#but ideally a 1600 :D
misalpav · 1 year
here's a final reminder before the sat tmrw that the college board sucks!!
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krispy-y · 3 months
25th Feb ~ Level 1: <1600✅
Day 1 🌹 994 Day 2 🌹 1522 Day 3 🌹 1515 Day 4 🥀 1708 Day 5 🌹 0 Day 6 🌹 1532 Day 7 🌹 1533 Week Average: 57.11kg Change from last week avg: -0.89kg 1st GW: 55kg
Welp, I did it! Level 1 complete!!
Of course, it was pretty easy to stay under 1600kcal (except for day 4/5. We don't talk about day 4/5.) I think this is my "ideal" c4l0ric intake. I never felt like I was st4rv1ng, even during my 24h f4st, and I lost almost 1kg in a week.
I'm sure if I stuck to this, I could reach my gw in a couple months in a slow but healthy manner.
BUT, that's not what we're all here for now, is it? :D
Next week will be <1500kcal. My period is over so it should be even easier now that I won‘t constantly be craving tortillas 😌
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i-adriassen · 4 days
impots 2023
Cette annee vous trouverez le mode ideal afin de contribuer a la monte des reserves national ....
Voila le topo en travaillant 44h / mois, 8h30 / J ! Un auto entrepreneur se doit de capitaliser le salaire comme suit 100€ / membres du personelle dans le livret E par la banque postal pour qu' en janvier ils (tous et toutes) totalisent 1680€ de 13th months.... la banque central doit bien privilegier les rtt reduction temps travail par 1,5 de jour soit ils sont cumulable les rtt pour. 6 jours /7th inclus ou soit racheter par l' auto entrepreneur le patron....
Cheque vacances 20€ par heures >(S)>(U)>(P)> supplementaires = affilier a un COMITE D'ENTREPRISE vacances Tresors public espagne Marbella aceuors Iles Canarias ... la reunion pour reduire son taux d' imposition vis a vis des personnes qui touchent ➕ (1600€) un petit pecule de rien Presque une Miette de pain toute heure commencer est due...
Tu etais formidable j' etait four (min) able enfin nous etions formidable... la droite moderer vive les capitaux ... pensez a nous yugoslavia un repas tres simple: ebbly cuisiner puis rajout de 3 grandes 🍴 cuillere a soupe de sucre... delicious 😋 vrutch vreljatcha ne ide .... toplo samo dobar ... punene paprike... ajvar to se mazhe na H.leba... okrugli H.leba fait maison... daj da ida ida daj da hi Dao ...
N.B: je transfert ca a l' union European... OK 🆗 je vous promais solannement de rendre les$ pour faciliter les negotiations avec les pays de l' Europe centre Victor Orban Hungary 🇭🇺 chaque chose en incite une autre comme il le prefet de police de paris av. Gambeta m' a conserver en hopitaux psychiatrique durant 4 ans complet ... la colere d' Aiguir... qui sont ces serpents qui sifflent... expression francaise l' epee de damocles au dessus de lui... laurent Nunes
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skeppsbrott · 1 year
Är detta din bakgrund? https://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salvator_Mundi_(m%C3%A5lning) coolt! Verkar vara en försvunnen tavla, vilket adderar till mystiken kring verket. Sätt Ture Sventon på mysteriet!
D e den här:
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So the lore for this painting is immense. Indeed, it was a "lost" Leonardo, which is a big deal because we have VERY FEW surviving Leonardo oil paintings. Like, maybe twenty -few, plus a handful of drawings and frescos as well as his manuscripts. Why Leonardo even is a big deal to begin with is a whole other question - in a bunch of ways his works are certainly astonishing in their own right, but are they really that much more amazing than any other renaissance artist? This is me playing the devil's advocate.
(ETA: this got long)
The thing about fame and notoriety is that it isn't even about quality to begin with. Taylor Swift isn't the biggest pop star because she makes the greatest pop tunes, she's the biggest pop star because she also embodies an ideal of what that even means, because her persona plays in to her works in a way that is emblematic of pop music and pop culture. Leonardo is that great but he is also an excellent frontman for the renaissance and a very particular idea of a Master Artist. I have seen one Leonardo face to face and the work is immaculate. It is very strange to be in the presence of because it is an immense amount of value and work into something that today mostly functions as an artifact. It is a glimpse into a different way to imagine value.
Back to the subject at hand - there are like, twenty Leonardos, and out of pretty much nowhere this painting Salvator Mundi shows up. We know it is a "lost work" because Leonardo had a studio with people who studied or aided him in his production and so there are a lot of master studies and reproductions of it. This particular painting showed up at an auction in 2005, attributed as a copy, where it was purchased by art dealers. If you know anything about this painting, it is probably that in 2017 it sold for over $450 Million, the greatest sum of money paid for a painting by a WIDE margin (over $100 million more than the second most expensive if Wikipedia is to be believed - by the way, take a look at that list, there's a lot of great art on it). The dealers originally paid less than $2,000 for it so that is a pretty penny for them.
But the thing about that price tag is that it is really just shorthand for what an utterly outlandish object this even is - Starting at the provenance it was already one of the most famous lost paintings of western tradition.
It is attributed to the defining artist of the European art tradition. It is a "male companion" to the most famous painting in the world. Between the late 1700s and its reappearance in 2005 we don't really know what happened to it. Or rather, we never knew what happened to it, or where this particular painting has been. We assume it is the object described in inventories and sales notices in the 1600s! We assume that that object noted as inventory is the original but really we do not know! There is a painting in a 1525 inventory that is believed to be the original, but even that, we have no idea!
The story of how this object got deemed an original was and remains a bit of a scandal in the art world. The Lost Leonardo is a 2021 documentary that goes into it in a very through and compelling way.
As you notice, the image I have for a lock screen is not the restored painting but the cleaned and scraped one. The restoration was also highly controversial and many believes the painting in its current state is way overdone, especially for such a historical object, especially considering how disputed its attribution has been.
(The story of how this object got deemed an original was and remains a bit of a scandal in the art world. The Lost Leonardo is a 2021 documentary that goes into it and it is absolutely worth a watch.)
I think the restored painting is gorgeous. I obviously haven't seen it in person (as far as we know the buyer was a proxy for the crown prince of Saudi Arabia and the painting itself has not been on display since) but there is a silent power in the gaze of the saviour that I admire.
That said - the painting post-cleaning but pre-restoration is what really does it for me. What that Saudi prince paid 450 000 000+ USD for was not the image but the object. When I look at the scuffed up and damaged wooden panel, while I see the image of Christ gazing at me through five hundered years, I also see the object and all the ways in which it seems to drive people to a sort of rational delirium.
Fittingly for my theological inclinations, I also do not particularly care if it is indeed an authentic Leonardo or not, the mystery is what intrigues me and either way the object itself is captivating. It is a piece of wood with pigment on it. Some guy made it five hundered years ago in the likeness of a model in an attempt to capture an idea as massive as Christian theology into a single picture for a single customer. It survived wars and revolutions and reformations and while I know the image and the story of the object intimately, I have never actually seen it and I probably never will, it is paint on a wooden panel and it is quite likely to outlive me by centuries.
Pretty whack shit.
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ias14-gr03 · 2 years
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The main attraction and the absolute symbol of Iași, the Palace of Culture represents an emblematic museum of Romania and the headquarters of the National Museum Complex of Moldavia.
The monumental edifice imposes through its height (the 55m tower), surface (268 rooms with a total surface of 35.000 m2) and its privileged position on a promontory of the “Golden Plateau”, the terrace from above the Bahlui river which offers the best visibility.
The current shape of the building is the result of the remake, between 1906 and 1925, of the former residence of Moldavia’s Princes, situated inside the old Princely Court of Iași. The Court was initially erected during the reign of Alexander the Good towards 1400, and documented in 1434. This is where the capital of Moldavia was moved in 1564, during the time of Voivode Alexandru Lăpușneanu, followed by a long consolidation process. On the 27th of May 1600, in the same place, Michael the Brave proclaimed himself “Prince of Wallachia and Transylvania and Moldavia”, a title that no other voivode has had before. The Iași Union of Romanian Principalities for almost a year, later strengthened the ideals of union of Romanians everywhere.
During the first centuries of existence, the Princely Court looked like a fortress, with defence walls, bastions and entrance tower, but the fortifications were removed at the order of the Ottoman Empire. A remodeling takes place under the reign of Vasile Lupu (1634-1653). After some fires and the devastating earthquake in 1802 (7.9 Richter), which destroyed a big part of the constructions, the Prince of Moldavia Alexandru Moruzi builds an imposing Princely Palace (1806-1812) designed by the architect Johan Freywald, similar to Viennese palaces. It is said that it had 365 rooms, one for each day of the year. After a fire, between 1841-1843, Prince Mihail Sturdza ordered the reconstruction of the edifice under the name “The Palace of Reign”. After the 1848 Revolution, Iași was the cradle of Romanian intellectuals’ effort of accomplishing the ideal of Union: “Hey, Wallachian, hey, neighbour, come join me” (“Hora Unirii”, Vasile Alecsandri, 1856). In the Hall of the Elective Assembly in the Palace (situated then above the entrance hallway) the election of Alexandru Ioan Cuza as Prince of Moldavia was confirmed on the January 5th 1859 and the mission of accomplishing the Union was given to him. Cuza’s investiture firman was read here on the 21st of September 1859 by the Turkish colonel Samih-bei. After the decision of moving the capital to Bucharest (1862), the building loses a part of its roles and after the 1880 fire, the palace receives a Neoclassical aspect of French inspiration. In 1883, in front of the Palace, the equestrian statue of Voivode Stephen the Great was erected, with bas-reliefs representing the battle of Moldavia with Poland and with the Ottoman Empire, work of the French sculptor Emmanuel Fremiet. The promise of King Charles I to offer Iasi a true symbol led to the redesign of the edifice in 1906 by the architect Ion D. Berindei, in a Flamboyant Neogothic architectural style, changing its destination into a Palace of Justice and Administration. The inauguration took place on the 11th of October 1925, in the presence of King Ferdinand I and Queen Mary. During the Second World War, it served as barracks of German and then Russian troops and field hospital. Begining with 1955, the edifice received the name “Palace of Culture”, hosting the Museum of History of Moldavia and the Museum Complex.
The building reflects the spirit of ducal palaces in Western Europe, with triumphal hallways decorated with pavement mosaics, very large halls and a rich wall heraldic decoration. In the arrangement of some rooms, ultramodern technologies were used (ventilation system, lighting, vacuum cleaner, clocks synchronized with the one in the tower, etc.) or, as a first, the usage of bois-ciment (“wood-cement”), a decorative material from a mixture of cement and resin, boiled in oil, imitating oak wood, invention of the famous engineer Henri Coandă.
The Palace of Culture shelters four museums of national importance: The Museum of History of Moldavia, The Museum of Art, The Ethnographic Museum and The “Stefan Procopiu” Museum of Science and Technique.
The Union Route proposes an incursion in the Museum of History of Moldavia (left wing, ground floor) which approaches the evolution of the Iași Princely Court, the Iași society in 1900 and its role as Palace of Justice during the interwar period. The testimony of the existence of the Princely Court is present in the medieval foundations visible through glass floors or in the exhibits which approach the evolution of military organization of the capital of Moldavia. The society of Iasi of the 19th century is illustrated through fashionable activities – theatre, photography and sports bets. The role of Palace of Justice is present in the typical Court room or in the former Jury Court in the Henri Coandă Hall. The most impressive room in the Palace is the Voivodes Hall (first floor), a festivity hall with a Gothic arch ceiling, with the portrait gallery of the rulers of Moldavia’s lands, from Decebal to Charles II (Carol II), on a Prussian blue background, and with a superb fireplace symbolically decorated with the genealogic tree of Moldavia’s rulers. The clock tower has the carillon horologe – a drum with pins which operates eight bells. These bells play “Hora Unirii” (composed by the Iasi composer of German origins Alexander Flechtenmacher) at each precise hour, symbol of the essential role that Iași had in the birth of modern Romania.  Fifteen minutes before the precise hour, tours are organised in the palace’s attic and tower in order to observe the clock’s mechanism, to experience the vibration of the bells and to admire the superb view over the Old Centre of the city.
The Princely Court ruins (still in arrangement), the effigy of the Rosetti family, from the current Roznovanu Palace and the two cannons (trophies from the Independence War in 1877) harmoniously complete the Palace Square.
(text source: www.iasi.travel)
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Legendary Lightworkers - Soldiers Of Ascension
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'Welcome to the greatest show on Earth'
A cosmic interplay of stars, planets, and movements that inspire spectacular growth. Creation is the vision of a maestro whose music is the breath of life. A mystery and a force to be reckoned with as every planet, moon, and sun movement is tethered to the expansiveness of our conscious thought, The higher we go the more we know as we see beyond the clouds and become awakened through our enlightening experiences as a soul in human form. Not everyone will resonate with this creation thinking except those who intuit we are here to ascend the programs of a Magician Earth. A place where influence has decided the code of life through religious text and leadership roles honored by the masses. Since the birth of man, our faith has been modified by those around us and their innate ideals. The more powerful became rulers and benevolently or not commanded their followers to honor and abide by their rhetoric--- forming collectives or civilizations. These were earlier gatherings inspired by the spirit of camaraderie and community plus a sense of safety and economy.  Many looked to the stars for answers to their human origins. From this came an array of religions or worship of idols each reflecting the cosmos and the environment they perceived as a celestial home. Mankind had arrived and Mother Earth welcomed her companions with an open heart and optimism. Creation had sent souls disguised as humans on a mission of higher intention through the art of reincarnation. Not all will agree with this life-birthing theme and there are numerous interpretations of our genesis written in books that date back thousands of years. It all comes down to what you believe and many versions are circulating to confuse the most intelligent human scholars. A precarious journey through the forest of truth and programs endorsed by ancestors who were adamant they knew who God was and what was expected of us.
'A  foundation of the church was built although nations had differing views'
God was installed as the creator of humans as wars raged in a battle of preference and supremacy. Mainstream religion now dominated the earth discarding earlier leanings to reincarnation while dismantling cultural and tribal beliefs in deities, Gods, and Goddesses. The premise of an unconditionally loving God set the stage for witch hunts in the late 1600s while constant rifts between religions have blurred the landscape of creation's epic stance of free will. The right to choose your lover, purpose, value, principle, and choice of religion. The bloody coup of Godly history sees the pure light of divinity bleeding on the cross of conflict----as the flames of faith ignited. It's a cold war battle for the rightful God to take the throne. Is it achievable? Could nations agree to relinquish theirs in favor of a new mainstream faith based on the recycling of life known as reincarnation? The journey of a soul experiencing life as a woman or man? Or will we continue themes of sameness and accept commands of religious ethics we may not even agree with especially if we are gay lesbian or psychic? To be fair the church doors are a jar but still, the message is clear. God does not favor those who have divine superpowers or embrace same-sex love.  Some say that God has nothing to do with religion and that man invented the word of God on Earth. However, you look at it the influence of God's word is an interpretation of human belief and self-reflection as we search for God within ourselves. A journey of depth and courage if we feel the call to a Divine not honored in certain quarters of the world.  My valor chooses reincarnation as the mirror of my soul. A castaway in this 3-D maze of truths and plenty of mistruths sold to us by leaders and influencers who enforce their memo of dysfunction on Planet Earth. A caricature of intense emotions that stir the soul to experience the most extravagant scenarios laced with a desire to learn.
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'Souls are not afraid to flex their creational muscles by choosing life with a missionary goal'
They may come to innovate a New Earth or paint a picture of unity in a divided globe of infinite potential. Time has hindered our growth beyond the status quo as rebel souls dare to inspire the masses with words not commonly heard. Cries of crazy are the norm as the soldiers of the New Earth bring their brand of higher consciousness to those enmeshed in the matrix magnetism. A system of power and programming stoic in expression and expectation. A far cry from a soul-based society where the awakened form a holy bond with angels and spirit-guide helpers. Dutifully assigned to support souls with high-level growth. An evolving stance of enlightenment. Thinking is crystal clear as we intuit the falsity of our world and light codes from heaven pierce our conditioned hearts and the lost years of misguided beliefs. We are now free to be authentic. Reaching deep to find our truth. We are not a clone of societal command but a soul of past life significance here to spotlight the dark and its hold on our planetary home. The word is out. Ascension is real and the way forward from the pits of hellish ideals where souls are up for sale and love is mistaken for control, manipulation, and abuse. Getting closer to God is not an elitist allowance from the global stages of religion. It is an open door to everyone regardless of color, gender, culture, or gay sexuality. The divine has no bias only humans are prejudiced and that tells the story of a creator whose frequency is love. Not conditional as we see in relationships or judgment of gays and those who can read the future.  We are legendary lightworkers stationed for the 5-D uprise of awareness. The internal versus external as we go inward to find our soul and our source counterpart.
'A creator of charisma and consciousness guiding us through the storm to Nirvana'
Now we are awakened--- a light worker force of nature and that can be as a spiritual lesbian with an empathic starseed heart here to assist the soldiers of New Earth.  It's all hands on deck as the old order makes way for a community of free-thinkers or philosophers of the new age. This is the era of enlightenment. A conscious awareness of how we were mechanized to play out compliance roles in robot mode without questioning whether it fulfilled our dreams, goals, and desires. We compromised in love, liberty, and our core values. A succession of trade-offs filtered our heart-felt ideals to align with the crowd or general thinking held by family, friends, lovers, and leaders. The ancestral line of humanity was ignited by the match of similarities and anyone who dared to say or be different was called out and set apart from the collective. This was the plight of gays when religion sold their story as a curse on the word of God. A heavy cross to bear and contrary to the empathy shown by Jesus Christ for the outcasted lepers. Christ's open-hearted love was unconditional and did not differentiate between people's status, gender, or political rank. Jesus was a divine diplomat and emissary of creation ordained to dispel the great divide of difference. The light of God shone brightly on this man's mission who came in a time of limited beliefs and restriction. It's not dissimilar to now as we walk a thin line between war, love, and hate with dictators frothing at the bit while humanity feels the unease. The new Christs on Earth are the lightworkers dedicated to enlightening a world of divine disconnection. Like Jesus, our words are devalued as we bring news of the Aquarian Era of Light. A prophesized event following the Pisces Era of control, and castration of self. The burst of Aquarian air energy brings a fresh outlook of freedom and innovation backed up by a review of how we blaspheme our neighbors for their contrasting beliefs, sexuality, and religious perspectives.
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'It is also an opportunity for more unorthodox ideas, which can be relationships that don't fit the norm or lifestyle choices that invigorate our sense of well-being physically and emotionally'
The dark aura of abuse has plagued our planet for too long demanding a refreshed attitude to healthier interactions and education that inspires knowledge of our human failings so we can become whole and healthy. Mainstream religion will feel the push of spiritual practices that promote the view of our internal, meditative self.  Love will be a household word and openly felt as the cool winds of Aquarius shift the illusion of how we interpret love. Partnerships with high-frequency matches will amplify the alliance of high-level soulmates and twin souls as divine fairy dust showers Earth with a template of 5th-dimensional love in its purest form. The divine feminine will anchor the New Earth with her life-bearing nurture, compassion, and love. These divas of the divine are here to awaken us to the pillars of conscious awareness. Only if we are willing to shake off past programs and see beyond the fantasia mirage. We have been living a war-like existence and the suffering is evident. Our animals are in a crisis of neglect as are our children and women in narcissistic/abusive situations. When we step into the arena of change we are the awakened versus the unawakened.  A pedestal of perception and light bulb moments as our eyes open to who we are and the darkening world we live in. A monolith that runs on antiquated programs of force and repression.
'Our planet has been governed by leaders with a messiah complex or desire to be God on earth'
Since dancing with dinosaurs man has felt a sense of elevation and importance that grew to an ego and then a wanting to rule over the dominion of human and animal lives. Conflict ensued as humans competed for the right to rule Earth. An ongoing battle of darkness and light that threatens to destroy the connection between God and man. Lightworkers are the SAS souls of source here to assist humanity in a quest for the promised land. A cosmic New Eden where the children of the light will herald in the loving consciousness of Christ on a planet that has held humanity hostage in systems of fear, shame, and low vibration. Our birthright is one of high frequency and phenomenal powers degraded by religious and high-ranking humans who kept us small and unaware of our origins or Godly purpose. We have become sidelined by external voices that choose fights with other nations and detach with complacency that we can do nothing but observe. The truth is we are a collective with the power to energetically shift Earth's aura from dark into lightness---chaos into calm. We have become bystanders separated from God and each other. The secret is in our unity as we awaken to a world of corrupted ideals. We are not sheep to be herded but empaths, star seeds, and intuitively enhanced souls holding the light for heaven on earth. A vision of beauty, depth, and transparency governed by universal law and integrity. The legendary lightworkers are the ringmasters of a spiritual age. A manifestation of peace and fellowship for all to embrace as we re-learn to live from the heart in high-frequency love.
'Hail the New Earth ~ The Aquarian Era of light ~The Soldiers of Ascension ~ Legendary Lightworkers of high-frequency love'
Author ~ Linda E. Cole (The Divine Feminine)
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Dumpster Rental Grandville MI
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In Grandville, Michigan, effective waste management is essential to uphold the city's cleanliness and environmental sustainability. With ongoing urban development and community activities, the demand for reliable waste disposal solutions continues to grow. Dumpster rental services emerge as indispensable allies, offering residents and businesses a seamless and efficient way to handle their waste disposal needs.
One of the primary advantages of dumpster rental in Grandville, MI, is its convenience. Rather than grappling with the complexities of waste disposal logistics, individuals and businesses can rent a dumpster tailored to their project requirements. This eliminates the need for multiple trips to disposal sites, saving time, energy, and resources while streamlining waste removal.
Additionally, dumpster rental services provide flexibility, catering to diverse waste management needs. Whether it's a residential cleanout, commercial renovation, or community event, dumpsters come in various sizes to accommodate different projects. This versatility ensures customers find the perfect dumpster size for their needs, optimizing space usage and minimizing costs.
Furthermore, individuals and businesses contribute to environmental sustainability by choosing dumpster rental services. Many rental companies in Grandville prioritize eco-friendly practices, offering recycling options to divert recyclable materials from landfills. This aligns with the city's commitment to reducing its environmental footprint and preserving natural resources for future generations.
In essence, dumpster rental services are pivotal in promoting efficient waste management practices in Grandville, MI. These services empower residents and businesses to maintain a clean, sustainable community for years by offering convenience, flexibility, and environmental consciousness.
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Google Site: https://sites.google.com/view/dumpster-rental-grandville-mi/
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BatchGeo: https://batchgeo.com/map/0aa73a6e6e33f2d2d6ba335e6519fc31
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eforkrobotics · 8 months
Why should you choose the Three-Way Electric Pallet Stacker?
For many forklift buyers, selecting the ideal match for their specific operational applications can be a daunting task. If the aisle between your racks is too narrow for a forklift to maneuver, you may be wondering which type of forklift would be most suitable for your narrow aisle scenario.
In this case, I would like to recommend the VNA THREE-WAY ELECTRIC PALLET STACKER as the solution. "Three-way" indicates that the forks can turn in three directions without moving its body. This unique feature of the THREE-WAY ELECTRIC PALLET STACKER allows for easy access to goods in narrow aisles, resulting in saved floor space and improved efficiency.
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The THREE-WAY ELECTRIC PALLET STACKER is also designed with a high-lifting feature, making it easy to access goods stored on high racks. However, it is important to note that this type of forklift has a tendency to experience a decrease in load capacity as the forks and mast rise higher. Therefore, it may not be suitable for extremely heavy loads.
Companies often need to upgrade their equipment as their needs change. Without hesitation, I would also recommend the THREE-WAY ELECTRIC PALLET STACKER for this purpose. Its body structure and fixed attachments make it easy and flexible to convert into an AGV (Automated Guided Vehicle), enabling efficient and cost-effective high-density storage. 
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For more information on the THREE-WAY ELECTRIC PALLET STACKER, please visit our website at www.eforkchina.com or www.eforkgroup.com. Here, you can learn more about this unique and versatile forklift option.
As an advanced domestic logistics robot and smart logistics system service provider, Anhui Yufeng Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. focuses on diversified businesses such as smart warehousing, smart factories, and platform systems, and is committed to providing customized robots consulting planning and software for multiple types of customers a one-stop smart logistics system overall solution integrating R&D, system integration, intelligent equipment production, electronic control collaborative development, advanced technology empowerment, installation and commissioning training, and after-sales operation and maintenance services.
Forks can turn 180°in three directions;
2. The minimum stacking aisle width is 1600 mm;
3. 1 ton or 1.5 tons load capacity;
4. Stand or sit type;
5. Imported high-strength German Krupp mast.
If you require an operator to rise up with the forklift, the EFORK MAN-UP type is the perfect solution to meet your needs. This model features a simple and practical design that ensures safe and efficient operation, making it the perfect choice for a wide range of materials stacking applications. Besides, its main mast and sub-mast operate independently.
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Visit [email protected] for quotation.
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christianbruun03 · 1 year
How To Use High Heels Healthily
Wearing of high heels is not really for walking, but for dancing also. If you are in an occasion wherein a dance is required, try practicing first at home with a side to side step and usana doing some slow flips. In that case, you defintely won't be bumping people around you will. Ladie High Heels
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Ladie High Heels Ladie High Heels You can't contain one type of favor for lengthy time. People love appear at issues all period. So with fresh clothes and style always being churned out by fashion designers, this just a subject of time before these sexy high heeled shoes made a comeback. Females have this thing about wanting their shoes to complement their fashionable outfits. Along with they also don't to be able to be confined to just wearing flats or low heels all the time. Between a associated with high heeled shoes and flats, the chances are they will much a high heels if it ought to make them look better. Obviously it will might want to match the truly amazing are wearing be it a dress or a skirt.
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16.Never perform bathroom surgery on your corns and calluses. Also, never use those over-the-counter corn removers; the acid plaster of these products does not know Ladies High Heels ought to stop might cause nasty sores and infections! Plus size women shoes grow to be available many designs, styles, sizes, colors and delicates and all material. Women can now choose from boots, flats, loafers, mules, pumps, sandals, slipper, booties and power point sides. These shoes range from sizes 5 to 10, and some designers enjoy size 13 or 14 in their line. The width ranges from B or M (regular/medium), D or W (wide) to WWWW or EEEE (extra wide wide). The number of women's footwear from Gabor has always enjoyed massive demand you can find. There are various designs and models such just as the Gabor Terri, Gabor Tiff, Gabor Impression and many more. They offer a wide variety of casual shoes, formal shoes, dress shoes, boots, sandals, mules, heeled shoes and flat athletic shoes. An important aspect about the Gabor shoes is simply because they are included in some larger sizes that you would not get from most brands you can find. Every year the brand offers a portion of the trendiest associated with footwear. The shoes are available in vibrant colour combinations and are ideal for girls of all age groups. Gabor offers such collections that are extremely irresistible for females. Many women have several set of these shoes in their wardrobe. Planning to get new perform? The current job driving you up the wall or boring that bits? You never know when you'd get needed a late interview. So make without you high heels shoes have a set of clothing and shoes in order to make yourself presentable when you are for the interview. You wouldn't want meet up with your future employer appearing like something dispersed further dragged from. Make sure you look your best for activity that you're applying as for. Kothorni, pesticides modern cork or platform shoes were first introduced into the fashion world by male Roman actors in 200 British columbia. Kothorni is also sometimes spelled cothurni and defined as being a knee-high thick soled boot or buskin made of leather or cloth that laces and was worn in Greek or Roman tragedies by actors.Men still wore heels in the 1600s, considerably less a fashion statement, however for practical reason. It helped these phones keep their feet within stirrups when riding their horses.
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mitchamsocialuser · 1 year
Chia Crusted Grilled Salmon
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Chia Crusted Grilled Salmon is a simple, delicious and healthy meal that can be made on your grill in no time at all. It’s low in carbs and fats, but still has lots of flavor!
Easy to prepare
Chia crusted grilled salmon is a great meal. It’s easy to prepare, packed with protein and vitamins, and topped with your favorite condiments. Serve it with your favorite starch and vegetable, or add a gluten-free option.
Chia seeds are an excellent source of fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, and minerals. They can be eaten raw, cooked, or added to baked goods. They may also help promote weight loss and reduce the risk of heart disease. They’re also great for thickening sauces.
To make chia crusted grilled salmon, you’ll first need some chia seeds. These tiny black seeds are harvested from a mint-like plant. The seeds swell when combined with liquids, and may have an effect on your digestive system. You can use either black or white chia seeds.
You can mix chia seeds with water to form a gel. Once you’ve mixed the ingredients together, you’ll need to let them sit for five minutes before serving. This allows the chia seeds to absorb some of the moisture and flavor in the salmon, making it a deliciously nutritious dinner.
Rich in omega-3 fats
One of the best ways to add omega-3 fats to your diet is to eat salmon. This fish is full of fatty acids and essential vitamins and minerals. It can be eaten fresh, cooked, or canned. A 4-ounce serving of salmon has 1600 milligrams of DHA. It can also be used as a filling in sandwiches and salads.
Another good source of omega-3 is chia seeds. These seeds are high in fiber and ALA omega-3 fatty acids. They also contain magnesium and manganese. They are an ideal topping for oatmeal, smoothies, or baked goods.
Sardines are another great source of omega-3. These small oily fish are rich in selenium and vitamin B12. They can be bought in tins or cooked fresh.
Mackerel is a delicious oily fish that is often smoked or grilled. It is packed with fatty acids and vitamin B12. It is often a staple in many countries.
Oysters are another good source of omega-3. They are also rich in vitamin B12 and zinc.
Low in carbs but not lacking flavor
It’s not hard to find tasty and wholesome low carb foods for the keto dieter. For instance, salmon is one of the most popular choices amongst the low carb faithful. It’s also a good source of omega 3 fatty acids. If you’re looking for something new to add to your dinner plate, try out these low carb salmon chowder recipes. You’ll be surprised at how easy they are to make.
For starters, the aforementioned chia seed infused salmon is not only a good choice, but it’s also a good source of fiber. In fact, a jar of chia seeds contains about 8 grams of fiber. And, this tiny little seed is a great source of antioxidants.
The best part is that you can easily make a small batch of these chia seed infused grilled salmon in less time than it takes to say “salmon”. To make the process more manageable, you can cut the recipe in half. Alternatively, you can also make several smaller portions.
Helps relieve PMS symptoms
There are a number of foods that can help relieve PMS symptoms. A diet that is rich in essential nutrients is key. However, it is important to eat a balanced diet and not rely on supplements.
One of the best ways to reduce PMS symptoms is to make sure you are getting enough magnesium. This mineral helps regulate blood pressure and reduces stress. It also fights water retention and muscle cramping.
Calcium is another nutrient that can be beneficial to women with PMS. Taking vitamin D can also be helpful. A recent study from the University of Massachusetts found that women who consumed 100 IUs of vitamin D per day reported less PMS symptoms.
Eggs are a great source of protein and vitamin D. They are also high in omega-3 fatty acids. Broccoli is packed with vitamins and minerals. It can also ease bloating.
Pumpkin seeds are a rich source of zinc. They also contain vitamin B6 and fiber. These nutrients are believed to work with hormones to balance the female body.
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localizee · 2 years
Brownsville Mobile Village is a short drive on Interstate 40 to Ford’s BlueOval City.
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krispy-y · 3 months
Level 1: <1600
Day 1 🌹 994 Day 2 🥀 Day 3 🥀 Day 4 🥀 Day 5 🥀 Day 6 🥀 Day 7 🥀 Average: --kg Difference: 0kg 1st GW: 55kg
And so it begins...
I have to ease myself into it again to avoid binges, and what better way to do this than to make it into a game :D
I'll decrease my daily c4l limit every week by 100, BUT ONLY if I manage 7 days in a row >:)
New rule: if I go over the limit, I can redeem myself if I complete a f4st the following day),
It's my birthday tomorrow. I arranged to bake my signature After Eight cupcakes with a friend ages ago, which isn't the ideal start to this challenge hah. But as long as I stay under 1600, I don't really care. Also, they're delicious, and my roommates will probably eat them all before I can have any more. Hopefully.
I don't have many friends at uni, which means I don't have to worry about birthday dinners... yippie? :´)
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buyerslong · 2 years
Pcb reflow oven
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aerospace, military, telecommunications) reflow soldering in a Nitrogen gas atmosphere with low levels of Oxygen is common and is a preferred setup. However, for mission critical or high reliability applications (i.e. Most PCBs are reflowed in an air atmosphere with great results.
Increased productivity, superior performance and ease of operation make the PRO 1600 a versatile system ideal for small to medium run production, prototyping, NPI, testing or curing. An optional Video Recording and Observation Module allows taking high magnification images and recording video during a soldering cycle. With the optional External Thermocouple Control ( ETC), profiles may be processed based on temperature readings of the assembly, not the air temperature around it. Even for prototypes, this often means avoiding to spend hours of testing and debugging failed boards. Maintaining a low delta T across all of the components on the assembly ensures that they are not overheated or thermally stressed.
Precise software control delivers unsurpassed temperature uniformity. Where other batch and conveyor ovens fail to meet the desired profile curve, PRO 1600 excels. It offers a unique On-The-Fly settings adjustment capability that allows creating and optimizing profiles all in a single pass. Sealed heating chamber enables ramp up rates of up to 4° Celsius/second from ambient and programming of up to 10 profile zones. PRO 1600 is very user friendly in terms of profile creation and modification. It has been designed for reflow soldering of even the most challenging applications including metal core, high thermal mass, RF / microwave housings, wafer boards, and ceramic assemblies. PRO 1600 is a forced air / nitrogen convection reflow oven with a small footprint measuring only 31″ x 31″ (80cm x 80cm). We are happy to discuss your soldering oven requirements in detail, and will gladly come up with realistic solutions for your team so you can begin soldering circuit boards with detailed precision today! If you would like to get in touch with our expert soldering circuit board and soldering oven team, give us a call for more information.
Compatible with a variety of custom coupons and requiring minimal operator involvement, our reflow simulator provides ultra-accurate data reports and assembly analysis with simplicity. With PCB soldering machines and SMT reflow ovens designed to last, our superlative products are the perfect addition to your business for all of your soldering furnace needs.īeyond the extensive soldering circuit board and soldering oven solutions we provide, we also produce a reflow simulator for advanced microvia and IPC D coupon testing.
Our professional technicians offer complete reflow soldering machines and prototype reflow oven installation, calibration, and guidance. With on-the-fly profile adjustment and ultra-accurate temperature control at the circuit assembly, our reflow oven is expediting process development and improves yields. Thanks to our advanced software integration, with powerful heating capability, our SMT reflow oven achieves the user-friendly end goal. Our team wanted to create an SMT oven catering to the end user with a simplified setup and ease of operation. Our reflow ovens aim to bridge the gap between low end ovens and large scale production machines with consistent heating profiles, a simple user interface, process automation, and detailed data for complete transparency and consistency throughout the SMT ( Surface Mount Technology) reflow process. The focus is to achieve guaranteed high quality product with strong and reliable solder joints. This includes precise temperature monitoring at the circuit assembly and if necessary ability to purge Nitrogen within the reflow chamber for Oxygen concentration down to 10 PPM. While many reflow ovens on the market are adequate for simple soldering projects, we designed the PRO 1600 to be a high end oven with capabilities matching large scale production ovens. Our engineers developed the PRO 1600 SMT Reflow Oven to solve a variety of common issues associated with inconsistent reflow soldering in batch and benchtop tunnel ovens. Dedicated to quality engineering and superior service, our soldering machines and reflow ovens achieve repeatable, high quality results customers can count on. As a leading batch soldering machine and solder reflow manufacturer, we are on a mission to provide innovative solutions for the ever-evolving demands within the printed circuit board industry. With nearly 40 years of experience in developing and manufacturing circuit board soldering equipment, ATCO is now offering the second generation PRO 1600 SMT Reflow Oven.
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jideromitep · 2 years
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kilapelak · 2 years
Tante paula ferdinand 1 bedienungsanleitung kindle
           1 TECHNISCHE DATEN: Spannweite: 1600 mm Flügelfläche: 45 dm 2 Länge: 1240 mm Akkusatz und Spiralschloss für TANTE PAULA Elektroroller Typ Ferdinand I. 1 Tischstehpult desk Auf- und Abbauanleitung desk easy desk optimal Inhalt der Akkusatz und Spiralschloss für TANTE PAULA Elektroroller Typ Ferdinand I. Gustav von Bergmann: Pionier einer Wissenschaft der Psychosomatik, Ed. 1. sapone fragrante, delicato e tutto naturale Con tante ricette per principianti.Liechtensteinischen Landesbank, Vaduz 90-3253-1 überwiesen werden (mit dem Ver- unserer lieben Mama, Ahna, Urahna, Schwiegermama, Schwägerin, Tante. Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh . HESELHAUS, Clemens (1961): Deutsche Lyrik der Moderne von Nietzsche bis Yvan Goll . Die Rückkehr zur Bildlichkeit der lovelybooks.de/autor/Ferdinand-von-Schirach/Ausgleich-1221203871-w/ de/autor/T.-Torrest/Remember-When-The-Remember-Trilogy-Book-1--1222924869-w/ Antolin - Leseförderung leicht gemacht! Ideal für den Einsatz in der Schule (1. - 10. Klasse). Schüler/innen können selbstständig zu gelesenen Büchern Aquarell Sternzeichen Neu teil 1 ADVENTURETIME BAG Anleitung & Schnittmuster PDF A4/ A0 Applikationsvorlage | Pfau "Paula" | Nähanleitung | PDF +/ +0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +: +; +< += +> +? +@ +A +B +C +D +E +F +G +H +I +J +K +L +M +N +O +P +Q +R +S +T +U +V +W +X +Y +Z +[ +\ +] +^ +_ +` +a +b 7 Thema für ist und welcher dagegen 5 1 Anleitung , Vorschrift, EEJ Emmas Sohn Ferdinand hat keine schlechten Noten, aber sie macht sich Sorgen,
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creekbrazil7 · 2 years
An instance of In your area Advanced Cancer of the breast Efficiently Addressed with Epirubicin/Bleomycin
At 24 as well as Twenty four l, mobile number-relevant guidelines had been decided. Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) action as well as nutrient deposition have been measured with times Eight, 12, 16 along with evening 25 involving tradition, correspondingly. Results SEM as well as fluorescence images uncovered a quicker dispersing and also greater number of adherent cellular material soon after Twenty-four incubation about zirconia weighed against titanium. Additionally, the cellular metabolism exercise soon after 24 h and the growth charge right after 48 they would is actually larger using zirconia compared with titanium. Zirconia had a much more distinct influence in comparison with titanium on the distinction involving SAOS-2 tissue: ALP task, an early differentiation sign elevated before and also mineralization, a new delayed distinction marker had been greater. Only modest variations were found between zirconia with two diverse floor topographies; etching zirconia advertised a little more difference regarding SAOS-2 tissue. Conclusions These files suggest in which zirconia mediates the distinct more powerful influence on the particular bond, spreading along with distinction weighed against titanium; and that topographical variances involving zirconia have modest effects in osteoblast chemistry. To cite this short article:Hempel U, Hefti T, Kalbacova Meters, Wolf-Brandstetter D, Dieter R, Schlottig F ree p. Response of osteoblast-like SAOS-2 cellular material in order to zirconia ceramics with various floor topographies.Clin. Mouth Impl. Res. 21 years of age, 2010; 174-181.doi: 15.1111/j.1600-0501.09.01797.times.Zeolitic imidazolate frameworks (ZIFs), that have the chance of gas splitting up, were chosen while chemicals in mixed-matrix membranes (MMMs). ZIF-8, which exhibits your sodalite topology, comprises zinc (Two) ion groups connected through imidazolate ligands. Your ZIF-8 pore aperture is Several.4 angstrom and can commonly absorb small elements such as They would(2) and also Corp(Only two). ZIF-8/Matrimid (R) MMMs were designed using loadings up to 80% (w/w), that happen to be much higher as opposed to common loadings reached with pick zeolite resources. Only at the very best filling did the ZIF-8/Matrimid (R) MMM show a loss of revenue associated with physical durability, leading to home loan business freedom. The actual ZIF-8/Matrimid (R) MMMs leaks in the structure qualities were examined pertaining to (2), Denver colorado(2), E(Only two), D(A couple of), CH(4), C(Three or more)(8-10), and also gas mixes associated with (Only two)/CO(Two) along with Denver colorado #Link# (Only two)/CH(Four). Your permeability ideals improved as the ZIF-8 loading improved in order to 40% (w/w). Nonetheless, with larger loadings of 50% and 60% (w/w), the permeability reduced for many gas #Link# , along with the selectivities improved in conjuction with the affect with the ZIF-8 component. The perfect selectivities of gas pairs that contains tiny gas, including (2)/O(A couple of), (A couple of)/CO(A couple of), They would(Only two)/CH(4), CO(A couple of #Link# )/CH(Several), Corp(A couple of)/C(Three or more)They would(8-10), along with L(2)/C(Three)(8-10), demonstrated enhancement together with the 50% (w/w) ZIF-8 filling, displaying the cross over from the polymer-driven to some ZIF-8-controlled gasoline carry course of action. On top of things studies making use of as-synthesized ZIF-8 with stuffed tiny holes, there was no move from 50% (w/w) loading.
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