#but like i brought my oz plush from back home and now he sits and enjoys the windowsill
elegyofthemoon · 9 months
7-10 i love body mods hehe
body mods are really neat!! personally i'm not super big on them though (it just doesn't really fit my style i think orz but i have The Most Basic NPC Style so you know alskf) these will be a little T T bland my apologies
7:Have tattoos?
8:Want any tattoos?
i kinda do and i kinda don't. i go back and forth with it a lot. but if i wanted any tattoos it's going to wind up being a l'cie symbol or the contractor symbol from pandora hearts ( / n \) predictable.
9:Got any piercings?
my parents pierced my ears when i was a baby and while i don't wear earrings anymore, the hole just never closed up so you can still see them there lmao
10:Want any piercings?
not really tbh ! i think the most i'll ever do - and it's not even a piercing really, it's just an ear cuff, and that's about it lmao i'm not big on piercings. looks nice on others!! just not for me
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avengerscompound · 5 years
Birthday Wish
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Birthday Wish: A Captain America Fanfic
Buy me a ☕ Character Pairing:  Steve Rogers x F!Reader
Word Count:  1236
Warnings:  PTSD, but mostly it’s just fluff
Synopsis: Steve isn’t having a great birthday until he comes home to you.
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Birthday Wish
Steve slumped through the door.  Today had been awful.  More than he had predicted and he’d set himself up for the fact that it was going to be bad.  It started well.  Waking in your arms, the slow lovemaking.  The shower together.  The resistance to leaving and the promise that he could shirk of his duty and just stay in bed.  That you’d make it worth his while.
As much as he had wanted to spend his birthday just with you he knew he couldn’t.  His birthday had stopped being about him the moment he took the super serum and put on that ridiculous red, white and blue suit complete with booty shorts over tights.  He had a duty, and if this made people happy he’d do it.
Not all of it was terrible really.  Getting up to find Bucky and Sam had made him breakfast was nice.  The fact that the others had come to join him for it was touching too.  Though by the 18th joke about his age he was more than a little over it.
The parade was too much.  Way too much.  It was too loud.  The screaming of the crowds managed to hit that exact spot that he was taken right back to the ISO tour and feeling like a dancing monkey.  Plastering that fake smile on his face as he waved to the crowd made his stomach knot and it felt like he had a heavy weight pressing down inside him.
He actually quite enjoyed talking to veterans.  He would have enjoyed it much more if he’d actually been able to spend the time to talk to them properly.  Share some stories.  Maybe a drink.  Make some meaningful connection with them as human beings and not just pause briefly to say a few words before he was ushered onto the next person.
Then there was the whole ceremony thing.  Sitting on stage while people he didn’t know gave speeches.  More jokes about his age.  Some kind of plaque.  A god damn statue that was being placed in Brooklyn like that was ever what he fucking wanted in his life.  He gave a speech.  Thanked people in false words.  Spoke about Nazis and the state of the country.  Not that anyone even listened anymore.  He shook hands with way too many people.  To the point that it started to feel like it wasn’t even him doing it.  Each time the men squeezed his hand hard like they were trying to assert their strength on him.  He understood.  He’d been the little guy once too.
Then it was a party.  Thrown by Tony of course.  He tried to relax and enjoy himself but drinking did nothing and the room was full of strangers still, most of them wanting their own piece of him.  His friends had tried to help.  Pulling him out of long awkward conversations.  Getting him to play pool.  It still wasn’t what he wanted.  He just wanted it to be small.  Dinner and cake and maybe only one or two mentions of how he’s a hundred and then everyone moving on from that particular joke.
There were more speeches.  A giant cake in the shape of his shield with layers inside of red, white and blue cake because of course, that was all there was to Steve Rogers.  The American flag and a shield.  Then the fireworks had started.
That was when he’d excused himself.  It was one thing to have to pretend to be having fun when he wasn’t.  It was a totally another thing to pretend that he wasn’t hearing gunfire and mortar shells exploding with each flash of color.
They were still going off now and he set his jaw, trying to just make it to his room so he could bury himself under his pillow.  When he opened the door he had not been prepared to find a blanket fort set up around his bed.  He chuckled and felt himself relax just a little.  The tightness in his jaw released as he laughed and he felt his shoulders loosen and drop just a little.
He could see light radiating through the blankets from fairy lights and he approached the bed and popped his head in.  You were lying on your stomach watching a movie on the TV that you had encompassed into the fort  Piles of pillows were stacked all around you and you had a plush blanket draped over your body.  You looked up at him and grinned up at him.  “What’s going on in here?”  He asked.
“Thought you might be a little done with the festivities.  Made you a place to hide.”  You said.  “Can’t tell there are fireworks in here.”
He climbed in with you, already feeling light.  There was a tightness in his chest and all he could think was how lucky he had been when you came into his life.  “What are you watching?”  He asked.
“Wizard of Oz.”  You answered sitting up cross-legged.  “Want me to start it over?”
He shook his head.  “No, it’s okay.  That’s an oldie.  One of my favorites.”
“Yeah.  I know.  I guess I have a thing for classics.”  You say and lean in against him.
“That’s the one you get.”  He said kissing you on top of the head.
“Been getting a lot, my love?”  You asked looking up at him.
“Just a bit.  You could say that.”  He replied.
You sat up and scrambled to the edge of the bed and when you returned you had a cupcake with a single candle on it and a lighter.  The cake was chocolate and had bright yellow frosting on top.  You lit the candle and held the cake up to him.  “Happy birthday, Steve.”
“The frosting is yellow.”  He said.
“Mmm…”  You hummed.  “Thought you might have gotten sick of red, white and blue.”
He smiled and cupped your jaw for a moment looking deep into your eyes as he ran his thumb over your cheek.  “I love you so much, you know?”
“I know.  I love you too.  Now blow out the candle and make a wish.”  You answered.
He took a deep breath in and blew, the candle flickered and winked out.  You took the candle out and tossed it in the trash before lifting the cake to Steve’s mouth.  “What did you wish for?”  You asked as he took a bite.
He chewed and swallowed, sucking on his lip to clean the sugary frosting off.  “I didn’t.  I’ve got everything I want right here.”
“That is so sappy.  I can’t even.”  You said and smashed the cake into his face.
“Oh, now you’re in for it.”  He said, grabbing your hips and flipping you onto your back.  You squealed and kicked your legs as he tickled your sides.  Slowly he stopped looking down at you.  You gazed back up at him and bit your bottom lip.  “What is it?”  He asked.
“Nothing.  Just thinking about how much I love you.”  You answered.  “And also you have some frosting, right…”  You brought your lips to his and kissing him deeply, your hands running up over the muscles of his back.  He pressed his weight down against yours and hummed contentedly against your lips.  You pulled back gently and smiled up at him again, ruffling his hair.  “Happy Birthday, Steve.”
He kissed you again and realized maybe it was after all.
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swanqueeneverafter · 6 years
After The Sunset, Pt.26
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Enchanted Forest. (A lone rider makes his way through the forest. Coming to a stop in front of a cave, the rider dismounts and we see that it's Henry Swan-Mills. Securing his horse and then drawing his sword, Henry takes a deep breath before entering the cave.) Cave. (Walking further into the cave, Henry arrives at a dais, upon which lays a sleeping princess. Sheathing his sword, Henry approaches the dais.) Henry: "I knew I'd find you." (Just as he's about to kiss the princess, a large fire-breathing dragon reveals itself to him. The dragon roars and spews a stream of fire at Henry, which luckily he's able to avoid. Drawing his sword ready to attack, Henry braces himself. At that same moment, a young prince arrives, hurling his sword and killing the creature. Turning, Henry stares mutely at the prince.) Prince: “Don't worry. I got this.” (Walking towards the dais, the prince leans down and kisses the maiden, awakening her with True Love’s Kiss.) Princess: “You saved me. My hero. (Stepping off the dais, she notices the would-be savior:) Henry? What are you doing here?” Henry: “I, uh was in the neighborhood. Thought you could use another familiar face when you woke up.” Princess: “Well, thank you. I don't know what I would have done without your support. (The prince and princess walk off together:) Isn't he sweet? Like the brother I never had.” (Henry watches them leave while he stands alone.)
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Enchanted Forest. (Exiting the cave, Henry touches the gash on his head and winces when he sees the blood.) Rumplestiltskin: (Standing beside the cave entrance:) “Some scars go more than skin deep. And I have a feeling that one goes right to the bone.” Henry: “Surprise, that story wasn’t mine, either.” Rumplestiltskin: "Apparently not. And that was what, the third princess so far?" Henry: "Fourth." Rumplestiltskin: "Ouch." Henry: (Sighs:) "Grandpa, I know you're only trying to help, but I think I'm done. I'm not in the mood for your games anymore." Rumplestiltskin: "Games? These aren't games, Dearie. These are possibilities. I brought you to this realm to help you find your story, you can't just quit after four abject failures. (Henry shakes his head:) Perhaps what you need is a different perspective." Henry: "What do you mean?" Rumplestiltskin: "Well, take your mother for instance. Regina didn't find her happy ending with your other mother until after she gave up her evil ways." Henry: "That's true..." Rumplestiltskin: "So maybe for this next story, you could try playing the villain?" Henry: "No, that's not who I want to be." Rumplestilskin: "Oh Henry, relax. This world isn't real. The people in it don't really exist, so you wouldn't actually be hurting anyone. Trust your grandpa, Henry. I can get you a happy beginning, middle, and an end. Beautiful princess. Sparkling castle. Anything you dream can be yours. All you have to do, is try it." Henry: (Considers:) "All right, but just once. Then we try something else." Rumplestiltskin: "Of course. Now, (Putting his hand around Henry's shoulder:) I think I know exactly where we should begin." Royal Castle. (Snow White awakens cradling Neal in her arms. Sitting up, she nudges David awake.) Snow White: "David." David: "Yeah, I'm okay." Hook: (Sits up:) "No. What happened? Where the blazes are we?" David: (Looking around:) "This is our palace." Snow White: "We're in the Enchanted Forest."
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Jabberwocky: (Via a magic mirror:) "Well, you've got to admit, I've got panache." Hook: "There! That's the creature who was masquerading as Belle." Jabberwocky: (As the trio approach the mirror:) "Creature? How rude." David: "Who are you? Why have you done this?" Jabberwocky: "They call me the Jabberwocky, and I've done nothing to you. I've merely brought you home." Snow White: "Why are we here?" Jabberwocky: "Because the people need their leaders. Those ordinary, common folk that you relied upon to help you take back your kingdom from the Evil Queen. The same peasants you forgot about the moment you sat on your thrones." Hook: "What are you babbling about?" Jabberwocky: "Heroes. You and everyone else who identify themselves with that epithet are guilty of crimes against the masses. You allow yourselves to be built up in the eyes of those you claim to be fighting for, and yet once you find your happy endings, your heroics end as well. Leaving the rest of us to wallow in the muck, trapped in our own misery, never to escape." Snow White: "So we're to believe you're some sort of champion for the every man?" Jabberwocky: (Chuckles:) "By the time I'm done, every man, woman and child will be made equal. They will be able to determine their own destinies and not bow down to their so-called heroes." Wonderland. Mountain Top. (A robed Alice watches a similarly robed Drizella as she gathers the ingredients she needs.) Alice: "I'm not sure about this. Why do we need to cast a spell?" Drizella: "Oh, don't think of this as a spell. Spells can be used to harm people. Think of it as a cure. A cure to everyone's suffering. (Seeing that Alice is still unsure:) When you see the beauty of what we're doing, you won't mind the cost at all. We have everything we need. Let's begin. Hold out your hands. (Alice does and Drizella holds up a vial:) Old love. The blood of your brother. (Places the vial in Alice's hand. Holds up another vial:) New love. Blood from the woman with whom you wish to spend your life." Alice: "What? Robin? What do you know about Rob-" Drizella: "Hush. (Holds up the last vial:) Love betrayed. A lock of my sister's hair. She was killed by my mother in the name of hatred." Alice: (As Drizella places the last vial in her hands:) "So, what's supposed to happen? (The vials ignite into a swirling flame:) Am I meant to-" Drizella: "Simply do as you did before with the Dark One dagger. Raise your arms to the sky and send forth your Guardian powers into the night. Let it spread across all the realms far and wide and by morning, you will be free of your magic. Able to live a long, happy life with the one you love. Safe in the knowledge that your sacrifice has saved everyone." (Alice nods and, after a moment, begins to shape the flames in her hands before shooting a jet of fire into the sky. As a dark cloud forms and blankets the sky, turning day into night, Drizella looks up at it, laughing with glee.)
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Tiana's Palace. (Tiana sits staring at her vanity mirror, an unreadable expression on her face.) Will: (Reclined on the plush cushions:) "Come to bed, Your Majesty." Tiana: (Turning in her chair to face him:) "Aren't you even a little concerned about your sister?" Will: "This again. (Sits up:) I've been concerned for Alice for more years than I can remember. After what she's been through, I think Alice is entitled to a little adventure every now and then." Tiana: "So why not take Robin with her? They clearly care deeply for one another." Will: (Moves towards her:) "Why does this bother you so much?" Tiana: "Because... should the day come that we were to marry, Alice would become my sister. The people already know their queen shares her bed with the Knave of hearts, what if something were to happen to Alice while she off on some adventure alone?" Will: (Scoffs:) "Kidnap and ransom, that's what you're worrying about? Alice can handle herself and there are far richer kingdoms to try and squeeze money from. Everyone knows you give most of the treasury money back to the people anyway." Tiana: "I suppose, but I still don't like the idea of her being alone." Will: "Well, having Robin with her wouldn't make much difference." Tiana: (Laughs:) "I wouldn't let her hear you say that. Robin's skills with the bow are second to none, or are you choosing to forget about that bet you lost?" Will: (Dismissively:) "It was a lucky shot." Tiana: "She shot an apple off your head from one hundred yards away. I don't think- (Suddenly, something catches Tiana's eye from the open window:) What is that?" Anastasia: (Entering:) "I think I might have the answer." Will: (Shocked:) "Anastasia..." Tiana: (Steps forward:) "How did you get in here?" Anastasia: "I was queen myself once, I know how to avoid guards." Will: "Anastasia, how did you-" Anastasia: "A combination of magic and science." Will: "So, Doctor Frankenstein, he... did this?" Anastasia: (Nods:) "Thanks to my mother's sacrifice." Tiana: (Cutting in:) "Not that I'm not pleased to see you alive and well, but you mentioned something about that angry looking cloud that's currently headed right for us?" Anastasia: "Yes. Whatever that thing is out there, I'm certain my sister is responsible for it." Will: "Drizella?" Anastasia: (Nods:) "My mother gave her life so that Drizella and I would be reunited. So that I could convince my sister to end whatever that cloud out there is going to bring down upon all of us." Tiana: "Okay, there's no time to waste, whatever that cloud is, it's bad news." Enchanted Forest. Royal Palace. (The Charmings and Hook are still trying to digest what's happened.) David: "So this thing, this Jabberwocky, she wants to turn the people against heroes?" Snow White: “How does she intend to do that?” Hook: "And, what the bloody hell is a Jabberwocky and why should we care what her plans are?" Zelena: (Entering, accompanied by Robin and several other citizens of Oz:) "I think I might know.” Snow White: “Zelena. Where have you been?” Zelena: “Oz. Robin and I, and a few hangers-on, only just made it out in one piece.” (Holds up Jefferson’s hat.) Snow White: (Gasps:) “The Mad Hatter's hat.” David: “W-Wasn't it destroyed?” Zelena: “Well, he was a hatter. He had multiples. Inside are portals to every realm. I used it to escape Oz.” David: “Escape? Why did you need to escape your own realm?” Zelena: “Look, there isn't much time. It's easier if I show you.” (Zelena places the hat on the ground and transports them inside.) Inside The Mad Hatter’s Hat. (They arrive to find a room surrounded by many doors, all leading to different realms.) Zelena: (Walking to the door leading to Oz:) “If you want to know what we were running from, take a gander.” (Pulls the curtain to reveal people and munchkins fighting in the streets.) Snow White: “They’re killing each other.” Zelena: “I can see that.” Robin: “When we left Oz, there was a huge thunder cloud darkening the sky. As soon as it came overhead-” Zelena: “It was apocalyptic, people started attacking each other.” Hook: “What’s causing this?” Zelena: “Your friend in the mirror, the Jabberwocky. She’s an ancient, immortal creature. She feeds off everyone’s fears, their hatred. Obviously she’s using that power to turn everyone against each other.” David: "But why now?" Zelena: (Shrugs:) "I heard tales of the Jabberwocky as a child. My father used to threaten that she'd come and get me if I didn't do my chores." Robin: "That's awful." Zelena: "Last anyone heard, she was trapped in a tower in Wonderland." Robin: "Like Alice?" Zelena: (Nods:) "Only in this case, the Jabberwocky was never meant to be freed." Hook: "Well someone clearly ignored that decree and released her anyway. The question is how do we stop her?" Zelena: "That's the tricky part. To defeat an immortal we need an immortal, and now that Rumple's no longer the Dark One..." David: "There's no one left to stop her." Snow White: "Zelena, isn’t there some counter spell you can use to slow that cloud down? Like the potion Regina made to counteract the Black Fairy’s curse?" Zelena: "It's possible, but it won’t buy us much time. The fact is, and I can’t believe I’m admitting this; my magic alone won’t be enough. We need something much stronger.” Hook: “Like Emma and Regina’s combined magic?” Zelena: “Precisely. Only trouble is, with the people baying for our blood, we're stuck here and the lovebirds have just flown three thousand miles away.”
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The Land Without Magic. Present. Paris. (Emma stands sipping her drink at the poolside bar when she turns to see her wife stepping out of the pool. As if suddenly in slow motion, Emma watches Regina rise from the water, climbing the steps while never taking her eyes from her intended target. The brunette simply stands there for a moment to allow Emma to watch the water cascade down her body, causing the blonde woman to miss her mouth with her straw several times. Smiling, Regina returns to her sun lounger, knowing full well her wife is watching every move she makes in her white, two-piece bathing suit. Shaken from her stupor by the sounds coming from the straw in her now empty glass, Emma gets to her feet and walks over to join Regina.) Emma: (Approaching:) "I appreciate a woman who knows how to make an entrance. Are you staying at the hotel?" Regina: (Playing along:) "Yes I am. How about you, what brings you to Paris, business or pleasure?" Emma: "Hopefully a bit of both. May I sit?" Regina: "Please." (Emma takes a seat on the sun lounger opposite.) Emma: "I'm Trixie." Regina: (Smirks, thinks:) "I'm Lola. (They share a smile, and Regina continues their game:) It takes forever to get a drink. There's only one waitress." Emma: "I can go to the bar." Regina: "Oh, don't go. I mean, you just got here." Emma: "Hm. So tell me, Lola, what do you do for a living?" Regina: "I'm in sales." Emma: "Sales, how intentionally vague of you." Regina: (Smiles:) "I like to keep things close to my chest." Emma: "I can certainly see why. I like your outfit." Regina: "Thank you. Actually this is my second favourite outfit." Emma: "Oh yeah?" Regina: "I had a first favourite, but it got ruined and I had to get rid of it." Emma: "What happened to it?" Regina: "It got torn from my body." Emma: "Really? How did that happen?" Regina: "My wife got overzealous." Emma: "Your wife? She sounds intense." Regina: "She has her moments." Emma: "Well it's a shame she's not here, I'd like to meet her." Regina: "We could wait for her in my room if you want?" Emma: (Chuckles:) "Wow, already?" Regina: (Winces:) "Too soon? This is your game, I've never played before." Emma: "Shh, no it's fine. Keep going. (Gets back into character:) I'd love to wait in your room with you." Regina: "On second thought, maybe we shouldn't. I mean, I don't even know you." Emma: "Well then get to know me. Ask me what I do for a living." Regina: "All right, what do you do for a living, Trixie?" Emma: "I'm a bounty hunter." Regina: "A b-bounty hunter?" Emma: "Mhmm. I track down bad people and bring them to justice." Regina: "That sounds dangerous." Emma: "It can be, but it has its perks too." Regina: "Such as?" Emma: "Well, there's this one person I've been tracking for a long time. She's the worst of the worst. They call her the Evil Queen." Regina: "Hm. She sounds awful." Emma: "Yeah, that's what most people believe. But I have a different theory." Regina: "You do?" Emma: "Mm. I think she's not as bad as they say. I think she just needs someone to help turn her life around. And I think, she's siting next to me right now." Regina: "Oh, Trixie, please you have to understand, I-" Emma: "Shh, I know. It turns out, I'm not a very good bounty hunter." Regina: "Y-you're not?" Emma: (Shakes her head:) "No, I keep falling for their sob stories and let them go." Regina: "You sound as if you have a heart of gold." Emma: "Well, I'm not that easy. I'd have to be convinced. (Taking Regina's hand:) Why don't you come with me up to your room, and we'll see if you can give me a compelling reason to let you go." (Regina smiles and allows herself to be helped to her feet. Once she reaches her full height, they kiss.) Regina: (Their lips part but remain tantalizingly close:) "How was that?" Emma: "Mm, that... was a very good opening argument." Regina: "Trust me, Trixie, by the time I finish convincing you, you'll never want to let me go." (With that, Regina takes Emma's hand and leads them away from the poolside.) Wonderland. (Tiana, Anastasia and Will walk through the forest towards the source of the dark cloud spreading across the sky.) Will: "The wind is carrying the cloud away from here, but it won't be long before the entire sky is blacked out." Anastasia: (Lagging behind:) "Must we walk directly in the mud?” Tiana: “What's the matter, Queen? Or is it only your hands you don't mind getting dirty?” Anastasia: “Will, you should really teach your girlfriend some manners before someone else does.” (The group continue walking.) Will: “Tiana, are you all right?” Tiana: “Yes, I'm fine.” Will: “Are you sure?” Tiana: “Of course I am.” Will: (Glancing back at Anastasia:) “Look, Ana and I, we’re just friends. There’s never been anything more to it than that.” Tiana: (Scoffs:) “I’m not jealous, Will. I just don’t trust why she’s here. Before she died, the Red Queen wasn’t exactly known for her love of the people.” Will: “That was the Queen of Hearts’ influence. Trust me, before Cora got her claws into her, Anastasia was one of the sweetest, kindest people you could ever hope to meet.” Tiana: “Well, I’ll take your word for it. For now.” (They walk by a small village which looks to have been attacked.) Will: "Looks like this place has been abandoned." Tiana: "And no wonder. (Points to debris on the ground:) It looks as though something took a bite out of this wall." Naveen: (Approaching, spear in hand:) “Not exactly a mouth you'd want to kiss, now, is it?” Will: (Stepping between Tiana and Naveen:) “Who are you?” Naveen: “My shiny coat and my sharp spear don't give it away? I'm the hero who's going to kill this beast of a gator.” Tiana: “Then you're even stupider than you look, because whatever attacked this dock is too big to be any gator.” Naveen: “You don't have to believe me. In fact, it's probably best if you and your friends run along.” Tiana: “If anyone is running along, it is you.” Naveen: “Fiery. Whew, I like that. You remind me of someone. Oh, myself.” Will: “You'd do best to cut the quips. This is the queen of the kingdom you're talking to.” Naveen: “Allow me to introduce myself. (Bows:) Prince Naveen of Maladonia, at your service.” Tiana: “Wait, you're really a prince?” Naveen: “I've been tracking this fearsome beast across the entire realm. My enchanted spear is the only weapon strong enough to kill it.” Tiana: (To Will:) “Now he is bragging about his enchanted spear.” Will: “You know what? Where's the harm in bringing him? We can always use him as bait.” Tiana: “And I'll enjoy saving his life and showing him what a real hero is like. For now, you can accompany her highness back there.”
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(Tiana turns back to look for Anastasia but sees she’s nowhere to be found.) Tiana: “Will.” Will: “What?” Tiana: “Where’s Anastasia?” Will: “I don't know.” Tiana: “She was right behind us.” Elsewhere In The Forest. (A group of villagers huddle in a circle as one man holds something skyward.) Village Leader: "One diamond pin! (Holds up another item:) One ring, looks like rubies! This'll feed us for months. (The villagers cheer:) The question is what do we do with her?” (Anastasia is revealed to be sat in the middle of the circle, dazed.) Anastasia: “Where am I? Who are you people?” Village Leader: “You people? Did you hear that? ‘You people.’” Anastasia: (Being pulled to her feet:) “Don't you know who I am?!” Village Woman: “Why do you think we hijacked you?” Village Leader: “Of course we know who you are, or, rather, who you used to be. You abandoned us! You took our harvests, let terrifying creatures take over our fields. You're the reason we're hungry. You're the reason we're suffering. And now you, darling, will be the one to suffer.” (The villagers converge upon her.)
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Inside The Mad Hatter's Hat. (The room has filled considerably, leaders from all realms gathered together.) Snow White: "I saw someone from Arendelle just now. They still had snow on their shoulders." David: "What? How far is this nightmare spreading?" Jasmine: (Arriving with Zelena and Aladdin:) “Far.” Snow White: “Jasmine, Aladdin?” Aladdin: “It hit Agrabah, whatever it is.” Jasmine: “We barely got our people out. What's going on?” Snow White: “The Jabberwocky is spreading fear across all the realms.” David: “The black cloud that’s filling the sky is somehow feeding on people’s hatred. The more it feeds, the stronger it gets." Robin: “We need to get back there and stop all this.” Aladdin: “What about the portal we just came through, the hat?” Zelena: “I travelled to each realm and gathered us all in one place so that there’d be strength in numbers. We need to stick together until we come up with a plan.” Snow White: “Well we can’t stay in here much longer, there’s not enough room.” (Zelena rolls her eyes and transports everyone out of the hat.) Dark Palace. (There are murmurs of surprise from those gathered as they take in their new surroundings.) Hook: “Grouping us together like this is all very well and good, but I don’t see Mal here, I don’t see my daughter.” Zelena: “I couldn’t find Lily and Maleficent wasn’t interested in leaving her nightclub. I didn’t have time to convince those who didn’t want my help. Besides, they’re both dragons, they can handle themselves.” Hook: “Aye, but this storm or whatever feeds on emotions, right? Feelings of inadequacy and vengeance? I’m not gonna just stand here and let my daughter do something she’ll regret.” Snow White: (As Hook turns to leave:) “Wait, Hook, it’s not safe for you out there.” Hook: “Ah well that’s where you’re wrong, luv. You heroes might be prime targets for attack, but you’re forgetting one thing. I’m Captain Hook, I’ve always been a villain.” (With that, Hook turns and walks away.)
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relaxedreptile · 7 years
Baby, It’s Cold Outside
A/N: Okay, so, my apologies.
This was requested maybe three months ago? But I am severely behind on fulfilling these requests from you guys. Slowly but surely, I will have them all finished so don't you worry.
Also, the original request for this wanted smut, but I am content with the way this went so I’m going to keep it the way it already is. Forgive me?
Stay warm.
“With the bridge closed and most, if not all,” the newscaster paused and let out a laugh that oddly reminded you of the Wizard of Oz, “of the roads closed, it doesn’t seem how anyone could find a way in or out of the city. “I don’t know, Catherine, I always keep a spare set of tennis racquets in my car. You think I could tie them to my shoes and make my way home?”
Catherine was cut off mid-laugh by your TV clicking off on its own accord, which elicited a loud groan from your mouth full of popcorn. You expected this much, so you used the light of your phone screen to act as a guide to your box of matches and off to your scented candles. You had searched your home for six of the biggest candles with scents that wouldn’t overwhelm your nose once they mixed throughout your home, but you supposed you couldn’t be too picky.
You had always loved the holidays. It was the perfect mix of exciting, high-powered activities and a relaxed stature throughout the city. While you were devastated your parent’s flight was cancelled due to this snowstorm that had also cancelled your night-in with Naruto on Hulu, you decided you could enjoy this night without technology. It’s not like this night was unplanned considering everyone had known about the storm a few days prior due to its enormous size and not very subtle footprint on whatever system meteorologists used to determine how fucked the holiday season would be. Hopefully reading by candlelight wasn’t going to permanently damage your eyes or something, you didn’t really have the money for that kind of thing at the moment.
You had finished lighting your candles and sat back on your couch, eyes following the lights and shadows as they danced across your walls in a waltz.
A sigh escaped your lips as you relaxed farther into your plush coach, deciding to sing along to a song that had been stuck in your head since November 1st.
“I really can’t stay.” A whiff of “ocean breeze” whizzed past your nose. “Get over that hold out.” This time it was “autumn leaves”. “Ah, but it’s cold outside.” Was that cinnamon? “Baby it’s cold, out-”
The sound of three soft, polite knocks on the door to your apartment startled you out of your harmonizing stupor, your legs forcing you out of your comfort zone and out onto the floor that had already begun to grow cold after a few minutes of your cheap heater switching off.
You wrapped your arms around yourself to retain the warm you had left and shuffled over to your door, sliding across the floor on your fuzzy socks.
“Oh, thank god.”
The man at your door greeted you with a smile that reminded you of the homemade moonshine your uncle used to make for special occasions, the way they warmed your body were way too similar.
“Hi,” you greeted your neighbor… Baekhyun. That was his name. “I’m so sorry to bother you, Y/N,” first name basis with your cute neighbor? Merry Christmas to you, “but I just ran home in that fucking blizzard out there and here I was, completely prepared to heat up some water for a bath on my stove for all I cared, until I realized that I left my keys back on my desk. At my office.” You thought that was all the explanation he needed to offer but Baekhyun interrupted you before you could invite him in.
“I hate to ask this of you so close to the holidays. For all I know you could have family with you, but I guess I have no other choice,” his laugh was short, but sweet. “I only need an hour or two I-”
“You can stay, it’s completely fine with me.” You opened your door wider, hoping it resembled a warm invitation. “Just don’t blow out any candles.”
Baekhyun offered another bigger smile, one that left sparks flying through your body and festering in your stomach.
With a smile like that, you wouldn’t have been able to deny him entry no matter the circumstances, so you were glad that you had met this man (and even his dog) before and were comfortable with him being in your home rather than ten feet across the hall.
Despite you living in this building for close to a year (and Baekhyun for one year more, as he told you when you first moved in), you and your cute neighbor hadn’t made it past small-talk and the only obscure facts you knew about the guy was the fact that he had a brother, had a passion for singing, and his dog’s name was Mongryong.
It was simultaneously better than nothing and enough for you to let him into your home, to allow him access to everything in your possession. Including you.
“I promise I’ll be out of your business as soon as the roads clear up and I can get back to the office, the landlord said he wouldn’t make it out onto the roads until they were plowed. I figured I should risk it myself.”
You nodded in response, not sure why he was repeating himself. It was the holidays, after all, it couldn’t hurt to be a little more giving. Lenient.
“I don’t exactly have a fire place you can hang out by, but I do have a gas stove if you want me to make us some hot chocolate?”
Baekhyun halted in peeling off his soaked socks (him and his dress shoes were not prepared for the snow) and nodded at you before asking if you had marshmallows.
“Whipped cream alright?” You answered with, already heading into your kitchen. “Yeah, yeah, that’s great. Thanks, Y/N.” “Any time, Baekhyun, what are neighbors for?” “I guess for coming in handy when dumbasses like me screw themselves over,” he joked, following far behind you.
A laugh escaped your lips. “Oh please, if I had work today and hadn’t stayed home, I probably would’ve done the same thing.” “Then we’d both be screwed,” Baekhyun pointed out, “but I’m sure we could figure something out. My coat is probably big enough for the both of us.” You were glad that your blush wasn’t visible in the candlelight. “With those shoulders of yours? I wouldn’t fit.”
You allowed yourself to speak with a flirty tone, hoping you hadn’t read his remark about the coat wrong.
“How about you sit between my legs and I wrap my arms around us?”
Okay, he was definitely flirting back.
“All this talk has me wishing I lost my keys as well,” you admitted, not even bothering to lie for the sake of flirting. “There’s always next year.”
You smiled and continued stirring the powder-water mixture, watching the tiny marshmallows that were included in the mix bob up and down in the pot.
The silence was a tad awkward, one wouldn’t lie, but it was to be expected with the relationship between you and your neighbor. Despite the lack of words, the feeling he brought into your home was comforting. Especially with the environment outside of your candlelit apartment being oh so cold and dark.
Baekhyun offered a thank you as he took the steaming mug of liquid from you, licking the edge of the rim as some of the whipped cream started to slip down the side. Your eyes followed the movement of his tongue.
Your lips closed around the edge of your own cup and willed the liquid to slide down your throat, welcoming the slight burn as it went down.
“This cup of hot chocolate is the most Christmassy thing I’ve done in years,” Baekhyun admitted, wrapping both hands around his mug. “I’m glad I had the honor of getting you into the Christmas spirit,” you joked, smiling at your neighbor incase he needed some comfort. “You’re expecting a sob story, I can tell.”
You ignored Baekhyun’s implication and took a rather long sip of your drink.
“Busy?” You guessed. Baekhyun’s nod was the saddest thing you had seen all day. “How about every year you set aside like, twenty minutes to come drink some hot chocolate with me? Completely on the house.”
The man in front of you scrunched his lips in thought, considering the offer you both knew he would say yes to.
“I’ll bring some marshmallows next time.”
“How many times, Baekhyun?” “Just three!” “Oh, I’m sorry, you only got arrested three-” “No building off of our secrets! You set that rule yourself.”
You bit down on your lip and shook your head, disappointed at the fact that your houseguest refused to elaborate on his criminal record.
“Come on, Y/N,” Baekhyun teased, “your turn.”
To ease your boredom, your neighbor had suggested playing what he called “girly slumber party games” to pass the time. You readily agreed, hoping for something racy like spin the bottle (even though that barely works out even when you have more than two people), but settled on truth or dare.
Once the two of you realized that wasn’t going to go anywhere, you suggested going back and forth between asking the person for a secret or a story, no questions asked and no further explanation needed. The two of you required secrets for such a long streak that it was now just a given that that was what the other player wanted from you.
Your body contorted into the “thinker” position, hoping to pull a smile or a giggle from the attractive man sitting opposite from you. Your actions rewarded you with both.
“I went to cotillion for three years.” “Cotillion? I don’t-” “It’s an American thing. It’s these classes over-bearing parents send their kids to so that they can learn how to be “proper”. Table manners, how to court, dancing-” “Why is dancing included in proper behavior?” “Slow-dancing. Waltz.”
Baekhyun seemed to be deep in thought about this, his eyes showing the inner battle deep in his mind.
You better get a good secret in return for further elaboration (even if it was on cotillion and not you).
“Show me.”
Your head snapped up to make eye contact with this beautiful man who continued to make your cheeks flush and the butterflies in your stomach flutter.
Baekhyun could see that you were a bit confused by his outburst, so he decided to confuse yo further by jumping to his feet and outstretching his hand in your direction.
You took his hand out of instinct and tried to remain as graceful as possible when you were yanked upwards and immediately towards your Christmas tree that was between your  favorite parts of your apartment, two floor-to-ceiling windows that allowed you and your guest a gorgeous view of the snow capped city below.
“You said you can dance, show me.” “I didn’t say I knew how, I just said that I learned.” “Well now I want to learn! Usually I would jump on YouTube and figure it out but since I can’t at the moment and you’re right here…” When Baekhyun realized you weren’t budging, he pursed his lips into a full blown pout and cocked his head to the side. “Please?”
You blamed the holidays for you acting so lenient towards this man.
You showed him where to put his hands on your body (each placement sending shivers down your completely covered spine) and explained the counts, repeating “one, two, three” for the first few rounds, smiling proudly when Baekhyun seemed to pick this up in no time.
Was it your expert teaching or did this guy have a better idea of this beforehand than he let on?
“All we need now is some music,” you decided, leaning to rest your head on your dancing partner’s shoulder, thinking of how your old instructor would have gasped at how improper said behavior was.
Your comment was met with a silence that was first interrupted by the deep vibration within Baekhyun’s chest.
“I really can’t stay.”
“I’ve got to go away.”
“This evening has been,” you sang in your current position. “Been hoping that you’d drop in,” Baekhyun continued. “So very nice.” “I’ll hold your hands, they’re just like ice.”
You couldn’t believe how stupid that sounded to you. No matter how much snow piled up outside, no matter how low the temperature dropped, you felt warm. You felt safe.
It’s cold outside, but you feel perfectly fine.
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ozmontague-blog · 7 years
Aftershocks || Oz and Megan
Parties: Oz Montague and Megan Capulet
Location: The Penthouse
Date: Evening of January 15th
Summary: Oz and Megan have particularly shitty days and still try to navigate their way in their claim
Triggers/Other Notes: Nothing in particular of note.
Oz barely made it through the work day. The morning confrontation with Valeria had the entire tower buzzing and people scurried away whenever they saw him coming. To be expected he supposed but the office was usually his safe haven. Finally a respectable working day passed with little work accomplished and he could finally retreat to the Penthouse. He stripped as he walked through the suite, noting that Megan was not yet home. He felt residual anger at Valeria at her defiance putting a damper on their time together at Megan's chalet. His first vacation in well over a decade and it did not go as well. Perhaps he was cursed. He put the water on as hot as he could bear and stepped into the shower, wanting to burn out some of the emotion of the day.
Megan 's head was pounding as the elevator brought her up from the car park to the door of the penthouse. She was thankful her security never really spoke to her so she didn't have to explain why she was so quiet but as she opened the door into the apartment she thanked them quietly and shut the door, resting her forehead against it and feeling worse than ever. She knew the reputation of the Montagues but to have it thrown in her face in public, to have her claim called into question because she had kept her own name at the hospital, it had been too much on top of everything else. Megan went to hang up her coat and noticed Oz's keys sitting, he was home then. That thought just made her stomach clench and she knew that wasn't right but she couldn't help it. She wondered how the meeting with Valeria had gone, another mess she had created by drawing the photographs to his attention. Wiping her hand roughly over her eyes before she let herself get worked up again she went to start the dinner before she undressed. Megan was still chopping vegetables when she heard his footsteps, "Good evening Master."
Oz pulled on a pair of comfortable sweatpants and a simple t-shirt after his shower. He padded through the penthouse and heard the noises from the kitchen. He walked through to see her standing there. She looked unhappy. Just a few weeks into their claim and he could honestly say that he had never seen Megan look less pleased with her life. He approached quietly. "Good evening Megan. How was your day today? Did your appointments go well?"
Megan gave a small shrug at the question. "It was busy trying to catch up after a week away and I don't believe I was my most productive the week before we went so it was quite challenging at times." The week before they went when everything was full of possibility and promise she thought. Putting the food into the dish she placed it in the oven trying to judge his mood. "I will go and change in a minute but can I get you a drink first?"
Oz watched the woman as responded, noting the language of her body as well as the tone of indifference in her reply. "No please go ahead. I will pour myself a drink. I think I will go catch up on news." He turned on his heel and headed for the tv room. Lined with books, it was a cozy space with a plush deep couch. He settled on that couch and turned on the television but could not focus on the screen. Megan had not asked about Valeria and suddenly he felt exhausted.
Megan nodded at his instruction. She thought back to before they went away and how she would have been sure to go over and kiss him before she left but now even that felt wrong and instead she just walked past and into the bedroom. Tears pricked her eyes as she undressed but she wiped them away before they could fall and went into the bathroom in search of painkillers for the growing headache she had which she knew they could not help with. Having wasted as much time as she felt she could she made her way to the TV room and knelt at his feet. She knew she couldn't avoid the subject all night so she took a breath before she asked, "How was your meeting this morning?"
Oz threaded a hand into Megan's dark hair and felt that touch alone settle some of his disgruntled spirit. He ran his other hand over his shorn head and looked down at her. "About as well as expected." He conceded gruffly. "She is not welcome in the penthouse any longer. If you wish to speak with her or see her, I ask only that you do it elsewhere." He wanted to demand she not speak to Valeria either but there were clear boundaries in their relationship and even he was still navigating around them. He sighed softly, "I had another one in the afternoon. Alex was assaulted last week as she was leaving work. She will recover but ...." He let out a soft growl, "Brandon did not advise me, even though he was aware it occurred. So now I must speak with him as well."
Megan listened to his words, an edge to his tone she couldn't place yet as either hurt or anger but it was defintiely one, or perhaps even both. "Yes Master," she agreed easily although she couldn't imagine that she wanted to see his niece anytime soon either. Her jaw dropped as she heard about Alex being assaulted. The fact he needed to speak to Brandon didn't worry her as much as who would have assaulted someone so sweet. "Have they caught anyone?" she asked hesitantly, the sour taste of her conversation with Ashley coming to mind. Could he have left the hospital annoyed with her and ran into Alex? She couldn't bear to think of it, she really was a disaster at the moment. "I'm sorry, could you repeat that?" she asked blinking back tears and not having heard a thing he said.
Oz allowed his hand to rest on the nape of her neck. "I don't have many details yet I'm afraid. It is just .... I promised her safety and a family. And within months she is getting hurt.... damnit." His words were a frustrated growl. He looked down at Megan, noting that she hadn't really heard what he said. "Come sit with me." He ordered crisply before practically picking Megan up from the floor and placing her on his lap. "You are safe Megan. I promise. I will not fail you." he assured gently. He shouldn't have disclosed the information. Megan was clearly not in a place to hear it. Once again, he couldn't seem to make the right step when it came to his claim.
Megan curled easily into him as his promise made her love him even more, not that she would articulate that again. "Safe from my own family," she muttered as the stress of the day and the past week was all just too much and she found herself sniffing back tears again. Wiping her hand over her eyes she tried and failed to hold back her tears.
Oz brushed his lips over a teary cheek. "I am so sorry Megan. I am afraid I didn't think through what it would be like for you to be surrounded by us all the time. I never lied to you but I feel I did not warn you sufficiently." This was why he was reluctant to allow the Montagues to be claimed by the Capulets. Your family should be a haven and not an ambush. He thought becoming Montagues would be easier, but he hadn't counted on the fact that Megan didn't really want to become a Montague. She wanted to remain a Capulet and perhaps that was just too much. "I have you. You can let go Megan. I am sorry. I should not have shared all this with you. I will learn to be more circumspect so as not to worry you." He offered in an effort to soothe her distress. He brushed strands of fallen hair back from her pale, teary face.
Megan let out a shuddery breath as she attempted to get her emotions under control. "No, you haven't done anything. You can talk to me. I want you to be able to tell me things...I'm just tired and over emotional and wishing I could spend all tomorrow in bed with you instead of going to work." She bit down on her lip as her eyes fluttered closed with his soft touches. She couldn't feel right until she was honest with him and she laid her head on his chest as she took a second before speaking. "I had something of a 'discussion' with one of my own family this afternoon. It left me a bit shaken," she admitted.
Oz doubted her softly spoken words. The woman was clearly miserable. Unless just being his claim was what was making her miserable. There was a depressing thought and yet it lingered, ever present. "I am so sorry Megan." He wanted to growl and demand names. However, he forced himself to remain calm, "Tell me what was said that upset you so much."
Megan threaded her fingers through his, she needed to anchor herself to him again. "He mocked the fact I didn't want to use the Montague name in the hospital and he accused you of spending the profits of crime and of being involved in selling drugs and that I was being foolish by trying to defend your actions. It was all just stupid stuff but....I've known him almost my whole life, it just wasn't easy to see him turn on me that's all."
Oz felt her small fingers entwine with his and was satisfied. He nodded at the words. He had rather suspected Megan had retained her name to avoid the connection as well. "People are going to say harsh things about us. They always have and they always will. And some of my .... enterprises are not quite legal. But I suspect you have always known that."
Megan sighed softly, "I know you're no angel, you proved that the first night we met but I have never felt safer or more complete than when I am with you." The words were out before she really thought about them, was that too much like 'I love you' again. "It just feels like everything is against us suddenly. I don't know, for months we were fine getting to know each other and now it's just one thing after another."
Oz let his lips quirk into a smile at the description of him as 'no angel'. It appears his claim was the Lady of Understatement. "Your words please me ... thank you my beauty." It was the first time he had used his endearment for her in several days. "It does appear that way, doesn't it?" He agreed with a sigh. "Clearly that was our honeymoon period. We are now back in the mire of complicated families and separate interests that continue to collide."
Megan gave a small, scathing laugh, "So it seems. I'm almost too scared to even consider thinking about a date for the holiday Dante gave us." She wriggled a little, settling herself more on his lap and his pet name giving her some comfort. "How do we stop everything colliding? I feel like I just keep letting you down and I really don't mean to."
Oz sighed at the reply. "I am terrible at vacations anyway." He grumbled softly, laying his chin on the top of her dark head. "I do not know if we can. You do not let me down. I know that being my claim has been a rude awakening. I think you were hoping for better but I am no more and no less than who you first met."
Megan 's eyes narrowed at his words, her voice getting more frantic, "Why do you keep saying that; that I wanted better, that you are not good enough? You are exactly what I need and want. How can I make you understand that?" She slid off his lap and looked at him, "Or is this your way of saying you don't really want me?"
Oz cupped her face, pulling her back onto his lap and meeting her eyes, "I have never considered anyone before and now you wear my collar. Who else do you think I need in my life? Hmmm?" He growled the words, low. Anger was a much more satisfying and acceptable emotion after all. "Yet you punish me for not being what you wish I was."
Megan looked at him in confusion. "I punish you? How?"
Oz growled, "I do not do as you wish and you retreat from me. I am less than you deserve. I know this .... but you make sure I know each and every time I am less." He released his hold on her and rose to his feet. "You know who I was ... who I am .... and I have never made a promise to you that I could not keep. You do not wish for children with me, so no children. You wish to keep your name outside our home, so it is done. I promise you safety and a home. You have security. You have as much safety as a man like me can promise. Yet because I do not say the words you want, when you want them, you look at me with wounded eyes and make sure I know how much I disappoint you. I am exhausted by it. You do not wish to be /my/ submissive. You want a Dominant with my packaging who behaves the way you wish."
Megan felt her world fall apart as he turned on her. They had talked extensively before the claim and now it seemed they had missed major stumbling blocks in the way. "I do not wish children with anyone and I thought you were in agreement on that," she clarified first before her shoulders dropped and she sank back in the chair. "You don't disappoint me. You don't love me as I love you and I took that hard but I can learn to be the submissive you want. I got swept along with planning a grand claim ceremony and trying to make you proud as you stood in front of the whole city but if I have left you in doubt that it is you that I want and not just any Dominant than I have clearly failed spectacularly." She stood up and walked to the door of the room, "I'm sorry I failed you."
Oz watched her stand and leave the room. "Of course. So you leave." He knew exactly where she was going. Away. From him. Of course. "How long have you been waiting to do /that/?" he muttered more to himself than her. He picked up the glass he had been drinking from and threw it hard, causing it to shatter against the far wall and knocking down a small framed picture while he was at it. "Damn it." He hated it when his temper got the better of him.
Megan walked out the door completely devastated when he made no move to stop her. She wouldn't have cared if he had punished her or kissed her but something to show her he actually cared. Making her way into the guest bedroom she threw herself onto the bed and sobbed. How had they gone from the excitement of their claim ceremony to this in such a short time? Her tears fell hard as his words echoed in her head and she made a decision. Yes she was hurt but far more than that was the knowledge that she wanted him, above all else and she didn't care what it would take she was not losing him, not like this. Megan stormed through to the TV room and stood in the doorway. "No," she shouted firmly. "I am not giving up on what we have. I love you and I am not letting you push me away because you are angry with me. If I have made you think I don't want you then I am sorry but I do want you, you Oz Montague not just a dominant with your packaging and certainly not one who lets me behave as I wish. Now I made a promise in front of a ridiculously large number of people only a few weeks ago that I would be yours for better or for worse and I don't intend to break that promise. So punish me if that's what you feel is needed or kiss me till I can't breath but you are not getting rid of me that easily." She looked at him with a determined look that hid her fear that he would reject her.
Oz crossed the floor in three long steps. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her deeply, roughly claiming her body. He couldn't match her words and it troubled him that he would never be able to provide her with what she deserved. Still, he wasn't about to give her up. He picked her up off her feet and carried her the short distance to the bedroom. With brusque movements, he stripped away her clothing.
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