#but im too tired to fix it and rewrite it again so u have to deal w this imsorry šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
attourney-at-lycan Ā· 2 years
garroth + zenix's dynamic makes me cry ugly gross tears
oops i rambledšŸ too much again have a penny šŸŖ™ but yea thoughts because i feel like not much in s1 is really elaborated on zenix's side of their relationship and i just think theyre both verr neat + g = garroth and im just lazy
(#he sees vylad in zenix or projects vylads image onto him as well as zane #but in a way where hes like oh zenix ill show u how to shoot just let me help u #and hes like ok old dude how bout i show u how to get some bitches #commits arson and lyerally breaks his heart and whatever self worth he had left over and had built for himsef in pdh pre aph #like the image of and him fighting but he's screaming at g. to give in and fight for his life but at this point garroth is just broken and (this isn't canon just a thought) after g. had landed a real bad blow on zenix (deep enough that he needed to retreat to regen sk style ) and garroth still reaches out for him helmet slashed and torn so u can see blood dripping from his wounds but like his eye is clearly visible and like instead of running back to pd he just stands and zenix stops just out of line of his sight where he could've just gone but takes this chance to tie a necklace that g got them both to signify their mentorship / relationship arround his arrow and lets it off straight into g's chest #he stood there and took it falling backwards slow mo style and zenix disapperaed into the forest
but oh my god. OH MY GOD. YOU
your mind. YOUR MIND
ā€œhe sees vylad in zenix or project vylad onto him as well as zaneā€ THIS IS IM LITRLY INSANE RN? this concept is so good its sooo fitting- garroth ā€œknowsā€ heā€™s a coward and feels like shit probably for doing this but he canā€™t help it?
garroth, i feel like, feels so responsible abt everything, maybe call it older child syndrome that he feels responsible and that everything that went wrong with his siblings is all his fault. that maybe if he spent more time with zane or maybe if he hadnā€™t left vylad wouldā€™ve still been here. these thoughts just keep bothering him and then zenix comes in. heā€™s a younger man who needs help, who needs him. i have no idea where this point is going BUT I LOVE THAT SO MUCH.
zenix teaching garroth how to get maidens so canon fr pls. ā€œcmon old man weā€™re gna hook u up w/ mollyā€ ā€œis she not she dating dale?ā€ ā€œā€¦okay, and?ā€
AND OUUUUBTHE LAST PART :wailing: THEBFIGHT OUUUU THE FIGHT MY HEART MY MIND YOUR MIND UR SO BIG BRAIN- garroth being so broken and barely fighting during this break my headt into so many puzzle piecesā€” and zenixā€¦ oh my god zenix. my hc (or in my rewrite at least) is that zenix doesnā€™t want to do this but has to bc he has to become a shadow knight- so him fighting garroth he doesnt want garroth to at least go down without a fight but at the end, realizes he doesnā€™t want to hence running away with a finaly flourish. AND YOU CANNOT TELL ME THAT ZENIX DOESNT CARE BC LITERALLY TO BECOME A KNIGHT YOU HAVE TO KILL SOMEONE YOU ARE CLOSE TO- bc why else would zenix kill him.
the slashed fucking the fucking fuckingggggg the helmet part and then reaching out plssss- garroth is just so shocked and tired bc he thought for once they were doing a good thing, they had a good thing, he had the relationship with this kid that he never had with his brothers and to see him turn against him. he once again feels like he did something wrong. i wouldnt even be shocked if as they were fighting garroth would just beg, wanting to know what he did wrong, so that he could fix things. he doesnā€™t wna lose someone again
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bluepluto03 Ā· 5 years
mcu spiderman rewrite/au i may or may not do
ok so first quick disclaimer! i do not hate the mcu spider man movies in any way!! i actually enjoy them quite a bit and have seen homecoming like 4 times! and i absolutely adore all the actors in the movies, especially tom, zendaya, and jacobĀ 
but the problem w/ the mcu spiderman movies is,,, theyā€™re just not spiderman. at least from a writing/thematic perspective, which sucksĀ bc so much other stuff about them is great! like tom holland is the perfect peter parker, which is why it seems so close to being right, but with the way the script is actually written... itā€™s just. not spider-man.Ā 
i feel the need to explain all this/my problems w/ the movies b4 i get into the actuall au idea/plot, so please bear with me for a sec
for context, Iā€™ve loved spiderman my whole life. iā€™d watch the cartoons when i was younger, and then went back and watched them all again when i was a bit older and figured out how to pirate stuff lol. i didnā€™t really know how to get into the comics, so i just kinda read wikis and got second-hand info from fanfics and the other movies
to me, spiderman, (at least, peter parker spiderman,) was always about like... a kid, who saw the world was broken and fixed it because he could. he had the power to fix stuff, so he did.Ā 
as a kid w/ mental illness and a not so great home life... that was something really really important to me. to see another kid out there, whoā€™s been through some shit, but finally has the power to make stuff better, so he is! and it would make me think, maybe i can change stuff for the better, someday, if i just get my chance
but,,,,, the problem is mcu peter parker isnā€™t that.Ā 
instead of becoming spiderman bc he knows thereā€™s bad in the world and wants to fix it, suddenly his motivation is impressing tony stark?? and donā€™t get me wrong i donā€™t hate tony, but the way they wrote his and peterā€™s relationship basically trapped peter. he could no longer be his own hero, bc he was tonyā€™s successor. and that's never who peter parkerā€™s spiderman was?? he was never a follower, he was a trendsetter. he didnā€™t become spiderman for approval, hell he had dozens of newspapers constantly slandering him.Ā 
honestly the following in someone elseā€™s footsteps thing was always a miles morales thing. he had to step up to the plate and fill the shoes of a spiderman who had already existed for years and was beloved by the whole city. obviously thats not all he is and simplifying his character to that is incredibly obtuse, but i bring it up bc tbh alot of stuff w/ mcu peter parker is just straight-up ripped off from miles morales. like how peter now goes to a fancy private school, is no longer poor (which is a huge thing w/ peter parkerā€™s character in like every other incarnation), has a living father figure, and is bffs w/ ned, who is a straight-up rip off of milesā€™s best friend ganke. (for the record tho i adore ned and jacob iā€™m def keeping him in my rewrite,,,, also iā€™m glad heā€™s in the movie bc having a plus sized poc protagonist thats not constantly mocked is incredible)Ā 
so, iā€™m complaining about all this stuff lol but ur probably wondering how exactly how i wanna fix it lol,,,,Ā 
first, give peter an arc thats more than just..... i want tony to believe in me. my idea for that is basically a type of thing where he learns to rely on others! bc like... peter isnā€™t good at working w/ others lol, heā€™d much rather do it all himself so no one else gets hurt. (like in the andrew garfield movies where he just,,,, webs his gf to a car so she canā€™t run into danger lmao)Ā 
the plot would start at a similar ish position to homecoming, though tony never recruits peter for civil war. tbh not sure if it even happened but weā€™ll disscuss that later
peterā€™s been spiderman for a few months, after a trip to oscorp left him w/ a radioactive spider bite. currently no one knows about it, and heā€™s doing a pretty ok job of dealing w/ everything on his own. until he takes down a big bad, lets say rhino for now, and gains a ton of publicity. after stooping a hudge disaster heā€™s suddenly in the limelight, and catches the attention of one norman osborn, aka the green goblinĀ 
now, quick sidenote. green goblin is genreally seen as pretty goofy, but there are comic versions of him that are legit terrifying. if im being honest i didnā€™t even know about that version until i read aloneintherains fic birds eating other birdsĀ so ig thats kinda ish how iā€™m imagining this version of norman? though alot more composed, like the man who could someday turn into thatĀ 
so norman becomes intrested in my boy peter, and starts sending ppl after him. possibly the sinister 6, but uhh maybe not bc tbh i think thisĀ ā€œrewriteā€ needs to be split into 2Ā ā€œmoviesā€/works and i might wanna save that for the hypothetical pt2 (btw if i write this it wonā€™t b for a while cause i got other stuff going on but ig if ppl are intrested i might write some snippits/make more content for it)Ā 
so basically the main plot is peter dealing w/ all these big bads on his own, doing ok at first but later getting really fucked up, and eventually revealing himself to ned and mj which ends up being the only way he can save the day in the end. by relying on others! yay!!Ā 
thats it for the main plot, but donā€™t worry yā€™all we got other stuff going on too lmaoĀ 
so, for one. my boy peter is realizing he has a crush and just,,,, freaking tf out. (i have yet to decide if itā€™s on ned or mj. or both. sue me) the crush isnā€™t definitely resolved in p1, but i imagine thereā€™d be some cute thing of him suddenly realizing and freaking out and almost revealing his powers.Ā 
thing 2! tony stark! he is still in here, and still a mentor to peter, but in a pretty drastically different way. one, he doesn't know about peter being spiderman. he doesn't even suspect it lmao. he just gets involved bc of.... some sort of reason bc peter is so smart. do i know why just yet? no. does it matter? probably but iā€™m writing this pretty late after i had school all day so iā€™m too tired to careĀ 
bc tony basically gives peter a real internship/mentorship type thing, peter now has access to all this tech!! and all these funds!! fucking lit!! so he changes from his pajama suit to the fancy one, tho he actually built it!! which i feel like him making his suit is a really big really important part of his character. so it doesn't really have all those random things tony added, tho peter might add stuff himself. he gets Karan as a like assistant ai as part of his internship but she never gets put into the suit
for the fist part tony plays a super minor role but like,,,, the first part is about osborn taking an intrest in him, and him confiding in ned and mj. the second part norman is become progressively more dangorus and peter has to fight him and stuff, kinda proving he is strong enough to be spiderman/be trusted to the whole world, beyond just ned and mj. also him actually getting together w/ either one or both of them bc...... bc i want that.Ā 
oh btw idk if tony finds out or not in p2? if he does itā€™s either at the end or in a scene like the one w/ may bc like. please imagine the shenanigans of peter and ned (who both have high intellegence but low wisdom) in tonyā€™s lab, obviously trying to hide the fact that peterā€™s spiderman. like he walks in on them and peter looks all frumpy bc heā€™s been trying to change real fast, and nedā€™s shirt is messed up bc he just stuffed the mask down the front of it, and mj is just. chilling behing them. so tony just like assumes stuff and is like....aight.... have fun....Ā 
oh btw the last big change that i didnā€™t really have anyway to insert natrually into this,,,, so remember how i said ned was kinda a ripoff of ganke? well, the writers claim heā€™s aĀ ā€œcomposite characterā€ so i figured, why not give him traits from other famous spiderman side character so he actually is a composite character!Ā 
so like,,,, throughout p1 itā€™s referenced that ned has a kinda dickish estranged ish dad that he hates and his mom doesn't really like but kinda forces him too... theres some mentions of his dad wanting him to transfer to a private school and being kinda rich, bur he dosenā€™t want to bc he knows his dad is a total dickead,,,, anyway end of the movie we find out norman osborn is nedā€™s dad, and ned hates him even fucking more bc itā€™s like bitch?? u tried to get my (maybe) bf murdered?? tf?? and its lowkey bc he canā€™t reveal peterā€™s id, but then in p2 after norman takes matters into his own hands and tries to kill peter on his own ned just fucking yells at him while the man is in jail and is like fuck u lmaoĀ 
soooo thats my really messy au idea!! iā€™m really tired sorry if this is hard to understand or rude! for the record i have nothing against the ppl who adore these movieā€™s, i just think they could be better!Ā 
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tumblunni Ā· 6 years
Hhhh bunni legs pain accomplishment day
Tfw u only get paid 4 days before christmas and have to rush everything aaaa
It was bad enough today so i'm so glad i got it done before it got even more busy!
Misc boring essentials i bought for myself: new phone charger cos broken, new trousers cos i spilt hair bleach on my only two pairs, new shoes cos my left shoe literally snapped in half down the middle like wtf even happened there, cheap pink hair dye from a discount store cos i wanna try different colours but in a thrifty way
First off SO MANY pc and xbox 360 games from Every Charity Shop In Cardiff, St Mellons, Rumney and Llanrumney. My sis has been trying to find some games to play but was like 'dont worry about it i can just wait til the charity shop gets something good'. So i thought i'd get some stocking stuffers via all the charity shops on my side of town. By our powers combined we will blitz the entire vale of glamorgan's discount gaming scene!!! I found SO MANY good stuff for Ā£1/Ā£2/Ā£3 like holy shit i love when charity shops dont know the proper price for shit XD
speaking of which i also found a WEBCAM for Ā£2! If its that cheap it probanly isnt great but itd still be fun to play around with! :D and the same store also had an old vintage G1 My Little Pony coffee mug in excellent condition. Oh god the nostalgia! My support worker gave me a lift to llanrumney so i had to awkwardly explain why i had an armful of weird 80s mugs and big teary eyes!
Speaking of vintage, i found this new vintage toys and games shop in cardiff called Galactic Attic! The name hooked me in and then they actually DID have pokemon inside! As well as all sorts of stuff ranging from 40s to 90s, wow! There was even a lil pile of old 90s gaming magazines in the corner, covered up by a bunch of boxes. I'm glad i noticed them! I got the announcemt issues for pokemon diamond pearl and platinum in a weird old pokemon fan magazine that i loved as a kid. Im kinda sad that nowadays we just have one official magazine fpr each console and not the wild madness of amateaur journalists failing horribly to get news from japan. Shame they didnt have Beckett Pokemon cos that one was infamous fot drawing its own terrible interpretations of pokemon sprites to avoid copyright. And speaking of terrible, they even had bootleg pokemon!! I talked to the cashier and he was like "you know those are fake right" and i was like "yeah its so nostalgic thats why i want em" and he was like "lol yeah they actually sell pretty well so i'm not mad my supplier ripped me off". It was a pretty good and awesomely terrible fake at the same time? There was this exact replica of some japanese display stand for the product and then the actual pokeball toys looked perfect BUT the mini pokemon inside were.. Really not. I am so damn happy with the surprise inside my one, surprise inside has never been more accurate! I can't take a picture now cos my phone is charging but REGICHEETO. Just..just imagine that, and whatever you're imagining it is probably worse. I love it so fuckin much. Also less hilariously there were some bootleg mini pika plushies with actually (as far as i can tell) their own unique design? They have cute lil winter scarves and an art style that reminds me of the Magical Pokemon Adventure manga. A really cute and good bootleg that i would have loved to see as a real product! The only way you can even tell its a bootleg is because there's no marking on the tail. I dunno, maybe if i still have some brown fabric in the cupboard i could fix it? Or maybe its unique tail makes it even more special! I mean there's Cosplay Pikachu with its double tail marking so maybe this is her cousin Accessory Pikachu with no markings? He just likes wearing scarfs and hats and stuff. OMG HE'S THE POKEMON GO EVENT PIKACHU!!!!!!
Along the miscness of finding a few things for myself, i also found: cute lil pokemon pencilcase, kingdom hearts blind bag, cheap copy of Fruits Basket volume 1 cos the new remake is coming out soon and i wanna Get Hype! The KH blind bag was really weird cos i didnt know they now have an entirely different set as well as the keychains i bought before. Its kind of a shame the art style doesnt match cos vexen is only in the keychains, alas! But i do really love these ones! Theyre apparantly made by funko pop but dont have the art style AT ALL, they just look like really accurate versions of the characters in mini form. Its kinda like the 'distance animation' style in steven universe? (Incidentally they also do SU ones but they missed the opportunitu to actually use the distance style, lol) I got a Sora in his kh2 outfit and i'm decently happy with that, its not one i really wanted but its not a bad one either. But i think now i've tried the fun of surprise once i'll just buy the actual ones i want off ebay later. They have roxas in his organization outfit! With a happy smile!!!
Oh oh and then EVEN MORE XBOX GAMES OF THE WILD THRIFT STORE VOID! i managed to find the whole fable series, two assassins creeds, saints row, gta, some misc shooter games and racers that she wanted but i dont know much about, mass effect 2 and ff13. I think maybe one or two others cos i cant fully remember right now. Theyre all in separate bags strewn across the room and my shoulders feel like death so i'll sort through them later.
Aaaand i wrote up like 14 paragraphs more but tumblr didnt save my draft fpr some fuckin reason and now im way too tired to do it again
Briefer summary:
* had a huge horrible panic attack getting stuck in a skyscraper shopping centre clothes place full of screaming and every perfume smell and WHY DO I HAVE TO NAVIGATE THIS HELL MAZE TO FIND THE ESCALATOR and seriously i was my most primal animalistic self and i went full fight or flight on this bitch
* had a lovely time visiting Cool Shop Grandma and rambled the story of how i met her and how we became friends but hhh too tired to rewrite. But anyway today i gave her a christmas pikachu plush as thanks for everything and cos her shop is moving on to its next location soon. She got really teary and gave me a big hug! She's gonna be at a comic con in march so i hope i'm able to go to that and see her again.
* went on a wild goose chase looking for harry potter merchandise and eventually found a gold plated replica of the movie prop version of the time turner and HELL YES my sis will love it!
* rambled about several market stalls that were cool but i can make a separate post about that in the morning when i find their contact details to advertise them
* got a plushie delibird and decided to take selfies with it everywhere to try and fight my social anxiety somehow. We went to a neat lil restaurant and had cheesy fries and a coke float!
* asked for a refund on an item for the first time ever and im proud of myself
* went off on a mystery bus trip to buy a preowned 3ds and pokemon games from a lady in an online preowned stuff facebook group and it didnt go horribly and i am glad! She was really nice and i witnessed A Good And Smart Parenting Moment and man it healed my heart and i wish i'd been raised that way. Again i'll probably ramble about the details later when im less tired, it really touched my heart seriously! And now i have MANY GIFTS FOR SIS!
* in total i was out present shopping from 9am to 8pm and i clicked my shoulder out of its socket for a split second from.all the heavy bags. Now im in a lot of aches and i need a sleeps
The End
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munjade Ā· 6 years
I Am Emotionally Incapable Of Keeping My Shit Together, a self reminder / checklist
finish unfollowsĀ 
Main Blog
finish redo muse page
put some blogs on low act, hiatus on others maybe?Ā 
make ^ post
redo mobile and on blog descriptions
tags im crying please tag your SHIT
rb all old icon posts onto this blog
psa to all to follow this blogĀ 
figure out threads again
Ā icons??? liam icons??? fuck me
fin KG so you have more icons, you idiot
also adjust meta, make him older. coward.Ā 
and finish Comrades
ditto on the threads
also on the icons
new theme bc this one ugly
icons but like from one of the fcs youre not usingĀ 
officially a divergent blog of some kind, figure that shit out
also, make him older, coward
promo for harkin and avel
maybe make a kh verse?? not important
finish writing 13ā€²s stuff
write the foolā€™s stuffĀ 
actually use your tagsĀ 
($) donā€™t forget to pay for the icons you idiot
get threads sorted out
cry bc engclsgleigh and scxtterarrow are too goodĀ 
change status bc youā€™re not default host jes anymoreĀ 
full private / highly selectiveĀ 
get your threads together jfcĀ 
rewrite metaĀ 
maybe move some others onto a side multi??? delete some archived muses all together you dolt
!! haynr
edit current icons
post said icons, you fucking idiot (onto main)Ā 
make new promo
edit mobile desc
change affil link to verses
youā€™re almost done!!Ā 
!! ridleypop
open ask
make official unaffil notice
lbr, youā€™re gonna archive this one for now
when youā€™re done tho, add OW muses lmaoĀ 
lbr, archive again. my poor boy.Ā 
!! forlovcd
asra is ready to go so mainly just make the unaffil graphic!Ā 
maybe an inde graphic too
finish kieriĀ 
start bread guy but no rush manĀ 
!! aqvcs
done!! just make promo
unaffil promoĀ 
!! losermalfoy
just do a verses page and youā€™re done my guy!!Ā 
unaffil promo
withnohope (maybe multi)Ā 
Backburnder blogs / quiet dev
virilvoix (unaffil)Ā 
grnchcg (affil?)Ā 
Arcana DatabaseĀ 
finish pageĀ 
start collecting / posting
make rules
promo graphic once shit has been posted
and tag system
touch base with nicole
background images (find, resize)Ā 
KH finish kh3Ā 
($) ARCANA play Arcana routesĀ 
($) UTAPRI Check UtaPri buy/sell forum thing before they kick u out, idiot
FFXV finish ep promp?Ā 
FFXV and ep ignis?
FFXV and comrades
FFXV figure out more lore shit jfc iā€™m so fucking tiredĀ 
OW new map, new lore. iā€™m so tired. is it even relevant to jesse? w/e
KH play more Union Cross bc thats the One
follow up at 7/11
apply at dennysĀ 
look for other jobs?Ā 
do more work when u get home
Shit That Has To Do With Other People
pick up mango vodka from ivann
figure when the fuck heā€™s gonna be gone so you can clean the house for once jfc this fucking PIG
figure out what your current commitements are. (weekend - momā€™s side??? next weekend w/ dadā€™s side??????)Ā 
low key ask if ur gonna get paid back. probably not but lmaoĀ 
stop buying cigarettes
maybe get that coil fixed (ask ivann?)Ā 
sleep. oh my fucking god. please.Ā 
($) buy more tea
($) will probably also need to go grocery shopping w/ next pay check
stop buying boba u canā€™t afford it
thereā€™s probably more but i am so tired....Ā 
0 notes