#but id still put the cooch down for him
shippingchaii · 5 months
What do you think of Fox/dilf Ren?
i Think id motorboat his nuts
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kpop---scenarios · 3 years
Poisonous Lies (1)
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Pairing: Taeyong x Reader x Jeno
Warning: Violence, Smut, Obsession, Language, etc
Word Count: 2.3k
“YN.” your mom calls out, bringing you out of your deep sleep that you were very much enjoying. You fold your pillow over your ears as she continues to yell your name, the shrieking sound of her voice coming closer and closer with every call. You feel your blanket being ripped off your body as your mom spits curses at you. 22 years old and you still live with your mother, this life was sad, although it wasn't your fault, you decided on your own to stay home and help your mom out after your dad was sentenced to 10 years in prison for tax fraud, and tax evasion. It wasn't his finest moment, he was trying to help his family. Your father was a man who would do anything for his family to protect them, and that’s exactly what he did and now he was suffering the consequences of his own actions. 
“I swear to god, YN.” your mom yells. “If you don't get your ass up in the next 30 seconds, i'm going to lose my mind. Your train leaves in 45 minutes and if you dont get ready and leave in 10 then you're not going to be able to see your dad. It’s his birthday, remember. “ she says. Shit. you definitely had forgotten that it was today. You quickly bolt up in bed, scrambling to get up and out of your bed. You were rushing around your room grabbing whatever looked the cleanest on your floor before heading to your bathroom, slamming the door in the process. Your mom sighs loudly before she leaves your room, leaving you to finish getting ready. You knew it was hard for her, not having your dad around, especially since she wasn't able to go on the visit today, she couldn't get the time off. It had really only been 2 years since he’s been in there and you, her and your brother had faced some very hard times, and have been barely surviving the bills, mortgage, loans and whatever else. Your mom was working 2 jobs, you and your brother both working one, and all your money went towards the house bills, rarely leaving you much left over but the three of you made it work, you always figured it out. 
As you run down the stairs, you’re putting your hair into a messy bun, forfeiting any makeup today, it's not like you were trying to impress anyone anyways. “You ready?” your mom asks, car keys in her hand. 
“Yeah, just let me grab my bag.” you huff. You run into the kitchen, snatching your purse from the counter before you head back to the front door, which is wide open. You roll your eyes heading out the door, closing it behind you before sliding into the passenger seat of the SUV that you all shared. Your mom didn’t say a word to you on the ride to the train station. You clutched your train ticket in your hand as she pulled in front of the station. “Please tell him happy birthday from me and that I love him.” she whispers as you are getting out of the car. You give her a half smile before nodding your head.
“Don't worry mom, I will. And he knows.” you say before shutting the door and running inside. It didn't take you long to navigate your way through the station, you’ve been making this trip a few times a month, going to see him as much as you could. You picked a seat, setting your bag down beside you. You just made it on time, seconds later you were on your way and you couldn't wait to see your dad. 
Standing in line, you were waiting to have your bag checked and to go through the xray machine. When that was all clear you headed to the front desk, showing your ID and filling out paperwork before you could even go into the room and wait for him. It always took longer than expected, especially when they find out the person in front of you was trying to smuggle some drugs in her cooch, and then she bursts into tears as they take her away. You never could understand why anyone would ever try, they usually always catch it. You're risking your freedom for some dude. It's never worth it in your opinion. 
“LN, YN.” you hear your name is called. “You can head in now.” the guard finishes, nodding towards the visitation room. The door buzzes open and you see him immediately, sitting in the back, in the middle of the room. His fingers were locked together with his head down. It felt like it had been forever since you had last seen him. “Dad.” you sniffle and his head darts up, the smile spreads across his face so quickly as he stands up from his chair. You walk towards him, his arms are spread wide, waiting to embrace you. You crash into his chest, wrapping your arms around him as he does you, holding you tightly. You missed his hugs, and the safeness you felt from him. You both let go, tears brimming in your eyes as you both sit down across from each other. 
“Happy birthday dad.” you smile. He reaches out to grab your hand, whispering a small thank you while his head hung low. “Mom also wishes you a happy, and she says that she loves you.” You tell him, but you knew he already knew that. 
“I know.” he smiles. “Im assuming that she had to work today?” he asks. You nod your head. 
“She tried to get the time off but you know Dave, he’s a dick and wouldnt even let her have the morning off.” you tell him. But again, you knew he already knew that. Dave and your dad had been friends for years, but after your dad was sentenced the man acted as if he never knew him and was never friends with him. Your eyes wander around the room, as if anything would be different since the last time you were here. You looked out into the common room, you were just scanning the room when your eyes were met with someone elses. A man, a very handsome man staring directly at you, smiling. You tried to contain your blush and your smile but it was hard too. You had never seen anyone that looked like him before and you didn’t know what to do. You’re brought out of your trance by your dad clearing his throat before continuing on with the conversation. 
“Tell me, what’s going on with you? How is your brother?” he asks. But before you can answer the lights of the prison flicker, the alarm blares as the red siren lights up the room on beat with the alarms. 
“What’s happening?” you ask, panicked but before your dad can say anything you both look over at the large commotion happening in the common room, which was only separated from the visiting room by one large door. You looked around, seeing the other visitors watching what was happening but no one was fully reacting to anything. 
“Im sure the guards will get it sorted, these things happen sometimes. No need to worry.” your dad tells you, trying to reasure you. 
You couldnt help but worry. You watched as fights were breaking out between prisoners, prisoners and guards, and as you watched in horror, the prisoners were seemingly taking the guards down a lot more easily then they should have been able too. Your eyes were darting to every window that you could see and watched a guard after guard collapsed, inmates taking their guns or batons, a cluster of inmates slamming guards into the windows, shaking the what is supposed to be bullet proof glass. Seconds later a fight in the visiting room breaks out after an inmate bashes a guards head aginst the table. Youre panicked, other visitors are screaming, leaving their tables, some pounding on the door, begging the other guards to open it so they can escape. People were rightfully panicking as inmates from the common rooms began trying to shoot the windows to break them, or pry open the doors into the visiting room. The doors were now buzzed open letting the guards from the front now rush in from one side and unfortunately letting the inmates rush through the other doors into the room where you and your dad were. He had taken you to the corner of the room as you both watched blood and tears being spilled, the sounds of cries and plea's being yelled out as the inmates attacked anyone in their way, including those who were just visiting their loved ones. You can feel your heart pounding so loud in your ears you feel weak, like you might faint. Your stomach is churning at the sight of blood. Your father takes you by the hand pulling you with him through another open door, but as soon as the two of you make it into another room he’s smashed in the head by another inmate who is refusing to let up on him, continually beating on him. 
“Please stop!” you cry 
“Sup, mama.” you hear from behind you. You turn around, seeing a terrifying looking man walking through the doorway, moving slowly towards you. The man hitting your dad is satisfied with his work and finishes before standing up and smiling at you, both of them slowly walking towards you. You turn your head looking both ways, there's only one other door besides the one you came through and you're pretty sure it's locked. You keep backing up, you know you have nowhere to go. You back up until you're pinned against the wall, fear jolting through your body as you try and think of anything you could possibly say or do to get yourself out of this situation but you know that there is nothing you can do, except try and fight. 
“What do you want?” you ask, your voice is shaking. Both men chuckle. 
"You, mama." The one man smiles. He raises his hand as he gets closer to you, his finger trailing down your face. You squeeze your eyes shut, tears rolling down your cheeks and you let out a scream, as loud as you could. You switched between yelling "help me." And screaming, hoping someone would come for you. 
The man slaps his hand over your mouth. He looks pissed. "Why would you do that mama, don't you like me?" He asks. "It's been a long fucking time since we've had some good pussy." He chuckles in your ear. You can feel his body pressing against you. You try to focus on anything else, but all you can hear is the sound of him breathing and the screams and cries of the ones caught up in the riot. 
Suddenly you feel a release. You can no longer feel his body pressing against you, you can hear yelling much closer. You open your eyes and see a blonde haired man, and a familiar sandy brown haired man pulling the two men away from you. Within seconds the men who wanted to attack you were down on the floor, and the two men who saved you grabbed your hands, pulling you out of the room and away from the chaos, as well as away from your badly injured father. 
The three of you are running down a hallway, the alarm is still blaring, you can hear police sirens from outside. Neither one of the inmates who saved you are sure of where to go, everywhere you look there are inmates killing each other, inmates with guns and weapons, minimal guards around. 
"Hey!" You hear from down the hall. You all turn around and see the man who was pressing himself against you. "She's not fucking yours. I had my eye on her, and I want her." He yells. 
The two pull you in a random direction, knowing they need to get you away from him and protect you. After turning corner after corner, one of them opened a door, quickly pulling you inside before slamming it shut. Your body is shaking, your crying heavily. You never expected today to turn out how it did. 
The sandy brown haired one begins grabbing whatever heavy thing he can find and piling it against the door, while the blonde one cradles you in his arms, rubbing your back as you cry. 
"I'm sorry." You whisper. 
"Nothing to apologize for." He whispers. You can hear the smile in his voice. "What's your name?" He asks. 
"Y/N." You sniffle. 
"Beautiful name." The brown haired one says. "I'm Jeno." He finishes introducing himself. He continues to look at you, studying your face, like he knew you. 
"And I'm Taeyong." The man who has his arms wrapped around you says. You look up at him, his beautiful eyes looks back at yours. 
You knew you were fucked up, and you had issues when it came to men. And one of your issues was seemingly falling for the ones who save and protect you. You didn't even know Taeyong, and yet you were immediately attracted to him, at this moment, you didn't even care that he was in prison or what he did. 
You wanted him. 
"Are you okay?" Taeyong asks looking at you still, as Jeno is busy securing the door. 
"Yeah.. I just.." you pause. You lift your head and press your lips to his. He pulls away for a second, looking at you shocked. You immediately feel embarrassed and go to cover your face bar Taeyong doesn't let you. He moves your hands away, placing his hand around the back of your neck before he leans in, crashing his lips to yours. 
In the moment, you didn't think about what possible consequences could come from this, all you knew was you wanted him, and you didn't care that you were going to fuck an inmate.
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keelywolfe · 4 years
FIC: Safety In Numbers (SpicyHoneyMustard, lemon)
Summary:  Red knows how to play the game. The only problem is, not everyone gets out unscathed.
Tags: SpicyHoneyMustard, Fontcest, Fellcest, Sibling Incest, Threesome, Background Kustard, Established Relationship, Possessive Behavior, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, LEMONY GOODNESS!!, Unhealthy Relationship, Unnamed Ship
Sequel to:
Secret Garden
A Judicious Amount of Effort
Musically Inclined
Lest You Be Judged
Solo Act 
Appealing To Better Judgment
Read it on AO3
Read it here!
That was what Toriel named the protected Monster settlement that rose up at the base of the mountain, for all the Monsters who either couldn’t or wouldn’t live in Ebott.
Red supposed if there was nothing else, they could all thank her for sparing them from whatever dumb shit Ass-gore would’ve called it, like New New Home.
Despite all the treaties and negotiations, there were plenty of Monsters still living there. Some found that once they set their feet on the grass, they were about as far away from the mountain as they cared to get. Some were plain afraid to live out amongst the Humans. And a fair few simply weren’t allowed to leave, their little laminated ID cards didn’t grant them clearance through the front gate. Monsters with LV, Monsters with an appearance that might be considered disturbing. Any Monster likely to hit a ten on the Human freak-o-meter wasn’t allowed out not yet, anyway. Made sense, really. If they scared the shit out of the Humies by going too fast, they’d be lucky if they only ended up chased back beneath the mountain and not used as potting soil.
Try telling that to the dumbfucks, though. Red kept an ear hole close to the ground for any incoming gossip and from what was coming down the line it looked like the Assholes of Asgore were using it as a recruiting point. Red suspected that they didn’t have only have the interest of one or two disgruntled folks.
Anyone with half a lick of sense should see through their bullshit, but if Red was supposed to count on any of the dipshits he knew underground having common sense, he might as well shove a bone through his own soul now and spare anyone else the trouble of dusting him.
Their real goal was to start the bloody war Asgore promised them all and if they managed it, well, it was gonna be a pretty damn short one. Magic was handy dandy, all right, but the Humans kinda outnumbered them a million to one. Hell, while they’d been down below twiddling their thumbs, the Humans figured out their own version of magic, one that was a fuckton more explosive than anything Monsters had on tap. If Red was a betting man, and he was, thanks, he knew which odds he was putting down on.
Red looked out the tinted window of the car driving him through the newly paved streets of Refuge, watching the scenery pass by. Much as he hated being chauffeured around, these days he didn’t have a whole lot of choice. Back when he was training in the guard, there was still some opportunity to skulk around. Strip away his uniform and its delta rune crest, and he was only another Monster with a shitty attitude wandering into Grillby’s for a drink.
Being Chosen took away any chance he had of wandering around unnoticed. Even if Red slipped away from Rus, his face was too well-known now and probably rated a solid six on the Humies freak-o-meter.
If he thought the chucklefucks throwing themselves at Rus’s feet begging for blessings were annoying, it was a damn sight worse when they tried that shit on him. As if he had any say in the way the Universe trundled on down the road. He wasn’t the one second in the queue to chat with the Angel, thanks, and none of the Divine had seen fit to give him their direct line.
Shame Edge didn’t let him fuck with them; a few broken fingers and a bruise or two might give them all a little peace, but eh, his bro was a spoilsport that way. His own fault for leaving the kid on his own years ago while he skulked off to join the guard, instead of sticking around to teach him what’s what. Edge’s code of morals didn’t line up so much with Red’s anymore and wasn’t that a bitch.
He pulled out a pack of cigarettes and shook one out, ignoring the sour look the driver gave him in the rearview mirror. They didn’t say a peep, though, kept whatever words they wanted to say locked up tight behind their tusks. Being Chosen did have a few perks other than risking his life and getting to spend plenty of quality time communing with Rus’s pussy.
Red lit the cigarette with a harsh rasp of his lighter, took a long drag of smoke and breathed it out as he leaned his skull against the cool window glass, watching the blurred landscape. The streets were lined with cheaply made carbon-copy houses, but there wasn’t a whole lotta room to complain about that. The first few months most of ‘em spent huddled in patched-up tents given to them by the reluctant Human government, miserable in the spring rain and mud that tried to suck off your shoes with every step. Far as Red was concerned, all Monsters should be damned grateful for a house to call their own and if someone wanted their place shaped like a fucking fish, they were gonna have to wait their turn.
Yeah, lots of Monsters struggled when they hit sunshine, trying to wrap their minds around everything that happened. Red wasn’t one of them. He’d been Chosen only days after his boots hit the ground, but he’d spent some time out in the mudholes, searching out threats against his freshly appointed Judge. He’d learned a few useful tricks before putting on a uniform and they sure did come in handy from time to time.
These days, Red didn’t get out as much anymore. Maybe if Rus had more Chosen than only him and Edge, he could’ve kept up with it, but it hadn’t worked out that way. The kid needed him, all of him, and that was that.
Inconvenient, yeah, but probably just as well. Kept him from having to hold the lid down on his boiling need to shiv anyone who fucking dared touch what was his. He played nice enough when it came to all the unity mumbo jumbo bullshit, the Judge was an avatar of the Angel, the Judge belonged to the people, yeah, sure, he’d toe the party line.
But when it came to laying hands on his boy there was only one other Monster with the right. He was as much Red’s as Rus was and that’d be true until the day Red shivered to dust.
So, yeah, he couldn’t do the footwork himself anymore, eh, sucks to suck. Instead, he was forced to rely on other Monsters to keep him rolling in that sweet, sweet info. He’d vetted all of them himself, checked into every detail of their lives all the way back to the day they dropped from their mama’s cooch. Every single one of them was loyal as fuck to the Angel and as willing to spy on each other as they were anyone else, and that right there helped weed out most of the trouble. Wasn’t a perfect method, but it usually worked pretty well and let Red keep his fingers hooked into a few pies. That was, whenever he could pull 'em out of Rus's desserts.
Right now, all his people were working overtime, trying to dig up some dirt on how those fuckers managed to get into the cafeteria to take a pot shot at Rus. When they finally got something concrete, Red planned to deal with it personally, and if Rus ended up giving him a Judging look over it, he didn’t much give a shit. He was Chosen for the Judge, to protect them in every way possible and if the Angel was having second thoughts about it, She could stop by and deal with it herself.
None of that had shit to do with what he was up to today.
The house his car pulled up in front of was as unremarkable as the rest, a cookie-cutter copy with different curtains and a doormat. The driveway was empty but that didn’t mean shit. He already knew they were home, had to be, because they never damn well left.
“stay here,” Red ordered the driver. He nodded silently, sodium-yellow eyes meeting Red’s in the rear-view mirror. Red got out, hopping down to the ground from the high seat with a silent grumble. He took a last drag of his cigarette and flicked the butt into the gutter. Straightening his uniform shirt was an automatic to him these days as taking his next breath. Didn’t make Red hate the fucking thing any less and he forced his hands back down as he trudged up the walkway.
He didn’t knock on the front door. Instead, he went around to the back of the house where he already knew what he would find. A turn of the corner an expansive garden was spread out before him, filled with neat rows of greenery already creeping their way out of the rich dirt.
There was a garden in every backyard in Refuge, every one of ‘em planted at the Queen’s command. Part of her plan was making sure that eventually Monsters would be as self-sufficient as possible. Couldn’t depend on the Humies to keep them in clover forever and sure they had some tech deals getting hammered out, but if there was one truth all Monsters knew, it was that G wasn’t food.
True, it wasn’t a perfect plan; some of those mandatory gardens were pretty fucking sad, brown straggly plants that might cough up a tomato or two before they kacked it. This one, though, was pristine. Red didn’t care about growing shit that couldn’t be rolled up into a blunt and knew even less about it, but even he could see the way all the plants were evenly spaced and that there wasn’t a single weed growing anywhere. Not a stray piece of grass or a single thistle dared peek out of the soil in this garden.
A Monster was kneeling in one of the plots, dressed in overalls and a funny little straw hat, a wagon next to him heaped with tools and paper bags, a small pile weeds who ignored the warning signs.
Red didn’t actually know Blue real well. When Rus talked about Blue, it was always with a wealth of fondness in his soft voice, often whispering his memories in the darkness of their bedroom whenever insomnia haunted him.
Whatever sweetness Rus remember in Blue, it was long since eroded away, torn out of him, and whether it was being Chosen, his past Judgement, or Asgore who did it didn’t much matter to the outcome.
He was one of Sans’s early Chosen, back before Red even joined the guard and the few times he’d seen Blue were when he came to assemblies to watch the trainees before they were instated as full guards. Red remembered seeing him those days; dressed to the nines in his uniform, boots polished until a person could see their reflection in them from ten steps away, every crease straight, every button fastened. Seen him a few times from a distance, too, with Sans, always a nice, respectful two steps behind him and looking as if butter wouldn’t melt between his knees. Couldn’t even picture the bastard ever getting bent over a sofa getting fucked by a desperate Judge.
(Sans was more likely to flop back and take a fucking, way back when, all sly smiles and slick pussy, knees spread wide in invitation. Whatever becoming the Judge did to him must’ve given his preferences a good topsy-turvy, ‘cause gossip in the barracks warned all the guards to be prepared for spending plenty of time on their knees)
They’d talked a few more times since then and not a single one of those chats endeared Blue to Red any more than the first.
These days Blue was pretty fucking hard to look at. His skull looked like it’d been busted apart and put back together by hands that didn’t care if the puzzle pieces didn’t fit right, parts of the bone still discolored with char. The empty left sleeve of his shirt was pinned up neatly to his shoulder and the cane leaning against his little wagon wasn’t for show. He’d survived the coup, but not by much, the only one of Sans’s chosen who didn’t die along with him, and there was a memory that Red didn’t like to take out and play with too often.
His team came in far too late, after it was all over but the vacuuming. Breaking through the barred door and walking into the leftovers of a massacre, a mass Judging, no one who’d been in the throne room came out unscathed. Blue the only one still breathing right and Sans…yeah.
Probably a wonder Blue hadn’t offed himself yet.
All that aside, it was a shame that the stick in his pelvis didn’t get yanked out along with his arm. The eye light that lit his less damaged socket was blazing sharp, and he was struggling to his feet the second Red started walking across the yard, snatching up his cane and brandishing it like a sword.
“What are you doing out here?” Blue demanded loudly. He stormed out of his garden, tracking mud across the carefully shorn grass. “You should be with Rus, he needs to be protected!”
“well, hello to you, too,” Red drawled. He stuck his hands in his pockets carelessly, rocking on his heels. “kid is fine, edge is with him.”
Blue’s dismissive scoff raked across Red’s nerves like the tines of a fork on a cheese grater. “Oh, certainly, with Edge, that’s surely impenetrable protection! Edge wasn’t even a full guard when he was Chosen!”
"might be so, but edge is the one in charge these days. you think i want out there handling that shit?" Either Blue wasn’t keeping up with the times or he was just being a prick. Either was possible, but the fact of the matter was that in public, Edge was the boss. His word was law when it came to Rus and it had a lotta spillover onto Toriel. To insinuate that he wasn’t capable of protecting the Judge was an insult about the level of hocking a juicy loogie into Red’s face and if it was anyone else, Red wouldn’t be fussed about getting the dust out of his shoelaces before he headed home. Blue caught the barest hint of a break, for Rus, but he was already fucking pushing it. Still, Red kept his voice carelessly easy, “you sound kinda worried about your bro.”
Blue shed the glove on his remaining hand and pulled a tidy bandanna out of his back pocket, mopping at the sheen of sweat on his shattered skull. “I heard about the attack, of course. Everyone has.”
“yeah?” Red raised a brow bone, reluctantly interested. “hear any useful gossip about it?”
“If I had, you would already know about it,” Blue retorted. He sighed and gestured for Red to follow him, making his staggering way up to the back porch. It was surrounded by flowering bushes, heady perfume overwhelmingly filling the air while bees flee drunkenly from blossom to blossom. Sitting on a little patio table was a carafe of lemonade, lemon slices floating amongst the ice.
Blue poured two large glasses, pushing one over to Red. He took a long drink, the tartness blotting out the nauseatingly thick reek of the flowers.
Blue took a sip from his glass, ice cubes rattling, and he dabbed away the thin stream that ran out of his cracked jaw with the bandanna. “I don’t hear most of the gossip, I’m afraid, not anymore. I’m a failed guard, the neighbors don’t exactly stop by for visits and chats.”
“You didn’t fail at shit,” Red retorted sharply. Bullshit was all that was, all because Blue managed to not die.
Red wasn’t fond of Blue, but fuck, he’d had nine toes in the dustpan when they managed to tow him back into the land of the living. He’d fucking well tried and if anyone wanted to toss in their opinion on whether they thought Blue didn’t try hard enough, they were welcome to give Red’s fat one a good ol’ suck.
Blue only let out a humorless laugh. Once, his eye lights had been a starry yellow-blue, showcasing his traits. Patience and justice, pretty good draw for a Chosen companion to the Judge. The one eye light he still had was pale and colorless now, reminiscent of Rus’s, only Blue’s was dull, doughy-blank, showing none of Rus’s vibrancy. Hard to believe anymore that these two were even brothers.
Curious that Rus’s Choosing gave him a pair of brothers with a matching trait of Determination. Made a person wonder exactly why, but neither the Angel nor the Judge were telling.
The glass in Blue’s hand rattled against his trembling fingers, the bones still yellowed and scorched. “Tell that to Sans.”
“tell him yourself,” Red lowered his voice to a harsh whisper. The cunning little device in his pocket would’ve warned Red if there was any active listening devices around, but Red hadn’t survived as long as he had without harsh lessons in watching his mouth, “i told you before, i can get you up to our rooms, no one’d ever know.”
Blue’s mouth twisted disgustedly. The movement from his jaw pulled the gaping crack over his dead socket grotesquely wider as the first real emotion winking in and out of his eye light in a flash. "And I told you, there is a reason that former Chosen aren’t allowed near the new Judge,” Blue slammed down his glass, a wave of lemonade slopping over his damaged fingers. “There's no telling how he'd react if he saw me! If he recalled I was once Chosen, he might--ugh!” Blue hunched over with a shudder of revulsion, “It's bad enough that you and your brother are servicing him."
“you questioning the judge’s choice?” Red said coolly, just this side of waspish. He didn't really give a good shit what Blue thought of it, especially considering Red’s reasons for being here to begin with, but he did wonder what Blue would think if he knew Sans popped out for a recent visit. Whispered a coupla sweet nothings while he jammed Rus’s prick East bejesus up Red’s cunt. The memory made a slick of wetness form at Red’s crotch and he shoved the memory back. Not the time and he stuffed that little reminiscence back where the one of his brother’s cock in his mouth lived, the knowledge of how it felt, soft and slick with his own come and Rus’s, carefully tucked into the furthest corner of his mind.
That tart question struck the dartboard in a bullseye. Blue faltered like he’d been jabbed right in the tailbone, sputtering out, “No, of course not, but—" He recovered, straightening his spine and that cool soldier’s expression dropped over his face, the stick in his ass jammed straight. “That doesn’t matter. What matters is the damage it could cause my brother to see me, so you can stop asking, the answer is no, it’ll always be no.”
“whatever you say,” Red shrugged, ‘cause he didn’t care, not really. Except for how desperately Rus wanted to see his fucking brother, just once, one last time. The brother he’d missed out saying goodbye to between Blue’s unconsciousness and him being Chosen. Any other Judge at least got a chance to say fare thee well and the fact that Rus lost the opportunity was just one more bar in Rus’s prison, caged in, body and soul.
Blue’s answer was about what he’d expected though, and that was fine. Another useless attempt to get him to the Embassy wasn’t Red’s real reason for coming.
“not really here about you anyway, pipsqueak,” Red said, letting the words fall lightly. “i heard papyrus is staying here with you these days.”
That little tidbit of gossip came through the vine in the wee hours last night, Red checking his phone with Rus sleeping peacefully beside him, Edge on the far side. He’d spent the rest of the night lying awake, cold fury thrumming in his soul and that was the real reason Red came all the fucking way out here for a little face to face chat. “shacking up with sans’s little brother, huh, that sure must be something.”
Papyrus was only a kid when Sans was chosen as Judge, still in striped shirts and missing his two front teeth. Biggest difference between him and Edge was the Crown gave a stipend to the families of Chosen to make up for the loss of income. Papyrus probably never had a hungry day in his life and certainly not after Sans put on the robes. His bro never had to worry if the shit wage he was earning in the guard was gonna be enough to keep a roof over his kid brother’s head or keep him in clothes when he started growing like a weed. Sans didn’t have to set aside enough for a bribe to make sure that whatever G he made actually found its way to his brother and didn’t end up lining the pocket of some greedy deliveryman.
None of that was Papyrus’s fault and sucking on a silver teat didn’t make him miss his brother any less. Kid tried the join the guard a few times and always washed out, only got to try more than once because of who his brother was. Red wondered morbidly what Blue’s stuck up, sanctimonious ass would’ve thought if Papyrus had gotten into the guard and Sans Chose him.
Now it was looking like that stick in Blue’s ass didn’t keep him from inviting Papyrus between the sheets.
Whatever color was in Blue’s skull leached away, the bone dulling to chalky white, and taking with it any hope that Blue wasn’t using that kid as a dim replacement. His gaze skittered away, hunted, skipping around the yard, looking for fuck knew what. For Sans to step out of the void with shrieking admonishments, for a stray bolt of lightning to finally strike him down and send Blue after those who went before him. There was nothing, only Red standing here holding half a glass of decent lemonade in the sunshine so many died to get.
There was nowhere else for that look to go, no escape, and finally Blue reluctantly looked at Red again. He said, raw and stiffly, “There’s nothing against the code about that.”
“no, there ain’t,” Red agreed, softly. He only met Blue’s solitary eye light evenly. Red couldn’t see into Blue’s soul but he fucking well hoped Blue felt his sins crawling their leisurely way up his spine.
Red set his lemonade down carefully before he gave into the urge to toss it glass and all right into Blue’s broken face. He turned away and started back around the house, barely off the patio when Blue called his name.
“Red?” Blue struggled for words finally asked, plaintively. “Is he happy?”
Almost Red wanted to tell Blue that they kept Rus well fucked. That his little bro looked good stuffed with cock on both ends, that he sucked dick with the expertise of a thousand G whore.
But he wasn’t about to talk about Rus like that, not even to get one up on his shitheel brother. “i like to think so. he’s a real sweetheart.”
Red made no mention of the almost desperate adoration that rose up in his soul that came from only thinking about Rus. That wasn’t for sharing time.
“Yes,” Blue said. His hoarse voice was low, subdued, “he always was. take good care of him?”
Better than you could, Red did not say. “want me to give him a message or anything?”
Blue’s melancholy faded and he shook his head immediately, "Judges are forbidden from any contact by a former Chosen or family, and I’m both. You know this.” He sounded like he was reading straight from the guard manual.
If Rus hadn’t been Chosen, he’d be here right now taking care of his piece of shit brother. Standing back helplessly while Blue fucked the old Judge’s kid brother and pretended he was someone else, and Red was a selfish enough bastard to be glad he wasn’t. “you’re right, i do. so is there?”
Blue only lifted his chin and it was a damn good thing he wasn’t a Judge, because his single eye light was loaded with resentful judgement. “No. There’s nothing I could tell him that he wouldn’t already know.”
Yeah, just as well Rus was Chosen. Blue didn’t fucking deserve to have his brother here with him.
Wasn’t a fucking thing Red could do about Papyrus; he was out of stripes and kid was gonna have to make his own bad decisions and what was Red gonna do about it anyway? Take him back home like a stray puppy he found on the streets? Tell him that he didn’t have to settle for Sans’s leftovers, remind him that it wasn’t Sans’s idea to leave any of them? That he didn’t need to live here, the two of them burying themselves into a dusty tomb that Sans wasn’t even in.
He wondered what Papyrus was getting out of it. If he was closing his sockets and played his own version of pretend.
He wondered why he even cared. Why had he come out here to Refuge, really?
“tell paps i said hi,” Red said finally, “ain’t nothing against that in the code, either.”
“I will.”
Red turned on his heel and headed back to the car before he said something he wouldn’t regret, but would hurt Rus if he ever heard about it. He lit a cigarette before they’d even pulled away from the curb and by the time they got back to the Embassy, he’d smoked his way through the entire pack.
When Red got back to their quarters, he was too fucking tired for the early hour of the day and faintly nauseous from too much nicotine. He closed the door carefully behind him, resetting all the alarms. His joints ached like all his frustrations seeped out of his soul and settled into them.
In their living area, Rus and Edge were sitting on opposite sofas, playing some kind of stupid card game. Rus was choosing to stay home for a few days, barring a Judgement, and that was the only reason Red felt comfortable enough to leave the two of them alone, anyway.
Kid didn’t want to endanger anyone else, perfectly reasonable response to what happened, but they couldn’t hide away in here forever. Rus needed fresh air and sunshine. He needed his meditation gardens, not the weedy looking herbs Edge grew on the narrow windowsill for his cooking.
That meant Red needed to go over the intel his contacts were sending along. Search for reoccurring names, patterns, anything that’d lead him to the end of this snake so he could chop off the head.
Needed to, yeah, but it’d have to wait. Right now, his head wasn’t exactly in the game. He’d left too much of his mind behind in Refuge, turning that chat over and over, trying to find a chink, a solution that didn’t exist.
Probably better to get settled so he didn’t miss a trick, yeah, that was the ticket. All Red wanted right now was some manufactured forgetfulness and he wanted to get started making it right now.
“welcome back,” Rus called cheerily. He only glanced at Red, pale eye lights filled with warm greeting, before turning back to the cards in his hand with a little frown.
That gave Red a chance to discreetly run a mental inventory of his honey. Rus was looking good today. There was some color back into his bones, his pristine skull glossy with health. His magic was leveling out to its normal slower upward trickle. Hell, at a glance he was damn right perky, and that made it hard not to appreciate how fucking pretty he was. His long robes were discarded in favor of a pair of soft, loose pants and a t-shirt to match, bare feet tucked under his knees and a hint of his clavicles peeking tantalizingly over the neckline, begging for a mouth to give ‘em a taste.
Just seeing Rus like that leached some of the aching tension out of Red’s soul, trading it out for relief.
It was tempting to step up right then, but Red hung back, waiting for them to finish their game. When Rus wasn't giving Judgments, what he was mostly was bored. There was only so much meditating and bonding with the spirits or whatever the shit that anyone could do. Protecting the Judge was the focus of their job, the most important thing, but it wasn’t the only one. The other part of their bit was plain taking care of Rus and that included entertainment.
Sex might be an easy way to knock out two birds with one dick, but it couldn’t be the only thing.
Their living room was lined with shelves filled to the brim with books and blu-rays, video game consoles and board games, anything to help Rus pass the day and hopefully forget that the sunshine his brother nearly died to get for their people couldn’t really be his.
“What were you off doing anyway?” Rus asked absently. His attention was mostly on the game, sockets narrowed, and across from him, Edge only waited patiently, the slightest hint of a smirk curving his mouth. Rus didn’t seem too worried about Red taking a field trip, it did happen from time to time.
His brother was probably less than pleased that Red took off without a word as to where he was going other than a hastily scrawled note of ‘back soon’, but eh, Red could take that medicine when he had to.
There was a split-second choice to be made here, whether to tell Rus the truth of where he’d gone or not. With only a couple words, Red could make sure Rus never wanted to see his brother again…and taint every past memory he clung to in the process. Almost did it anyway; Red was an old hand at cleaning up all kinds of messes, he could handle one more. The only thing that held his tongue was thinking of Rus’s grief, the choking tears streaming down his pretty face, and his memory of his brother would end up just one more thing he’d lost.
Only this time it would be Red doing the taking.
Fuck it, if the Angel wanted Rus to know about it, She could do the dirty work.
“nothing important, darlin’,” Red said smoothly, and that was true enough.
Rus didn’t notice anything amiss, but Edge gave him a narrow, suspicious look. Eh, he’d catch his bro up on things soon enough. Now wasn’t the time. For once, Edge wasn’t buttoned from his clavicles to his toes in his uniform, instead dressed in soft pants and a sweatshirt that was a hair too tight, probably from Rus’s side of the closet. Probably meant they’d spent some cuddle time on the sofa before starting up on the game or at least Red hoped so. He might watch the cameras later. Just to make sure.
His wandering thoughts were coagulating, coming back together in his skull and Red was already wondering what kind of distraction he could come up with to tug their attention from the cards when he heard it. Faintly, the familiar, hollow sound of a constant buzzing against bone.
Well, now, this was getting interesting, now wasn’t it.
“care to fill me in on the rules to this game?” Red drawled. He leaned against the sofa arm and treated himself to a more in-depth perusal of them both. Nothing unusual leapt out at him, not yet.
“it’s pretty simple,” Rus said. His cards were fanned out messily in his slim hands, a disorderly array of suits. “whoever loses a round has to wear a vibrator in the next round. winner gets to put the vibrator wherever they want.”
Huh. Rus sounded a little more disgruntled than that called for. Kid was an ace at counting cards, it was a little surprising he’d even persuaded Edge to play. “sounds fun.”
“i thought so too,” Rus said, shooting Edge a sulky look. “only edge doesn’t even work up a sweat, no matter where i put it. i’ve tried it behind his sternum, his sacrum, pubic arch. i'm about ready to toss it into his eye socket and let it rattle around in his skull for a while, see if that shakes him up.”
Edge laid the queen of spades on top of the card pile and said placidly, “My apologies for my self-control being so boring.”
Boring, huh. Red looked his brother up and down calculatingly. The little details were there if a person knew how to look. Eye lights barely hazed, the slightest hitch to his too-even breathing. He was a little worked up, but Rus wasn't lying, he still looked like an ice cube wouldn't melt in his shorts.
Meanwhile, Rus was pouting unhappily, his pretty smile turned upside down, and that just couldn’t be allowed, now could it. An idea perked up in the back of Red’s mind, ripe with possibilities, and Rus would go for it no question. Whether Edge would was dependent on how happy he wanted to make Rus, which usually fell under ‘a lot’. The odds were good, and Red never shied from a good bet.
Red leaned in and settled a wandering hand on Rus’s knee, sliding lightly up his inner thigh and snagging his attention. "how about we play another kind of game, honey."
Rus immediately looked wary, but Red wasn't offended. Couldn't blame him; Rus'd played Red’s games before, good on him for taking the lesson to heart.
"what game?" Rus asked suspiciously.
"Doesn’t anyone want to know if I want to play a new game?" Edge asked no one in particular. They ignored him.
Red rose up on his toes and laid a soft kiss on Rus’s mouth, lingering a little too long over that sweetness before he reluctantly drew back. “lemme get changed first then we'll talk. you go on ahead and finish that round.”
He strolled off, whistling cheerfully. The day was already looking up.
In their shared bedroom Red stripped out of his uniform, carelessly dropping it to the floor for Edge to bitch over later. A pair of well-worn shorts and a t-shirt was a decent match to the wardrobe choices of two brats out there, and made for easier access and cleanup. Ready Freddy, except for one thing.
Red knelt down and dug out a small box hidden underneath their bed, grabbed a little something that might come in handy right soon. He tucked it into his pocket, shoving it deep enough not to arouse (heh) suspicions.
Edge was picking up the cards when Red came back out, tucking them back into the box. The previously unseen vibrator was sitting innocently on the coffee table as if Red couldn’t see the faint traces of crimson that’d been hastily wiped away.
Red crawled up on the sofa next to Rus and held out an arm, pretended that his soul didn’t give a solid throb as Rus immediately snuggled in against him happily. The kid rolled over on his back, his skull in Red’s lap, looking up at him with bright curiosity in those pale eye lights as he said, “c’mon, red, tell me!”
That pout was back and Red took a moment to lean down and quickly kiss it away, allowing only a brief flicker of their tongues together before he pulled back. He stroked the smooth bone of Rus’s forehead lightly, soothingly, “all right, honey love, here’s the game. you got five minutes to get edge to come, however you can. if you don’t get it done in the allotted time, i get five minutes to make him come. winner gets the prize.”
As he’d guessed, Rus’s eye lights immediately blew wide, briefly tinging golden in an abrupt surge of desire. It faded quick enough, Rus struggling to hold it back, but the cat was out of the bag now, wasn’t it.
Across the way, Edge barely stifled a sharp, startled sound, but if he had an opinion about Red’s little suggestion, he kept it to himself.
The rest of Red’s words seemed to have wormed their way past that first thoughtless rush and Rus was frowning again, “that's not fair. if i lose, he'll already be all worked up for you.”
Red leaned down and gave him a light kiss in reward for figuring that out. “ah, but see, difference is, i don't get to touch him. no bone on bone for me, sweetheart, i promise.”
Mollified, Rus settled back. “what do i get if i win?”
“you get to ask a favor of me, anything at all.”
Poor kid was gonna get whiplash the way he kept flipflopping from interest to disappointment. “i can already do that.”
“yeah, but you don’t.” Red pointed out, “you never do. this one you’d earn fair and square, might make it easier if you’re spending your own dime rather than the inheritance.”
Rus nodded slowly, understanding coupled with intrigue lighting his face, “and if you win?”
“same deal, i get to ask one thing from you. anything i want.” That win or lose Rus was gonna enjoy himself thoroughly was heavily implied.
“anything,” Rus murmured, rolling the word around in his mouth, giving it a good taste, but before he could decide if he liked the flavor, another bargainer stepped up to the table.
“I have a question,” Edge said, coolly. Red glanced at his brother meaningfully, met crimson eye lights that were a match his own. Edge was sitting on the opposite sofa, his arms crossed over his chest. The line of his jaw was tense, teeth gritted together, but that wasn’t distaste or reluctance on his face, not one fucking bit. He waited to see if his bro would beg off or outright refuse. They’d teeter-tottered around into a little touchy feely a long time ago, didn’t matter so long as it helped get Rus off. They'd been ramping it up lately, but this was a horse of a different color, deliberate red on red without a buffer of honeyed gold between them.
He was counting on his brother not to disappoint.
“what’s that, bro?” Red asked.
Edge’s crimson tongue flicked out over his teeth, an almost imperceptible hint at nervousness. "What do I get if neither of you get me to come?"
Oh yeah, that was his bro.
"ah, that’s easy,” Red said lightly, “favor is all yours, little brother. from both of us."
Red looked back down at Rus and he could about see the gears turning in his mind. He was a smart kid, even smarter when you took into account all the Judges in creation playing house in the back of his mind. He was trying to work out what kind of monkey's paw bullshit Red wove into the bargain, but looked like he wasn't finding anything cause all he said was, decisively, "deal.”
“Deal,” Edge agreed softly. He stood and turned on his heel, walking out. Came back only a minute later with a couple towels over one arm, fucking neat freak. He spread them out on the sofa then shed his clothes, folding each piece neatly as he stripped it off. Edge wasn’t anywhere near as pretty as Rus, his bones were thicker with none of the delicacy that was laced into their lover’s, pocked with scars from the years before he was in the guard and the training alike. Strong bone that could take a beating and had, bearing the marks of a survivor and warm pride flowed over Red like syrup, like the honey he so often named Rus.
Edge’s joints were already lit with mana, either from the earlier vibrator or the recent chat, and a cloud of it filled his pelvic cradle, a thunderstorm of brimming desire. He settled back on the sofa, long legs stretched out, and said, mockingly sweet, “Ready when you are.”
A hasty search found lube where it was thoughtful stowed under one of the cushions and Rus drizzled it over his slim hands, rubbing them together until the slender bones were glossy and slick. “summon your cock first, give me something to work with.”
Edge tutted in disappointment, shaking his head, “Asking for a concession already?”
“everyone knows you don’t start a game without setting up the pieces first,” Rus countered, waggling his slippery fingers teasingly.
“he’s got you there, bro,” Red chuckled, amusement mingled with a peculiar sort of relief. All the nastiness of the day was flowing away, dirty water down the drain, simply by being around these two sassy shits. “don’t you think he deserves a little head start?”
Nice to see that Red wasn’t the only one who weakened under a pair of wide, pleading eye lights. Edge softened like sweet butter left on the stovetop. The swirl of his magic solidified, his cock formed between his femurs, already heavy and hard, a formidable piece of equipment that Edge usually put to good use. Rus reached out with dripping hands, only waiting when Red called out.
“hold up.” Red pulled out his phone, setting the timer, “okay, rus…go!”
Red settled back into the throw pillows to watch the show, one hand slithering down the front of his shorts, hard phalanges idle against his pubic crest where his magic was settling humidly. Wasn’t any part of the bet against him coming and Red was all ready to hit the concession stand.
Rus didn’t waste any time, both hands already curled around Edge’s shaft, spreading the slippery lube until the scarlet ectoflesh was glistening wetly. The rhythmic sound was wickedly obscene, startlingly loud over Rus’s satisfied hum.
There was no reaction at all from Edge, his eye lights barely flickered as Rus stroked him. Even when Rus frowned determinedly, kneeling between Edge’s spread legs, tongue already eagerly extended. He lapped softly at the little jewel of scarlet fluid beading at the head of Edge’s cock before sucking the length of it down with a messy slurp.
“that’s it. little brother,” Red called, smirking as Edge only hissed out a breath, keeping stubbornly still, “don’t make it too easy for him.”
It was a helluva show, to put it mildly, worth it even if by some random chance Red lost the game. Rus was pulling out all the stops, using every dirty, wicked trick he’d been taught between them about giving head and a couple made up on the spot. The long, flexible length of his tongue wrapped around the shaft, a thumb and forefinger surrounding the base, following the tight rhythm of Rus’s head. Mouth sloppy wet, golden spit sliding down his chin and wetting his hand as Rus sucked Edge in deep, his formed throat bobbing as he swallowed, formed muscles massaging the hard length. His free hand wandered wherever it could reach, seeking out places he knew were sensitive. Rus had mapped out their bodies with those shy, nimble fingers of his too many times to count, committing their every twitch to memory, and now he was tweaking cartilage, fondling up the length of Edge’s spine, teasing at his floating ribs.
All the little details put together a fine picture; Rus’s ass in the air, his clothed pelvis wriggling enticingly as he worked. Muffled whimpers were spilling into the air from him around the cock filling his mouth, garbled pleading, and Edge sure as fuck wasn’t unaffected now.
Sweat decorated his skull like glittery sequins as Edge breathed hard through his nasal cavity, his tongue caught between his jagged teeth hard enough that a thin rill of crimson was spilling down his chin. His knees jerked slightly with each bob of Rus’s head, bones clattering softly. A raw groan escaped Edge, hinting at desperation at the exact moment the timer buzzed, shifting to a pained gasp as Rus pulled off with slow deliberation, giving the head a last teasing suck.
Rus sighed in mock disappointment, wiping at his mouth fruitlessly with the back of his hand and only succeeding in smearing the mingled gold and crimson fluids. “damn it, guess i lost.”
“guess you did,” Red slid down to the floor with less grace than he would’ve liked, knees wobbly and his own arousal settled heavily into his pelvis. “have a seat, honey, watch the master at work.”
Mischief flittered over Rus’s face, far too quick for anything but a warning. He caught hold of the front of Red’s shirt and yanked him in, forcing his sex-tainted tongue down Red’s throat. The taste was one he knew all too well, honey sweetness mellowed with spice, rich and addictive.
A last delicate swipe of his tongue and Rus sashayed away, snagging one of the pillows to curl around while he settled in for his turn to watch.
Red licked the back of his teeth, catching the last of that tang before it faded completely. Yeah, Rus was gonna pay for that.
Or maybe Red needed to thank him, because Edge was watching them hotly with a riveted gaze, a thread of crimson fluid leaking from the tip of his cock to stain the towel.
He didn’t quite flinch as Red crawled up on the cushions, keeping a careful distance from his brother’s bare bones. There was a certain fraught quality to Edge’s expression, a feral wildness like he might bolt away.
“close your sockets, bro,” Red told him, gently. Which mean of course that Edge did no such thing, contrary bastard.
“Why?” Edge said suspiciously. His gaze flicked down Red’s body helplessly to where his dick was pushing out the front of his shorts, then away, then back to Red’s face, the color blooming his cheekbones lovelier than any flower in Refuge.
Thoughts like that weren’t gonna help Red win the game and he shoved it aside, adding it to his growing collection of ‘ain’t thinking about it’.
“because i fucking told you to,” Red retorted, “that’s why. now play the game right.”
“I don’t recall following orders being in the rules,” Edge grumbled, but this time he did as he was told.
Red waited until he was sure those sockets were closed tight, not the faintest hint of crimson showing. Then he reached into his pocket for his special toy surprise.
This particular prize wasn't from their normal toybox since Rus didn't have a lot of interest in his cock. That might be changing, he'd give it a thought some other time. The toy was made of a gelatinous material was only slightly softer than ectoflesh, formed into a hollow sheath that was lined with small bumps and curving grooves designed stimulate, drag out every drop of pleasure possible, willingly or otherwise.
The expected cries of cheating didn’t come and Red flicked a glance at Rus to find him watching with wide, rapturous sockets, face flushed golden bright. One arm was wrapped so tightly around the pillow the fabric threatened to burst and his other hand pressed between his legs overtop his pants, fingers digging in helplessly as if he could stop his cunt from forming by sheer, physical will.
The audience was waiting, the timer was set. Time to get this game started. Red scooped up the depleted bottle of lube and squirted a dollop into the sheath and with one motion, deftly slid it down on his brother’s dick.
The reaction was gratifying. Edge’s hips lurched up wildly, his sockets flying open, hands curled into claws that very nearly latched onto Red’s skull before they abruptly diverted and clenched into the sofa cushions.
"You said no touching!" Edge hissed, crimson eye lights flashing as he trembled with outrage. His sharpened fingertips dug into the cushions, tearing through the fabric down to the memory foam.
“i ain't touching you a bit, baby brother,” Red crooned, and tightened his fist around the sheath, giving it a quick, vigorous stroke. Those bumps had to be digging in, massaging their way up and down with each rub.
Edge gasped wetly, squeezing his sockets shut, "Don't call me that!"
The other sofa creaked and Red slanted a glance at Rus who was halfway to his feet, reaching out weakly and conflicting emotions tangled across his face. “red, stop," Rus said, trembling but firm. "not if he doesn't want it."
Red only chuckled darkly, dragging his clenched fist down achingly slow, then up abruptly again, "oh, don’t you worry, honey, he wants it. don't you?"
Edge said nothing, his breath coming in harsh gasps as he struggled to keep his pelvis still while Red jerked him off through the thin barrier of the sheath. Looked like the trap might need a little more bait.
Red leaned in closer, careful not to so much as graze his brother’s strong, scarred bones, and whispered, low and harsh, "you remember the first time you fucked him? the way he was spread out under you, begging you to take him?”
This time his brother’s breath creaked out like the hinge of an old door as Red kept it up, murmuring breathily close to his auditory canal, “remember pushing your cock into that pretty virgin pussy? how it was already dripping with my come, how tight he was around your cock? kinda like this, yeah, remember him cryin' cause he needed it so much? how scared he was, showing us his soul? sweet thing all dripping wet, he needed it so bad, the mess he made, oh, that honey magic and silver, practically squirting over himself the second you touched his clit, remember that? you remember how he looked when he came?"
He kept up the relentless pace with every low word, letting the memory warm him. There was a certain charm to clumsy eagerness, inexperienced hands searching unknowingly for all the places that felt best. Not that Red missed it exactly, but he sure didn’t mind bringing that memory out to play with from time to time.
Edge was struggling, heaving, his eye lights narrowed to pinpricks as he stared blindly up at the ceiling.
Almost there, almost, and Red leaned in close enough for Edge to feel the heat of his breath, a bare whisper too low for Rus to possibly hear him, "member the first time he said he loved us?"
That did the trick. Edge let out a wretched sound like a sob, bones rattling as he came, filling the sheath to overflowing with his seed. Red could feel the surging heat of it through the thin plastic, smelled the rich spice even as the blare of the alarm came from his phone.
Game, set, match.
Red pulled off, tossing the dripping sheath to the coffee table to join the vibrator already there. Edge only lay weakly in his defeat, pelvis smeared with come, the rest of his bones dabbled with sweat. Red left him there to wallow in his filth, prowling over to Rus.
Who scrabbled back into the corner of the sofa, his sockets so wide it looked like his eye lights were gonna pop loose and fizzle out on the carpet. He fumbled for the phone gracelessly, somehow managing to turn off the warbling timer without dropping it on the floor even as Red raked a look over him. Taking in the heated glow of his joints, the honey-tint to his eye lights, the wet patch seeping through his pants, leaving a darkened stain that clung visibly to his pussy lips.
Yeah, Red had his number now. Looked like their honey had a lil' voyeurism kink going on. That was a new toy Red was looking forward to playing with, fuck yes. But for now, he had a problem of his own going on in his pants and Rus’s magic was crackling hotly in the air, searing lightning searching for the ground
"lay back, sugar," Red slipped off his shorts, briefly fisting his own cock, groaning at the feel of his own hard fingers.
Rus did it instantly, squirming as he worked his pants down his legs and kicked them off even as he asked doubtfully, "this is what you want as a favor?"
"nope, this is mine by right.” Red jerked Rus down until his pelvis was at the edge of the sofa, long legs dangling to the floor. He shuffled forward, lining his cock up with Rus’s eagerly clenching entrance, smearing his cock with golden wetness. “i'll let you know about the favor."
Then he shoved into that wet pussy, groaning at the soaking, tight heat around him as Rus’s wail filled the room.
So fucking gorgeous, watching Rus whimper and flail as Red fucked him. Pretty as Rus was on his knees, Red liked him better on his back. Liked watching that lovely face scrunch up every time Red fucked into him, honeyed tears welling up, streaming down the rounded curves of his cheekbones as that sassy mouth dropped open and his tongue curled behind his teeth.
In the down under, he got to watch his dick moving in the soft, golden magic that filled Rus's pelvis. His cunt was a slippery, plush delight, that first thrust inside always bordered on too tight until his walls loosened up a little, Rus whimpering out little cries as Red forced his cock in, past the rippling clench to fill him up.
And fuck him for how hot that was. Red knew Rus could take a fist all the way up to the elbow into his pussy, a cock wasn't no big thing, (heh), but the feel of it, fuck, like taking his virginity all over again. Red braced his heels against the coffee table and pumped harder, watched the length of his shaft slide in, pussy lips spreading wide around it, parting to give him a nice look at Rus's swollen clit. Red reached down to trace around it teasingly with a careful, sharp-tipped finger and Rus let out a frantic whine.
"you want somethin’, sweetheart?" Red panted out.
"i want to come!" Sweet desperation poured from him, fuck, talk about no stamina. Then again, Rus was like a little energizer bunny of orgasms, he could keep going and going, popping off one after another. Wasn’t no reason to hold him back now.
One hard drag of Red’s thumb over his clit and Rus was arching, his legs going tight around Red’s hips, holding him in deep as he convulsed. A fresh rush of wetness flooding his pussy, smoothing out the ride.
Rus sagged back against the cushions, hiccoughing soft little cries as Red kept it up. His own orgasm was swelling in him, tantalizingly close. Next to him, the sofa suddenly dipped with added weight and maybe Red couldn’t lean up high enough to give Rus’s pleading mouth a kiss, but that was fine, cause Edge was there to do it for him, his brother’s crimson tongue moving sinuously against Rus's golden one, fuck, yeah.
"come on down here, bro,” Red growled, flicking his thumb over Rus’s swollen clit again, “got something better for you to work with."
His brother shifted downward instantly, tilting his head in to lick at that sensitive nub. His crimson tongue was long, prehensile, dipping in between Rus’s femurs. Not his normal one, either, this one forked at the tip, all the better to work against Rus's clit, circling it from both sides, yeah, his fucking clever brother. Sometimes it wandered too low, one of the tips occasionally grazed against Red's cock, slyly pushing into Rus’s cunt and catching Red off-guard with a brief firework of sensation.
Red could taste his own sweat, sharp and faintly bitter, tried not to jerk as that tongue lashed against him again. He didn’t want Edge the same way he did Rus, he didn’t, but oh, you kid—
Fuck it, he couldn’t hold out anymore.
Red let go with a groan, pulling out to come in hot streaks over Rus's pelvis, and, oh, yeah, his bro's face. Edge flinched, closing his sockets and didn't stop, licking Rus through another orgasm even as a glossy spurt of come striped across his tongue, the fluid a shade of crimson darker than the ectoflesh.
With a deeply satisfied sigh, Red shuffled over enough to flop on the sofa even as Rus trembled and writhed through his shuddering ecstasy. He watched through narrowed sockets as Edge sat up, blinking too fast and his tremulous expression was loaded with conflicting signals. Almost, Red reached out, his sense still blurrily pleased, struck with the idea of rubbing his come in, smearing it across his brother’s scarred bones, marking him—
He reeled back, snorting aloud at his own stupidity. Yeah, yeah, his brother and no one else’s. He’d lived that schtick his whole life, no reason to complicate it now.
Looking at it sideways, the mess of his come was dripping down Edge’s skull in a way that made Red think hilariously of strawberry syrup on cheesecake.
Well, it could be a sweet treat for someone to eat, now couldn’t it.
"whoopsie, looks like i messed him up," Red drawled, elbowing Rus lightly. "you gonna clean him up, sugar skull?"
Rus stirred at the pet name, sockets fluttering open, then going wide as he took in the sights. He swallowed audibly, husking out, "yeah i can…i can do that if…if you want?"
Like Edge was even capable of turning that down. A short, sharp nod and Edge sat obediently still, let Rus lave at his face, greedily licking up the spatters while Red watched the crimson smearing the deeper gold of his tongue avidly. The sudden flood of fresh arousal was startling, almost unwelcome.
The way he figured it, Edge would only stand that for so long before he hauled them all off to their massive shower. The three of them standing together beneath the generous spray, the water pouring down on them about two degrees lower than the temperature of lava, exactly how Rus liked it. The probability of blowjobs or fucking was high and so was the chance of a nap afterword, Rus snuggled up against him blissfully well-fucked, his brother on the other side. A preciously rare gift from the Angel to make up for the slagging shithole of Red’s life before.
He'd guarantee that Rus would mumble out a sleepy ‘I love you’ for them both before drifting off and right about then, Red wanted that more than anything in the fucking world. Those three words, Rus, and Edge.
His, all his in a way no one’d ever been his entire life. Not even Sans.
Red didn’t have a fucking clue what game they were playing anymore. Didn’t matter, either. All he knew was that the fates were sore losers and that he didn’t give a shit.
He was playing to win.
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whorderofthepheonix · 5 years
Three’s Company: Chapter 3 || Erik Killmonger x Adonis Creed x Black!OC
A/N: Sorry this is so late!!!! I’m currently on vacation but here it is! I made it super long and filled you smut for you guys!!!! ENJOY!
Words: 5.1k (Long AF but you’ll love every word!)
Warnings: Swearing, Smut (A LOTTTTTT)
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Georgia’s POV
I woke up the next morning, wrapped in Erik’s arms. He slept so peacefully, his lips parted slightly and his chest rising and falling softly. I leaned in and kissed his lips. He stayed asleep so I kissed him again, deeply. I straddled him, not breaking our kiss and grinded on his naked body. A minute later, he was awake kissing me back and fully hard. He pushed himself into me and I moaned loudly. I rode him hard, feeling my orgasm nearing.
“Daddy, I’m gonna cum!” I moaned.
Then my fucking phone started to ring.
“Mother fucker!” I shouted.
“Let it go to voicemail,” Erik whined. I reached over and looked at the caller ID.
“It’s my friend Madison. She never showed up last night. I should take this.”
“Well, I’m not stopping. You not bouta give me blue balls,” he laughed. “I’m gettin’ my nut.” I swiped answer and held the phone to my ear.
“Okay, first I’m sorry that I was so late to the bar but ya ass wasn’t even there when I arrived!” She whined.
“So you got to the bar?” I asked as Erik sat up with me still straddling his lap.
“Bitch, not only did I get there, I met this fine ass chocolate nigga who took me back to his hotel suite!” She moaned into the receiver. “This nigga blew my fucking back out! Holy shit! I snuck out of the hotel early this morning before he could wake up!” Erik reached down and rubbed my clit making me cry out. “Um… You good?”
“Yeah, I’m just– Fuck! Right there!”
“Imma call you back!” I hissed throwing my phone on the floor. I pulled Erik’s dreads and rode him harder. “Fuck, Erik! Daddy, Yes!” I came hard and he followed seconds after me. His wet lips traced my neck and he looked me in the eyes.
“Good morning to you too,” he grinned.
We had a lazy Sunday. We ordered take out, closed all the blinds, and watched movies all day… Not to mention all the incredible sex we had. I was so fucking pissed that I had to get up for work on Monday. Erik and I walked out of my brownstone, Monday at 8 am. I wrapped my arms around his neck and looked into his eyes.
“I don’t wanna go to work,” I frowned.
“Nah, none of that. You gotta go secure that bag, Princess,” he advised me.
“When can I see you again? You said you weren’t in town for long,” I reminded him.
“That’s true… I did say that. But who knows?”
“What changed?” A smile crept on my face.
“Maybe someone gave me a reason to stay,” he shrugged. I tiptoed and kissed him deeply.
“I’ll call you tonight?”
“You better.” He gave my ass a slap before hopping in his Uber. I got in my car and drove to work feeling like I was on clouds. I clocked in and sat at my desk, still grinning like an idiot when Madison rushed over, with a mischievous smile.
“Who’s Erik?” She winked. My eyes widened.
“What?” I asked.
“You never hung up the phone yesterday, and I heard y’all fucking!” She cackled. “Who is he?!”
“I’ve told you about Erik… You know? My childhood boyfriend? We were in foster care together, we lost our virginities to each other-”
“BITCH, YOU MEAN 50 SECOND ERIK?!” She laughed. I groaned, covering my face.
“I can assure you, he lasts a lot longer than 50 seconds now,” I winked. We both laughed as someone cleared their throat behind Madison. She moved out of the way and there stood Adonis, holding a stack of papers. I had completely forgotten about Donnie and our… Exploits. Our falling out hadn’t even crossed my mind after I reconnected with Erik.
“Can you make 5 copies of this for me, please?” He asked handing me the paper.
“That’s my cue to leave,” Madison excused herself. “We’ll talk later.” She walked away and I took the papers from Donnie and went over to the machine. He came around the desk to the copier.
“I’ve been texting and calling since yesterday morning,” he said in a hushed voice.
“Sorry. I was… busy,” I smirked, reminiscing about my weekend with Erik.
“Gigi, I’m so sorry. I never meant to hurt you,” he pleaded. “I had a great time Friday-”
“Are you sure you should be talking to me here? Wouldn’t wanna risk you not getting that promotion.”
“Actually, I got the promotion…”
“Well, whoop-de-fucking-do!” I rolled my eyes. “Excuse the fact that I’m not jumping for joy-”
“But not before I told HR about us.” He added. I stopped making copies and looked at him.
“You… You what? You told HR about us?!” I hissed. “Without telling me?!”
“If I’m not mistaken, you got mad that I didn’t say anything, and now that I have, you’re still upset? That’s why I kept trying to call you. If you’d listen to any of the voicemails I left, you would’ve known.”
I took a deep breath.
“Look, Donnie,” I sighed. “I really wish you hadn’t because-” He pressed his lips to mine and I felt a warmness go through my legs, turning them to jelly. “I… Um. I-I-I don’t know if I feel the same way…”
“Well, maybe I can help you remember,” he whispered in my ear, sending chills down my spine. I felt my panties dampen.
“I… um, maybe,” I stammered.
“I got my own office now. It’s across from the break room. So if you change ya mind, you can come by on your break… And I’ll show you exactly what this mouth can do,” he bit my earlobe lightly before getting his papers from the copier and retreating from my desk. I was actually sweating. Fuck fuck fuck! What do I do? My heart and vagina started arguing.
Vagina: Adonis went and told HR about you, plus you’ve liked him since FOREVER!
Heart: But Erik’s your one true love, Georgia!
Vagina: Erik isn’t here, now is he?
Heart: Fuck you slut. You’re gonna be the reason that I break again!
Vagina: Um, who tf was thinking about love? I’m tryna get ate so… Let’s go ride his face, G.
Brain: No! Jesus, Georgia! Stop thinking with your cooch and your heart and start thinking with your head! You shouldn’t have any more sexual contact with either of these guys until you figure out what to do! Do I make myself clear?!
Georgia: Okay, fine. Whatever.
*3 Hours later*
“Fuck, Donnie, I’m cumming!” I cried out. I was laid out flat on Adonis’ desk while he knelt on the floor, tongue deep in my pussy. “Yes! FUCK!” I came and he lapped up every drop. He stood up from the floor, unzipped his pants and thrusted into me.
“Shit, baby!” He hissed. “Less than 2 days and you had me craving ya fucking pussy!” He kept me flat on the desk but brought my legs up so that my calves rested on his shoulders as he pounded into me. My legs were already numb from my weekend with Erik and this was making whatever feeling I currently had faded away. “I’m cummin’!”
“Me too,” I managed to gasp. He grabbed me by my throat and pulled me up to meet his lips. Once I came, he grunted and pulled out of me, jerking his dick hard. He let out a groan as he came on my thigh. I grabbed some memos off his desk and wiped off the cum that started to run down my leg. He pulled me close to him, kissing my nose.
“So, I’m forgiven?” He grinned.
“You’re on thin ice,” I corrected him, pulling my skirt back down.
“Oh, word? Thin ice?” He laughed. “What I gotta do to get back on your good side? Fuck you back here?” He asked grabbing my ass. My mind started drifting to the thought of him pounding my ass. He noticed the look on my face and raised his eyebrows. “Seriously?” I nodded slowly biting my lip. “Aight. You ain’t gotta tell me twice.” And I hiked my skirt back up and laid over his desk.
I ran over to Madison’s desk after Donnie and I were done… Again.
“I need to talk to you!” I pleaded. She put her hand over her mouth piece.
“I’m with a client, Georgia,” she informed me.
“I just had sex with Donnie in his new office! TWICE!” I hissed. Her eyes popped out her head.
“Mrs. Hernandez, I’m going to have to transfer you call to my associate Adam,” she spoke in her ‘Becky’ voice. She pressed a button. “ADAM! YOU HAVE A CALL!” She shouted to him before pulling me around her desk, and sitting me across from her. “First of all, WHAT?!” I nodded my head in shame, covering my face. “Bitch, what about Erik?”
“That’s why I’m freaking out!” I groaned. “I’ve liked Donnie for years! He’s kind, I met his mother, and he put his ass on the line by telling HR about us. On the other hand, I’ve been in love with Erik since I was 14! I thought that spark went out years ago, but it was like we were never apart, Madison! Teenage Georgia came out and fell in love with him all over again! I don’t know what to do! This is terrible!”
“Um… Bitch. This is like… The OPPOSITE of a problem!” Madison raised an eyebrow. “You have two FOINE ass niggas in ya back pocket and you’re stressing for what?? Who says you have to choose between them?” I looked up at her.
“What? You’re not serious! Tell me you’re not serious!”
“I’m as serious as a heart attack! It’s the 21st century, Gigi! Why do you need to pick one?” Was she seriously making me consider dating them both?… Yes she was.
“Will you sleepover tonight? We can call in sick tomorrow like we used to do!” I squealed.
“Why wait until tomorrow? Cough cough, bitch. I’m sick, now.”
We got off of work and headed straight to my house. We bought a bunch of junk food to stock up my refrigerator then turned on a scary movie and started pigging out when my phone rang.
“Hello?” I answered without looking.
“So, I was sitting here, minding my own business and I started thinkin’ about ya pussy,” Erik said into the receiver. “And now I’m hard. So, Imma need you to slide through and come take care of this.”
“Hmm, is that all I am to you, Erik?” I smirked. “A sex toy?”
“More like sex bunny,” he laughed. “But nah Georgie, you know I got love for you, Princess. Listen, my cousins are havin’ a small get together and I want you here. I wanna show you off.”
“My friend, Madison is actually over so-”
“Bitch, don’t let me get in the way of you getting ya back blown out!” Madison hissed from next to me.
“Yeah, listen to her!” Erik chimed in. “But seriously, bring her. We got food and drinks. She’ll have a fun time.”
“Did he just say there’ll be drinks?” She whispered to me. I nodded. “The fuck we still doin’ here sober, Gigi?! Let’s be out!”
We got dressed and took an Uber to Erik’s hotel. I walked to the front desk.
“Excuse me,” I said to the concierge. “I’m looking for Erik Stevens’ suite. I believe he’s in the penthouse.”
“I’m sorry, I can’t give out guests’ information,” she said, not looking up from the computer.
“Well, he’s in the penthouse so if we can just go up-”
“I’m sorry, our penthouse is checked in by very important guests,” she taunted, finally looking up at me. “I doubt your friend is checked in at this hotel.”
“Listen, Becky,” Madison hissed stepping forward. “Unless you want my foot up ya ass, I suggest you stop with the indirects and start making sense.”
“Really? You’re gonna call me Becky?” The concierge snapped. “You people always want to play the race card! But if I called you Precious, it would be all over the news!”
“The fuck you just say?” Madison yelled.
I texted Erik immediately and let him know that we were downstairs and how disrespectful this bitch was. The elevator opened 2 minutes later and Erik got off, lookin like a whole ass meal. Concierge Cathy bit her lip and unbuttoned her top button. She stood up and flipped her hair. I stood up and kissed him deeply, making sure to keep eye contact with the concierge.
“You good, baby?” He asked holding my waist.
“I’m great,” I smiled.
“Mr. Stevens!” The Concierge interrupted. “I hope everything is well-”
“Uh, Yeah, Fine. Why aren’t you letting my guests upstairs?” He snapped. Her face dropped.
“I-I-I apologize sir!” She stuttered. “I didn’t know they were your guests.”
“Bullshit! We told you twice!” Madison scoffed.
“I’ll let it slide this time, but if you ever disrespect any of my guests again, I’ll have ya fuckin’ job. We clear?”
“Yes, Sir. I’m so sorry sir.”
“Wait,” Madison raised her eyebrows. “We just gonna ignored the fact that this bitch called me ‘Precious?’”
“She called you what?!” Erik screeched. He turned to the concierge who looked pale and sickly. “Nah. It’s clipped for you. Turn in ya uniform.”
“Mr. Stevens, please! I’m sorry-”
“You have 15 minutes to get off my cousin’s property,” Erik warned her. “Or imma throw ya ass out myself. Pack ya shit, bitch. Ya done!” She scrambled to the back in tears as I turned to Erik in shock.
“That was so sexy,” I whispered, kissing him hard.
“I just don’t tolerate disrespect,” he reassured me.
“Um, pause, rewind, play. Your cousin owns this hotel?” Madison asked.
“He and my friend do. You must be Madison. I’m Erik,” he extended his hand.
“Trust me, I know. I recognized your voice immediately from when I called Gigi on the phone while you were rearranging her guts,” Madison grinned. I slapped my palm to my forehead as Erik laughed.
“Let’s head upstairs. T’s waiting for me to come back.” Erik ushered us into the elevator. He swiped his key and hit the 30th floor button, taking us all the way to the top. Once the doors opened, Madison and I dropped our jaws.
“‘Small get together’ my ass,” I hissed to Erik as we got off the elevator. There were about 100 people in the penthouse, waiters with white gloves handed out drinks, there was a sushi/seafood bar in one corner, a hot food buffet in the other. “Erik… What is this?”
“My cousins are hosting a few diplomats for this charity event. I wanted you to be my date,” he explained.
“Are those crab legs over there?” Madison gasped. “Girl, you know where I’ll be if you need me.” And she ran over to the seafood bar. Erik snaked his arm around my waist and led me into the party. Terrence and Sam were talking to– I choked on my champagne and pulled Erik back.
“That’s Tony fucking Stark!” I gasped.
“Yeah, I kinda wanna punch that dude in the face,” Erik rolled his eyes. “He’s an asshole.”
“He’s a rich asshole!”I corrected. He leaned into my ear.
“T’s richer,” Erik informed me. We stood next to them and Erik cleared his throat.
“Mr. Stark, you remember my cousin, Erik,” Terrence said.
“Yes, of course. And who is your beautiful guest?” Tony asked.
“This is my girl, Georgia,” Erik introduced me. My body tingled at those words…. That we, of course, needed to discuss. Tony kissed my hand making Erik frown.
“Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Stark,” I tried not to squeal.
“The pleasure is all mine, Georgia,” he winked. “You are gorgeous, I must say…” I blushed as Erik scowled. “If you ever find yourself in New York, please, give me a call.” Erik was now livid and opened his mouth to say something but Terrence stopped him.
“Erik!” He interjected. “Walk away.”
“Hamb ‘umshiye!” He hissed. Erik clenched his teeth, put his hand in the small of my back and walked us away.
“I should’ve punched that nigga in his mouth,” he growled. “The fuck he think he is?! He ain’t shit without that fuckin’ suit. I’ll beat a nigga’s ass!” I wrapped my arms around his neck.
“You called me your girl,” I grinned. “When did this happen?” He bent down to earshot.
“The moment you let me nut in ya pussy,” he whispered. “Now if I’m not mistaken, I invited you over so you could help me deal with an issue…” He pulled me closer to him, pressing his erection against my crotch. I moaned softly as he moved his hands to my ass and we moved to the music playing. “Lemme take you upstairs and pump you full of-”
“GEORGIA!” Madison’s loud ass screeched from behind us. Erik groaned and let go of me. Madison ran over to us and grabbed my arm. “He’s here! Holy fuck, he’s here!”
“Who? Who’s here?” I asked annoyed.
“The nigga from the club!” She gasped. “You know, the nigga who brought me back to his hotel, blew my spine out, and I left before he woke up? HIM! He’s here!” She pointed to the bar to where-
“Martin?!” Erik laughed. “Wait-! Shit! You’re the girl he was tellin us about?”
“Bitch, what do I do? I need to get up out of here! We need to go!” She whined.
“Go? Bitch, we just got here!” I protested. “I ain’t tell you to leave him, hoe! If you wanna go then go.”
“Bitch, fuck you-”
“Madison,” Martin’s voice said from behind us. We turned and looked. “And Georgia. What a nice surprise. It’s good to see you again.”
“You too,” I said politely. He looked at Madison.
“I think when I last saw you, you were sneaking out of my room, shoes in one hand, pants in the other,” he smirked.
“Look… I’m sorry about that,” she sighed. “It’s just… A long story.”
“Well… If you want, I have time,” he smiled and offered up his arm. She gave him a smile then they went off.
“Aww, they cute,” I grinned. “I ship them.”
“You what?” Erik asked.
“Um. Nothing. Now… You was sayin’ somethin’ bout pumpin’ me full of something…” I purred. He gripped my ass hard and bent down to kiss me on the lips. However, our moment was cut short by-
“Erik?” Sam walked up.
“On God, if one more person interrupts us-” Erik rolled his eyes.
“Sorry but I thought you might like to know that brother invited your ex,” she explained.
“He did what?!” Erik hissed.
“Yeah… He forgot that things ended badly between you two. I only say this because-”
We both looked up to see a gorgeous woman and her date standing in front of us.
“O-M-G! I knew that was you!” She tiptoed and hugged him… For too long, might I add.
“Candace! Devin!” Erik raised his eyebrows. “Wow.. It’s been… A minute.”
“It has! I miss you so much!” She squealed. “We have to catch up soon, yeah? Let’s get brunch next Saturday! You look good…” I felt myself getting angry.
“Ahem,” I cleared my throat in an over dramatic way.
“Oh, shit. My bad. This is my girl, Georgia,” Erik introduced. The smile on Candace’s face faded a bit but she turned to me.
“Hi! I’m Candace!” She said. “Me and Erik go wayyyy back!”
“We go farther,” I smirked. Erik cleared his throat and looked at Devin.
“So, what’s been goin on wit you man?” Erik asked. Devin rolled his eyes and looked at Candace.
“Look, we just stopped by for a minute. We got other places to be, so…”
“Yeah, yeah, that’s cool. It was great seeing you guys-”
“Uh-huh,” Devin said, taking Candace’s arm and walking out the door. Erik groaned and led my up the spiral staircase to one of the rooms within the penthouse. He closed the door and locked it. I sat on the bed.
“Well… That was awkward,” he half laughed.
“Running into an ex is always awkward,” I stated. “She seemed happy to see you, though. Sayin you looked good, tryna make plans, flirting with you as if I wasn’t standing right there!”
“Who? Candy? Nah, she just-”
“Oh word? She’s Candy, now? Bet,” I folded my arms.
“Georgie, you got it all wrong… Candace isn’t my ex,” he sighed sitting down next to me. “Devin is.” My eyebrows could’ve gotten lost in my hairline by how high they jumped up.
“D-Devin… Is your ex?” I asked. “…So you’re-”
“Bisexual? Yeah, I am,” he nodded. “That’s not a problem, right?”
“Why would that be a problem?”
“Girls are weird about it after they find out,” he shrugged. “Thinkin’ I’m gay n shit. Like, damn! Y’all ain’t think I was gay when I was rearrangin’ ya guts! That’s why I stopped tellin’ people. Me and Devin broke up because he got insecure every time I talked to a girl just because his last nigga left him for some bitch. And he looked okay tonight until I introduced you as my girl… He also had an issue with me being bit…” He took a deep breath then looked over at me. “You sure you’re good? It don’t bother you or nothin’?”
“It doesn’t bother me,” I shook my head. “…I actually think it’s kinda hot…” Erik raised an eyebrow. “Like… Really hot…” I slid my jacket off and straddled him.
“Yeah?” He panted, moving his hand to my waist.
“Yeah,” I bit his lower lip. “I don’t know why but thinkin’ about you with another man… Fuck… It makes me wet…” I led his hand up my dress to my panties. He pulled them aside and slid his finger along my slit, collecting my wetness on his finger.
“Shit…” He hissed.
“So I need you to hurry the fuck up and undress me because a bitch needs to be dicked down, now!”
“You ain’t gotta tell me twice!” He insisted, finding the zipper of my dress and yanking it down. I whispered in Erik’s ear that I wanted to be dirty whore fucked so I got fully naked and just unzipped the front of his pants. He turned me over, face down ass up on the bed, and immediately slammed into me. “Shit baby… This what you need?” I moaned in response and he pulled me up by my hair and grabbed my throat, hard. “Bitch, I asked you a fuckin’ question! This what you need?”
“Yes,” I moaned and he squeezed harder.
“Yes who?”
“Yes, daddy!” I croaked.
“That’s what I fuckin’ thought!” He threw me back onto the bed and pounded me relentlessly. Tears were forming in my eyes from the immense pleasure he was giving me. I was cumming within seconds. As my legs shook uncontrollably from the violent orgasm ripping through me, I repeatedly slapped the sheets on the bed trying to let Erik know I needed a break.
“Erik- Daddy, fuck… I can’t! I can’t!” I shook my head, slapping the sheets faster. He slowed down.
“What? You tappin out already? Nah, what happened to allat mouth a few minutes ago?” He laughed. “Uh-uh, Princess, you gettin this dick. You betta take that shit!” And he started back with the hard, deep strokes. “Yeah, take that dick! You takin that dick so well!” Erik was so deep, I could feel him hitting my cervix! At this stage, I was drooling all over myself and clawing at the sheets.
“Daddy! Daddy I’m cumming again!” I cried as I came again, mere seconds from my first one.
“You wanted to be fucked like a dirty whore, right?” Then he bent down to my ear level and didn’t stop thrusting as he whispered, “I’ll show you exactly how I treat dirty fucking whores.” He pulled out of me and flipped me onto my back. He gripped my neck with both hands and brought me down hard on his dick. “Open that fucking mouth!” He squeezed my cheeks together so that my mouth was ajar and spit in it. “Fucking swallow it.” I swallowed and stuck out my tongue to prove it was gone. Erik presses his forehead to mine and panted into my mouth. “I’m gonna cum… Fuck!” He grabbed me roughly by the throat and squeezed as he came inside of me. I loved the feeling of him filling me up. He kissed me all over my face before rolling off of me. He pulled me closer to him and nuzzled my ear. “I needa be honest with you, Georgia…” I looked up at him.
“What is it?” I asked. He caressed my face and stared into my eyes.
“My feelings for you haven’t changed,” he admitted. “As soon as I saw you in that bar on Saturday, I knew… I still love you.” My heart fluttered.
“I still love you too,” I whispered before kissing him. Our kissing got deeper until Erik pulled me on top of him.
“Shit, you got me hard again,” he moaned. “But we should probably get outta here. This is actually T’s room.”
Adonis’ POV
I grabbed the donuts from the back of my car and walked up the stairs to Georgia’s brownstone. I rang the doorbell and waited… And waited… And waited… I put the donuts down and pulled out my phone, dialing her number.
“Hello?” She answered sleepily.
“Hey, babygirl,” I smiled. “I got us some breakfast and I’ve been downstairs ringing ya bell for almost 10 minutes. Sleepin soundly without me?” Then she gasped.
“Actually I’m not home,” she explained. “Me and Madison went out last night and we ended up at her place instead.”
“Oh, I said disappointed. “Aight no problem. Can I see you later?” Before she could answer, I heard the muffled of another person’s voice… was she with another nigga?
“Um, can I let you know? I was planning on going up to Anaheim to see my aunt. It’s been a while since I talked to her…”
“Yeah, absolutely.”
“Great. I’ll talk to you later.”
“Aight. I miss y-” And the phone cut out…Great.
After leaving Georgia’s apartment and giving the box of donuts to some homeless people, I headed to the gym in the middle of Hollywood.
“Ayyy, wassup, D?” One of the locals greeted me as I walked in.
“What’s good?” I dabbed him up before walking to my usual area. I began my warmups when I noticed from the corner of my eye a guy I’ve never seen in the gym before, lifting weights in the corner. What made him stand out was the unusual scarring across his torso and back, ending at his wrists. His AirPods were in and he was in his own world, so I shook the thought out of my head and began my sets.
Drinking after working out is usually a bad idea but I had somehow convinced myself that if I went out later that night, it wouldn’t be an issue. I looked down at my phone to see if I had a response- nope. Nothing. Georgia hadn’t returned any of my texts or calls today. Could she still be mad about the work thing? I fucked her in the ass, what more could she want-
“Yo,” a voice said from beside me. I looked up to see the guy from the gym earlier sitting next to me. “You were at Monty’s earlier right? I saw you boxing. You’re good, man.”
“Respect,” I raised my beer bottle to him. “Yeah I saw you too. I’m Donnie.”
“Erik,” he shook my hand. “You drinking out ya sorrows or somethin?” I looked at the empty bottles in front of me.
“Nah… I mean. Fuck… it’s my girl- or I guess, a girl since we ain’t discuss our relationship status- she’s been dubbin me all day,” I shook my head.
“Damn, I’m sorry to hear that… You should go to her crib and see what’s up.”
“That’s the thing, I did that this morning and she wasn’t even home! Then I heard voices of someone else in the background and… I don’t know… Shit. I like this girl so fucking much… I just hope I ain’t do nothing to fuck it up.”
“Look I’m the last person anyone should be taking advice from but if you like her to the point where ya drinking alone at a bar, you should let her know that. Girls love that type of shit. Makes them wet as hell. But you gotta mean it, or else it’s a lie, and I don’t know about you, but I don’t lie,” he told me. Everything was sinking in.
“You right… I’m gonna go over there and-”
“No you’re not,” he interrupted me. “First of all nigga, you’re drunk and I saw you drive here which means you’re not driving anywhere. Second, you said she wasn’t home. So you showing up to her crib drunk while she ain’t home is a recipe for fucking disaster.” I groaned and laid my head on the table.
That’s when my phone vibrated. I sat up and checked it immediately.
Gigi❤️: Hey sorry I’ve been dodging you.
Gigi❤️: Can you come over?
I jumped up from my stool.
“She texted me! She wants me to come over! Shitting fuck! I can’t drive! Wait I can call an Uber!” I sent Gigi a reply telling her I’d be there soon and called an Uber to her place. Erik was getting up to leave.
“Yeah my girl just asked me to slide through so imma bounce,” he said, putting on his jacket. “But yo, good luck.”
“Thanks, yo, lemme pay for your drink, man. On me.” I gave my card to the bartender and Erik nodded.
“Thanks man, I’ll catch you around.”
“Word.” Once I was in my Uber on my way to Georgia’s my nerves were out of control. No other girl has ever made me feel like this before… The car had barely stopped as we pulled up to her crib. Shitshitshitshitshit! You got this. Just tell her how you feel. I took a deep breath and rang the doorbell.
“I’ll get it!” A male’s voice called out. What the fuck? The door was opening when I heard Georgia’s voice.
“No, E! I’ll…” She shouted as the door opened fully. “Get it…” Erik was standing in the doorway as Georgia cowarded behind him.
“What the fuck?” Me and Erik said together. Then we both looked at Georgia.
“This is why I wanted you guys to come over…” she whispered. “We all need to talk.”
A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! 200+ Notes for Ch.4! xoxo
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