#but its dedicated to my bestie obv
tendebill · 1 year
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printed this for my bestie's bday!! (she's the number 1 huen stan since like... 2018 or something idk how she stuck with it so long but man do i appreciate it, been listening to me ramble out my babies for 5 years and counting)
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raquellmurillo · 4 years
What in world was the point of the storyline between Sergio and Nairobi's baby?? Why write it?? Just to cause drama and break up Sergio and Raquel??
As you’ve seen in my other answer, imo this totally didn’t make sense at all; why would Sergio ‘the genius’ agree because of his family history? And why would Nairobi ask such a sensitive question knowing how much he had suffered due to ‘genetics’; especially considering they’re not the last two people left in the world?
Oh my dear, I am so so afraid; it was so random, but they put it in there for some reason - considering they dedicated a whole two or so scenes to this, I think its important to them. Meaning they’re probs gonna pick it back up. They don’t like the emotional ‘baggage’ of s1&2 but anything they write they go through with, unfortunately nearly 100% of the time.
I have no clue as to why Raquel was transported to the bank (...isn’t it so much more effort to buy an army helicopter and fly it through central Madrid, stage some weird shoot out with Gandia, rather than just return her safely to the control room? Like Marseille is piloting that helicopter and the assumption is he manages to get back to the professor without being tracked down, followed etc... If they can’t trace a person who flew an army helicopter - like if you’re gonna be able to trace anything its a helicopter, - and the movement of that same person who just got out of it, surely you should be able to get away with some less drastic measures to escape? Why not buy a ‘city tours’ helicopter and fly out somewhere? Because there are going to be more ‘private’ helicopters around making it far more difficult to trace than army ones? Considering its flown to the bank and you know exactly which one it is you need to track down? Coz like if they had a different helicopter and didn’t fly it to the bank, it would give them some time advantage as they’d first need to find what  helicopter they need to track etc. It wasn’t exactly a subtle escape... is Marseille okay??) anyhows...
Only Sergio, Tokyo and Nairobi know. If Raquel does something wrong, or get into an argument with Tokyo, I bet this is gonna be her #1 thing to hit Raquel with. Causing obvs some sort of argument between her and Sergio... which could eventually lead to the paranoia of the whole group thinking that if she’s not with Sergio, she must be against them. 
Also, I hated the girls party scene, for this precise reason. This season is trying so hard to be s1&2; the first ‘party scene’ happened after Nairobi told Tokyo about her kid. I can think of over a million different reasons to have a drink... I hate the idea of an “aLl GiRls ParTy” ... like, let go babe; its so in your face it loses the naturalistic value which makes it cool. The original one was cool because Tokyo said some shit to Nairobi and then saw her stretchmarks and went to investigate, and we got the cool backstory, bonding and of course, the tequila. It wasn’t Tokyo coming in saying ‘did I hear music?’, no, of course it wasn’t, because at this point they weren’t friends and Nairobi would’ve thrown her out lol
So why were Monica and Raquel there? Why wasn’t it Marseille who came in to join them? It should make as much sense for him to come in as for the girls or anyone in the monastery. Considering the last time we saw Raquel and Tokyo in a scene away from the gang it wasn’t exactly all lovely... I’m not saying they shouldn’t be friends or civil with each other, she just really doesn’t seem like Raquel’s choice of company (wouldn’t be mine either tbf). Girl power narration is great, but its not great the moment the gender becomes more important than the characterisation. What is this ‘they’re all girls they must like each other’ bullshit like, ya know, women don’t have to hate each other but they also don’t have to be besties with every other female character, especially if they haven’t had any scenes which narrate them as friends and are very different personality wise... lets not be afraid to write strong female characters which are intelligent enough to pick which other females (or males) they want to be friends with and spend their free time with. yall trying too hard to integrate Raquel ya forget she doesn’t have to tolerate Tokyo and her childish bitchy behaviour. If anything Raquel should be mad at Tokyo for her inexplicably stupid which has lead them to have to put their life at risk. WHy is she drinking with them? The whole scene of Tokyo walking in on her and the professor... WHY yall NOT WRITING THEM TO BE BESTIES HERE, now??? lmao lets talk people not genders; that way you’re not singling it out so muchhh lmaooo :,< 
Raquel and Monica being friends is nice, they’re both new, probs closer age wise...why would they chose to spend their free time with Tokyo (I mean, realistically who would??) if they can go to Helsinki’s room which is on the same corridor and do shots! I bet he ordered boxes of them Balkan Slavic holy water’s (imma tell you that there is no going back once you try those fruit liquors) now he is finally back in Europe - why isn’t there a scene of Monica, Raquel and Helsinki doing shots with Denver playing with Cinci in the background (...like ya know, the adults together and the kids together.)  
The only reason they came in because they wanted it to be a girls party - which, darn, I’m not against at all, like gimme that content,- but make it naturalistic ffs give me a reason to put all of them in a room other than ‘we heard music’; bullshit, can the guys not hear music? Considering they’re still new to the gang, if anyone should feel ‘not so sure’ about entering, shouldn’t it be them? Also, the only reason they are celebrating makes it a hundred times worse for those exact two to come in. It gave me a vibe of a ‘coming of age’ or whatever you call them movies, when the popular girls invite the nerdy and shy girl to the party to laugh at them. Isn’t this exactly what it is? It’s not a narrative of female empowerment, of a cool ‘girls night’; it’s the exact opposite. It’s showing more of a destructive image of females; one of them is gonna have a kid with the others boyfriend, which they know about but she doesn’t. They’re literally laughing in Raquel’s face; it’s not a cute girls bonding scene, its cruel. It made me feel deeply uncomfortable because I don’t think Nairobi is that type of character. I honestly felt so sorry for Raquel. 
If they were writing a scene of dramatic irony to show the audience how Raquel (Monica too, as she is equally ‘not told anything’) thinks she’s part of the gang, but in reality she is not and they’re making her think that to fool her at some later point of the show... they totally succeeded. I’d buy that, ya know! Make it more interesting... why force them to be friends when a narrative of distrust is so much more fitting and interesting. ANd if you’re gonna write a bonding scene...... do it motherfucking right. I don’t want to feel uncomfortable watching fun content. Like yall, I refuse to gif that scene as I am morally opposed to it lmaoooo
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tinkerbelljayne · 7 years
Its so typical of me that I would rebrand my whole blog and then fall radio silent on the bloody thing! It’s been exactly two months since my last blog post, making it possibly my biggest break from blogging since 2012.
But do you know what? I needed it.
2016 wasn’t the kindest year to me, and 2017 was always going to be all about rebuilding myself back up from the whole I had fallen into it. Whilst I of course love writing and documenting my life and my journey, after a crazy few months during which I moved cities, started a brand new job, a new career in fact, and ran my first ever marathon (like I said, rebuilding!) I just wanted to live for a while. It wasn’t intentional, I didn’t plan to drop off the face of the blogosphere, it just happened. I rebranded and then suddenly I realised I didn’t want to think about scheduling tweets. I didn’t want to pick up my SLR. I didn’t want spend my Saturday in front of a laptop after spending the previous five days doing the same thing.
So I did other things instead. I went the pub … a lot. I hung out with family. I hung out with old friends. I made new friends. I slept in on weekends. I read magazines. I drank an obscene amount of coffee. I watched lots of Netflix. And NowTV. And Amazon prime. One Saturday I literally didn’t move from my bed, I ordered McDonalds via Uber eat and watched Sex and the City (for the 107th time) and took naps in between seasons. I worked … a lot. And then I worked some more. I stayed up till 2am having random chats with housemates. I cooked. I drank Prosecco.
I lived life as a non-blogger.
But of course all good things must come to an end. I knew my lazy, summer, non-blogger phase was just that, a phase, and that the writer in me was getting incredibly uncomfortable and frustrated, in need of releasing some thoughts, feelings and lots of words.
So here we are. I’m back.
Rather than just bore you with tales of drunken nights and all the McDonalds I’ve eaten over the past two months, I thought I would share with you some actual interesting life updates. Starting with my job!
New Career
So, my job. After spending pretty much all of my 20’s working in TV, before eventually ditching it for my failed attempt at FT blogging *rolls eyes* this job is quite a game changer, and a whole new industry to me. I was pretty vauge about it all when I shared this blog post earlier in the year. Not wanting to jinx it, I kept quiet about the company that employed me and the job I was hired to do. I’m still not 100% sure about sharing every little detail for fear of ruining it, but I can tell you I now work in the Beer industry.
Well, technically I guess it’s the drinks industry, but I’m mostly working with Breweries. Yup, from TV promos to the hoppy good stuff – quite the change. It’s a brand new industry to me and I’m absolutely loving it. The company I work for is a small(ish) start-up, so my job is a bit of a mixed bag, as is everyone’s, but essentially, I look after our customers, as well as plan and organise all our events and editorial & advertorial content (see Mum, I’m finally putting that PR degree to use).
There is never a dull moment, the company is absolutely amazing, and I literally laugh every single day because I get to work with such awesome people. I have to say, job-wise, this is the happiest I have been in a very long time. It’s bloody hard work and it takes up all my time, but I’m challenged every day, I enjoy what I do, even when it scares me, not to mention I also get to drink A LOT of free beer (oh, I also have a full on beer belly now. sigh).
Homelife & Housemates
Back in May I moved into my new house, sharing it with three random (but very lovely) dudes, with one room left spare. And by mid-June someone very special had filled that room. Drum roll please *tap tap tap tap tap tap* My blogger bestie and workout wife Emma Joy of Lipstcikandtrainers.com has officially moved in with me. Woohoooo!
With Emma’s new PT career on a role and my job pretty much being my new boyfriend, we have completely different schedules. But we’ve still been finding time to train together, and to of course have a couple of drinks and fun times together at least once a week, even if it’s a glass of red at midnight on a Wednesday night after a long day in the office (or gym in Emma’s case).
Because the past four years of my life have either been spent backpacking, or living with my ex in our own flat (or with family), I’d completely forgotten what it’s like to have housemates. I was initially dreading it – so much so that I forked out money I can’t afford for my own teeny tiny private bathroom to avoid the horrified and inevitable moment when I would find someone else’s pube on my bar of soap – but actually, house sharing has been fine. I quite like having people to chat to in the kitchen whilst I cook. And I forgot how nice it is to randomly get drunk with housemates during the week, or watch crappy TV with someone else who also loves crappy TV (ahem, yup I’m referring to Love Island, the best reality TV show ever made, please God ITV2 make a winter series, I’m begging you). And having Emma make the move from Manchester to London and move in with us has just been the icing on the cake.
The Single Life
After a somewhat rocky year, in which it felt like my break-up with my ex was completely dragged out by us both, I’m finally feeling comfortable and happy being single. Okay, maybe ‘comfortable’ and ‘happy’ aren’t the right words, obvs I’d love a beautiful tall man to be my big spoon on Saturday mornings and bring me breakfast in bed, but I don’t have that … and that’s okay. I’m actually used to being single now. It certainly wasn’t easy to get used to, not after being with one person for five whole years, it was painful and lonely and downright tough, but I am used to it now. I’m content. And whilst, yes, I’d love to meet my Prince Charming, and am totally open to the idea of dating and meeting someone, I’m also open to the idea of it just being me, myself and I for a while, and in terms of relationships, possibly even …. forever?
I know that sounds a tad dramatic, but if the last year has taught me anything, it’s that I’m a hell of a lot stronger than I thought I was and that I don’t need a man. I can want one, yes, but I don’t need one. I’ve also realised that, Yes, I do want to have a family one day, BUT I don’t need a husband to have one. Call me crazy, but this is the world we live in now. Just because my five year relationship went down the drain, it doesn’t mean my unfertilized eggs should go down with it. And I’d be stupid to hunt down a man to marry just because society tells me to or because i feel like I’m getting older and that is what everyone else is doing. Life for me right now is of course about having fun, it’s about having adventure, but it’s also about working hard and planning for a future, one that may or not involve a man, but most certainly involves a family.
In other (good) news…
-After a break from Running, I’m back in the swing of things and have just started training for my second marathon, the 2017 Dublin Marathon. Wish me luck!
-As well as applying for the London Marathon earlier this summer, I just applied for the 2018 Tokyo Marathon. Here’s hoping I get a place in at least one of the two *crosses fingers*
-I’m officially signed up to try out The Body Blitz for the next 12 weeks, come follow my progress on instagram, and check out Body Blitz too.
-I’m officially fairy GodMother to my niece & nephew, and together we are the coolest little squad!
And finally, the good news is, I’m back, I’m blogging, and I promise, double promise, with sprinkles on top, to keep blogging to my hearts content. To those who messaged me asking for blog posts or just checking I was okay, Thank you so much, this post is especially dedicated to you lot. Mwah! x
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Past, Present & Future Its so typical of me that I would rebrand my whole blog and then fall radio silent on the bloody thing!
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