished after a few hours of non-stop work, you only prayed that Levi would deem your work satisfactory, otherwise you would spend the rest of the night redoing the entire thing just to his liking. 
            “...I’ve finished, Levi.” Levi’s eyes met yours as he lifted a brow. You knew that was his language to show him. You stood up and quietly walked over to Levi’s side, holding the drawing to your chest. You sighed and looked at the wall to your left.
            “I’m sorry if you don’t like it; I’ll redo it if you want me to.” You simply said before setting down the portrait in front of Levi. Levi’s eyes widened by a fraction; his normal deadset jaw slackened. He sat there, unmoving until you heard a soft inhale coming from Levi. His, pale, slim fingers gently picked up the portrait and held it in front of him. Levi let go with his right hand to touch the uncanny drawing of his mother. You knew you had done well and smiled softly, slipping out of Levi’s door. But before you did, you heard a soft, almost inaudible ‘thank you, Y/N.’ come from Levi. You gently shut the door behind you and went off to take a shower; you knew you were indefinitely going to be exhausted for training in less than a few hours, but it was well worth it knowing Levi had a reminder of his mother by his side now. Before you went to Levi’s unoccupied room the two of you shared, you went back to his office to check on him one last time. Though, you were greeted by a sight you’d never forget; a sleeping Levi in his chair, hugging the portrait of his mother by his chest.
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the-emerald-halla · 7 years
Appreciation Post
So I’m having one of those days where I’m just feeling really extra grateful and in love with you guys and our community, and I wanted to take a moment to single some people out who really mean a lot to me because I dunno, I feel like it’s important to let people know when you love and care for them. Under the cut so I don’t clog your entire dash!!
Please take this as an opportunity to reblog and talk about some of your own favourite mutuals and friends! I feel like we don’t take enough time to tell people why we love and appreciate them! Also this fandom can be a dumpster fire and this is my way of throwing holy water on the dark parts to ward away the awfulness so please join me in doing so hahaha
@pathfindersemail - My first fandom friend. I don’t need to say much because you already know how I feel about you. But this list wouldn’t be right if it didn’t start with you.
@inquisitorhierarch - Another person I don’t need to say much about, because like I’ve already drunkenly screamed it at you over Facebook?? Multiple times?? I swear I’ve cracked multiple ribs from how hard we make each other laugh and I really cherish you.
@perseus-huntress - I know the cheesiness might be too much for you so I’ll keep this short. We’ve talked every single day for a long time now and you’re like, an absolute fixture in my life. You helped me build my PC and taught me to mod and flycam and you’re always patient through all my panic attacks about things not working the way they should be. You’re an amazing friend and I love you.
@galadrieljones - I’ll never forget that time that I finished my first complete Solavellan playthrough and joined Tumblr to look for content to heal my damaged heart, and first found your essays. Honestly I was so nervous to send you an ask that day! But you were so warm and welcoming from the beginning and I’m so honoured to know you. Thank you for helping to bring me into this fandom. Plus, name twins! [Sene is beautiful and radiant and I can’t look at a picture of a girl with curly red hair without thinking of her. I think my favourite little story that I’ve read about her was your description of her trying to catch snakes when she was younger - for whatever reason that just really sticks out in my mind! Something about youthful energy and the juxtaposition of her bright hair against the green and shadows of the forest!]
@ladylike-foxes - Oh my god you are just like, I don’t know. I don’t even have words. You’re like this bright light or halo in the world. Your kindness and enthusiasm is inspiring and infectious. You’re absolutely beautiful, inside and out. 12/10, literal angel. My world and the fandom would be much darker without you in it. [Halesta has such a vibrant and strong personality and I’m just in total awe of how well-developed she is as a character! Whenever I need a laugh I think about our conversation about passive-aggressively sending Solas a jar of furniture polish for his head before marching off to war!]
@hansaera - You are just so kind and sweet. Your art is incredible, I’m just blown away by your creativity and the depth of feeling that you incorporate into your pieces. Hopefully we can get modding working for you soon, I can’t wait to see what you come up with! [Athelas is such a beautiful and unique soul, I love seeing her on my dash. I’m praying we get a soft ending for Solavellan so that she and Solas can become the amazing parents that you envision!]
@ir-atisha - I know we haven’t exactly talked personally very much yet, but I dunno I just really adore you and your blog. Your kindness shines through in everything you say and do. I’ve always been a huge fan of your blog. You’re going to be an incredible teacher, you’re exactly the kind of person who should be shaping young minds. [Atisha is stunning! I must admit I don’t know much about her (YET), but I immediately recognize her when I see her on my dash!]
@elfsplaining - Another person I haven’t spoken with very much yet! But you have such a bright and unique presence on my dash and I hope to get to know you better. Your enthusiasm for Lavellans is something with which I really identify. NEVER ENOUGH PRETTY LAVELLANS. [Shaera is so soft and beautiful, I hope she gets the happy ending with Solas that she deserves!]
@thevikingwoman - I love you!! You’re so enthusiastic and I love seeing you on my dash. Something I really appreciate about you is your curiosity and open mind - how you always ask questions and try to understand the world better. It’s a quality that I really admire and aspire to. I think a lot of the world’s problems would be solved if more people tried to be like you! You give so much encouragement to the fandom and I just wanted you to know that it is seen and it is appreciated! [Iwyn is such a creative character! I love how much you’ve done with her. I always love coming across your posts about her because you’ve put so much work into her and she feels so vibrant and real.]
@roguelioness - Honestly my favourite thing that’s ever happened in my tenure on this website was that time we totally impulsively cowrote that Solavellan story. I know I mention it constantly but like it really meant so much to me. It was such a beautiful outpouring of emotion and there were times that my hands were shaking while we were writing. I’ll always treasure that memory and that story! When you accidentally deleted your blog, I immediately noticed that you were missing and I’m so glad you came back! [Neria is a beautiful ethereal creature of light and I wish I knew more about her!]
@princessvicky01 - I know we haven’t talked in a while but this list wouldn’t be complete without you! I’m gearing up for a new Cullavellan playthrough soon and I’m sure I’ll come screeching back into your inbox to sob about him!!
Honestly I wish I could tag and write about every person I’ve ever met on this site but this is already getting really long! I love you guys so much and I always invite absolutely anyone and everyone to come introduce yourself so we can be friends!
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mendooutdoors · 7 years
New Post has been published on Men Do Outdoors
New Post has been published on https://mendooutdoors.com/skiing-facts/
The Best Skiing Facts That Will Definitely Excite Everyone
Skiing is the most recognizable winter sports hands down. It’s been around for quite some time and makes up the majority of all winter sports enthusiasts. So there have to be some juicy juicy Skiing Facts that will get everyone excited.
I provide you with an arsenal of amazing facts that will tickle even the fussiest persons fancy.
Skiing Facts
#Ski comes from the Norwegian work ‘skíð’ which means split piece of wood.
So technically, next time you are chopping wood with an axe you can yell out ‘SKIIIIIII’ and it actually would make sense
#The first recorded downhill skiing race was held in Sweden, in 1879
Alpine skiing as a sport made its Winter Olympic debut in the year 1936
#Skiing is one of the fastest non-motorized sports on land.
Ever been a car driving at 156.2 miles per hour???
Probably not for most of us here but if you did you would be rivalling the speed of Simone Origone who was absolutely smashing it downhill in 2006
UPDATE: Now the fastest downhill skier Ivan Origone who set the new record by flying down the hill at 254.958 km/h (158.424 mph)
#‘Skiing’ is one of 2 six-letter words in the English language with a double ‘i’ exactly in the middle
Checked this fact out and it’s actually incorrect, never the less you can still get your less knowledgeable buddies with this one. The other word is ‘obiism’
Enjoying these Skiing Facts? Have some of your own. Make sure to share them in the comments below
#Norway or China, where did it all begin
Most people will say skiing started in Norway, after all, there are carvings depicting skiing dating back as far as 4000BC, but supposedly some people by the name of archaeologists have also discovered a form of skiing near Lake Sindor in Russia. Now supposedly they found a part of a wooden ski here that dated back to approximately 8,000 years ago.
In Xinjiang province of China, they still make skis by splitting spruce trees and wrapping them in dried horse skins, which they use to climb slopes as well as slide down them. The major difference is that they use only one pole instead of 2.
Don't follow me, I'm going #skiing #skiingfactsClick to Tweet
#You can lose weight skiing
If you like to drink a beer or 2 and find yourself getting a bit of a belly from it, then it is good to know that you can actually drop some weight off while doing a few up and downs of the mountain. In fact, you can lose 350-400 calories per hour with a moderate effort.
Now that is music to the ears, sliding down a mountain and losing weight.
#Skiing is very Popular
Approximately 350 million skiers can be found in the mountains in 80 countries around the world each and every single season.
#Skiing was considered a man’s sport
During the latter part of the 19th century, skiing was considered more of a ‘man’s sport’ and women were encouraged to take up skating instead!
These days Snowboarding is considered a man’s sport considering that there are approximately 75% males hitting up the slopes
#Skiing on the moon
Harrison Schmitt, a crew member of the space shuttle Apollo 17, said that astronauts heading to the moon should learn the art of cross-country skiing.
He believed that the technique involved in skiing helped walking on the moon and even envisioned people setting off for ‘lunar skiing holidays’
Heading out to practise my ski jumping. Need to somehow beat 253.5m (832 feet) #skiing #skiingfactsClick to Tweet
#Jumping in Skiing happened after the invention of the binding for the plastic boot
Telemark bindings invented by Norwegian Sondre Norheim, that bind the ski to the plastic boot made it possible for skiers to jump in the air.
#Look up and down
According to the International Ski Federation (FIS), one basic safety rule of skiing is to look up and down the slope before you start, so as not to collide with other skiers.
#The Longest Ski Jump
Stefan Kraft holds the official record for the world’s longest ski jump with 253.5 meters (832 feet), set on the ski flying hill in Vikersund in 2017.
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#Can’t get enough of the snow
The longest time spent skiing non-stop is 202 hr 1 min by Nick Willey (Australia) at Thredbo, New South Wales, Australia on 2-10 September 2005. He skied down the slopes 916 times travelling over 1,150 kilometres (715 miles) in the process.
#The largest indoor ski facility is 43,919.7 square meters
(472,747 square feet) and was achieved by Harbin Wanda City Investment Co. Ltd (China) in Harbin, Heilongjiang, China, on 15 December 2017.
#The true winter sport
Cross-country skiing is one of the seven winter sports that have been a part of every Winter Olympic Games till date.
#Pray to St. Bernard
St Bernard of Montjoux is the patron saint of skiers. He was proclaimed a saint by Pope Pius XI in 1923. Bernard became a patron and protector of skiers as a result of his four decades spent in missionary work throughout the Alps. St. Bernard dogs are named after him.
So those are my top skiing facts, which one did you like the most and you have any facts of your own? Comment down below so that I can feature that one as well.
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