#but its like half an inch shorter than intended and 2 inches shorter than expected bc i didnt intend to cut it at all lol
opens-up-4-nobody · 6 months
Shout out to waking up at 6am and giving yourself an absolutely jacked haircut lol
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rosemaidenvixen · 5 years
Flipping the Script
Chapter 2: Enter the Trollhunter II
Nomura had on occasion, accidentally allowed her car to drift too far to one side of the highway while driving; and as a result, had her tires go across the grooves designed to alert drivers of their precarious position.
The feeling was jarring and unpleasant, to say the least.
Amplify that sensation over a thousand times, add a neverending sharp turn, and that was approximately how it felt to be driving down the massive staircase.
Nomura rattled in her armor as the jagged crystal steps battered at the car. She was being dinged black and blue, but at least the seatbelt kept her from flying around.
Despite being on a redneck rollercoaster from hell, she wasn’t screaming, not even a peep. Nomura really wanted to say that this was because she never panicked and was always the epitome of grace under pressure.
In reality her diaphragm was paralyzed with terror.
This was in direct contrast to Strickler and Otto, who were wailing their heads off.
It was actually pretty impressive that neither of them had passed out from lack of oxygen by now.
For his part Otto had given up any attempt to control the vehicle and was now just along for the ride. Or maybe he was trying to control their wild descent, it was impossible to tell at this point.
Fortunately, or unfortunately depending on how you viewed things, they rounded a final corner and shot out of the staircase. Bouncing on the last few steps in a way that reminded her of a trampoline for all the wrong reasons.
The tires tore against the cobblestones as Otto slammed on the brakes. The car fishtailed, two out of four tires having gone flat on their way down.
But friction and physics were on their side and the car slowly, painfully, came to a stop.
Insane ride finally at an end, they all sat panting and shaking in their seats, still braced for whatever shock was sure to be coming next. So of course they all jolted when the rear bumper fell off with a loud clang.
Well Nomura and Strickler did, Otto slumped over against the steering wheel in a dead faint.
So they were alive, which was a definite plus, but now the car was totaled and Otto was unconscious. Those were things, things that she should probably deal with.
Still trembling from residual adrenaline, Nomura pried herself out of the car, clinging to the side to keep from falling over. Across the hood she could see Strickler getting out and going over to Otto’s door, checking him over no doubt.
Now that she had a moment to breathe, Nomura glanced around at her surroundings. They were in a stone city of some kind, buildings and storefronts carved directly into or out of the bedrock. All illuminated by a myriad of crystals that glowed every color of the rainbow. A glittering metropolis hidden beneath the foundation of Arcadia Oaks.
It would have been beautiful if not for the steadily increasing number of trolls gathering around the car, none of them looked happy.
“Humans? In Trollmarket?”
“What are they doing here?”
“Might be changelings...”
Angor was standing between them and the crowd, front and center, but the nervous expression he wore was not reassuring.
Right on queue the sword magically reappeared on Nomura’s back, she really hoped that didn’t mean she would have to use it in the next few seconds.
Before the crowd’s grumbling could escalate to shouting, a troll broke through the crowd and dashed around to join Angor in separating them from the mob. Shorter than most other trolls, green with six eyes and four arms.
“Calm down everyone, no reason to panic,” his voice boomed in the stone corridor “Let’s not lose our heads…”
Nomura, ignoring the looky-loos for now, scurried around to the other side of the car to help Strickler pull Otto out. They managed to lift the bespeckled man out of his seat, only to stagger under his weight. Nomura grunted as she strained to support him, Otto wasn’t that heavy, but he wasn’t that light either, and his flopping limps and overall limpness did not help when trying to maneuver him.
As soon as all three of them were conscious and above ground, she was going to thank Strickler and Otto for all the times during college they dragged her drunk, unconscious body onto the couch and into the recovery position.
Stricker gave an uncertain glance at the troll standing off to the side "A little help...Angor?"
Looking glad at being given a way to help directly, Angor stepped over and plucked Otto out of their arms and into his as easily as a human might pick up a baby.
Meanwhile Dictatious was still trying to calm the masses “These humans are no intruders,” he struggled to make himself heard over the rising grumblings of the crowd “Please allow me to introduce our new Trollhunter and her...”
Half of his eyes swiveled over in her direction “These are your brothers,” he stage whispered “Correct?”
“I-- Yes,”
That was close enough to the truth that it might as well be. And besides, the whole truth was...complicated.
“Our new Trollhunter, and her brothers!”
His words seemed to have the opposite effect than intended, riling up the crowd even further rather than calming them.
Before Nomura could start to panic about the soon-to-be angry mob, a new voice boomed above the others.
She felt, through the tremors in the ground, the new troll coming before she saw him. The crowd parted, making way for a massive, coal black troll to storm through. The newcomer was bigger than Angor and a lot bigger than Dictatious. He was nearly as big as Draal, hell maybe he was bigger. His only clothing was a kilt and scabbards holding twin swords strapped to his back. Horns curled around his face framing an ugly snarl with the fringes of the dark, matted mane running down his back peeking out. The only trace of color on him besides black was in his blazingly red eyes, which were laser focused on Dictatious.
“YOU EXPECT ME TO BELIEVE THAT THIS--” he stabbed an accusatory finger in Nomura’s direction “FLESHBAG, IS OUR NEW TROLLHUNTER!?”
Dictatious folded both sets of arms “Yes Bular I do, and don’t just take my word for it, the armor and the amulet speak for themselves,”
Bular snapped his gaze in Nomura’s direction and let out a low growl, she squashed the urge to flinch.
“She can’t be the Trollhunter! She’s not a troll!”
Dictatious met Bular’s gaze without flinching “I admit it’s unconventional, but the amulet has made its choice. Now there is nothing for us to do but accept it,”
Bular seethed, hands balled into fists, shaking with barely restrained fury. His eyes raked over Nomura’s silver armor and the amulet hovering above her heart “You have no right to wear that armor, human,” he spat, stomping in her direction, she wobbled and took an involuntary step back “I am Bular the Vicious, son of Gunmar the Glorious and the amulet’s rightful heir!”
Gunmar? Who was-- Oh yeah, Dictatious had said that he was the Trollhunter before her. Back up, he had a son!?
Suddenly Bular’s arm shot forward and his fingers closed around the amulet faster than she could react to.
Just as he started to pull at the silver disk, the amulet hummed with energy and erupted with a concussive blast, throwing Nomura back to be caught by Strickler, and hurtling Bular into the crowd, who scattered away from the flying troll with gasps of shock and stunned looks on their faces.
If Bular had been mad before now he was profoundly pissed off. Roaring, he hurtled to his feet and charged back towards her.
Nomura snarled, shaking off Strickler’s attempts to hold her back, and stalked forward to meet the dark troll head on.
She knew in some part of her mind how stupid this was, going up against an eight foot tall stone monster that could snap her spine like a twig. But after everything she’d just been through today Nomura was done.
She had absolutely no fucks left to give.
The two squared off, mere feet apart.
“Listen well human--”
“No, you listen!” Nomura cut him off with a growl “I found this amulet nine hours ago and in that time I’ve been chased, punched, thrown, tossed, and threatened with death more times than in the rest of my life combined!”
She leaned in until their faces were mere inches apart, close enough to smell his halitosis, closer than she ever would have dared if she were less tired and pissed overall “This amulet has been nothing but trouble, and apparently giving it back isn’t an option. Believe me I tried,”
Their noses were almost touching now as Nomura pressed even closer, she could see Bular’s eyes widening “So if you want it so bad, how about I shove it straight up your--”
Strickler grabbed Nomura by the arm and yanked her back, probably trying to get her out of biting range “Let’s save the more colorful threats for another day, shall we?” he said, panic thinly veiled with a brittle smile.
But rather than bellowing or threatening her with limb shearing, Bular looked like he had been stunned into silence by her outburst. This lasted for a few seconds before he snorted and turned away “We’ll see what Usurna has to say about this,” he grumbled while walking off.
Nomura pulled herself free from Strickler and watched Bular leave through narrowed eyes. Picking fights on her first day as Trollhunter was probably a bad idea, especially since she already had one troll gunning for her, but Gunmar’s son or not, that guy was an ass. The crowd was dispersing now, trolls losing interest now that violence was no longer imminent and heading off in different directions. Taking advantage of the lull, Dictatious swooped in and grabbed each of them by the arm “Let’s move along, shall we,”
They hustled through the market, following Dictatious’s lead. Angor trailed after them, bridal carrying the unconscious Otto. Strickler kept gawking at all the sights and sounds of the troll city, Nomura was more concerned with the trolls constantly milling about, occasionally giving them the stink eye.
“So are we...safe here?”
“Oh yes,” Dictatious said animatedly “Trollmarket’s wards are impenetrable, no Gumm Gumm could ever set foot here,”
“No, I mean is it safe for us,” Nomura gestured to herself and the two men “Humans?”
All six of Dictatious’s eyes blinked “Oh, that is...less certain,”
Strickler narrowed in on that “What exactly does that mean, ‘less certain’?”
“Humans have never before set foot in Trollmarket, the fact that you are here is a tremendous upheaval to our way of life. And rapid change is not something trolls are accustomed to, and some may react...poorly,”
Despite the uneasy mood, Dictatious suddenly brightened and hurried ahead while gesturing for them to follow.
“Enough talk of such dire things. Master Nomura, it is time for you to see precisely what you’re fighting for as our Trollhunter,”
Hustling after Dictatious, Nomura turned and reached a clear area of the street that bordered a massive chasm. Looking up and following the troll’s line of sight, Nomura let out a gasp.
On the other side of the chasm was a crystal the size of a skyscraper. But even in spite of its size, this was no ordinary piece of quartz. The crystal glowed with soft, orange-yellow light. Something about it just felt warm, like coming face to face with the sun.
Nomura heard a soft gasp from behind her as Strickler experienced his own reaction to the crystal. Angor appeared bemused by their reactions, even as he shut his eyes and let out a pleased hum as the light of the crystal hit him.
“The Hearthstone,” Dictatious said with no small amount of pride “Source of strength and vitality for all Trollkind. As our Trollhunter, your sworn duty is to protect it and all the trolls who share in its warmth,”
Looking up at the hearthstone, Nomura felt an uncomfortable stirring in her chest. Magical amulets were a terrible way to choose public servants, she was standing by that, but it was obvious that this whole Hearthstone-Trollhunter gig was very important. And she wasn’t sure that she could be what they needed.
Luckily she was saved from her emotions by Otto starting to wake up. Golden eyes widening in alarm at the squirming human in his arms, Angor hastily set Otto down on the cobblestones as gently as he could and took a few steps back.
Nomura and Strickler hurried up to him as Otto groaned and twitched back into consciousness.
“I just had the strangest dream…” Otto sat up and straightened his crooked glasses “Nomura found a magic amulet and then trolls were-- Gott in himmel!?”
Strickler flashed him a sympathetic look while helping him to his feet “Unfortunately we are all very much awake, are you injured at all?”
Otto groaned and stretched “Nein...but I am going to need a stiff drink at the end of today,”
Nomura patted him on the shoulder “You and me both,”
Otto blinked and looked around “Where are we exactly?”
“Trollmarket,” Strickler replied, cutting off Dictatious who had opened his mouth in preparation to explain. He shut it and scowled, but allowed Strickler to continue.
“Apparently an entire Trollish metropolis exists beneath Arcadia, with no one the wiser, and Nomura has most recently been appointed as their protector,”
Otto snorted “Now that I find hard to believe,”
Nomura punched him on the shoulder “Asshole,”
Angor and Dictatious shared a puzzled look, the shorter troll raising a brow ridge in confusion “Is that a human term of endearment?”
“Dictatious Galaridgal!”
They all turned at the new voice booming through the stone streets.
A new troll strode towards them. She was about as tall as Angor, but broader. She carried a large glowing, crystal staff. Bioluminescent lines traced and curled across her stone skin, and her mouth was firmly fixed in a scowl.
“Dictatious Galaridgal. What in the name of Gorgus is going on? I had to hear from Bular of all people that our new Trollhunter--” she narrowed her eyes in Nomura’s direction “Is apparently a human,”
“Well, Usurna, you see--”
Apparently Usurna decided to skip over Dictatious and go straight to the source. Frowning deeply, the new troll strode over to Nomura “So, you are Trollmarket’s new protector?”
Nomura glanced down at the silver armor, not even bothering to conceal her eye roll “Looks like it,”
Usurna’s gaze narrowed “There is only one test for a true Trollhunter,” she turned and gestured with her staff “Come,”
An alarmed look flashed between Angor and Dictatious, but they said nothing as they fell into step behind Usurna; Nomura, Otto, and Strickler following.
Usurna led them to a stone alley off to the side, so narrow that even the three humans had to go single file. The alley widened and Nomura stepped out of the corridor after Angor only to freeze in her tracks and let out a small gasp, actions mirrored a few seconds later by Strickler and Otto.
They were heading down a narrow stone path that led to an arena circled by massive walls. On either side of the entrance a massive statue of a troll stood, expressions somber and weapons held at the ready.
Nomura gazed around in wonderment, adrenaline from her fight with Draal and the subsequent encounter with Bular melting away, as she followed the trolls into the arena. Even remembering how awestruck she’d been when she saw the golden gate bridge at age ten couldn’t compare.
The six of them reached the center of the arena, if anything the view was even more impressive from here. From this vantage point Nomura could see that statues of trolls standing atop massive pillars ringed the entire space.
It took Nomura a second to realize Usurna was talking to her “Yeah?”
She gestured with her staff to to troll sized footprints in the floor “Step forth,”
Before Nomura could walk over, Dictatious stepped between them “I understand that this whole situation is...unexpected, but could we not do this after Master Nomura has at least been trained in the basics?”
Usurna was unmoved “No, these are serious matters, and I do not wish to waste any time,”
Slumping in defeat, Dictatious stepped over to stand beside an anxious looking Angor.
“Now Trollhunter, step forth,”
Slightly more nervous now, Nomura walked over and placed her feet into the corresponding prints. Something shifted in the stone beneath her feet. With a rattle several large stone panels moved aside and a large, multi armed mannequin of sorts rose up from the floor.
“Behold the soothscryer!” Usurna pointed at the thing’s mouth “Insert your right hand Trollhunter,”
Nomura looked up, the dummy’s mouth was full of rings of sharps spikes “Yeah, no,”
“That was not a request,”
“Have you seen the teeth on that thing? I’m not putting my hand anywhere near it,”
A thin, painful looking smile carved itself into Usurna’s face “I am losing my patience Trollhunter, either you offer the soothscryer your hand, or I will,”
So apparently this was a non-option, fucking wonderful.
Nomura eyed the sharp looking apparatus uneasily “Strickler, Otto, can you guys give me a boost,”
Exchanging an apprehensive glance, the two of them came over and each grabbed a leg, lifting her to reaching distance of the hole. Eyeing the jagged interior, and once again cursing the events that had brought her here, Nomura slowly inserted her hand.
The machine clamped down on it.
Nomura screamed, she tried to jerk her hand out of the hole, kicking at Strickler and Otto in her mad flailing. They dropped her but the machine’s grip on her arm kept Nomura suspended.
Then the mechanism released.
Nomura dropped to the floor. Ignoring Strickler and Otto squawking as they broke her fall, she scrambled at her freed hand.
Four fingers and a thumb, all intact and moving properly.
Nomura went limp with relief, only to have Strickler elbow her in the side “Get off of me,” he groused. Angor and Dictatious scurried over to help them up
Meanwhile Usurna was still examining the mannequin that had almost made Nomura an amputee. She sniffed at it “Inconclusive,”
“Inconclusive!?” Nomura struggled to her feet, supported by “What the hell does that mean?!”
Usurna turned and started striding away “It means that the soothscryer needs more time to render its judgement,”
Nomura narrowed her eyes at the dismissive troll “So what, we just try again next week?”
Ursurna let out a chuckle “Next week? I doubt you will last that long human,” she paused “Oh forgive me, I doubt you will last that long Trollhunter,”
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4. In A Shop
((Kind of uh. Typed a bunch. Needed to in order to properly get the idea out without it being all rushed sounding. Ya first read-more link courtesy of getting my hands on the buffest fish around))
Sollux’s obstinate nature was known to nearly put Karkat to shame, leaving most friends hoping for a regularly scheduled mood swing to change the yellowblood’s mind for them. There was however a workaround that kept Karkat’s blanket petulance a step above the psionic. Sollux was utterly incapable of denying a request from a Peixes, particularly Feferi. Something about the bubbly fishgirl with a big personality crippled his stubbornness.
So it was that the 4ft nothing nerd trotted next to the thudding footfalls produced by the towering legs of the toughest tyrian around. ‘Rippling’ probably didn’t do justice to the sheer amount of muscle packed onto each inch of this Peixes, but it was a pun he’d have to tell her later. The concept of a ‘mall’ was rare among the solitary troll race, that many of the species packed in one place without the structure of an army would almost always lead to a small scale war. But humans had no such problems outside of certain Fridays in November. The idea of being able to browse so many different wares in person, AND show off her room dominating physique to a crowd just by walking about, AND drag along a favorite nerd to tease drew in Fef.
At first Sollux found kinship with other humans, mostly the men it seemed, collectively stranded at a small collection of undersized chairs at this ‘clothing store’ (he could have sworn humans had wardrobifiers of a sort too), but eventually found himself and everyone else staring up, up, and up at the pouting face of the heiress up above.
“Sollux! You can’t just sit t)(ere! You s)(oald buy somet)(ing too! Or at least try somet)(ing on!“
“iit all look2 the fuckiin2 same two me FF, ii’d ju2t be bliind piickiing 2omethiing.”
“Fin! T)(en I’LL pick somet)(ing out for you! -Easy!“
Sollux found himself half picked up and half flung further into the store by a hand that could probably get all the way around his torso if it tried. “Betides, if you try on a t)(ing or two t)(en you can kelp me decide w)(at to get.““FF ii’m 2ure iif anythiing iin thii2 place fiit2 you iit wiill look fiine.”
“I meant you can watc)( me try on t)(e outfits guppy.“
It took Sollux a second to put together the utter lack of a chance anything in here would fit the towering girl properly and the offer to model them. After that he accepted the bundle of colors suggested by Fef’s questionable style with a straight face and hurried off to the changing booths. The tight cubicle with a bench to one side and a mirror on the wall gave him a bit more space than most. Inspecting the damage he was about to inflict onto fashion, and probably Kanaya’s soul somewhere he saw she had mixed traditional alternian black pants with the result of a rainbow taking one too many shots of hard liquor over a white canvas, what humans seemed to refer to as ‘Tye-dye’. After changing into the affront to nature he stood looking in the mirror, deciding within moments this just wasn’t going to do. He’d sit back down, change, and ‘politely’ suggest he would take her advice on an outfit without letting her pick it outright.
Out in the store, Feferi giggled to herself. The little guppy would look adorable in that outfit, especially with the look of boiling indignation he’d probably wear with it. Maybe she could get some string somewhere here and wear him like a cute necklace. Any guilt at knowing Sol didn’t care at all about fashion could be assuaged when she gave him a little show. Even the biggest clothing sizes here clung to her tighter than her normal muscle hugging outfit, and the shrimp’s admiration of her form was readily apparent. As it should be! More people should be unafraid or helpless to show their awe of her. With another laugh, she looked around to make sure he hadn’t come out yet and backed into one of the tiny stalls. They barely contained her, in fact straining against her shoulders, but she was flexible enough to sit down, conserving space and still change.
Sollux did not have time to even yelp as Fef came into the stall ass-first, having not noticed that the lock was in at all when her turning of the handle ripped right through it. Those steel bending mountains took his breath away first with majesty, then with impact force as they came down upon him onto the seat. Feferi didn’t even register his presence as resistance to her movements, fully expecting the seat to be uncomfortable if it didn’t crumple entirely. By some miracle it did not, but left the shorter troll squashed under (and by a quick miracle between) legs over half again as wide as he was. If he’d taken the full impact of her caboose he’d likely suffer the same fate as an actual caboose being hit by Fef would, annihilation.
While being crushed under glute or leg was high up on the list of fates Sollux rooted for in his Doomed life, he figured he should avoid it as Fef tried to move and change without wrecking the changing room. It would ruin the shopping trip after all, and stain the un-bought clothes. His body, seeming to agree, offered a solution. Contracting sensations unrelated to the tons of giddy seadweller atop him pulled at something deep within, and the modest mountains pinning him in became akin to twin Olympus Mons of dense gluteal muscle as Sollux dwindled to his minimum 2 inch height. At least it let him get up, appreciating the view briefly, and simply walk out from under her, heading out between her legs intended to fly up and get her attention. Sollux just hopped into the air off the edge of the bench when a rush of air disoriented him, Feferi had gotten up!  Triumphantly she’d managed to get her outfit off, dropping it to the floor and inadvertently swatting the yellowblood to the ground in a net of salt scented fabric.
“Now… w)(here is he.” Fef thought as she carefully squeezed back out of the stall, clad now in a frilly top and skirt that had become a mightily straining tank top and miniskirt as they tried to hold on. But even after walking past the stares of shoppers around the whole store there was no sign of Sollux! He couldn’t seriously still be hiding in a stall could he? Maybe someone else was going to steal her goldblood fashion accessory idea and stole him! No, no that’s stupid. Probably pouting. Well maybe he wouldn’t get a show, hmph! Marching right back to the stall, she noticed something as she hunched down to make it under the door, her pile of discarded clothes shaking about of its own accord. Sollux wasn’t bold enough to try peeping was he? No, no she had experience with this sort of diminishing ailment. More than likely a series of comedic accidents had occurred and put him here… but that didn’t mean she couldn’t have a little fun with it.
After being trapped, tangled up in the absurdly engineered strength of the heiress’ normal outfit with nothing but the smell of salt, sweat, and leftover dampness for company, Sollux finally found his prison moving. Expecting to be dumped out any second now, it was a surprise when he was lifted high into the air, briefly glimpsing Fef’s face (she was usually smiling, but why the slight tyrian tint to her now?) through the bottom of what had to be her shirt. The seadweller deftly fit one powerful arm through each strap and pulled the outfit on, fitting it snugly into place. Also fitted into place, though snug was a worse description than ‘pinned utterly’, was Sollux Captor. Fef’s sizable chest provided cushion at least for the force exerted by her even more bountiful pectorals. Now, where was that crafts shop with the string… Or better yet, chain! 38D
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discreetammos · 3 years
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pogueman · 7 years
The tiny, 4K Mavic Air crushes other DJI drones
Every consumer product goes through three stages of life. It’s invented; it’s improved and adjusted; and, finally, it becomes a commodity. There’s not a lot of innovation anymore in microwave ovens, ceiling fans, or toilets — they’ve pretty much stopped morphing. They’ve reached the third stage, their ultimate incarnations.
Drones, love ‘em or hate ‘em, are still in the second stage: They’re rapidly changing direction, gaining features, finding out what they want to be. It’s an exciting period in this category’s life, because new models come out fast, each better and more interesting than the last.
For proof, just look at the Chinese company DJI, the 800-pound gorilla of drones. It releases a new drone or two every single year.
They’ve just introduced a drone called the Mavic Air ($800). It’s so small and smart, it makes you wonder why anyone would buy the 2016 Mavic Pro, which costs $200 more — but it’s not what you’d call perfect.
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The new Mavic Pro is incredibly tiny, stable, and lightweight.
  Meet the Air
The 15-ounce Mavic Air is small — and that’s huge. It folds up for travel: its four arms collapse against the body to make the whole thing small enough to fit into a coat pocket, about 6.5 inches by 3.5 inches by 2 inches. (The top two arms swing horizontally, as you’d expect. The bottom two, though, are hinged in two dimensions: They fold downward and inward, and you have to remember to do those before you do the upper arms. You’ll figure it out.)
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The Mavic Air’s arms fold up.
Of course, there are plenty of small drones — but not in this league. The Mavic Air, for example, can capture gorgeous 4K video. And its camera is on a three-axis gimbal for stabilization; the video looks like it was shot from a tripod even when the drone was being buffeted by 20 mph winds, as you can see in the video above.
The box includes the drone, a remote control (it uses your smartphone as its screen), a battery, a charger, a set of propeller guards for indoor flying, and a spare set of propellers (in crashes, they’re the first to go).
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The Mavic Air comes with four propeller guards for indoor flight, 1 battery, a case, spare propellers and a charger.
The Mavic Air is also smarter than any sub-$1,000 drone DJI has ever made. It has depth-sensing cameras on three sides — forward, down, and backward (that’s new) — so that it can avoid collisions automatically in those directions.
Like most drones, this one has an automatic Return to Home feature that kicks in whenever the battery is getting low or if it loses the signal with the remote control. (You can also call it home with one button press whenever you’re just feeling anxious.) Thanks to the cameras underneath, this thing lands exactly where it took off — within a few inches.
The competitive landscape
The Mavic Air’s primary competition comes from two other DJI drones. Here’s the rundown:
Mavic Pro (2016 model, $1,000). Twice the size of the Air. Folding arms. 4K video. “27 minutes” of flight per charge (in the real world, 22 minutes). Front and bottom collision avoidance. Remote control included with built-in screen (no phone necessary). Very few palm control gestures (see below).
Mavic Air (2018 model, $800 — the new one). Folds up. 4K video. “21 minutes” per charge (more like 18). Front, bottom, and back collision avoidance. Remote control folds up tiny — even the joysticks unscrew and store inside the body, for even smaller packing. Has the most palm gestures of the three drones — and the most reliable palm gestures. 8 GB of internal storage for video and stills, so you can still record if you don’t have a micro SD card on you. Another $200 buys you a “Fly More” kit that includes two extra batteries, an ingenious folding four-battery charger, and even more spare props.
Spark (2017 model, $400). The smallest body of all, but its arms don’t fold, so it winds up being bigger for travel. 1080p video. “18 minutes” per charge (more like 11). Front and bottom collision avoidance. Remote control is an extra purchase ($120); uses your phone as a screen. Responds to hand gestures, but not reliably.
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The Spark may look smaller than the Mavic Air, but remember that it doesn’t fold up.
True, the Mavic Pro gets a little more flight per battery. And there’s an even more expensive model, the $1,100 Mavic Pro Platinum, that gets “30” minutes per charge.
(Do those seem like incredibly short flights? Yup. But that’s drones for you. As it is, a modern drone is basically a flying frame designed to haul its own battery around.)
But in my book, the Air’s tiny size is far more important than the marginally greater battery life. As the old saying doesn’t go, “The best drone is the drone you have with you.”
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Only the front “arms” have landing gear (the white thing), which fold up for travel.
In-flight entertainment
You can fly the Mavic Air in three ways.
First, you can use the included remote control. If you insert your smartphone into its grippers and connect the little cord, you get a number of perks — like actual joysticks, which make the drone much easier to fly than using the phone alone. The remote also has a dial at the outer corner for adjusting the camera’s tilt in flight, as well as a switch for Sport mode, which unlocks the drone’s top speed of 42 mph (by turning off the obstacle-avoidance features).
The remote also gives the drone a much greater range. It uses a Wi-Fi connection to the drone, instead of the proprietary radio connection of the Mavic Pro. DJI says that still gives you 2.4 miles of range, but I say baloney; even in the middle of the Texas desert, you’ll be lucky to get half that distance. It doesn’t really matter, though, since Federal Aviation Administration rules say you can’t fly a drone out of sight. (Speaking of the FAA: You don’t need a license to fly the Mavic Air as a hobby, but you do need to register the drone itself. And if you intend to fly it professionally — this means you, wedding videographers, filmmakers, construction firms, realtors, police, and farmers — you have to get permission from the FAA.)
The second way to fly the drone is using your smartphone. It works, but you get a much shorter range (about 250 feet), and it’s harder; DJI’s app has become one super-crowded, complex piece of software.
The third way: using hand gestures. The drone must be facing you at all times, and it has to remain pretty close to you, so this trick is primarily useful for positioning it for “dronies” (selfies from the air). Keep in mind that you also need the phone app with you, though, to turn on the palm-control mode.
You stand with your arm out, palm forward, in a “Stop! In the name of love!” pose. Now, you can “drag” your hand up, down, or around you; the drone follows as though connected to your palm by a magnet. It’s the next best thing to The Force.
New, two-handed gestures let you push the drone farther away or pull it closer to you. And you can now make the drone land by pointing your palm toward the ground and waiting.
In the previous model, the Spark, those palm gestures were super iffy; sometimes they worked, sometimes not. The Mavic Air makes them far more reliable, although I never got the new “take off from the ground” gesture working.
As in other DJI drones, the Mavic Air can follow you as you ski, bike, drive, or run (it tracks you optically — you don’t have to have the remote control on you). Unlike earlier ones, this one doesn’t just hover when it encounters an obstacle; it actually attempts to fly around the obstacle and keep going.
How’s it look?
“4K” may be a buzzword, but it doesn’t automatically mean “great picture”; it could refer to 4,000 pixels’ worth of ugly blotch.
The Mavic Air contains the same tiny camera sensor as the Spark and the Mavic Pro. The footage and stills generally look terrific — anything shot from the air is automatically kind of stunning, and the Air uses more data (100 Mbps) to record data than the Pro does.
Unfortunately, this sensor is still fairly disastrous when it comes to dynamic range. That is, it tends to “blow out” bright areas and “muddy up” dark areas. Alas, those are things you get a lot of when you’re shooting from the sky.
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  The Mavic Air’s footage is often marred by blown-out highlights (sun, left) and goopy, murky shadows (people, right).
The Air can also do half-speed slow motion (in 1080p, not 4K), and take high-dynamic range photos (not videos).
All of these drones offer preprogrammed flight patterns, called QuickShots, that make great 10-second videos, incorporating flight maneuvers and camera operations that would be incredibly difficult to do yourself.
For example, the one called Circle makes the drone fly around you, keeping the camera pointed toward you the whole time; Helix makes the drone spiral out and away from you; and so on. There are two new ones: Boomerang flies a grand oval around you, up/out and back. Asteroid combines a flight up and away, with a spherical panorama. On playback, the video is reversed, so that it seems to start with a whole planet earth viewed from space, as the camera rushes down toward you. Here, have a look.
But it’s small
Like all drones in this price range, the Mavic Air is complicated and sometimes frustrating. It does a lot of beeping at you, it’s still full of options that are “not available now” for one reason or another, and it still doesn’t come with a printed instruction manual.
And yeah, someday, we’ll look back and laugh at an $800 drone that flies for only 18 minutes.
But you can’t buy a dream drone that doesn’t exist. And among the ones that do, the Mavic Air is ingeniously designed, impressively rugged, and incredibly small. Its features beat the cheaper DJI Spark in every category — and even the more expensive Mavic Pro in almost every category.
In other words, if you’re the kind of person considering a drone, the Mavic Air strikes a new sweet spot on the great spectrum of drones, somewhere between beginner and pro, between tiny and luggage-sized, between cheap and pricey. Invest as much time learning it as you’ve invested in buying it, and you’ll be flying high.
David Pogue, tech columnist for Yahoo Finance, welcomes non-toxic comments in the Comments below. On the Web, he’s davidpogue.com. On Twitter, he’s @pogue. On email, he’s [email protected]. You can sign up to get his stuff by email, here.  
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coppolafrancis · 5 years
‘Diamonds Are Forever,’ and Made by Machine
De Beers is getting into the lab-created diamond business with a new line of fashion jewelry and an aggressive pricing strategy.
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OXFORDSHIRE, England — In a white industrial building in the rolling hills of the English countryside 16 miles from Oxford, silver machines shaped like spaceships hum inside vast laboratories. They are replicating the extreme pressure and temperatures found deep in the earth’s crust and producing, in mere weeks, what historically nature managed only over billions of years: flawless diamonds.
This is the Element Six Innovation Center, the industrial arm of De Beers, the diamond behemoth that has operated mines from the Arctic to South Africa, that created (and for most of the 20th century controlled) the global diamond market, that convinced the world “a diamond is forever” and that made diamonds synonymous with engagement rings.
Focused for decades on things as diverse as tools for oil and gas drillers, high-powered lasers and state-of-the-art speaker systems, the De Beers scientists at Element Six have moved into new territory in recent months as the company sets its sights on a lucrative market it traditionally shunned: the production of synthetic jewelry stones.
On Tuesday, De Beers will introduce Lightbox, a fashion jewelry label selling (relatively) low-budget gems with mass-market appeal. (Think a sweet 16 gift, not an engagement ring.) Pastel pink, white and baby-blue lab-grown studs and pendants, priced from $200 for a quarter carat to $800 for one carat, will be presented in candy-colored cardboard gift boxes and initially sold directly to consumers via e-commerce.
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Although diamonds made by companies like Diamond Foundry in the United States and New Diamond Technology of Russia usually cost 30 to 40 percent less than their natural counterparts, they are nowhere near as cheap as the ones from Lightbox, which will undercut its competitors by roughly 75 percent.
Through its aggressive pricing and pointed marketing, De Beers clearly aims to be a dominant player in this growing market, while simultaneously protecting its core business.
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“The big miners have held concerns about the growth of the synthetic diamond jewelry market for some time, particularly over the last decade, as the quality of stones has improved and manufacturing costs have started to fall,” said Paul Zimnisky, an independent diamond industry analyst and consultant.
De Beers, which controls about 30 percent of the world’s supply of mined stones (down from two-thirds in 1998) and owns the fine jewelry brands De Beers and Forevermark, said it was just responding to consumer demand.
“Having done our research, we see a massive opportunity to enter into the fashion jewelry market now by doing something that consumers tell us that they want but that no one else has done yet: synthetic stones in new and fun colors, with lots of sparkle and at a far more accessible price point than existing lab-grown diamond offerings,” Bruce Cleaver, the chief executive, said during a phone interview.
The idea would have been unthinkable even two years ago, when De Beers was part of the “Real Is Rare” campaign to combat the promotion of synthetic stones as alternatives to mined diamonds led by the Diamond Producers Association Campaign. Though man-made stones account for only about 2 percent of the diamond industry’s supply, analysts at Citibank have forecast a possible rise to 10 percent by 2030.
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“Consumers are clearly curious about synthetic stones,” Mr. Zimnisky said. “This isn’t a market that is about to go away.”
Chemically identical to mined diamonds (unlike past diamond substitutes such as cubic zirconia, moissanite or Swarovski crystals), synthetic diamonds have long been used for industrial purposes. De Beers itself has been “growing” diamonds at Element Six for 50 years, gradually producing stones from a hydrocarbon gas mixture in a high-pressure, high-temperature reactor.
But as Silicon Valley competitors began to market their synthetics as acceptable, greener choices and price them accordingly, De Beers, whose mining peers include Rio Tinto and Russia’s Alrosa, has decided to take the fight for market share to the laboratory turf. Alongside its high-pressure, high-temperature operations, Element Six is using a newer process known as C.V.D., or chemical vapor deposition, which uses low pressure in a vacuum filled with gases that react to create layers of carbon that gradually consolidate into a single stone. The new method is cheaper and easier to monitor than the older one and hence capable of being scalable as a jewelry business.
“Synthetics will never be as big as our natural business, and our investments into the space are dwarfed by those elsewhere,” Mr. Cleaver said. “But we have a massive advantage over everyone else, given the know-how and infrastructure provided by Element Six. So it’s something we have decided to be very serious about.” (A $94 million plant that De Beers is building in Gresham, Ore., is expected to generate half a million rough carats a year after its completion in 2020.)
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At issue is an almost metaphysical question of what defines a diamond.
Is it its chemical structure, which is the argument of the synthetic manufacturers? Or is it its provenance: created deep in the ground by Mother Earth, rather than cooked up in a machine?
Consumers are understandably confused. In a poll of 2,011 adults conducted this month for the Diamond Producers Association by Harris Insights & Analytics, 68 percent said they did not consider synthetics to be real diamonds, 16 percent said they thought they were, and 16 percent said they weren’t sure. But an acceptance of these new products has the potential to transform the diamond market, because lab-grown diamonds are endlessly replicable.
Sally Morrison, the head of marketing for Lightbox, said the brand’s products were meant to be viewed by consumers as playful accessories.
“Everyone who is in this space is focusing their marketing on the bridal category,” Ms. Morrison said. “And we believe they are missing an incredibly interesting opportunity: the self-purchasing professional and younger woman, the older woman who already has a jewelry collection,” and any woman “who doesn’t want the weight and seriousness of a real diamond for everyday life.”
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The message is conveyed though packaging that is clearly labeled “laboratory-grown diamonds” and intended to be the opposite of a velvet box. An inaugural ad campaign was styled by Micaela Erlanger, who became famous for dressing the actress Lupita Nyong’o for the red carpet. Featuring a diverse cast of young models romping in denim shirts and holding sparklers and laughing, the ads come with taglines like “Live, Laugh, Sparkle.”
“Man-made diamonds should not cost the same as natural stones — they really are totally separate businesses,” Steve Coe, the general manager of Lightbox, said as he stood by a glass box the size of a bowling bowl at Element Six. Inside was a diamond seed, from which a stone was growing roughly 0.0004 inch an hour.
A former scientist and head of innovation at Element Six, Mr. Coe moved to De Beers 18 months ago to study approaches to the synthetic jewelry market. “I am not that concerned by the other guys,” he said. “We are simply positioning the product at a price it should be, and where it will be in five or six years’ time, thus making sure our customers today are not unhappy customers tomorrow.”
In addition, Mr. Coe was also at pains to debunk what he called many of the “misleading and bogus claims” around synthetic diamonds: that they are more sustainable alternatives to mined stones, with shorter supply chains and smaller carbon footprints.
“Given the pressure required to create lab-grown diamonds, it’s akin to the Eiffel Tower being stacked on a can of Coke,” he said. “If you look at the detailed numbers, the energy consumption levels between natural and man-made diamonds are in the same ballpark.”
This is not the first time De Beers has created brands and advertising strategies in response to disruption in the diamond market since it gave up its monopoly in 2000, abandoning its 60-year policy of controlling supply and demand to concentrate on mining and marketing instead.
In 2002, after fashion brands such as Dior and Chanel began seriously penetrating the fine jewelry market, selling the importance of their design expertise, De Beers entered into a joint venture with LVMH Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton and founded De Beers Diamond Jewelry. (De Beers had been forbidden to directly sell or distribute its diamonds in the United States because of longtime antitrust issues, since settled.) In 2017, De Beers bought out the 50 percent stake owned by LVMH to take full control of the brand.
Owning the brand gives De Beers “a much better view on what you think people will pay for medium- and long-term supply,” Mr. Cleaver said. “It’s an exceptionally valuable business for us in that sense. So is Forevermark.” That brand, which focuses on responsibly sourced gems, was created in 2008, partly in response to consumer appetite for conflict-free diamonds.
Lightbox is fully in line with this strategy. “Synthetics are fun and fashionable, but they are not real diamonds in my book,” Mr. Cleaver said. “They aren’t rare or given at life’s great moments. Nor should they be.”
If you are in search of diamond earrings for men then please contact us and send your queries.
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robertkstone · 6 years
2020 Rivian R1T EV First Look: The Electric Pickup Truck
Elon Musk has been toying with the idea of a Tesla pickup truck for years and has even amped up the prospect recently asking his Twitter followers for feature ideas. Per his most recent “Master Plan,” though, it’ll come after the Model Y crossover, which is still at least two years away. That’s a problem for Tesla, because the 2020 Rivian R1T electric pickup is also two years away.
Automakers large and small have toyed with hybrid and full-electric pickups over the years, and several are slated for the near future. Ohio-based Workhorse is the only other one planning to build a dedicated EV truck from the ground up rather than convert an existing model, and it’ll be first to market early next year if all goes to plan. Although Workhorse’s range-extended W-15 will be sold to the public, it was expressly designed for commercial fleets and is a no-frills affair. Rivian’s R1T, on the other hand, is made for you.
At 215.5 inches long, the R1T is roughly the size of a single-cab Toyota Tacoma. Its 136-inch wheelbase splits the difference between a single- and double-cab Tacoma, though, to give the R1T better approach, departure, and breakover angles (34, 30, and 26 degrees, respectively) as well as more interior space. Helping make those numbers possible is a standard air suspension that gives the R1T 7.9 inches to 14.2 inches of ground clearance, significantly greater than the Tacoma’s 9.4 inches. Rivian claims a fording depth of 39.4 inches, after which point it says the truck will begin to float (Toyota doesn’t publish an official fording depth for the Tacoma). Another cool off-road stat: It can climb a 45-degree (100-percent) grade, thanks to its sedan-low center of gravity.
Rivian really does intend for you to take its truck off-road. The company claims it’s done extensive off-roading and even rock crawling as part of its development and to calibrate the many drive modes of the off-road terrain selector. You haven’t heard about it because all the prototypes were disguised as F-150s.
Helping make that possible is the “skateboard” architecture. Much like a traditional pickup truck, the R1T uses a body-on-frame design, but one from the future. Borrowing an idea pioneered by GM back in 2002, Rivian’s skateboard incorporates the battery, motors, transmissions, cooling system, and front and rear suspension into a complete module that can have any type of body bolted on top of it. As with most purpose-built EVs, a long, flat battery pack sits in the middle with the front and rear subframes attached to either end. The front subframe consists of a control-arm suspension with two motors and two transmissions placed behind the front axle for optimal weight distribution. The rear subframe uses a multilink suspension and places its two motors and two transmissions ahead of the rear axle for the same reason. Neither end uses an anti-roll bar. In their place is Tenneco’s Kinetic damping system that links the upper shock chambers on one side of the car with the lower chambers on the opposite side, so that when cornering, cross-car hydraulic flow prevents body roll. Six-piston front brakes and 20-inch wheels wrapped in 275/65R20 Pirelli Scorpion tires are standard fare.
The motors themselves are off-the-shelf permanent-magnet units mounted sideways and pointing inward. Each drives one wheel through a centrally mounted single-speed transmission. To save weight, each pair of transmissions front and rear shares the same case, but no moving parts. Putting the transmission outputs in the center of the vehicle allows for long half-shafts that Rivian says give the R1T greater wheel articulation. More important, each wheel having its own motor allows for precise torque vectoring at each wheel independently of the others, which should allow the R1T better traction than any mechanical system.
Each motor is rated at 147 kilowatts, or 197 horsepower, for a total of 588 kW or 788 hp. Torque depends on which battery you buy, rated at 413 lb-ft for the smallest and 826 lb-ft for the two larger batteries. With a curb weight estimated at just under 5,900 pounds (with a 7,650-pound GVWR), Rivian claims the aluminum and steel R1T will hit 60 mph in just 3.0 seconds with the medium-sized battery. The large battery needs 3.2 seconds, while the small battery models will hit 60 mph in about 5.0 seconds. The small battery model’s output will be upgradable—permanently or temporarily—via over-the-air updates. Perhaps of greater concern to truck owners, Rivian also claims an 11,000-pound tow rating, though max towing will slow you down and cut your range in half. A four-door, four-wheel-drive Tacoma’s tow rating tops out at 6,400 pounds.
That’s not a huge problem, though. Rivian’s smallest lithium-ion battery is rated at 105 kW-hr, 5 kW-hr more than Tesla’s largest battery. There’s also a medium-sized battery good for 135 kW-hr and a “MegaPack” that holds 180 kW-hr. These batteries provide “230-plus,” “300-plus”, and “400-plus” miles of range, respectively. Regardless of capacity, each battery pack is made up of modules that can be replaced individually and won’t strand the vehicle if one goes down. Each module holds up to 15 kW-hr and contains 864 cylindrical 21700-type cells. The small battery uses seven modules, the midsized one has nine, and there are 12 in the MegaPack. All have been fully tested to work between –40 and 122 degrees Fahrenheit.
Rivian hasn’t announced all charging times yet but says the R1T can currently handle up to 160-kW charging (400 amps at 400 volts) through its SAE CCS–type plug in the driver’s-side front fascia. The MegaPack will take an 80-percent charge in 50 minutes at such a charger and add 200 miles of range in 30 minutes. The company also says the computer will monitor your charging routine (Level 2 at home every night, using DC Fast chargers all the time, etc.) and adjust itself to maximize battery life. Like all EVs, charging will slow down as the battery passes 80 percent capacity. The pack itself is protected by a multilayer ballistic shield designed for both on- and off-road hazards.
Of course, there are other truck tasks beyond towing and trail running. The R1T is rated for 1,760 pounds of payload. As of now, though, the R1T is only offered with a bed that’s 4.6 feet long by 4.5 feet wide—considerably shorter than the Tacoma’s beds. On the plus side, Rivian took repairability into account and made sure the front fenders and bed sides are bolt-on and easily replaced.
Part of the reason for the shorter-than-average bed is the party trick: a 12.4-cubic-foot horizontal “Gear Tunnel” storage compartment under the rear seat that’s accessed from small drop-down doors on either side of the bed just behind the rear passenger doors. It’s designed to hold things like golf bags, snowboards, or collapsed baby strollers, and the doors themselves can be used as seats while donning your surf gear or steps to access the roof or bed (they can support 300 pounds). The access doors are opened by buttons on the front corners of the bed rails.
Also likely to impress your friends is a standard built-in power tonneau cover that rolls up in a hidden cavity above the horizontal storage compartment and deploys and retracts with the touch of a button. (This tonneau, a gentle spoiler on the tailgate, front-wheel air curtains, and the aforementioned ballistic full bellypan with rear diffuser deliver what Rivian claims will be a class-leading pickup-truck drag coefficient.) Controls are located on the top of the bed rail above the driver’s-side taillight. Also controlled by those buttons is the power tailgate, which doesn’t just go up and down electrically but can drop straight down 180 degrees to allow easier access to the bed. Cables in each side of the bed can secure gear and alert your phone if anyone cuts or tampers with them. There are three 110-volt outlets and four USB outlets in the bed to keep everything charged. Rivian will sell telescopic accessory crossbars that can mount in the bed, to the bed rails, or to the roof. A channel in these bars will accept mounting hardware for typical sporting equipment.
If you still haven’t found enough space for your stuff, Rivian says you can remove the spare tire from its tub under the bed floor for another 7.0 cubic feet (the Honda Ridgeline’s bed trunk holds 7.3 cu ft). That is, of course, if you’ve already filled the 11.7-cu-ft “frunk” under the hood, which Rivian claims is larger than the one in the nose of a Tesla Model X.
Still not enough? Rivian will offer telescoping racks that mount to the roof and/or bed rails with adjustable mounts that you can attach bikes, cargo boxes, and even tents to.
Get the small or medium-sized battery, and there’s 3.4 cu ft of storage space under the rear seats. Most of the interior is covered in a material called Super Fabric, which repels nearly every conceivable stain without looking and feeling cheap. All of the wood trim is acquired from sustainable sources. The floor mats are made of Chilewich, a woven extruded yarn that’s both durable and washable. The floor mats in particular are meant to be popped out and hosed off after a day in the field, on the trail, or your average rainy day.
Also able to be popped out: the rear door speakers, so you can have tunes at your next tailgate party. Oh, and just like Rolls-Royce stows umbrellas in the fenders, Rivian stows LED flashlights in its doors.
Moving upward, the R1T comes with a standard panoramic sunroof and a fixed rear window. If that’s not enough light for you, ambient lighting is hidden throughout the interior.
Another thing you won’t see inside the R1T is buttons. All the controls are touchscreens, with a big 15.3-inch one for infotainment, a 12.3-inch one in the instrument cluster, and a small one in the rear below the front center console for adjusting the multizone climate control. All expected advance driver-assistance systems will be offered, including Level 3 autonomy (leveraging a full suite of radar, lidar, and camera sensors).
Speaking of that center console up front, Rivian heavily debated offering a front bench seat but decided against it for safety reasons (as in other large trucks, it’s difficult to amply protect the center occupant with the passenger airbag). There are six USB ports sprinkled around the cabin.
Although it looks ready to roll, Rivian says the R1T you see here is “92 percent” finished. The skateboard is done, the company says, but there’s some work left to do on the cab and bed. As such, the R1T won’t go on sale until late 2020. When it does, the MegaPack full-power models will lead the charge and start in the mid-$80,000 range in its most basic Marathon trim (best range/lowest equipment level). The smaller batteries will go into production a year later with pricing for the 105-kW-hr battery starting in the upper $60,000 range.
The R1T pickup and the R1S SUV, which will go on sale a year later, will both be built in Rivian’s Normal, Illinois, factory along with their batteries. You might recognize it as a former Mitsubishi plant that closed its doors in 2015. Rivian bought it last year along with the equipment inside and hopes to hit 20,000 total sales in its first year with the pickup leading the charge, then 50,000 the second year. We think the SUV will be the better seller. Either way, hitting those numbers won’t be easy. Just ask Tesla. Speaking of whom, Rivian plans to borrow Elon Musk’s direct-to-customer sales model using mall store kiosks, potentially offering subscription usage models, and possibly contracting with third-party providers to deliver Genesis-like concierge maintenance and service.
Despite just now bursting onto the scene, Rivian has been around since 2009. We got our first hint of the project back in June when the company promised us a pickup truck and an SUV combining “the acceleration of a Ferrari with the off-road capability of a Rover or Jeep.” The company is privately funded, with the majority shareholder being a Saudi conglomerate named Abdul Latif Jameel Company Ltd., which owns several green energy businesses and also distributes Toyota and Lexus vehicles in a number of countries. While the pickup and SUV will lead things off, Rivian has four more vehicles planned to debut by 2030 and will also build some of its own branded EV chargers in places it thinks truck and SUV buyers will go that don’t currently have charging stations, like national parks.
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sleepadvisor · 7 years
All The Different Type of Beds
Did you know that there are at least eight different bed sizes and countless different types? That’s right – picking your bed might be a bit more challenging than you thought. And while you might have all figured out by now, knowing exactly what size you need, there are a lot of people out there who are particularly clueless of what a California King Size means when they read the description of the bed they like online.
This is a piece geared towards those people. If you intend to purchase a mattress online, one of the challenges is to get the perfect fit without being able to try it physically.
That’s why you need to be perfectly well aware of the different sizes and the different types of beds. This would enable you to make informed decisions. So with this in mind, let’s have a look.
Different Types of Beds By Size
1 – Single
The single bed is by far the smallest one, and it measures 36 x 75 inches. It’s geared towards furnishing a room for toddlers and for smaller children. You are likely to use it up until your kid hits high school time.
2 – Twin
The twin bed is slightly larger than the single one and the only difference hides within the width. It is three inches wider, coming ad 39 x 75 inches total size. It’s pretty much used for the same purposes as the single bed.
3 – Twin XL
The twin XL is slightly longer than the twin bed. It comes with a length of 80 inches. It’s used to furnish children’s rooms and, due to the length, it’s usually good enough for a kid until after high school. It’s also one of the most common beds in dorms.
4 – Double
The double bed measures 54 x 74 inches. It’s also a great choice for slightly larger kids’ rooms if you have just one child and you want to make sure that he or she has a bit more sleeping surface to rely on. They are a very popular choice.
5 – Full
This is one of those sizes which are duplicated in common slang because of the differences in UK and US standards. The double bed and the full bed are, in general, the same. The only difference is the actual name.
6 – Queen
This is likely to be one of the most commonly used bed sizes by the majority of the customers. It measures 60 x 84 inches, and it sleeps two people normally. Now, you would be rather close to your partner, and the mattress needs to be splendid.
7 – King
If you are looking for a couple’s bed, this is the size to go for. Measuring 76 x 80 inches, this is the perfect solution for sleeping with a partner. It brings the necessary distance, and you wouldn’t have to rely on the motionless mattress for comfort.
8 – California King
This is the biggest bed size on the market unless you decide to go for a custom solution. It measures 72 x 84 inches, and it’s intended for really big master bedrooms. It’s usually used by couples who expect a baby for the additional space.
Unusual Types of Beds
All of the above were the commonly recognized options on the market in terms of sizing. Now, let’s break it up a notch and take a look at some of the most interesting options that you can actually purchase.
9 – Book Bed
This is a bed which is specifically intended to fix the space-related issues by Japanese families. When unfolded, this solution becomes a duvet with pillows, and it could be used as a regular bed. When you close it, your kids could use it as a playing mat.
10 – Rocking Bed
If you are a true fan of the rocking sensation, this is a bed that’s likely to appeal to you. It is based on a foundation of a rounded wooden structure which resembles the one of a rocking chair. As you push it front to back, the bed will start rocking.
11 – Vertical Bed
It’s no longer necessary for you to lie down in order to sleep. This particular unit encases you in a very tight marshmallow made of comfortable foam. It provides enough support for your body to be sustained in an upright position.
12 – Letto Zip
This particular bed would allow you to quickly zip up the mess which is left once you wake up. You can say goodbye to the tedious activity of making your bed in the morning. It’s also quite sleek if we have to be honest.
13 – Enignum Bed
The idea behind the bed is to both embrace and protect the sleeper. It resembles the creation of a personal environment far beyond the functionality. The bed is awesome in terms of appeal, and it is suited for larger bedrooms.
14 – Magnetic Floating Bed
This is a bed which takes advantage of permanent opposing magnets with industrial strength. This is what enables it to float. It could hold as much as 900 kilograms of weight which is quite significant. It looks tremendously high-tech.
15 – Concealed
This is something which combines a bed with a vault. On top, you have a convenient mattress while underneath, you have a queen sized, 10-gauge steel box which is fitted with 1/4 –inches thick hinged doors, each of which is 140 pounds.
16 – Sonic Bed
The sonic bed is built with as a portable unit which is designated to play music to soothe you into a deeper state of sleep. It’s an awesome option for those of you who prefer to fall asleep while there is music playing in the background.
17 – Wave Bed
If there’s one thing which impresses in this particular bed, it’s the design. The sides resemble waves, and there is a convenient wooden ladder placed in the middle which allows the access to the bed. It’s convenient because the area beneath it is still usable.
The Rest
18 – Double Decker
These are also commonly referred to as bunk beds. They are perfect for bedrooms which are actually shared by a few children. Usually, there is one bed which stands on top of the other, but as the time has passed, other variations are also available.
19 – Bunk bed With Trundle
This is without a doubt the best when it comes to bunk beds. It features a traditional bunk style, but it also has a trundle. It could potentially sleep three people without making them share a single space. This is quite convenient.
20 – Canopy
These types of beds are particularly similar to the ones described as poster beds. However, the posts are actually connected with a canopy. You can drape it or leave it open based on your preferences. There are two different styles.
21 – Divan
These are usually preferred by people who are rather limited in terms of space. The majority of the models have drawers which are built into them to allow additional storage space. They have soft headboards and are also convenient for sitting.
22 – Murphy
The most characteristic feature of this bed is its ability to fold into the wall. These are beds which are made in a manner to be placed within your wall and, as such, they are considered the ultimate space savers.
23 – Hanging
These are quite interesting. They are particularly unique. Even though they are not recommended for long-term usage, they could easily go into a villa. They are suspended from a ceiling, and they hang into thin air.
24 – L-Shaped Bunk
These bunks are rather similar to the traditional bunks. However, they are aligned with each other, and they formulate a convenient L-shape. This is a space-saving appeal and, at the same time, it is particularly convenient.
25 – Poster
Poster beds are built with four distinct and vertical columns where each one of those is placed in a separate corner. They could be of different shapes and forms, but the idea is that they bring a definitive and sturdy appeal to the bed. They are incredibly popular for people who have the luxury of owning larger bedrooms.
26 – Pencil Poster
This is a design which was particularly interesting back in the days. It was used throughout the 18th century, and it’s something that comes from New England. They feature four convenient posts, but they are rather thin. This is the main difference between the regular one and this.
27 – Low Poster
As you can suppose, the main difference between the regular poster bed and this one, in particular, is the fact that this one has lower posters. This is also why they are more common – they do not create that particularly bulky appeal. They are just a few inches regarding height, and they can be used with a range of tops.
28 – Half Poster
The half poster bed features for distinct posters. The ones on the front – where your feet rest, are particularly short. They are actually shorter than the low-poster bed. However, the ones at the headboard are as high as the regular sized poster bed. This is the main difference.
29 – Ottoman Bed
This is something particularly interesting and rather unique when it comes to design. Throughout the day, it could be used as a regular footrest. However, it unfolds into a single or a twin bed which is perfect for a sleepover.
30 – Contemporary Canopy
This is the modern canopy bed which is very thin in terms of frame design. They don’t have any serious decoration such as traditional ones. This makes it a lot easier to fit in with the décor that your room actually has.
31 – Traditional Canopy
These are usually rather flashy and particularly decorative. They are also featuring a range of different bulky posts and are usually made out of heavy wood which is connected to a foot and headboard, both of which are heavily decorated.
32 – Platform
The thing about these is that they completely take care of the bulky appeal of a bed of any kind. It features a sturdy platform which harbors the mattress, and it could withstand tremendous pressure. That’s pretty much everything you need to know.
33 – Hammock
Hammocks need no explanation. These are suspended beds which are particularly convenient for recreational purposes. They are great when it comes to camping and are very commonly used in gardens and others of the kind.
34 – Folding
A folding bed is one which is going to conveniently fold into something rather inconsiderable. This is fairly convenient, especially given the fact that there are a lot of people who experience issues with finding enough space for furniture.
35 – Loft Bunk
The loft bunk is a solution for those of you who could truly use the extra space in the bottom of the bed. It is usually used in a smaller room where you need to fit a bed and a desk for your kid to work on. This is quite important.
36 – Sleigh
These look like a sleigh, and that’s pretty much everything that could be said about them. The beds are very trendy and appealing, and they are definitely something that could compliment a range of different designs.
37 – Twin Over Full Bunk
This is another interesting bundle. The bottom bed is a regular full bed while the one above it is a twin-sized. It is interesting in terms of appeal, and it is great if you have two kids with one of them being slightly older than the other.
38 – Trundle
These are popular in kid’s furnishing. The reason is that they are actually combining two beds in one. They are folded compactly one under another, and they are unfolded before bedtime. Throughout the day, they only take the space for one bed.
39 – Panel
Panel beds feature characteristics which are rather hard to miss. You will see that they are made of decorated panels which could be upholstered or painted as you find fit.
40 – Cabin
These are usually part of the bunk bed family, but there are quite a lot of bells and whistles which make them particularly convenient for the kid’s bedroom. There is a tremendous variety of different sizes, styles, and colors to choose from.
41 – Cot
These are particularly handy and are true lifesavers when you have unexpected guests staying overnight. They are portable, and they could be easily stored when you are not using them. When you need it, just fold it away.
42 – Half Tester
These are actually quite close to the poster bed design, but they have very low feet. They are commonly seen in homes which are rather old as they were very fashionable back in the days. However, they are particularly elegant as well.
43 – Storage
These are just regular beds which have serious space saving capacities. This is something important when you have limited space in your home where you can put a range of different things. It could be very handy.
44 – Air
These are not air mattresses, and it’s important not to get them confused. These are rather permanent, and they are only designed for home usage. They can be found in pull-out couches or just as regular beds.
45 – Water
These are still used by quite a few people today. The characteristic thing here is that they are filled with water. They were used for therapies, but some people actually find them very appealing and could be used domestically as well.
46 – Upholstered
Upholstered beds are particularly popular throughout the last few years. They feature stunning headboards which are particularly soft. This is what makes sitting in the bed very comfortable. This is something that a lot of people look forward to.
47 – Sofa
Sofa beds are rather similar to futons. They are actually built inside of a regular couch, and you can pull them out when and if the need strikes. This is quite important and it could come really handy from time to time.
48 – Lighted
Lighted beds are very commonly used throughout the last few years. This is mainly because they feature convenient LED lights in the headboard. They are capable of being a convenient design element that you can use in your bedroom. That’s actually the main designation.
49 – Deluxe Couch Bed
This is far more than just a couch which will pull out into a bed. It is a specific furniture piece which could easily turn into an actual bunk bed. That’s right – imagine a couch which unfolds into two separate bunk beds. How awesome is that!
50 – Day
Day beds are capable of serving a range of different purposes. They could be used to sit, sleep or lounge. They are usually used in guest rooms as they can serve a range of different requirements. They could also be made to fit a lot of different designs.
51 – Adjustable
These are beds which are capable of being adjusted in a range of different positions. This is intended to deliver the support as well as the comfort that you may need. You will be able to raise the head as well as the feet of the bed.
52 – Modern
Modern bed styles are rather sleek and simple. That’s exactly where the beauty lies. There is nothing excessive when it comes to it, and that’s why they are so preferred and desired. This is something that you would want to consider.
53 – Cottage
These are very old-fashioned styles which come with very fancy and interesting headboards which usually come with different carvings. However, they are actually known for their painted decorations.
54 – Mission
These are unique in terms of design. The features would usually focus on both straight horizontal and vertical line. These are incredibly up to date and would provide you with a rather sleek and interesting appeal.
55 – Traditional
These are traditional and come with regular features which were used a long time ago. This could be half-testers, canopies or a range of other styles, all of which were actually used a long time ago. This is something interesting and could be used in contemporary bedrooms.
56 – Country
Country style beds actually bring a particularly rustic appeal to them. They are usually created out of wood, and they have a flat headboard. They could also be made to appeal paneling, and they could also feature posts. They could also be made of wooden logs for additional accent.
57 – Retro
The retro style bed is actually a combination of a few different things. It features a lot of old fashioned details and some interesting vintage designs. However, they are also going to remain moderately modern, which is something to consider.
58 – Rustic
If you would like the outdoor appeal, you would definitely fall in love with the rustic style. It is something particularly resembling the country look. However, there are absolutely no modern features which are attributed to it.
59 – French
French style beds are actually quite elegant. These feature romantic headboards, and sometimes they come with certain foot boards. They are resembling upholstered ones but are also quite characteristic which sets them apart.
60 – Mid-Century
This is a style which incorporates the features which were traditional for the 1900s. They are usually made out of wood and would provide your entire bedroom with a rather vintage appeal. This is something which appeals to quite a lot of different people.
61 – Metal
Metal-based beds are quite common, and they are fairly affordable. While they don’t bring the pizazz of the wooden frame, they are very easy to move around and are particularly light in terms of weight. This is definitely something formidable.
62 – Wood
Given the fact that wood is traditionally one of the oldest materials used by builders, it’s no surprise that it’s carved, painted and cut in a manner to make a beautiful piece. This is why it’s the most common material used for bed frames.
63 – Woven
This is actually the fancy term for the fairly famous wicker. This type of furniture is incredibly old-fashioned. However, it’s being used a lot more recently in homes which are intended for rest and recreation. It’s fairly authentic, and it looks good.
64 – Brass
When used right, brass is actually particularly elegant. It also brings a very sleek old-fashioned appeal which is cherished by many. These frames could come in a range of different styles, regardless of whether you look forward to a sleek and old-fashioned appeal.
65 – Futon
This is definitely the best solution for small spaces. These beds are basically a bed and a couch in one. When you don’t need one of them – you can conveniently rely on the other. There is a tremendous variety of these.
66 – Ornate
These are definitely far more than beautiful. They usually come with an enormous amount of exquisite details and are designed to add a touch of convenience and luxury to any given bedroom. The frames are what make the bed special.
67 – Wrought Iron
This is something incredibly durable. It brings a serious vintage appeal. They could come with scroll work in the head, and they could also have foot boards. They are made of a material which is quite heavy, but it is incredibly reliable.
68 – Bookcase
These are pretty much the way they sound. The bed frames come with convenient bookshelves which are placed in the headboard. They are perfect for the frequent reader and for those who need the tiny bit of additional shelf space for other personal items. This is quite convenient.
69 – Distressed
Distressed beds look incredibly vintage. That’s their main intention. They are supposed to look like they have certain flaws and imperfections within them. It is like they are taken out of a home which was fashionable back in the 1950s. This is what makes them incredibly interesting.
70 – Futon Bunk
Futon bunks are undoubtedly interesting. They feature a futon which is placed below a bed on top of it. You can combine it with a regular futon if you want to bring even more sleeping space in the room. This is quite convenient.
And, since we appreciate you reading through this, we will throw one extra type of bed:
71 – The Floor!
Throw a rug and a pillow, grab a blanket and get comfy. That’s as easy as it gets, doesn’t it? We kid, of course. Sleeping on the floor should only happen on parties!
These are the predominant types of beds which are out there. Of course, you don’t need to know all of them, but it’s definitely beneficial to be aware that there is a tremendous amount of choice. This is something that could help you out when you’re furnishing your bedroom. We hope that you found this piece quite informational and that you wouldn’t have any challenge picking up the bed that would suit your preference and taste.
More Readings:
The post All The Different Type of Beds appeared first on The Sleep Advisor.
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