#but its also like. my dad telling me how i am too young to be having 'mobility problems' like what does that even mean
heart-bones · 9 months
hmmm. I may have made a mistake staying in today.
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vampiretendencies · 1 year
come out and haunt me, i know you want me — jj maybank࿐
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summary; putting words in jj’s mouth after an unexpected pregnancy has you uneasy about the future of your relationship along with a gnawing emptiness of what jj will think. warnings; pregnancy, one mention of throwing up, suggestive, talks of sex, fluff, all of my characters are always aged up but they had to be in school for this so i set them in high school, as seniors, making them 18. this takes place somewhat in season 3, except JJ’s house never got the eviction notice and they went back to school. also mention of luke. did it this way cause i felt like i was i need of a new setting other the chateau (rip it will be missed :/) pairing; jj maybank x fem!pregnant!reader authors note; decided to put this one out, as i have gotten a lot of requests about dad!jj and i’m giving them a separate masterlist of their own. i figured they needed to be in order lol. so i guess in a way this can be considered the first of dad!jj series. cred to gif owner !
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You’re spiraling over the life forming inside of you and JJ—oddly enough is fretting about his class project final. Something that would usually be of no concern to JJ, but he actually wants to pass senior year.
Building an ancient, time-consuming model of some old landscape and having an actual child were two completely different things. From opposite worlds and of varying natures.
Spontaneous cravings all the way down to a late period.
It’s instinct really, to skip school and confirm your suspicions— though, it’s pretty much certain. JJ caught on half way throughout the school day, so wrapped up in this project that he hadn’t noticed you slipping away. Sneaking out of the exit door after throwing up rancid lunch. If he was aware, there’s not a doubt that he would have followed. He was the one that showed you that escape route from the hell site on a monday long ago when school was too much to bare— that was when the two were freshmen, for now they are seniors carrying the weight of the future on their shoulders, including the plus one in your belly.
You’d sobbed profusely into your knees, they were pulled all the way up to your chest on that tiled floor. The detrimental pregnancy test, with two lines, is sat atop JJ’s bathroom counter, taunting you in a manner of ‘now you have to face me.’ Debating whether or not to take this as life altering or life shattering. You knew JJ like every crevice in the palm of his hand, but you could never be set on his reaction for something like this. Always prominent in his ways about 'being in this for the long run', could having a baby change that?
You had to tell him, there was no other way around it. For it's always been a do tell promise that nothing goes unsaid in the relationship.
"What the fuck am I gonna' do?" Is all that curses past your lips repeatedly through choked tears.
The tears are not for the tiny being inside you; its fear. The fear of the unknown, or the uncertainty. So young, so much ahead. A small sliver of a thought that maybe you'd have to do this alone.
Your heart almost falls to the heals of your feet at the doors opening and closing, and the throwing down of book bags. Shakily pressing your finger to the phone that's beside you, the time reading 2:30 PM, meaning school was over and you'd have to get your act together to face JJ. Whom, had left you several missed calls and text messages concerning your whereabouts. Even so, it would be of no surprise to JJ that you were here; basically, here every day and home when you had to be, that's how the story goes. It's imaginable that you'll be sticking around as often as you'd be able to, because telling your parents would indefinitely make them disown you. Having a baby with the Luke Maybank's son and the towns 'well-known kleptomaniac' wouldn't exactly be music to their ears. The only positive in that picture is that Luke's not around, you and JJ have been slumming it in his childhood home since. You'd helped him fix it up so that it would be 'livable', and he adored that someone would cherish him that much to do such things. He'll have another form of adoration, soon enough though.
"JJ, a beer is not gonna' help you get this shit done."
You could hear John B mumble at JJ, and as it would to most curiosity strikes. Taking in the push and pull of the standard refrigerator, not far away, the bathroom, kitchen, and living room all but feet away from each other. Easy access to eavesdrop and hear whatever words were to slither out of someone's mouth. God, you swore the walls were bound to cave in and topple atop of you. You picture John B's mouth agape and disgusted at JJ's lack of focus.
"Get's my brain goin', y'know."
His voice that you'd usually get giddy everywhere from hearing, is now taunting you; making your insides turn to mush. Quick to your feet, you clamp your ear to the chipped door whilst fixing your disheveled hair in the mirror, by tucking it behind your ear and wiping away the salty tears with pad of your thumb. Something JJ would do impulsively. As well as, the little pink and white stick that's knocking the breath from your lungs and tucking it in the back pocket of your printed shorts.
"You ready to start?" John B sighs exasperatedly. Aware that his best friend is never prepared for anything. You aren't sure of what they are 'starting' but you can't help but wonder if JJ's caught on, if he's noticed the tendencies you've acquired since becoming pregnant. Already being hesitant on telling him of the stick you peed on, or that this is going to dictate the course of the rest of his life. Is the new formation of hormones within you causing you to twist words or is it plain truth?
One could only hope.
"M'not even ready yet, need to do so much stuff before I'm ready."
It stings; like multiple daggers had been chided at your heart or a million bee's attacking. This only makes since that he's referring to not wanting to be a father, right? What else could he possibly not be ready for? It's assuming, it's jumping to conclusions, but right now it makes a hell of a lot more sense than anything else. JJ's capable of eons of things, being stuck with you and a baby for the rest of his life may not be in his peripheral. He's confirming it right now, you just heard it with your own two ears.
Unbeknownst to you it was a about a damn silly school project and that he would've stretched time and space to keep his profound little family in one piece. If only he'd known. If only you'd told him.
There were no supplies, no class instructions, to justify that it was only a monumental historic copy for Mr. Sunn's class. Just conversation.
You physically can't allow the words to come out of your mouth, for it will be in the form of word vomit after his resonating and everlasting statement. You can't face him, no, not about the life he helped form. Too soon, and too much. Selfishly, he's not ready but you want to hang onto him a little longer. With JJ is where you reside, and you desire to bury the love he's giving you and harvest it deep down; enough for two. He's not prepared, and all you're hearing is this is this the end of all you've ever known.
World record for misunderstandings.
John B was on the verge of speaking, yet he doesn't when the bathroom door creeks open. You appear in frame, a shell of the person you were moments ago, unevident that you'd shed enough tears for a small river. The hiding is beginning, you decide to swallow it down and keep it there. Dreaming up all the ways you'd have to conceal as huge a secret as this.
Trepidation; of JJ, and for yourself and the baby; blistering, mirroring that of an open scar.
"Is that my girl?!"
You're met with John B sprawled out on the vacant leather couch, another thing Luke destroyed alike with JJ. And, JJ's practically jumping from the recliner and swarming you in a hug that makes you form a half enticing grin whilst smothering you into his large chest. His sleeveless arms bulking in size at this gesture.
"Great, now we really aren't gonna' get anything done," John B grabs at his temples in annoyance. The partnered project supposed to be the focus of today. Conscious of the fact that anytime you are around JJ loses all logic because you become the center of attention. As if half his brain flies out the window he's so invested in you, rather than anything else. He gives up on any aspiration that this replica will be finished. You still saunter on about what exactly they 'have to get done', but they are almost always up to something. JJ's out of context words were what gave need be, and you were fixed on that.
"What happened today? Been thinkin' about you like crazy."
"Nurse sent me home."
You fib so harshly that is burns past your lips, the lie is so loud you're amazed he didn't see through it. You mumble into his chest has him releasing you, only to cup your cheeks in a squishing manner. He’s disastrously anguished to maul you with affection, but he decided to spare John B the show.
"Everything alright?"
And he tries to read your wandering eyes, but still taut eye contact is there so he thinks nothing of it. It is when you won't look at him that he's concerned, however you still do.
An 'act normal' practically engraved in your thoughts. When you really want to break away from his hold and run for the hills.
"Just a bad lunch."
"Yeah, that school meatloaf'll get you, baby."
Blonde fluffed out tresses catch glance and your mixed up mind is pondering on what color hair the baby will have. Will the small child be a constant reminder that their dad 'wasn't ready?" Stood together in the open space of his connecting hallway, you'll look back on this in utter agony.
"She told me to rest."
You mutter it softly whilst JJ has a stupid lovesick grin plastered on his face, peering down at you like you are his lifeline. And you're peering up at him, with a small glint and awareness that he'd be gone with the wind when you reveal the surreptitious unknown.
"Want me to come with you? I'll have this wrapped up in like ... five minutes," he's eager that you'll say yes, mustering a middle finger at John B who is sighing in vexation. What he would give to pass senior year, John B fully know's he'll have to beg Pope to do this for the both of them.
It's an immediate no, he's 'not ready', therefore a cuddle is the last thing that needs to happen. Maybe if you wouldn't have eavesdropped you could've just lived in ignorance bliss.
Though it was never the truth.
"No!," you somewhat interject, keeping the cause of all this in mind. "No J, m'really tired, finish what you were doing yeah?"
His grin immediately falls to a pout, he can't force you if you won't let him. Instead he says nothing, shaking his head 'yes' with knitted eyebrows. Pulling your cupped cheeks in closer to feather multiple light pecks to your hairline, each one more eternal that the last.
With recollection that you'd be gulping down this hard to swallow pill on your own.
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Coping; all you can manage to do.
Between punching multiple hard to find holes in your bedroom walls and covering them up with posters to gut-wrenching, pillow-screaming whimpers.
How does one ever truly 'get ready' for bringing a new life into this sought out world?
You'd been wallowing in the despair of having to be both a mother and a father, with JJ saying such things— it's nearly certain he'll be out of the picture.
Alike with you, avoiding him on any given occasion.
Saturdays were date night and he consistently topped the last date, because even if schedules weren't aligning throughout the week he'd have that day to make it up to you, how ever he saw fit.
You ditched.
Texting something about, 'parents are on my ass, can't come tonght.'
On all occasions you found a way despite your parents thoughts, so JJ's suspicion is growing like immovable fire.
With that being said, a day later, he was secure in providing you with a loving semi-guilt trip, along the lines of 'if you don't come over tonight you are confirming that you don't love me anymore,' with a dauting smiley face.
Such a baby, unfortunate that he's not prepared for one because they would've gotten along just fine.
The reasoning behind why you are hopelessly distant from JJ in his twin sized bed. He's grumbling and mumbling after you pushed him away with a 'm'too hot right now.' Blankets thrown about in such a dimly lit room, his vivdly colored TV played a miscellaneous movie whilst his bedside table lamp joined in with its yellow toned rays.
His arms behind his head, colliding with the headboard in such a sensous way, shirtless figure scanning yours in yearning. Jesus, he just wanted to delve into your skin.
How could he ever resist you.
If he can't consume you with his fondling embrace, he will caress what's in reach.
Touching hard on his thoughts, whilst the likelihood of raising a baby on your own is arising in yours.
It's roaring loudly, along with the reality that you hid it from him.
What would've been the right thing to do?
A wash of panic prods, with JJ's lingering touch now against your skin. His digits dance like clockwork, ghosting your inner thigh. Before you can even retch out a 'stop' he's beneath the material of your old Bait Shop t-shirt that he lended you. Palming the skin expertly, and while he's at it he inches closer with his breath thick against your ear. Your mouth ran dry, lying still and flat in awkwardness, prying your focus on the random film. The small twin bed not giving you enough time or space to come up with another excuse.
"Missed you so much."
His voice is raspy against your ear, igniting every filament of your body that belonged to him. The hold he had on you, sickening and you are conversant with what's about to leave his mouth.
The more he keeps circling, and clinging to the small mound of your stomach, the more his mind goes blank. It had this particular bludge to it and he can writhe it beneath his fingertips. Horror fills your irises, whilst a bewildering form of fascination filled his.
There's no right way to ask as woman if their stomach has gotten bigger or if they've been eating more. That's like asking to get beat with a bat. You just don't.
JJ has foraged every unreachable portion that molds you and that ... that wasn't there.
That undeniable little Goddamn baby bump wasn’t there.
He’s studied you inside and out, and that just wasn’t there.
It’s freshly shaped and growing with glee.
His repeated motions are coming to a halt and they pause directly in the middle. Feeling for what he deemed this to be.
What the fuck? It runs rampant in his mind— not negatively he just doesn’t know what to think, how to say it, or how to not come off as a complete dick by asking what he’s about to ask.
“Your belly is more round than usual.”
Merely thought out, and not too harsh. Just stating the obvious at the rounded baby bump that’s colliding with his calloused ring-clad fingers. The entirety of his large hand sprawled out in separated fingers. He sits straight up, hairs on the nape of his neck screeched outwardly.
“M’ a bit bloated.”
You don’t take his words to heart as it’s obviously not from that. You smile, lying through your teeth once again. And JJ senses it, this is as pregnant a stomach if he’s ever touched one. His hands fall backward, beaming down at you in longing that you’ll change your answer.
“Bloated baby? That’s— that’s not … bloated.”
There’s no interest in continuing on with this facade he’s felt it, he’s not a complete idiot. What informed John B of chants wickedly and is beckoning you not tell him. You’ve found you way back to his room with reason, so what’s the use in hiding it anymore. The bump would’ve become more noticeable anyway, you couldn’t have gotten away with it forever.
“M’pregnant J.”
You are seated upward now, facing him whilst reaching for his large hands to take them into your smaller ones. Shared hands, facing eachother in criss crossed stances on that same old twin mattress. He shakes his head back in forth in disbelief— how is this real?
“W-what?! When did you find out? How?— shit. I mean I know how … there was the time in the bathroom at the Wreck … and that one time in the twinkie … and-and let’s not forget about the time in the kitchen-“
“J, that’s not important right now, focus.”
You remind in interruption, nagging off his antics about the shared sexual rendezvous. The only only thing … the only fucking thing JJ feels right now is sheer euphoria at the moment he gets to meet the little baby.
Always envisioning of being a father and giving his children all the love he had stored away from the beckoning of Luke. The love he got from his father was convenient love, and after every fight his dreams of the future family he could have grew tenfold.
“We’re having a fuckin’ baby?!”
The fact the you didn’t tell him beforehand is in the back of his mind, but he’s overlooking it in sheer elation. Joy for what’s to come. For even that promise to tell each other everything is not enough to ruin this moment for him.
“Yes, J.”
“Let me see!”
He’s anxiously lifting the bottom of the shirt up, revealing a plump baby bump purging outwordly. And a toothy shit eating grin is plastered on his sweet lips, awe is evident and he’s stricken with amazement. You couldn’t have asked for a better reaction, a better lover. Breezing past the part of him not being ready, because clearly you read into things too deeply if this is his truthful response. And it is, it’s so genuine you feel it in your bones. As he’s colliding his hands with your stomach once more, and connecting his lips with yours in celebration. Molding and mixing them together with ease, an effortless depiction of besot.
If only he could frame this and let it drift on for eternity.
“Carrying our baby so perfect, pretty girl.”
Letting this little heavenscent angel inside of you be a reminder that misunderstandings are a bitch.
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821 notes · View notes
Quiet My Fears (With The Touch Of Your Hand) Ch. 3
Steve Harrington x f!reader
Description: Dramatic reveals are revealed, dramatically (or, you and Steve tell the gang about Baby Harrington and it does not go well).
Warnings: language, food mentions, everyone is angry all of the time
Word Count: 7965
Previous Chapter! - Next Chapter!
My Masterlist! - Series Masterlist!
Notes: I'm so sorry this took as long as it did! I've been going through it lately but through the power of boygenius I was actually able to finish this bit the other day! Please enjoy and also no one is allowed to be mad at me lol
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Steve Harrington was going to be a dad.
The funny thing that came along with that was that Steve was actually going to have to tell people.
He imagined that there were many couples who would be very excited about this prospect. There were lots of young men out there who had mothers begging them for grandchildren. His hadn’t quite gotten there yet.
You had told him that you wanted to put off telling people for as long as you could. He entirely understood why; times had changed quite a bit since his mother’s day, but still, being an unwed mother in Smalltown, USA was relatively frowned upon. Honestly, considering just how gossipy the population of Hawkins tended to be, Steve was surprised the front desk ladies at your doctor’s office hadn’t already spread the news like wildfire, HIPAA be damned; golden boy Steve Harrington and his childhood best friend, having a baby out of wedlock? That was some front page stuff, right there. 
Married or not, though, it was going to have to happen sooner rather than later. In a few weeks time, it was going to start getting very difficult to hide. You were going to begin showing any moment now, and as Spring started to settle in, it brought its warmer temperatures with it. You could only hide behind your winter coat and thick sweaters for so long. 
And not just your bump; your friends were beginning to pick up on the fact that there was something going on.
“Steve!” Robin barked before tossing a wadded up ball of old receipts at him. It hit him square between the eyebrows. “Stop moping and do your job, please?”
“I’m not moping,” Steve defended (he absolutely was), before turning back to the pile of returns he was supposed to be sorting through.
“Fuck off, yeah you are,” Eddie very helpfully added.
“See, this is why I don’t like it when you hang around here,” Steve said, pointing a pen toward Eddie. “You two always gang up on me!”
“Why do you think I’m here at all?” Eddie quipped back with a smirk. 
“Because you don’t have anywhere better to go?” Robin supplied.
“That, too.”
“Either way, I’m not moping,” Steve assured. “I’m fine.”
“That’s a fucking lie if I’ve ever heard one,” Eddie said over the click of the markdown gun, as he emptied its bright orange stickers down that back of his arm. Steve couldn’t help but notice that he had set the price to ‘WAS $4.20, NOW $0.69’.
“Stop that,” Robin huffed as she whipped the tool out of Eddie’s hands. “Steve, I can practically see the rain cloud floating over your head.”
“Oh, my god!” Steve didn’t really want to snap at his friends, but he did it anyway. “Nothing is wrong! I am fine, everything is fine!”
Eddie and Robin just stared at Steve like a pair of deer in headlights from across the counter. They both knew how easily frustrated Steve could become, and they’d be the first to admit that sometimes they can poke at him a bit too hard, but an outburst this quickly had been unexpected. Neither said anything, and Steve just sighed.
After a moment of awkward silence, Eddie spoke up once again. 
“Lady problems?”
“Get out!” both Steve and Robin exclaimed, in unison.
“I thought you guys liked me.” Eddie feigned offense.
“You do not work here!” Robin said as she grabbed onto his shoulders and shoved him toward the door. “And Keith’ll get pissed if he finds out you were here and didn’t spend any money, so go home.”
“Fine,” Eddie relented from the entryway. “Hey, I’ll see you guys on Saturday, right?”
“Of course!”
“Probably not.”
“You claim nothing is wrong,” Eddie said, pointing to Steve. “And yet, in the same breath, turn down free beer?”
“I love you both!”
The bell above the door rang as Eddie walked out, and Steve was left in Robin’s concerned gaze. 
“Y’know, Eddie does kind of have a point,” Robin said after a moment. Nine times out of ten, Robin was able to coax Steve out of his quiet and get him to talk about whatever it was that was eating at him, a fact that Steve was highly aware of. 
“No, he doesn’t,” Steve barked back. If this conversation didn’t end in the next two minutes, he would jump off the roof. 
“You haven’t hung out with any of us in weeks!” Robin exclaimed “Weeks, Steve!”
“I’ve been busy,” Steve lied.
“Busy with what?” she inquired. “Do you have another job I don’t know about, or something?”
“I’m allowed to do things without you around. You know that, right?” It was meaner than he needed to be.
“Oh, god, this isn’t about your lover, is it?” Robin drawled with a scowl.
“You know her name, and you don’t have to say it like that,” Steve responded.
“You two got back together, didn’t you?”
She hadn’t quite gotten it head on, but it was probably as close as she was going to get.
“I knew it!” Robin looked like she was going to explode. “I fucking knew it!”
“Please don’t turn this into a thing,” Steve pleaded.
“Me turn it into a thing?!” She was mad now. “You two are the ones turning it into a thing! You cannot keep sneaking around like this, it cannot possibly be healthy!”
“We’re-” Steve huffed out a breath. This tightrope he was walking across seemed to be growing more and more thin. “Working on it.”
“Can you work on it a little bit faster, please?” Robin asked as she punched out. “You two are so fucking weird about each other. Split, or make it official, just do something, because I hate having to keep this secret for you, it’s exhausting!”
“We sort of already did. I think,” Steve confided. Partial truth is better than no truth, right?
“Make it official.”
“Oh, thank god,” Robin sighed, tossing herself across the counter, all dramatics. “I can finally quit having to cover for you.”
“Don’t say anything yet.” Steve was quick with his damage control. “We, uh, we wanna do it. Ourselves. Figure it’ll probably go over a little bit smoother that way, y’know?”
“Fine, but if you don’t tell everyone soon, I’m going to,” Robin said. “Don’t think I’m the only one who’s noticed something off with you lately.”
“What? What does that mean?”
“Everyone is worried about you, Steve,  it’s not just me,” she explained. “Dustin was about two seconds away from showing up at your house after you bailed on us last week.”
Steve didn’t know that. It sent a lightning bolt of regret through his chest.
“The faster you two can get your shit together, the better. I’ve been happily cleaning up this mess for you, but I’m starting to get fucking tired of it, Steve.” Robin looked at her watch. “I was off ten minutes ago.”
She was out the door before Steve could even think up an apology.
Steve and Robin didn’t get into fights often, but he absolutely hated it every time they did. Even silly little arguments left him wracked with guilt sometimes, but proper, go-for-the-throat type fights made feel sick. 
Pair that with the fact that he was making Dustin worry, and Steve felt about ready to hurl. 
God, this was difficult. Stupidly difficult. Maybe, if he asked nicely, you’d agree to just run away with him so he didn’t have to deal with any of it. 
If he could just pluck up the courage to tell his parents, that would at least be a start. They were the difficult ones, the conversation he was dreading more than any of them, and the wild anxiety ate away at him for the rest of his shift. By the time seven o’clock rolled around and he was finally able to go home, it was entirely all-encompassing.
Fuck it. It had to get done either way, right?
The drive from Family Video to his parents house, no longer than ten minutes, felt as though it stretched across half an eternity. The vicious anxiety ate away at his stomach as he drove, and with each turn, each mile crossed, it only increased. Maybe he should just turn around. Maybe he should go home to you, and his parents could just figure it out on their own. He was sure his dad would love that.
Steve pulled into the driveway and was very close to losing what little nerve he had. He turned off the ignition, this is a bad idea. He got out of the car, this is a bad idea. He walked up to the front door and let himself in, this is a bad idea.  
He could hear the commotion of his mother making dinner in the kitchen. Something was sizzling; popping and crackling with the smell of onions and garlic, of bell peppers and roasting meat. 
Steve had lots of reasons to be jealous of other peoples’ parents, but at least his knew how to cook.
“Steve!” his mother exclaimed once he walked into her view. One hand was occupied by a wooden spoon stirring a pan of vegetables, the other holding a frosty glass of white wine. “I didn’t know whether or not to expect you.”
“You barely even live here anymore,” his father chided from where he was sitting at the counter. His suit coat was off and he had a matching wine glass sitting on the table in front of him. Nine times out of ten, Steve’s parents were able to be amicable with one another. At this point, they acted more like roommates than husband and wife, but at least they were roommates that were able to stand being in the same room as one another. Usually. “Didn’t think I’d get to see you before I left.”
“Sit down! Have a drink,” his mother insisted. She pulled another wine glass out of the cabinet and the bottle out of the fridge. 
“Oh, no, I’m alright,” Steve said as he sat down. His mother poured him the glass anyway.
He was about to ruin a perfectly good dinner, Steve thought to himself. His mother probably poured over it all day. The roast that just got pulled out of the oven was probably expensive. 
“So, what’s been going on with Steve these days?” his father asked him. 
Now or never.
“I actually wanted to, uh,” Steve stuttered out. “I wanted to talk to you guys.”
“You didn’t crash your car, did you?” his father said, only half joking.
“No, the car’s fine.”
“Is this about that girl?” his mother asked as she turned the stove down to low, mischief painting her voice.
“Girl? What girl?” His father pointed his gaze over to Meredith. 
“He met a girl,” she responded. She seemed almost giddy with excitement.
“Finally,” his father said. He said it like it was a joke, though it didn’t feel all that well meaning to Steve. 
“Oh, tell me it’s Giada’s daughter from down the street,” his mother said. “Have you seen their kitchen? I’d never have to host another Thanksgiving ever again.”
“No, it’s not- no.” Steve wasn’t even sure he knew who Giada was, let alone her daughter. 
“Well, at least give us a name, Steve,” his mother said. “Is she cute?”
When Steve said your name, he felt almost like he was condemning you. Like just uttering it strapped you to him, so now you’d both be falling from grace. 
“The one who grew up across the street?” his father asked, as if you hadn’t known him your whole life.
“Oh, that’s just too sweet!,” his mother exclaimed. “It’s like a movie, ugh! I’ll have to give her mother a call, she’s going to be thrilled!”
Good luck with that, Steve thought to himself. She won’t even answer the calls from her own daughter.  
“Took you long enough,” his father said, leaning back in his barstool, lackadaisical. 
“What?” Steve responded. He was wildly unimpressed by his father’s haughty attitude.
“You two have been making googly eyes at each other since you were eight,” he explained. “Frankly, I didn’t think you had the balls to do anything about it.”
“Ron,” his mother chastised at the choice of words.
“What? Obviously, I was wrong.” Ron pointed his gaze back to his son. “Y’know, I think she could be a good influence on you. Steady job, good work ethic. She’s a bit of an oddball, though, but I guess with a father like her’s, could you really blame her?”
Leave it to Ronald Harrington to judge other peoples’ parenting skills while simultaneously insulting his son’s girlfriend. 
“Don’t be rude,” Meredith said. Her back was now turned to the two men, arms elbow deep in the sink. “Such a shame her parents moved away, though. I couldn’t imagine going that far without bringing your daughter with you. Is she still living on the south side?”
“That’s not the safest area in town,” she commented. “Did you hear about that house fire down that way? The woman on the news said that it might have been arson. Arson!” 
“It’s alright,” he placated. “Not as bad as it used to be, at least.” 
“I still don’t know if I like the idea of a girl like her living all by herself in an area like that,” she said. 
“You’ll have to invite her over for dinner once I get back,” his father said, entirely oblivious to the topic of conversation between his wife and son.
There was a moment of silence between the three of them. His mom took a sip of her wine and stuck the meat with a cooking thermometer, his dad refilled his own glass, and Steve felt his stomach do a backflip. This was going poorly.
“If there’s something else you have to tell us, you might as well just rip the bandaid off quick.” His father hit the nail on the head, that was for sure. He paused for a moment before making the kind of poorly timed, borderline insulting joke only someone like his father could. 
“God, she’s not pregnant, is she?”
Steve went rigid, and he kept his gaze trained on the swirls in the marble countertop. He didn’t say anything, he couldn’t bring himself to, so he just left his parents to piece his silence together on their own.
“Steve,” his mother demanded. She had a carving fork gripped tight in her white knuckled fist, planted hard against the edge of the countertop. Steve was pretty sure she was about to stab him with it. He couldn’t look either of them in the eye.
“I’m sorry,” he managed to squeak out. He could feel tears beginning to well up in his eyes. 
“Goddamn it, Steven!” his father exclaimed, slamming his hand onto the counter. It made the glasses rattle. “This has to be some kind of joke!”
“I’m sorry!” Steve said, louder this time. “Fuck, I didn’t-”
“Didn’t what?” his father asked. “You didn’t mean to? You didn’t think it would actually happen?”
“I don’t know,” Steve responded. He suddenly felt very small, confronted by his father’s booming voice.
His mother stood silent in her spot on the opposite side of the kitchen island, but there were definitely tears running down her cheeks, and anger radiating off of her in horrible waves that Steve wasn’t used to. 
“No, you don’t, because you weren’t thinking at all, were you?” His father fumed. He was standing now, towering over Steve despite the fact that the two of them were almost the same in height. “For Christ’s sake, Steven!”
“I’m sorry.”
“You’ll have to marry her-”
“We already talked about that. She said she wants to wait,” Steve explained quickly.
“No. No, this is not a question of want, Steven. I don’t care about what you want, you’ve forfeited that right! You both have!” his father spat back. 
“I’m not gonna force her to marry me against her will, dad, I’m not evil!” He shouldn’t have said it that way, he knew that. But god, he was mad, and a low blow like that was just as satisfying as he thought it would be. 
At least this hadn’t happened when he was 16. He would have been well and truly fucked if this had happened when he was 16. 
“You know what? Maybe this is just the thing you need,” his father snapped.
“What?” Steve asked, confused.
“A big mistake for you to finally learn a thing or two.”
Steve wasn’t particularly fond of his father’s use of the word ‘mistake’.
“I leave for Santa Monica tomorrow morning. I’ll be back in a week,” his father stated. “I want you out of my house before then.”
“Ronald,” Meredith broke her silence, exclaiming from behind the tears. Steve knew she wouldn’t explode the way his father was doing, but she really looked like she wanted to.
“No! We have been defending him and making excuses for years, Meredith. Years! If he wants to go play house with his little girlfriend, that’s fine by me, but he’s not gonna do it under my roof.” He doubled down and turned his gaze back to where Steve was sitting. “I think it's a damn good time for him to learn that his actions come with consequences.”
The older man turned away at that and pulled his keys off of the hook on the wall.
“Where are you going?” Meredith called after him. He didn’t bother with an answer, only walked out and slammed the door behind him. 
Steve was left alone with his mother, which was simultaneously much better and far worse. 
“We were already planning for me to move in with her,” Steve said. If his father had stuck around for a minute longer, he would have been able to explain that to him, too. “She needed a roommate anyway.”
His mother scoffed and shook her head.
“Look, I know that-”
“You make it incredibly difficult for me to be on your side sometimes, Steven,” his mother interrupted.
“I know,” Steve agreed. He did know. 
“I wish I could say that I thought your father was being irrational, but I don’t know if I can,” she sighed. “For once, I think he and I might be on the same page.”
“You are?” Steve asked. His father’s vitriolic anger hadn’t come as a surprise, he’d been expecting it, but he thought his mother would be at least a little bit understanding. She always had been before. Steve guessed that this was different, though. 
“You’re not going to be able to live in that apartment forever, Steven,” she said.
“I know that.”
“And you’ll definitely need a better job. I highly doubt your father’s previous offer still stands, by the way.”
“I know.”
“Do you?” she asked him. Her voice had a bite to it that he had never been on the receiving end of before. “You’ve been saying ‘I know’ for years now, Steve. You know you need to grow up, you know you’ll have to move out someday, you know you have to do something with your life, yet you have never made any actual effort to do anything about it!”
“Mom, that’s not true-”
“If you want to start making big, adult choices like this, you’re going to have to start acting like one. Clearly, you’re not a child anymore.” 
His mother untied her apron and tossed it onto the counter before leaving the kitchen, heels clicking on the tile.
Steve’s whole family had been waiting for that thing; that final, fatal event that would break the Hawkins Harringtons for good. Aunts, uncles, cousins, all piecing together whatever bits of gossip they could, knew that the string that tied Steve to his parents was being pulled thinner and thinner and thinner. His mother could only do so much mending for him, and everyone had spent the last few years waiting with bated breath for that string to snap, for Steve to lose his footing. Once it did, he would plummet.
Steve was now standing alone in his childhood home, scissors in hand. 
Steve didn’t know what to do, so he stood up and turned off the stove. He pulled out a tupperware container and boxed up the vegetables. He wrapped the meat in foil and left it out on the counter, because it needed to cool before it could be put away, or else it would screw with the temperature inside the refrigerator. He found a stopper and closed the bottle of wine, placing it in the fridge before gathering the three glasses. His was still full, and he wanted to chug it, but thought better of it and poured it down the drain. He cleaned all of the dishes, dried them, and put them away. He turned off the oven, and wiped down all of the countertops, and neatly hung the towel to dry. He turned off the lights, making sure to leave the one above the stove on as a nightlight. 
Truly, there wasn’t much left of his personal belongings that he really cared about that he hadn’t already taken to your apartment. Most of what he needed was already there. He could grab the rest of it when his mother wasn’t home; the rest of his clothes, important documents, that kind of thing. What all do you even need to bring with you when you're being forced out of your childhood home, anyway? 
Later. This was something he could deal with later.
So he left. Unsurprisingly, his father’s car was nowhere to be seen. He wanted to keep talking to his mom, to explain himself, to apologize, to say anything, but he knew it would just make it worse than it already was, so he just got into his car and pulled away instead.
He did need a better job. He’d been needing a better job for a while now, actually, but he definitely needed a better job now. And his mother was right, there was no way he would be able to work for his dad after that. 
He wished he was able to explain to his parents that hey, funny story, due to atrocities he won’t be explaining right now, the government actually gave him a frankly absurd amount of money a few years ago, and he’d be alright for a while. It wouldn’t last forever, but it was enough to keep the pair of you afloat, especially with yours, too. You had used a bit of it on rent right after your parents had left, but Steve’s money sat mostly untouched in a bank account his family didn’t know he had. 
See, the thing about government hush money is that you can’t just go out and spend it on something wild, because then people are going to ask where it came from. Believe him, if he had been able to go out and buy some fancy sports car or a bunch of designer clothes, he would have. His father would have told him to buy a nice watch and invest the rest of it (Steve wasn’t entirely sure what that actually meant, or how to even go about doing it). He was just grateful to have it right now.
He could put a down payment on a house for you and him. That seemed like something a responsible adult would do with it, right?
Steve pulled up to your building and was shocked with how well he’d held it together up until this point, because he felt like he was going to explode. When he got to your floor and walked into your apartment, you were sitting on the floor between the sofa and the coffee table, textbooks and paper spread before you. The sound of him walking in pulled you away from your schoolwork and when you turned to look at Steve, you were clearly upset.
“You told me you were off more than an hour ago!” you said as you wiggled out from behind the table and stood up. “I was starting to get really worried, Steve, where were you?”
“I, uhm,” Steve started. He felt his voice crack, the sting of tears beginning to well in his eyes. He had to keep his shit together, for your sake.
“Did something happen?” you asked him. You brought your hands up to the sides of his face, and there went any chance of him keeping it together. 
“I told my parents,” he confessed. He was not going to cry in front of you. He wasn’t.
“What?” you questioned. You sounded a little bit hurt that he did it without asking you, but mostly just horribly concerned. “I thought we agreed to wait.”
“We did, but it was eating away at me, and I just couldn’t sit on it anymore, and-” The floodgates broke and Steve’s words were cut off by a strained sob. 
“Oh, Stevie.” You pulled him into a hug and Steve wanted nothing more than for these stupid tears to just dry up, but it felt like weeks and weeks of pent up worry and fear were being pulled to the surface, and he didn’t have it in him to try and stop any of it. He was supposed to be the strong one for you, but Jesus Christ, that was difficult. “It was bad?”
“Well, they kicked me out,” Steve said.
“Which, I mean, my dad’s right. I barely even live there anymore, so I guess it doesn’t really even matter,” he rambled out, wiping his nose on his sleeve like a child.
“Yes, it does,” you assured him.
“And I’m pretty sure that this is my mother's worst nightmare, so I don’t know why I didn’t expect her to be pissed.”
“I’m sorry,” you said. You pulled Steve towards the couch and carefully lowered onto the cushions, your grasp on his wrists bringing him down to your side. 
“And Robin and I got into a fight, too.”
“You didn’t tell her, did you?” you questioned.
“No, but I think if I don’t do it soon, she might disown me,” he admits. 
“She’s not going to disown you,” you protested. “She’d never do that.”
“My parents just did,” Steve lamented. “My mother just did. Who’s to say Robin isn’t next, huh?”
Steve would never, ever be able to make his father proud, because his father would never, ever let him even get close. He had known that for a long time, and maybe there was a part of him that was relieved by that. He knew that it was an entirely unattainable goal, so he never really bothered to reach for it. His mother, oh so cruelly, always made sure Steve knew that he could do great things. Why did she have to go and do that? Steve knew his mother held him to a high bar, he just hadn’t ever considered the possibility that he wouldn’t be able to jump high enough.
So maybe that’s why it hurt so badly when you curled into him that night when he finally crawled into bed. Maybe that’s why he called into work the next day, even though he knew it would probably make Robin totally freak out. Maybe that’s why he waited until he saw his mother’s car leave the driveway before going into his - what used to be his- house to box up the last of his things.
Maybe that’s why he missed the Hawkins Police Department truck parked outside of your apartment building when he was bringing groceries inside a handful of days later. 
“I’m back!” he called into your apartment after releasing the wildly heavy grocery bags onto the kitchen counter. Making more than one trip is for suckers. “They didn’t have any pineapple juice, so I just got a pineapple, figured it can’t be too hard to just-”
Steve cut himself off when he looked up from the paper bags to see more than just you sitting in the living room; Joyce was sitting on your left with an arm wrapped protectively over your shoulders, Robin on your right with her legs pulled up underneath her and a tissue box in her lap, and Hopper was propped up on the arm of the couch. You were in the middle of the array, in tears. 
“Hello,” Steve nervously greeted, eyes wide as frisbees and blood running cold.
There was absolutely no universe in which this went well.
Robin’s expression, which had clearly been soft and sympathetic before Steve had interrupted them, quickly changed into anger. She shot up from the couch, earning her a disapproving tut from Joyce and making you wince away from her. It took her three wide stomps to cross the small space and grab onto Steve’s wrist with more strength than he knew she had in her.
“Ow, Robin!” Steve complained as she dragged him out into the hallway. She slammed the door hard behind her and it made Steve jump.
“What the fuck, Steve!” she demanded.
“I mean, seriously, what the fuck!” Steve could already hear the noise complaints from the neighbors as she chastised him. “You lied to me!”
“I-” didn’t, is what he wanted to say, but he knew better than that. “I’m sorry.”
“How long have you two been back together then?” she questioned. Steve really didn’t want to admit it. “How long?”
“Six months,” he replied, sheepishly.
“Six months?!” Robin shrieked in disbelief. “Jesus Christ, you really did lie to me!”
“Robin,” Steve said, hushed and ashamed and really fucking mad at himself.
“For half a year! You lied to me for half a year!”
“I’m sorry!”
“She had to turn down her job offer from the school,” Robin barked. 
“I know that.”
“The job that she’s been talking about for, oh I don’t know, six months? Probably more than that, actually!”
“I know, Robin, alright?” Steve assured her and crossed his arms across his chest. “You think I don’t? I am highly aware of that!”
“And, I’m sorry, but you’re far from the King of Responsibility!” Robin said. 
“What does that mean?!” Steve questioned, a tint of frustration layered over his words. 
“I’m just saying, you aren’t exactly known for your maturity,” she spat.
“You think we wouldn’t be able to take care of-”
“She can. I know she can.  She’s more than capable of doing whatever the hell she puts her mind to, but you?” Anger and resentment dripped from her mouth with each word. “You, I’m honestly not sure. If you were more willing to lie to my face for six months than you were to just tell me the fucking truth, I’m sorry, but that’s really winning you any responsible adult points, is it?”
Tears pricked behind Steve’s eyes. He wanted to yell, to scream at the top of his lungs that, no, Robin, you’re wrong, I can do this!, but he really wasn’t sure if it was true. If his closest friend, one of the people he trusted most in the whole world, really thought that he wouldn’t be able to do this, then maybe she’s right, right?
The apartment door next to Steve slowly creeped open.
“Everything alright out here?” Hopper asked, carefully planting himself just slightly between Steve and Robin. 
Robin lost her vitriol like a tea kettle after the burner got turned off, leaving her with no more steam to fuel what she needed to say. 
“I’m waiting out in the car,” she muttered as she whizzed past Steve and turned down the stairwell. The two men in the hall listened to her descending footsteps. Once they heard the front door open and slam back shut, Jim broke through the quiet.
“Robin wanted me to check up on you after you called out,” Jim explained. “She was worried you were mad at her, after your fight.”
“Right,” Steve said.
“So, imagine my surprise when your mom answers the door, only to tell me that you don’t live there anymore,” the older man said. “She wouldn’t tell me why, just gave me an address and shut the door.”
“Look, if you’re here to give me another angry dad talk, then you don’t have to bother. Mine did a pretty damn good job all on his own,” Steve asserted. 
“I’m not here to be angry.” Steve could tell that Hopper was choosing his words very, very carefully.
“Oh, that’s unlike you,” Steve commented, arms still crossed and eyes on the floor.
“Don’t be shitty!” Jim snapped. Steve withered.
“Sorry,” he muttered, still not able to look the man in the eyes. Jim just sighed.
“Do you have a plan, Steve?” he asked. 
“Yes. No,” Steve replied. “I don’t know. She seems to have one.”
“Oh, yeah?”
“I’m just not sure if I fit in it,” Steve confessed.
“Oh, Jesus Christ,” Jim huffed. “Maybe you do need another angry dad talk!”
“What do you want me to say?” Steve interrogated. “That everything is under control and totally normal? I have no idea what’s going to happen! None! And, honestly? I’m fucking terrified, Hopper!” 
“I have to be good at this. I have to! Because I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I’m not, but I am so terrified that I won’t be able to, and I’m going to let her down, and I can’t do that!” It all came out as some sort of paranoia fueled stream of consciousness. “I’d rather die than be anything like my dad, but what if it’s just in my blood? Like, I’m just predestined to turn out just as shitty as him!”
“You definitely won’t,” Jim said, as if it were just a simple fact. “I can assure you, there are very few people on this earth as shitty as your father, and you are not one of them.”
Jim wasn’t overly fond of Ronald Harrington; he was an all-around asshole to most people he met.
“Look, as much as I hate to admit it, you two aren’t kids anymore,” Hop said. “You’re grownups, you two are smart. You can make your own choices. If this is the choice you two wanna make, then make it.”
“You’re making it sound so simple,” Steve snarked.  
“It kind of is,” the chief replied. 
“Really? Because this feels like the least simple thing that’s ever happened to me,” Steve said. “You’re really not mad?”
“Well, I’m not thrilled,” Hopper grumbled. “But, like I said. You two are grownups. You can do whatever the hell you want.”
The pair stood in silence for a moment. Steve knew that Hop was more than likely lying about how mad he was, though he had been preparing himself for Jim to completely lose it on him. He probably would have deserved it. 
“Does it ever get less terrifying?” Steve asked, genuinely wanting to know.
“That’s reassuring.”
“And it’s not just the fun parts,” Jim added.
“I know,” Steve responded.
“It’s more than just tiny socks and decorating the nursery.”
“I know that.” 
“Just makin’ sure.” Jim was far from happy, but he gave Steve a nod and a pat on the back, which was as close to congratulations as he was going to get. “I know the kids give you a hard time, but you’re smart, and so is she. You two know what you’re doing.”
“Thank you.”
“She’s really, really scared, Steve,” Hopper said. There was something in his voice; a silent question of  ‘do you really know what it is you’re getting yourself into?’
“I know,” Steve replied.
“You don’t get to panic now, alright?” Jim told him. “And you don’t get to change your mind.”
“I won’t. I promise,” Steve said; ‘I do know, and I want all of it.’ “I would never do that to her. Never.”
The pair went back inside, and you seemed to be in slightly better spirits now, even if you still had a sea of tears in your eyes. Both you and Joyce turned to face the two men with questions in your eyes, and Jim’s small nod seemed to be enough of an answer for Joyce to shoot off of the couch to envelop Steve in a tight hug. 
“I have lots of baby things I can bring by for you two,” she gushed after pulling away.
“You don’t have to do that,” you said to her, but she was having none of it.
“Don’t worry about it,” Joyce assured. “It’s all just collecting dust anyway.”
Which left Dustin, who in a lot of ways, Steve was the most worried about. He could take the anger from the grownups. Hell, he could take it from Robin, but Dustin, he was less sure about. 
In true Henderson fashion, he found out about Baby Harrington a few days later, entirely by mistake.
“I still don’t understand why they kicked you out in the first place,” Dustin stated from his spot on the living room floor of your (Steve’s!) apartment. He was digging through a pile of old clothes Steve decided he no longer needed. He had a lot of things, he’d realized while moving in, and he really only wanted a few of them, needed even less. He would donate whatever went unclaimed, but Dustin wanted first dibs for himself. 
“Because they’re assholes,” Steve responded. 
“Okay, yeah, fair, but hasn’t Robin been begging you to get a place with her for, like, a year?” 
“It’s not like I was able to really take my time apartment hunting.”
“I still feel like crashing on Robin’s couch for a while would’ve made more sense than moving in here,” Dustin supplied. Steve rolled his eyes.
“I needed an apartment, she needed a roommate, that’s it. Alright?” Steve loved Dustin like a little brother, but good lord, he could be obnoxious sometimes. “Now pick out what you want so I can clean this shit up.”
Dustin finished his haul, though he grumbled about how Steve was rushing him the whole time, and gathered the previously neatly folded clothes into a messy pile.
“I didn’t think of how I was gonna get any of this stuff out to the car.” Dustin, at not- quite- eighteen years old, had finally gotten his drivers license. ‘Thank god,’ Steve had remarked, ‘that I don’t have to be your fucking chauffeur anymore.’ That sentiment only lasted a little while, though, as it quickly became clear that a drivers license meant that Dustin could come and bother Steve whenever he wanted to. And he wanted to all the time. “Will you help me carry it all out?”
“No, I won’t, because there are more trash bags in the cabinet under the sink.” Steve pointed towards the small kitchen. Dustin got up off the floor, going into the kitchen and checking in seemingly every cupboard you had.
“I said under the sink, dude!” Steve heard the squeaky cabinet hinges open and shut, the rustle of the plastic trash bag.
“Steve?” Dustin called after a moment. The apartment was small, and the only real thing separating the kitchen and living room was a few feet of counter and the floor switching from tile to carpet.
“What?” Steve responded, not bothering to look up from the clothes he was shoveling back into their own trash bag. 
“What’s this?” Dustin asked him. When Steve finally looked up at him, he was pointing towards something on the fridge, and it took Steve a second to realize that what Dustin was referring to was the ultrasound pictures that he’d forgotten to take down.
Well, shit.
Steve rocketed towards the fridge to put them away, but Dustin was faster and grabbed them before he could. The damage was already done.
“Dustin, please give me that,” Steve asked. 
“This has her last name on it,” the younger boy observed. 
“Put it down, alright? You weren’t supposed to see it in the first place, so just-”
“Is she fucking pregnant?” Dustin demanded. 
“Dustin, please.” 
“I didn’t think she was dating anyone, though?” the boy thought out loud. “Oh, my god, I wonder if it’s someone we know!”
Oh, it definitely is.
“Dude, c’mon, please just give me the picture.” Remember what Steve said about Dustin being obnoxious?
“Wait, why are you moving in with her if she’s pregnant?” Dustin inquired. “I’m pretty sure that extra bedroom is gonna be pretty occupied in nine months.”
“It’s closer to six, actually,” Steve clarified, and Dustin’s eyes widened. “But that isn’t the point, can you please just-”
“Steve?” the boy asked, tone shifting away from curiosity into something Steve found much more concerning.
“Yeah?” Steve sighed.
“Why did you move in with her?” he asked again, although the way he spoke the words made Steve think Dustin probably already had it figured out. 
“Why do you think?” was all Steve could come up with to say.
“Oh, my god.”
“Oh, my god!”
“You cannot tell anyone, okay? This is totally top secret,” Steve begged.
“Did you-? You two-!” Dustin stuttered out. “Oh, my god!”
Dustin was about to start hyperventilating and Steve was doing his best to keep that from happening, pulling the glossy image out of Dustin’s hand as if it were made of precious porcelain, when the sound of keys jingling in the door distracted them. Both boys fell into bitter silence as you opened the door and took in the sight in front of you; a very frazzled Steve and a very distressed Dustin.
“Hi?” you greeted. “What’s going-”
“You’re fucking pregant?” Dustin exclaimed.
“What?” you spat out in response. Steve could tell that your mind was working a mile a minute to come up with a way to cover for yourself. “I-I don’t, uhm-”
“I left the sonogram on the fridge by mistake,” Steve confessed. He felt awful. “I’m sorry, it didn’t even cross my mind.”
“Oh,” you replied. You hadn’t moved from your spot in the entryway, hadn’t put down your bag or taken off your coat. You just stayed frozen.
“Oh, I have so many feelings!” Dustin wheezed, leaning forward. “Oh, my god!”
“Yeah, you’ve mentioned him.”
“You’re having a fucking baby?” Dustin asked you.
“Yes,” you timidly responded, slowly placing your work bag onto the side of the couch.
“With Steve?!”
“Yes,” you said again.
“That Steve?” Dustin pointed a thumb over his shoulder to where Steve was hovering behind him. “Steve Harrington? Our Steve?”
You nodded. “That Steve.”
“Holy shit,” the boy breathed out.
“Please don’t be mad,” Steve requested.
“What? Mad, why would I be mad?” he asked. “Who’s mad?”
“Well, so far, everyone,” Steve explained.
“Wait, is this why Robin’s not talking to you?” Dustin asked.
“Robin’s not talking to you?” you piped up, concern dripping from your words. 
Steve hadn’t mentioned that part to you yet. 
Robin had been giving Steve total radio silence ever since she had found out. Even at work, she was refusing to say a single word to him. She went and hid in the bathroom anytime Steve tried to say anything at all, and she had even recruited Keith to be her disinterested, detached middle man and relay VHS-related messages if she really needed to. 
To say the least, she really hadn’t taken it all that well.
“Later?” he said to you, silently begging you to table this conversation for a time when you didn’t have a very upset teenager in your kitchen.
Sticky silence fell over the three of you, sealing to Steve’s skin and filling his lungs up in a way he hated. Dustin was the one who peeled through it first. 
“Are you actually having a baby?” The question was directed to Steve this time. Dustin was wildly expressive, he always had been, and he looked very, very overwhelmed. Steve felt about the same. He just nodded, and it took a second for Dustin to properly process the news.
“Gimme the picture again!” Dustin insisted. 
“No, dude! We only have a few and-”
“Excuse me, it’s my nephew, I think I get to see the picture if I want to!”
The tension dissolved as soon as the words came out of Dustin’s mouth. Steve had been so, so worried that he’d be mad, madder than Robin was. 
“Hah! See, Dustin thinks it’s a boy, too!” Steve exclaimed to you. Reservation made way for excitement. Like Dustin said, it’s his nephew.
“Oh, god, please don’t start with this again,” you said, smiling despite the faux exasperation in your voice.
“You think it’s a girl?” Dustin asked.
“I think,” you say as you shuck off your coat and lean against the counter, across from the boys, “that Steve is going to get his hopes up about it being a boy, and then be disappointed if it isn’t.”
“Not possible,” Steve clarified with a smile. “Besides, you don’t have to worry about it because I’m right, and it’s gonna be a boy.”
Dustin didn’t end up leaving until a good few hours later, when Steve noticed how your eyes kept fluttering shut as you leaned against his shoulder. He had to manhandle the boy out the door; he had a seemingly unending vault of questions (“you guys have been sleeping together this whole time?!”), but you were totally wiped. 
You really just wanted to just go to bed, but Steve insisted you ate something first, and a mug of soup later, you were practically dead on your feet. He cleaned up any dinner mess (canned soup doesn’t really result in any mess, but he’d be damned if you had to put your own dishes into the dishwasher), and sent you off to get ready for an early turn in. 
He’d just put the pot away when you summoned him into the bathroom.
“You alright?” Steve asked, leaning against the doorframe. You were standing in front of the sink in your pajamas. He could smell your mouthwash.
“Come look.”
Steve took a step into the bathroom to sidle up next to you as you pulled the bottom edge of your too-big t-shirt up. Your fingers ever so gently ghosted over your stomach.
“That wasn’t there before,” you asked, tilting your head back against the crook of Steve’s arm to look up at him. “Was it?”
Steve was entranced by your reflection in the mirror, by the way the swell of your tummy absolutely gave you away. 
“I don’t know.” Steve spoke just barely above a whisper, the way he would have if he was standing in a church. You felt like an angel beneath his arm. “I don’t think so.”
“I feel like I would have noticed it if it was,” you said, eyes glued to the mirror just as Steve’s were. 
“Definitely would’ve noticed,” Steve quietly gushed. “You officially have a baby bump.”
Realistically, you still had a couple more weeks before anyone else would actually be able to see it. Still small enough to hide behind your clothes, but absolutely, undoubtedly there. 
You hummed, and Steve noticed the way you were trying to hide your smile.
“You’re allowed to be happy about it, you know,” Steve reminded you. Your eyes caught his again, and your small, shy smile grew just a little bit bigger as you pulled his hand away from your hip and placed it firmly against the slope of your tummy. He felt his breath hitch, like the action of touching you was breaking some sort of cardinal law, but he stroked his thumb up and down, up and down across your skin, and you flattened yourself as deeply into his chest as you possibly could. He pressed a kiss to your temple, lingering in the scent of you for as long as he could allow himself to.
His hand stayed glued to you for the remainder of the evening.
Tiny Little Taglist: @sheisjoeschateau @hazydespair @damon-loves-pie @pariahsparadise @anislabonis-love @e509 @alexa4040 @starsforviolet @hoesbloated @luvlexi-darling
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alexa-fika · 5 months
Guide in the Darkness (Smoker x f!blind!child!reader x Fujitora)
A/N This is for the Anon that asked for toph!reader and I completely butcher the request so bad that I deleted it within the hour. Also sorry for the lack of uploads, got off a plane and have been unpacking since, and I start work tommorow but I will try to still upload daily!
Dividers by @/saradika
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The muscular man sighs as he hears another crash coming from his daughter's quarters, opening the door, he glances at a vase smashed on the floor.
“Thought I told you to stop breaking things on purpose,” he grumbles, blowing out the smoke from his cigars in a thick cloud
“This is so stupid! I can’t do anything, Dad! The moment im on a boat, I’m so useless! “She screams, slowly sinking down to the ground and sobbing
A heavy sigh of irritation escapes Smoker's lips as he drops to his knees before his daughter, kneeling to the same level as her. A heavy hand touches her shoulder in a reassuring manner. A warm and kind gesture, but his face remains straight.
“And destroying your furniture will fix that; how?”
“Shut up! Shut up, just shut up!”
Smoker lets out another sigh as his cigar puffs out more smoke, and a heavy eyebrow raises at her harsh tone. His face is stern, but a certain tenderness behind his eyes is revealed when he speaks to his daughter
She pushes his shoulder away, but Smoker just grabs her with his other arm again.
"Is that so?" Smoker responds simply. Silence fell after he spoke those words, neither of them saying anything nor moving from their positions.
“I’m sorry��” she mutters
Another gentle sigh escapes his lips as she does this. His rough exterior fades for a moment as he speaks to her. His eyes no longer piercing through her own, now much more warm and kind.
"It okay,” he grunts
“Come with me; I have someone I want you to meet.”
She dries her tears slowly, standing up
“Who is it?”
"Just follow me." He rises back to his feet, the same look in his eyes once more as he holds out his hand for her to take.
He guides her off the boat, where they walk for a while until they reach an office within some Marine headquarters, closing the door behind them once she is inside.
"My, my, what a young beauty she is, Smoker..." Fujitora said kneeling in front of Reader.
“You must be around ten right now aren’t you”, smiling as a small affirmation leaves the girl.
“Last time, you were but a baby." The blind admiral grins, tapping the end of his cane against the ground.
"I am Issho; many people call me Fujitora; however, you may do so too if you so desire.”
“Umm, hi,” she mutters, hiding behind her father’s legs
“She’s just a little timid” Smoker remarks as he turns to Issho, nodding slowly at him.
A small gesture, as always, placing a hand on her daughter's shoulder.
“Why are we here?” she mumbles
The tall man sighs once again and moves closer to his daughter.
He crouches down to her level again and takes hold of her shoulders with both hands.
"Reader, the man standing there, he is a Marine like me. And he is also blind.”
Reader stills at that and turns around towards Fujitora, using her devil fruit to locate him easily
“You’re also blind?”
Issho smiles widely, putting his cane down on the ground as his eyes shine.
"Yes, I am."
The admiral's smile fades as an eyebrow arches. A small hand finds its way into his and is immediately swallowed into his hand like a grain of sand.
"I don't believe I've ever met a child with a devil fruit, let alone a logia type." He chuckles softly
“Mind telling me what you are capable of?
“I...I use it to sense everything around me,to ‘see,’ but I can only do that when im on land; when I go on the ship with Dad, I become useless.”
Smoker's face softens once more as she explains herself to his coworker
"I am sorry to hear you feel useless when you cannot sense anything. However, I can assure you that you are not. It is simply a limitation that you have, but I believe you can overcome it. Do you want to know a secret?" Fujitora asks her
She nods timidly but remembers that the man before her had the same affliction as her
"You are more than just a devil fruit. No matter what you may lack, you still have feelings, a will of your own, and loved ones. Those things are the most important part of being human. Never forget that, young one. We should meet up later so I can discuss your training a little more in-depth. I promise you that we will find a way to make you feel more confident in yourself. Just don't give up, and never lose sight of the truly important things. I know it’s scary to be truly blind in an already dark world, but I promise you, you will get through this; I will help you.”
She stares at the man before her for a minute, tears starting to fall from her eyes as she sniffles, nodding her head
“Thank you,” she cries hugging him
Smoker smiles as her daughter embraces Fujitora , finally finding a mentor she can relate to
“Thank you,” he grumbles to Fujitora
Fujitora nods his head, his expression remaining stoic despite the kindness and affection being shown towards him
"No need to thank me. If I can do anything at all to help her overcome these struggles, it is my duty as her mentor, after all. I must prepare her to be the very best marine that she can be, even if that means I have to make some special arrangements for her."
“Fujitora is gonna teach you how to use and master Kenbunshoku Haki,” Smoker said, blowing smoke from his cigars once again
“…I have not mastered the use of it; it will help you ‘see’ even without your devil fruit, so you will be able to find your way even when you are not on land,” he finishes, taking another puff
She grins, turning around towards her dad and jumping into his arms
“Thank you, Dad! For always helping me and not giving up.”
Smoker remains silent for a moment, as if surprised by his daughter's sudden affection toward him. He then wraps his arms around her and pulls her in tight. It’s the fondness for her was clear, although his usual reserved and aloof demeanor din’t really allow for much overt affection
"You're welcome. Should we head out? I think you’ll have a busy day tomorrow.”
She nods, turning her head back to Fujitora
“Bye-bye Fujitora! I’ll see you tomorrow!”
Funitora nods, smiling at her genuinely way before saying goodbye
"Farewell, little one, you were a pleasure to meet. Rest assured that you are in the best of hands."
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This is much better, sorry y’all it was killing me inside that I made such a bad piece to the point of having to delete it and deleting a request by doing so.
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hamlet but i haven't seen it (yet)
there's this guy named hamlet who's the prince of denmark
somethings foul in the state of denmark or something
hamlet's dad, the king, got killed before the play and hamlet suspects his uncle claudius (is that his name?)
claudius marries hamlet's mother and is now king (bit weird but okay)
hamlet doesnt like that
the ghost of hamlet's father appears to hamlet and tells him to kill his uncle in revenge
hamlet the master of indecisiveness™
to be or not to be
thats like about whether to act or not i think
hamlet is a college student so actually quite young (i think boy started to go to college at age 14 and hamlets probably around 16 but nobody's sure)
a phrase stuck in my brain is "hamlet the frat boy" but im pretty sure he's more of a theater kid
instead of killing his uncle hamlet stages a play similar to what he thinks transpired to watch how his uncle reacts to it
the lady doth protest too much, methinks
shakepeare does love to make his protagonists spiral into insanity
i heard hamlet is a story about grief and i also heard that it's like a mirror, what you see about hamlet says more about you that hamlet himself (but dont ask me to elaborate i am realising my brain retains information i have no clue how i got)
in the end almost everyone dies because of hamlet
hamlet stabs someone through the curtain i think its the father of ophelia (polonius or smth i dunno) cause he thinks is his uncle
im not sure why his uncle should be behind a curtain tho
hamlet randomly gets kidnapped by pirates but we never see it because shakespeare already new how expensive special effects are
i bet the pirates let hamlet go because he's a little bitch
hamlet is A LITTLE BITCH
i think in one scene he just tries to fluster ophelia (his not-quite-girlfriend) by turning everything she says into sexual innuendo (may i lay my head in your lap so on so on)
there's one scene with a grave digger whom hamlet asks for whom the grave is the man is digging and the man responds it is his own to which hamlet answers something along the lines of
one would thinks so for thou dost lie in it
great pun
ophelia actually manages to drown in a brook which is characterised by it's shallowness
its unclear whether she did it intentionally
there are some guys named rosencrantz und guildenstern (probably didnt spell that right) and i know nothing about them except that they die because of hamlet and for some reason they always get mentioned together which makes me think they are an item
many people die because of hamlet
also there's a skull
is that yorrick?
hamlet talks to it
david tennant got the role of hamlet because he randomly picked up a real human skull
hamlet dies (big surprise!)
there's a duel? and one of the sword's is poisoned and hamlet picks up the wrong one? is that with laertes? i know he dies, too
also there's horatio, everybody seems to like him so i tried to not mention him for as long as possible to annoy them (not really i just dont know much about him)
people think hes gay for hamlet
hes not nobility but wellspoken
something something sweet prince?
horatio does not die
he lives to tell the tale
which is somehow worse
while i know (claudius?) hamlet's uncle dies and thats kinda the point of hamlet's whole actions i do not actually know when or how he dies (but i know about the curtain stabbing, the brook and the duel, weird)
or is he the one in the duel?
i bet hamlet's mother dies too
i also dont know how hamlet dies, something with the duel and the poisoned sword i guess, i know he picked up the wrong sword but im not sure if the wrong one was that with poison or not
i am very confused about how much there is in my brain about the guy
i do think there must be more to horatio except 'gay for hamlet' but i dont know anything
rosencrantz und guildenstern sound like a comic relief duo who dont know what they're doing
something about mother and knowing about playing with her drapes... (is that from hamlet?)
im sure this is enough for now
please do tell me how wrong i am
also tell me if you know why i seem to know so much about this (even if it's not true)
yes, this was inspired by @weirdly-specific-but-ok 's good omens post and @hello-ello-ello 's post about macbeth
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fan-a-tink · 3 months
Young Royals S3 thoughts
Even just hearing this scene’s echo was horrific. It must have been so much worse to actually go through it. 
It must be so hard for Wille to reconcile how he knows Erik which what he now knows about him. And he is not here anymore to defend himself. Uuuurgghhhhh!
Please talk to Simon. Please talk to him. Shutting him out will not make anything better.
Sara and Felice doing desserts together, that’s the best idea anyone has ever had :) A chance for them to talk, yay!
This Micke is starting to be a dad too good to be true. This is sketchy behaviour. He is too happy, this is going to spiral out of his control. Oh Sara I am worried for you….
Ok, I am just going to say it (even 2021 me would judge me so hard for this) but August „redemption arc“ is working. Like I honestly believe that he is trying to be a little bit better as a person. I want him to be alright. And yes, I am shocked that I think this. 
Whose locker is number 60? Is that Sara’s? 
Wille once more calling his parents because he needs support. And his dad once more not stepping up. Nobody is perfect, not even Kronprins Erik….!
Edvin Ryding, the actor you are…
This episode it’s Wille’s turn to look as if his soul has left him. 
Oh shit this will be the music room fight. I am not ready. I am not ready. No no no no no noooooooo.
RIP Wille in the choir. Those scenes in episode two were worth it though :)) 
It is so typical for Simon to think that he has done something wrong. Simon, my love, you are not ‚difficult‘ for asking questions!! You are wonderful. 
Wille, those are your thoughts, not Simons. They are your fears, your doubts, your anxieties. And they are completely valid. But please don’t put words in Simon’s mouth and push him away like that. „Maybe he gave in to peer pressure. What do you know?“ Like, Simon is trying to help you here, he’s trying to talk it through with you and help you out. Nooo, don’t walk out on him?!!!
Simon being left behind in the music room is just as devastating as Wille being in there after their fight last season. I am done with this music room. 
The 36 on Simon’s locker is now always going to remind me of that fan exam :)) I was sooo unsure about that question haha
So she takes the letter, but is she reading it? Should we assume she read it? Or is she just not going to read it? I am confused…
Oh no. Micke has forgotten. The hope and desperation in her voice that she’s trying to conceal while leaving these voice messages for her dad is killing me. Also, ruuuuuun! You can still make it :) 
Why is Wille only ever with Felice when he’s had a fight or something with Simon? Like, when they’re good, he never hangs out with her. 
I also do believe he would have accepted and embraced Wille’s queerness. But I guess it’s the fact that we’ll never know that is so hard to deal with.
Purple nail polish ✨ slay :)
Sara made it :) But also, it’s stressing me out that she just puts her id back into her bag and doesn’t close it properly. It could fall out!
That is so heartbreaking seeing that Micke is falling back into the habit of drinking with his friends. And the worst possible moment for Sara to find out, mid-driving test, in the middle of the road. 
Linda giving Simon the long overdue hug and telling him he’s not doing anything wrong. YES!
„Love shouldn’t be this difficult“ - Linda, I trusted you!!! Don’t give Simon ideas.. 
Sara turning up at the house, breaking down. Simon hugging her. Forgiving her. I am in actual tears now. Can’t handle it. I’m sooo glad he is forgiving her. This was soooo necessary. Finally some healing…. 
That’s a decent apology text, Wille, I’m proud of you :)
The nail polish looks sooo good!!
And its off 😂 That was shorter than Wille’s career in the choir..
The Happy Birthday Song Scene will forever be my favourite Wilson scene. I am crying my eyes out because I know it’s all going to go wrong soon, and this might be one of the last moments of happiness. And it is SO BEAUTIFUL!!!!! 
Also I am sooo glad the ‚Is everything ok between us?‘ line happened here and now was immediately answered with a ‚yes‘ - that takes away one of my biggest fears from the trailer… 
Also, he made him a sandwich? Asjdnä oajbef lskdfb .sjdnfsldnf lsdn 💜
I like Farima. Also her green suit is gorgeous :) 
They are holding hands in the car !!!!
„Maybe it was stupid to tell you that thing about Erik. I get that it must’ve been tough to hear.“ Yeah, no shit, August.
Simon is just chilling, living his best life eating cake :) 
„Cause there’s a risk of poisoning.“ Oooff. Simon’s expression is golden :))
I think Simon will never get used to having staff to take care of everything. And to Wille being absolutely ok with that and not even noticing it. 
Spotted Lisa Ambjörn, hihiiiii :))
Please make Simon feel welcome. Please. 
Why are they all pretending like everyone’s happy and fine? 
August is just so happy to be near Sara, it is actually adorable. 
Felice and Sara working side by side. I have so much hope that they can find their friendship again. Like, they are both loving being in each other’s company..! And Felice wanting to be a chef? I am here for it!!!! That whole little scene was beautiful :))
That is the most awkward dinner conversation ever. Poor Simon. Poor Wille. And they really don’t make it easy for anyone just bringing everything back to Erik. Like, that just adds so much pressure on Wille, and also this is such a vulnerable topic for him right now… 
Class Bad Boy. Lol
I love that he hates the title. Like, season 1 August would have loved it! That is GROWTH, ladies and gentlemen!
„It’s not very long. I’ll read it to you“ - dude, she can read, she just didn’t want to! 
His voice breaking up a little while he reads the letter. Malte is really on the next level this season…
The way he leans his head into that hug…! I have so much hope for them…. Please, please, please!
Yes, I can see that from Frederike’s point of view this looks bad. But you don’t know anything about the situation. And you’re just going to cause problems. But of corse she runs straight to Felice. Uuughhh, and things were just starting to look like they could be friends again someday. 
Wille playing a bit of the school song. Is that the only thing he remembers how to play, because he taught it to Simon? 
Wille, you’re being unfair. Yes, it’s hard for you. But Simon is also allowed to find it hard. And he is only trying to support you.
I’m sorry, but Wille’s parents could not be more useless right now. I am so glad Wille is finally speaking his mind. Maybe the delivery is not the most productive, constructive, diplomatic, but a child should not have to beg for his parents to be there for him. And they should not just leave the room when he does. Like, I understand that you are ill and struggling and that it must be absolutely terrible to deal with your eldest son dying tragically in a car crash, but Wille is right, you still have a son, and he needs you!!! 
The way Simon looks horrified and genuinely scared when Wille smashes the gifts. Like, he looks kind of scared of Wille. I bet he witnessed these kind of violent outbursts from his dad when he was younger. Oh Simon….
There it is: „Love shouldn’t be this hard.“ And it hurts just as much as I thought it would. 
Wille’s cheek is so wet, he must have been crying a lot already. 
Simon’s voice cracking when he says „Maybe it just can’t work.“ - he is breaking his own heart admitting this. 
The lyrics just before the cut „I got addicted to a losing game“ - KILL ME NOW!
I am in tears. Like, I knew they were going to come to a point like this, but that doesn’t mean it’s ok!!!
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lizzy-bonnet · 10 months
Austenian Dads
A recent post about mothers-in-law by @bethanydelleman had me thinking about the dads in Jane Austen. We get a lot of discourse about mothers and mother figures, who have big, important roles in the stores, but her depictions of fatherhood are interesting too. Here, in my opinion, are the dads and dad-like figures in her novels, ranked from best to worst.
(note: I've left out deceased and barely-there dads, but I will note that Mr. Dashwood's attempt to look out for his daughters, and the amount of grief occasioned by his death, indicate that he is a Top Dad.)
Mr. Musgrove - Notwithstanding "poor Richard", Mr. Musgrove has three reasonably well-adjusted adult children, seems to love his younger children, and goes to his daughter's bedside when she is injured. His children all make Sensible Matches, and he likes kids enough to permit the little Harvilles to be brought back to Uppercross to increase its noise. He folds my beloved Anne into his family and treats her affectionately whenever she is with them. By the standards of the day, he seems pretty solid. 8/10 Least Bad Dad.
Sir John Middleton - Like Mr. Musgrove, Sir John is a people person. His immediate and unreserved adoption of the Dashwoods in their hour of need tells us that he is an unambiguously good-hearted person, which usually leads to loving parenting. His kids are young so we don't see him interacting much with them, but his desire to give everyone a nice time bodes well. He doesn't notice when his teasing goes to far. 7/10 definitely tells the same dad joke over and over.
Mr. Bennet - As a reader I love him because he's pithy, but he's honestly not a great dad, and is not modeling a happy marriage for his daughters. He shows favouritism to Lizzy, lets Lydia run wild, is hurtful towards Mary and Kitty, and fails to save up any money to bribe worthless young men to marry his daughters. 5/10 for putting all his eggs in the "having a son" basket and then doing nothing when the handle on the basket breaks.
Lt. Price - Loud, embarrassing, shiftless. Ignores his daughters but seems to maybe do OK with his sons? 3.5/10, tops.
Sir Walter Elliot - This fucking guy, am I right? He's vain, he's self-obsessed, he's a spendthrift, and he's a dreadful parent. His eldest daughter is his favourite and he basically forgets Anne and Mary exist when they're not directly in front of him (and sometimes doesn't notice them even when they are). His favouritism has damaged Anne and Mary in different ways to Mr. Bennet's to his younger daughters, but the source is the same: he has one child who is like him and others that he doesn't click with, so he basically lets them shift for themselves. In the Elliot household I'm certain this means that sensitive Anne was left to grieve her mother without any comfort from her father. It's no wonder she was ready to marry the first loving man she saw. When he sees her looking well, he thinks it's down to her skin care regimen. 3/10 merely Gowland's.
Sir Thomas Bertram - Poor Fanny, her father figures are both the pits. Sir Thomas knows absolutely zero about what any of his kids are like and can't see how bad Aunt Norris's influence is on all of them. He swings wildly between neglectful and overbearing, and then tries to pressure Fanny into marrying Henry Crawford despite his attentions making her visibly miserable. He also knows perfectly well that Fanny is shy, and yet does not give her any warning that he's throwing a ball for her coming out, plus he sends her home to Portsmouth as a sort of weirdo punishment to make her see what she's missing by not marrying Henry. 2/10 points and he really only gets these for 1. offering to free Maria from her engagement and 2. getting a fire in Fanny's grate, even if he left it until WAY too late to do her much good.
General Tilney - the closest Austen gives us to a villainous parent. The General is dictatorial to his children, oppressive around the house and occasionally creepy towards Catherine. This is made apparent by the fact that the Abbey suddenly becomes much more fun when he goes off to London. He shows himself the ultimate Bad Dad by tossing his daughter's friend out of the house without explanation and hardly the resources to get herself home. 0/10 Gothic Tyrant Dad.
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stolaz-the-artist · 4 months
Switched Career AU
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I’m aware the name sounds like a sims expansion pack I’ll fix it later
AU info below!
So i got this idea when i was thinking about how younger me misunderstood Alice in the first episode.
I thought that when she said “country boy” she meant he was a cowboy. And i thought this for like a whole year.
And then i thought “What if he was a cowboy?” But thats too easy and boring + They already kinda did that in s4. Not really but close enough (i have enough memes of Cowboy Clay locked an loaded anyway so i think I’ll survive) So i continued thinking and remembered from the Knights code how Clay said a certain sword was easy enough a child could make it. And i just started assuming he must have some knowledge in weapon making. Cuz why not? and also! I didnt neglect the other knights for this project! THATS A FIRST!
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I gave them minor redesigns, nothing too mayor but still something. (also all of this is pre-knights academy. So they’re like 15 or sum)
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Yet again, just playing with the idea that he works as a blacksmith, providing for him an his brother.
I somehow thought out more for Aaron than Clay??? Big things are happening in Detroit ngl
I have a skit planned with Ruina involved, but more on that later
And for Merlok: guess he just never found him. Or he died. Idk I’ll figure something out later.
Oh and since Merlok couldn’t find him he just kinda grew into his powers, and so did Fletch. They dont know much tho about it and just use it as some sort of minor day to day tool. But they haven’t trained it so its just still kinda uncontrollable at times, remaining heavily linked to emotions. (All of this still in very early development dont come for me)
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I have no clue what Aaron’s dad works as but i just made him a fisherman.
Aaron still craves danger, but the danger of fishing (cuz that shit can be real fucking dangerous let me tell ya that-)
He’s still too younge tho, but he can’t stop talking about it, and how much he wish he could join his dad on his boat (He has snuck on on several occasions but turns out hiding under deck during a storm isn’t a good idea. The only reason he stopped was cuz he’d miss out on the fun part regardless) Him and Clay are friends, meeting every now and again when Clay and Fletch come and buy fish from his family.
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He’s been very excited about taking over the restaurant, already having a plethora of dishes he wants to make (and eat ofc).
He’s friends with Aaron, given they also buy fish from his family. He’s not very familiar with Clay tho. They’ve been at the fish market at the same time once or twice but barely talked. But they still see each other as friends, just not very close
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Macy is still, Macy ig? I’m not sure what to do with her. So i just made King Halbert more chill. She takes several combat classes and planning on becoming a fighting queen if anything.
Her and her family are going on a trip through out the kingdom with the Richmonds. On her end its more of a meet and greet thing, but it’s different for Lance.
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OG Lance must be quite jealous. He was sent into the acting industry at a very young age. He thrives in it, taking role after role back to back.
However this next one requieres some sort of reference with the commoners. He joins Macy’s family (Bringing his agent and Dennis with him obv.) as they travel through the country sides of the kingdom. He honestly can’t wait to go home and take a dip in the gold pool.
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Idk why this thing kinda makes me sad but oh well, it’s the truth after all.
I am planning on writing this. Like fanfic wise.
But whenever that’ll be out is a mystery.
I haven’t written a fanfic since my wattpad days and AO3 still lowkey scares me.
Also other than Fletch so am i not sure what to do with Ava, Robin or Izzy. So if ya have any ideas, please share, i have no clue.
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br1ghtestlight · 6 months
they're wearing their raincoats so for me this is already a 10/10 episode. love when they wear their raincoats!!
not big bob and tina going on the toddler rides at amusement parks together. LESS THRILL MORE CHILL. truly two autistic peas in a pod <3
big bob is seventy five (at least according to louise) this is important lore. also this means bob's dad is the same age as his gayass old man landlord who flirts with him every other day FJDMDJDKSMS according to my caculations big bob would've been 29ish when he had bob which means he met lily when they were in their early twenties. that also means (assuming that lily was the same age as big bob) lily would have been around 43 when she died although the math doesn't add up 100% if you consider her being born in 1941 because it would mean this episode takes place in 2016 which it doesn't. am i overthinking this one-off line where louise guestimates big bob's age??? yes i am thank you VERY MUCH.
big bob making conversation while spending the day with his very young grandchildren: so have you considered that the world is terrible and people are awful and we should all kill ourselves? thoughts?
(im sure that isn't what bob meant its just funny to imagine big bob depression posting circa 2013 tumblr @ his grandkids all day)
ALSO this implies bob has been talking to big bob more regularly lately which is great. they're working on their relationship. a little bit :)
BIG BOB FOR REAL BEING A QANON TRUTHER EXCUSE ME???? THE FUCK. ohh he's literally a doomer he's watching videos about the upcoming apocolypse and how to ration food. HE'S A CLIMATE CHANGR DOOMER ITS SO OVERR im sorry thats so funny im obsessed w/ him
also our first time ever seeing (what im assuming is) bob's childhood home!! very cute. and he made them cookies
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why is big bob calling bob randomly to talk about how the world is ending and tigers are going extinct what is GOING on. at least he believes in climate change??
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"like he's getting ready to..... leave the party. so he doesn't feel bad about telling everyone how much the party stinks" DONT TALK ABOUT HIM LIKE THAT if there's an episode where big bob dies its over for me. like its done <- there won't be but i would be very very sad IF THERE WAS. to be fair we gotta kill off linda's parents too though
aww they're texting regularly <3 i like how you can ALREADY see how much bob and big bob's relationship has improved since the start of the show where bob Literally thought his dad hated him and that he was a disappointment. see what actual open communication can do for you!! im happy bob has at least one parent he can talk to kinda sorta? HE SHARES HELPFUL TIPS SO THAT BOB CAN SAVE HIS FAMILIES LIFE HES TRYING TO HELPP :(
"and today its just gonna be him. and them. and the giant cloud of darkness that follows him wherever he goes" funnily enough thats also what people say when talking about me :3
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"pop pop how much cotton candy is TOO MUCH cotton candy" "i dont know. three??"
LMAO FOR SOME REASON THAT REMINDS ME OF THIS FUCKIGN QUOTE. big bob when gene comes out to him as genderfluid like
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wharf day with pop-pop!!! wharf day with pop-pop!!!!!
grandpa needs a little bench time. im ALWAYS saying this tbh
"don't get any tattoos that your parents can see" FUN GRANDPA he's definitely a better grandpa than he is a dad bcuz he was not doing this shit w/ bob when he was young i can tell you that much
OMG I LOVE TEDDYS RAINJACKET?? sorry i live in a rainforest its my god given right to comment on people's rainy day fashion. its like my one job
"i need to ask you guys A HUGE favor. can you try to take a good picture of me" teddy u are literally always hot this shouldn't be a problem. you're DRIPPING sex appeal. except this is for a handyman website so maybe less sexy?ANY PICTURE I TRY TO TAKE OF MYSELF I LOOK LIKE A MURDERER FJFMDNFJDKDNDJXHXH
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louise shows up whenever she goes and figured out the best way to Cause Problems and i respect that about her. that takes real talent and dedication
one thing about the belcher kids they WILL end up locked inside a fortune telling clam in wonder wharf
he's sooo baby
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everything is so okay bob dont even WORRY. big bob is asleep on a bench and the kids are stuck inside a giant clam they've done more dangerous stuff like twice this week already. at least they're inside??
"its fun when your dad shows up to. check on your grandpa"
do you not trust me with the kids :( noo big bob they literally (kinda) trusted GAYLE with the kids for AN ENTIRE WEEKEND u cant be worse than her at taking care of them. she was making them do some shit that Kids should not be doing. anyone remember the pretty paws
??? why was he just randomly like oohh we should win that gorilla for the kids. he loves them SO MUCH im gonna cry <3 he literally loves them and wants them to be happy. he SPOILS them. he's such a good grandpa and such a terrible dad lmfao
"are we being punished? for being helpful and delightful??"
if i was walking around an amusement park and i heard a robotic fortune telling clam SCREAMING for somebody to help it escape i would get the fuck outta there so fast sorry kids. you might be on your own w/ this one
i dont know why bob is acting like he doesn't lose the kids four times a week MINIMUM those mfs will run off anywhere if given half the chance. they live for the thrill
"we lose 'em and then we find them. that's our thing" ?? what did he mean by this
WHY ARE THEY LOOKING FOR "CUTE" TOOLS this subplot is so funny im kinda obsessed. mechanics for the girlies
teddy is scaring the hoes nooo. its okay teddy i would hire you maybe(??) well. yknow
IM A GENTLE PERSON :( teddy i will always be your biggest fan wtf he's literally so sweet. he wouldnt hurt a fly
silly <33
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LMAO not louise just lying there and saying help us. help us. help us into the microphone she's so cute and SOOO over this whole situation
he's a good grandpa :(
if you keep saying stuff like that around your grandkids they're gonna believe you.... and then it might actually come true. so maybe don't say horrible stuff about the future to people who will have to live in that future </3
IM NOT ALWAYS WORRIED ABOUT THE FUTURE AND THATS **BECAUSE** OF MY GRANDKIDS what if i cry right now. he literally loves them so much he's such a good grandpa!!! wtf Anyone else thinking about amelia right now. the ending
AAWWW THIS EPISODE WAS SO CUTE IM OBSESSED WITH BIG BOB he was such a terrible father but he's the best grandpa and he loves these kids SO MUCH. genuinely. and im so happy that his relationship w/ bob is getting better and that they're on better terms. also the subplot with teddy was adorable i always love teddy and linda subplots. they're BESTIES. maaaybe my favorite episode from this season so far but honestly they've all been so great that there's like five different episodes competing for that spot. and we're still only eight episodes in!!! absolutely everything i wanted from an episode with big bob (even if lily wasn't mentioned. SAD!! oh well there are other episodes) and i loved learning more abt his relationship with his grandkids and that dynamic ^_^ <33
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sawtastic-sideblog · 7 months
Age 6:
"Tucker, you awake?" The young voice asks from the comfort of his bed.
"Why?" The boy answers from the mountain of blankets on the trundlebed.
"I have a crush on someone."
"Who is it?" Tucker asks, more awake and sitting up staring at his best friend. Steven could see the eagerness in his friends' eyes from the moonlight pouring in the window.
"Sarah," Steven answers, grinning. Tucker thinks for a minute.
"I guess she's cute, but Tammy shared her fruit snacks with me at snack time yesterday. I think I'm gonna marry her."
"Am I gonna be your bestman?"
"Of course you are, Steven. You're my best friend."
Age 13:
"Steve, you awake?"
"Yeah, why?"
"I have a crush on someone."
Sitting up, Steven's hands finds his glasses and puts them on his face. His back finds the wall of the tree house as Tucker turns on the lantern.
"Who is it?" Steven asks. He watches his friend pull the blanket closer around him as he leans against the wall opposite Steven.
"Claire. She asked for my notes today in history class. She also smells really good," Tucker says, smiling. Steven felt his stomach churn at the answer, but brushed it off as eating too many sweets.
"I don't know, Tuck. She makes fun of my glasses. Calls me Specs. Hannah is better."
"Hannah C., Hannah H., or Hannah Q.?" Tucker asks, his arms folding across his chest in defiance.
"Doesn't matter. They're all better than Claire."
"Pick one."
"You make a good point."
"Of course I do."
"Shut up."
Age 17:
"Specs, you awake?"
"No," Specs answers and he shoves his head under his pillow.
"Dude, I had that date with Miranda tonight."
Specs reluctantly pulls his head out from under the pillow. He grabs his glasses and winces as his companion turns on his desk lamp.
"How'd it go?"
"Great. We did it in her dad's car at the lake," Tucker smiles. Specs felt uncomfortable hearing that, but being the supportive best friend he is, he knows he has to power through this conversation.
"Tell me all about it. I'll try not to fall asleep," Specs smiles as he props himself on pillows. Tucker smile grows at his best friend's words. Within moments he's in a spare pair of pajama pants Specs' mom keeps around for him. The trundlebed makes an awful noise when Tucker pulls it from its spot under the bed. Specs covers his ears and starts counting down the seconds until his mother enters the room. Within ten seconds of the sound ending, the bedroom door swings open to reveal not only Specs' mother, but his father too.
"Steven, what was-," Mrs. Fisher starts before cutting herself off at the sight of Tucker wrapping himself in blankets.
"I'm starting to regret ever giving you a key, kid," Mr. Fisher says, annoyed, yet amused.
"Sorry. Didn't mean to wake you up. I went on a date tonight and just wanted to tell Specs," Tucker explains.
"How was it?" Mr. Fisher asks. Tucker grins and gives a thumbs up. Mrs. Fisher walks over to Specs and gives him a kiss on the head. She then moves to Tucker, who sits up to meet her halfway. She places a kiss on his head.
"Try to get some sleep, boys. Goodnight. Love you both."
"Night, boys," Mr. Fisher calls as he closes the door. As soon as the door closes, Specs flips off the light and stares at his friends eyes shining in the moonlight from the window.
Age 20:
"Tuck, you awake?"
"What's up, Specs? I have a final in the morning."
"I know. I'm sorry. I just need to tell you something."
"Who's the lucky lady you have a crush on now?"
"Well, that's the thing. It's not a lady."
The lamp switches on. The shared dorm room washed in a harsh yellow glow. Tucker swings his feet off the bed and leans forward. Specs mirrors the movements.
"A guy, then?" Tucker asks. Specs nods as his cheeks heat up. "Who?"
"Jason," Specs lies. Tucker doesn't need to know who it is.
"From chem? He does have nice hair," Tuck jokes.
"Nice face, too."
"How long have you known?"
"About Jason? A couple weeks. About liking boys. Senior year."
"That's almost three years, Specs."
"I know."
"Why didn't you tell me sooner?"
"You were constantly fighting and making up with Miranda. When I wanted to tell you, she was there and I would chicken out."
"I'm sorry, Specs. I guess I haven't been the greatest of friends lately."
"No, you haven't. You've been the bestest of friends. Breaking things off with Miranda when you realized she was trying to push me away, defending my glasses from Claire and making the name she tried to tease me with into a term of endearment nickname, and not judging me for being myself. From the nerdy stuff to not making a big fuss about me liking Jason. You're the bestest friend anyone could ever ask for."
"I pushed you away."
"You realized your mistakes. You've apologized. I accepted. Let's move on."
"So, Jason, huh? He's not the first?" Tucker asks as he lays back on his bed. His arm finds a place under his head as Specs wraps himself in his covers. He lays on his side, facing his friend.
"Not by a long shot."
Age 25:
"Congrats, man. Happy for you guys."
"Thanks, Speccy, we're so happy," the woman clinging to Tucker's arm chirps. Specs cringes, but tries to hide it.
"Christine, we've talked about this."
"Only call him Specs or Steven. I forgot."
"It's alright. I'll let it slide this once, for your engagement and all," Specs says as he forces a smile. A dull ache in his stomach forms as she flashes her ring at him again. "I'll buy you guys dinner."
Age 27:
"Specs, you home?" A choked sob sounds from the other side of the apartment door. Specs pulls away from his boyfriend, Howard. Moments later he's at the door.
"Are you okay?" Specs asks. He gets the larger man hugging his smaller frame in return. He rubs Tucker's back and starts to gently pull him along. "Let's get you to the couch."
"Honey, is everything okay?" Howard asks, walking into the entryway. He takes in Tucker's defeated form. "I'll get us some tea."
"Come on, Tuck, work with me. Come on to the couch," Specs pleads. Tucker walks with him to the couch and let's Specs wrap him in a blanket. Howard brings three mugs of tea and hands one to each of the men on the couch and keeps one for himself.
"She cheated. Christine cheated on me. When I caught her, she told me she only married me to make her dad happy. I was a safe choice. A safety net. She told me that I'm worthless and will never amount to anything."
"That's not true, Tuck. You're amazing. You're charming and caring and attentive. You're funny, a good cook, you have a good fashion sense. You're a good person and you're going to change the world some, Tuck, I'm sure of it. Any woman would be lucky to have you. She wouldn't make you a second choice. She'd make you a priority. Christine has messed up big time, but she's just to blind to see what she's lost."
Howard looks between the two and sees the love Specs has for the man wrapped in his arms. The trio talk we'll into the night until Tucker cries himself to sleep on the sofa. Specs and Howard make their way to the kitchen.
"Steven, you're in love with Tucker, aren't you?" Howard asks. Specs spins around on his heel. His eyes are wide and frantic as he tries to read Howard's face.
"I promised you that I'd never lie to you. The answer I need to give you would be breaking that promise, so please don't make me answer that question."
Howard nods, walks over to Specs, and grabs his hands.
"The answer I need is your truth."
"I don't want to hurt you."
"I won't be hurt. I'll be sad for a while, but hurt that you're in love with Tucker? Not at all."
"Are you going to leave me?"
"We have a lot to talk about, don't we?" Howard asks and Specs nods.
Age 29:
"I'm sorry for your loss, Specs. If you need anything, I'm here," Tucker says, placing a hand on the shorter man's shoulder.
"I was going to propose to him," Specs whispers. Tears fall down his face as Tucker pulls him into a hug.
"I'm sorry."
Age 32:
"Is he alright?" Elise asks as she watches Specs wash dishes.
"His boyfriend died three years ago today. He likes to do the things they did together. Keep his memory alive in some way.
"He's never mentioned it to me before."
"He doesn't like to talk about it," Tucker answers. He's fiddling with a camera while watching Specs. Eventually, Tucker can take it anymore, so he gets up and walks to the sink. He grabs a towel and starts drying the dishes Specs has already done. The shorter man looks up at Tucker, who smiles warmly in understanding. They silently finish the dishes, unaware that Elise is smiling at them.
Age 36:
"Hey, Specs, you wake?" Tucker asks from the doorway of the room. The light from the hallway illuminates Specs' sleeping form. Tucker walks into the room, leaving the door open so the light can stay on his sleeping friend's face. Tucker pulls the desk chair over to the bed and sits in silence, watching Specs sleep.
Specs shifts in his sleep, stretches, and opens his eyes. He squints as his eyes adjusts. He sees an odd shape beside his bed and gasps. He turns and grabs his flashlight from the nightstand and shines it on the figure. Tucker shields his eyes.
"It's me. It's just me. Get that thing out of my face."
"Tucker, what the hell?"
"I was just sitting here."
"In the dark? In my room?"
"Yeah, I kind of watch you sleep from time to time."
"It calms me down. Always has. Ever since we were kids."
"Is something bothering you?"
"Not anymore," Tucker smiles. Specs cuddles down into the covers.
"Okay, then can I go back to sleep?"
"Yeah, sure. Can I join you?"
Tucker doesn't answer. Instead, he crawls under the covers and slips his arms around Specs' smaller frame, pulling him close. Specs doesn't say anything. He lays perfectly still, trying to figure out why Tucker is doing this. Is it a joke?
"Is this okay?"
"Y-yeah. It's fine."
"Then relax, babe. I'm not gonna bite. I mean, I might, but only if you ask."
Babe? Where did that come from? What is happening?
"Tuck, what is going on here?"
"I'm cuddling with my best friend." Specs pushes him away. "We've never done this before and you called me 'babe' and that certainly has never happened before. So, please, tell me what the hell is happening here. I am so confused."
Tucker leans in and kisses Specs, who is surprised, but quickly reciprocates. He doesn't want to let this moment to get away. Tucker's hands travel down Specs' body to his waist, his hips, and, finally, to his ass. Specs breaks away and pushes back again. "Tucker, please." "Okay, okay," Tucker sits up, pulling Specs with him. He pulls the smaller man into his lap. "I'm in love with you." "You what?" "I'm in love with you, Specs," Tucker says and kisses Specs' shoulder. Specs sits and thinks for a few moments as Tucker litters kisses up and down his arm.
"I'm in love with you, too, Tucker," Specs says, turning towards Tucker. The two smile at each other before crashing their lips together again.
Age 40:
"Hey, Tuck, you awake?" Specs asks quietly.
"Well, wake up."
"We're married," Specs says softly, smiling and looking at the ring that's on his left hand.
"I know. You kept me up all night to celebrate."
"Yeah, but now you're my husband. I've wanted this since I was like thirteen."
"Almost thirty years? Wow, babe, you're really hung up on me."
"Shut up."
"I love you."
"I love you, too."
"Shut up."
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borathae · 6 days
Chapter 20
oh what happened to her parents and cookie? when did the fire happen? it says years but years could 2 to 20 but she feels like someone who wont say 2 years sooo ancient, uk? so im going to guess 5+ years ago to 19 years max wait how old is our baby?
And who is that shadow sitting in the dark? WHOS THAT SHADOW HOLDING ME HOSTAGE IVE BEEN HERE FOR DAYS (stockholm syndrome by 1d)
omg we could have died and become a vampire and yoongi as our sire woah WOW idk if thats hot daddy or literal dad SHIT FREUD WOULD HAVE A FIELD DAY WITH THIS
why does yoongi care? is it the caring of an old person who lived life and wants better life for the young ones or some motive? i dont get it
yay 2seok 😭we are hurt again 💀 honestly how do they put up with her? (no hate to her), like where is the mom mode? the i told you so? like why are you such caring besties? also why am i feeling like oc is a character themself and me at the same time??? like i dont want her to be scolded, heck she didnt know shit but i wanna be scolded???
“They didn’t, she is just being dramatic. I fed her my blood before she could die, she’ll heal”, Yoongi answers him dryly. wow so normal, and good news
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also rip dogecoin dog
jin i doubt you wanna call him a vermin
I am tired of vampires messing with my brain.” mood
oh somebody crying on ur chest and u cant do anything other than tell them "they are strong and was just a child, was never their fault" you know it does nothing much for them, but some comfort for the night, a little amount of time until the pain and demons are back again, that shit hurts a lot, eat me away but i have to strong and fine for her cuz she deserves it fuck im rambling bye lol
Hoseok was nice enough to carry a TV up to your room and install it on your dresser. he is the man yall 😭😭😭
I don’t want to be the one doing the finishing blow.” .. “How are you so sure?” CUZ U DID THIS TO URSELF INSTEAD OF HURTING HER KOOK, U STILL HATE URSELF, filled with guilt and self loath, it shows ur humanity and the fact that its better you than anyone else heal please, let yourself heal. you did whatever you could, everything is not in your control and hence is not your fault
did jin put hard raisins in the cookies??? i soak them, that way they are chewy in the soft cookies
I feel like a bitch, but fuck it’s getting so exhausting to pretend that their sweet gestures are working.” ... “Because I don’t want to hurt them. They are doing so much for me”.. "I don’t want to hurt them by telling them that what they are doing is working shit.” wow somebody really decided to call me out
“Shit ___, I thought he liked you. Why would he do that to you?” fr, that too he tried to protect with the ring and stuff, what did they do to him?
YES SHE CONNECTED THE DOTS MY SMART BABY I LOVE U I smelled orange blossoms and cedarwood ooh thats what they smell like
Why k-kill me for it? W-what, what did do to them?"  changed taehyung and they hated it i guess
If I hadn’t angered them so much or provoked them so much maybe they wouldn’t have hurt me."  NO U DIDNT BABY, ITS ALL THEIR FAULT
Jungkook watches you as you blow your nose and wipe your eyes ... you force down a new wave of sobs... you hit your own chest to get rid of the pain. fuck that pain, that hurts a lot
He knows that gesture, he had done it a million times before in his lonely, isolated life. And it rips him apart to see you having to do it too. You should never have had to feel so broken. fuck i feel the same, knowing how much that hurts and never want them to feel, but kook and her are hurt and nothing can change it
its funny that you never feel the same for yourself, you felt that for somebody, now change that somebody to yourself whats so hard about it? too hard
“Did you just use my words against me?” stop he is cute im giggling through runny nose
“You’re cute Kook”, you tell him fondly, pinching his cheek. He lowers his eyes and scrunches his nose up UWUW THEY ARE SO CUTE SHUT UP PLS
“___ stay away, I’m dangerous again”, he squeaks. u were fine just now
right, we cant change his mind, and she cant change her mind either and taehyung just idk ah
You just never should have chatted up Alpha."  true, but im sure joon would get to us somehow and that means tae and jimin too. maybe it will take longer thats all
“You’re finally done withering away?” he asks coldly. how nice
Hoseok scratches the back of his neck, “yeah uhm, that’s fine too.” pls hes trying his best
“sure, I can smell the honesty in your sweat.” Hoseok smells himself, furrowing his brows. hobi baby really believed for a second there lol
I got broken up by my boyfriend in the rudest way possible and almost died. fr
“Hey”, Jungkook says, waving his hand shyly. HE IS UP AGAIN YAY
“I have my methods, trust me.” ok min suga genius jjang jjang man boong boong
“Nothing, I just can’t stand you.” i just know jimin would have said, then sit down
“W-what?” he stutters, looking at Yoongi with big eyes. EXACLTY LOOK AT LIL BABY, U CANT BE RUDE
“let’s go eat Kook, I’ll show you how to hunt animals.” “Really? You can do that?” Jungkook gasps, seeming excited. YES AND IT BEGINS YALL YEEHAW
“I can’t decide if I like this dude or not” fr hobi
“What did you do in your room yesterday?” she danced to itzy, thats all
“I didn’t slip on the pillow, I tried to kick the pillow and slipped on the carpet which resulted in my twisting my ankle and then falling on my tailbone” beautiful, i can totally see it. cuz i did fall similarly once
“Even better, shit I would have loved to see that”, he wheezes. tag urself, im hobi
Jungkook drags himself into the room, plotting down next to you with a loud yawn that exposes the back of his throat to all of you. wow that too in those pink briefs and socks THAT ARE PULLED UP ALL THE WAY worse than what we wear when delivery guy comes
was he that sleepy he didnt smell her? mood cuz thats the type of vampire i would be, sleeping for hours
“Hey ___”, he says, laughing awkwardly. MOM HES SO CUTE FUCK
“Yeah, ha. Hahaha”, he scratches the back of his neck. He is so flustered, you know he is. 100% i just know his neck would be all red
He seems to be proud, watching Jungkook with a fond smile. So he did it on purpose. Make him chuckle with a funny story and lessen the anxiety he feels. He is so sweet sometimes. irl its jin the ice breaker and its soo good uknow??
“Stop talking to him like that!” you speak up. PERIODT UR SCARING THE BABY
“You will not go to your apartment on your own” fr thanks yoongi what joon or jimin is waiting right there???
“It’s decided then”, you say and drag him with you by the collar of his leather jacket, “come now.” AAH TOO HOT FUCK THE ENEMIES TO LOVERS THING
Protection. You think I’ll let you drive without it?”
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It squishes your cheeks and hurts your nose as he pulls it down, making you groan. “Jesus, you want to strangle me?” “Sometimes yeah” I LOVE THEM
That’s the problem with Yoongi. You never know if he was joking or being serious. ngl taehyung did that too, in the previous chapters
“My plants, I need to take care of them”, they are prolly dead 💀
“Aaaah that”, you smirk. “Princess seriously, invite me inside.” FUCK SHE IS REALLY TEASING AND TESTING HIS NON-EXISTING PATIENCE thats both hot and funny as fuck, sorry yoongles 😭😭
“I don’t like the fucking games you are playing today, you hear me?” “Yoongi pull your knee away this instant” He pulls away immediately and steps back, fixing the heavy rings on his fingers. what a rude but cute distinguished gentleman
oof what a bad boi “You are such a freaking dick, no wonder you have no friends” shots fired oof
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If he would have been the one to find you….” he trails off, blinking rapidly. WHAT DOES THAT MEAN??? WHO?? NAMJOON YOU MEAN??
“you are literally such a good person and I fucking hate it.”yup figured that “You made him good. Taehyung, you gave him back his humanity, made him vulnerable, reminded him what happiness feels like and I hate you for doing this to him.” there, asshole said it
I just hate that you are the reason Taehyung hurts.” but its you tho, use 2 braincells for that
“….did you get it?” his voice slowly comes back again, as if you were finally submerging from water, “Save. Him.” bruh, leave his alone for that
OH YOONGI FUCK WHERE WERE YOU, no actually its good u stayed inside, we got some info
damn this was long anyways feelings were feelings, emotional as fuck now
oh what happened to her parents and cookie? when did the fire happen? it says years but years could 2 to 20 but she feels like someone who wont say 2 years sooo ancient, uk? so im going to guess 5+ years ago to 19 years max wait how old is our baby?
in Sanguis Alpha she is around 23-24 and the thing with Cookie happened when she was around 10 😭
omg we could have died and become a vampire and yoongi as our sire woah WOW idk if thats hot daddy or literal dad SHIT FREUD WOULD HAVE A FIELD DAY WITH THIS
that would actually be so hot nfdnasf 🥵
why does yoongi care? is it the caring of an old person who lived life and wants better life for the young ones or some motive? i dont get it
gaah these are the right questions indeed 👀
also rip dogecoin dog
THE DOG DIED??? why would you just drop that so casually noo omfg I'm genuinely so sad right now 😭😭
jin i doubt you wanna call him a vermin
JFAJDSF he gives no fucks and I admire him for that <3
oh somebody crying on ur chest and u cant do anything other than tell them "they are strong and was just a child, was never their fault" you know it does nothing much for them, but some comfort for the night, a little amount of time until the pain and demons are back again, that shit hurts a lot, eat me away but i have to strong and fine for her cuz she deserves it fuck im rambling bye lol
no but I love that she has Hobi to comfort her :( he is such a good person and amazing friend 😭
Hoseok was nice enough to carry a TV up to your room and install it on your dresser. he is the man yall 😭😭😭
him him him him him !!!!!!!
I don’t want to be the one doing the finishing blow.” .. “How are you so sure?” CUZ U DID THIS TO URSELF INSTEAD OF HURTING HER KOOK, U STILL HATE URSELF, filled with guilt and self loath, it shows ur humanity and the fact that its better you than anyone else heal please, let yourself heal. you did whatever you could, everything is not in your control and hence is not your fault
did jin put hard raisins in the cookies??? i soak them, that way they are chewy in the soft cookies
jfjadjf I feel like no matter he would have prepared him, Kookie would have hated them fnadsnf
I feel like a bitch, but fuck it’s getting so exhausting to pretend that their sweet gestures are working.” ... “Because I don’t want to hurt them. They are doing so much for me”.. "I don’t want to hurt them by telling them that what they are doing is working shit.” wow somebody really decided to call me out
I feel that, I'm sorry you have to feel this way :(
“Shit ___, I thought he liked you. Why would he do that to you?” fr, that too he tried to protect with the ring and stuff, what did they do to him?
Why k-kill me for it? W-what, what did do to them?"  changed taehyung and they hated it i guess
If I hadn’t angered them so much or provoked them so much maybe they wouldn’t have hurt me."  NO U DIDNT BABY, ITS ALL THEIR FAULT
He knows that gesture, he had done it a million times before in his lonely, isolated life. And it rips him apart to see you having to do it too. You should never have had to feel so broken. fuck i feel the same, knowing how much that hurts and never want them to feel, but kook and her are hurt and nothing can change it
I feel so sad for them please 😭😭😭😭
its funny that you never feel the same for yourself, you felt that for somebody, now change that somebody to yourself whats so hard about it? too hard
YES 100% that's me for real
“Did you just use my words against me?” stop he is cute im giggling through runny nose
hoihihiihihih <3 him <3
You just never should have chatted up Alpha."  true, but im sure joon would get to us somehow and that means tae and jimin too. maybe it will take longer thats all
yes 100% it would have happened regardless, especially because Tae clearly had an interest in her (in whatever way) from the beginning, so it would have definitely happened
“You’re finally done withering away?” he asks coldly. how nice
he is so kind and sweet and loving <33 :)
Hoseok scratches the back of his neck, “yeah uhm, that’s fine too.” pls hes trying his best
he is just a lil pookie :( <3
“sure, I can smell the honesty in your sweat.” Hoseok smells himself, furrowing his brows. hobi baby really believed for a second there lol
“I have my methods, trust me.” ok min suga genius jjang jjang man boong boong
he would probably throw you if you said that to him at this point of the story fjasdjf
“Nothing, I just can’t stand you.” i just know jimin would have said, then sit down
lmaooao I meaaan
“W-what?” he stutters, looking at Yoongi with big eyes. EXACLTY LOOK AT LIL BABY, U CANT BE RUDE
HE JUST A LIDDOL BABY (he is meant to be a dangerous killer)
“let’s go eat Kook, I’ll show you how to hunt animals.” “Really? You can do that?” Jungkook gasps, seeming excited. YES AND IT BEGINS YALL YEEHAW
“Even better, shit I would have loved to see that”, he wheezes. tag urself, im hobi
lmaooaoa me for real
Jungkook drags himself into the room, plotting down next to you with a loud yawn that exposes the back of his throat to all of you. wow that too in those pink briefs and socks THAT ARE PULLED UP ALL THE WAY worse than what we wear when delivery guy comes
was he that sleepy he didnt smell her? mood cuz thats the type of vampire i would be, sleeping for hours
thiiss or maybe Yoongi's training is starting to work ohohooh
“Hey ___”, he says, laughing awkwardly. MOM HES SO CUTE FUCK
I love him :')
“Yeah, ha. Hahaha”, he scratches the back of his neck. He is so flustered, you know he is. 100% i just know his neck would be all red
yes gaaah I jujst ufcking locve him
He seems to be proud, watching Jungkook with a fond smile. So he did it on purpose. Make him chuckle with a funny story and lessen the anxiety he feels. He is so sweet sometimes. irl its jin the ice breaker and its soo good uknow??
yes gosh I miss him </3
“You will not go to your apartment on your own” fr thanks yoongi what joon or jimin is waiting right there???
I love protective Yoongi fnfnf
“It’s decided then”, you say and drag him with you by the collar of his leather jacket, “come now.” AAH TOO HOT FUCK THE ENEMIES TO LOVERS THING
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the meme is me for sanguis Yoongi for fucking real
It squishes your cheeks and hurts your nose as he pulls it down, making you groan. “Jesus, you want to strangle me?” “Sometimes yeah” I LOVE THEM
ngnnfadnfn THEM THEM THEM fuck they were so exiciting
That’s the problem with Yoongi. You never know if he was joking or being serious. ngl taehyung did that too, in the previous chapters
an i oop-
“My plants, I need to take care of them”, they are prolly dead 💀
honestly? 100%
“Aaaah that”, you smirk. “Princess seriously, invite me inside.” FUCK SHE IS REALLY TEASING AND TESTING HIS NON-EXISTING PATIENCE thats both hot and funny as fuck, sorry yoongles 😭😭
“I don’t like the fucking games you are playing today, you hear me?” “Yoongi pull your knee away this instant” He pulls away immediately and steps back, fixing the heavy rings on his fingers. what a rude but cute distinguished gentleman
he is all like "i may be a cunt but i ain't about that sexual harassment" JAHHAHA
oof what a bad boi “You are such a freaking dick, no wonder you have no friends” shots fired oof
If he would have been the one to find you….” he trails off, blinking rapidly. WHAT DOES THAT MEAN??? WHO?? NAMJOON YOU MEAN??
whooo does he mean helloo??
I just hate that you are the reason Taehyung hurts.” but its you tho, use 2 braincells for that
no but what if he isn't lying then waht?? hellooo???
OH YOONGI FUCK WHERE WERE YOU, no actually its good u stayed inside, we got some info
HAHAHAH you're like "good thing we almost died"
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irish-urn · 1 month
I absolutely LOVED your response, and I agree! thanks for spending time on it <3 what draws me in about dasey is how complex it is, its forbidden love, “if its wrong I don’t want to be right”, the family dynamic, the drama, the suspense! so it’s always a let down when they hype it up so much and then nothing happens lol I want to see how dasey faces this hardship and how they present themselves moving forward. I’m so curious to hear about your after-LWL hc! I wonder how the family would react now that kids and divorce are involved. I know you’re currently writing a series about this so you don’t have to reveal too much, but how would Casey and Derek handle this as young adults? It’s not all unicorns and rainbows when dasey gets together, there’s definitely a storm coming.
LOOK, I didn't understand Taylor Swift's reputation album before I re-discovered Dasey. But now I do understand; and someone please remind me to put "But Daddy, I Love Him" on my kick at the darkness playlist because... Damn. If that isn't them.
Ohhhh Life With Luca!! You're right, I am writing a series about this — I'm actually writing, like, three parts all at once? (*hides face in shame*). The really interesting thing about the LWL world, though, is that Derek and Casey's priorities have shifted. No longer are they majorly concerned with George and Nora's opinions, but instead they're far more worried about Luca, Molly, Kai, and Skyler's opinions. And, maybe it's just me being a bit of a romantic, but I truly believe the only one of those four that would have some trouble with them getting together would be Luca: and that's because he still has a relationship with his dad. So for his mom to move on would be very painful for him to witness; but he's also very obviously fond of Derek. The six of them just really worked as a unit in the movie, and I think everyone can see that.
I strongly believe that Skyler would do everything in her power to see her dad happy; I actually HC that she figures out his feelings for Casey within weeks of them moving into the Guest House. And as for Molly and Kai -- we never see them even mention their dad, except for one instance where Kai says that "Mom and Dad don't let us swear"; and Molly tells Skyler that she wishes they could be "cousins AND sisters" -- so I think they're far more concerned with everyone being happy and them getting the attention they need than any social weirdness.
SO! With all that being said, I'm working on a part of that series where Dasey are together (because we all know that's where we're headed) and there is drama happening in the background. There's a little bit about how George and Nora did not react well -- to quote one part, "…Unfortunately, Nora and George were not handling this new relationship with any sort of grace, and there was no way they were going to take the kids so Derek and Casey could happily fuck themselves into oblivion." -- and I think Nora and George are choosing to view this relationship as a TERRIBLE REBOUND for Casey and both of them are calling Derek and Casey incredibly selfish and have they even thought about the kids?
(This, of course, made both Derek and Casey livid because, uh? George and Nora got engaged before ANY of them had met ANY of the other family; so who's considering who now???? Where they currently stand in that part of the series is that both parties are giving the other the silent treatment.)
I still think Edwin, Lizzie, and Marti would react the same way, no matter the ages. There's a little bit of concern regarding the children, but as soon as they checked in and saw that Derek and Casey are constantly checking in with the children and being as open as they can about the whole thing, I think they would just... be happy for them.
But Simon is struggling. Simon is struggling because he sees these two as his big BIG siblings, and unlike the others where blood only connects half of them, he IS connected by blood to ALL OF THEM. And, y'know, Casey has been with Peter for as long as Simon can remember -- one of his earliest memories is getting to hold baby!Luca. But Casey is so obviously happy and calmer with Derek, and Derek is happy and HOME so Simon can actually SEE him; so he's trying very hard to get on board. He fails a bit, says some things he probably shouldn't, but he's trying really, really, really hard.
I think, if he were a child, it would be easier for him to adapt. With my kick at the darkness series, for instance, he won't bat an eye — he's never going to remember a time when they weren't together, so he'll just... accept it as a part of his weird family. I'm currently playing with a sequel to "sick with sadness" as well, and he's 9/10 in that story; he finds it weird and kind of gross, but with the middle McTuris' help, he adapts quickly too. I got the sense from LWL that Simon loves Derek and Casey a whole bunch; looks up to them and trusts them, much like the younger three looked up to them in LWD. So I think love is going to win.
The fun thing is, I can actually see divorced!Casey caring a lot less about her mother's opinion about her and Derek because Casey has already been through a failed relationship, one where she tried to do the right thing -- I am a strong believer that Derek took off in LWL canon because he and Casey were teetering on the edge of the knife and someone stepped over the line and the other panicked. I suspect Derek is the one that leaned in too close or said something, and Casey FREAKED, and so he took off -- and doing the right thing didn't last. It hasn't stopped her from loving Derek, nor from him loving her. So why should she fight it any longer? She's already hurt the two of them enough; so what if Nora isn't happy? Casey is an adult living on her own, and she's tired of doing only what she's supposed to. She's going to get it right this time -- very much in the same way Nora is determined to get it right this second time too. Gosh, they really are mother and daughter, huh?
(Any other questions? I'm still not sure I really answered this one correctly...)
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fipindustries · 4 months
got obsessed last night thinking about that "would you go back to being 5 if you had the chance"
the more i thought of it the more issues started piling up.
first of all i wouldnt be able to keep it a secret for long. the sheer shock of meeting my family young again, including dead relatives, would be too strong. also i dont think i could convincingly pretend to act as a five year old. so i would have to tell the truth to my parents.
would they believe me? well i would be able to prove that i have completly unreasonable knowledge for a 5 year old, advanced math, literature, computation, physics, plus knowing english fluently. worst case scenario i can predict 9/11 and eventually they would just kind of have no option but to believe me.
would i be able to get them to buy early stock on shit like google, amazon, youtube, facebook, etc? i dunno, we were a struggling family in argentina back then, i dont think they would have the channels available to do that. also our country was about to be hit by one of its worst economic crises ever so that would also suck a whole lot.
the problem that comes with this is if they tell other people, if the secret comes out id be genuenly terrified id be kidnapped by some agency of some sort and they would try to squeeze me for all my knowledge of the future. same reason i dont think i could contact anyone online about this, there are many people online i would like to have their feed back on my situation but i would worry that a mail or a call or a private message would get intercepted by some NSA like agency (did they even exist in the 90's??? who knows) and is back to the kidnapping. im not internet savvy enough to know of any way to securely send messages online, less of all how to do that in 98.
the other problem is that i would be aware of so many tragedies in my family that i would feel the need to do something about. like how do i break it to my parents that they will get divorced eventually? i know of a distant aunt that will die eventually but i dont remember the exact year so how can i prevent that? do i tell those other relatives that their first attempt at having a child is going to end on a spontanous abortion??? i know of a relative who ended up molesting another relative but it would feel weird to accuse them when they havent done anything yet and it would be a terrible blow to the family and there is a chance they wouldnt believe me. but also i wouldnt be able to hang out with that relative knowing what they will do and it would be massively awkward. and also, how can i look at the relative that got molested on the face if im not going to stop what theyre going to go through? i would be forced to interact with some many people in my family i dont talk to anymore.
do i tell my dad that he will get fired from his job? do i tell my mom what career she is eventually going to pursue? how would she feel about that? would she even go to that career? would i be controlling her life telling her what she is supposed to do?
if i try to re establish friendships with my friends early on the power imbalance would be ridiculous. i already know everything about them. it would be a different friendship if i am the one who pursues it deliberatly and tries to cultivate it on purpose rather than letting it bloom organically. also if i meet them too early on they might be entirely different people, and maybe due to my interference they never grow up to be the people i am familiar with. do i tell that evangelical christian friend that they will eventually become an atheist? do i tell that other "boy" that they will eventually become a girl? do i let that guy know they are gay? holy shit i know of so many of my relatives and friends of my mom that were still on the closet back then.
and on that topic. fuck me, would i have to essentially boy mode for huge portions of my life until i finally start to get some independence. this is the late 90's early 2000's in argentina we are speaking about. i dont think i would get my parents to respect the gender of their 5 year old kid. that would fucking suck balls. shit i probably wouldnt be able to watch porn any more! or masturbate! or be in a serious relationship for at least ten years and even then, again power differentials, i would be so much more mature and adult than any prospective partner with my body's age.
also going to school would be hell, i could probably know how to avoid being bullied this second time around but still i dont think i could avoid being ostracized because i am not going to change who i am just so a bunch of snot nosed little kids dont make fun of me. so that would also suck.
i wouldnt be able to see nothing new on tv, jesus christ. it would all just be shows and episodes i saw before. same in movies. i could probably catch up on some movies from the past i didnt get around to seeing yet. and would probably get to see a bunch of my favourite movies on theatres that i hadnt had the chance to see. but over all it would mean no new media for 25 years. no new games, movies, books, comics, tv shows etc.
also, of course there would be divergences, massive divergences. in fact the more time passes the more things will inevitable change due to my interference and at some point i would be living an entirely new life with no memories to be guided by and that would be terrifying on a whole new level because there would be a chance i end up in a worse place i was at the first time around. i was thinking that i could at least live happy and secure knowing that i was not going to die because i know nothing killed me the first time around but what if actually the first time around i had a bunch of brushes with death i wasnt aware of like a potential car crash or whatever that this time around i do end up in?
there are just far too many downsides honestly to be worth it
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lilyrizzy · 2 years
elaborate on ur thoughts for maxiel on married at first sight 👀
okay, never in a million years do i think max would ever go on reality tv BUT my thoughts if he did under the cut
okay so obviously they see each other for the first time at the wedding and i think the level of attraction is different. like, initially daniel is like, 'okay, he's kinda cute, i can work with this,' whereas max is like, 'oh my god, this man is so beautiful, he is perfect, wow.' but the problem is, max doesn't show that. in fact, max doesnt show much of ANYTHING to begin with, at least not in the way daniel is used to.
because daniel is good at performing right, so when it comes to the vows, he's cracking jokes, making max's mum and victoria laugh (obvs j*s is not there), saying the cheesy shit they all say like 'i knew i wanted to marry you from the moment i met you,' and 'this is a leap of faith but i'm ready to jump with you, baby,' whereas max is like taking it very seriously, almost to the point of like... not seeming into it? like he says stuff like, 'i will try to like you, i hope also that you will like me, i want to be a very good husband,' because thats the truth! he cant lie and say like, he wants to spend his life with daniel, because he doesnt know him yet. but to daniel it seems a little...cold, so he's not sure how to feel about his new husband.
at the reception, max is even more awkward, doesn't know how to start conversation and barely answers the questions daniel asks him.
'what music do you like?' 'i do not listen to a lot of music.'
'what do you do for fun?' 'i like to play fifa.'
'what do you do for a job?' 'i am a car mechanic.'
and daniel is sinking lower and lower into his chair like, fuck, what have i done, i've got to spend the next few weeks with a guy who clearly doesnt have any social skills. meanwhile, max is like, wow, daniel wants to know so much about me:) he is a good listener:) he is doing all the talking because he can tell this is hard for me:) or something lol. doesnt realise hes being rude, he just- he cant do this with the camera in his face, okay?
then in the bedroom, on their wedding night max realises that maye its not been going as well as he thought because he tries to kiss daniel, but daniel just laughs, stepping away gently and saying, 'guess ill take the couch right?' because he thinks that. well max is really young? what if hes just in this for the fame, the quick money, what if hes doing this now because he feels he has to? daniel doesnt want it to be like that, okay. its not what hes here for. but to max, he's like. oh:(. he'd thought- but of course daniel doesnt want to sleep in the bed with him, because look at him and look at daniel.
then i think the misscommunication continues for a bit of their honeymoon. they both think the other doesnt like each other, and max says even less now because if daniel doesnt want to even kiss him, then what is the point trying to be husbands? so they avoid each other a little, until daniel eventually thinks, fuck it, i gotta *try*, because he cant have max say leave and go home in the first week okay? his friends (michael) bullied him so badly for doing this, so it has to be worth it.
so he sneaks max out to some romantic beach picnic without the cameras (btw theyre in the caribbean or something idk), gets them both tipsy and he asks, 'why did you even come on the show?' and because the cameras arent here, max can be honest and say, 'my sister, she has two babies. and i tried to find somebody who would want this also, but with me. but always, men wanted sex and then when instead i tried to go for breakfast the next day, they would just laugh and leave. maybe it is because i am bad at it, but i did not do it at all for a long time, because my dad-'
and then max breaks off, and daniel tugs him into his arms and is like, 'its okay max. somebody to build a life with, thats what i wanted too.' then he kisses max, and it's not like on the wedding day, a peck in front of their parents, it's deep and there's tongue and max can't help but push for more and more, to push daniel back into the sand and grind against him until daniel is like, 'why dont i be the judge of how bad you really are?' and then they have like, mindblowing sex over and over, for the rest of the honeymoon.
and im not saying the sex like, fixes everything, but i think max feeling wanted sexually by daniel soothes a lot of the insecurities inside him that were making it hard for him to open up to him in other ways? like the next morning in bed he's a little shy when daniel cracks a load of jokes about how very much not bad in bed he is, but he’s also laughing and laughing, and when daniel starts a conversation over breakfast, suddenly max is chatting his ear off. and he is still is a little awkward infront of the cameras, but in private, they start to build something real. he can banter back with daniel now, give as good as he gets, even if the jokes are dorky and not funny to anyone else. to daniel they're cute and because he knows what max was like before, he can see how hard max is trying.
and daniel doesnt know when it happens, but one day everythinggg max does just becomes endearing. all of max's little quirks, his bluntness, his black and white thinking, daniel realises this is max and he really really likes max. max isnt pumping his tires because he wants something from daniel, he genuinely thinks daniel is hilarious and sexy and kind. and because daniel knows this, he feels he can be *real* with max, in a way hes never been before? like, max likes daniel the showman, but he also just likes daniel.
i genuinely think its like, a whirlwind romance after that. they tell each other they love each other before they even come back from the honeymoon, the viewers at home are rolling their eyes declaring it will never last.
but it does :) after the initial struggle, they become the low maintenance couple that just vibe the whole time lol. daniel waffle's about how much they get on with each other at each comittment ceremony, while max is like, 'yes things are good:)' and dies inside the time the intimacy expert asks if theyve had sex or not, and how was it. daniel just winks and says no complaints, but refuses to give anymore away bc thats private and he knows max doesnt want it out there.
the only time they get into any drama is when daniel sticks up for max, declaring his love publically to the group for the first time, when one of the girls is being mean and saying that max has the personality of a cabbage and she doesnt understand what daniel sees in him. or when max (bc he’s defo the one to get put with the girls even though it should be daniel) gets a little outwardly jealous when all the girls answer 'daniel' when asked who they think the hottest husband is at those awkward group days (shoutout to the episode that aired just haha) but inside he’s preening, like, hell yeah, thats my man.
then when it ends, they post an update on insta like, yeah we are still together, here are our two cats & also we got married for real:)
the end lol
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ohshy · 4 months
Apart from Hipercy, what are your favorite punch out fics?
im assuming u meant ships right?? IN AAANY CASE, here u go bro !!
Royal army (von kaiser x king hippo) is definitely up there as my favorite PO ship. I love how it started out as a crackship from a joke in animal crossing but then just delved into Whatever the fuck w/ maber KJDHKSJF.
But seriously though !! they just Work somehow... like you have both of them having royal names (albeit i hc hippos is an actual title he carries, and kaisers more of a stage name bc of his interest in royal n military history). Plus, I think kaiser would b very interested in learning more ab hippos culture n hippo would b happy to indulge him. It's what elevates Kaiser from ''just another peasant'' to Hippo as someone who he's willing to talk to! Not many people take his title seriously as hippo island's fairly unknown outside of the south pacific hes from, so when they first meet, Kaiser's a huge breath of fresh air to him.
Seeing as Kaiser is a polyglot as well in my HC, I like to think he was one of the few people in the WVBA who had prior knowledge of Hippo Island and it's language. Although Kaiser can only speak a couple basic sentences and struggles with the pronounciation, Hippo still appreciates the effort. In turn, Kaiser has also taught Hippo some German, the language being easier to Hippo due to the sounds made.
Totally T4T (tism4tism).
ALSO imagine the hippo island kids n kaiser's academy kids going on some type of exchange w/ one another !! theyd have the time of their lives !! The kids would totally get into an argument over who's cooler too.
They're a lot like opposites attracting as well. Hippo, although he is responsible to his people, is generally a lot more easygoing n defo helps kaiser let loose a bit more like how he did in his 20s (berliner party days baybe !!!) But Hippo learns a lot from Kaiser too ! he really admires his work ethic, and loves how much of a leader n fatherly he is to the kids he teaches. He admires his resilience as well, both having confided much into eachother. His resilicience almost like a... MACHINE?!? Either way, both have positions in which they lead in some way, and theyve both taught eachother a lot.
Also they bond over dead mother figures (hippos who died of illness, and kaiser's who went missing when he was very young.)
As for how they'd butt heads, would be kaisers endless need to seek approval due to his dad being emotionally constipated, and hippos occasional emotional outbursts (poor emotional regulation). also hippos friendly teasing (how he shows affection, aside from physical contact) sometimes strikes a nerve w/ kaiser, esp if it's about his age or career.
One time, after a particularly exhausting match, kaiser just fell asleep on hippos lap as the latter was holding him. Aran walked by in disbelief, w/ hippo going ''heh, jealous? ;)'' w/ aran going ''Nah, not at all''
One last thing.... hippo sees kaiser as a kitten (thank you maber for that idea i am obsessed); kaiser's height n physique r significantly smaller than hippo's, leading to hippo often times patting him on the head n even picking him up like he weighs nothing. Kaiser secretly rly likes it, but he won't tell him directly because yknow... hes got a rep to protect.
Tumblr media
^ Kaiser to Hippo
other ships i like include.... Red bull (soda x bull) burnt bread (joe x aran) u can blame charlie for both those (jk jk bro im glad u got me into those ships. But please read his fics, thats how i got into them) and disco kid x heike kagero !!
Red bull is just very neat bc of the whole, in simple terms, sunshine x grump dynamic (and im saying simple terms bc charlie's fics flesh out their relationship A LOT more n its basically the best ok go read his fics), burnt bread bc of how unlikely yet funny it is, and disco x heike bc, eventhough theyve never interacted, you KNOW theyd absolutely be bffs at the very least.
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starlitangels · 10 months
I Promise
To be clear, I refuse to care about Blake. However, I am deeply fascinated by his relationship with his listener
This one is from Blake’s POV, by the way. And I made up a lot of stuff for the sake of it 1.5k words
You sit beside me at the movie theater the way you always do. You smile and laugh at the jokes, glancing at me to make sure I’m sharing in your humor. My mom will come pick us up after the movie the way she always does when we’re out like this. Too young to drive ourselves.
I sit in the dark, smiling in all the right places back at you, but I can’t pay attention to the movie, this time. I already Saw the whole thing the second you decided we were going to come watch it together.
And I think about telling you.
Hell, I think about it all the time. Ever since that day a few years ago when my Core woke up and my entire life got flipped on its head.
I’d expected to be a Dreamwalker, like my mom. Although, being a Freelancer like Dad wouldn’t have been bad either. But, according to one of our teachers at school, a Freelancer-specialist coupling often resulted in the offspring taking the specialty, rather than a Freelancer’s unspecialized magic. For reasons no one particularly understood. Magic was genetic, but it also wasn’t. Not entirely, anyway. And despite hundreds of studies, no one had ever figured out the patterns.
That night, you’d gone home after doing your homework at my place like we did every couple days. I’d been alone in my bedroom, my parents out for the night. Mom to work with her Defensive Dream Design clients, Dad at the Healing hospital.
No one was there for me when my chest burned like fire and the entire timestream opened up before my eyes.
You got your powers a few months before I did—and I’d been jealous. I wanted mine to manifest so badly.
And then when they did, I’d wished they hadn’t. Because of what I was.
The first thing a Seer is supposed to See when their Sight manifests is their own death. But as the timestream hurdled past me toward my death, I saw yours. Way too young. I saw the both of us, older than we are now, in this movie theater. I saw you in my arms, unmoving. Dead. I saw myself sobbing, pleading, begging you to stay with me.
It passed like a flash of lightning on my way to Seeing my own death, but the image was burned into my mind. Like someone tattooed it on the back of my eyelids. Every time I closed my eyes I saw you, dead, in my arms.
I still do.
I can’t let it happen.
And, God, have I tried to stop it. Not even sixteen yet and I’ve already tried setting things in motion that would prevent you from dying.
It hasn’t worked yet. It’s just changed the background of the image and the details of the injuries on your body. But it will work. I refuse to accept otherwise. You’re my best friend, and I’m not letting that go. I’ve never had a friend as close as you are. I can’t lose you.
You grab my arm, jolting me out of my thoughts, as you laugh so hard you bend in half. I manage a chuckle, agreeing that the moment on screen was funny. Even with my mind spiraling far away.
I think about telling you, again.
Would it really be so bad if I told you I’m not actually a Dreamwalker? I’ve never had the courage to peek and See how you’d react to the news. But you’re my best friend—surely you’ll be willing to accept me as I am, right? Even if I have lied to you for a couple years? Hiding their specialty is just what Seers do. Maybe not all of us, but a good portion of us never reveal our true nature. Live and die hiding behind another specialty.
The night my powers manifested, I’d been terrified. And desperately wishing I was just a Dreamwalker. I felt my aura shift, but didn’t realize what it had done until Mom came home the next morning, delighted in announcing I’d inherited her magical specialty.
My parents still don’t know. And neither do you.
I’d rather you know than them, to be honest. I love my parents, but I trust you more than anyone else.
I think about telling you, right here. In the movie theater. In the middle of the comedy you’ve been so excited to see since we first saw the trailer. I think about leaning forward where you’re still bent a bit in your laughter, and just whispering, “I’m not a Dreamwalker. I’m a Seer. And I’ve been hiding because I’ve been scared. But I’m not scared of you.”
But I don’t.
I settle back against the back of my chair and stare blankly at the screen. At the movie I’ve already Seen. Funny enough, I guess. But definitely more aligned with your sense of humor than mine. Ours cross over a lot, but not everything you find funny amuses me, and vice versa.
It’s enough though. And I’ll never turn down the opportunity to spend time with you.
No matter how wracked with guilt I feel every second I lie to you about what I am.
I’m tempted, not for the first time, to See how you’d respond to the truth. A small peek into the future. I can’t imagine you wouldn’t accept me but at the same time I don’t want to destroy your trust.
A problem that I’m fully aware will only amplify the longer I keep the secret from you. But if you never find out... maybe there’s no reason to worry.
But still...
I shake my head to clear it. You glance over at me with a curious look on your face. I shake my head one more time. It’s nothing, the gesture says. Your eyes, so open and trusting, linger on mine for a few moments before drifting back to the movie in acceptance.
I pretend I don’t remember the look of the light in those eyes of yours fading out in dozens of visions. I pretend I don’t see another one of the same vision bubbling up after looking at you for long enough.
God—what am I gonna do? I have to save you. But I don’t know how.
I’ll figure it out. Some way. Somehow. You’re not dying in my arms if I can help it.
I promise.
I care about you too much to let that happen.
My emotional state has been an absolute wreck since senior year of high school. That night when my parents weren’t home—again—and you and I...
Well. You call it a mistake. I call it a realization. That my feelings for you have possibly always been more than friendship. Or, at least, at some point they developed a depth I hadn’t known until that night senior year.
And I’d scared you. And you pulled away. And I wanted to be fine with that. But when you finally started to come back into my life, I was scared as my feelings for you hit me again.
And I pulled away.
I never told you that my pulling away was dual-intentioned.
See, I’d started to suspect that I couldn’t do more than change the circumstances of your death because I was still part of your life in those visions. I’m always the common factor.
So I withdrew from your life, trying to change your future. I thought maybe you’d be safe if I was no longer in your life. And you were angry with me when I retreated. You had every right to be and I still don’t blame you.
But if it meant saving your life, I had to try. I could leave, if it meant you’d live.
Months passed. You’d stopped trying to reach out. It broke my heart when you finally gave up on me. When I dared to try to text you and found you’d blocked my number.
Finally, I’d looked into your future again.
And nothing had changed. Just the background and the injuries. You were still dying in my arms. Even without being part of your life anymore.
I couldn’t stand it anymore. Being away from you. I had to come back.
You bless me by accepting me into your life again within a few days. You listen when I explain myself. Everything but that deepest nugget of truth about my magic that I still haven’t told you, more than ten years after the movie theater where I sat there and thought about it for two hours.
But your feelings... they’ve grown to match my own for you. When I kiss you, you let me. When I bend you back over your sofa, you lie down and pull me close.
When we wake up together in your bed, that wrecked emotional state of mine has settled a bit, but still roils.
The need to protect you from that early, untimely death has never been stronger.
Whatever I need to do, I will do it. To keep you safe.
I promise.
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