#but im only running the $5 off sale for the next few days
edenfire · 1 year
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🌸💗 Made to Order: Canvas Prints 💗🌸
no code needed~
I'm offering a new print option in my shop!💗💞 these canvases have divots in the back to hang them up, and includes a stand you can pop in the back if you'd like to stand it up on a table or shelf🌟
these will be custom made, so you can choose any artwork from my instagram, twitter, or tumblr. and I'll format it to fit these cute little canvases~🌸
feel free to comment or dm me if you have any questions, and I'd be happy to help!♡
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milkystrawsenpai · 3 years
Since I can’t ever write an actual fic im just going to idea dump on you guys, sorry. I’m obsessed with Mitsuya rn.
tw: age gap
Slight NSFW
friends with Runa and Mana for a while, more than a few years, but you never saw Takashi that often because he was 10 years older and often at work or with his Toman buddies, so you never thought much of him. Walking home later a night from your part time job, some shady dudes approach you and try to make a move. Ew obviously, the leader tries to grab you and you push him away and kick him out of instinct, now you got 5 delinquent dudes surrounding you. The leader tears your shirt when he grabs you and throws you on the floor. you here a brrbrsorbsoommmmmmm in the distance, but you're too distracted by the dude's fist raise about to hit you... before you know it here comes Takashi on his noisy little bike crashing into the leader head first. He confronts them and he hands you his jacket to cover yourself and your ripped shirt. You look away for a split second then back to see whats happening and every single one of them lying face down totally fucked up. His back is towards you and you can see the fire coming off him, but he turns to you with a genuine smile and extends a hand to you. Still in shock you find yourself on the back of his bike on the way to house. When you reach his house it seems familiar... like oh shit this is where runa and mana live??? a mistake right??? Until the two girls come running out the front door saying Taka Nii!!! We heard your bike from a mile away- eh? y/n?? what are you doing with Taka Nii? It took you a whole minute to process that this was the infamous Takashi Mitsuya, the infamous older brother of your best friends. He turns and said "huh dont remember me? well i could never forget my sister's precious friends. Now come inside, let me find you some clothes while i patch up your shirt" ..
Scenario 2
You are about two years older than Runa and Mana and they think the world of you. It makes you blush when they comment on how smart you are or good at things you are, even if you're not and they just don't know any better. They look up to you as a college student which is why they beg and beg and beg you to help them study for interest exams. They're so helpless, how could you say no? You arrive at their house at the planned time but you receive a text from they saying they passed a dessert shop that was having a sale and those two couldnt pass up the opportunity. They instructed you to let yourself in and you could wait in Runa's room. How awkward, but its even creepier to be waiting outside their house. You grab a glass of water sighing as you enter the next room over heading towards the stairs. "Mana and Runa aren't home yet" you jolt and your head snaps around to see Taka, sitting there on the couch. Obviously startled you lose your balance and stumble backwards, spilling water all over yourself. "oho you've made a mess now" He leaves for just a brief moment coming back with one of his T-shirts. It smells so good, just like him. "come with me" without thinking about it, you follow him to his room where he turns around to face the corner to give you some privacy as you change... a very shy "thank you" comes off your lips. He pats your head and says "no problem" ... breaking the tension, your stomach growls. of course, you're starving... in between classes you haven't eaten all day. You wait in his room as he brings up some various snacks including his home made cake. It was delicious, but this idiot only brought one fork. didnt seem to bother him as he had no problem using his hands like an animal. But seeing his slender fingers, covered in frosting, connected to *HIM* ... now that made you an animal... your body is moving faster than your brain at this point and pull his fingers in your mouth. mmmm you cant decide whats more delicious, the frosting or the stupid face he's making. He *was not prepared for that* Y/N- chan.... you realize that Runa and Mana are my little sisters, that makes me 10 years older than you, you don't have to do this. (might exclude from my fantasy because idk if that part is weird or not) You couldn't even say anything at all before you're straddling him at the end of the bed. his hands on the small of your back to hold you steady. You can feel his growing erection in his pants which only made you wanna grind on him more... "are you sure about this Y/N.. I won't be able to hold back if its you.." ..."please, do it" its almost a whine. Next thing you know he flips positions so youre on the bed this time staring up at him. "you asked for this" he rips the buttons off your shirt and you gasp from the little thrill "dont worry, i can sew them back on later" WHY DOES THAT MAKE YOU SO WET, no idea but it does. His hands cup your face and he guides your mouth open with his thumb before your close your lips on it. He is just revved up by the sight. "baby that feels so good, how but your pretty lips try sucking on something else"
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pbandjesse · 4 years
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Today was a really nice day. It was a full day, and I got really sleepy in the afternoon. But it was a good day still. 
I woke up late today. James woke me up a little after 930. I was tired still but I didnt want to waste the whole day. So I got up and James made the bed. 
I felt kind of greasy today. Not for any reason really. I scratched my chin and it was annoying me all day. But I still felt cute. 
James got donuts for breakfast. And today was a festival on the island! So I played a little animal crossing and got to collect feathers and dance and stuff. It was really cute and fun. 
And once I played for a bit I logged off and me and James got ready to leave. 
It was a little warmer today but not much. It was nice to be out with my favorite person. And I was just looking forward to a nice day. 
We drove out to the second avenue in Columbia. It is a little farther then the savers but really not by much, just a couple minutes. And its a very good thrift store. I wasnt really interested in looking at clothes. I was mostly searching for fabric for Gaby's commision. I found some sweaters first but then I found a blanket that was perfect. I sent her a picture to make sure she was cool with it and she was so I was really excited. We also got a bunch of other great stuff. We got a basket for recycling because ours broke. We got some stuff for ren fair costumes for both of us. I got some other fabrics. And my favorite find: a furby!! I was super excited to find a furby in the wild. And in such good condition. Tags still attached! I dont know if he works but Im super excited about him. Like I dont exactly actively collect furbies anymore but they are still something I really like. And this was a nice one. 
We paid and had a nice cashier. James had to run back to the aisles because we got something that was apparently 1 of 4, and I had only picked up 2. But that was okay. Was a better deal than I expected then. 
We headed out of there and went to the goodwill down the street. It continues to be the worst goodwill but we did get James slippers that match mine, so we can match and thats pretty cute. And the cashier there complimented James's painted nails. 
Next we started searching for squishmallows. Since they are in such high demand I though it would be fun to see if we could find any. And man, them being really popular did make it a challenge. We went to 4 stores and in the first 3 we only found 1! It was a clown fish and I did not get him but man. I was surprised. Even a few months ago they would have a few at all these stores. But thats okay. The last store we went to had a bunch but only the Valentines ones And I didnt want any of those. But at least we did find some on our hunt. It was a fun thing. We may do it again tomorrow. Well see. 
In the middle of that hunt we stopped at tacobell. We got to have some nacho fries. But then all of a sudden the heat from the car made me very tired. When we did make it back to the neighnorhood and stopped at walgreens to look for squishes I was a little. Delirious I think. I misread a sale sign for vitamins and didnt get the right thing but the cashier was super nice about it and I just kept apologizing. I got the vitamins I needed and that was good. 
We got back home and brought everything in. Unpacked it all. And I went to lay down. 
I ended up sleeping for almost 2 hours. I woke up a little dizzy. But I am glad I got some sleep. It was almost 5 though and I had things to do. 
I had to have a snack and a drink to shake off the feelings. But I was able to make a lot of progress. I got Gaby's commision all cut out and sewn. It needs stuffing and details. But Im really happy with it. Even if it got fluff all over the studio. I also got to play with another thing I got today. A shadow puppet theater. I am looking forward to playing with this concept a little more, but as an object its pretty cool. Its a box with a flashlight, essentially. But it is real cool. 
I did my drawing of the day. And went to lay in the dungeon with James while he talked to a friend about DND and I played a little more animal crossing. 
I had a snack and took a shower and washed my hair. And now Im just in bed and chilling. I hope I can sleep easy tonight and enjoy the last day of my 20's tomorrow. I hope you all have a great night. Sleep well. Take care of eachother!! Goodnight!
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Bittersweet Events Pt. 7🗡♥️
A/N. This is loooooong my bad i was on a roll with this. Stain in a pony tail umf—-
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Bonus bio!
Shifuku Akaguro
Hair. Blond
Age. 5
Likes: Dragging her dad to the park and teasing Spinner. Hero shows. Acrobatics.
Quirk . Petrify
She can make people pass out if she licks/taste their blood . Her gaze can make people bleed from their eyes and caugh up blood.
Shifuku was still un easy about her quirk. After Stain had explained to her that she could not take the mask off she changed ..She was not her happy energenic self anymore . Stain caught her a couple times with her mask off staring in the bathroom mirror. Her eyes would be bloodshot and her tears wiould be red. He tried not to scold her, he really did. But it was getting to him. He had no idea what to do to cheer her up. It was a .. similar quirk to his but more advanced. Stain’s quirk could paralize people when he tasted their blood. And his gaze could paralize people. Shifuku’s quirk could make people pass out if she tasted their blood , and her gaze could also paralize people but it made their eyes bleed too and caugh up blood. He decided to call her quirk Petrify.
He had to think of something , he loved seeing her smile . It reminded him of Suki. Spinner suggested maybe taking her shopping to get new clothes. Stain thought on it for awhile. He had money , the landlord paid him whenever he scared off a villain. It made him feel like a Hero and he did not like it. He was a retired villain now with a daughter. So he had to deal with it. Maybe shopping would be okay . Getting her out of the complex would be good for her too. He was home schooling her so she did not leave much unless she begged him to take her to the park. He saw that it was taking a toll on her . He often found her peaking out the window at the kids every morning . Watching them go to school.
How exactly would he even set that up? Just casually walk into the school and say ‘hi im Hero Killer Stain i want to enroll my daughter’. He had no idea what to do. He was nervous how the other kids would treat her. How the teachers and parents would treat her. Her quirk may be new but its already dangerous. But at the same time she needed the socialization with kids her age. Suki would want her in school.. and happy.
It had been five years since he retired. The reaction from the villains and the Pros was.. interesting. A few villains wanted to know why . He told a select few. Only true villains. Deku figured it out and thats how the Pros found out. His retirement was all over the news too. It was a breath of relief for the public , but some did not believe he was actually retired. Eventually everyone would know why. And that was what worried Stain the most.
Stain was on the couch watching the news with Shifuku next to him looking at her mask. It was Stain’s mask . He offered to get her a pretty one thinking it would help but she liked his , just not her quirk. She tugged his shirt and Stain looked down at her seeing her blood shot eyes. He put the mask back on her and pulled her on his lap.
“Papa ?”
“Yes my little gaze killer?”
“Can we .. go to the park?”
“Ya know Spinner suggested i take you shopping. Wanna do that too?”
She smiled a bit and touched her mask. “It will be okay?”
“Yes Shifuku. You just need to remember this mask never comes off.”
“Because.. it would hurt people.”
“Yes Shifuku. Youre quirk is amazing. I know you dont believe me but a lot of villains would like to have youre quirk.”
“....would mama like it though..”
Red tears fell down her face and Stain clung to her squeezing tight. What was he saying? Villains would love her quirk? He decided years ago that.. if she wanted to... be a Hero he would support it. Shifuku never mentioned that she wanted to be a villain. He often found her watching Hero shows with Spinner . And Suki... Suki would love her no matter what.
“Shifuku.. mom would love it. Because its just like mine. Youre mother loved my quirk because uh well... uh.. it was unique. Yeah. And my gaze did not effect her”
“It didint Papa?”
He held her close standing up walking to the door opening it. “Nope. She pulled my mask off one day and nothing happened. “ he put her down and pulled a hair tie out of his pocket putting his hair in a ponytail. Shifuku grabbed his hand wiping her face on it .
“ okay.. ill try Papa.”
He brought her outside and gave any passerbys a dirty look. He had given up on a disguise about a year ago. Its hard to mistake someone with no nose. He still kept the tape on his face though , he liked it. And since Shifuku had his mask now he had to make another one. He also retired his costume and wore dad clothes everyday. Spinner teased him about it sometimes and Stain would go change into sweatpants and a sleeveless hoodie . But that did not mean be didint keep a couple knives on him. Today though he had on a black long sleeve and ripped black jeans with bleach stains on them . He replaced his spike boots for regular heavy black combat boots.
Stain decided to go to the store first. Shifuku held his hand with both of hers whenever they went out. No one bothered them obviously but every now and then a villain would say hi or wave. Shifuku figured out Stain was a Villain fast. She also found a documentary about him on tv . Spinner was asleep instead of watching her when she found it. Stain was furious but what could he really do.
They made it to the clothing store and Stain looked over at the clerk. She jumped putting her hands up . Stain rolled his eyes looking down. “Pick out a couple things. Shirts, pants.”
Shifuku looked all around then up at Stain asking him for a dress. His eyes got wide . Thats too much he thought. She is growing up too fast.
“Just one.” He said
She smiled a bit tugging him farther into the store to get a better look at the clothes. Stain glanced back over at the clerk too see that she was calm now. Infact she looked like she was happy. He rolled his eyes looking back down at Shifuku . She had a couple shirts and a pair of pants and a blood red dress.
“Matches the mask” he teased.
Shifuku blushed handing him the clothes and Stain went to check out. The clerk was a little timid, not everyday you see a S rank villain buying a dress for his daughter.
“Uhm..we have a rewards.. program..” she said folding the clothes.
“A what?” He asked
She jumped putting the clothes in the bag . “Its a little.. tag we scan it and you get points for sales and deals..”
“Uhm .. sure”
Stain had a pink tag attached to his keychain now.
Shifuku tugged Stain out of the store dragging him to the park now . He let her , he didint mind. Suki did the same thing whenever she made him go out forva date night. Those were always interesting. It was always fast food and sitting in Suki’s car. Sometimes Stain would go in to get the food. That was interesting. And funny to Suki.
Stain sat down on the bench and Shifuku ran off to the play scape. He leaned into the bench looking the bag over . It was pink all over with flowers. No one else was at the park except for another parent and their kid who was on the swings. He could not make out who the parent was , they were too far away. The kid jumped off the swing floating to the play scape. The parent freaked out following with their hands up. Stain reckognized the voice and got up running to his daughter.
The kid landed next to Shifuku and introduced themselves.
“Names Ura Midoriya, Hi!” She held her hand out.
Shifuku touched her mask all over making sure it was still on before she held her hand out. Ura shook it fast and Shifuku started to levitate. Stain grabbed her setting her back down. The parent came over too.
“Sorry!!! She just got her.... quirk. Stain?” Asked Deku
“Deku...” Stain said under his breath.
“Deku? Youre Deku!! “ Shifuku beamed. “Youre so cool!!!”
“Right?!? Dad is so cool!!” Ura agreed.
Deku tried to get his daughter to stop and Stain pulled Shifuku back to him making her look up.
Deku looked over at Shifuku then Stain a couple times , so he wasint lying..
“Uhm.. Chi..Chizome . Nice to see you.” Deku said as calmly as he could.
“Likewise..” Stain added.
“Uhm well Ura its getting late .” He turned her and she slipped outta his arms to wave at Shifuku.
“Bye!!! Can we play again? “ she asked
Stain was about to say no but he felt Shifuku leave his grip on her. He watched her wave back with a smile on her face.
“Im sure we can set something up.” Stain said
Deku was dumbfounded right now. The Hero Killer Stain... setting up a playdate.
“Oh oh okay! Sure yeah we can do that! Now cmon Ura” he waved taking her away and Shifuku jumped excited.
“Do you want to go to school Shifuku...” he asked looking down at her.
“Yes! Yes please!!!”
He sighed heavilly. “Alright.”
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crankthatmyles · 4 years
about me
m hey! im myles, you’re (least) favorite trans pan boy :). 
anywhore, im making this post to tell you about me. im 13, i have fading blue/green/blonde hair, but i'm hopefully going to my natural brown again.
 i have hazel eyes which im very proud of. i was cursed with very long eyelashes which i'm not proud of (seriously! they're so long!) i have freckles littering my body, and i stand at about five foot nothing (shot boi). i weigh about 109 lbs (and currently struggling with anorexia). 
my hair goes to my chin-ish and is shaved all around the sides (hopefully ill share a picture in the (probably far far) future). im very childish. i own way too many blankets (small obsession) and my bed is covered in stuffed animals (another small obsession). i have much too many books, which is yet another obsession, surprise! 
my book are currently in alphabetical order, and my clothes are very neatly sorted. (short sleeve rainbow order on one side of my closet, and long sleeve rainbow order on the other side, and my dresser is very organized as well.)
 i struggle with depression, general anxiety, separation anxiety, ptsd, bipolar, anorexia, and signs of add/adhd.
 i have a cup of crystals by my bed, and four of my favorite porcelain dolls. oh yeah, i collect porcelain dolls.
 it was the only other this me and my grandma did other than buying stuff at garage sales.
 the wall with my door on it in my room is covered (i mean covered) in pictures. most family, but they are a few band/music pictures in there. 
lets not forget about the twenty on pilots bandana.
 the wall with my bed against it has i painting of two angels (thank you, nanny) and a melanie martinez flag (thank you, me)
 the wall right next to that has a giant window, so there isn't anything on it yet. the wall with my closet have a stranger things calendar (thank you, aunty). 
the wall with my calendar has my dresser on it. in my dresser i have a drawer for running shorts (i do xc and track), normal shorts, and shorts for around the house only. 
i have drawers for my sweats for school and my sweats for home only. same with my leggings.
 my jeans have one drawer for my sknny jeans (which is almost all of them) and one for my bootcut/other jeans. 
i have one drawer for my skirts, one drawer for socks (that is very over filled) and one for my other stuff. 
i keep my binder on top of my dresser with my aroma diffuser (which usually has lavender), my one sand art thing from the county fair, my horse piggy bank that my friend insisted that i would hate but i actually love. 
i have most of my lotions and perfumes on my dresser, along with my other essential oils. i have my three potery-looking things i made for art class through out the years of 4th-7th grade. 
on my door hangs coat hangers that are about to fall off with my amount of hoodies jackets.
 my bed is a grey/gray loft bed. its about three feet tall, light grey/gray and has two shelves with my bed on top, and a hang out area on the bottom. the shelves hold all my loose papers, mason jars, other piggy banks, the seven totes of random stuff, my pokemon card binders, my party poison mask, and just about every single water bottle i own.
 on top of my bed i have countless blankets and about 40 of my stuffed animals. like i said, obsessed. 
the window wall has my dark brown desk that has been painted and colored on by me and my friends too many times. 
in the main section, i hold all my jewelry. on top my desk, i hold the painting im working on. the left drawer holds my earrings. the right drawer holds my....nothing apparently. 
next to my desk, i have my three drawers that hold my trash, loose papers, and shirts that wont fit in my closet. 
in the corner where my bookshelf and bed meet, my art box sits on the floor. in there, i have about every single marker, crayon, pencil, colored pencil, and pen i have ever owned.
 in my closet, on the long sleeved side hides another three drawers that hold my shoes. on the short sleeved side it has one bin for some of my blankets, and on top of that i have a bin of random things. next to those, i have another bin of shirts that wont hang up.
 on the top shelf of my closet, i have all my backpacks, a few posters, a wood train i made in kansas, and what i like to call my box of nostalgia. in my box holds just about every single paper i have ever done at school, shirts i made in my childhood, and papers my mom made every week from age 2-5. 
 almost forgot, on top of my three drawers by my desk sits my favorite awards. one from my dad that i can never seem to make proud, and the awards i got in sixth grade for being a good kid. 
moving on, what fandoms am i in?
i love palaye royale (royale council (little bastards SLAPS))
twenty one pilots (clique (level of concern also SLAPS)) (currently listening to taken by sleep while writing this. time to cry.)
fall out boy (youngbloods)
yungblud (bhc (black hearts club))
my chemical romance (mcrmy)
waterparks (or wudderparks) (parxies (i think thats what we’re called)) (TOOTHBAT)
black veil brides (bvb army)
panic! at the disco (sinners)
new years day (???)
melanie martinez (crybabies)
pierce the veil (???)
sleeping with sirens (the strays (i think))
paramore (parawhores)
cavetown (???)
falling in reverse (???)
hamilton (hamiltrash is what i call us)
dear evan hansen (???)
heathers (???)
crankthatfrank (obviously) (yeemos)
harry styles (???)
5 seconds of summer (???)
hollywood undead (???)
girl in red (???)
jessie paege (???) (queen) (our bisexual father)
phantom of the opera (???) (i actually got to see the opera on november 2nd, 2019. i cried. i laughed. i loved it. i went with my mom.)
green day (???)
all time low (???)
bring me the horizon (???)
calpurnia (???)
i actually bought two sws stickers and a bmth sticker a few days ago. they should be here soon.
well. i think thats about it for now. once again im myles, and my messages are always open. have a good day/night to all you guys gals and non binary pals.
love forever, myles.
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leelee10898 · 6 years
A closer look: Alicia & Maxwell
This is from the cgw universe(Cordonians gone wild) a collaborative effort by @ao719 @speedyoperarascalparty @cocomaxley @riseandshinelittleblossom and myself. Catch up on our other crazy adventures here
We asked, you picked. Here is a closer look at Alicia and Maxwells friendship.
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Alicia stood in front of the massive Christmas tree in the foyer of the Palace surrounded by their friends. This was the first Christmas with the new king and Queen and with that came new traditions. Since deciding to stay in Cordonia, Anitah thought it would be a good idea for Alicia to get involved in a charity. Although no title, the buzz about the woman who did the unthinkable, and got the playboy prince to commit drew a lot of attention.  Alicia chose helpful hearts, an organization that helped families who struggled financially. Speaking to Anitah and liam she got permission to use the grand entryway tree as an angel tree. Liam and anitah hosted a Charity ball in honor of the organization and as also have each family in attendance chose a child from the tree, and provide presents.
“This was a huge success love.” She grinned as she felt a pair of strong arms wrap around her.  “I know, it's so great we have raised a lot of money. Did you pick a child from the tree?” she turned facing him. “I did. I almost had to fight lord Davis for one, he picked 6.” “Well, I'm glad people are embracing this. There will be a lot of happy children on Christmas morning.” Leo placed a soft kiss on her lips. “Speaking of Christmas gifts. You still have not given me any ideas my prince.”
Leo shook his head “That's because I've got all I need in my arms. As long as you're mine, that's all I need.” “Leo, im serious.” He smirked as he walked over to speak with Regina.
“This is so awesome Alicia.  I am excited to buy presents for these kids.” Maxwell grinned holding a handful of papers. “Maxwell, how many families did you pick?” Maxwell pursed his lips “ahhh 8.” He silently counted the slips in his hand. “Yup, 8.”
“Maxwell, that is just. Please don't ever change ok.” She pulled him into a hug. “Oh, thank you Alicia. I won't, don't worry.” She sank down into a nearby chair, letting out a sigh. “Whats wrong?” he asked. “It's just, Its Leo.” she sighed. “leo? What's wrong with Leo? I thought you guys were doing really good.” He sat, concerned. “Oh, we are. It's just. It's Christmas, our first Christmas together.  It's Also six months since we made things official. He is so amazing, and I just want to get him something really nice.” Maxwell grinned “oh. Your six monthaversary? That's awesome. Hey, how about if we go shopping together. We can shop for the kids, and i can help you find the perfect present for leo.” Alicia perked up “really Max? You would help me?” “Of course, Leo is my best bud.” “Oh thank you so much Maxwell, I can't wait.” She threw her arms around him squeezing him tight.  “It's going to be so much fun. It will also give us some time to get to know each other more.”
A few days later. The tinted SUV pulled up in front of the Ramsford estate. A ginning Maxwell came running out. “oooh I can't wait.” he squealed making Alicia giggle. “So I have narrowed it down to a few ideas. Do you think you could store a puppy for me until Christmas? Bertrand wont let me bring any more animals into the house.” He pouted. “oh, ah. I think they are looking for um, presents that are not alive.  Maybe a stuffed dog instead?” Maxwell made an o shape with his mouth “Good call. Ok then a huge stuffed dog then.” Alicia shook her head and smiled.
They pulled up to the mall and walked in. “So what do you think Leo would like?” Alicia asked Maxwell, who's eyes immediately found the toy store. “A motorcycle.” He grinned.  “He has 5. And I don't have motorcycle money.” she chuckled. “Well, i'm sure we will find something. Can't we, um.” Maxwells eyes kept darting towards the toy store. “Lets go.” she motioned towards the store. “ok, one little girl wants a Tiffany doll. But they are sold out everywhere.” Maxwell pouted. “well it doesn't hurt to look or ask.” Alicia walked up to a sale associate “Excuse me miss, I know this may be a long shot but do you happen to have any Tiffany dolls in stock?” The cashier sighed “we haven't been able to keep them in stock, but, we did just get a shipment in. Can you check back in about 2 hours? They are unloading the truck as we speak.” Alicia nodded and they left.
They headed into a leather store “Do you think Leo would like a new Leather Jacket? He always wears the same brown one.” Alicia asked. “Maybe, but what about these?” Maxwell held up a pair of leather riding gloves.  “Oh those are nice, they even customize them. I could have LJR put on them. ” Alicia admired the gloves. “Done, i'll handle the forms, you go look and see if anything else catches your eye.” Maxwell waved her off.
The next store they went into was a novelty store. Maxwell held up a blow up doll “Maybe he would like one of these, this one looks like you. He could snuggle it whenever you arent home. Or is it a pool float?” Alicia's eyes went wide. “Ahh max, i um, that's not. You know what, were just gonna put that back.” He shrugged walking away. As Alicia browsed she noticed Maxwell pulling out his phone, smiling at the screen and then shoving it back into his pocket. Maxwell put a few things into her basket, insisting Leo would love them. They checked out, and again Maxwell was on his phone Texting.
They walked around the mall stopping at a few kiosk in the center. “Leo is lucky to have you, he seems like the perfect guy.” Maxwell grinned. “He is great. But he has flaws too Max. We all do.” “Maverick? No way, I don't believe it. Like what then.”
Alicia shook her head “Trust me, he does. Like hes a stress farter.” Maxwell stopped immediately “A what?” “He farts, when He's stressed out. The only thing that helps it is Sex.” Maxwell's eyes went wide. “No way!” “I swear to god. He has such a high sex drive as it is, why do you think we have so much sex?” Alicia giggled. “I just thought you two couldn't keep your hands off each other.”He shrugged. “Well we can't but, that's one of the reasons. God please don't tell anyone,  he would kill me.” maxwell held up his hand “Beaumont promise.”
“so why do you call him Maverick?” they continued walking. “Oh um. When we were younger Leo and Bertrand were really into top gun. They let Liam and i watch it with them once. And Maverick was so cool with his leather Jacket and aviators. Just like Leo. So that's what I started calling him.”
“wait a minute,  are you saying Leo wore a leather jacket even back then?” Maxwell shook his head “Yup. Leo was the definition of cool. Everyone wanted to be him, and all the girls wanted him. And even with the attention and popularity he always made time for me. He was like the cool older brother Bertrand never was.” “Awe Max. That is so sweet, and so cheesy. Now I know why Leo has such a big head.” she laughed. Maxwell pulled out his phone again, typing and smiling before putting it back.
They sat down to get some lunch in the food court. “This is great. Bertrand never lets me eat food court food. I love cheese burgers and fries.” He said with a smile. “Maxwell, who have you been texting?” She eyed him as he typed again. “Oh um. Well.” he rubbed the back of his neck. “You remember Drakes cousin Stephanie?” Alicia nodded “The cute little redhead that you couldn't take your eyes off of all night?” she grinned. “Yeah, well we um, we have been talking for a while.” he took a huge bite out of his burger. “oh, that is so cute Maxwell. So, you like her?” she pushed. “Yeah, she's  great. But she's in Texas, and well i'm here.” He frowned. “Do you think she likes you too?” maxwell contemplated her words for a minute “yeah.. i think so. But, like I Said, the distance thing.” Alicia flashed him a smirk “if its love, it'll find a way.” Maxwell grinned “You know, you can tell you and Leo are together.”
“Why do you say that?” “Because you just gave me the same smirk he gives.” Alicia's hand slapped her forehead shit.
It was finally time to head back to the toy store. They walked in finding the same clerk they spoke to earlier. “Oh thank god, I was able to hold one, but they didn't last a minute.” she held up the box. Suddenly a woman came from out of nowhere snatching the doll from the clerks hands. “Thanks.” she grinned beginning to walk away. “HEY.” Maxwell hollerd, the woman rolled her eyes. “No the fuck she didn't. Maxwell, wait here.” Alicia took off towards the woman. “Excuse me.” She called out trying to get the woman's attention “EXCUSE ME.” the woman turned around. “That doll is my friends.” the woman rolled her eyes again. “Well, i'm the one who has it, so looks like its mine.” she smirked. “Yes because you snatched it out of the the clerks hands, now I'd like the back please.”
“You snooze you lose, im keeping it.” The woman turned around to leave,  Alicia grabbed her arm “Maybe you didn't hear me the first time, give me the doll back.”
“I heard you, I'm not giving it to you. Get your hand off me you trashy bitch.” Alicia's eyes went wide. “Oh no you didn't. I tried to be nice, I tried to do this the civil way but..” Alicia started taking off her earrings. “Look here bitch, you got 2 options. 1, you give me the doll back and be on your way. Or 2, I whoop your fucking ass and take the doll back. Your choice.” she jumped shaking her head and arms. “Think fast, because where i'm from we don't give much time to think”
The woman stammered “I'll call security.”
“Go ahead, I promise you nothing will happen to me. But I'll still enjoy beating your ass.”
“wait a minute, you're. You're that American, the one Prince Leo is dating.”
“You know, you can never really be sure. Tick tock lady.”
“You're crazy. Here, take it.” She tossed the doll at Alicia and hurried out of the store.
Alicia returned to Maxwell and handed him the doll. “That was, awesome Tiger Lily.”
“Tiger lily?”
“Yeah, I like flowers. Your feisty so, its fitting.”
Alicia shrugged her shoulders “Sounds good to me. Now let's get these presents for the kids.”
Maxwell and Alicia made their way back to the leather store to pick up the gloves. Alicia ran to get them smoothies while maxwell ran in to get the gloves. He approached Alicia a large grin on his face. “they turn out good?” she asked taking a seat on the bench. Maxwell nodded his head “Yup, take a look.” He opened the box, Alicia's eyes went wide, she spilt her drink out and coughed.  “Ma. Maxwell. Why. Why do they say Big Daddy on them? I told you to put Leos initials.” she wiped her mouth. “I thought this would be nicer, I heard you call him that a few times.” her face reddened at the realization Maxwell had definitely heard them having sex a time or two. “Oh god. Um thanks Maxwell, im ah, sure Leos going to get a kick out of these.”
After dropping Maxwell off Alicia returned to the Palace. She entered her and Leos Quarters and attempted to hide his presents. She left the bags for the adopt a family on the bed. “Hey baby, how was shopping with Max today?”  “Oh it was, eventful, but fun.” She stuffed the last bag into the closet. “This all the stuff for the kids.” Leo began looking in the bags. “Ah yup, I just need to take it with me tomorrow.”
“What's this?” Leo picked up a box that was under one of the bags. “The leather shop?” he started to open the box “no leo don't.” She dove for the box but it was to late.  “Oh, leather riding gloves these are Ni-” He stopped mid sentence, that sly smirk spread across his face. “Big daddy?” Alicia's face reddened “I told Maxwell to have them put your initials, but um, he thought my nickname for you was a nice touch.” “But that's not your nickname for, oooooh.” the realization set in Leo started to chuckle “Apparently we are um, a bit loud when we have sex.” Alicia giggled.
A few days later Alicia, Anitah and Genevieve met up for lunch. Pam had plans extra appointments, so she said she would see them later at her house. “How was shopping with Maxwell?” Genevieve asked. “oh it was good,  lots of fun.” Alicia picked up a breadstick. “oh she had fun alright. She almost got into a rumble with some lady over a doll.” Anitah giggled. “A fight? Oh I wish I was there.” Gen grinned. “It was for the children.” she tossed the breadstick at Anitah. “Maxwell is a really sweet,  kind and caring guy. Anitah you know first hand how above and beyond he goes for his friends.” Anitah nodded in agreement. “I learned that our Maxwell has a crush. And I have an idea.” The girls both grinned and scooted forward. “Ok, how about…."
Read what the squad did for Maxwell HERE
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littlebitoffanfic · 6 years
Perfect Moment
Fandom: Friday the Thirteen Characters: Jason, Pamela Relationship: Jason/reader Request: heya! It's the Jason!Anon from earlier~ Super excited you're open to doing this though. So like I said, i really loved your jason imagine and was wondering if you'd maybe wanna put that 'into fic form' basically? Like the reader was friends with Jason growing up and didn't care about the deformity but then he died and her parents took her away until one day (bonus points if on the anniversary of his death or his birthday) she comes back and they reunite and fluff? If not lemme know AN: I kept it a little closer to my headcannon just by having his mother a little more involved. I hope that’s alright 😊 Original headcannons: http://littlebitoffanfic.tumblr.com/post/176634985554/dating-jason-would-include “Stop it, STOP IT!” You screamed, thrashing against the kids holding you back. “HE CANT SWIM!” But the others continued to chase him along the floating rafts. You watched in horror as he stumbled a little then tripped. He looked to you, searching for some kind of help. Turning your head, you looked for the adults. They were meant to be here, they were meant to be watching. “Please! Leave him alone!” You scream out, tears streaming down your cheeks as you struggled against the two pairs of hands that held you in place. They were 2 boys who were three years older than you, so they easily held you back while their little friends chased Jason. Then it happened. Jason nearly got back to his feet when he slipped and fell head first into the water. Your heart stopped as you froze. He couldn’t swim. The boys froze as well, knowing that he couldn’t swim. They hadn’t intended to chase him INTO the water, just to spook him. You heard one of the boys behind you turn and try to call for a councillor but they didn’t respond. You managed to slip out of their grasp only to have a larger hand grab your arm. You turned to see one of the adults with his shirt partly open and lipstick on his neck. Another ran past and dove into the water but they immerged without him. “Let me go! I can find him. He doesn’t trust you.” You fought just as hard against the grown up, but with little success. You knew Jason wouldn’t go near the grownups because they dismissed him and treated him poorly, but maybe if you could get to him. “Sorry, no ones allowed in the water.” The man shook his head. Something in you broke and you twisted around and bit down on his bare forearm, hard. he screamed out, letting go of you and you took your chance and ran to the water. Only for another grown up to grab you by the waist, lifting you up and carrying you back to the cabins. You trashed and screamed, crying out his name. -------------time skip ------------------ You woke up in a cold sweat as your own screams echoed through your head. Sitting up, you gasped for air as you looked around you. It was still dark in the small motel room. The clock showed 4am although it flickered on and off a few times. you felt your tears running down your cheeks and you were quick to brush them away as you got out of bed, heading to the bathroom. You knew there was no point in trying to go back to sleep. Your nightmare would just replay that day on a loop anyway. Even after so many years, you still remembered it like it was yesterday. Sometimes you would still be a child, and sometimes you would be an adult. But the outcome was all the same. After Jasons death, you took a turn for the worse. But who could blame you. Seeing your best friend murdered then neither the kids nor the councillors facing any repercussions for their actions (or lack of), made you bitter and resentful for any adults that weren’t your parents or Mrs Voorhees. She had been one of the first to comfort you, wrapping you in her arms as the two of you sobbed. That day, you lost a friend and she lost a son. She understood why your parents were concerned and helped when it came time for them to take you away from that place. She would stay, but she hated the sight of you staring out at the spot, hoping he might return. You later found out that she had given your parents a massive lump some of money to put you through school and college. She had been saving it for Jason, but now wanted you to have it. So you went to the best school and graduated with top marks. For a few years, you studied a few different coursed but nothing ever stuck. You were smart, and had a wide range of talents but you never really connected with anyone again. So you travelled a little by yourself, earning money through your art. But then your mom and dad were involved in a crash. One which saw you left as an orphan and you didn’t know where to go. parentless and friendless, one place suddenly popped into your mind. Camp Crystal Lake. You stayed for as long as you were needed, giving your loving parents a nice send off and seeing their estate was handled correctly. They both had life insurance and a chunk of savings which was all left to you. This plus the sale of their home and a few other assists meant you were set for life. 5 months after their death, you packed up your car. Some items you put into a long term storage but the sentimental items like their wedding rings and a locket came with you. a weeks dive had lead to you spending the last night on the road at this motel. It was okay, a little dingy but just enough to get a decent nights sleep and a breakfast. You glanced at your wrist, the purple and blue friendship bracelet was tattered and seen better days, but it was made for you by Jason, so everywhere you went, it went. You had made one for him, the same colours to represent you both. You ran your brush through your hair while you contemplated spending another night here. You had already missed a full days travel because you decided to stay again last night so you knew you had to move on. Besides, if you left at 6, you would be at crystal lake by 4pm. After packing up your things and going down for breakfast, you handed back your keys and paid your bill. Heading out to your car, you couldn’t help but feel a slow building dread. Maybe it was the fact the day was dreary and grey. You arrived at the entry gate at 5.30pm, a little later than you would have liked but the roads were dangerous, so you took it slow. You felt a shiver run through your spin as you pulled up outside a cabin. Even though it was still daytime, the rain and black clouds made it look later than it was as you got out the car, pulling your hood up. Looking down at your bracelet, you felt a small rush of hope. You didn’t even know if she was still here. You could see someone moving about in the cabin she and Jason had called home. It took 10 minutes for you to gather the courage to walk to the cabin. walking up the three steps to the porch, you pulled down your hood once out of the rain and knocked three times, your hands shaking violently. There was a pause from inside, then you heard footsteps coming to the door. It opened and you nearly dropped to your knees as Mrs Voorhees stood in front of you, aged but still fully recognisable. And apparently, you were the same. “[y/n]?” She breathed, her hand dropping from the door as she stared at you. She reached out a trembling hand, pushing a strand of your wet hair back out your face so she could see your eyes properly. When she did, her face broke into a smile as her eyes pooled with tears. She pulled you into her arms, hugging you as she swayed. You cuddled into her, your own tears making you sob onto her shoulder. She felt your shaking body and you both ended up kneeling on her porch in each others arms. She pulled you into her home and set you down on the couch before rushing to make you tea. “Is it just you? Will your parents be coming back?” She asked when she returned, placing the cup in front of you on the small coffee table in the centre. You dropped her gaze, looking away. “They, um, they passed away.” You cleared your throat, fresh tears coming into your eyes. “Oh, im so sorry.” She sat next to you, wrapping one arm around you while placing one hand on your lap comfortingly. You told her about the crash, and about how you had decided to come back here. She said you could stay with her as long as you liked, and that she had seen a cabin not too far from here up for sale, if you were wanting to stay. ---------------time skip ----------------- “Mrs Voorhees? I bought some fresh bread.” You call as you enter her cabin, your handmade bread in a little tin to protect it. “Oh lovely.” She smiled as she walked out from the kitchen. “Smells delicious.” “Thank you.” You giggle as she takes it from you and heads back to the kitchen. After staying with her for 2 weeks, you had put in an offer for the cabin about a quarter of a mile from hers. It was accepted and you had been living there for 4 months now. But something strange had been happening. “May I ask you something?” You ask, following her to the kitchen. She hums a yes. “Have you noticed someone in the woods?” Pamela freezes, not daring to look at you as she glances out the window. “N-no, my dear. Why?” She stutters a little as you slid into a seat at her breakfast bar. “Well, ive just felt like someone’s watching me. Im sure ive seen someone moving about outside my house at night. Its just.. strange.” You shake your head, unable to describe it. “How so?” she asks, sitting down across from you with a raised eye brow. “Its not… I don’t think their… dangerous. It feels more like having a protector than a stalker.” You scorn yourself, unable to put it into a way that didn’t sound ridiculous. “Maybe you do. Maybe someone’s looking out for you.” She smiles kindly and it gives you some level of peace to your mind. “Oh, while Im here.” You suddenly remember. “One of the councillors is asking around about… him.” there was a moment of quiet that rushed over you both. “We’ll finish it all soon. Only a few more days I think.” She looks at you for your reaction to which you nod. After years of resentment that built up, she had offered you the only thing to stifle that need. She first told you about her plans after you ran in on her killing a couple who had been having sex. You had kept the girl while she killed the guy then the girl. You had joined her (after she had offered you an escape if you promised not to tell). So you helped to kill the young councillors. You vowed you wouldn’t let them open this camp again. It would disrespect Jason’s memory. Leaning back, you smiled as you looked up at the walls, which had a number of pictures hung up. Of the 8 photos, 2 were of her parents and their wedding, and the other 6 were Jason. You were in 3. “You two were always attached at the hip.” She smiled fondly, following your gaze to her son. “Your parents often joked with me that we’d be arranging a wedding about now.” “You might have been.” You smiled sadly. ----------------flash back----------------- “please take it off?” You begged, your pigtails bouncing as you jumped excitedly. Only a week before the tragic incident, you could have never guessed how drastically your life was about to change. Jason, with a small huff, pulled off the bag he wore over his head. His face, which was severally disformed, made him hid away from people. The only people he didn’t push away was you, his mama and your mom and dad. “I heard your mama saying we have to get married.” You giggled, pointing between you both. It was true. She had been joking about it over coffee with your mom. Jason glanced to the floor, a small blush dawning his normally pale cheeks as he glanced back to you. He adored you, anyone could see that. Even if it was a puppy crush, that didn’t stop every adult thinking you two were destined for each other. “If we did, we could live together and stay up late and drink all the fizzy drinks we can! It would be so much fun.” You giggle, skipping across to your room to the shelf. Jason ran up behind you, nodding excitedly as you pulled some books off the shelf and fell to the ground. Jason joined you as you opened the books up and spread them out. All on pages where the main characters were getting married. “I want to wear a dress like her.” You point to one of your favourite characters, having always wanted to wear a dress like in a the fairy tales. But Jason’s eyes were on another book. In that illustration, the two main characters were leaning forward and kissing while guests threw white confetti over their heads in celebration. He reached out and tapped the page, looking back to you in fear as he pointed to himself. Years of friendship had created a silent communication between the two of you that baffled the adults. “yeah, we’d have to kiss. My mom and dad do it all the time.” You nod but that didn’t seem to answer his question. He pointed to himself again and looked down, running his hand up the side of his misshaped face. “Of course I do.” You reach out, taking his hand off his face and answer his silent ‘would you kiss me?’ question. Jason jumped at your response, beaming at you as he grabbed both your hands. “You wanna practice?” the two of you leaded forward, meeting each others lips. A totally innocent kiss, one that adult would chuckle at and call cute. One which made an adult you smile back on fondly. When you pulled back, you were giggling but that didn’t cover the blush on your cheeks. Just then, your mom called you both for dinner. You dragged Jason to his feet, promising that when you got married, you could eat whatever you wanted for dinner. ---------------present -------------------- When you were walking back to your cabin, you felt the gaze of someone. You knew they were there, you knew it in your gut that someone was close by, but when you around you saw nothing. As your house came into view, you saw there was something on your porch. Frowning, you walked a little fast until you could clearly make out what they were. Daffodils. One of you favourite flowers when you were a child. Jason would pick some from his mothers garden when you were upset or if it was your birthday. Walking closer, you saw about 10 had been left on your porch. You picked them up before sliding to sit on the step. Tears rolled down your cheeks as you smiled at the flowers and looked up to the forest that surrounded the cabin. Taking one, you left it propped against your step before you went inside to place them in water. When you glanced back out about an hour later, the single daffodil was gone. --------------------time skip ------------ You gasped for air as you stumbled through the woods. It was dark and raining heavily. this couldn’t be happening again. The blood that covered your hands was mixed with wet dirt from where you had fallen a couple of times. Pamela Voorhees was dead. You gasped for air. Not another one. Not someone else you loved. You had just been in time to see that bitch councillor swing an axe and take her head off her shoulder. You screamed out in anguish as you watched the last person you had allowed yourself to love be killed. Killed. A rage took over you as you ran at the girl, taking her to the ground and punching her in the face. When she tried to swing the axe at you, you grabbed it and ripped in from her hands, straddling her torso and bringing the blade down into her skull one, two, three, four times. You began to lose count. Finally, you pulled yourself up and stumbled back from the murders, eventually running into the woods. sobbing, you ended up catching your shoulder on a tree and you fell to the ground in a wreck. Everything around you was collapsing again, and there was nothing you could do about it. You screamed in vain as you tried to relieve the pressure that rested heavily on your chest. Pushing yourself to your feet, you took a deep breath, trying to get it straight in your mind what you would do next. but you just broke into sobs that wrecked through your whole body. Until, you heard something move in front of you. Your head snaps up and you freeze. about seven foot away from you stood a man. He was tall, reaching at least six feet and maybe 6 inches tall compared to your smaller height. He towered over you and yet, he seemed scared of you. He wore a sack over his face, the moon showing a single eye hole for him to see out of. It looked like the type of thing Jason would wear. Jason. It couldn’t be. He couldn’t be alive. looking away, your eyes closed as tears flooded your eyes again. “You cant be him.” You breathed, more to yourself than to the man. You heard him coming closer and you opened your eyes again to see him holding out something to you. You looked into his large palm and saw two things that made your heart jump into your throat. In his palm was the head of a daffodil, like the one you left out a few days ago. And around it was a purple and blue faded friendship bracelet. You raise your right hand, the very same one on your wrist. The one he had given to you, which meant that was the one that you had given to Jason. While your wrists hadn’t got that much bigger, he had grown massively, so the thought of him carrying around your friendship bracelet with him all this time. It could only be him. A smile dawned your lips as a fresh spark of hope went through your body. “J-Jason?” You looked up as you step closer. Your heart was hammering and your blood racing. You didn’t know how much more you could take tonight. A single nod was enough to send you over the edge as you collapse to the floor unconscious. -------------------time skip ----------------------------------- When you woke up, you had been carried back to your bed and tucked in. From the moment you woke up, you had felt that spark of hope once again. This was different. Even after your parents past, you knew Pamela might still be around. But you never thought for a moment that Jason might still be alive. The first few weeks, you didn’t really see him again but you understood. While he knew who you were, he didn’t know you. But that didn’t stop him staying close to you. The disappearances of the councillors was investigated and decided it had been one of the guys who was unstable. Said guy was at the bottom of the lake but the police think he is on the run. Even Pamela’s murder was made up to him rather than the girl and then you. You were given a miss because you had been in town during one of the murders and people had said it couldn’t have been you. Plus they doubted you could take a woman’s head off. Pamela was buried next to the empty grave of Jason’s. She was given a nice send off like you had done you own parents. You had seen Jason’s figure by her grave a few times but left him. But his presents became known more and more. When you walked through, he forest, he would follow you at a distance. It was nice and calming, knowing this great beast of a man was protecting you. It made you shiver at the thought. today, you had decided to try and lure him closer for the first time. It was his birthday today. You knew and remembered every year. But this year, you had bought him a few little things from town as well as painting him a portrait of his mother which had come out perfectly in your eyes. You planned to bring him back later but, for now, you wanted to wash up. It was a warm day and, for the first time since you were a child, you wanted to take a dip in the cool water of a lake. taking a towel, shampoo and conditioner and changing into a bathing suit and putting a summer dress over your suite you had picked up from town, you went to the lake which was about a ten minute walk from your home. Placing your things near the water, you pulled your dress over your head and slipped off your sandals. Walking slowly into the water, you smiled at the feeling of the fresh water on your skin. You walked out till the water came up to your chest and ducked under the water. When wet, you went back to the shore and grabbed your shampoo and conditioner to wash your hair out. Once done, you thought about getting back out, but then you looked out over the sparkling lake and you wanted to swim for a while. Going back out to your waist, you slowly started to swim. You kept close to the bank, having not swum in years but you found it was like riding a bike. Your body still knew what to do. You ducked your head under the water to wet your hair again. Coming up, your hair fanned out around you in the water and you felt nice and cool in the hot sun. twisting in the water, you floated on your back with closed eyes. Then you felt something was off. Opening your eyes, you glanced to the bank and saw Jason. he was pacing the bank desperately. He tried to come into the water but only got the water to his ankles and he moved back. You could see how tense he was and how desperate he was looking at you. He was scared. Twisting back to your front, you started to swim back to him. “jason, its fine. Im fine.” You call out to him but that didn’t calm him. When you were able to reach the bottom, you stood up and started to walk out of the water. You thought of running, but then you imagined yourself falling over and him freaking out even more. When you were up to your knees, you saw Jason charge into the water. You reached out for him, thinking he would just take your hand and lead you out. But he didn’t. He wrapped his arms around you and swept you up into his arms. You couldn’t help but laugh at the feeling as he pulled you out the water. But you could feel how hard his heart was hammering in his chest. He was really worrying. He was panting and his whole body seemed to tremble as he looked up at you. Once on the bank, he set you down and looked you over for any sign of injury. “Im fine.” You smile, reaching out and taking his hand, as you often did when you were children. He froze, looking down at your smaller hand in his own. You notice his green jacket was now partially wet from picking you up. You suddenly felt a little exploded in your swimwear. Ducking down, you picked up your towel and wrapped in round your torso, smiling at Jason as you did so. The you grabbed your dress and, after quickly drying yourself off, you pulled it over your swimming costume. Sure, it stuck a little because you were still a little wet, but you thought it was better to show him you were okay. you glanced down and realised that during his pacing, he had knocked one of your sandals forward into the water. “Damn.” You whispered, darting down and picking up your now soaked slipper. But before you could consider what you were going to do, you were swept up into his strong arms once again. He didn’t both picking up your shampoo, conditioner or soggy slipper, but you didn’t mind as he started to carry you back into the woods. He lifted you so you were perched on his shoulder, his arm wrapped security around your legs. You smiled at the action, feeling like you weighed next to nothing. You placed your hand on the other side of his bagged head to steady yourself. You could feel his malformed skull under the bag as he tensed under your touch, glancing up to you. But you just smiled, looking in front of you both as Jason turned back to watch where he was walking. When you reached your home, Jason slid you off his shoulders. You had left the door unlocked but as you padded up onto your porch, Jason stayed back. You opened your front door and were about to go inside until you realised he wasn’t following you. He had stopped at the stairs, looking down at them as if he was scared to step up. Turing back, you leaned against your door. “Jason?” You called to him. “Do you want to come inside?” Jason paused, staring at you like you were some kind of angel before nodding and slowly climbing the stairs. Once he was close enough, you reached out and took his hand, dragging him inside like you use to do when you were children. Once inside, you turned to him, your eyes falling on the mask which felt a little like a brick wall now between the both of you. “Could, could you take it off?” you asked, your eyes darting to the bottom of the bag over his face. You saw his whole body tense and he took a step back from you, his eye moving to the floor. Hunched over on him self, he shook his head. you considered leaving him, but something drove you to push him a little. “You know I never cared when we were younger. Why would I now?” You duck your head a little and he glances up at you. When he meets your gaze, you smiled softly. He took a few deep breaths and shakes his head again. You felt your heart break a little because he no longer trusted you. That bond was broken. Looking away from him, you blink back tears. You thought that when he finally came to you and spent time with you that it wouldn’t be a problem just like when you were children. Maybe he thought you were like the ones who had hurt him as a child. The thought made your heart ache because you loved him. You loved him. The realisation dawned on you as you realised why you were so drawn to him. That child like love you had felt had exposed since you had seen him that night in the rain. You thought your heart raced when you saw him because you were excited to see your oldest friend, but that wasn’t the only reason. You loved him deeply, whole heartedly and eternally. You hadn’t realised it but your tears were running down your cheek. Jason moved forward, taking a hesitant step towards you. He didn’t realise your tears were something more than just you bring upset. They were part of a complex hurricane of emotions. But he didn’t see that. He thought it was purely because he had refused your request. you looked up, your eyes wide with tears as he reached up and started to draw the bag up slowly. “Don’t.” you blurt out, holding out your hands to stop him. “Don’t do it if you aren’t ready. You can wait until you trust me.” He looked out of the one eye hole and you felt like he was looking into your sole. The intensity coming from him was overpowering before he continued to raise his shaking hands to his bag. Slowly, he pulled the bag up over his face and off his head. He refused to meet your gaze once his face was revealed, instead his gaze fell to the floor like he was ashamed or embarrassed. But you couldn’t pry your eyes away from his face. His face had matured immensely since you had last seen him. His skull was bald and misshapen but he barley had any hair when you had known him. His right eye was sunken a little and not in line with his left and his nose was a little flatter than normal. His cheeks had small indents and dips. His mouth seemed to droop at the side but you couldn’t tell if it was him controlling that. But to you, he was ever so handsome. He wasn’t the boy you remembered. His new height, strength and muscles compared with his matured features was enough to drive you mad. Then you realised he was waiting for you to do something. He had glanced up to you but when he met your gaze, he dropped it again, a soft whine leaving his lips. It broke you. Walking up to him, you reached up and cupped his cheeks. He moved his face up so his eyes met yours. Moving closer, you press your lips to his in a soft kiss. One of your hands ran down his cheek to rest on his broad chest which you could feel his heart hammering under his shirt. After a moment, a shiver ran through his body and his hands grabbed your waist as he slowly responded to your kiss, moving his lips against yours. You could feel how he trembled under your touch but responded so eagerly to your affection. You pulled back to gasp for air before feeling him lean forward to retrieve another kiss as if it was his new source of air. Your hand slips to the back of his head, running down to his neck, keeping him close. Your body was pressed against his own, his height dwarfing you but you felt like you were both equality as dominating in the kiss. You were glad because you were scared it might intimidate him but he seemed just as eager as you were. When you parted, you were both panting. Your cheeks were a dark red from a deep blush as you looked up at Jason. He was breathing heavily staring down at you in surprise. Then he collapsed to his knees in front of you, his hands grabbing your waist as he presses his forehead against your stomach. It took you a moment to fully realise what had happened just because your head was still spinning from the kiss. He was on his knees after he had received his first kiss from you. Looking down, you might have thought he was frightened but then he looked up at you. In his eyes, you saw he adored you and was staring up at you with awe. There was tears in his eyes but his lips were pulled into a smile. You dropped down in front of him, sitting across his lap as his arms engulfed you once again. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders, burying your face in his neck and holding him close as he mirrored your affections. You pressed soft kissed to his neck whenever you could. Suddenly, you remembered the small items you had gathered for him. “Oh, I almost forgot.” You scrambled out of his lap and darted to the side, grabbing the wrapped items. When you came back to him, you kneeled in front of him, presenting them to Jason. “Happy birthday.” You smiled, seeing something that reminded you of surprise in his eyes. His hands, still shaking from before, took the presents. Slowly and without even ripping the paper, he opened each in turn. With each one, his smile grew wider until he got to the portrait of his mother. His smile faltered and fell as tears welled in his eyes. you moved closer to him, wrapping you arms around him. you allowed him to take as much time as he needed before he turned to you. His arms locked around you as he silently thanked you again and again. Her portrait was hung up on your wall, right beside your own parents wedding photos. After she were hung up, you pulled Jason to your sofa, sitting with him on your sofa. That night, he stayed the whole time with you, answering your questions as best he could and asking his own through a note pad. You fell asleep on his shoulder and he didn’t move you, instead wrapping his own arms around you and lying with you till morning. --------------------time skip --------------------- Since that first kiss, Jason never left your side. the only reason he left you was if someone came too close to the camp and he would rush off to protect you. Sometimes you would follow him to try help. He would be annoyed with you for putting yourself in trouble but then you showed you could handle yourself and he would relax a little more. “Can you come on a walk with me?” You ask, as you meet Jason on the porch of your home. He ha just come back and was slightly bloody, but you didn’t mind that. you could see the smile even though he now wore a old hockey mask. You much preferred this to the bag. Jumping down the stairs, you took Jason by the hand and led him into the woods. It was late afternoon and the sun was starting to set in over the lake. You had been waiting for him to get back for a few hours. Of course, Jason would do absolutely anything for you, regardless of what it was. As you walked, you looked down at your intertwined hands, your heart skipping as you saw how truly bigger he was than you. How his hands could rip people in half, had killed people, and yet he was so gentle with you. His touches were sometimes filled with fear, like he was afraid he would break you. Looking up at Jason, he glanced over and caught your eyes. You smiled sweetly at him, being truly happy for the first time in a long long time. Jason ducked down, lifting you up and placing you daintily on his shoulders, as he had done so many times before. You giggled, allowing your fingers to trail over the back of his neck and sides of his head. leaning down, you press a soft kiss to the top of his head. Jason froze, but not from your affection. No, he heard someone moving in front of you both. He lowered you to the ground, cautiously before pulling out his machete which he carried on his belt. “I’ll head down to the lake. Come find me when your ready.” You smile, reaching out to run your fingers over his forearm before walking away. Less than 10 minutes and a scream later, Jason found you by the river. You had taken off your shoes and socks to dip your feet in the cooling water. When you heard him approaching, you turned to see him over your shoulder and you couldn’t help but smile. Jason froze. The image of you, beautiful and perfect, with the crystal blue water and setting sun in the background made his heart stop. He never dared to join you in the water, but he was no longer completely fearful you might be swallowed by the water. you moved out of the water to him, taking his hand in yours and pressing a soft kiss to his knuckles. in that moment, everything was perfect in both your eyes and his.
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paleorecipecookbook · 5 years
Weekly Workouts
Man. This morning was tough. I was barely moving and had no motivation or energy. But I knew only I could change that. And it all had to start with my attitude.
I’m not going to lie, I have a bad attitude today. Im feeling bloated from travel, I don’t have much excitement for my workout today, and I’m just pretty grumpy. I know none of this is fun to hear and it’s definitely not motivating, but some of your days are going to be exactly like this one. And YOU are the only one who is going to be able to pull you out of this frustration. It might be one of those Mondays where you feel like crap and nothing is going right, but YOU can make the best of it.
Sometimes all you can do is become your own motivational speaker. And that’s exactly what I’ll be doing for myself today. First I’m going to start by smiling. Something as simple as smiling can completely change how you feel and your outlook on what’s ahead. Next, I’m going to take 10 deep breaths. Deep breaths help so much with calming from within. Then I’m going to workout, get work done, shower, put a little makeup on, and move on with my damn day. Because today is going to be great. I’m the only one who can make that decision and I’ve already made it that way by simply typing those last few sentences.
Don’t forget that YOU are in control of your destiny. You may not be in control of everything that comes your way, but you are in control of what you make of it. Now go crush this Monday. No need to dwell in how you felt when you woke up. You got this.
Sunday – Boxing Class at Fly Kickbox through Class Pass
Monday – HIIT Workout by Myself – see workout here
4 rounds of – 40 sec on 20 sec rest
High Knees
5 Runner Taps into 1 Jumping Lunge
Mountain Climber Twists
Lateral Curtsy Jump to Knee Drive
2 minute rest
4 rounds of – 40 sec on 20 sec rest
Double Squat Jumps
Side to Side Bounds
Alternating Crab Toe Taps
Broad Jump to Reverse Bear Crawl
Tuesday – Lower Body Workout by Myself
3 rounds of:
12 Hip Thrusts @ 135#
15 Banded Clam Shells into Leg Raise (each side)
2 rounds of:
10 Sumo Deadlift to Sumo Straight Leg Deadlift @ 85#
20 Feet Elevated Glute Bridges
15 Cable Pull Through
3 rounds of:
12 Box Squats @ 95#
15 Elevated Side Lunges (each side)
Wednesday – Rest Day/Travel Day to Phoenix
Thursday – Upper Body Workout in Hotel Gym
3 rounds of:
10 Single Arm Cable Row (each side)
10 Chameleons
30 Mountain Climber Taps
3 rounds of:
10 DB Bicep Curls with 90 Degree Hold with Other Arm (each side)
10 DB Lateral Raises
40 Bear Plank Butt Kicks
3 rounds of:
10 Single Arm Bent Over DB Row (each side)
10 Y DB Press
5 Banded Pull Ups
Friday – Workout in Hotel Gym – see workout here
5 rounds of – 1 minute on | 30 seconds rest:
Half Get Ups
Plank Jacks Shoulder Taps
Lunge to Knee Drive (:30 sec each side)
Plank Knee Tucks w/ Twist to Jump
Saturday – Rest Day/Travel Day back Home
On Sale Activewear:
Zella Tank (64% off)
Track & Flow Leggings (30% off)
Adidas Sweater (38% off)
Alo Yoga Bra (63% off)
Nike Running Shorts (25% off)
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I may be compensated through affiliate links in this post, but all opinions are my own. This compensation helps with expenses to keep this blog up and running! Thank you for your support with PaleOMG!
The post Weekly Workouts appeared first on PaleOMG.com.
Sourse of this article: http://paleomg.com/
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Chapter 5 in the Klance Equestrian AU
Keith had left the money on the floor he had a crumpled five left. It was the only money he had managed to make off the sale of his favorite jewelry before he left the Galara Galaxy. Keith had planned on using the twenty to go buy jerky and cans of beans so he wouldn’t have to eat Voltron’s precious biscuits. He didn’t know when he would get the opportunity to make them again. He was trying to limit the stallion but it was hard. 
At Galra Galaxy if Keith needed supplies or food all he had to do was go see Lotor. Granted Lotor always made Keith pay with sex,blowjobs, and various other things. He’d also numb out the experience after with drugs. He’d fill a needle full of the stuff (Keith never knew what it was sometimes he changed it) and then he'd give Keith a little shot and then he’d dress him and hand him a wad of cash and drop him off in town. 
Keith would wander through each store his eyes bleary from the drugs and fill the cart with the supplies he’d memorized to make Voltron's treats and then he’d look at all the food but he’d think about how Voltron needed a new blanket or a new saddle pad. Then he would push his cart through the checkout where all the ladies in line would look at him and he would try to shrink but he couldn’t. He knew that Lotor made him look like a druggie on purpose to isolate him and make him afraid of the people around him. 
Keith thought about the way Lance looked at the twenty like he was some kind of crazy person. Keith knew he had broken something that didn’t belong to him and he knew to replace it. He’d rather not do it by getting beat. So he offered up what little pocket change he had and tried to move on.  He and Voltron had spent most of the day outside. Keith had found a creek which would allow for him to rinse out his clothes and hang them on the fence and that’s where he was headed. He wasn’t expecting to bump into the guy in the white t-shirt again. 
“Woah. You okay t-” Hunk reached out to steady Keith his warm large hand going for Keith’s shoulder. 
“Don’t touch me.” Keith snapped he instinctively flinched as far away from the physical contact as he could. 
“You can’t talk to Hunk that way. He was just trying to help your dumb ass.” Came the voice of a girl who was dressed in blue overalls beside him. Her hair was golden brown and her eyes were green to match the ribbons she had so carefully braided from the base of her skull to her sholders. 
“Pidge,be nice.” Hunk warns her
“ No one tells me what to do.” Keith says he stands taller trying not to let her know that she makes him scared that everything about her and about Hunk scares him. 
“Keith, it’s cool. Right Pidge?” Hunk sooth’s stepping between the two laying his hand on Pidge’s shoulder but giving Keith plenty of space. 
Keith wants nothing more than to tell Hunk everything is fine so he does,” Sure...” but everything is telling him to run before someone backs him into a corner and has at him with a baseball bat. 
“See no need to be on the offensive Pidge. So calm down. Keith’s chill.”  Hunk sooth’s before turning to look at him,” What you doing with all that stuff?” 
“Im going to go wash it...” Keith confesses nodding toward the creek. 
“ Your going to wash your clothes in the creek?” Pidge asks her voice going high. 
“ Yes...” 
“ You realize there is a washmachine in the barn right?” She tries reasoning.
“ Yes...” Keith knew that but he had been watching people use it all day and he was concerned someone would see his clothes and become angry so he felt it was better not to risk it. Just like when he rose at 3am and showered in the cold water of the wash stall. He had been quiet and then he went and curled up next to Voltron’s belly under one of the wool blankets. Voltron had welcomed him with nickers and licks and then he had dressed under the woolen blanket. 
Hunks eyes were wider than dinner plates and he looked at Keith’s bags and then at the creek. 
“No way I can let you do that my dude.” He said and he reached forward taking the duffle from Keith whose eyes made wide scared looks. He wasn’t sure if he needed to run or if he needed to just follow along with whatever the Larger man said. Voltron was still in the Paddock near the creek he looked comfortable and Keith looked at him grazing nervously unsure. 
It was Pidge who decided for him,” Come on EMO. Maybe Hunk will give us milk and cookies.” 
At the very mention of food Keith stomach grumbled and Hunk smiled,” come on then.” He began walking holding Keith’s duffle bag in one hand like it was nothing but a simple paperweight and Pidge followed behind him. The two of them seemed so odd next to one another. Hunk was so tall and broad Keith was sure he could easily just lift Pidge and throw her if she pissed him off. Pidge seemed like one of those people who just poked at people until they gave her what she wanted and Keith wasn’t sure he liked that. 
All three re-entered the barn and approached a red door that Keith had walked by labeled private. Hunk opened it and there was a set of stairs that led straight up into a loft of sorts. The loft was open with large carpeted spaces and white walls covered in photos and posters.
Most of the photos seemed to be of Lance, Pidge and Hunk in Various places and poses. Some photos looked like they were done at shows and Keith looked at each one noticing Shiro standing in the back in some and Adam in others. Adam was still around? For some reason that made Keith sad. Like he’d been through hell already and Adam got Shiro and the happy ending he couldn’t. Keith turned away from the Pictures trying not to think.
Hunk had his hands in Keith’s duffel bag and he was pulling out the clothes he had and separating them into piles in a small room that Keith had yet to pass,” Dude when was the last time these things actually saw a wash machine?” Hunk asked as he lifted the last set of jodhpurs Keith owned out. They were streaked with mud.
Keith wanted to lie and say a week ago. But a week ago Lotor had been pissed because his father hadn’t left him as much money as he’d wanted and he’d had Keith pinned in a corner and then he had t left Keith money for food or laundry just Voltron.
“It’s been a month...” He confesses hushed his arms going to his sweater filled with dirt.
Hunk looks at him and then the stacks of clothes,” is that true for all of your clothes?” His expression is so soft. The way he breaths is calm and he doesn’t look angry and for some reason Keith feels like it’s wrong to lie to him. Keith isn’t sure why but he feels like he’d let him down if he lied.
It reminds him of when he trusted Shiro and when Shiro would come in to take his laundry. Keith would stand scared at first thinking he was being punished and then Shiro started taking him with. Letting him put his socks in the top and press the button just so he knew he was getting them back.
“Yeah...” He confesses a hand going to his hair and moving his lip ring with his tounge nervously.
Hunk looks at him and then his clothes and he steps around Keith and calls down the hall,” PIDGE BRING ME A T-SHIRT AND A PAIR OF LANCES SWEATPANTS.”
There’s a small thump as a bundle of clothes chucks itself past Keith and lands at Hunks feet. Keith tries to turn and see where Pidge went but she’s already gone and Keith turns to see Hunk holding out the two articles of clothing to him,”Put these on and we’ll wash what your wearing.”
Keith looks at the clothes and then at Hunk puzzled,” why are you being so nice?” He takes the stack and follows Hunk who leads him to a small bathroom. He shuts the door leaving Keith to change. Keith changes making sure not to get any dirt on the carpet . Hunks shirt is far to big and the sweat pants have to be rolled but he manages. A few minutes later he pads back to the Laundry room where Hunk is standing looking at Keith’s white jodhpurs in a ziplock bag.
“Do you wash these?” He asks him and Keith holds out his hand. Hunk hands him the baggie and Keith opens it sniffing ,” Nope these need it bad too... Go through your bag and pull out things you don’t wash and I’ll wash the bags too.” Hunk said simply taking Keith’s dirty clothes from his arms (and the jodhpurs in the ziplock Keith sniffed) and throwing them in a pile that he threw in the wash machine on a special high setting.
“Why are you being nice?” Keith asks again his voice is small. 
“Hebrews 13:16″  Hunk said calmly a smile coming to his face and walking down the hall Keith followed Pidge joining him.
“Hunk’s a Roman Catholic. He believes in helping others before helping yourself.” Pidge said calmly as if explaining his whole being. 
“That’s not why I do everything though.” Hunk said as they went into the wide living room space that connected to a stainless steel Kitchen. Keith looked at it wanting to have some kind of understanding how the three individuals had so much space and kept it all so clean. Hunk went directly to the Kitchen and Pidge followed taking a seat at the island watching as he gathers supplies from the fridge. 
Keith hesitantly sat down to watch his eyes wide. Pidge looked at him with curiosity,” How long have you had Voltron?” 
“Two years.” Keith responds his fingers pick lightly at the hem of the t-shirt,”he’s not mine though..”
“Right he belongs to The Paladin Palace.” Pidge says reaching forward to grab a slice of fruit that Hunk had sliced 
“Gremlin.” He warned.She huffed retracting her fingers and Keith looked at Hunk. He was using a large knife to slice fruit and place them in a large bowl. He had this calm about him and it made Keith think about Voltron. How he calmed sometimes just with a touch and he though Hunk maybe this way with his kitchen and knives and cleaning and it for some strange reason set him at ease.
“I’ve had Rover for three if you count the time I spent tracking him.” Pidge pitches spinning her stool in a circle not making eye contact
“He was part of this huge Gypsy carivan and I legit followed them for a year just to buy one of their horses.” She says speeding herself up,” ended up with no money to get him home. So I ended up just riding him.”
“Until Lance and I found you.” Hunk clarifies
“Yeah and spoiled the coolest cross crountry-trek ever!!!” She stops spinning to narrow her eyes and slips one of the berries from the bowl. Hunk narrows his eyes but doesn’t stop her.
“You had saddle sores the size of my right ass cheek.” Hunk justifies
“Is there importance for why it’s the right ass cheek and not the left?” She chimes back
Keith watches confused are they married? Are they dating? Are they siblings?The way they talk to each other so openly and so honest is just so different, he’s unsure.
Hunk sets a steaming mug of tea in front of Keith,” would you like cream or sugar?” Keith has to think back to when he was with Adam and Shiro for the proper response. How does Keith take his tea?
“Cream... please.” He manages after a moment and Hunk smiles pulling a cream from the fridge and giving some to Keith who watches his tea become this warm brown color.
“Shay wasn’t as hard to find as Rover. Granted she came from a tough place, she was an easy pick. She was in a herd of seventy never been touched. I walked out three hundred bucks and said ,’that one’. Been a tight team ever since. That was 5 years ago.” Hunk said as he sprinkled some flour on the counter and then pulled a silver bowl from the fridge. He pulled the wad of what Keith assumed to be dough from the bowl and began kneeding expertly shoulders working.
There was a buzz and Hunk looked at Pidge,” Remember what I taught you?”
“Which part”
“About special loads.”
“Yes. I’m capable of that much.”
“Good then your capable of switching the loads.” He answered sweetly.
She narrowed her eyes but did so and Hunk turned to Keith his eyes honest,” Keith, I’m going to say this when Pidge isn’t here and Lance isn’t around because you seem like you’ve been through enough. You deserve some privacy.”
Keith felt panic creeping up his back and into his fingers. He remained still watching as Hunk stopped kneeding.
“I know you’ve been through shit. You probably don’t eat anything besides Voltron’s biscuits. Shower outside in the hose when it’s not cold out. Voltrons the only thing you’ve got... Whatever happened to you, whatever happened to him. Isn’t going to happen here. Now eat, it’ll make Pidge suspicious if you sit there stomach grumbling all day.” Hunk pushes the bowl of fruit to Keith and Keith looked at Hunk wondering what kind of person just took strangers into their homes and gave them fruit and washed their clothes. Hunk did.
It was close to dinner when Keith was released from Hunks care. He knew when Shiro did turn in and he made sure he had all his things (Freshly washed) and his backpack and his duffel bag (which Hunk made Pidge (who could sew and repair things fix and then he’d washed and packed it for Keith)). Keith was given a small brown bag with a thing called a turn-over (Pidge has shrieked when she’d seen it) and a peanut butter sandwhich and then he was allowed to leave. Keith had been careful setting each article down in front of Voltrons stall.
Outside Voltron was prancing his tail high in the air.
“Settle down.” Keith singsonged to him as he climbed over the gate and put a Halter on the stallions head.
“Does he always prance when he’s excited?” There was the clear voice of Lance. Keith held his breath as he looked behind him to the boy who was holding a beautiful Red mare who Keith vaguely recognized from one of the stalls.
“No...” Keith wasn’t sure how to respond part of him wanted to push Lance as far away as he could, another part wanted to give in like he had with Hunk.
“Why doesn’t he take treats?” Lance asked this time following a safe distance as Keith started heading towards the barn.
“What?” Keith stops confused.
“I tried giving him carrots or apples or sugar cubes...”
“He hates stuff like that... he likes baked goods and bread.” Keith says looking at Lance who has stopped the mare next to him.
Lance blinks,” That’s weird...” and then he walks the red mare toward the barn leaving Keith to wonder just how weird it really is.
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inseobts · 7 years
Guide to WINNER (위너)
In 2013, YG launched the survival show “WIN: WHO IS NEXT” (you can watch it on youtube: link here) with two teams: Team A (now WINNER) and Team B (now iKON). They competed for the chance to debut as the first YG boy group in eight years, since the debut of Big Bang.
After 3 rounds of public voting Team A won and became WINNER.
They released their S/S 2014 album digitally, on 12 August 2014.
They debuted October 28, 2014 with Color Ring and Empty.
Their debut concept was Model/Runway. Yang Hyunsuk (YG) said: “winner members are taller than other YG singers, we set concept to present them as fashion models.”
They got their first win with Empty (link here) just 6 days after album released and on their stage debut, becoming the faster group to get their first win after debut (record yet to be broken).
In 2015, the group went on hiatus while the members pursued solo activities.
They had their comeback after 17 months, in february 2016 with the mini album Exit:E.
On November 25, Nam Taehyun's departure from the group was announced.
After the hiatus and a lot of dibandment rumors, YG annunced their comeback as a four-member group, without any addition of new members even if it was rumored about the debut of ONE as a member of WINNER.
New music on April 4 with the single album Fate Number For with two tracks, Really Really and Fool. "Really Really" debuted at N.3 on Billboard World Digital Song Sales, marking the group's best position to date; while "Fool" debuted at N.4. It was also chosen as one of the songs on Apple Music's “Best of the Week” list.
On August 4, Winner made a comeback with the single album Our Twenty For with two singles, "Love Me Love Me" and "Island". "Love Me Love Me" was chosen by Dazed Digital as one of the 20 best K-Pop songs of 2017.
On October 5, Winner announced that they will hold their 4th Japan Concert Tour in February 2018.
On April 4, they released their second full album EVERYD4Y after 4 years with a mix of different genres as trap, tropical house, pop rock, ballad and r&b. Everyday is the title track.
On July 4, YG announced their first world tour but that honestly included Asia only so American ics requested some dates and succeeded.
On November 26, Mino made his solo debut with full album XX and title track Fiancé. He topped the charts of December and became the faster soloist to have his first win after debut.
On December 19, they released the single track Millions as a fan song, aka a gift for the fans. They got six wins and topped the charts.
On May 15, they released the mini album WE with Ah Yeah as title track, topping the charts.
On August 14, Jinwoo made his solo debut with the single album Jinu’s Heyday and lead single Call Anytime featuring Mino.
On October 23, they released another mini album called CROSS with title track SOSO, experimenting a new concept. In the MV we can see Seunghoon naked and a dancer stepping on Mino’s face and those scene were actually ideas of the members themselves.
Since Covid made them cancel the tour, winner were the first group to do an online concert which also was free on vlive and also on Valentine’s Day, February 14.
On March 26, they released the pre-single Hold, topping the charts. In the MV there’s AKMU Lee Suhyun playing the role of winner’s little sister.
In March, Seungyoon participated in King of Mask Singer, for the second time and became the first and only YG artist to win, earning the title as the "122nd Mask King”. He was able to pull off six consecutive wins and making records as "The First 6-Time Idol Champion" and “The Youngest Champion”.
On May 20, Seungyoon was confirmed to make his comeback as an actor after 3 years in Kairos as the character "Im Gun-wook". His role earned him a nomination at the 2020 MBC Drama Awards for "Best New Actor".
Jinwoo enlisted in April 2nd, before the release of their third full album REMEMBER released in April 9. The album has 8 new songs (including pre-single Hold and lead single Remember, Jinwoo’s solo song and Seunghoon’s Serenade which was a song he used to performed on tour) and then 4 songs (Empty, Different, Color Ring and Don’t flirt) from their debut album 2014 S/S re-recorded as OT4.
Seunghoon enlisted on April 16.
On October 30, Mino released his second self-produced solo album Take, with the lead single "Run Away". This album includes the first track called “Love and a Boy” which Mino wrote, composed, and arranged entirely by himself.
After 8 years, Seungyoon made his solo comeback with his first studio album entitled Page and its lead single "Iyah", released on March 29. The album was a success and has sold 122,202 copies in South Korea as of May 2021 becoming the best selling yg male soloist.
Seungyoon was confirmed to join the drama Voice 4 and will make a cameo in drama Racket Boys.
Seungyoon and Mino will both take part at the London START Art Fair in October 2021 under the names Yoo Yeon and Ohnim with their photos and paintings.
Fandom Name: INNER CIRCLE, also known as Incle, IC or Park Inseo (Inseo).
“INNERCIRCLE is essentially the core members, the heart of the group. Literally, ‘inner circle’”
and that’s our logo ↴
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Official Fan Color: Nebula Blue
We are WINNER's 'galaxy' and they are our 'star'.  ↴
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Official Accounts:
Twitter: yginnercircle
Instagram: winnercity 
vLive channel: WINNER channel
Facebook: OfficialYGWINNER
Youtube: Winner Channel
Kang Seungyoon (강승윤) ↴
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❥ Stage name: Yoon
❥ He’s the leader and main vocalist
❥ Our maknae (January 21, 1994)
❥ Instagram: w_n_r00 (so aesthetic)
❥ He’s an only child and was raised by his mom and grandma. That’s why he considers winner as brothers
❥ He’s the best YG artists at ping pong (said by treasure members and Mino)
❥ He’s a photographer
❥ He cried when Mino and Jinwoo were fighting, making them stop
❥ He’s a judge in New Singer
❥ He’s close with Got7’s JB, iKON’s DK, Krystal and Apink’s Eunji.
❥ Lots of idols are his fans or called him role model: loona’s chuu and kimlip, stray kids’ changbin, 1team lee Rubin
❥ 4th place on the popular TV show Superstar K2 (2010)
❥ Before winner, in 2013, he debuted as a solo artist and released multiple tracks, including "It Rains".
❥ He has a dog named Thor
❥ Seungyoon acted in “High Kick! 3” (2011), “The Producers” (2015), “Prison Playbook” (2017), “Kairos” (2020), “Voice 4” (2021/upcoming)
❥ He conducted kpop lyrics helper on YouTube
❥ He then starred in the web drama Love For A Thousand More with Jinwoo
❥ He shares the house with Seunghoon
❥ You see his white hair? IT HURTS (see here why)
❥ HE HAS AN AMAZING VOICE, in fact he is the first and youngest idol to win 6 times on koms.
❥ He loves WINNER and he choose the group instead of his solo career
❥ He won several awards whe he was only 16
❥ He adopter two kids in Africa sending money to help them
❥ He’s the 12th member of Wanna One
❥ He takes care of his mamber
SONG MINHO (송민호) ↴
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❥ Stage name: MINO
❥ He’s the Main Rapper, Vocalist and Face of the Group
❥ March 30, 1993
❥ He paints, takes photos, sculpture, makes clothes, model, act, play ping pong, write, compose, rap and sing.
❥ His mom made everyone, included his own son, believe for months that Mino was actually born in 1992. He also stopped calling Hoony hyung bc of that
❥ He has a sister named Dana who was once in a girl group and he said he would never let Jinwoo date her bc “he’s prettier than her”
❥ First and only idol to walk the runway at the Paris fashion week for Louis Vuitton
❥ He started out as an underground rapper by the name “Hugeboy Mino”
❥ In 2013, YGE rap trainer said that Mino was so good that he had nothing to teach him, in fact he only trained in yg for a few months before debut
❥ He’s close with Block B’s Zico and P.O, Blackpink’s Jennie, iKON’s Bobby, Monsta x Jooheon and GOT7′s Jackson.
❥ He was supposed to be the leader
❥ He loves sunflowers and blue roses so much that he has them tattooed in the middle of more than 50 tattoos
❥ He owns a cafe called Osechill where young artists/painters can put their works next to Mino’s
❥ He is part of the hip hop duo MOBB wih iKON’s Bobby
❥ He’s a judge in Sing Again
❥ Lot’s of idols takes him as role model: cix’s BX, kwon hyunbin, varsity’s junwoo, IM’s taeuun, spectrum’s hwarang, vanner’s lee wonseo, 24k’s xiwoo, treasure’s yoshi and hyunsuk
❥ He was a member of B.o.M, who debuted in 2011, but disbanded. He was also supposed to debut with Block B.
❥ He is in the travel reality show “New Journey To The West” since season 3 [WATCH IT IS FUNNY AS HELL], Kang’s Kitchen, Mapo hipster (YouTube)
❥ He loves is ducks
❥ He was really cool with green hair but his drunk self wanted to do a bet. It was about pingpong so he obviously lost it
❥ He sucks at sports but doesn’t admit it
❥ He likes to eat
❥ He has Munchkin cat, named Johnny, the only girl in the dorm and a bird named Chippy
❥ Instagram: realllllmino
❥ He shared his house with Jinwoo
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❥ Stage name: Hoony
❥ He’s the Main Dancer, Lead Rapper, Vocalist
❥ January 11, 1992
❥ enlisted in 2020
❥ He said his english name is Jessica
❥ He auditioned for ‘Korea’s Got Talent’ as part of the dance group ‘Honest Boys’
❥  4th place on Kpop Star
❥ He has an inner circle tattoo on his neck and it’s also the first photo he ever posted on instagram
❥ After a kpop event he randomly gave his mic to a fan. Another time he thrown his shoes to two fans
❥ He said he dated an A-list celebrity
❥ He said he doesn’t have a daughter
❥ He’s the first YG artist to ask the company to open his own YouTube channel but the company rejected it and closed his account. Now almost all groups in the company have a personal YouTube channel except winner’s members…
❥ He was a mentor/judge in Dancing High
❥ His rooftop room was right by YG Entertainment’s building so “at night he would stare at it and dream of making it big there”
❥ He once went to Japan bc Mino was there promoting MOBB and was feeling lonely. Then they went together at Universal Studio
❥ He dances freestyle
❥ He really loves food
❥ HE HAS A SON, an Italian Greyhound dog, named Haute
❥ Instagram: maetamong and maetamongisdad (Haute)
❥ Fashion icon and boyfriend material
❥ He received an offer to be a professional model in London [we can understand why]
❥ He will always make you smile
❥ He shared his house with Seungyoon
KIM JINWOO (김진우) ↴
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❥ Stage name: Jinu
❥ He’s the Lead Vocalist, Visual
❥ September 26, 1991
❥ He’s the oldest but he’s the FAKE MAKNAE
❥ His face is considered natural and perfect from sk plastic surgeons
❥ He played the little Prince in theatres
❥ He’s so cute but he can be savage as hell
❥ He was a backup dancer at the YG Family Concert in 2011 with Taehyun.
❥ He’s close friend with 2ne1’s Dara and iKON’s Jinhwan
❥ He is allergic to cat fur but lives with 3 cats: his 2 Sphynx cats, Bay and Ray and Johnny (Mino’s cat)
❥ He once wrote YG ceo name on his death note because he gave him hard time as a trainee
❥ He likes video games
❥ He has a chemical engineering degree and a drone license
❥ He made his acting debut in the web-drama Magic Cellphone (2016)
❥ He is in the travel reality show “Wizard of Nowhere”
❥ He then starred in the web drama Love For A Thousand More with Seungyoon
❥ He had a fansite even before debut, when he was just a backup dancer.
❥ He’s also known by non-fans as “Princess in bathtub”
or “Denim Jacket Guy”
or “Thumbnail guy”
or “Neol Johahae guy”
or “the guy with red hair”
❥ He’s GD’s biggest fan
❥ He’s always LOST
❥ Instagram: xxjjjwww
❥ He shared his house with Mino
❥ He enlisted in 2020 and will be back in January 2022
❥Jinyoon (Jinwoo + Seungyoon)
❥Minhoon (Mino + Seunghoon) ↴
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❥Minyoon (Mino + Seungyoon) ↴
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❥Minwoo/Songkim (Mino + Jinwoo) ↴
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❥2seung (Seunghoon + Seungyoon)
❥Jinhoon (Jinwoo + Seunghoon)
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breakingmllc · 4 years
Nope Still Not Having Kid My Dachshund Is Allergic S T Shirt
Happy 84th birthday to my main idol my grandma mj my grandma is the strongest person I know I saw her be the provider of her family and run her own clothing store my whole life she s battled cancer and beat it twice and she always gives me the realest best advice she s probably the only person on this planet that I still remember their home number by heart lol my grandma has a Hot I don’t have kids my cat is allergic shirt sweater finsta so everyone leave nice comments wishing her a happy birthday. Gj guys but be careful vitality just gave insight about how to shutdown your top and mid lane although they didn’t execute it properly their strategy is just too good to counter your playstyle and other teams will take advantage from it. So this is going to be a bit long but bear with me I had what I believe to be a pointless and incredibly frustrating experience with the assistant manager jamie at your auburn hills great lakes crossing location today I have been coming here for three years I frequent your orlando san marcos and new jersey locations as well at least once a year when we stop we usually spend 5 to 10 thousand dollars on your products the system is simple I go in park in a corner and bring bins to my corner sort them bag them move them to the front register and repeat today I brought a personal duffel bag as it holds about 8 to 12 of your bags worth of stuff I get told that i’m not allowed to use it because it’s policy not a big deal at all I say okay i’ll do that for the rest rather than rebag all of this i’ll just go up in line and pay for it and it can sit behind the counter seems pretty reasonable to me nope I got obstructed suggested that I might be stealing something and not allowed to pass stating if I don’t want to follow the system I can leave he then takes my entire duffel dumps it onto the floor and then rebags it into victoria secret bags then moves it to the front counter so it can be rang in I thought this was a little odd but hey he was doing all the work rebagging it so whatever i’m like dude i’m going to be spending about 8k today all I want to do is come in spend some money get out without any drama what’s the problem whoevers in charge should be thrilled with a sale like this we’re spending 8k keep in mind that I told him that I would do what he wanted and it wasnt’ a big deal and the response was to the effect of stop being lippy and just listen I told him what do you want from me I just agreed with you and said I would use your bags i’m not being lippy at all I know this because I said okay dude not a problem i’ll use your bags his response was maybe if you get to buy it i’m like what are you suggesting that an 8 000 order is something you guys don’t want he’s like yeah if you buy it i’m like dude we are spending 8k today why would I bag up a bunch of stuff and spend 2 3 hours picking our your fabulous product to not buy it anyway so I had 4 credit cards one card had 2 000 one had 3500 one had 2000 and one had 1000 because I am buying for multiple people I had 4 different cards all in my name I wanted one receipt for each card not a big deal to me right wrong again he cited some policy and said if the order is more than 750 items that they aren’t allowed to ring in under 750 items on any one receipt id like to point out that that amount is higher than your employees said they could take as a cash payment I asked him to please show me that I would understand better if I could just read it he was willing to do so he brought out the policy book and to my surprise what it actually said was words to the afffect of cash payments cannot be split up or over 750 items I forget the second half my immediate reply was so what’s the big deal im using credit not cash he snatched the policy book away from me at that point and said you know what you can just listen to me or I don’t have to let you buy anything it’s up to my discretion I then called your orlando outlet and your new jersey outlet and talked to the store managers and cited your policy I was given I asked them to confirm if that was accurate and both said if it was a policy it was news to them I then asked if they would let me buy my order using 4 cards and 4 receipts the woman at orlando said oh my gosh yes we do that every single day I asked if I went to her store if I would have any trouble with this in the future and was told no then she said you can always come down here if you’re in the area and i’ll be happy to take your order after that phone call I tried again here’s the video of that attempt I said listen I have 4 credit cards your register girl said you told her she can’t ring up an order under 750 items that’s 3500 if it’s 5 items not all of my cards have that much I have done multiple receipts every time I came here heck I can even supply them to show it he tells me that because I am order so many items that I can’t have less tan 750 items per receipt so I point around to everyone else and ask what about everyone else you aren’t forcing them to spend a minimum of 750 items what about the final charge i’ll have 750 items for two tickets but the leftover isn’t going to be 750 items you’re not going to let me buy them he shrugged his shoulders to say no at this point I haven’t yelled ive been a bit snarky and sarcastic because I know he’s just giving me a hard time two people ring in our order almost every time I am up there and we were there 3 times in the last 6 months spent a bunch each time so at 730 8pm or so we are done shopping assuming that two people could ring us up ended up being a fantasy he forced one employee only to ring us up later on he comes up when its now close to 9pm and says hey you mind if we ring you up on both registers I chuckle and say no I don’t but you do you don’t want to be breaking that 750 rule do you he glared at me and then sent the employee away and walked off after blinking a few times I laugh because after telling me over and over he couldn’t do it he just got caught trying to do what should have been done to begin with a short while later after 9 I find out that everyone is standing uip front except for the one girl and another associate because none of the rest of them are allowed to help her ring us up the only two people left in the store with about 700 more items to be rang in if that’s not enough since it was a holidy all of these employees are apparently being paid overtime to stand around and wait at a bit after 10 all but two girls leave and one girl is waiting to count cash while the other girl sits and keeps ringing stuff in we apologize profusely we expected two employees to ring us up like always and timed our visit to be out around 9 if this had happened instead of having one literally stand there and watch her for 1 hour and 47 minutes after close we would have all been out on time and no overtime or extra hours spent so finally at 10 47 pm our orders are done we thank the lovely girl lauren and jasmine who got stuck staying 2 hours past close because a manager made up some random policy and had to double down when I pointed out he really needed to follow that 750 rule when he was going to toss another girl on the register if this is policy fine it doesn’t seem to be no manager at your other outlets knew what he was talking about the orlando one insisted that the only restrictions are on cash payments and verified I was paying cash or credit it’s a pretty humiliating experience to get hassled trying to buy panties and bras by someone who’s on some type of power trip the only thing I said sideways to him was that I flat out didn’t believe his policy and that credit absolutely is not the same as cash I didnt call him any names scream at him or did anything to disrupt the store beyond what you see in the videos if this is not policy i’d like an apology from that manager in person or over the phone admitting he was mistaken I would hope that the next time I go there I am not hassled but if not I guess there’s always orlando or new jersey who seem to be quite friendly I also want to give recognition to jasmine and lauren lauren is the poor soul who got stuck ringing everything in alone because of the manager’s silly rule and not allowing anyone to help because it would be in violation of the 750 item rule jasmine was the cash counter who had to wait until we were out of the store to count cash even more interesting is that I had a former employee with me helping me buy and she said she never heard of this policy either but it doesn’t mean it wasn’t added since she left she was just as confused because the manager spent over 30 minutes trying to explain and defend this when that time certainly would have been more efficiently spent doing productive things instead of hassling someone who literally sits in a corner and speaks to no one while sorting through your products one bin at a time id love a call back about this or to find out what exactly is going on ive never been hassled like this before and it was a little frustrating and very trying to keep my cool joe rossetti alexandria gunn
Source: Nope Still Not Having Kid My Dachshund Is Allergic S T Shirt
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Examples Of A Post Production Software
Going to IBC? Visit us at Hall 3 A.28 and see how Strawberry Skies will dramatically improve how media productions create and share media content! https://t.co/utOdCiSYAw pic.twitter.com/7x8FhVZ9GL
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Adobe Creative Cloud Digital Asset Management
Of course it is also important to note that Rodriguez made the film within a limited amount of time, and that most of the budget went towards film processing costs. If time was not a factor, he probably could have made due with even less people assisting him. On many other low budget independent films, many departments can be comprised of only one person running everything. This was made possible by the fact that all of India wanted to be a part of the making of the film, so most of those in attendance were volunteers.
What is the final stage for picture editing in the post production workflow process?
The Field Producer is a coordinator for a story while the crew is in the field. This person generally oversees the production of a story, working with a reporter and photographer to set up interviews, gather video and collect information. The Field Producer is also the liaison between the crew and the newsroom.
Online collaboration brings the media assets to the team members rather than the other way around, thereby avoiding them having to join physically. A proper video collaboration environment like Limecraft Flow avoids excessive file transfers and redundant copies of material being kept, sometimes literally, all over the place. On the receiving end, depending on the permissions granted, the editor or sound engineer can download a copy of the material (proxy, high-resolution and or watermarked).
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What are the 8 elements of film?
Post-Production is the stage after production when the filming is wrapped and the editing of the visual and audio materials begins. Post-Production refers to all of the tasks associated with cutting raw footage, assembling that footage, adding music, dubbing, sound effects, just to name a few.
Our Post-Production Workflow Model was developed to help you understand the 4th stage of video production - post-production (also known as editing). Post-Production is a linear process that is essential to producing quality video content. Post-production is often the unsung hero of video production. This is the stage where all the film and sound has been shot and recorded in its raw form and is ready for an editor’s magic touch. At the very start of the post production process, the editor should receive a set of materials from the production team.
Re: Post Production Workflow - Newbie - what's the general steps 8 years, 8 months ago #14406
How long does post production take on a movie?
A full-length feature film can take up to 3 months to shoot while a half-hour television series episode can take as little as 4 days. Principal photography typically lasts 4 – 10 weeks*. Post-production (commonly known as “Post”) – the period where the project/production is edited for both picture and sound.
The Workflow System DVD is available individually, or within the Lightroom 4 Workshop Collection box set.
I’m not going to pretend writing a real-time collaborative text editor is an easy project.
Creative COW's Courtney Lewis reveals how he put it all together with NASA, the National Archives, post house Final Frame, and tools from Adobe.
In a corporate environment, it could be several different videos cut from a single, larger set of media.
Collaborative editing software tools like Firepad and Textflow as well as services like Google Docs facilitate collaborativelyediting individual computer files by multiple users.
When two or more persons are editing a presentation, user icons with different colors are shown next to a slide thumbnail to indicate the particular slide they are working on. Unlike other editors that lock editing at the paragraph level, Notejoy allows anyone to be editing any line simultaneously. Before an article can be sent to the printing plant, editors in the newsroom need to remove hyperlinks and embedded content, and may need to shorten the article for print. When an article is ready for publication, the backend service that handles publishing also gets up-to-date article data, which it sends to the publishing pipeline that our website and apps pull from to render articles on the user end. When the user changes their selection in their browser, that change needs to be mirrored in the document, so we push the updated selection data (head + anchor positions) into Firebase.
Your Jellyfish workflow from start to finish.
What is video production workflow?
Introduction to the Video Production Workflow is an activity-based syllabus that teaches project management, design, and technical skills for video production using Adobe tools. Each activity contains a small task within so students are learning and refining their skills as they complete each task.
If you are using a highly-compressed codec, if you are using a high-bitrate codec, or if you are recording in a log format, then an offline edit will probably allow you to work faster, on cheaper hardware. The good news is that most editing software today can switch between the camera files and the proxy files in just a couple clicks, so you can even go back and forth if you need to. We mentioned briefly above that the files that come directly out of the camera aren’t well suited to editing, so it’s very common to convert those files into a more edit-friendly codec before the editing process starts. This process of working off of a separate set of files is called an offline edit, and the files generated specifically for the offline edit are called proxy files (or proxies).
How does post production work?
Yes, technically the actors kiss. And yes, some actors really do have real chemistry and end up dating each other. Generally actors kissing is like pressing your lips to the other person and closing your eyes, ACTING like you're in passionate embrace.
Media Composer 2020.4 — Bringing More Speed and Ease to Your Workflow
.ims - This is a cache of file properties so that Premiere doesn't have to re-scan each media file every time a project https://www.toodledo.com file is opened. These files are also unique as they are system specific, which means that even if you change the location of the media cache to an external drive, .ims files continue to get created on your system volume. Even when all the files are close at hand, it can become unwieldy just to work on a project that requires keeping 4 or more USB drives connected throughout the edit.
Post Producer Job Description
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The report offers a complete evaluation of sales enterprise, detailed market records, and penetrating insights. Several aspects including technology, supplies, capacity, production, profit, and price are considered while classifying the market dynamics and trends in the market. The research study determines the statistical analysis of the market covering factors such as capacity, production, production value, cost/profit, supply/demand, and import/export. GIMP provides top-notch color management features to ensure high-fidelity color reproduction across digital and printed media. It is best used in workflows involving other free software such as Scribus, Inkscape, and SwatchBooker.
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the-brodiac · 7 years
The Red-Eyed Lied (SagAqua Human!AU) ch. 5
Warnings: ESL grammar, food, alcohol, smoking, NSFW jokes, I live in a small town with no library
Word count: 2371
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Chapter 5: Immersion
   “The original plan was”, Veto spoke up as we head to the twins’ room that afternoon. “When Caleb’s roommate calls for his usual alcohol errand boy, we connect him to Dragon instead. He’s the principal… Oh no, don’t worry, he’s chill. It won’t get him kicked out if he’s smart but it’ll still be hilariously awkward.”
    “Wow”, I replied, not sure what to say. “You guys know how to do that?”
    “We have our ways”, Quinn told me, quickening his pace.
    “And how do you guys get all the information to this?”
    “Well, I’m an errand boy in this school as well, so I know ‘im”, Sag said with a smile. “People pay me to sneak out and buy ‘em stuff from shops around here, except I don’t buy alcohol like Caleb’s does. Everything else is from our ‘dataminer’, Oliver. He’s one of the guys in charge of the lakehouse trade and has lots of connection.”
    “The only thing stopping you from buying alcohol is your wrong fake ID and your baby face”, Quinn chimed in, snickering.
    Sag rolled his eyes. I stifled a laugh.
    We finally reached their dorm room, situated in the second floor of a different building from mine and Sag’s. I didn’t know what I was expecting. Theirs was a bit larger than any room here I’ve visit, with painted walls that actually isn’t peeling off and furnitures that looks like they didn’t come from an abandoned backyard. No offense, Sag, I love you and I love your couch.
    “You’ve even got a balcony!” I exclaimed, running towards it to check out the view. “And close route to the bathroom! And an actual working fan! Fuck you!”
    They both laughed, plopping down to the (nicer) bottom bunk bed. Sag walked over to me and looked out of the balcony as well. You can barely see the lake from here, but the main school building and one of the neighbouring girls’ dorm are visible.
    “Nice place, huh?” Sag said, as if he owns the place.
    “I’m still wondering what kind of privilege these guys have to end up here”, I retorted.
    “This room is originally for exchange students, but we never even have one, so we claimed it. Oh, and the furnitures are ours”, Quinn explained, stretching and laying down. “Aaand our parents are members of the board. Aaaaand we’re rich.”
    “Wow. My parents won’t even get me McDonalds when they’re out”, I said.
    “Anyways”, Veto got up, pulling out a wheeled whiteboard from behind their closet. “About the plans… We need to brainstorm a prank that can compare to what he did to Aquarius. Quinn?”
   Quinn didn’t move from his position. “Yeah, that. Hmm. Well, the best way to find a personalized prank is look for inspirations from the target’s routine, since it’s meant to be surprising. Is he doing anything special soon?”
   “Y’know Michelle from History class?” Sag went to the nearby couch and sat down. I joined him. “Samesh said he was invited to a Richard party hosted by her this Friday… or Saturday? Well, guess who’s gonna DJ? Caleb.”
    “Oh yeah, we knew about that.”
    “Wanna call the police on them or some shit?”
    “That’s gonna involve innocent people… Even if they’re Richards. And it’s too simple.”
    “Also it kinda broke the first Millennium rule.”
    “Doesn’t pranking in general broke the first Millennium rule?”
    All three of them turn their heads towards me. I looked around awkwardly.
    “I mean”, I began. “You’re basically interfering with someone’s daily lives. Not that I don’t like pranking and appreciate you guys doing this to avenge me or anything.”
    “The rule’s unofficial, it… doesn’t have to be black and white, and… Uh, nevermind, I have no defense”, Veto muttered, writing some points about the Richard party on the whiteboard. “It’s just fun to do.”
    Quinn yawned loudly. “Maybe the biggest prank of all is that we come to the party and have fun with the Richards. He would never expect that. We’d blow all his expectations and he’d be so embarrassed he’s wrong. I’m a fucking genius. Veto, write that down.”
    “I’m joking”, the blue-eyed twin quickly said when he caught Sag glaring at him.
    “I’ll put that as Plan E, just because”, Veto retorted.
    “God, then help come up with something, Kieron!”
    Sag bit on his nails. “…We can switch out his songs to somethin’ completely different?”
    “Predictable, hard to manage in a few days, but classic and appreciated. Thanks Sagittarius”, Veto wrote it on the board as Plan D. Sag visibly rolled his eyes. I gave him a pat.
    “Do you have anything, smartypants?” Veto questioned, turning to me.
    “Yeah, can you hack stuff?” Quinn added.
    “A bit, but nothing really useful”, I replied. Besides, I do robotics all day, not practicing my hacking skills. “I tried to think of something outside the box, but it’s going to sound really… dumb.”
    “Oh, dumb ideas are good”, Sag said. “Make it so dumb he’ll never see it comin’.”
    “It takes ‘bout a day for Oliver to datamine what we’ll need, so in the meantime we’re just gonna go shopping for our materials”, Sag told me after we returned to our own dorm later on that day without the twins. “C’mon, we’ll pay the lakehouse a visit.”
    The twins wanted me to have “experience”, so they keep telling me to tag along Sag. But we haven’t even been back for 5 minutes, yet he’s already pulling me out of the room again, and out of the building. We made our way towards the woods across from the lake I’ve been curious about. It was a bit of a walk, having to go around the lake, and the woods are even worse, as the ground is anything but flat and there’s always some tree root sticking out to trip anyone who pass. I’d probably get lost pretty quickly without Sag.
    “So, no teacher ever caught you guys in here?” I broke the silence.
    “Well, the lake and everything else beyond that is actually not the school’s properties, so they’re technically not responsible for whatever we do ‘ere after school hours end.”
    “What a school.”
    “Yeah, but some of the more caring guys like Tiger checks around the lake every now and then. He’s never gone deep into the woods though. Afraid to get lost, probably.”
    Sag, who noticed me struggling with keeping up, stopped and offered his hand with a smile. I smiled back and took it.
    Finally, we reached the old abandoned farmhouse they keep referring to as the lakehouse. I don’t even see a lake. Maybe it’s deeper in the woods. There were some other people there, but Sag didn’t let go of my hand. I don’t mind. This feels pretty nice. A few people were chatting close by, group of people smoking were sitting at the porch, and there’s a guy asleep on a tree.
“…Okay, it’s actually only active on weekends”, Sag told me.
    We walked towards the porch. I watched the smokers blow smoke rings and do tricks and compare them to each other’s. One of them caught me. “Do you want one or something?”
    “…Can I?”
    “Oh God”, Sag said. “Aqua, it’s better for ya’ if ya’ don’t start.”
    “We’re gonna die soon anyways, Archibald”, the girl who offered me one retorted, helping me light the cigarette in my mouth. “Just don’t try it for the second time if you’re afraid of becoming addicted. That’s when you start reconsidering it and adapting… Personal experience.”
    I inhaled. Oh, and then I was coughing. Pretty hard. I collapsed on my knees and held my throat, wheezing.
    Everyone but Sag seems to be laughing. I was still gasping for breath. Now Sag is panicking. He asked me if I need some water. I told him I need death.
    At least these guys don’t need to be worrying about me trying it the second time and becoming addicted then. I’m never doing that again. Don’t smoke kids.
     Slightly leaning against Sag for support, he helped me in. Inside the lakehouse, there was only a single guy there. He looks like the kind of guy that would punch everybody in the room. He sat on a recliner that looks like it will fall apart anytime soon, his legs propped on a dusty coffee table next to a laptop and an ashtray, while blowing out smoke rings to the ceiling. Of course.
    “If you’re looking for Oliver, he’s in his room. Jacking off, probably”, he spoke when we approached close.
    “Actually Mered, I’m wondering if there’s anyone who’s got a shit ton of sugar for caramel on your list. I’ve got stuff to buy”, Sag replied. Mered sat up straight with an eyebrow raised. Then he reached for the laptop, placed it on his lap, and began scanning the screen (from the reflection on his glasses, it seems to be an excel file). Well, at least this guy doesn’t question much about what we’re up to.
    “…Nope, you have to go grocery shopping yourself. But Frankie from your building’s got some caramel popcorn, that’s pretty close. He’s in room 14”, Mered finally said after a while.
    “Seriously, nothing? What about anything sweet?”
    “Archibald, you know these depressed teenagers only live off coffee, instant food and underage drinking. Hm, but Casey from building 2, room 9 has got bubblegum ‘to sneak in in class’. Sam from building 3, room 2’s got a month old apples to get rid of, those are sweet… if she keeps them in a fridge. Zoey from building 3, room 17 has tea, but I don’t think they’re up for sale, just trade. She’s looking for… Uh, booze. Amazing. That’s pretty early during the school year.”
    Sag sighed. “Well, whatever, going out it is. I have to pick up some pads and ice cream for Cadence anyway.”
     “And two packs of the usual for me. Get them by tomorrow”, The redhead in front of him added, motioning to his cigarette and taking out some money from his pocket. Sag took the money, but Mered’s gaze drifted towards his other hand holding mine.
     “Cute catch. But he looks too tame for you, in my opinion.”
     “We’re just friends” “Gee, thanks”, Sag and I quickly said simultaneously. Also what the hell is that supposed to mean? Too tame? I’ve been rigging vending machines my whole life. What can you do, blow smoke rings in people’s faces and not cough your lungs out?
    Mered just rolled his eyes. “Don’t call me squealing when you jinxed it.”
    At school the next day, gossip seems to have spread a bit, because everyone I come across in the halls threw me pity looks. Well, at least I’m not a subject of laughter, I guess. Some sneered, but Sag said they’re just Richards. Even Cancer greeted me as if he’s going to a funeral… My funeral. He seems embarrassed in my place. I quietly told him not to worry with a pat.
    Aside from the stares, Sag and I have been avoiding Caleb nonstop. We don’t always have classes together, but everyone else helped me in other ways, such as Libra who diligently saves me a seat near him. What an angel.
    “Can you guys go deliver this to Oliver today?” Quinn said in a quiet voice during lunchtime, handing Sag a hardcover book. The cafeteria is pretty noisy, so I don’t know why he even bothered.
    “What’s that?” I asked, pointing to the book with my fork.
    “Uh, Watership Down”, Sag replied, reading the cover. “Oliver helps out in the school library all afternoon today, right when we have study hour after this. Libra also helps there sometimes.”
    Okay, but this is such a random timing. Is this how the librarian dataminer receive payment? Having people return books on time? That’s actually believable.
    “What about the party plan an’ stuff?” The purple-haired guy next to me turned back to them.
    “Oh, he sent in everything already”, Veto answered while texting, barely touching his salad from before. “Exact schedule, address of place, guest list, which people from Millennium are gonna help set-up, dresscode, even menu – down until every booze. Oliver’s insane.”
    “Holy shit. Are you sure he’s trustable?” I can’t help but wonder. Insane is right.
    “Yeah, his shitty ex was a Richard, so he hates them. Besides, he’s been working with us for a year, and the dude knows we pay… There. I told him you guys are coming. Now shoo and take that book far with you.”
    Fortunately, none of the teachers here give a damn about what we do during study hour, so when the next hour start, Sag and I slipped off from class easily. The library is located in a different building, and on the walk there I was surprised by Sag suddenly grabbing my hand.
    “Ah! S-Sorry, haha… It just seems right to do now, y’know?” He quickly said, all flustered, immediately letting go. Well, we did come back to our room still holding hands yesterday.
    “No, no, it’s fine! I was just a bit surprised”, I assured, grabbing his. “Come on.”
    The library is perhaps the most depressing and non-liveliest place in this godforsaken school. There’s like one or two people not including the librarian himself, typing away something at the computer on the checkout desk. This is Oliver, I suppose. Sag waste no time chatting and handed him Watership Down without a word.
    “I’ve been expecting you two. Thank you for returning your book on time.”
    Oliver looked up with a subtle smile that makes me feel like being in Who Wants to Be a Millionaire, and he’s enjoying my psychological torment. He flipped through the book quickly and slipped a white envelope from inside it into his pocket very swiftly. Then he stamped the book and stuff, before slipping it into the to-be-put-back tray.
    “This is a bit ridiculous. Can’t you guys just use PayPal or something?” I whispered.
    “Immersion, Tinia”, Oliver scoffed. “Immersion. Look, whatever it is you’re doing in that party, make sure you do a good job of it. That wine balloon prank is just distasteful.”
    “Will do, Sir”, Sag smirked and saluted, pulling me back to class.
((Hey, sorry it’s been a while! I’m living as a NEET for the time being, so I might as well try to finish this. Oliver and Mered were supposed to be Scorpibra and Scorpittarius cusps.))
((…BTW sorry for the awkward pacing in this chapter. I haven’t written anything for months rip))
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liepcrd · 7 years
world building: aesthetic au
( that’s right heathens, instead of doing actual replies im going to talk about this cozy little setting for a minute. buckle up and get ur d batteries, it’s time to take a trip back. )
@truthfullyideal​ ( cause u were interested; heckin buckle up m80 )
First things first, a lot of this stuff may be subject to change, I’ve had a few ideas of where to take it (mostly technology wise) because it’s supposed to be reminding of a time never experienced (im 19 give me a break) or reminiscent of the ‘good old days’, but also having phones and stuff would be cool? So that’s not really concrete but for this we’ll just assume that it is. 
The “Aesthetic AU”, as I’m calling it, takes place in a small, slow town called Lanolin Heights (which is located in the region of Hoenn). It’s got a school system, one (1) main grocery store and one strip mall with slow, municipal businesses. The main store is like a Walmart in that it sells general things, but smaller. For specific items, one would have to go up to the city, a nice forty-five minute drive up the highway. Needless to say, a lot of the teens are forced to hang out at the local pizza joint, (one of the only standalone businesses aside from what I just listed) at their houses or in the woods. Local law enforcement is pretty slack and knows just about everyone by name. If they don’t know someone, they usually know their relatives.
The schools are the Elementary and High School, Elementary serving as both Primary grades (K-5) and Middle grades (6-8) ((based on american school systems)). The High School houses grades 9-12, in which students either move or commute to the college in the next city over, Rustboro. While the overall Elementary School atmosphere is welcoming and inviting, the High School is super cliquey. Everyone has their own group, which may seem good on the surface: the jocks have a group, the popular girls, cheer squad, even the smart kids and outcasts have a clique. But if you don’t fit in any of those cliques, you’re often left high and dry. The kids in the school system have known each other and grown up with one another for the most part, so they’re not very welcoming to outsiders unless you fit into a clique or can conform to fitting in. Luckily the cliques themselves are pretty good, once you get into one of them.
For fun, the kids usually stay in their houses with groups or hang out at the local pizza joint, Rockwell’s Pizza. The joint has a jukebox with the latest hits, good food for a price teenagers can afford and the owner, much like the law enforcement, knows just about everyone. On the weekends and before exams, you’ll find the place packed with teens and young adults alike. Along with the standalone pizza joint, there’s a small VHS store and worn-down bowling alley. Lane 13 is always broken, there always seems to be a flickering light, the two arcade games have a 50/50 chance of stealing your quarters, but the fries and soda are legendary so no one really cares. The VHS store never seems to have the new releases until a month after they’ve already hit the theaters, but they have good quality tapes and never seem to run out of movie snacks, which keeps the people appeased. Every once and awhile, the store has a small amount of movie merchandise. This usually sells out very rapidly, but the plus side is that they usually forget they even have it in the first place so it’s usually vintage merch by the time someone bothers to clean out the store room. A good steal if you happen to get lucky.
There’s a single gas station that has stupid delicious glass bottled soda and has a plethora of 40s, 50s and 60s memorabilia on the walls. Old timers often spend a lot of time talking to the cashier which can be a pain, but teenagers in the High School are known to be easily hired here as the owners are elderly so there’s usually one cashier line with two elderly people chatting and one with a super busy, hectic teenager trying to get to every customer in line. The gas station is a good place to hang out with old people, for the history enthusiasts they can often be found here striking up a conversation with some of the town ‘elders’.
Beside the pizza joint and the gas station there is an old, abandoned strip mall. There’s development signs up advertising the creation of a mall here, but it’s been up for so long it’s starting to fade. The parking lot is cracked and the stores look dilapidated. The parking lot is a popular place for new drivers to practice, daring drivers to do some donuts in the winter, or teens just walking its length back and forth while chatting. Sometimes you can find a casual soccer game hosted here, and even rarer than that, a flea market will set up shop, or even a small, watered down carnival. If the schools have some sort of event, such as a bake sale, weather permitting they will have it here due to the abundance of space. Rockwell appreciates the business they bring, though he has no trouble paying his bills without the influx.
Along with Rockwell’s, the other sole restaurant is a diner setting. ‘Lanolin’s Diner’, it’s named. Elders will tell you that the owner’s wife was named Lanolin, who was named after the town. The owners have long since died, but the diner still remains a popular spot. The diner has a friendly atmosphere like Rockwell’s, but like the gas station it’s more retro-esq. Good burgers, good milkshakes and great coffee for the ever studious exam taker. They also possess a jukebox, but it is older than the one found at Rockwell’s and has little to no modern tunes.
Not in the main ‘hustle and bustle’, (which should be used loosely) but not quite out of town limits either, there is a rock quarry. They were going to use the rocks and gravel here for something-- no one can ever agree on what-- but whatever project it was got scrapped and the place is supposed to be shut off from the public. That doesn’t stop most people, teens in particular, from going there to hang out. It’s also a popular spot for young trainers to test their skills and battle (as is the empty parking lot). Geodude can be found here, and if you’re lucky, you may even find a Graveler. The quarry isn’t checked up on by law enforcement-- they all know what goes on down there anyway. It’s blocked off by a sad little chain that is easily walked over, but if they truly need to block it off they will have barricades. This has happened before, particularly during dangerous storms that could flood it.
Somewhat close to the quarry is a small antique shop. It’s only ever open on Tuesdays, which makes school kids wonder what actually is sold there, but the kids known for skipping class often come here (or, at least go once or twice) and browse during the open hours. The reason it’s only open once during a week is because the owner, a little old lady, goes out the other six days and acquires her unique goods. She also makes some damn good cookies, which is by far her best seller. No one else works here but her and she is guarded by a large Arcanine, if anyone thinks they can get past her with some nonsense.
Along the highway, if you’re approaching Lanolin Heights you will be able to see a water tower with faded letters that say, in cursive, ‘Lanolin Heights’. Some abandoned and boarded up houses and, what appear to have been businesses along the country routes that go through and close to Lanolin Heights suggests that this place used to be busier than it currently is. However with the addition of Rustboro, it would seem most people left Lanolin and went there. A lot of the elders could tell you that statement is true, some of them even having been some of the people who left when Rustboro was established.
Because it is a small town, the students and even the adults get really excited over their school sports teams, which are oddly good. The rallies are always booming with life and for the time the event goes on, all other worries seem dropped and left behind. It’s common for adults no longer in school to come to them still if they can, for the food is delicious but the nostalgia they hold for most is even sweeter than the funnel cake. Usually the community comes together as a whole to donate money to rallies and games, as well as clean up the mess once it’s all said and done. Pokemon help with this as well.
As Rustboro has a gym, there are classes in the schools dedicated to Pokemon battling, type match-ups and status aliments (basically, a basic trainer’s school course) but nothing goes into too many specifics. Most kids find out from adults or elders what they need to do in battles, or by trial and error. Once every two months, Professor Birch will visit the town and hand out starter Pokemon to eligible children. Usually these children are the ones who’ve done good in school, but he always brings a few extras to hand out to some other children as he believes they all deserve a chance to raise one of the starters of Hoenn.
And that’s about it! The most important landmarks in Lanolin Heights. Later on I’ll make a post explaining Katherine and what she does in this small town, but for now this will have to do. As I said before, this is open for anyone to take part in, it’s just a fun little “slice of life AU” for peeps. Set in the 80s-90s? Something like that.
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Family Sucks: The Rant (tm)
When I see posts and videos that are like ‘aw my mum/dad/carer are so cool I relate to them so much we’re best friends!!! !! !! ! ! !! !! !!!!’ I wanna just cry tbh because I know that I will never have anything like that??? I feel like I need to get the whole story out for whoever is reading this to understand so I guess ill start with my dad. My dad, for lack of a better term, is an arsehole. For all his claims that ‘you’re my child of course I love you!’, he really had a problem showing that. When I think of him, I don't think about the now-obvious attempts to win us over in some silent war between my mum and him - I think of how he’d ask me what I did at school (aged 6), and then completely ignore what I said, saying a quiet ‘uh huh, yeah, sounds great!’ as he sat on his phone in the car waiting for my older sister. I’d remember the disinterest he had towards us in terms of our hobbies and interests, and even discouraged me at times because the things I wanted to do ‘weren’t suitable for a girl’ (it was fishing. I wanted to learn how to fucking fish like both of my brothers, and he said no because I was a girl. I had to teach myself and save up for months to buy my own rod, bearing in mind I was about 8-10yo at the time). I’d remember the screaming matches at 3 in the morning with my mother, who I didn't realise was actually standing up for herself for once. My mum, when I was younger, wasn't much different. However, she had a reason, and I excuse her for it. She used to work full time as a nurse, with very limited pay, and had to look after my three siblings and I, not to mention provide for a father who did next to nothing about the house, but contributed greatly to the bills. She was tired - and I don't mean ‘yawn ooh I'm a little bit sleepy’. I mean. Tired. She tried not to fall asleep during mealtimes, knowing that in a few hours she’d have to go on another 11 hour shift. She’d take sleep where she could, but it wasn't enough because she had to look after four of us and a father who was barely there. We were a poor family, mainly because my dad refused to help with anything other than the mortgage and the electricity and gas bills. He didn't pay for food for a family of 6 every week, my mum did, and she barely made enough money as it was. Also, I don't know why, but I have always thought that, to some extent, these severe money problems were my fault. Don't ask why, I just thought they were. She tried to connect with all of us while she could, but I think that because I was the youngest, I was the last priority. I felt excluded from the whole family, being constantly picked on by my older brothers and my sister, too. My self worth also went down when I made friends with a certain girl in my year at school. She abused me. She hit me, slapped me across the face, bit me and dug her nails into my skin until I bled. This happened regularly. I still have a scar on my hand when she decided to make me play a ‘cute game’ where one person was basically to hurt themselves until the other person completed a task. (I wont go into details about this game bc its fucking horrible) She didn't even properly tell me what was happening, only to ‘trust her’, and I ended up getting hurt for it. She humiliated me in front of someone I had a crush on for almost a year multiple times, called me fat (which prompted me to have a very bad diet consisting of only one small meal a day and nothing else, thinking it would make me attractive), worthless, and blackmailed me into staying in contact with her, even until about 4 or 5am most nights. This took a toll on my mental health, and I started to self harm. Life sucked, I finally confronted her about it with my best friend, and she fucked off, claiming she was the victim. I managed to stop self harming. Things got better. But!!  !!! !!!! ! A few years later I fell out with my Best friend over something (I cant even remember what??? I'm p sure it was my fault though and I still feel fucking terrible) and we didn't talk to each other again (I recently got in contact with her though and she’s still as amazing as ever. I missed her so much) Fast forward to the second half of 2014, where my parents arguing had come to a head (bearing in mind, the reason for said fighting was kept from me until only a few months ago) and my dad had permanently moved out. They got a divorce and now live miles away from each other. My dad, being the glorious fuckwit he is, decided to give us a total of 3 months to sell our house, find a new one to buy that was more affordable and could house 5 people (which was simply impossible) and move in. This is because he decided to stop paying the mortgage , and we had three ‘paid’ months left until it essentially got repo’d, unless we find this magical fantasy house he left us to find. As you can imagine, it didn't go well. We did manage to sell our house, but we had to lower the price drastically so the snotty family that bought it would actually consider it (they were arseholes too). So we had limited money from the sale of our house to buy the one we had picked out, which was now too expensive for us. We didn't get the rest of the money in time. We ended up homeless for a year, but fortunately, my gran had a big house. Unfortunately, there wasn't enough room for us all, even if we shared. My eldest brother, Dominic, was essentially ‘booted out’ to go live with his girlfriend and her family because he was ‘expected to’. We hardly see him now. (I miss him) I had to share a room with multiple family members, so I had no privacy at all. The only time I was alone was when I was in the shower. Meanwhile, my gran was picking apart my school life, my hobbies and my interests, saying that what I wanted out of my future wasn't worthwhile. I had to deal with this for a year. A year. I relapsed into self harm, almost went through with killing myself on multiple occasions, and thought about genuinely just up and running just so I could leave all the shit behind. We found a house. It was a shithole and the seller was wanting way more than it was worth -It was all we could afford. We bought it. We had to spend thousands damp proofing the whole house because the guy lied and said he had done it. We had to spend thousands on new windows because they had severe problems and were letting in currents of water when it rained. There was rot beneath the floor and in the attic so we had to spend hundreds to get it redone. We became very very poor again. I could hear my mum crying herself to sleep at night again. If we had been any more in debt we would have had to sell this house just months after getting it. My room is so small I cant lie out on my floor without my feet hitting a wall, the walls are so thin that I can hear my sister breathing as she sleeps in the room across the hall. I began to collect plants. They depended on me, they needed me, and that's the kind of responsibility that I needed - something wanted me. I had something to look forward to at the end of the day. I had mini hydrangeas, a trellis with honeysuckle and jasmine by my window, lavender, lemonbalm, everything. I knew what their individual needs and wants were and in turn they helped me sleep at night. They started to die. My mum had decided to spray them with a pesticide that was too ‘strong’ for them, and in the wrong places. Their leaves started to rot and they all. Died. I still act to this day that it wasn't a big deal, that it was just a silly mistake, but I know that I wont ever find that same happiness again????? I think about those plants sometimes and somehow I always bring the blame around to me and I don't understand why I do that with everything?? Regardless, I was fucking sad and my mum started to bitch about it. Then, I find out a few months ago that the reason that my mum and dad got a divorce was because my dad had been cheating since at least the mid 90′s. since a few years before I was born. For 18 fucking years he had been cheating, all with different women apparently, and I had been fucking clueless. Again, because I'm a self-depreciating piece of shit, I brought the blame back to me and tell myself ‘if you noticed sooner you could've said to ma and she wouldn't have had to go through that shit’ but the thing is, I know I wouldn't have realised because I didn't know any different??? And when I tried to talk to my ma about it one thing she said was that ‘there were faults on both sides’ and now that's got me thinking ‘what if she cheated too?’ If it turns out she has, I seriously don't know what I'm going to do??? because shes made it out all these years that they've been divorced that my dad is the ‘bad guy’ and I don't know what I'm going to do if I find out the woman I've been heralding as ‘strong and brave’ for standing up to that kind of behaviour from my dad did the same thing And it scares me so much Who knows I might add to this later through an edit but now im in a rlly sad place n I wanna stop
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rickhorrow · 6 years
15+5+5 TO WATCH 2419
As the Patriots met a milestone by winning their sixth NFL title, the NFL opened the doors to NFL100 at Super Bowl LIII on Sunday in a move to commemorate its centennial season. The league’s year-long initiative is designed to “bring generations of football fans, players, communities, and all 32 clubs together for a unique line-up of programming and activities,” according to SportsBusiness Journal. Fittingly, the campaign opened during Super Bowl LIII with "The 100-Year Game," a commercial that aired shortly before halftime and offered tribute to the iconic moments, players, and images from the NFL, both past and present. The NFL’s centennial celebration will formally kick off during the NFL Draft and will build up leading up to the first game of the 100th season at NFL Kickoff 2019. The NFL100 celebration will sustain throughout the season and will culminate at Super Bowl LIV on February 2, 2020, in Miami. Football fans can only hope that the game on the field at Hard Rock Stadium in a year’s time is better than the snooze fest served up in Atlanta. The lowest-scoring Super Bowl ever will no doubt produce “low for the Super Bowl” ratings come Monday.
The NFL kicked off a year's worth of celebrations for its 100th season with an epic Super Bowl ad. The NFL itself "always has an ad" in the Super Bowl, AdWeek notes, and this year sees "history and humor play crucial roles in the ad." The 100th anniversary commercial "poses the question: What would happen if a football game broke out in the middle of a banquet celebrating 100 seasons of the NFL?" The spot featured a "who's who of NFL greats," and rising stars, including Joe Montana, Jerry Rice, Franco Harris, Peyton Manning, Tom Brady, Baker Mayfield, and Patrick Mahomes. All told, the ad showcased more than 50 current and former NFL players, including 19 Hall of Famers and a total of 53 Super Bowl rings. The theme of the ad is to "begin celebrations" for the 100th season, but "subtler but equally essential messages" are also woven into the spot. The ad is an "effort to appeal more directly to women and to a younger demographic." The Hollywood Reporter noted the NFL100 celebration will be "promoted during offseason events" such as the NFL Combine, NFL Draft, and HOF induction ceremony, and this delightful ad should do well all year, as it’s impossible to identify all the greats in one viewing.
Next up, South Florida. Super Bowl bids can cost a host city as much as $70 million, yet the “competition to host one [remains] significant.” In fact, the Atlanta Journal Constitution reported that the city of Atlanta volunteered to provide “enhancements” including $2 million for game expenses and $375,000 for a media party on top of the NFL’s lengthy list of demands. Atlanta’s bid, valued at $46 million, provided for local law enforcement, hotel rooms, promotion, insurance, and décor. Costs associated with the use of Mercedes Benz Stadium, team practice sites, venues for ancillary events. and 10,000 parking spots were also covered by the city. Atlanta’s bid will be covered by a mix of public and private money. Two local businesses donated $20 million, $16 million will come from the city’s designated hotel-motel tax fund (designed to draw marquee events), and the remaining $10 million comes in the way of a sales tax exemption on tickets. The Atlanta host committee has estimated that this year’s game would bring $185 million to the region, a far more realistic (and obtainable) figure than the $450 million Minneapolis claims to have generated in 2018. South Florida, Tampa Bay, Los Angeles, Arizona, and New Orleans will host the next five Super Bowls; expect Las Vegas to get a game over the next decade as well.
The NFL avoiding a work stoppage in 2021 could "depend on whether players can secure more guaranteed money" in the next CBA, according to the Associated Press. The current CBA expires in a little more than two years, and some players are "already expecting a lockout that could be even worse than the one that lasted 132 days" in 2011. The push for more guaranteed money across the life of contracts has "slowly picked up steam" over the past few years. The AP noted another feature of the current CBA, the minimum salary benefit, puts veteran players on "equal footing with younger players in regard to the salary cap." However, average experience over the last 14 years has been on a "fairly steady decline," meaning the clause "only served to widen the gap between high-profile players with leverage and those without it." NFLPA President Eric Winston said that the "best way to ensure more guaranteed money for players is to get them to free agency sooner." Most current NFL rookies are not eligible for a new contract until they have played four years –approximately the length of an average NFL career.
An IEG research report stated that total sponsorship spending on the NFL and its 32 teams grew 5.1% to $1.39 billion in the 2018-2019 season, driven by a spate of new league-wide sponsorships including Intuit, McDonald's, Pizza Hut, and Sleep Number. Also contributing to this sum was a major spike in the casino/gaming category including the NFL’s recently-announced deal with Caesar's Entertainment. From a category perspective, beer companies were the biggest NFL investors, spending 4.3 times more than any other category. The most invested brands were Ticketmaster, inking sponsorships with 100% of NFL properties and Budweiser/Bud Light at 88% of the league. Gatorade, Microsoft, and Bose also had deals with over 70% of the league. Last week, VISA renewed its deal with the NFL to serve as the league's official payment services technology partner through 2025. VISA has been an NFL partner for more than 24 years. Moving forward, VISA will collaborate with the league to make all NFL events cashless, including the Super Bowl.
RISE – the Ross Initiative in Sports for Equality – held a number of events in Atlanta last week, including youth events and an exhibit at the NFL Experience called “Champions of Change.” RISE board member Paul Tagliabue and new CEO Diahann Billings-Burford told assembled media on Thursday their efforts are part of a mission to be more proactive. “Our focus is how to keep RISE on our mission of educating the sports community and empowering sports leaders to address racism to make our country better,” Billings-Burford said. RISE worked with the Rams and Dolphins this season on community-based efforts around racism, and both Tagliabue and Billings-Burford noted the success of “RISE With the Rams,” a 10-week program focused around two vastly different high schools in Southern California. RISE executives view their work as complementary and additive to that of the NFL Players Coalition, which also held signature events in Atlanta over Super Bowl week.
Digital financial services brand Gainbridge, part of Group1001, has signed on as presenting sponsor of the Indianapolis 500, replacing PennGrade Motor Oil. Financial terms were not disclosed for the four-year deal, but a source said the pact is worth more than the PennGrade partnership, which was $1-1.5 million annually over three years. Assets include signage and hospitality, and Gainbridge will purchase a season-long media buy with NBC Sports. The Gainbridge brand was launched last week by parent company Group1001, an Indianapolis-based insurance and financial services company that comprises four brands. Group1001 also sponsors the Indy Women in Tech LPGA event at IMS and serves as a primary sponsor for Andretti Autosport and driver Zach Veach, a Group1001 brand ambassador. The company is also in its third year of a presenting sponsorship for the monthly “Power of Sports” program, carried by Fox Sports regional networks nationwide and spotlighting Washington, DC in its latest episode debuting this week.
The Daytona 500 is almost here, and NASCAR is getting in gear. NASCAR Racing Experience has entered into a multi-year partnership to serve as the title sponsor for the NASCAR Xfinity Series season opener at Daytona International Speedway (DIS). The 120-lap, 300-mile race will now be known as the NASCAR Racing Experience 300. The partnership will deliver additional ride opportunities for guests during Daytona Speedweeks Presented by AdventHealth. Gander RV, the Official RV and Outdoor Company of NASCAR, signed on to serve as the new title sponsor for the 150-mile qualifying races for the Daytona 500 at DIS, part of Daytona Speedweeks. The races will now be known as the Gander RV Duel at Daytona and take place on February 14. As part of a larger agreement with DIS, Gander RV, along with sister companies Camping World and Good Sam, will host consumer RV shows over multiple years at the DIS facilities, as well as an RV Rally in 2020. NASCAR has also announced that singer/songwriter Jake Owen will perform the Daytona 500 Pre-Race Show prior to the 61st running of “The Great American Race” February 17 on Fox.
Ahead of the 2019 racing season, NASCAR has introduced a policy that "prohibits team owners, drivers, crew members, and officials from gambling on events." According to Auto Week, NASCAR has listed penalties for betting that could include "indefinite suspension or termination and/or a fine of $150,000-$200,000." In October, Dover International Speedway became the first NASCAR track to "introduce an at-track betting service." The new policy "prohibits the equivalent to insider trading, prohibiting team owners, drivers, crew members, and series officials from disclosing confidential information for the purposes of enabling or facilitating gambling as it pertains to NASCAR events." The policy does allow NASCAR personnel to "take part in fantasy games relating to any events in which NASCAR is involved as so long as they do not accept prizes with a value in excess of $250." Like professional tennis and golf, motor sports’ individual performance format makes races more susceptible to fixing than team stick and ball sports. It’s right and appropriate that NASCAR is taking this proactive step.
Major League Baseball, Nike, and Fanatics locked in a new 10-year global partnership that designates Nike as baseball’s official uniform and footwear supplier starting next season. The agreement will provide players with uniforms developed by Nike’s team and will provide fans with the “widest assortment of MLB fan gear ever,” manufactured and distributed by Fanatics. The deal kicks launches in 2020, when Nike will be the exclusive provider of all MLB on-field uniforms, along with base layers, game-day outerwear, and training apparel for all 30 MLB clubs. Fanatics has been granted broad consumer product licensing rights to manage the manufacturing and distribution of the Nike MLB Authentic Collection, as well as Nike and Fanatics fan gear, sold through the retail community, including MLBShop.com, MLB clubs, and brick and mortar sporting goods and apparel stores. The timing is perfect for this announcement, as unbelievably, pitchers and catchers report for Spring Training next week.
The Tampa Bay Rays have become the first major North American sports team to go cashless at their home stadium. According to the MLB franchise’s official release, the changes will result in “faster moving lines and increased fan satisfaction.” The initiative will apply to purchase of tickets, food and drink, and merchandise as well as other products available at the venues. The new system will make its debut on February 9, when the ballpark hosts its annual Fan Fest. Payments will be permitted through major credit cards, official club gift cards, Apple Pay, and Samsung Pay, as well as Rays Cards, which are provided to season-ticket holders. Fans without any form of cashless payment will be able to swap cash for gift cards. The Rays aren’t alone. Rakuten announced in early January that baseball team Tohoku Rakuten and J League soccer club Vissel Kobe – both owned by the Japanese ecommerce giant  – would see their stadiums become the world’s first fully cashless sporting venues.
The Oakland A's have unveiled plans to build a gondola that would ease access to their proposed new ballpark. The A’s announced plans for a new 34,000-seater waterfront ballpark back in November, slated to open in 2023. Including the cable transport system would cost $123 million, according to team president Dave Kaval. The structure would be privately financed and would require approval from various state and local agencies. Each gondola cabin would have space for around 30 to 35 passengers. The system would connect the waterfront stadium to downtown Oakland, with each ride lasting approximately three minutes. The gondola would operate daily, with Kaval touting the system as a potential tourist attraction for the North California city. “In San Francisco, people go to ride the cable car; in Oakland, people could come to ride the gondola,” he said. “It could become that popular, from a tourist perspective.” The A’s are the latest MLB franchise to consider building a gondola to enhance their ballpark fan experience. The Dodgers and the Nationals are looking into their own gondola operations.
FIFA announces its member men's clubs spent a record $7.03 billion in 2018. FIFA has released its FIFA released its Global Transfer Market Report. The 2018 edition is the first to feature two versions: one covering men's football and the other covering women's. Key statistics from the report, according to the London Times, include spending reached a new high of $7.03 billion, 10.3% more than in 2017; a new record was set with 16,533 international transfers, 5.6% more than in 2017, involving 14,186 players of 175 different nationalities. Only 31 clubs spent more than $50 million each, but together they accounted for more than half of the $7.03 billion spent globally. Tellingly, UEFA clubs accounted for 78.2% of the entire spending, proving this region continues to flourish.
Tottenham Hotspur could make their long-awaited move to their new stadium in time to face Premier League rivals Crystal Palace on March 16. According to The Daily Mail, the London club is to continue playing at Wembley throughout February. Domestic games against Watford, Newcastle United, and Leicester City, as well as the Champions League clash with Borussia Dortmund, will all take place at Wembley, with a potential FA Cup fifth-round home tie also to be played there. Tottenham faces Arsenal on March 2, but the potential both for mayhem and a curtain-raising defeat means club officials are reportedly reluctant to sanction the traditionally rowdy North London derby as the stadium’s first game. Therefore, the Premier League clash with Palace two weeks later has emerged as the most likely candidate for the official opening of a venue that was initially scheduled to open in September 2018. Issues with the venue’s critical safety systems have led to several delays and created a backlog in scheduling necessary test events to pass inspections.
In a final nod to college football, Alex Grinch is officially the highest-paid assistant in University of Oklahoma history. The Sooners’ new defensive coordinator received a three-year deal paying him $1.4 million annually, making Grinch the first OU assistant to ever make more than $1 million per year. The salary means OU finally is paying assistants the kind of big money that has become commonplace in other parts of the country — especially the SEC. Twenty-one FBS assistants were paid at least $1 million last season, USA Today’s assistant coach salary database shows, with 10 of those making at least the $1.4 million Oklahoma will pay Grinch. Oklahoma fans grew frustrated the last few seasons, when assistant salaries didn’t seem to keep up with the Sooners’ blue-blood contemporaries. The Board of Regents also approved Head Coach Lincoln Riley’s contract extension and raise, which makes him the highest-paid coach in the Big 12. He will make an average of $6.5 million over the life of the contract, which runs through 2023. Kudos to the OU Board of Regents and Athletic Director Joe Castiglione for the bold moves, sure to delight OU fans as well as disrupt the CFP pecking order over the next few college football seasons.
Top Five Tech
In the digital age, what else could you purchase with the $5 to $5.3 million price point of running a single commercial in this year’s Super Bowl? According to Digiday, tech giant Amazon, which has been trying to grow its sports presence as of late, could offer between 6.3 to 1.3 million paid clicks on sponsored Amazon ads or 2.5 million paid clicks on Amazon search ads. For the social media behemoths, Instagram or Facebook could get you roughly 1.7 billion impressions with that kind of money, Snapchat would garner 2.5 billion impressions, and LinkedIn could offer 625 million impressions. Most notably, one would total roughly 500 million impressions on connected TV, making it roughly five times more worth your money than the traditional broadcast. Although everyone looks forward to Super Bowl Ads, it wouldn’t be too surprising to see the best commercials change their platform like many other sports that have fully transitioned to OTT services.
The sixth annual Super Bowl survey found a number of upward trends in gambling, esports, and a global push emerging around the big game. According to Business Wire, 67% of millennials are more likely to bet on the Super Bowl over any other sporting event while 58% say betting on a game affects how long they will watch. Additionally, with esports on the rise and expected to reach a $1.5 billion valuation by 2020, half of all millennials would consider watching an esports event associated with the Super Bowl. Due to changes in how the game is consumed, companies are changing how they roll out their advertisements, with Facebook (58%) and YouTube (51%) used as the primary sources for sneak peaks. Another big talking point is that overall, 50% of fans say that they would support a Super Bowl played internationally while that number rises to 71% among millennials. What this comes down to is a LOT of screens for the millennial crowd – they want to have access across multiple platforms which favors marketing for the NFL, that is, if the league can keep up with the demand.
Facebook and UEFA joined forces to deliver Champions League coverage with astounding results. According to SportsPro, more than 8.8 million people in Latin American countries have engaged with Facebook’s UEFA Champions League since the group stage coverage, as part of a partnership formed in August, 2018 between the European soccer body and the social media giant. That content from the recent Champions League has generated 1.3 million comments, as well as 10 million reactions with 71% of the demographic consuming the streamed games under the age of 35. The deal, which spans 2018-2021, sees 32 live games per year shown on the official UEFA Champions League Facebook page, with that coverage supported by Wednesday highlights and magazine programs shared each week on the platform. Although the agreement debuted with live coverage on the platform of the UEFA Super Cup, this partnership, running through 2021, is beneficial for Facebook to expand its sports broadcasting (look at MLB) and UEFA to grow its fan base with already staggering numbers in Latin America.
Zwift brings together indoor cycling and video games for a breakthrough between traditional athletics and esports. Zwift is a self-described “home training app connecting cyclists around the world” and features carbon fiber road bikes bolted into stationary trainers while digitally connected to a video game screen in front of the cyclists’ eyes. According to the Los Angeles Times, the company recently hosted a 52 person, 40 km race that featured 44 certified professional racers from around the world who were connected through a web stream. Like a standard bike race, the racers’ avatars pedaled off the start line and formed a classic peloton formation. With hundreds of thousands of cyclists already signed up for a monthly subscription of $14.99, the Long Beach company is now looking to expand deeper into esports to grow a fan base in a sport that has previously struggled to attract outsiders. With professional cyclists, a regulatory body, and a growing ecosystem of players, Zwift seems to be leading the path to bring together traditional sports with its digital counterpart.
Blue Wire has led the push for local podcasts to form a national network platform in the U.S. The startup is making its nationwide mark by hosting its multi-city sports podcast format in nine markets and 18 podcasts to date. According to Awful Announcing, Blue Wire is aiming to be “The Athletic” of podcasts, except free and with a pop culture twist. They have added established and upcoming broadcasters, former professional athletes, and beat writers to their platform. And since its launch in September, 2018, Blue Wire has increased downloads 25% month after month and recently cracked the top 100 podcast charts on iTunes with two different shows: “The Rebuild with Jordan Zirm” and “Coffee House Stunt with Ted Nguyen.” The podcast company differentiates themselves in the audio landscape with quality over quantity, and an avid social media presence – the company's 50 million combined Twitter impressions a month are nothing to be overlooked. In the near future is a multi-year major video game deal, along with expansion into three more cities next month. Tailoring a national sports podcasting network to each city gives credibility and a sense of community not unlike popular Barstool Sports podcasts.
Power of Sports Five
Jay-Z, Meek Mill, Robert Kraft, and others launch The Reform Alliance at John Jay College. According to Rolling Stone and Van Jones, the organization is dedicated to change illogical laws that rule the lives of the estimated 4.5 million Americans currently on parole or probation. The goal is to reduce the number of people affected by parole and probation law by 1 million over the next five years. Meek Mill and Fanatics founder Michael Rubin announced the formation of the organization in late January with other wealthy business and sports team owners, including Jay-Z, Kraft, Clara Wu Tsai, Daniel Loeb, and Michael Novogratz, who collectively have pledged $50 million to the effort. At the announcement, the Reform Alliance founders talked economics of the incarceration system, an argument that might appeal to fiscal conservatives hoping to reduce government spending. The Reform Alliance comes on the heels of Jay-Z reportedly disagreeing with rapper Travis Scott’s participation in the Super Bowl, yet the super group of individuals spearheading the Alliance includes Kraft, owner of the Super Bowl winning New England Patriots. Kraft’s participation in The Reform Alliance may be a bridge for the NFL to take on more active social reform policies.
The NFL's Players Coalition announced the six groups that will receive funding this year. The NFL’s Players Coalition is a group made up of current and former NFL players that looks to address issues that impact communities of color. The Coalition, which is funded through $90 million from the NFL, awarded six grants totaling $2 million to criminal justice and educational reform groups at a Super Bowl press conference last week. Board members who presented included the Eagles’ Malcolm Jenkins, the Panthers’ Torrey Smith, and former NFLer Anquan Boldin. According to the New York Daily News, the beneficiaries for their 2018-2019 grant program include: Year Up, Communities in Schools, Advancement Project, The National Juvenile Defender Center, The Center for Policing Equity, and The Justice Collaborative Engagement Project, which have a diverse set of goals addressing everything from youth education, civil rights, and job progression to equality in race and justice system reform. Last May, the Players Coalition donated $90 million to combat social inequality. The diverse set of charities that will receive funding this year displays that the Coalition is thinking about ongoing race issues in the NFL, as well as education and political reform.
For Super Bowl LIII, the Dude and Carrie Bradshaw returned in an ad to raise money for a water charity. The Dude from the legendary Coen Brothers film “The Big Lebowski” and Carrie Bradshaw of “Sex and the City” fame teamed up in a Stella Artois commercial that features a fine dining restaurant. However, the beer company isn’t just promoting itself with the commercial; the advertisement is part of a collaboration between Stella and Water.org, an organization co-founded by Matt Damon that helps millions of people around the world get access to safe water and sanitation through microloans. According to CBC Radio, the campaign is called Pour It Forward and will fund a six month supply of clean water to someone in the developing world for every six-pack of Stella sold, while a 12-pack provides a year of clean water and single bottles purchased at bars and restaurants provide a month of clean access. The Super Bowl is the perfect stage for Water.org to promote their social cause platform that will make Stella into more than a beer company.
The NFL's Salute to Service Award goes to Atlanta Falcons guard Ben Garland. According to The Union Recorder, Garland was recognized by the league and USAA for his exceptional efforts to support members of the military community. USAA will contribute $25,000 in Garland's honor to the official aid societies representing all five military branches, and the NFL will match that amount for Garland's military charity of choice. In 2018, Garland traveled on two USO tours and he stays involved with helping veterans make adjustments after their service while raising awareness of PTSD. Last year, Garland participated in the Armed Forces Mission's Georgia LOSS Walk alongside veterans, service members, and their families in honor of "Turning the Tide on Veteran Suicide." As a current member of the Colorado Air National Guard, he stays connected to support his fellow active duty service members and donates football tickets each week to his comrades. Furthermore, he often is found speaking at the Air Force Academy, Georgia Tech ROTC, and with local young officers. In the midst of Super Bowl buzz, a service member philanthropy story hit home for the Atlanta Falcons, while the big game was played in their house.
After Tommy “Mr.Falcon” Nobis’ passing, a scan on his brain revealed that he had the most severe form of CTE.  After his passing in 2017, Nobis’ brain was studied by a Boston-based group that specifically deals with head trauma surrounding football players. When the report came back in late 2018, the findings were that Nobis had Stage 4 CTE. According to Sporting News, Nobis displayed the classic and in certain cases, extreme signs of head trauma with erratic moods, paranoia, and angry outbursts among symptoms he dealt with after his football career came to a close. A first round pick for the Falcons in the 1966 draft, Nobis played in Atlanta for 11 seasons and was known for his aggressiveness on the field, despite never reaching a playoff game with the team. Although it is difficult for the family and his daughter to talk about, Nobis’ struggles with CTE have contributed to a growing societal understanding around the field of head trauma. His stories were shared online during lead up to the Super Bowl in the town that he called home for more than a decade.
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