#but just imagine. dottore falling so hard for you only for you to reject him
fatuismooches · 11 months
"You were a wonderful experience" vs "You were everything" is so Reader and Dottore except you rejected his ass 😭
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dawndelion-winery · 1 year
Don't Wake Me
You're a dream and that's enough
Ft. Alhaitham, Childe, Dottore, Kaveh
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Not the type to fantasise much
Still can't help but think of you sometimes though
It's just considering a hypothetical situation!! It doesn't mean anything!!
He's just ever so slightly curious about the taste of your lips, and the feeling of your skin against his
He finds himself wondering if you ever thought of him, if he was by any chance your type
Has no intention of telling you he's interested though
Not yet at least
Until he finds himself unable to be satisfied with just his fantasies, he's content having you in his dreams
It's not enough for him to have a delusion, he also has to be the most delusional mf to grace Teyvat
Can and will overthink every interaction
Why shouldn't you be into him? He loves you so much!!
You drank a lot of water that day, you must like staying hydrated, and that takes hydro! And would you look at that! His vision is hydro!!
It's too perfect to be coincidence fr!!
Straight up acts like he's your boyfriend
Actually boasts about you to people and shows them your picture??
As far as he's concerned, his delusions will manifest into reality if he manifests it hard enough
It's ok if you don't like him yet, he'll keep waiting and manifesting
Don't even try to be sarcastic with him
"Keep dreaming"? He absolutely will
He'd never admit to imagining himself with you
He wonders if things might have been different if he'd met you as Zandik rather than Il Dottore
Also knows he probably wouldn't have been intrigued by you then
He was far too focused on speedrunning his studies to graduate and leave the Akademiya to do his own research freely
He's not opposed to complicated processes though, and winning your affections is no different
He'll get there by trial and error if he must
Honestly he's not very delusional so much as scheming
His dreams are more of potential plans to get you to fall for him
At this point it's only a matter of picking the most efficient one and putting it into action
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Has more delusions than the Fatui can produce
Somehow both almost as delusional as Childe, and yet the most pessimistic
Absolutely will not let you know how he feels despite fantasising about you almost all the time
All of his pining is done behind your back
You're a dream and that's enough
Or so he says because it absolutely isn't and Alhaitham's sick of hearing Kaveh talk to himself about whether it's possible for you to reciprocate
He's honestly just too scared to do anything because at least he can delude himself into believing he has a chance this way
Can't reject him if he never asks you fr
It definitely slips out when he gets drunk though, and then he'll deny it to hell and back once he's sober
Unless you nudge him and hint that you want him too in which case all bets are off
Taglist: @myluvkeiji @aqui-soba @favonius-captain @tiredsleep @raincxtter @gensimping-for-all @irethepotato @almond-adeptus @mx-kamisato @chaosinanutshell @heizours @haliyamori @callmemeelah @sadlonelybagel @plinkuro @thevictoriousmoon @mastering-procrastinating @cxlrose @astrequa @eowinthetraveler @ajaxstar @boundedbyfate @the-lost-anime-dad @moonbyunniee @greyrain23 @heavenlyfloof
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hoeforalbedo · 2 years
Childe Headcannons with bad bitch reader
Childe x badbitch!reader
Warnings: tons of cursing and insults, Childe
Summary: You question why the fuck you chose to date Childe
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-Let’s make it clear. You didn’t fall for him first. It was him and no you did not just give in to him right away. You saw through his acts and you fucking hated it! That fucking ginger head bitch does not have the right to be so goddamn annoying as fuck. He doesn’t even have the right to look at you.
-Now where did you guys meet? Well you replaced Signora after her death. During the funeral, all Childe did was make flirty remarks and weird glances at you. Yeah you were not landing on his bed that night. Mans has no respect for the dead. (But you’re a hypocrite. You were literally eye fucking Dottore who does not give a fuck about you. Childe would be so jealous if he knew.) 
-So why did he fall in love with you? Because he wants to fuck everything that he sees that breathes. If you have boobs, damn that’s the only thing he looks at. Like eyes up here sir you little dumbfuck. Oh but when you rejected him, he probably creamed right there and then. He’s like “oh, a challenge? Why thank you!” You were utterly disgusted and so like the bad bitch you are, you glared at him and slapped him hard on the cheek. “Darling, respectfully shut the fuck up. Thank you, dear,” You say and your voice is just so effortlessly sexy. 
-Why did you bag him though? Because you realize he’s got money. He literally buys you anything and takes you to the most expensive restaurants. Now I’m not saying you’re poor because you’re fucking rich but why spend all that? You can save that for retirement as Childe spends shit ton of money on you. 
-Okay it’s not like you two are in a loveless relationship. You love him, sure but the money comes first. 
-Childe is also a show-off. He goes, “Hey darling, look here! I can beat this pyroflower in one shot!” You go off and watch him. He screams, “This is gonna hurt!” What hurt? The flower is barely dead! He also pissed it off and being as careless as he is, he’s getting beaten up and so you have to step in to save his ass. Girlfriend or babysitter? Honestly who knows anymore.
-When he’s not being a dumbass though, he can be really romantic. He will protect you when you need it and take care of you. He will do the physical labor and treat you like a queen/king. Just imagine him hiring a privite boat full of sorts of entertainment and chefs all for you. Don’t forget the fireworks too. He bought that from Yoimiya so expect it to be high quality. He can be such a great guy when he’s not being annoying.
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dikiyvter · 3 years
23 & 31? :eye: for either or both
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Of course aid anything 4 u <3
Uncommon Questions [ accepting ]
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23. How does envy manifest itself in them (they take what they want, they become resentful, etc)?
For Gio: Envy is... kind of a scale of ugliness for Gio, to be honest. First and foremost his envy is typically not something ugly; It's typically something that turns more into a hopeful longing other than any sort of truly resentful behavior. Just because he wants what someone else has doesn't mean that he needs to take it from them necessarily; the world is not a pie to be split among it's inhabitants. He views the world as an endless wealth, and if he wants something someone else has, all he has to do is work to get it himself. Ultimately his longing to be human and to take a quiet role in human society spawns from envy of the lives that humans lead.
... And then there's the far uglier envy. Gio is a rather childish individual who experiences emotions very strongly; In part this is subconscious acting, and in part it's genuine truth; He's really never been good at things regarding emotions primarily because he's never been taught a whole lot in regards to control of ones emotions or ways to manage them. He's a bit... emotionally stunted but more in the 'seems like an erratic mood swing-y mess because he feels very strongly' sense and less, you know, [gestures at Baal and Zhongli]. There is thus always a chance that when Gio becomes envious of something, his first reaction is that of intense resentment towards whoever it is that has what he doesn't- This is partially true even for his love of humanity. Even though he starts off with the thought of "this is beautiful" it was still interlaced with a lot of bitter resentment that he would never really have that; Coming to terms with his worldview is what got rid of that. But it's a bit harder to have a mentality of 'the world isn't a pie; someone having a bigger slice than me doesn't mean i can't have more if i want it' when its... say...
A person whom you love whose fallen for another or is having all of their time taken up by them.
For Riga: ...Riga gets a much shorter paragraph and for that I apologize, but I have a lot more thoughts regarding Gio on this subject considering that lil clowns got a lot of conflictions and nuance to ramble about. Riga, on the other hand, tends to be far more simplistic in the things he is feeling and how he is feeling them; though this isn't to say he feels any less strongly or erratically than Gio does.
Rigatello typically feels envy as a genuinely ugly awful emotion that typically results not just in resentment but in a very, very intense form of frustration. A major part of his character is that he is someone who wants very little, but the few things he does want are things he perceives more as needs; Case in point being he doesn't perceive wanting Gio to care about him as being a want, he sees it as a need, and when your needs are denied you become... what? Angry. Frustrated. Depressed. Envy turns him violent, because why should others have what's rightfully his? Why are others entitled to the few things he truly needs? Why is he not deserving of these things? There's a tangible cycle to a lot of Rigatellos emotions, and it's that he is confronted with something ( or someone ) he wants; He becomes reliant, he thinks he needs them ( using gio as an example; He cannot imagine who he is without Gio nearby. He cannot imagine himself in the hierarchy that is set between them both and Dottore without Gio there, because Gio has always been the one to provide a release of tension, even if the relationship the two of them shared was at times very far from healthy; The change of something he sees as being integral to his identity and his place in his little corner of society is something that throws him VERY badly; Rigatello is someone very afraid of any meaningful change because the fear of what comes next and that change leading to potential failure is one that haunts him ) ; They move away from him, and he panics, because he has very little and thus clings desperately to what few things he has; Cue the cycle of seeing that which he 'needs' with someone else, being angry, being frustrated, falling down the rabbit hole of wondering why he isn't worthy, arriving at depression, resparking that frustration, and... repeat.
A lot of his envy spawns almost purely from a place of this frustration-depression loop of wondering why he isn't good enough-- something that ties in heavily with the way he was 'raised', where threats of being scrapped were thrown freely, and any failure could potentially result in his literal destruction.
Wait this wound up being longer than Gios. Whoops.
31. Who are they the most glad to have met?
Okay here's where we ease into me being able to make coherent sentences again bc i'm not bound purely by my muses emotions <3
For Gio, It would be Venti, in more ways than one. First he had technically met Barbatos. The ideal Barbatos gifted to Mondstadt that rubbed off on the freshly-created and quite impressionable Gio; It was Mondstadt and their talk of freedom that lit the little fire that eventually turned into Gio pursuing his autonomy and humanity. Then was the archon; Barbatos gave his vision to him, and without that Gio never would have managed to escape Dottore, and if he didn't currently have it he wouldn't have been able to evade capture for this long. It also served as a constant reminder of Mondstadts ideals -- And not just that, but the special shape that the vision takes has always been a symbol that although Snezhnaya was his home-- Mondstadt was where he belonged. Then came Venti; Someone who made him feel welcomed in Mondstadt when he was initially very nervous about being there. He and Venti became dear friends ( possibly more ) and now that's someone he looks forward to every time he's on his way back to Mondstadt. The city truly feels like home to him now, and that's mostly because of Venti-- and even if his friend doesn't wish to be seen as Barbatos the archon, Gio cannot help the appreciation he feels for those previous actions, nor for the general ideals that Venti / Barbatos inhabit.
For Riga, that would be Lio, no contest. It.. it would take me ten years to explain all of Rigatellos feelings towards Lio there's so much shit at play they mesh so fucking well together their traumas and mentalities are such similar echoes, Lio is literally the only person in the world that Rigatello has felt genuine love and affection for and not in some way panicked and tried to burn the bridge before it could burn him; He feels genuinely safe and happy with Lio, and the fear that constantly haunts him is eased in their presence; He trusts not just Lio but himself, the fear he typically fears when he touches others is gone because they trust him so thoroughly that in the midst of their love it's hard to be afraid of himself. He feels for once that he can be something that protects instead of something that exclusively does damage; He feels cared for, wanted, loved, when all his life he's felt rejected and constantly on the brink of destruction. Where he once was told his wants and thoughts don't matter he has now found someone who cares very much for what he wants and what he thinks and FUCK I have a lot of thoughts about these two.
40. How sensitive are they to their own flaws?
Oh god, here's another thing I can't fully explain.
For Gio: Immensely. Gios current mentality is essentially that if he just closes his eyes and refuses to think about it then he doesn't have to deal with his flaws, and if anyone points them out he can just get mad about it and avoid them until he dies because he does. not. want. to. think. about. it. He HATES feeling bad, he hates feeling negatively about himself, he doesn't... know how to genuinely change things about himself; And I think that. That itself can be very much shown in how he treats the fact that he's not human? A person? Yes, he's a fully sentient person with his own thoughts and expressions and free will, a human? Not exactly. He's made out of metal and circuitry and artificial materials, and this is simply a factual statement, its not opinion; But he almost treats it like it is. He sees this idealized version of humanity that he wishes to be a part of but he cannot fathom how he can be apart of it if the core thing about himself isn't changed, but its NOT something he can change; Instead of accepting that, however, and still going on with his goal to pursue his autonomy and humanity despite this, Gio would... honestly rather stick his fingers in his ears and go "lalala" because he doesn't really have the toolset to mentally deal with the contradiction of "I want to be human but I can't". He perceives a need to change that isn't there, and instead of trying to address it he ignores it entirely in hopes that... it'll just stop being an issue that he needs to address with himself at some point. The same mentality applies to a lot of his flaws. Does he know hes being avoidant of his problems? Does he know that it's going to cause more issues in the future? He does. But he can't even address it with himself because it makes him feel bad, let alone with someone else who could actually provide him with skills that he needs to change his behaviors and mentality.
For Riga: Okay he genuinely gets a shorter paragraph this time because in short? Rigatello doesn't care. Admittedly he kind of wears his flaws on his sleeve. He's a "says it right on the tin" kind of guy most of the time, where he's typically mostly open about the less positive parts of himself-- If not exaggerating them as a means of keeping people away. There are of course the flaws that he hides due to them stemming from traumas, and his general desire to hide all things relating to his personal thoughts and feelings-- But this in and of itself could be perceived as a flaw, though one very unexplored considering Lio is his first close relationship with another person where he's been in any form open about his own thoughts and feelings, away from the influence of Dottore or the Fatui.
Rigatello does have... slightly less healthy perception of what counts as flaws in himself, though, such as having his own thoughts and emotions. He perceives his traumas as weakness, and weakness is a flaw, to him-- So too, then, are his traumas. He's not sensitive about this in the sense that Gio is where he's willfully ignoring something he's doing wrong; Riga doesn't... know that this isn't a good mentality. He.
Riga is kind of hard to explain this regard because of how severely impacted Rigatello is by the traumas hes endured, the people he was 'raised' by, and the current lifestyle that he leads. His emotional understanding is extremely limited and always has been, and I'm not entirely sure how to put it in coherent wording; Because typically when I try to talk about Riga and emotions it devolves into word vomit because his thoughts are just... nonsense screaming pain mush that he doesn't know how to cope with so he tells himself to toughen up, shoves it in the closet, and goes on with his day until he can lay down at night and have a meltdown--
E) Are they someone you would get along with? Would they get along with you?
Honestly? The general rule of thumb is that I don't typically write people that I myself would get along with, if only because I know way too much about my own characters and their flaws? When. I look at people that I get along with, its primarily people who are patient enough to deal with my memory issues and my general lets say... low iq, to be nice. They're mostly laid back people who don't give too much of a shit one way or the other, but are friendly and fun to talk to because they have interesting ideas to contribute to a conversation, give room for others to contribute, and don't mind a bit of chaos when things inevitably devolve.
When I look at the characters I write... They all have some sort of flaw that directly contradicts the core things I typically find in someone I get along well with?
Gio is someone who I think I could get along with for a while; But inevitably his flaws, his distress regarding those flaws, and his subsequent refusal to acknowledge them in any meaningful form would inevitably stress me out and it would start to get tiring.
Bluntly put Riga is scary and I feel like I'd be stressed out 24/7 that I'm going to irritate him... And his general mindset of emphasizing his own flaws to push people away would just make me angry and I'd probably wind up letting him isolate himself because, having once been someone who was very much that way, I no longer deal well with that degree of self-pitying behavior b/c it pisses me off.
Outside of this blog, Ku Shen and I could probably get along pretty well, but I think the issue is that he's a massive introvert who would go Weeks in-between texting, and I have the memory of a goldfish and i'd inevitably find myself in a position where i have a text from him that's been waiting for me to answer for the past week and I'm too nervous to reply because I feel awkward being like 'hi i have untreated adhd sorry', and then suddenly three months has passed and I just can never talk to this man again.
...I'm going to include my Morax on here as well even though it's blog isn't super active; Look I might actually be able to chill with Morax if only because we vibe in either 'i am listening to you ramble for 3 straight hours with occasional questions or commentary' or 'we have both been dead fucking silent for the past 3 hours' and these are both my ideal ways to exist in someone elses presence. Also I feel like it'd wanna do fun shit and likes going on walks or smth. 10/10 I think I could get along with Morax.
H) What trait do you admire most?
Ah fuck okay. Uh. For Gio... I admire his optimism and hope. I consider myself to be a generally hopeful person but I'm not typically the kind of like... ~ * direct action * ~ person, and Gio VERY MUCH IS in most regards. He's generally super fucking ambitious and if he WANTS something he will GET IT and you cannot STOP HIM and I just wish I had that level of
I. Dedication II. Energy III. Optimism in actually completing the goal
For Riga? I guess it would be his general tenacity and endurance. He goes through. A lot of shit. Constantly. And he just keeps trudging on forward without pause. He does what he needs to do, and if you get in the way of him and what he needs to get done, then he'll make you fucking regret it. Top tier shit 10/10 good for him.
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