#but i'm always so worried about drawing people's ocs being ooc for some reason
capn-twitchery · 9 months
i so badly wanna try doing a meme that i used to see circulating where people would send in one of their ocs + one of yours and you would draw them under the mistletoe
but i can't FIND IT!!!
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will have to make my own post smh. have to do everything myself
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chicinlicin · 1 year
i keep forgetting to post my responses to wol/oc questions over here OTL so here's a little hoard of elf facts
Compare your height to your wol/oc's!!!
rune is short tall. lumi is tall short . together none of us are tall lol
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rune is shorter than elezen min height. lumi is taller than max lala. i'm me sized.
first drawing and most recent!
rune was very briefly a pink witch before going tits out cowboy at an alarmingly speed (shit actually i need to draw more cowboy)
i will always find it funny how fast i also went from drawing like steven universe and cute magical girls to "i will now only draw my scrunkly as shit elf. they are literally the only thing i want to draw" and i've learned so much from that lol
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i think it was literally like a month between cute witch and fantasia thoughts fffkfflff (that art is from like june, so here's a more recent one cause i love comparisons :D )
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for those with wols/ocs that have names that don't follow their race's naming conventions: why did you choose that name?
rune is an alias they chose to avoid being tracked after leaving sharlayan, only to later find out no one had enough interest in their research to warrant finding them :| but they liked it so it stuck
they do have a proper elezen name but i keep changing it cause i'm indecisive, but also they'd only use rune around most people anyways so it's fine fffff someone says they're good at inscribing runes one time and they make it their whole thing
ooc reason is cause i name all my game characters some variant of rune aren after my first skyrim character so i don't spend 6 hours on the character create screen and i didn't think i'd like playing enough to worry about a lore compliant name OTL
#wolqotd player question — are you younger or older than your WoL and did any thought go into their age?
I had rune around 30, then I mathed a bunch figuring out how long it took jannequinard and leveva to learn astromancy, and serendipity goldsmithing, how old they'd be at the sharlayan exodus, and how long it'd take to become an archon...to end up at 30 again OTL
oh I'm gonna be rune age next year fghffgfffgf
Lumi is 32 and had a similar thing but figuring out how old she'd have to be to have a red mage stone, and training in a bunch of fields. I've been thinking she should be a little older though...
Other than you wol(oc)’s current hair color, what color would they dye it?
rune naturally has greyish brown hair, they get the top bleached, this is an excuse for me to show them with their hair grown out lol
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I've tried them with yellow before which worked surprisingly well, they'd try any colour as long as it keeps the two-tone
what does your wol/oc think about archon loaf? are they from sharlayan? was 5.3 the first time they tried it?
rune is sharlyan. unfortunately. they love it. even after leaving they still eat it when they wanna work instead of make real food. eating a proper meal will make them sob with how nice it tastes, then later they're back to eating the stupid loaf again.
their mum grew up near gridania and makes a somewhat nicer version without the fish. it still has most of the uh- qualities of a traditional archon loaf though
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autobot2001 · 10 months
His Strange Feelings
Author: Autobot2001 Fandom: Halloween movies Rating: E Warnings: OOC Michael Pairing: Kaylen & Michael Myers Description: Kaylen didn't think she'd meet Michael Myers, and he didn't think he'd feel anything but anger. Instead, he's thinking this teen could be a friend. Note: I know this is considered OOC, but I think this is a possible arc: Michael finding a friend rather than a target. An OC will be said friend in the planned story. There will be a reason why. I figured I'd post this as kind of a sample before writing the story, and it turns out I just get comments bashing the idea. So yes, let me know if this is stupid.
This was written for a character roulette in a whump server. The character; Kaylen -Was a victim of a magic accident -Has a very active imagination -Is always scribbling, drawing, writing something down, even has ink stains and doodles and notes to themselves all over their hands and arms, usually —ls great at reading others, knowing how people are feeling and why, etc. It's borderline impossible to hide a secret from them or mislead them since they seem to almost supernaturally just know the actual truth about how someone is feeling or what they're thinking, etc.
"Finally, that bastard is dead," a doctor says as two coroners bring a body to a hole that's two feet deep in the middle of the woods, "shame Loomis isn't here to see this." The two coroners don't question the decision to bury the body in the middle of the woods like criminals would. Nor do they question the lack of examining the body for a cause of death since this person was in the psychiatric hospital. They don't even know who this person is. They were only told to help transfer a dead body. The body showed evidence of the person being dead for a few hours, but that's all the two could tell. "Good riddance!" The doctor tells as the hole is filled in.
Kaylen walks down the street towards her house after another day of bullying. Between the five-inch long and three-inch wide burn on her left forearm, thanks to her friends, she thought magic wasn't real. On her other arm are tattoos she drew herself with pen. "She has to be related to that Myers guy," she hears a kid say as she walks by a house. "How?" Another kid asks, "his only sister is dead along with his parents," another kid points out. The story of Michael Myers is known around Haddonfield. Kaylen can't believe people think she's related to him just because of how she acts. She questions how her behavior scream related to Myers when he didn't do anything she does, or was a test subject for "fake" magic.
Kaylen walks through the woods. An old cabin is her hiding place. She hasn't been able to get to her hiding place for a week. She notices ground that has been disturbed recently. She swears the dirt looks like a grave was dug. "I know I have an overactive imagination, but surely I'm not imagining this." She continues on towards the cabin.
The cabin is as Kaylen left it a week ago; mostly clean. She now realizes the cabin is due for a dusting. First, she gets a snack from the cabinet. She's used to how there's no electricity or running water. The camper lamps she has provide enough light, and she can deal with no water. It's dark by the time Kaylen finished her snack and dusting. She still has homework to do. "So much for doing some art before going home," she sighs, knowing she'll need to head home. Happy her parents don't expect her home before dark, but by nine. Sitting at the table, she looks out the window and sees someone there. Should I be worried? Kaylen thinks. Or assume it's my overactive imagination after hearing what those kids said? She shrugs it off. Unaware she is being watched.
Kaylen does manage to finish her homework and has time to do some art. Until she hears the sound of footsteps on the porch. She doesn't have any weapons in the cabin. I don't think I was imagining someone outside by the window. Kaylen realizes. If they have a weapon, I'm screwed. She sits at the table, watching the door open. A tall figure wearing a white T-shirt, black sweatpants, and socks walks in. Kaylen doesn't think this man is homeless, even with his long brown hair. His blue eyes pierced through her. "Um…hi," Kaylen says. The man says nothing, "um… if this is your home, I'm sorry for trespassing," the man tilts his head, "oh, not your cabin?" The two stare at each other for a few minutes before the man sits across from Kaylen. Kaylen gets a strange feeling about this person. "Who are you?" She asks. The man grabs Kaylen's sketchbook and pencil. She can't believe what the man is writing, "y-you are Michael Myers?" Kaylen knows she should be terrified, but she's not. Buried alive. Michael writes. "I wasn't imagining the disturbed ground," Michael points to Kaylen's burnt arm, "oh, would you believe my friends wanted to prove magic isn't real and I was the test subject?" Kaylen sees Michael getting angry. Suspecting while he just met her, he wants to deal with her friends who hurt her, "uh…you better stay here. Otherwise, you'll just have cops on your ass," Kaylen suggests, hoping to protect he friends while not angering the killer across from her. Aware it's likely pointless, "I have to go. There's food in the cabinets and bottled water. Uh, my name is Kaylen." She collects her homework but leaves her art stuff on the table. She tells Michael she'll be back tomorrow afternoon. The young female fails to think the killer will be looking for a weapon. Michael does find a hammer. Believing it'll do until he finds a knife.
"You look like you've seen a ghost," Kaylen's mom points out. "Oh, you know me and my overactive imagination." Kaylen goes to her room. Glad her mom isn't lecturing her about being home late.
Kaylen sits on her bed, looking at her phone. October thirtieth. Anxiety builds up as she worries about Michael killing people in town and if he'll try to figure out who her friends are. She tries to go to sleep.
Kaylen feels like she dreamt about meeting Michael and the anger she saw when she told him what happened to her arm. Why did I dream about Michael not killing me and being pissed about how I got my arm burned? Kaylen thinks. I know he would rather kill me than befriend me unless… Kaylen gets ready for school while questioning her dream.
As the female walks down the street towards the school, she notices a strange figure staring at her from behind a tree. Even while this man is dressed differently than the man in her dream and this person is wearing a mask, Kaylen suspects she's looking at Michael Myers. Fuck, this is creepy if that's him and after the dream I had. Kaylen worries. Her friends calling he name snaps Kaylen out of her thoughts. "Are you daydreaming again?" One of her friends asks. "I-I…" "Are you ok?" Another friend asks. Kaylen doesn't see the figure, but she's still worried. "I'm fine," she lies. The four head towards the school. Michael watches closely at who three of his targets are. Eagerly waiting for tonight. For now, he heads back to the cabin. Questioning a feeling he has. For some reason, he doesn't want to kill Kaylen but feels anger towards her friends for hurting her.
Kaylen struggles to focus on school, but the teacher doesn't notice. She tells her friends she'll see them at five to go trick or treating and hurries to the cabin.
Kaylen is surprised to see someone different sitting at the table in the cabin. It's the man she saw earlier with a blue mechanic outfit, black gloves, and a mask that covers his entire face. She can only see his eyes. The man shows Kaylen a piece of paper. It's me. Michael removes the mask, hoping to help Kaylen relax, but suspects she knows the story of what he did fifteen years ago. "Then I wasn't dreaming," he hears Kaylen say. Fear in her voice. I won't hurt you. "Y-you saw my friends and…" Michael isn't sure what's happening, but he doesn't like it. He's unsure if water will help, but he gets a bottle from the case of water. He has Kaylen sit at the table next to him. Kaylen looks into Michael's eyes, seeing worry, but also can see that he's looking to kill people. Not just the people who decided he was dead and buried him alive, but people in town. Michael was hoping Kaylen wouldn't run out of the cabin. To his surprise, he hates how she's now afraid of him. Michael feels a mix of emotions. The anger he's felt for years but also sadness and regret. Questioning why he's not seeing Kaylen as his first target.
"I'm beginning to think I shouldn't let you go to that cabin," Kaylen's mom says as Kaylen walks into the kitchen. "It's nothing, mom." Kaylen decides to take a shower. Hoping that'll relax her.
What Kaylen is seeing and hearing at eight at night, she's trying to tell herself that she's dreaming. Four people have been killed in their homes. By now everyone is ordered to go home. Kaylen can't relax even though her friends are staying over. The four friends watch a movie before going to bed.
Kaylen goes upstairs s few minutes before her friends to prepare her room for her three friends.
As she prepared the trundle bed, Kaylen hears a door creaking. She assumes it's her friends trying to scare her until her hand covers her mouth. Tasting blood terrifies her before she sees Michael. He puts a finger on the mask's lips before removing his hand from Kaylen's mouth. She looks into his eyes, seeing the sadness and no trace of anger. She's almost relaxed until she hears her friends laughing as they walk upstairs. She fears Michael is now angry while he's worried about getting caught, and Kaylen as she panics. He doesn't know what to do when she passes out. Hating, he can only put her in her bed and leave.
Michael returns once the light in Kaylen's room is off. Seeing the four teens sleeping, worried about Kaylen. He hopes his first attempt at friendship isn't ending in failure, but he is uncertain if he should wait for her at the cabin. He stays until the teen wakes up. Relieved she's calm. He watches her find and read his note before leaving. I don't know what it is, but I want to be your friend. Your friends are safe. I'll be at the cabin. You can tell me to leave, and I'll leave. Kaylen isn't sure what to think. She hides the note before her friends see it. Now she's glad there's school today. It'll be easy to go to the cabin since her friends have no interest in going to the old cabin. Kaylen isn't sure if she can deal with being friends with Michael.
The students talking about the events that happened last night doesn't help Kaylen make her decision. How many people will Michael kill? How long before Smith's Grove discovers he isn't dead and captures him? The killing and likely short-term friendship makes it hard for her to decide.
Michael waits in the cabin. He can't believe how afraid he is to hear Kaylen's decision. He realizes that along with his lack of social skills, the other challenge is how long before the police or Dr. Loomis tries to capture him and send him back to Smith's Grove. He's now torn between leaving or awaiting her decision. Would leaving be selfish or better for her?
Kaylen didn't think she'd see Michael without the mask while sitting at the table. "Are you ok?" She asks. I'm fine. Michael writes. Kaylen looks at Michael, who has yet to realize Kaylen can tell what he's thinking and feeling even while he has a blank expression. "I can tell you're worried about what I'll say and what could happen," Michael looks at her, questioning how she can tell. He nods, "I-I don't know. I shouldn't be your friend. Y-you're a killer, but….," Kaylen didn't think she'd start crying or that Michael would hug her. Michael waits a few minutes before ending the hug, and writing on paper. We'll figure it out. I hope this won't be a short friendship. I don't know what it is about you. Kaylen knows she won't be able to change the killer, and he'll stop killing. "I…I want to be your friend." Kaylen is certain that Michael is smiling for the first time in fifteen years.
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