#but insta banning someone for being mean to terfs
heritageposts · 2 years
before we get carried away with this new unironic love for tumblr maybe we should question why staff never seems to enforce their 'community guidelines' when it comes to terfs/transphobes
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lacefuneral · 4 years
What’s your opinion on some of the most popular social media platforms?
hmmm ok
Facebook: some of the leftbook groups are fun (like the one where ppl pretend to be ants, or “lemgthbook” where people replace all instances of the letter “n” with “m” and post pics of like borzoi snouts) but any time I open the app or open it on desktop EVERYONE knows i’m online and I.... hate that. Also my family is on there, and I constantly get notifications about some weeb post I made when I was like 12 or a picture of me pre-transition where I drew on a face with MS paint because I thought I was ugly.  It’s just... bad vibes. And I while I can technically say “fuck” - I know my grandma is watching. And possibly future employers. So I don’t really go on there anymore. I did get marked “trans friendly” by shinigami eyes though, so that’s cool. (Probably because I used to be an active contributor in a trans education group.)   
Twitter: I briefly used this as a way to keep up with two of my friends and to follow artists I like, but the community there sucks. The discourse is bad. The jokes aren’t funny. And it just... doesn’t really feel like a social media platform as much as a place where people shout at each other and react with videos. You also can’t tag anything, which means that I’ll be minding my own business and then someone I follow will suddenly retweet a bunch of NSFW art. And it’s like “...I don’t want this.” Or even SFW art can be annoying if it’s for a fandom I’m not in. Like... c’mon. Also you can get banned for calling someone a TERF so.....
Tumblr: It may be a garbage can, but it’s my garbage can. I actually feel like it’s less hostile around here since tiddies were banned? Like, a lot of the really mean people migrated from here to twitter. I will say one thing though, I wish automated blocklists were a thing. It sucks to scroll thru the notes of a post and see everything light up red because it’s terf after terf after terf, and I can only block so many in a row before my hands cramp up. Twitter actually allows you to do this with third party apps - you can subscribe to blocklist, and any time that list is updated, your account will automatically block them. 
Instagram: I know absolutely nothing about this platform aside from the fact that videos from there don’t have a timeline that lets you jump around to certain parts and I HATE that. I feel like I’m being held hostage any time I click on a video from there. Like I HAVE to sit through the entire thing. I can’t just skim. Also even though I do take photos and could conceivably have an insta for photography, it seems like the worst possible place to do so. Because you’re uploading like, what? 1, 2, maybe 3 images at a time? Under a single thumbnail? At least facebook will let me post like 400 images at once in an album. It just... seems pointless unless ur posting pics of food and a quick snapshot of you with your friends. Which.... I wouldn’t do. 
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