#but it was explicitly a session on the definitions of queer terminology
Another day, another union CPD session on LGBT+ language in use in which I had to break in and correct the guy running it on the definition of bisexuality
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clatterbane · 11 months
Honestly, I am still disconnected enough where I am these days that I am really not up on who is likely to start yelling at me over using which words. Which may be another reason for my awkward ass to consider trying the local RFSL branch's weekly språkcafé! 🥴
(Which I don't think is primarily aimed at stray English speakers who are actually attached to Swedes. But, I definitely feel like I need some kind of language café for practice at this point, especially no more than I've been getting out and trying to talk to people, with the mobility issues for a while now. After 20 years this month knowing each other in person, the Household Swede still automatically defaults to English at home. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Apparently a hard habit to get out of.)
Good that they are running one, though. Also seeming to be putting some effort into various programs to help support immigrants/refugees from less queer-friendly countries to get settled in and connected with resources they might need.
A lot of language cafés do apparently already lean toward a win-win dual purpose of giving lonely older native speakers a good opportunity to socialize, while also helping immigrants work on their language skills. But, they are explicitly leaning into that, which sounds like an excellent idea.
Anyway, while I was mostly joking about running a reconnaissance mission to spot terminology pitfalls? (Which might or might not even be so effective in this case, likely dealing with a number of older folks.) I am trying to push myself to at least try going for one of the language café sessions, before too long.
I really do need to work on my conversational skills, like seriously--and that seems like a relatively low-pressure way to do it. Plus, you know, actually socialize more myself with somebody locally. That's kinda what language cafés are for.
These damned shoulder problems have certainly legitimately been getting in the way--and have frankly also been providing a handy excuse for not getting my awkward anxious ass out and interacting with people more. My current situation has been getting a little depressing for a while now, which naturally hasn't helped much either.
In this particular case, I'm also up against that old familiar fun of pretty specifically wanting to get to know more/some people in local queer communities--and inevitably unsure of what political situation exactly that I might be stepping into. Or how someone like me is liable to be received, and by whom. That can get aggravating enough, even when you're not relatively new to the country.
These days, on the surface I am some middle-aged AFAB weirdo who is pretty happy married to some large beardy dude. (Who only seems to be approximately cishet-by-default himself, incidentally. Besides a general ally.)
I also seem to come across as less blatantly GNC by general social standards here than where we were living before. Where I actually got loudly "dyked" at on one occasion--while I was out shopping with Beardy right next to me. 🙄 Don't think I ever got aggressively "sirred" with him there, at least.
At least I've had plenty of opportunity to develop significantly thicker skin than when I was coming to terms with the idea that I was bi in the early '90s. I've just gotten progressively queerer, more openly genderweird, and tireder over the intervening years, with much lower tolerance for BS--and yes, some extra hypervigilance by now.
At any rate, no pressure at all! On any front! 🙃 I'll obviously deal, but it really is darkly funny in its own absurd way.
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