#but in the end with Merlin (and Gwen obviously bc they’re in love) she would have had the support system
camelots-daffodil · 2 years
My toxic trait is that if you give me 30 minutes of your time yes I will explain to you why if Merlin had revealed his magic to Morgana in season 2 the nightmare begins we could have had it all- INCLUDING a morally grey Morgana, with just a little bit of mediocre writing.
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gldnstrngs · 13 days
if merthur had actually been established as canon when the show was running then i think it would’ve been revealed unexpectedly
like you have merlin and arthur in s1 and merlin’s trying to get closer to arthur but is also annoyed by his behavior and arthur is kinda mean to merlin and will make him do chores and wear that ugly feathered hat or insult him like this is very much s1 merthur dynamic we’re talking about
and at the end of the season arthur realizes that merlin has went missing with gaius and doesn’t know what to do and is worried
he even goes to morgana and gwen to see if they knows where merlin and gaius are but they’re not sure
morgana picks up how worried arthur is and doesn’t say anything until merlin and gaius get back. arthur is relieved but doesn’t show it, instead getting angry with merlin and telling him he can’t just leave he’s his servant blah blah blah
but after that he makes sure merlin gets rest and then help gaius with morgana and gwen’s help
arthur’s about to go back to his room but morgana is quick to call him out about him being worried about merlin and arthur would deny it but then morgana’s connecting the dots (arthur’s playful punches, grabbing merlin by the collar, saving his life etc etc) and realizes that arthur has feelings for merlin and calls him out on it
arthur is obviously Gobsmacked and is quick to deny it but morgana isn’t convinced, although she doesn’t push him anymore and he goes back to his room, thinking about how stupidly in love with merlin he is
LIKE ?!???!?!?! THAT WOULDVE BEEN SO GOOD??? it would’ve gagged everyone at the time bc it would’ve been so unexpected BIT JT WOULDVE BEEN SO GOOD!!!!!
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Im gonna start watching Merlin, any reccomendations before I do? or something you want to say lol
Ooooooh, THAT’S SO EXCITING!!!! ✨💕✨💕✨💕✨💕 I am so happy for you bc it’s just so much fun. I love it love it love it!! I’ve been wanting to do a rewatch since I finished it. Please drop in and tell me what you think about it!! I’d love to hear your thoughts as you go. 💕💕💕
Honestly, the biggest thing about the show for me is that it’s straight up bi panic. Everyone is beautiful, like stunning. Every character is fun and interesting. They’re all incredible--even the ones you’re not supposed to root for or are only in one episode. I love them all so much. Every. Character. I read fics first (bc one of my favorite skam writers had written several, and I read them ALL), and when I found out that a lot of the characters had only been in one episode, I was shocked. They’re that iconic. (ngl, I suppressed my sexuality as a teen, and this show woke all that up. Nimueh had me thinking, and then Morgause’s entrance left me speechless. I was like, “yup, definitely bi, haha.” BBC Merlin was my bi awakening, lol). Gwen is lovely, just so kind and yet so feisty and determined. She’s basically the moral compass for everyone. Obviously I have a big thing for Merlin. He’s an adorkable badass. Arthur is just the greatest, most lovable dumbass, who is also a badass. The knights, oh man, the knights (most don’t show up til season 3 😕). I love them individually, and then when they get together and give each other shit...perfection. Gwaine. I adore Gwaine, and his hair, and blase attitude, tho he’s so loyal. Love how the knights all pick on him.  Elyan is the best swordsman, love him. Leon the long suffering. Poetry? hahahahahaha. Then of course there’s Morgana and Morgause, who are amazing and powerful and total badasses. I haven’t listed everyone, but trust me, I love them too.
Recommendations? I dunno. It’s campy and hilarious and sweet and thoughtful. You’ll have all the big emotions. Just keep an open mind, forget all the history you’ve ever learned, forget what you’ve read/learned about the legends and stories, and just sit back and have fun. I knew the ending before I started, but I actually prefer that with tv shows (never books or movies, tho, hmmm--i think it’s the time commitment required; i wanna be sure it’s worth it or whatever), so it wasn’t a big deal for me. I don’t know if it would be better not to, tho if you’re interested in watching the show bc you’ve seen 100 gifsets that make it look AWESOME, then you probably have an inkling as to how it goes. I started watching it bc of merthur, and I’d avoided it for YEARS bc I didn’t want to get involved in a non-canon ship (and knew that I would if I watched it), BUT I finally gave in after seeing too many gifsets and edits, and I’m so glad I did. Their relationship is so fun and nuanced and interesting, and what’s fun about merthur is that they have this relationship completely separate from everyone else. So, you can still love Gwen and root for her while also shipping merthur (believe me, it’s impossible to not love Gwen). The show isn’t perfect. Sometimes the character development disappears from one episode to another, and the CGI in season 1 can be hilarious. But I don’t watch it for that. I fell in love with the characters and their journey. Cool side note: the cast also shipped merthur, especially the Morgana and Gwen actors. The episode commentary is fun, and there are a few deleted scenes (that ppl assume were cut bc they were too blatantly romantic over platonic). It’s very interesting to watch the behind the scenes stuff. 
So, much like 911, I got pulled into the show bc of a ship that ppl wouldn’t stop talking about, and ended up falling in love with every single character along the way and just loving the show in general. I’m as invested in Morgana, Gwen, and Lancelot as I am with Arthur and Merlin (tho it should come as no surprise that Merlin is my favorite). And what’s really great is that the fandom is still alive and well a decade later. Fics, fanart, everything.
I hope you enjoy the show!!!! 💖💖💖 And thank you for asking me about it. As you probably know, I’m rather verbose, so I am happy to talk your ear off about it. Please please please let me know what you think, and I really hope you like it as much as I do. Have a lovely day and enjoy!!!
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House of Anubis (Merlin AU)
Time to combine my two fav shows into something! It wouldn’t follow the exact same plot as Merlin bc obviously there’s more characters, and also...well you’ll see what I mean.
Instead of Camelot, the kingdom is called Anubis, and Albion is referred to as Amun.
King Eric Sweet rules over Anubis with his son Prince Eddison “Eddie” Sweet and his ward Lady Nina Martin
King Eric has banned magic throughout his kingdom, but he is in reality more of a puppet king to Victor Rodenmaar, the Court Physician.
Victor is a sorcerer himself, but in this version, for every sorcerer killed, he can take their magic and use it to put forward his goal of finding the secret to eternal life.
Both Eddie and Nina are Seers in this AU, but neither of them know it. Nina’s visions are much worse than Eddie’s, and Eric only knows that Nina possesses magic.
Eric is hiding this fact from Victor, because even though he is king, it’s Victor calling the shots.
The other characters are here as well, obviously, but they don’t all have equivalents
Eddie is the Prince, and he is essentially our Prince Arthur, only he has magic. His visions are not as vivid or terrifying as Nina’s and so he has absolutely no inkling of his own power. He’s acts a lot like he did in Season 2 of HOA, sort of that arrogant/bad boy type, but once he eventually gets involved in trying to take down Victor, he grows into himself. Instead of his parents being divorced, his mother—a magic user herself—died when he was very young (in reality, the first of Victor’s victims, but this is a big secret so shhhhh)
Nina basically takes the place of Morgana in this AU, but she (probably) would not go absolutely insane like Morgana did. Her parents were close friends of Eric and his wife, and when they died in a terrible fire, Eric took her and her grandmother in to the castle in Anubis. Her grandmother died not long after, and Eric officially made Nina his ward. She and Eddie grew up similar to siblings. She has terrible nightmares/visions of the future and is a very, very powerful Seer, but she doesn’t know that it’s magic. After all, it’s illegal.
Fabian in this AU is sort of like Merlin in that he comes to the kingdom to study under the Court Physician. He does not have magic, but does not agree with Victor’s brutality, and often helps magic users escape before Victor can get his hands on them. He is extremely taken with the Lady Nina, and is trying to help her with her “nightmares”
Amber is a Lady of the court that lives with her nobleman father in the castle, who is on the royal council. She and Nina are best friends, and she is the only one who knows how severe the visions are. She is betrothed to Sir Mick.
Joy is also a lady of the court, and her father is also on the royal council. She was once thought to be a Seer, but these reports eventually turned out to be false. She is often very vocal and is known as one of the most politically savvy noblewomen at court.
Patricia also has a sort of Merlin role in that she was the young, plucky peasant to stand up to the Prince, get thrown in jail (but she actually managed to land the punch), get realeased by Lady Joy (as Patricia is Joy’s newly hired maidservant they’d already hit it off—in this way she fills a sort of Gwen role too. Not to mention...ya know), immediately after get into a mace fight in the marketplace, then later on save Prince Eddie’s life from a (this time non-magical) assassin. She and Eddie have that very back and forth banter (and sexual tension) that Merlin and Arthur have, but she is obviously not appointed as his manservant lol. She doesn’t have magic either, but has always secretly wanted to be a knight, but couldnt because of her status as both a peasant and a woman.
Alfie is a a serving boy in the castle who is known as a troublemaker by all. In this way, he is also a Merlin-sequel character. He is in love with Lady Amber, who doesn’t give him the time of day, and is Mick’s manservant, and best friends with Willow, one of the kitchen maids, Patricia, and Fabian.
KT fills a Lancelot role. She is a skilled (lesbian) swordswoman who longs to be a knight of the realm. She saves Fabian’s life while he’s out gathering herbs, and in return, he promises to help her out. She, Fabian, and Patricia meet up at Patricia’s house in the lower town, and she and Patty hit it off (*wink, wink*). They try to pass her off as both a noble and a male, and nearly get away with it, but she ends up getting banished (don’t worry, we’ll see her again). She finds out about the Victor scenario and pledges to help Fabian should he ever need her.
Jerome is a sort of Gwaine character, who’s not a knight but should be. He is on the castle guard, because of his lower status (when in reality he is the son of a nobleman but spurned that title). He’s cheeky and good with a sword. He and Eddie are an interesting duo and often spar together.
Mara is a sort of, kinda noblewoman who works in the library with Jason Winkler and Daphne Andrews (the royal librarians amongst other things). She is training to take Daphne’s place, and is one of the most educated people in the kingdom despite her status and gender. She and Willow are good friends, and Mara and Sir Mick have often crossed paths (another *wink, wink*)
Willow is a kitchen maid, who is in love with Alfie, but he just has noticed yet. She’s just like she is in HOA canon, and she does have magic potential (but she doesn’t know how to use it, and so goes undetected).
Sir Mick is a young knight of the realm, (sort of a Sir Leon/Sir Percival character) strong and noble—if a little thick. He’s always the first to run into danger to help a friend and feels duty bound to any path he takes. While he’s betrothed to Amber, he can’t help but be caught up in the beauty that is Mara.
Victor is kinda irredeemable oops, but yeah he’s more Uther than Eric is. He wants to take over the world and live forever by killing magic users and stealing their power for himself.
Sibuna is a thing (they’re the lil group trying to save sorcerers) started by Fabian in this scenario, actively participated in by Alfie and Patricia. Later, Nina and Amber get involved, and later still, Eddie and KT do.
It’s a fun time. Maybe I’ll write some stuff set in this universe but yeah.
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bpdanakins · 4 years
I was tagged by @apple-grass-and-smiles to do an otp tag thing and I’m already having a crisis bc I don’t generally have one single true pairing? The struggles of being a multishipper. Here goes.
Rules: Pick 10 of your OTPs from different fandoms without reading the questions and then answer them. Then tag 10 other people to do the same.
Shepard/Liara T’soni (Mass Effect)
Lavellan/Solas (Dragon Age: Inquisition)
Morgana Pendragon/Guinevere (BBC’s Merlin)
Clarke Griffin/Lexa (The 100, and yes don’t @/me I know)
Max Caulfield/Chloe Price (Life is Strange)
Kassandra/Roxana (Assassin’s Creed Odyssey)
Corvo Attano/Jessamine Kaldwin (Dishonored)
Nathan Drake/Elena Fisher (Uncharted)
Dragonborn/Serana/Aela (The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, because I can)
(this took waaaay too long)
Do you remember the episode/scene/chapter that you first started shipping 6?
Right away? I kinda had Kassandra sleeping her way across Ancient Greece with almost all the ladies (caught on to Diona right away though and I’m forever glad about that), so it was always going to happen. But as for why I see them as more of a relationship... idk. They’re just really sweet, and I enjoyed Roxana’s quests.
Have you ever read a fic about 2?
Yes. A lot of it. Oops.
Has a picture of 4 ever been your screensaver/profile pic/Tumblr?
Nope. I did, however, get an art print as gift once from a friend, with Clarke and a bi flag and Lexa with a rainbow flag. It’s this piece to be exact, though they don’t seem to sell it anymore? The artist does have a ton of other lgbtq+ ship art on their redbubble page (including other Clexa pieces, and they also did some of my fave Finnpoe pieces which I did not know was by the same artist, so there you go) if you’re interested.
If 7 were to suddenly break up today, what would your reaction be?
I mean.... Corvo is technically a widower.... so we’ve already had the tragedy start within the first ten minutes of the first game.
Why is 1 so important?
Because it was my first Mass Effect ship, because Liara is so cute and bad ass and just!!! The journey they go on? My heart. I love them so much. Also a Shiara fic was the first ship I read on ao3 a long time ago so that’s also a bonus.
Which one has the strongest bond?
Pricefield. While they all have amazing bonds in their own ways, Max literally bent time and space to keep Chloe safe on multiple occasions. She didn’t even recognize Chloe right away, but her first use of her powers was to save her best friend. Chloe would also literally throw down for Max at any point, and she talks about how having Max back in her life for a single week made her feel the happiest she’d been in a long time, and that’s despite all of the shit they went through together. Like!!!!!! Please 
How many times have you read/watched 10′s fandom?
I literally still watch the trailers/documentary for Hellblade on a frequent basis. You can guess from there.
Which ship has lasted the longest?
Hmmm. Jess and Corvo were together for about 14 years, and Nate and Elena were together for.... also a long time. idk at what point UC4′s epilogue takes place so I’m just gonna assume they’ve also been together for a long time by then too lmao. idk man
How many times, if ever, has 6 broken up?
I mean.... whether or not you romance Roxana is up to you, and then there’s that uncomfy mess pulled in the DLCs that I’m not going into bc Kassandra is a lesbian bye. 
Point being, idk?
If the world was suddenly thrust into a zombie apocalypse, which ship would make it out alive: 2 or 8?
TOUGH QUESTION. Solas has godlike powers so that would give them an obviously undeniable edge, but Nate and Elena have literally already fought zombies, soooo... both.
Did 7 ever have to hide their relationship for any reason?
Yep!! Jessamine was an Empress and Corvo her royal bodyguard. Shouldn’t have entirely bothered hiding it tho considering Emily apparently has 0 issue announcing to the world she’s Corvo’s daughter by the first scene of DH2 lmaaoo.
Is 4 still together?
We don’t talk about this. It’s too depressing.
Is 10 canon?
Relatively. By the end of the game, she has come into acceptance of her pain & grief, but like.... she’s not insta cured or something. And then in Hellblade 2 it seems like she’s ready to fuck everyone up so.... no, it’s not canon enough :(
If all 10 ships were put into a couple’s Hunger Games, which couple would win?
I’ll have to agree that it’d depend. If things like magic, biotics, the Thu’um or Max’s powers, etc, are included uhhh... well, that makes it super tough. Again, Solas has godlike magic at his hands and can turn everyone to stone without trying now apparently, but Max can literally rewind time, the DB has their own form of godlike powers (Tiber legit remade the geography of an entire province, and that’s just his accomplishments), Kassandra is a demigod, Morgana one of the most powerful sorceresses ever, Serana’s a powerful vampire, Aela a dang werewolf, and Liara one of the strongest biotics. Senua also has Gramr.
Take all of that away though and... still kinda tough. Kass, Roxana, Lexa, and Senua are all really strong warriors. Corvo’s an elite assassin, Aela is a good hunter, Shepard a soldier who passed some of the hardest levels of training.... dude, this is too hard. Who tf knows.
Has anyone ever tried to sabotage 5?
Several by killing one or both off, and time itself tried as well.
Do you spend hours a day going through 3′s tumblr tag?
No. I don’t often venture into tags tbh.
If an evil witch descended from the sky and told you that you had to pick one of the ten ships to break forever or else she’d break them all up, which ship would you SINK?
Morgana and Gwen since they’re not even canon and also the show went icky on Morgana in the end anyways.
This was too hard. It was hard to think of/choose 10 ships, it was hard to look up a bunch of info, etc. It also took me too long lmaaoo.
I tag uhhh @mariaromanovs, @twilightofthe, @purplehawke, @serkonans, honestly anyone who wants to? If you want to do it, I tag you!! If you don’t want to and I @’d you, feel free to ignore and forgive me <3
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glatisants · 4 years
Albion: The Legend of Arthur (Closing Thoughts)
I’m gonna start with some really general, spoiler-free notes on what I liked, what did and didn’t work, the characterization choices, and that kind of thing. Further down will a more specific discussion of the story and writing decisions and such, and that will get into more spoilery territory.
also before I get into my subjective opinions about the series, I want to say that this should be taken with a tremendous grain of salt, given that
I am probably not the best person to ask for lit recs in general, given that my favorite piece of Arthurian lit is unironically, wholeheartedly The Dream of Rhonabwy;
My standards for audio media are probably lower than most people’s—I used to listen to 1940s radio for fun and that has absolutely numbed my palate;
I’m a little biased, in that I think Owain/Ywain is sort of underrepresented in Arthurian media, and as such I get irrationally excited whenever he’s included as a character in anything, however loose that characterization may be (my caveat, though, is that I strongly dislike the real historical Owain mab Urien; I want a cool Owain/Ywain who is also very obviously fictional).
All in all, I liked it, but I’m not sure I liked it as an Arthurian adaptation. Something like this is kind of a departure for me—honestly, I’m not usually a fan of Arthurian adaptations that do away with the Round Table and make Arthur a 5th century warlord. Legendry, and particularly Arthurian legends, can be this very odd thing, in that it lies in this liminal space between pure mythology and, like, history fanfiction, and honestly that makes me very uncomfortable.
I get the sense that the writers’ main sources were mainly “chronicle”-type things and Welsh bardic poetry—things like Nennius, Aneirin, Taliesin, Geoffrey of Monmouth, maybe Layamon’s Brut, and possibly the Welsh Triads and the Mabinogion. When certain familiar narrative elements are stripped away—no Round Table, no Grail, no courtly love—it can be difficult to reconcile that with more traditional takes on Arthuriana. Still, it’s not like I’m an expert on adaptational integrity, and I know modern authors do weirder takes all the time. And some things—such as the sword in the stone, and the idea of a Round Table—are hinted at in a way that are tailored to the more “grounded” nature of the story, while still capturing the ideas that live behind the symbols. And magic and fantasy do enter the story, in a deeply satisfying way, even as the story is largely focused on politics and warfare.
The gritty, “realistic” setting of Dark Ages Wales can be a dealbreaker for some people; honestly, I’ve felt that way before. I did appreciate it wasn’t overly violent, and there wasn’t any rape/sexual assault—there is one scene where a character is implicitly threatened by a group of Picts (but to put it mildly, things turn out well for her), and in the final episode one character is almost forced into an unwanted political marriage, but those are the only moments I can think of. And the series as a whole ended up being more optimistic than I thought it would be. The main themes are that hope is a beacon that lights the way into the future, and that stories are powerful and immortal (a bit cheesy, perhaps, but I love that sort of thing).
Characterization Notes
Gwenhwyvar—I absolutely loved this take on Gwen; something about the way she was written just hit perfectly for me. She was incredibly clever, perceptive, and protective of her people above all else; she was serious, astute and pragmatic, but also kind and gracious. She commanded an army, and yet always approached conflicts with the priority of peace.
I’m not usually a fan of Warrior Princess Gwen because it can remove a lot of the subtlety of her character, but that problem didn’t come up here; they make a point of showing how she’s underestimated by her peers and uses this fact to her advantage in order to wield her power discreetly. But when she met for political negotiations with councils of men, they always spoke as equals, with nothing but respect for her.
Arthur—Honestly, he fell flat for me compared to the other characters, and I felt like I couldn’t get a good sense of him. Arthur can be a tricky character to write, because there’s this inherent need to make him stand out as a heroic figure, and that usually entails either seeing him eye to eye or elevating him to great heights; either he’s written as someone someone people can emotionally connect to and see in a personable way, or he is extraordinarily capable and thus untouchable. Here, I think that the pathos was largely found in characters like Anna and Owain, and that untouchable capability in Gwenhwyvar, and it seemed perfectly natural that the focus would move away from Arthur and towards them as the series progressed.
Honestly this might have been intentional—one of the points we’re left with by the end is the idea that Arthur grew to be far more than he ever could have realistically been, and that the hope he inspired was the reason he lived on in the stories, rather than who he might have been as a person.
Medraut—I found him a bit underdeveloped, and that was a shame—I really wish we’d gotten to see more of him. There were some mentions of his past friendship with Arthur, but that tension was hardly felt until they finally met in battle; I think there could have been a lot of potential there, and besides, he was a fun character. He was charismatic and affable, manipulative and petty, stuck on nursing old grudges; but he was also without friends, family or country, completely alienated and digging himself into a deeper ditch with every move he made. 
Owain—Genuinely uncertain how I feel about this characterization! He was intelligent, good-hearted, courageous, caring, and thoughtful; he was extremely likable, and I found that…a bit odd, honestly. I can’t really articulate my thoughts further than that. 
Others: Myrddin—this is the only take on Merlin I’ve ever genuinely liked. He’s such a nuisance and just beautifully weird. Aergol—I found him really interesting, and I was actually a little surprised by how much he grew on me by the end. Cynon—I found him such a tragic, miserable character, equal parts contemptible and heartbreaking. 
Room For Improvement
The pacing mostly fine, but a little bit odd in places—I felt like the final act could have used a bit more buildup.
Audio coherence could’ve been better during some of the action scenes—there were definitely a few parts where I was not totally sure what was supposed to be happening. Most of the time it didn’t bother me, but when it’s something like Arthur facing off against Medraut, that should be a dramatic high point, and I want focus and clarity; otherwise, whatever is trying to be conveyed will inevitably come across as anticlimactic.
I might’ve liked to see music used in more interesting ways, bc it can be really integral to effective sound design. There were a couple scenes where it was used really well (the leadup to the Battle of Badon, for instance), and I would’ve loved more of that.
I don’t know if this was supposed to be an intentional choice, but I could not take the Saxon characters seriously at all—they were performed in such an over-the-top way that they made me laugh more than anything else. The other characters were portrayed very well, I found the voice acting quite strong, so the sheer oddness of the Saxons stood out to me.
Okay spoilers below
I was all about Anna’s storyline and I think it was one of the strongest parts of the series. I loved the idea of this woman, killed unjustly for fiercely clinging to her ideals in spite of tremendous pressure, finding strength in her fallen ancestors and rising again as a powerful enchantress determined to seek revenge. It felt right for her, totally cathartic, and I was glad that she was treated so sympathetically.
I tried not to think about it too deeply, but I think I saw her as sort of a Morgan/Morgause composite; obviously the name Anna is associated with Morgause, and she’s linked with Lewdwn (aka Lot) of Gododdin, but her transformation to enchantress led her to call herself Morgan.
It was pretty clear that Owain had feelings for Arthur, but I sort of wish it was a little less implicit (fyi for people who haven’t read the other recaps, they’re the same age and not related in this). Like, I guess they were involved in a major plot point that was a pretty clear allusion to Achilles and Patroclus, and other characters kept mentioning rumors about them, but the most direct reference we got was Arthur confessing to Gwen that they had been together briefly when they were kids, and while Arthur never loved him, he had never thought to ask Owain how he felt. By the end, you kind of get the sense that Owain’s main motivation all along has been this love/loyalty, but it’s done in such a subtle way it leaves a lot of room for interpretation, and the fact that there was so much in their dynamic that went unspoken just exacerbates that.
I wasn’t sure how to read the ending and especially the final line. What I’m going with—just my personal interpretation—is that both Anna and Owain are stuck somewhere between life and death, possibly in a literal way as well as a figurative one. One of the recurring themes is, like, legendry as a means of resurrection and even immortality; legends are a place between life and death, where the dead are made immortal to walk among the living. So by the end, both of them have come to see firsthand how legends are made, and have become people tied to the liminal space of legendry, and thus belong to neither world.
I say this could be in a literal way as well as a figurative one bc Anna was given new life both through a physical transformation and the stories people would tell about her, and possibly some combination of both. And I think this could apply to Owain as well—maybe when he chose to take on the mantle of Arthur, he and his bronze sword somehow joined that part of the Otherworld with Anna and Merlin, and he became the proverbial King Asleep in the Mountain. But that might be a bit of a stretch. 
That’s all I have to say about this. I think the combined word count of all these posts could be a full-fledged novella, so thank you for your patience and for reading!
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