#yea she has a tattoo on the back of her neck and it symbolizes that shes in fact a drainer mage uwu
tendebill · 1 year
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printed this for my bestie's bday!! (she's the number 1 huen stan since like... 2018 or something idk how she stuck with it so long but man do i appreciate it, been listening to me ramble out my babies for 5 years and counting)
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davepetaz · 1 year
hey, hi, what's up? it's me the headcanon anon from awhile ago, so it's been a bit and i thought maybe it would be a good time to finally ask about the god tier tattoo hcs
pleasant day from yours truly
hallo! sorry for taking so long to answer this lolz
i dont have my phone to draw up visualisations so everyone use ur imaginations ok? ok <3
it's not really anything crazy, it's more just that whenever someone reaches god tier, the symbol of their aspect is sort of carved into them? so it's better to refer to them as markings rather than tattoos. these markings also end up affecting scars gained while in god tier. some markings are easier to hide than others.
for example, Rose's marking can easily be covered up by her hair, as the marking is mostly within her scalp. because yknow. light = knowledge and all that. however some of the wavy bits do show on her forehead, and one of the longer ones touches her eye, which ended up giving her sectoral heterochromia (part of her iris is yellow while the rest is purple)
Dirk's is easy to cover up because it's just a giant heart symbol over the left side of his chest. the marking actually pulses with his heartbeat. also he's got a scar on his neck that's a slightly lighter shade of the heart symbol
Dave's marking is a bit more complex; it's multiple small time symbols surrounding one large time symbol on his back. the gears get smaller and smaller the farther away they are from the centre. more gears get added every time he time travels, so his back is completely covered, as well as the back of his neck and a bit of his arms. he tries not to time travel too much on earth c because he's worried about what'll happen if he gets completely covered
Jade has the space symbol on the palms of her hands, and her fingerprints actually changed to be the exact same shape as the space symbol. she also has constellations in her freckles and you can see Literal Stars in her eyes
Jake has the hope symbol on his back, but it's big enough to extend to his upper arms a little bit. also his eyes have a very very faint glow
Jane and John both have their markings on their arms. they start at their wrists and extend up their arms in an almost vine-like pattern. the tips of their fingers are also slightly off-colour, with John's being blue and Jane's being green. something special to John tho is his lungs are just straight up blue. like completely blue
Roxy is similar to Jade, in the sense that her fingerprints changed and her symbol is on her palms. however, her irises kinda... spiral into her pupils? and her scleras are that same bright off-white she described in the comic.
i honestly cant be bothered with the trolls right now but yea >_< hope u guys like my silly little ideas
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tngrace · 4 years
Can I request "tattoo(s)"? 💜
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2 requests for the same prompt so I'm posting them as 1 & making it part of my SRK❤ series. Hope you both enjoy @sneetchestoo @buckieys
GTHB Masterlist; Read on A03
Picture of Carlos’s tat in the story because I’m terrible at trying to describe it. Found it on pinterest. And @justkillingtimewhileiwait & @moviegeek03 agreed with me it would be perfect for Carlos. As always thanks Brit for all your help plotting my fics and keeping me so excited to be writing ❤
Sofia had just celebrated her first birthday, and it was a double celebration for the Strand-Reyes household as her adoption was officially finalized. Even though they'd had her since she was two weeks old, it took a little bit for the paperwork to work through the courts. But they'd just found out on Friday that everything was signed and official. Sofia didn't totally understand the double celebration, but her dads and all their family and friends did.
Owen and Carlos's mom were currently cleaning up their kitchen while TK and Carlos said goodbye to everyone. Sofia had crashed from her sugar high and was currently sleeping on TK's shoulder. Once everyone was gone, Carlos tried to stop their parents from cleaning, but they wouldn't hear of it. "Ok, ok," he chuckles. "I'm gonna go help Ty get the princess down, then we'll be back," he tells them heading upstairs.
When Carlos gets upstairs, TK is standing in Sofia's door just watching her sleep in her crib. Carlos wraps his arms around TK and lays his head on TK's shoulder. "Mmmm she's gonna love having a bigger room in the new house," TK whispers. "We can move her up to a big girl bed too," Carlos agrees.
TK smiles at his husband. "She'll love that. No more trying to flip herself out." They both chuckle as she rolls the other way and pops her thumb in her mouth. "We've got to break that habit too," TK groans making Carlos chuckle.
"She'll outgrow it. Come on we need to get our parents out so we can discuss our other plans," Carlos grins making TK smirk.
"Mmmm Officer, I do like how you think." TK leans up giving Carlos a quick kiss before they turn on the night light by the door and leave it cracked. They head back downstairs to chat with their parents for a minute before seeing them out. Carlos takes in all the new toys scattered around their living room and shakes his head. "I swear they spoil her so much."
TK laughs as he's already settling in on the couch with his phone and a grin. "And who was it that insisted the playhouse wasn't enough and had to get a swing set too?" He teases Carlos getting an eye roll and exasperated huff. "Exactly," TK laughs as he crawls into Carlos's lap so they can share the screen.
Sofia was going with Carlos's mom and oldest sister tomorrow for a shopping trip for new shoes and probably clothes while her dads went to their tattoo appointment. They're last joint appointment had been when they gotten each other's initial tattooed on their ring fingers right after their wedding. Neither wanted to lose his ring or have something happen to it while on shift, but they also wanted it known they were happily taken. It had been TK's idea and Carlos loved it.
Now they were getting something to symbolize the growth of their family, their little girl. It felt so good to officially call her theirs. “I’m thinking this,” TK says showing him the screen. Displayed was a gorgeous rose bloomed out; “Think her name scrolled across it. Maybe on my chest?” TK asks as Carlos just stares. 
“Think it would looking fucking gorgeous,” he finally gets out imagining it on his husband’s chest. 
TK gives him a big smile and a kiss to the cheek. “What are you thinking about getting?” he asks Carlos passing him the phone to search. TK watches him searching and can’t help but grin knowing Carlos is going to go with something sappy. “Stop,” Carlos blushes as TK’s grin at Carlos’s searches. 
“It’s adorable how sappy you are,” TK grins nipping at Carlos’s chin. “Oh! That,” TK says pointing at the screen. 
“Yea?” Carlos had been looking at it, but he knew TK would probably tease him about it even though Carlos really loved it. It was incredibly sweet, but also tough he thought, and he knew it would look really good. 
“It’s definitely you,” TK grins. “Could get it here,” he says tracing his fingers over Carlos’s inside bicep making Carlos shiver. “Think we can get her to make a fist before we leave so we can get a picture?” Carlos asks TK as he screenshots his selection like TK had done.
“Oh, yea,” TK grins. Carlos chuckles knowing TK could probably get Sofia to do anything he wanted. She was totally enamored with “dada” right now even though “papa” was not far behind. Now that their decisions have been made, they check on their sleeping angel one more time before they go to bed themselves. 
They’re able to get several hours of sleep before Carlos hears a thump and a whine. “Dios,” he groans seeing it’s barely six am. TK whines and tries to burrow further into the bed making Carlos chuckle. “I got her. Even though she’s just like you,” he grunts as he gets up. TK doesn’t even grumble already back asleep as Carlos goes across the hall to find their one year old sitting in the floor with tears. 
“Oh Sofia,” Carlos says shaking his head as he scoops her up. There’s no injuries because they’ve put extra padding on top of the carpet after the first instances of Sofia flipping herself out of her crib and scaring them to death. 
“Papa,” she whines as she buries her face in his neck sniffling. 
“I know. But if you would wait for Papa or Dada to come get you, it wouldn’t hurt as bad,” he reminds her even though he knows it won’t do any good. Once her mind is set to getting up in the mornings, there is no stopping her. She is like TK in the fact she finds trouble, but she takes after Carlos in being a morning person. 
“Dada,” she says as they go back to Carlos and TK’s bedroom. 
“Dada’s still sleeping. Papa is gonna get dressed and then we’ll go start breakfast before Abuela and Tia get here,” he tells her quietly laying on the bed for some sleepy dada cuddles while Carlos gets dressed. She knows TK is not a morning person, but she loves cuddling up against him while he sleeps. 
Carlos snaps a quick picture of them unable to stop himself at the cuteness his husband and little girl give off. Once he’s dressed he scoops Sofia up and carries her downstairs. He gets her set up in her high chair with milk and Mickey on the TV while he cooks. TK stumbles down once he smells the coffee, and Sofia giggles at him. “Morning princess,” TK says dropping a kiss on her head before giving Carlos a good morning kiss. 
They share breakfast, Sofia wearing more than she eats because she’s finally reached an independent streak and insists on doing it herself. TK gets her to make a fist against his and Carlos’s and TK snaps a quick picture. Once they are done, TK takes her to get cleaned up and dressed while Carlos cleans the kitchen. It’s not long before his mom and sister are knocking on their door. He lets them in as TK brings Sofia back downstairs dressed and with her favorite backpack. “Be good baby girl,” Carlos tells her with a hug before she’s flying into her Tia’s arms. 
Once they’re out the door, TK and Carlos share a more heated good morning kiss, along with a very heated and very steam shower. Carlos loves watching new ink go on his boy, and just the thought of it, makes him horny enough for a steamy shower before they go. Once they finally stumble out of the shower, they both dress and head out to the tattoo parlor. 
TK goes first and gets the stunning rose on his right side above his pec close to his shoulder. The red of the rose is gorgeous against his skin, and Sofia’s name is eloquently scrolled across it. It was truly gorgeous. Carlos goes next and they show the artist the sketch from the phone along with the picture TK had snapped that morning. He does up his own sketch from their picture and it is truly gorgeous. 
They outline the tat on his bicep, and TK can’t help the soft look he gives Carlos. He definitely is starting to get Carlos’s appeal at watching him get a tattoo. It is going to be perfect and can always be added to in the future.  
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Carlos loves it, so much. They get wrapped up and head back home. Sofia is waiting on them, and they both tell her she has to be careful with them. She nods and her eyes go wide as they show her the new art. She doesn’t totally understand it or the meanings behind them yet, but she loves the colors and lines. They know when she’s older she truly understand the meaning and how much her dads love her. Because they love her more than they ever dreamed possible, and these new tattoos are proof of that. 
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@arved asked: So... Would you write a story where you are Bishops younger sister and you ve met Happy, and starts having feelings for him... Your brother won't like it...
Thanks to my lovely beta reader @starrynite7114 💘
Author comments: I hope you all enjoy. Gifs credits to: @mayans-mc
Tag list: @starrynite7114 @chibsytelford @dazzledamazon @mara-mpou @sammskellington @gemini0410 💥 (if you wanna be tagged, send me a message!)
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You leave your car parked at the Romero and Brothers entry, looking for Chucky to tell you where Bishop's bike is. Your brother texted you last night to ask you if you could have a look at it because it started to make a noisy sound somewhere in the front wheel. Some of the guys in the crew know about mechanics, but he only trusts your hands to touch his baby, so you had to drive from Mexico. The kind man with strange hands, whom you love so much, tells you that Bishop is not there but his bike is parked next to the clubhouse. Nodding, you go downstairs off of the office, to walk through the small alley on your way to find what paranoia your brother has this time.
You run the heavy metallic door with Mayans symbols, raising an eyebrow when you see some motorbikes you don't recognize at first, but you don't give it more importance than that it has. Taking out of the pocket of your shorts the copy of the key, you walk towards the green bike with the intention of ride it to the car scrapping, when you hear a hoarse voice calling for your attention.
“To the floor! Hands up!”
Five men are pointing at you with loaded guns, following the indications of an older one without hair and covered in tattoos. He throws the toothpick, that it was in his lips, walking closer. You stop the engine without any sudden movement, and your hands on your nape. You're breathing fast, leaving the motorbike at your back.
“Call Bishop”. He says. And you don't know what disturbs you more, if the lack of gesticulation on his face or the calm tone voice.
“Shut the fuck up, bitch”.
You were going to tremendously enjoy it when your charter comes back and finds you kneeling on the ground. They try to contact your brother, but seems like he's driving, 'cause there's no answer. Even so, it takes you only two minutes to hear the motorbikes coming. Taza is the first one who sees you, braking abruptly and throwing his helmet to the floor.
“The hell you' doin' man?” He shouts, till all the Mayans appears.
“Put your fuckin' guns down!” Bishop runs out of the dark van, to help you.
“She was stealing...” The unknown man tries to say, confused and lost in the situation.
“She's my fuckin' sister!” The Mayans president is pissed off, while Taza holds your hands to put you up.
“You ok, chiquita?” He asks looking you from top to bottom.
“Not sure if I'm more scared than horny, or more horny than scared”. You answer wrinkling the bridge of the nose, your crew laughs shaking their heads.
“You hurt your knees”. Bishop sounds worried, repairing on the small burns on your legs. The concrete and gravel floor was hot, but you didn't notice it 'cause you were busy trying not to die by a gunshot.
“Bish, it's ok. I would have shot without asking”. You placed your palm on his shoulder, before Tranq lifts you up in his strong arms. “It's always an adventure to come see you”.
“I'm sorre', we didn't know”.
“Yea', did you ask her?”
“Let's take care of the Mayans' warrior”. Your savior chuckles, walking upstairs to the clubhouse.
Chibs screamed, his gaze upon the skies when he heard news of his men’s actions upon his arrival. You two know each other since your brother became president of the charter, always being a gentleman and treating you as one of his own family. But you said one hundred times that everything was fine, rolling your eyes while you were hearing him cursing in scottish. The man who pointed at you first introduced himself as Happy, and you couldn't help laughing at his name.
At least, he was fucking hot and worth it.
Night has fallen in Santo Padre and the latin music has flooded the clubhouse and its yards. The delicious smell of Felipe's meat is in the air, mixing with the laughs and shouts of the charters having a party between brothers. And there you are, lying inside the ring with your forearms behind your head looking at the stars and a beer next to your body. Turning your head to the main group of men, you check that the Son's is staring at you like ten minutes ago. You chuckle shaking your chin, putting back your gaze to the sky.
“So, wha's she doin' here'?” Chibs asks your brother, who is drinking his beer.
“I think something is happening to my bike, and she's the only one allowed to touch it”.
“Half Mayan and mechanic... Is she single?” The vice of the Sons of Anarchy asks without any shame.
“Yes, she is. But I don't want a motorist from any charter to be her man, 'you hear me?” The Mayans president is forceful, leaning forward on his seat.
“I'm too old for the club, I'm leaving it, Chibs. It was a pleasure”. Happy is the one who talks this time, and you can hear him, of course.
You can see how the man is getting up of his seat, taking off the vest to give it to the SoA president while everybody laughs except Bishop. He walks to the makeshift bar, next to the barbecue, to obtain two beers. Now, you have to hide the fact that you weren't looking at him. The older man gets inside the ring, standing up in front of you. Raising your gaze, you lift an eyebrow.
“Can 'invite you to a beer?”
“I already have one”.
Without expecting, he kicks it away from you, but you don't move a single inch rolling your eyes.
“Wasn’t pointing a gun at me enough? I think ya've already covered your aggressiveness quota for the day”.
“And I think that love was born between us when I called ya' bitch”.
“Is that what you tell to every girl?” You ask sitting on your forearms and crossing your legs, one over the other.
“I'm not a man of words”.
“You don't have to insure it, flaco”. You sigh for a second, raising a hand to take the beer he's offering you without a gesture on his face.
“So, you're Bishop young sister, uh?” He says, having a seat in front of you. After almost one minute in completely silence, he talks again taking you by surprise, even if it wasn't uncomfortable. “How old are you?”
“Twenty-eight. I found him when I was fifteen. My parents abandoned him, before I was born”. He nods because of your words, looking thoughtful. You have a sip of your drink, waiting for him to say anything. But, that doesn't happens. “You have a lot of tattoos. Which one is your favorite?”
It's a cliche to ask about something like that, but you can't take your eyes off of them, because all that you can see around his arms and neck are traces drawing stories on him. You tattoo on your free time, so you're kinda passionate and he has truly pieces of art on his skin. Happy lifts up the grey shirt, showing you many more, before pointing the big and curled cobra on his chest and abdomen. You run your fingers over it, enraptured and your lips almost open so slowly that you can feel the way his abdomen contracts under your touch.
“Man... It's fuckin' amazing. I love the green path, but it is somewhat worn. I think I could fix it”. You say, trying to not sound too rude.
“Fix it?”
“Yea'! Addin' more color”.
“No, I mean. You tattoo?”
“I did most of the Mayans tattoos”. You nod then, with a proud gesture on your face, as he does after you. “I got my stuff in the car, if you want”.
“Sure, I would like to see what are you capable of”. He says calm, getting up off the ring and offering you his free hand, pushing you up on your way for a new adventure.
With a confidence that you don't know where it come from, he surrounds your shoulder with his arm, walking closer to you, but in complete silence. You can see your brother staring at you with his pursed lips against the beer he's holding. You pass them by, and if looks could kill, Happy would already be dead. Taking the key out of your pocket, you unlock your car to open the trunk.
“I got it”. He says going ahead, taking the heavy case full of different stickers on it.
Walking towards the clubhouse to get in, you stop your barefoot in the middle of it, looking for the best place.
Finally, you point the sofa on a corner, with a plug near of it, where you can put your machine.
“Shirt off”. You say, hearing how he chuckles almost in silence, obeying the order.
Now you're able to see many more tattoos around his back and arms. Good god, he can point a gun at you again, whenever he wants. Swallowing and clearing your throat, you prepare to mount the whole show. Your hands are cleaned with alcohol before covering them with the latex gloves, placing the ink cangs on the table by your side. The buzz of the needle floods the club, noticing that Happy doesn't feel anything when you start with the color over his lower abdomen.
You're focused in tattooing and cleaning the leftlover ink that bothers your view, even when you have a good point of light overhead. His skin is more tense than yours, being older and more tattooed, and that surprises you. The Son is getting you nervous, with his gaze on you, but not on the ink, making you raise an eyebrow.
“It's the first time a woman tattoos me”. Happy says, after some seconds looking like he's trying to find the correct words.
“'Cause you're a male chauvinist?” The needle stop, staring at him for a moment.
“'Cause I never found a woman who did it”. The smile he gives you makes you tremble slightly.
You continue with your task, stopping some times to check that the ink is uniform in every inch, till it's finished. You take a case cream tube, taking off one of your gloves, pulling it with your teeth, to put some of it on the reddened skin. Happy shakes a little, making you laugh hoping it's not because of the pain he was containing to look ‘more like a man’ and don't get embarrassed.
“Shit! It's cold!” He growls.
“Genius...” You break into loud laughter, while he snorts.
You caress his skin spreading the cream over the retouched tattoo, so slowly that you see how much he's enjoying it with a soft smile on his lips, before covering it, so that the excess ink doesn't stain the shirt when he got dressed again.
“Do you like it?” You ask with curiosity, getting up to admire your art.
“'Course, but it seems like you wanna do anotha’”.
“Seems like”. Cross-armed, you purse your lips.
“A tattoo for a kiss”. Yes, you were expecting it, making you squint at him.
Taking off the other glove and almost laying on the table, you reach your bag next to the case, looking for a cigar to light between your lips. You've seen him smoking before, so you do the same with him. Another way to keep his mouth occupied. Curling your legs on the table and surrounding them with your arms, you tilt your neck gently. He has a lot of happy faces tattooed by the cobra side. At first you think it's some kind of bad joke, until you realize it.
“You were nomad. That explain the shitty face and the holy silence”. You say having a smoke, with your gaze now on his. “A face, a life”.
The Son has an arm behind his head settled on the sofa, and you start to notice that maybe he's not good with words. But you like to read. So you do. Every gesture, for minimal that this could be on his face. His eyes vibrating, trying to keep yours. The way he has to swallow the smoke of the cigar. The skin of his throat going from up to down in a fast move. He's not ill-at-ease, but seems like he would like to hide that part of his life.
They are recent. Your fingers run over them, outlining each stroke. Those tattoos couldn’t have been more than six or eight years. The black ink was first, and looks like he added the yellow one somewhat after that. But when you're about to travel the last one, right before an old demon, he grabs your wrist. His fingers closing tight around it, loosening the grip some seconds after in a ephemeral caress that dries your mouth.
“Whatever I want?” You ask in a whisper referring to the tattoo, watching how he leaves his cigar in the ashtray next to yours.
Happy nods. Taking his right hand to place it on your, the noisy needle is back. In the ring finger, without needing a pre-design, nor anything of the session before that one, you tattoo a semicolon. Maybe bigger than you thought, but at least he's gonna see it all the time. After, you put some cream on and cover it with plastic film, you admire it one last time. So he does.
Time to pay your debt.
He puts a hand around your wrist it to urge you to lie on top of him. His legs between yours and his free hand tangled in your hair. His gaze could say more than thousands words and your eyes lost in it. Your nose brushing in a soft touch, till your lips meet his in a mild kiss with some kind of desperation. And before a last look, he tilt up his head to catch them again. Your chest laying on his, with no distance between both, breathing fast. Your tongues fighting, wetting the other, taking some air by your nose while his arms surround your hips and your hands travel to Happy's neck.
Maybe, the fact that most disturbs you is that he hasn't any intentions of fucking you, at least, not tonight. And you know it by the way he has to turn your body, lying by his side on the sofa. But the kiss doesn't stop, till he decides to attack your neck. You bite your inner lip, pressing a hand on his head to pull him closer, while his teeth drags on your skin before licking and suck it. He's making his own tattoo, even if it's gonna disappear in some days. And you can't help a gasp that escapes from deep in your throat.
Somebody knocks on the door.
“Happy, we should go”. His prospect's voice sounds behind it.
The man snort against your skin, pulling himself away some inches to admire his own piece of art, before bite your lips back.
“I'm old but not deaf!” He shouts, turning to the door for a second.
“Sounds like Cali is calling”. You chuckles, getting comfy between his arms to enjoy the last seconds together.
“Next time, it will be permanent”. He replies referring to the hickey on your neck.
Leaving you alone in the sofa, he gets up to dress his shirt and take his stuff to keep it in a pocket. Happy leans toward you, placing one hand on the headrest, to kiss you one last time with some dearly that overwhelms you. Then, he leaves the club, with his eyes on the tattooed finger.
It takes you a minute to get up, being somewhat recovered, walking towards the wood railing outside to watch how he's wearing the Sons of Anarchy vest. Your brother comes next to you, adopting the same position but without his gaze on you.
“Did you fuck him?”
“I tattooed him”. You answers with a smooth smile on your lips.
“I don't know which one is worst”. Bishop sighs shaking his head, before turning at you. “He was a nomad”.
“So do I”.
“Es diferente, (Y/N)”. (It's different).
“Yea', él lo hizo por dinero. Yo lo hago por placer”. (Yea', he made it for money. I do for pleasure).
“¿Cómo lo sabes?” (How do you know it?)
“Porque sus tatuajes están rellenos de amarillo”. ('Cause he got the yellow on his smileys).
Bishop bow his head with a heavily snort drowning in his mouth, before licking his inner lip. “I can't lose you”.
“You will not. Maybe he was the reason I was looking for, to settle”.
“A man that pointed you with a loaded gun and called you ‘bitch’”?
“A man you can trust in. Don't you?”
You got it. You've caught him.
Your eyes flies to Happy, turning around to look at you with his shitty face, before getting inside the van that his prospect drives.
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sugarspooks15 · 5 years
From the Heavens
Part 4
1.): X
2.): X
3.): X
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The four were eating and talking when a soft knock can be heard from the window.
“That's probably the guys.” April says as she sits down her food and stands up. The brunette carefully navigates to the window making sure she doesn't step on any of the food or the two angels wings. After successfully getting to the window without stepping on anything or anyone she pulls back the curtains to reveal the four mutant turtles waiting on the other side.
“Hey guys.” April greets as she opens the window and steps aside so that the guys could enter.
“Hey Angelcakes.” Mikey greets April with a smile.
“I don't even want to know what an angelcake is.” Raziel says nonchalantly as she continues to eat. The four turtles turn and look at the black haired angel with wide eyes.
“You're staring you know.” Raz says looking up at the four.
“Hey April. What is this?” Charmeine asks pointing at one of the many containers of food.
“That's spaghetti.” April replies after looking at the food in the container earning a slight nod from the blue eyed angel.
“Who and what?” Leo asks not being able to completely form a sentence.
“They're angels.” April replies looking at the blue clad leader.
“That's..” Donnie starts only to get cut off by Raziel.
“Scientifically impossible tell me about it.” Raz says looking at the purple clad turtle. Donnie looks at her with wide eyes.
“So God's real?” Mikey asks curiously.
“Yep.” Raziel replies simply.
“Cool.” Mikey says with a large smile on his face.
“I'm Charmeine by the way and that's Raziel.” Char introduces herself and Raz.
“It's nice to meet you.” Leo says giving a small bow.
“We know your names, but if you still want to introduce yourselves you can.” Raziel says looking at the blue clad turtle with a bored expression.
“Could you not be rude Raz?” Char asks glaring at the black haired female.
“No.” Raz replies curtly looking at the blue eyed female. Raziel looks at the glass of water that sat in front of her before snapping her fingers and having it change into a glass of wine.
“Nah that's too classy.” she says before swiping her finger to the left changing the drink. She does this a few times before settling on a glass of sweet tea.
“Really Raziel?” Charmeine asks annoyed.
“Yes. Unlike you I can't just sit here and drink water.” Raz snaps back at the other angel.
“Amazing.” Donnie whispers under his breath after seeing what Raziel had done.
“Why are you here exactly?” Leo asks as he and his brothers sit down on the floor. Leo sat beside Raziel careful not to touch her wings.
“A mission.” Raz replies simply earning an eye roll from Charmeine.
“We are here to aid you in stopping one of the worlds most feared beings.” Charmeine explains.
“Help us. We don't need help.” Raph scoffs finally deciding to speak.
“Someone's cocky. Also by the way you have no idea how strong this dude is. Like planet destroying bad ass strong.” Raziel says causing everyone to look at her wide eyed except for Charmeine who just rolled her eyes.
“Oh my bad I forgot angels don't curse according to you.” Raziel sasses.
“You said planet destroying strong?” Donnie asks snapping out of his slight shock.
“Yep. Took all of us archangels to lock him up last time and now somehow he has managed to get out.” Raz says suddenly becoming very serious.
“If you guys can do it then why not do it again?” Raph asks.
“Because that clearly didn't work or last last time, so God sent us down here to teach you four a few tricks to help you and us finally destroy him.” the black haired angel says looking at the red masked turtle.
“Those are some of the seven virtues of Bushido.” Leo says noticing the symbols on the two angels.
“Out of all of that that I just said you're worried about the tattoos?” Raziel asks looking at the blue masked turtle beside her weirdly.
“No. It's just that they caught my attention.” Leo says making eye contact with the angel.
“Ok. Well yes they are some of the seven virtues.” Raz says slowly.
“You said something about you teaching us some tricks. What kind of tricks?” Mikey asks pulling Raziel's attention away from Leo.
“Yea. It actually has something to do with the seven virtues.” Raz says surprisingly soft.
“We each have our own little tricks we can do.” Char adds. Raz sits straight and stretches her back and wings. She allows her wings to unfold basically putting them on display. She pops her neck and rolls her shoulders before folding her wings back in.
“Why are your wings black?” Donnie asks curiously.
“Because that's how they are.” Raz sasses.
“Raz. Each angel's wings represent some part of them. My wings for example are white and blue. White is symbolic for harmony to me and the blue is symbolic for wisdom and peace. Raziel's wings are black and red. The red is for the pain in which she endured during her time on Earth, and black is for mystery and power which she refuses to tell me why.” Charmeine explains earning a hard glare from the black haired angel.
“I hate you.” Raziel sneers at the white winged angel.
“Hate is a strong word Raziel.” Char says calmly.
“Then I really, really, really, really dislike you.” Raz says her glare never faltering.
“Wait so you were human before you became an angel?” Casey asks looking at Charmeine.
“Yes. Certain humans or beings when they die they get chosen to become angels. No one knows how he chooses who becomes an angel.” Char answers.
“Wow so I could become an angel when I die?” Mikey asks excitedly.
“Sure.” Raziel replies looking at the orange masked terrapin.
“That's awesome!” the youngest turtle yelled excitedly. Raziel gave him a really look while Charmeine gave him a soft and kind smile.
“So you were just sent down here to convince us to help you defeat this great terror.” Raph asks with his normal aggravated tone.
“Yes and no. It's never that simple when it comes to God and his plans.” Char answers looking at the red masked terrapin.
“So you just expect us to help you?” Raph asks again.
“No we know you'll help us.” Raziel says cockily looking into his golden green eyes. The brute glared back at her, but she never faltered in her gaze.
“You find yourself intimidating don't you?” the black haired angel asked with a slight tilt of her head. Raph gave her a grunt in response causing the angel to smirk at him. The red clad brute's glare only became more intense by her smirk. Raziel let out a huffed laugh before licking her dark red lips and winking at him.
“Stop antagonizing him Raz.” Charmeine scolded the green eyed angel.
“I'm just having a little fun. You party pooper.” Raziel responds turning her attention to the blue eyed female.
“I'm not a party pooper.” Char says attempting to defend herself.
“Yes you are.” Raziel sasses back causing Charmeine to roll her eyes and give a huff.
“And this is why we are never put together on any type of mission.” Char mumbles under her breath, but Raz still hears her.
“That's very true so why did they put us together this time after thousands of years?” Raz asks looking at Charmeine curious. It was true though. Raziel and Charmeine had never been paired together for any form of work after the cupid incident where they got into an argument and messed up the pairing so two other angels had to fix their mistake. They got chewed out for that and were never placed together every again up until now.
“I don't know. It's very strange now that I think about it now.” Char says looking at Raz curiously.
“Exactly.” Raz says looking back at Char.
“Wait so you guys have never worked together?” Casey asks concerned.
“No we have worked together. It just didn't end well.” Raz says cringing at the thought of the incident.
“What happened?” April asks this time curiously.
“We agreed to never speak of it again.” Charmeine says looking at her lap. April makes an o shape with her mouth realizing how bad the incident was.
“Yea.” Raz says looking at the brunette with wide eyes.
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imaginesofeverykind · 7 years
I was tagged by @rafeadderall bless <3
My Last:
1: Drink: Orange Juice (I live off orange juice and bad decisions lmaoo) 2: Phone Call: My friend Ra, bless him.  3: Text Message: Domino’s Pizza lmaoooo im so lonely </3 4: Song You Listened To: You’re gonna go far kid - The Offspring 5: Time You Cried: If I wasn’t crying due to being an over tired mess it was probably when I watched a Dog’s Purpose (shit that movie kill me)
Have I Ever:
6: Dated Some One Twice: no 7: Kissed Someone and Regretted It: Probably  8: Been Cheated On: No 9: Lost Someone Special: Yes 10: Been Depressed: No 11: Gotten Drunk And Thrown Up: Once w/ real bad alcohol poisoning (go hard or go home amiright lmaooo) 12: Three Favorite Colors: Black, Blue and Green
In The Last Year Have You:
13: Made New Friends: Yes! <3 14: Fallen Out Of Love: Na - usually u gotta find love first lmao r.i.p me 15: Laughed Until You Cried: This is a daily occurrence  16: Found Out Someone Was Talking About You: yeah lmao love being centre of attention 17: Met Someone Who Changed You: Do dogs count?  18: Found Out Who Your Friends Are: Myself, my PS4 and my dogs heck, it gets wild down here.  19: Kissed Someone On Your Facebook list: Yeah lmao wish I didn’t 20: How Many Of Your Facebook Friends Do You Know In Real Life: Unfortunately too many.  21: Do You Have Any Pets: Two lovely puppers (actually borfers) Dusk and Skye and two cats; Jaz (my Cat) and Bronson (mums cat) 22: Do You Want To Change Your Name: Honestly mum was gunna call me brittany and thank fuck she didn’t bc I deffs look like a courtenay so no lmaoo 23: What Did You Do For Your Last Birthday: Got lit.  24: What Time Did You wake Up: Eight - Nine 25: What Were You Doing At Midnight Last Night: Driving out to save my friend from a shitty grindr hook up and got krispy kremes for him. Lov u <3 26: Name Something You Can’t wait For: STAR WARS THE LAST JEDI IM HYPED AS FUCK 27: When Was The Last Time You saw Your Mom: literally five minutes ago.  28: What Are You Listening To Right Now: PVRIS - My House 29: Have You Ever Talked To A Person Named Tom: yeah, they are v nice 10/10 would interact again. 
30: Something That Is Getting On Your Nerves: the lack of Sam Drake Smut on this site literally.. ur killing me tumblr  31: Most Visited Website: youtube 32: Hair Color: Dark Brown naturally - but at the moment half black half purple 33: Long Or Short Hair: Medium/long? 34: Do You Have A Crush On Someone: Does it count if they’re fictional? 35: What Do You Like About Yourself: I’m a walking fucking meme and a half.  36: Piercings: Septum and ears, had my nose done but got rid of it.  37: Blood Type: No clue bc I hate needles and I will bleed out to death rather than have one of those pointy fuckers come near me. (she says as she has tattoos??) 38: Nickname: Court/Courtenbae/dumb cunt (really i respond to either, im like a dog) 39: Relationship Status: FUCKEN SINGLE BOIS 40: Zodiac Sign: Scorpio 41: Pronouns: She/Her 42: Favorite TV Show: Rick and Morty or Parks and Rec 43: Tattoos: One on the back of my neck (ligthsaber) and two new ones on my wrists (empire logo and the jedi knight symbol)  44: Right Or Left Handed: ambidextrous, I can’t write for shit with my left hand but it’s a real saviour when it comes to drawing.  45: Surgery: I had my tonsils taken out, had to glue some of my head together after i got a nail stuck in my head lmaoo, and ankle surgery bc I would literally roll my ankles 5 times a day somehow??? 46: Sport: I used to dance and got my black belt in Karate, and for about 10 years I did kick-boxing, boxing and wrestling but like now i’m just a couch surfer lmaoooo. 47: Vacation: Off to Canada in 2019 to work for 2 years <3 SO KEEN 48: Pair of trainers/Sneakers or Tennis Shoes: Trainers asf
More General:
49: Eating: nothing 50: Drinking: OJ 51: I’m About To: pass out, im dead tired.  52: Waiting For: My love life to start picking up again like ????? I’d date me, I’m funny 53: Want: Some fuckin krispy kreme tbh  54: Get Married: If I get married it’s going to be a star wars themed wedding, no questions asked.  55: Career: Production designer for Film & TV <3
Which Is Better:
56: Hugs Or Kisses: hugs 57: Lips Or Eyes: Eyes 58: Shorter Or Taller: Idgaf as long as u give good hugs 59: Older Or Younger: Either all, i’ll poke fun at you some how <3  60: Nice Arms Or Nice Stomach: arms, gotta be able to lift me away from my problems 61: Hook Up Or Relationship: I tried hookup and yeah na look. Let me tell you kids something. I fell asleep.  62: Troublemaker Or Hesitant: Troublemaker
Have You Ever:
63: Kissed A Stranger: yes 64: Drank Hard Liquor: EVERY FUCKEN NIGHT, na jk but yea.  65: Lost Glasses/Contact Lenses: I actually have no clue where my glasses are rn.. rip 66: Turned Someone Down: yeah lowkey 67: Sex On The First Date: nah 68: Broken Someones Heart: yes 69: Had Your Heart Broken: eh.  70: Been Arrested: nope 71: Cried When Someone Died: Yeah 72: Fallen For A Friend: Na everyone here is trash and all my friends are gay. 
Do You Believe In:
73: Yourself: Always 74: Miracles: WHERE YA FROM? YA SEXY THANG! 75: Love At First Sight: OKAY YEAH WELL FELL IN LOVE WITH THIS GUY ONCE I MEAN I NEVER SAW HIM AGAIN BUT LIKE  76: Santa Claus: not for a long time hahaha 77: Kiss On The First Date: why the fuck not 78: Angels: I dont have an opinion on this stuff so like idk????
79: Current Best Friend’s Name: Mike, forever and always bless him <3 80: Eye Color: Hazel green/yellow in the light?? Im a freak I swear 81: Favorite Movie: STAR WARS SERIES SOZ NOT SOZ 
I Tag: @missdictatorme @dragonjedihobbit @shararogers
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