#but it just feels so weird having mike and el still be happily dating years after the events of s4
chirpsythismorning · 2 years
When I’m reading a byler fic that’s set years after they defeated Vecna and they try to convince me Mike and El are still together and happier than ever
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companionjones · 2 years
Pairings: Platonic!Robin Buckley x Reader x Steve Harrington + The Kids, Slight!Byler
Fandom: Stranger Things
Summary: You’re feeling lonely. Like all your friends don’t care about you anymore. That may not be true.
Warnings: It’s in the title
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    Really, you felt like an idiot. You were 17 years old. You shouldn’t have been walking around the house with sobs that shook your whole body, let alone just because you felt lonely.
    You had made some friends in high school. Courtney McCullen, Robin Buckley, and Steve Harrington. But alas, almost all of your friends were busy with work. You had managed to get a hold of Courtney, who had promised to come over around 7, but it was then nearing 9.
    You hated the thoughts that crept in. You hated that your brain told you that no one liked you, that despite all your efforts to make friends, it was still severely common that they would cut you off because they had apparently found you ‘too annoying’. Maybe it was happening again.
    Despite your thinking you were texting him too much, you decided to ask Steve if he’d like to hang out after he got off work. You received no response. That only added to your downward spiral.
    What interrupted your dizzying thoughts was a knock at the door.
    Who could that be?
    If you were completely honest with yourself, you’d had your hopes about who was behind the door, but your heart still leapt into your throat when you saw that you were right.
    Steve and Robin marched through your door. Steve began, “We have what I’m sure is every movie you’ve ever seen, four different flavors of popcorn, two soda bottles, a partridge in a pear tree, yada, yada...”
    You laughed, but you did see that Steve and Robin were only holding some movies. Where was--
    “We could use some help out here!” came an annoyed voice from outside. It was Dustin. He, along with Max, Lucas, and Eleven were grabbing everything else out of Steve’s car.
    “Hi, Y/n!” El happily yelled and waved.
    Max exclaimed after her, “Sorry Mike and Will aren’t with us. They’re on a date!” She sang the last word.
    “Oo! A date!” Lucas made kissing sounds, and the girls joined him.
    Dustin cut short their fun. “Guys, seriously. I’m not sharing if you aren’t going to help.”
    You, Steve, and Robin came out of the house to join the kids in following Dustin’s orders.
    “Why are you guys here?” you questioned Steve, “I thought you guys didn’t get off work ‘til later.”
    He confirmed, “We don’t. But I saw you were texting both me and Robin. I figured you really needed some company. So, we knocked off early, grabbed the kids, and came to you--Are you okay?”
    Tears were brimming your eyes again, only now it was for a completely different reason. You pulled Robin and Steve in for a hug. “Kids, drop the stuff. Get in here.”
    Dustin sighed, “Yeah, might as well,” and he followed your orders.
    Later, everyone was gathered around the TV in your living room, watching your favorite movie. The kids took the floor while you, Steve, and Robin lounged on the couch.
    “Thank you so much for this,” you told your friends. “I really, really needed it.”
    Robin shrugged, “No problem, but why didn’t you call any of the kids yourself? They could’ve biked over.”
    “I know. I just felt weird calling them as a high-schooler.”
    “I feel like that is a direct call out on me.” Steve took fake offense to your words.
    While Robin full out laughed, you couldn’t stop a small chuckle from slipping out. “Sorry, Steve. That’s not what I meant.”
    “Yeah, I know,” Steve put an arm around your shoulder and pulled you in to lean on him. “But it-it still hurt.” Steve feigned tears.
    “Shut up.” You laughed and pushed away from Steve, opting instead to lay on Robin’s shoulder. She brushed your hair back and started playing with his strands.
    “Thanks again, you guys,” you whispered.
    Robin smiled, “Absolutely positively no problem, Y/n.”
    “Yeah,” Steve joined in, “No problem at all.”
Author’s Note: Thank you so much for reading! Fill up that heart and reblog if you liked it. I would also really appreciate a comment, if you have the time. If you would like to read more, check out my masterlist. Have a nice day, night, or whatever time it is for you! <3 <3 <3
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marwritesgood · 5 years
Changes | S. Harrington
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Pairing: Steve x Henderson!Reader
Timeframe: Season 3
Summary: When Dustin asks his sister to take him to Scoops Ahoy so he can see Steve, she knows it’s time to break the news to him.
A/N: Send your requests in! I’m finishing Season 3 as we speak.
“Henderson! He’s back!”
When Dustin kept nagging me to drive him to Starcourt so he could see Steve for the first time since getting back from camp, I would have never anticipated the greeting they gave one another the minute Steve bursted through the doors.
“You got the job,” Dustin exclaimed, grinning happily. I knew he was disappointed about not reaching Suzie, and his friends not welcoming the way he wanted, so it was nice to see him happy again for a change.
“I got the job!” Steve laughed back, matching Dustin’s enthusiasm, something I had gotten mildly used to during our time together over the summer so far. 
After the two exchanged a complex, yet extremely dorky handshake, I sighed and leaned against the counter. Robin and I shared an amused glance, before turning our attention back to the two boys who were giggling, for having completed their elaborate handshake which ended with them pretending to vomit. Classic.
“How many children are you friends with?” Robin asked from behind the register. I tried my best to stifle the urge to laugh, but Steve’s inability to respond to her question sent me reeling.
“Okay, alright,” he droned, acting like he didn’t appreciate mine and Robin’s amusement, however, his unfazed grin suggested otherwise. “Henderson, you look like you’re in need of some ice cream, yeah? On the house.”
“Alright,” Dustin cheered. I didn’t think it would be possible for his mood to improve even more, but ice cream has that kind of effect on people. “I could go for a banana split boat.”
“You got it,” Steve answered, before turning to me with a smirk. “I think I might need an extra set of hands though, since Robin’s working the counter-”
“Oh jeez,” Robin sighed, knowing exactly where he was going with this.
“Y/n? Could you gimme some help?”
“Suuure,” I answered, in my artificially sweet tone. I hadn’t broken the news to Dustin yet, that Steve and I were dating, and he was making it really difficult to hide with all of his smirks and side glances. “Dusty, go save us a table and we’ll bring it out to you, yeah?”
“Okay,” he answered, too overcome with joy and excitement to take note of anything weird in our behaviour. Thank goodness.
After Dustin began walking towards the closest empty table he could find, Steve took my hand and gently pulled me along as he hastily made his way to the back room of Ships Ahoy, making sure my little brother wasn’t looking.
“You haven’t told him yet, have you?”
“I tried to,” I said, trying to reason with him. We had agreed that I would tell Dustin about our relationship as soon as he got home from camp, but with his friends surprising him and him getting disappointed when he couldn’t reach Suzie, it got increasingly difficult to bring up. “But then Mike and El bailed on him, and he couldn’t get Suzie to reply so Lucas and Max still don’t believe she’s real, and I didn’t want to overwhelm him.”
“Babe, slow down,” Steve said softly, placing both of his hands on my shoulders and breathing deeply, so that I could follow.
“He was just really bummed out,” I explained. “And he was super excited to see you, and I didn’t wanna change that.”
“Okay, I get it. We’ll just tell him now. Together... After we give him the ice cream, yeah?” I nodded after chuckling lightly. “But, I gotta ask... Was he... The only one excited to come see me again?”
He didn’t wait a second, to pull me closer to him, and snaking his arms around my lower back. As he leaned in towards me, staring intently at my lips, I placed my hand on his shoulders and kept him from getting any closer.
“What are you doing? He can probably see our silhouettes.”
“Aw, c’mon,” he whined, frowning as he reluctantly leaned back. He still kept his around me, and gently tightened his grasp. “I haven’t seen you all week. Can’t I have just one kiss before we break your little brother’s heart?”
“Well I’ll be damned. Do my ears deceive me?” I gasped dramatically, before linking my fingers together behind his neck. “Have I been transported to an alternate dimension, or is the Steve Harrington actually begging?”
“You know what you do to me,” he leaned close and whispered in my ear. It was needless to say that, even after years of dealing with his bullshit, and almost an entire month of dealing with his whining, he still knew just what to say to make my heart jump.
“Tell you what,” I began, before slowing pulling away from Steve, who reluctantly released his grasp. “You help me get through breaking the news to Dustin, and I’ll consider ‘accidentally’ making my way over to your place after I drop him off at home. Deal?”
I hold my hand out for him to shake, the way we always would when making deals. A tradition that dates back to our time together in middle school. But, instead of shaking my hand, Steve takes hold of it, lifts it up, and kisses the back of it. Before I can react, he quickly turns towards the ice cream tubs, and begins assembling the banana split boat.
“You’re such a dork,” I laughed, before helping him with the toppings. 
After we finished Dustin’s banana split, I held the door open for Steve so he could take it to the table where he sat. We had been in the back room for at least twenty minutes, but Dustin’s excitement remained unfazed. This both warmed my heart and brought me a strong feeling of unease. 
“Hey Y/n,” Robin called out to me, as I followed Steve towards the table. When I turned to face her, she held out a cone with two scoops of my favourite flavour of ice cream. “For you... You look like you need it.”
“Angel, Robin,” I muttered, before eagerly taking the ice cream from her hands. “You are an angel. A whole fucking guardian one.”
She tipped her hat off, making me chuckle, before I turned to see Steve sitting with Dustin. I walked over to their table, and sat on the left side , so that Dustin was inbetween Steve and I. They were in the middle of a conversation about Suzie, Dustin’s girlfriend. 
“No way,” Steve said, shaking his head at Dustin, who lifted a heaped spoonful of ice cream to his mouth. “Hotter than Phoebe Cates? No way.”
“What was that Steve?” I asked in annoyance, daring him to call another woman hot in front of me again. He quickly realised I was at the table too, and smiled cheekily at me. “Hm? Oh, nothing,” he answered.
“So do you really just get to eat as much of this as you want?” 
Dustin was an easily mesmerised kid, I knew that better than anyone. The prospect of free unlimited food, however, was something he will forever be blown away by.
“Yeah, I mean sure,” Steve shrugged. “It’s not really a good idea for me, though. You know, ‘cause I gotta keep in shape for...”
I raised my eyebrows, and Robin did too from her spot all the way from behind the register. Was this really how he wanted to tell my little brother we were dating? Steven quickly noticed my expression of concern, and kept himself from finishing the sentence with my name.
“... the ladies.”
“The ladies?” Dustin repeated, amused by Steve’s response.
“Yeah, the ladies, Steve?” I repeated, in a more aggressive tone, with eyebrows still raised and eyes widened. Steve found my expression entertaining, and smiled playfully in response
“Yeah. The ladies,” he affirmed. “One girl in particular, actually. She’s about Y/n’s height. Works with Miss Byers at Melvald’s. I think you know her?”
“She sounds like a real catch,” I exclaimed, whilst smiling proudly.
“Ehh,” Steve muttered, tilting his head from side to side. I pretended to be angry, and glared playfully at him. He returned the favour. “She’s alright. Never lets me kiss her, though. And her family members are a little weird.”
“Is that so?” I asked dramatically, crossing my arms in an exaggerated manner.
“Oh yeah,” he answered, a bit too quickly for my likings. “She has this little brother-”
Before we could keep playing the little act we found ourselves playing, Dustin cut in. Only then did we realise how confused the poor kid must have been, and how horrible of a job we were doing in easing him into the news. Perhaps the bandaid approach was our only option.
“What’s going on? Am I missing something?”
“We... We have to tell you something,” Steve explained, before nodding towards me. Once Dustin turned to face me, I took a deep breath before beginning. 
“Buddy,” I murmured, causing Dustin to immediately groan as though he were in excruciating pain. “What?”
“You only call me buddy when you tell me bad news,” he said, and just like that his expression was completely drained of all the joy and enthusiasm he was initially overflowed with after his reunion with Steve. “So, what is it this time? Are you moving away? Is Steve terminally ill? Did you two go on a date while I was away?”
I suppose for a kid who grew up playing DnD, we should have anticipated he would be great at figuring out what people are gonna do or say next. When Steve and I remained silent, Dustin’s jaw dropped.
“You guys went on a date while I was away?!”
“No,” Steve answered defensively, trying to get Dustin to calm down. “I’ve taken her out on at least 7 dates while you were away.”
I lifted my hand up to my face and sighed. Robin did the same, having been able to see and hear everything that was happening. 
“Dusty, calm down,” I said softly, placing my hand on his shoulder, less in an attempt to soothe him and more as a precautionary measure in case he stood up to do something. 
“My sister, Steve?... Really? Of all the girls in this fucking town, you decide to go for my sister.”
“Hey,” I cried out in offence.
“Ugh, you know what I mean,” Dustin says, frustrated. “Why didn’t you guys tell me? Y/n, you sent me two whole letters while I was away... You didn’t think the fact that you and Steve were sucking faces is something important to note in?”
“I knew you’d react like this,” I explained calmly, trying to mellow down the mood of our conversation. 
“Because everything is changing,” he cried. I glanced over at Steve briefly, and he looked just as gutted as I was. After taking yet another deep breath, I wrapped my arm around Dustin’s shoulder.
“Look, Dusty, I get that a lot of things are changing,” I began. “But change doesn’t always have to be a bad thing.”
“Yeah,” Steve chimed in. “And just because Y/n and I are- I don’t wanna say sucking faces.”
“Yeah, please don’t,” I warned.
“Just because we’re going out, doesn’t mean anything else is gonna change too,” he explained. “Y/n’s still gonna be your sister, and I’ll still be here for you whenever you need. If anything, things are changing for the better.”
I had to hand it to him. Steve would make a great mom.
“I guess it is pretty cool that you guys are sucking faces.”
“-Again, I do not like that phrase,” I muttered, making both of them chuckle.
“And I s’pose if anyone’s gonna date my sister, I’m glad it’s you, Steve, and not someone like... Like that guy you were talking about before- Matt Lewinsky.”
“Right?! That guy is so lame. Spent all of last season on the bench.”
“Okay, moving on,” I said, as I rolled my eyes. I had heard enough of Steve’s complaints about Lewinsky to last a lifetime. I was not about to sit and listen to another one. “Are you okay now, Dust? Are we good?”
“Yeah,” he sighed, before reaching for the rest of his banana split. “Just... Don’t... do couple stuff in front of me. I’m cool with you two dating, but that doesn’t mean I’m not weirded out by it.”
“So, you’re saying it’d be weird for you if I did this?”
As Dustin leaned over to finish his banana split, Steve stood up as much as he could, and leaned towards me, pecking my lips quickly, but long enough for my little brother to squirm. I giggled, both amused by Steve’s antics and relieved that our relationship was out in the open now.
“I finally got my fucking kiss,” Steve stated proudly, completely unbothered by how very visibly bothered Dustin was. 
Deep down, we both knew the kid was happy that of all the teenagers falling in love this summer, his sister and the guy he looked up to did so with one another.
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kaypeace21 · 5 years
The Duffers use of music proves byler is endgame (music-analysis)
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The Duffers in an interview said that they choose songs for the show very deliberately -sometimes spending weeks on Spotify to find just the right song to convey an emotion/context of a scene. Songs in all seasons (but especially in s3) were used to show how characters are feeling- or just an action they’re about to commit.
For instance, Karen when she’s about to meet Billy at the motel-  feels apprehensive and wants to get out of it (since it would hurt her family) and she was just flirting with Billy as a way to escape her own issues, about her life. She never flirted with Billy for the end-goal of “getting him.”
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They even use “cat’s in the cradle’ which could be shown as a way to illustrate the inappropriate age disparity between Billy/Karen.
Other examples-
Right before the boys run away from the lingerie store- the lyrics are literally “I just walk away” XD
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Jim when he looks at Joyce- the lyrics are “she’s got you.” ( cause he’s in love with her).
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-And Jim after getting Mike to not come over to see El, (by yelling at him) sings…
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Joyce after she sees Bob’s drawing fall to the ground and then crouches to pick it up.
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And songs also illustrates how Nancy feels about her job (with her sexist co-workers). As the morose lyrics of “I’ll be working here forever” play as it zooms in on Hawkins post -as Nancy rushes inside.
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As well as  her excitement -about investigating a new case. As Jancy leaves and the very on the nose song  of “get up and go” begins -as they get into the car.
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Billy when he pulls out chloroform (from a perfume bottle).
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El after dumping Mike (and smiling about it) XD
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So all the byler stuff I’m about to mention proves byler is endgame.
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So yes, the fact that the very first lyrics that play when we see mileven kiss for the first time  is “Just a little uncertainty can bring you down”- reflects that (just like the others, the song reflects Mike’s true feelings). The song is from the album “boy in the box (cough closet)”.
And we know this is how Mike (not El) feels about their relationship because he begins to sing the song right after this lyric. It mirrors how when Will danced with a girl (who owned a rainbow hair clip) the lyrics were “every smile you fake.”
Mike continues “And nobody wants to know you now. And nobody wants to show you how.So if you’re lost and on your own. You can never surrender.” He fears that if he isn’t straight everyone he cares about will abandon him, and that he’d be lost and the only one ‘like this’ -all alone.But he can’t ‘surrender’ the false-idea of being in love with El (out of fear).  El even says to “stop” and tries to cover his mouth to prevent him from singing and Mike asks “What you don’t like it?” and El just says “No!”.
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Which may be a purposeful juxtaposition to how Robin came out- and instead both Robin and Steve sang off-tune happily together- while El covers Mike’s mouth and tells him to stop singing. When Mileven kiss at the end of the season the song ‘the first i love you’ plays. The same song that plays when Robin comes out to steve (to illustrate the juxtaposition).
What’s interesting is ( right before the mileven kiss) we see a zoom in shot of a picture of Will and a rainbow . Like that’s Will! He has light brown hair (not black) and Will is the only one associated with fire and has drawn himself with fire in the past.
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And since El has Mike related-stuff all over her room, and barely knows Will. Mike probably lied saying it was supposed to be him- which is why it’s above her bed.And we also see that based on it’s placement Mike is facing the Will drawing so he can see it  (cause we see El in front of the poster and Mike sitting opposite of her during the 1st kiss) . 
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And during this transition the lyrics read “cause just a little more time could open closing doors” Which could be hinting at byler becoming a thing later - when (after some ‘time’) they both become ready to actually admit their feelings/sexuality - despite the other probably doubting the other has feelings for them.
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I mean we even see an illustration of Will & the text of the name ‘Mike’ written out next to a rainbow-heart. And 2 other drawings next to the rainbow heart drawing (that are covered in red hearts). XD
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(*for those who can’t see Mike written out in the transitioned will/mike pic)
However, what’s interesting though is the one other things he took down from his wall. In S1 Mike (before he even met El)  has a heart sign, with a red heart being propelled by a rainbow. Then in s3 it's gone from his wall when he dates El (cause he's trying to repress the fact he's gay). Why El has a drawing that says Mike (with a heart also propelled by a rainbow.) He can't use El to escape the truth. His rainbow follows him everywhere even when he tries to hide it (from his basement wall and himself) -  and when kissing El!Aka he tries to take it down (like he pretends to be straight). However, in the first ep of s3 when Mike is making-out with El (trying to project his feelings for Will on to her by looking at the Will drawing while kissing) we see a emergence of the heart being propelled by a rainbow (in El’s room) as a drawing.  signifying Mike participating in compulsory-heterosexuality,  and the fact no matter how hard he tries- he’s not straight!
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Also El’s reaction to the song - hints that this isn’t actually her mixtape. But one that Mike made for her. or Will made for Mike (since jon makes mixtapes and prob taught him how- Will in s3 gave a mixtape to Dustin so it would not surprise me if he gave one to Mike).
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So similar to the drawing, the mixtape hints at byler’s feelings
  ‘I can’t fight this feeling’ (which mileven makes out to later). Actually indicates Mike fighting his feelings for Will. And how he’s been trying to fight his feelings for Will, all season.
Besides the lyrics themselves- the singer literally went on record about the song’s meaning . Which is about a boy being in love/pinning over his friend of many years and never thinking he had a chance at being with them (and being afraid he’d ruin the relationship if he confessed)- but slowly thinking he could  be with them (and that they might feel the same way about him) . And in the song the 2 people AREN’T even together yet!
“Oh, I can’t fight this feeling any longer. And yet I’m still afraid to let it flow. What started out this friendship has grown stronger, I only wish I had the strength to let it show. I tell myself that I can’t hold out forever .I said there is no reason for my fear ‘Cause I feel so secure when we’re together ‘.You give my life direction. You make everything so clear. And even as I wander I’m keeping you in sight. You’re a candle in the window on a cold, dark winter’s night. And I’m getting closer than I ever thought I might”
This makes no sense for mileven who kissed after knowing each other for a week and who didn’t have a long established friendship, beforehand. And who also are already together (and not afraid to express their ‘romantic feelings’ for each other).
Then in s2, mileven dance to ‘every breath you take’ a break up song about a stalker ex. The writer of the song also has said many times “it’s NOT a love song.” The duffers obviously knew that. Lumax also danced to it and Lucas was called a ‘stalker’. El also stalked Mike in s2 (all that stuff milevens found romantic- El watching him without him knowing. Mike says he was not ok with it in s3). And in s3 he said not to do that and she just says ‘i make my own rules’. Not to mention Nancy teaching Dustin how to dance is a direct parallel to Mike teaching El. 
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Mike also tries to act like Dustin, and  forces Will to dance with a girl (who’s wearing a rainbow hair clip). Trying to be a good sport like Dustin is about lumax. And right after this we see Dustin look sad about Max/Lucas dancing and Mike (next to Dustin) look sadly at Will/girl dancing in the same exact frame as Max/Lucas. As they switch between these 2 shots to emphasize their sadness/jealousy.Then they both sit down (mirroring each other) on the verge of tears before Nancy and El show up to comfort them and distract them.  As El once again (presumably) wears Nancy dress. Mike “you cant go with your sister… i mean you can but it’d be really weird.”
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Also in regards to Will- when I heard they were going to have the song ‘Never ending story’ I wondered if they were going to re-contextualize one line in particular to be a hint at Will’s queerness. And shock- they did it! XD
The lyric is “ Rhymes that keep their secrets will unfold behind the clouds and there upon a rainbow Is the answer to a never ending story. ”
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And of course Will is the one with a secret- that is ‘rainbow’ related. And they pan to him during the “secrets” line. I think Will is less in the denial phase than Mike is and already knows he’s gay and in love with him.
And this wasn’t a coincidence because when Lumax makes fun of Dustin they sing the lyrics incorrectly as  “The mirror of your dreams. Rhymes that keep their secrets…” And it pans to Will AGAIN!
We see Will obscured in shadows to represent he’s “hiding”.
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And then he appears in the light, looking sadly at D&D as the lyrics , “rhymes that keep their secrets” is sang (again).
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And we see he’s specifically looking at the d&d game sadly and about to give it away- since they zoom in on the game title (before he places it in the “donation” box). 
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Because the d&d game is used to reflect his desires (like a “mirror”) . It’s the ‘mirror of his dreams’- to be with Mike. Cue Mike saying “ what did you think,really? That we were never gonna get girlfriends? We were just gonna sit in my basement all day and play games for the rest of our lives?” And poor Will  just responding with “Yeah, I guess I did. I really did.”
This lyric about the mirror is NOT in the original song. It was used once again to establish D&D as a romantic symbol for byler. Just like how they zoomed in on d&d right before the romantic “crazy together” speech.
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Mike in s3 says “Blank makes you crazy… y’know like the word (love).” Flo in s1 says “ Only love makes you that crazy and that stupid.” Cue Will calling himself “stupid” 4 times (after Mike says they won’t be together playing games for the rest of their lives-and ripping up the Halloween pic , out of heart-break).
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So again right after we see the zoom-in of the game (another romantically coded scene happens after). Will puts the game in the ‘donation’ pile - and Mike isn’t happy about it.
Mike: “WHOA, dude, that’s the donation box.”
Will: “ I know, I’ll just use yours,  when I come back. (pause) if WE still want to play?”
( translation: “I love and want to be with you but I’m not going to pursue you and get my heart broken again. Because even if I feel like you love me… I can’t trust my own instincts about how you truly feel anymore. If you want to play this ‘game of love’  with me you have to initiate/participate in the game properly.” Mike when fixated on El even says it was a cool campaign but  “we just weren’t in the mood right now.” and  also says to Will “c’mon, let’s play for real”  but Will storms off (not thinking that what Mike said was genuine).  
Mike : “Yeah, but what if you want to join another party?”
(*cough, the other ‘species’/girls, or just someone else: girl, guy or otherwise)
Will: “Not possible.”
(Will will always love Mike, and  admits he wants to be with him for the rest of his life).
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And we actually see the Hopper’s Monologue (where Mike is shown)- reflects what Mike said to Will earlier. Mike does want to love Will but he’s just scared of changing their relationship into something romantic- and even though a part of him doesn’t want things to change, he’s still afraid that Will will move on from him as they both get older. “I’ve been feeling distant from you. Like you’re pulling away from me or something” (Will does this both figuratively/literally). I miss playing board games every night (d &d)”. “But I know you’re getting older, growing, changing. And I guess, if I’m being really honest, that’s what scares me. I don’t want things to change.”
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Also the lyric “ Rhymes that keep their secrets will unfold behind the clouds and there upon a rainbow- is the answer to a never ending story. ”
One way or another Will’s secret (of being queer and/or being in love with Mike) will eventually come out. And that’s the answer to this “never ending story” between Will & Mike. Their love story. I mean who else is associated with Will’s story and has loads of rainbow symbolism - and has rainbow symbolism that  specifically connects them to Will?
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*Lol don’t even get me started  on analyzing how in s1 when Mike thinks Will is dead- Mike hugs his mom and the lyrics are “and we kiss as though nothing could fall. And the shame.” Which is queer coded and written by David Bowie- and during the s2 “freak” speech- Will even says he’d rather be friends with Bowie than Kenny Roggers.
People need to realize no one is a bigger shipper of byler- than the Duffer brothers themselves! XD
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hunnywrites · 5 years
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Arcade Dreams: Chapter Three
Summary: There’s a new girl working at the Palace Arcade and Hawkins’ Family Video. Billy can’t stand her, and the feeling is mutual. No matter what everyone else seems to think.
Pairing: Billy Hargrove/OFC
It was Monday night. Teddi was bouncing back and forth between the video store and arcade. Some kid was having a birthday party and there were about fifteen eight year olds running around with icing smudged all over their faces. Keith definitely wasn’t going to be the one to handle them. The older kids harassed him, sure, but the little ones terrorized him. Teddi had lost count of how many times she’d seen the elementary kids throwing their shitty prizes at him from across the prize counter or blatantly ignored his pleas for them to stop running and acting like a bunch of “crackheads”. But she’d be lying if she said she didn’t find it a little funny. 
So now she was busy following around a group of small children and wiping down the machines after their grimy little hands got cake and god only knows what else on the controls. “Teddi!” she turned to see who had called her, smiling at the two boys who were waving wildly at her from across the room. She made her way over, giving Lucas and Dustin each a high five. 
“How’s it goin’ dudes? The crew’s not in tonight?” Mike, Will and the girl who she had learned was named El had been in all weekend, but she hadn’t seen Max in a few days, which was unusual. “Hey, is everything okay with Max? I haven’t seen her tagging along in awhile.”
Lucas made a face. “She got grounded. Two more days until she’s free. Will’s mom just came and picked him, Mike and El up though.” he explained, jabbing a thumb at the front door. 
“Yeah, two more days until Lucas can see his girlfriend.” Dustin teased, poking his best friend in the side. Lucas slapped his hands away and muttered a “Shut up.”
Teddi laughed, raising an eyebrow. “Girlfriend? You can’t be dating, you guys are babies!” she couldn’t really be too surprised though. Anyone could see the puppy dog eyes Lucas and Max 
had been flashing each other since she’d moved to Hawkins.
“Hey, hey! We’re men.” Dustin corrected her. 
Lucas rolled his eyes, turning to Teddi. “So...can we?” He asked. Dustin perked up next to him. About a month ago, Dustin had found a way to trick the ticket counter into giving out more tickets. The gang had made a top secret mission out of it to keep the secret from Keith and the other kids at the arcade. But Teddi had been an important part in their scheme as long as she was willing. 
“You know, you guys could always just save up your tickets. Try being patient.” she offered with an amused smile. 
Lucas pulled a face. “Do you have any idea how long that would take? We’re halfway there! After tonight that bike is ours, and Christmas is next week. We’re on a deadline here, Teddi!” he reasoned. It was sweet really. There was this little white bicycle that had been hanging above the prize counter longer than she had been working there. The gang had all decided to pool their tickets together and give the bike to El for Christmas. 
Teddi looked around the arcade and let out a heavy sigh. “Alright. You have twenty minutes until Keith gets back from his break. If anyone gives you shit just tell them you’re doing me a favor since I’m busy, okay? I gotta go check on things next door.” it was a risky move for the both of them to try and pull this off without the others, but Teddi knew they’d be able to pull it off. 
“Yes!” they both cried. “Thank you, Teddi!” Dustin yelled before grabbing Lucas by the arm and pulling him along. Teddi shook her head, turning and heading back to the video store. 
Things were quiet over there at least. There was a group of younger girls arguing over what movie to rent for the night and a kid begging with his parents to let him rent Friday the 13th. She decided to start going through the returns when the bell on the door rang and a small redhead ran in with a stack of tapes. 
“Maxamillion!” Teddi greeted. While she liked all of Max’s friends, Teddi had a soft spot for her. She was sure that it was because she reminded Teddi so much of herself when she was her age. “I was just asking Lucas and Dustin about you, heard you got grounded.” She said with a teasing, stern look. 
Max rolled her eyes and nodded, setting the tapes on the counter. “My mom totally shit a fit. And Billy’s been all pissy because he has to watch me. But these movies were awesome. He even liked them. And he hates everything.”
Teddi raised an eyebrow and looked down at the tapes Max was returning. Black Christmas, Alien, Sleepaway Camp and Carrie. “Wait, you’re Billy’s sister?” how hadn’t she put that together? Max had always said her brother was a dick, and Teddi didn’t know anyone in Hawkins who was a bigger dick than Billy. 
“Step-sister.” Max corrected. And speak of the devil, in waltzed Billy himself with a cigarette between his lips and his shirt unbuttoned practically down to his belly button. Teddi scoffed loudly.
“There’s no smoking in here, Hargrove.” she said, her hands on her hips. Billy sauntered over, leaning against the counter and removing the cigarette from his lips before blowing a cloud of smoke in her face. She wanted to smack the smirk off his face. 
“Bite me, Larsson,” he grinned. Teddi leaned forward and snatched the cigarette from his fingers, putting it out on the counter with an overly sweet smile. Max watched the exchange with an exhausted look. “...You’re a real bitch sometimes, you know that?” he muttered.
“Yeah? Well, in here you’re my bitch,” he glared at Max when she let out a snort. “You didn’t tell me that Max was your step-sister,” she said, changing the subject. “You’re totally not cool enough to be related to her in any way.” she teased. 
Billy rolled his eyes. “Please. What do either of you know about being cool?”
Max gave him an unimpressed look. “She’s way cooler than you.” 
“Jesus, will you shut up and get some new tapes already? I don’t wanna hear Susan bitch about how long we took.” Max let out an over dramatic sigh and ran off to find something new to watch for the night. Billy’s fingers were tapping rapidly on the counter, clearly desperate for another smoke.
“...Rough night?” Teddi asked. He seemed a bit more on edge than usual. Paranoid. Like at any second shit was going to hit the fan. 
“Fuck off, Teddi.” he spat. She rolled her eyes, but held her hands up in defense before turning back to sort through the returned tapes. Billy rubbed the back of his neck, eyeing her nervously but didn’t say anything. 
Soon Max returned with two new tapes, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Poltergeist. Teddi nodded approvingly. “Tobe Hooper, awesome choice. You know, he uses real dead bodies in both of these. They said the Poltergeist set was totally haunted. Makes it like...a million times scarier.” Teddi explained as she rang the movies up. 
“Awesome.” Max grinned. 
“How the fuck do you know all of this? You’re like a bottomless pit of useless information.” Billy grunted out, pulling his wallet out. 
“I read, Billy. You should try it sometime. Five bucks,” she held out her hand. Billy glared at her and slapped the bills into her palm. “Hope you like ‘em, Max! They’re due back Thursday. See you at the pool tomorrow, Hargrove.” Max smiled at Teddi and happily ran out of the store while Billy stuck another cigarette between his lips.
He turned to leave, calling “See ya, weird girl.” over his shoulder before flipping Teddi off and stomping out once again. 
Eventually Keith came back and reluctantly handed the bike over to Lucas and Dustin after they turned in their tickets. When he told Teddi she could leave early for the night, she practically jumped the counter. She grabbed her coat and bag and rushed outside, hissing as the cold air hit her bare legs. Summer can’t come fast enough, she thought as she rushed over to her car and got in, cranking up the heat. It was late, and Teddi was hoping that would mean her parents would be asleep by the time she got home.
Things had never been great between her and her parents. It had been the worst when she was little. Once her dad started making good money things eased up because he was never home, and she didn’t care very much if her mother ignored her or not. But now that money was thin Teddi could sense the storm coming. So to avoid it she tried her best to stay out of the house as often as possible. 
Unfortunately for her, she noticed the lights were still on in the living room once she pulled into the driveway. She let out a heavy sigh, trudging in and hanging her coat up by the door. Her dad was asleep in the recliner with a beer bottle sitting between his legs. Her mother was nowhere to be seen. 
Teddi grabbed the bottle and shut the TV off before gently shaking his shoulder. “Dad, wake up. It’s almost midnight.” 
He groaned, blinking up at her and pulling away harshly. “Get the fuck off me,” he muttered before  looking around and  frowning. “Where have you been all day?” 
“Work, dad.”
He scoffed. “Right, work. Laying out by the pool and playing video games all day.”
Teddi rolled her eyes. She didn’t want to argue. She wanted to shower and get in bed. If anything she was surprised he remembered where she worked. That was more than she ever expected from him. 
“Don’t you fucking roll your eyes at me. Should you even be awake this late on a school night?” 
Teddi headed down the hall. “It’s Christmas break,” She said simply before shutting her bedroom door. Teddi pulled off her boots, tossing them into her closet before plopping down on her bed. “Five more months,” she reminded herself quietly. “Five more months.” Once May rolled around she would graduate high school and finally be free of her parents. She didn’t know in what capacity yet, but she didn’t really care. Even if it meant sticking in Hawkins but living on her own. She just wanted out. 
Once the living room light shut off and she heard her parent’s bedroom door shut, she grabbed clean pajamas and headed for the shower. The water was near scalding, but it did wonders to relieve her tense muscles. Unfortunately she found herself thinking about Billy. 
Tomorrow she would be helping him teach one of the swim classes. Or watching and learning as he had put it. She couldn’t really picture him teaching little kids much of anything. Maybe how to smoke and swear at their parents, but definitely not swimming. He was too gruff. When he was up in that lifeguard seat he reigned with near terror. Just the day before he had made a six year old cry after he had called him a shitbird for splashing too much. At least she would be there to hopefully provide a more gentle touch to the lesson. 
Things between her and Billy were...weird. One minute they were bickering, the next they pretended the other didn’t exist, then they would both be huddled together laughing at this one dad who liked to strut around in a speedo and hit on moms while his kid was in the pool. And this was just over the span of three days. 
Teddi sighed loudly and willed herself to think of anything else. Soon Christmas break would be over and school would start back up at least. She could go back to being a friendly acquaintance to the kids in her classes and she’d get invited to parties on the weekend. Not that she’d go, but being invited was nice. And hopefully soon the months would fly by, she’d get accepted into a college and she could get far, far away from Hawkins. But until then she’d have to deal with Billy. Without killing him. 
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grapesodatozier · 6 years
Can we have some soft Wheelzier headcanons
yes!! of course!! thank you for sending this in, writing these made me so happy!! 
something I love about wheelzier is that they love each other for things others might find weird or annoying
richie adores that mike puts syrup on his eggs (“god it’s like literally everything you do is the sweetest thing ever”)
mike is fascinated by richies voices and always asks him to help him DM (“please baby you do the voices so much better than I do” and how can richie say no to those big brown eyes??)
mikes never really had a nickname before (excluding freak and frog face), likes it’s either mike or michael, so it makes him feel so special that richie comes up with so many nicknames for him, even the silly ones
and all the pet names richie uses make mike melt every time
richie loves that mike worries about him, bc lbr, it’s a rare occasion that someone worries about richie bc richie’s always all smiles, but mike sees through it. he senses when even the littlest thing is off with richie and will always ask “are you okay? what’s wrong? is there anything I can do to help?”
mike fusses over richie so much and it makes richie so emotional bc mike just cares so much and isn’t even a little embarrassed about showing it
richie thinks it’s the coolest (and cutest) thing that mikes keeps his childhood toys even into college and wants to know all the stories behind every toy
and they both just gush to each other all the time about stuff that makes other people roll their eyes
I’ve said it before but these boys both really understand the value of being heard and the pain of not being heard, so they’re both the best listeners - which is necessary for anyone dating either of them lol these boys love to talk
they’ll talk all day and then when they have to go home they talk on the phone for hours until they fall asleep
also they’re both so smart and so supportive of each other’s success
they’re so invested in one another’s dreams and aspirations and life goals
they’re so in love wow okay just needed to say that lol moving on
they’re also really good at picking up on each other’s insecurities and shutting that shit down with all the love they have!! (which is a lot!!)
if richie gets beeped too many times mike will sit with him and ask him a lot of questions, a lot of the time just curling up and whispering with him so as to not embarrass richie by calling attention to his silence (and also they both love just being so wrapped up in each other, they both love giving each other all the attention they need)
one day richie picks mike up and spins him around like he always does, and he tries to kiss him but mike just buries his face in richies shoulder
“baby? what is it, what’s wrong?”
“it’s just… do you ever wish that I could pick you up? the way you pick me up?”
mike doesn’t work out bc lucas and el are his only friends who work out, so he’s always had max, dustin and will to hang out with if he got bored while the other two worked out, and even if they weren’t available mikes p good at keeping himself busy
richie, however, would stick a fork in an electrical outlet to escape boredom, and literally the entire losers club works out, so richie started working out with them just so he could hang out with them, and he’s been in the habit for years
this means that richie is much stronger and more toned than mike
“babe, I’m 6’4. I don’t need to be lifted any higher”
and mike tries to smile at that, but richie can tell he doesn’t really mean it yet
so he plops mike down on the couch and begins kissing him all over
“angel, I don’t need you to change a single thing. if you want me up in the air we can get a sex swing, or one of those suspended egg chairs, or a hammock.”
that succeeds in making mike giggle (richies favorite sound), but richie isn’t done
he lifts up mikes shirt and begins placing kisses all over his soft tummy, nuzzling it with his nose and blowing raspberries into it, which makes mike shriek with laughter
“don’t you worry, baby” richie stage whispers to mikes tummy, “I’m not gonna let him make you into some rock hard six pack” the playful distaste in his voice makes mike giggle again, and it also warms his chest
“don’t get me wrong” richie says, now to mike, “it’s your body, so you can work out if you want to”
“I really don’t want to” mike grins and stroke richies hair
richie exclaims happily, which makes mike laugh again. “hear that?” richie says, once again to mikes tummy, “you’re not going anywhere! we can still be together!”
he then launches a kiss attack on mikes tummy, which makes him squirm with laughter
“you’re such a dork” mike says, and it would be impossible to fit more love and fondness and gratitude into four words
“a dork who’s in love with you” richie reminds him with a kiss to the tip of his nose
“I am so in love with you” mike sighs and wraps richie in his arms. richie melts into the kiss, and it’s tender and passionate
they’re both so passionate about everything they do, and neither of them ever tires of hearing or saying “I love you”
both of these boys are just overflowing with affection and they always let each other let it out!! they gush over each other all the time!! they are so in love and they love to talk to each other about it!! and just bask in their love for each other!!
basically they’re so in love!!
wow!! i love them!!
thanks again for this ask!! I also wrote some more soft wheelzier hcs a while ago, which you can find here!!
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fatechica · 6 years
I don't know if you've done this but fake dating?
ooh, fake dating (everyone should go read @elshopper​‘s wonderful fic “fake it til you make it”, btw, but this is going to be a different kind of fake dating)
Mike’s mom has been on his ass forever over why he’s not married yet.
Every time he goes home, for whatever reason, Karen’s constantly getting in little digs about it and Mike dreads going home because of it.
He would just like it to be known for the record that the following is not his idea - it’s El’s.
Mike meets El at university, where by happenstance, they share a couple of GE classes. They bond over annoying professors and even more annoying classmates, pairing up for projects and they become really good friends.
Mike can’t not notice how pretty El Hopper is, but he’s even more pleased to find out that she fits in really well with his friends - because, naturally, the Party has all gone off to college together (he definitely has a crush on El, but then they become friends and he doesn’t want to ruin it, so he shelves it and tries to move past it)
El, for her part, DEFINITELY has a crush on Mike, but he’s never shown any interest over the years they’ve been friends, so she’s done her best to ignore her own feelings. She’s tried dating other people, and has even been marginally successful, but her longest relationship has only lasted about 6 months.
But, anyway, back to El’s idea.
Mike and El are maybe 25-26 and Mike has to go home for his mom’s birthday weekend and he’s dreading it. He just knows his mom’s going to harp on him all weekend about why he’s still single and how he’s never going to get married and his mom’s never going to be a grandmother (like Nancy or Holly just don’t exist or something). He just wants to be able to go visit his family in peace, thank you very much.
So, as it gets closer to Mike going home, his mood gets worse and worse until El finally decides to just ask him what’s going on.
Mike tells her everything and El just blurts out: “Well, why don’t you bring a girlfriend home with you?” And Mike’s all “El, I don’t have a girlfriend.” And El goes “Well, how about I be your girlfriend? Just for the weekend, of course.”
Mike’s a little ambivalent about the idea at first, but El reassures him that there’ll just be some hand holding and sitting a little closer than they usually do (the two of them are pretty touchy feely with each other as it is), so it won’t be too weird or anything. And, reassured, Mike agrees - really, if it’ll get his mom off his back, even if just for the weekend, he’ll take it.
So, Mike and El head back to Hawkins and they go over the story they’re going to tell Karen - because Karen’s known El for years, so they have to have a story. They keep it simple: they’ve been friends for years, but only recently discovered that they both wanted it to be more, but didn’t want to say anything until they were sure, but now that they are, they both figured this was a good way to let everyone know
They get to Hawkins and Karen’s just ecstatic. She always knew there was something between Mike and El and “Mike talks about you all the time, El. A boy doesn’t talk about a girl that much without being in love with them.”
Suffice it to say, it’s awkward. Mike’s embarrassed, El’s trying not to get her hopes up, but they’re both just trying to grin and bear it.
And then Karen reveals that Mike and El are just going to have to share his childhood bedroom because her parents are visiting for her birthday and there’s just nowhere else El can sleep, but they’re both adults and Karen’s “sure that you two are used to sharing a bed *wink wink*. I know how you young people are these days.”
Suddenly, both Mike and El are really nervous. Sure, they’ve fallen asleep on the couch together after a late night of watching movies. But that’s entirely different than sleeping in the same bed. El especially is freaking out because, well, she didn’t think she’d be sharing a room, much less a bed, and what she brought to sleep in is, not, well...it’s something she wouldn’t mind her actual boyfriend seeing if she had one, but Mike’s a different story all together.
So, yeah, sleeping is really awkward that night.
What’s even more awkward? The next day when Mike’s grandpa insists that Mike “give your girl a kiss. Don’t be so shy!”
Now Mike and El are really freaking out and there’s a moment where they just share a look - Mike’s trying to silently apologize and El’s silently telling him it’s ok - but they both recognize they’re backed into a corner and, secretly, they’re both curious about finally knowing what it’s like to kiss the other person.
So, in front of all of Mike’s family, Mike kisses El...and it’s amazing. So amazing they almost forget this is supposed to be fake. And they both realize that those feelings they’ve been trying to suppress/ignore and maybe thought had disappeared? NOPE NOT A CHANCE and they’re both painfully aware that they’re in love with the other person and it’s so horrible because THIS ISN’T REAL.
The kiss ends, reality rushes back in, and now it’s not just awkward, but strained. Because El didn’t think it was going to hurt this much; she thought she could handle pretending to be Mike’s girlfriend, but she underestimated just how in love with him she really is. And for Mike, he’s very painfully aware that he’s never stopped having feelings for El and it’s a horrible time realize this because this is just fake and he doesn’t know how he’s supposed to be in love with his best friend and not tell her.
Eventually, probably during the birthday dinner or after, El slips away, needing some space, and Mike goes after her, clearly knowing that something is wrong (he thinks she probably has figured out he’s in love with her and it’s making her uncomfortable).
He finds her on the verge of tears and when he asks her what’s wrong, he’s so nice and sweet that El just ends up blurting out everything - how she’s in love with him and she knows he doesn’t love her back and she’s so sorry that she even came up with this idea in the first place because she didn’t know it was going to hurt so much and she’s so sorry that she’s ruined everything and she would completely understand if he doesn’t want to be friends with her.
Naturally, this is when Mike kisses her. Not because he’s backed into doing so, but because he can’t not. Because El loves him like he’s loved her all along. He tells her that he feels the same, that he has for a very long time but he didn’t want to ruin everything, so he’s been ignoring it. Beyond happy, El kisses him this time
After a very long while, they stop kissing and talk about what this means and both of them very happily decide to date for real instead of just pretend.
(Mike’s mom never find out)
(But you can bet your ass the Party does)
(And they never let Mike and El forget it)
Send me an AU and I’ll give you 5+ HCs for it!
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xbarrjallenx · 7 years
Tumblr media
Pairing: Mike Wheeler x Reader
Request: “Omfg can i request a part 3 for "Chaising Pavements"?!?! Ahh part 2 was so amazing, im so sad and my heart broke into a million pieces! 😊😊❤ “
“please please please do a part 3 for chasing pavements/jessies girl!!! its so good oh my gosh”
“3rd part please.... pleeeeeeease?????”
Summary: (Y/N) and Dustin sought for Nancy’s help to understand Mike’s actions, but he got worse and some important things slipped through his mouth.
Word count: 1.779
Posted: 25th of November 2017
A/N: OMG! Here’s the 3rd part of Charing Pavements and Jessie’s Girl, finally! I thank each one of you for the kind comments, I can’t believe that I got too many positive comments and you seriously made my day, motivating me even more on writing. Thank you so much.
I thought of ending it with part 3, but some of you requested some more Dustin Henderson x reader scenes and I had to make Mike jealous. I just love imagining him dying of jealousy. Anyway, if you want, I voluntarily will write part 4, probably the last part, so let me know. Thank you.
I hope you like it and enjoy! Comments are appreciated and welcomed.
- G. x
Links: Chasing Pavements (Part 1); Jessie’s Girl (Part 2); Can’t Fight This Feeling (Part 4)
Few days has passed since the Snow Ball, but you still couldn’t take Mike’s death and sorrowful glare off your head. You couldn’t understand why he would be grumpy and irked. He couldn’t be jealous, could he? And if ever, why would he? Mostly, when Eleven has already came back.
“Dustin, are you sure of this?” You asked him for the millionth time and you thanked him for being patient with you. You were so anxious and afraid of what might happen next, mostly when Mike could discover everything what you and Dustin were doing.
The group has planned to do another endless campaign of Dungeons and Dragons, but Will and Dustin decided not to as Eleven and Max kept on interrupting the game by asking explanations for every move that the party would make. Everyone in the group, except you and Dustin, offered a hand to teach the mechanics of the game to the girls. You, obviously, had a better thing to do with Dustin.
“Of course, (Y/N).” He nodded nonchalantly, lowering his voice so the boys wouldn’t hear your conversation. After all, they were still convinced that you were already in a relationship with Dustin. “Nancy knows how to make people feel better, maybe she knows why Mike is acting weird too.” You both stopped in front of Nancy’s bedroom door, slowly building your courage up before knocking.
“Dustin, Mike barely talked to us, you must be kidding if you think that he talked to his sister.” You rolled your eyes as Dustin took a deep breath.
You were both devastated as your best friend suddenly stopped talking to you, also because you didn’t do something bad to hurt him or make him angry. He has greeted you, but he was so cold and detached. Mike has never treated you in that way, he never did. He has always wanted to make you feel better, to see you with your widest smile on your face.
“You’re prettier when you smile, (Y/N).” He stated as he tucked your (Y/H/C) hair behind your ear. You flutter closed your eyes in happiness, feeling his lips on your forehead.
“Nancy?” Dustin knocked, gently shouting Nancy’s name to have her attention. Your eyes grew wide as you shook your thoughts off your head and you were about to run away, but Dustin grabbed your hand and squeezed it tightly. “You are hurting, (Y/N), but let me help you. You can still conquer the boy of your dreams, okay?” He whispered in your ear, softening your gaze.
“Hey Dusty, (Y/N)!” She cheerfully greeted, pulling you both in a tight hug. Dustin quickly let go of your hand as he didn’t want for Nancy to tease him with you. That boy has got a crush on the young lady standing in front of you. “What’s up?”
“Uhh,” You nervously blurted out and Dustin smiled at you to encourage you. “I need some help.”
“Oh,” She warmly smiled. “advices on dating Dusty?” She winked at Dustin, but he just rolled his eyes. You shook your head and she quickly knitted her eyebrows together. “But the rumours had it and I thought that you are together.”
“We’ll explain it to you.” Dustin seriously stated. Nancy nodded and she invited you to enter her room, shutting and locking the door nonchalantly.
“So, what is everything about?” Nancy curiously asked, sitting on her study desk. Dustin invited you to sit beside him on the edge of Nancy’s double bed. You followed him as you roamed your eyes around the room, catching some interesting photographs and posters on the wall.
“We aren’t together.” Dustin explained, emphasizing his words. “The people thought that we are, because we hugged in the middle of the gym during the ball.”
“Oh,” Nancy sang as she got Dustin’s point. “so, what is your problem? How can I help you with it?”
“The problem is Mike Wheeler, your asshole brother.” Dustin blurted out. He rolled his eyes at the thought of his best friend. He was a little bitter, because he suddenly stopped talking to him, giving him death glares as he tried to make you, his closest best friend, feel better. He did nothing bad nor awful, on the contrary!
“What did Mike do?” Nancy asked as she let her legs hang from the desk, swaying them as she listened to you.
“I love him.” You shyly blurted out, feeling the heat on your cheeks. Dustin widely smiled, showing his beloved pearls, and teased you cheekily. You shook your head in disbelief and you rolled your eyes, because you couldn’t stand the embarrassment of the situation.
“Oh my God,” Nancy enthusiastically cheered, making you bounce on the bed in shock. You corrugated your forehead as you couldn’t understand if it was a compliment or not, so you sat there: puzzled. “Jonathan owes me and Steve twenty bucks.”
“What? You’re betting on me?” Your mouth opened agape and you elbowed your best friend as he kept on giggling under his breath.
“I’m sorry, but we can’t help but do it. I can totally see in your eyes that you liked Mike.” She nodded, defending the fact that the teen adults made some bet on you and Mike. You shrugged your shoulders as Eleven came into your mind, sighing as the pain penetrated your already shattered heart.
“He likes Eleven.” Dustin murmured, almost silently. Nancy’s smile suddenly fell back as she heard his brother’s secret. “But the thing that I don’t understand is why did he just stop on talking to me or (Y/N). I did nothing but dance with her during the ball.”
“Hmm,” She brought the back of her hand under her chin to think and she sighed since she couldn’t think of the right answer. “have you talked to him?”
“No, he is detached and it seemed like he kept on pushing me away.” You honestly answered. You bit your lower lip, trying to halt your tears from glossing your eyes. “And, if ever, I don’t know what to tell him.”
“Oh,” She nodded, leaving the desk and stood in front of you instead. “I think that the guy is jealous. I know that you are his closest best friend, sometimes he would share to the family your moments together, sometimes your problems too. He would always be proud of himself whenever he would make you feel good. Maybe he’s just jealous and afraid that he might lose you.”
“I don’t know, Nancy.” You were perplexed and you gave her a confused look. “Sometimes, I just want to tell him that I love him, even though I know that it isn’t requited. Maybe I would feel better if I let everything out.” You vented, Dustin was just listening at your statements. Sometimes he would look at you, sometimes he would look at Nancy to understand the situation.
“You’d like to let everything out?” Nancy sadly smiled, thinking of a way how to help you. You stare at her while waiting for her answer, you watched her walk back and forth, trying her best to think of something. “Aha, I got it!” She happily exclaimed.
“What is it?” You raised an eyebrow as you carefully listened to Nancy.
“You pretend that Dustin is Mike and you tell him everything, as in everything.” She convincingly said in a lower tone. You glanced at Dustin and he smiled at you in response. “You’re going to practice and, whenever you’re ready, you talk to Mike. Is that okay?”
“Okay.” You shortly answered. You unleashed a long and heavy sigh, readying yourself. It wasn’t the same to have Dustin in front of you, of course, but maybe he could help you to make things easier.
“Whenever you’re ready.” Nancy encouraged you as if she was a director of some sort of film.
“Dustin,” You started, turning towards Dustin’s direction. You imagined having Mike in front of you, even though you pronounced Dustin’s name. You thought that calling Dustin by his best friend’s name was disrespectful. “I-I like you, no! I-I love you! It has been years since I started loving you, but I never had the courage to confess my feelings for you. I don’t know, maybe because I thought that we were just best friends or something like that and best friends don’t usually love each other, I mean in a romantic way.” Dustin nodded to encourage you to go on with your speech. He didn’t know that you stopped because you heard some footsteps outside the room.
“Just go on!” Dustin gently ordered with a smile. He was really willing to help you, also because he didn’t want to see you hurting anymore.
You nodded and took a long breath. “I didn’t even know what love was, but then El has arrived and my-“
You suddenly stopped when you heard a loud bang outside of Nancy’s room, jumping a little bit on the bed. Your eyes grew wide, afraid that someone has heard your confession.
“What the hell, Mike?” Nancy twisted her door knob, went out of the room and forcefully opened Mike’s room. You and Dustin looked at each other and followed Nancy, slowly walking, almost tip-toeing. “What’s your problem?”
You peaked through his doorway and your heart dropped as you saw his tears slowly streaming down his face. Dustin looked at you and you looked at Dustin, you were both puzzled, confused.
“Fuck off, Nancy!” He pushed her sister away, wiping his tears furiously.
“Mike!” You restrained him from pushing people away and treating them in a rude way. He wasn’t the Mike that you used to know and you kept on saying that you knew him well, but you didn’t even know why he was acting up in that way.
“(Y/N), just go away, okay? You do nothing but give me heartbreak and misery!” He fearlessly spat the words as if they were venom in his mouth. Your tears found their way through your eyes and your chest tightened, his words weighing in your chest. Dustin quickly hugged you, rubbing your back as you sobbed against his neck, knowing how hurt you were.
“What the hell, Mike?” Dustin defended you as he yelled at his friend. “Stop being a dick!”
Mike noisily sobbed and hardly sniffed, letting his hot tears to wet his red cheeks. “You know what, (Y/N)? It’s hard for me to say this, but,” He paused, terribly trembling as he took all of his courage out. He didn’t mind Dustin, but the scene of Dustin hugging you broke his heart even more, wishing that it was him. “I love you and I’m jealous of the way you’re happy without me!”
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sftbyers · 7 years
The Two of Us, Alone
Hey so I decided to write a Ryers fic bc I was bored and there’s simply never enough Ryers content out there! Tbh, it turned into more of introspect-Will fic but I hope y’all like it anyways!
The Party was at... a party. Not the first one they had ever been to by any means, but it was a rare occurrence all the same. High school had been weird for the friends: they all grew up and, on some level, their social status’ had elevated. Not to the extent that they were popular popular, but - Lucas done sports, and Mike was in a band, and Jane was the new kid which meant that the intrigue surrounding her around shot her to what was essentially immediate popularity. Max had always really been cool, Will’s artsy image helped him out and even Dustin on some level was no longer considered to be just a nerd; even if his social status had elevated mostly by association.
So, they were at a party. Again, it wasn’t something they done often - even with their newfound “coolness” they tended to prefer movie nights in over a typical high school house party. But it was New Years, and they thought that there was probably something to celebrate out of that.
Mike and El and Max and Lucas had paired off quickly, which wasn’t unusual. As much as Will loved them, they’re undying love for one another could be a little too much sometimes, so Will was honestly glad he wouldn’t have to endure that. Dustin himself had wandered off to a group of people he knew from the Decathlon team, and even from across the room he could see him amibicly talking, hands flying everywhere. It made Will smile to see the group Dustin had surrounded himself with laughing every other second, almost to the point of tears. Dustin deserved every little bit of appreciation and attention he got, and to see the way Dustin’s cheeks grew redder and his smile grow wider made Will feel so... content. He was happy his friends were happy.
That, however, left Will. After being essentially abandoned after the first half hour, he had wandered uselessly to the couch with a beer in hand, watching the party around him. It’s not like there wasn’t anybody else Will could talk to - he could see his art friends in one corner, and friends from his other classes scattered around, throwing him friendly and inviting smiles. It’s not like Will was disliked - it was the contrary, actually, despite what he had expected after his middle school torment. At first Will thought it might of been out of pity, or everyone simply walking on egg shells around the kid who came back to life - Zombie Boy, Will thought bitterly. But the kindness never faded away, and the new friends he met only grew more comfortable around him, and vice verse. So really, Will had plenty of people he could talk to at the party.
It’s a pity there was only one person he actually wanted to talk to.
Out of his entire high school experience, Richie Tozier was the one thing he could have never imagined. Richie was a world wind. He had transferred half way through Freshmen year and immediately latched himself onto the party due to how they reminded him of the losers; something Will would later find out. Not everyone was pleased at first - Mike being particularly unwelcoming of their new friend and the consequent change of the groups dynamic. But not Will. He couldn’t understand why, but Richie made Will happy in ways he had never felt before. Every time he made a comment, or quip, it made Will’s heart burn.
But it wasn’t just that. It was the way Richie looked at Will, as if he was the brightest, best thing he’d ever seen. It was the way he wrapped his arm around his shoulder when he felt Will begin to tense in overwhelming social situations, or the way he would spend hours on end talking to Will after a bad nightmare - or even just talking to him for hours on end in general.
It made Will’s heart want to burst.
And though it shouldn’t have came as a surprise really, Will seriously could’ve have sworn he was dreaming when Richie asked him out.
Homosexuality, of course, was frowned upon in Hawkins. But that didn’t stop Will from knowing he liked boys since he was 9, and it certainly didn’t stop him from nodding shyly at a nervous looking Richie, who shot a relieved grin back. And it didn’t stop the boys from dating either.
Sure, they kept it on the down low. Nobody knew: not even the party, or Will’s mom or brother. It was too risky, even if Will knew that the party would never judge him for such a thing (or, at least, he hoped they wouldn’t). Will even had an inkling suspicion that Joyce already knew, but he couldn’t force himself to bring it up with her.
So they kept it quiet. And that was mostly okay for them. Except for moments like now - where Eleven and Mike and Max and Lucas could publicly make out in a corner while Will sat on the couch alone. He knew Richie was already at the party when they arrived, and although he hadn’t seen him since, it sucked that Will couldn’t march inside and find Richie and kiss him till he couldn’t breathe and be his boyfriend.
It was 10 to 12, and Will rolled his eyes at himself before moving to go outside. Everyone was beginning to crowd in the living room and even in his sulky mood Will could feel his anxiety begin to rise, so he knew the best thing to do was to probably avoid that situation all together. Mike grabbed his arm on his way out, him and El seemingly pulling themselves away from each other long enough to join the party.
“You okay?” Mike asked, ever concerned with furrowed eyebrows and his hand dug into Will’s arm.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine. Just need some air, I’ll be back in a few.” Will smiled, itching to move away.
“Well, okay... just remember it’s almost 12, and you can’t miss the New Years!” Mike cheered happily, releasing his arm, seemingly satisfied with his answer.
Will gave a nod, and another small smile, before finally making it outside and shutting the door tight behind him.
He lowered himself on the decking and shut his eyes, enjoying what was mostly quiet, save for the muffled shouting inside.
“Kind of a lame party, huh?”
Will jumped looking up, seeing Richie at the other side of the decking, legs sprawled our and a lazy smile on his face.
“I didn’t even see you out here.” Will smiled, more genuinely than before, heart rate quickening rather than slowing down when he looked towards his boyfriend.
“Yeah, been out here for a while now.” Richie replied, “It was getting too much in there for me.”
“Yeah.” Will agreed, fiddling with his fingers. A moment passed.
“So, you gonna get the fuck over here or what, Byers?”
Will grinned, and rolling his eyes moved over to the other boy who’s arms were out and waiting.
“It has been kind of boring.” Will confessed, now sitting firmly under Richie’s arm.
“You’re fucking telling me William, you’re my only saving grace in any social event and I’m only now just seeing you.” Richie groaned, his warm breath fanning over the back of Will’s neck, making the smaller boy shiver.
“I know right? It sucks that I can’t be with you in the way that the others get to be.” Will huffed, feeling Richie’s fingers trail along his sides and dip beneath his shirt.
“Well, we’re alone now,” Richie reasoned, “and I’m pretty sure we can be with each other any way we want when we’re alone.” His voice tickled Will’s ear.
“Yeah, I guess.” Will breathed out, turning to face the other boy.
Richie smiled gently down at him, arms coming to fully circle his waist. His eyes were gentle, and his smile was warm, and Will couldn’t understand why him loving Richie - beautiful, kind, sweet Richie - was such a crime.
“It’s almost midnight.” Richie whispered, and Will could hear the excited screams from inside counting down from 20.
“Mhm.” Will whispered back, eyes slipped shut as his hands travelled behind Richie’s neck, pulling him closer.
“You know, as much as I liked ‘87, I think ‘88 will be pretty alright as long as I still have you.” Richie smiled, face leaning so close he could almost touch. Richie sounded so soft, so sincere that Will couldn’t even mock him for the cheesiness.
“Same. You’re the best I’ve got.” Will smiled back, matching the sentimentality. There was only 10 seconds to go.
“Hey, Will. I love you.”
“I know. Love you too, Rich.”
Maybe 1988 will be different for him and Richie, Will thought. Maybe gay people will suddenly be accepted, and he and Richie wouldn’t have to sneak outside of a party where it was quiet and lonely to kiss each other.
As it were, they were pretty content kissing there way into the year, wrapped around each other where they belonged.
@bakadeno here u go again pls dont judge meeee and thank u for ur encouragement <3
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fifiliphaser · 7 years
A Taste Of Freedom
[Ao3 Version]
Relationships: Eleven/Mike Wheeler
Characters: Eleven/Jane Hopper, Mike Wheeler
Words: 2113
Summary: Who would have thought that the spring of 1985 would come round so quickly and liven Hawkins up so much, the whole town and its surroundings exploding with colours. It could have not come to be had it not been for the successful outcome of their fight against the Mind Flayer last November. Mike hardly believed almost five months had passed since that fateful night when everything in his life—turned upside down in the autumn of 1983—had pieced together once again. And all it took was for her to be back.
—A short and fluffy one-shot, focusing on that sweet little thing between Mike and El.
Beware! There might be minor spoilers for Season 2!
It’s my first fanfic to Stranger Things and I hope everyone is in character. This one I have a mixed feelings about. I really wanted to post it, because I’m really proud of a second half of it, but a first half… not so much. But it’s here anyway. And I hope you’ll like that shameless fluff with those lovable kids being kids and figuring love out. Enjoy!
Who would have thought that the spring of 1985 would come round so quickly and liven Hawkins up so much, the whole town and its surroundings exploding with colours. It could have not come to be had it not been for the successful outcome of their fight against the Mind Flayer last November. Mike hardly believed almost five months had passed since that fateful night when everything in his life—turned upside down in the autumn of 1983—had pieced together once again. And all it took was for her to be back.
He still caught himself smiling at the memory of seeing her for the first time in nearly a year, of how different she had looked, and yet so strikingly familiar. Of hearing her calling his name with her voice cracking, sheer emotions visible on her face. Of how great and soothing it had felt to have her in his arms once again. Of his tears soaking into her jacket, while he had been trying to swallow his sobs.
Even in his wildest dreams, he hadn’t dared to expect her to come back at that time. He’d been far from losing hope, but the idea of her return actually happening had become more and more surreal with every passing day. And then she had showed up, saving their lives and saving Hawkins all over again. This time, however, she had been still here at the end. Just like she had promised.
A thought that the spring came round in its fullest just for El to admire it crossed Mike’s mind several times, as he couldn’t help himself but realise that it was her first spring she could experience as an actually free person. Although she still couldn’t wander too far away from the cabin or roam Hawkins on her own, Hopper let her meet with her friends from time to time and she was spending a lot of time at the Byers’. In consequence, the party’s meeting point was moved from the Wheeler’s basement to the Byers’ living room.
Of course, Mike would rather have El come over to him, but for now Chief insisted on keeping her presence low-key, and, as much as Mike hated it, he had to agree. Luckily, his willingness to compromise provided him with a chance to spend some time with her on their own once in awhile. Hopper wasn’t a big fan of their “dates”, but he wasn’t naïve either. Well-aware that those kids would always find a way to see each other, he preferred to know about it, so he could keep an eye on them.
Mike remembered the first time they had gotten a chance to spend some time alone after her return. It had been quite a fun little stroll in the woods, as they hadn’t been allowed to walk too far away from the cabin. He had still been processing all of this, trying to wrap his mind around a journey she had just told him about.
“So, your real name is Jane,” he had made sure, getting a nod from her as a response. His eyes had been locked on the trees before them. He had swallowed a lump in his throat, as a wave of guilt had flooded his heart. “Would you like me to call you Jane?,” he’d asked, the name sounding strange to his ears. Before she had had a chance to answer, he had continued: “I guess now that you know your real name, calling you Eleven is… wrong, and I’m sorry for that.” He had winced, his hands fidgeting.
He had felt her gaze on him, and then she had grabbed his hand, squeezing it reassuringly. “Mike, you did nothing wrong,” she had insisted, smiling affectionately. “And I really like when you call me El,” she had admitted softly, coming to a stop.
He had looked at her, unable to keep a tender smile from lightening up his face. “El it is then,” he had affirmed, his eyes locked on her.
For a moment he could swear a weird energy had started to surround them, pulling them towards each other. However, before any of them could have even slightly moved, they had heard Hopper’s voice calling them in the distance. That had been the end of their first “date”, but it had marked the beginning of something exciting Mike had thought he would never get to experience.
Every time they had hung out afterwards, Mike had tried to come up with a different activity they could engage in. From watching movies (Mike was even more than willing to show El the ones he liked the most, so that she could better understand the references he or their friends sometimes made), through listening to music, reading comics (he couldn’t wait to show her the X-Men, even though not one of them was as amazing as her), playing games, to teaching her how to ride a bike, they were enjoying every moment they spent together.
And today, with the sky almost cloudless and the temperature quite high, he decided to have a little picnic by the lake that was located nearby Chief’s old trailer. It was Hopper who had proposed the spot, and Mike reluctantly agreed, forced to admit that a place actually seemed pretty nice.
He brought a small basket with him, filled with Eggos, candies, fruits, and cookies that his mother had baked a day before, one of the blankets that had created a rooftop of the fort tucked underneath his shoulder. El was already waiting for him by the shore, watching as wind created small creases on the surface of the lake. With light reflecting in them, the view must have mesmerised her, because she didn’t even seem to notice his presence.
Mike himself hardly paid any attention to the lake, though. He was surprised to see El dressed in a long-sleeved blue dress that reached her knees, revealing a pair of light pink socks and white sneakers. He hadn’t seen her wearing a dress in quite a while, and it didn’t fit a bit more punk style she preferred lately. Although she tried many new clothes that she was getting either from Nancy or Will’s mom, she didn’t pick any dresses, at least until now.
Placing the basket carefully on the ground, Mike took a deep breath, trying to stop painful memories from filling his mind. Despite the a different colour of the dress, similarities in her appearance made him recall that fateful night in November of 1983. He shook his head, convincing himself that it was all a distant past now, not worthy of his time.
Mike cleared his throat, unwilling to startle her. “El,” he greeted her happily, as she turned around.
“Mike.” She smiled lightly, and quickly approached him in a few steps.
“I brought some things you might like,” he said light-heartedly, reaching for the blanket.
She helped him to spread it out on the grass, and soon they found themselves laying beside each other, delicate, humid breeze grazing their feet. El insisted that she hadn’t been hungry yet, preferring to just lay down for a while and watch the world around them. It didn’t cease to amaze him how she could find even such an ordinary activity so enjoyable.
“I like the feeling, Mike,” she confined casually after a few minutes of companionable silence, her starry eyes locked on a cloudless blue sky.
“The feeling?,” he echoed, trying to figure out what she meant.
“Freedom,” she breathed lightly, clearly tasting the word on her tongue. And then an incredibly broad smile brightened up her face.
All that Mike felt was a pure joy mixed with a childlike wonder, radiating from the girl lying just inches away from him. He couldn’t help but think about opening up presents on the Christmas Day, and how her expression now had to mirror the one of every child on that magical morning. And somehow that association turned out to be even more fitting, as he had never seen her smile like that. Granted, it happened more often now than ever before, but if genuine, her smiles were frequently shy and restrained, giving him the impression that she still struggled with showing her emotions.
Now, however, was completely different. The smile—a grin, actually—not only reached her eyes, adorning their corners with adorable little wrinkles, but it also seemed not to be repressed at all. A sense of serenity accompanied it, as she let the corners of her mouth lift as much as it was only possible, her eyes almost closed.
Mike had no way of expecting to get to see such a wonderfully delightful showcase of emotions, coming from the very same girl, who, with just her presence, seemed to lighten up his every day. And seeing her so happy—so  carefree —only made his heart flutter.
He couldn’t look away from that wonder of a girl, and soon a murmur escaped his now dry mouth. “I love it when you smile. You look so pretty.” And then he stiffened, mortification filling all of his body, as he watched in horror her head slowly turning in his direction. Had he really said something so stupidly cheesy out loud?
For a moment he hoped she hadn’t heard his words, but his worry seemed to vanish entirely, as tender brown eyes locked with his. “You think?,” she whispered, her smile slowly disappearing, and he had to do something to stop it, a sight too extraordinary to be gone so quickly.
“Yes,” he answered, simply and surely. It took him a second to realise that what he had just said sounded very Eleven-like. It seemed that she had already rubbed off on him more than he was ready to admit.
However, it turned out that just that one word was all she needed to hear. And then that wonderful smile once again appeared on her face.
Mike was quite sure that if he hadn’t already been lying on the ground, he would’ve certainly found himself on it now, swept of his feet. Moments before, he couldn’t see much but a half of that beautiful smile, directed at the sky above them. And now that smile was all for him to marvel at.
He gulped, feeling a weird, slow shift in the air around them. Although he couldn’t put his finger on what was an exact cause of that, he found himself being drawn closer to Elle, even though their hands had already been almost touching. Maybe she was a really strong magnet after all? That would explain a lot.
Unfortunately, his thoughts got all messy and tangled as if on cue with her turning on her side. Mike followed suit, slowly reaching out a hand in her direction. His fingertips brushed her cheek gently, only to trace her lips as her smile grew even more. Mike’s fingers were slightly trembling, yet he didn’t withdraw his hand.
With a heart furiously thumping in his chest, he leaned in closer, so that their foreheads were almost touching. El didn’t stiffen nor flinch away, apparently relaxed and comfortable even with him being so close to her. Instead, she held his gaze, and he could swear that in such a close proximity her eyes looked even more mesmerising. “You are so pretty,” he whispered, his breath surrounding both of their faces with warm. “And incredible. And kind. And amazing,” he quickly listed, feeling his cheeks reddening. “And I’m so happy you’re here.” He mirrored her smile, retracting his hand, only to have it grasped between cool, delicate fingers.
“I am too,” she agreed and then softly admitted: “I am happy that you found me back then.” She cast her eyes down, looking at their intertwined hands. “Thank you,” she managed after a moment, her voice small and more emotional than ever before, but Mike could see a smile playing in the corners of her lips.
He squeezed her hand reassuringly. “Hey, I couldn’t just leave you there,” he affirmed delicately. “You always help a friend in need.”
“A friend…” She furrowed her eyebrows slightly. “You are my most great friend, Mike.”
“Greatest,” he corrected her warm-heartedly.
“Yes.” She nodded and looked into his eyes once again, as if pleading for him to say something more.
“You’re my most great friend, too, El,” he echoed her choice of words, with a light-hearted smile. “And you will always be.”
That weird energy seemed to be all around them once again, and he could tell that she felt it too. “Promise?” Her voice was barely above the whisper.
“Promise,” he murmured softly, just before their lips met in a gentle kiss.
I feel like El would say some things incorrectly sometimes, since, you know, she’s still learning. And that’s why I came up with that “my most greatest friend” (I just hope it’s not stupid).
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