#i hate how it randomly gut punches me like. how alone i am out here?
heart-bones · 9 months
hmmm. I may have made a mistake staying in today.
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threeopennames · 2 years
The Vanishing Mass
We're whisked away 10 years in the future. Arguably the story could have started here but I'm not gonna dwell on that. We learn that Harry is being abused horribly by the Dursley's, whose name I am probably going to continue to spell different ways because I cannot be bothered. The Dursley's keep him in the cupboard, don't feed him as much as they feed their own son, and threaten him with violence and punishment over infractions both real and invented. All that sounds like a typical setup for your Cinderella story, right? The Durlsey's are the cliche evil stepfamily, by which the humble and polite Harry Potter is a foil, and his admirable traits are going to be how he suffers and endures through their awfulness.
Dudley, Harry's cousin, gets both barrels of the hate shotgun in this chapter. His family dotes on and spoils him, and he abuses Harry, and is shown to be a real piece of work. He is only 12 though, so how much of his behavior is a result of a nasty upbringing, and how much he should be blames for his own actions, is something I'd say is up for debate. Regardless of the reasons, Dudley a bad, and Harry a good.
But now this simple cliche starts to fray at the edges a bit. It starts when they realize Harry has to come along to the zoo with their son for his birthday. This seems odd at first, as they really treat Harry like he's going to go nuclear and burn the house down if they leave him alone. Your first gut instinct is to think this is them being abusive, but then it's later revealed in the same chapter that Harry has magical accidents all the time, which INCLUDES damaging property. Needless to say, this does actually complicate things somewhat. The Dursleys are obviously asshats, there is no disputing that, but it feels weird to also give them this out in the story. If you were raising a kid, even one you might love dearly, but every now and then that kid just accidentally caused embarrassing or even downright harmful incidents for no discernible reason, you would probably be rightfully very wary of where you let them go. What's really bizarre about this is that the author needn't have bothered at all with this weird 'Harry can do magic randomly sometimes' stuff, because it never materially affects the story. Wizards can do magic just by feeling it...for this first book. Then it never comes up again. There's exactly one point for why the author introduced this into her story, and it's coming up soon.
Harry and his loving family go to the zoo. Dudley is being an ass, then Harry strikes up a conversation with a snake. The snake, which isn't from Brazil but speaks it's language apparently, eventually gets loose because of Harry. Dudley punches Harry because of course he does, then falls into the snake exhibit when the glass disappears. This seems like a HUGE deal to me honestly, that Harry has the power to just vanish entire objects. It will however never come up again.
We do not learn much else by the end of the chapter. In fact, reflecting on it, we learn almost nothing at all despite it being Harry's flagship chapter. We know he doesn't like being abused, which seems like a given. He has weird dreams, and is miserable, again things that I don't think need much explanation. There isn't really a motivation here though, or even really a character. There's not much to sink your teeth into here. Most of the chapter is about setting up how bad the Dursley's are and preparing them for their comeuppance.
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cocosstories · 3 years
Pete Davidson One Shot
you and Pete are friends with benefits. Constantly hooking up and hanging out but he hasn’t made an effort to make things official and you’re to proud to ask. You get preggers and tell him he has to either get it together or get lost.
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Three years ago you met Pete and became instant friends. You hung out all the time, so much so most people assumed you were dating. You both always laughed off the accusations saying, 'its not like that' or 'we are just friends'. No one really ever believed you, more often than not coming back with, 'not yet' or 'it'll happen someday'.
Everything changed one night though. You and Pete were hanging out in his basement like always. Nothing too exciting going on just another night of flipping through the channels and never agreeing on what to watch.
After a while, you came across 'Friends With Benefits' and stop.
"This movie is such crap. Like it wasn't obvious the movie was going to end with them getting together. Just proving everyone's bullshit point that guys and girls can't just be friends and hook up. I mean why do you have to make it into some romance?"
The whole premise of the movie bothered you. You never believed that just because you had sex with a guy, you would end up head over heels in love with him.
"So what you're saying is if we were to start up a friends with benefits thing and fuck right now, you wouldn't end up falling for me?"
You roll your eyes at him.
"You wish."
He chuckles.
"Care to test that theory?"
You smack his shoulder.
"Are you crazy? I am not having sex with you Pete!"
"What? Afraid you'll fall in love me?"
He gives you his best sweet and innocent look.
"No. Afraid you'd fall in love with me."
You say matter of factly.
Pete scoffs.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah. So damn sure of yourself huh?"
He says before grabbing a tickling you as you scream and laugh.
"Pete! Stop! I hate being tickled!"
Before long, he has you pinned down on the couch, hovering over you.
He stops tickling you and looks at you for a moment before leaning down and kissing you.
You were about to protest until he deepens the kiss and you give in.
That was one year ago and you and Pete have been hooking up randomly since. Both swearing there were no romantic feelings on either side.
You are now sitting in your bathroom on the edge of the tub waiting for the timer to go off. Your hands are shaking and you feel more nauseous than before.
After what feels like an eternity, the timer dings and you look at the little white stick on your sink.
The pink plus sign was like a punch to the gut, knocking all of the air out of your lungs.
Your mind was racing, how were you going to tell Pete? What was he going to say? How were you two going to raise a baby?
You are brought out of your thoughts when you hear a knock on your front door.
Sighing, you pull yourself up and go to the front door.
"Hey, Pete"
You open the door and let him in.
"Hey, Y/N, you good?"
Pete asks noticing you are a bit pale.
You go to answer him but are hit with a wave of nausea and run to the bathroom.
You finish throwing up and turn towards the sink finally realizing Pete had followed you into the bathroom.
He stands silently staring down at the pregnancy test in his hands.
"Pete I can explain..."
"You're pregnant?"
Pete looks up at you as you nod silently.
He says before walking out of the bathroom, going out on the fire escape and lighting up a joint.
You follow him out a minute later.
"That's all you have to say? I'm pregnant, you say shit and go smoke a joint? Are you serious?"
You get a little heated when you find him.
"What am I supposed to say Y/N? I just found out! Give me a fucking minute to process it Jesus fucking Christ!"
He yells back, upsetting you even more.
"A minute to get high as shit and block out reality maybe. God Pete, you need to grow the hell up! You can't just smoke weed and fuck around all the time! I don't want to raise this kid alone but I don't want to have take care of two kids. You need to make a choice are you going to grow up, act your age and be a father or walk away and continue wasting your life? You can't have it both ways."
Your words were harsh but true and Pete knew it. He just wasn't ready to admit it yet. He comes back in from the fire escape and heads right for the front door.
"Where are you going?"
You ask as he reaches for the door knob.
"I need some time to think."
Was all he said before walking out your front door.
It had been three months since you found out you were pregnant. Three months since Pete found out and three months since he walked out your front door saying he needed to think.
You had nearly come to terms with the fact that you were going to be a single mom and raise your baby alone.
It hadn't been easy, your morning sickness was horrible, most of the time you were unable to get out of bed.
You also missed Pete like crazy. Sure, you were mad at him for leaving the way he did and not even calling but he was still your best friend.
Its around midnight and you climb into bed, exhausted from a busy day at work.
Just as you are about to drift off, there is a knock at your door. You get up to answer it, wondering who the hell could be here so late.
You open it to find Pete.
He says with a small smile. You notice he looks alot healthier than the last time you saw him.
"Hey? After three months all you can say is hey?"
The anger boils up in you as you speak.
"Look, Y/N, I'm sorry. I know its been a while but I took what you said to heart. I knew that if I wanted to be in your life, in our kids life I needed to do something to prove to you that I could change. I haven't smoked since that night. I got rid of all of it."
You tear up as he speaks.
Pete nods.
"Of course. Y/N, I want to be a part of this. I want my kid to know its father. I just knew that until I cleaned up my act, I wasn't ready for it but now I am."
Your hand moves down to your small but evident baby bump, Pete's eyes following your movement.
"Wow, can I um...would it be ok if I uh..."
He stutters causing you to smile and take his hand, placing it on your bulging belly.
"There's really a baby in there. Were going to have a son or daughter."
He says in amazement.
"Daughter actually."
You correct him and his eyes widen.
"Its a girl?"
Pete asks as you nod.
"So, can we start over and maybe try to be a family?"
You take his hand and lead him into your bedroom, pulling him into your bed and cuddling up with him before giving your answer.
"Yes, Pete. We can."
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sloppy-butcher · 4 years
Ok,new follower here. So this blog is amazing,you writings are just beautiful. I hope I can become as good as you, beause I would like to open my own blog, but I always think my works are too bad. Anyways, I don't know if you write soulmates stuff, like your partner name is written on your body or thigs like that. If so, could you write something related with Joey and Frank sharing the same male sm reader? If you don't feel comfortable writing for three characters or for a male reader it's fine!
THANK YOU SO MUCH for your support T_T I love you so much! I encourage you to start that blog because the only way to get better is to try. and if you do start a blog, drop me that link babey
So i spent a hot minute finding which soulmate alternative universe would best fit your request since you didn’t specifically state which au you wanted. Well, i found a reaaallly interesting one. hope it’s okay
This AU states that soulmates share pain. If one is hurt the other shows their wounds or bruises. I think this will work well with Frank and Joey and a survivor!S/O. I have no problem writing for a male S/O (although i will probs just make this gender nuetral as i dont see gender really playing an important role in this (and i prefer gender nuetral tings)) or for three characters. i will have to write this in HeadCanon form as i am very lazy and i dont want to write like a full fic T_T cause you know.... i have toomuch to say
hope these are okay? ily
Soulmate Au HeadCanons: Poly!The Legion (Frank and Joey) with a Survivor S/O
They realized their connection long before they even knew you existed. The theory was that soulmates shared pain and it was obvious to them that they were meant to be together. Joey would share in Franks pain, he could feel the scar that tore across his face and Frank could feel when Joey had worked himself far past his breaking point. They thought they were the only ones connected in this psychic-link, bound by a force too grand and cosmic to be comprehended by simple-minded mortals. But like the universe, fate works in mysterious ways and everything changed when you joined the Fog.
Joey first noticed it when he went to sit down at the end of a particularly gruelling workday. He felt his left shoulder explode into a burning hot pain and his body seized with the sudden shock. He barely held back his cries of a surprise but Frank wasn’t so well-restrained. Joey heard him from across the Lodge and fearing for his friend, ran off in the direction of his call ignoring his own body screaming for him to stop. He found Frank surrounded by a worried Julie and Susie. They looked between him and Joey, expressions from behind their masks piercing through to Joey's soul. They were worried for their friends, Frank’s scream and Joey’s sluggish and limp stature was enough to tell the girls that the pain the two were experiencing was, no doubt, incredibly excruciating. No one knew what had just happened, neither of them had been hurt or injured, and they feared that maybe the two were being punished by the Entity for a lacklustre performance. But both boys assured they did well enough to keep the thing satisfied and when the pain spontaneously faded, the whole incident was pushed out of their minds and momentarily forgotten.
But the pain never stopped completely. It was sporadic, turning on randomly like a lightswitch bursting with newfound anger and agony that would contort their limbs and burn their muscles. And there was nothing they could do to alleviate the pain, no amount of massaging or rubbing could take away the sharp edge of the hurt; there weren’t even enough painkillers in the realm to quell the agony. The only thing the boys could do was just sit there and wait for the pain to decide to go away. It was torture, sometimes the simple act of sitting alone was pure unadulterated suffering. But still, the boys had no idea where this pain was coming from.
It was only after Joey returned from a trial in which he had mori’d a rather annoying and pesky survivor that something started to click. Joey walked into the main lounge of the Resort and found his friends standing around the fire pit waiting for him. Frank had his shirt off and the pants of his left leg rolled up. Ordinarily the sight of Frank without his shirt on would excite Joey but something made him hesitate. A harsh red scar ripped down Frank’s chest and when Frank noticed Joey's reaction he held out his left arm for the other to inspect. Another red wound ran across the forearm. There was no mistaking it now. It was their trademark kill, a stab at the left arm followed by the grabbing of the left ankle then finished with the brutal gutting from the collar bone all the way down to the hip. “We watched it appear.” Julie’s voice wavered with concern. “We watched it appear on him as if...” She broke off ‘as if Joey himself did it to him.’. Joey approached Frank. Through the pinpricks of his mask, Joey could see Frank's eyes and he could feel his pain. Without saying much the girls made Joey take off his own shirt and directed him to stand next to Frank. When Julie stepped back to inspect both boys she raised a hand to cover the mouth of her mask and Susie audibly gasped. They were identical, both bore the exact same scars of the exact same knife.
To be honest, the boys would never have figured out the source of their shared pain. Combined the two barely make up a single brain cell so it was by the grace of God or something else that allowed the truth to finally be exposed. It was in a trial between you and Frank. The killer had been run around for the past ten minutes and with no sign of catching his elusive prey. You were impressed by your capable teammate and when they went down just outside the opened exit gate you leapt into action to save the wounded hero. You ended up sacrificing yourself for them, a worthy trade, everyone else got out except you. And, to you, that was okay. You were okay with this. Frank, however, was not. He was beyond furious at being denied his prey and when he trudged back to your collapsed form he felt his rage overflow him. He stood over you and you smugly returned his glare. That was it. In a swift motion, he punched you in the face. Your nose broke and blood gushed out and into your mouth. You screamed out but your cries, however, were mixed in with the killers. Frank recoiled, clutching at his mask where his nose would be. You watched in shock as he spilt swear words and stomped around you.
Curiously you reached up for your busted face and using your thumb and forefinger you squeezed the throbbing nose. Frank’s cries intensified and he clawed desperately at his mask. Through the haze he caught you staring at him in shocked amusement, which he mistook for condescending judgment. He growled and stormed over to you determined to make you regret everything. Panicking you grabbed your nose again and Frank jumped back. And then all the pieces fell into place. Frank could feel your pain. His eyes widened on your collapsed body and it felt as if his world was imploding. Oh shit.
It took some convincing but eventually, you agreed to meet Frank back at the Resort. He told you there was someone else, another ‘soulmate’ in this trifecta of fucked-up bullshit. You used the term ‘soulmate’ loosely. You had heard the stories about soulmates, people destined to be together would share such a special bond that they would even share pain. But never in a million years would you have guessed that your soulmate (or soulmateS) was, a serial killer. You really wanted it to not be real, you wanted this to be some kind of dream, a sick nightmare you were experiencing while laying on your deathbed somewhere far away. But there Frank was before you at the boundary between snow and forest,  like he promised you, with his partner Joey. You walked up to them and stopped at a safe distance away. Joey seemed to bloat his chest as if to say not to try anything. Frank looked at you and you knew you had to show him. Reaching up you grabbed at your nose which was starting to feel better but was still puffy and red. You put pressure on it and Frank began to shake with the pain. Frank moaned and clenched his fists in an effort to ride out the pain like Joey was but after a moment he relented and shouted at you to stop. Frank turned and muttered something to Joey who never took his gaze off you. You could have sworn that he was a stone-statue because he never moved and showed no sign that what you did had affected him in any way. But then you noticed his slight leg twitch and the irregular heaving of his chest. He did feel it. Frank returned his attention back to you and in the cold silence of realization, you said, “Well? What do we do now?”
You could have forgotten everything, walked away from the nonsensical situation that had been presented before you and continued on living a simple life devoid of drama and tension. But that life would also lack depth, something to make it special and worthwhile. You were presented with your soulmates, a rarity in this hellhole and something about the wonder of what made the universe decide to bring you all together surpassed your urge to stay away. Slowly but surely you introduced yourself into their lives. Your interactions at first were stiff and hollow, fear and uncertainty making you doubt if the boys would respect the bound of soulmates enough to not kill you or at least hurt you.
But time wore on and you became braver. They were gentle, well... they tried to be. And when you spoke with them as people do you realized that you had a lot in common with them both. And eventually, you were confident enough to laugh and joke with them.
Joey was the one who needed the most time to accept that you and he were soulmates. He eyed you suspiciously as you would talk with Frank, feeling some kind of jealousy build up in his chest. He hated how you could get Frank to react in ways he had never seen before. He hated how easy it was for you. One day when he had you alone to himself, he finally broke that long silence between you two. But where he expected a change in personality, a two-face switch, Joey only found genuineness. You were as kind and playful with him as you were with Frank, unfazed by your burden of the circumstance and not worried by his own mistakes and misfortunes. You were strong and he admired you for that. “How do you do it?” Joey softly asked clutching his hand which now held a new red welt. The mood quietened down and you turned to look at him. “How do you handle all this pain each and every day?” You reached out and gently took his hand in yours. Suddenly all his pain vanished at the contact and he slightly gasped at the shock. You were warm and comforting, like the wind of a summer’s afternoon, constant and welcoming. He raised his eyes to yours and you gave him your best smile. He melted. “One day at a time.” You replied squeezing his hand for emphasis. You relaxed and began to pull away only to stop as he held you firm, determined to not let your warmth go.
Frank always had a problem when it came to hurting you in trials. While Joey could suck it up and deal with the pain, Frank could not bear the thought of having a hook run through your shoulder and subsequently his. It was you who finally convinced him that his job was more important than your fleeting health.  You took Frank's hand in yours, engulfing him in your comfort and reassurance. “We can get through this. I will get better.” He breathed out and admitted, albeit to himself, that you were right. This was a momentary instance, a speck of nothing when compared to the kind of torture the Entity would inflict on him. And it wasn’t just himself he had to look out for, it was everyone. He had you and Joey he had to look out for. With a look apologetic regret Frank would mercilessly hunt you down and when he would lift you up and onto the meat hook he could hear you at the back of his mind saying, “Suck it up, Princess.”
They would always feel awful if you had a particularly bad day. You would trudge back to the Resort trying your best to hide from their concerned eyes your bruised limb or uneven walk but of course, they already knew what had happened. Joey would sweep you effortlessly off your feet and he would not let you walk around without his assistance. Frank, although less forward than the other, would follow behind and would pester you with questions, ‘Are you okay now?’ ‘Are you comfortable?’ ‘Anyway that he could help ease the hurt?’ They both were like oversized puppies yapping at your ankles because they heard you make a noise. You’d reassure them that you were fine and after exchanging doubtful looks between each other they would give in and give you some air.
They would listen to your stories. It's one thing to experience the pain and another thing to watch it happen. You’d tell them about how you got your injuries and more often than not you would end up a broken-down and crying mess. The image of looming figures silhouetted against an endless black sky haunts your mind. Although you all share the physical scars, the mental ones stay trapped inside you. When you would become an inconsolable disaster the boys would be by your side in an instant. By the time you regained control over your anxiety, you would find yourself buried in the arms of either Joey or Frank. You face pushed deep into their bodies as if they were trying to shield you from the monster that was yourself. It was scary, they could tell. But you weren’t alone. Not anymore. 
After a long day's work of causing and enduring pain, when your bodies would ache with collective suffering the 3 of you would find a quiet cove to all lie it. The boys would sleep on either side of you, draping their limps over you and almost drowning you in their weight. It felt good to be lost at sea with them, so far away from the pain of the day and from the pain tomorrow will bring. If for a moment, you all were at peace, happy and content in the embrace of your soulmates. 
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thatshithurted8 · 5 years
When You Grow Up (II)
Part 1
Summary: After months of not seeing each other, Tom realises how big of a mistake he made. 
Length: 2,040
Warnings: None I don’t think
A/N I feel really bad for posting this right now, since I wanted to write in order of when the requests for blurbs or imagines came in (that seems fair to me.) But these past few weeks have been really busy and hectic. Not only have my panic attacks been coming back, but I feel stumped in writing because of them. I have plans for the requests that you guys have requested, but as of right now this is the only one I’ve been able to focus on and want to write if that makes sense? I just want to apologise for the requests being out of order, but if you did request for me to write something just know that I’m working on them it just might be awhile! Thank you guys again for your support on my writing! <3
Six months. It’s been six months since Tom left you and your guys’ unborn child. You haven’t seen him since the day you told him you were pregnant. 
It’s not like you could see him though, you talked to the dean at your school and they agreed for you to finish your current semester online. Because of this you decided to move back in with your parents. After all, living in an apartment building that had fellow college students partying in it every other night was not an ideal living situation for a pregnant lady, and not to mention you were in desperate need of your parents emotional support. 
As your stomach grows day by day you start to miss Tom less and less. However, this didn’t make the situation you were in any less hard on you. You were having his child for God’s sake. Even though you started to miss Tom less and you didn’t think about him as much some days were harder than others. 
At times it would hit you how fast your life has changed, but you wouldn’t change it for the world after looking at ultrasound pictures of your baby. A part of you wishes you didn’t let your emotions get in the way when you told Tom about your pregnancy because maybe he’d still be here with you, but after he told you to abort the baby that you already had so much love for, you lost it. 
Ever since that fateful day you haven’t used any type of social media and you couldn’t be more grateful. You’re one hundred percent sure your messages are flooded of acquaintances asking what happened between you and Tom, which is none of their business, but the main reason why you seemingly fell off of the face of the earth was because so many people told you that Tom was going to hurt you and that you should run while you can. You often wonder if one of those people that are filling up your messages is Tom. Has he tried to contact you? Or did he truly mean everything he said on that day six months ago?
Little did you know he did try to get into contact with you. He opted for face to face contact first to show how truly sorry he was and how much he wanted a family with you. However, his last resort was calling you. 
Every time he showed up at your apartment no one was home and on the odd time someone was home, it was your roommate Annika that made sure to be extra sassy to the brunette. Tom went to places he knew you would be at, like your work as a barista or your favourite restaurants but, you were never there. 
A month after you guys broke up he found a box waiting for him outside of his apartment door after one of his classes. He brought it inside and placed it on the kitchen counter before opening it. Inside was a letter and some of his stuff that he left at your place. 
His heart instantly dropped as he started to read the letter, “I’m moving back in with my parents if you need me you have my number and you know where they live.” 
Even though you were now living across town it felt like Tom officially lost you. Tom’s pain didn’t ease as he dug through the cardboard box. His clothes that he let you borrow smelt like your perfume and memories started to flood back just by the scent. His eyes start to water as his picks up a framed picture of you two that was taken on the first valentines day you guys spent together. Tears begin to fall as he picks up the teddy bear he won for you at a fair. 
His heart drops once again when he picks up the items from the bottom of the box. It was a positive pregnancy test and the onesie you gave him to announce your pregnancy. That’s when the panic hit him and he began to full on sob, letting the objects fall from his hands as the panic attack creeps in. 
Six months later, Tom is currently walking around Target searching for popcorn and brownie mix with his new girlfriend that he claims to love. Tom and Chelsea have been dating for the past four months thanks to Harrison. After all the blonde was the one to introduce the two to each other. 
Haz finally had enough of watching his best mate wallow away in self pity and waste a night of partying to sit beside his phone, as if he would build up the guts to call you. 
The blue eyed boy forced Tom out of their shared apartment one Friday night claiming that it’s best to forget about you and move on. Despite Tom’s objections to the idea he found himself in a heated make out session with Chelsea, a mutual friend of Harrison just a few hours later. Ever since then it has been history. 
When Tom and Chelsea walk down the junk food isle, hand in hand, Tom stops dead in his tracks, like a deer in headlights when he see’s what’s in front of him, causing his heart to beat a mile a minute and his stomach to fill with butterflies.
On the other side of the isle, you stood talking to your sister with two types of chips in your hands. He could tell that you were deciding on which bag you were going to get and his heart flutters remembering how indecisive you are.
His eyes analyse you, but instantly land on your stomach. As he looked at you he did the math in his head, realising you were currently seven months pregnant since he later found out that you were a month pregnant when you told him. A sudden thought falls upon Tom and he’s not sure if he likes it, he’s already missed his unborn child grow inside of you, how much is he going to miss when the baby is here? This thought terrified him. 
“Babe.” Chelsea says annoyed moving her hand in front of Tom’s face. 
“Huh uh what?” Tom asks, his eyes breaking away from admiring you. He didn’t even notice Chelsea left his grasp to grab the brownie mix. But when his eyes come into contact with his girlfriend he feels a bad feeling start to wash over him. In this moment he realised that dating Chelsea was a mistake and he didn’t want her anymore. Just looking at her face makes him feel disgusted by his actions.
“You’ve been staring at that girl for awhile do you know her?” She asks concerned since she’s never seen Tom act this way. 
“I-uh yea she’s an old friend.” 
“Why don’t we go say hi to her instead of stare at her like a weirdo then?” She asks before grabbing Tom’s large hand and walking towards you. 
“No no it’s okay we don’t have to.” Tom says, starting to panic while trying to escape from his girlfriends grasp. However, whenever Chelsea wants something, she gets it. 
As the two come closer your sister looks up from the red shopping cart she’s leaning on, her eyes meet Tom’s and she instantly glares at the man in front of her. Disgust evident on her face, making Tom feel even more nervous.
“Who are you death glaring?” You ask as you turn around to see what your sister was staring at, with the bags of chips still in your hands. 
When your eyes land on the male that is approaching you it feels like a punch in the gut. All of the feelings you have for Tom that you ignored and blocked out of your life for the past six months come flooding back. 
It felt like hours before Tom and the unfamiliar girl are standing in front of you. You and Tom stare at each other as the girl with him begins to talk. 
“Hey, uh this is weird, but Tom over here says you guys are old friends and I thought that it would be a great idea for you two to say hello or catch up!” The unnamed girl says causing you to slightly cringe at how enthusiastic she was, especially at this hour of night. 
“Hi.” You softly say before looking at the floor. 
“Hi.” Tom says breathlessly, taking in your presence. He couldn’t believe that after all of this time he’d run into you at twelve am on a Saturday night in the middle of Target. 
After a moment of awkward silence Tom speaks up again after being nudged by Chelsea. “Uh Y/N this is my girlfriend, Chelsea.” Tom says introducing the girl he was with to you, but this time it was his turn to look at the ground. 
You didn’t know what to say so you barely audibly say “Oh.” How dare he get a girlfriend after a year and a half of not having a label on your guys’ so called relationship? Let alone the fact he decides to finally commit to someone after knocking you up. You were beyond furious and hurt. 
Luckily for you, your sister sensed the change in your mood. “I think we better get going. We had a big day today and I know Y/N is beyond tired.” She announces with a fake kindness to her voice. 
Tom watches as you place the chips into your cart before you and your sister turn around to walk away. “Wait!” He says a little bit too loudly in the quiet store causing you turn around. 
“How are you and the baby?” 
You didn’t expect him to ask that question and you were taken aback. “We’re good he’s due in two more months.” 
“You’re pregnant!” Chelsea squeals. “I didn’t even realise! You look so good for how far along you are. Congratulations to you and the father.” She says with a toothy smile on her face. You really wanted to hate her, but what gave you the right to when Tom was the one to move on? 
“Thank you.” You say with a closed mouthed smile. As you two exchange words it gives Tom time to gather his thoughts. 
“It’s a boy?” The brunette randomly blurts out. Your eyes glance over to the man that broke your heart and you simply nod your head yes. 
“Have you picked out a name?” He asks as his eyes start to water. 
“Alexander Stanley Y/L/N.” 
You notice a tear fall from one of Tom’s eyes that he quickly wipes away so Chelsea doesn’t see. You could tell that it hit him hard that your sons middle name is the same as Tom’s. 
Chelsea opens her mouth to say something, but you quickly interject, trying not to have another conversation. “It was nice meeting you Chelsea and seeing you Tom, but we gotta get going.” You say with a tight lipped smile and nodding back to your sister. 
“You too!” Chelsea smiles grabbing a hold of Tom’s hand and beginning to walk away as you do the same in the opposite direction. 
Tom remained silent not being able to process that he lost the best thing to ever happen to him because he wasn’t ready to give up his life style. He never told you that, but that was the main reason why he didn’t want the baby. But seeing you and your large stomach it makes him realise this isn’t what he wants. None of this is what he wants. Not Chelsea. Not popularity. Not getting wasted every weekend.
 He wants you and the baby, that’s it. 
You groan as you read the time on the digital clock on your nightstand. It was currently 4:26 in the morning and you were not happy to be awoken by your phone buzzing. 
You pick it up off of the nightstand and scroll through your notifications, but stop when you read one that came in at 2:54 am. 
Tom: Hey Y/N I know you don’t want anything to do with me, but I need to talk to you. Can we meet up for coffee or something? 
Tags: @bellamyblakemorley @mashed-potatoes-forlife @hpnjrph @buckyxwintersxldier @karlitabi-rrito @hollandshearteyes @sunnytkm23
662 notes · View notes
ryouverua · 5 years
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Finally, the alone time with Tsumugi that I’ve been desperately missing! minus the love hotel. we don’t talk about the love hotel
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Excuse me, what? Another new room??? .... In Kaito’s.... lab?
is this the beginning of building a ‘what if Kaito was the mastermind’ AU because I am strangely intrigued -
Anyway more RUNNING AROUND THE SCHOOL oh dear lord I just realized we have to go all the way down to the first floor and then up again???? KAITO WHY IS YOUR LAB SO EXTRA
you know what made everything worth it though
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Man that shouldn’t have been as satisfying as it was.
(also up and down 6 floors later, you know Shuichi is grateful for the training he was doing with Kaito)
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We are suddenly leaning hard into those VLR vibes again??? Hello, pod room/treatment center. We aren’t going to find out thre are only 15 pods or something are we???
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Looks like there are 16... wait, isn’t that strange too? Why does K1-b0 need one?
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Oh, and interestingly enough, Tsumugi’s sprite changed to her scared/upset one. I guess Shuichi isn’t the only one so adversely affected by the flashback light after all!
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Wait... this is - this feels weird. Isn’t this the first time we’ve actually seen everyone together in a memory?
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Ahoge-K1-b0 is back!
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oh god my heart really isn’t ready for this
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Lmao my question was answered, and as usual it relates to robophobia.
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good.... bye........... heart........ it’s literally just been a chapter but I missed that laugh so much
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!!!!!! KAEDE!!!!!!
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pour one out for the potential that could have been a Kaede vs Kokichi rival relationship
Hell, maybe they would have a trust vs distrust along with lies vs truth -
anyway that’s what fanfics are for
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oooughgugh quiet broken sobbing
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Oooh, it’s weird to see her properly poised after how things ended in Chapter 2.
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And eventually everyone agrees until...
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I don’t know if it’s a minority opinion but I miss hat!Shuichi. He’s so cute, ffff - and he really does have a different vibe about him. Character design can be pretty powerful in that sense!
Also, it’s kind of amazing how quickly Kaede took charge the moment she stepped back in the spotlight. She’s very powerful like that, huh?
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aaah yes, a little hint of that crush Kaito had on Kaede is back
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This back and forth along with their colour schemes matching really make me wish we got to see them together more? What’s the scoop on the fandom’s interpretation of a Rantaro / Tenko friendship, lads???
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sssshshshhhhhut up K1-b0 don’t bring that ‘h’ word crap in a full class flashback
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And just like that....
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So there didn’t seem to be an instructor or anyone to help them set up - was that maybe Kaito’s role? Why he was the last one we saw, and the one that directed everyone to go to sleep? other than just hitting home those saimota feels I mean -
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So do they all have identical memories? I guess it can’t be that way with the friendship ones - also, was this one specifically triggered by entering this room?
................ I have thoughts on that.
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Okay, that does explain why they’ve never been together in a memory before -
but. but. They had the funeral memory together, didn’t they? They all had that same funeral memory. So haven’t they met before?
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Aaaaw. 8′)
..................... I feel bad saying this after you said those heartwarming things but those feelings of suspicion towards you are growing Tsumugi I’M SORRY GIRL I STILL LOVE YOU EVEN IF YOU ARE EVIL I CAN’T HATE A GIRL WHO KNOWS AND APPRECIATES THE WONDERS OF EVA FOAM -
Okay just to explain this more now because big things happen below and I don’t want to wall-of-text too much, I.... just don’t think it’s a coincidence that this room just was discovered so conveniently. I mean, yeah, it’s in Kaito’s lab, but it just. You know. Appeared right now. And Tsumugi ‘found’ it. Tsumugi found it conveniently because holes were blown into it. Here’s my question.
Why was she in the position to find this room?
No, seriously. Kaito’s lab is so far out of the way of everything. It’s in an isolated area at the top of the building with a long spiraling staircase that spans what, six floors? And the holes blown into it came from above and through the lab.... and nowhere else. It’s not connected to any part of the building - there are no convenient K1-b0-created holes connecting it to the rest of the floor it’s on. Tsumugi had to have come here, specifically to Kaito’s lab, for the sake of investigation, when there are so many other areas of the school to look and there is no reason to find anything in Kaito’s lab, or Kaito, suspicious, especially in the face of him actively going against the mastermind. Why? Why other than the stuff that’s about to come up below, and for the sake of triggering that flashback?
Because here’s the thing - the moment we stepped in this room we got the flashback! The moment we got in here! All the other flashbacks happened randomly while we were investigating things, right? There didn’t seem to be any specific trigger words or anything - but this one happened with this room. I can’t... think of that as a coincidence. I just can’t. I’ll feel bad if it turns out it was though lmao
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Uuuuh that is way more than 16 people so I’m guessing it’s not literally just a list of names??? or???
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don’t you do this DRV3
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Finally! No more Mukuro erasure - I MEAN WAIT THAT’S NOT THE ISSUE -
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You’re not seriously trying to tell me at this late stage of the game (figuratively and literally) about this potential 17th party with no clues or foreshadowing, right. Right?
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I wonder how familiar Shuichi is with Knox’s 10 commandments... I mean, it’s literally addressed here:
10. Twin brothers, and doubles generally, must not appear unless we have been duly prepared for them.
N-Not that anyone is obligated to stick to them, and it’s more of a guideline than a rule and good stories can break them or skirt around them (I do enjoy how Chapter 1 played with the “The detective himself must not commit the crime.” rule because while Kaede was technically acting as the reader stand-in/’detective’, we in fact had an actual detective... damn, maybe that should have been our first hint), but there’s a reason these are held in somewhat high regard. 8′D
I mean, even Shuichi is saying it - this is the first time he’s heard of Kaede having a twin. And yeah, we didn’t know about Junko and Mukuro being twins, but we did get hints of something being off (not looking like the magazines, Mukuro deflecting by saying it was just photoshopped, the 16th empty chair) early on.... and I can’t think of anything like that here. Like, at all. I’m going to continue these thoughts at the end, I think ~
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“He has no understanding about structural integrity. His general interests include stand-up comedy and being a pop star, or in the care-giving field. I’m pretty sure he doesn’t have the slightest clue about architecture and the importance of load-bearing walls and beams.”
“.... Look, I’ve spent a decent amount of my free time with him okay???”
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oh right that too
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“I’ve got tons of evidence to hide!”
“Wait, what was that?”
“I can’t wait to see the inside!”
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because she hates herself
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Again I want to reiterate how happy I am that Maki chose to be the one to look through Kokichi’s things. It’s both a sign of distrust and trust - she believes Kokichi hid a lot from everyone, and also that he may have left more clues to help them. He would be proud. 8′) It’s small, but I’d like to think of it as a way to pay penance; I’m sure she hates doing it.
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DOG TAG! DOG TAG! DOG TAG! or something else maybe
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I’d be more worried about Himiko than Maki.
.... So...... I said I’d continue that thought from earlier. Here it is.
To recap what we learned:
Kaito had a hidden room in his lab that he presumably didn’t know about
Tsumugi found it by ‘accident’
Entering the room triggered the flashback light, which showed everyone met here for the first time
In the room is the participant list that says Kaede has a twin which just so happens to line up with Junko’s situation
Anyway, tl;dr: I don’t believe Kaede has a twin.
The last room we went to ended with Shuichi thinking, “what is the truth and what are lies?” so I’m building off of that and my previous theory about Tsumugi not finding this place by accident and purposefully bringing Shuichi here to trigger that flashback. I’m not 100% sure why - maybe to bring Kaede back into focus, only to gut-punch him with the ‘twin sister’ bomb? Maybe this will be the start of her creating a ‘new truth’? Possibly? It would very much match the theme of the game. But anyway, the point is I just don’t believe Tsumugi ~stumbled~ across the room and just so happened to find this participant list/profiles that immediately makes Kaede look suspicious when we hadn’t had a single hint of that the entire game.
I.... wonder. If Tsumugi... is the mastermind.... is she trying to set up Kaede as the mastermind? Or this (probably fictional) ‘twin sister’ of hers? I guess there are ways to swing that too to relate to why Kaede killed Rantaro in Chapter 1 - “she was trying to protect her twin sister, the real mastermind, so she killed Rantaro who was drawing too close to the truth” or something.
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fairyqueennerd · 6 years
NALU prompt-6 -Sensation
Though he was in high school, he was the leader of well known gang. Natsu Dragneel was a name and face that everyone staying in Magnolia knew. Though all the members of the gang were friendly and helpful, they were terror in the area.
This weekend all his friends were busy with their special someone as it was the Valentine week, and here he was in front of the theatre to kill time. He didn’t even bother to buy a ticket cuz no one dares to ask Natsu Dragneel to buy a ticket.
He randomly went to the hall and sat at the seat P3, in 10 minutes the movie was about to start and people were just filling in, he thought to get a short nap till it began, as soon as he closed his eyes someone tapped his shoulder and said-
“Excuse me sir, this is my seat.”
Who the hell dares to disturb him? He looked with such a dark glare that could kill a person but it vanished instantly seeing a blonde beauty with innocent chocolate brown eyes looking at him. She didn’t seem afraid. So someone was there who didn’t knew him yet it was a bad sign, he was loosing authority but why was he glad that this girl didn’t know him.
“Hello! I am talking to you.” She waved her hands in front of his face effectively pulling him out of his daze.
“it’s my seat.” Few security people saw this and were coming to stop her but Natsu signalled them to stay away from this matter.
“Oh! I must have mistaken, it must be P4.” He sifted to the nearby seat and offered the blonde the seat she had paid for.
All the seats were getting filled except the row they were sitting in and Natsu was enjoying this. What was this sensation? Why was he feeling relaxed around a blonde whom he had met not minutes ago?
The movie started People started shouting, hooting, whistling about whatever was going on the screen. But, Natsu’s movie was the girl sitting beside her, How she was smiling widely when the movie began, how her eyes gleamed when the hero entered, how she laughed at the jokes they cracked, how her eyes moisten when the hero lost his best friend, how her eyes gleamed when the leads got together, how her nose went up slightly when there was something gross going on, how her mouth watered when they were having a lavish meal at the queen’s palace. All of these were exciting him.
Generally, when the movie ended he would be glad, but this time he didn’t even realise that it had ended and the girl beside him stood up to leave before he could stop her she was gone.
That night all he could think off was about that girl, however hard he tried to think something else she was all that came to his mind, all these thoughts were making his heart filled with warmth and he liked this sensation a lot.
   “Natsu, A new girl has showed up in the school and rumours are she is not obedient enough.”
“oh! Is it lets go have little fun.”
Finally his brain could function again, being back with his gang was great. It didn’t last long enough cuz the new girl was none other than the blonde girl he met yesterday.
“What’s it Natsu?”
“Why is she here?” he murmured to himself.
 “Hi” he called out for her attention.
“oh! It’s you.” She simply said smilied at him. He froze not knowing what to say next.
“You two know each other.” Gray asked. This idiot does have a functioning brain.
“Not exactly, we just met in the theatre.”
“Ah! I see.” He smirked at Natsu and slyly added.
“I am Gray Fullbuster and this is my friend Natsu Dragneel.”
Slight terror crossed her eyes and Natsu wanted to punch Gray straight on the face right there if it was not for her.
“o-oh! I am L-Lucy H-Heartfi-lia, nice t-to m-meet y-you.” She stuttered and left hastily.
After she was gone, he punched Gray straight to the gut as hard as he could, he fell on the ground coughing and panting
“Why the hell did you tell her that, you bastard”
“Don’t act silly she was bound to know that either this way or the harder way so I thought this way was better.”
This time the sensations were different, it didn’t fill his heart with the warmth but with darkness. Gray was right yesterday she din’t know him but his name was enough to fill her with terror she won’t smile at him again, nor would she talk to him. Their story was finished tough it had not yet started.
For the following few days he tried his best to talk to her, but each time she avoided him, whenever he came close to her, her eyes were filled with fear and she would leave.
He was always proud about the fact that people were terrified by him but with Lucy it was different he wanted it to differ, he wanted her to look at him, talk with him as she did with her friends, she affected him in many ways that he himself cannot explain. But, each time she ignored him the aura around him darkened.
  “Natsu-san Jackel has been stealing again.”
“What? Where is he? Did he not learn his lesson last time?”
 “Oh! There you are, heard you have been stealing again.”
“Ah! Natsu you are here, see I have the potential to be in your gang and this is the proof.”
“Filth like you don’t deserve to be in my gang or any gang for that matter.”
“I see, let’s fight then if I win I would be in the gang as the gang leader.”
“I am getting fired up”
The fight began initially it was a few kicks and punch here and there, suddenly Lucy’s terrified eyes came to his mind and he temporarily stopped and ended on the ground with a severe blow to his chest, it made him so furious that he got up and went straight for Jackel’s face and punched him again and again till he was unconscious but still he didn’t stop and continued punching.
“Hey Natsu stop it” Gray said
“Natsu” Erza came to interfere but failed.
All the other gang members were terrified, if those two failed to stop him nobody can and at this rate Jackel would die.
“NATSU NO..” He froze, Lucy was standing in front of him with eyes full of tears, fear evident in them and then she ran away just like always, but this time he followed her.
“Lucy stop.” But she continued running and even glancing back at him.
“Lucy Please.” She did not listen to him and suddenly she fell.
“LUUCCYYYY.” She shouted, this time before she could run again he caught her and hugged her tightly while she was still crying.
“I am sorry Lucy don’t run away from me.”
They had never talked before much still he felt he needed to apologise to her, his friends would be surprised to see him apologise like that but this girl affected him so much that this felt natural to him.
  After she calmed down, they went and sat in the park.
“Why are you avoiding me so badly Luce?
“Cuz you are the Natsu Dragneel, and I don’t want to do anything with a gang leader.”
“But Luce..”
“No Natsu, I have seen these people, they are the reason why I don’t have my mother anymore. I heard a lot about you when I came here and at the theatre I knew it was you but the way you reacted made me think you were different. But the next day this girl tried to bully me, when I opposed she said she would call Natsu Dragneel and I would have to obey, and ofcourse you came to get your prey, I just don’t understand why you didn’t just do something? Was it because you achieved what you came there to get? Fear in my eyes? Then why were you trying to talk to me? Was it for bullying? And now why you beat that boy so much? It made me think of my mother’s state and I am still shaken. Why are you with me now?”
He was a little stunned with all the information she had just provided him. Did she hate him? Care for him? Did she consider him as a friend like he did after meeting her for the first time? Did she get the same sensation he did after meeting her?
Nothing came to his mind to say but his body acted on his own. His left hand went up to her check and wiped off the tears, while his right hand set few of her blonde locks behind her ear and he looked at her tenderly.
“You know so much about me, then you would be knowing that we started as a good gang helping others, but some people made our image bad so that we would be out of action but it just made us more popular and people were terrified for no reason and we let it be as it gave us the authority. I loved this until I saw the terror in your eyes. I wanted to clear this all out so I tried talking to her. You ignoring me had made me mad Jackel was just a medium to release my frustration, I never wanted to beat him like that, it was him who initiated it.”
She was looking in his eyes but still didn’t say anything.
“If you tell me to stop all this then I would.” He declared.
“Stop being a part of the gang Natsu, please.”
He had never imagined that such a day would come in his life, but there he was sitting in the park with Lucy and kissing her. When he leaned in to kiss her, he half expected her backing out or slapping him, but was in for a surprise when her arms were around his neck and she was kissing him back. This was the best feeling.
   The next day he declared that he was leaving the gang, everybody was surprised by this decision but then asked no more when Lucy came up to him and kissed his cheek. But, he got himself into a through interrogation later.
Things were all fine by now but one day when Natsu asked her out on a date she hesitated and refused. It didn’t sit well with him, but the girls told him that It was ok and he should give her some space, whatever they were saying he didn’t like it.
So, his friends decided to take him on a shopping trip to buy matching clothes for the couple for the next date.
After the shopping was done they were going to the nearby restaurant to have lunch when Natsu suddenly saw Lucy “Hey Lu-“ he stopped when he noticed she was not alone but with a blonde man, she was holding lots of shopping bags maybe that man purchased it for her, she was also smiling brightly to him, he felt numb completely, but when he saw him kiss her forehead he lost it. What was this sensation? Jealousy? Betrayal?
He rushed forward and hit him on the face panting hard, more from his anger than his short run up.
“Stay away from her.”
“Natsu stop, he is my brother.”
“Eh!” He realised his mistake, all his friends were there too and were laughing, while her brother was caressing his now bruised cheek and laughing along with the others.
“So this is your hot head lover. I am Sting Eucliffe, Lucy’s cousin brother, nice to meet you.”
“Natsu Dragneel” they shook hands and started talking and instantly hit it off.
  That night Natsu was in Lucy’s room, having a candlelight dinner.
“Why did you say no for the date?”
“Hey! Are you still pissed at me for that?” His silenced answered her question.
“Well I had this shopping pre-planned with Sting. And I wanted you two to meet on our next date but sadly it didn’t work out” she sighed.
“Well it worked out somehow.”
“Since I have met him today, I have our next date with you alone.”
He looked how she was blushing with that same gleam when he first met her.
“I love you Luce.”
“I love you too Natsu.”
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Slytherin Sherlock x Slytherin Reader
-For the longest time Sherlock’s been hearing this voice in his head
-About as long as he’s been going to Hogwarts
-He supposes it’s just another one of his thoughts or maybe the Mind-Palace-Mycroft
-You’re both just as annoying
-Eventually he investigates
-It’s in the Slytherin common room that he sees you
-A first year like him, doing homework and laughing at something someone who’s not important enough to be in here said
-And he just stares at you
-Because he’s not said a word to you
-And you’re in his palace?????
-He doesn’t even know your name
-Or at least he doesn’t think he does
-But he approaches you, scowling, and demands to know what you’re doing in here
-You turn around, still smiling, and just say
-’Well, how am I supposed to know, dummy? You put me here’
-He leaves his Mind Palace and looks up and you’re exactly where you are in his Mind Palace
-Just laughing at something another boy said
-He doesn’t know why you’re in his Mind Palace so he strives to find out
-He doesn’t talk to you the entire first, second, and third years
-Just kinda lurks behind you
-He’s positive you haven’t noticed
-He just doesn’t know why you’re in his Mind Palace considering you two have never even spoken
-He doesn’t know why he even bothers
-All you do is hang out with that Gryffindor John Watson and the Hufflepuff Molly Hooper
-You’re nothing like him or Mycroft
-You get decent grades sure and you always show up to class on time sure but your hair is always ruffled and pulled into a quick bun with quills sticking out of it like you’re some bloody porcupine
-Whenever he’s in his mind palace you just show up and tag along behind him
-And just say sarcastic things that make him snort
-And you should be annoying but he doesn’t mind you being there all that much
-He just kind of accepts it
-Like maybe you’re just there because you’re interesting
-And anyways, Yule Ball fourth year
-Sherlock’s just sitting and brooding in his chair and staring at you because you’re the only person in this whole bloody school he can’t figure out
-You’re working on homework as always
-And for some unknown reason both the Hufflepuff and Gryffindor are working with you
-In the Slytherin common room
-Then Sherlock realizes both the guests are looking over at him and whispering
-He just folds his hands underneath his chin in the praying position and squints
-Mycroft comes over and sits next to him
-After a second asks Sherlock why he’s constantly staring at you
-’What????? I’m not Mycroft you’re dumb why would you say that’
-’Literally everyone in the House has noticed Sherlock’
-’Take her to the Yule Ball before Moriarty tries to’
-At that Sherlock stiffens
-He fucking hates Moriarty because he was one of the two people he couldn’t figure out
-He should probably hate you too
-He doesn’t
-He refuses to admit to Mycroft that he’s right
-So he ignores the sick feeling in his gut as Moriarty twirls you around the dance floor
-And ignores Irene until she leaves to go fuck multiple guys in a closet
-Honestly he doesn’t even like her he just couldn’t show up to the dance without a date
-Mycroft insisted
-Somehow he starts talking with John Watson who’s with a nobody named Sarah Something who’s got no personality and is in Hufflepuff
-John isn’t actually so bad
-Sherlock likes John
-And so the first time John ‘introduces’ you and Sherlock
-(so you guys are in the same House but you never talk about each other and I think you two would like each other)
-Sherlock just stares at you with wide eyes and when he speaks it’s just ‘asdfghkl;’ because you’ve got a quill pointing right out the back of your head and it’s making his tongue fuzzy
-And you just give him a funny look
-And later he curses himself
-If you didn’t think before (why else would John and Molly have been looking over if you hadn’t told them he constantly stares at you; that or they noticed and there’s no way they didn’t tell you) he liked you you definitely do now
-So passes fifth year
-You’re frequently seen with around five quills in your hair, one for each subject or so
-Sherlock sneers but worries about the bags under your eyes
-Obviously he gets all O’s but then he secretly wonders what you got
-One day you just sit down with him at the lake
-He opens one eye to peer at you disdainfully but doesn’t tell you to leave
-And you’re like ‘You’re Sherlock Holmes, incredibly intelligent, you’ve got a deduction thingy that John calls Asperger’s and being an arsehole. You got all O’s on your exams and so did I. You’re really weird around new people bc you couldn’t even talk to me so you’re probably shy’
-And you just keep rambling
-Sherlock secretly likes it even though you got half the stuff wrong
-and then you’re like ‘although you’ve literally been staring at me the entirety of our school career so I’d appreciate it if you stopped’
-’what if i don’t want to leave you alone’
-’if i want you to leave me alone you’ll damn well leave me alone’
Sherlock’s disappointed
-So, like, that means you don’t like him
-And he totally definitely doesn’t like you but he’s still disappointed
-’What makes you think I want to do anything with you’
-You snort
-’Please, I’ve seen that look before’
-’And I’ve heard the stories about you’
-’You use girls all the time and then you’re cruel to them’
-’I don’t want to set myself up for heartbreak’
-Sherlock just looks over at you dead in the eyes and says ‘well I haven’t been watching them for six years straight’
-You laugh nervously
-’What are you, a stalker’
-Sherlock shrugs and starts to get up
-You scramble to your feet as well
-Sherlock doesn’t notice you getting closer until you’re right in front of him and your hand is on his chest and your lips are on his
-You pull back, flushing
-’I don’t want to set myself up for heartbreak but I guess I’ve got no choice, sorry, I won’t bother you again’
-Sherlock grabs your wrist as you walk away
-Spins you back towards him like you’re dancing
-Cocks an eyebrow at you suggestively
-’What if I want you to bother me again’
-It’s after that Sherlock realizes how much of a Slytherin you really are
-You show up in his Mind Palace and instead of being snarky you’re a snarky bitch and he just loves it
-Like Mind Palace you and Mycroft get into so many arguments
-And even though Sherlock knows its all in his head he can’t help but be proud of you
-I mean
-He bases his Mind Palace off of what he sees
-You dissing Mycroft is perfectly normal
-You’ll kiss him in the middle of the hallways and right when he’s dropping his bookbag you’re stepping away so he’s flushed and scrambling to pick up his books
-and you just walk away like ‘see you babe’
-and he just stares after you like half pissed half turned on half proud
-Other times you’ll work on homework with him
-But you absolutely refuse to work with him if you’re not sitting on his lap
-And Sherlock just turns bright red
-And you’ll lean over to kiss him
-Wiggling your butt as you do so
-And Mycroft’s just sitting there with his jaw down like ‘damn sherl i wanted you to talk to her not for her to sit on your lap in the common room’
-And you’ll just cuddle with him during lessons
-because ‘goddammit you didn’t make a move for six fucking years imma cuddle when i damn well want to’
-And cuddling isn’t supposed to be this hOT
-You’ll put your head on his shoulder
-And like burrow into his side
-And occasionally press kisses to his shoulder
-Like damn
-Could you be any sweeter
-And then one day another Slytherin Janine starts spreading rumors about Sherlock and about how he slept with her bc shes jealous
-So you walk up and just punch her in the face
-And say ‘you wish he’d slept with you too bad no one would ever stoop that low’
-She doesn’t mess with you guys from then on
-But you turn around, shaking out your hand
-And Sherlock’s just sitting there and he looks like a tomato
-Like a tomato-colored stature
-Like why does he get turned on by you being violent and manipulative?
-And you just laugh and shake your head
-And take him by the hand
-’Come on I know a place’
-’What y/n where are we going what are we doing what are you talking about’
-Sherlock’s babbling because he does not have feelings
-He most certainly does not have sexual feelings
-And he most certainly certainly does not get hard when you break bitches’ noses
-So on the last day before summer break you two make some noise in the Room of Requirement
-*wink wink*
-Seventh year is fun
-You stress about everything
-And Sherlock’s so annoyed by it
-But he doesn’t bitch about it to you because he loves you
-And one day you’re ranting about how you’re going to fail your N.E.W.Ts and he just casually says ‘I love you’
-And you just blink
-And then you like jump him
-So when Sherlock feels that you’re stressing too much
-he’ll just randomly say ily
-And then
-Fun times
-Although he’s still slightly hurt that you haven’t said it back
-So one day when he’s drinking some stolen firewhisky he mentions it to you
-You burst out laughing
-’I’ve said it so many times’
-’What??? No you haven’t??’
-’Yes I have it’s just you don’t pay attention to me when you’re anxious and that’s when i say it like how you say it when im anxious’
-That night you two go for like five times
-And then after graduation
-Sherlock invents his own job as ‘Consulting Auror’
-Because that whole Sirius Black thing was just embarrassing
-And he’s great at it
-And you’re like so proud of him
-And yeah he proposes to you at a crime scene one time
-And it’s hilarious because it was almost your crime scene too
-Like a mass murderer kidnapped a bunch of people and took them out one by one
-So like
-You’re covered in blood
-And Sherlock’s still shaking with anxiety
-And you just roll your eyes and shove it on your finger and say ‘why the fuck did you even have to ask you stupid fucking bastard’
-which translates to
-’of course I will I love you’
-and then you start crying
-And Sherlock’s like ‘nO sTOP why are you crying what did i DO did i do something wrong’
-And you live happily ever after the end
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pennylane85 · 7 years
The Search for Everything Review
Apologize for not writing a review sooner, I was busy then some health stuff popped up and I stopped listening to “The Search for Everything” and replaced it with “Battle Studies.”  Sometimes you need to hear “War of My Life” over and over. Anyways, “The Search for Everything “is back in rotation. I have to say I like this album as a whole a lot better than the individual songs released as the waves. I think songs work better when listened as a set and not randomly selected. I feel like the album tells more of story when you listen to it from start to finish. I’ve noticed when I’m listening I’m not skipping tracks, I play the entire CD, which I don’t normally do. Even with “Born and Raised” I skip “Love Is a Verb.”  
I don’t relate to this CD as much as I do others b/c I don’t relate to the break-up segments. Sometimes I listen to these songs and I want to take Mayer by the collar and say “No woman is worth this, move on, you’re better off alone.” But I’m not a lovey-dovey person either.
Still Feel Like Your Man - Musically I like this song; I’m not into the lyrics though. I absolutely hate the shampoo lyric. I guess if I didn’t picture Katy the whole time I’d have a different reaction, but that’s all I see, so this is not a favorite.
Emoji of a Wave - I didn’t like this song in the waves, it has grown on me, but I have yet to hear it live. For me this is another “All I think about is Katy” song, so meh. I do like the Beach Boys harmonies and I like the music. I could do without the “Oh honey” parts. I guess fave lyrics are “I’ve been talking to myself, just to hear you, and you’re saying everything I wished you’d would, and it’s so good.”
Helpless - I love everything about this song, from the guitar solo to Tiffany’s background vocals. This is one of my favorite Mayer songs ever, musically. I’m so in love with this song. I just rock out to it. It gives me Rolling Stones vibes. “If I’m helpless, tell me now, tell me now and I’ll stop trying to figure it out.”
Love on the Weekend - The music has grown on me since the single was released last fall. I’ll be driving around be-bopping along and singing. I still don’t like the “I hate your guts” lyric. Fave lyrics are: “I can’t believe I get to see your face.” “You be the DJ, I’ll be the driver, you put your feet up in the getaway car, I’m flying fast like a wanted man, I want you baby like you can’t understand.”
In the Blood - It throws me every time. You’re driving around enjoying and be-bopping along to “Love on the Weekend” then *Bam* it’s like you get punched in the face as soon as “In the Blood” starts. It’s my fave song lyrically of his. It’s up there with “Born and Raised.” It’s so personal and I relate to it in every way.  I hate how it’s becoming a single with country radio b/c it’s so personal. It reminds me of what happened with “Daughters.” When I first heard that song I immediately thought “I’m that fucked up girl he’s singing about.” Then it became a single, won him another Grammy and became so commercialized that I can’t stand the song now.  I hope that doesn’t happen with “In the Blood” because it’s truly a treasure. Fave lyrics: “How much of my mother has my mother left in me, how much of my love will be insane to some degree, and what about this feeling that I’m never good enough, will it wash out in the water or is always in the blood.” “I can feel the love I want, I can feel the love I need, but it’s never gonna come the way I am, could I change it if I wanted?”
Changing - If that isn’t enough then next comes “Changing.” I really enjoy this tune, that electric guitar solo in the middle of the song. I haven’t heard this one live yet and I can’t wait! Fave lyrics: “I may be old and I may be young, but I am not done changing.” “Some of us stopped running, some of us went home, some of us don’t got one, so we’ll build one of our own.”  
Theme from The Search for Everything - I like it. I think it’s needed after listening to “In the Blood” and “Changing” back to back. It’s a nice little pallet cleanser. You can hit the reset button after this and move along w/the tune.
Moving on and Getting Over - I always forget this isn’t the beginning of the CD when this song comes on. I love it musically and lyrically. “For all my running, I can’t understand, I’m one text away from being back again.”
Never on the Day You Leave – For me this is another “Katy” song and I just can’t relate. Like I said, I haven’t really been in a relationship so the whole break-up doesn’t really hit home w/me.  
Rosie – I like this tune. I like the guitar tone. Fave lyrics: “Don’t leave me here, under the January rain.”
Roll It on Home - This kind of goes along with “On the Way Home” from “Paradise Valley,” musically. I dig it. I still have yet to hear this one live and “On the Way Home” so hopefully this summer they get played at the shows I’m at. Fave lyrics: “The one that you had eyes for had their eyes for your best friend. “ “You've been here so long tonight's already yesterday.”
You’re Gonna Live Forever in Me – I love this song. It has a very Randy Newman-esque “You’ve Got A Friend in Me” vibe that reminds me of the film, “Toy Story.” I want it to be played at my funeral. Fave lyrics are “It all ends unfortunately, but you’re gonna live forever in me.” “Parts of me were made by you.”
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