#but i think the overall bleh has been going on for significantly longer
gazingatmydoom · 9 months
opening a fromsoft game and immediately seeing the words "at the end of the previous session. exit game (system menu) may not have been selected.
failure to end session with exit game may result in loss of progress" and i'm like ahhh so i rage quit. it's like a warning sign popping up like hey buddy whatever u were doing last time? it fucking sucked and u got mad be prepared
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bondsmagii · 5 years
3, 9, 17, 18, 21 :), 42, 44, 47
thanks!! 👉👉
3: Do you feel your age?
lmao god no. I simultaneously feel much younger and much older than I actually am, depending on the day or what situation I’m in. sometimes I feel 17 again, like I’m only just starting to work things out or get a grip on any aspect of myself; other times I feel like a grizzled old man drinking whiskey out of a large jam jar and shaking my head at the kids. other times I’m both at the same time, or I’m the kid the old man is shaking his head at. this seems like something that’s probably more normal than people think, but at the same time, what the fuck.
9: What was your favorite article of clothing this year? Post a pic if possible?
probably one of the many garish shirts I purchased lmao, or my Big Yellow Plaid Coat. oh, and the dark red boots that I’ve been trying to get a decent photo of since I got them!! they’re so dark that they show up as black in all photos so I’ve been waiting for that Sweet Natural Light but this far north at this time of the year we uh. don’t get that. so that might have to wait until spring 😂
with everything else I’ll try and get some photos soon though, because I have been serving Looks™ this year and this ask has made me realise that I do not have nearly enough photos of said Looks™.
17: Did you make any big permanent changes this year?
🤔 I think the biggest one is that I finally admitted to myself that I do not really enjoy being drunk anymore, and while I like alcoholic drinks I’m probably not going to get drunk again. it’s moderate fun for a huge price, and I have so many things I enjoy doing that it just gets in the way even if it’s only for one night. my nights don’t tend to end once I get in from being out; I’ll frequently stay up reading/writing/studying until 6am, and if I get in drunk at 1am it’s just a huge stretch of wasted time. not to mention I feel bleh for at least 24 hours afterwards, and it can tank my mental health significantly for several days after, too. it’s no longer worth it, and it’s kind of a Big Step for me because I was raised in an environment where alcohol was the be all and end all, and if you didn’t drink you were boring. well, turns out that the people who raised me drank because they were boring, and rip to them but I’m different.
18: What was one nice thing you did for someone else?
I think the biggest thing I did this year was sign up as a foster parent for Paws Protect while I’m in London, which is an organisation that looks after cats removed from homes where there’s domestic violence. a lot of people stay in an abusive situation because many shelters will not take pets; for many people this is a dealbreaker, and they would rather stay with their pets who are often a lifeline for them. Paws Protect takes the cats and gives them to a foster family while their original family gets out of the situation; as soon as they’re settled, the cats get returned to them. while the cats are being fostered, foster parents take lots of pictures and write about how the cats are doing and send the families monthly updates so they can still have that bond and know their pets are doing well. I’ve now helped look after a total of five cats, and it’s such a rewarding job, even if saying goodbye to the cats is heartbreaking!
(Paws Protect is currently active in London, Hertfordshire, Essex, Kent, Sussex and Surrey – if you think you could make a good foster parent, I urge you to check them out! and if this sounds like something you might need to get yourself out of a situation, there’s information here.)
21: Did you vote?
I did! I have been voting for several years now, thanks to the clusterfuck of a political situation finally getting me off my ass. this latest election ended pretty badly, but my vote contributed to getting the Tory MP kicked out of my constituency, so at least I can say that!
42: What are you most proud of accomplishing?
overall I’ve become a lot more productive and committed to things, and I’ve been seeing improvements in pretty much all aspects of my life. I read regularly, I write a lot and the quality has improved so much over the year, my attention span and stamina for both have improved drastically. my organisation skills and commitment levels have also vastly improved, resulting in me organising and pulling off a massive Christmas without a hitch, and I am so proud of that. I missed having a Christmas that actually made me feel excited, and I’m so glad I managed to achieve that this year.
44: Did your opinion of anyone change for the better?
I can’t think of anyone specific. I’ve found a lot of new reasons to love my friends (and you, of course), but I liked all of you anyway, so 😂
47: If you make resolutions, what will your resolutions be for the coming year?
I have a few!
read at least 50 new books this year
write in my journal at least once a day, even if it’s only short!
set up a study schedule so I can fit everything I need to study in and stop having to miss things out or simply just forgetting I have to do them
post one new thing to AO3 every week
there’s probably going to be some last minute ones, but this is the list so far.
end of year asks ✨🎉
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