#but im kinda self concious about it because like
lycheecreature · 16 days
Just generally been spiraling about my art tbh. I said I'm doing what I want idk if it's got mass appeal but I feel like people (gen) just don't like my content that much and I'm like "hmm. maybe they've got a point. maybe this all sucks shit." even tho I don't really want to change anything (aside from like improving technical skills yknow)
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flyingspicerack · 1 year
I WILL KILL THE ANON HATER imagine being so pathetic as to send mean things to a stranger on the internet... that person doesn't matter and neither does their opinion. Me and a bunch of others love your page because it's stuff that makes you happy and your drawings and writings are made with such love and excitement!! I love seeing you enjoy yourself!! I know it sucks but please don't let these fuckos get you down. Love you Aero, you being you and sharing your passions inspires me to be me every day ♥️♥️♥️
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thank u toad ;w;
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in-halingstardust · 3 months
Congrats on 200!!! If its cool, can I request a spicy matchup!
I'm a female with a softened hourglass figure with an average bust. I have pale manilla skin and have moles scattered on my body. Im a bit self concious about my body due to sh scars on my stomach, my weight and my chest. I've got black straight hair that goes just past my shoulders and I have dark brown almond-shaped eyes.
Preffered matchup: males only
I guess enigmatic? I tend to appear alof and keep a facade of ditzy and keep distance, but underneath I'm just an anxious (buzzing like a bee), but like a gentle grandma? When I'm comfy I'm much calmer but am silly and kinda have a child-like wonder. I'm also super observant and fairly calculating but I hide that. I deal with depresison and anxiety but Im doing better, but sometimes I overwork myself and neglect my health. It's hard to get to know me, but once you do it's ride or die.
Facts sfw:
I secretly want to be spoiled in general but I get super self-consious and embaressed about it because I'm not used to receiving things
Spice facts:
I'm very sensitive to touch in general but I like being held in bed. I will only let people touch me if I trust them
I hate being insulted or degraded in general on the otherhand I love genuine praise/love confessions (maybe eve slightly obessive) / soft comfort. (Praise kink and bodyworship?? Prob) I fluster tho.
Im pretty shy and inexperienced in bed mosty due to being self conscious about my body and scars (To the extent i preffer to be to be covered or have them blindfolded after first, but as I become more comfortable then I'll let them see me fully) So i preffer someone who'll be patient with me.
I'm a switch, but sub leaning. If I top, if prefer them restrained. I'm a bit bolder but still hesitant. When I sub I'm still shy, but I aim to please. I'll do my best, but get overwhelmed easily.
I like being ravaged lovingly (biting, rougher, maybe a bit overstim) just no slapping, hitting or degration
hopefully I did this right? If I need to make changes pls let me know!
Thank you :)
🪷 nonnie
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Nonnie, sweet sweet Nonnie I hope you enjoy this! ( ๑‾̀◡‾́)σ" You did everything perfectly!
I feel Jing Yuan is the best fit for you! Sorry this is so so late!
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Jing Yuan is a gentleman, through and through. He is willing (wanting) anything to make his partner feel safe and satisfied. >;D
So with a mischievous smile and a soft kiss of promise, he places what seems to be a rolled piece of satin in your hands. The fabric flows like water across your fingertips, the signature jade color of his office. Jing Yuan leans over you, caging your body in, the blindfold still innocently in your hands.  What would you like tonight? Me or you? Your heart is hammering in your chest and you point your index finger towards him. 
A loop and a quick tug Jing Yuan’s eyes are covered. 
❥ It’s ridiculous how well Jing Yuan knows you. How he coaxes your mouth to open in a deeper kiss before letting his hands roam softly over your body. How he trails down a path of moles and scars giving loving attention to each one, whispering sweet nothings against your skin. He leaves his own mark of course. A couple hickeys along your body lapping them with care. ❥ Let’s be honest here, the blindfold does not really “blind” Jing Yuan. He’s an expert when it comes to pleasing you; however, he loves teasing you. Through your own whines he makes you say exactly what you want. Hmm? A little more? Where? You’ve never had a bad night with him. 
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cartooemcanhis · 1 month
digging these headcanons so far :3 how about flaky or petunia?
Its your lucky day! you get both!!
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Genderfluid and uses all pronouns
Always lived in treetown and they hate it.
They're able to remember theirs and others deaths, aswell as the events that led up to them, and it horrifies them. They've told the other treefriends but they never believe him.
She often doesnt leave their house for days on end and has to get dragged out by Cuddles or something
Technically friends with Flippy? Its complicated. Flaky is deathly afraid of him because of the whole remembering deaths thing, but at the same time he understands what Flippys been through and feels bad about avoiding him sometimes
goes through so many pillows.. like 70% of their money goes towards buying new pillows because they keep breaking them
Mildly greasy..be nice about though it she has seen so many horrors
like pretty much everyone in treetown, Flaky hates Disco bear, but they try to be polite about it which sadly has made DB think they are friends
Tries his best to keep Cuddles away from danger but it almost always doesnt work
Probably listens to punk music (Bevens gonna sue! /j /ref)
Pretty good at drawing but shes way too nervous to show anyone
treesys most itchiest warrior
Still has nightmares about the time his friends intentionally killed him in happy trails
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Her and Giggles definetly got some kind of yuri going on but for some reason everyone just thinks they're just best friends
Always lived in treetown :3
Kinda self concious and convinced she needs to be perfect 24/7
She has a comical amount of flowers in her house (and has only killed one by accident
She has god awful taste in juice im sorry but cherry juice sucks
Used to be dating Handy but they broke up because they realised it wasnt really working, they're still friends though and there isnt any hard feelings
Smells like overwhelmingly good it kind of gives you headache after a while
Has given Disco bear death threats before but he just thinks she was joking
Her fur puffs up when shes mad and its very silly
one time lifty and shifty broke into her house and she killed them by pouring bleach on them it was epic
her and giggles did a money laundering scheme once
Makes amazing pancakes. you have not lived until you've tried pancakes made by petunia
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my-castles-crumbling · 2 months
Hi Cas!!!
Recently i wrote a poem and decided I loved it and send you an ask with it 2 days ago but i think it got lost or smth.
Little backstory here so I live in a family full of artists and very creative people so sharing my work always made me self concious since I always compared my work with theirs. Turns out I also have a problem with openly sharring my work with others which is a bit of a problem considering I need to do share my work for school. Because of that I've decided to share my poem with someone cause I'm really proud of it but I also want someone to tell me their honest opinion/feedback. So here it is I guess??? Also english is not my first language so sorry if there s any mistakes 🦖
Earth breaking beneth my feet
Hands holding my arms
While pushing me down
Sinking into the ground
Divine paintings flashing before my mind
Their meanings going up my mouth
Watching me choke down all the noble words
Blocking their way out
Only to laugh
As the Devil listens to all the broken sounds
Coming from my eyes
Crimson tears staining my cheeks
Honey dripping from my lips
Straight into a vase near my feet
Angles are gathering the golden liquid
Collectiong memories I missed
Reminding me things I did
That are straining my guilt
People I left forgoten
Are sitting faceless
Waiting for my jugement
God is listening to everyone
Except for me
As I bleed out on a light floor in front of him
Staining red everything I could see
While room fillds with blood
That's comimg from my wounded heart
Drowning me
Ending my tortures
While our outstanding preformance goes on
The capitol's laughing
The kids are dying
But why do I care?
About them when I'm away
Maybe these scary meaningfull portraits
Maybe paintings that left me empty
Are happening somewhere on Earth
Someones mother is dying
But all we do is drink honey
Someones child is fighting
But all we do is play a song
Song of Army Dreamers
And say 'scary things happened years back'
While ignoring the fact
That those things are also happening now
Somehow I made a poem about war with my religious trauma, Kate Bush reference and few Crimson Rivers references. Thats cute. When im rereading it now it seems a bit silly and kinda looks like i tried using 'big words' but i still love it.
Also the way you ate up last Caledenstine(HOW TO WRITE THAT????😭) chapter??? Ate and left no crumbs? Yessir. I support Regs rights and wrongs even if his wrongs are treaky(?) sometimes and make me want to hit him with a paper (just jk i would probably hug him and then make him some good soup)
Losts of love for you and your wife and your cat(s) (pretty sure you have a cat or two but maybe im mixing people???? Prolly should go to sleep but this was more important for me?????) Hope your sleep shedule is better then the rests of the fandom tho you are a teacher, an ao3 writer and a trumble user so its probably not the best while school year but still! 💃All the best ❤️
Hi hon!!! Your original ask was actually next on my list lol but I'm responding to this one because you added some things.
Damn, that ending though.
And say 'scary things happened years back' While ignoring the fact That those things are also happening now
This is SO real, and so poignant. You absolutely should share this with others, it's a very powerful poem. I love the imagery you have throughout. Please don't compare your work to others- art is supposed to be unique, you know?
hahah yeah Reg is in his Rep Era rn I feel. I'll not elaborate more.
My sleep schedule is...well it's 12:30am and I am not planning on sleeping for a while, as I need to edit and then post the next chapter. By the time this ask is posted (I'm scheduling it) the next chapter should be out! yay, summer?
Sending you all the love!
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borathae · 1 year
ok my thinking is that BECAUSE TAE IS HIGHLY SNSITIVE ever since his humanity is on he can pick up easily on what poeple feel hence why he comforted yoongi even though that man was closing off to him. and because of HE TOLD HIM EXACTLY WHAT HE WANTED TO HEAR and that takes extra amount of intelligence to figure out what poeple want in moments of solitude, grief, anger! not everyone is capable of that and i feel it's the only caracter in mv capable of that? (jungkookie also but tae's more sentisitive in general whereas tae is sensitive and highly self concious and reflective also maybe his creative self also allows him to be even more reflective and observer of the world and poeple and so hes even more and more emotionnaly smart?) i feel like yoongi at the end reconized how special tae can be
Like HE KNEW YOONGI S ULT FEAR and he didn't tell him the cliché of oh life is beautiful and dadadadad he was like if you don't want to live that's fine but why don't you just give a go and the decide and holy fuck i've never been immensly suicidal but i feel like if i was that'd make me think again? vs oh life is so pretty look at the flowers i'll be like stfu dumb cunt but if someone is like yeah life sucks and it might not get better and you might not feel different but just give it a go, see what happens i'd be like well i guess ...
and alsoooooo hear me out, as much as this man was easily played by jimin as much i believe he empathizes with him (ok maybe that weird captor sympathy syndrome stokholm) because even if jimin doesnt talk about it tae knows that jimin is fucked up all because of namjoon and because of that he offers his emotional net as safety for jimin?! LIKE HE KNOWS HIS HOMIE IS BAD FOR HIM BUT HE KINDA WANTS TO BE HIS PUNCHING BAG BECAUSE HE REALZES HES INTERNALY AGONIZED. like we've been there, you let shit slide because your friend, partner, mom is having a shit day, shit week, shit life lmao? it's a twisted way for love for sure but it's love nonetheless? AND ALL YOU BITCHES CAN FIGHT ME ON THIS BUT MV TETE BEAR LOVES LIKE THERES NO TOMORROW HE DIVES HEADFIRST AND PUTS HIS HEART ON THE LINE FOR EVERYONE
ok AND THIS HIGH REGARD AND PERCEPTION FOR OTHER FEELINGS IS WHAT OC FELL FOR! AND KOOKIE! like hear me out in SA he was so sweet like honey on strawberries!! and the fake kind of sweet where it's just talk that man got oc plants as his way of asking her to move in for example! he also took kookie shopping and spoiled him and stuff so that's the taehyung THEY KNOW.
He offered jaykay a long hug because he sensed that man's starvation for skinship and he was like i'll be the one to give it to him! i also remember how he distracted him in the dinner by whispering in his ear about their nightly planned activoites hehehehe WHICH IS AGAIN TAEHYUNG SAVING POEPLE BY WHAT HE KNOWS BEST GIVING THEM WHAT THEY WANT AT THAT EXACT MOMENT
We were a little hard on him but that's okay some rough love and he woke up from his trance hehehehe
OK NOW to the important part: KINKY TAEHYUNG SEX WHEN? I need to mark my calendar sibi
Wow I actually fucking love this analysis of his character!! Thank you so much for seeing him this way and for writing such lovely words about him!!
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Like HE KNEW YOONGI S ULT FEAR and he didn't tell him the cliché of oh life is beautiful and dadadadad he was like if you don't want to live that's fine but why don't you just give a go and the decide and holy fuck i've never been immensly suicidal but i feel like if i was that'd make me think again? vs oh life is so pretty look at the flowers i'll be like stfu dumb cunt but if someone is like yeah life sucks and it might not get better and you might not feel different but just give it a go, see what happens i'd be like well i guess ...
YES THIS!! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR PUTTING IT LIKE THIS!! when I was suicidal I hated nothing more than people telling me "but life's so good why do you wanna end it?" because back then my life wasn't beautiful and I just wanted it to end and their "comforting words" just felt like mockery to me and proved to me that they had NO IDEA what I was actually feeling. Honestly the only thing what really helped was me telling myself "yeah life sucks but maybe try to hold on a little longer? maybe it'll get better?" over and over again SO ISTFG I WANNA FUCKING HUG TAE TO MY CHEST AND KISS HIS LIDDOL FOREHEAD :(
i believe he empathizes with him (ok maybe that weird captor sympathy syndrome stokholm) because even if jimin doesnt talk about it tae knows that jimin is fucked up all because of namjoon and because of that he offers his emotional net as safety for jimin?! LIKE HE KNOWS HIS HOMIE IS BAD FOR HIM BUT HE KINDA WANTS TO BE HIS PUNCHING BAG BECAUSE HE REALZES HES INTERNALY AGONIZED.
Oooooooh interesting take on this situation oooooooh 👀 and it's definitely not the healthiest way and Tae SHOULD tell Jimin that his behaviour isn't okay, but I definitely agree that this is a reason why he has been staying with Jimin for so long. 🤔 I just hope that one day he'll say "hey Jimin I love you and I'll be your friend but please mistreating me" because I don't want Tae thinking that he needs to stay a punching bag for Jimin. Trauma is an explanation but never an excuse and Jimin needs to learn that 😶
He offered jaykay a long hug because he sensed that man's starvation for skinship and he was like i'll be the one to give it to him! i also remember how he distracted him in the dinner by whispering in his ear about their nightly planned activoites hehehehe WHICH IS AGAIN TAEHYUNG SAVING POEPLE BY WHAT HE KNOWS BEST GIVING THEM WHAT THEY WANT AT THAT EXACT MOMENT
OMFMGMMGMGMGM PLEASE YES FMASDMFMAM why did I never even think of it that way? fadjfja I'm the author and yet here you are giving new perspectives to my characters fajfdsj I am loving it!!
OK NOW to the important part: KINKY TAEHYUNG SEX WHEN? I need to mark my calendar sibi
*opens calender* well well well, would you look at that? You gotta mark the 3rd of june for that
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mushed-kid · 1 year
very long post below with bad spelling
i think i mentioned that i went on a school trip to the woods right? anyways i did. and while we were there i was hanging with some people and i wanted to borrow a flashlight cuz it was getting dark and i didnt bring one myself, so i went to ask a friend. she was in a tent with a group of other people in our class, some im kinda friends with and some im more friends with. so i enter to ask if i can borrow the flashlight, right? im not sure about this but i think they were playing truth or dare or something, and when i enter my friend said something like ‘speak of the devil’ and i think it was my friend but idk who said it and i heard a couple comments like that, as if they were talking about me just now (and obvi that makes me idk self concious or just curious) so i ask what they meant or like what was up, and again idrk who said what because they spoke at the same time but they sid somethink like ‘*name of girl in my class that im kinda friends with* has a crush on you/wants to make out with you’ or something like that im not entirely sure. and me being me i roll my eyes and say ‘yeah sure as if’ or something and ask for the flashlight and im purposefully trying to ignore what they said and act like i didnt really totally catch it or something, just changing the topic. i think they were joking bcus thats such a them thing to do but idk and she didnt say anything except that she has a boyfriend (no one commented and idk so ig she does), but i think more than one person said this stuff so how did they think og it at the same time? but idk, but shes cool and pretty and im me so obviosly she doenst but it was so weird. and at first i didnt think she even liked me in general becus we were kjnda jokingly mean to wachother but my friends kept telling me she didnt dislike me and i started to see it. so were kinda friends and i dont think she has a crush on me but it was weird that they were talking about me and that stuff. so when we got home, i asked my sister (who was there with them) why they talked about me and what they said, but she couldnt remember what they talked about (and ig she could just say that to avoid telling me, but weve always told eachother everything even if we tell others we wont lol) but yeah idk why that kinda stuck with me. maybe just cause im afraid they talked about me and dont like me, or maybe i want her to like me? or something else, i dont even know. just needed to get it out
if u read all of this wow
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smolsammichowo · 1 year
Time for a stupid 4 am long post that I’d usually vomit out on twitter but I can type out more shit on tumblr :O
Well uh,
To everyone who has recently followed me on here who is NOT from my Twitter or anywhere else that I linked my tumblr on and just found me from somewhere,
Thanks for following me & also  Sorry for me constantly screaming about random bullshit such as 
- Minecraft Stuff / Minecraft content / Minecraft stream lore / minecraft streamers 
- (note , while I’m not a fan of dream, I have no problem if you are a fan of dream. Just as long as you are kind to others & are kind to me. That should just be common sense really though. ) 
Pro wrestling (Ive mainly talked about AEW & WWE but I do like stuff such as Impact, NJPW, Lucha Underground, Dragon Gate, and a few others! Feel free to dm me some other pro wrestling stuff that you think I’d like too ! ) 
- (note - favorite pro wrestler is a guy named Pac. Gonna confuse the shit out of minecraft people given theres a content creator named Pac as well in the minecraft content creator space lmao. Though the pro wrestler calls himself BASTARD pac as well so I can just call the wrestler BastardPac to not confuse y’all lol ) 
Anime (if I list the animes I like this list would become a fucking dictionary)
Genshin (Tumblr seems SO SO SO SO CALM compared to Twitter , BLESS YOU ALL ) 
Pokemon (seems like a lot of you have followed me from either minecraft or this! Hello! Im doing a pokedex project but i keep redoing it as I keep feeling self concious about my art ; v ; ) 
- Top 5 favorite pokemon not in order are Chikorita, Togekiss, Alolan Raichu,  Koraidon, & Reuniclus
Splatoon (got into the game this year and its like a drug to me now. I adore the paintbrush weapon even though the reef bow is the one Im closest to getting a 5 star on as that one is the money maker ) 
Roblox ( A middle school thing that never left me. Im 23 still playing it. Though its how I made my online persona that is kinda my fursona)
Furry stuff  (o hey speaking of that stuff)
MLP ( Funny enough this ties into above as this was the butterfly effect of me finding the fanbase because of a dumb fanfiction about pinkiepie being hannable lector & making horse cupcakes. ) 
Typing dumb shit at 3 - 4 am in the morning SUCH AS THIS . 
Anyhow I need to stop procrastinating and get a piece of art Ive been working on since yesterday night done. 
Love y’all, just wanted to post a little bit about myself to people who dont really know about me that thought it was a good idea to follow me. 
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niyximai · 5 months
☆ Meet the artist ig ☆
Im not a professional, I'm just a random person who happens to enjoy drawing (not the best at it) -Just some self deprication yall
I just doing this for fun pls
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> About me Personally:
☆ So I'm Niymai -(✨️super professional, cool and creative i swear✨️)
Name Origin story Woa so cool
☆ I usually use the username Niyx on my game accounts or a variation of that username (Niyx is obviously just some botched spelling of the greek goddess Nyx cuz I like greek mythology)
Note: I use Niymai because its a more cuter version Niyx 🤷‍♂️
☆ I enjoy watching anime and collect manga (I'm not a weeaboo or anything)
☆ I'm still legally a child so yeah 👌
☆ Addicted to Coca Cola
☆ I like still life photography (I just hate photographing people)
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☆ Chronic Music Listener
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☆ (So that lil doodle above is my mascot thingy Niymai. Just some pillow body monster thing that I want to eat)
- Niymai is a creature that eats stars yall
What kinda stuff do I draw?
☆ Fandom art as well
I do mosty oc art since I like writing stories and all that kinda jazz
(My art is very anime influenced) so I sometimes make fanart of stuff like JJK, Genshin, Star rail. Or basicaly whatever Hyperfixiation I have at the time
Example of my art:
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Characteristics of my Art
☆ Unnecessary Sparkles to fill space in drawings.. It's become a habit because im heavily reliant on blending layers for cool effects
☆ SUPER INCONSISTENT.. Depending on the medium or device I use. I notice that my artstyle kind of changes?
☆Vibrant colors! (I wanna try using more monotone color palletes but I personally find it to look muddy. But I try to balance my pallete so I dont burn people's eyes ❤️) -I'm so sweet yall
(Overlay, Multiply, and Add are my mvps fr)
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☆ Rarely draw full body stuff- Don't get me wrong, I practice drawing anatomy. ButI dont really feel comfy drawing full bodies on digital because I get concious of the canvas size? Most of my full body drawings are on sketchbooks. Thats why most of my drawings are either bust shots or till the waist
☆ Edits the drawings A LOT after finishing.. I said that I heavily rely on blending modes, like for adding extra shadows then adding some light. Sometimes I even add abit of chromatic abbreviations and blur
☆ Detailed eyes (ehem, the example is just some unfinished art)
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☆ Thats all, peoplez ☆
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yes2heavenprettybaby · 5 months
i feel sad and i really cant shake it, nor have a reason to really feel this way. other than my feeling guilty for the choas i cuased at the mickey d's drive thru line. I ordered incorrectly and got one double cheeseburger instead of two a single cheeseburgers. and so anyways I held up the line and confused the 2nd window and then they still gave me the wrong bag, so now someone elses order is gonna be wrong. and well writing that down kinda makes me feel less gulity. or sad. It could also b, im sad i like to revel in isolation. when i can. which is often. I have written my thoughts down in sometime. im watching the draft, they just said its a good time to be in detriot, and well i am. what would the sentiment to be said, in that I chose the word revel when speaking on isolation, when to revel means to enjoy oneself in a lively and noisy way, especially with drinking and dancing. which is a strange way to speak about spending one's time alone, because the definition implies there be a party and therefore compnay. but i must point out the fact the the definintion does in fact state enjoy oneself. so quite literally enjoying your own self and own and only company. so i guess it all makes sense. and its kinda prophetic. is that the sentiment? hmmm no it's not. i just looked it up and i dont think it quite fits. why does mcd smell so disticntly, but rather cold mcds. its so strange and pugnant. i can smell the bunnnsss. also why do i have to pay for buffalo and bbq suace now. also should i leanr how to spell and type? probably,....... still plenty of time to learn. I can set that as a goal for my 40s? learn to spell soemthing to look forward on improving. that and well right now i;d like to work on vocab. expanding it that it. also learning how to eloquently expressing myself. I can't quite get out what i feel in a spoken sentence . I odered a nrw laptop case, orange, like ells in legal blond was the idea, but it came in today and it's hideous. neon. and the wrong size. sooo uyeah i feel bad baout the carbon foot pront . i cant crack my neck on my own ever since i went to the chriopractor. I dont know if i'll attend my graduation. it would mean going to claifornia and going home . im getting self concious about my typning noises. have you ever heard the plot to joe dirt, ? cause i just did and ummm ok wtf. no. so dumb. omg he's floating on a tooth air ballon. iykyk. I have uet to ,sdtrtr yjr art i have ter ro master the art of typing .but i can typle like this whcij is weird so fucj me wyt. the fucj. stupid dumb bitch.
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decafbat · 2 years
im starting to have some regrets about the way i run this blog lol, there are a lot of things i want to change about my art and the way i use social media, and ive found that im just starting to use this account like my twitter but without commission posts. it kinda sucks. ive always wanted to have a space where i can talk about my characters and tell the stories i want to tell with them, but so far ive had so much trouble just getting people on board with their lore. im really bad at getting that kind of thing across to a lot of people, mostly because my stories have a lot of nasty shit in it them that im way too self-concious to put out into the world. i havent shown it to anybody but a couple friends. i wouldnt mind that but theres kind of a growing imposter syndrome ive been feeling. nobody on either of my public accounts really understands what im trying to do here because i keep everything that could ruffle feathers behind closed doors, and so i feel like i cant engage with my audience on a more mature level. all anybody can see is a small slice. this place is barely connected to my main, where a backfire or dramatic shift in tone could actually effect my income, so why do i still do it? im so stuck in this mindset where im too afraid to post anything too extreme, and the more i do it the more im stuck like this. it feels like the disconnect is so unbelievably huge already, i dont even know how id start being more authentic online lol. sorry for the long post, i think i might just change my profile pic on here and try to differentiate this place from main. maybe try and make it feel more personal and less modelled off my brand-y main account on twitter. it could just be the similarity between accounts making me act the same on here when i really shouldnt. anyway thats all.
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wroetospotterwp · 3 years
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She’s Just Perfect
Pairing ✨- Ron Weasley x Fem!Reader
Summary 💓: Y/N and Ron used to perfect together, but then his perfect girl split them apart.
Word Count 🖊: 706
A/N 🗣: first angst imagineee, kinda based off the idea i have for my ron fic in the works but not completely. this is definitely one of my favourite things i’ve wrote :)
Warnings ⚠️: it’s quite sad lol, self concious thoughts?? it’s hinted
Requested? 📮 - nope
Y/N never used to be one to dwell on the past, what’s happened, has happened and you cannot change the outcome of it no matter what.
But now she can’t help herself, her recent breakup has just forced her to dwell on everything.
Things she should have spotted, things he had said that should’ve caught her attention, but it was funny how love really did make you blind.
Things started out well for Y/N Y/L/N and Ronald Weasley, both had fancied each other for a while and in Forth year, Ron had asked her to the Yule Ball. Of course, Y/N thought it was just to spite Hermione Granger, she always used to think they were something.
Ron brushed off her fears, assuring her that he wanted to go with her. Y/N should have taken notice to the furrowed brows Harry did when his best friend told her this.
He didn’t dance with her that night, he spent most his night with a scowl on his face. Y/N just thought he didn’t like balls or any dances for that matter, she enjoyed herself as much as she could.
Y/N wanted to see him again.
She plucked up the courage and asked him if he wanted to go on a date, he was silent for a while, but a glint became present in his eye, of course Y/N thought this was maybe him showing interest in her.
He agreed and soon after the date, he asked if she wanted to be his girlfriend. Y/N felt like she was on cloud 9, she was so estatic.
Many others didn’t share the same emotion as her. Harry looked as though he wanted to tell her something, but felt he couldn’t. His brothers and his sister were confused, but still supportive.
Hermione seemed to one of the only ones to seem actually happy for them, she joked with them that Y/N was perfect to try and help the red head.
Hermione said Y/N was perfect for Ron. But that just wasn’t true.
Fifth year began and things still were on the up, everyone began to warm up to the couple being together. Y/N was completely smitten, completely, and utterly smitten for him.
Ron would be lying to himself if he said he didn’t feel the same way as her, because he did, only then, but in the past he did.
But then Sixth year happened.
They were couple people began to think would last to the end, the ‘high school sweethearts’ some would say, Y/N can’t help but laugh at such a statement.
It all began when Lavender Brown started to take an interest in Ron, but Ron didn’t seem to be showing any interest in her, so Y/N didn’t give the girl a second thought.
She should’ve been focused on another girl.
Ron wasn’t acting the same, things were beginning to become awkward between them, he never wanted to hang out together anymore, always saying he was ‘busy with Harry and Hermione’.
She spotted out his lies quickly when she used to see Harry with other people while Ron claimed his friend was with them.
Hermione wasn’t talking to her, she always seem too frightened to. Y/N thought she had perhaps said something to Hermione that offended her.
But when Ron was in the Hospital Wing, and the first person there was Hermione, and seemed happy with the fact she was the only person there, things started to become clear to Y/N.
As soon as Ron had recovered, Y/N asked to talk with him. Ron could already tell what it was about, seeing the sadness on her face, the guilt he had felt for months when he should have told her earlier, but instead he led her on for longer, making her believe there was still something.
Y/N broke up with him, she wouldn’t of been able to deal with the fact that he dumped her and was able to move on quickly. She did tell Ron she was happy for him though, he had found who he wanted.
Ron had found his perfect person, but Y/N just wasn’t her.
IM SORRY I MADE HIM LIKE THIS ITS JUST AN IMAGINE i don’t want any character slander. i hope you enjoyed anyway :)
requests are open! <3
taglist: @malfoysstilinski @drearyxo @just-a-bittersweet-tragedy @fizzleberries
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shinidamachu · 3 years
Usually when i see inukag on a date it's a casual one. I kinda wonder what a fancy date would look like. if they go to a fancy non japanese place, I like the idea of inuyasha stumbling over forks and spoon. im assuming he doesnt know about them cause of livimg in the feudal era.
And it makes perfect sense, for two main reasons.
One, because Inuyasha and Kagome are in the middle of a life or death quest, so they didn't have the time not the energy to go the fancy route.
Two, because they would have preferred this way. Inuyasha doesn't strike me as the kind of guy who likes formalities and even though Kagome does appreciate the occasional pomp and circumstance, she would always put Inuyasha's comfort first.
Besides, casual means intimate. Inuyasha and Kagome not only enjoy touching each other, showing affection for one another, they also need to. And going out on a fancy date in public suddenly puts too much pressure, with stranger's eyes on them. It would be hard not to get self concious. And holding back from one another must not be very fun, when intimate moments come so naturally when they're alone.
I actually like the idea of Inuyasha knowing one thing or two about etiquette. He is the son of a noble, after all. Izayoi could have taught him, but after she died, he forgot part of it (since he didn't need to use it anymore) and decided to deliberately not use the things he did remember, because he hates it. But it's an unlikely headcanon, since feudal and modern era etiquettes are different. It could work if the fancy date was on his side of the well, though.
Here's my best guess: it was Mrs. Higurashi's idea and Kagome got so excited that he just didn't have it in him to deny her. So he let her dress him up in fancy clothes and they had a fancy dinner on a fancy restaurant. It went down exactly like this:
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jzq · 2 years
could you possibly spare a crumb of information about the shows you like?(ed,edd,andeddy , oso-san , and literally anything else you like)
a crumb of info hm ok. osomatsu san is about 6 brothers who live at home and do mostly nothing all day, sometimes they annoy their crush or theyre put in aus, like being a detective, or being... cavemen.. osomatsu is the red one, hes the oldest and hes pretty much the one that stands out the least, hes pervy and lazy and likes to gamble. karamatsu is the second oldest and the blue one and hes a kind doormat who likes romance and glitter. hes always saying cringy stuff and that causes his brothers to ignore and make fun of him. he has his moments where he gets back at them though. he has a disco ball for a heart. choromatsu is the green one and you can probably guess the birth order at this point. he thinks hes proper and the most responsible one. hes self concious but not self aware, and he says he'll do things to improve his situation but he... doesn't. hes also an otaku and a huge loser nerd. ichimatsu is the purple one and hes gloomy and depressed and anxious. he haaaaates karamatsu because he envies his confidence. hes pretty much a doomer catboy. jyushimatsu is the yellow one and hes energetic and always smiling. hes kinda called the dumb one but thats not really true. he has some otherworldly powers due to cartoon physics and all that. he is pretty much an escaped looney tunes character. also he gets bitches . todomatsu is the pink one and the least popular matsu bc everyone has bad taste </3. he was the first one to get a job and the only one who regularly talks to girls. todomatsu wants to be independent and like, successful away from them, but he still relies on his brothers for things like not being able to go the bathroom at night... his brothers can be really mean to him bc of all this. they EXILED him for not being enough of a loser.
god that was long as fuck um anyway.
ed edd n eddy is about 3 kids who live in the suburbs and wish to be accepted but. kinda dont have a clue how to do that. so most episodes revolve around eddy making a scam and ed and edd helping out, but theyre scams rarely ever go right and often end with eddy getting beat up or something like that. and the episodes almost always end completely differently than how they started and theyre usually not a good ending for the eds. ed is the dumb strong one, edd is the smart weak morally upright one, eddy is the scammer who wants to be popular and looked up to. there are like 10 other characters but im not describing all them what do i look like a hobbyless 14 year old at 4:17 am? ah.
i also like vocaloid and warrior cats but.... im not describing those rn sorry . toodaloo anon
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rurifangirl · 3 years
For the character ask thingie <3
Their mother? How do they think of her? What do they hate? Love? What influence - literal or imagined - did the mother have?
Is your character street-smart, book-smart, intelligent, intellectual, slow-witted?
What does your character’s home look like? Personal taste? Clothing? Hair? Appearance?
Are they basically negative when facing new things? Suspicious? Hostile? Scared? Enthusiastic?
What are your character’s manners like? What is their type of hero? Whom do they hate?
What does your character’s home look like? Personal taste? Clothing? Hair? Appearance?
What is your character’s weaknesses? Hubris? Pride? Controlling?
Is your character aware of who they are? Strengths? Weaknesses? Idiosyncrasies? Capable of self-irony?
Hwkskkskwkd aight letsa go
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So about her family, I kinda wanted to keep It secret for now but yeah, fuck It, It had a pretty good relationship w her mom, for most of the time being. (This Is all from Syndras past life naturally)
They weren't that particulary close either, like It was more of a "Yeah you exist" kind of relationship rather than your normal mother relationship.
Her mother did influence however its later tendencies with weapons and in specifical swords, as her mother was a blacksmith, so most of the time It was helpin her out.
Nothing much Is needed to add, since I'm planning to also do another comic, but in a way or another Syndra is somewhat still grateful for its mothers ways, but would rarely even to this day mention or talk about her.
I'd probably say street smart, put purely because Syndra never really relied on anyone for her part so basically it had to learn everythin by herself, both in her yokai and human life.
Her shrine Is pretty much a normal one? I mean in theory, since It has its perks, such as the main patters being mainly reddish ones and having,like swords kinda everywhere, so that's that for instant.
She has many red lamps too and as such it gets onto a really pretty place durin the night. It doesn't have much variety in clothes other than, traditional ones, but she does have a wardrobe of vestes to use especially when training/trying stuff out.
All of her appereance is on her post ofc so I don't think I need to expand more on that, just that, she doesn't rly focus on brushin her hair so either the dumbass quartet has to help it or Syndras done 😭😭
Absolutely, if anything she's the one that Is the most unsure about new things and would need a lot of time to get used to It. Even for the human thing this has happened. So Id say, hostile in that case. But suspicious in any other one.
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His manners are, polite/kind ones for sure. He's really self aware of, whatevers goin on with him so he'll try to seem the best he can especially with new people. As for the hero part, he could seem like the normal good guy person but I really don't agree w that.
Mainly because I've always seen Kayn as yes a gentle giant and all of that, but at the end of the day he still does MAJOR errors that led to even more horrible conclusions. Like im not talking really about Ruri in this case, but there's other perks that could've saved more people and even if knowin this, he didn't
. He'll try to get as many people as he can, but he knows his limits. And there's no going further that. So even if you'd call him an hero, he wouldn't agree with that. He ain't an hero. He's just, someone trying to avoid awful scenarios for sure and that's something, but he isn't trying to change the world.
He has still many things going on and things he still has to leave behind, so If anything he'll have to get even more development before anyone could call him an hero.
As for the hate thing, yeah Osho. And mabye Chisei but that's more of a gut-hate kind of thing. Other than that he dislikes other few people but really doesnt hate hate them.
So idk If I ever mentioned It, but him n Ruri live in the same apartment, so they both kinda have their things around and there ain't a constant theme. Like for example there could be some idk, Bloody-themed stuff and then a bunch of plushies could be outta nowhere
As for the style anything goes for him really. He'd wear more comfy Styles though but only because they're comfortable to walk/live in, since this Is most of the reason why ya ain't seeing him going full goth or cyberpunk stuff.
About weaknesses, well both that he's physically really, REALLY weak. Like terribly at that. And his kindness can still bring much trouble in specifical cases, n since he uses to get into trouble quite a lot that's the case. Even his paranoia/self worth can still get in the way though
Ahkdkkskd I've written a lot bout him so I'll try to be brief now
Yes, he's pratically the most self concious of the whole gang, both because of bitch Is a tree and also because of his use into physical battles, so he knows that fully. He also knows how good he can also be w negotiation sometimes and can use that as a sort of advantage. But rarely would do so, just, he's vibin
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