#but like i cant see it without thinking about michael doing a little shopping day
castiellesbian · 4 months
Actor choices I can't forgive them for:
Misha's stupid fucking German accent for Apocalypse!Cas
Jensen choosing that outfit for Michael because he was a little too into Peaky Blinders that week
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indigo474 · 9 months
Saturday-long run-
My runs are getting longer and taking more time. An hour - i was running about 35 minutes. my music still will not play when im running. ive tried to figure it out to no avail. it's so frustrating. i'm left alone with my thoughts. my breathing- my shoe was making a weird noise today- and i had to blow my nose on a leaf... i forgot tissues again. i checked the temp before i headed out and it was 35-- warm.. hahahaha.. 45 is hot. 20's cold.. i thought of my uncle chuck today and how when i was little her taught me the right way to paint my finger nails. that was the type of kid i was- i didnt ask how to do things.. i just did them and figured it out.. from a very young age. there was no one paying much attention to me. my mom always said children should be seen and not heard.. i dont even think they saw me. i was a good kid.. i dont even know if my uncle chuck is still alive. i wish i cold thank him.. for seeing me and teaching me how to paint my nails.
i spent some time with Mads today. always a good time.. mostly always. she likes working 3rd shift.. so far.. next week will be the real test as she is scheduled like really overnight. i'm glad she is happy.. but ughh.. i feel better knowing she is home,safe with me at night. i really do not like her out all night. she said the people are weird. i am done Christmas shopping and looking forward to a relaxing day tomorrow and Monday- i'm working a few hours on xmas. today was a good day. i feel blessed- happy - peaceful- my car is acting weird again.. months and months of it running good and today the dash decides to light up. madison said something about aunt paula.. we started taking about paula and how she basically hated kevin.. i was telling madison how it was normalized- the brothers being assholes was normal.. ohh thats just the way they are.. im convinced paula is an abused person. without a doubt.. it brings up a lot of things for me. once you see the truth you cant unsee it- how is it that i spent over 20 years with someone and knew nothing about him. i dont think there is much to know- he was and is just a shell of a human. nothing real to get to know- he of course knew nothing about me- his made up version of who i was/am.. bipolar like her mother. i can hear him say it. i have come to terms with my role in michael and meghan's life. i'm sure there will be a time when the pain of what is brings me to my knees- again.. i dont know much about anything but i do know that the pain does stop and i am able to find my peace again. acceptance- how many times in my life have i wanted things to be different how many times? ive spend decades wishing things were different- things are the way they are. i think of madison and how she has handled things. i know it hurts her. i'm proud of how she's handled herself and the pain she feels. i hope Michael and Meghan can heal themselves and live with the decisions they have made. how can 1 man cause so much damage to so many people? if i didnt live it i wouldnt believe it.
Madisons friend was telling me how her family has needed a kitchen table for years. I told her that someday htey would get a kitchen table- it takes time- i waited over 20 years for a dining room table. sometimes it take time. I feel bad for her friend. its just a bad situation. the mom doesnt food shop.. there is never any food in the house. maddy's friend had to have her hours cut at work because her mom would get less welfare. how is anyone supposed to better themselves? an uphill battle for a young girl that already has years of trauma behind her. i thought about x today more than i have in a long long while.. maybe because of the conversations i had wiht madison.. he actually told my children i was a sex addict.. i wanted to have sex with my husband.. who the fuck tells their children that. its difficult to not blame yourself when the person you're married to doesnt want to have sex with you. there must be something wrong with me..
someday.. someday.. he will get what he deserves.. eventually, we all do.. tomorrow... run.. i need new sneakers. i'm running longer and my feet are swelling up. i'm not sure-i'm hoping its normal.. i'm gonna need to do something. i dont think ill be running 13 miles by spring. i finally figured out how to use my fitbit.. to actually track my run. hopefully i'll remember to use it tomorrow. i'm excited for tomorrow- tomorrow feels like Christmas to me. i heard someone say my name at work.. i actually said who called my name.. no one..
one of my co workers gave me a bottle of wine.. i gave it away. my mom asked me if i wanted a bottle of champagne wiht out even thinking i said no Mom i dont drink. she said oh good.. i do worry that in the dating world not drinking can be seen as a red flag.. i'm not dating but if i was.. if someone does think not drinking is a red flag,i guess they arent my person.. alcohol is actual poison.. i think not working out it a red flag so there's that.
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colpapabear · 2 years
✵ + for Louis and Rob, of course!
Who spends hours putting up lights only to get tangled in them and storm off? Rob gets kind of intense about it but he also gets frustrated with it every quickly because he absolutely overthinks it. Just putting it up haphazardly is not an option apparently and it's too fiddly so it tests his patience. Why are the cords tangled, every idiot knows that you have to put them back like this so they don't get tangled -- what do you mean, he put them back himself last year? Impossible. Also one of the kids gets dragged into holding ladders etc every year and every year without fail they all end up squabbling, specially once the twins develop a teenage temper.
Who accidentally eats a whole box of christmas chocolates in one sitting? ... Rob and he's not proud of it because he knows how much work Louis and the kids put into those but somehow passing by the tin several times a day results in... an empty tin. Who'd have thought.
Who insists on playing nothing but michael buble in the few days running up to christmas? I can see Louis get festive and singing along to the Christmas music played on the radio while getting busy with all the preparations. Rob would like to listen to something else for just an hour. Not allowed, Louis is vibing. Who gets their presents wrapped at the mall so the other cant go snooping? Louis because Rob is far too nosy for his own good. But Rob also does it just for convenience. He's not gonna bust out wrapping paper and bows himself if some nice lady in the shops is gonna do it for him. Who insists on making snow angels? Neither is particularly keen on laying down in snow, thank you very much. Who put christmas outfits on all the pets? Louis. They look funny. Do they go to family’s or have a quiet day in? Ooh, tough one, because so much of their relationship is spent in secret. I don't think Rob has the heart to leave and let Louis be alone on Christmas so he's invited to join the Hogan family as a dear friend of the family. Until they all know of course, then he is part of the family. Who insists on wearing matching ugly christmas jumpers? I can't decide if Rob would rather die or find it hilarious. Mood dependent. I feel like Louis would be confused by the idea. Who waits up until midnight to give the other their present? Louis because he's used to giving gifts on Christmas Eve. Midnight is the compromise they settle on. Who insists on hand-made presents only one year? I can't answer this question because it was such a disaster, they agreed to never speak of it again. Who puts mistletoe on every door frame? Rob because he can reach them because he got bored and lonely while Louis was off at work one day. Who gets too drunk at the work christmas party and has to be picked up at 9:15pm? Both. Both have to be picked up from their respective holiday work dos. Luckily they're never on the same day. Who gets angry and almost tells kids that santa isnt real? They've both been there but maybe Louis more so because the holiday traditions he grew up with is so different to the sugar coated American Christmas version and Santa Clause it can get a little much.
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slasherheadcanons · 4 years
Can u do slashers with an s/o who wears glasses and is completely blind without it and one day she loses it or they take it for some reason? I love ur writing,it seriously makes my day!! 💕
Of course! 😊 Here you go! Also, I am glad to see people enjoy my writing so much! ❤💕
•How the slashers react to their S/o being blind without the glasses•
Michael Myers: • Michael, definitely stole your glasses. He was curious if you could see without your glasses, and as it turns out, you cant. You are as blind as a bat without them. He watches with amusement as you desperately wave your arms around, trying to find him. Oh, he was going to have fun with this. Michael is the biggest jerk ever and will purposely scare you even more while your glasses are off. He also trips you occasionally and silently laughs when you run into things. But you will receive some rare Michael softness as well. Like if someone else steals your glasses (the person will be murdered first) or if your glasses fall and you cant find them. Michael will pick them up and puts them back on your face. He lets you clean and adjust them to your liking before he leaves.
Bubba Sawyer: •Bubba also took your glasses from you. Not to be a jerk, but instead, he was curious what it's like to wear them. So now you wander around blindly, and Bubba walks like he is drunk, the glasses making his vision all blurry and weird. Both of you run directly into each other, falling to the ground. Well, Bubba does anyway. He lands on his back while you land onto his soft tummy. Bubba looks at you and blinks. It clicks in his mind, you really need these glasses. Now he feels bad for taking them. He coos apologizingly and puts the glasses back on your nose. He will never take them from you again, and he will help find them if you ever lose them.
Jason Voorhees: •Jason would never take anything that belongs to you. He is a good boy who will never steal anything. So one day, you lost your glasses. You felt all around the area but couldn't find them at all. So you called Jason. He, of course, came to you as fast as he could, curious to see why you called him. He is confused when he sees you on the ground patting around. But when you tell him you lost your glasses. He is quick to join you in your search for them. You searched all over the house for them. Jason eventually does find them and brings them to you. Carefully setting them back on your face. He didn't realize just how you needed them until now. So from now on, he always makes sure he knows where your glasses are.
Asa Emory (the collector): •Now Asa has reading glasses so he can understand the pain and stress of losing your glasses. He won't steal your glasses unless you have pissed him off or something. So most of the time, it's your glasses getting lost. At first, he didn't care about helping you find them. Thinking you are big enough to find your own glasses. Well, until he saw just how blind you are without them. He watches as you blindly pat around, looking for them. He found it kind of adorable. You are like a blind kitten. Upon seeing just how blind you are, he stands and helps you search for them. He ends up finding them under the bed and returns them to you. He might tease you a little bit.
Jesse Cromeans (Chromeskull): •Again, Jesse most likely stole your glasses. Wanting to see what it was like to look through them. Like Bubba, his eye can't handle the glasses, so he ends up running into a wall and slamming his foot into a table. Yeah, he quickly takes them off and goes to find you. He finds you wandering around the halls, one hand brushing the wall, and the other out straight in front of you, feeling what's ahead. At that moment, he realizes just how blind you are. He feels horrible and quickly goes to return them to you. Afterward, he apologizes repeatedly. Offering to make it up to you with shopping trips or cuddling to watch your favorite show.
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heartbreakgrill · 4 years
That Smile; Luke Hemmings, Pt. 4
description: in which songwriting is over, but there’s still lyrics left to be written.
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You glared at the wall across from you, fist clenched in your lap, teeth grinding together. The bass bounced from wall to wall in the studio, in tune with your fast-beating heart. You resisted the urge to scream, to curse the world, to quit your job and move to western France with all ties cut to anyone you ever knew.
Especially him. His stupid face was grinning at the carpet, skinny jeaned legs crossed over one another boot clad foot bouncing in the air. His hair was ruffled, messy from running his hands through it time and again, pushed behind his ears by a pen on his left side. Those stupidly gorgeous blue eyes were trained on the floor, too, almost nervous to meet anyone’s eyes.
They wrote a song without you- well, Luke wrote it, he even composed all of the instruments. Then, while you were working with another client for a grudging week, they recorded it. Now, they were playing it for you with proud shoulders, like, “Look! We can do it without you!”
This was your last week together. After a little over six months of bonding, partying, drinking, falling, and, yes, songwriting, it was coming to an end. You had never grown so close to a set of clients before, and you were terrified at how much it was going to hurt, saying goodbye. You hadn’t spoken to Luke since the week prior to your absence. You texted in the group chat about a few ideas, spoke to Calum both on the phone and in real life, and had even gone on a double date with Michael, Crystal, and a god-awful redhead. Ashtons girlfriend had taken friendly to you after a few mores parties, so youd even seen her for lunch and shopping with Crystal a few times.
But, he just wouldn’t speak to you.
You didn’t know why. You racked your brain for reasons and answers, afraid to even ask the questions. He averted his gaze when you looked his way, shrugged off your compliments on his outfit or lyrics, hadnt even liked your latest Instagram post. You were craving for his attention, pushing up at the universe which was destroying your year.
Two heartbreaks, and it had only been six fucking months.
Calum, who was sitting next to you- of course- tapped his fingers against your wrist to get your attention. You looked away from Luke, who looked back at you. He was disappointed to see you staring at Calum, a small smile lifting the corner of your lips. You murmured something, Calum smiled, and you looked back to Luke.
He went to look away, but simply couldn’t. He was avoiding your pretty face because he wanted to get detached before he had to say goodbye entirely. He knew you guys could hang out, and you were planning to come to Ash’s next weekend, but it wouldn’t be like it had been weeks before he got your confession. Plus, he was going home to Australia for a month or two, before the album was released, tour started, so his heart could mend.
He loved you, and you loved somebody else.
“So?” Ashton spun around in the studio’s chair, cheeks pudgy with a smile, “What do you think?”
You looked away from Luke, “Oh, it was really good. Really...good. What’re you gonna call it?”
Luke felt brave energy on the tip of his tongue. “Why wont you love you,” he said, directly into your gaze.
You furrowed your brows, your head tilting involuntarily. “Wh-“
“Yeah, we think were done now. That was the last song were gonna have on the record.” Michael interrupted without even meaning to.
“So today is your last day?” Your breath hitched, eyes already bleary with goodbyes.
Calum slung an arm around your shoulder and pulled you into his side, “Yeah. It is.”
You leaned into him without even meaning to, but Luke noticed. His bravery turned to venom, dripping off his frowning lips when he stood, headed for the door, and said, “Better get to confessing, Y/N.”
You stared at his empty seat, cheeks pink with embarrassment and sadness. Calum’s eyes screwed up with confusion, “What?”
Ashton and Michael looked towards you as you bent at the waist, cradled your torso. Calum got a better hold on you, hugging you as you began to cry. Ashton joined him on the other side, sitting on the arm of the couch. He rubbed your back, pushing hair out of your face.
Michael spoke, “What does he mean by confessing?”
“God,” you wiped at your cheeks, “God, I’m sorry.”
“What?” Ashton inquired.
You sat up a little bit because your chest hurt so badly, “I lied to Luke and told him I was in love with Calum because I love Luke and I didn’t want to make things weird. It was after my boyfriend broke up with me, so I was scared, and tired and my heart hurt so bad. And now Ill never see him again because he’s going back to Australia. And he didn’t even tell me that! He told Calum! Calum told me, and I feel stupid.”
Calum chuckled, sharing a knowing look with Michael, “Y/N, you dont have to apologize for defending yourself. You deserve the right to.”
“Yeah, its just human nature. Plus, I’m not sure it would make things weird,” Michael pursed his lips with quirked brows.
You looked up, “What?”
“Y/N, are you still scared?” Ashton playfully pinched your arm, smiling down at you when your eyes flickered to his.
“Tired?” Calum squeezed you in his arm.
“N-no, I’m just sad,” you admitted and pushed your hair back behind your ears.
Calum helped pull you from the couch, Michael gathered your things into your bag, and Ashton handed you Luke’s abandoned hoodie. Calum spoke as it happened, “I didn’t tell you because I didn’t want to freak you out or scare you, but his plane leaves in six hours. Ill send you his address-“
“I did you one better; Its in your Google maps,” Michael grinned like a child when your head popped out of Luke’s sweater, which Calum had pulled over your head.
You looked to Calum, confused, “Its raining, dont want you to be cold.”
“Get to his place, Y/N, drive safely, but drive quickly. Get there and tell him before its too late,” Ashton hugged you tightly.
Michael did, too, and, finally, Calum squeezed you in his arms. “Go, on, then.”
You hesitantly stepped towards the door, a small smile meeting your eyes, “Yeah?”
They nodded before you turned on your heel, taking off like a bat out of hell.
As you drove, it all began to make sense. The song he wrote, the way he looked you in the eyes and told you what it was called. The way he held you after you got sick, the way he looked at you when you were with Calum. The longing in his eyes when he saw you leaving the studio, at parties when you were dancing. He’d dance with a few times, but when youd get too close, he would linger away, deflated, defeated, and alone.
The way he smiled at you.
When you arrived, the rain slowed to a drizzle. Your name was still on the guards checklist, and he pointed you towards Luke’s house with ease. You quickly texted Calum you were there before turning off the car and abandoning your phone on the passenger seat. You jogged to his front door, stopped with your fisted hand against it.
Your eyes shut, rain falling from your eyelashes and hairline like tears. With three rasps on the door with your knuckles, you stepped back. The door hesitantly opened- he must have seen you in the peep hole. His eyes racked your body, almost smiling when he saw his damp hoodie clinging to your frame, before he met your eyes.
“Y/N, I’m sorr-“
“No, okay?” You stopped him with your hands and voice, “Just, no. Don’t speak, just let me get this out, okay? Luke, I am sorry for lying to you. I dont love Calum, unless you count as a friend. He is an amazing guy, but, Luke, he’s not you.”
Lukes eyes widened, their familiar blue color shining down at you.
“I have denied my feelings for so long because I am so afraid of you. You are tall, and so sweet, and insanely talented. And you look like fucking Aphrodite. You’ve been with so many pretty girls, so many talented, pretty girls who just- I dont look like them. Plus, I was scared because I was broken up with and, even though I’d lost feelings, it just hurts knowing someone doesnt want you anymore. I-I, dont know, I think I was just holding myself back because. There’s no reason, just because. I know I’m not a size 0 and I know I’m crazy loud and I get drunk sometimes and I can be kinda annoying, but, Luke, I never want you to sing Why Won’t You Love Me? and think of me. I want you to sing Valentine and Better Man and just think of me.”
Luke stepped forward, enveloped your hips in his hands. You pressed yourself against his chest before he responded, “Those size 0 girls just aren’t you, either, Y/N. They’re not loud or crazy or, yeah, even annoying. They dont make my heart leap when they sing or my fucking head spin when they laugh or look at me. You make me smile so much more than they could. Fuck fear, Y/N, just let go and give into it. There’s nothing to be worried about because I will be there to catch you, okay? I cant just think about when singing those songs, though. Y/N, you are in my head all damn day, it’s fucking grueling because I just want to hold you in my arms and kiss you all the damn time.”
“Then do it.”
When he pulled away from you, eyes screwed shut in overwhelming joy and satisfaction, that damn smile was grazing his lips. You kissed it off of him, clutching at his shoulders before your hands moved around to the buttons on his shirt.
“Gonna invite me in?” You whispered against his lips, squealing when he lifted you in the air and pulled you inside.
TAG LIST: @oopsiedoopsie23 @pixiiiiee @kingxnichole
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skinsharpenedteeth · 4 years
Kinktober 1
AN: No lie, y’all, there’s no way I’ll write 31 fics for October. Too many birthdays in my family for that noise. So I’m going to work on writing as many fics as it takes to explore 31 different kinks instead. Fewer fics, just as much kink. LOL. Here’s the first fic. It’s the finished version of the WIP I posted on Wednesday. It’s not quiet 10k, but it’s damn close. Enjoy!
Feel free to read it on AO3!
              Alex was having a lazy Thursday evening. He and Michael had been together for a little over a year (one year, three months, two days but who was counting?) and while it had been bumpy at first, they’d done the hard emotional growth to make it work. Part of that had been to stop denying what their incredible physical connection could do for them. It had been slowly teaching each of them to open up and state their desires without fear of humiliation or dismissal. It had also taught them to listen to what the other was saying and to clarify if something was unclear. That open communication in the bedroom had bled over into other parts of their life and they’d gotten to a place where they could live together in more or less harmony. They still argued, but it didn’t have the slap of rejection that it once would’ve had. Their arguments now were more like lively disagreements. Alex laid on the couch in their living room and ruminated on that as he watched one of the many serial dramas on television.
“Alex,” Michael’s voice called from the back of the house. “Come back here for a minute.”
              Pushing himself up off the couch, Alex padded down the hall of his their house, eyes scanning the open doors to the bathroom and guest bedroom as he went to make sure Michael was in their bed room. He poked his head past the doorway of the master searching for Michael in the room and spotted him sitting on the foot of their bed, legs locked in front of him to keep him from sliding onto the floor. When Michael saw Alex in the doorway, his face lit up with a smile and he held his arms open in obvious invitation. Alex walked slowly over until he was standing between Michael’s legs looking down at him and he raised an eyebrow in question. Michael continued to smile up at him and wrapped his open arms around Alex far enough to link his hands behind Alex’s lower back.
              “Yes? Did you need something?” Alex asked, still amused at Michael’s antics and leaning back slightly against Michael’s hands behind him.
              “Can’t a guy just call his boyfriend back into their bedroom because he’s lonely?” Michael asked as he bent his arms to tug Alex’s body closer to his. There’d only been about a foot between them and after the tug there was half that.
              “I don’t know, can he? Are you feeling lonely?” Alex asked, giving in to the temptation to rest his arms over Michael’s shoulders and play with the loose curls on the back of his head. Michael always made him feel like the strong one, but occasionally he did something, and Alex just felt himself melt inside. He became the softest little chinchilla in his heart and let his ever-vigilant guard dog have a nap.
              “Were you in the room? No? Then I was feeling lonely,” Michael teased as he canted his head back to nudge against Alex’s hands, encouraging him to dig his hands deeper into Michael’s hair.
              “Oh, we’re feeling needy tonight, are we?” Alex joked back, sliding his feet forward the last few inches between them until Michael could press his face against Alex’s shirt covered chest. Alex let the moment hold there, letting Michael breathe him in through his shirt the way he liked, before Alex tightened the hand in Michael’s hair and tugged down until Michael rested his chin over Alex’s sternum and looked up at him. “Are you feeling needy tonight, Michael?”
              Michael nodded, eyes closing in apparent ecstasy as Alex kept Michael’s hair in a firm grip with one hand while the other softly combed back the curls that still hung around his face. Alex allowed himself a moment to just look at Michael, enjoying the warmth of their bodies pressed against each other and how Michael’s hands had come to grip the back of his thighs above his knees. He loved the calm that seemed to take over Michael’s face when he was pressed against Alex’s body.
              “What do you need tonight?” Alex asked him quietly, letting the hand at the back of Michael’s head loosen and slide out of his hair to rest on the back of his neck. He had a good idea what Michael might want, but he needed to hear him vocalize it. The other hand paused against Michael’s cheek, waiting for him to speak. Michael tell him what he wanted exactly so Alex could figure out how best to take care of him, that was part of the deal.
              “I need to my brain to go quiet. I need you to scene with me, dominate me. I don’t want to make any decisions,” Michael replied, eyes opening slowly as he exhaled at the end of his confession. Alex nodded and urged Michael to press his head against Alex’s chest. He did so and Alex wrapped his arms around Michael, using his body as a shield against the outside world while they discussed their plan for the evening.
              “Do you want to be restrained?” Alex asked, starting to form plans for the night. Michael nodded his head. “Use words, Michael.”
              “Yes I want to be restrained,” Michael huffed out a little petulantly though with an obvious smile in his voice.
              “Good. Do you want to edged?”
              “Yes,” Michael sighed the word against Alex’s shirt. He could feel the heat of his breath warm the cotton against his skin.
              “Do you want to get fucked?”
              “So much, please,” Michael moaned, and his voice sounded so pleading. Alex paused to think about his options and what he could do for Michael. Michael let him think in silence, but his thumbs had started to brush back and forth over the outside of Alex’s thighs.
              “Okay. How would you feel about putting on my favorite pair of red panties that you own? I’ll get some of the soft, red cotton rope and we’ll bind up your chest and arms. Then we’ll get you nice and hard and use that cock ring we bought with the prostate stimulator so you can blow me and tease yourself at the same time. Obviously, no coming unless I give you permission. Then finally I’ll fuck you nice and hard and if you’re very, very good, I’ll let you come. Does that sound okay?” Alex offered, petting Michael’s hair again as he spoke. His own skin was starting to heat up at his idea, his stomach stirring with arousal as he pictured each piece of his plan while describing it to Michael. Michael remained quiet against him, but Alex could see him working it through in his mind.
              “Yes. I want all of that. Please,” he added to the end, looking up into Alex’s eyes as he said it.  
              “Please….” Alex prompted in the way they’d agreed on previous occasions to ask Michael if he was ready to start the scene.
              “Please, sir,” Michael answered promptly, expectation and excitement expanding the simple meaning of the words between them.
              “Good boy,” Alex praised, enjoying the rush of heat he felt when Michael called him ‘sir’ and gave him obvious, almost tangible power over him. “Safeword?”
              “Max,” Michael responded, grinning up at him over the old joke. Nothing could get either of them out of the mood father than thinking about Max Evans.
              “Right, and I’ve got the bell for when your mouth is otherwise occupied,” Alex reminded him. Michael nodded again before catching himself.
              “Yes, sir,” he corrected himself.
              “Now go get clean and dressed for me while I get out the toys,” Alex commanded lightly, stepping out from between Michael’s legs. He whined, but pushed himself off the bed and started towards the bathroom. Alex caught his arm and pulled him back against him.
              “Give me a kiss before you go,” Alex said, meeting his eyes and waiting for his response. Michael smiled sweetly and bent forward, giving Alex a light peck on the lips before starting to draw back.
              “Michael…” Alex said his name this time with a warning. “I thought you wanted to come tonight. Kiss me the way I like.”
              This time Michael pushed into Alex’s body and claimed his mouth, lips open and tongue slipping wetly against Alex’s. It was one of those never-ending kisses that made your head go light from oxygen deprivation. When Michael finally pulled back, Alex pressed their foreheads together so they could catch a breath.
              “Good boy,” he praised in a low voice. “Now go do what I asked, please.”
              Michael smirked and backed away again before sauntering towards the bathroom. Alex licked his lips and followed him to lean against the open doorway. He could feel his anticipation growing as he watched Michael’s jeans drop to the floor of the bathroom with his underwear. He watched his shirt follow shortly and then saw him bend over to pull his socks off. When he did, Alex could see that perfect little pucker that he’d have stretched out on his cock by the end of the night.
              As soon as he saw Michael slip behind the curtain into the shower, Alex turned and went to the chest they kept under one of the bedroom windows. He made sure the blinds were drawn down and the curtains closed before he opened the chest and looked at all the paraphernalia they kept within. They’d amounted quite the collection of toys since beginning to work on their communication. He grabbed the red cotton rope, the cock ring he’d mentioned, some of their thick lube for prolonged anal play, the red lace, wide-banded jock strap style panties he’d found for Michael at a sex shop in Germany, and a few things for himself. He set the rope, lube, and cock ring on the edge of the bed and took the panties into the bathroom.
              “I’m putting your panties on the counter,” Alex called towards the steaming shower before returning to the bedroom. He didn’t wait for Michael to answer him, instead he turned back into the bedroom and headed towards the chair they kept in the corner by the closet. It was an antique club chair in rose gold velvet that he and Michael had found on the side of the road early one morning on their way to breakfast at the Crashdown. They’d thrown it into the back of the truck, taken it home, cleaned it up, and it promptly became Alex’s dressing chair in their bedroom. He tossed the items he’d grabbed for himself out of the chest over the arm of the chair before shrugging off his shirt and throwing it towards the laundry hamper. Next, he unbuckled his jeans and pushed them down to midthigh before sitting down into his chair to work them the rest of the way off. He released the catch for his prosthetic and slipped it out from his jean leg before pushing his jeans and undies all the way off, tossing them towards the hamper after his shirt. Naked, he took a deep breath and began his own mental transformation into the dominant partner Michael needed him to be for the night.
              Alex picked up the first piece he’d chosen for himself that evening. It was an X-strap style leather harness with silver metal detailing. He held it over his head and slid it down onto his chest and back, instantly feeling more in control and sexually confident as the leather whispered and creaked with his movements. The other piece he’d chosen for himself that evening was a pair of black leather briefs with a zipper that ran front to back. He slipped them up over his legs and thighs and tugged them up over his ass. His workouts had been given him a bit of a bubble butt, so he found himself having to tug just about everything a little to get past the swell of his muscles. He looked down the length of his own body and smiled at the picture he made. He loved how he looked in leather gear. He had a full outfit, but he and Michael hadn’t made it to Sante Fe to any of the clubs there for him to show it off. Alex didn’t mind; he was just as happy to wear it at home with how Michael tended to react to him in it. He heard the shower turn off and his smile grew wider.
              A few minutes later Michael came into the room, hands behind his back, red lace screaming against his skin and skin pink from the heat of the water and his scrubbing. He knelt on the floor a few feet in front of where Alex lounged in his chair and Alex watched him settle. Alex had seen him dart a few glances up at him as he’d walked into the room and if the bulge in his underwear was anything to go by, Michael liked what he saw.
              “Michael,” Alex started, his voice low. He’d already made the transition in his mind from loving boyfriend to Dom who expected his orders to be followed. “Crawl over here, baby. Let me see you in your pretty panties.”
              Michael rocked forward onto his hands and crawled the few feet so that he was sitting on his feet between Alex’s legs. Alex reached down and placed a finger under Michael’s chin to tilt his head up so he could look at him. Alex leaned forward and made a show of making Michael lean his upper body back until he had to place his hands on the carpet behind him to keep himself from falling. The arch showed off the long, lean muscles of his stomach and chest, the curly unkempt hair that led from his pecs down past the red lace band. Alex let his fingers trail down the Michael’s body until he hooked two fingers under the elastic band and stretched it slightly before letting it snap back against Michael’s lower stomach. Michael sucked in a breath above him in surprise, but when Alex looked up to catch his eyes he could see that Michael was already chewing on his bottom lip and his eyes had gone dark with lust.
              “Why don’t you turn over and show me your hole, baby. I wanna see how good you did in the shower cleaning up for me,” Alex commanded, leaning back into the chair to give Michael room to move. While Michael shuffled around so he was facing away from Alex, Alex grabbed his prosthetic from where he’d laid it next to the chair and clicked it back on. He stood and made sure it was fully engaged before striding over to the bed to grab the lube, cock ring, and rope he’d laid out. He brought them back over to his chair and caught Michael watching him. He’d positioned himself so that his cheek was laid flat against the carpet, ass high in the air behind him with his hands clutching at his cheeks to spread them wide for Alex’s inspection. Alex smiled indulgently at him as he past him and set down his things on the chair arm before sitting back down. He took his time getting settled, ignoring the way Michael had started to shift a little on the floor. When a whine past his lips, Alex smacked a hand against one of his ass cheeks in a quick, stinging slap. Pink bloomed on Michael’s skin were Alex had reprimanded him.
              “You know better, Michael. Be patient or all you’ll get is edged tonight and for the rest of the week until you learn patience,” Alex warned, voice stern.
              “Sorry, sir,” he heard Michael pout into the carpet. Alex decided to take pity on him and turned his attention fully to Michael and his spread cheeks. He could see the slight sheen of leftover lube on Michael’s pink pucker. Alex spread his hands wide over the skin that Michael wasn’t clutching and let them rub back and forth. He scooted forward on the chair until his thighs were spread wide around Michael’s body, his thighs pressed against the back of Michael’s. He ran his hands upwards over Michael’s lower back and then down, letting them hook onto his hips do he could drag Michael’s hips the inch or two back until he was only a hairsbreadth away from pressing against Alex’s leather covered crotch. Michael moaned beneath him, hands leaving his ass cheeks and grasping onto Alex’s calves behind his knees. Alex smiled, trying to decide whether to punish Michael for letting go of his cheeks without permission or to ignore it. He couldn’t just ignore it, that’s not what Michael wanted from him.
              “Now Michael,” he started in a chiding tone. He kept one of his hand on Michael’s hip while the other came back towards his hole. Alex pressed his thumb firmly against the tight furl of muscles and was pleased when it opened to him easily, letting him sink the digit past the rim and tug. “Did I say you would stop holding yourself open for me?”
              Michael whined underneath him as Alex slowly started to push his thumb in a little further before drawing it back out. There wasn’t enough lube for him to do much more without hurting Michael, but he knew Michael craved the burn of a mostly dry finger sometimes. He felt Michael’s hands flex behind his knees and then start to pull away.
              “You can keep them there, Michael. But you should’ve asked for permission. Why don’t you practice by asking me nicely to lube you up so we can make sure you’re ready for your toy?” Alex suggested, noticing the red flush starting to tint Michael’s shoulders as he continued to work his thumb around Michael’s rim slowly in a series of shallow thrusts and pulls.
              “Ah! Will… Will you please… fuck, please… lube me up so you can… fuck! AH! Put my toy in me… please, sir?” Michael stuttered through the questions, breaking for short gasps. He was starting to tremble under Alex’s hand and he found himself shushing and petting him, pausing with his thumb pushed as deep as it would go while Michael took a few deep breaths to calm himself.
              “You’re doing so good tonight, baby. I’ll give you what you need, okay?” Alex praised as he continued to pet Michael’s back while he whimpered. Alex gently pulled his thumb out of Michael and removed his hand from his back. “Why don’t you sit up and turn around? I need you to pull your panties down for me so we can put your cock ring on and fill your hungry hole until I’m ready for it.”
              Michael scrambled to obey and Alex chuckled darkly as he watched him hook his thumbs into the sides of his underwear and drag them down to his knees. His cock was already hard and leaking from Alex’s attentions and it made Alex’s mouth water to see him so turned on. Instead of just throwing him onto his back on the floor and sucking him off like he wanted to, Alex busied himself with uncapping the tub of lube.
              “Sir?” Michael asked softly from in front of him. Alex hummed to let him know he’d heard him. “Will you kiss me, please?”
Alex shot him a look and grinned at him. He loved Michael’s simple requests for affection, loved when he wanted that almost more than for Alex to wring the pleasure out of him.
              “Of course, you can, baby,” Alex replied and leaned into Michael’s space. He cradled the back of Michael’s head in his hands and found himself pressing a wet, open mouthed kiss onto Michael’s lips. Michael responded by immediately opening his mouth to Alex’s advances and Alex plundered him, taking his tongue and lips as his own. Michael made low, pleasured hums as they kissed, and it made Alex’s skin feel too tight with how much he wanted Michael to just keep making those noises forever. He finally pulled back from the kiss, nipping Michael’s bottom lip affectionately before sitting back. Michael looked flushed and dazed, his lips swollen and red, shiny with spit, and Alex felt another hunger letting itself be known.
              “Stand up for me and spread your legs a little for me,” Alex requested softly. Michael did as he was told, and Alex swallowed back the mouthful of saliva that had come flooding in the second he was within a foot of Michael’s cock. God, it was a beautiful thing. It was average length, but thick and uncircumcised. Alex’s mind helpfully supplied flesh memories of how good it felt when Michael was fucking him, and the foreskin supplied a delightful secondary tug against Alex’s hole when Michael pulled back. Alex made a mental note to get Michael to fuck him later if he was up to it. Alex kissed Michael’s hip and indulged himself, moving over to Michael’s cock and sucking the head into his mouth. His lips pushed down the foreskin while his tongue laved over the sticky slit streaming precome. Alex moaned at the taste, loving Michael’s salty sweat pre and how his hard flesh felt in against his tongue.
              Scooping out some of the lube onto two fingers, Alex began warming it with his thumb. He reached past Michael’s cock and balls and followed his taint until he was back at Michael’s entrance. He pushed his two fingers past the rim without any more preamble and twisted them, smearing the thick lube around. Testing the coverage, he pumped his fingers a few times earning himself a desperate groan and trembling thigh from Michael. He gave Michael’s cock a final hard suck before pulling off with a pop. He withdrew his fingers and loaded just a little more lube onto them before picking up the cock ring and coating the prostate stimulating probe that was connected to it. He looked up to check on Michael and saw him watching him with hungry eyes, chest flushed and heaving. Alex gave him a feral grin in return and slipped the first part of the cock ring over Michael’s shaft. He positioned it at the base and then moved the second ring around Michael’s balls. The last part, the prostate stimulator, he slowly pressed past the slick ring of muscles. Michael immediately started breathing thought his mouth like he was trying not to moan and Alex teased him by pushing and pulling at the probe a few times before letting it settle against Michael’s prostate. When he looked at Michael’s cock again, he could see a new bead of precome glistening against his slit and he swiped his clean thumb over it and popped it into his mouth.
              “How does it feel?” Alex asked a little breathlessly. He reached a hand between his own legs and massaged at his cock, giving himself a little relief rom the tension that was building in him from playing with Michael.
              “It feels so good, sir. Thank you,” Michael replied, shifting his weight a little before freezing, stomach and face tensing as the probe shifted within him. “Fuck. So good.”
              “I’m glad. You deserve to feel good,” Alex replied with a smile, bringing his still slicked hand up to Michael’s cock. He used a light grip, more tease than pressure, and stroked Michael while he leant forward and mouthed at his balls. He could feel Michael fighting to stay still, his muscles rigid with control. “You can move a little, Michael. I want to you to get to the edge edge once before we start tying you up.”
              Michael moaned softly above him at his words and immediately Alex tightened his hand for Michael to thrust in to. Alex sat back up straight so he could watch Michael’s body. He ran his unoccupied hand over Michael’s flushed chest and tweaked at each of his nipples. Just a quick pinch and twist before pulling off and doing the same to the other. Michael cried out at the quick flash of pain and his hands immediately braced themselves on Alex’s shoulders, so he didn’t lose his balance, his hips working furiously as he pumped through Alex’s fist. Michael’s head was thrown back as lost himself in the pleasure of Alex’s attentive care. His cock flushed red between Alex’s fingers and the foreskin was drawn back to expose Michael’s thick, leaking tip. Alex trailed his fingers down to gently pull at Michael’s balls which had drawn up in anticipation of something he didn’t get to do just yet. Alex let his fingers slide behind them to press meaningfully against Michael’s taint, putting more pressure on his prostate than what he was getting from the stimulator.
              “Ah… I’m.. I’m close, sir,” Michael gasped out, his hips still pumping into Alex’s fist even as he started to lose coordination.
              “Then I suggest you stop,” Alex said with a warning, even though he didn’t take his hands away. Michael screwed his eyes shut and bit his lip, stilling his hips with obvious effort. His legs were shaking, and he was breathing heavily in and out through his nose as he tried to calm his body back down. Alex waited, unmoving, for Michael to give him the signal he could move his hands.
              “You were so close, weren’t you, Michael?” Alex asked softly. Michael nodded quickly, eyes still shut but he released his abused lower lip from his teeth.
              “Yeah... yes, sir. Just give me a sec, please,” he breathed above him. Alex looked at the cock in his hands and marveled at how angry and flushed with blood it was. All he wanted to do was take Michael in his mouth and let him cum hot and thick over his tongue. The cock ring would keep him hard, Alex reasoned, and they could continue their play…. But, no. Michael wanted to be edged and they’d agreed on a plan.
              “Okay. I’m… I’m okay. Thank you for waiting on me, sir,” Michael finally said, his voice sounding much more even than it had a minute ago. Alex uncurled his fingers from around Michael’s shaft and pulled his other hand away from between Michael’s legs. He rested both on the outside of Michael’s thighs, petting him while he gave him another moment to breathe.
              “You’re welcome, Michael. You did so good letting me know you were close because you know I would’ve had to punish you if you’d come without permission. Who owns your orgasm, Michael?” Alex asked, voice calm and soothing.
              “You do, sir,” Michael replied easily.
              “Who owns your cock?”
              “You do, sir,” this time he confessed it on a sigh of contentment.
              “Who gets to decide when you come?”
              “Only you, sir. Only you.” Michael sounded adoring and reverent as he said the last words and Alex’s heart swelled with pride. He loved that Michael loved this, loved that Michael trusted Alex enough to give him control of his body.
              “Good boy. Let’s get these panties back on so we can get you tied up like we discussed,” Alex said with affection as he let his hands grasp the edged of the lace and pull them back up Michael’s legs. He settled the lace around Michael’s hips and covered his erection with the material, smiling at how good it looked stretched over his engorged cock. “Now go stand over there by the mirror for me.”
              Michael turned and walked the few short steps to the area Alex had indicated. They had a tall mirror leaned against the wall next to their dresser that Alex had more than once indulged in making Michael fuck him in front of. He loved the way Michael looked behind him, concentrating so hard on making him feel good and getting lost in his own pleasure. He also loved the way he looked being split open on Michael’s cock, impact shocks rippling through his muscles as Michael drove into him hard from behind. The mirror was one of Alex’s favorite purchases for their place.
              Alex shook himself out of his daydream and grabbed the rope from the chair arm before standing up and walking over to where Michael was patiently waiting on him. He’d decided earlier that he was going to do a fairly simply chest harness since they’d be using the cock ring. He stood behind Michael’s back and after placing a couple brief kisses to his shoulder, started his work. He looped a couple lengths of rope over the top of Michael’s chest and around his back before going over his shoulders to create the harness straps. He worked quickly and methodically, checking the tautness of the rope and positioning before creating his locks. When he was satisfied with the harness, he brought Michael’s arms behind his backs, placing his wrists together before doing a single column tie to bind them. He finished with a square knot and checked in.
              “How does this feel? Is this okay?” he asked, running his fingers under the ropes and checking the security and placement. Michael moved his body and strained against the ropes for a moment before relaxing into their grip.
              “Yeah, it feels good,” he answered a little dreamily. Alex checked his eyes and could see that he’d dropped a little while Alex had been tying him up.
              “Turn around. I want you to see how good you look right now in the mirror,” Alex commanded, letting his fingers pinch Michael’s nipples before pushing gently as his shoulder to make him turn around. Michael shifted and turned, eyes looking over his reflection. Smiling to himself, Alex reached over to their dresser and grabbed the little porcelain bell he’d found at some estate sale Isobel had dragged them to. He pressed it into one of Michael’s hands, watching as he worked a finger inside the bell to keep the clapper still unless he needed it. Then Alex hooked his chin over Michael’s shoulder and looked with him for a moment before sliding his hands over his arms to his shoulders and pressing down. Michael got the hint and slowly lowered himself onto his knees. Alex combed his fingers through his curls, pulling gently and making Michael look up at him. His body had to arch due to the angle Alex held him at and he could tell when the prostate stimulator had started to press unrelentingly inside Michael because he gasped and his eyes fluttered before he could focus on Alex’s face.
              “You’re so fucking hot, Michael. I can’t wait to get your mouth on me,” Alex murmured, hands sliding down Michael’s chest, over the harness, and down to his nipples. He rubbed the pads of his fingers back and forth over them lightly at first and then with more pressure. Curling his fingers, he let his nails catch the blood flushed nubs as he lowered his face to claim Michael’s mouth in a searing kiss. The angle was wrong for anything more serious than the briefest touch of tongues, but when he backed off, Michael was breathing had picked up. Alex let him relax back to a neutral position, neck and back straight as he balanced on his knees.
              “How are you feeling, baby?” Alex asked, addressing Michael through the mirror.
              “Really good,” Michael replied, shifting a little and hips jumping at the movement which just made them jump again.
              “Anything hurt?” Alex asked next, waiting patiently for Michael to catalogue through what his body was feeling.
              “Nope. Everything’s good. I feel good. Just a little impatient,” Michael admitted, grinning at him cheekily.
              “Impatient?” Alex asked, raising an eyebrow and smirking at him.
              “Yeah, I thought you said you were going to gag me with your dick?” Michael replied, chuckling a little when Alex gave him a mock stern expression.
              “You are so impertinent. Maybe I should just go grab a ball gag and leave you here while I go jack off in the shower. Manners like that will get you nowhere with me,” Alex threatened. It was an empty threat. He might not let Michael come, but he wouldn’t leave him unattended while tied up and gagged with a cock ring on.
              “Noooo. I’m sorry, sir. I’m sorry. Please, fuck my face. I want to you to feed me your cock so bad, I just let my dick speak instead of my brain. Forgive me? Please?” Michael said, pouting at the threat of Alex not giving him what he wanted.
              “Shhh,” Alex hushed him, walking around to stand in front of Michael’s body. Alex had gone a little soft while tying Michael up, which was just to be expected when he was wholly concentrating on keeping his sub safe from any ill-placed or too tight rope, but he was still half hard in anticipation of what was coming next. He cupped his hands over Michael’s jaw and looked down at Michael’s face, beautiful and tan, and with a look of such need on it that Alex smiled softly.  “I want you to use your mouth to unzip me.”
              One of Michael’s eyebrows shot up and he grinned up at Alex before turning and kissing at Alex’s wrist. Alex moved his hands away from Michael’s jaw, but kept them near his shoulders so he didn’t topple if he got too enthusiastic. He watched Michael lean forward and kiss the tongue of the zipper, sucking it between his lips before latching onto it with his front teeth. He looked up through his half dry curls and caught Alex’s eyes, keeping contact while he tugged the zipped down and away from Alex’s body slowly. Alex felt blood rushing back into his cock from the sight and licked his lips in anticipation. When Michael had pulled the zipped as far as he could, he broke eye contact with Alex so he could look at the opening of Alex’s briefs. He moved and nosed the flaps of either side further away and attached his lips to the root of Alex’s cock.
              “That’s good, baby. Think you can get me out without help?” Alex asked, lust surging through him as he watched Michael start to lick his way up what he could get to of Alex’s length. If Michael’s cock was average length and girthy, Alex’s was slightly longer than average and curved. Michael moved his head, trying to push at the leather trapping the end of Alex’s cock against his hip, but the fabric was too stiff, the briefs too tight for much give. Alex let him try though, enjoying the building frustration on his face as he used his teeth to try to tug the fabric away from Alex’s body enough for his cock to be freed. Finally, sitting back on his heels Michael looked up at him with an irritated pout on his lips.
              “Yes, sir. Can you please help me?” he asked, tone bratty and petulant. Alex chuckled at the scowl on Michael’s face as he stared at Alex’s uncooperative briefs. Obligingly, Alex pushed at the leather on his hips, letting the briefs fall to his feet before carefully stepping out of them. Michael scowled down at the piece at Alex’s feet, showing pure irritation, but when he turned back to Alex, now naked and hard in front of him, his face transformed back into something like hunger.
              “Open up for me, Michael,” Alex directed as he gripped himself and positioned himself in front of Michael’s lips. Michael dropped his mouth open immediately, tongue sticking far enough out to cover his teeth as he waited for Alex to give him his cock. Alex pushed his hips forward, letting the tip glide onto Michael’s tongue. He watched Michael’s eyes close and what could only be described as an ecstatic expression transform his face as he wrapped his lips over Alex’s cock head and sucked. The heat and pressure of Michael’s mouth always made Alex’s knees weak and he had to give himself a minute to adjust to how good it felt every time he let Michael have him that way. Michael knew how much it affected Alex too and when Alex finally opened his eyes to look back down at Michael with his heavenly lips wrapped tightly around him, he caught the knowing look and twitch of his lips which meant Michael was mentally preening over the effect he had.
              “Remember, ring the bell if you need me to back off. Understood?” Alex checked, voice already tight with the need to feel the back of Michael’s throat. Michael nodded solemnly, keeping eye contact with him to let Alex know he understood, and then without further preamble, pushed forward and sank his mouth further down Alex’s cock. Alex moaned appreciatively, one hand reflexively going to the back of Michael’s head, fingers sinking into the curls. At first, he was just happy to let Michael do the work, sinking down on him over and over, lips tight with suction and tongue swirling around him. Soon, though, it wasn’t enough and he tightened his hand in Michael’s hair and began to guide his movements as he gave shallow thrusts forward into Michael’s mouth. Michael jaw slackened immediately as he relaxed to let Alex take the reins from him and happily, Alex deepened his thrusts.
              “Fuck, Michael, your mouth is goddamn miracle. You’re so good at this, baby,” Alex praised, holding Michael’s head close to feel him swallowing reflexively round him. He let him slide back, loving the drool that had started to push past his lips and the tears that gathered in his lashes. He was sloppy and beautiful and Alex had to give himself a sharp pinch to keep from blowing his load all over Michael’s face. Michael flushed under the praise, chest reddening with the effort of controlling his gag reflex and the blush of hearing Alex compliment him. Alex let him have a few breaths before starting to move him over his cock again, shallowly again so he could keep catching his breath. He sneaked a peek down Michael’s body and saw the dark spreading stain of precome on Michael’s panties. He was trying to keep his hips still as Alex moved him over his cock, but he could see the small hitches where the stimulator inside him rubbed him when he moved. Alex held Michael’s shoulder and withdrew from his mouth. Michael took in small gasps of air when Alex pulled back, but his eyes stayed on Alex’s cock, hunger and yearning on his features.
              “Stand up, Michael,” Alex commanded, helping Michael with his balance as he unsteadily got to his feet. Alex grabbed his chin to hold him still and he licked over Michael’s lips with a broad, flat tongue. He could taste himself and could feel the heat and blood in lips from being used by him. Then he kissed him, forcing his way in with tongue and teeth. Michael grunted and responded with the same fervor. Alex pushed his hand past the lace waistband of Michael’s panties and got his fish around Michael’s tortured cock. It was hot and sticky with precome and when Alex started stroking him, Michael made a sound somewhere on that wire’s edge between pleasure and pain. Alex let him go and moved his hands to his backside. He grabbed, squeezed, and spread Michael’s cheeks and pressed their bodies tight together, knowing it would rub Michael’s overly sensitive cock against the lace and his own stomach.
              “P-please!” Michael cried out, breaking the kiss in a harsh gasp. Alex stilled their bodies against each other, but his hands kept massaging Michael’s ass as he waited for him to continue. When he didn’t, merely groaned at Alex’s hands, he prompted him.
              “Please, what? What do you need, baby?” Alex asked, even though he felt like he knew. He moved one of hands into the space between Michael’s ass cheeks and pressed gently on the end of the prostate stimulator. A dry, choked sob escaped from Michael and Alex could feel him clenching and trembling against him.
              “I’m… so close right now,” Michael gasped, resting his head on Alex’s shoulder as he sucked in air.
              “Again?” Alex asked, not hiding the delight in his voice. Michael nodded wordlessly against him and Alex drew back his hand, bringing it up to rub soothingly against Michael’s lower back.
              “Ready for me to take off your cock ring and fuck you stupid?” Alex asked softly, kissing Michael’s neck and shoulder gently as he spoke. Michael let out a long, shuddering breath before responding.
              “Yes, please, sir,” he responded, voice pleading.
              “Do you want to stay tied up too or do I need to release you?” Alex asked, rubbing his hands over Michael’s forearms as he spoke. Michael took a moment and then shook his head.
              “You sure, baby? It’s okay if you don’t want it,” Alex assured him, kissing his ear and jaw as he backed off so he could catch Michael’s eye. Michael looked at him and shook his head again.
              “No, sir. Leave it on, please,” Michael asked. He looked so earnest that Alex took his word for it. He kissed his mouth in the same soft way he’d kissed his neck and jaw.
              “Okay, baby. I’ll leave them on. Think I can take the cock ring off now without you coming?” Alex asked, glancing down at Michael’s red, leaking cock between them.
              “Yes, sir. I think I’m okay now. Thank you.”
              Alex stepped back and bent over to push the panties all the way down Michael’s legs. Michael stepped out of them and let his legs spread so Alex could have access to him. Gently Alex took the cock ring off in the reverse order in which he’d put it on. He gently pulled out the prostate stimulator, noting Michael’s keening whine as he did. Then he stretched the ring around his balls and gently worked it off before doing the same with the ring around Michael’s cock. Michael was breathing heavily through his mouth again, eyes dark and body tight as he fought to control himself.
              “I’ll be right back,” Alex said, pressing his palm to Michael’s cheek and kissing his lips gently when his breathing had calmed again. Michael’s head canted into his palm and Alex kissed him again before withdrawing and going into the bathroom. He tossed the cock ring into the sink and grabbed Michael’s towel from earlier. He came back to where Michael was standing and laid the towel on the floor at his feet. Michael watched him curiously as he went and grabbed the small back pillow he used in his dressing chair and then grabbed the tub of lube from earlier.
              “I want to fuck you in front of the mirror, Michael. Are you okay with that?” Alex asked after placing the items on the floor next to the towel. Michael grinned at him and kneeled down onto the towel. He started to push forward to rest his weight on his shoulder like he’d done earlier, but Alex stopped him with a hand. “Not yet, love. I’ll put you where I want you.”
              Michael swallowed and nodded, letting his body relax as Alex leaned on the edge of the bed and took off his prosthetic. His leg was starting to bother him a little after all the standing he’d been doing plus the full day of wearing it so he placed it to the side and went ahead and took off the socks and liners for it. He did a quick per functionary check of his residual limb to make sure it wasn’t in need of any immediate attention from him. Satisfied, he slid down to the ground and crawled over to where Michael was waiting for him. He positioned his body behind Michael’s and wrapped his arms around his torso, pulling their bodies together. He caught Michael’s eye in the mirror and smiled.
              “We look so fucking good together,” Alex commented. He’d situated them to there they were in profile instead of looking at the mirror head on. He wanted Michael to be able to watch as he fucked him and with his arms tied it was too much of a risk to get him to try to look straight ahead while he pounded him from behind. Michael hummed his agreement while looking at them. Alex grabbed the tub of lube and scooped out some with his fingers. He bent and kissed Michael’s shoulder while he moved his fingers to his hole.
              “I know you’ve had something in you already, but I wanna make sure you’re stretched enough for me,” Alex explained. Michael hummed and tilted his hips, pushing them back against the gentle pressure of Alex’s fingers. Alex pushed in, glad he’d checked because Michael had tightened up a little. The prostate stimulator wasn’t huge like a plug, so it was only right that Michael’s muscles had regained their normal elasticity. Michael groaned at the feeling of being stretched again and Alex reached around his body to stroke his manhood as he fingerfucked him slowly. He backed off and added a third finger, pushing his way into Michael’s body slowly before flexing and shifting his fingers inside of him. Michael ground his hips down on Alex’s fingers and let out the smallest sigh of what sounded like relief.
              “Okay. Go ahead and lean forward. I’m going to put the pillow under your head so you don’t get carpet burn on your cheek,” Alex instructed. He watched Michael get into position and Alex slid the pillow under Michael’s head. When Michael was settled, Alex grab a little more of the lube and coated himself with it before shuffling forward and lined himself up with Michael’s hole. He rubbed his cock across it, teasing, putting pressure against his reddened pucker and then backing off. Michael whined and Alex met his eyes in the mirror with a silent warning. “Do you want to come, Michael?”
              “Yes, please,” Michael answered, arching his back and pushing his hips towards Alex.
              “Then be good for me,” Alex said evenly as he continued to tease Michael’s hole. He started to push forward with purpose, letting the head of his cock sink in a little past the rim before backing off. He did it again, pushing a little further before backing off again. The next slow thrust had his head popping fully inside the tight ring of muscle which Michael squeezed lightly as he panted and moaned against the pillow under his cheek. Alex decided to torture him a little. He left his cock where it was with only the tip inside the hot clutch of Michael’s body and then he used one hand on Michael’s lower back to hold his body steady while the other came up to start stroking along the length he’d left outside.
              “What if I just did this, Michael? Just kept you still and filled you with my come, but didn’t fuck you? What do you think of that idea?” Alex asked, watching Michael’s expression grow tortured as he watched Alex’s hand work himself while Michael remained unfilled. The idea was one that Alex actually found hot, his body flushing with the idea of filling Michael with load after load of come and just plugging him up. He could do it a few times throughout the day until Michael was desperate to feel him buried to his balls inside of him.
              “Please, sir. I need your cock in me. Please,” Michael begged, face flushed with need as his eyes remained glued on Alex’s hand.
              “My cock is in you, Michael. Isn’t this what you wanted?” Alex teased before drawing back and fucking back in just as shallowly as before. Michael hiccupped a dry sob and he finally looked into Alex’s eyes through the mirror.
              “It’s so good, sir. You feel so good, but it’s not enough. Please, sir, I wanna feel…” his breath caught in his throat and Alex watched him swallow thickly before continuing,”… I wanna feel your balls pounding against my taint, sir. I wanna feel you all day tomorrow, feel where you were deep inside me… Please, sir. Please fuck me like that.”
              “Oh, baby,” Alex responded indulgently. He leaned over Michael’s back and pushed himself fully inside Michael in one long, slow thrust. When he felt his balls brushing Michael’s perineum, he stilled. “How can I deny a request like that?”
              Michael’s eyes were closed, and his mouth was open in a silent ‘O’. He looked like he was in the best kind of pain. Alex started to pull back and Michael’s face changed again, still that ecstatic mix of need and fulfillment, and it made Alex feel reckless knowing he’d done that to him. Alex began to build a hard, deep rhythm as he pulled almost all the way out and then pushed his way back into Michael’s willing body. The slapping of their skin filled the room, bright over the chorus of their intermingled gasps and moans. Alex could see Michael’s weeping cock swaying from between his legs in the mirror. Alex grasped at Michael’s hips and tilted them, changing the angle just enough for him to start brushing over his already sensitive prostate.
              “Alex!” Michael shouted, his body pushing back into the new angle as Alex started to thrust into Michael harder and quicker. He could see the concentration in Michael’s face and knew he must be close to coming again.
              “You can come when you need to, baby. It’s okay to let go,” Alex huffed through his exertions, feeling his own end quickly approaching. Something in Michael relaxed and Alex could see that he wasn’t fighting his body anymore, but letting sensation take whatever toll it wanted. Alex shortened his thrusts, but kept them sharp as he reached around to get his hand around Michael’s cock. It didn’t take too many pulls before Michael’s body was tensing around him, almost painfully tight, and Michael was shooting onto the towel beneath his body. Alex kept rocking into him, knowing that as many times as he’d been edged Michael’s orgasm was likely to last a little longer than normal. Alex milked him through it, kissing his arms and shoulders as he felt Michael melt beneath him. When he relaxed, almost boneless under Alex’s weight, Alex drew back and began to pull out of him, intending to jerk himself off to finish with his load striped over Michael’s well used hole, but a needy whine from Michael stopped him.
              “Please, sir… I want you to finish inside me. I can take it,” he said, eyes glassy and dreamy. With slow movements, he raised his body back into position for Alex to keep going at him.
              “You sure?” Alex asked, petting Michael’s flank as he looked him in the eyes. Michael swallowed and nodded.
              “Yes, I’m sure. Please, daddy, I want you to,” Michael moaned, once again pushing his hips back begging for Alex to fuck him. Alex didn’t know why, but Michael’s soft ‘daddy’ made all remaining blood in his body shoot straight to his cock. It was his turn to swallow as he tried to calm down enough not to bust on his first thrust.
              “Okay, baby. I got you,” he managed finally. He started up a new rhythm. He kept it fluid with more of a roll in his hips as he pistoned in and out of Michael’s body. He could hear Michael’s deep moans of pleasure, but he didn’t see the expression on his face. Alex’s eyes had fluttered shut as he chased his own orgasm, body tightening and speeding its way along. He thought about how Michael had looked gagged on his cock, how his panties had been practically soaked with precome, how he’d begged and squirmed for his cock, and then the soft ‘daddy’ he’d let out when he begged him to keep going, to empty himself inside Michael’s body. It took Michael tightened around him again, apparently rocked by another small orgasm as Alex had sought to lose himself, for his body to tumble over and let go. He shook against Michael’s back, sensation blinding him for a minute, before he came back to himself.
              He reached forward and undid the knotted ropes. His biggest concern was getting Michael’s arms free first while he calmed his body down. He unwrapped his wrists slowly and helped Michael maneuver them from behind his back. He looked down between them at where he was still buried in Michael’s body, slowly softening inside of him. Regretfully, he pulled out with a slight hiss. He’d loved to have just stayed in, falling asleep spooned against Michael’s back on the floor of their bedroom, but the rope harness needed to be untied and discarded.
              “Think you can sit up? I’m going to get the rest of this harness off you and then we can get into bed and cuddle for a while. Sound good?” Alex asked, rubbing his hands up and down Michael’s back with gentle pressure. Michael hummed out a sound that seemed like approval and then using his newly freed arms, pushed himself to sit back on his heels. Alex immediately wrapped his arms around him and held him against his chest.  
“You did so good, Michael. You were amazing. I’m so proud of you,” Alex whispered against his neck, hugging him close. Michael’s hands wrapped around his wrists and he sighed happily at the attention. After a minute or two, Alex pulled back and started unwinding the rest of the harness. When he was done, he tossed the rope up onto the dresser and then wrapped Michael in his arms again.
“Do you wanna move up to the bed with me?” Alex asked, differentially. Michael sighed and looked up at the bed longingly.
“Yeah, let’s get up there,” Michael answered, squeezing Alex’s arms reassuringly. They untangled themselves and Alex moved to the dresser to pull himself into a standing position. Michael handed him his crutches and then moved to crawl onto the bed, laying on his stomach and cuddling his pillow. Alex followed him, grabbing a throw from the end of the bed, before climbing on and snuggling up behind Michael, spreading the blanket over them. Michael turned and buried his head into Alex’s chest, legs intertwining with Alex’s under the blanket and arms wrapping around him.
“Do you feel less noisy now?” Alex asked, combing his fingers through Michael’s curls and kissing the crown of his head. Michael hummed appreciatively and kissed Alex’s chest.
“So quiet now. Thank you,” he mumbled, snuggling his body infinitesimally closer.
“Good. You want to take a nap for a little bit before clean up?” Alex asked, his hands rubbing over Michael’s arms and back as if he trying to keep him warm.
“Yeah. Naps good. Love you,” Michael said, body already halfway to sleep.
“Love you too, baby.” Alex whispered, not sure Michael heard him, but sure that he knew how Alex felt.
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covrtofnightmares · 4 years
✵ Alexander and Aurora
( 1 ) who spends hours putting up lights only to get tangled in them and storm off?
Alexander wants to get invested in this activity, particularly because it reminds him of the small and quaint Christmases he shared with his mother when he was a child. After telling Aurora (and so confidently, at that) that he had everything under control, Alex would first get stuck in the large, live tree they’d procured from Cloverwood Forest. After getting his foot caught in a tangle of wires and sputtering out a slew of curses, he spots a live squirrel that had been nesting inside of the tree. The squirrel, angry and frightened by the sight of an angry human man, flings itself at Alexander’s face. Alex fumbles about the living room as an adult, proceeding to get more ensnared in the lights with each step and swat of his hand against the screaming squirrel stuck on his face. By the time he finally manages to toss the rodent outside and yanks the Christmas lights off of him, Aurora is hiding a visible laugh behind her mouth.
When Alex comes out of his room after sulking an hour later, the entire tree is finished with a pristine, ethereal twinkle, as Aurora calmly sits on the nearby couch and leisurely flips through a magazine, as she gazes up at him and asks: “What, like it’s hard?”
( 2 ) who accidentally eats a whole box of christmas chocolates in one sitting?
Alexander devours the entire tin of chocolate chip cookies one of the Resistance members made for him. As he attempts to tell Aurora between mouthfuls of food, he’s just grateful someone other than Raymond took the reins of the holiday cooking this year. Aurora chooses to stick to her smoothie and tells Alex that she believes him. 
( 3 ) who insists on watching the cheesey hallmark christmas movies?
Aurora absolutely gets invested in having them watch these romantic movies together, all snuggled up on the couch, and every time a cheating boyfriend or leading male who fucks up crosses the screen, she simply turns and glares at him. By the third night of these movies, Alexander realizes she’s teaching him a lesson.
( 4 ) who insists on playing nothing but michael buble in the few days running up to christmas?
I get the feeling both of them listen to whatever comes on through the Spotify Christmas station radio or whatever music they’re listening to at the moment. Alex gets a bit excited whenever a Michael Buble song comes on, while simultaneously explaining to Aurora that he’s a pretentious-sounding little prick. This usually causes an ensuing argument, where Aurora explains that if Alex really felt that way, why didn’t he just change the channel? The argument, as per usual, is usually resolved by Alex bending Aurora over the counter and having his wicked way with her.
( 5 ) who gets their presents wrapped at the mall so the other cant go snooping
Alexander absolutely prefers to do things himself, and that involves Christmas shopping. But he has a feeling that Aurora is nosy and enjoys snooping, primarily because she simply can’t stand not knowing something, and takes to staying up late at night to wrap her presents once she’s fast asleep. He hides them throughout the house, in special hiding places she’ll never find, because he knows how much she likes to explore.
( 6 ) who insists on making snow angels?
Aurora is the first one to suggest such an activity, but the act of making snow angels soon turns into a snowball fight, one that Alex wins before pinning Aurora against the ground, glittering snowflakes woven through her golden hair, before kissing her. The temperature might be below freezing, and he’s bound in layers of clothes to protect himself from the chill, so why does he suddenly feel so very warm?
( 7 ) who put christmas outfits on all the pets?
Aurora wins this one without any hesitation whatsoever. Alexander would be absolutely horrified if he came home from hunting or working one day and found Brutus and Maximus, his two prized dogs, all dolled up to look like the Grinch and a Christmas tree. In fact, he very well might faint.
( 8 ) do they go to family’s or have a quiet day in? 
Both Alexander and Aurora have complicated feelings regarding families. After Alexander lost his mother as a young child, Lilianna and her parents became the closest thing to a family Alexander has ever known. Given the turbulent relationship he currently shares with the Shu Lei heiress, Alexander is concerned that he would be unwelcome at any holiday table prepared by Lilianna or her father, Jiang.
Aurora, similarly, knows a family within the Garden, but not much else. She has become so enmeshed with the very fabric of Alexander’s life at this moment that the thought of them spending the holiday season without each other seems...painful.
( 9 ) who insists on wearing matching ugly christmas jumpers?
Alexander would be able to see the humor in wearing ugly holiday sweaters, though Aurora would argue that she would never wear something with built-in lights and a twinkling reindeer nose stitched across a scratchy knitted sweater. Instead, she dons a piece of Christmas-inspired lingerie, decked in red and silver like a present waiting to be unwrapped.
( 10 ) who waits up until midnight to give the other their present?
Alexander rolls over in his bed, grumbling to himself in his sleep, only to feel a sudden pressure on his chest. He opens his eyes and finds Aurora sitting on his chest, a smile widening across her face as she holds a small, artfully-wrapped present in her hands. She spent all evening too anxious and nervous about his reaction to even consider sleep, so the moment the clock struck midnight and Christmas descended upon Astralis, she chose to take the chance to start their festivities a bit early.
( 11 ) who insists on hand-made presents only one year?
Alexander thinks it would be nice to do something simple for each other for the duration of the holiday season. Aurora (politely? Not so politely?) disagrees, as she’s seen Alexander’s skillset and would rather not wake up to some anonymous faerie’s wings wrapped in a box for her to open.
( 12 ) who puts mistletoe on every door frame?
Aurora absolutely does this and then pretends to get mad every time they both pass under the doorframe. “Ugh, I guess we have to kiss again.”
( 13 ) who gets too drunk at the work christmas party and has to be picked up at 9:15pm? who gets angry and almost tells kids that santa isnt real?
Aurora is somehow the answer to both of these, though it’s worth noting that Alexander would absolutely get irritated enough with a group of children whom he presumed to be little more than arrogant brats and tell them the mystical man in the sky was nothing more than a figment of their imaginations. Aurora would do it after a PTA mom scolded her for grinding on Alex in a Santa costume at a work party, angrily telling the woman “First of all, it’s none of your business. Second of all, it’s not like he’s fucking real.”
( @nymphcts )
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splendidshinobi · 4 years
back at it again with the white vans
episode 6: the alchemy exam
alrighty then
um mustang calling edward “ed” is EXTREMELY offputting
ohhhhhhh noooooo not shou tucker
im wholly unprepared
them all being in central instead of east is low key jarring like my brain isnt computing it
alexander’s intro is basically the same 
nina bbyyyyy girl u deserved so much better
ed is such a fucking nerd...chemistry club modern au confirmed
god the more tucker talks the more i wanna beat his face in
al pretending to eat by tossing a potato in his armor i-
aww theyre playing in the snow theyre so pure
wonder how long thatll last
“bigger brother” and “little big brother” and ed doesnt even get mad
ed’s birthday party????????
so 03 had ed’s bday instead of elicia’s...CAUSE THEY GOT ELICIA IN THE WOMB
“it’s here!” “the tea?” “the baby!” hughes is a fuck head
ok so now they’re having elicia replace rush valley baby arc
this was winry’s time to shine in fmab i miss her 
if winry isnt here who is gonna birth this baby
oh my god they just realized ed can use alchemy without a circle
no wonder he’s been using circles this whole time
“i dont think thats very funny” NO ALPHONSE IT IS NOT
damn bradley what up homie
im so thrown off by the way theyre doing the exam omg
seriously what the hell is fuhrer bradley’s purpose right now is he even the fuhrer in this i feel like they wouldve mentioned it
oh lord ed is about to impress everyone with his clappy hands
ok so next episode is nina FUCK
episode 7: night of the chimera’s cry
havoc babeeee
im gonna marry him my himbo king
“huhhhhhhhh nina” ew tucker that was weirdly gross
wonder why
cant do it cant do it
do we think jean kirstein was modeled after jean havoc slightly looks wise
was that purposeful 
ill have to google 
serial killer who only targets women?  it cant be scar...scar drinks respect women juice
barry or slicer bros maybe? um ok
why did we start with liore if they were just gonna hop right back into the past for a huge chunk of episodes idk
assessment day??? oh noodles
ed r u writing to winry??? that’s a bit out of character for u good sir
no tucker put that baby down
im gonna fucking SCREAM
aww he burned nina’s picture thats not sus at all
wait does the ironblood alchemist know what tucker did to his wife? thats kinda the vibe im getting
looking like a pirate too damn
his voice sounds different is that j michael tatum 
apparently not it was dameon clarke in 03 ya learn something new everyday 
ew elicia has a lot of hair for a FUCKING NEWBORN
ed really is such a cynic very suspicious of everyone as he should be really
basque grand knowS SOMETHING
oh jesus oh fuck oh god please do not TOUCH THAT BABY
ed and al snuck back in to the house well u know what its for the best
im gonna cry again please god no
she’s hurting? oh my god
my sweet angel
ew his eyes!!!!!!! 
tucker is such a fucking failure...like look at the chimera squad and greed’s theatre troupe being the way they are. ugh it really hits how fucking unfair it is 
ed was really about to split them? boy you know better
where is nina going...im hurting
ed really tried to save her in this one
thats different
oh snap 
that was fucked.
episode 8: the philosopher’s stone
can yall get ed and al away from nina’s fucking MURAL 
get out of the car mustang
finally jesus christ
roy mustang talking about healthy coping mechanisms dont make me laugh but alright baby boy go off i guess?
im curious about who this goddamn serial killer is though lets turn to that plot thread
r u kidding me
mustang is making ed and al take over tucker’s research?? thats actually wildly messed up
oh tucker was straight executed that’s a choice i guess
tucker and the philosopher’s stone sounds inaccurate but ok
ed please stop being mean to your brother
03 mustang has got me reaching for a fucking baseball bat on GOD
scar and edward having this conversation right now i literally cannot
WINRY yes bitch
alphonse shut your mouthhhhhhhhhhh
im so confused what is bradley up to
“alchemists are not cold blooded murderers?”
i mean
kimblee would beg to differ for one
whos this creepy lady 
her voice sounds familiar
barry’s food shop?
the killer is barry ok got it
ok so i VASTLY prefer suit of armor original manga canon barry
this is such an odd plot what in fuck
um OW the meat cleaver
im so confused this fucking plotline
oh hey alphonse nice of you to show up!
is barry still gonna become a suit of armor later on
it makes NO SENSE to introduce him otherwise 
everytime i see 03 mustang i wanna beat his ass HONESTLY
literally i will shove my foot up his ass
fullmetal here we go
ed thinks he’s so punk rock 
oh great scar’s seen the watch
episode 9: be thou for the people
ed you simp buying winry all this stuff my edwin heart is ascending
“mr. elric”?? you mean MAJOR ELRIC
to be fair though fuck the military
im gonna need to read a full chronology of this show
 alphonse continues to be a precious angel 
where’s my boy yoki!!!!!
edward you idiot don’t go flaunting your money
woof woof ed
al looks so offended by ed saying they just met
whereas in brotherhood didnt he totally throw ed under the bus??? 
a choice to be sure
ah there he is hello yoki
who’s the chick
shes a lesbian
yoki makes me miss my baby girl mei chang
mei where r u
hawkeye getting a promotion yes bby girl
jesus theyre transferring them to east now OKKKKKAY thats not how it happened it the book but ill take it....just doing it the opposite way i guess
who is lyra who is she
cute some military bribery 
umm lyra what the fuck did you do
lyra is a homunculus im callin it now
they definitely invented/changed up some homunculi in fact im certain they did and shes one of em. gotta be
i feel like 03 wrote ed as much more insensitive towards others than he really is...just a vibe im getting
i know he was faking for the townspeople’s sake but i still get this vibe from other instances 
i mean i cant say its not “canon” because its 03 canon
anyways what a show off
i cant believe theyre going to east...fuery and breda better be there
ok finally some answers on their ages....ed got his license at 12 like normal and nina and youswell were when he was 12...liore was 15, 
if they didnt flash the ages on the screen id be lost honestly
at least we’re back up to “present day”
episode 10: the phantom thief
ed saying he doesnt wanna see mustang
03 mustang is activating my fight or flight and im choosing fight
ed cheating at cards totally checks out
um who the fuck is this woman
what is she wearing
idk but this is fem!hisoka
“hey shouldnt we talk first” after getting handcuffed??? christ almighty these innuendos
siren??????? siren is probably also a “fake” homunculus
ok so the nurse is siren
ya aint slick girly
alphonse control your crush
why is al’s hair so brown in this flashback anywayssss
oh its spelled psiren ope
like she’s literally a batman villain...
oh my god...............the tiddy grab. my son would never
my son is respectful
is this her homunculus tat or just a random alchemy tat
the added plotlines and original content continue to confuse and astound me every single time....
ok but if psiren really was doing this for the hospital she wouldnt be so flashy about it. like thats how you get caught sweet cheeks
girly stop flirting with this child on god im gonna fucking kick you
now shes a nun????????????????
Shes a fucking troll i hate her
im going to kick alphonse into the sun 
oh great now shes a teacher
wow shes a savior. the savior of amestrian venice. greatttttt
ed looking exactly like this emoji on this gondola rn 🧍‍♀️
alphonse plzzzzzzzzzz she aint your girl
ok so probably not the last we see of this ding dong con artist
ok so its starting to get muddy. im scared the 03 stans are gonna come after me like i do like it and im having fun watching it but some of the plot and characterization choices are just....odd??? idk i gotta keep going though!! im sorry i just stan arakawa and her work in all her glory!!!
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danceyreagan · 5 years
John Shelby~ Through The Years.
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A/N: I had posted this and delted it because I wanted to work on it some more. UnBeta’d. Sorry for mistakes.
I know I promised Black Reader and OC’s but this is based on an existing character.
Timeline may be a bit off, they dont really give us much to work with in terms of backstory.
In celebration of getting a release date!!!
Posted from Mobile
When He was 22.
He sat in the cold mud under a tent. Snoring soldiers all around him. Flashlight in his right hand, letter in his left. He wasn’t sure if the blur in his vision was from tears or the rain. “You have a healthy baby boy. Benjamin Michael Shelby.” Written in Ada’s writing. But two sentences later his entire world shattered. “There were complications. there was nothing we could do. “Im sorry John, but she’s gone”
He was 13.
John was leaning against the chain link fence at the back of the school yard waiting for Ada and a couple others. He had been waiting all day for this moment. He stole a cigarette and matches from Tommy. He leaned against the fence one leg bent back with his foot resting on the wall. Trying his best at forced nonchalance, he pulled out the cigarette and rolled it between his thumb and index finger before placing it in his mouth. “This is it” he thought as he pulled out the match book striking his first match. Hands shaking he dropped the cigarrette in the dirt. “Fuck!” he whisper shouted as he rubbed his burnt fingers on his pants. Stopping to look around and make sure no one saw his blunder John picked up the cigarette and tried again. Successfully lighting up. His throat and chest warmed with the smoke. “What are you doing?” John jumped and turned towards the voice. It was Martha, the daughter of a family friend and Ada’s buddy. “What’s it look like Im doing?”
“It looks like you’re smoking. But you dont smoke.” She stated confused.
“well I’m not riding a bike over here.” He replied blowing smoke in her direction. She frowned, and started waving her hand in an attempt to get the smoke out of her face. “You stink” was all she said before she walked over to where Ada was approaching leaving John to think of an insult he’d never get to use.
“John, lets go!” Ada shouted over her shoulder and John dropped his cigarette joined his group of friends for their walk home from school.
He was 18.
John sat up in bed of the Shelby Family home with his two year old laying fast asleep on Martha’s side of the bed. He watched as Martha sat rocking their newborn baby boy. Her hair was messy, and she had a stain on her night gown from when Katie thought it was a great idea to throw her chicken at her mother during dinner time. John had to give little Finn a dirty look to get him to stop from laughing. John couldnt believe this was his life. Here was 18, already married two years, with two children. He didnt know how he was going to take care of them. He quit school the previous year to work in the betting shop, but it wasn’t enough.
Martha looked up from where she was staring at their son nestled against her, and raised an eyebrow at john. “Why are you staring at me Johnny? Everything alright?”
“Yeah of course, just love you is all.”
He was 14.
Martha was standing against the chain link at the back of the school waiting to meet her group of friends to walk home with. She was holding a stack of books in her hands a far off look on her face as she stared straight ahead. John couldn’t help but wonder what she was thinking about. Was she upset? But before he could finish his thought he saw two boys walk over to Martha and knock her books out of her hand. When she bent over to pick them up one of the boys lifted her dress over her ass. Both boys pointing and laughing. Without thinking she kneed the boy closest to her in the crotch. He fell to the floor and the other boy ran off. John stood mouth open, but hearts in eyes. He had finally found true love.
He was 20
When he stood on the platform of the train station. A heavily pregnant Martha crying in his arms. Katie and George chasing a toddling Hazel around their parents legs. Despite the sound of his childrens laughter wafting up into his ears he cant help but feel like his world is ending. “I’ll be alright Martha, really”. He has to be a man about this. What if he doesn’t make it back? The last thing he wants is Martha to remember is him blubbering away. No, he cant have that, so he did it last night while everyone was sleeping. “how do you know that?” “I just know. Well, actually, aunt Pol read my leaves last night”
“something doesnt feel right though Johnny. I got a bad feeling, like I’ll never see you again”
“Shhh. You cant think like that Martha, its not good for the baby. You need to stay strong. if not for me, for them” he turned smiling at his children as they ran amuck on the platform.
The roar of train bringing him back to life, John turned back Martha cupping her face in his hands gently, “you know that small pond we went to, where we fed the ducks and laid out on the grass? “
“You mean the place where the mama duck chased you around for getting too close to her babies?”
“Way to ruin the moment. But yeah.” John smiled leant forward placing a quick but gentle kiss on her forehead. When I come home, we’re gonna go back and have a proper wedding. Invite all of Small Heath. I want the world to know how much I love you.”
Comments and reblogs welcome.
@xxdearlybeloved @hethrewmyheartinthecut @twistedrunes @animalkingdom-anonymous
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ofaphrvdite · 5 years
✵ + megarius
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who spends hours putting up lights only to get tangled in them and storm off? megaira. why ask. any question that involves being stroppy and/or impatient is always meg. she gets cross as soon as she can’t do something, worse still if she can’t reach something.
who accidentally eats a whole box of christmas chocolates in one sitting? i’m not sure… i feel like meg would eat loads but by no accident. marius seems like the kinda guy to zone out and finish the whole thing without even realising. then racing to the shops to get more before meg notices.
who insists on watching the cheesey hallmark christmas movies? meg is a little wary of christmas now, having spent many alone because of the lack of family around, and her cousins’ christmas is usually too stifling. i feel like marius would be the one to rope her into a terrible film and they both just sit there and pick it apart with a bottle of wine, laughing about how ridiculous it is. it becomes tradition. 
who insists on playing nothing but michael buble in the few days running up to christmas? i know in my soul that marius is a buble stan. like yes, maybe he’s hozier guy 364 days of the year, but christmas brings out the buble and he knows every word. meg complains, but thinks it’s cute all the same.
who gets their presents wrapped at the mall so the other cant go snooping? you know what… it’s both. marius knows that meg hates being surprised and can’t bear not knowing something. and meg is a little lacking in the trust department.
who insists on making snow angels? a difficult one. but megaira is the slightly more childish of the two, and though she isn’t too keen on christmas, she does get excited by snow for at least fifteen minutes. then she gets too cold, then grumpy, before finally returning inside where she can look at the snow safely beneath a duvet all snuggled up with marius.
who put christmas outfits on all the pets? megaira attempts to force cerberus into  one every year and loses every year. marius finds the struggle very amusing and refuses to help, for fear of losing a hand.
do they go to family’s or have a quiet day in? though meg gets the annual invite to spend christmas with the romanov’s, she often declines the annual christmas eve party in favour of a quiet night in with marius. i can see them both ordering takeaway every year and spending the evening chilling out and staying up late talking. christmas day she might subject him to her cousins, or he’ll subject her to his sister. happy families!
who insists on wearing matching ugly christmas jumpers? megaira found some in the local charity shop and thinks it’ll be funny, if only to see the look on marius’ face when she makes it wear it to dinner.
who waits up until midnight to give the other their present? if anyone’s waiting that long it has to be marius. especially if they’ve spent the day with either of their nosy families, it’s easier to get away in the middle of the night when everyone’s too drunk to realise.
who insists on hand-made presents only one year? definitely not meg. if anyone has any semblance of creativity, it’s marius. and even then, we’re scraping the barrel. 
who puts mistletoe on every door frame? megaira. because have you seen marius? it’s literally the only holiday tradition she has no problems getting behind. does get a little cross when she can’t always reach him though, so of course has to bend down everytime.
who gets too drunk at the work christmas party and has to be picked up at 9:15pm? again… it’s megaira. she’s too small and cannot handle her alcohol at all. marius gets many phonecalls about disorderly behaviour. sometimes on his personal number, sometimes directly to his work.
who gets angry and almost tells kids that santa isnt real? megaira. and marius literally has to gag her.
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wiildflowers · 5 years
✵ ( taylor & george )
✵ i’ll tell you who does what at christmas!
who spends hours putting up lights only to get tangled in them and storm off? george. it’s the one decorating job taylor puts him in charge of ( bc he insists on it and does not want to have her get on a ladder herself ) but he gets annoyed when the lights tangle and needs a break to collect himself bc IT SHOULD BE EASIER. THEY’RE ONLY CHRISTMAS LIGHTS!! he always comes back later to fix them up though. bc he knows taylor wants them to look perfect.
who accidentally eats a whole box of christmas chocolates in one sitting? umm this is george and it’s with taylor’s cookies, bc how could he not?? they’re delicious and one of his favorite things about the holidays and taylor definitely needs to ration him.
who insists on watching the cheesey hallmark christmas movies? taylor, always. george really doesn’t like watching them bc most of the time they’re not that well made (I’M SORRY I LOVE THEM BUT IT’S TRUE) and it annoys him. he probably grumbles about how they could have paid more attention to the script or directed the actors better or fixed the lighting to make it look nicer until taylor gets annoyed with him and tells him to make one on his own then if he’s so stubborn about it. he tells her he will, if she provides the soundtrack. 
who insists on playing nothing but michael buble in the few days running up to christmas? again – we both know that all the pro-christmas things will always be taylor. george tries to fight her and make a christmas playlist that has some more unconventional christmas songs on it, but he loses that battle real quick and has to resign himself to having the same three songs stuck in his head for the whole of december. the one plus side of the entire thing is that he gets to hear taylor singing almost 24/7, which is the reason he puts up with it as much as he does.
who gets their presents wrapped at the mall so the other cant go snooping – george, bc he sucks at making them look pretty on their own and knows the people there generally do a better job anyways, and because he either gets them months in advance after taylor mentioned loving something or gets them super last minute because christmas crept up on him and he forgot.
who insists on making snow angels? ugh i know it’s almost always taylor, but i feel like george does sometimes insist on snowball fights and making snowmen and snow angels ( when his inner kid wins out over his christmas grinch behavior. ) he not so secretly enjoys all the outdoorsy activities, and definitely finds going out to the snow magical, especially given that he grew up in la and they never had it there. 
who put christmas outfits on all the pets? george honestly has to stop taylor from doing that. it’s a problem, especially when she gets sucked into looking at little costumes online or watching youtube videos of animals with antlers and bows and little candy-cane outfits. especially because he’s 95% sure that the cats really hate the tiny santa hats taylor gets for them. 
do they go to family’s or have a quiet day in? they’re both so family-oriented that i don’t see them ever not spending the day with either one of the families. george probably even has his mom and posy come over to nashville in the verses where they don’t live there bc he doesn’t like spending the holiday without them there. as much as he doesn’t like the holiday to begin with, he does think spending time with the people you love is something to celebrate.
who insists on wearing matching ugly christmas jumpers? taylor, to george’s dismay. he can’t fight her on it since he loves her, but he 100% uses it to his advantage later bc it gives him a million reasons to remove them when everyone’s gone. and he does. those are gone faster than any lingerie taylor picks up, and he’d definitely ask for a special thank you ( ahem… )  from taylor for him putting up with it and wearing them. 
who waits up until midnight to give the other their present? taylor, absolutely. bc she spent the whole month ( or very likely longer ) looking forward to christmas morning and can’t contain herself a second longer. it amuses george to no end, but he also finds it pretty endearing.
who insists on hand-made presents only one year? i feel like it could honestly be either of them. but maybe george? because he hates going shopping for presents and loves taylor’s handmade things so much more. and i feel like he enjoys making something special and sentimental for taylor anyways, so he normally resorts to movies or photo albums or a song to surprise her. 
who puts mistletoe on every door frame? george. as i’m sure i’ve stated in one of the past christmas memes, this is the one tradition he can absolutely get behind. not that he needs an excuse to kiss taylor, but hey, he’ll take them all. 
who gets too drunk at the work christmas party and has to be picked up at 9:15pm? taylor. because george doesn’t really drink, even though he hates going to christmas parties and making small talk with people he doesn’t know well he wouldn’t dive into the alcohol. he might be a little guilty of not cutting taylor off the egg nog sooner, especially if he’s found a spare room to hole up in with a book, but he finds tipsy taylor to be sweet and endlessly amusing anyways.
who gets angry and almost tells kids that santa isnt real? welp. george. he’d never do it to their babies, but if there are kids being obnoxious he’s liable to get annoyed real quick and taylor has to intervene before he ruins christmas for them. he feels extra bad later and would definitely try and do something to make it up to them later, even if he doesn’t ever spill the beans.
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flickerofcalum · 6 years
once bitten, twice shy | part two
part 1 // shoot me a message if you wanna be added to a taglist!
The worst part of it all was, despite the changes, Luke could still see all the parts of Brinley that he’d fallen in love with. The parts of her he was still in love with, if he was being honest with himself. He was more fucked than he’d previously realized.
“It was the craziest thing, bro. One minute she was throwing a drink in my face and the next thing I know, she’s got her hand down my pants and her tongue down my throat. I mean, I’m not complaining, but it was confusing as hell.”
Luke rolled his eyes from where he sat on Michael’s couch, listening to him recount the previous evening’s events to Ashton and Calum, Michael hadn’t stopped talking about hooking up with Olivia since they stumbled into his parents’ home early that morning, but thankfully, he’d mostly been too distracted to really pay close attention to his friend anyway. He was unable to stop thinking about his run-in with Brinley the night before.
When he’d decided to come home for Christmas, he’d prepared himself for the worst. He’d known immediately that she wouldn’t want to seem him and honestly, he couldn’t blame her. The two of them had been together for such a long time, had their whole lives planned out with each other, and Luke had selfishly flipped the script on her at the very last minute. He hated himself for it every day.
And god, he had missed her the entire time he’d been gone, but it felt even worse now that he’d laid eyes on her. Brinley had changed so much in their time apart – she was even more gorgeous, which he really hadn’t ever thought would be possible. Though it may have been a little creepy, he’d spent half the night watching her from across the room. He couldn’t stop picturing her long legs in the red dress, the cute way her lips curved up into a smile whenever she’d teased Calum, the delicate blush on her pale cheeks whenever someone gave her a compliment.
The worst part of it all was, despite the changes, Luke could still see all the parts of Brinley that he’d fallen in love with. The parts of her he was still in love with, if he was being honest with himself. He was more fucked than he’d previously realized.
“Earth to Luke,” Ashton’s fingers snapped in front of his face, breaking him out of his thoughts. “Are you alive in there?”
Luke blinked a few times. “Sorry. I was just…thinking.”
“About Brinley?” Calum questioned bluntly, raising a dark eyebrow at him. Luke had never really been comfortable discussing Brinley with Calum, and since their break up, he’d tried to avoid the topic all together. While the dark-haired man was one of his best friends, he knew that Calum’s history with his ex went back further than Luke’s history with either of them.
Luke chewed on his bottom lip, scratching his fingers along his stubbled jaw nervously. “I just didn’t think that seeing her again was gonna be so hard, you know?” He sighed a bit. “And she wouldn’t even look at me.”
“Well, you did abandon her right before the two of you were supposed to go off to college together, mate. Can you really blame her?” Michael pointed out, barely looking up from his phone. Luke shot him a glare. He didn’t really need a reminder of what he’d done to Brinley. It was already on his mind more than he would ever admit out loud.
Ashton reached over to pinch Michael’s thigh, eliciting a shriek from red-haired boy. “Not helping, Mike.” He looked back at Luke, his eyes soft and pitying. “She probably just needs some time.”
Luke shrugged sadly. At the party, Brinley hadn’t been able to get away from him fast enough – the chances of her changing her mind about wanting to speak to him were probably slim. He wasn’t stupid enough to think that Brinley was still in love with him. Not only was she beautiful, but she also was incredibly smart, talented, funny, and had the kindest soul out of anyone Luke had ever met. If they hadn’t already, it was only a matter of time before someone else came into her life and swept her off her feet, treated her the way she deserved to be treated. Luke was afraid that he was too late.
“She looked good, though, right? Like…she looks like she’s happy,” Luke said finally. Even if she was never his again, that was all he wanted for her.
He watched as Calum shared a look with Ashton he couldn’t quite read before he reached over to pat Luke’s thigh. “Yeah, man. She’s happy.”
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
The cold air stung his skin as he walked outside, causing him to curse under his breath. When he’d promised his mother he’d come home for the holidays, he’d forgotten how goddamn cold it got there. He didn’t have a lot of warm clothes since he lived in Los Angeles, so he wrapped himself up in one of Jack’s old winter coats. There was a gap between the sleeve and the gloves he was wearing, but it was better than nothing.
Normally, Luke avoided going outside at all costs in the winter, but after being locked up in his childhood bedroom for nearly a week, his mother forced him out of the house with a grocery list. Worst of all, he was without a car, so he had no choice but to make the small trek to the store on foot. It was only about a ten-minute walk, but the frigid weather made it feel like hours.
His cheeks and the tips of his ears were red by the time he arrived at the store. The heat was blasting, something he was grateful for when he walked inside. He grabbed a cart and furrowed his brows as he looked at his mother’s list. It occurred to him that he hadn’t been grocery shopping since he moved to Los Angeles. Most of the time, Ashton took care of that sort of thing or they ate take out. “Milk, egg whites, cereal…” he mumbled to himself underneath his breath as he wandered down the aisles, putting the items in the cart. He was pretty sure he had grabbed the wrong brand of cereal, but it was his mother’s own fault for sending him here.
He stood in front of the milk, thoughtfully looking between all the different types. His mother had been on a health kick lately, so would she want almond milk instead? Was he supposed to buy the store’s off brand version since it was cheaper? Luke had been standing there for far too long whenever he heard his name called out by a sweet little voice.
Brinley turned the corner, an exasperated look on her face as she tried to stop her little sister who was barreling towards Luke. He took in a sharp breath as he saw her. She was only in a pair of leggings and a sweatshirt, her hair thrown messily on top of her head, but she still looked as beautiful as ever to him. “Mallory, no running! You’re going to hurt yourself.”
The man grinned as he bent down to Mallory’s level, catching her when she launched herself into his arms. Luke had always had a soft spot for the younger girl, partly because she was the spitting image of her sister. He was a little amazed at how much she’d grown since he’d last seen her, a heavier weight against him than he was used to.
“There is no way you’re Mallory,” He said teasingly. “You are far too big to Mallory.”
Mallory rolled her eyes, propping a hand on her hip as she looked at him. “That’s ‘cause I grew up, dummy.”
“Mallory, be polite,” Brinley chastised. She locked eyes with Luke for a moment before she looked away with flushed cheeks.
Luke turned his attention back to the younger girl. “My apologies, Ms. All Grown Up. Who said you could grow up while I was gone, hm?”
His smile only grew as the little girl giggled, revealing her missing tooth. “I can’t help it!” She insisted, gripping Luke’s hand once he stood up.
Looking at Brinley again, he dared to speak. “It’s good to see you. It’s a shame we didn’t get to talk at the party.”
Brinley tucked a piece of hair behind her ear, looking up at him through her long eyelashes. “Oh, well… you know, Olivia kind of loses her mind when Michael’s around. I had to make sure she didn’t do anything stupid.”
“Right,” Luke said with a nod, looking back down as Mallory started tugging on his sleeve.
“Luke, Luke! I’m in a Christmas play at my school. I play an angel!” She said excitedly.
Luke grinned. “An angel, huh? How fitting,” he teased, smoothing down her hair.
Mallory rose up on her tiptoes to speak to him. “Will you come see it?”
Brinley coughed. “Mal, I’m sure Luke is really busy…”
Although he knew Brinley didn’t really want him around, he hated the idea of disappointing Mallory by saying no. “I’m actually really not that busy,” he blurted out, chewing on his lip again. “I’d love to come, Mallory. If it’s okay with your sister.”
He felt only slightly guilty as Mallory turned towards her older sister with big eyes, a small pout forming on her lips. “Can he come? Pleaseeee?”
The older girl let out a sigh, giving Luke an exasperated look. “I guess so. Can you let me talk to Luke alone for a second?”
Mallory’s smile was wide as she hugged Luke around his legs for a moment. “Bye Lukey!”
“Bye, petal,” Luke said fondly.
He bit his lip as Mallory ran back over to their nearby cart, pulling the doll she’d left inside out. He’d gotten enough lectures from Brinley to know when she was about to chastise him about something, so he prepared himself as he looked at her. “Brin, look…”
“Don’t call me that,” Brinley snapped, holding one finger up to cut his sentence off.  Her gaze felt like it was piercing right through him and he had never felt quite so vulnerable in his life. “I know we’re going to be seeing each other a lot over the next few weeks, but I want to make it clear that I’m not interested in reconciling with you. You can come to her play, and we can be civil when we’re with our friends, but I don’t want anything to do with you other than that?”
At her words, Luke felt his heart jump into his throat. While he didn’t necessarily expect her to jump back into his arms, he at least thought she’d be willing to talk things out. “Can’t you just give me a chance to explain?” He said, a bit more pleadingly than he would’ve liked. “There’s so many things I have to say to you if you’d just give me five minutes.”
Brinley let out a humorless laugh. “If you wanted to explain yourself that bad, you would’ve done it by now. You can’t just show up here after all of this time and expect me to just bend to your will and listen to you.” She insisted. “I just… I just want to forget everything that happened between us. I’m done, I’ve moved on. And I suggest you do the same.”
Luke gaped after her as she stalked back over to Mallory. He’d been on the receiving end Brinley’s anger before, but he had never experienced her being so outwardly harsh. He felt like there was a gaping hole in his chest as he watched her walk away.
As he finished up the rest of his shopping, he felt numb, like he was on autopilot. The wind blew the cold air harshly around him as he walked, but it barely affected him. He’d always known that he’d fucked things up with Brinley, but it was starting to hit him that things between them were messed up beyond repair. The girl he loved wanted nothing to do with him anymore, and it hurt.
So, when Luke got home, he quickly put away the groceries before retiring to his room to deal with his feelings the only way he knew how. He locked his door, grabbed a notebook, and started writing.
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bananashemmo · 6 years
#297: You’re Admitted To The Hospital
So hey, it’s been a while! I’ve been in and out from the hospital for the last months after a surgery I had in my foot. As a few of you know, I fractured my foot four different places last year and I couldn’t get it operated until now which means I’m currently on crutches and not allowed to walk. It’s been a hell of a ride for me visiting it so often and the Ashton one is very important to me. It’s literally the goodbye between my boyfriend and I as he had to leave at night when I was admitted. 
Read When We Collide here //  Find my Masterlist here  
“What do I do if I can’t walk? Should I just stay in a wheelchair for a whole day? Not to mention going to the toilet? Do I need assistance for that?” The questions flied from your lips within seconds. Your mind almost couldn’t keep along but it was just as confused as the rest of you. Things had been going so fast you could barely keep along with it. Everything from the second you fell down the stairs over Luke’s old sports bag packed for a trip to the gym and to the point where the ambulance had picked you up. You tried to convince him at first, it wasn’t something huge. But as time progressed and your knee had turned into the size of a grapefruit you started to question it. Luke, on the other hand, didn’t hesitate at all but kept to his previous statement. There was no need of staying home when you were in a condition like this. You looked at him with his crossed arms over his chest and a smirk smeared on his lips. “You don’t have to worry about anything. They said that things are okay, your knee is feeling better and all you need is to make sure it gets plenty of rest and not much of the walking.” “So what you’re saying is my destiny is to be in a wheelchair?” You asked with wide eyes, looking up at Luke as he had tried to explain himself. Luke looked down at his feet a little confused, his mind trying to come up with something that didn’t argument against his previous sentence. “I’m sure you will get some crutches to use but for now as long as we wait for the last results we just have to use the wheelchair okay? I promise you I will drive safety and nothing is going to happen.” Luke made sure to add pressure on the last bit of the sentence, wanting you to feet as secure as possible. It was a bit of a thing to put your life into someone else. Or maybe that was a bit overdramatic. “Just promise me you won’t drive into something that hits my knee.” You mumbled and he nodded his head in agreement. “Of course.” He sat next to you on the hospital with a smile. You nodded your head and leaned back into the pillow that didn’t even have a case on it. You looked at him as he moved hair away from your face and caressed your cheek. "How come you be so calm?" You leaned your head to the side. "Because even though I'm shitting inside I'm not the one who's actually suffering. So if you don't feel like the brave one I will instead." You looked at him as if it was the sweetest thing he could possibly say. Leaning your head against his chest you sighed heavily, feeling the urge to hug the life out of him because that was how you knew you would recover the best.  
“I can’t walk out like this.” Your statement made Calum stop in track from pulling socks over the handles of the wheelchair. His hair had fallen in front of his eyes during the process and he looked up at you a bit confused. “What do you mean?” He leaned his head to the side and stopped from what he was doing. You looked down in your lap with a shy expression and shrugged your shoulder. You didn’t know what to properly say, you didn’t feel there was an excuse for it. You had been stuck to the bed since the second you had been rolled into your private hospital room. The pains had been covered by the pills and you could stand up almost without problems. But it was like no matter what complications came in the way. Not that it had something to do with your surgery or anything, it was just you who messed up everything in your mind. At first you had been bawling your eyes out explaining to Cal that you regretted everything. But as he had mentioned you would have died of appendicitis if the doctors didn’t do anything. And if it wasn’t because of the pains from the surgery it was because of the large scar that was left on your stomach. Everything just seemed like a big blur and now also the fact that he had suggested you needed a walk even if it had to be in a wheelchair. At first it sounded like a great idea but as he had wrapped it up in a blanket from home and a pillow you couldn’t help but feel sad instead. “I-, I just feel like an old lady at a nursing home who can't take care of herself... I feel like it's humiliating." Calum looked carefully as you explained and took your hands to lead you over to the wheelchair. "Listen..." He carefully whispered and caressed your fingers. "This is a hospital... Nobody will look down at you for not being able to handle yourself right now. It's how it is and I promise you the second you are able to do normal stuff again we will." You blinked twice trying to get the tears away and leaned into his hand when it came up to touch your cheek. "But we also need to look at the bright side. And since we have this Y/N mobilo we should use it and go for a walk." You had to give him, he was truly the best convincer ever. You nodded your head carefully and sat down onto the blanket that he had decorated and looked up at him. "Good. I love you and don't ever think just because you're disable for a day I will leave you." He opened the door to the hospital room and started to roll you out. At least trying his best to avoid knocking you into the door frame. "Now let's go invade this hotel like we're at a shopping mall."
“You should avoid hot liquids for the next couple of days. I suggest you eat cool simple things such like ice cream. Not something major and don’t expect to not throw up because your neck is going through changes and need more cells to fix your wounds.” You nodded your head repeatedly, trying to keep up with everything the nurse was telling you even though it was going through a fast pace. She had a whole list of rules that she needed to go through with you, not that she expected much because your head was still feeling light from waking up. The surgery had gone pretty well, you had even gotten the chance to see what your tonsils looked like out of your throat. Calum was standing next to you with a question sign on his face. As Michael had left to do some business he was your only watcher and tried to keep up with the things just like you. “Weight loss is very common as well but don’t panic. Once your throat isn’t sore anymore and your hunger comes back you will gain the lost weight eventually.” You nodded your head again, sincerely hoping that Calum was the one taking mental notes. “I think that is it. You will be able to walk home later today when you’re feeling 100% better. I will check on you within the next hour.” The nurse walked out of the room and suddenly gave you both peace. You looked up at Calum with wide eyes, having the exact same expression as him. “Well, that was certainly a lot to remember.” He mumbled and looked at his phone to see Michael had texted. “You don’t say,” You leaned your head. “Is it Mike? Is he coming back?” “Yeah.” Calum responded with a puzzled look on his face. You wanted to ask what the reason for his sudden expression was but it was pretty explained once the door to the hospital room opened. Inside came Michael, with a large smile on his face and also a huge bag filled with ice cream. "What is this?" You asked confused and watched him as he kissed your forehead as hello. "The nurse I spoke to in the hallway said lots of ice cream," He explained and showed you, "So I literally bought everything you can possibly get. "hazelnut, pistachio, chocolate, strawberry, and I also found this one with peanuts but I guess that will just be me and Cal eating this." You couldn't help but smile wide by his words and that was the first time throughout the pain. "Thank you so much Michael... You didn't have to do this." He shrugged his shoulder and smiled down at you lovingly. He would fly all the way to Italy just to make sure you would get the best ice cream he could find. Giving out the spoons you already dug yours into the hazelnut one, letting Cal and Michael share the peanut one.
You looked up at the clock with tears cornering in your eyes and a devastated expression on your face. You had kept your head high. Since 9 AM this morning you had made sure to show nothing else but excess, not wanting to show that there was a sad side to getting a surgery. You had been doing so well since getting your foot operated. By the help of crutches you had even been at the toilet twice during the day. Ashton had been sitting by your side determined not to go anywhere. It was like he was glued to the chair, but not with the happy expression he usually wore. It was filled with many emotions at once, mostly mixing between trying not to cry and not to break. He wanted to be the bigger one, he knew you were indeed the one who was suffering but deep down he couldn’t keep it in. You had been staring at the clock for god knows how many times, praising inside of your head that it wasn’t 9 PM yet and visitor time was over. You had been going through anesthesia, antibiotics in venflon and countless of morphine and painkillers but nothing could compare to this exact moment. “I cant-, I can’t get myself to do it.” Ashton’s voice was shaky, just like his breathing. He was standing with his jacket over his arm, torn between keeping up with the rules and just wanting to sit right back in the horrible chair he had been glued to all day. “You know you have to.” You had been crying heavily the last two hours. You just couldn’t stop. As the night was passing on you didn’t think any of this was funny anymore. But you had to stay here for the night, you needed the extra oxygen and antibiotics to make sure the wounds would heal probably with no infections. "How can somebody do this? How can somebody just leave their loved ones alone at the hospital?" "Everything else needs sleep. We can't just wake up the rest of the hospital." You knew it wasn't the right reason and to be honest you didn't even want to sound at your own words. You looked at each other knowing that it had to be done so you held your breath carefully. "I love you." He whispered and kissed you softly on your lips. "I love you too, Ashton." You ran a hand through his hair. He bit down on his lip as he moved away, both wanting to look at you but also wanting to look at the floor. You watched as he walked towards the door that was hidden behind a wall and once just the sight of him was gone you broke down. It was a loud sob that filled the quiet room and Ashton had barely gotten out of the door before he stormed right back to you. "I can't do this." He sat down on the bed again and held you close as you cried. "I can't and will not leave you like this."
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lunarmoonacnh · 7 years
i was tagged by the amazing @unhugme
Rules: Once you have been tagged you are supposed to write 92 truths about yourself. At the end, choose 25 people to tag!
THE LAST… 1. Drink: diet coke
2. Phone call: my mum
3. Text message: my best friend telling him goodnight 
4. Song you listened to: Michael Jackson - Pretty Young Thing bc it was on the radio 
5. Time you cried: like last night or the night before coz it was 2am and life
HAVE YOU EVER… 6. Dated someone twice: ive barely even dated someone once lmao
7. Been cheated on: yup...
8. Kissed someone and regretted it: no i dont think so
9. Lost someone special: yes, my great grandpa
10. Been depressed: yes, im currently seeing a therapist 
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: yes! every time i drink unless its wine, for some reason wine doesnt make me sick. i think its because i once totally over did it on spirits and cider so not they just taste like the time i almost died and my body cant take it
12. grey
13. mint green
14. blush pink
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU… 15. Made new friends: yes, i started college so i made new irl friends because of that and i have also mad new internet friends through this blog 
16. Fallen out of love: kinda, depends how you look at it. i didnt know i had fallen out of love until the relationship had ended and i didnt feel as sad as i thought i would
17. Laughed until you cried: always, when i’m with my friends all i do is cry laugh 
18. Found out someone was talking about you: yes, it happens a lot, sometimes negative and sometimes positive 
19. Met someone who changed you: yes, for good and bad. 
20. Found out who your true friends are: yes, once i left school i knew who my real friends are because they are the ones who kept in touch and the ones who didnt do other things that they knew would hurt me
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: yess
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: most, i dont know them all personally but i know of them all, no strangers for me
23. Do you have any pets: not at my house but we are getting our little puppy Sully in 14 days. i do have a cat and a dog at my dads house but i very rarely go visit 
24. Do you want to change your name: no, i used to want to when i was a kid because i used to get bullied because i had a ‘boys’ name (Billie) but now i like it because its unique  
25. What did you do for your last birthday: met my friends that i met on the internet that are now irl friends for a meal and to go shopping. we went for pizza and bowling and then shopping before they had to leave again:(
26. What time did you wake up: usually between 8am and 9am without an alarm 
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: i think i was actually sleeping for once if not i was watching youtube videos
28. Name something you cannot wait for: to get my puppy and to meet up with and have a party with my internet/irl friends again in summer
29. When was the last time you saw your mother: like 15 minuets ago befroe i came upstairs to do this
30. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: i wish i could control my anxiety and depression or even not have it at all. i also wish my dad would pay me more attention and want to see me more because i miss him and its almost like he forgets i was his first kind before he mt his new wife
31. What are you listening to right now: the 1975
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: i mean i have a cousin name Thomas? but never someone just called Tom without it being shortened 
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: life? no but like the fact that im not allowing myself to do the things i want to do out of pure fear
34. Most visited website: Tumblr of course... it is never off my browser 
35. Elementary: ive honestly never wanted to go back to a time in my life more than i want to go back to elementary/primary school 
36. High School: no thanks to that. i wish i could have been one of the people that called it the best years of their lives not 5 years of asshole bullying me 
37. College/university: im commenting on this as England college (16-18 year olds) and ive just dropped out of one part (sixth from) where i was taking 3 subjects Media studies and Film studies which i loved and will miss and Psychology wich i did love but wont miss because i couldnt do it and it made my anxiety sky rocket. in september i start a makeup course and i am so excieted to be a qualified makeup artist this time next year
38. Hair colour: mousy brown
39. Long or short hair: long, like almost to my butt long (yes its natural)
40. Do you have a crush on someone: yes, but i could never pursue it bc he is my friend and i wouldnt want to ruin that. ive made that mistake with my ex.
41. What do you like about yourself: my eyes. they are grey and kinda ombre like they hae a really dark ring on the outside and they get lighter closer to my pupil
42. Piercings: yes, my first and second lobes on both ears, my helix and forward helix on my left ear. half way up my ear and my rook on my right ear and then my nose 
43. Blood type: i have no idea, do people actually know this?
44. Nickname: Bil and B although i dont like B (pronounced like Bee) but its what my cousins have called my since i was really small so it doesnt bother me that much with them 
45. Relationship status: extremely single
46. Zodiac sign: Aquarius 
47. Pronouns: she/her
48. Favourite TV show: pretty little liars, it has just finished and now i am re watching it to find clues about A that i missed 
49. Tattoos: no, but i have a couple planned 
50. Right or left hand: right
FIRST… 51. Surgery: teeth removed they are the only ops ive ever had and will ever have to have touch wood
52. Piercing: ears
54. Sport: i danced as a majorette does that count?
55. Vacation: i honestly have no idea, i think i went to Devon though (its a place in the UK) all i know is my first holiday was during 9/11 
56. Pair of trainers: probably like Nike Airs or something Adidas i have no idea 
57. Eating: i actually know this bc my older cousin fed me a wham bar (a british, i think, chewy candy thing) when i was 3 week old, so i could have died the ifrst time i hate lmao
58. Drinking: i was 14, i know i shouldnt have been drinking because my mum made me promise her i wouldnt, but i remember being so drunk (idk if it was real or faked tbh) on alcopop thats right 4% alcohol and i probs had like 3 
59. I’m about to: go get my cousins baby off his Nan so she can get his older brother from nursery
60. Listening to: idk if this is like asking the same as earlier? coz if so t]still the 1975
61. Waiting for: my friend to reply to me an tell me when he is taking me for coffee 
62. Want: my dog
63. Get married: probs idk
64. Career: i dont have one rn but hopefully a makeup artist
YOUR TYPE… 65. Hugs or kisses: rn hugs i need to hug someone while i fall to sleep so bad its been so long 
66. Lips or eyes: eyes
67. Shorter or taller: taller bc im also tall so i need someone taller than me (i dont need but i like a partner to be tall)
68. Older or younger: older, people y age are immature so any younger and i may as well spend my time with a 10 year old
70. Nice arms or nice stomach: i dont mind tbh
71. Sensitive or loud: both? not too loud though ya girl has sensitive ears 
72. Hook up or relationship: relationship, im demisexual (it took me 17 years to figure that out) so hook ups aren’t my thing
73. Troublemaker or hesitant: it depends because i tend to be the cause of arguments and things because im honest but im not out there to cause trouble i just dont like to lie
HAVE YOU EVER… 74. Kissed a stranger?: no
75. Drank hard liquor?: yes, dont do it, its bad kids
76. Lost glasses contact/lenses: yes, i lose my glasses all the goddamn time
77. Turned someone down: yes, i always feel bad but you cant force feelings
78. Sex on first date: nope
79. Broken someone’s heart: not that i know of, i doubt it though
80. Had your heart broken: yes, again not fun
81. Been arrested: nooo
82. Cried when someone died: yes
83. Fallen for a friend: yes
DO YOU BELIEVE IN… 84. Yourself: not always
85. Miracles: yes, the baby i spoke about earlier? yeah hes my miracle, he was born with a new strain of meningitis, he has had 3 lots of brain surgery (at a week old) and the doctors said it was a very low chance he would survive. he did 3 times. his heart also stopped 3 times, again he is here. he also had multiple surgeries on his joints, we got told he wouldnt walk but here he is at 16 months running around like a crazy person and loving life with his older brother  
86. Love at first sight: i mean no, how can you fall in love with someone based off their face (no matter how many cute people you see on the street that you think you love, you probably dont)
87. Santa Claus: hes real in my house
88. Kiss on the first date: ive never been on a proper date so
89. Angels: yeah, i really love t believe in thse things because its cute
OTHER… 90. Current best friend’s name: im not saying their name coz idk if thats a good idea tbh
91. Eye colour: greyyy
92. Favourite movie: Tim Burtons Alice in Wonderland i just love his aesthetic and the story of Alice so put them together and you have a winner
ok i dont have 25 people to tag but i do tag @theflowerkingdom @kinkylildanny @creepyphantasia @imjustacanforallthephantrash and @dead-nightingale 
if you are reading this and you want to do it, go for it and just say i tagged you!
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wearethejerkoffs · 7 years
1-100 ;;;-)
1. How long have you had a Tumblr?2011 i think? 2. Describe your first kiss, who was it with, what was it like, where was it etc?his name is justin. he had a gf at the time and kissed me (shitty af) in a library. it was nothing special. i really liked him though. 3. What’s your biggest regret? I know we all say we don’t regret things but obviously it’s how we learn, from our mistakes. So what’s something from your past you wished you could have changed?dating emilio for as long as i did. 4 Favorite Songs at the moment?i cant pick its too hard 5. What is the craziest thing that you have ever done?i am not wild6. What’s the most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to you?i erase this shit from my mind7. Do you have any scars and if so, how did you get them?they come from myself hahahh 8. Where would you like to be in 10 years?just successful and happy. 9. What are your views on drugs and alcohol?theyre fine just dont make them your top priority 10. What are your views on religion?believe what you want. dont bash me for not believing in anything though. 11. Have you ever thought about ending your own life? If so, why?of course. i get sad, hoe. 12. Write 5 facts people might not know about you.i am very open. there is very little people dont know about me. 13. last really important text you got?ky cam saying shes down to shop w me and maddie :)14. Can you let go?not easily 15. Discuss your first love.have i even had one?16. Put your ipod on shuffle and write 10 songs that pop up. Explain why each song is on there.i dont have an ipod but fuck i wish i DID17. Name somewhere you’d like to move or visit.visit? probably canada. id move there too. or wisconsin. 19. What are your views on mainstream music?no beef, i dont often find stuff i vibe with on the radio but i have18. Are you currently missing someone?more than anything 19. At what age do you think people should have sex?prolly high school, but really whenever you are comfortable. 20. What are your highs and lows of this past year?highs: leaving my abuser! getting a job i love! leaving people who are shitty and toxic! meeting rachel! meeting jessie! seeing amity!lows: spending the first half with my abuser! self harming again! crashed my car! 21. What are your strongest beliefs?i believe in aliens and ghosts (who doesn't?) i believe in an after life. 22. Who are you closest to in your family?my brother hes my best friend damn near 23. How important do you think education is?pretty important. i dont think college is necessary. 24. What’s one of your favorite shows?how i met your mother25. How have you changed in the past 2 years?i am stronger and happier. i have better friends and just a happier life. 26. Name 5 people who are famous who you find attractive.ryan ross, detective nick amaro, the rock, young matthew lillard, and ellen page27. Name your favorite movie and what it’s about.nick and norahs infinite playlist. its about a girl falling for a dude thru the mix cds he made his ex (her friend) and meets him at the club and soends the whole night with him looking for her drunk friend and a secret show. 28. Who is someone who fascinates you and why?aalyssa. shes so interesting to me and i could listen to her talk for hours. 29. What kind of person attracts you?lanky emo boys. douchebags. pretty girls. 30. What’s a problem that you have recently had or are currently having?i want to find another job 31. Name something that you miss.dhanes laugh. 32. Share 5 goals you want completed in the next 30 days.get in the shape i want to. thats it. 33. What’s been the highlight of your month and the lowest point? anytime i see michael and rachel its a highlight. low point: my FUCKING CAR GETTING HIT. 34. What’s something that you’ve done in the past that you would never do again?molly damn near. 35. What is you’re biggest insecurity & why?tummy. its too big. 36. What were the last 3 songs you listened to and what did they mean to you?eeeek i cant remember.37. Do you have a toy that’s really special to you and if so what is it, how did you get it etc?no i dont but i wish i did. 38. Have you lost anyone close to you to death? yep. i love you dhane! i love you christian! 39. What is your purpose in life?do i really have one? 40. When was the last time you cried and what was it over?today at a sad facebook video 41. If you got to spend an entire day with your favourite celebrity what would you guys do? we would have sex i love you ryan ross 42. If you could only listen to one artist for the rest of your life, who would you choose and why?nevershoutnever. you fuckin know why. 43. What are 3 traits that you like about yourself and what are three that you dislike about yourself? Personality wise.goods: im very empathetic. i look out for people. im fucking funnybads: im too nice. i get angry very fast. im petty. 44. Can you cook? If so what are your favorite dishes to make? yes!! i love to just make pasta with chicken and homemade pizza. 45. What was the last decision you regretted making?probably fucking sy hahahaha 46. Do you believe in the saying “once a cheater, always a cheater”?nope47. Do you ever wish you were famous?not really 48. What’s the nastiest thing anyone has ever said to YOU? Or something that’s hurt you above anything else and why?emilio said some of the most disgusting shit to me for months. dude told me he was gonna kill me hella times and how i should just end my life already! fucks wrong with that dude? 50. What mark would you want to leave on this world after you are gone?just want people to remember the good about me and my laugh 51. Have you ever thought of having plastic surgery?not really52. Have you ever jumped in the pool with your clothes on?hell no whats the point 53. Have you ever slapped a boy in the face?yes54. What’s the most romantic thing anyone has ever done for you?drive around with me and not make fun of me while i sob my eyes out. thanks becca! thanks jessie!55. What is one of your favorite memories?amity performing youngbloods. thanks for making me cry! 58. What’s the nicest present you’ve ever received?becca bought me an amity ticket, i love that bitch. emilio got me a stuffed animal that is sully so that was pretty nice of him to do (rare) my fav is when people give me flowers. 59. Have you ever had your heart broken?yeah im a sensitive bitch. not his fault tho!60. Have you ever wanted to change anything about your life? If so, what?yeah like mostly where i live. i would just like to leave here. 61. What is something you feel like you are really good at? problem solving62. What are your top 5 favourite all time songs by your favourite artist?open letter. deaths hand. i hate hartley. youngbloods. chasing ghosts. 65. What’s one thing someone has done for you that was really small but made a huge impact?becca had my back throughout my past relationship. she really did everything for me. s/o to her for being legit the best person i have ever met. 66. What do you do when you can’t sleep?watch more tv68. If you could change 3 things within your government, what would they be and why?get trump out of office. thats all i got. i dont know much about the government. 69. What’s your favourite holiday and why?id say halloween. i like the spooks. 70. What’s the kindest thing a stranger has ever done for you? Even if it’s TINY like holding a door open for you, something that you remember even though they were a complete stranger.the nice anons i get. thanks guys. 71. Who’s your favorite cartoon character?honestly? probably scooby. 72. What’s the first song that comes to your mind while reading this and why?scooby doo theme song. i love that shit. 74. What would you like to be the first dance song at your wedding?idk i never think about my wedding plans tbh. something alternative ideally. maybe something by flatsound or across the universe. 75. Have you ever been told you look like a famous person, if so, who?nope 76. What’s one thing you can not live without?becca! 77. What is the most selfless thing you have ever done for someone?idk i will really do anything for anyone. mostly just helping out with driving. 78. Are you a girly girl?i dont think so 79. What color is your bed?black80. Do you prefer light or dark haired guys?dark. ideally brunette. 81. Are you currently frustrated with a boy?hell yes but not his fault 82. Do you have a best friend?yes. s/o to becca. s/o to maddie. s/o to tony. 82. What song makes you cry the most?i cant even pick. probably something by flatsound 83. What’s the funniest film you’ve ever seen?eeeeeekkkk...... i have no idea...... honestly for some reason all that comes to mind is 21 jump street and thats weird 84. What’s something crazy that you’ve always wanted to do?im just tryna kiss a gurl85. Has anything ever happened to you that you just can’t forgive?yes for sure. i will never forgive my abusers. 86. Ever been really drunk?sadly87. Is there any type of rumor going around about you?not really. these people were saying i do bars and thats pretty fucked up considering ive never taken prescription pills for "fun"89. Have you ever felt ashamed about something? If so what was it & why? yeah i'm not gonna talk about it 90. Do you keep a journal? If so what mostly goes in it? Random thoughts, feelings, stories?i did, i should start again. 
91. Do you like somebody?yep :-)92. Craziest shit ever done?im not crazy 93. What’s the saddest story/one that’s touched you the most that you’ve ever heard on the news?the kid that hung himself because people spread rumors that his girlfriend killed herself. 94. If you were told you were going to have 3 daughters, what would you want to name them?i have no idea because im never having kids. 95. Do you have a middle name and if so, what is it?marie96. Are you in a relationship?no 97. Do you enjoy drama?not really98. Are you a virgin?nope99. Are you short or tall?short100. Do you have siblings? If so, what are their names and how old are they? amber is 31, erin is 29, and tony is 16
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randalourita · 8 years
One Shot: Taken
“Come on, it will be fun! I promise!” He laughed. “Anderson we are suppose to go Christmas shopping not ice skating.” She informed her fiancee.
They were in Athens, Alabama visiting his family for Christmas Eve and catching up on some christmas shopping before the big weekend came up.
“Come on baby, i used to skate here all the time when i was a kid, just 10 minute.” He begged her. “Are you sure you are not still a kid?” She rolled her eyes but walked to the line with him. “I cant believe you are actually gonna do this” She looked into his eye. “We babe, you are coming in there with me” He let her know. “Theres no way you will ever get me to go in there. No way.” He laughed. “Are you serious? Didn’t you love doing this when you were a kid? I used to come all the time with Nicole” He remembered.
“I never did this, and I’m not planing on doing it at thirty-three years old either.” “You never went ice-skating? Really? Never?” She shook her head. “We didnt have money to do all this kind of stuff, and I’ve never been good at sports so dont let the thought even cross your mind” He pouted. “Please -“ He pecked her lips. “Pleaseee” He gave her another kiss. “Ugh, fine, but you better he-“ “Michael Anderson? Mike? Is that you?” She was interrupted.
They turned around and the first thing Miranda saw was this tall, skinny, tanned girl with brown hair and blue eyes. She was basically perfect. Anderson smiled and went to hug her. “Oh my god! How’ve you been?” He asked happy, a little too happy for Miranda's liking. They exchanged a few words until Anderson realised he had forgotten something. “Oh my god! Sorry, this is Miranda, Miranda this is Amanda” He introduced them. “Amanda? Amanda! You have got to be fucking kidding me.” She thought. This was Amanda. She smiled and acted like she didnt know who she was. She stood there for about 5 minutes watching how her soon-to-be husband talked to his ex about their old days, their current lives and basically everything in between, completely ignoring her. “Hey I’m gonna head to the car to go look for my things, ill meet you there in a couple of minutes?” She basically ordered him. He nodded without even thinking about it as she said goodbye to Amanda, turning around and walking away, not before kissing him on the lips, in case his little friend didnt know his current status. “Oh, so she’s your girlfriend.” Amanda pointed out the obvious with a slight smile. At least thats what Anderson saw, a smile. Miranda, Miranda knew what that smile meant.
They talked for about a minute when Andersons eyes widened. What was Miranda doing in the car if they were suppose to go ice skating? Why would she be there? “Shit.” It suddenly hit him. He was in trouble. He quickly said goodbye to Amanda with a big hug and turned around ready to go back to his fiancee.
“Im so so so sorry” He began saying as soon as she saw him standing next to his truck. “Sorry? Why are you sorry?” She asked him. Her face straight. He couldn’t read her. Was she angry? Or she didnt even care? “Sorry for ignoring me while you talked to the person who you used to call the love of your life? Are you sorry for letting me freeze next to your truck while you talked to your ex? Are you sorry for making me look like a complete asshole? What are you sorry for Anderson? Sorry. Mike. Didn’t know we were calling you like that now…” She stared at him.
If he couldn’t read her before, boy could he read her know. You could barley see the fire on her eyes. “Baby, i promise i di-“ “Dont. Dont you dare baby me.” She interrupted him. “Did you know she was gonna be there? Did you actually drag me there on purpose? So you could see the love of your life again? So you could leave me standing beside you like an idiot while you talked about the incredible days you two had together?” Tears welled up on her eyes but she angrily wiped them away. “You almost married her Anderson, you wrote a whole album about her, do you think I’m that stupid? Do you actually believe i wasn’t going to realise who she is? What you two were? Did you think i didnt know about her? I talked to your family asshole, i know everything that happened between you two. You didnt even correct her when she asked you if i was your girlfriend. And that fake bitchy smile she gave me? What about that Anderson?”
“Miranda, look at me, let me talk” He grabbed her hands, not letting her pull them away. He stared into his fiancees eyes and began explaining. “I promise you, i never ever thought i would run into her, not here, not anywhere. I love you. Not her. Not anyone else. Im extremely sorry for what i did, i know i ignored you and i feel like shit about it, i was surprised to see her, i promise it was just that. Nothing else.” She couldn’t even look him in the eyes. “You better be telling the truth cause i swear if you are lying to me, I’m taking this ring off right now. I cant do this if there will be lies. I cant go through that again.” “Look me in the eyes Miranda. The difference between Amanda and you, is that i did give you the ring. I almost asked her to marry me. Yes. But i didnt. I realised that we weren’t right for each other. But you and me? You and me belong together baby, i gave you this ring because i love you more than i ever loved somebody. And that will never change, ever. You are the love of my life, not her. Please dont be angry. Please, I’m so sorry. But you gotta believe me, i love you. I chose you. Just like you chose me. Im on this. Im ready to spend forever with you and no one else.” He promised her. Each word staring into those deep blue eyes that he got lost in so many times before.
He wiped her tears and hugged her tight. “I promise you baby, i didnt mean to be that much of an asshole and it will never happen again, okay? never. You have my word” She nodded and hugged him again. Giving him a soft peck on the lips. “Can we go shopping now?” She laughed and grabbed his hand, heading to the mall together.
She was trying on some clothes while he waited on the couch of the store. “Mike, there you are!” He heard once again and sighted. This had to be a joke. “Its you again” he faked a smile. “I've got something for you, in case this whole thing with her doesnt work out for you” She handed him a piece of paper. He stared at her. “No thank you. See, Amanda, Miranda and I, it will work, we are getting married really soon, and I’m sure if she sees this, you won’t like it. I love her and i have zero interest in you, none. So save that piece of paper for somebody else, someone who actually cares.” He handed it back to her, without realising his fiancee was standing behind him.
Miranda smiled while she saw this. She knew she could trust him. But that didnt mean she wouldnt do anything about it. “Hey honey, i dont believe we met correctly. Im Miranda, his fiancee.” She pointed at Anderson. “You know what that word means? Fiancee?” She showed her her huge diamond. “It means a ring, it means that we are getting married. It means that he’s taken. So you better turn around and go find someone who is free, cause this one is taken. And by the way, you are not allowed to call him Mike. He’s Anderson to you buddy,” She gave her that I’m-gonna-kill-you-if-you-dont-leave smile that only Miranda Lambert can pull out.  Making her turn around and leave.
“Oh damn, I’m gonna introduce you to more of my ex’s if it means seeing you this jealous” Anderson joked absolutely turned on with this side of his fiancee. Miranda turned around and stared at him. That same smile still on her face. “Just kidding, babe. I love you.” He quickly took his words back, slightly scared himself, grabbed her hand and left the store. That was enough for the day.
Ive been really good with posting lately so if y'all want some more before my trip y'all better leave good feedback cause yesterday’s sucked!
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