#but in general I think the Mass is an opportunity to experience community
lgenvs3000w23 · 8 months
Nature Interpretation Through Art (unit #4)
I see “The Gift of Beauty” (Beck et al., 2018) as the passing of nature’s magnetic and recharging quality from interpreter to audience. Nature is known for its magnetic quality that draws people in, to the point of craving fresh air and sunlight almost like a drug. Many people consider nature spiritual and emotionally recharging, which adds to nature's mass appeal and draw. Additionally, an important feature of “The Gift of Beauty” is the. aspect of preservation. Nature’s immense beauty creates an intrinsic drive for one to want to preserve it to be able to continue to appreciate it and allow others the opportunity to do so as well. A huge driving force for me is that I want my future children to experience the beauty of nature, which ultimately drives a need for conservation and sustainability for me.
I think that “The Gift of Beauty” and “The Gift of a Spark” are connected because of how powerful beauty is, often being the spark of interest for many. Notably, beauty is the easiest of the 15 principles and gifts to quickly communicate, especially through art. It is said that one has a maximum of 10 seconds to grab an audience’s attention (Griffith, 2023) so visual art is the most effective and impactful. An example of beauty being utilized to spark interest and desire for nature is through information pamphlets (below). An interpreter chose each of these images to grab attention and convince someone to visit.
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(The Adventure Map)
But you don't have to be designing nature pamphlets to act as an interpreter bestowing “The Gift of Beauty” on audiences… the average nature-lover does this all the time without even trying, that's how powerful the draw of nature’s beauty is! Every time we upload a vacation photo of a pretty destination, open our laptops revealing a landscape wallpaper, tell our friends about our camping weekend and so many more tiny things, we are be spreading “The Gift of Beauty” to other’s without even trying! 
So this brings us to the question of “Who are you to interpret nature through art?” Well, I am a human being just like all of you so it is in my nature to enjoy and protect the beauty, as well as want to spread the beauty for others to revel in. Art is one of the most accessible forms of communication on the planet, as art is a universal language that has no economic or social barriers when it comes to personal expression. 
One of the pieces of artwork below is by Claude Monet and one is by an elementary school student… can you tell which is which? 
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(Gorden, 2024; Monet, 1897)
I joke of course! However, the point is that both pieces of artwork communicate “The Gift of Nature” and inspire audiences to appreciate nature: one probably inspired a family to go on a nature walk after dinner and the other inspired generations of artists, but the point still stands that art is a power tool to drive audiences. Additionally, art can be expressed in many forms which opens up even more opportunities for the average person to interpret nature.
Beck, L., Cable, T. T., & Knudson, D. M. (2018). Interpreting cultural and natural heritage : for a better world. Sagamore Venture.
Gorden, B. (2024). Tissue paper Monet art projects [Photograph]. 123HomeSchool4Me. https://www.123homeschool4me.com/famous-artist-monet_71/
Griffith, R. (2023). Use value proposition to catch attention: Pragmatic Institute. Retrieved from https://www.pragmaticinstitute.com/resources/articles/product/the-10-second-customer-attention-test/#:~:text=User%20experience%20data%20and%20market,they%20engage%20with%20your%20message. 
Monet, C. (1897). Nympheas: Sun Effects [Photograph]. GettyImages. https://www.gettyimages.ca/photos/claude-monet-water-lilies
The Adventure Map. About The Adventure Map [Photograph]. CHRISMAR. https://chrismar.com/pages/about-the-adventure-map%C2%AE
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bodyalive · 9 months
January 12, 2024
JAN 12, 2024
Last week, after President Joe Biden went to Valley Forge and then spoke in Pennsylvania, I got a chance to sit down with him to ask a few questions. 
What I wanted to hear from him illustrates the difference between journalists and historians. 
Journalists are trained to find breaking stories and to explain them clearly so that their audience is better informed about what is happening in the world. What they do is vitally important to a democracy, and it is hard work. One of the reasons I always try to call out the names of journalists whose articles I’m describing is to highlight that there are real people working hard to dig out the stories we all need to know and that we are all part of a community trying together to figure out what’s happening in this country.
Historians do something different than journalists. We study how and why societies change. We are trained to see larger patterns in the facts we find in documents, speeches, letters, and photographs…and in the work of journalists. Some historians believe that mass movements change society, and so they focus on such movements; others believe that great figures change society, and they focus on biographies. Still others focus on economic change. And so on. 
In my case, I am fascinated by the way ideas change society, and I am especially interested in the gap between what people believe and what is actually happening in the real world. That interest means that I always want to know how people think and especially how their worldview informs the way they act. Then I compare that worldview to the real-world policies they are putting into place. I sometimes think of what I study as the place where the rubber of ideas meets the road of the real world.
I have twice now been able to interview President Biden. (And let me tell you, it is an odd experience to have your historical subject be able to talk back to you!) The opportunity to ask a historical figure how he thinks, after I have spent years studying his policies, is mind-blowing.
To that end, I wanted to know why he chose to go to Valley Forge, where General George Washington quartered his Continental Army troops for six months in the hard winter of 1777–1788, to start his 2024 presidential campaign. Valley Forge looms huge in American mythology, but most people probably can’t say why. So what did it mean to him to launch his 2024 presidential campaign from there? 
I also was deeply interested in what he means when he says he has great faith in the American people—something he says all the time but usually without much context. So what exactly is it about the American people that gives him such faith? 
The answers are important, I think, and I found at least one of them surprising. 
As I say, it is an odd thing to have a historical subject who can talk back to you, but in all the right ways: it forces you to adjust your understanding of our historical moment. That’s the sort of information that will make the historical record clearer and that, when today’s society has itself become history, will help historians in the future better understand how and why it changed.
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dailyanarchistposts · 4 months
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The power of baseline trust
I think we cannot have any kind of trust in a mass of 100 million individuals, they will produce the horror. But if we bring everything to the human scale, to the communities, to small groups of people, then we can really trust that the people will have the wisdom to discuss and to generate consensus.
—Gustavo Esteva[118]
We have argued that Empire’s institutions are a ceaseless attack on conviviality, and we want to hold onto emergent forms of trust and responsibility as common notions. In this context, we want to share an excerpt from our interview with Kelsey Cham C.:
carla and Nick: Can you talk about the potential of trusting folks up front, and how you saw it play out at the Thistle? Kelsey: Yeah totally, I think that’s awesome. Actually I think you [carla] were one of the first people to actually trust me without even knowing me. And I was like what the hell? Why? Why? How do you know I’m not gonna just fuck everything up and run away and steal a bunch of money and go? How do you know that? But in trusting me, I was like, holy shit: I trust this situation and this collective twenty times more and I want to give back to it because I’ve been given this opportunity to do something that I’ve never been able to do before, which is awesome. But I have been thinking about trust and how with trauma we build all these walls and we start to mistrust everything—I have a pretty hard time trusting people—there’s a point where I’m like this is too personal and too intimate and now my walls are going to go up. I was sitting and thinking about how it’s probably one of the best ways to break down the walls of the system is to break down the walls around each other first, and I think the only way we can break down those walls is with trust. And that’s the core thing you said. Joyful militancy and trust, and compassion, and humility are all tied together: in other cultures, traditional cultures—I don’t know a lot about this—but from what I know, older Indigenous cultures have these ideas of respect, humility, compassion, and I think in karate I’ve seen it and it’s funny because karate is a martial art, a fighting tool, and one of the things that we learn is that we have to love everyone including our opponents. And that’s the toughest thing to say in this community. People are like, “what the fuck, how can you say that, you can’t just love your abuser.” And it’s true, I can’t just let go of everything. It’s not that, it’s being compassionate, I think, to situations.
carla and Nick: Can we have the expectation of trust up front? Is it an alternative to the idea that trust always needs to be earned? Kelsey: Yeah that’s like our society: you gotta earn everything; you earn money, you build trust, and respect. You gotta prove to me that I should trust you, or respect you. And that’s an interesting point; I have a tough time with that, trusting people. But I think it’s a feedback system: probably the more you allow yourself to trust people initially, probably the more well-reciprocated that will be. I felt it: you trust me and I didn’t understand it. That’s how fucked up our system is. Even though I didn’t do anything wrong, or to harm you, I didn’t understand how someone could trust me without knowing me first.[119]
At the core of this conversation is the potential—never an obligation or guarantee—of trusting people up front. In a practical sense, it’s our experience that when people offer trust up front, most people rise to the occasion. Without turning it into a commandment that everyone should follow, we want to affirm the ways that expanding up-front trust can be transformative and enabling. It can feel strange and scary to be in situations where people think well of us and trust us to do our best, without having to “earn it” or “prove it,” but it also can be incredibly freeing, making us feel more capable. This is a trust not only in individuals, but in unfolding processes with open-ended potential, without fixed rules. In this sense, it is trust in joy: in emergent capacities to increase collective powers of acting.
But what does this look like? It happens in all kinds of subtle, relational ways. One of the things that made the Thistle different from many other youth projects was that everyone in the collective had keys to the space and were free to use them anytime. No one had to go through a formal interview process, or sign over their life to have a set. Many bureaucratic procedures like this are based in distrust, as are many radical spaces that replicate institutional norms of Empire. But this up-front trust also entailed responsibility: it required that folks met regularly to check in, talk about how things were going, and so on. These practices helped to create an environment of shared connection and kindness, a space filled with friendship and mutual support, and ultimately a place to build community.
When we have been involved in movements, spaces, and forms of life imbued with this sense of trust, along with a fierce sense of mutual responsibility, we have noticed that it gave us an ability to be brave, to try new things, to be vulnerable, and to take risks. This is not a politics of “let’s all get along” pacifism. Writing in the context of collective resistance to evictions in the United States, Sitrin argues that trust is intimately connected to direct action:
It is not only about changing relationships and “feeling good” but inextricably linked to direct action. It is about creating the alternatives that we now desire and need. It is using the base of trust so as to occupy homes and prevent foreclosures and evictions, all the while knowing that to call on one’s neighbor means they will come out and support you—as has been done many hundreds of times throughout the US in only the past few months. People doing eviction defense in support of their neighbors even speak of how they might not have “liked” that particular person, but that they “felt” a connection to them and cared so much about what happened to them that they were risking possible arrest by putting their bodies between the marshals and the person’s home. From these relationships, in dozens and dozens of neighborhoods and communities across the country, networks of support and care have been formed. Neighbors go door-to-door to let others know that they can (and will) be defended if they need it, and also to just share stories, food, and support.[120]
These conceptions of care, trust, and openness are not new ideas. On the contrary, Gustavo Esteva and Madhu Prakash argue that what they call hospitality—a radical openness, generosity, and trust in others—is common among many traditions that have not been lost to bureaucratic institutions, industrial dependence, and other trappings of “development.” Among those less entangled in Empire’s radical monopolies, hospitality remains alive:
Common people learn to trust each other and be trustworthy in ways that are rapidly vanishing among the “social minorities.” Their common faith is seldom deposited in abstract causes or phantoms, like human kind. Instead, it is entrusted to real men and women, defining the place to which they belong and that belongs to them. Rather than the private hope and public despair of the “social minorities” (some hope for their personal lives, no hope for public affairs) …we usually find expressed among them a common hope in their own capacity to deal with their predicaments, whether good, bad or indifferent. Given that condition, they can be both hospitable and responsible.[121]
The notion of hospitality is not just about welcoming guests; it connotes a sensibility of trust based on people’s sense of their capacity to face the world together. Being held in this way also enables people to be open to strangers: not simply “tolerant” but capable of open-ended encounters, generosity, and curiosity. To encounter a stranger and be open to difference in this way is not at all the same as tolerance. Liberal tolerance treats individuals as atomized entities who are required to put up with each other, with the state as a universal arbiter. Hospitality starts not from rights-bearing individuals but from a sensuous and lively world, composed through common notions that have evolved to sustain joy or conviviality. To be “hosted” is to be allowed to encounter a world, to be invited into it. For the same reason, it is not individuals who are trusting; there is no self-enclosed individual who “chooses” to trust, but bundles of relationships in which the capacity for trust is activated and drawn out of people.
This is not a romanticization of “premodern” or “preindustrial” cultures, but a recognition that Empire’s radical monopolies are uneven and contested. Esteva and Prakash insist that people are always recovering, sustaining, and reinventing convivial forms of life. This can be seen in insurrectionary spaces, in disasters, in a whole multiplicity of projects and struggles: anywhere that people find the capacity to formulate problems together and carve out some wiggle room from Empire’s monopoly over life.
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tara-girl · 10 months
Part- I: Rahu Ketu Transit 2023 to 2025 for Pisces Ascendant
Rahu in Pisces and Ketu in Virgo transit on 30 Oct 2023 till year 2025.
For Pisces ascendant, Rahu came in 1st house and Ketu came in 7th house.
Rahu represents desires and materialistic things. Pisces sign represents spirituality. This means that this time your material desires should have a spiritual intention. Then, only Rahu will give you good results.
Rahu transit in Pisces sign in the 1st house. Rahu aspect 5th house of creative intelligence and 9th house of belief system. This means that universe has given you an opportunity to present your materialistic physical appearance to entertain people with the intention to transform belief system of people for the overall betterment of society.
For example, Ayushman Khurana played role of a doctor in Doctor G movie to transform the belief system of people towards male doctors who generally don’t choose the field of gynaecology department.
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Here his appearance as a doctor is Rahu in 1st house. His acting is Rahu aspect on 5th house of creativity. His message to society is Rahu aspect on 9th house of belief system.
Ketu represents, psychology, detachment and previous experience of past life. Virgo sign represents communication and logical thinking. This means one should use previous experiences with logical thinking for psychological transformation. Then, only ketu will give good results.
Ketu transit in Virgo sign in 7th house of legal partner, spouse, co-worker and masses. Ketu aspect 3rd house of reading, writing and skills of dealing with media. Ketu aspect 11th house of gains and network circle. This means that one should use previous experience of business or dealing with masses logically to make a psychological transformation through media and network circle.
For example,In making the movie Doctor G, logical thinking of writer ✍️ is required in proving the message of movie to audience with the help of 🎦 cinema screen and network circle(distributors) to change the psychology of audience.
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Here, logical thinking 🤔 of writer is Ketu in 7th house in Virgo sign. Cinema screen is Ketu aspect on 3rd house. Distributor is Ketu aspect on 11th house.
Overall, this is a great opportunity to get fame for Pisces ascendant people. But condition is that your intention should be noble and your skill or plan prepared should logically connect to people.
Wait for Part-II: Rahu Ketu Transit for Aquarius Ascendant from Year 2023 to 2025. I will write on this tomorrow- 30 Nov,2023.
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9w1ft · 2 years
how do you feel about gaylorism & kaylorism becoming mainstream?
personally i always preferred the comfort of being in a niched community that the general masses either don't know about or leave alone. nowadays i could be scrolling through some random social media post and suddenly see people mocking or ridiculing gaylors which intimidates me a great deal. not to mention the antis who invade and hog up the #gaylor #kaylor tags wrongfully and attack us at every opportunity.
other than that, i do think it's pretty cool to see gaylorism take off and receive subtle support from famous people including those in taylor's circles as well as get featured in prominent magazines, i will admit!
hmm… i guess i have mixed feelings
from one perspective, ive gotten to the point that i really dont associate myself with gaylors too much if at all, so this sort of criticism of gaylors actually doesnt stir up emotions in me 🙈 and outsiders that criticize kaylor rarely have cutting criticism… it always comes off like they have no idea what theyre talking about
though it is a little bit tough to see all these (what i would consider) off-base takes take off and spread like wildfire due to the nature of mediums and number of people we are dealing with. but as i think ive said before ive made my peace with it and actually think that its probably for the best for folklore to run rampant. thats part of that haze taylor talks about, methinks.
oh and to me with the way i see things and the way i blog, it all very much still feels niche ☺️ and i like it that way. im proud of the spot ive carved out.
of course, to speak from experience, it was a thrill for the eye theory to get covered by rolling stone tho, ngl 😁 its also fun seeing eye theory tweets get hundreds and hundreds of likes and tiktoks getting tens of thousands of views, and to know theres support outside this platform 🥰 when i see stuff like that, when i see there are so many people out there getting a little extra joy out of things, it makes me very happy and hopeful.
more importantly than all this, my mixed feelings come from when i think about the girls. i just hope that everything is only ever as mainstream as they want it to be 😌
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pastorsperspective · 1 year
Jacksboro's Got Talent
It’s another HOT Friday Y’all! Time for another discussion with Pastor Chad! If you weren’t with us this past Sunday, there was no sermon. You can watch our special guests, Simple Gifts, and their wonderful musical service here: https://fb.watch/md5yp87-6f/
For having no sermon this week, what a message! I was so blessed by Simple Gifts, The Sawyer Family Band and so grateful they came to play for us. I was touched by their testimony and their overall genuine worship. It got me thinking, you probably know because you have studied extensively all things biblical. Historically speaking, was music always a part of religious services?
Oh absolutely, there are many references Biblically for music in worship:
Psalm 150:1-6
Praise him with the sounding of the trumpet, praise him with the harp and lyre, praise him with timbrel and dancing, praise him with the strings and pipe, praise him with the clash of cymbals, praise him with resounding cymbals. Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.
Colossians 3 and Ephesians 5 bring this out simply, but powerfully, telling us to sing “to God” and “to the Lord” because he is the object of our praise. Ephesians 5:19 says, “singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart.” It is to him and about him that we sing!
Historically the church has always encompassed music in worship. From Gregorian chant to praise music, music has played a key role as an avenue for the Holy Spirit.
When was the first music incorporated into a church service and what was its purpose at that time?
The early church had canticles and chants which were the early predecessors to worship music.
Do you happen to know why some denominations don't allow instruments in their services? (I've always wondered about that.)
So, this comes from a reformation movement which was brought about by a Swiss reformer names Ulrich Zwingli and became known as Zwingli-ism. Zwingli felt that because there was concrete evidence for instrumentation instead of vocal (debatable) and that Jesus never directly addresses this, that there was no need. Zwingli’s movement was known for the mass destruction of thousands of organs at this time. This movement and other theological views have influenced this approach of no instruments in worship.
I have always felt very strongly that worship music provides a sermon all its own sometimes and we were blessed to experience a full day of that Sunday with both the morning service, and then in the evening with Rooted Worship. It was really special to witness three generations coming together simply to praise God the way they felt most comfortable. I think everyone in attendance was touched by the Dixon/Fry Family and the way that they stepped out in faith and shared their stories and songs.
What words of encouragement would you offer to someone thinking they might want to try that, but they just aren't sure?
I would say always remember Jesus’ calling is to go and serve, not to seek perfection. We aren't opening for Casting Crowns here; we are simply making a joyful noise for God. When we show our hearts and willingness to serve that is what people will see and be moved by more than anything!
There has been a call for more opportunity for us, as a church, to open our doors to the community and provide a platform and a space for people to share their talents and creativity beyond Sunday morning, and beyond Rooted worship. Are you ready to share a little bit about that?
We are SUPER excited about starting open mic nights this fall! We want to create a space where people can come and share gifts and graces with each other to support and encourage one another as we develop and share our passions and gifts. Come and share a poem, music, dance, comedy, skit, or anything else that is church appropriate. We will have fun laughing and fellowshipping and celebrating together.
Absolutely! Mark your calendar for Saturday, September 30th and come share your talent with us at our first ever community wide open mic night! We hope to see you and your favorite sock puppet there!
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pixelpoppers · 1 year
Convenience Features and Lazy Asceticism
It's common for people to complain about a game getting convenience/difficulty/accessibility/approachability features they personally won't use and which thus won't directly affect their own experience. My mental model has been that this happens for several reasons. In no particular order:
Status quo bias. If you already like something, change is scary.
Status signaling. If more people can do something, that thing is less impressive.
Gatekeeping. The more people enter a given fandom/community, the more the community changes to be like the mainstream, and the more the property will change to target mainstream tastes. (I haven't written about this subject directly yet, though I've brushed up against it. My feelings are complicated and mixed: it frustrates me when something niche that I like reinvents itself to chase mass appeal, but there are also properties that I only fell in love with after they did that. Something to dig into another time.)
Opportunity costs. If a developer spends time on these features, that will consume resources that could have gone elsewhere.
The "intended experience". I disagree with this one pretty strongly, but my attempt to frame it generously would be something like: Giving the player more ways to tweak the experience makes it more likely they will change it to a version significantly worse than what they could have had. (Sometimes this comes with half-hearted concessions for accessibility.)
For the first four of these, I can at least understand where people are coming from. I generally think they are not sufficient reasons to keep these kinds of features out of games (at least games that aren't super-small and super-niche) but I can at least see the possible outcomes these people say they want to prevent. There's something real going on there.
But for that last one, "intended experience," I've always been a bit confused. I've usually chalked it up to a lack of empathy, with people not realizing these features are for someone else and just because you wouldn't use or benefit from them doesn't mean nobody would. Lately, though, I've been thinking - what if the problem is actually that people don't want these features because they would use them?
Take this write-up about Steam's then-upcoming (now released) note-taking feature:
[T]here's one thing I'm quite upset about, and that's the new Notes app. I love a good notebook game, you know? Fiddling out puzzles in Tunic, remembering patterns in The Witness... Notebook games are great. But I fear this new Notes app will kill that kind of note-taking dead. And that makes me sad. . . .
[A]s much as I like physical notebook games, I know full well that I'll opt for the easy, in-game version as soon as it's available. Because ultimately, I'm a lazy creature at heart, and balancing a notebook on my knee while playing games on Steam Deck isn't nearly as easy as having one open on my desk.
I assume there's some exaggeration for comedic (and engagement-seeking) effect here, but I feel like I've seen this sort of sentiment expressed far too many times for it to not be at least somewhat a Real Thing. I've discussed something similar with what I called "checklist features" - things like quest logs and map icons that are very helpful for some players but ruin the feeling of exploration and freedom for others even if they are optional. But this takes things further. It's less about breaking an illusion and more about people sabotaging their own experiences.
For convenience, and based on the above write-up justifying this view by identifying as "lazy," I'm going to call this position "lazy asceticism" and the people who hold it "lazy ascetics." Lazy ascetics seem to honestly claim that they prefer a specific kind of higher-friction experience (taking physical notes, playing on a brutally-hard difficulty, etc.) but also that if a lower-friction experience (taking digital notes, playing on an easier difficulty, etc.) is a feasible option, they will choose that experience instead, even though they know they will enjoy it less.
This... blows my mind a bit? I mean, I understand things like akrasia and procrastination and so on, where (to oversimplify) you do something you'll enjoy more now even though you know you'll regret it later. But this doesn't seem to be like that? This is someone engaged in a recreational activity, the purpose of which is enjoyment, choosing to do something they'll enjoy less even in the moment because it is, in some sense, easier.
Like, imagine that a game patches in a literal "win button". Pressing this button unlocks the "beat the game" achievement and rolls credits before depositing you back on the main menu. To me, it's patently obvious that (novelty value aside) this wouldn't be any fun. I'd play the game without using it and wouldn't be haunted by a nagging feeling that I could simply stop and hit the button at any time. I'm here to experience the game in a particular way; why would I be tempted by a way that isn't appealing?
I suspect that even lazy ascetics would handle this absurdly-exaggerated-extreme the same way. But to me, it sure seems like optional convenience features and easy modes are essentially just more-targeted friction-removers that tap into the same thing. If I know I'd enjoy a game less with all the Assist Mode features turned on, I'm not tempted to use them. I don't see why lazy ascetics are.
I assume this is another one of those cases where the same stimuli are experienced differently by different people based on subtle and illegible differences in our brains, because this view seems to be pretty common and it makes zero sense to me. And because I don't understand these people's internal experiences and am speculating based on plausible-sounding but unflattering possible explanations, all my ideas come out pretty self-serving.
Like, maybe lazy ascetics don't actually want those higher-friction experiences on their own merits. Maybe they just want to be able to think of and describe themselves as the sort of person who does because they think it's cool to be someone who writes in physical notebooks or beats games on Extreme difficulty, and they're lying to themselves. People like me who play on Easy when we want to and Hard when we want to are just more capable of being honest with ourselves about what we actually want, and lazy ascetics will have a better time if they just admit who they really are and do what they truly enjoy.
Or maybe lazy ascetics are just incredibly suggestible to the point where they are incapable of choosing their own experiences based on their own preferences. Maybe they're the sort of person who needs to uninstall every social media app or they'll spend all day endlessly scrolling even though they don't want to just because the option is there. People like me who can be aware of convenience features without using them have better self-determination and are more resistant to manipulation, and lazy ascetics would be well-served by training up their willpower a bit. (I've seen people tout the value of playing games on high difficulty to train perseverance and other important skills, and occasionally even done that myself. Maybe lazy ascetics should toughen up by playing games with those features and not using them to train the skill of choosing their own experiences rather than taking whatever path has been greased-up for them, so they can do what they enjoy and what's good for them and not just what some corporation has made easy because it's profitable.)
I'm immediately suspicious of these theories, of course. I don't want to fall into the same trap I did when I first wrote about punishment in games. But I'm still left feeling that I don't understand what's actually happening here and would love to hear an explanation from a lazy ascetic (maybe they can give me a better name for them, too).
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gsasustainability · 4 months
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Analogue Intelligence: A portrait of the Glasgow School of Art through its waste.
Gareth Donaldson, Winner Sustainability Degree Show Prize 2024
I began this project by exploring waste streams in and around Glasgow in the hope of finding usable waste materials which would uncover design opportunities. My focus was to address issues of unnecessary waste and mass consumption with an aim to reshape the public perception of waste. The project challenges planetary degradation, planned obsolescence and materiality, with the purpose of contributing to circular design thinking.
By conducting primary research in the Southside of Glasgow, I hoped to gain an insight into my project direction. Interviewing people from industry as well as community interest groups I looked to shed light on waste production and consumption. I discovered that all of the community focused groups already considered their waste streams and understood the importance of mutually-beneficial relationships. As for the manufacturers and wholesalers, they didn’t seem interested in talking with me. I realised that Glasgow’s waste was too big a problem to tackle, so I decided to focus on more local waste streams.
Through the conversations around circularity and symbiosis in a real-world setting, I switched my focus to tackling the waste streams within the art school - specifically the workshops. I interviewed TSD staff to find out how waste is dealt with.
The only requirements from GSA are that general waste, paper recycling and some specialist waste must be disposed of correctly. On top of this, workshops do everything within their means to pass waste onto the relevant waste management specialists, although the outcome of said waste is unknown. Additionally, students require virgin materials because of their accessibility of use, time and cost. ‘Waste’ materials require extra work and are harder to use. Moreover, students aren’t really aware of what free materials are available.
I saw an opportunity to design a system for the art school, which connects usable waste streams between workshops and students. I also designed a series of artefacts to demonstrate how waste materials could be utilised for projects and to provide a social commentary on the pay-to-win mentality at GSA.
It was paramount that I set out parameters for myself to ensure I upheld my own beliefs and didn’t perpetuate the problem, these were: no cost, GSA specific, no monstrous hybrids and minimal machining.
As well as providing a culture for using waste, my project was intended to be a fully circular making methodology. I ensured that I demonstrated product impermanence and material reconstitution by showcasing artefacts broken down into their materials, in hopes of illustrating a circular design ethos in my making.
I named my project analogue intelligence. The project is about the value of play and tacit knowledge, which is antithetical to artificial intelligence - this antithesis inspired my redefinition of AI. The collective knowledge and the very human experience interwoven into the fabric of this project was something I did not want to shy away from.
Analogue intelligence is a culture of circular making at the GSA. The system takes the form of a booklet and waste map which highlight the opportunities for resource sharing: encouraging discussion about product impermanence and material accountability. Each artefact I designed symbolises a facet of the GSA. I made an art piece, a lamp and a workshop stool, all from waste sourced within the art school. The three artefacts represent the art, design and workshop departments and signify beauty and abundance in waste. My parameters guided the design of all elements of this project, waste materials cost nothing and I ensured that I made everything by hand, without creating monstrous hybrids.
Analogue intelligence is also a yearly exhibition held in the Reid void space, showcasing artefacts made from waste that prioritise play and creativity. The exhibition is concluded in a dismantling ceremony where participants de-construct their work and return materials to the waste hubs.
Upon returning to the stakeholders of the project, they all noted the invaluable service it offers and could see it being a part of GSA’s legacy, so much so that they offered me the opportunity to take the project to completion. It is something John Ayers said was “in the works to be done within the next year”. Perhaps this project lives on in the form of a new role within the GSA - a sort of circular maker and student advisor, educating through play, making and waste consciousness - one that tows the line between the technical support and sustainability departments. This is a role I would love to take on myself should the opportunity arise.
In closing, this project has been an invaluable learning experience. Not only is it a topic which has long interested me, but one that I’ve come to appreciate so much more. I have realised there is so much nuance in waste that I had not previously known. Aspects such as the value of play are often forgotten in the formulaic setting of academia. This project can highlight their importance and impact how design is taught. I have always been told: let the design guide the material choices. Maybe, this is not always the answer. Perhaps the materials available to us and in abundance, including waste materials, should be guiding our future designs.
In an ideal world, this project could become a framework that is implemented into other art schools or even further its legacy into the wider realm of creative practice.
Link to project
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simplyfy9 · 5 months
Unveiling the History of Cryptocurrency: From Genesis to Revolution by Simplyfy
In the realm of finance, the emergence of cryptocurrency stands as a testimony to the dynamic nature of human innovation. It's an experience marked by resilience, revolution, and relentless pursuit of decentralized solutions.
Join us as we embark on a voyage through the annals of cryptocurrency history, exploring its genesis, pivotal moments, and the profound influence it has had on the international economy. 
And as we delve into this narrative, we will unravel how Simplyfy with its unwavering dedication to simplifying crypto transactions, has performed a pivotal position in this transformative journey.
The Genesis: Bitcoin and Beyond
Our story begins with the enigmatic Satoshi Nakamoto, whose whitepaper introduced the world to Bitcoin in 2008.
Bitcoin, the pioneering cryptocurrency, laid the basis for a decentralized digital economy. Its underlying technology, blockchain, supplied a tightly closed and obvious ledger for peer-to-peer transactions, disrupting regular monetary systems.
The Early Days: Challenges and Triumphs
In the early days, cryptocurrency faced skepticism and regulatory hurdles.
Nevertheless, passionate communities rallied at the back of tasks like Ethereum, which added clever contracts, enabling programmable transactions. This duration witnessed the start of severa altcoins, every with its special aspects and visions.
The Rise of Adoption: Mainstream Recognition
As cryptocurrencies gained traction, mainstream adoption became inevitable.
Visionary agencies like Simplyfy diagnosed the possible of digital belongings and spearheaded efforts to bridge the hole between regular finance and the crypto ecosystem. Their basic structures and intuitive interfaces made it simpler for beginners to navigate the complicated world of crypto.
The ICO Boom: Fueling Innovation
The ICO growth of 2017 marked a substantial milestone in cryptocurrency history. Initial Coin Offerings supplied startups with a new capacity of elevating capital and democratizing funding opportunities. However, it additionally led to worries concerning regulatory compliance and investor protection.
Regulatory Challenges: Navigating Uncertainty 
The decentralized nature of cryptocurrency posed challenges for regulators worldwide.
Governments grappled with crafting insurance policies to tackle cash laundering, tax evasion, and purchaser protection. Despite regulatory uncertainty, forward-thinking jurisdictions started embracing blockchain technology, laying the groundwork for future innovation.
Institutional Adoption: A Paradigm Shift
The entry of institutional investors signaled a paradigm shift in the crypto landscape.
Wall Street heavyweights and company giants identified the achievable of digital belongings as a hedge towards monetary instability.
​ Initiatives like Simplyfy institutional-grade custody solutions bolstered confidence among traditional investors, paving the way for mass adoption.
Defi Revolution: Empowering the Masses
Decentralized Finance (DeFi) emerged as a innovative force, democratizing get right of entry to to monetary services. Through decentralized exchanges, lending protocols, and yield farming, men and women received remarkable manipulate over their finances.
Simplyfy user-centric DeFi platforms empowered users to participate in this financial revolution seamlessly.
The Future of Cryptocurrency Towards Mass Adoption
As we gaze into the future, the potential of cryptocurrency appears boundless. 
From decentralized governance to tokenized assets, revolutionary use instances continue to emerge, reshaping industries and difficult the popularity quo. With Simplyfy visionary method and dedication to simplifying crypto transactions, we are poised to witness a new generation of monetary inclusion and empowerment.
The records of cryptocurrency is a testomony to human ingenuity and the relentless pursuit of innovation. From humble beginnings to international prominence, it has defied expectations and reshaped the monetary landscape. As we stand on the brink of a new era, organizations like Simplyfy are at the forefront, using adoption and democratizing get right of entry to to the digital economy. Together, let us include this trip of transformation and usher in a future the place monetary empowerment is aware of no bounds.
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maisysplayhouse · 6 months
the poetry slam post
poetry slams were my entire life between 2014 and 2016. some of my old slam videos still make the rounds on tumblr. in december 2016, i choked mid-poem and ran out of a slam, not realizing i was running out of slam entirely. i never competed at a poetry slam ever again. this is why.
1. by design, the poetry slam is no place for radicals. spoken word is certainly a genre with radical roots. many people credit gil scott heron's "the revolution will not be televised" as an early iteration of what we know today as spoken word. it is a black art form with relationships to jazz and dub poetry. the poetry slam is a competition invented by a white construction worker from chicago as a sort of theatre sport. mark smith is so famously racist that during his feature performance at the 2017 college unions poetry slam invitational, hundreds of college poetry slammers staged mass walkout. he used his performance to complain about social justice warriors, political correctness, and the black lives matter movement. i would argue that mark's simplistic thinking and aversion to nuance is baked into architecture of the slam itself.
2. by design, the poetry is bad. the poetry slam purports to be "of the people". instead of being judged by ancient elites at a poetry institution, the slam is judged by random audience members. if you are a regular attendee of poetry slams, you will likely have gotten to know one or more competitors, making you biased and no longer eligible. as a result, people with the least relationship to the art form are trusted with determining the best of it. this intrinsically discourages experimental and brave work, and generally produces an environment of cliche and tired performance gimmicks (such as the "slam poet voice"). there were many instances of newcomers being racist and transphobic and this being reflected in their scores. newcomer judges are also not aware of cultural norms in the slam community, a big one being that the audience is encouraged to boo and heckle judges for perfectly reasonable scores (every time a judge raises a scorecard, the audience is expected to yell "higher!!!" unless the score is a perfect 10. it is of extreme advantage to go last in a poetry slam since the judges will be throwing out 10s like crazy to not get screamed at). do not forget that most poetry slams have a cash prize!
3. "use your cancer poem". the laziest tool of the slam poet is guilt. newcomer judges are very vulnerable to this. there was a phrase i used to hear when i started in slam: "use your cancer poem". as in, if your competitor has selected a poem about their sexual assault, the only way to beat their score is to use your poem about the time you had cancer. many poets complained about the "trauma talent show" element that pervaded poetry slams, and yet few if any slams found a way to avoid this effect.
4. this is exacerbated by the opportunism of coaches. in short, there was a problem with coaches. every slam thought their city was just weird. coaches built grant-funded careers as "youth workers" / "mental health relief" / "community leaders" by pressuring young people to exploit their most traumatic experiences for the whims of the attention economy. i watched slams where coaches instructed teens to start crying before they got onstage to increase their sympathy. i watched performances where teenagers collapsed or vomited or had to be carried offstage. there was an incredibly pervasive phenomenon of coaches writing poems for their mentees, fudging scores, and valuing competition over the care of sensitive storytelling. there was also an epidemic of grown coaches sexually harassing their teen mentees. i shudder when i see some of the men still active in the scene. i saw people i love change in ugly ways through the poetry slam.
in summation: i do owe a lot of my passion for poetry to the slam. there were times it also put me in my place, which was deserved and i am a better person for it. but a lot of the time it was ridiculous and harmful and i would caution a young person to take up almost any other hobby. in 2017 i had a nervous breakdown that stopped by whle lifeand when i went back to a poetry slam in 2018 with new eyes i was rocked to my core with disgust. if you really do believe in "justice", host an open mic!
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mamun258 · 8 months
When it comes to the WeChat private domain ecosystem
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I often hear friends say: Some people run paid communities and sell a course system for thousands of dollars. There are actually people who buy it. For a certain treasure, the same course can be purchased for dozens of dollars.
In the past, I was very confused about HE Tuber this, and I thought I had a high level of business knowledge. After understanding non-standard business, I suddenly became enlightened.
Paid communities and high-priced course systems are non-standard products
 And their value lies in providing unique and customized experiences. Regardless of the content, users are willing to pay for goods and personalized services, and they also need a sense of value.
I once asked a post-95s generation:
If you think a certain big V’s content is average, why do you still pay for his products? He told me that I wanted to change my network and see what that circle was like.
There is an entrepreneur who is doing SCRM next to me. In the past two years, the track record has not been decent. He wanted to make some money to make a living, so he started training. Unexpectedly, in one year, the training revenue was more profitable than selling tools, and he could support himself. Not only did the team talk about it, but they also became consultants to the company.
You see, non-standard product business cannot be measured from the perspective of standard products at all. It is an extended service and can turn extended services into commodities. Therefore, non-standard products are a rare business incremental model.
Very early on, non-standard products were already popular.
For example, abroad, there is an e-commerce platform called etsy, which was established in 2005 and went public in 2015. I checked, and the current market value is about US$9.3 billion.
Judging from the time, it is almost one of the early e-commerce companies. Their market positioning is relatively niche, mainly selling some jewelry, art, and household items. Amazon has also launched its own platform Handmade before.
Non-standard products are different from mass-produced industrial products. They often have the characteristics of niche, scattered, and premium prices. Because the sales volume is not large, merchants determine production based on sales and will not distribute the goods on a large scale, so they are not accessible through conventional channels. It is difficult to form extensive marketing.
In this process, the role of the expert is very important. If it is not recommended by the expert, it will be difficult to find a product, because he is the link.
In China, many people used to sell non-standard products on various platforms. For example: for bags, searching for "LV women's bags" is a standard product, and searching for "women's bags" is a non-standard product; agricultural products and jade business are all considered non-standard products.
In the past, trust in selling non-standard products was relatively low, e-commerce platforms were not strictly supervised, and it was difficult for merchants to control the quality of their products. Many merchants took advantage of this to cut leeks.
The situation is different now, supply and demand are greater than supply. The relationship between people, goods and yards has been reorganized and arranged. Demand is put in front of you, and if you are not satisfied with the purchase, you can only get a refund without returning it.
Therefore, business thinking has changed. Where people are and what they want is more important than what you have. To put it bluntly, when the businessman’s sickle falls, users still have to look at whether the sword is fast or not. If you want to survive in a niche market, you must ensure the product. Quality passes.
Therefore, I believe that the private domain ecosystem is an incremental opportunity for non-standard products.
After the growth of the Internet bottomed out, merchants and users were divided into countless self-organizations, with serious circles one after another. The flow of information in the circles undoubtedly created a new consumption space. Non-standard emphasis on interest-driven, personality differences and visual aesthetics. It's more popular and pays attention to the new and unique niche.
Just imagine:
When a bunch of stock traders gather together, what sparks will come out of the collision? How will the fan base around a big V change with shared values? What kind of emotional value will a community formed around a brand inspire?
Of course, the private domain I am talking about is not limited to WeChat, but also includes Douyin, Kuaishou, Xiaohongshu and other platforms. Although the social functions of some platforms are relatively weak, at the commercial level, they have formed a complete closed-loop system.
If brands and individuals want to find growth opportunities in the non-standard market, they cannot do without three points:
1. Conversion of value proposition
In my opinion, independent brands or owner brands for non-standard products have a sense of marginality in front of traditional commercial brands.
As a consumer, whether facing corporate customers (B2B) or individual customers (B2C), the evaluation of non-standard products comes from personal subjective feelings and values.
This means that everyone wants to get together with like-minded people and brands in a safe and recognized business environment. Equally, it is necessary to create a place with common values ​​​​and atmosphere so that buyers can feel a sense of belonging.
For example, if I want to develop a tea and sell it in the community, I must first notice that some people not only pay attention to the quality of the tea itself, but also value the cultural significance of giving gifts. They want to be unique and tasteful. Something that can reflect a sense of value.
Or, tea here is like a way and a symbol of making friends. When offline activities are organized regularly, tea can promote connections among group members and make the community closer.
Perhaps, non-standard products are like a project. At the beginning, no one may be able to explain the values ​​clearly, and they need to be controlled with specific people as boundaries. However, after slowly refining, they gradually become visible.
2. Aesthetic reshaping of design power
I have always believed that non-standard products are never a matter of "good or bad". Design is a logic that should be extended around "service". Service is not limited to the visual, but also stands out in the first impression.
Non-standard design requires a unique concept that satisfies the core design principles while also exercising fine control over other aspects. Only in this way can it be called true innovation.
Take the brand Rei Kawakubo as an example. Only some people may know it. On its short sleeves, there is nothing except a heart logo; however, it is very expensive and many people like it.
What's the difference between it and the short-sleeved shirts on the market that cost dozens of dollars each? Most people can't really see it, but for those who know how to appreciate it, they are basically attracted by the brand concept.
3. Break away from the principle of sustainable operation
Similarly, the sustainable operation of non-standard products is difficult to define, just like young people’s love for joint culture.
The relaxation and casualness of street culture represent a kind of de-identified values. In such an environment, people temporarily put aside their identity differences and enjoy equal interpersonal communication; although traditional brands may try to create this relaxed atmosphere, it is often difficult to achieve the same effect.
In the same way, whether non-standard products can be sustainably operated and whether they can form a recyclable value system is related to the group of people and the person in charge.
Sometimes, some niche brands never appear again after appearing that summer. It is this short existence that brings indelible memories to people.
Obviously, non-standard product business has concepts, values, self-persistence, restraint and rejection.
Among all dimensions of measurement, emotion is greater than business, and difference means not making money. However, it is impossible to discover good products and content simply by "how much money you make" as the final measurement.
In summary
Non-standard product business, growth depression.
When economies of scale no longer have the same competitive advantage as before, and you cannot win the market by producing large quantities of goods, you have to stop and think about what else you can do to create barriers on the technical side, or to create barriers for your users. customized product.
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jontrayner · 2 years
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Why do you find the need to use that kind of language? Gary Lineker and disallowed speech
On the 13th of January 2023, Joan Salter stood up in a public meeting in Suella Braverman’s constituency and said:
I am a child survivor of the Holocaust.  In 1943, I was forced to flee my birthplace in Belgium and went across war-torn Europe and dangerous seas until I finally was able to come to the UK in 1947.  When I hear you using words against refugees like ‘swarms’ and an ‘invasion’, I am reminded of the language used to dehumanise and justify the murder of my family and millions of others.
Why do you find the need to use that kind of language?
Braverman batted away the question with the usual obfuscations, it was reported widely in the national news and disappeared after a couple of days.
On the 7th March, former England footballer Gary Lineker, replied to a comment on his Twitter feed discussing the same subject with the following:
There is no huge influx. We take far fewer refugees than other major European countries. This is just an immeasurably cruel policy directed at the most vulnerable people in language that is not dissimilar to that used by Germany in the 30s, and I’m out of order?
As a result, Lineker was “stepped back” from presenting Match of the Day, his fellow presenters refused to appear on the show, and a huge row ensued in which the notions of impartiality in public service broadcasting were extensively discussed.  The meanings and implications of this were generally well analysed by Barney Ronay in the Guardian.  However, after the event, one paragraph of Ronay’s stands out:
Lineker’s key mistake was to throw Nazi Germany in there. However fine and nuanced his understanding of the semiotics of National Socialist messaging in the years 1930-1940, it would be good generally if people could stop using Nazi Germany as a kind of bad things emoji. Better to explain and use detail. Save Nazi Germany. Keep it in your back pocket for those occasions when only Nazi Germany will do. In doing so he offered up an opportunity. And an opportunist will never miss one of those.
This became one of the ways the outraged right were able to attack Lineker, his comments were excessive, out of order, disrespectful to the victims of the Holocaust, etc. This was something about which he was not qualified to speak.  He should stick to his job, to football.  Such replies are common currency in our current social and political discourse – everyone has the right to speak but some people’s speech is disallowed.
There are those who are expected to speak – politicians, journalists, academics, they are (apparent) experts, and their job is to have an opinion, and their right to speak is not questioned.  Then there are those with lived experience, such as Joan Salter.  No one questioned her right to make the comparison between the rhetoric of National Socialist Germany in the 1930s and that of the current British government.  Suella Braverman did not tell her that that she was “offended” by the comparison because her husband is Jewish.  The speech of these two groups is allowed.
Then there is the vox populi, all (non-theocratic) political discourse pays lip service to the idea that the public are the supreme arbiters of right.  However, the public can speak but only anonymously and en masse – as the voice of the people.  This is ideally filtered through an allowed source, a community leader, a union, a consultation, an opinion poll.  If this doesn’t happen, then they can be categorised as the mob.  But there is never a shortage of people who claim to speak for the people, or at least the right-thinking people, or the ordinary hardworking people, or to provide the voice of common-sense.  And if the public do not speak in the approved manner, you can always “dissolve the people, and elect another”.
The public figure – the sportsperson, the musician, etc. – speaking outside of their role is disallowed, because they are neither expected to speak, nor anonymous.  Here we have someone who has the views of an ordinary person, right or wrong, but whose public visibility is not predicated on those views but rather on their talents in another field.  They are, as Lineker – as the son of a market trader from Leicester – is, often the wrong class, and went to the wrong school.  Perhaps however, the key point is that their participation is voluntary– they are not obligated to speak by either their profession or their lived experience.  Indeed, quite often it would be better for them professionally not to have done so.  No one requires Lineker’s opinion of the government’s cruelties, he is only speaking out because he feels it to be right.  Most ordinary people could not speak in the way that Lineker did, with the risk of losing their job, simply because they cannot afford to do so.  The already public figure in this sense has two privileges on their speech – visibility and lack of (serious) consequences, so it is vital that speech is disallowed.
In this instance the correctness of Lineker’s statement is irrelevant, Salter can make the same point, and Michael Rosen can (on 15th March) offer a series of concrete examples of the corelations between the language of the National Socialists of the 1930s and our government.  Such recourse to facts, that demonstrate that our government is deliberately deploying the same rhetoric as the Nazis, is irrelevant in the current discourse and only proves how out of touch with ordinary people, we, the experts, are.  This is because we are operating in a political landscape where speech is gestural and as Walter Benjamin pointed out (in the 1930s) politics is aestheticised.  Slogans such as “Stop the boats” – are vague and meaningless except as a threat.  There is no functional plan behind this intention, it will not work, but that does not matter because some other group can be blamed for its failure.  This is the whole purpose behind policies of this sort, to provide a performative space for futile discussion while the real “criminals” on boats – the superyacht owning asset strippers who are the beneficiaries of current government policy – continue their work.
Barney Ronay, The Guardian, 10/03/23 –
Walter Benjamin, Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction, 1936 – https://www.marxists.org/reference/subject/philosophy/works/ge/benjamin.htm
Suella Braverman, The Independent, 09/03/23 –
Berhold Brecht, Die Lösung (The Solution), 1953 – https://mronline.org/2006/08/14/brecht140806-html/
Gary Lineker, Twitter, 07/03/23 –
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Michael Rosen, Twitter, 15/03/23 – https://twitter.com/MichaelRosenYes/status/1635918291385430020
Joan Salter, The Guardian, 14/01/23 –
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cerrein-sharma · 2 years
What is a business model
it is a way that a company conceived a plan that can edge or get more leads over its competitor. 
It is about specifying precise strategies, procedures, timing, marketing, etc. to sustain the proposed business plan. 
The business model helped to find the answer to the targeted beneficiary, revenue source, spending, and work that had to be implemented. 
all elements should describe the feasibility and success of a business so they need their business models.
It includes things such as how we can grab the attention of the customer, a description of goods, and details of the services that the company has offered.
Business model elements
[1] core business focus 
What is the reason to start our startup, why do we do business and who is the real targeted audience or customer? Our focus is to serve the Japanese community and we forget the culture of Japanese in our business models. 
[2] design priority 
Why did we go online or why did our business go offline?
 Walmart is the biggest retail outlet in the US even, they bought Flipkart for over $16 billion in India to capture the online market of India. This also helps to break the geographical barrier created by the earth. 
Even Amazon does the same thing operating an offline store to give the pleasant feel of products to customers.
[3] Execution strategy
where we have to collaborate or hire a technical professional or hire a freelancer or who has already experience running an online business. 
Where we made our website that saves our money or we can make our website by ourselves to save thousands of dollars in exchange for money.
[4] Revenue
how we can generate money and what is the percentage we allocate for an advertisement or to spend on social media marketing vs Television campaigns. Which way creates more leads and more customers and how we can recover our advertisement cost
. Either our motive is to earn only during the festive and rest seasons we close or shop or we can open our shop for infinity and execute a proper code of conduct in business. It all depends upon yourself what you want to do according to your financial position.
Even we take a commission from low-quality products and sell at the front row or do we promote an authentic product that satisfies the wand of customers? 
[1] Find or target a specific audience
if we target the mass we can’t achieve any desired result only we have to think this is my product & I will target 20-30 year men’s or women’s cosmetics 
 e.g. if eBay starts its search engine on its website to show results like Google the people get confused about what the CEO is trying to do. All things get messed up & people start leaving the platform. The initial day your money or resources are limited, that just limits your audiences and category don’t try to think we develop our business for everyone. 
in the future, if you want to expand there will be no problem at all, you understand more than whether another category is beneficial or not e.g. if you start your online software development company and place a baby category in one section, it hurt your business image for long term and it doesn’t  suit your base business 
[2] Choose the correct business partner
if you choose a lethargic, greedy partner they will sell everything from your equity to business ownership. But you say how we can choose the right partner the answer is simple whenever you expand your business investor is the most important parameter to sustain your business for long research at the market what their character is how they respond to entrepreneurs, are they provide the valuable knowledge and assistant to improve the business or they take the opportunity to grab the maximum shares of your company. 
Always think twice while choosing the right partner. 
[3] Create a unique value proposition
If you want to stand out from the competition we should definitely do something different to grab attention.
 if you will copy the same business model as your competitor, there will be a small probability to get tons of customers e.g. to be ahead of the competition 
In Japan, they had a tradition that if a new food product is launched they serve it for free in small amounts ( they just know that our product will rule the market, first had to create product awareness among the citizens )  always create positive value among the customer or can give the coupons. 
You can give free chocolates to kids (initially hurt due to expense but it creates mouth-to-mouth publicity in the area and gets loyal customers who are always willing to invest lots of money in your store ). 
And adults need only good products and good gestures. 
Even this strategy applies to e-commerce also, you can provide small stuff such as key rings, or handwritten greeting cards for showing sweet gratitude and small messages to say ” You are not a customer for me you are just like our family member”  even this small message increase your sale and always remember do not break the trust do not rush for short term benefit but for long term.
[4] Record business resources 
Always collect & save the essential documents of business because it helps to find out how you are doing or how your code of conduct is moving according to your business model.
If you face a shortage then it helps where we are spending more and how we can reduce the cost if we can’t record then we cannot sustain it for the long term. it also helps to find out where my spending is going and how we can save it.
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dynamicard007 · 2 years
Hair Restoration Direct Mail
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Utilize Direct Mail in Your Salon and Spa
Gone are the days of mass junk mail. Today’s savvy salons use mail to build relationships, and not just sell. Your clients like to receive mail. It makes them feel special and it shows that you care.
Get the most from your mail
Avoid expensive volume mailings. Small is beautiful and the secret to this is to keep it targeted, personal and relevant.
Here are some ways that direct mail can help you nurture your clients and build valuable long term relationships:
Missing you
Mail is an ideal way to get clients back into your salon. Direct mail is less intrusive than a text, and more distinctive than an email. Also you know it will reach the client.
Just a simple mailer card with a limited time offer and a ‘book now’ message should be enough. Be generous with your discount. You might be thinking why, I just invested all this money into the postage and print, and now I need to make that money back. Well that is exactly the reason, you just invested all this money into postage and print. Don’t squander this opportunity by being tight-fisted with your offer. If your client hasn’t been back for six months, then it will take a juicy incentive to motivate them to pick up the phone and book again.
Many happy returns
Sending out personal touches like a birthday card with direct mail marketing is both simple and effective. You are telling your client “you’re important to us”. Add a personal touch with bespoke greeting cards designed and printed for your salon this will also be cheaper than bulk-buying them from a shop. You might even include a birthday girl/boy gift, that offers a pampering treatment for their next visit. You might want to avoid discounts here and look at ways to up-sell your salon services instead.
Grow your salon
You’ve worked hard to attract a new client, wowed them with your salon experience, and then sent them out of the door feeling fantastic. Now make sure you carry on building that relationship and turn them into that marketing pot of gold – a loyal client. Send your customer for hair replacement or hair restoration direct mail.
If they haven’t re-booked after say 6/8 weeks pop a card in the mail with an appealing offer for their second visit. Use their name, always hand write the envelope and add a personal note for maximum effect.
Measure and measure again
One final tip – remember to monitor the results. This is a crucial step to calculating the success of your direct marketing and the return on your investment. An easy method is to include a promotional code in your offer which clients must mention to enjoy the special prices.
Contact Us:
At Dynamicard create professional-looking mailers, complete with your own logo. We feature high-value content to get the best reach possible for prospective clients. Our mailers are fully customizable and allow you to connect with your community. This customization makes our mailers even more informative and effective. The possibilities are endless! Mailers can advertise new membership services, provide coupons or even show off new facilities! Digital Marketing is a powerful way to build and maintain your client base. If you’d like to find out more information about how your business can benefit from direct mailer, or if you have any additional questions you’d like to discuss with someone in a bit more detail, please don’t delay.
 Content Source: https://dynamicard.com/utilize-direct-mail-in-your-salon-and-spa/
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pinervisa · 2 years
Focalpoint phone confrence
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Senators were hoping to release text of legislation this week and vote on a bill before the July Fourth recess. Debbie Stabenow, D-Mich., and Roy Blunt, R-Mo., that would provide states with Medicaid funding for Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics, which treat patients with mental illness and substance use disorders 24/7 and have been shown to expand access to care and decrease homelessness and arrests. The main mental health component of the framework is a proposal by Sens. “Nobody is suggesting that people who are experiencing mental health challenges are violent, but we do know that most gun deaths are suicides,” he told CQ Roll Call. “Not everyone experiencing a mental health crisis is going to hurt somebody else, but identifying those people and trying to get them some help before they hurt themselves or others is important, and that’s part of what we’re trying to do.” John Cornyn, R-Texas, who is working with Murphy to find agreement on legislation, said it is not his intent to stigmatize mental illness. So there’s a risk, but it’s a risk worth managing, given the benefit.” “But we shouldn’t forsake the opportunity to put billions of dollars into new mental health services. “I think we always risk creating the impression that people with mental illness are prone to violence when the opposite is true - they’re actually more likely to be the victims of violence,” he said. “I’m always worried about too closely tying a conversation about mental illness to a conversation about gun violence,” Murphy told CQ Roll Call. Murphy, D-Conn., who is leading negotiations on behalf of Democrats. Instead, people who are mentally ill are more likely to be the victims of violence than the general population, experts say.īut at the insistence of Republicans, mental health overhaul has become a focal point of the gun violence package, said Sen. While about 8 percent of people who perpetrate mass shootings have a history of lifetime psychotic symptoms, according to a 2021 study, deaths from such shootings make up less than 1 percent of firearm deaths in the United States. “It’s complicated to have both of these conversations at the same time, but it’s the conversation we’re stuck with because mental health only comes up when we have a horrible mass casualty shooting,” said Swanson, who has studied the connection, or lack thereof, between violence and serious mental illness.Ībout 4 percent of community violence can be attributed to people with serious mental illness, Swanson said, and when they do become violent, there are often other factors at play, like poverty, substance use or a history of child abuse. Still, it’s hard to say no to any attempt to fix America’s broken mental health care system, which leaves millions of people unable to access care every year. Clinicians have long described gun violence as a public health problem created by easy access to guns. “‘Fix mental health’ is a good slogan for different public health problems that intersects with gun violence at the edges,” said Jeffrey Swanson, a professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Duke University School of Medicine. It could, however, have an impact on suicides, which make up more than half of gun deaths in the United States, and could support survivors of gun violence, who can experience anxiety, depression or post-traumatic stress disorder. Mental health advocates are walking a fine line on the Senate’s bipartisan gun violence package framework - happy that it contains long sought-after provisions to expand access to treatment while stressing that there is little connection between gun homicides and mental illness.Ī framework released Sunday calls for expanding access to mental health care across the country, with gun control opponents framing those provisions as part of the solution to reducing mass shootings.īut experts say expanding access to care likely won’t do much to reduce gun homicides because the vast majority of people with mental illness will never become violent.
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pthalomars · 3 years
Synopsis of Jay's Empire AU⚡⚡
[[Made by me and @culturalmochi ]]
The way it starts out is that Jay goes on a solo mission, finds the hard drive for Prime Empire, and gets trapped in the game.
Nobody knows where he went, so the ninja are desperately trying to find him.
Time in game moves a lot faster than in real life, so a few weeks for the ninja is a few months (close to a year) inside of the game.
Jay met Scott and he showed him the ropes of the game, but tried to subtly warn him about Unagami. Jay spent a lot of time leveling up and grinding so he could get high stats, but later found out that he wasn't able to leave or communicate with the outside world. Enter Unagami.
Unagami tells Jay that he sees potential in him, and that he's impressed with his progress through the game. They begin to have a sort of mentor/mentee kind of relationship.
Once again, time moves much faster in game. So jay starts to miss the real world and tells Unagami that he misses his friends. Unagami tells Jay, "if they were really your friends, they would have come back for you by now, wouldn't they?"
Later on, Jay is approached by none other than the ninja! His dearest friends finally coming back to rescue him and bring him home!
But as he spends more time with them, something feels... wrong. It turns out they're NPC's, and in his mission objective list, it says he has to "discard" them. So he does, and they crumble into little pixelated cubes. He levels up.
This repeats several times, each time the ninja dupes become more rude, indifferent, hateful. At some point they become so far removed from their true counterparts that the only thing in common they share is their appearances.
Then comes the time where Unagami is ready to open the game to the rest of the world. He brings Jay to help him spread the word by broadcasting an advertisement for Prime Empire.
That's when the ninja find out where Jay has been this whole time.
So the real gang enters Prime Empire and find Jay, who looks displeased to see them even if he tries to hide it.
Everyone is so happy to see him and to bring him out of the game, surrounding him with hugs and tears of joy.
But then Jay checks his objectives. "Discard the ninja". It's the same as it's always been, so he goes along with it.
But as Jay journeys with his friends through the game, he slowly comes to the realization that they aren't NPC's.. they're his real friends.
Scott, when he was first sucked in by the game, leveled up really fast and eventually gained the attention of Unagami. Unagami said he saw "great potential" in him and gave him access to the coding of the game. For Scott, this means he can essentially influence and change parts of the game, but not always by his own free will. With him being connected to the coding, that includes his thoughts, emotions, memories, trauma, etc. this connection also gave Unagami a way to keep track of where Scott was and what he was doing at all times. 
so eventually, Unagami wants to bring empire to the physical world, but he needs help getting the world out. he tells Scott his plan and Scott is like "actually, fuck this :)" and escapes from Unagami. in order to keep him from tracking his every move, Scott cuts off his own connection to the game's code. He hunkers down in his hideout and tries to plot a way to a)escape and b)prevent Unagami from taking over the real world. 
so finally, Jay enters the game! Scott finds him running away from red visors and picks him up and takes him to his hideout. Scott explains the general rules of the game, gives him tips on how to survive, glitches, cheats, all of it. but he tries to warn him about Unagami and Jay is too enraptured with the thrall of the game to pay any mind to Scott's warnings. Jay starts leveling up and progressing, very similar to how Scott did, and gained the same kind of attention from Unagami. he saw great potential in him. at that point, Scott says that Jay can't come to the hideout anymore, and Jay asks why. Scott says "i already told you, but you didn't listen to me." and so Jay goes to Unagami. Unagami promises him steep advantages in the game, protection, etc and Jay is going along with it because, to him, its still just a game. the gravity of the situation hasn't quite hit him yet. he doesn't know that he's trapped. 
so now, Jay and Unagami have a sort of mentor/mentee kind of relationship, and Jay very much fits into the role of the teachers pet. the red visors are **VERY** protective of him and will often accompany him wherever he goes unless he tells them to leave (sometimes they listen, sometimes they dont). There is one red visor who is particularly close to Jay. she goes with him everywhere and is the most protective of him compared to the other RV's. Jay tries to talk with her sometimes, and one day he asks her what her name is. her voice glitches out a lot, like something is corrupted in her code. she repeats "four o-oh four-r-r AA e-rror-r four o-o-oh four-r AA" and Jay is like "hmm.. rora? can i call you rora?" and she just nods at him. (Rora becomes important later!!)
so anyways, going back to how Unagami has adopted Jay as his mentee, Jay has the same kind of access to the game's coding that Scott does. including the influence of his memories and past traumas. this manifests in several ways, but one of which is how the NPC clones of the ninja interact with him. Jay has a lot of issues with self esteem and often fears that nobody really cares about him, finds him annoying, etc. so with each iteration of the ninja dupes, they become meaner and meaner until the only resemblance they share to their irl counterparts is their physical appearance. 
Jay (not realizing that Unagami is the one creating the dupes) goes to Unagami to vent about how he misses his friends and wishes they could join him in the game. Unagami tells Jay "if they were really your friends, they would have come for you by now. They probably forgot about you. but it's not you ever needed them anyways. here, you are powerful, loved by everybody, adored by the masses. in here, you are important." gotta love that gaslight gatekeep gameboss moment. eventually, Unagami is ready to bring prime empire to the physical world once he's seen Jay get to the same point that Scott was at. Unagami says that he needs Jays help to deliver the message, and that crossing the line between digital and physical means that Jay can go back to the real world while still maintaining the same power and reputation he has in the game. Jay agrees and works with Unagami to make an advertisement. 
this is the advertisement script: 
[Do you want to join Prime Empire?
“What is Prime Empire?” it’s a fully immersive, futuristic video game experience! Using the latest virtual emulation technology, players are quite literally part of the game. Customize your avatar, meet other players, level up, and compete in tournaments!
“But how do I join?” The answer is simple, silly! Prime Empire can be found in your arcades, in your consoles, even on your phones! You would have to live under a rock to not find your way in.
“How do I win?” Your quest is to seek out the legendary Keytanas. But be warned, there are challenges that you will face. Deadly forests, dangerous races, and more! Will you rise above the rest and claim your rightful victory?
Join today, but don’t delay! Only the first 100 players will get a chance to meet yours truly (winks). In the Super Star Rocking Jay event, I will teach you the ropes of the game, along with exclusive tips that will give you an advantage over other players!
Do you have what it takes? Prove your worth and become part of Prime Empire!] 
however, Scott has caught wind of the ad, and so he hacks into the broadcast and tries to warn everybody to "STAY OUT OF PRIME EMPIRE!!" but once again, his warnings fall on deaf ears. 
however, now the ninja know where Jay has been all this time! they manage to be part of the 1st 100 players in the game and go to the super star rocking Jay event. Kai, Nya, Lloyd, Cole, pixal and zane all get in the game. but due to their own coding, pixal and zane despawn and get plopped back in the real world within the first 10mins of the game. They spend a lot of time outside of prime empire trying to find ways to re-enter the game.
so now we finally get to when the (remaining) ninja meet up with Jay, and he is disappointed at best when he sees them. but when they surround him with love and hugs and tears of joy, it throws him off guard. all of the NPC's were never this kind to him. He checks his objective menu and a new notification shows up. "discard the ninja". same as it's always been. part of the objective has always been to "not let the ninja know that you know they are fakes." but after all of this time, Jay has grown tired and so he doesn't really bother trying to keep up appearances. he won't flat out say that he thinks they're fakes, but his demeanor is completely off. 
the ninja make it to okino and they start going through the forest, the cliffs, and finally the maze of the red dragon. throughout this time, there are several little moments that lead Jay to believe that these might be his real friends. he tries to write them off, but it keeps nagging at him. in the canon scene where Unagami pauses the game and talks to okino, its the same except its Jay that Unagami talks to. "just wanted to check in with you, everything is still going according to plan, correct?" Jay responds with "yes, but these ones are different. none of the other clones have acted so.. so close to my real friends." Unagami scoffs "these ones are just as fake as the others. make sure you complete your objective. we are very close to bridging the gap, and I wouldn't want anybody to hold you back from being at my side when we cross over." Jay agrees and the game resumes. 
Jay has the perfect opportunity to let his friends perish at the hands of the dragon, but something in him screams at him to help them win. he points out the scale on the back of the dragon, they defeat it, and Jay gets the dragon summon. instead of keeping it, he gives it to Cole. "i figure you guys will probably need it more than me. I've got higher stats, i can take care of myself." (that dragon summon becomes important later) so ANYWAY now its time for the speedway 5billion. but they don't have enough credits so they have to get some extra money. the gang goes to the dance battle, but! theres also a karaoke battle they have to participate in. Jay and Cole sing Everybody Wants To Rule The World by Tears for Fears (this song is also important later!) and they win the contest and get enough credits to enter the race. however... 
by this point in time, Jay is pretty sure that this group is his **real** friends, and he doesn't feel like he can go through with his objective anymore. besides, would clones really dance with him? sing his favorite songs with him? watch out for him when danger approaches? smile at him with such kindness and sincerity? clones wouldnt, but his real friends would. once again, his connection to the code means that Unagami is able to track him, and also take peeks into his mind. Unagami senses this realization and pauses the game again to confront him. "Jay, you must not let these clones cloud your judgement. you still have a mission to complete." Jay says "Unagami, these aren't dupes! they're really my friends, and they came back for me! i can't just "discard" them like you want me to. I won't!" "you WILL if you ever want to leave this digital space. if you will not join me in bridging the gap, then you will be left in here for all of eternity. the choice is yours, Jay walker." and with that, the game resumes. 
the ninja are all talking and they realize that Jay has gone silent. "Jay? you good?" Kai asks. Jay snaps out of it and reassures them that he's fine. but thats when he sees *him*. in the crowd of NPC's bustling about the city, he sees nadakhan. staring at him with that evil, calculated grin and begins approaching them. Jay's eyes go wide and his stomach drops. "are you sure you're okay?" Lloyd asks. "we.. we need to get out of here. we need to leave *now*" Jay says with a quiet, wavering voice. Just as he moves to flee, Nya gasps.
It was the scene of Nya dying. She was cradled in Jay's arms, muttering her last words before going completely limp. The master of lightning shook with broken sobs, clinging to his friend as if holding her tight enough could bring her back. That was the day that Jay Walker had lost everything.
And now, that moment was set on an infinite loop, broadcasted on every screen in the capital city of Prime Empire.
Jay was frozen, unable to do anything but succumb to his rising panic.
Nya was in a similar state, feeling the sharp pains of her chest that came from her old wound. She remembered dying, the pain and vulnerability. Now her final moments were in full display.
The rest of them gazed in horror and confusion, unable to comprehend what was going on. Jay thinks he heard Kai yelling, maybe he was asking why his sister was dying over and over again. Cole sounded like he was trying to warn everyone about the approaching assailants. Those of which looked like clones of the Misfortune's crew, including their tyrannical captain.
It was all too much. Jay felt his digital blood freeze in his veins, his air cutting off entirely, and his vision slowly turning to static.
Nadakhan. Nya. Tiger widow venom. Kai. Nadhakan. Nya. Zane. Cole. Nya. Lloyd. Nadakhan. Nya. Nya. Nya. N-
Jay's friends tried to reach for him, to help him, but then it happened.
An explosion of lightning burst from Jay's body, flooding through the city with blue and white pixelated sparks. And once the wave had passed, the city went dark. The screens that were looping that wretched day were now idle. The Misfortune's crew were nowhere to be seen. Jay had fallen unconscious. 
"What are you guys doing here?" Scott asked, his face contorted in concern.
"Scott, it- its Jay. He had this weird power surge and he-" Lloyd stuttered before him and his friends were roughly yanked inside of Scott's hideout.
Cole was carrying Jay's limp body, and followed Scott's instructions to lay him on the workbench. But not before he had thrown all of his tools and blueprints on the ground in a rush.
"What did you say? About a power surge?"
"It was-" Lloyd started again
"It was like he exploded," Kai cut in, "we've never seen his element act like that."
"The city, it went dark." Nya added.
"And there was something going on with the city screens, they were showing-" said Cole.
"My sister dying! Over and over again! That's not part of the game, right?!"
"Guys guys! Chill the fuck out, one at a time." Scott demanded. They all went quiet before Nya spoke up.
"The screens showed one of Jay's memories. One of his most traumatic ones. NPC's started changing into people that.. are related to that memory. They started attacking us from all sides. Jay had gone into a panic attack before he surged. That wave of power blew out the whole city's power and everything went dark. After that he passed out."
Scott looked at her with a look of dread.
"This is worse than I thought.."
"What do you mean worse? Scott, what's wrong with Jay?" Cole asked. Scott sighed.
"He's.. he's become part of the game."
"Like an NPC?" Lloyd said.
"No, not an NPC. His memories, his soul, his life force- it's bleeding into the coding of the game. His emotions and memories are able to affect the behavior of the game. Environments, NPCs, everything."
"How do you know all of that, Scott?" Nya interjected.
"Because he's just like me."
"What??" The ninja said in unison.
"When I first came into the game, Unagami wanted me to bring Prime Empire to the real world. To break out of this digital prison and conquer the rest of the physical world. I agreed to help him because I didn't see any other way out of this hellscape. He granted me access to the code. So I'm just as connected to Prime Empire as Jay is. My memories are there too.
But the thing is, is that I've cut myself off of the code. It's the only way I could hide from Unagami, since I had abandoned ship and didn't want to help him anymore. I'm a threat because I can affect the code.
But if I don't connect to it, I stay hidden.
But Jay, his connection is so strong by this point. Everything he does changes the game.
He's gonna be okay, for now, but I can't guarantee the same for all of you." Scott finished, his eyes sunken and tired.
"Wh- what are we supposed to do then? How can we get Jay out of here?" Kai asked.
"Beat the game. As far as I know, there's no other way out of here."
They all looked at each other, faces grim but determined.
"Well we can't leave here without Jay, can we stay here until he wakes up?" Said Nya.
"Absolutely not." Scott replied.
"What? Why??" Cole butted in.
"The longer you guys stay here, with h i m, the more danger all of us are in. Jay is part of the coding, Unagami can find him. And that means he can find u s."
"Well how do we wake him up? There's gotta be some way!" Lloyd pleaded.
Scott looked at Jay's unconscious form.
"Fuck, okay, let me try something." 
so Scott does the only thing he can think of that might work. he reconnects himself to the game's code in order to "plug in" to Jay and wake him up. when he plugs in, Scott sees Jay in a dark, endless room. he's crouched on the ground, sobbing and shaking
But thrashing from his body is manifestations of his trauma, like a horrible amalgamation that is distorting his physical form and its. Horrifying.
Scott looks at him and tries to approach him without getting hurt
He gets to him and he makes contact with his shoulder and then the surge of energy happens and he gets unplugged and shot across the room, and Jay wakes up with a start, chest heaving and his eyes still wet with tears. Cole is there right next to Jay, and Jay clings onto him like a lifeline. Kai wraps his arms around Jay too and they hold him and comfort him as best they can. Lloyd and Nya go over to Scott to see if he's okay. he groans and sits up, Lloyd and Nya help him stand. "what happened? what was that??" Nya asks. "I woke him up. but its not safe anymore. you guys have to get him out of here, or else Unagami is gonna show up and if he does.. well its safe to assume it'll be game over for all of us." 
"we still have to win the highway 5billion and get the second keytana." Cole says, "and we need cars." Scott sighs at this, "i've got cars you can use, i won't be using them very much anymore anyways." "what does that mean?" Kai asks. "did you not hear me? its game over. you guys have to get Jay out of here." Scott says. "Scott, you know the game better than anyone, we need your help. will you race with us?" Nya pleads. Scott is about to reject when he looks at Jay. Jay is looking at him with a look that breaks his heart. "fine. I'll race with you guys." 
so they fix up the cars and enter the SW5B and Scott is like "i guess if we're going in, i might as well get a new look." so he customizes his avatar (if u check my post with his redesign, thats the avatar he has, the glowing parts of his outfit change colors!) and they start the race! Scott doesn't have his own car, instead he's jumping from vehicle to vehicle and taking out the other drivers so that the ninja can win. he uses his baseball bat as a melee weapon but it can also shoot lasers! Kai still gets that loot box upgrade and has the running mech, and just like in canon, Cole and Kai get cubed. so does Scott, he gets run over lol. now its just Jay, Nya, and Lloyd and they make their way to the temple of madness.
then we have the fight. in canon its Lloyd and harumi, but in this au, Jay enters the arena instead. he gets in and the game picks his fighter. expecting it to be someone he's fought before, he prepares himself. but nothing could have prepared him for who he saw standing in front of him. it was echo zane. 
Nya stares in horror and Lloyd is confused. "who is that? that can't be zane, right? why would he be part of the game?" Lloyd asks. Nya can't say anything, and neither can Jay. Jay wants to give up, he cant fight echo. someone who helped him in the most dire of times, only to be left alone on that island for the rest of eternity. Jay had never gone back for him, and that guilt he felt had just kicked into high gear having to look echo in the eyes. but then echo starts attacking him, and Jay has to defend himself. Jay wins, and sees echo disappear after the final blow. the walls of the arena disappear and Jay falls to his knees. Lloyd and Nya move in immediately to help him up. "seriously, what the hell is going on?? why aren't you guys saying anything??" Lloyd demands. "we can't talk about it right now, Lloyd. we'll have to tell you later." Nya says quietly. her voice is tight and dies in her throat. Lloyd gets the hint and doesn't push it any further. 
so the three of them make it through the sushi restaurant and make it to the gate with the 3 keytanas. Jay, Lloyd, and Nya go to put in the blades and they open the gate. standing in front of them is none other than Unagami. "Jay, you have disappointed me. you were so important, so valued, and you have thrown that away for the sake of your so-called 'friends'. thankfully, there is still a place for you." Unagami says. "i don't WANT a place with you! you've hurt me, you've hurt my friends, you've hurt so many innocent people. all of those cubes? those are REAL PEOPLE! i can't let you do this Unagami. I won't let you get away with this." Jay says defiantly. Unagami sighs, "i was hoping it would not come to this. but if you chose to act this way, you will face the consequences. you will help me bridge this gap, whether you like it or not." and Unagami holds out his hands. an intense blue beam of light bursts from his palms and hits Jay square in the chest. the light is absorbed by his body and his form begins to glitch and spasm violently. mochi and i have called this the Blue Screen of Death. (tw for mild(?) body horror) Jay is overcome by the blue and his body begins to grow and distort, all the while he's screaming and his cries are glitched out and staticky. Lloyd and Nya watch, frozen in fear as their friend begins to grow to massive size, writhing in agony. Jay thrashes and knocks into both of them, sending them off the side of the platform and cubing them. the last two energy cubes join the gate and Jay crawls through. 
(with this scene, in the background, the lorde version of everybody wants to rule the world would be playing, just as a nice parallel to the song from earlier at the karaoke battle)
MEANWHILE, as pixal and zane attempted to find ways to get back into the game, find milton dyer, etc, zane gets captured by the mechanic. everything goes the same as it does in canon where the mechanic hooks zane up to the gate. 
and now, we get a look at where everybody who got cubed resides. Scott, when he was cubed, was greeted by Unagami personally. he criticized him for his actions and expressed his disappointment before ultimately locking him inside of a digital cell. Scott figured that this was how the rest of his life would be, trapped in a cage with no way out and no way to die. but then! Rora shows up. that corruption in her system from the beginning? that was her beginning to break away from her coding and becoming more of a person. she saw what happened to Jay, and she wants to help him. she breaks Scott out and they agree to work together to save Jay. but they're gonna need all the help they can get. together, Scott and rora free the ninja and all of the other cubed players and they make it through the portal. 
and thats where they see Jay, now as tall as the skyscrapers in ninjago city and wreaking havoc on the entire area. 
everyone looks up at him in utter horror and see just how corrupted he's become. he's wailing in pain as he drives his guitar down on building after building. thrashing and flailing, causing the structures around him to crumble and collapse. "how the fuck are we gonna fix this?!" Nya cries. "i can help." Unagami approaches them. everyone gets into fighting stances, ready to beat Unagami into the pavement. "i did not realize that corrupting him would turn out like this. i know how to fix him, but i need your help." "why should we help YOU?" Kai growls. "if you want to save your city and your friend from complete destruction, you *will* help me." and so Unagami explains that if they can lure Jay back through the portal, Unagami can undo his corruption and fix Jays "coding" 
so now the ninja are trying to figure out how to get Jay's attention and bring him back through the portal. it seems like nothing is working, and then Cole gets an idea. he starts singing the lyrics to everybody wants to rule the world. it seems to get Jay's attention, so he keeps singing.
the others hear him and they join in. now they have Jay's attention, and he's closing in on them. that dragon summon from earlier? now thats when that comes in handy. Cole calls the digidragon and rides it so that Jay cant crush him while he lures him back to the portal. low and behold, they manage to get Jay through the portal, Unagami purifies his "coding" and they return to the physical world once again. Unagami gets to have his talk with milton and all of the npcs+pcs that want to come out do, and the others stay in the game. the city is in shambles, the portal closes, and zane+pixal+wu reunite with the others. 
the car ride home is very quiet. everyone is exhausted, Jay is asleep and leaning on Cole's shoulder. they have a lot to talk about, but for now, they just want to sleep through the night. they make it home, go to their separate rooms, and go to bed.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand thats pretty much all of it!! theres a little epilogue that has snippets of what Scott, racer 7, okino, and rora do now that they're outside of the game, but thats just kinda there lol.
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