#but like do they like fugazi??? i gotta know
shyphonics · 6 months
Salad Days - Chapter 1: I Against I Against I Against I
Rodrick Heffley x Reader
Baby-Punk AU ✨ (part 2 here!)
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No use of y/n, no physical description of reader, fem pronouns
Put yourself in the shoes of a snarky, hyper-competent punk bartender with a tragic backstory (but it's totally not a big deal! Who needs therapy?? lol lmao 🤪)
Some loser from the ‘burbs comes into your bar, and against your better judgement, you decide to show him the ropes of the scene. Even though his band name totally sucks.
Rodrick is kind of a sad, insecure boy in this. He's on bad terms with everyone back home, and absolutely refuses to fully acknowledge it. He refuses to acknowledge any of his emotions. And his quickly growing crush on his new bartender friend…
Also it's 2005 because I say so. Flip phones and email babey B)
Lightly angsty. Lightly based on my own experiences bullshitting my way into the bar scene. Lightly based on my hyperfixation on punk history lol.
Songs for this chapter:
(I haven't written anything in YEARS so I'm sorry if this is bad lol. part 2 and 3 are almost finished oops so let me know if you like it)
In a quest for the test to fulfill an achievement
Everybody's only going to pursue themselves
When the fact of the matter is they just don't care
To extend a helping hand to anyone else
“What the fuck are you doing?”
The kid turns around. He looks like a wet rat. His facial expression says he knows he’s in trouble. He's tall and kinda goofy-looking. His dark hair is messy, and his eyes are overlined in black.
“Uh, hi. I'm Rodrick. I'm in a band, I uh, I wanna play a show?” He squeaks out, waving a barely legible flier in the air.
“Have you been in touch with Mike?”
“You gotta get in touch with Mike.” you cross your arms and lean against the doorframe, one foot kicked over the other.
He stares at you, guilty and confused. Your expression is throwing him off. Raised eyebrow, pursed lips. It’s the face of a disappointed mom, but you’re… young. And pretty?
“Do you want the email, or what?”
You break his thoughts.
“Yes! Email. Mike.”
You retreat to the office, rifling through papers until you retrieve a business card.
“Mike Morello. By the way, you might wanna change that band name.”
He looks at his flier, “Why? What's wrong with it?”
You look at him for a while, raising your eyebrows higher and higher, as high as you can, until he’s frustrated. His lanky figure is bouncing all over the hallway. Like a dog who needs to go outside. A big, dumb dog. You look at him in true disbelief. You can’t believe he doesn’t know. He has to know.
“What? What?! Stop looking at me like that!” His eyes are wide and frantic, begging you to say something.
“It sucks!” you laugh.
“It does not suck!”
“Dude, it totally sucks. It's gross. What kind of music do you even play?”
“Fucking rock n roll, baby!” He’s pissed off. It’s hilarious.
“Uh huh. And what are your influences?”
“Influences. Motives. Backstory.” You clutch your hand into a self-important fist.
“What's with all the questions?” He nearly screeches.
“I'm preparing you for Mike. He's a cynical old fart who's mentally still in late 70s San Francisco. You need to impress him, get a good story going. He's not gonna put some suburban garage band up there.”
He frowns. That's exactly what they are…
“I-” he starts.
“That's exactly what you are, yeah. I know.” You smile, “I can smell suburbs, dude. You'll figure it out.”
“Can I have your email? Or y'know, your phone number or something?” he looks nervous, “Just for, like, advice.”
You cock an eyebrow, think for a minute, then grab a sticky note. It’s surprising after how riled up you got him, but boys are weird.
“Number’s too risky. What if you're a weirdo or something? Here’s my email.” you finish scribbling down the address and extend your hand.
“Cool. I’ll use it.” He nods, taking it from you very delicately. Weirdly careful not to touch your hand. Again, boys are weird.
“…cool. See you around. Maybe. Diaper boy.” you smirk.
Before he can retort, you shut yourself in the office. He stands there for a while, trying to think of something to say back, but nothing comes to him.
I am a patient boy
I wait, I wait, I wait, I wait
My time’s water down a drain
Everybody's moving
Everybody's moving
Everybody's moving, moving, moving, moving
“I think she’s saying we need, like, punk cred. It’s a punk bar, after all.” Rodrick leans back on their crappy couch. It was free on the side of the road when they were moving in.
“Pshh, we are so punk!” Chris chimes in. “Ward has a shaved head!”
He points at Ward's head. Ward crosses his arms and nods approvingly.
“She knew I was from the suburbs just by looking at me.” He puts his head in his hands.
“So what are you gonna say to the guy?” Ben asks.
“I dunno, I kinda wanna email the girl first and ask for advice.” Rodrick mumbles.
“Oh, sure. Advice.” Ben rolls his eyes.
“Yes! Just advice!”
“Is she hot?” Ward giggles.
Silence falls upon the room.
“Whatever! What are our influences? Punk influences!”
“Dude, you're, like, totally wearing a Dead Kennedys shirt!” Chris pipes up.
“Okay, yeah, I like Dead Kennedys.” Rodricks sighs, relieved. He knows ‘Police Truck’. Who doesn’t? It was in Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater for fuck’s sake!
“Okay! Uhh, shit, what else did she say… motive!”
“Dude, what?” Ben's eyes go wide, “Like murder?”
“No, dumbass, like why did we start the band?” Ward tosses a crushed beer can at him.
“To get girls? To, uhhh…” Chris trails off.
“To rock and roll! To tell everyone to fuck off and prove them all wrong!” Rodrick yells.
The rest of the guys give a resounding yeah! and raise their beers.
Rodrick opens his laptop, making a big show of stretching his hands. He’s gonna write a masterpiece. Löded Diper is gonna take over this town.
He starts typing furiously, ignoring all the little red squiggles appearing among his words. It doesn't take him long to slow down, though, and he gives up and passes the laptop to Ben. Rodrick’s mind is cloudy. He’s thinking about that girl at the bar. You’d been so… mean. But not? Did you like him? He doesn’t get it.
Heather Hills had made it incredibly clear she did not like him. In fact, she hates him.
He remembers the last day of senior year. He’d handed her a Löded Diper CD, masterfully engineered by the man himself in GarageBand, and asked her to sign his yearbook.
Are you being serious right now? You still owe me for my ice sculpture, pleb!
Oh, uh, right, he’d replied, how much is that again?
Four. Thousand. Dollars. And you’ll never make that much in your life, freak.
He grimaces as the memory infects his brain. Four thousand seemed like a lot for just some ice. He remembers fantasizing, though, about getting signed and nailing down a solid deal. Reimbursing Heather for the sculpture and so much more. Maybe she’d marry him. Hot rockstar with a hot, blonde trophy wife. That had been the dream. Until…
Well. Don’t focus on the past. The past sucks. The future is now.
“Rodrick!” Ben’s hand shakes his shoulder.
“Sorry. Um. I don’t know. I think it’s pretty good!”
Between the bones he had put down, and some additions from the guys, they have what they think is a pretty kickass email.
Rodrick’s mind is still elsewhere, though. The thoughts of Heather had kind of messed with him, and now he’s just thinking about home. He hadn't left on great terms. He really wishes everything could be better. The only support system he has is the band, but they don't talk about that kind of stuff. Not more than once in a blue moon.
He’s where he wants to be and everything. He's living his dream. But something still feels wrong. He feels a little empty.
Your emotions make you a monster
Your emotions make you a monster
Your emotions make you a monster
Your emotions make you a monster
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tweexcore-undrgrnd · 1 month
Do you know any bands similar to ATDI / or TMV :-(
I'm so shit at giving recommendations on account of the fact that I forget 99% of the stuff I like but I can give it a shot lol
atdi similarities:
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The Fall Of Troy - similar in terms of rhythm / music but the vocals are a bit screamer/emo-accent-y at times! very refreshing. their 2005 album Doppelganger is one of my essentials. love it.
Fugazi. this one is obvious (I'm p sure it's mentioned that atdi took inspo from these guys), but honestly give them a try if you're not already familiar!!! you can definitely hear the likeness of ROC in their later albums like End Hits and Red Medicine!!!!!both of which I highly recommend to start with they're yummy as FUCK
ok these last two are less "they sound like" but a "it would make sense to like this too"
Mike Krol .... idk he's a little weird and atdi are loud sharp weirdos too so ya. try out the I Hate Jazz album
Quarry - idk the album Super Arcade reminds me of a really soft version of atdi, very chill if you just go with it.
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I'll be so for real I struggle to find shit that sounds like them/I don't even actively seek it out because they're enough of a mindfuck but here we go i guess. shorter because trying to describe prog is hard man
king crimson - haven't heard much but I definitely feel the same musical complexity and lyrical tripping with this as I do with TMV.
closure in Moscow - personally I can't listen to this band because some of it sounds so like Cedric's mannerisms i get freaked out but um from the few times I've heard their songs (esp like "the fool") I've gone "wow someone liked tmv". so. have a look there if you want. a bit more pop-y but that definitely doesn't take away from it. if you want to see Cedric's ghost listen to "Pink lemonade".
the sound of animals fighting - waowwwwwwwww. kinda like a mesh up of atdi/punk and prog elements. very important I'd say.
Alien chicks - OKAY I GOTTA INCLUDE THESE GUYS. they're not quite atdi vibes all the way so I guess this is the wild card of the tmv section. they're not long songs or super dramatic sung vocals but. the energy is exactly the same I'd say. imagine the eccentric slightly off-putting nature of volta shows, cedric climbing up on the stage railings, Omar throwing his guitar away to thrash and dance like it's oxygen to him. this is such an amazing band, and their tracks like Verbena Green, Cowboy and Candlestick Maker (my fave) totally scream weird insanity. phenomenally creative band. SORRY I HAVE A LOT TO SAY ABOUT THEM I saw them earlier this year and they're fucking amazing. paralyzing stage presence.
thanks for indulging me in late night yap anon<3
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tolkiens · 5 months
fugazi on my dash wow 😭💕 gotta know your favourite fugazi songs as a teenager vs now as an adult!
super difficult for me to do because fugazi really are one of those legendary bands who just seem to have the best songs? i have always been more drawn to the songs guy sings more so than ian’s but not intentionally
last chance for a slow dance, KYEO, give me the cure, forensic science, turnover, blueprint, rend it ❤️, the kill (one of my dearest friends who sadly passed away at 22 adored this song and album, it reminds me of him), five corporations, i’m so tired…probably many more
suggestion, of course, getting its own shoutout. powerful message to this day and a band like that singing it to a predominantly male audience 30 years ago was impactful. i could go on for days about this band.
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/ G.O.D thats who made me
Working hard , can't  be lazy
They just frauds , yeah fugazi 
Standing up , yeah mutiny / *2
All they did was doubt homie
Never been a nobody
They blinded , no they can't  see
Living , ain't  no end ta me
Good weed mix with Hennessey 
Bitches didn't  know I was king
Shot my shot  , rejected  me
Demons tryed ta take my peace 
Fake love  , stay the fuck  away
Don't look down , Vibe high homie
Don't doubt cho self , Gotta believe 
Killing shit , do it with ease 
They some slaves ,  live others dreams
Nothing what it seems ta be
Could of died , I got redeemed 
Like some dope , gone make em fein
Lost my dawg , I still do grieve 
Prayers up , We gone receive 
Haters got me misconceived
Keep my soul , won't  never leave 
Don't  need air , Im still gone breathe
Planting  shit  , just like a Tree
Hating  thats the worst disease 
Can't  stop till this quest complete 
G.O.D thats who made me
Working hard , can't  be lazy
They just frauds , yeah fugazi 
Standing up , yeah mutiny
Keep it P & Keep it G
Aiming  for prosperity 
Break it down , come roll with me 
Copying , they wanna bes
0 notes
scoopski-patata · 2 years
so being kinda new to the IJ fandom, I gotta apologize if this info is out there as common knowledge but like ya know how sometimes celebrities and musicians and performers and overall famous people make a playlist on spotify so we can hear some of their faves
anyone know if any of the jokers have ever made a playlist?
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shemakesmusic-uk · 3 years
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Getting To Know...
Bad Waitress.
Toronto-based punk band Bad Waitress released their debut album No Taste last week, on Sept 3rd, via Royal Mountain Records. With a ferocious and exhilarating energy, captured expertly by Grammy-nominated producer Dave Schiffman (PUP, The OBGMs, Trash Talk), No Taste delivers a crash-course in Bad Waitress' brand of razor sharp punk rock over its ten songs.
No Taste finds strength in mood swings, from upbeat “groovin down the street” songs like ‘Strawberry Milkshake’ to “I'm gonna punch everyone” songs like ‘Lacerate’. Traces of Sonic Youth, Fugazi, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, and The Stooges can be heard throughout the album. The band also cite jazz as an inspiration. Moon’s background playing improv jazz, blues and swing makes it an essential force, at the core of Bad Waitress’ music and collaborative process.
We had a chat with the band more about No Taste and the making of the album as well as getting back to touring. Read the Q&A below.
Hi guys! How are you? How have the last 18 months been for you as a band?
"Hey, thanks for speaking with us! The last 18 months have been absolutely nuts. Before the pandemic hit we were rolling along at a steady pace, ticking off a bunch of things we had wanted to achieve as a band and to have it come to a grinding halt was really disappointing. We had this record done back in the summer of 2018 and were looking forward to unleashing it on the world- it felt weird to have to hold onto it for so long! We were constantly creating with each other and having that outlet taken away really sucked. We’re happy that it seems like the musical community is finding ways to forge ahead and keep that magical energy alive."
You’ve just released your debut LP No Taste. What can you tell us about the record? Who were your musical influences?
"We’re so stoked to release it! There’s a lot of different vibes in it- some songs are kinda catchy and sassy, some are a bit darker, and some are a bit more delicate which I think might be unexpected in contrast to the EP we put out a few years ago. I think with this LP we explored some more adventurous song structures and just had a lot of fun weaving all these crazy sounds together. It’s so hard to pin down our influences; honestly world happenings and human connection and literature and drag all seep into what we do, maybe even more so than the music we listen to. We channel everything we consume into what we make. But generally we've listened to a bunch of Idles, David Bowie, Sonic Youth, Gang of Four; I'm sure that's all muddled up in there somehow."
Please take us through your songwriting/creative process for No Taste. What was your favourite part and what did you find most challenging?
"We write in a few different ways. Sometimes Kali would bring a song to us with the bones written out and we’ll add in our parts and work around what she’s made. Sometimes we’d end up just jamming and latching on to a riff or a beat and go off that- it’s a really cool feeling when you weren’t expecting to write anything concrete and suddenly it’s spilling out of you and you’re all just playing off each other. That would definitely be my favourite part, ‘cause you’ve gotta be really in tune with your bandmates and let the noise take you where it wants to go. But that can also be the most challenging part- if you can’t find your way within what’s being played it’s a very powerless feeling. Luckily we seem to be made to make music together so that doesn’t happen too often."
What do you hope fans/listeners will take away from the album?
"Whatever they need to. There’s a lot of specific stories being told on this album but it’s addressing things many people can relate to. We hope it brings people confidence and comfort and the guts to do whatever crazy shit they wanna do."
Finally, what's next for you guys? I see you have some tour dates coming up at the end of the year with Kill Birds. You must be so excited to get back on stage!
"We miss playing shows SO MUCH and it’s gonna be SO GNARLY once we get to tear it up on stage again! That tour with Kills Birds will be a good one, and before that we’ll be playing FME in Quebec and Supercrawl in Hamilton in September. We’re gonna be writing a whole lot more now that we’re able to see each other again and hopefully we’ll have another album written before the next year is over! And of course we wanna tour as much as possible!"
No Taste is out now.
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faccioliste · 4 years
12 Etudes, Op.10: No.2 in A minor – Frédéric Chopin, Andrei Yeh
12 Etudes, Op.10: No.4 in C sharp minor – Frédéric Chopin, Andrei Yeh 
1977 – Ana Tijoux
24 mila baci – Adriano Celentano 
33 “GOD” – Bon Iver
3 Nouvelles Etudes, B.130: 2. Allegretto in A flat major – Frédéric Chopin, Andrei Yeh 
3WW – Alt-J 
3WW – OTG Version, Alt-J
44 gatti 
505 – Arctic Monkeys 
50 Special – Lùnapop
 715 - CR∑∑KS – Bon Iver 
A Cruel Angel’s Thesis – Neon Genesis Evangelion
A Fifth of Beethoven – Walter Murphy
A mano a mano – Rino Gaetano
A me me piace ‘a nutella – Il piccolo Lucio
A new error – Moderat 
Acida – Prozac+
Acqua (Malpensandoti) – Tedua
Addams Family Theme
Addio a Napoli / Ma come fanno i marinai – Dalla, De Gregori
Address Unknown – The Ink Spots
After Hours – The Velvet Underground
Aggiungi un posto a tavola – Johnny Dorelli
Ai ai ai – Los locos 
Ain’t Got No – Nina Simone
Al ballo mascherato – Fabrizio De André
Alexander Platz – Franco Battiato
Alla consolle – Mimmo Amerelli
All Alone – Gorillaz
All Day and All of the Night – The Kinks
All In – Nitro
All I want is you – Barry Louis Polisar
All of me – John Legend
All tomorrow’s parties – The Velvet Underground
Alter Ego – Tame Impala
American Boy – Estelle, Kanye West
American Pie – Don McLean
American Woman – Lenny Kravitz
Amigas Cheetahs – The Ceetah Girls
Amor, amor de mia amores – Natalie Lagourcade
Amore che vieni, amore che vai – Fabrizio De André
Amore disperato – Nada
Anche per te – Lucio Battisti
Andavo a cento all’ora – Gianni Morandi
Anemos - Introduzione – Murubutu
Another brick in the wall – Pink Floyd
Antidoping – Gemitaiz, MadMan, Ensi
APPARTENGO - Il sangue – Marracash, Massimo Pericolo
Applausi per Fibra – Fabri Fibra
Arabella – Arctic Monkeys
Are you gonna be my girl – Jet
Argenti Vive – Caparezza
Arrivederci Tristezza – Brunori Sas
Ask - The Smiths
Autoipnotica – Caparezza
Avrai ragione tu (ritratto) – Caparezza
Azzurro – Adriano Celentano
Ba-ba-baciami piccina – Quartetto Cedra
Babalù – Mannarino
Baby – Justin Bieber
Baby Boy – Beyoncé
…Baby One More Time – Britney Spears
Baby’s on Fire – Die Antwoord
Baciala – La Sirenetta
Baciami ancora – Jovanotti
Back In Black – AC/DC
Back On The Scene – Slaughterhouse
Badabum Cha Cha – Jim Croce
bad guy – Billie Eilish
Bad Mouth – Fugazi
BAGDAD - Cap.7: Liturgia – ROSALÍA
Balla – Umberto Rosario Balsamo
Ballata degli impiccati – Fabrizio De André
Bam bam – Sister Nancy
BamBam – Matador
Banana Brain – Die Antwoord
Bandiera Bianca – Franco Battiato
Bandiera Gialla – Gianni Pettenati
Bandiera Rossa – ✊
Bang bang (My baby shot me down) – Nancy Sinatra
Barbera e Champagne – Giorgio Gaber
Beachwood Park – The Zombies
Bella ciao – ✊
Bella vera – 883
Be my baby – The Ronettes
Ben 10 – Sigla
Benzi box – DANGERDOOM
Berghem béla sità
The best of both worlds – Hannah Montana
Bibbidi bobbidi bu
Bigger Than Prince – Green Velvet
The Black Angel’s Death song – The Velvet Underground, Nico
Blackbird – The Beatles
Blank Space – Taylor Swift
Blowin’ in the wind – Bob Dylan
Blue Monday – New Order
Blue Suede Shoes – Elvis Presley
Blush Beat – Club Domani
Bocca di rosa – Fabrizio De André
BODY PARTS - I denti – Marracash
Boom boom boom boom – Vegaboys
Boom Boom Pow – Black Eyed Peas
Branca Day – Derozer
BRAVI A CADERE - I polmoni – Marracash
Brazil – Django Reinhardt
Breakthru – Queen
Briciole – Calcutta
Brother Sparrow – Agnes Obel
Bull in the heather – Sonic Youth
Buonanotte Fiorellino – Francesco De Gregori
Buona sera (Signorina) – Fred Buscaglione
By Night – Sophie Hutchings
B.Y.O.B. – System Of A Down
By starlight – The Smashing Pumpkins
By This River – Brian Eno
Cacao Meraviglio – Renzo Arbore, Paola Cortellesi, Nino Frassica
California King Bed – Rihanna
Camcamini spazzacamin
Canapa – Punkreas
Cannabis – Ska-P
Cannibal Bling Bling – 10LEC6
Can’t Hold Us – Macklemore
Can’t Stop – Red Hot Chili Peppers
Canzone – Lucio Dalla
Canzone all’entrata – Caparezza
Canzone all’uscita – Caparezza
Canzone a metà – Caparezza
Canzone Del Maggio – Fabrizio De André
Canzone intelligente – Cochi E Renato
Canzone per te – Sergio Endrigo
Carabinieri – Sigla 
Caramba beviamo del whisky 
Carlo Martello Ritorna Dalla Battaglia Di Poitiers – Fabrizio De André
Caso umano – Ministri
Cattolica – Pop X
Centro di gravità permanente – Franco Battiato
C’est la vie (you never can tell) – Pulp no pulp
Che coss’è l’amor – Vinicio Capossela
Che Fico! – Pippo Franco
Che Idea! – Flaminio Maphia
Chi C’è – Fabri Fibra
China Town – Caparezza
Chi Se Ne Frega Della Musica – Caparezza
Chissà Dove Sei – Francesco De Gregori
Chop Suey! – System of a Down
Chum – Earl Sweatshirt
Chunky – Flatbush Zombies
Ci Penso Dopo – Fabri Fibra
Cirano – Francesco Guccini 
Clandestino – Manu Chao
Clint Eastwood – Gorillaz
Coda di Lupo – Fabrizio De André
Come porti i capelli bella bionda – I Girasoli
Comfortably Numb – Pink Floyd
Complicated – Avril Lavigne
Comprami – Viola Valentino
Compro Horror – Caparezza
Comunque Dada – Caparezza
Concerning Hobbits – The Lord of the Rings
Cooler Couleur – Crookers
Cose che non capisco – Caparezza
Country Roads
Crabs in a Bucket – Vince Staples
Crazy in Love – Beyoncé
Crooked Cops – Rejjie Snow
CRUDELIA - I nervi – Marracash
Cuccurucucù – Franco Battiato
Cuore Matto – Little Tony
Cuore Nero – Blind
DA BUTTARE - Il ca**o – Marracash
Da Feeling – Nightmares On Wax 
Dafne sa contare – Murubutu
Dance Monkey – Tones and I
Dancing Queen – ABBA
Dancing With Myself – Billy Idol
Dangerous – Kid Enigma
Death on Two Legs (Dedicated to...) – Queen
Death USB – Salmo
Dedicato a te – Le Vibrazioni
Del Verde – Calcutta
Desire Be Desire Go – Tame Impala
Detto, Fatto. – Gemitaiz & MadMan
Dieci ragazze – Lucio Battisti
Diet Mountain Dew – Lana Del Rey
Die Walkure - Ride of the Valkyries – Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
DI MI NOMBRE (Cap.8: Éxtasis) – ROSALÍA
Disorder – Joy Division
Dispari – Marta Sui Tubi
Disperato Erotico Stomp – Lucio Dalla
Dog in the Mirror – Guerilla Toss
Do I Wanna Know? - Arctic Monkeys
Domani – Ernia 
Domani – Articolo 31
Domani smetto – Articolo 31
Don Chisciotte – Francesco Guccini
Don Raffaè – Fabrizio De André
Don’t Cha – The Pussycat Dolls
Don't Give Up – Mystery Jets
Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood – The Animals
Don’t Pass Me By – The Beatles
Don’t Sit Down ’Cause I’ve Moved Your Chair – Arctic Monkeys
Don’t Stop Me – BowLand
Do the astral plane – Flying Lotus
Dove sta zazà – Gabriella Ferri 
Dove vola l’avvoltoio – Pietro Buttarelli
Downer – Nirvana 
Dream – Hiroshi Noshimura
Dream a Little Dream of Me – Ella Fitzgerald & Louis Armstrong
Drogata schifosa – Pop X
Due su due – Articolo 31
Ed ero contentissimo – Tiziano Ferro
E la luna bussò – Loredana Bertè 
E la vita, la vita – Cochi e Renato
Eleanor Rigby – The Beatles
El pueblo unido – ✊
El Tango De Roxanne – José Feliciano
Endors Toi – Tame Impala
Eroe (Storia di Luigi Delle Bicocche) – Caparezza
Estate – Negramaro 
È tardi – Caparezza
E ti vengo a cercare – Franco Battiato
Everybody Needs Somebody to Love – The Blues Brothers
Everytime We Touch – Cascada
Facciamo un pupazzo insieme? – Frozen 
Fai da tela – Caparezza
Fall In Love – Yuno
Family Affair – Mary J. Blige
Fango – Jovanotti 
Farò di te un uomo – Mulan
Fatty Boom Boom – Die Antwoord
Feel Good Inc. – Gorillaz
Feeling Good – Nina Simone
Femme Fatale – The Velvet Underground
Fenomeno – Fabri Fibra
Figli d’arte – Caparezza
Figli Di Pitagora – Eiffel 65
Figli di puttana – Pop X
Fireside – Arctic Monkeys
Five to one – The Doors 
Fleas to beas – 10LEC6
Forever Jung – Caparezza
Franziska – Fabrizio De André
Freak Like Me – DJ Deeon
Frosinone – Calcutta
Funkytown – Lipps Inc.
Funnel of Love – Wanda Jackson 
Fuori dal tunnel – Caparezza
Gaetano – Calcutta
Game of Thrones – Sigla
Gasolina – Daddy Yankee
Gente che spera – Articolo 31 
Ghetto Kraviz – Nina Kraviz
Gianna – Rino Gaetano
Gigugin – Articolo 31
Giotto Beat – Caparezza
Girlfriend – Avril Lavigne
Girls Just Want to Have Fun – Cyndi Lauper
Giudizi universali – Samuele Bersani
Gli insetti del podere – Caparezza
Gli uccelli – Franco Battiato
G.O.A.T. - Il cuore – Marracash
GO AWAY! – CocoRosie
Goodbye Malinconia – Caparezza
Good Golly Miss Molly – Little Richard
Goodnight Moon – Shivaree
Gotta Go My Own Way – High School Musical Cast
Grande figlio di puttana – Stadio
Grau grau grau - da “io sto con gli ippopotami” – Bud Spencer
Grease – The Four Seasons
Greased Lightnin’ – John Travolta
GRETA THUNBERG - Lo stomaco – Marracash
Hallelujah – Leonard Cohen
Happiness is a Warm Gun – The Beatles
Happy Days – Ghali
Happy Days (Theme from Happy Days) – Pratt & McClain
Happy Hour – Felix da Housecat
Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger – Daft Punk
Harry Potter in 99 Seconds – Jon Cozart
Have You Ever Had... (Skit) – Salmo
Heart and Soul – Joy Division
Heartbreak Hotel – Elvis Presley
Hello, I Love You – The Doors
Hey Bulldog – The Beatles
Hit Me with Your Best Shot – Pat Benatar
Hit the Road Jack – Ray Charles
Hive – Earl Sweatshirt
Ho capito che ti amo – Luigi Tenco
Hoedown Throwdown – Miley Cyrus
Hollaback Girl – Gwen Stefani
home with you – FKA twigs
hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have - but i have it – Lana Del Rey
Hotel Supramonte – Fabrizio De André
House Credibility – Caparezza
Ho visto un re – Enzo Jannacci
How Far – Tei Shi
HUMBLE. – Kendrick Lamar
Hypnotize – The Notorious B.I.G.
I Am Woman – Helen Reddy
I Bet You Look Good on the Dancefloor – Arctic Monkeys
(I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction – The Rolling Stones
I Cento Passi – Modena City Ramblers
I colori del vento – Pocahontas 
I consigli di un pirla – Articolo 31
Ieri era zero – Hercules 
I Fink U Freeky – Die Antwoord
I Follow Rivers – Lykke Li
If She Really Is Your Light – Pavlove
I Know It’s Over – The Smiths
Il ballo del qua qua – Romina Power 
Il ballo di San Vito – Vinicio Capossela
Il bar della rabbia – Mannarino
Il Bel Canto – Ministri
Il Bombarolo – Fabrizio De André
Il Cielo In Una Stanza – Gino Paoli
Il Dito Medio Di Galileo – Caparezza
Il Funkytarro – Articolo 31
Il Gatto E La Volpe – Edoardo Bennato
Il gigante e la bambina – Lucio Dalla 
Il gorilla – Fabrizio De André
I’ll Be Your Mirror – The Velvet Underground
I’ll Come Running – Brian Eno
Il Mondo – Jimmy Fontana
Il Pescatore – Fabrizio De André
Il posto più freddo – I Cani
Il Principe Ali – Aladdin
Il regalo più grande – Tiziano Ferro
Il senso dell’odio – Salmo
Il suonatore Jones – Fabrizio De André
Il tempo di morire – Lucio Battisti
Il testamento – Fabrizio De André
Il testamento di Tito – Fabrizio De André
Il testo che avrei voluto scrivere – Caparezza
Il Vitello Dai Piedi Di Balsa – Elio e le Storie Tese
I’m a Believer – Smash Mouth
I marinai tornano tardi – Murubutu
Impara il longobardo con Alessandro Barbero 
I’m so tired – The Beatles
In caduta libera – Folkstone
In Cold Blood​​ – alt-J
Incontro – Francesco Guccini
In Italia – Fabri Fibra
Innuendo – Queen
Insieme a te non ci sto più – Caterina Caselli
In the Aeroplane Over the Sea – Neutral Milk Hotel
Introduzione – Fabrizio De André
In Un Giorno Di Pioggia – Modena City Ramblers
Inverno – Fabrizio De André
Io centro con i missili –  Pop X
Io credo in me – Naruto 
Io ho in mente te – Equipe 84
Io non mi sento italiano – Giorgio Gaber
Io sono fatto di neve – Ministri
Io sono qui – Salmo
Irene – Pinguini Tattici Nucleari
Iris – The Goo Goo Dolls
Isla Magica – Maria Usbeck
Isobarre – Murubutu
I sogni son desideri 
Isola verde – Murubutu
It Is Not Meant To Be – Tame Impala
It’s not too late – 10LEC6
I’ve got a woman – Ray Charles
(I’ve Had) The Time of My Life – Bill Medley
I vitelloni – Bobo Rondelli
I wanna be your lover – La Bionda 
I wanna be yours – Arctic Monkeys 
I want you back – The Jackson 5 
I will survive – Gloria Gaynor 
Jazz suite no.2: 6 waltz II – Dmitri Shostakovich
Jigsaw Feeling – Siouxsie and the Banshees
Johnny B. Goode – Chuck Berry
Just Dropped In (To See What Condition My Condition Was In) – Kenny Rogers
Just the way you are – Bruno Mars 
Kalasnjkov – Goran Bregović, Slobodan Salijevic
Keep yourself alive – Queen
Kentucky – Il Bepi & The Prismas
Kevin Spacey – Caparezza
Killer Queen – Queen
King’s Supreme – Machete Crew
Kitaro – Caparezza
Kurt Cobain – Brunori Sas
La Ballata Dell’amore Cieco (O Della Vanità) – Fabrizio De André
La Ballata dell’eroe – Fabrizio De André
La Ballata del Miché – Fabrizio De André
La bambola – Patty Pravo
La bella la và al fosso – I Girasoli
La Bomba In Testa – Fabrizio De André
La Caduta di Atlante – Caparezza
La Canzone del Padre – Fabrizio De André
La Canzone di Barbara – Fabrizio De André
La Canzone di Marinella – Fabrizio De André
La cesarina – I Girasoli
La città vecchia – Fabrizio De André
La collina dei pioppi – Murubutu
La cosa – Cochi e Renato
Lacrime – Ghali
La cura – Franco Battiato
La danza delle streghe – Gabry Ponte 
Ladies and Gentlemen We Are Floating in Space – Spiritualized
La donna cannone – Francesco De Gregori
Lady Marmalade – Moulin Rouge
La famiglia dei becchini – Musica Per Bambini 
La fine di Gaia – Caparezza
La Ghigliottina – Caparezza
La grande onda – Piotta
La guerra di Piero – Fabrizio De André
La Isla Bonita – Madonna
La La Land – Green Velvet
Lala Song – Bob Sinclar
La libertà – Giorgio Gaber
La lontananza – Domenico Modugno
La mamma di Rosina – I Girasoli
La Marchetta di Popolino – Caparezza
La mazurka di periferia – Raoul Casadei
La mia parte intollerante – Caparezza
La mia ragazza mena – Articolo 31
L’animale – Franco Battiato
La notte – Arisa
La parata degli elefanti rosa – Quartetto Cetra
L’appuntamento – Calibro 35
La prima rondine venne ier sera – Pop x
La prima volta  – Motta
La prima volta – Salmo
La regola dell’amico – 883
La rivoluzione del sessintutto – Caparezza
L’armata perduta di Re Cambise – Murubutu
Larsen – Caparezza
Las Divinas – Patito Feo
La società dei magnaccioni – Lando Fiorini
La spesa – Marta Sui Tubi
La stagione del tuo amore – Fabrizio De André
La Strada – Modena City Ramblers 
La Tartaruga – Bruno Lauzi
Laughing On The Outside – Bernadette Carroll
La Valse à Mille Temps – Jacques Brel
La vie en rose – Édith Piaf
La vie en rose – Louis Armstrong
L’avvelenata – Francesco Guccini
Layla – Eric Clapton
Le barche – Calcutta
Le coppie – I Cani
Legalize The Premier – Caparezza
L’emozione non ha voce – Adriano Celentano
Le ragazze di porta venezia – Myss Keta
Less Than – Nine Inch Nails
Le tasche piene di sassi – Jovanotti
Let Me Blow Ya Mind – Eve
Let’s Get Crazy – Hannah Montana
Let’s Twist Again – Chubby Checker
Levante – Murubutu
Lexotan – I Cani
L. Fast & D. Young – Salmo
L’Idraulico Aulico – MusicaPerBambini
Life on Mars? – David Bowie
L’immensità – Don Backy
Limonata – Calcutta 
L’infinto – Caparezza
L’inno del corpo sciolto – Roberto Benigni 
L’isola Che Non C’è – Edoardo Bennato
L’italiano medio – Articolo 31
Little Green Bag – George Baker Selection
Little Lover – AC/DC
Livin’ la Vida Loca – Ricky Martin
Lonely Boy – The Black Keys
Lonely Day – System of a Down
Long Tall Sally – Little Richard
Lontano dagli occhi – Sergio Endrigo
Lontano, lontano – Luigi Tenco
Look at Me, I’m Sandra Dee – Stockard Channing
Looking at You – MC5
Loose Lips – Kimya Dawson
Loser – Beck
Los Ojos Del Diablo – El Raton 
Lo stretto indispensabile – Il libro della giungla 
Love Buzz – Shocking Blue
Love Is a Laserquest – Arctic Monkeys
Love Me – Justin Bieber
Love sex american express – Cristian Marchi
Love Stink – LoboLoto
Love Story – Taylor Swift
Lucifer Sam – Pink Floyd
Lucille – Little Richard
L’ultima festa – Cosmo
L’ultima speranza – Hercules
L’uomo che premette – Caparezza
L’uomo tigre 
L’uva fogarina – I Girasoli 
Ma che freddo fa – Nada
Madame Hollywood – Felix da Housecat
MADAME - L’anima – Marracash
Maddalena e Madonna – Brunori Sas
Madonnina dai riccioli d’oro – I Girasoli
Mad Sounds – Arctic Monkeys
Magazine – Dark Polo Gang
Ma il cielo è sempre più blu – Rino Gaetano
MALAMENTE (Cap.1: Augurio) – ROSALÍA
MALDICIÓN (Cap.10: Cordura) – ROSALÍA
Maledetti scarafaggi 
Mambo Italiano – Renato Carosone
Mamma Roma, Addio – Cranio Randagio
Mara e il maestrale – Murubutu
Marco gioca sott’acqua – Murubutu
Marks – Nicolas Jaar
Marry You – Bruno Mars
MARYLEAN – Machete
Marylou – Mannarino
mary magdalene – FKA twigs
Mas Que Nada – Sergio Mendes
Materazzi ha fatto gol – Matrixgol
Matilda – ​​alt-J
Men In Black – Will Smith
Mentre tutto scorre – Negramaro
Merchandise – Fugazi
Me So’ Mbriacato – Mannarino
Messa in moto – Caparezza
Meteorological – Guerilla Toss
Mica Van Gogh – Caparezza
Migliora La Tua Memoria Con Un Click – Caparezza
Milano – Calcutta
Milkshake – Kelis
Mi mujer – Nicolas Jaar
Minor Swing – Django Reinhardt & le Hot Club de France
Minuetto – Mia Martini
Mio fratello è figlio unico – Rino Gaetano
Mi parli di te – Motta
Mi sei scoppiato dentro al cuore – Mina
Mi sento una betulla in piena estate insieme a te – Cecco e Cipo
Misirlou – Surf Boys 
Mi sono innamorato di te – Luigi Tenco
Moanin’ – Charles Mingus
Moby Dick – Led Zeppelin
Mon oncle – Frank Barcellini
Moondance – Van Morrison
Morte in diretta – Salmo
Mouth trap! – 10LEC5
Mr. Simpatia – Fabri Fibra
My Generation – The Who
My Rollercoaster – Kimya Dawson
NANA (Cap.9: Concepción) – ROSALÍA
Nandemonaiya – RADWIMPS
Narcoleptic Verses Pt. 1 – Salmo
Negative Youth – Salmo
Nel blu dipinto di blu – Domenico Modugno
Nella Mia Ora Di Libertà – Fabrizio De André
Nella pancia dello squalo – Salmo
Nessuno – Brunori Sas
Nessun rimpianto – 883
Niente da capire – Francesco De Gregori 
Niente di strano – Giorgio Poi 
No. 1 Party Anthem – Arctic Monkeys
No Big Bang – Priests
No Fear – Fabrizio Maurizi 
Noi bambine non abbiamo scelta – Baustelle
Non farti cadere le braccia – Edoardo Bennato
Non me lo posso permettere – Caparezza
Non me lo so spiegare – Tiziano Ferro
Non potrei mai – Fast Animals and Slow Kids
Non siete stato voi – Caparezza 
NON SONO MARRA - La pelle – Marracash
No Stress – Laurent Wolf
No Surprises – Radiohead
No Tengo Dinero – Righeira
Noter de Berghem – I cör alegher 
Notte prima degli esami – Antonello Venditti 
No Woman, No Cry – Bob Marley & The Wailers
Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da – The Beatles
Oh, pretty woman – Roy Orbison
Oltre il ponte – Modena City Ramblers
Oltre l’orizzonte – Oceania 
One More Time – Daft Punk 
One O Six – Jupiter 
One way or another – Blondie 
On Melancholy hill – Gorillaz
On the floor  Jennifer Lopez
Oops! I did it again – Britney Spears 
Orgasmo – Calcutta
Oroscopo – Calcutta
OSCENO – Lilly Meraviglia 
Our song – Taylof Swift 
Paint it, Black – The Rolling Stones
Pale Blue Eyes – The Velvet Underground 
Pantalica – Colapesce 
Papa was a Rolling Stones – The Temptations
Paper Bag Acid – Jerome Hill 
Paradise – Phoebe Cates
Paranoia mia – Ernia 
Parole parola – Mina 
Party in the U.S.A – Miley Cyrus 
Peace Lovin Man – John Lee Hooker
Peaches en regalia – Frank Zappa
Penny Lane – The Beatles 
Pepper – Butthole Surfers 
Per amore e basta – Motta
Per dimenticare – Zero Assoluto 
Però mi vuol bene – Quartetto Cetra 
Per tutte le volte che – Valerio Scanu 
Peter Gunn – Henry Mancini
Piazza Grande – Lucio Dalla
Piccola Sbronza – Selton, Dente 
Pifferaio magico – Articolo 31
Piledriver Waltz – Arctic Monkeys 
Piove – Domenico Modugno 
Pippi calzelunghe 
Pistorius – Gemitaiz, Madman 
Più bella cosa – Eros Ramazzotti 
Planet Caravan – Black Sabbath
Play – Betta Lemme 
Pleasentville – Nitro 
POCO DI BUONO - Il fegato – Marracash 
Poesia – Don Backy 
Poetessa maledetta – Club Domani, Stephanie Glitter 
Pokemon – Giorgio Vanni 
Pollon, pollon combina guai – Critina D’Avena 
Pop porno – Il Genio
Pornoromanzo – Brunori Sas
Posso farcela – Alex Baroni (Hercules)
Post Concerto – Coma_Cose 
Precipitevolissimevolmente – Dente, Il Genio 
Preghiera delle palle di neve – Musica Per Bambini
PRESO (Cap.6: Clausura) – ROSALÍA
Pretty fly (for a white guy) – The Offspring
Price Tag – Jessie J, B.o.
Prima di dormire – Salmo 
Prisencolinensinainciusol – Adriano Celentano 
Prisoner 709 – Caparezza 
Promised Land – Joe Smooth 
Prospettiva Nevsi – Franco Battiato
Psycho Killer – Talking Heads 
Pump up the jam – Technotronic, Felly 
QUALCOSA IN CUI CREDERE - Lo scheletro – Marracash
Quando quando quando – Tony Renis 
QUELLI CHE NON PENSANO - Il cervello – Marracash
Quello che siamo diventati – Motta 
Questa è la mia festa – Maria Antonietta 
Questa è la realtà – Hercules 
Questo piccolo grande amore – Claudio Baglioni
Ragazza magica – Jovanotti 
Ragazze acidelle – Flaminio Maphia 
Ragazzo fortunato – Jovanotti 
Ramaya – Afric Simone
Rancho della luna – Salmo 
Rasputin – Boney M. 
Recitativo – 2 invocazioni 1 atto di accusa – Fabrizio de andré
Reginella campagnola – I Girasoli
Relax Your Body – D.F.X. 
RENIEGO - Cap.5: Lamento – ROSALÍA
Respect – Aretha Franklin 
Restiamo in casa – Colapesce 
Ricchi Dentro - Ghali
The Climb – Miley Cyrus
The Dark Side of the Mood – Nitro
The Flintstones – Sigla 
The Gravedigger’s Song – Mark Lanegan
The Heroic Weather - Conditions of the Universe, Part 1: A Veiled Mist – Alexandre Desplat
The Kids Aren’t Alright – The Offspring
The lazy song – Bruno Mars
The realness – RuPaul
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askmeme-throwaway · 4 years
"    that    was    fucking    terrible ,    get    the    fuck    out    of    here .    "
"    what ' s    going    on ,    you    fucking    fugazi  ?    "
"    my    name ' s    [ NAME ] ,    i    heard    you    need    a    new    [ NAME ]    for    your    band .    "
"    where    the    fuck    is    your    drummer  ?    "
"    where    the    fuck    is    your    instrument  ?    "
"    dude ,    you    can    at    least    take    me    out    to    dinner .    i ' m    not    showing    you    my    dick    already .    "
"    go    get    your    fucking    instrument .    "
"    alright ,    man ,    we ' ve    already    got    beer .    "
"    like ,    thank    you ,    i    appreciate    it ,    but    we    got    a    keg    in    the    back .    "
"    i    saw    what    the    other    guy    did .    " 
"    like    you    said ,    we    already    have    a    guy    who    does    that .    "
"    this    is    the    instrument    of    my    people  !    "
"    i    usually    wouldn ' t    do    this .    "
"    let ' s    give    it    a    shot .    "
"    you    don ' t    need    any    sort    of    skill .    "
"    just    hit    it    a    couple    of    times .    "
"    gotta    warm    up .    "
"    okay ,    okay ,    get    on    with    it .    "
"    i ' m    ready ,    just    do    it  !    " 
"    i    think    that    was    a    G    sharp ,    even .    "
"    i    don ' t    know    notes .    "
"    we ' re    already    on    the    same    page  !    "
"    we ' re    already    on    the    same    page ,    it ' s    like    john    le.nnon    &    rin.go    fart    or    whatever .    "
"    we    would    be    on    the    same    page    if    you    brought    a    fucking    mask .    "
"    don ' t    you    know    what    fucking    band    this    is  ?    "
"    it ' s    kind    of    our    thing .    "
"    it ' s    our    gimmick ,    man  !    "
"    i    got    this    at    some    fucking    silent    auction .    "
"    this    isn ' t    phantom    of    the    goddamn    opera .    "
"    i    think    i    might ' ve    just    stolen    it    from    them .    "
"    i    might ' ve    beaten    them    up .    i    don ' t    know ,    i    don ' t    remember    how    the    blood    got    on    there .    "
"    you ' re    gonna    be    a    fucking    laughing    stock  !    "
"    that ' s    not    gonna    cut    it    for    me ,    man .    "
"    you    gotta    go .    "
"    you ' re    delusional  !    "
"    congratulations    on    having    a    degenerate    in    your    band .    " 
"    what    are    you    gonna    do    next ,    talk    shit    about    our    dead    drummer  ?    “
"    he ' s    had    enough .    "
"    i    can    take    my    keg    elsewhere .    "
"    i ' m    gonna    have    a    damn-ass    good    party    on    my    own .    "
"    i    hate    those    bastards  !    "
"    hold    on    one    second    –    do    that    one    more    time .    "
"    can    you    give    me    a    bar  ?    "    
"    come    here ,    pal .    "
"    i    like    that    sound .    that ' s    our    new    fucking    sound .    "
"    let    me    tell    you    my    opinion    on    the    new    sonic    movie .    "    
8 notes · View notes
makeste · 5 years
a BnHA playlist/fanmix thing
@psqqa so I finally put together a list of some of my BnHA playlist tracks! this is by no means comprehensive because I have literally half a dozen different playlists with different themes (e.g. “instrumentals”, “BakuDeku”, “songs that either remind me of Kacchan or that he would work out to”, “angsty apocalyptic final battle”, and so forth) and omg it’s a lot. but this is my most inclusive playlist, which consists of general character theme songs for most of class 1-A, the League of Villains, and a few others. my taste in music generally leans towards alternative/indie/rock/grunge, but it can kind of go all over the place. so the genres may vary here and there, especially since I opted to go with whichever song I felt fit the character best regardless of how well the tracks all blended together musically.
also I have a bakudeku bias but THAT’S NOT EXACTLY BREAKING NEWS what can I say. and this is actually me holding back lol but oh well.
Deku - Rise (Katy Perry) - “makeste did you really just kick off your BnHA playlist with a Katy Perry song” yeah I did! because!! I won’t just survive/oh you will see me thrive/can’t write my story/I’m beyond the archetype. like, this song was made for anime protagonists. oh ye of little faith/don’t doubt it, don’t doubt it/victory is in my veins/I know it, I know it. this kid just doesn’t give up. this is no mistake, no accident/when you think the final nail is in, think again/don’t be surprised/I will still rise.
bonus: Blood (Archis) - this song is fucking gorgeous both musically and lyrically. don’t let them win/don’t let them get/under your skin, into your head/they’re full of it/you’re full of life/you’ll prove them right if you’re giving up/so let’s go for blood. it really is fucked up how dismissive BnHA society is of anyone who’s quirkless. it’s so stupid too, because the majority of quirks aren’t even all that great. “look at me I can make DSLR lenses pop out of my body!” lol fucking great. so obviously superior to normal people who have to take pictures with actual cameras like fucking scrubs. anyway, so Deku was written off from a young age as helpless, defective, and deficient, all because he lacked a quirk. so it’s been so fucking great to watch him finally prove them all wrong. (...by getting a quirk. lol. but STILL.) well it sure took a while to turn it around/but I never gave up on me.
Bakugou - We Will Rock You (VonLichten mix) (Queen) - I like this version of the song because it adds a bit of an extra oomph and it’s a little bit fiercer. anyways, this has been my Bakugou theme song since day one, and what I love about it is that each verse works for a different stage of his ~journey~. buddy you’re a boy/make a big noise/playing in the street/gonna be a big man someday -- this is Katsuki as a fearless young child, with hints at the growing chip on his shoulder (kicking your can all over the place). and then the second verse is him a little older, starting out at UA -- buddy you’re a young man/hard man/shouting in the street/gonna take on the world someday -- and proclaiming to the world that he’ll be number one. and lastly we have the final verse, with its line gonna make you some peace someday, which I know is meant in a make-peace-with-things-before-the-end kind of way, but in a BnHA context you can totally tweak it to be a reference to the man he’s aspiring to be. gonna make you some peace, because he’s gonna be greater than the Symbol of Peace himself someday.
bonus: Defy You (The Offspring) - the wind blows/I’ll lean into the wind/my anger grows/I’ll use it to win/the more you say/the more I defy you/so get out of my way. perfect song for a boy who cannot and will not be stopped. you cannot stop us/you cannot bring us down/never give up/we’ll go on and on. or, in his words: “I will win... that’s what heroes do.”
All Might - Legends Never Die (League of Legends OST) - listen I have never played League of Legends lol, but ever since I heard this song in a Marvel edit, this has been the All Might song for me. you could probably just watch the Kamino battle on mute with this song in the background and everything would fit. legends never die/when the world is calling you/can you hear them screaming out your name?/legends never die/they become a part of you/every time you bleed for reaching greatness/relentless, you survive. the lyrics basically speak for themselves. we stan a champion.
Aizawa - I’ll Make a Man Out of You (Mulan OST) - y’all I went through so many songs looking for something that summarized Aizawa’s tiredness/doneness-with-life while also alluding to his mentor side, and then suddenly BAM, it hit me. anyways so yeah. you’re the saddest bunch I ever met/but you can bet before we’re through/mister I’ll make a man out of you. also just try to listen to the “say goodbye to those who knew me/boy was I a fool in school for cutting gym/THIS GUY’S GOT ‘EM SCARED TO DEATH” part without picturing 1-A bitching about their scruffy teacher overlord whom they secretly love.
bonus: I’m So Tired (Fugazi) - if you’re looking for something more musically cohesive with the rest of this playlist in general, as opposed to SUDDEN DISNEY SONG OUT OF NOWHERE, this may be a bit more up your alley lol. I’m so tired sheep are counting me/no more struggle, no more energy/no more patience/and you can write that down/it’s all too crazy and I’m not sticking round. anyways Aizawa needs a nap.
Todoroki - Alive (Sia) - I grew up overnight/I played alone, I played on my own/I survived/I wanted everything I never had/like the love that comes with life/I wore envy and I hated it/but I survived. guys this little candy cane boy has been through some shit. but he hung in there and now he is thriving. I’m still breathing/I’m alive.
Ochako - You Gotta Be (Des’ree) - because she’s a badass. you gotta be bad, you gotta be bold, you gotta be wiser/you gotta be hard, you gotta be tough, you gotta be stronger/you gotta be cool, you gotta be calm, you gotta stay together. anyways I sure would like Ochako to get the spotlight in an arc again one of these days. she’s the best.
Iida - Never Die (FNDTY) - it was actually pretty hard to find a song that fit Iida’s unique forty-year-old man personality since my musical tastes usually run towards moody shit and he’s pretty much the opposite of that lol. but I think the tempo of this song fits his quirk, at least, and it makes me smile, which he does also. you can run/you can fly/you can never die.
Kirishima - Guts Over Fear ft. Sia (Eminem)  - so this is a song all about overcoming your insecurities and finding the courage within yourself. I freaking love how the pre-chorus I was afraid to make a single sound/afraid I would never find a way out builds up and transitions into so here I am and I will not run/guts over fear. I’m so proud of Kiri you guys.
Momo - You Are Young (Keane) - another song about getting the better of your personal doubts and demons! hey now, don’t be scared, baby, don’t be scared at all/of all the things you don’t know/you’ve got time to realize. Momo has so much potential and she’s going to be such an incredible hero one day. now that she’s gaining more confidence the sky is pretty much the limit for her. you’ve got time/you’ve got to try/to bring some good into this world/cause you are young.
Mina - Safe and Sound (Capital Cities) - oh hey it’s the most upbeat song in the world, for the world’s most cheerful and optimistic and endlessly delightful person. I could fill your cup/you know my river won’t evaporate/this world we still appreciate/you could be my luck/even in a hurricane of frowns/I know that we’ll be safe and sound.
Kaminari - Thunderstruck (AC/DC) - okay yeah maybe I didn’t try too hard on this one lol. BUT IF THE SHOE FITS and honestly, it does. title aside, I think this song fits Kaminari musically too. it’s badass and it puts a smile on your face. went through to Texas/yeah Texas/and we had some fun/we met some girls/some dancers who gave a good time/broke all the rules/played all the fools. and then, of course, the chorus. you’ve been thunderstruck.
Jirou - Dream On (Aerosmith) - you know I had to go with a rock song for Jirou, so might as well go with a classic that’s all about (a) loving music (sing with me, sing for the year/sing for the laughter, sing for the tear) and (b) shooting for your dreams. dream on, dream on/dream until your dreams come true.
Tokoyami - Dark Necessities (Red Hot Chili Peppers) - I could have possibly gone with something a bit more goth for Toko as opposed to the Chilis, but the lyrics just fit so well though. you don’t know my mind/you don’t know my kind/dark necessities are part of my design/tell the world that I’m falling from the sky/dark necessities are part of my design/do you want this love of mine?/darkness helps us all to shine. Tokoyami doesn’t get enough respect for being a teenage edgelord without being a cringey mess. he’s setting such a good example for others.
so that’s pretty much it for my 1-A songs, but here are some bonus BakuDeku songs because I am obsessed
Muddy Waters (LP) - this is my theme for Deku VS Kacchan 2. goddamn Katsuki is such a hot fucking mess during this fight. and he’s hurting so much, and he’s reaching out to the only person he knows to reach out to in the only way he knows how. I will ask you for mercy/I will come to you blind/what you’ll see is the worst me/I’m not the last of my kind/in the muddy water we’re falling/in the muddy water we’re crawling. this song brings that good angst you guys. this is a relationship that has been through the wringer, and two boys who have basically no idea what they are doing, just kind of stumbling along. it is not clear why we choose the fire pathway/where we end is not the way that we had planned/all the spirits gathered round like it’s our last day/to get across you know we’ll have to raise the sand. anyways these kids chose the highest possible difficulty level for their path forward, but they’re doing it though. together, y’all.
Admiration (Incubus) - because Izuku is frankly infatuated and doesn’t even try to hide it. you’re an unfenced fire/over walls we’ve trampled/it’s you I admire/my living example. “an amazing person who was even closer to me than All Might.” he’s so open in his respect and awe for practically everything Kacchan does. just staring at him in starry-eyed wonder. and this part of their dynamic has always been so compelling to me -- how unconditional it is on Izuku’s part. that is some fiercely strong love there on his part that it can survive all the bullshit Kacchan heaps onto it, and all his best attempts to snuff it out. he just latched on and wouldn’t let go. anyways it resulted in something extremely unhealthy for quite a while, but it’s turning around now and being reciprocated, even if Kacchan’s version is prickly and tentative. don’t get ahead of me/could we just this once see eye to eye?
Ordinary Love (U2) - I can’t fight you anymore/it’s you I’m fighting for/the sea throws rocks together/but time leaves us polished stones. I fucking love that metaphor, though. yeah, just give them time. they’re gonna figure this all out one day.
and have a bonus theme song for class 1-A in general before we move on
Charlie Brown (Coldplay) - something about this song just embodies that restive, fidgety energy of youth to me. all the boys, all the girls/all that matters in the world/all the boys, all the girls/all the madness that occurs/all the highs, all the lows/as the room a-spinning goes/we’ll run riot/we’ll be glowing in the dark. there’s like a disorderly, disheveled beauty to this. say what you will about Coldplay, but some of their songs are like the musical equivalent of a rainbow.
anyways so now I’m gonna segue into some songs for a few of the season 4 characters. starting with...
Nighteye - While I’m Still Here (Nine Inch Nails) - ticking time is running out/yesterday I found out the world was ending. I still can’t get over how psychologically devastating Nighteye’s quirk is. it’s basically just Major Bummer: The Quirk. this season is really going to fuck me up emotionally isn’t it. a little more/every day/falls apart and/slips away/I don’t mind/I’m okay/wish it didn’t have to end this way. fucking hell. guess I better brace myself for some solid gut punches to the soul.
Eri - Rabbit Heart (Raise It Up) (Florence + the Machine) - nothing to see here, just a little girl being treated as nothing more than a human bloodbank, and told that her quirk is nothing but a curse even as her abuser hoards it and uses it to wage a war. this is a gift, it comes with a price/who is the lamb and who is the knife?/Midas is king and he holds me so tight/and turns me to gold in the sunlight. but I also picked this song for Eri because of the way the POV slowly gathers up their courage and tries to fight back. I wish that I could just be brave/I must become a lion-hearted girl/ready for a fight/before I make the final sacrifice. excuse me I need to go hug Eri.
Mirio - Carry On (fun.) - okay so it was kind of hard to pick a song for Mirio, I think maybe I was overthinking it. anyways I ended up going with something hopeful to try and embody his endless, determined optimism. this song has kind of a quiet courage that builds up as it goes on. my favorite part is the second bridge: cause we are/we are shining stars/we are invincible/we are who we are/on our darkest day/when we’re miles away/so we’ll come/we will find our way home.
bonus: Mirio and Tamaki - Kids (Acoustic) (OneRepublic) - back when we were kids/swore we would never die/you and me were kids/swear that we’ll never die. lol at least we have one healthy childhood friendship to stan in this series.
and now on to THE VILLAINS, yay. this is probably the most musically cohesive section of this playlist, since VILLAINS!! means I can go with an overall darker ambiance.
All for One - Sympathy for the Devil (Neptunes Remix) (Rolling Stones) - didn’t even have to think about this one. please allow me to introduce myself/I’m a man of wealth and taste/I’ve been around for a long, long year/stole many a man’s soul and faith. this is the gentleman villain song and a perfect fit IMO.
Tomura - Pet (A Perfect Circle) - or really, this is more “AFO and Tenko”, I guess. manipulating a traumatized child into hating the world and raising him to become a killer. pay no mind to what other voices say/they don’t care about you like I do/safe from pain and truth and choice and other poison devils/see, they don’t give a fuck about you like I do/just stay with me/safe and ignorant. this is one of those songs where literally the entire song fits both lyrically and musically. just perfect. I’ll be the one to protect you from your enemies and your choices, son/they’re one and the same/I must isolate you/isolate and save you from yourself. like it’s a struggle here not to quote the entire song. ...eh, one more. swinging to the rhythm of the new world order and/counting bodies like sheep to the rhythm of the war drums.
bonus: Flesh and Bone (Black Math) - Tenko angst. god that last arc was so fucking good. I walk alone, beside myself/nowhere to go/this bleeding heart that’s in my hands/I fell apart. stupid manga with its darkly compelling villain character arcs.
Dabi - Shadow on the Sun (Audioslave) - aaaangst lol. and I can tell you why/people go insane/I can show you how/you could do the same. p.s. Dabi you still owe me a flashback! also “shadow on the sun” is a pretty good metaphor for his relationship with Endeavor. fire quirks make for such great metaphor potential.
Toga - Bones (MS MR) - you know I really have no idea why this song pings me so hard for Toga lol. but whatever, it is what it is. marinate in misery/like a girl of only 17/man-made madness/and the romance of sadness.
Twice - Misfits (Third Eye Blind) - my people are the misfits/the ones that don’t fit in. this is another song that clicked pretty naturally without requiring much thought on my part. well those are the ones for me/yeah those are the ones for me/the misfits, the freaks, the enemy/you and me.
Spinner - Normal Person (Arcade Fire) - is anything as strange as a normal person?/is anyone as cruel as a normal person/waiting after school for you/they want to know if you/if you’re normal too/well are you? this song is such a burn on quirk society and all of its issues. I can’t tell if I’m a normal person, it’s true/I think I’m cool enough/but am I cruel enough? I especially love the ending -- if that’s what’s normal now/I don’t want to know.
and a bonus League of Villains song:
Everybody Wants to Rule the World (Tears for Fears cover) (Lorde) - just change “rule” to “destroy” I guess lol. help me make the most of freedom/and of pleasure/nothing ever lasts forever/everybody wants to rule the world. god I love this cover. this is one of those songs I’ll play over and over again anyway so it’s nice to have a good excuse what with the direction this new arc appears to be headed in.
and lastly, a couple of Hawks and Endeavor songs because they don’t really fit in any other section and I didn’t really plan out this post!
Hawks - Weapon (Matthew Good) - just a really nice, angsty theme for the man who goes too fast, off on his spy mission of doom. careful, you be careful/this is where the world drops off. plus some bonus angst about how he’s trapped in this role that he never wanted to be in. and you give in/and you give out for it/ain’t it so weird/how it makes you a weapon.
Endeavor - Find My Way (Nine Inch Nails) - lord my path has gone astray/I’m just trying to find my way/wandered here from far away/I’m just trying to find my way/you were never meant to see/all those things inside of me/now that you have gone away/I’m just trying to find my way. I don’t really need to comment more on this, do I? also, the part where Trent Reznor’s voice drops to a whisper and says please/I never meant for this, though. omg. Endeavor you’re such a bitch and you had all of this coming, but even so. oof.
and that’s pretty much it! she said, like this post wasn’t long af as it is lol. anyway so there are... 34 songs here, lol. I should probably try and put it all into a youtube playlist or something for convenience. I’ll edit once I’ve done that.
edit: playlist!
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castroneves · 5 years
16 29
16. if you’d grown up in a different environment, do you think you’d have turned out the same?i think about this all the time actually. i grew up in a very white republican suburb and i know my parents are vaguely liberal but we literally NEVER discussed politics at all when i was a kid so i don’t know how i ended up being such a libtard lol. it’s gotta be just from falling into liberal circles on the internet but like, how did that happen? i could’ve just as easily fallen down the scary alt-r*ght rabbit holes and turned out to be a real POS so why didn’t i? how did i turn out with these belief systems despite having either no influence at all or some influence from the other side of the spectrum? could basic political ideologies somehow be cerebral? so anyway if i grew up in a different environment i think i’d have some differences but probably my political views (which imo influence my general attitude/approach to everything in life) would be the same. maybe i’d have more answers if i was religious/spiritual re: my previous answer lmfao. also i was coddled as fuck as a kid so i think that’s like at least 60% responsible for me being an anxious freak lol
29. three songs that you connect with right now.oof idk what this means, i just vibe without thinking too much but my top 3 most played songs on spotify right now are probably:
truth hurts - lizzo
waiting room - fugazi
hair down - SiR & kendrick lamar
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madcapmoon · 5 years
MacKayes are woven together, through punk rock and beyond
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Alec, Amanda and Ian MacKaye, exclusive 2019 photo by Allen Beland.
By Andy  
 Sunday, March 10, 2019 With dad taking his spot, front and center at the stove, the MacKaye family dinner is a vital Sunday fixture in their schedules in the Washington, DC, area. Whipping up vegan delights, the elder MacKaye is a culinary threat as he grips onto cooking utensils instead of a microphone or guitar that his children -- Ian, Alec and Amanda -- have wielded during their time on stage with their various bands over the years. This is where the MacKayes thrive, as a family, more than they do anywhere else in their lives. "For us, the MacKayes, we all still hang out with each other," said Amanda, 49. "It wasn't temporary. A lot of people when they get to this stage of life, their siblings are far-flung or they don't really get along with their siblings or whatever. A lot of this is just part of who our family is, we have Sunday dinners, we're together. We have one sister who lives on the other side of the country, but we're all still connected. And we're all still into whatever the other one is doing. We're all still pretty interested in each other." Currently, Ian, Alec, older sister Katie and their dad Bill all live in DC; Amanda (the youngest) resides in nearby Arlington, Va.; and another older sister Susannah calls Oakland, Ca., her home. Ian said it was a treat to have Susannah back on her home turf of DC this weekend to celebrate her birthday. Ian, 56, noted that his parents were only children, so the MacKaye siblings grew up without any uncles, aunts or cousins. They learned from and inspired each other along their life paths, which eventually led them toward punk rock and embracing the idea of residing outside of the mainstream. He laughs about the MacKayes being a weird family that way. They're close-knit to the core. "We are the MacKayes. Especially our mom, she really emphasized, we are a family," said Ian of mother Ginger, who passed away in 2004. "We're fifth-generation Washingtonians. My mom was born here and it was just important to her this idea of being Washingtonian. I think we're just committed to each other. We're a family and there's times where people get steamed with each other about something, but we never have like the awkward Thanksgiving nonsense. But partially because we see each other almost every Sunday for dinner anyway." If the conversation roams toward music at the family meal, Katie can certainly chime in about taking Ian to his first concert, featuring Queen and Thin Lizzy in 1977. Ian noted that Katie always possessed cool records and was ahead of her peers in the music game. She wasn't a punk, but was a proponent of going to see live music of all sorts, including arena-rock bands and tunes with a faster bent like witnessing the Ramones with Ian in 1979. Katie still attends gigs, and aside from venturing into the music scene, she's voyaged across the country twice on her bike. She's a badass, Ian said. Alec, 52, remembers Katie toting a clutch of records back from England around Christmastime in the late '70s. Generation X, Eddie and the Hot Rods, the Damned and a 10-inch sampler featuring X-Ray Spex were soon blasting throughout the household. "The moment I heard it, I was just clocked in. It was the best thing I had ever heard," Alec said. Ian was a self-proclaimed Ted Nugent "Double Live Gonzo" devotee before latching onto punk music a few months before Alec in '79 or so, thanks to his high school friend Bert Queiroz lending him some Sex Pistols, Damned, Clash and Tuff Darts records. "I had to really get in on it and think about it 'cause I was so puzzled by the whole thing. But I gotta say, it clicked and I was like, 'Oh, I'm in, I love this stuff,'" said Ian, who remembers debating with kids in high school about whether punk sucked or not. When Ian cut his hair, he recalls rocker Alec and his friends teasing him about the new look. Soon, Ian and Alec would be a punk duo, delving into the music together, attending gigs in DC and performing in bands like the Slinkees, Teen Idles, Untouchables, Faith, Minor Threat and more. Further down the road, Embrace, Ignition and Fugazi would continue to put the MacKayes and DC on the map.
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Little sister Amanda got in on the punk action as well. It wasn't just the music that spoke to the MacKayes, it was the surroundings that punk offered and a way for them to click with family and the other like-minded people they encountered. Amanda's entrance onto the scene occurred at age 9 and was captured in a classic photo of her and Katie watching the Slinkees play a garage gig in August of '79. Amanda laughs when the photo, featured in the book "Dance of Days," is mentioned. "It was like a lightning-bolt moment for me. The funniest part of the memory for me is that Kim Kane of Slickee Boys, he was just so kind, he is so bright in my memory of that show. It's just interesting to think about the fact that of all the things to remember about that moment, it is someone I wasn't even related to," she said.
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A young Amanda, center, with Katie behind. From "Dance of Days."
While she doesn't remember any of the music, "I remember, and this is probably sort of like the core of my feeling about punk, is I just  remember the freedom and the intimacy. I think I was wearing a Johnny Rotten button, but it was a homemade one that Ian or Alec had made. You're in a garage, there's not like a real stage, just running around with people I didn't know who were happy to see me. We're all just there and there's like this joy, which is what I think of, that sensation is what sort of propels me in every aspect of my personal definition of punk. It's wrapped with this joy." For Alec, dipping his boots into shows in the punk realm marked both an advancement into his formative teen years and a punch of chaos into his musical tastes. "I think I liked the intimacy of it all. Before that, I had just been to see arena rock, some of the huge bands like Queen and Santana and large-scale things. Then going to smaller shows was really the ticket for me -- it still is," said Alec, who mentioned attending small shows by Bad Brains, Slickee Boys, Tru Fax and the Insaniacs at first, and bigger ones with the Cramps, Damned, Clash and B-52s. The energy of those shows was infectious. "I really was digging on that abandon, you could really lose yourself in the music. Everybody else was on the same page and it didn't seem like it was very well-controlled and that part was super exciting for me. That was what I was responding to right away," Alec said. Alec began his punk transformation on the clothes and hair front in middle school and said that people thought he was a nerd or a freak. At age 14 and now in high school, he joined his first band, the Untouchables. He's still singing today with Hammered Hulls and Ian plans on taking them into the studio soon. On initially getting up on stage, shouting out lyrics and bouncing his body all over the place, Alec said, "I was pretty introverted before that, and I still am in a certain sense, but I also became an extrovert by being in a band and not being afraid to be standing on stage and doing things that a lot of people would not be up for. I was up for it, 'cause it gave me license to act out in ways that were just fun. So that was a big change for me. With punk rock, it felt like I had a new persona and had a little bit more vigor." Ian's mind was blown when he saw the Cramps play in DC in '79. It was his first punk show and was a seminal event for the area's punks. "I thought it was incredible. The first show was the Cramps and that was complete chaos and really, really exciting and so dangerous feeling and terrifying," he said. "At that point, I had seen Queen twice and Nugent three times, and they were all arena shows, so my relationship with music was really, when you saw bands, you saw them in that kind of setting, and bands were, as you know, unapproachable in that setting." The Cramps show in a hall at Georgetown University was wall-to-wall packed with punks. And it was nuts. "(The Cramps) were so in your face and everybody was really losing their shit. People were jumping up and down," said Ian, noting that as the sold-out show progressed, the long tables that people were standing on soon began to break and he could see "human formations descending into the crowd." People also were seen squeezing through transom-style windows to get into the fray. "Punk was wide open, and I just wanted to get in," Ian said. "It was instantly just on, so I felt it was great. Super engaging. It was like you're walking down the street and you find a box, and you go, 'That's an interesting box,' and you bring it home and when you open it, it's a box of infinite learning -- and I'm still learning." "Some people in the world think of life in terms of phases and then there's other people who think of it in terms of flights of stairs, and that's I think where we're at," he added about the MacKayes. Ian's still got the Evens, a two-piece with him on guitar/vocals and his spouse Amy Farina on drums, in the back pocket but they haven't been active lately. Another band with Joe Lally on bass, Farina on drums and Ian on guitar/vocals is nameless at this point and they have a record in the bag and awaiting a future release. They played two gigs last November, but the band is on hold until Lally returns from tour with the Messthetics, which also features former Fugazi drummer Brendan Canty.
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For Ian, after the seeing the Cramps, he felt that what they were doing was pretty straight forward and so he got the Slinkees happening. "I wanna be in a band, I just wanted to play music. I wasn't then and I still don't think of it as a career. To me, I just wanna play music. I just do the do, I just work with what's in front of me," he said. That Slinkees garage show, with his family members in the crowd, kicked things off and the MacKayes have never stopped. The punk ethos still rings true. The idle teens are adults with children and they continue to make an impact in the music world and on the people they encounter in their day-to-day lives. Their family is your family. We're all in it together. "I honestly wasn't thinking about sort of the juxtaposition of me as an audience member or me as a performer because that's kind of the point, they're not that different. We're making a show together, that's what we're doing, the audience and the bands," Ian said. Alec knew he would be a punk-rock lifer from the get-go. "I gotta say that there never was even a doubt in my mind. I have known people in my life that, 'that's a closed chapter,' they move on, they grow up, they put away childish things or whatever. I think when I got into punk rock, in my head it was a forever thing that I would be 120, if I ever live that long, and still be doing it, on some level, I just didn't know how," he said. "So that's been a thing that as you go through life, navigating how you can still relate to it and how it can work in your life. It just stayed with me, I never stopped listening to music and I like the energy." "It's a feeling and it's real as they say, as I said in a previous band," laughed Alec, who works full time in an art museum and thrives on learning about history, philosophy and cultural things. He also gets to travel the world, and recently attended a hardcore show in Tokyo while his art colleagues took in different sights. Some things never change, right? Keep your key in the ignition of life and go wherever the fuck you want. "It's astonishing to me that when I was in Tokyo, there was a flier for a Faith/Void re-release. To me, it's been almost 40 years of doing stuff and it just keeps going," Alec continued. On a recent day, I walked into a Barnes & Noble and saw a Minor Threat record with the first two EPs at the front of the M rack. Alec sits on the cover with his head buried in his arms. It's an iconic image that I first witnessed when I purchased the original red 7-inch at Zed Records in Long Beach, Ca., in 1981.
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Alec said that someone recently showed him a photo of that image emblazoned on someone's back as a tattoo. "That particular image is not me, it's anybody. That's the one that the  everyman punker can relate to. Yes, it's a trip to see that everywhere still. It's really got legs," he said. Like a lot of us who got into the punk scene back in the early '80s, those early MacKaye bands had a major impact on Amanda. As a youngster, she had those tunes at her fingertips, literally right when the tapes came hot from the studio into their home music deck. Lives were changed when the play button was pressed. "They were my older brothers and I already looked up to them and tried to do whatever they were doing. I found the whole thing instantly exciting. The energy of it was just hypnotic for me and I immediately sort of gravitated to it," Amanda said. "My parents played a lot of records and my mom played piano. There was other music, we didn't really listen to mainstream radio that much. I definitely was aware of 'mainstream rock,' but really at a very early age, like 10-11-12, I was in a conflict with my peer group because I was listening to Minor Threat and they were listening to (mainstream music)." "Some of the general-population music stuck with me, but mostly I was sort of in an instant weirdo zone because when I was trying to get people to listen to my Walkman, it was Minor Threat and they were like, 'Eww. Why?'" she added with a laugh. "Some of the 'why?' for me was that I was totally awestruck by my brothers and I was super proud of them and wanted to tell everyone like, 'No. No. No. I'm related to these people.'" Like family members do, the self-proclaimed tomboy gravitated toward whatever Ian and Alec got their hands on: football and baseball cards and muscle-car Hot Wheels because Alec made models of those vehicles. Amanda, who these days works at a public high school with her husband, said that as a child, "I think that I always sort of felt like outside the circle. I felt like our family just didn't look like everybody else's family, we did things that were a little bit different." She tried to fit in with the other kids by playing soccer in elementary school, but she was admittedly a terrible player and hated the experience. Kids were mean to boot. "I couldn't wrap myself into it and maybe that added into why when I saw this group of people in this garage, who were like, 'Oh, hey, you're outside just like us,' maybe that's why it felt so good," she said of the Slinkees gig. "I'm still attracted to that warm embrace that punk rock gave to me as a young child. I love it when I find bands that are just warm from the get-go. You meet them and you feel like you've known them for a long time, or they play music and you just feel like, 'Oh, yeah, this feels right.'" Following in her brothers' footsteps, she formed her first band, The Headaches, as a pre-teen and they performed in living rooms. A quick insight into the experience was their theme song was ripped off from The Monkees and they had personas (she was the tough, cool person who looked like one of the Blues Brothers). Her punk path became more serious when she formed Sammich Records in high school and released an EP by her friends Lunchmeat and Mission Impossible and then many more records to follow. Ian helped her configure the label since he had experience on his side with Dischord rolling strong (Amanda and Alec also worked at Dischord for a awhile). At age 20, she began singing in Desiderata and later performed with the Routineers.
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For the last 14 years, Amanda has booked shows at Fort Reno Park in DC, the spot where the MacKayes saw some of their first concerts. She likens the free outdoor shows to an incubator for bands to give it a shot and play out. She's received feedback that people are thankful their kids can see them play and see music and be able to expose their kids to something that drives them forward, she said. "I jokingly refer to it all the time as a labor of love. But it's actually much more serious for me than that, because at this point in the music industry or however you want to discuss it, the opportunity for people under the age of 21 or even 18 to see live music un-influenced by anything else is very rare in this area. It's like a dinosaur. I feel extremely emotionally  bound to do this because that's what helps me sort of dial in on what was important to me," said Amanda, adding that most venues -- aside from art spaces -- serve alcohol and have video or pinball games that infringe on the true musicality of the shows. "It's really really hard to find a pure experience where you're seeing music and that's all you're seeing. You're with your friends or your family or just with like-minded people. So, I'm pretty impassioned about keeping it going," she said of the Fort Reno gigs,
Heaps of music and crucial life lessons that they gained through the punk scene remains with the MacKayes. As they gather for the Sunday meals and for Susannah's birthday, the conversations are sure to be lively and insightful. The MacKaye children of today will have enough of their parents' stories and anecdotes to last them a lifetime, and they'll feed off those discussions and create vital paths of their own and experiences to pass on as well. "I suppose it's what I didn't learn that's kept me free," Alec said. "I'm pretty resistant to being led away from the things that I cherish. I didn't learn to grow up and be completely conventional, even though there's been plenty of peer pressure from adults. It's a cliche, but it's true, that you really need to stay true to the things that serve you best, and I've continued to do that." "I have two daughters and that's another moment where I just didn't know what that was gonna be like, being a father," Alec added. "I wasn't really afraid of being a father, I was afraid of being a member of the village. You know, they always say it takes a village to raise a child... to me, the village just fucking bothers me and they should just go raise their own children and stay outta my face. That was something I was worried about, but I found out there's other villagers that feel the same way, so that was a relief. I can be a father that isn't like the ones that you think are perfect, and that's OK, and my kids love that about me." For Amanda, she forever enjoys watching Ian and Alec perform and says it's a cool feeling to be still walking her own path. "At this point in my life, it doesn't hurt to be different. When I was 12, it was really complicated and painful for me that all the kids in the neighborhood thought I was weird and I didn't really have any friends, except for Josh who introduced me to Joan Jett, which was incredible 'cause it's still very prominent for me," said Amanda, who's still in touch with Josh. She's thankful for remaining true to herself since the day she stepped into the garage with Katie to watch Ian and the Slinkees. The high school she works at has a staff spirit week on tap and they're asking people to dress like they did in high school. Amanda and I laugh: "Same." (Except that she doesn't wear leather anymore, so that jacket of yore won't make an appearance.) Alec jokes that Ian's the ultimate storyteller of the family. He remembers occurrences with exact dates and years and relays the information in great detail, with verve and a dose of humor. Through the punk scene, the trio of MacKayes -- Ian, Alec and Amanda -- have woven themselves together. "In the '70s and the early '80s, there was a lot of chaos in our family, with our parents, and I think that punk probably was something that was very anchoring for us," Ian said. "And I think the three of us especially, really that was an important connection. It was something that we could feel committed to and it was a safe thing."
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There’s Something Hard In There Blog
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caainhurst · 6 years
A SONG YOU LIKE WITH A COLOR IN THE TITLE: The Horrors - “Scarlet Fields”
A SONG THAT REMINDS YOU OF SUMMERTIME: Queens of the Stone Age - “Go With the Flow” but the entirety of Songs for the Deaf is one of my quintessential summer albums.
A SONG THAT REMINDS YOU OF SOMEONE YOU’D RATHER FORGET: I listened to “Rain” by Tones on Tail the other day and realized it made me really sad bc Ray and I went to see Poptone (rebranded Tones on Tail) together. TBH this happens to a lot of bands bc we saw several bands together and I can’t seem to forget him. :(
A SONG THAT NEEDS TO BE PLAYED LOUD: Nine Inch Nails - “Burning Bright (Field on Fire)”
A SONG TO DRIVE TO: Schoolyard Heroes - “Serial Killers Know How to Party” (but again, the whole album is awesome to drive to).
A SONG ABOUT DRUGS OR ALCOHOL: HMMMM wow well considering With Teeth (the album) is Trent’s love letter/fuck you to alcohol, how about Nine Inch Nails - “With Teeth”.
A SONG THAT MAKES YOU HAPPY: The Horrors - “Death at the Chapel” (but really any and every song from their Strange House days!).
A SONG THAT MAKES YOU SAD: I love The Smiths but I legit can’t listen to them because they will make me cry. See: “That Joke Isn’t Funny Anymore”, “Stretch Out and Wait”, “Last Night I Dreamt That Somebody Loved Me”.
A SONG YOU NEVER GET TIRED OF: It’s been 17 years since I heard it and Muse’s “Citizen Erased” is still such a banger I cannot believe!
A SONG FROM YOUR PRETEEN YEARS: My first voluntary intro to punk was being given a stack of my cousin’s then-boyfriend’s fave punk/emo CDs in 2001, listening to At the Drive-In and being blown away. At the Drive-In - “One-Armed Scissor”.
A SONG YOU LIKE FROM THE 70S: HOO BOY THERE ARE A LOT but they’re all punk songs. Let’s go with... Richard Hell and the Voidoids, “Blank Generation”.
A SONG YOU’D LOVE TO BE PLAYED AT YOUR WEDDING: When I was like 14 and I hadn’t yet realized I wasn’t interested in having a wedding, I thought Joy Divison’s “Atmosphere” was the song of my wedding. I mean, I still think that, but in the sense of “I’ll never get married, but...”.
A SONG YOU LIKE THAT’S A COVER BY ANOTHER ARTIST: Oh gosh there are SO MANY but I was absolutely floored when I realized that Queens of the Stone Age covered Elliott Smith’s “Christian Brothers”. Love when my faves love my other faves. OH AND THEN ironically it was Switchblade Symphony’s cover of “Night Shift” that made me finally get into Siouxsie and the Banshees. Ironic bc you’d think the guy who found Bauhaus and Joy Division in his freshman year of high school would have already liked Siouxsie. But alas.
A SONG THAT’S A CLASSIC FAVORITE: I mean, classic is relative, but for the genre and for myself I’ve gotta say Gang of Four’s “Damaged Goods”.
A SONG YOU’D SING IN A DUET WITH SOMEONE / KARAOKE: Oh wow. Uh. I’ve never been into karaoke (read: even a passable singer), but if somehow magically I had the will to sing and the karaoke machine had this song, it’d be Blood Brothers’ “Peacock Skeleton with Crooked Feathers”
A SONG THAT MAKES YOU THINK ABOUT LIFE: Wow, uh. I’m not sure about my whole life (or anyone’s whole life) since life is extremely multi-faceted and complicated, but lately I’ve been relating a lot to Dead Kennedys’ “California Uber Alles” and our current political situation as of Oct. 2018. Just replace Jerry Brown with a certain orange schmuck.
A SONG THAT HAS MANY MEANINGS TO YOU: The Veils - “More Heat Than Light”. It tells its own vague story, but it’s also a banger, and ended up being the theme song to the story/universe that lives in my head which I collectively call More Heat Than Light. (insert sweatdrop here)
A SONG THAT MOVES YOU FORWARD: That’s a very odd way of phrasing this question, but if you mean something that inspires hope for my future... I guess something like the Horrors’ “Changing the Rain” or “You Said”.
A SONG BY A BAND YOU WISH WERE STILL TOGETHER: Oh man, there are just so many bands I wish were still together... Schoolyard Heroes - “Razorblade Kisses”, Bauhaus - “Stigmata Martyr”, Switchblade Symphony - “Dollhouse” to start.
A SONG YOU LIKE BY AN ARTIST NO LONGER LIVING: So I could go the obvious route and say oh yeah, Elliott Smith, like I usually do, but since I haven’t mentioned the Cramps yet and RIP, Lux, then - The Cramps, “I Ain’t Nuthin’ But a Gorehound”
A SONG THAT MAKES YOU WANT TO FALL IN LOVE: Hmm, I don’t have particular songs that make me want to fall in love, and I’ve been burned enough that I’m not sure I ever “want to fall” in love (love just develops). But there are several albums that give me hopeful vibes, and one of them is Siouxsie and the Banshees’ Hyaena. EDIT: Oh fuck, there is actually one song specifically, and that song is Elliott Smith’s “Say Yes”.
A SONG THAT BREAKS YOUR HEART: Placebo - “Running Up That Hill”
A SONG THAT REMINDS YOU OF YOURSELF: kjdagnakdbkja all of the ones I can think of are negative impressions of myself. Let’s pretend it’s Klaus Nomi’s “You Don’t Own Me”.
Phew! I wasn’t tagged by anyone in particular, it just looked like fun when I saw someone on my dash do it​. I’m going ahead and tagging but feel free to participate or not! @fadgadget @sleazycity @tubegayarmy @luciferpls @kyoukris @three-imaginary-girls @medusas-grave @chompettes @hauntedchantries 
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Through the struggle through the pain, I made it out a king , & I ain't gone forget my homies , (we all gone reign*2)
Time ta make a change , time ta do better things , tryna make mo plays..
They thought I was lame , always kept it g , these devil's can't stop me , I'm going out a P..
No I can't rest in peace , this world is fugazi , they thought I was lazy , im doing major things , I came up like a boss , big belly just like Ross, all i know is just floss ..
Now I can pay the cost , im spitting from my heart , girl let me break you off, you been in my thoughts , bad bitch she get what she wants , munch her up like some lunch
In fist place they can't take my spot , imma go out real that's no lie , man my nigga die , all I did was cried..
They rather see us down ain't shit , they wanna see all hopeless..I'm still here & that's a gift
They God white , mine like a Pharaoh nigga ,came from the sky like a holy spirit , imma big difference , bout ta make like six figures, they baby's they lil niggas..
Went from making cents , now I'm on my shit , do this for the crib & all my real niggas that's not here
Stay focus, we all got gifts , gotta thank God that's why I'm still here
0 notes
djmossback · 3 years
Third Space Saturday 11/20/21
Spacebar Arcade BOI ID
Played a lot of 7 inch records in the set, some of which will drop out of the box after tonight. Things flowed pretty well, actually. My skills as a beat matcher are coming along, but I still have a ways to go.
The most notable thing about tonight was the requests. There were requests (I don’t play requests) that were thoughtful and appropriate for what I do. Some of them were things I normally bring, but I was kind of scattered when I packed the crates.
Jules was not feeling well tonight, so I had owner Will on site, which was cool. I love getting his reactions to my weird schtick. Sucks that @cyberjewel was not there, I dig her too.
Tried a little Instagram Live, but I found it kind of distracting, and not very analogue.
Seriously considering hooking up the mixer I got from my friend Sarah, and trying to get better at transitions. I won’t, of course. But, I’m thinking about it.
Next up is my Christmas program. Probably going to be low key, but you never know. I might get get inspired.
As it stands, I’m shocked at how good unlikely things sound on the system. Like Toto, and punk rock. Or, country. Beat forward country. Beat Happening. Nazareth!
Took Grants advice and threw Laid Back in, and segued into Kraftwerk. That made one of my request ladies very happy.
Next set is Saturday December 18, for a very nasty holiday set.
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Kool & The Gang Open Sesame
Amii Stewart- Knock On Wood
Patrice Rushen - Forget Me Nots
Prince w/Appolonia-Take Me With You
Bobby Brown-My Perogative
Romantics-Talking In Your Sleep
ABC-Poison Arrow
Bay City Rollers-Saturday Night
BEE-GEES -Jive Talkin’
Young-Holt Limited-Soulful Strut
The Midnighters-Work With Me Annie
Bob Wills & His Texas Playboys-Cadillac’n Model A
Fun Boy Three-Our Lips Are Sealed
Go-Go’s-We Got The Beat
Judas Priest - Metal Gods
Killing Joke - Change
Fugazi - Song Number One
Tom Robinson Band -2-4-6-8 Motorway
B-52’s -6060-842
The Time -777-9311
The Clash - The Magnificent 7
T-Rex - Jeepster
Beastie Boys - So What’Cha Want
Nappy Roots - Awnaw
Ice Cube - Amerikkka’s Most Wanted
Junior - Mama Used To Say
Wreckx-N-Effect - Rump Shaker
Clipping - Say The Name
TLC - No Scrubs
Positive K -I Gotta Man
Sleaford Mods - Nudge It
Robert Palmer - You Are In My System
The Cars - Gimme Some Slack
The Heartbreakers - Chinese Rocks
RAMONES - Swallow My Pride
Bad Brains - Pay To Cum
Beat Happening - Nancy Sin
Cramps - Domino
PJ Harvey - Down By The Water
Nazareth - Hair Of The Dog
KISS - I Was Made For Loving You (Jim Burgess mix)
David Bowie - D J
Laid Back - White Horse
Kraftwerk - Musique Non Stop
UTFO - Roxanne Roxanne
The Police - Roxanne
Depeche Mode - Leave In Silence
Joy Division - She’s Lost Control
Gun Club - Sex Beat
X Ray Spex - I Am A Cliche
The Abbysinians - Declaration Of Rights
Vince Staples - Norf Norf
Siouxsie And The Banshees - Dear Prudence
Herbie Hancock - Chameleon
Moon Mullican - Seven Nights To Rock
The Runaways - Rock And Roll
The Ruts - SUS
Thin Lizzy - Romeo And The Lonely Girl
Gouge Away - Wave Of Mutilation
Wire - Ahead
Sex Pistols - Holidays In The Sun
Washed Out - Feel It All Around
Ended at 0100 hrs. Felt good.
Thank you for reading.
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b0otyliciuos69 · 7 years
All of them (:
1: Do you have a crush at the moment?
My girl 😘
2: Have you ever been deeply in love?
I have been for the past year 😍😍😍
3: Longest relationship you’ve ever been in?
1 year, 5 days, 23 hours and counting…
4: Have you ever changed for someone?
Ummm never changed for another person, but I have changed because of other people, because I learned that how I do things isn’t the best or I could be better
5: How is your relationship with your ex?
It’s a fug-ay-zy a fugazy, it’s a whazzy it’s a whoozie fairy dust it doesn’t exist it’s never landed it is no matter it’s not on the elemental chart it’s not fucking real!
6: Have you ever been cheated on?
7: Have you ever cheated?
8: Would you date someone who’s well known for cheating?
Hmmm… Hard to say but I’d like say no just because I value trust a lot in a relationship, and I can’t see myself trusting someone who’s constantly cheating. But you never know! Anything could happen
9: What’s the most important part of a relationship?
Definitely trust (and being able to make each other laugh at anything TBH)
10: Do you like to be in serious relationships or just flings?
Hmmmm, I’m loving the serious relationship, always having someone you can come back to after a long day and relax with them so I’m gonna go with that one
11: When you are dating someone do you believe in going on “breaks”?
Every relationship is different so I can’t really say yes or no, but if that’s what both people want, to step away from each other for a minute to think, go for it
12: How many people have you ever hooked up with?
LMAO still a virgin
13: What’s one thing you regret saying/doing in a previous relationship?
Ummm… I have no clue
14: What age do you think is appropriate for kids to start having sex?
Whenever they feel ready and comfortable with the idea of it, not pressured into it or anything
15: Do you believe in the phrase “age is just a number”?
So long as it’s consensual and no one is being lied to or taken advantage of, it’s all good (except for pedophilia, keep that shit away)
16: Do you believe in “love at first sight”?
Too much of a romantic not to 😘
17: Do you believe it’s possible to fall in love on the internet?
Of course, why not
18: What do you consider a deal breaker?
TBH gals that can’t rate burps and can’t heavily compete with you to top your burps (but fr I can’t deal with people that can’t think past themselves, love me a gal that thinks of everyone)
19: How do you know it’s time to end a relationship?
Hmmmm… When you can’t trust the other person, it’s only gonna go down hill from there but what do I know
20: Are you currently in a relationship?
You know it, bitch! With the most beautiful woman in the world @donutfusion
21: Do you think people who have dated can stay friends?
Hmm…. Again I’m not someone to ask for this
22: Do you think people should date their friends?
Why not?? I’m dating my best friend
23: How many relationships have you had?
One… Two… Three… Four… Seventy-two… These questions are a bit repetitive
24: Do you think love can last forever?
Of course I do!
25: Do you believe love can conquer all things?
Another of course! Love makes you move your ass. When you see your boo struggling, all you wanna do is make it all right again, even if your gotta move mountains
26: Would you break up with someone your parents didn’t approve of?
LMAO no, they can get over it
27: If you could go back in time and give yourself one piece of advice about dating what would it be?
“You’re an idiot, don’t do that, everything you think you know is wrong”
28: Do you think long distance relationships can work?
I’m in one… So yes!
29: What do you notice first about another person?
Their eyes, people’s eyes tell you everything you need to know about a person
30: Are you straight, bi, gay or pansexual?
Straight but a lil open
31: Would it bother you if your partner suffered from any mental illness?
No of course not, through thick and thin I’m there no matter what
32: Have you ever been in an abusive relationship?
33: Do you want to get married one day?
💍You tell me
34: What do you think about getting your partner’s name tattooed?
Hasn’t everyone done that?? Next time you see me ask me to show it to you, got her name tattooed across my ass 😘
35: Could you be in a relationship without sex?
Yes of course, even though I value sex in a relationship a lot and I feel a connection with my partner through sex, if one day my girl came up to me and said she wasn’t comfortable having sex anymore, like I said I’m there through thick and thin no matter what
36: Are you still a virgin?
You know it, bitch!!
37: What’s more important: Looks or personality?
What that mouth do!!!… To present your personality because that’s what’s really important🙂
38: Do you enjoy love films?
Yaaaasssss I’m a whore for a good rom-com
39: Have you ever given anyone/received roses?
Haven’t received yet 😞 But I have given on multiple occasions and I will again, love giving my girl roses and daisies (her fav) and sunflowers and all kinds of flowers!
40: Have you ever had a valentine?
Already had two in a row!
41: What’s your imagination of a “perfect date”?
Taking my girl out on the town for nice walks and somewhere very nice to eat. Buying her flowers to start, and then getting down on one knee and opening my lil box with a $500,000 check, and under the check is a ring. I’m not asking her to marry me, just got it for her bc it looked nice in the display case but I thought it’d look even better on her finger @donutfusion
42: Have you ever read “Romeo & Juliet”?
Not as a whole
43: What’s more important: Your partner or your friends?
My best friend is my partner so… My partner :3
44: Would you consider yourself “romantic”?
Hell yes!! OMG I’m a slut for romance, can’t wait to live with my girl so I can treat her even better with bubble baths 😘😘😘
45: Could you imagine to date one of your current friends?
Mmmmm no, not at all
46: Have you ever been “friendzoned”?
Ummm yes, yes I have
47: Which “famous couple” is your favorite?
Umm… Don’t think I have one… If that changes I’ll let you know!
48: What’s your favorite love song?
Bound 2 😘
49: Have you ever broken someone’s heart?
LMAO with what
50: If you’re single, why do you think you are?
Haven’t met the right person?? Or maybe it’s
51: Would you rather date someone who’s rich but a douchebag or someone who’s poor but a nice guy?
obvi poor guy, don’t like douchebags
52: Are you good at giving other people advices regarding dating/ relationships?
Nope, don’t listen to a word I say I’m not taking any responsibility for your relationship falling apart because I gave advice. (Also I like to fuck around a lot so I will give funny shitty advice on purpose)
53: Are you jealous of couples when you’re single?
Lmao wat no
54: How important is it to make a relationship official (p.e. on facebook)?
Ummm not at all really social media really isn’t my thing in general so
55: Would you consider yourself “clingy”, “overly attached” or “jealous”?
Ofc not (but if you text my girl I’mma come after you)
56: Have you ever “destroyed” a relationship?
Like a homewrecker? Wish I could say no…
57: Do you think it’s silly to consider suicide because of a broken heart?
Just because I wouldn’t consider it, doesn’t mean it’s silly for others to consider it. People have their own lives and they’re the ones that choose how to live it. It’s not silly
58: Are you the “dominant” or the “submissive” part in a relationship?
Pretty vers but primarily take dominant 😘
59: Have you ever forgotten important dates like your partner’s birthday or your anniversary?
If anything I’m the one that remembers them…. 
60: What’s your opinion on open relationships?
In one so…
61: Who’s more important: Your partner or your family?
Isn’t your partner your family???
62: How do you define “cheating”?
Crossing boundaries that are set within the relationship @donutfusion got it spot on in  her post
63: Is watching porn while being in a relationship inappropriate?
Lmao no
64: Do you think Valentine’s Day is overrated?
Valentine’s day?? You mean another excuse to treat my girl?? HELL NO!
65: Would you consider yourself a “cuddler”?
*in bed, eyes peaking out from under warm comforter* where my cuddles
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cashmierathoughts · 5 years
Riley ‘Nem pt 10 Brian, 808′s & </3
I’d spent the night at Jake’s new start up after our date. We were curled up on his pull out when I was awakened by my church alarm blasting Marvin Sapp’s “He Saw The Best In Me”. All things aside, Jake certainly had gotten the best of me last night.
I looked to the left of me to see if my alarm had startled him but he was still sound asleep. Knocked out cold. Ha! Works every time.
I lie there contemplating whether or not I’d get up and go to church. It was a part of my weekly routine and I wasn’t worth shit without my routine. Ugh… I really didn’t want to go but after all that we did last night, I needed communion, two baptisms, and an alter call to wash my sins away.
Jake looked so peaceful; I didn’t want to wake him, plus I kind of wanted him to “wake up first” so he could see how pretty I slept and I couldn’t rob him of that sight, so I closed my eyes and angled my body towards his groin as I pretended to rest. About seven minutes into faking it, I remembered why I dropped theater in high school; I couldn’t fucking act. So I rolled over and gently kissed his neck then got up to search for my things. One shoe by the door, the other under the bed, and my gown tossed across the ottoman. I was frantically looking for my panties when I realized I hadn’t worn any the night before. It must’ve been me knocking over the brass wastebasket that had woken him up because as I was midway pulling my dress up over my butt, I heard Jake intentionally clear his throat.
J: “Well good morning”, he said through a half yawn and stretch. Unintentionally flexing his muscles as he sat up.
R: “Good morning!” I beamed.
J: “Were you sneaking out?”
R: “Sneaking? No. I didn’t want to break your sleep, but I gotta go to church… it’s kind of a part of my routine”.
J: “Ah…okay. Well, I was going to invite you to breakfast at least… it’s the least I could do.”
R: “The least? Ha, You’ve done more than enough but I am kind of hungry. Where did you want to go?”
J: “You ever been to Mama Joanne’s?”
R: “On 18th and Beaumont?”
J: “Yea, that’s the one. You like it?”
Shit. Keesha’s mama, aka my Aunt B’s nosey ass was co-owner of that place and worked every other Sunday and I’m praying this is her week off. Sometimes she’d ask Keesh to help out but she hardly ever would. She was the last person I wanted to run into. But I really didn’t have any other recommendations at the time, so I opted to be agreeable.
R: “Yea, I do... I feel a little overdressed though”, I admitted while still in the middle of pulling on my dress.
He chuckled and offered me some sweats and a Howard pullover that was twice my size. Great. Now I really looked like I just got fucked the night before.
As expected, the restaurant was packed. Nowhere to park and usually that would be my reason to leave, but Jake’s driver gave us the curbside treatment so there was no backing out now. The double doors were packed and customers were spilling out of the entrance and onto the sidewalk. I thought for sure that the crowd of hungry individuals waiting would defer Jake. Then out of nowhere, just as we were nearing the back of the line, I hear my name being called from the distance.
“Riley! Riley!”
I searched the swarm of people for a familiar face, but I didn’t see anyone I knew, so I kept my place and didn’t mention it to Jake.
They let in a party of five and about nine guests had exited, moving us up on the list. A few moments later and we were no longer waiting curbside; we leveled up to the foyer with about twelve equally hungry black folks. That’s when I heard it again.
This time it was loud and precise enough for both Jake and I to discern. Our heads turned to the right at the same time to find Keesha in an apron waving for us to come towards the front.
K: “Hey, cuz!” She said as she gave me a sly smile and sized Jake up and down.
R: “Hey, Keesha”, I returned, less enthusiastic than her greeting. “This is Jake --”
K: “Of course it is…” She responded with stars in her eyes. “I remember.”
J: “Nice to meet you, Keesha”, Jake replied with a little burrow in his brow as he studied her face as if he were trying to remember her.
K: “I didn’t see y’all’s names on the list. Did you call mama and have her put you on the list?”
R: “Nope. I didn’t even think to do that.” I could feel Jake’s stare.
K: “Well, I got y’all. C’mon, our usual booth is about to get wiped down.”
R: “Thanks.”
We headed over to a comfy corner booth and sat down while Keesha went over the table again with a damp cloth.
K: “Y’all want some mimosas while you wait? Riley, I already know you want the usual.”
J: “The usual?” Jake innocently questioned.
R: “Oh yea, I’ve been here a few times before.”
K: “A few times?” Keesha interrupted as she came around the corner with a carafe of liquids. She collected my menu and poured us way more champagne than orange juice.  
There was an awkward silence that didn’t last more than a few seconds, followed by me giving Keesha a stare that told her to scram. It wasn’t like it was a huge secret or anything. I just didn’t like my family all up in my business. I was under constant scrutiny when the whole Brian thing blew up in my face and I just wanted to be more careful this time with whom I was dating. Once she left, Jake and I made small talk about the menu, the neighborhood, and other random shit that I couldn’t even concentrate on because every time his lips parted to speak, all I could see were those same lips caressing and tracing my body parts. I hope I don’t sound ridiculous but that might’ve been the best sex I’d ever had. “Fuck that pillow, I wanna hear you”, he would say as he deepened both his stroke and the arch in my back. I’d had good sex before, hell, I’d had great sex before; but none like this. It was like he was trying to torture and please me at the same time and when the torture was too much, I’d beg for pleasure and when the pleasure was excruciating, I’d want torture. My mind and body were all over the place. That night, my mind and body belonged to him and he had my whole world in his hands.
Our food came out pretty fast. I ordered my usual salmon patties and breakfast potatoes and Jake ordered the steak and eggs. Oddly enough, he ordered his eggs sunny side up and when our server slid his plate over to him, the yolks on the eggs trembled and shook reminding me of how my breasts were bouncing the night before.
What the fuck was wrong with me! Why did my mind keep trailing off to sex with him? I felt like a complete nymph.
I really needed to go to church. It was almost eleven when we left breakfast and there was another sermon going on at twelve that I was desperate to make.
Jake’s driver dropped me off at my apartment and before I got out of the backseat, Jake pressed his lips against mine and made me promise to call him after church to fill him in on the word.
I rushed to the fifth floor and into my shared apartment with Jordyn, neglecting to give her a proper greeting. I was too focused on getting in and out the shower as quickly as possible and make it to church by the time praise and worship was over. Once I was out, I turned on my gospel playlist as I strategically only put lotion on the parts of my body that the congregation would see. Hell, I didn’t have time to do my shea butter baby moisturizing routine. I slipped on a lilac pencil skirt and floral print shirt, grabbed my pumps, and headed for the door in my flip-flops.
“Bye Jordynnn!” I said as I scurried out the front door, half tripping over our stupid doormat.
I gotta get rid of that thing.    
I got to church right after praise and worship ended and just before the pastor and deacon board was about to start first Sunday baby dedications. I had forgotten all about that. Had I remembered, I could have made time to put lotion on my heels.
New parents flocked to the alter with their young like a herd of sheep flocking towards their shepherd. I watched as they all gathered down at the front to receive their blessings. As I was taking account of the members at the front, the shape of one of the father’s head looked painfully familiar. I squinted and tried to peer harder, tried to see if he would turn his head away for a split second so that I could make out his profile… and once he did, I felt my knees buckle and I eased back into my seat, unable to stand the sight.
It was Brian. What were the fucking odds– excuse me God – how the fu—dgeee. Fuck.
I hadn’t seen or talked to him in almost over year. The last time we’d talked, he half-assed confessed to having a baby on the way with another woman and everything he said to me afterwards went in one ear and out the other. All I could hear was a high-pitched ringing in my ears. He tried to say that she was lying and he was only telling me before she could because he wanted to be honest with me; all the shit people who lie for a living say.
And like a dumb ass, I chose to believe him. Believed that the other woman was lying. But to be completely honest, it was less about her being a liar and more about me not wanting to believe that what I’d been doing, who I’d been loving, was the lie.
The woman ended up being a fresh college graduate who tutored at Keesha’s school, which made things even worse because now, Keesha would potentially find out that the “happy” relationship that I had been flaunting was a fugazi. All it was going to take was for her to stumble across mine or Keesha’s Instagram and link us together.
Sure enough, that’s how it all went down.
Keesha called me in the middle of my workday, spouting off about how some young Asian girl at her job was asking about Brian and me. Saying that she’d met him at Nappyhead’s, OUR gym, and that they’d been together for two months. I tried to deflect and counter all of homegirl’s claims but it got to a point where I was talking myself in circles and started to sound like a broken record. I rushed Keesh off the phone, telling her that I had pressing work stuff to tend to and promised to call her back.
I had no intentions on calling her back and discussing my relationship with her. I always kept my relationship troubles to myself until I could figure out a best plan of action. Involving other people always made things messy and more complicated than they needed to be. Too many opinions; too many people with their own biases and heartbreaks weighing in on what I had going on. So I kept quiet and put my phone on automatic DND starting at 4:30pm every day for that next week. And like clockwork, Keesha was calling and texting every other day to see where my head was at.
Meanwhile, I confronted Brian about the new developments that had been dropped in my lap. Prior to us actually sitting down and me bringing this up, I had been trying to play it cool via text and phone calls. I couldn’t let him know what I knew, how I knew it, or how pissed or hurt I was; otherwise, I would have never gotten a face to face. That’s just how men were. If they knew you were upset, they’d rather avoid you than actually sit down and let you express and say what you needed to say, let alone actually get some sort of meaningful response from them. I refused to text this man paragraph on paragraph, only for him to respond to the parts he wanted to. That shit was infuriating.
B: “Riley, she’s lying! I didn’t touch that girl! She wanted me!”
R: “Oh so you DO know her? I thought you didn’t even know who she was?”
And with that, I was done talking to him. I put him out of my crib, and blocked his black ass. I called Ricky over that night and got high as I could. We watched reruns of Hey Arnold and talked about how much of a stand up guy he was. A pillar in the community and was only in middle school. We loved that show growing up. On the lowest of keys, Arnold lived in the hood and that’s what made him so likeable. We were watching the episode where Helga wasn’t invited to Rhonda’s sleepover because she wasn’t “girly” enough and all the guys were teasing her about it so she slapped on a pound of makeup, plucked her unibrow, and traded in her kicks for a pair of shoes she couldn’t even walk in, all to prove to everyone that she could conform. I’m sure young feminists all over the world were throwing up in their mouths when they first saw that.
Ricky: “So you gone tell me why you had me come over here and smoke you out late night… on a school night?”
Riley: I tried to laugh him off, “A school night? What are we, twelve?”
Ricky: “Nigga don’t change the subject.”
Riley: “Aside from me just wanting to see my favorite brotherrr…” I paused then I sighed, “Brian got a baby on the way.” I tried to rush out the sentence as fast as I could, then took another drag of the wood.
Ricky sat up, eyes wide, and said, “Nigga, WHAT!”
Riley: “You look like that Jerry meme, from Tom and Jerry”; I tried to laugh it off.
Ricky: “Don’t do that, Riley. Don’t pretend like you ain't fucked up behind this shit.”
He fucking knew me like the back of his own hand.
Riley: “Yup. You heard it here first, straight from the horses’ mouth. Got some young Asian chick that goes to our gym AND works at Keesh’s school pregnant. Lied about it too, but I know she isn’t lying”, I said as my head sort of sunk down and my eyes began to well up.
Ricky: “So what you gone do, Ry?” His words trailed off and when I found myself back in present time, the families and their babies had returned to their seats and the pastor had taken his place at the podium.
Ultimately, I tried to give Brian every excuse, every benefit of the doubt, every way out; but the facts were the facts. He was lying and I could feel it. I could feel it when that nigga woke up in the morning and I could feel it when we were losing our connection too. I never had any contact with the mystery girl but I had heard through the grapevine that once it was out that Brian and I were no longer together, he had a kid on the way.
I don’t know what hurt more about that whole situation; the fact that for sixty plus days, this man was lying to my face and going behind my back, or the fact that he cheated on me with someone who was nothing like me. In shape, size, color. Like at what point did he realize that I wasn’t what he wanted anymore? At what point was I no longer enough? Did it not work because I wasn’t what he wanted or did he change what he wanted because of what I am? The questions were endless and I’d be lying if I said that the fact that he preferred someone “foreign” didn’t sting. But at this point, what black man in America didn’t?
I was gathering my things to pay my tithes and leave early, and as I was walking out to the lobby of the church, there he was, rocking a screaming baby back and forth in his arms trying to pacify it. He looked at me, I at him. Then, I just kept walking.
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