#to be clear with the outfit it was okay without the hat and coat
castiellesbian · 4 months
Actor choices I can't forgive them for:
Misha's stupid fucking German accent for Apocalypse!Cas
Jensen choosing that outfit for Michael because he was a little too into Peaky Blinders that week
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dragoneyes618 · 2 years
You said Carlos had a sister at some point. What was she like?
All right! This will be fun to answer. Thank you!
Well. Fun for me. Not so fun for Carlotta.
So you want the full version? That may or may not be canon, depending on whatever headcanon I'm currently going with?
Okay. So. Her name was Carlotta. Carlotta Eleanora de Vil. Carlotta Eleanora de Vil the First, for reasons that will be made clear shortly.
Carlos called her Lotta sometimes.
She was three years older than Carlos. In fact, she was the oldest of all the de Vil children.
She was very protective of Carlos. She was always looking after him and doing his homework with him and being proud of how smart he was and doing his chores along with hers and walking him to school and punching Rick Ratcliffe in the nose once when he was bullying Carlos. She said the blood from the nosebleed she gave Rick that got on her black-and-white dress made her look like a real de Vil.
She was good at sewing. All de Vils are good at designing and making clothes, but she enjoyed it too; she was making dresses for herself out of discarded bits of fabric she found in the street by the time she was eight.
She looked strikingly like Cruella, right down to the dark green eyes and the hair split halfway down the middle.
She died when she was ten and Carlos was seven.
Yes, Cruella had something to do with it. Cruella had everything to do with it.
How? Maybe Carlotta stood in front of Carlos to protect him and Cruella hit her a little too hard. Maybe Cruella struck her a glancing blow on the head with something hard, giving her a concussion; without medical treatment, Carlotta went to sleep that night, hoping her aching head would feel better in the morning, as would her nausea and dizziness, and never woke up. Or maybe Cruella de Vil snapped and committed what is known on the Isle as the Devil Massacre.
The second Carlotta was born eight months later.
Eight months after her daughter's death, Cruella gave birth to a little girl. She couldn't be bothered to take care of her, because she'd already taken care of two babies by now and three was far too much and she was so busy, what with making sure Jasper and Horace didn't bungle anything up and searching for animals to make fur coats - or dresses, or shirts, or skirts, or earmuffs, or mittens, or hats - out of, and then she had to skin and cure them properly and the bloodstain from other people's blood still hadn't come out of her favorite outfit even eight months later and D'Arque kept nagging that he wanted her to keep a journal of her thoughts so he could study them and she simply didn't have time to look after a whiny, needy infant that was little more than a furless puppy.
So Carlos did.
His mother wouldn't take care of her, just left her screaming in her cradle, so Carlos did. Carlos figured out how to make bottles and bought or stole milk and warmed it up for the baby, and he changed her diapers, and he tore up blankets and sewed them together into baby clothes that he had to tear up and resize only weeks later because babies grow fast, and he slept next to her in his bed so he could make her a bottle and rock her to sleep when she cried -besides, it was so quiet and lonely now, without his big sister, and feeling his baby sister's warm body and the rise and fall of her chest as she slept next to him made him feel better - and he stole her clothes and toys and baby food, and figured out that if he crushed and mushed the rare fruit or vegetable he got his hands on, she would be able to eat it once she was a few months old, and fruits and vegetables were healthy for babies, right?
Carlos named her, too. A month passed, two months, and still Carlos' little sister had no name. Cruella wasn't going to name her; once she'd recovered from the birth, she continued on with her life as though the baby didn't exist. After all, Carlos was taking care of her so she didn't have to. That was his job; to do all the chores around the house instead of her.
So Carlos named his little sister. He was seven or eight years old, and could think of only one name: the name that had been foremost in his mind for months, who he missed desperately, the name of the sister he had loved, and who had loved him back. Carlotta Eleanora de Vil.
And that is how Cruella de Vil's younger daughter - her only daughter, now - came to be named Carlotta Eleanora de Vil II.
Carlotta II was small and timid and quiet. She rarely spoke. She was only comfortable around Carlos and, to a lesser extend, the other de Vil cousins. She was good at hiding and going unnoticed. She was scared of the dark, because of that time she accidentally got trapped in Cruella's fur closet. Carlos is scared of the dark too, for the same reason, but tries not to show it around her. She was scared of other people, but as long as her big brother was with her, she felt safe, no matter the situation. She was terrified of her mother.
Carlos literally raised her. When she was a baby and a toddler he would bring her to school with him so as not to leave her alone with their mother. The teachers didn't complain, as long as she didn't disrupt the class (she never did, even as an infant) because it was good that the timid young de Vil boy was showing an inclination towards breaking the rules.
She looked exactly like the first Carlotta. Exactly like Cruella.
She doesn't like it when people she doesn't know ask her questions or notice her. And she only knows a few people. She doesn't talk, really. She just wants Carlos. If someone, especially an adult, addresses her, she'll go even paler than usual and refuse to answer.
Once she was old enough to go to school, Carlos would confront the teacher or the other children if she was having a hard time, and would help her with her homework, and would walk her to and from school.
He did everything for her that his older sister - their older sister, whose name she bore and whom she would never meet - had done for him.
She didn't go to school often, though. She preferred to be with Carlos. She was terrified of being separated from him. Carlos could teach her as much as school could, too; he taught her how to read and write and how to do math.
She accompanied Carlos everywhere. Some people called her "De Vil's little shadow."
Carlos never stood up for himself, but he would do anything for Carlotta. Even stand up to his mother.
She was a sickly child. She had a breathing problem. Carlos didn't know until Carlotta was five and he, in trying to find a cure, had "borrowed" some medical textbooks from the Athenaeum of Evil, that it was called asthma. All he knew was that when she was scared or upset or sick, or when it was dusty, she had trouble breathing; she would wheeze and her lips would turn blue. He would kneel next to her and talk her through it. "It's okay. It's okay. Breathe in. Breathe out. You're going to be fine. This happened before and you were okay, remember?" No medicine the Isle had seemed to help; the best he could do for her was buy some herbs from Dr. Facilier and Mother Gothel - or just steal them off Freddie or Ginny - that eased the attacks. Even after he found out what it was - well, knowing what it was didn't help if there was no way to fix it.
As of D1 she was seven years old.
What happened to Carlotta the Second?
Depending on what headcanon I'm going with:
Option A: She died, several months before Carlos went to Auradon, in the throes of her most severe asthma attack yet, choking and wheezing, struggling to gasp for air and finding nothing as her skin turned blue and Carlos knelt helplessly beside her, trying to comfort her in her final terror.
Option B: She died, the same way - when Carlos was in Auradon. Before he could get her off the Isle. When he was apart from her for the first time ever.
Option C: When Carlos left for Auradon he left her in the care of his cousins, Ivy and Diego and Hunter de Vil. Or, to be more accurate, he was taken to Auradon with barely any notice and Diego and Ivy climbed in the back window of De Vil Manor and brought Carlotta to Diego's home. Carlos was reunited with her when the barrier came down.
Option D: In Return to the Isle of the Lost Carlos snuck her off the Isle with him.
Option E: She dies in Auradon, from a severe asthma attack as well, because Carlos didn't think to mention that she had asthma and nobody had an EpiPen - but she died in a soft bed, with a full belly, with her brother at her side.
Ironically, whenever they happen to be in the same room, CJ Hook takes a liking to her, and will, say, distract people from looking at her or talking to her. Mostly because CJ likes to be idolized by the small children, but still.
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amerrierworld · 4 years
Not a total frickin’ idiot
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For the request: R x Daphne Kluger. R being a part of the original Heist Crew and also being the one Daphne approaches. They’re super flirty w/ each other and everyone knows that they like each other except themselves.
Summary: You thought you had gone unnoticed at the Met, but Miss Kluger never forgets a face.
Characters: Daphne Kluger x fem!reader, the Ocean’s team
Word Count: 1,657
Warnings: swearing!? Do i still have to put a warning for that? idk
If you had learned anything about diva actress Daphne Kluger from Rose, it was that you don’t speak unless spoken to first. 
And considering she didn’t talk to you at all during the heist, you were able to get around the entire night never uttering a single word to her, fulfilling your role on the team without any kind of hiccup.
So you were quite surprised when she had slid into your booth at your favourite coffee shop, giant sunglasses and a fashionable sunhat masking her face. You looked up from your phone and were about to comment about your booth being taken until you recognized her.
Your mouth hung open a little bit as she took off the hat and glasses. Her lips were painted a deep red and her outfit was impeccable, as always.
“Say..” she immediately said, pearly whites nearly blinding you as she smiled, “you were at the Met, weren't you?”
“I- I’m sorry?” you began. “I don’t know-”
“Oh my god! You totally were! You were wearing that adorable dress. Gosh, you looked so good.”
You were blushing hard, because in a matter of barely a minute, Daphne Kluger, gorgeous movie star, had called you adorable and good-looking all in the same sentence.
“I was there too- well, obviously you know that,” she chuckled, “and I was wearing that beautiful diamond necklace, don’t you remember? It was all over the news. Especially when I supposedly lost it.”
“O-oh? Right, y-yes I remember reading about it in the news..”
“And you know.. I couldn’t help but wonder how weird my designer was acting all night. And that lady in the black from the staff, who found my necklace? You’d almost think they were acting.”
You were almost as pale as a sheet at this point, gripping your cup in shaking fingers.
“And you know what’s funny? I saw you talking to both of them during the night. I mean, how couldn’t I notice? You looked so gorgeous, almost like you were asking me to see you.”
You gulped, “I do not know what you’re talking about, Miss Kluger-”
“Just call me Daphne,” she leaned forward, lips spread in a feline smile, elbows resting on the table and propping her head up on her hands.
“Y/N, right? I asked for your name from the guest list, I hope you don’t mind. They let me in on those sorts of things anyways.”
“That’s me,” you replied. 
“Do you know Debbie Ocean? Of course you do, you two also seemed pretty close all night, hm? You’re lucky I was the only one who noticed.”
“I’ve been approached by an investigator who seems really interested in her because the uh, necklace turned out to be a fake.”
You tried to pretend to be surprised at the news, but you couldn’t muster it, and Daphne looked at you knowingly.
“Luckily, I didn’t tell  him any  of your names, because I wasn’t sure if I was right. But you just confirmed all my suspicions anyways, so..”
“Are you threatening me?” you narrowed your eyes at her, and she gasped in mock offence.
“Of course not!” she leaned forward, giving you ample view of her cleavage, hand trailing over yours,
“I’m seducing you, Y/N.”
You didn’t know what to say as she looked at you with those deep, telling eyes. Her own eyes flickered appreciatively over your features, and you wondered if she was checking you out or if she was simply acting.
A small group of fans approached the table, chittering and blushing at the sight of Daphne Kluger in a meagre coffee shop such as this one. She smiled amicably, accepting their compliments and giving them autographs, before saying,
“You’re all so sweet, but do you think you’d be able to let my girlfriend and I have some privacy for the rest of our date? Thaanks,” she waved as the fans rushed off, gasping and gossiping amongst themselves at the prospect of the Daphne Kluger having a girlfriend. 
“Girlfriend?” you asked once you found your voice again. She only grinned and winked at you.
“Oh, don’t be like that baby. Now, are you gonna tell me about the necklace, or what?” she sipped your drink and your mouth went dry.
“Chilly,” Daphne remarked at the glances given by the rest of the group, “what about, ‘Hi Daph, welcome to the team. Let’s not all high five at once.’”
You chewed your lip, bounced your leg, avoided her gaze altogether, and tried very hard not to look at how good she looked in her black dress. You were sitting across from the couch where she had plopped down, hunched in the metal framed chair.
“Why’d y’let her get to you, Y/N. I told you not to draw attention to yourself!” Rose said to you, after you and Debbie had explained how Daphne had found you, recognized you and called out the plan. You, being the newbie in the ways of criminality, could barely think of a cover up and ended up bringing her to Debbie with a spluttering confession.
“She didn’t,” Daphne’s eyes were locked on yours, “I just noticed her myself.”
You blushed a little and looked away. Debbie looked at you apologetically, knowing you felt put on the spot.
“Plus,” Daphne continued, “I am the one who is saving your asses from insurance fraud, okay?”
The team burst into shock, responses flying left and right.
“I-I was gonna get to that,” you said hastily, eyeing Debbie, who stepped in,
“It seems that they’ve assigned an insurance investigator-”
“Who’s about to look up your asses with a flashlight,” Daphne pointed out.
"Oh, this little Columbo dude, everything but the trench coat, totally on to you.”
“His name is John Frasier,” Debbie said.
"Wha- you know him?” Amita spluttered in disbelief.
“Yes, he busted my father twice, my brother once.”
“He’s family,” Lou added.
“Lest we forget, this entire enterprise was to keep me out of jail,” Rose interrupted, worry etched on her face.
“No one is going to jail,” Lou assured her.
“We expected this, we prepared for this,” said Debbie. Not many of the team seemed to believe her, with Nineball adding,
“Yup... that’s clear.”
“We will not be the prime suspect,” Debbie said sternly.
"Then who will be?”
“Well,” you added, “we’ve got the security guys, the busboys-”
“...The shady guy who put you away,” Tammy sighed, arching an eyebrow at Debbie, who could barely contain the smirk on her face. Daphne stared at her incredulously,
“..the boyfriend.”
"Mhm,” Debbie replied, “they were gonna be looking for somebody, just had to make sure it wasn’t one of us.”
Lou nodded in approval, adding a faint, “that’s nice.”
“Wow... that is amazing,” Daphne grinned, chewing her gum in delight, “the precision, right? It’s always the attention to detail and the little grace notes that really make something sing.”
A short silence followed. Glances were cast between the rest of you, wondering what on earth had gotten into Daphne’s head.
“...Why are you doing this?” Tammy asked, clearly dumbfounded by this multi-millionaire actress dropping into their party. Daphne stilled for a moment, her eyes flickering to you for a second before saying,
“I.. don’t have that many close female friendships. Plus bookclubs are the worst, so I just thought y’know... could be something fun to share?”
“You’re becoming a criminal because you’re lonely?”
“...Who isn’t sometimes, right?”
"Are you an only child?” you asked her. Her silence told you enough.
The team seemed to accept at that point that Daph was there to stay, so they went about their usual business. 
“Beer?” Lou offered you, which you immediately said yes to, feeling a little woozy after that whole experience.
Tammy went to the kitchen and opened another pizza box, and you went to grab a slice for yourself before calculating your next move carefully, hoping your brain wouldn’t short circuit as you grabbed another slice and headed to where Daphne was sitting by herself.
You sat next to her, very very awkwardly, and offered her the paper plate.
“Aw, thanks,” she smiled, cheering up a little, “you know you don’t have to do that.”
“Do what?”
“Be nice to me because you feel bad for me. Look, I’m sorry I cornered you the other day. I didn’t mean to seem desperate or whatever.”
“You- you didn’t seem desperate,” you frowned, “and I don’t feel bad for you. Whatever gave you that idea?”
She looked at you with a mouthful of pizza, and made an exasperated gesture to your whole surroundings, indicating the events that had just occurred. She also didn’t want you to know how she had been dying for your attention the minute she had seen you at the Met. 
“Oh, well, I mean, I think your reasoning was perfectly justified,” you cocked your head at her and smiled. Then you lifted your pizza and said,
“to crime!”
The rest of the group cheered and replied with the same phrase, lifting their beers or pizza with glee. Daphne blushed at the exclamation.
“Now you,” you said, nodding encouragingly. 
“Do it! If you’re gonna be a part of the Ocean’s team, you gotta get with the rituals.”
“Rituals?” Daphne scoffed. But then she saw your dopey smile and sparkling eyes, and her insides melted. She delicately lifted the pizza and said,
“to crime!”
You laughed and sipped your beer.
“Ten bucks says they’re dating by next week,” Nineball said in the kitchen, peering into the fridge.
“I say by the weekend,” Constance offered. 
“Idiots,” Rose shook her head. “If tonight is gonna keep up like this, I say by the morning.”
They eyed you and Daphne chatting away on the couch, completely forgetting about everyone else.
“Not so lonely anymore I guess,” Tammy smiled.
“Told you, crime’s good for many things,” Debbie nudged her and smiled at Lou, who rolled her eyes playfully.
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jaskierswolf · 3 years
A belated happy birthday to @dont-touch-the-phlebotinum! Some feral Jaskier feat s.2 outfits because... I'm gay? A touch of geraskier and post mountain goodness.
The contract had been an easy one, which honestly made a change.The alderman had been very clear about the basilisk that had been terrorising the village. There were no sudden mates to contend with, no secret drowner nest, no alps lurking in the shadows. Geralt had been well prepared for the single basilisk and the fight had been okay. He had a minor tear in his new armour, a rip just above the pectoral muscle that was sculpted into the leather.
It would be hell to repair and would completely ruin the aesthetic of the armour. If he wanted a scarred torso then he would just fight the monsters topless, although he could probably name a few people that wouldn’t be disappointed by the development.
His bard would certainly be the first in line, that thought made Geralt shake his head in fond exasperation.
His bard.
They hadn’t expected to run into each other again after the fateful dragon hunt, but Geralt had been heading north with Ciri when he’d heard Jaskier’s lilting melodic voice from a tavern. His feet had moved on their own accord then after much apologising on both ends and a few drinks, they’d tumbled into bed together and the newly formed trio had set off in the morning, all smiles and crinkled eyes despite the war that raged through the land.
Their time apart had, as the saying went, made the heart grow fonder. Jaskier had finally had some time to really think about who he was without Geralt, which apparently meant a whole new look that Geralt had initially thought was absolutely ridiculous, but like most things about Jaskier, it had grown on him. The bard looked rather dashing in his long maroon coat and thick brown locks that now tickled his chin when it wasn’t pulled back off his face with a leather tie. He’d also taken to letting his stubble grow out, and all in all he looked rather roguish.
The only thing missing from the ensemble, in Geralt’s opinion, was a sword. That would complete the pirate-eque look that Jaskier had going on, and Geralt could have great fun showing the bard how to fight. With a war going on, self defence was a top priority.
Especially as Jaskier just couldn’t keep his sharp tongue tamed and found himself in fights more often than not.
And judging by the sounds coming from the tavern… today was a more often than not kind of day. Geralt sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. Underneath it all, he was still smiling, when Jaskier fought like this it was almost always one of two things; someone being a prejudiced jerk, or Valdo Marx.
Sometimes both at the same time.
He got ready to draw his sword but he was hoping his presence would be enough to stop the fight, then he threw the door open, eyes frantically searching the room for the long leather coat. He heard the familiar sound of Jaskier’s heartbeat before he saw him. The bard had his dagger held to a thuggish man’s throat and was spewing venomous words like an angry kitten.
“Jaskier,” Geralt called, tilting his head and raising an eyebrow as feral blue eyes flashed to his, beneath the rim of Jaskier’s hat.
“Ah, Geralt, my dear. Perfect timing as always,” Jaskier winked but only pressed the blade harder against the poor man’s throat.
“Drop it.”
The whine that escaped Jaskier’s lips was pitiful, but not nearly as pathetic as the sounds the man was making. The whole tavern was deathly silent as Jaskier pouted at Geralt, still not dropping his weapon, and the tension in the air was palpable. Everyone was on edge, waiting to see what Jaskier and Geralt would do.
“Jask,” Geralt warned in a low voice, “let him go.”
“Urgh,” the bard threw the man away with a flourish, tossing the dagger in his hand before sheathing it underneath the flap of his leather coat. “Fine. You win, Geralt, but he was asking about Princess Cirilla. If you’d heard the words that fell from his lips you would not let him live.”
The growl that tore from Geralt’s throat seemed to do the trick, and the thug scarpered with his tail firmly between his legs. “Let’s go, bard,” he muttered, stalking towards the stairs as the occupants in the tavern split before him like the ocean.
Jaskier chuckled as his scent spiked with lust. “With pleasure, dear witcher.”
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btsinwonderland · 3 years
A Drop of Poison - Ch. 13: Hogsmeade
A Loki fanfiction!
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It was a brisk fall morning where the first chill of the coming winter snuck up on you. You wrapped your scarf around your neck tighter and yawned. Another restless night passed with terrifying dreams of Fenris and the bloodbath he left behind him.
You stood in a loose huddle of several students outside the entrance doors to the school. There was the sound of chitchat in the air as you all waited for the teachers. The trees swayed in the wind and a yellowing leaf fell in a spiral and landed on your shoulder. Valkyrie walked over to you with a smile on her face as you brushed off the leaf. It faded slightly upon looking at you.
“Are you okay?” she said, watching you.
You nodded with another yawn. “Bad dreams.”
“Dreams...or something else?”
You might have answered her but were cut off when Pom and Nila came up to the both of you. They had excited smiles on their faces.
“I can’t believe we finally get to go to Hogsmeade!” Pom said with a smile.
Nila agreed exuberantly. “I’ve been itching to go to Honeydukes!”
Valkyrie raised a brow. “Don’t forget we have the ball on Wednesday night, ladies. I, for one, am planning on gettin’ some before everything goes to shit.”
Pom looked at Valkyrie wide eyed while Nila blushed. “Getting what?” Pom said.
You and Valkyrie snort-laughed and Nila started giggling. Pom continued to ask Valkyrie what she was talking about when Professor Heimdall and Professor Fandral arrived at the top of the stairs.
Professor Heimdall wore a long tan cloak over his robes and clasped his hands in front of him. “Students, you will be split off into two groups. One with me and one with Professor Fandral. We are incorporating a buddy system, so pick a partner and do not separate from them. This year we were not planning to go to Hogsmeade, but upon reviewing many requests and with careful planning, we believe it is acceptable. What is not acceptable,” he said, passing a look to each student; his eyes lingered on you briefly, “is to leave your buddy, or your group and venture off alone. The grounds are no longer as safe as they were before. Be wise.”
He said no more as Professor Fandral began to split the groups. You, Valkyrie, Nila and Pom excitedly climbed into a carriage, which eventually trailed behind Professor Heimdall’s. His warning stayed with you as you thought about long teeth and hungry eyes. Despite the fear that had permanently settled in the pit of your stomach, you enjoyed feeling the fresh air on your skin as the carriages took off. The wind was cold, but you had not realized how stifling it was in the castle until you had been outside.
You wondered what a carriage ride with Professor Laufeyson would be like. A blush creeped to your cheeks when you thought about detention with him from a couple of nights ago. The word ‘master’ rested on your lips like a secret behind everything else you said out loud. It was just for him. That night, you went back to your room in a heated daze and wondered what you had gotten yourself into. But the more you thought about it, the more your heart raced with want. You enjoyed calling him master, and you liked the way he looked at you when you did.
“What is going on in that head of yours?” Valkyrie said, elbowing you.
You jerked upright and smiled bashfully. “Nothing, I’m just thinking about what to wear.”
Just then, Pom and Nila deep dived into their clothing assessments and what was in season versus not. You absolutely had no idea how they had obtained this information, but appreciated the feedback. After a long lecture about colour coordination and matching shoes and accessories while balancing complementary colour contrast, the carriages finally arrived at Hogsmeade.
The four of you stuck together and plowed your way through Hogsmeade in a thorough fashion. First you visited Honeydukes, which was decorated completely in black for the season; it was as if the whole shop were dipped in an inkwell. Nila bought an entire bag worth of chocolate frogs, Burtie Botts, every flavour beans, blood pops (to which you wrinkled your nose), and cauldron cakes. Valkyrie bought bouncing bubbly which was a soft drink that made her bounce as if she was on the moon. The novelty wore off quickly since Valkyrie quite enjoyed bouncing above you and smacking your head. You were relieved once you entered Gladrags; there was a strict no enchantment policy and Valkyrie had to stand outside until the effects wore off. The three of you snickered and gave her a mock wave through the window. As she bounced in place, she mouthed: “I could murder you in your sleep, you know.”
You laughed and walked into the store, looking at the various fabrics and clothes they had on display. There were enchanted mannequins walking through the store and dancing every now and again for the customers. A small girl tugged at her father’s coat and pointed to a model just a few inches taller than her. Its face was a flat piece of wood and the thing danced around the girl, doing a pirouette with the bright green dress it was wearing along the way. The girl was mesmerised. You smiled and had to give credit to Gladrags; they knew how to market.
Pom and Nila immediately ran to the hats section where there were shelves upon shelves of all sorts of hats. Plumes of feathers stuck to the side of a large orange hat, while another was a green beret seemingly constructed of snakeskin. One hat seemed to have no set shape or colour, but was a fluid moving thing that sparkled when the light hit it. All the hats were magnificent, though you were never much of a hat person. You went to the back, near the sale items, to see if there was anything that you could afford. It had been quite a year gathering enough money to meet your supplies and tuition costs for the year. You hoped that once you aced all your exams, a scholarship or internship could be earned. Though once you saw Professor Laufeyson’s memories, your thoughts about joining the ministry were on pause.
As if the devil himself heard, you heard a familiar voice from your left.
“Good morning, Miss Eves,” Professor Laufeyson said.
You flinched, nearly knocking over a nearby twirling mannequin which actually hissed at you. “Professor! What are you doing here?”
His eyes narrowed, and he looked as if you had committed a grave mistake. “What was that?”
“I-” You thought about it for a moment. Ah yes….your voice got lower, “Master, what are you doing here?”
He lit up and smiled at you. You wondered if you would ever get used to that.
“I have some business to attend to,” he said.
It was hard not to roll your eyes at how insanely cryptic he was. You were about to question further, but Valkyrie came.
“Professor! Fancy seeing you here,” she said, looking between you and him. You tried to put on your most neutral expression.
“Hogsmeade used to be quite the haunt for me when I was a student here,” Professor Laufeyson said, glancing out the window. “I particularly enjoyed Zonko’s. Well, are you young ladies finding dresses for the ball?”
“Yes!” Pom said from behind a rack of clothes. “And we found the perfect one for you, Freya,” she said, bringing out a frilly dark purple dress that had a mermaid style bottom and an attached cloak that looked more like a cape.
Valkyrie gasped with laughter when you took the dress and promised Pom you would try it on. You thanked her and elbowed Valkyrie. Professor Laufeyson looked as if he was trying to conceal a small smile.
The other girls left in a mad dash when Nila spotted a row of silk scarves that were on sale. Valkyrie went with them, giving you a strange look that showed you would be interrogated very soon.
“You better go try on that aubergine of a dress,” Professor Laufeyson said with a smirk.
You laughed. “I think I’m going to go with my outfit from last year,” you said, putting the purple nightmare back on the rack. “These new fashion trends are getting out of hand, they’re not for me.”
Professor Laufeyson grabbed your hand and pulled you towards him. Your heart raced as he held your face in his hand. You prayed no one saw you. “Nothing here could do justice to the body underneath these clothes,” he said, his voice husky. Just as you leaned in towards him, he pulled away. You made the tiniest annoyed sound, and he chuckled.
He said goodbye, and you joined up with the girls to continue on their shopping spree. Nila had gotten a peach coloured dress that had a tight waist and billowing skirt. Pom got a short purple dress that was clean cut and cute. Valkyrie got a crimson dress that had a courageous slit down the side and a neckline that wound around her neck in a halter top. Your stomachs rumbled loudly, so the four of you headed into the Three Broomsticks, a pub down the road. Since Hogsmeade knew well that Hogwarts students were coming in today, they allowed minors into the pub.
You sat at a table and were surprised to see Professor Laufeyson sitting rather reluctantly with Professor Heimdall and Professor Fandral. They did not see the four of you slip into the booth just behind them, a wall between you. There was enough chatter in the pub to conceal your voices, though you kept it down just enough to hear what the teachers were saying.
Someone cleared their throat. You recognized Heimdall’s voice; it was rich and deep. “Loki, how is your semester going so far?”
Professor Laufeyson’s voice was effortless, as usual. “Teaching is such a noble profession, I ought to have tried it much earlier in life.”
“You were missing from the staff meeting last Saturday,” Heimdall said. His words asked without stating explicitly, why?
Professor Laufeyson let out a small laugh. “I had to drop everything and come here after Hubert’s passing, so when I can I must tie up some loose ends.”
“What might Loki Laufeyson’s loose ends be, I wonder?” Heimdall said, his voice low.
The server came by and dropped off drinks at their table. He then came to your table and took your orders. The other girls had lost interest at this point and began chatting, but you craned your neck to the edge of the wall to keep listening.
“...yes, I will be in and out after the ball. Business to attend to before we dive head first into midterms,” Professor Laufeyson said.
He was leaving? You wondered. He had told you he would not go after Fenris until the coldest night of winter, and you believed that. Your fingers tapped nervously, thinking about what else he was up to. Aside from seeing him in class and detention, you had no way of knowing where he was or what he was doing. It was not as if he was even remotely communicative about his life. The most you knew about him was from breaking into his memory bank like a thief in the night.
The conversation shifted to Professor Fandral talking about his wife and children and how difficult it was to leave them for semesters at a time. Eventually, their chairs shuffled and the four of you put your heads down and ate your meals. Your shepherd’s pie had gone cold but was still quite delicious.
About an hour later, you were back in the school, heading to your common room, evading Valkyrie so she would not ask you about Professor Laufeyson. You were just not ready to have any sort of proper conversation about it yet. You had no idea what was happening, and a part of you felt immensely guilty about the whole thing. At least if it was your personal secret, you could chalk it up to a delusion or dream and still function properly. But once you verbalized it, it was real. Far too real for anything you wanted to deal with now.
In the hall, you spotted a ghostly figure running towards you. Well, half of a ghostly figure. The legs and torso of Crazy Collin ran past you in a gust of cool air. A few minutes later, you saw the upper part floating by.
“‘Ave you seen me legs?” he said. His translucent face was even younger than you.
You pointed behind you. “They went that way.” You smiled as he waved at you and floated onwards in search of his legs. He was always found roaming the halls searching for the bottom half of his body, and it was a fun game that occupied most first years, helping Crazy Collin find his legs.
Suddenly, you thought about Pom’s brother Ken, who now had a missing arm, and your smile disappeared. Most of the time you had laughed at the ghosts of Hogwarts, but you realized they were all people once who had died an awful death. The thought both sobered and saddened you.
The next day you were seated in potions class with Pom next to you, taking notes on the use of a bezoar. Professor Laufeyson had put on a slideshow and you tried not to yawn, though his voice was like melted honey.
Something hit the side of your head and fell at your feet. You glanced around before picking it up.
“What is it?” Pom whispered.
It was a crumpled piece of paper and upon unrolling it, you saw an enchanted drawing of two stick figures dancing. One of them had two circles for its breasts and an arrow pointing to the figure that said “You” and the other stick figure had an arrow that said “Me”. You looked up and saw Nathan Gill, the sixth year Quidditch announcer, smiling at you. He pointed to you, then he mimed a little slow dance, and then pointed to himself, all the while mouthing the words, “Do you want to go to the ball with me?”
The paper was snatched from your hand before you could react and you were horrified to see Professor Laufeyson standing over you with a grim expression. “Passing notes in class?” He said with a touch of venom. After reading the note aloud in class for everyone to laugh at, he took five points from Gryffindor and Hufflepuff.
“Harsh,” Pom said, and you did not reply.
At the end of class, you escaped out the door before meeting Professor Laufeyson’s eye, since you were far too embarrassed. Then Nathan found you.
“So, Eves, you want to go with me?” He said, brandishing a daring smile.
He was a year younger than you, though he was taller and his face was not all boyish. His brown eyes held an air of confidence and his dark brown skin glowed in the torchlights. He leaned against the wall next to you, casual yet focused on your face in a way that made you blush. You wished you could seriously consider him. Perhaps if he had come to you only a month earlier, you would not be in this mess at all. A boy like him was normal. A boy like him was far better suited for you. But alas, even though you thought he was invariably handsome and were somewhat attracted to his presence, your heart was doomed to stay in one place.
You smiled at him and were about to speak when Pom piped up out of nowhere, “yes she’s gonna go with you!”
Nathan smiled so brightly that you felt the words escape you. He leaned in and tucked a hair behind your ear. “See you then,” he said in a low voice and walked off with his friends.
Just then, Professor Laufeyson passed by with an icy expression. He glanced at you and Pom as if you were stones on the wall and continued on his way, not giving you another look. Your heart sank while Pom excitedly grabbed your arm. “Oh my god, Gill is so cute! Sorry I stepped in, but I had to! I thought you were going to throw up or say no, so I did what any good friend ought to do.” She smiled at you and you nodded hollowly, wondering what Professor Laufeyson had thought.
You were on your way to the Great Hall for lunch as you puzzled about Nathan. Pom had gone to the infirmary to check on her brother. The staircase you were climbing up moved and pulled you away from your path and down an empty corridor that would add another ten minutes to your walk. A sigh escaped your lips as you continued to wonder. Why would he ask you? You barely talked to him. Once you had given him ink when he ran out, and so perhaps he was just being nice -
A hand grabbed the back of your shirt and pulled you into a room you had not realized was there. The door shut and vanished, leaving only stone, and you were slammed against the wall with a hard body against yours. The familiar scent of flora and musk hit your senses, and you gazed into a pair of cold blue eyes. His hand clasped around your throat as he leaned in and spoke in your ear.
“Did you think you could get away with being such a tease?” Professor Laufeyson said, his voice was a growl.
You dropped your books and panted. “W-what do you mean sir - er, I mean - Master?”
“That boy was all over you like a dog. Did you hope to make me jealous?”
“I didn’t mean to,” you said. Fear bubbled in your stomach at his aggression, but more than that was another feeling...One that was going to get you into deep trouble. Your cheeks flushed, and you felt desire bloom within you. The feeling of his hand on your throat only made it worse - or better - and you felt your core tighten.
He laughed darkly and for a moment; you wondered if it had all been a joke. Then his eyes grew fierce, and he stopped smiling. “It worked.”
You gazed up at him and licked your lips reflexively. His pupils dilated, and he lost his composure. His lips collided with yours and you felt the heat of his breath against you. They were the softest lips you had ever felt, but they crashed onto yours with a ferocity that made your knees weak. He pushed you into the wall to deepen the kiss and you wound your hands around him, one hand reaching up to the back of his head.
He moved his free hand down and cupped your bottom. You raised your right leg around his waist, which he held in place. Your tongues clashed, and you licked his lips as if you were back in a dream. He lifted your other leg, so you were now pinned against the wall, straddling him. He pushed into you and you wrapped your arms around him tightly. There were no thoughts, only the feeling of his fingers digging into your body as his mouth invaded yours. When you felt his erection against your core, a cry escaped your lips. He rubbed it against you once more and you bit his lip, hard.
He chuckled and gently pulled away from you, easing you down. You gazed at each other as if your eyes were magnetically locked. Both of you panted and wiped the corners of your mouth. “You’ve grown quite...assertive, Miss Eves,” he said in a rough voice. He tried to put on a candid act, but you saw through it. He was trying to suppress his desire.
You stepped towards him and put a hand on his chest. “I don’t want to go to the ball with anybody else,” you said.
His face froze, not knowing what to show you. So he chuckled and spun you around, putting a hand on your collarbone. His thumb grazed your throat, and you wondered if flames would erupt across your skin. “You will go to the ball with this boy,” he said. And he licked your ear and bit the lobe. You closed your eyes and nearly moaned. “You will dance with him, have a drink, and do what young women do at balls,” he said as he moved his other hand to your waist, squeezing it. “And at the end of the night, you will come to my room, and I will punish you for all of it. Do we have an understanding?”
Breathlessly, you said, “yes Master.”
He let go of you and bowed slightly, as if you were a proper lady and not the girl he just ravished against the wall. “Good girl,” he said with a wink.
You were thrown so back and forth with his words that your lust had slowly transformed into a deep hunger...and your stomach growled unceremoniously, loudly. He chuckled at the sound as you crossed your arms around yourself, trying to block out the noise.
“Perhaps we should return to the Great Hall and get you well fed. You need to keep up your energy for the ball,” he said.
You looked around at your surroundings. It was an empty stone room with no doors and a large chandelier in the ceiling. “Where are we?”
He waved his hand at the wall closest to you and a wooden door appeared. “This is the room of requirement,” he said. “It is a room that only appears when you are in great need of it, and it also becomes the room that you need.”
You raised your brows as you passed through the door with him into the empty hall. The door disappeared as if the room was not there. You touched the stone and knocked on it, but it was just a continuous wall. “Just when I thought this place had finished amazing me,” you said.
“Hogwarts will never cease to amaze, love,” Professor Laufeyson said. He stopped when you got to the stairs. “Now, I bid you farewell until the ball. Be sure to get into heaps of trouble,” he said, smirking.
“Oh, I will,” you said with a wide smile. The butterflies flowed freely through your body and you felt electrified. Suddenly, the ball had gotten much more exciting and you could not wait for Wednesday night.
You ran down the corridor, back to the main level, where several students ran past you. The smell of food wafted through the halls and your stomach grumbled more, so you picked up the pace. Another scent caught your nose, and you wondered what it was, since it definitely was not food. As you walked, you realized that the floor was covered in water. Puzzled, you entered the main corridor which led to the Great Hall and found a large crowd of students standing there.
You spotted Valkyrie ahead of you, so you pushed your way through several students, mumbling an apology, and tapped her shoulder. She looked at you grimly and gestured to the wall with her eyes. When your gaze followed, you stepped back with a hand to your chest. There was a message on the wall, written in blood. The nauseating scent of iron was thick in the air. The message wrote:
The beast has awakened...Enemies of the heir, beware...
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strawberrylemonz · 4 years
Laying out Foundation
Part 1
Part 2 [CURRENT]
Part 3
Dedicated to @wintercat96 I’d like to thank them for sticking around and helping me out in the little ways!
“Who the FUCK are you?!”
“Me?! Who the FUCK are you?!”
“I’m TommyInnit!”
“Wtf? No you’re not! I’m TommyInnit!”
“Fuck you!”
“No, fuck you!”
Before either of the boys could say another word, a loud boom of thunder caught them off guard. Falling back in similar manners, the two yelled out in synchronized shock as a bolt of lightning barely missed them.
Catching their breathes, the two Tommy’s exchanged a look before scrambling to their feet. Quickly wiping off the dirt off their clothes, the Tommy with the yellow gem cleared his throat, speaking up. 
“Okay okay okay okay, let’s figure this shit out after we find shelter.”
“Yeah, I can agree with that. Let’s get out of here before the weather turns all shit on us.”
The two of them grabbed their items, not that they had much on them. Aside from the blue gem, a handful of bread, some seeds, and a water bucket, Tommy didn’t own much at the time. Everything else was back at his house. The other Tommy seemed to only really have his yellow gem and a guitar. Giving a nod to each other, they made their way through the trees.
They had managed to find a couple of large wooden crates and some strong bungee cords. Using their strength stubbornness, the two managed to pull one of the crates up into a large tree by a decently sized clearing. After struggling for a bit, they managed to secure it with some cords. A groan could be heard from the large crate in the tree. 
“Why don’t we just chop down a tree to craft some wooden planks? We don’t have axes, so it won't be as fast, but it’ll be easier than this!”
The other Tommy just raised an eyebrow, crossing his arms. Giving out a partial laugh, he motioned towards the trees around them.
“Alright, big guy, then show me how it’s done.”
Rolling his eyes, the Tommy in question climbed out of the tree, grumbling as he approached a nearby tree. Looking at it up close, he noticed how different it looked compared to the trees back at home. Confused, he just shrugged and began punching, much to the confusion and concern of the other boy. Finally, afraid of having to clean a future infection without the proper supplies, he climbed down to stop the tree puncher.
“Alright, alright, stop stop stop stop. You don’t have to break your fucking hands because you’re annoyed with me, what the fuck ma-”
“What the fuck are you talking about?”
He froze in place, completely baffled and unsure as to whether or not he was seeing things. His double, who he was sure was insane, had just punched a chunk of the tree out. That wasn’t the only crazy thing about, the tree was still standing up, despite missing the center of its trunk. He watched in silence as the boy continued punching the tree, somehow causing its leaves to drop apples, tree saplings, and stick. Once his double finished, he somehow turned the punched tree parts into planks, then used those and crafted a small table. He stared as the boy made ladders, stairs and planks. 
“...whA T  THE FU C  K?!”
The two soon realized that there are abilities that the two of them can both do, as well as abilities that only one of them are capable of doing. After a screaming of match about such stupid logic, they accidentally discovered that they could combine their separate abilities to create something new. This became evident when they accidentally created a rope ladder for the tree. After all their arguing, however, there was one thing the two discovered that they could agree on.
“This treehouse is kick-ass”
“Hell yeah it is!”
As the sun began to set, the two boys quickly climbed into their newly made shelter. As one Tommy pulled up the rope ladder, the other spoke up to get rid of the silence. 
“I wonder how many mobs will spawn in tonight.”
“I’m sorry, how many what?”
“Y’know, mobs. Zombies, skeletons, creepers, endermen, spiders-”
“I’m going to stop you there because I have no idea what you’re going on about. Sounds like complete, utter bullshit.”
“You said the same thing about the tree”
“Fuck you”
It had been a week since the two Tommy’s were brought to this strange world. After much debate, they had finally decided to give each other nicknames, hoping that it would make telling the two apart by other people (if they did ever come across actual people). Despite these nicknames, they still referred to each other as “Tommy” when speaking to one another. 
“Dude, how did you learn to sew? That makes all this so much easier for us.”
“I just kinda learned back when I was younger. I actually ended up making the uniforms for the revolution back home.”
“Holy shit”
Rust!Tommy [Toms] shot himself a confident smile as he stared at his reflection in the glass. Adjusting the broach made from his yellow gem on his coat, he fixed the fingerless gloves on his hands. Turning to peer behind him at his counterpart, he stepped aside to allow him to see his reflection. Dsmp!Tommy [Thomas] adjusted his trench coat, admiring his his handiwork. He forgot what it felt like to make outfits for fun, for comfort, not for war or survival. Humming in approval, he clasped the broach, which was made from his blue gem, closed, closing his leather belt around his waist.
“Looks nice, bruv”
“Heh, I know”
“We should design hats for us! Know how to make a cowboy hat?”
“Why the fuck would you want a cowboy hat?”
“I’ll look fucking awesome”
The two laughed as they climbed out of their treehouse, which, to Toms, was surprisingly still in the tree. He had asked Thomas about how that was possible, to which he just replied with, “That’s just how my world works.” 
“You grab the wood and mine some cobble. I’ll gather sand and get the furnace going”
“Have fun hauling around buckets of sand!”
“Oh, fuck off. You know I can’t just store it in thin air like you can”
The two wrestled with each other’s arms, trying to mess up the other’s hair first. Toms cheered in victory as Thomas grumbled, heading to the trees. Humming to himself, he pulled out an axe and began cutting down wood. The two were working on an actual house to live in. As much as they enjoyed their treehouse, it wasn’t very big on it’s own. That’s why, much to their delight, it was getting an upgrade. Once Thomas cleared out a good amount of trees, he took out some saplings and bonemeal. putting four saplings by each other, he stepped back and added bonemeal. A giant tree grew towards the sky, towering above the surrounding forest. He couldn’t help but smile at how the tree looked, being much more round than his trees back home. Patting the bark, he walked over the crafting table and began crafting. He was never a talented builder, but he did remember the different builds made back home. Besides, it was only his double that was sticking around. As different as the two were in most aspects, they wouldn’t seriously insult each other’s handiwork. 
“That’s a huge tree”
Thomas, who was hallowing the inside of the tree, looked back at his double. Toms was staring up at the tree, bucket of sand in one hand, his other shielding the sunlight. 
“Are we going to need all this room?”
“We’ll find a way to use all the space. I wouldn’t worry about it too much.”
Nodding, Toms started on loading the furnace, getting the glass started. Pulling out some rope, he began making more rope ladders for the tree. Thomas, on the other hand, finished hallowing out the tree and towered up the leaves using the inside. Sighing a content sigh, he began leveling the leaved area, shearing away the leaves and placing down wooden planks. He began putting up the third wall by the time his double climbed up. Looking around, Toms nodded in approval. Peering up at the leaves above them, he finally decided to speak up. 
“What if we make large area? Just in case we have guests, or whatever.”
Thomas looked back at Toms, before also looking up at the leaves. Making a noise of agreement, he pulled out a piece of paper. Sitting down on the floor, he set out the paper and pulled out his ink and quill, handing it over to Toms. 
“Let’s see what you’re planning. Go all out on the blueprints, I can build it.”
And with a warm look of approval at each other, the two got to work.
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lardguz · 3 years
Panic in the Pantry
So I've been really into Ze//ro Esca//pe lately, and I noticed there was like, no weight gain writing for the series, probably because the games themselves are pretty serious most of the time. But I'm gay and a loser so I wrote a thing of Si//gma trying to solve the Pantry escape room by eating everything in sight!
A tall, muscular young man stood in a hallway in front of a door flanked by two other people: another tall young guy who was much thinner and lankier than the first one and was wearing a ridiculous circus ringleader getup, and a short, skinny girl with white hair. The three of them stared at the door in front of them, which had the word “Pantry” being projected from the front of it somehow. The three of them were just one third of the people in this facility as far as they knew, and they were being forced to play something called “The Nonary Game Ambidex Edition” by someone called Zero. The tall muscular man named Sigma and the other half of his bracelet pair, the small girl named Phi, had teamed up with the blonde man in the top hat named Dio, and opened one of the chromatic doors to proceed to the next round of the game. This had led them to the hallway they were currently in, facing the door to what was apparently going to be a pantry.
Sigma turned to his two teammates and motioned towards the door. “So, this place has a pantry. You think that means there were people living here before this game started?”
Phi rolled her eyes and responded in complete deadpan. “No, I think they were just expecting us to be here for a while, Sigma. Of course people were living here. Who else would have built this place?”
“I dunno, they have an AI rabbit in the main computer, who’s to say if this place isn’t run by robots or something?” Sigma retorted. He crossed his muscular arms and glared down at the white-haired girl, who was staring right back at him, unflinching. Dio placed a hand on each of their shoulders and spoke in his usual slow, condescending voice. “All right, all right, settle down you two. We don’t have time for lover’s quarrels right now, remember? We gotta find the key cards for the Ambidex Gate. So let’s get a move on, okay?” Sigma and Phi grumbled in reluctant agreement, and Sigma moved to open the door.
What greeted the trio was a room filled with walls and walls of drawers, each one meticulously labeled with which foods it contained within. The three of them immediately set about examining each drawer. “This is… a lot of food,” Phi whispered as she checked another drawer. “Why did they stockpile so much of it, do you think?”
“Probably so they could keep building this fucked-up murder game without having to make constant trips to the grocery store or something.” Dio responded, pulling out a container of spaghetti from the drawer he was checking. He looked at it with a hint of disgust on his face. “Urgh, it’s all prepackaged food though. The kinda shit that’s loaded with preservatives and stuff to make it last forever. This shit is so unhealthy. Whoever built this place must be a total fatass after living off this for God knows how long.”
Sigma paused as he opened a drawer of udon stir fry bowls. “Wait. Maybe this food isn’t for Zero.”
Phi looked up at him, raising one eyebrow inquisitively. “What do you mean, Sigma?”
He grabbed one of the bowls of udon and ripped open the packaging. Sigma grabbed a noodle with his bare hand and dropped it into his waiting mouth, and spoke as he chewed. “Well, if th’scape room’sh a pantry, maybe th’ puzzle’sh gotta involve thish food!” He swallowed and continued explaining himself. “I mean, why else would one of the escape rooms be a pantry? We probably have to eat a certain amount of the food here to unlock the door or something!” The dark haired man reached his hand into the udon bowl again and grabbed more noodles to eat as Dio and Phi stared at him incredulously.
Phi sighed heavily and went back to searching the room herself, but Dio was laughing too hard to continue doing much of anything. “Hahahaha, holy shit, Sigma, you’re a damn genius! You got this whole game all figured out, huh?” The blonde man’s voice was dripping with sarcasm, but Sigma didn’t care. He was convinced he was right, and so he kept eating his udon stoically. When he finished the first bowl, he reached into the drawer and grabbed another, and another, until he’d cleared it out entirely. When Sigma straightened up to open the next drawer, he felt his middle wobble slightly, and he looked down. His stomach stuck out just a little bit, a nice coating of soft fat just beginning to form over his formerly toned abs. Shaking his head, Sigma opened the drawer anyways, reasoning with himself that if this was the solution to the puzzle, he could sacrifice his muscles for now. Plus there was probably a weight loss antidote as a reward in the safe! He grabbed the packages of curry from the drawer he opened and kept eating, trying his best to ignore his gradually growing waistline.
After an hour in the pantry, Phi and Dio had turned up no hints to solving the puzzle themselves. Sigma also hadn’t encountered any hints, but what he had done was clear out six whole drawers of provisions, and it showed. His outfit, once baggy and poorly fitting, now clung to his new chubby body, accentuating every roll and fold. His blue button-up shirt rode up on his torso, no longer able to be tucked into his matching pants whatsoever. The buttons were beginning to strain against his growing gut, and the short sleeves dug into his fat upper arms. The waistband of his pants was clearly straining as well, his belly and hips oozing over the top of it to form a plush muffin top. His thickening thighs and calves caused the fabric of his pants to look like an overstuffed piping bag, and his ass, which had already been pretty round and desirable before, was starting to feel like it would burst out of his painfully tight pants at any moment.
Sigma had to sit down for a moment to rest, all this ravenous eating tiring out the young man immensely. He sat with his belly in his lap, rubbing it slowly to try and ease off some of the discomfort from his ever-tightening clothes, when suddenly he felt a hard slap on his fat ass from behind. He yelped in surprise and whipped around to see Dio grinning mischievously.
“Now, now, Sigma, c’mon! We don’t have time for you to be resting on your fat ass!” The blonde man chuckled as he tipped the rim of his top hat towards the pantry drawers. “After all, you said so yourself! The solution is probably related to aaaaaall that food! So you gotta get back to eating as fast as possible, so all of us can get the hell outta here!”
“But, my clothes—” Sigma tried to whine, but he was cut off, this time by a disgruntled Phi. “Ah ah ah, no. Shut up, Sigma. You committed to this stupid plan, and we’re gonna make sure you see it through to the end whether you like it or not.” The girl prodded him in the side with a slim finger, which sunk a couple inches into his flab. “Understand?”
Sigma sighed heavily and hoisted himself back up, almost falling over from his sudden shifting weight. After catching himself with one of the drawers, he opened it and began clearing it of its contents. After another few drawers of food were emptied into his stomach, Sigma heard a snapping noise and felt cool air on his gut suddenly. The release of the building pressure of his lower gut straining against the bottommost button of his shirt was enough for him to realize said button had finally come flying off, which meant the rest were probably soon to follow. The sweet release of his painfully tight cloth prison within sight now, Sigma sped up his consumption considerably, shoveling down packaged pizzas and burgers with ease. Two more buttons went soaring off as he feasted, and his massive gut surged forth like a tidal wave of lard. It flopped over the waistband of his pants and reached almost down to his thighs, his crotch still visible for now. The remaining three buttons at the top of his shirt held strong, but his shirt was being stretched across his chest much further than it was meant to, looking more like an oversized bikini top than a button-up. His chest had fattened up considerably, transforming his huge pecs into even more huge breasts, larger than even Alice’s. With the shirt holding them in place for now, like a bra, they didn’t sag to the sides of his growing gut yet. The seams of the short sleeves were starting to creak and groan from how tight there were against his flabby bingo wings, little diamonds of his arm fat starting to ooze through in small rips. His thighs were starting to do the same to his overburdened pants, seams popping every time he moved his legs even slightly. When he bent down to open a drawer that was closer to the floor, a loud ripping sound came from behind Sigma, and Dio started cackling mockingly. Sigma realized with a cold start that the seat of his pants must have been ripped by his growing ass. His chubby cheeks flushing pink, Sigma’s round face, now accompanied by a full double chin, was hot with embarrassment. He looked down at the drawer he had just opened, filled with packaged cupcakes, and wondered if this was even worth the embarrassment at this point.
Before he could make a decision, though, Phi appeared in front of him and leaned down to grab a package of the cupcakes. She tore it open and popped one into Sigma’s unsuspecting mouth, stifling an exclamation of surprise. She held the package out to him as he chewed on the pastry. “You’re not giving up on your plan already, are you, Sigma. What if this really is the solution? You’re so far into solving it already, may as well see it through to the end, right?” She gave Sigma a reassuring smile, and he immediately felt at ease again despite Dio’s laughing still ringing in his ears. Sigma took the package of cupcakes from Phi and smiled, his chubby cheeks causing his eyes to squint. “Thanks, Phi. It’s nice to know at least one of you believes in me.” She mumbled a response that Sigma didn’t catch, but he was already shoving the rest of the cupcakes in his fat face, so it didn’t matter to him.
Another half an hour had passed, and Dio and Phi had decided to make themselves busy with helping Sigma with his plan instead of exploring the rest of the room. The college student was having some issues reaching the lower drawers now, and walking was getting to be a little bit of a problem too, so they were helping bring him more of the provisions for him to eat. The obese man currently stood with one open drawer at chest level, shoveling the food from it directly into his mouth. His double chin had grown into a triple chin, and his neck was slowly being replaced by rolls of soft fat instead. His chubby chipmunk cheeks had begun drooping, looking more like the jowls of an oversized dog instead. The sleeves of his shirt had ripped open a few minutes ago, setting his wobbling arm fat free. His jiggly biceps slapped against his chest every time he lifted more food up to his mouth. His shirt’s one remaining button strained against his growing moobs, massive tears beginning to form in the fabric stretching across his squishy breasts. His stomach rolls had folded over themselves, forming a three tiered flabby apron that went down to his thighs. The button on his pants had burst off a while ago, and his pants seams were all but gone, just a few threads managing to keep his overfed thighs and beanbag sized ass cheeks from bursting out of them entirely. After finishing the drawer directly in front of his face, Sigma turned his bulk towards the pile of food Phi and Dio had gathered for him, and began waddling towards it. He had to spread his legs uncomfortably far apart to keep his thighs from rubbing together, and even then they still did. He also couldn’t bend his legs anymore, his knees buried under rolls of fat from his jiggly thighs. His oversized ass cheeks, each roughly the size of a couch cushion, drooped down about the same distance as his massive gut, and had lost all semblance of shape and tone, now just two squarish blobs of pure lard. The lowest roll of his apron of a stomach slapped against his thighs with every slow, deliberate step forward, sending his entire body wobbling with each one. It took him three minutes to walk ten feet across the room, and the already massive young man was wheezing for breath by the time he stopped. After catching his breath, Sigma grabbed a package of spaghetti and meatballs off the top of the pile, tore it open, and poured it directly into his fat mouth. Then he did the same for a pizza, a meatloaf, a plate of fish and chips, any and everything in the pile was unceremoniously devoured. The last button of his shirt ripped off its overburdened thread and went flying, narrowly missing Dio’s head. The button pinging off the wall seemed to be the signal the rest of Sigma’s clothing had been waiting for, as every remaining seam burst one after another, sending his massive body surging forth.
Dio turned to Phi as Sigma continued stuffing his face without pause, a look of disgust plastered on his face. “He’s still going! The guy is buck-ass-naked in front of us with only his little boxers on, fat as a whale, and still keeps eating!” The blonde tssked loudly as Sigma began shoving crepes into his mouth. “What’re we gonna do about this lardass?”
Phi cocked her head to one side, thinking. “Well, he’s clearly not going to stop til either all the food is gone, or he can’t reach it anymore, and I kinda want to see how far he ends up taking his stupid idea.” She looked straight at Dio, a smug smirk plastered on her face. “Let’s just help Sigma finish his little job and then we can figure out the room ourselves, without his whining.”
Dio chuckled and gave Phi a conspiratorial wink. “Say no more, little miss. That is fuckin’ devious. I like your style!” He sauntered over to the massive food pile he and Phi had made and began handing dishes directly to Sigma’s greedy hands, his fat sausage fingers immediately grasping anything placed near them and emptying it into his mouth. Sigma’s arms were now so fat that his wrists were starting to sink into his own arm fat, and his pillow-sized arm rolls were constantly squished between his multiple layers of love handles and his massive breasts, thus forcing them to rest at an angle at all times, and making it steadily harder for him to reach his face with his food-filled hands. His face looked like it was slowly being absorbed into his fat body, chubby neck rolls and multiple chins surrounding his drooping jowls which were starting to block his vision somewhat. His chins and neck rolls blended together, flowing down his front like a river of flab, nestled between the valley that was his moobs. Shreds of his blue shirt still clung to his breasts, some stuck underneath the pillow-sized bags of fat which sagged horribly to the sides of his gut now that they were free from their cloth prison. His plush side rolls and back fat were fully on display now, showing clearly how his arms were never going to be able to rest at his sides ever again, and that even if he were to try and lay down, he wouldn’t be able to get flatter than a sitting position with all his multitudes of back rolls propping him up and pooling around his body. The topmost layer of his stomach was wide enough to be used as a bed for a medium sized dog, and was too heavy for anyone to lift even on its own. The middle layer folded over on top of where Sigma’s belly button once was, creating a cavity underneath that was probably almost a foot deep now. The middle and bottom rolls of his enormous stomach were pure lard, soft and jiggly, and very, very heavy. The bottom of the lowest roll reached past his knees now, dangling just a foot off the ground. His legs were as thick as tree trunks now, every inch of his adipose-stuffed thighs and calves touching no matter how far apart he spread his legs. Even his toes were fat now, though they could barely be seen with the mass of flab that was his lower calves slowly starting to engulf his ankles. His misshapen, flabby rear end was almost touching the floor as well, each overstuffed bean bag chair of an ass cheek protruding well over a few feet from his morbidly obese body. His boxers hadn’t been destroyed by their mass yet, but the overburdened underwear looked more like the world’s skimpiest thong, with Sigma’s boulder-sized butt cheeks swallowing the stretched fabric of the garment between their bulbous forms. Phi perched herself on top of one of his massive moobs and started dumping food from the pile directly into Sigma’s waiting mouth, his heavy fat-swaddled arms too tired to lift anything more himself. Dio, being much taller than Phi, merely had to lean against Sigma’s increasingly more squishy side to place more food into his pile of chins, which doubled his rate of consumption considerably. Dio and Phi shared a conspiratorial wink. This was the final stretch of Sigma’s stupid plan!
One more hour passed in the pantry before Phi shoved the last prepacked pie into Sigma’s greedy mouth. She sighed in relief and hopped down off the man’s oversized chest, and stepped back to take in the enormity of her bracelet pair mate. Somehow, despite his incredible size and weight, Sigma was still standing on his own two feet. Whether he could still walk remained to be seen, and Phi didn’t have her hopes up very high for that. The young man was ridiculously obese, probably pushing close to half a ton weight-wise now. A loud belch erupted from Sigma’s mouth, his face a bloated parody of what it used to be mere hours ago. His neck rolls pushed his jowls up around his face, making it look like he was sinking and using a life preserver to keep only his fat face afloat. His arms were so swollen they were barely recognizable, the only hint to their existence as arms being the sausage-shaped fingers poking out from the ends. His massively saggy moobs slumped to either side of his stomach, wobbling with every wheezing breath the mountain of a man took. His love handles bunched up underneath the flab-filled bingo wings of his arms, multiple side rolls forming above his hips that were wide enough to fill an entire sofa by himself. His overstuffed gut now reached the floor, the lowest roll pressing firmly into it even when standing upright. His legs looked like a bursting overfilled sausage casing, his thighs' dimpled fat pressing each other so far apart it was utterly insane that he hadn’t fallen over on his fat ass yet. Especially when you considered Sigma’s ass was so stuffed and loaded with squishy fat that it, too, now almost touched the floor even when he was just standing, and his boxers looked like a few pieces of string stretched across the wide expanse of his cheeks. His feet couldn’t be seen behind his wobbling apron of a stomach, but if they weren’t obscured by that mass of pure flab, they would still not be visible; the fat from his calves had collapsed over top of his ankles, hiding his feet entirely. Overall, Sigma had grown to nearly four times his size in just a few hours of clearing out the entire pantry.
Sigma gazed blearily past his enormous chest and stomach at his teammates, letting out another loud burp. He spoke in a voice that sounded unfamiliar to him, the amount of fat coating his vocal chords causing him to sound huskier, with a deeper voice, and his jowls and chins affecting his speech somewhat. “Did… haah… th’ dooh ohpen? Haah… shohl…ve… th’ puzzshle?” he wheezed. Phi groaned. “Of course you didn’t, you moron! We told you that stuffing yourself wasn’t going to be the solution!”
Dio chuckled and clapped a hand to Sigma’s flabby lovehandle. “Yeah, but we knew you’d never shut up if we didn’t let you try it, so we decided to just let you do your thing, and now here we are!” The blonde man pinched the soft side rolls, forcibly wobbling them back and forth, causing a cacophony of Sigma’s rolls and flaps to slap into each other loudly. The man moaned in discomfort, but Dio continued his torment, delighting in watching the helpless Sigma jiggling all over.
Raising his voice to be heard over the noise of the shockwaves rippling all over his half-ton of flab, Sigma spoke in a husky whine. “Sho then… haah… whuh ah we… haah… gunna do to… haah… eshcape?” Phi patted the lowest roll of his stomach sympathetically before speaking. “Well, Dio and I are gonna figure out how to actually escape this room now. Together. Without you, Sigma.”
The blubbery man burped again before speaking. “But… haah… whuh am I… haah… how do I… haah… help you guysh… haah… sholve it?” He looked upset, like he’d failed both Phi and Dio with his stupid plan by becoming useless to them both. Phi turned her back to him, ignoring his question entirely. Dio stopped jiggling Sigma’s soft side rolls and followed the short woman to see how he could help. Sigma was left standing in the middle of the pantry, the weight of his failure pressing down on his conscience just about as much as the weight of his fat was pressing down on his body. He’d never eaten so much in his life, not even when he was partying constantly in his freshman year of college. How did he think this was a smart idea? He was so stupid! No wonder Phi and Dio let him do this to himself just to get him out of their way. Just before Sigma’s self-pity party was going to get too sad, Phi shouted from across the room. “Hah! Got it! Told you I could handle it, Dio!” She strutted triumphantly back across the pantry towards Sigma’s weighty form, Dio following at a distance, grumbling. “Well, I figured you’d be fine, but I also thought maybe you could use a man’s help. A smart man. Not like big ol’ land whale over there.”
Phi stood in front of Sigma’s stationary form, waving up at his bloated face. “Hey, Sigma! I got the key to get out of here from the safe. There’s some other stuff too but none of it’s of much use to us right now.” The near-immobile man breathed a sigh of relief. At least one of them had managed to solve the escape room. “Thash grea’, Phi!” he said aloud, still surprised at how different his voice was now, “Sho are we leaving now?” He tried to look down at the girl directly in front of him, but couldn’t see her past his enormous gut, moobs, and chins. Phi must have realized this, as suddenly she was jumping in the air and landed directly on his flabby chest, standing in front of his face. She looked him up and down before speaking. “Sigma, do you think you can still walk?”
Sigma wiggled his toes experimentally, nodding decisively as he felt he could still move his feet at least. “I c’n proba’ly walk, yeah. Migh' take me shome time though. Shorry.” Phi patted his jowls reassuringly. “Don’t worry, Sigma. I’ll make sure Dio doesn’t leave without us. Just take your time, okay?” The agile young woman hopped back down, running ahead to keep Dio busy, leaving Sigma to begin his most arduous task of his life: walking a few hundred feet across a room and getting through the door. Slowly he began moving his right leg, the fat coating it shifting past his left leg and slapping against the bottom of his drooping stomach. He moved his left leg forward slowly, essentially walking in a very slow, heavy, exaggerated waddle. His gut touched the floor and the front of his legs the entire way, slapping into his gelatinous thighs every waddling step, sending its entire expanse of rolls wobbling like a pendulum. His shapeless ass cheeks balloon out behind him, jiggling like jello every time he moved even a little. Sigma’s fat face felt like it was on fire, his cheeks bright red and sweaty from the effort of moving around a thousand pounds of fatty flesh across a room. His breath was coming in rasps, mouth agape and panting, his multiple chins wobbling as his chest heaved from the exertion. After something like ten minutes of waddling his fat ass towards the door to escape the pantry, Sigma finally stopped to catch his breath. Taking big wheezing gulps of air, his massive breasts shaking from any slight movement of his chest, Sigma spent another five minutes just preparing to leave the door. Finally, his breathing about as stable as it could be with his lungs being crushed under a half ton of body fat at all times, the enormously overfed man began taking small, waddling steps towards the door. Three.. his thigh slapped loudly against his lowest gut roll. Two… he grasped the door frame with his pudgy sausage fingers. One… he slowly inched his wide body through the door, until suddenly, he stopped. Why am I not moving anymore? He thought to himself, before trying to pull himself forward again. Still nothing. What the fuck was stopping him? He couldn’t turn around to look because his neck was so encased in fat that he couldn’t rotate his head at all, but Sigma didn’t really have to look to guess that the cold metal digging into his soft hips was the door frame, and that his ass was too wide to fit through the door. Well, fuck. That’s not good. Sigma swore internally, before calling out for help. “Hey, Phi… haah… Dio? Haah… haah… there'sh a… haaaaaaah… pro’lem! Pleashe… haah… haah… help?” After a few seconds, Phi returned from further down the hall, Dio not far behind, both taking stock of the situation in front of them. Sigma was fully wedged in the doorway, his massive gut and chest hanging in front of him slightly as his hips, thighs, and couch-sized ass were clearly jammed in the other side of the door. Dio sighed. “All right, big guy. We’re gonna need to get extra help for this. Hold tight.” Sigma whined as the left, calling after their retreating forms, “Guysh, don’… haah… leave me… haaah… behind… haah… buh pleashe… bring… haah… haah… bring… shnacksh… hungry…” Phi stared at Dio incredulously as they ran to find the others. “He just asked for snacks. After all that, he’s still hungry. Unbelievable. Maybe he really will end up the size of a whale before this is all over.”
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majimemegoro · 3 years
When Saejima drifted to consciousness and opened his eyes to see the well-worn beams of a traditional house, with dried fish hanging from its rafters and a pot over the hearth, he was more surprised at the fact that he was anywhere at all than at the particular surroundings he found himself in.
It only took a few more seconds of his blinking at the ceiling before a voice beside him said, “Ah, you’re awake.”
Saejima groaned and somehow managed to sit up despite the fact that every muscle in his body felt like it had been pulverized. Then he realized that between the brawl in the prison, the tumble from the snowmobile, the fight with the bear (had that been real?), and whatever effects he was suffering from exposure to the elements, every muscle in his body probably had been pulverized. The skin, bones, and organs, too.
The person who had spoken sat across from Saejima, on the other side of the little hearth and hanging pot, from which a delicious smell was emanating. His hair and beard were grey.
“You can call me Okudera,” the man said. “I brought you down from the mountain. You’re lucky to be alive.” And without pausing: “Here.” He pushed a bowl of hot stew into Saejima’s hands.
Saejima looked down at it, and then back up at the man - Okudera. His expression was calm and clear, but Saejima couldn’t help dwelling on all the ways this situation was strange and had the potential to become terrible. Did this guy not realize that Saejima had escaped from Abashiri?
“It’s good,” Okudera said impatiently. “Now go on, eat.”
Carefully Saejima took a piece of meat in his chopsticks and put it in his mouth. His eyes widened.
Okudera cracked a grin. “That was made by the best damn cook in Hokkaido,” he said.
Saejima attacked the meal. He was inclined to believe Okudera was right.
As he finished scraping the last of the sauce into his mouth, there was a sliding sound and the whistle of wind, and a second man entered the house. The man hesitated for a moment when he saw that Saejima was awake, but his eyes weren’t fearful. There was something animal-like in the placid intensity of his gaze, as though he were a predator looking at something that wasn’t food, something it wasn’t planning on devouring. It was unnerving. Then he turned away and began shedding his hat and coat.
“Ah, you’re back,” Okudera said. “Our guest has awoken.”
“I can see that,” the second man said expressionlessly. His voice was soft, but hoarse. “How are you feeling?”
Saejima opened his mouth to answer, but Okudera beat him to it. “I said I’m fine,” Okudera said, in the mild tone of a man who had gotten tired of pretending to be offended at inquiries into his well-being. “It will take more than a little weight-bearing hike to put me out of commission. Didn’t even muss my ponytail.”
The other man shrugged. He took a stool and sat down by the wall, facing towards Saejima and hunched over with his elbows on his knees. The single light bulb hanging from the ceiling did little to illuminate the harsh planes of his face, only hollowed his cheekbones and turned his eye sockets into dark holes, making his grim stare unsettling indeed.
“Ah...” Okudera said. He turned back to Saejima. “Well, you’ve already heard who I am. And this is my-”
“I’m his hunting partner,” the other man broke in, deadpan. “Suzuki.”
“Uh, yeah, this is my hunting partner... Suzuki,” Okudera repeated, looking at him. “He can be a bit unfriendly, but he’s a good guy, really. Suzuki - cheer up!”
Suzuki didn’t take his eyes off Saejima, and his expression didn’t soften.
Saejima nodded slowly. “I’m Saejima,” he said. “Thank you for rescuin’ me. I owe you my life.”
“Not a big deal,” Okudera said. “Besides, if the bears eat human flesh they get all fucked up, apparently, and we already have a demon bear on the loose around here, so...”
Recalling the bear he had fought, Saejima nodded again, darkly. He could very well imagine that thing being a man-eater. He was really lucky to be alive.
And then he remembered, and ice shot through his veins.
“Oh no!” Saejima said. “Baba-chan! My - I came here with a friend, did either of you see-?!”
Okudera’s brow creased with worry as he shook his head. “There was someone else with you?”
“Yeah! Baba, he’s - I have to go get him-!” Saejima tried to rise.
“Oh no, stop moving!” Okudera said. “You’ll damage your flesh, remember? I didn’t see anyone else out there, but I’ll go back and look-”
“I’ll go,” Suzuki said, standing up. “You’re exhausted, you should rest.”
“I’m a better tracker,” Okudera protested, also rising.
“You might as well have recently carried a deer down from the mountain,” Suzuki said bluntly. “You’re pretending to be fine, but your back is acting up, no? I’m faster than you, anyway. And furthermore, Yama-oroshi is out. I’m better off on my own.”
For a moment Okudera’s mouth twisted, as though he were tasting the fact that Suzuki was right, and hated the flavor. Then, “Fine, Simo,” Okudera said, sitting back down. “Do what you want.”
Suzuki had already turned away and begun outfitting himself in winter gear by the time Okudera finished giving his grudging permission.
“Simo?” Saejima echoed. “Yama-oroshi?”
“Simo is just a nickname,” Okudera said morosely, watching Suzuki tie a pale yellow animal pelt over his shoulders and back. “Because Suzuki is such a fucking amazing sniper or whatever. Yama-oroshi is what the villagers call the demon bear.”
As Suzuki finished pulling a dark green hat down over his ears, Okudera climbed off the wooden floor and took the rifle off the hooks where it hung by the door. He handed it to Suzuki.
Suzuki took it with a nod of thanks, and stood there, ready. Okudera reached down to adjust the cords holding Suzuki’s pelt in place.
“Be careful,” he murmured.
“I will,” Suzuki replied, almost as softly. Then he moved away and slid the door open. A gust of cold wind whistled through, making Saejima shiver.
“Come back alive!” Okudera said.
“I will,” Suzuki said, and the door slid shut.
For a moment Okudera stayed by the entrance. Then, with a heavy sigh, he returned to his cushion by the fire and settled down.
“He’ll be pissed that I’m telling you this,” Okudera said, “But Sa- Suzuki is like you.”
“He escaped from Abashiri. Ten years ago.”
“Oh!” It made sense, then, why Okudera and Suzuki weren’t rushing to turn Saejima in - apparently Okudera had long ago made a decision about how to react to escaped convicts, and that reaction didn’t involve running to the police. It might have made Saejima suspicious, but he found he could only be grateful for the fact that the two men were generous enough - odd enough - to take in a man in prison garb without question, and even to go out after his comrade, in what sounded like dangerous conditions. “I’m really so grateful for all you’ve done,” Saejima said.
“Ha. What was I going to do, leave you to die?” Okudera dismissed. “Anyone would have done the same.” He got up again and walked over to the shelves on one side of the room. He rifled around, and Saejima heard clinking. Okudera returned with two cups in one hand and a bottle of Block Party bourbon dangling between the fingers of the other hand.
“I know just what you need,” he said, wiggling the bottle invitingly. “Nothing like a good drink to warm you up after a brush with death on the mountain.” He poured out two cups, and Saejima accepted gratefully.
The bourbon burned going down, but it set a welcome glow in Saejima’s chest.
Okudera took a long drink. “Ah,” he said appreciatively. “Bet you missed that in jail, huh?”
Saejima nodded. “Shit’s dehumanizing. No cigarettes, no booze, disgustin’ food.”
Okudera leaned forward. “Some guys get cigarettes and booze in jail, though.”
“Well, sure,” Saejima said. “But I was on my best behavior. Tryin’ to get out fast. Couldn’t break the rules except in real serious cases.”
“Were you in for a long time?” Okudera asked.
Saejima paused before answering. “I was in for a long time on false charges,” he said. “Then I was out for a bit. Then I was in for two years on true charges.”
“No shit? False charges?”
“Can I ask-?”
“Murder,” Saejima said. “The real charge was on assault.”
Impressed, Okudera whistled. “I bet you’ve got a hell of a story, huh?”
“I’ll drink to that,” Saejima said, and finished his bourbon.
Okduera raised his cup and did likewise. After tossing back the rest of his drink, he refilled his cup halfway, and then, “That’s all,” he said, screwing the bottle shut. “I can’t get drunk while - Suzuki is up on the mountain. It doesn’t feel right.”
Saejima agreed. Intoxication would be a welcome respite from worry about Baba, but it wasn’t a respite Saejima would willingly seek. “Um, Okudera-han,” he said, “What do you think the chances are that Suzuki-han will find Baba?”
The look on Okudera’s face was full of sympathy, and it made Saejima’s heart sink. “He’ll definitely find him, I think,” Okudera said gently. “Just hope that your friend was able to find some kind of shelter, otherwise...”
Tears pricked at Saejima’s eyes. If only he hadn’t fallen unconscious after fighting the bear, he might have saved Baba himself. As it was - “How long has it been?” he asked. “Since you found me?”
“...You slept for a few hours after I got you back,” Okudera admitted. “But think on the bright side!” he exclaimed. “Sa- Suzuki wasn’t kidding when he said he’s fast, and he’s observant and tenacious as hell, too. There’s no one better to have looking for you if you’re in trouble on the mountain. So don’t you get all mopey on me, okay?”
“There’s also a demon bear out there, you said.”
“Uh, yeah.” Okudera raked a hand through his hair, nearly ruining the ponytail.
“It sure is dangerous up in the mountains,” Saejima said morosely.
Okudera sighed heavily. “Yeah. Shit.” A pause. He fidgeted, playing with his still half-full cup of bourbon. “Are you usually the responsible type or the impulsive type?”
“Uh... depends who I’m with,” Saejima replied. “Compared to some people I’m responsible, I guess, but plenty of folks seem to think I make dumb decisions, so-”
Okudera let out a sound of relief. “Oh, thank fuck,” he said. “So you wouldn’t stop me from going out after my hunting partner even though he told me not to?”
“Great.” Okudera slapped his knees and then rose. “I’m going after him. He might need help.” He bent back down to grab his cup, and threw back the remaining alcohol like a shot.
“Hey, Okudera-han, are you the type to stop me from taggin’ along to help my partner?”
“Ah...” Okudera paused in his flurry of activity, and his face twisted. “You really could die if you exert yourself too much right now,” he said regretfully. “Or get permanent tissue damage.”
“The booze thawed me out. You said so yourself.”
Still Okudera hesitated. “Suzuki would bite my ass off if I let you come with me,” he said at last. “He’s the responsible type through and through... most of the time. As much as I know he can handle himself, I can’t just sit on my ass while he might be facing off against that monster. But you’re another matter. I’d love to bring you with me, guns blazing and all, but it’s also true that having a novice with me will slow us way down-”
“Fine,” Saejima grunted in frustration. He didn’t like it, but Okudera was right. It was for the best, however painful, that Saejima sit here uselessly while Baba was rescued.
Okudera pulled on a blue parka and tied off the sleeves, then attached a fur cape across his shoulders with rope, the same as Suzuki had done.
“Suzuki-han said somethin’ about your back-?” Saejima broke in.
“I already took painkillers,” Okudera said. “I’ll be fine. And it’s not like your friend can possibly be as heavy as you... right?” Apprehension evident in his tone.
Saejima shook his head. “He’s a skinny guy, actually.”
“Good. That will be no problem, then.” Okudera fastened an ammo belt over his coat.
“Okay. Are you sure there ain’t anythin’ I can do to help?”
“Keep the hearth warm, I guess,” Okudera said distractedly, hopping around as he pulled on rubber boots. “Just stick some new logs in if it starts to burn too low. Oh, and you should put some proper clothes on, you’ll freeze if you stay in that dumb prison jumpsuit.”
“I don’t got a change of clothes,” Saejima said.
“You can wear some of my old stuff - in that basket.” Okudera pointed at it. “It should fit okay. By the way, I know you said you were on your best behavior, but do you have any contraband with you?”
“Like cigarettes or... other stuff. From jail. You know. Drugs.”
“Uh, I might have a few ibuprofen.
“Never mind, never mind,” Okudera said hurriedly. He straightened up and adjusted his pelt one last time before heading to the door and pulling the rifle from the upper set of hooks there. “Okay,” he said. “Wish me luck. For the bear and all, but also so that - Suzuki doesn’t get too pissed at me for disobeying orders.”
“Good luck,” Saejima said, and then with a stiff nod, Okudera was gone.
Saejima drummed his fingers on his knee. The wind whistled mournfully against the cracks of the door. Even near the fire it was a bit chilly, as he was dressed only in the thin prison uniform. He decided to get changed, as Okudera had suggested.
In the basket he was able to find a decent outfit. First thing, a pair of thick woollen socks. The black t-shirt was pretty tight and the pants were a little too short in the leg, but tucking them into the sturdy leather boots got rid of the problem just fine. Best of all, Saejima found a heavy parka with fur trim, and it was in army green - just his color. He happily slid it on, and it fit perfectly.
He started pacing the floor.
For a few minutes he walked around, examining the items hanging on the wall and stored carefully on the various shelves. He briefly picked up a book of poetry and flipped through it.
Then he ran out of self-control and walked out the door.
A helpful villager pointed him in the direction of the trailhead, and Saejima was soon heading uphill, the river rushing beside him. Snowflakes blew into his face, stinging his skin. He fumbled with the zipper on the jacket, but a few seconds made it clear that the zipper was broken. He gave up trying to close it, and began to walk faster. He couldn’t get frostbite if he wasn’t outside for long.
The wind was bitterly cold. After a few minutes Saejima’s face and neck went numb. He pulled the collar of the green parka closer around his throat and kept walking. Snow got into the top of his boots.
He was just beginning to think that maybe it was stupid to go up into the mountain completely unprepared and with no idea where he was going when he spied Okudera coming the other direction. He was hunched, and on his broad shoulders-
“Baba!” Saejima exclaimed, running harder to meet them. Baba was slung over Okudera’s back, looking frighteningly white and still. His lips were blue. “Baba! Is he-?”
“He’s alive,” Okudera said, stopping. There was a smear of blood at the corner of his mouth, above the scrubby beard. “But he’s in shit shape. And Sato’s in trouble.”
“Suzuki!” Okudera corrected hurriedly. “Sato is his given name. But never mind that! Now listen.” He spoke quickly. “Baba’s going to die if he doesn’t get to proper shelter fast. Really fast. So as much as I hate it, I have to be the one to take him back to the house. But Sat- Suzuki was attacked by that fucking bear and he’s holding it off for us.”
“He can handle the fight, but he was injured and I’m worried about him getting back; Saejima, go find him - just follow the tracks. There isn’t anything an unarmed person can do against that thing, so don’t try to help Sato. Just don’t get in his way.”
“But you want me to help him get back?”
“Yes!” Okudera hefted Baba higher on his shoulders, and started walking sideways back towards the village. “He’s incredibly stubborn and he probably won’t want any support. But promise me you’ll at least take his arm! His side was all torn up - it looked deep-”
The frantic worry in Okudera’s voice was something Saejima was intimately familiar with, in the same way he was all too familiar with the problem of a companion who was unwilling to admit weakness or accept help.
“I promise!” Saejima said. “And - take good care of Baba-chan!”
With only a bob of the head for confirmation, Okudera turned away and headed off again. For a few seconds Saejima stood reluctantly watching him retreat into the falling snow with Baba’s body. Then Saejima turned around and set off again, following Okudera’s tracks.
After only a few more minutes of trudging through the snow, Suzuki appeared in the near distance. He was hunched in a sturdy shooting stance, and there was blood splattered all along the pelt he was wearing. As Saejima watched, a shot cracked out and an an unearthly roar emanated from somewhere beyond the haze of swirling snow, but not far enough for safety.
Suzuki split his gun open, deftly reloaded two bullets into the chambers, and in an instant had the gun braced on his shoulder, ready to shoot again.
“Suzuki-han!” Saejima called. “Suzuki-han!”
Suzuki’s attention only flickered towards Saejima for an instant, then the roar came out of the woods and Suzuki fired once more. There were parallel gashes carved in his cheek, no doubt a lucky outcome given that one swipe of a bear’s paw could take off a man’s face if he wasn’t fast enough.
“Stay back,” Suzuki said, not removing his eyes from the space between the trees where Yama-oroshi lurked just beyond eyesight. Saejima hovered anxiously behind Suzuki. The wind blew harder, and Saejima was racked with shivers he was unable to suppress.
“What are you doing here?” Suzuki said, still keeping his attention focused on the bear. “Return to the village.”
“But I promised-”
At that moment the unearthly roar came a third time, and Suzuki fired a third shot. This time Suzuki let out a short cry of triumph and stepped forward. “Ojisan is retreating! I can give chase,” he said, already starting in the direction from which the roar had emanated.
“Wait-” Saejima said desperately. “Suzuki-han, you’re already hurt and I promised Okudera-han I’d bring you back safe and sound. Can’t the bear wait?”
Suzuki wavered. “You promised?” he demanded.
Saejima nodded.
For another moment Suzuki stood still, frozen in mid-stride, gritting his teeth. Then he lowered the rifle. “Fine,” he said. “So Okudera and Baba got back okay?”
“I don’t know if they got all the way back, but they got to where I was, at least, yeah.”
“...That’s good,” Suzuki said. He eyed Saejima critically, lingering over his exposed face and neck. “Well, I guess we had better get back before you get all frostbitten again.”
Nodding, Saejima reached for Suzuki’s elbow, to support him.
As though he had been stung, Suzuki pulled his arm very far away, and fixed Saejima with a look that was at once questioning and accusatory, a how dare you?
“Okudera-han said I should help you walk...” Saejima explained.
“Tch. I’m not a senior citizen in a retirement home,” Suzuki said acerbically. “I carried your friend all the way down from the ice grove, I think I’m capable of walking on my own-” At that moment Suzuki bent double in pain and let out a cough, and a trickle of blood made its way down his chin, stark against the light grey stubble.
“Hell,” Saejima said worriedly. “You got internal bleedin’ or somethin’, Suzuki-han. We gotta get you to a doctor.”
Suzuki hissed through his teeth. “It’s not that serious,” he said jerkily. “I just-” He swayed on his feet and Saejima leapt forward to catch his arm.
“You got like this protectin’ my friend, now let me help,” Saejima insisted. “Okudera-han said you were stubborn, but if I’d known you were gonna be this stubborn I woulda conked you on the head five minutes ago so that you’d come quietly.”
“I just bit my tongue in half when I tripped over a rock while trying to keep my eye on the bear and carry your friend,” Suzuki snapped. “I don’t think I have internal bleeding.” He spat a gob of bloody saliva onto the ground, shook off Saejima’s grip once more, took a few steps back towards the village, and keeled over face-first into the snow.
Saejima rushed to his side and helped him up. This time Suzuki didn’t complain.
“Now, where are you hurt, Suzuki-han?”
With a grunt Suzuki gestured at his right side, under the ribs. Saejima stepped around to the right, and wound his arm around Suzuki’s waist on the uninjured side. Suzuki held onto Saejima’s left shoulder. Suzuki was a good fifty centimeters shorter than Saejima, so the position was awkward, but it would work. Carrying Suzuki would have been easier, but Saejima didn’t want to know how that suggestion would have gone over. The man was - independent, to put it politely.
In silence save for Suzuki’s ragged breaths, they made their way back down the mountain to the village.
Finally they reached the house. Saejima helped Suzuki up the stairs, and then slid the door open and all at once they were enveloped by the warmth of the indoors.
“Ah!” Okudera exclaimed in the tone of a very relieved grandmother. He leapt up and came rushing over to them and began to fuss over Suzuki. “Thank the fucking mountain gods! How are you doing, Sato?” he said.
There was a pause wherein Suzuki (Sato?) gave Okudera a truly icy glare.
“Ahaha!” Okudera laughed fakely. “You’re so formal, Suzuki, what does it matter if I use your given name around Saejima-san? He doesn’t care, do you, Saejima?”
“Uh, no, it’s fine,” Saejima said, gladly relinquishing the ornery Suzuki to Okudera’s care.
Saejima kicked off his boots and went to Baba’s side.
Okudera and Suzuki had begun whispering furiously by the door, but Saejima could only focus on Baba. He lay stretched out beside the fire on his back, the same heavy quilt that had kept Saejima warm pulled up to his chin. Baba’s face remained very pale, but there were spots of red on his cheeks and his lips were no longer blue. Saejima hoped it was a good sign.
“Hang in there, Baba-chan,” he muttered. “You’re safe now. You just focus on recoverin’.”
Behind him, Okudera and Suzuki had moved onto the wooden floor and were bickering about how to treat Suzuki’s wounds.
“Don’t cut the shirt,” Suzuki was saying in annoyance. “I don’t want to have to mend it again, I can get it off - fuck!” The phrase ended in a hiss of pain.
“I’ll mend it,” Okudera said, and then there was a loud ripping noise, a cry of dismay from Suzuki, and a string of grumbling.
Saejima looked over to see Suzuki sitting shirtless with Okudera dabbing at the place on his side where Yama-oroshi’s claws had raked across his ribs. It looked like some fabric and bits of fur from Suzuki’s outerwear had been embedded in the wound. Saejima grimaced and quickly looked away.
He gently took one of Baba’s frostbitten hands in his own and held it, careful not to rub against the damaged skin. For a few minutes he just sat there, trying to convey strength via telepathy into Baba’s body. It was Saejima’s fault that Baba had almost died; Baba was shorter than Saejima, so Saejima might have put him in front on the snowmobile. And after the crash, Saejima should have defeated that bear faster, saved his energy for searching for Baba -
A creak on the floorboards announced Okudera’s arrival behind Saejima. Saejima didn’t take his eyes off Baba’s face: the peaceful expression, the brush of dark eyelashes against his cheeks. Saejima couldn’t wait for him to wake up and show life, for him to smile or for his brow to furrow in thought.
“He should pull through,” Okudera said. “Suzuki found him just in time.” The last sentence was said with a little bit of pride evident in the tone, pride in his partner’s skill.
“Yeah,” Saejima said. “I don’t know how to thank you two enough. By rights you shoulda just called up Abashiri to take us back. But I’m grateful.”
“Oh, well...” Okudera said. “We don’t have a phone, so...” He laughed. Then, “Suzuki,” he called over his shoulder, moving back to his fireside cushion, “Come eat something.”
Suzuki - now wearing a black zip-up fleece that was much too big for him - came over and sat down stiffly, his mouth set tight with the sternness of a person concealing pain. “Not really hungry,” he mumbled.
“I know,” Okudera said, rubbing his shoulder. “I know. Just please eat? It’s after lunchtime. And you’ve been through a lot.”
With a grunt Suzuki shook off Okudera’s hand and bent forward to serve a small bowl of stew. Okudera sat down comfortably beside him and filled up his own bowl when Suzuki was done.
“You should eat, too, Saejima,” Okudera said around a mouthful of food. “It’s even better now. It gets more tender the longer you simmer it. Right, Sa- Suzuki?”
“Yes,” Suzuki said briefly before continuing to eat in silence.
With reluctance Saejima turned away from Baba’s prone form and faced the fire. He accepted a bowl of stew and chopsticks from Okudera.
“How’s Suzuki-han?” he asked, judging that it would be more productive to ask Okudera than Suzuki himself.
“He’s a tough bastard,” Okudera said fondly. “He’ll be fine. Right, Suzuki?”
Suzuki just grunted again.
“Though I guess he won’t be as pretty from now on-” Okudera went to wipe a thumb alongside one of the gashes on Suzuki’s cheek, but Suzuki flinched away.
“Stop it,” he hissed at Okudera.
Okudera drew away, looking hurt and offended. Suzuki turned to Saejima.
“Saejima,” he said. “You escaped from Abashiri. What were you in for?”
“He was in for assault,” Okudera said, definitely sounding annoyed.
“Oh?” Suzuki said coldly, still directing his attention at Saejima. “What kind of assault?”
“Brawlin’, I guess,” Saejima said. He couldn’t remember the details of what precisely he had agreed to get nailed on. “I got into a lotta fights on the street.”
“And what about your friend there? Baba?”
Saejima paused. “That ain’t my place to say,” he said. “I’ll just tell you that he went in young, when he was just twenty, and he wasn’t actin’ of his own volition, really.”
Unexpectedly Okudera’s face lit up. “He’s a yakuza?” he asked excitedly. “He did a hit for the yakuza, right?” He pulled excitedly on Suzuki’s sleeve. “A hit for the yakuza, Suzuki!”
Again Suzuki shook him off with a growl of frustration. “Is that supposed to be a good thing?”
Okudera deflated, but only a little. “Well, it’s interesting, because-”
“-Well, this stew sure hit the spot-” Suzuki said loudly.
“-We’re yakuza too! Or, we were.”
“For fuck’s sake!” Suzuki cried, banging his bowl down on the floor. “Okudera, what is the matter with you?”
“What’s the matter with you?” Okudera shot back. “You haven’t been this wound up for years, you’re giving me war flashbacks to when you were fucking-”
“Enough!” Suzuki said. “Enough! Fucking enough!” And then, dangerously polite, “Okudera, could we speak outside, please?” He stood up and left.
Saejima, who had been following the exchange with the enraptured bafflement of a dog at a baseball game, watched the door slide shut with a bang.
“Uh, sorry about that, Saejima,” Okudera said, rising to his feet. “The wife is being pissy again. I’d better deal with it. Let’s show each other our tattoos later, yeah?” Without waiting for an answer he followed Suzuki outside.
the end, for now
thank you for reading. please let me know what you thought, especially any questions you have - theres a lot here that is not stated overtly so im interested to know if its coming across properly. im not sure where or how far ill go with this WIP but i wrote it up because i came up with the whole thing one night while i couldnt sleep, and since it existed it would be a shame not to instantiate it in writing and throw it at some people..
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the story of us
this was requested by @fantasylover16. I genuinely had so much fun with this thank you! I hope you enjoy. Also I said nb jack frost rights and I meant it.
masterlist; my links
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This is a story about two people.
One died three hundred years ago and has been alive since then. They have white hair, whiter than the stars, than burning light, than heaven itself. They have blue eyes that remind you of cracked ice in melting winter. They have ivory skin, some say like porcelain, it's more like liquid opal.
The other is twenty two years old. He has black hair, like jet fuel, and midnight. He has green eyes that hold oceans lost to time, that hold memories. He has brown skin that reminds you of cool forest floors and water glistened rock.
This is a story about who they are.
"Percy!" His roommate shouts from the kitchen. "Get your butt down here and tell me if the blue skirt goes better with these glasses!"
He laughs as he pulls a sweater over his heads and grabs his phone, slipping it into his back pocket. He feels the press of his pen as he pats himself down to make sure he has everything and when he is satisfied he bolts down the passage and stops short of the kitchen where Hazel Levesque is parading in front of their grand mirror on the opposing wall. She is decked out in black platform ankle boots, white fishnets that draw out the colour of her skin, slightly dark than his, a bright blue skater skirt and a soft pastel blue crew-neck not unlike his own.
"You Hazel Levesque," He grins bright and unrestrained, "Are a vision."
"Yes," She mutters still swopping between two pairs of clear-framed glasses and scrunching her nose, "But is it enough to bring my crush to their knees?"
"If Reyna doesn't bow down to you I think we can assume she's in desperate need of glasses."
"Well then maybe I should take both pairs and offer her one." She muses, pulling at her afro distractedly.
He snorts, turning to the counter and grabbing a bowl and whatever cereal he can reach first.
"Well," Hazel turns to him, he can see the smile she's trying so hard to hide, "Shall we be off then?"
He blinks at her, blinks again, points an unsure finger at his chest.
"Oh you don't expect me to brave Reyna on my own do you? Besides we're matching today it'd be quite ridiculous if we went out separately."
"But—" He looks to his bowl, as barren as the desert, "But my cereal?"
"I'll buy you breakfast on the way!" She waves the concern off, grabbing his hand and pulling them both out the door.
Despite their height difference, she makes it look far less like he's letting her pull him and far more like she has the strength to straight up carry him across the country.
"Hazel," He giggles, "Slow down."
"I can't Percy," She shakes her head vigorously, practically running through the park next to their building and into the bustling streets beyond. "If I don't do this now I'll lose all my courage and spend eternity in self-damned misery." Her brown eyes, turning honeyed as they catch the sun through the round glasses framing her face, flash bright and bold.
He stops them, pulling her in for a hug, unable to stop the laughter shaking his body." You have never been a coward Hazel Levesque. No matter the day, time or outfit you have always been brave enough to stand up and do what's needed. And telling Reyna you have a crush on her is just another battle you absolutely can win." He pulls them apart, setting a steady green gaze on her excited one. "Now let's get some coffee, and a mint tea for you because you're hyper enough as it is, and then we'll go find the love of your life and I can finally show you the google-doc I have for your wedding."
She strangles his ribs in another hug and then takes a deep breath as she steps away. "What would I do without you Percy Jackson?"
"Let's never find out," He smiles, slinging an arm over her shoulder and directing them towards the Chaos House.
As per its namesake, walking into the café is like being lost in a crowd of sleep-deprived, adhd kids all connected to caffeine IVs. In short: it's chaos. Its their favourite place on earth.
Being hit with a wall of noise after the quiet of awakening nature feels like being sucker punched directly in your ear canal. Percy cannot help but grin as he takes in the racing patrons and the sound of coffee beans being ground and the smell of cinnamon and honey and endless activity.
They immediately spot a group of their friends and bolt for the booth they're all squished into.
"Reyna isn't here." Hazels voice is pitched with panic, "Oh gods what if she's sick today? What if she fell in a ditch on her jog this morning?" She stops right in the middle of the café, brown eyes wide. "What if she knew I was trying to do this and decided to stay home today to avoid seeing me?"
He grabs her arms already shaking his head. "My darling, I need you to take a deep breath. You are spiraling."
Wildness is still tracing her expression but he feels her shoulders rise and fall as she gulps air.
"Okay," He says gently, "Now we're gonna go to our table, have a good time with our friends and if and when Reyna shows up you're going to tell her how you feel and I'll meet you back at home so you can let me know when the wedding is."
She smacks his shoulder gently, nervous giggles escaping her. "Alright fine. I hate when you get reasonable. It's very disconcerting."
"Good thing it's rare," His lips twitch, and they finally start towards their friends.
A loud chorus of hellos and how are you’s ring around his head as they get nearer and he feels right at home amongst it all.
"What's up losers?" He flops down next to Jason, pressing a shoulder into the blondes side in a hug.
Annabeth sits next to the blonde, squished between him and Piper, a leg over Jason's thigh and her hand intertwined with Piper's. Frank is on the opposite side, a casual arm slung over Leo's shoulder. Hazel squeezes in besides Leo and sighs dramatically.
"What's wrong Levesque?" Piper frowns, reaching over to clasp the girl's hand.
"She's feeling put out because she had something very important to do today and her plans are being delayed because a certain someone isn't here."
And just as their friends start reassuring and ribbing her in equal parts Percy's phone rings. With a frown he pulls it from his pocket, as he gets up and waves to say he'll be back in a minute.
"Hello, this is Percy Jackson."
He's not paying attention to his surroundings as he listens to the person on the line so when his shoulder slams into somebody he almost topples to the ground. When he turns around to say sorry there is nobody there; his frown only deepens but then the voice on the phone is pulling his attention and he makes his way outside.
This is story about they meet.
The conversation is a whirl of information about his upcoming course and what his supervisor needs from him. By the time he ends the call and tucks the phone back in his pocket his whole body feels like it's taken on the sky all over again. He has the urge to check if another grey streak has graced his hair. Instead he leans against the wall, ignoring the way his clothes catch against its roughness. He can feel the cold seeping through the cracks in the brick and into the threads of his sweatshirt.
He looks down, pulling his arms over his chest in an attempt to keep the warmth in but as he takes his arms away from the wall he sees the frost outline of his fingers. A clear, already melting handprint marking the brick like a graffiti tag. He steps back, away from the wall, to find his whole body outlined. It reminds him eerily of the chalk markings they do at murder investigations. He's not entirely sure this isn't prophetic.
The frost, little beads of ice skittered in shape, is melting at a rapid rate but the colour catches Percy's eye. It's not the usual dulled, muddy ice that coats his windows in the morning and sits atop the grass each night. It is blue, bright and pure, and looks... happy?
He's definitely going insane. The lack of coffee is getting to his brain and he has officially going mad. He should go inside and get warm and sit with his friends and have 3 espresso shots in a row.
But the phone call is still rattling his nerves and he can't bare to face the café without all his wits about him. So he studies the melted frost outline, curiosity moving him forward to trace it with his fingers. He doesn't expect to feel cold like winter mornings and snowball fights and sleigh rides coursing through his bloodstream. It's shocks him right into a new state of being. It reminds him of a poem his mother used to say at the beginning of each winter. The poem was long enough that he was always asleep by the end of the last verse but he recalls the first part clearly now
Jack Frost was in the garden;
I saw him there at dawn;
He was dancing round the bushes
And prancing on the lawn.
He had a cloak of silver,
A hat all shimm'ring white,
A wand of glittering star-dust,
And shoes of sunbeam light.
The thought is so ridiculous Percy has to laugh. It bursts out of him unexpectedly but once he starts he cannot stop. It feels like the world has turned on its side but he's still walking upright. Everything is slightly dizzying but strangely amusing from this angle. He laughs harder, ribs aching, cheeks stiff, and eyes bright. He's sure people are staring at him like he's mad but he cannot stop. Until he stumbles over the pavement and is falling to the inevitable crunch of his facial bones.
It happens almost in slow motion. He sees the ground coming towards him, bubbling up like it's going to swallow him whole. He stared it down, refusing to close his eyes, as if challenging it to hurt him, to take him as he goes. But then hands, freezing cold even through his layers of clothing, wrap around his waist and he is being hauled up in a rush of wind and dizzying speed. He bumps into a hard chest and feels as if he's stepped into a freezer.
"Hey," A voice low and playful crackles through him, "You okay?"
He turns around slowly, and is not at all prepared for the site he is greeted with. There is so much all at once, startling and glowing and fracturing. His eyes catch an warm icy gaze, blizzard white hair, pale skin, cold-kissed lips, hands running with blue veins and silver rings.
"You okay?" The stranger repeats, looking at him with concern.
He honestly doesn't know if he has the ability to talk. His mouth opens, his throat bobs, but words are lost cargo.
"Can you hear me?" The stranger asks, accompanying the question with sign language.
Percy responds automatically, raising a fist and moving it back and forth; his head accompanies the action but still no words come out.
They smile at him, and start signing another question. He doesn't bother to stop them, tell them they aren't deaf, he can hear, he just can't talk. He's speechless.
Are you okay? They sign.
He nods, and the words stuck in his throat finally tumble out. "Yes, yes," It is croaky with overwhelming emotion, "Thank you for catching me. I’m sorry I uh—" He doesn't have any respectable excuse for being mute for the entire first half of their interaction. He is just completely struck by everything the stranger is.
"Ah so you can hear me," The stranger laughs. He decides the sound is what makes stars. "Well I'm glad you're okay. I'm Jack."
Percy snorts. This cannot be real. Ice, him thinking about Jack Frost, and suddenly his saviour's name is jack? What has the universe been doing with its time to plan this?
“I'm Percy," He stares at them curiously studying the snowflakes that seem to cling to their floppy white hair despite the snow season being weeks away, and the blue eyes that hurtle him to the Abraham lake in Canada. A holiday his family had taken a mere year ago and one of the most beautiful places he's ever seen.
His demigod senses are peeking out their window, as curious as he is. The action puts him on high alert. His instincts are usually only alerted when he's in danger or............. in love.
"What are you?" He cannot stop the question. His mouth has a self-controlled function and no way to override it.
Jack raises their brow, "What are you, Percy?" His name sounds like luxury rolling off the stranger's tongue.
But the question throws him off guard and before he has time to drool over them again he is pulling his pen out and twirling it between his fingers anxiously. "Are you here to kill me?"
That barks a laugh from Jack, who looks so entirely amused he can't help but wonder if he can frame the moment to keep with him forever; a brow quirked, a slight dimple on their right cheek as their smile grows, and bunched freckles as their nose scrunches slightly.
"Get a lot of assassination attempts do you?"
“You have no idea," He feels his eyes roll in annoyance, an automatic reaction after all these years.
"No Percy," Jack says softly. It brushes across his skin like cool paint and snowy pine leaves. "I am here because the moon told me to be."
"The moon?" He sputters, "What do you mean the moon?"
"I mean exactly that. I talk to the moon and it answers."
He can feel his legs grow weak. "The moon— the moon— the....... moon," He mutters, staring at Jack.
They are silent as he attempts to compartmentalize his thoughts. "You know what?" He finally speaks, "That's not the weirdest thing I've ever heard. The children of Demeter talk to grain so this isn't that far out of reach."
Jack just looks at him with a patient, gentle smile on their face.
"So what are you? A child of Selene?"
"I am not a demigod." They shake their head. "I was chosen by the moon three hundred years ago. I am the spirit of winter."
The silence stretches between them like taffy. He isn't sure he's heard this right.
"You're—" He cannot even bring himself to say it.
"Yes, I'm Jack Frost."
Percy's legs give our from under him. Jack is not quick enough to catch him but he lands on a pillow of snow right before he bruises his knees. "You're Jack Frost?"
"Yes. And you are Percy Jackson."
"How—how do you know?"
"I've been alive for a very long time. I know a lot of people."
He just hums, trying to wrap his head sound another layer of myth and fable that makes up the fabric of the world.
"Why are you here?" He finally gutters out. "I mean I know the moon told you to come but why?"
"I uh have a theory but I need to ask something of you in order to know if I'm right."
He frowns, staring up at the stranger. No not stranger. Can you even call someone who's been around for centuries a stranger? What are they a stranger to? They have seen and heard and learnt and loved more than he ever has or ever will. It's more like he is the stranger. "What do you need me to do?"
"I just need you to summon water for me."
A thousand questions sit like caught snowflakes on his tongue but he let's them melt instead of spilling them into the world. Instead he gets up and concentrates on all the water sources surrounding them.
A reservoir one hundred miles away, fire hydrants near bursting with unused pressure, a small pond in a small park about five miles south, and of course the ocean in front of them, no more than fifty miles within reach.
"How much do you need?"
"Give me fifty liters."
He closes his eyes and imagines the pond, the water rippling within it. He imagines holding it in his palm as he would a basketball ball. When he feels a cool sensation wash over his skin he opens his eyes once more and sees a swirling blob of water surrounding his hand, dancing to the beat of his pulse.
"Is this enough?"
"Plenty," They smile and then their hands are reaching out and as if the water knows they're calling to it, it bounces over in little bubbles. As it touches their fingers a ray of light bursts from the contact and it turns to ice. Jack sucks in a breath, watching in amazement as the water freezes and hits the ground in a flurry of snow.
"What?" Percy cannot hold in his curiosity any longer. "What is it?"
"The moon was right." They look at him, eyes sparkling with something more than awe or curiosity.
"About?" He prompts.
"We're soulmates."
This is a story about their destinies.
"We're what?" Percy whispers. He has never gotten loud when he was surprised or angry or sad. He has always been soft.
"I usually need my staff to solidify water but if I use elements touched by my soulmate I can do it without aid."
"This is ridiculous!" He sputters. There is absolutely no way this is real. Seriously? Soulmates? He would laugh if he wasn't so outraged.
"You don't believe in soulmates?"
"It doesn't matter what I believe in!" He growls, "This whole ordeal is completely insane."
"What would it take to convince you Percy Jackson?" Jack just smiles, it is shining with happiness like it hadn't before.
"I have no idea because I have never heard of or encountered a soulmate." He hisses.
"Do you know why you can see me?"
He shakes his head, thoughts swirling faster than the hurricanes his further looses.
"Because you believe in me."
"I thought you had control over who sees you and who doesn't?" He raises a brow.
"Only with children. I can choose to show myself whether they believe or not. I have the ability since enough of them do believe." They say. "But adults are different. If they don't believe I cannot make myself appear to them. I am simply a ghost of their childhood past."
"I don't understand." Percy cannot wrap his mind around this. "How do you know you can only make ice out of whatever water I touch?"
Jack looks around for a brief moment before catching sight of something behind them. In a split second they are there and then they're back.
"Watch," He pours the water from the bottom he'd nabbed over his hand. It falls to the floor as liquid as it had started out.
"That doesn't prove anything, how do I know you're not just making sure you don't turn it to ice?"
"I cannot touch anything without freezing it, especially water." They worry at their bottom lip with their teeth, thoughts flying across their face. "It's like your friend Leo." They nod their head towards the café where Percy can still see his friends snuggled into the booth. "He doesn't necessarily turn everything he touches to ashes but he will always leave a warm imprint no matter how or what he has touched."
"How do you know that?" He gapes.
"Immortality gives you a lot of time to know the world." They shrug. "Now do you believe me?"
"I don't know." He answers truthfully. "I mean if we are soulmates..." He tries to form the question into some semblance of sense and order. "Does that mean I'm tied to you? That we have to like I don't know get married and spend eternity together?"
"No," Jack says gently, "No you can deny this bond if that is how you feel. It does not mean anything except that the universe put our souls in the same constellation. We are free to pick and choose who we love."
“And how will it work if we do decide to get together?” He frowns, “I will age but you will always stay the same.”
They look at him, head tilted, ice eyes bright. “But you know that’s not true.”
Everything in him barrels forward like a tidal wave. It cannot be. No-one knows. Not even his mother. “What isn’t true?” He will play this carefully, like the strings of a harp. He will not let his life crash through the ground.
“Why are you hiding it?”
“I’m not hiding anything.” He is adamant in his stance. He will not bow.
“You are denying the life you chose.” Jack considers him. “Why?”
“I’m not denying anything.” He huffs, “I’m just taking it slow.”
A snort bursts of them, arrogant and amused. “You are taking becoming a God slow?”
“I want to live with my friends before they figure it out!” He cries, all the fear and terror and worry burning through him.
Jack moves closer, presses a cold hand to his shoulder. “It is okay to be scared and angry and worried but do not forget that you are worthy of the title and you should wear it like a crown, not a burden.”
“There is always some burden in this much power.” He is bitter. He is right.
“Come,” Jack pulls them together, “Go meet your friends.” The hug is so cold but comforts him to the bone. “And when you are ready to make a decision, just whisper my name and i will answer, no matter where i am, or how far apart we are.”
He studies the person before him, beautiful and strange in an inviting sort of way, like no matter how much he learns about them he'll always want to know more. "Well you are very pretty."
They laugh, and the sound lights up the ocean inside him. "Thank you."
“Live Percy Jackson.” Jack Frost whispers.
And then Percy is standing outside a café, an icy wind dancing between his fingertips, and the impression of a freezing hug still clinging to his clothes. He realizes he feels happy. He feels safe.
This is a story about their love.
[image id: a poem by John P Smeeton titled "Jack Frost in the Garden" the poem reads:
Jack Frost was in the garden;// I saw him there at dawn;// He was dancing round the bushes// And prancing on the lawn.// He had a cloak of silver,// A hat all shimm'ring white,// A wand of glittering star-dust,// And shoes of sunbeam light.
Jack Frost was in the garden,// When I went out to play// He nipped my toes and fingers// And quickly ran away.// I chased him round the wood-shed,// But, oh! I'm sad to say// That though I chased him everywhere// He simply wouldn't stay.
Jack Frost was in the garden:// But now I'd like to know// Where I can find him hiding;// I've hunted high and low —// I've lost his cloak of silver,// His hat all shimm'ring white,// His wand of glittering star-dust,// His shoes of sunbeam light"
the background is a light blue and white marble. end id]
Tags: @fantasylover16 @queen-of-demons-and-hell @nishlicious-01​ @leyontheway @caffeinated-croissant
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twstarchives · 4 years
Rook Hunt・Voice Lines
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Additional Voice Lines: Dress-Up Groom Event Card
School Uniform - R
Unlock Card “Bonjour! I’m curious to see what kind of world you’ll show me.”
Groovy “Merci for making everyday so entertaining!”
Home Setting “How do I look?”
Home Transitions “Très bien! I’m excited. How will your choices change this school, and what kind of beauty will it bring?”
“I’m very interested in seeing every action you make. Would you let me follow you around for today?”
“You should see lots of sights and experience just as much. Refining your senses plays a large role in your beauty.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “Something about you is different than it was yesterday... Heheh, could you wait a moment? I’m trying to pinpoint what it is.”
Home Taps “Uniforms are something you’re only allowed to wear for a limited period of time. Isn’t that fleeting part of them just beautiful?”
“Tips for hunting? You need to observe your target very closely. Stare at them long and... deeply.”
“Learning broadens your world. There’s a beauty that you can’t feel outside of this school, after all.”
“The beautility these uniforms have is fascinating! Don’t you think so too?”
“Oh, are we playing pretend hunter? Heheh, then I can’t lose either.”
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PE Uniform - R
Unlock Card “I’m very athletic, despite how I look. How about we play a game of cat-and-mouse?”
Groovy “It’s just like paradise here! Everywhere I look, everything is beautiful!”
Home Setting “Let’s both work up a nice sweat!”
Home Transitions “I’m confident about my endurance. That’s something you can’t go without when you’re hunting.”
“You think sweating is embarrassing? Non! Putting your all into something is a very wonderful thing!”
“I’m very well-versed in sunscreens. Vil would just die if he got a sunburn, after all.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “Why don’t you practice hunting with me? Hunting is a game of survival of the fittest, filled with survival tactics and natural beauty.”
Home Taps “Sports? They make everyone’s emotions all start to come unhinged... It’s wonderfully dramatic!”
“I always recommend wearing a hat. It’s hard to see your prey when the sun is in your eyes.”
“Beautiful souls lie in beautiful bodies. That’s why I train so hard.”
“Hm? Is there something you’re interested in? Alright; I'll satisfy your curiosity as much as you’d like me to.”
“Are you trying to provoke me? Heheh, how naughty. Disturbing your target’s peace of mind is a hunter’s favorite game.”
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Lab Coat - SR
Unlock Card “Observing and analyzing... These skills are useful in both hunting and academics.”
Groovy “Now, it’s time for our ever-so-fun experiments!”
Home Setting “Now. Let’s work hard at our studies.”
Home Transitions “Focus on the task at hand. Well, I do understand the feeling of not being able to take your eyes off something beautiful, though.”
“If there’s something you want to know, you should keep asking until you get what you need. A determined look makes anyone look beautiful.”
“Dressing properly like this is just beautiful.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “The motivation to want to learn something is beautiful. I have some time today too—why don’t we spend some time together?”
Home Transition (Groovy) “I can smell herbs somewhere. These are... ah, I’m sorry. The sense of smell is very important to a huntsman.”
Home Taps “Vil never slacks off with anything, whether it be his studies or his training. That’s one of his strong points.”
“A person’s natural beauty is only static beauty; the ever-changing beauty that comes as you develop is dynamic beauty. I wonder, under which does your light fall?”
“You can study and study and study, but you will never know everything about beauty. That is why I’m so enraptured by it.”
“Do you consider me odd? Then perhaps you need to know more about me.”
“Ah, how lonely you must be. That’s only natural when you remember the situation you’re in. As long as you’re alright with it, I’ll keep you company anytime.”
Home Tap (Groovy) “Seeing something run away makes me want to chase it. You know what that means, right? If there ever comes a time when you run away from me, make sure you’re prepared.”
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Ceremony Robes - SR
Unlock Card “It’s important to know what you’re getting yourself into before you jump in.”
Groovy “I feel like I could stare at that dignified profile of yours all day long.”
Home Setting “Sometimes it’s good to be under pressure.”
Home Transitions “Wearing these ceremony robes feels so sophisticated and mysterious... mm! I just can’t put it into words!”
“How elegant the silence of the Mirror Chamber is during ceremonies! This school is beautiful inside and out!”
“Ah, preparations took a long time to finish. But I'll be standing next to Vil as the vice dorm leader, so I need to put in all my effort.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “I was just thinking I wanted to see you too. What a coincidence! Or maybe this was fate?”
Home Transition (Groovy) “Can you tell I have a different fragrance than usual? Today I put on perfume. It's a nice smell, isn't it?”
Home Taps “I’m acting a lot more well-mannered than usual right now. There’s a beauty in that that stands out.”
“It’d be easy to get lost in the dark with these clothes on. Heheh.”
“There is beauty that some are just born with, but the beauty you work hard to achieve holds immeasurable power. Isn’t that right?”
“Your eyeshadow is a little smudged; it’s putting your beauty at stake. Would you mind if I fixed it for you?”
“Slow down, you’ll mess up your clothes if you keep playing around like that. You need to be good right now.”
Home Tap (Groovy) “Let’s put on some makeup that fits you better. What color goes well with your eyes...?”
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Dorm Uniform - SSR
Unlock Card “Everyone is beautiful in their own way.”
“Welcome to Pomefiore! I’m very certain you’ll have a wonderful time here.”
Groovy “Can you see now what real beauty is?”
Home Setting “This must be it!”
Home Transitions “I had a feeling you’d be here. It seems my intuition was correct yet again today.”
“Oh no, are you drinking enough water? Your lips are a little drier than they were when I saw you earlier.”
“The Pomefiore uniform is just beautiful, isn’t it? It’s my favorite too.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “Hello, I was waiting for you. Where are you off to today? I’ll accompany you wherever you go.”
Home Transition (Groovy) “I’m always thinking about how I want to be someone befitting of these beautiful robes.”
Home Taps “Some might say the rules of our dorm are strict, but that’s only natural when it’s something Vil is particular about.”
“I believe it to be an honor that I was sorted into Pomefiore. Although, every dorm has their charms.”
“I would never do anything to embarrass our dorm leader. That is my pride as the vice dorm leader.”
“The insides of our uniforms are patterned with the Queen’s beloved apples. Take a look! Frightening as they are, you just can’t take your eyes off them. That’s what beauty is.”
“You don’t think I could hunt in this outfit? Hehe, famous last words.”
Home Tap (Groovy) “Oh dear, are you nervous? I can tell clear as day that your heart is pounding in your chest.”
Duo Magic Rook: I’ll show you how to hunt, Epel. Epel: Okay, Rook!
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Birthday Celebration Outfit - SSR
This card was only obtainable during Rook’s birthday event (Dec 1 - Dec 6,, 2020).
Login on Birthday “Merci! That beautiful chirp of yours is the best present of all. I’ll always cherish those feelings you have.”
Unlock Card “What sort of beauty will I have the pleasure of seeing today...? I can’t wait.”
“Birthdays are one of my favorite events. Anyone can be their story’s protagonist on this day, and shine like an étoile.”
Groovy “This beautiful day is just like a glittering jewel... It’s nice spending this time with you.”
Home Setting “I’m getting ready to be the star of today.”
Home Transitions “Ahh, there was a shining smile on Vil’s face when he was eating cake! I couldn’t ask for a better birthday.”
“I like getting presents. It means that when you were picking out a gift, you were thinking of me.”
“‘What do I want for my birthday?’ Hmm... An art gallery just for me. I’ve been looking for somewhere to put all of my favorite things on display.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “Surprises are wonderful! Going all out just to make someone else happy... What a noble sentiment!”
Home Transition (Groovy) “People born in separate lands spending time together in the same place... Would I be overdoing it if I called this fate?”
Home Taps “Roi du Léon got awfully cautious of me when I told him it’s my birthday. I only wanted him to wish me a happy birthday.”
“Beauté! The tart Trey made is just gorgeous. It was too precious to waste; I didn’t want to eat it.”
“Ruggie came to my birthday party. I was so happy I got to see how a hyena eats up close.”
“Before coming to this school, I’d spend all day on my birthday watching plays. Matinée, soirée... and journée.”
“Heheh. You don’t have to keep wishing me a happy birthday over and over. I can hear you. I have excellent hearing.”
Home Tap (Groovy) “A dream space where everyone is celebrating... Maybe you’d like to document this scene with your Ghost Camera?”
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Tutorial “Now, let's go together. Onward to our beautiful school building!”
Lv Up “Marvelous! This is truly spectacular.”
“Making progress is exciting, isn’t it?”
“Nothing can replace the time spent with good friends.”
Max Lv Up “There exists beauty that can’t be seen unless you’ve mastered an art. Très bien! I’ve been shown another new world thanks to you.”
Episode Lv Up “Non! Don’t say another word. I can tell what your heart is trying to say just by gazing into your eyes.”
Magic Lv Up “Now I’d be able to easily secure any of my targets. Could you try running away from me so we can test that?”
Limit Break “You’ve shown me new possibilities. This is definitely a first. Merci!”
Groovy “I’ve acquainted with a new version of myself. My heart is pounding knowing something wonderful is about to come!”
Select Lesson “Those with beauty have a duty of taking responsibility for any choices they make.”
“Beauté! I could stare at that ever-so-hesitant face of yours all day long.”
“Which subject are you best in? Tell me now; it will stay between us two.”
Lesson Start “Now, the starting bells are ringing!”
Lesson End “What a beautiful ending... Fin.”
Battle Start “Let’s begin. My time to hunt...!”
Battle Win “If I must fight, then I’m going to want to win beautifully.”
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Profile Quote “Oh, you’re more beautiful than anything on earth! I wonder, can you outrun my arrow of love?”
January 2020 Trailer “I’m waiting for you here. And I always will be.”
Countdown Poster “I’d love to show you my beautiful world.”
Login Bonus “Très bien! You’re much more beautiful today than you were yesterday! I’m so hopelessly excited to see how you are tomorrow.”
Player Birthday Wish “Bon anniversaire! Your birthday is a day for me to commemorate, too. After all, this is the day that something beautiful was added to this world. It’s truly a wonderful day.”
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frightfurtabby · 3 years
Himikiyo Week 2021 Day 5: Anniversary Party
// Cute and fluffy, make-up smearing kissies, slow dancing, and awards... enjoy~
Word count: 1434
AO3- https://archiveofourown.org/works/34196977
Amino-  (coming soon)
I need to catch up on cross-posting to amino so I’ll be doing that too.
The anniversary party was an important occasion. All actors from the danganronpa franchise were coming together for this event. 10 years ago was the release of the first series starring Makoto Naegi as the protagonist, since then there have been 3 further series and a spin off that took place between the first 2, though it had aired afterward. And they were all gathered together.
There were already plans for another spin-off that was summer camp themed and would be finished later the next year. It was really big but sometimes there were years of waiting between new productions and that led to a lot being covered by tabloids and other media outlets. Korekiyo moved up to a small town in Aomori prefecture with Himiko to stay as quiet as possible, keeping in contact with certain people from among their castmates.
The couple were sitting together in a backstage private dressing room once again, Himiko taking time to brush Kiyo’s hair. Most of their outfits were already in place, a puffy purple dress for Himiko, her matching magic hat sat on the table in front of them.It was so pretty and only a little bit difficult to move around in at first before she was getting used to it. The anniversary celebrations included a dance in the ballroom and awards for the newest batch of fan popularity polls.
“Babe are you sure you want to go for that hat, I don’t know if it fits with the rest of what you’ve got going on.”
Kiyo was wearing a white button-up long sleeved blouse with a burgundy vest, a green coat over both and a long black skirt. Near Himiko’s hat was their own for this occasion, a black fedora which was what she was referring to in her comments..
“I personally think it looks nice.” Kiyo gave an exaggerated pout.
Touching up both their make-up was all the couple needed before they got to head out to the event proper. Kiyo hadn’t decided on lipstick before they had to go to avoid running late. They could do without that but not without eating, which they had to finish on the way out.
When she was finished brushing she helped gather their locks together and band it to make a ponytail.
She chuckled. “Of course you do, well since you insist. Here, have this one, I think this color will compliment everything nicely. Now come closer!” She grabs a nice dark blood red shade. Kiyo had used it plenty of times, including the year they dressed up as a vampire for Halloween, so it was a classic go-to.
Kiyo leaned in like she asked. Puckering their lips out to give her a more complete canvas for her to work with. However, before Himiko touched the tip of the lipstick onto their lips, Kiyo stopped for a moment.
“I wouldn’t want to smudge this so soon, so please give me a kiss?”
Himiko giggled. “Alright, okay. But first…” Her free hand extended and her pointer finger booped them right on the nose.
The former Ultimate Anthropologist feigned shock. “What did I deserve that for?”
“For being cute, ya silly goose.”
They were gearing up for a follow up joke but they were pulled in by the collar and smooched. They leaned into and savored it. Even if it did ruin the set-up, it was fine. Any time was a lovely time to smooch Himiko.
“Okay, now we can do it.” she chirped.
Kiyo re-assumed the proper position and reached out, gently caressing Himiko’s cheek. A deep look into her eyes. “Alright, go ahead.”
She reached up to hold them still with one hand and eased the lipstick close. Drawing it, focused as close as she can on the precision. Even though they had just kissed, she was tempted to ruin it again.
So she did.
They giggled as soon as she let them go. “God I’m so lucky wearing a mask is my trademark. I’m sure people would have a field day if they actually saw how smudged you always end up making this.”
“Yeah well, I’m lucky to have you.” She said, making cute faces in their direction.
Kiyo pulled their mask up and put the fedora on, taking Himiko’s hand as a way to get up out of the chair.
They turned and exited the door. Upon entering the hallway they met up with Shuichi and Rantaro, spending time catching up. Talking about how the cats were doing, how busy it was lately, more recent gigs they’d lent their talents to, that kind of thing.
Upon entering the ballroom, the couple noticed there were danganronpa themed decorations all over. A big banned reading “Happy 10th Anniversary'' went along the rafters. It was certainly doing its job of seeming like a mix between prom and a high school reunion.
At least this one was full of people both of them liked better than most people who’d been at either of their actual proms from back in the day. Even with personal problems here and there it was still more tolerable than that.
A slow waltz tune echoes around the ballroom. All the couples were paired up, most having stuck together pretty much the whole time up to this point regardless, but the Junko was making a big deal up on stage about how  “If you’re not already, couple up and dance!”
Kiyo’s hand was around the back of Himiko’s head. They took time to pet her and look into her eyes as they performed slowly just like they had practiced. It felt nice and warm. Both could close their eyes for a bit and had a good amount of space to nuzzle up.
“I love you dear.”
“I love you too.”
A few dance tracks later, Junko Enoshima got up and did a little bit of MC’ing. “And now everyone, having a good time? Well, it’s time to announce the first batch of winners from the polls! And here to read those names is someone we all know and love. The mysterious…”
She started getting a head count of all the danganronpa alumni, dragging it on for comedic effect. “The mysterious 40-somethingth student that was lying hidden somewhere in this very building… Mukuro Ikusaba!”
The crowd of students clapped, Himiko and Kiyo included. As Mukuro took time to further introduce the concept, showing off the envelopes for good measure, the lovers had a small conversation.
“Do you think we’ll win anything this year?”
“I hope we do. I’m not sure though, since competition is very stiff in all categories.”
“It’d be really cute if we won the couples one” she smiled, holding their arm close. “We may not have won it yet, but there's always a chance.”
“I’ve seen a little bit of buzz online telling fans to vote for us. So we might pull it off.”
It came time, the third category: the cutest off-screen couple. The options were always more open, as there were very few canonical on-screen romances in the show. Mukuro cut open this envelope, like she had done the previous two.
The MC cleared her throat. “Ahem. The winners are… Shinguuji Korekiyo and Yumeno Himiko”
The V3 cast members hooted and hollered. The other 2 main series had just picked up 1 win each and usually SDR2 would sweep these anniversary award contests. Picking up a surprise win would hopefully be a sign.
Escorted by several classmates like they just scored the winning points in a sport together, Himiko and Kiyo went up, and had to make up a speech off the cuff. That’s how much of a last second blindside actually pulling it off was.
Himiko took her spot close to Kiyo’s side and they both stood in front of the mic. Kiyo gently taps it and clears their throat.
“Thank you all, I’m… surprised. I thought for sure it would be another year of us being passed up.” they said
She added “The fans really pulled through!” She raised her award and held it up to clink it with Kiyo’s. “I’m not sure what else to even say.”
“We are grateful for the nomination, and thank everyone who cast a vote.” Asked if they had anything more to say, Kiyo finished with “As difficult as some fans can be, it's always good to feel appreciated.”
Everyone went back down, further winners were to be announced. Neither cared much, but would support friends who could get it. For now all they wanted was to cuddle up together on the bleachers. The rest of the night was for relaxing.
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popculturebuffet · 4 years
Ducktales: Woo-oo! Review! or From the Top
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Hello all you happy people! And to those of you just joining this blog, welcome I review ducks, other animated shows and comics... and today’s review is special for me. For a number of reasons. For starters it’s a reminder how far i’ve come. See I always wanted to be a reviewer, ever since high school when a friend showed me a certain online reviewer whose now dead to me, and opened me up to a world of much better reviewers who i’m still fans of to this day, and ones who came after them , and after that and so on and so on. I so badly wanted a community to belong to I struggled to be a youtube reviewer but frankly lacked the talent or self confidence back then to try, so my attempts over the decade were a series of stops and starts. Of me starting to find my niche writing only to stop because I hated myself so much, and still struggle with that, i’d tell myself I could never do it, I wasn’t good enough, I wasn’t funny enough and no one cared. I kept shutting myself down AGAIN AND AGAIN, for far too long. 
But that all changed a year ago next month: I’d long been a fan of the Ducktales Reboot. I was caustiously optimistic when it was announced. The optimism came from a deep abiding love of scrooge as a character despite not having dove into his comics that deep, I didn’t have an easy way at the time, thanks to life and times and what comics I had read, and was excited to see a fresh reboot closer to the comics with my eternal boy Donald Duck back in the main character. The caution.. came from the fact that at the time we’d gotten a string of bad to medicore reboots: Teen Titans GO, Powerpuff Girl, and Ben 10 which started pretty meh but has turned into alirght from some of the later episodes I saw. I wanted to be hyped to all hell but I had no proof this wasn’t going to be another dumbed down reboot. Then comic con came, the first teaser poster dropped, and my skepticism died.
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It was perfect: a barksian art style with it’s own twists! Donald full on display! And best of all the triplets FINALLY had not only unique outfits but personalities! I’ve long went on in my reviews about how much that annoyed me and while it worked for the barks comics ever since then it’s just felt like a waste to have three characters there.. and not even the SLIGHTEST difference. 
My anticipation only grew with the full trailer, the promo posters as more and more info showed how good this series would be, how unique it’d be, and how much tw as taking what made the comics great, giving us a better distalation of that while still being very much it’s own beast. And once this episode dropped.. that faith was unfounded. Woo-oo! is without hyperbole, one of the best pilots i’ve seen, one that introduced the entire main cast perfectly, gets the series tone and mission statment out just right and in general set the stage for one of the best shows of the 2010′s (and 2020′s, even if it only lasted a year and some change). Wheras Teen Titans GO actively tried to take a dump on it’s source material, they thankfully have stopped that but it dosent’ make those early years any less grating, Ducktales was a breath of fresh air that honored the past while making i’ts own future. I tried talking about it but it was all in other failed attempts at reviewing: solo podcasts, my breif second video review career.. stuff no one rightly cared about and I just couldn’t get the hang of. 
So this is where we loop back to last year: I decided to finally try and cover it one more time, not realizing this would be my last chance as it came out anyway, and since I was doing text reviews but my output had slid in the new year, I decided to review Season 3 as it came out. If it bottomed out I could always stop.... and I just never did. I kept going, eventually finding new fans, a patreon (The other one’s an old friend of mine), and not only got paid doing what I love.. but found some peace.  I reviewed other shows as they came out, covered things i’d wanted to cover for years like life and times, scott pilgrim and x-men,. I covered other shows as they came out, found people willing to talk over my opinions and found my niche at long last. 
So that’s why the long speech folks: After almost a year of reviewing i’m properly covering the start of something that made me happier than I had been in a long time and gave me hope during one of the worst periods of ALL our lives. Something i’ve wanted to cover since I finally got started last year, and something truly amazing. So i’d be honored if you’d join me under the cut as I talk about the genesis of one of the best series Disney has ever put out. 
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Behind the Scenes Stuff:  Most details I could find were sparse. it took going back to the first month the show came out and looking at a LOT of unrelated questions to finally find out Frank and Matt outright pitched the show. This dosen’t suprise me as both are huge ducktales fans with Matt having drawn his own duck comics as a kid and Frank taking it an extra mile having sang the theme song in his first grade talent show, worked it into his vows and got his first daughter’s first word to be “Woo-oo”. It’s very clear this show as a labor of love for them something they dreamed of Disney made possible. 
Otherwise I don’t have much on the genisis of the show: It was in the earliest ideas going to be a revivial but Frank and Matt both decided against it , deciding it’d be unfair to expect kids from 30 years after the original to know the source material, and instead just starting it over outright, which was the right call especailly with Alan Young’s passing. 
Design wise I found quite a bit of concept art thanks to one website, and it’s incredibly intresting. This is why i’ve really gotten into art books: I like seeing this early stuff what characters used to be, figuring out or outright hearing from the creators mouths why they changed it that sort of thing. 
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Starting off we have some early designs for Donald, with him wearing the sailor suit as a kid but his Quackshot outfit as an adult, something I honestly wish they’d kept but get why they changed it: The iconic sailor suit both helps contrast him with della and fits his reluctance to adventure in season 1 more. I still wish that they worked the Quackshot outfit in somewhere, but they worked in so damn much, it’s hard to complain> Though I probably will make a list of “things I wished they’d worked” in at some point and i’d be lying inf I siad my mind wasn’t currently turning the gears to figure out how to work this into a fanfic. Oohhh maybe as Dewey’s outfit as an adult but blue, obviously. 
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Next we have Donald settled more into his final apperance as well as the boy’s first outfits.  As you can tell from both of these the show originally went more with the classic art style before getting the one we’re familiar with now, one I love by the way and was made to combine a classic cartoon style with the visual of the comics. Donald originally had his classic outfit before they transitioned to the more barks style one, a good call.  
The interesting bit though is obviously the boys original outfits which i’m honestly bummed didn’t make it for Huey and Louie, not so much Dewey minus the visor. I do get the changes though: The hoodie Dewey had fit WAY beter on Louie, and the lumberjack shirt didn’t quite fit the nerdier huey. Still look nice. Dewey’s is okay, but only the visor is something I really gregret them removing same with louie’s fedora. It would’ve been neat ot keep the hat thing, but have each hat be unique. Likely they simplified things to make animation easier and simply removed the hats for some reason, but it’s nice ot see these more detailed original drafts and it is VERY interesting to find that differentiating the triplets was something planned from the earliest concept art. Though given Matt and Frank said in interviews they wanted a more natural family feel, it’s not a huge surprise. 
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Scrooge like everyone BUT the boys thus far, naturally also had his original outfit at first, but like he ended up doing in the series rotated a bit, if not as much in the final product. We also see a protoype for his final design, the old coat but with a jacket over it in the last image. I also notice Donald seemed a lot more like his old comics self in the concept art with quackshot!donald. 
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Like everyone else, Webby and Launchapd were originally their 87 deisgns, though Launchpad’s slightly diffrent jacket and green scarf were changed from the start. Webby is the closest to her 87 design, and as shown in the previous Lena concept art from my “Spies Like Us and Dime after Dime” double feature, she still had her new personality. More on that in a bit. 
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Finally we have Flintheart, whose design is a bit diffrent from 87: He was a chub from day one it appears, though they’d exagerate it, and his beard was a bit longer at first like his other incarnations. 
Beakly is largely unchanged form 87, only given a coat, which would gradually be mofidied, much liekt he boys into her current outfit. 
As you can tell Beakly, Webby and Launchpad were all there from day one as they wanted them from the original ducktales just updated. 
Production wise they wanted to go handrawn, chose the style they did to have something close to the comics that felt classicly aniamteda t the same time, I feel they succeeded and wanted a show that felt like the original. I do think this show has it’s own feel but it does feel ducktales. I badly hope for an artbook at some point though as this show probably hada  LOT more intresting concept art. Seriously Disney I will PAY YOU to look at your neat art. Please. 
So they created a fully formed world and put the characters in it, wanting it to feel like the world had existed before and had throughly been explored and letting our young heroes be the watson to Donald and Scrooge’s holmes. 
Finally Della was indeed part of the initial pitch and a core idea from day one as every family has secrets and Della felt like one that had been lurking around the fringes of the story for 80 years. The rest of the production stuff i’ll weave in as we go but first one last stop, the STELLAR voice cast, none of whom outsideo f Tony i’ve talked about before sooooo...
The All Star Cast
The casting was outstanding here, with Matt admitting the cast brought a LOT to the characters, especially Ben Schwartz whose taken on Dewey was so unique and intresting they actually rewrote some of his dialouge for the pilot to fit this version better. This is far and away one of the best casts in western animation, most coming from comedy backgrounds and one or two coming from a voice acting background, but all bringing their absolute best. And since our main 8 are all in the pilot let’s run them down along with Keith Ferguson shall we?
Playing everyone’s faviorite billionare scotsman  and one of the very few to ever do so, we have David Fucking Tennant. David was their “First and only choice” and for good reason: David is a talented actor with a MASSIVE amount of stage, tv and audio drama credits. His biggest and best known role is playing the 10th Doctor on Doctor Who, which while not my faviorite (That’d be matt smith, as he’s both the one I came in on and hte one who got me hooked) he’s still  VERY close second and damn talented and I need to watch more of his tenure. Outside of that just to condense it to his ongoing roles on stuff and bigger roles: Filmwise he’s had starring roles in the Fright Night remake, You, Me and Him, Fish Without Bicycles and Bad Samartains, and is set to do a voice for the upcoming Loud House Movie, which excites me to no end. 
TV wise where most of his roles have been he got his first big starring role on the Telly with the BBC Mini series Taking Over the Asylum in the late 90′s. He’d go on to make a career out of doing mini’s for a while, also taking part in He Knew He Was Right, The Quatermass Experiment Remake, Casanova, Secret Smile.. and Blackpool. I saved Blackpool for last before we move into the Who era as if you’ve never heard of it.. it’s REALY fucking weird. It’s a jukebox musical about a man who wants to make Blackpool, a real city, into the new vegas and Tennat plays a cop investigating a case around the guy and also trying to get with his wife because they used to date and because our lead is philandering jackass. That’s already kinda nuts.. but then you get to the fact the songs are sung OVER the original songs instead of making a new version of them. It’s surreal to be sure but if you can find it it’s worth it for the handful of good numbers and how weird it looks and you can find clips of the songs on youtube if your intrested. Here’s a starter. 
Your also welcome. He’d go on to play Detective Alec Hardy in Broadchurch to critical aclaim as well as be a part of it’s short lived american remake, would play the Fugitoid in tmnt 2007, Kilgrave in Jessica Jones, one of his few post who roles i’ve seen or heard besides Scrooge and easily some of his best work he NAILS that purple bastard perfectly, would make his own show Staged about a fictional version of himself putting on a Stage play that’s still ongoing, and is currently , along with Ducktales as it wraps up, the voice of Lord Commander on Final Space, with the character returning this season judging by the trailers to fan delight and terror. He’s a VERY talented actor and voice actor and I do hope he goes on to do more and more voice work in years to come as, with his background in radio, he was born for it. 
He was also born for this roll, playing Scrooge perfectly and easily matching Alan Young in quality, not a small feat and i’ts VERY obvious why he was their one and only choice. 
Next up is another legend, Tony Anselmo who we’ve talked about before when I covered legend of the Three Cablleros: He’s been Donald’s voice since shortly before Ducktales, hasn’t done much else but given he’s THE voice for the character and this show let him show off one hell of a range with teh voice, he dosen’t really need other credits. The man is a treasure and I fear loosing him one day and fear for whoever replaces him as they have a LOT to live up to. 
Getting into the triplets, we’re going by age so starting off we have Huey, voiced by Danny Pudi. Like most of this cast aside from Toks Ogladyve and Beck Bennet (Who I probably HAD seen on SNL but didn’t really know or look out for him on there till after Ducktales), I not only knew Danny but was a huge fan of his going in. This is due to his breakout role on the glorious sitcom Community, which sadly only had a handful of i’ts cast show up on this show. I mean you got Lin Manuel Miranda I’m sure Donald Glover would’ve said yes too. He grew up with Ducktales. Regardless his role as meta guy Abed was easily the best of the cast on that show, with Glover as troy a very close second and the two working at their best as a duo. Outside of that he’s had a few roles being a regular on Powerless, which I forgot existed and currently on Mythic Quest: Raven’s Banquet, and shockingly hasn’t done a ton of voice work. And given his performance as huey was one of the best parts of this show he REALLY, REALLY SHOULD. Please Danny. He’s also a loving husband, father and surprisingly a marathon runner. Never would’ve guessed.
Next up is SNL Alumn of 9 years, Bobby Monynihan. Bobby is naturally best known for that, my faviorite role of his being Ass Dan. That’s right bitch you know he’s going to live fore..
ASS DAN 1981-2021
He’ll be back. Outside of SNL he’s done a bunch of minor roles. He’s currently on the tragically mediocre sitcom Mr. Mayor, and voiced Panda on We Bare Bears. Hopefully he keeps up the good work as he deserves better than he’s gotten and Ducktales proves it. 
Finally for the triplets we have a rising star in voice acting, Ben Schrwartz. At the time Ducktales launched, I was a fan of his from his roll on parks and Rec as Jen Ralphio, aka older scummier Dewey. 
Outside of his historic recurring role here he played a main role on House of Lies, a show I need to go back to, and has done other live action rolls but has REALLY hit his stride in voice acting. He started with voicing Randy Cunningham in Randy Cunningham 9th grade ninja and since then has hit the ground running: He was Rutabega on Bojack, Josh on Bob’s Burgers, and went on to complete the trifecta of blue nostalgic characters after voicing dewey by voicing Leo in Rise of the TMNT (and having one of the most unique and intresting versions of the character to play) and reprised the roll for the upcoming film. And of course he hit it HUGE by playing Sonic in the suprsingly fantastic Sonic the Hedgehog movie, and will do so again for the sequel and might even take up the roll for the games now Roger Craig Smith has retired. We shall see. Point is this guy’s at the top of his game and Dewey is part of that. Like with his brothers I can’t picture anyone else playing him. 
Rounding out the kids is Webby, played by the wonderous Kate Micucci. Kate is a lovely talented woman who mostly showed up in smaller parts, was part of the musical duo garfunkel and oates which even got their own tv show, and is currently a fairly prolific voice actor with this being her best known roll. I also had a bit of a crush on her once can you tell? Regardless besides absolutely nailing it as Webby she’s voiced Julie Kane in the crimnally short and even more crimnally not on Disney+ Motorcity, “Irma” in the 2012 TMNT cartoon, and the fact that “Irma” is in quotes should tell you how big a waste I felt it was having her NOT actually be Irma, despite Kate’s massive talent, the fact that Irma hadn’t been in anything since the 87 cartoon, and the fact that for added “Fuck you audience points” her krang form was voiced by Gilbert Godfried, who I love but whose casting feels like they wanted to make the twist as grating as possible. Good job there. 
Anyways her second biggest voice gig was as Sadie on Steven Universe, which took WAY too long to show off her absolutely tremendous singing voice. She started voicing Velma Dinkley in the mid-2010′s and has since, voiced Milo’s sister Sarah on Milo Murphy’s Law, Dr. Fox on Unikitty, and most recently voiced a sentient present on close enough who did this. 
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So yeah quite the career and like Ben she probably has a long and storied career in Voice Acting ahead. 
Next up is Beck Bennet as everyone’s friend Launchpad where he excels. He’s best known as a castmember on SNL outside of this, and shockingly hasn’t done a ton of voice work. The only other time i’ve caught him is in the same season of Close Enough as Luc, aka dude-bro satan. But like eveyrone else here who hasn’t done a lot of voice work so far or has been more selective I defintely hope he keeps going with it as he’s amazing. He and Ben will be co-starring on MODOK in May so i’m excited for that. 
Last up for the main cast is Beakly, voiced by  Toks Olagundoye, who I hadn’t heard of before this show and hasn’t done a lot outside of the two season sitcom the neighbors, the aliens one not the really terrible looking one, and a stint on Castle, but like everyone here deserves much more and if Beakly is any indication, really should stick with voice acting. 
Last up is Keith Ferguson as only he could as FLINTHEART GLOMGOLD, whose a staple in the voice acting community ever since 2000, and has had a TON of roles some of which I was unaware with him. Given Frank worked with him on Wonder Over Yonder, where he voiced Lord Hater to perfection, the two clearly have a close working relationship. He also has a close working relationship with Wonder creator Craig McCracken and has worked on all of his post-powerpuff girls show, voicing Bloo as his first major role, something I never would’ve guessed, and currently voicing Papa G on Kid Cosmic. 
Outside of Craig and Frank, he played both Karate Kid and Nemisis Kid on Legion of Super Heroes (Which really needs to come to HBO Max), Deputy Durland on Gravity Falls,  and Thunderbolt Ross on Avengers Earth’s Mighteist Heroes. He’s damn good and deserves the world for Glomgold alone and i’m glad Craig rung him up again as so far through my watch of Kid Cosmic he’s great. 
So with our cast in place, our past in place and you all likely ready to get on with it already let’s dive into the episode:
THE EPISODE: Part one Woo-Ooo!
We begin with a shot of a seagull flying overseagulls, a nice way to establish how this world works and how it bends expectations. They’d have to wait till season 3 to get a duck next to ducks but given that gag is one of the best of the series, it was worth it. 
Inside a house boat we meet Donald, Huey and Louie and get a sense of their personalities: Donald is panicked trying to get to a job interview and insists the boys wear life vests, showing his overprotectiveness and responsibility exclusive to this version. Louie stresses that Donald wear a suit instead of his normal clothes to properly impress the interviewer, showing his skill at people reading and manipulation, and Huey is making a nice, if messy, breakfast with a heartwarming message showing his heart and dedication. After finding out said Babysitter was sent to the wrong address, the boys TRY to hustle him out to stay alone.. only for Dewey to blow the scheme by starting the boat too early, letting Donald know he’s been had. Huey’s attempt to lie about it is of course the classic “Who’s Dewey?” Dewey’s caught wiring the boat and Donald throws them in the car, with Donald livid and the boys upset as their chafing at his constant overprotectiveness. 
Both sides aren’t wrong. tThe boys DID do something reckless, putting an old woman in the desert and risking their home just to go on a joyride. What they did was wrong.. but the boys AREN’T wrong for getting annoyed that he won’t let them DO anything and overly hovering over them when they CAN handle themselves as we’ll see. WE now know why: he lost their mother and his sister to her and scrooge’s recklesness. While he got therapy for his anger it’s clear he never properly got help about Della, and thus overcompensates by trying to keep what he has left of her alive. He means well.. but to them it comes off as him being manically overprotective with no good reason. They get into trouble because it’s the only way to DO anything away from him. He’s trying so hard not to loose them he almost has by the time hte series starts, and it’s telling that when they get context in Last Crash, they appricate him more from then on. They do love him, but their frustration is understandable even if what their doing is pretty damn stupid. But their also 10 and Donald’s the grown adult in therapy who should’ve dealt with this or tried to at least by now.
So with no other options Donald sets a course for McDuck manor which excites the boys who have heard of Scrooge McDuck and his exploits, each rattling off something they heard him do that fits their personality (Dewey picks him fighting a stone monster, Huey picks him uncovering a hoax and Louie picks his swimming in money. ) As Donald tries to get them to simmer down, they wonder what he’s up to
He’s up toooo.. depression. He’s in a room with his board, watching them with utter hate and sadness as they talk about cutting the invention and aviation departments. This scene plays ENTIRELY differently after the final two episodes of the season. Before it still plays well as Scrooge clearly resenting being stuck in a boring board meeting, having lost everything that made him him and just having lost his passion for life. Now? It plays as a man utterly disdainful of the men who made him give up on his daughter. While as far as he knows they did it to save his employees from his company collapsing, we know better now... and seriously where IS the rest of the board they just vanished after the Season 3 premiere.
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I don’t mind only one being fleshed out, unlike the triplets we only NEED the one I mind that they just never explained it and still haven’t. Hopefully the finale will. 
But back on the plot, it now plays as Scooge just full of hatred for them, knowing they had to do what they did, even if they weren’t emebzlling but still hating them and himself. He’s likely not even paying attention anymore because he just dosen’t CARE: he has all the money int he world.. and it couldn’t bring him his daughter back. As he sadly puts the coins he was fiddling with back and says see you tommorow he can’t even close the vault without a struggle. As we’ll see later the strength never left, it’s not like he stopped execrising.. but he has nothing left to fight for. Nothing left to care about. He could adventure agian so far.. but without Della or Donald, as we’d learn two seasons later the reason he enjoyed it again... what’s the point? He has nothing left except his money. 
This is also a nice parallel to the final Chapter of LIfe and Times. I always felt the first half of woo-ooo was a spiritual adaptation of chapter 12 of that: Scrooge meets the boys for the first time and with their help, and Donalds in the story< Webby and Launchpad here, he regains his passion and more importantly his family after driving them away> The how is very different: he did in life and times due to sinking to his lowest point morally, then cruelly dismissing his family when they tried to welcome him home and bury the hatchet despite what he’d done. Here.. he made a HORRIBLE mistake, one that wasn’t entirely on him but still cost him everything and spent the decade instead of stewing or making more money trying desperately to undo it. The end result is the same, a dried out husk of a man with nothing left to loose and no will to gain anything.
This husk has launchpad though whose introduced as his driver and while good with subs and planes.. isn’t great on the road. After that though Donald pulls up hoping to drop the kids off before Scrooge arrives. Naturally this being a cartoon and Donald having tempted fate with that Scrooge shows up telling him to jettison that Jallopy at once. And finding out who it is, apart from asking how Donald is and Donald doing the same, dosen’t sway him. The boys however freak out after finding out Scrooge is Donald’s and there uncle, with my faivriote bit of that being Dewey exiting the car via a window and rolling across the roof back in. Amazing bit of animation. Wish I had a gif of that. 
Donald makes the situation plane and angry and asks “Can you do that without LOOSING THEM”. And scrooge is so painfully disarmed by his reminder of his past mistakes and the fact his surrogate son still resents him, that he agrees before realizing “Shit I have to watch children now don’t I” as Donald drives off. As you probably guessed, this is another scene that plays differently in hindsight, if not by much: It still plays as two men too stubborn and bitter to reconcile.. but now we know the why behind both their rages it feels even sadder. They both lost the person they cared about most but as it sadly happens in real life both have dug in their heels to reconcile, both feeling their right when neither completely is. While Donald was right to be upset at scrooge and della for what happened, and is mostly taking it out on scrooge because he’s the one left... he’s held onto his anger for 10 years instead of going to help when he’s unemployed, living in a dilapidated houseboat and trying ot raise three children alone and could’ve used what help scrooge would give. Scrooge is right to be upset that Donald is just selectively ignoring everything he’s done to save Della, but is too stubborn and prideful to apologize for what he DID do wrong and feels that’s enough to make up for it when , while it is enough that donald should forgive him, still dosen’t mean he dosen’t have a lot to apologize for. Both are just too angry and too much alike, as much as it woudln’t seem so, to settle with each other and see too much of what they lost. 
So the kids follow Scrooge.. who forgets to open the door, and Beakly lets them in. It’s a nice subtle bit. After some silence, Bentina TRIES to get her old friend and now employer to talk to them, but he naturally refuses and they do the talking, asking tons of questions.. and Dewey ends the conversation by accidently pressing the “imply he USED to be something rather than is something right now “ button
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So Scrooge throws them in the twins old room, and Beakly gives them some marbles. You will give them b ack they will be counted. But another subtle touch I missed the first time is there... her sad look. She clearly doesn’t want to do this, but she has to play this carefully or else he might get mad and fire her on the spur of the moment. He’d obviously hire her back, where else is he going to get an ex spy who will both clean for him AND be his bodyguard and security. It’s a very small pool. Mostly because Beakly probably killed most of the other people who’d of fit that description during her spy days. 
Scrooge meanwhile is still rattled by Dewey’s statment, wondering if he really is a “used to be” instead of a “never left”. The fire is starting to spark again.. he just needs more kindling. And more kin. 
Meanwhile Louie and Huey marvel at Dewey’s “Brilliant’ breakout plan: hit the door knob with the sack of marbles til lit breaks. To be fair, they’ve known dewey as long as they’ve been alive and even by season 3 after he’s taken several levels in badass and cunning.. he still crashed a plane because his brother well-meaningly called him basic, and thought being nearly sacrificed the most times was an accomplishment. This is the best he could do and you all know it. It also works, so they can’t fault him for that... though he’s quickly kidnapped as are they. They wake up after the commerical break in a room with pure darkness, hung from the celing with a mystery person asking who they are and who they work for before Louie calls out for “uncle scrooge”... so she claps the lights back on and..
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Well close. But it is Webby, who cuts them down, fangirls over meeting the nephews and asks who the evil triplet is. They all point to Louie who shrugs it off. I mean it was funny enough the first time but at this point I know he’s running several fradulent charites, almost all scamming his uncle. He’s earned that title. Webby puts them on the big board and then when asked they find out she’s Webby, her granny Beakly is housekeeper.  She then asks the big questons “Are we friends now?” “If we say yes will you let us live?” “Ha good one new best friend”
She then explains she dosen’t get to leave or anything even eat a hamburger. The boys are moved by this and Louie asks what she does for fun. She leads them to the vents and while Huey and Louie are a bit relcutant, Dewey naturally goes first pointing out it’s better than the marble room. They agree and are on their way. 
Okay unpinning that pin, the crew conciously updated Webby and Beakly as neither really had a lot of purpose in the original. It was also to conciously add more actiony females to the main family lineup, as both creators, both being fathers, preferred someone their daughters could look up to and would enjoy watching. Not someone perfect but someone intresting instead of someone who often got Kidnapped and whose main charactrisitcs were “Sweet and GIRL STEROTYPE” So cleverly they KEPT her being girly, having a skirt, liking ponies. .but also gave her all the training and skill of one Cassandra Cain, a sheltered background and an adorable personality that kept the sweetness but added her probably having killed a man at some point. It worked as Webby is one of the best parts of the show. 
Likewise Beakly was upgraded from fuddy duddy housekeeper, to badass former secret agent whose also a housekeeper, and bodyguard and confidant to scrooge. Demonstrated by her talk with him as he tries to put on his diving suit and go after the jewel of atlantis, having spotted the signs to go after it in the paper.. and wanting to prove a child wrong. Beakly points out the flaws in this, and tries to get him to connect to his family. Having lost hers, it’s easy to see why.. though the how’s a mystery.. for now i’m guess. We’ll see in the finale. But she’s Scrooge’s concisence and the one who can easiest reign him in, to the point two episodes directly have our heroes have to NOT call her or else the plot was end, but have that worked into the plot so it works. She’s the calm in his storm and hte one person he needs more than anyone else even if he dosen’t always realize it. He calls family “nothing but trouble” just as Dewey passes overhead. 
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So naturally as Webby shows off Scrooge’s old treasures in a mysterious room, while the other Siblings are rightfully impressed, Dewey dismisses it as “fake” because he’s being a little shit, and they agree after seeing Donald, not knowing his reputation. The cutaway to him struggling with a stapler does not help> it’s only when Webby accidnetly uneleashes Captain Peghook, a vengeful ghost after scrooge, who gets his hand on a ghostly sword do they realize this time the monsters are real. Huey also accidently wakes up Manny, the headless manhorse! 
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Things somehow get WORSE as Scrooge finds them.. but is in no state to argue and as our heroes duck and Huey tries to divise a plan.. Scrooge get’s his spark back once agian.. it’s starting to become an ember now... and he charges in despite Dewey’s cries of “No come back your old!”. It then gets VERY badass Scrooge: Oi! Beastie! What's it gonna take to shuffle you off to the afterlife? Captain Peg-Hook: The head of Scrooge McDuck! Scrooge: [cracks his neck, flips his cane around to wield like a sword] Would you settle for his hat?
Now that is how you show how badass Scrooge is in a few lines and gestures. HE proceeds to take both out, as they’ve now teamed up, easily, tricking peghook into cutting off the head of a statue of him in the area, throwinng it at him and finsihing the ghosts buisnesss (”I should’ve been more specifiiiicccccc”) and then giving Manny the head, earning him a loyal employee for life. So our days saved, the kids have faith.. and Scrooge is still pissed. He also reveals this isn’t a treasure room but the garage in what’s easily the best gag of the first half, possibly the whole special but one iconic moment is very close in that one. Webby concedes what about the stack of old magazines or the hose or.. okay he’s probably right. He berates them only for the kids to fire back, pointing out he threw them in a room, they just wanted to spend time with him... but it’s only Dewey throwing his words back in his face that pisses him off. Scrooge bellows at them to get out, clearly having internalized everything with donald into rage and trying to justify pushing eveyrone away instead of working at it... but this dosen’t have time to actually work, nor would Beakly actually throw three children out on the curb, as he hits a mystic gong.. the third time it’s been hit. And after realizing it’s already been hit twice Scrooge is faced with Pixu, the gold hutning dragon! And guess who has a giant bin of it wanting to snack on? Scrooge naturally climbs on the thing and the kids naturally want to follow, with Webby getting her first development by proudly announcing “I’m going to eat a hamburger” then explains the metaphor. They just need a pilto.. and as Launchpad has been saying but I forgot to add in “I’m a pilot”
So we get a GORGEOUS bit of Scrooge riding the dragon over the city, getting banged up as he does before finally being thrown off.. only for the kids to catch him with the planes help and try and come up with a plan. Scrooge overcomes his anger at them not staying put, especailly since Webby brings up the right weakness: as a wise man once said...
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So they need some.. like say the Medusa Gauntlet Scrooge had in the garage.. that Louie naturally stole. Huey and Webby eyeroll him but they have what they need.. and Huey brought the hose and quickly comes up with a plan, tying scrooge in, and swinging him to Pixu. The kids hold on tight, Dewey calls his family awesome and our heroes win the day as Scrooge turns the dragon to stone, slips and falls.. and then GRACEFULLY dives into hte bin, showing off his diving skills and his badassery. The day is saved, the gauntlet and the dragon go in the bin for safe keeping and Scrooge calls the kids trouble.. and chuckles fondly. “Curse me kilts how i’ve missed trouble”
He’s impressed: Huey’s quick thinking, Louie’s pickpocketing, Dewey’s drive, and Webby’s magical knowledge all saved them. For once. .he’s happy again. And for the second time in life it took his family to remind him why he does this and show him the true fun of adventure: Getting to share it with those he love. And he finally has people to love again. He has family back, kids who look up to him and want to learn from him again, a REASON to adventure. Money and treasure and eveyrthig couldn’t bring della back.. but he at least sees now that whiel they certianly couldn’t.. they can bring him closely with what he has left. She’s gone, for now.. but she left behind three great kids who could use a mentor and Beakly brought him a fourth. And he just found out he has a pilot. The ember.. is now a raging flame. Scrooge is back. Because i’ts not the money or the glory.. it’s the thrill of it, the discovery.. and the family that makes adventuring worth while and he’s learned that lesson again. So he calls Beakly to clear his schedule.. forgetting she you know PUT A FUCKING PIN INTHE WALL the last time he asked her to play scretary and the onlyr eason she dind’t drive over the choke him to death, is that she’s probably happy he’s back on track.
Back at the interview Donald is stapled to the wall and gets the job.. not as an accountant mind but his employer needs a sailor.. and his employer is FLINTHEART GLOMGOLD. Oh boy. 
Part 2: Escape To/From Atlantis First the last bit of background I saved: Originally, Fenton and Gyro were supposed to show up here, starting a gag of Fenton showing up but not being named until “Beware the B.U.D.D.Y. System!”, setting up the sub. But the crew decided this took too much away from the focus on the duck family. The not naming him gag was also dropped, and I have two reasons why: Their given reason, which is it’d take up too much time and a logistical reason: While they gave a heartfelt pitch to Lin-Manuel Miranda, as frank wanted a strong Latino superhero to combat the lack of them on film, Frank and Matt probably thought they woudln’t get such a huge name or at least prepared for it.. and were delightfully suprised when Lin happily and tearfully agreed. So they likely scrapped it so they could properly promote the biggest name in their voice cast. Honestly it was for the best and they still go to do the idea with Drake in “The Duck Knight Returns!”, where it worked much better than it probably would have with Fenton. 
We open with the Glomgold Industries Employee Training Video! Encourging IP Theft, making things cheaper and general scumbaggery, and claming your the world’s most beloved scottish billionare. IN short the perfect introduction to everyone’s favorite insane, fake-scottish, scheming, egotistical , short sighted billionaire. As i’ve made transparent before, I fucking love the reboot version of Glomgold and he’s easily one of my favorite parts of the reboot. They clearly needded to find a new place for Glomgold in the grand scheme of things as the show was more about globetrotting adventure and family and less about getting contracts or bets about whose bigger money and more about family. While they DID do a classic bet storyline with season 2, it’s clear the old glomgold was just a bit too stiff to properly fit into this new zanier and deeper universe. 
So they instead remolded him as a half insane, knockoff scrooge, someone who PURPOSFULLY modeled himself after the guy to try and one up him, and instead of being a fairly low pitched schemer, was a bombastic idiot whose schemes were half baked, whose name was on everything he made, and whose only thing bigger than scrooge was his glorious ego. In short he was perfect for this series and perfect to show up way more often as a bumbling thorn in Scrooge’s side.. but one who COULD be effective in the right circumstances, as to not make him completely pointless. Keith was likewise the only person I could see in the roll now as with Hater he had a history of playing bombastic, egosticial morons, and made Glomgold into the enjoyable ball of ego, bombs, sharks and shouting we know and love. Some people didn’t take to this version after a while... I’m not one of those. I loved him here, I love him now, and he’s every bit as good in season 3 as he was at the start. He’s also wearing a kilt mcduck A KILT. A bit that’st STILL funny four years and 70 some episodes later. 
So we meet Gabby McStabberson and the Smashnikovs as they and Donald file in, though Donald is busy wrapping up a call with Scrooge, who assures them he has a low key day planned.. while in the sub getting ready to go to atlantis. And nearly drowning when Dewey tells Launchpad to dive while he and Scrooge are still up top. Cue credits. 
So on the sub we get our setup for the two main plots for the episode: While the main thrust of everything is Scrooge taking them to Atlantis, each leads to a diffrent plot. Louie talks to Donald and lies entirely about their day, worrying Webby.. who then reveals she just didn’t tell Beakly she took off or where she was going and encourages her to call and lie. To save time, i’m going to cover this subplot now minus the conclusion as it’s pretty simple and this review is already a day behind. Louie wants her to lie so she dosen’t worry, which is oddly sweet.. still a bit greasy, but it’s clear he means well and it shows in his own way the boy cares about Donald: Sure he’ll lie to the guy, and set up a fradulent charity to scam him.. but he also knows not to worry his dad-uncle and kows Donald is better off thinking their safe than knowing the truth. Granted it also prevents consequences for Louie.. but he’s not playing here here. He gets nothing out of Beakly not knowing the truth or helping some girl he just met, he’s just being NICE in his own twisty way. It’s a nice show of his depths: While louie will lie, cheat and steal Eddie Gurrero style, he does have a caring side underneath hit. He can read people well and while he primarily uses it to manipulate people, we’ll see time and time again that he can use it for good too and to help those he cares about. He’s nothing but supportive the whole plot, and even when he says “you can’t back that up” it’s more worrying about her and having a bit of crack than actually being a dick. 
So Webby tries lying, but is about as good as Huey is at it, saying “I’m at a friends house nothing, then makes up a clearly fake name, then says their only talking in swedish for a grandpa. Launchpad DOES help, but only by accident and snake venom. We’ll get to that. As I said this wasn’t the most complex plot. 
The main plot is our focus episode for dewey. In theory each of the kids was supposed to have one in the first five episodes: Dewey here, Webby in Daytrip of Doom, Louie in Great Dime Chase and Huey in Impossible Summit of Mt. Nevverest!. Given the last one was horribly delayed, he instead got Terror of the Terra Firmians, which in hindsight wasn’t the best spotlight episode for him. But it’s a good system; Introduce them all in the first half of the pilot then slowly focus on each one.  So now Idoloizing Scrooge, Dewey is desperate to be his sidekick and be seen as an equal and is in deep denial as scrooge instead has them all buckle up for a 17 hour ride and when Dewey questions the route, which skips the direct path.. but is clearly marked with monsters, Scrooge just snaps at him and shuts him down and disapoints the boy who only wants to prove himself to Scrooge. 
Naturally though, telling someone with that kind of need for attention and validation to wait goes poorly as he redirects the map while Launchapd is distracted.. and we find out WHY the trip is 17 hours as the direct route nearly gets them killed by mer-ducks, krakens and some sort of storm elemental. Dewey is bummed it didn’t work and annoyed to realize he’s just lumping them all together like Huey pointed out earlier. Huey is also delightful here, having brought travel bingo and sea shanties, clearly used to trips with his other uncle. And adorably taking after him. 
But Dewey’s deversion has done more than make him even MORE determined to prove himself to Scrooge whose just trying to NOT loose the son of the daughter he lost...
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The Merducks have taken up residence in the bathroom, so they have to make a pitstop. Scrooge, CLEARLY forgetting how to take a trip with children, wasn’t prepared for this but they find a frieghter and make a stop. Naturally it’s GLOMGOLD’S freighter, where his sub took off from, and he and his minons including Donald find Scrooge using the bathroom.. and the boys to Donald’s rage. Unfortunately saying ‘I’ll kill him” to a raging sociopath who takes that as a sign to kill ALL of them, isn’t a smart move. 
So while Donald tries to plan to keep his family alive, said family arrives in Atlantis with a great bit of Scrooge trying to give a big speech only for them to see it first and ooh and ah. They touch down in the city.. which is flip turned upside down. Scrooge notes hti is odd but is able to read the hieroglypchs even upside downa nd notes there’s tones of deadly traps and that they shoudl stay back and..
Huey: Dewey ran in as soon as you said traps. 
So while Scrooge tries to prevent dewey loosing his head, Donald prevents launchpad loosing his and makes up an excuse about “if their dead now we can’t tourture them later” to cover his ass. Glomgold is impressed.  Dewey is Dewcipointed that the traps are upside down, though he does trigger some snakes that get launchpad. He’s fine just delirious. And possibly slowly dying but the fact he’s lived this long is a miracle. Maybe that’s why he’s missing for most of season 3 part 2, the snake venom caught up to him and drake and fenton need to find the cure. Anyways the rest of the party stays behind while Scrooge chases after Dewey, who naturally runs ahead AGAIN. 
Donald ducks out to use the bathroom, as Dewey tries the old dance through the laser grid routine.. but forgets the part where your supposed to actually avoid it, leaving it to an unseen Donald to stop the fire traps from barbqueing his boy. IT’s a really awesome sequence that shows off Donald’s still got it even if he dosen’t want it.  Scrooge naturally works smarter not harder and simply ziplines above like a badass and berates Dewey when he tells him he took “The easy way”
“Why would you want to take the hard way?” The argument that’s been brewing all episode bubbles up and once again both sides have a point: Scrooge rightfully points out Dewey’s being reckless, has no experince and needs to listen to Scrooge and learn something. Dewey claps back that Scrooge isn’t TEACHING them, just teling them to get behind him while he does things instead of trying to actively mentor them. He outright told them he was going to teach them so while Dewey’s been a wee bit overbearing, he’s right in being disappointed that Scrooge instead just wants them to be safe. I see it as his subconscious acting up: He wants and needs the kids along and is right ot keep them safe.. but is too scared to properly mentor them after what happened to Della and is just trying not to loose anybody. His methods have been right, to keep them safe.. he’s just been so determined to save them, he can’t properly TEACH them so he won’t have to forever or explain WHY. And given the First Adventure shows that while protective he did eventually let Della and Donald pull their weight.. but here he lost so much between adventures.. he just can’e bear loosing them. Dewey also rightfully points out he just lumps them together which in any other version wouldn’t be an issue, until the reboot I had no idea which one was which here? They have distinct outfits and personalities and you had 17 hours to actually get to know them. Probably less given the shortcut but still, several hours at a minimum. It’s things like this that make the series work: while there’s plenty of internal conflicts, at their best their nuanced ones, where if one character is clearly in the wrong they have a reason, and if both are right both are also a bit wrong, versus the original where it’d be scrooge or the boys grabbing the asshole ball at times (Not always mind you but when they did it was insufferable. 
However they don’t have time to argue as the bridge goes out and Glomgold finds donald.. and another way around as a result and gets to the treasure first. Scrooge notices they have donald but once again Dewey charges in 
“Unhand my uncle” “No” “Okay wasn’t prepared for that”
Naturally both sides are a bit livid, Donald for dragging his boys into danger after being part of the reason his sister is on the moon right now, and Scrooge for working with one of his greatest eneimies.. though Scrooge has less ground to stand on because as Donald points out “I can’t keep track of ALL of your sworn enemies” I mean he has lived like .. 200 years. That’s a long enemies list and Glomgold, while the most persistent, isn’t exactly the most dangerous they probably encountered. Given the guy’s an artist with Bombs and Sharks that does say a lot about how badass Scrooge is.. and how incompitent glomgold usually is. He’s just having an on day today I guess. 
Glomgold naturally holds Donald hostage, takes what is suppsidley the jewel and leaves them to drown to death, hitting a wall to let it start leaking. HIs minons run into the rest of the heroes and a fight breaks out while naturally Donald, after even more naturally getting his ass stuck in a hole, literally, rails out at Scrooge for doing this telling him “I knew I couldn’t trust you and” “This is the spear of selene all over again”
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Scrooge’s only response is “I was not responsible for the Spear of Selene!”
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Dude you still paid for the rocket. While Della shoulders most of the blame, SHE choose to take an untested rocket, SHE choose not to come back during the turbulence YOU still built it and hid it from donald and didn’t make sure she couldn’t just take off in it. Your both to blame. And as I mentioned earlier to the least extent but still an extent, so was Donald telling his grown, adult sister whose as stubborn as she is what she could and couldn’t do. He had the right idea and was the only person trying to be an adult here in this situation.. but he still took the wrong approach with stopping her. Still he got far more ground to stand on than Scrooge, who also took his nephews out. Dewey stops both by pointing out that while yes Scrooge took them on an adventure he’s been doing NTOHING but keeping him safe and most of it was his fault which disarms donald a bit. Though Dewey is quickly distracted.. but for once by an obersvation: the gem glowing above thaem that glowed when they entered... and since the city got flipped turned upside down.. THAT’S the real jewel. Dewey asks Donald ot let it flood so they can get it and begs his uncle to trust him despite his doubts which he does. They get it and everyone’s okay and even more when they reunite with the others they find they’ve handily beaten them. To me this is where donalds walls go down a bit: he realizes he’s been smothering the kids, and that while he may hate his uncle for good reason... he’s not going to make the same mistake with them and while he lied.. Don probably realized if Scrooge had been honest Donald would never have let them go. He can trust him.. and he can trust his kids will be alright without him. 
So Glomgold naturally leaves his minions to die, but our heroes manage to make it to the sub, and Gabby asks if they can bum a ride. Not wanting to do any murders they agree. On the surface Glomgold is showing off his jewel, only for Scrooge to upstage him second’s later with the real jewel, and point out his is “nice but defintly cursed”... and right on cue Glomgold gets dragged off with an octopus and let’s off his first “Curse you mcduck!”. Scrooge offers clean water and power thorugh it, for a price because of course he does, and has offically made his grand comeback. 
We get back to Webby’s subplot, as she’s confronted by Beakly.. who naturally being a former spy easily figured it out immieditely but is only upset her grandaughter lied to her. And even at that she dosen’t raise her voice or anything about the matter, knowing it’d only make her feel worse and getting that her grandaughter needs to see the world and that much like donald, she walled her up to prevent loosing what little she had left. And since being with Scrooge is safe as with her, she can go with him anytime just tell her first kay? They hug. Awwww. 
Donald likewise apologizes, admitting that whatever has passed, he misjudged his uncle here and while not forgiving him yet, is at least willing to let him back into his life and into the boys.. on holidays and stuff at least. But fate forces his hand.. or rather his 10 year old nephew-son having left the engine on and neither having turned it off, meaning his boat goes boom and is in no liveable condition. But Scrooge has the space in his heart and mansion for them.
So as we close the kids help move the artifacts all around the house instead of just the garage while Launchapd drops the boat. While clearing out Dewey notices the painting from earlier.. and finds part of it was flipped over...
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Now keep in mind, while nowadays Della’s inclusion in the show is one of the most famous and treasured parts of the show.. back then this was a fucking shock. Disney never really cared about the boys mother and outside of one comics story never really went into what happened. So the fact she was not only an actual important part of the plot but we’d find out was a HUGE wham moment and left my jaw dropped after seeing the episode. Like I would with the finales I had read no spoilers and had no idea this was coming but damn was it a huge and welcome suprise and how far they’d take it and how much they’d flesh her out was an even bigger one. Easily one of the best big reveals i’ve ever seen. The only better one I can think of from this series itself... is the end of season 2. But that’s for another time. 
Final Thoughts on Woo-Ooo!:
This two parter/hour long special.. is still one of the episodes best and easily one of the best pilots. It does slow down a bit in pacing in the second half, but otherwise is just an immaculate , beautiful pilot movie that introduces and fleshes out all 8 main characters, maybe Launchpad the least but enough to still work, gives us some big mysteries to work out, and even throws in Glomgold’s first apperance. It sets the tone, reverent and adventuerous but also with it’s own weird and wacky sense of humor and world building, and universe perfectly. I .. don’t have much else to say really it’s just THAT good and really worth checking out. If you somehow haven’t seen it go watch it and if you haven’t seen it in a while might be worth a rewatch before the finale. The absolutely perfect start to an amazing ride. 
Next on the Della Arc: Dewey and Webby try to figure out where Della is while Louie learns a valuable life lesson and  pisses off a killer robot along the way.
Next on the Blog: Amphibia Season 2 is back! 
Until then if you liked this review follow for more and if you could please support me on patreon. Even a buck a month helps and juicy stretch goals give you na incentive to contirbute. We’re 5 bucks away from 20 dollars a month which means a review of super ducktales and a Darkwing Duck review EVERY. MONTH. So contribute now! Until the next rainbow it’s been a pleasure. 
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let's hear about FFVIII seifer, if you're still doing this XD
Why I like them: You know my tastes. A green-eyed man is introduced throwing fireballs around, is kind of a condescending jerk but in a fun way, instigates deep conversations on high ground while staring at the sunset...Well, before we even get to villainy, immolation, and redemption arc, I start going “Is this a favorite character?”  I’m joking...kind of. Some of that does factor in, even the fire. 
Okay, so my favorite thing about Seifer’s arc is that, in the limited focus he’s given, he’s complex and layered from the beginning, and his villain arc is a clear and fascinating illustration of “No man chooses evil because it is evil; he only mistakes it for happiness, the good he seeks” ….with a side of brainwashing.
Let’s break this down:
What are some of the words used to describe him by those that know him (by himself, by Squall, by Fuu and Rai)? Romantic. Idealistic. Sensitive. He is the one who believes in making a difference in the world--not just as a wish or goal, but as an imperative to do what your heart says is right even if it’s going to cost you--where Squall is just follow-the-orders-and-do-the-job. If you’re already reading this and objecting, I’m not saying Squall doesn’t care...obviously he does, defrosting Mr. Go Talk to a Wall and getting him to a place where he admits how many layers of mask he wears is his character development...but Seifer isn’t just a hothead. He wears his heart on his sleeve. 
Don’t get me wrong. I am not trying to deny that Seifer can be an abrasive, self-serving, hypocritical jackass sometimes,  who can fight dirty, wants to “wreak some havoc,” and has a history as a bully--though, gentlefolk of the jury, I submit to the courts that he puts on a tough act like Squall does and they are both different flavors of trying to mimic toxic alpha male--but let’s not forget that some of his establishing character moments are throwing out his future to disobey orders because he sees that the higher-ups have possibly misjudged the situation and civilians could be in danger, and, again, going AWOL because he thinks Squall and Rinoa could be killed. And he calls himself the white knight and holds up a code of honor until the end, even though it gets twisted. He is about duty and honor, with honor even over duty.
Oh, this was only going to be the beginning. I haven’t even begun to touch on what I would want to touch on--this is just surface personality and the beginning of the game before we even get to joining Sorceress Edea, and even then not all I would say-- but this post isn’t actually supposed to be my Ted talk on what you missed if you just think of Seifer as a recurring boss fight. Let’s move on.
ONE MORE THING ACTUALLY. Even though we see a lot of Seifer at his worst, you can use Fujin and Raijin as a mirror. What do they say near the end of the game if we paraphrase/summarize? They knew pretty early on, before even the senseless slaughter and torture era that Seifer was going down a dark path with the sorceress, but they knew it wasn’t him and stayed with him, not because they agreed with his actions, wanted power, or out of fear, but to take care of him and try to break through to him--and not because they are saints, but because he, despite what had happened in the past year, is the type of person who deserves and inspires that kind of loyalty. Let’s think on that.
Now the rest goes under a read more, because I am going to keep rambling and be wordy
Why I don’t: He can be an asshole, and he’s an asshole in an embarrassing way. As in, if one is trying to say he’s not the little punk his KH counterpart is, you remember he still uses the insult chickenwuss (though that is a legacy insult/nickname since he’s known Zell since childhood--and, fyi, Squall uses it too) and he had a little gang in school. Even once he’s a military commander of an evil army set on world domination, he has some moments where his level of petty undermines him.
Favorite episode (scene if movie): The Dollet mission
Favorite line: Sorry, not sorry that the following is my favorite exchange of lines and that the prison torture scene is another of my favorite scenes. For context, Seifer has captured Squall, has him hanging up on the wall in crucified hero imagery, implied to be shirtless even though his character model isn’t because they talk about scar tissue or lack thereof from a recent shoulder injury/Squall being stabbed in the chest/shoulder area. Seifer has been electrocuting Squall for information. By this point, I might as well have put the whole scene here. Also, I am now going to blame Squall and Seifer text boxes in FFVIII for my own abuses of ellipses...
Seifer: " I was hoping you'd be there, Squall. So... how'd I look in my moment of triumph? My childhood dream, fulfilled. I've become the sorceress' knight."
Squall: [internal monologue] ...Sorceress' knight... ...His...romantic dream...? But... Seifer... Now, you're just a…[Out loud] "... torturer."
[Squall passes out.]
Seifer: "What did you say? [Steps closer] Passed out cold, eh? This is the scene where you swear your undying hatred for me! The tale of the evil mercenary versus the sorceress' knight!”
This isn’t just me all “mmm, tension.” Seifer has passed the moral event horizon, and it’s not just faceless NPCs that are collateral damage anymore. We’ve seen him on screen torture the protagonist, who is also one of the only people who he’s shown to have a real bond with that goes beyond superficial. Then we get this and see Seifer thinks he’s the good guy still, on a noble mission where he’s had to make painful sacrifices, and Squall is a representative of the power-hungry evil. Seifer’s been playing a different game, and had his will twisted via magic.
Favorite outfit: The Amano art where the white coat is cast off and he’s wearing the simple black shirt and black jeans under it. Symbolic? Maybe. I wouldn’t give up the coat though. I love the long white/gray coat, the outer embodiment of wanting to wear the white hat, but the desire easily getting tarnished, and the red cross that turns into a sword and becomes Seifer’s symbol and soon to appear other places, emblazoned nice and big on the sleeve. It’s the Cross of Saint James. TRADITIONALLY red represents the blood of Christ, the three lilies represent the honor of the apostle and reference Christ as lily of the valley, and the sword shape represents the torture that St.James suffered before his murder. HOWEVER, my opinion is that here it’s more vague/altered symbolism (For starters, there are other gods not the Christian God in this world) with a side of “looks cool.” We still have something that clearly calls to mind a mission from on high, innocence in the lilies, blood and blood cost, and then war/violence with the sword. And I love it. 
OTP: Seifer/Squall. I should not even start, but lest you think I am just in it for kinky torture scenes: We have these two who, in the beginning, are generally callous or mocking toward everyone, but make each other laugh/smile, see who each other are underneath and describe each other in “soft” terms even if they tease each other for it, repeatedly check in on each other to see if the other is okay, respect each other’s opinion and skills, and...you get the idea. In the words of Zell Dincht, I thought you two were rivals, but you’re all buddy-buddy. 
Pause for a second and let’s just say first impression. That opening fight where they scar each other’s faces? It takes place outside Balamb Garden and the area is shown so we see they are alone. Squall passes out. Squall wakes up in the infirmary within the Garden base. Squall has to explain what happened; people don’t already know. This kind of implies after Squall passed out, Seifer, bleeding from a head wound himself, picked Squall up and carried him home, allowing himself to collapse only when Squall was being safely tended to, because he’s that extra. This is his first (okay, second, after fireballs and face slashing) action in the game even though it’s offscreen. I mean, he could have also just called for help/ran for help, but that’s less fun.
 Seifer is so concerned with being a badass, but he’s admits to Squall all he’s ever wanted was to be the fairytale knight, not a mere soldier. Vulnerability and confession he wants romance....with the first time it’s brought up in game being while they are watching the sun set together, the traditional Square Red Sunset of Shipping. 
Seifer hesitates to defy orders, not for himself, but until he sees Squall is with him. Even though there were other “children of destiny” who all came from the same orphanage, Squall and Seifer were the ones who were never apart, never adopted until it was by a military/mercenary training program, and, even though it may speak more to brotherly than romantic from some angles, there’s a feeling of being the same, knowing each other down to the atoms, adopting an us against the world mindset that trumps trying to best each other when it comes down to it because they are the only constant. When Squall has his breakdown/ breakthrough of why he pushes people away/doesn’t let himself care/tries not to need anyone because people leave/are taken from him and he is scared he isn’t worthy of love and happiness until Rinoa challenges him, this may seem like a dismissal of Seifer, but you can also look at it from “I had no friends or family. I didn’t even have interest in speaking to anyone. I strived to be an unfeeling machine, because all emotion is pain...But also I couldn’t go 48 hours without seeing Seifer.”
Yeah, yeah, we know their main form of hanging out was beating the tar out of each other, but sometimes, especially in older media, this was its own brand of subtext. For more on how Seifer miiiight just view sparring let’s point out that “Isn’t this ROMANTIC?” and “Kneel” as a less easily interpreted as innuendo version of  “I want you on your knees” are battle quotes even in Kingdom Hearts sooo draw your own conclusion. 
We get a line where Squall makes it clear these were friendly matches looked at as pushing their limits beyond what they are allowed to in sanctioned spars, and he feels prepared to take on anything  now because of Seifer. Is it healthy communication  in real life? No! Is this real life? No! Plus, the facial scar was an accident, pretty clearly...on Seifer’s side...I could write another essay on how Seifer draws first blood, but it’s because on Squall’s failed block, AND THEN SQUALL GETS ANGRY AND RETALIATES WITH CLEAR PURPOSE AND MAKES THE OPENING SHOT INTO THE FIRST SIGN GOOD VERSUS BAD GUY ISN’T SO CLEAR CUT (even though they both shouldn’t have been going so hard in a friendly training match to begin with).
 Seifer’s later, repeated threats/expressed desire to give Squall additional scars once he goes evil? That is a different animal, and a horrible one, objectively. Not objectively? No comment. Okay, one comment. Mark you as mine. Two comments. He knows Squall’s lost some memories and he can’t stomach being the next thing forgotten so Squall needs physical reminders.
Hmmm, I was supposed to be talking about the ship, not just the sparring and scars. We can wrap it up with a Marge Simpson. “I just think they’re neat”
Squall’s jacket when he becomes Leon in Kingdom Hearts. His outfit is mostly the same, right? Except the back of the jacket now has a red patch of an emblem (of Rinoa’s angel wings, not Seifer’s cross...for the OT3 feel), and his fight with Sora he throws a fireball like Seifer’s signature. Just, you know, if you want bonus references/feeling.
Brotp: Fuu and Rai. They are willing to commit war crimes with this man, nurse him back from death’s door, and go into exile with him if he can’t return to a normal life even after a redemption arc. This section deserves to be long, but I am beginning to get talked out. Don’t take that as devaluing the friendship though. I’m glad he was allowed to keep his ride or dies in Kingdom Hearts. FRIENDSHIP! They love him, ya know?
Head Canon: What we see of him at the end of the game is a temporary situation and after he heals and refreshes for awhile he’d go back to Balamb and face consequences for his actions, and probably insist on consequences instead of leaning into “an evil sorceress bespelled me and slowly took my free will.” No hiding away in the wilderness. No crossing into and living his life in Esthar. No, “but in the end I broke free and would have been an active, onscreen part of saving the world if Square had let me join the party!” He would insist on being cast into a deep, dark cell. Squall uses pull to get him pardoned, but not before just, flat out, yelling at him for being a martyr.
Unpopular opinion: He did love Rinoa. It may have been a “shallow love,” but he wasn’t just dating her to pass time or because she played into his damsel who needs a hero mindset. There was emotion. He was prepared to die for her and Squall in Timber, and almost did--only being saved by Sorceress Edea...which wasn’t a kindness, but it all worked out in the end. Sure, he gets mind-controlled into using Rinoa as, basically, a human sacrifice and it isn’t Rinoa he wants stripped and brought to his room when we’re taking prisoners, but he cared about her. He does taunt her about their past relationship, but we’ve already established this is just part of his communication skillset.  Yes, I will elaborate more if asked, though it’s more feeling based than text based. 
A wish: If there’s ever a sequel, let him have put out the good in the world that was his dream and be seen as a hero. Let us see a matured and peaceful Seifer. 
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: My one fear if they ever remake FFVIII instead of just porting it, is that some of the creative team have said they like the fan theory where you are dead part way through the game and the rest is a dying dream or purgatory. It’s creative stuff; I will say that. It’s not my favorite, and I don’t agree, but those kinds of fan interpretations when they go in depth are super cool. PLEASE LET THE INTEREST IN IT JUST BE THE SAME AS MINE OF THINKING IT’S CREATIVE BECAUSE MAKING THIS  CANON WOULD BE SO, SO BAD FOR EVERY CHARACTER.
5 words to best describe them: stubborn, misguided, paladin, romantic, petty
My nickname for them: I don’t really have one
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hoodoo12 · 4 years
This month’s prompt on our discord server? “Costume”, for Hallowe’en, of course! SFW, Beetlejuice/gender neutral reader.
@beetlewise-and-pennyjuice @thewolfisapartofmysoul @janitor-boy @turtlepated @angelicspaceprince
Enjoy! `
You’d never have expected being invited to a Halloween costume party would be such a problem.
A problem shaped like a pestering, jealous ghost-demon named Beetlejuice. “I wanna go! Why can’t I go! You’re leaving me for a whole evening to have fun and I have to sit here and twiddle my thumbs?! You’re going to leave me in the dark in an empty house and I never get to do anything!” His whining was amazing, and not in the good way. “You could take me! We can do a couple’s costume! Like Mickey and Minnie Mouse, or you can be a brick, and I can go as a brick layer!”
You couldn’t help but snort in laughter at his suggestions, as raunchy as the second one had been. “Or, or--you know those horse costumes? We could do that! I could be the back half, because I like holding onto your butt--” “And also because you’re an ass?”
The specter grinned broadly at your jab, thinking that if you were joining in on the idea, his battle was mostly won. “Beej, sweetheart,” you said, patting his cheek, “the answer is no. No one’ll be able to see you, so a couple’s costume just isn’t going to work. I’m sorry.” His expressive face fell. You were pretty sure that if he could control not just the color of his hair but how much it stuck up, it would have drooped in a dramatic, cartoonish way as well. 
“Fine,” he muttered sadly. “I mean, people could see me if you just, I don’t know, said my name a few times or whatever, but it’s okay, I’ll just stay here with the dust and spiders and wait in the dark for you to come back . . .” He turned to go, shoulders sloping dejectedly, and shook off your hand when you tried to take his wrist to attempt to make him feel better. 
You actually had no idea what to dress as. Everything was too cutesy or overdone or trite. When watching those Bly Manor and Truth Seekers shows on streaming, however, something clicked into place. You could go as a plague doctor! And not only that, since Beetlejuice bragged about living through the Black Plague, he’d have firsthand knowledge of it and them and could assist making it authentic!
Excitedly, you told him your idea. Although he was still a bit crestfallen, he of course preened a little when you asked for his help and promised to give you all the details he could to make it the best plague doctor around. He went so far as to bring you an authentic beaked mask from . . . somewhere, which he proudly tried to thrust into your hands. Gingerly you accepted it, but tried to keep only the very tips of your fingers in contact with the leather. The clear glass for its eyes made it look more than slightly creepy. 
“I’m not going to . . . catch anything from this, right? You didn’t get it out of a festering plague pit . . . ?” “Nah,” he replied dismissively. “I mean, yeah, it’s from a grave, but it’s super old so anything infectious should be gone, I’m pretty sure.”
One thing he’d never claimed to be was a doctor or infectious disease expert, so although you accepted his suspect contribution, you cleaned it inside and out with bleach. And tossed it in the microwave to nuke any possibly remaining microbes, for good measure. 
You procured a black coat and hat on your own. Beetlejuice also dug up a black cane--telling you that the doctors used them to poke at people so they could examine them without getting too close--with a silver wolf’s head as a handle. You joked that that was a prop for the Wolfman but accepted it anyway.   He also gleefully shoved so many aromatics into the beak it made your eyes water when you finally tried it on. “Thanks, Beej,” you praised as you tried to breathe through your mouth. “Wow. There’s a lot in here, huh? What is that, pine needles?” “Juniper, cloves, and camphor! Some mint too.”
“Uh-huh,” you croaked. You were going to have to grab some tissues to wipe your running nose and watery eyes during this party. “Okay, I’ll see you later.” “Have a good time!” he called after you, and you were glad he’d gotten over his disappointment. 
You knew the people who’d invited you to the party tended to go all out for Halloween, and this year was no exception. It wasn’t Martha Stewart, but it wasn’t professional haunted attraction either. They’d filled their house with lots of skeletons and spiders, pictures that changed based on which angle you looked at them, a soundtrack that low enough to not impede conversations but was filled with creaks, moans, and shrieks, and a buffet spread filled with treats made to look gory. 
Everyone was in costume, of course, from those same generic ones available at Halloween stores to homemade cosplay of movie slashers. A hush rippled out like a stone thrown into water when you walked through the front door, even as you called hello to your friends. The party-goers turned to gawk at you.
Gradually people returned to their conversations, and some people returned greetings. You grinned behind your mask; it was good to make an unexpected first impression. 
Wandering through the party, you slowly became aware that few people sought you out, and when you tried to engage with others, they were polite but seemed anxious to get away. More than once you caught people glancing over their shoulders at you as they left you. It also became apparent that people gave you a berth as you walked through the house, even at the table spread with food and drink. At first it was kind of cool, like you were this mysterious being, but then it devolved into being a little weird. It had to be because of the aromatics Beetlejuice had stuffed to the brim inside the beak. “I’m sorry about the smell,” you apologized to anyone who would listen. “I just went a little overboard on it being authentic.”
You followed that apology with a little self-depreciating chuckle. 
It didn’t make people seem more comfortable around you. 
Unable to mingle, feeling like a bit of an outcast--maybe like a real plague doctor--you didn’t stay at the party long. Walking home along streetlight lit sidewalks, you had the same effect on anyone else out: veering to give you room, furtive glances back at you once they were passed. 
There was no way you stunk that bad.
Sighing, you slowed down a little. Although there was a chill in the air, you were getting this hat and mask off your face. Maybe you could dump the herbs and whatnot in a garbage can, and reduce the stench. Your nose could use some fresh air anyway. 
You happened to stop in front of a closed store’s window. As you grabbed your hat to yank it off your head, you glanced at your reflection and yelped in surprise. 
It was you in a plague doctor’s costume, but nightmarishly extreme. Your coat--just a cheap plain coat you found at a thrift store, was smeared along the sleeves and hem with something that looked tacky and black, like old blood. Like your coat had been dragging along the floor of a slaughterhouse, and like you’d been wrist deep in something gory. The rest of the fabric looked moldy and stained and threadbare on the elbows. As if that wasn’t bad enough, your mask--
It was authentic, obviously, but the leather seemed to have molded smoothly to your face. The glass in the eyeholes didn’t show your eyes at all; instead, pinpricks of light, the reflection of an animal’s eyes, shone out. 
Everything that looked back at you in the glass looked evil, depraved, and unsettling. The effect was overtly chilling, even as you knew you were looking at yourself. 
You ran the rest of the way to your place. “Beetlejuice!” you shouted, throwing open the door so had it bounced back at you from the wall it hit. He sauntered in from the kitchen. “Heya babes! How’d the party go? I was just here, making rice krispie treats--the kitchen’s a bit of a war zone right now--is marshmallow difficult to get off the ceiling?”
“What did you do?!”
“I told you--I was making rice krispie treats--” “I mean what did you do to my costume!”
The specter stopped, and grinned. “Did you like it? Did everyone like it? I think the pièce de résistance was that faint whiff of rot. You really have to concentrate to smell it, but once you do, you can’t unsmell it--”
You gaped at that disgusting revelation and resisted the urge to grab him by the sharp labels of his striped coat and shake him; he’d see that as playtime. Through gritted teeth, you repeated, “What did you do to my costume?!”
“I made it authentic. Just like you asked,” he shrugged innocently.
Squeezing your eyes closed, you counted to ten, actually making it only to four. Your jaw hurt from clenching it so hard, but you didn’t loosen it much to say sarcastically, “And the way my eyes look? Is that authentic? Did plague doctors have creepy shiny eyes?”
He laughed. “Oh. That. Yeah, that was some artistic license. Just to give it some flair.”
A worn coat splattered with unnameable gore, the stench of random herbs plus decay, a mask that was already unsettling and silver eyes for some “flair” . . . this time you did make it to a count of ten, and released the tension in your jaw this time. He was only trying to help. He had provided the expertise you asked for, and he just took it too far because he was nothing if not over the top.
“We should’ve just done the horse costume,” Beetlejuice advised. “Want a rice krispie?”
You glared at him, but couldn’t stay too mad too long. Shrugging out of the coat, you said, “Yes. Take this costume out and bury it or burn it or something. You tricked, and I’ll have a treat.”
“That’s my babe,” he grinned, and took the disgusting outfit off your hands.  
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theflashdriver · 4 years
Trial by Flyer (A Silvaze AU)
The campus was dark and silent tonight, the wind wasn’t whistling through the trees and what little star and moonlight would have shone its way to her was being blocked out by a thick wall of clouds. Blaze the cat, age sixteen, shouldn’t have been out here at so late an hour. Midnight had just passed, the witching hour had arrived, and yet, this feline witch was supposed to be long in bed. Instead, where was she? Sat at the bottom step of the outdoor amphitheatre, fingers steepled and her right foot tapping uncontrollably as she awaited her best friend.
The Marble Garden School of Witchcraft and Wizardry was a place of learning only for the chosen few and, as such, there were many serious rules that were mandatory to abide by. There were a multitude of simple rules that, if broken, could result in a severe punishment of expulsion; girls weren’t supposed to enter the boys’ dormitories (and vice versa), you weren’t allowed to cast nefarious spells on other students, there were to be no paid additional studies and, the rule that Blaze was currently breaking, all students had to be in their respective dormitory buildings before eleven at night. Just being out here was making her anxious, quadrupling her heartrate and making even the most minor of sounds all the more terrifying.
Blaze was a good student, well… a mostly good student; a good student as much as she could control being a good student. While she rarely raised her hand in class, only answering questions when she was called upon, she listened diligently to her lecturers, studied all she’d learned thoroughly every night, shirked social and extracurricular opportunities and took additional time at the library whenever possible. She put in more effort than any other student she knew of, that wasn’t a matter of pride so much as a fact that her teachers wouldn’t stop reminding her of. Whenever she did well on a test or whenever they wanted to give an example of a good student, her name would quickly fall from their lips followed by a heaping of praise.
Yet, despite all the praise she received and how good of a student she was, here the feline sat; so casually breaking curfew. It was as if she was trying to be caught even, a heavy bag sat beside her and she was dressed in the garb that she’d chosen as her uniform- a tall hat with a golden buckle and belt adorned her head ita long sleeved purple dress that frilled out at the cuffs and hem covered her body only to be topped by a purple-leather mantle, a set of thick purple tights with golden swirls decorating them and a pair of high heeled boots to match. The only aspect of her dress that wasn’t purple and gold were her gloves, stark white evening gloves that reached deeply into her sleeves. If she was seen, for a plain an outfit she’d tried to pick (from a very limited list of options) she’d be recognised on sight; a fact that was making it all the harder to not just run back to her-
A voice suddenly assumed the entirety of her mind’s attention, not entering through her ears but jumping directly into her brain, “Blaze! I’m so sorry, I’m running a little late. The groundskeeper was cleaning a mess outside the boy’s dorms, I had to sneak out through the window. I won’t be much longer!”
Quickly, Blaze raised her pointer fingers to the air and set their tips alight. Intricately, methodically, she traced a pair of intricate and overlapping sigils in the air and closed her eyes. The moment they were completed, she brought those fingers to her temples and thought in the loudest voice possible, “Silver. It is okay, I am glad you were not caught. I am waiting at the agreed location, please come quickly. Did you remember your notebook?”
A moment passed but no reply came.
Her fingers left her temples and her eyes flickered open but the symbols she’d cast had already faded from the air. A sigh slipped from her mouth as she recrossed her legs and resumed waiting, uncertain that her message had left her, let alone reached its intended reciprocate. He wasn’t that late, and the boy’s dormitories weren’t too far from the amphitheatre, but every second spent out her left more chance that they’d be caught. The moment he arrived, they could achieve the motive of their rule-breaking and quickly sneak back to their respective rooms.
Oh, who was she kidding; this wasn’t going to go nearly as quickly as she hoped.
It was as she had that thought that a twinkling of light, like a small cluster of stars had managed to split through the clouds, drew her attention. She looked up, frowning hard at the glow as she attempted to identify it; as it drew closer, she understood it to be the form she was awaiting. Silver the hedgehog, also age sixteen, was descending from the sky as though he was carried by a moonbeam; wrapped in cyan, psychic, light, his form was difficult but not impossible to distinguish. Before he arrived, the feline jumped to her feet and dusted herself off, quickly scanning their surroundings to make certain no one else had been watching them. He landed without a sound; standing next to her, still coated in energy, his height only just superseded hers due to the nature of his tall quills. If she wasn’t wearing heels of course, the different between them would be far clearer.
With the flaring of his fingers, the light faded from him but that new sight entirely perplexed Blaze. She’d noticed his lack of hat, thus being why she wasn’t presently taller than him, but not the lack of his other garb. Silver stood before her, dressed in a short-sleeved green t-shirt and a pair of baggy pyjama trousers.
“Silver,” She half whispered half grumbled, trying to keep her voice down but make it clear that she was perturbed, “Where are your robes, where is your notebook?”
His bright yellow eyes seemed to dance for a moment, looking to her before down to his own frame. As a realisation hit, his quills shot up straight and a hint of embarrassment overcame his muzzle, “Sorry, I forgot to drop the charm. I figured I’d be too bright if I tried to scout a path dressed normally, give me a moment.”
Like a chimneysweep dusting soot from his body, the symbols on his palms flaring, Silver began to pat himself down. With no more than those touches, he unearthed the outfit that he’d hidden- he wore open robes with flaring sleeves (cut with a keyhole window that exposed the upper portion of his chest fur), a set of baggy trousers and some thick boots with metal caps. That description made the outfit seem basic but, in truth, it was anything but that; head to toe, Silver glowed with a strange bioluminescence that matched the symbols on his hands. Scales and lines like mycelia flared additional light from seemingly random points on his person, forming jagged lines both across and up his visage. In some places it made sense, like on the buttons of his mantle and hemming his clothes, but in others it seemed nonsensical.
To conclude this transformation, he slicked his fingers through his quills and revealed what Blaze thought to be the most ludicrous cap worn by any student in this entire school. As if to compensate for the muting of his own overgrown quills, often having to be pulled back into a braid or ponytail, Silver’s choice of hat was so tall that its point had bent not three days beyond his arrival at this school. It was faintly glowing and cyan, alike the rest of his garb, but the underside of its large rim especially so. It looked as though his head was topped with a large, bioluminescent, mushroom cap with incredibly bright gills.
Reaching into his robes, he drew out his notebook and beamed at her, eyes still shining even while his hat tried its damnedest to obscure them, “There, is that better?”
Realising quite how intently she’d been staring at this magical display, Blaze quickly turned away and busied herself within her bag; though she’d thoroughly enjoyed the display, he was eating up their time. Under her breath, half hoping he didn’t hear, she murmured, “You’re so naïve.”
She pulled out her own notebook, flipping it open to her most recent writings. In a cursive, neat and elegant, font were two pages of heavily sourced notes pertaining to the history and practice of future prediction and other sorts of divination magic. She managed to walk beside him, still not looking to him, and show him the pages.
“These should help you start your essay, at the very least. All these books are available in the library but, if they’re taken out, I have my own copies that you can borrow,” She tapped one name in particular, “Look out for books and stories by and about her in particular, Amelia Rose. Her works are a lot older but, while I find them too flowery, they’re a very good source.”
She dared to throw a glance in his direction only to find him staring at the pages as if the several dozen names and notes were going in one of his ears and out the other. His words seemed to leave some kind of impact on him though as he managed to nod at them, “Amelia Rose, Amelia Rose, okay!” Blaze went to tear the two sheets free for him to slot into his own book, but a fumbling hand caught hers before he could, “Don’t worry about that, you need to write this essay too, right?” She looked to him incredulously only for him to start beaming again, “I learned a new spell, watch this!”
He shuffled his way just behind her, reaching around her shoulders. As if it was the most normal thing in the world, Silver plopped his notebook face town atop hers Almost immediately, Blaze felt her tail stiffen and bump against him as his arms came to rest atop his and his frame pushed so close to hers. Two of his fingers pushed against the back of both his pad’s covers and began to weave small circles. They traced from top left to right, gradually going along and down line after line after line. She watched as sparks of excess cyan energy, that which the book didn’t absorb, slipped from beneath his fingers and fluttered in the air before them. Quickly, the tenseness in her tail faded and she felt herself relax into his grasp, but she wasn’t thinking about that. She was simply enamoured by whatever it was he was doing.
So enamoured in fact that when he flipped his book in a single movement, uttering an overly pleased, “Tada!” It took Blaze a moment to come to her senses and realise what he’d done. Her words, her exact handwriting, had been copied onto the pages of his book. He’d learned this spell specifically so that she didn’t have to duplicate her notes for him, her notes could simply duplicate themselves.
“You’re so…” She went to reprimand for acting without explaining, for allowing his talent to swallow the entirety of her attention again, only to notice something comically foolish, “Your book was upside-down…”
“W-What? Oh, um…” He lifted it from hers, stepping out from behind her and squinting at the writing incredulously, “It’ll still work for studying though, right?”
“It should do,” She comforted him, but at the showing of his notebook a question rose to mind, “Did you get my message earlier?”
“Oh, yeah! You’re getting way better at telepathy Blaze,” He was smiling again, “You said it was ok and to come quickly, right?”
Ah, so the end of her message had been cut off. Her casting, even of that basic spell, was still far from perfect… unlike his.
While Blaze excelled at all things theoretical, she could easily write essay upon essay and was quick to learn that which she heard or could read, Silver was a master of practical magic. Without really understanding what he was doing, the hedgehog frequently found himself successfully casting spells on a whim and without particularly understanding their idiosyncrasies. To contrast this, despite putting in an equal amount of effort as her, Silver was especially bad at deskwork; he’d attempt to answer teacher’s questions and routinely be incorrect as well as, despite weeks of study, barely earn passing grades in written exams. Curiously enough, just as she mirrored his written ability, Blaze was lacking when it came to practical magical talent. When it came to offensive spells and fire magic, she was fairly adept at casting but anything beyond that seemed to be out of her reach. Telepathy was one of the first spells they’d been taught, and she still couldn’t transmit full thoughts, only brief fragments; abjuration, conjuration, transmutation and illusionary techniques, outside of only the most basic, were beyond her.
One would think that, for those reasons, the two wouldn’t get along but they’d formed a strong bond in their first year. It’d been very obvious to Blaze that the hedgehog was struggling, he wore his heart on his sleeve in such a blatant way, and she had taken some degree of pity on him. That pity had soon been corrupted by a mutual admiration of course, even during their first year (3 years ago) he’d shown such magnificent talent, and that admiration had forged the bonds of their friendship. They looked after each other, helped each other wherever possible and promised to come to the other for help… just as she had offered an exchange and asked him to break some rules tonight. She’d thought she’d have to beg but he’d agreed without hesitating.
“So, Friday’s test…” She led, knowing that day was only one more night away, “I know this is a little short notice, I thought I could maybe do this myself, but-
A pair of hands found hers, palm topped palm as her fingers held her tight.
“We help each other, Blaze. There’s nothing to worry about,” She caught his eye again and knew that he was being genuine, “Of course I’ll teach you to fly!”
Blaze’s gaze slipped from Silver. Her stomach was churning, it felt as though the world was spinning, the mere mention of that word and all it implied made her slightly sick. On Friday, they had their first real test of this semester- a flying obstacle course set up on the sports grounds, a small path that they had to complete. Even outside her difficulty casting a spell that would allow her to fly, Blaze had a rather significant fear of heights; when she’d arrived at her dorm room within the girl’s tower she’d almost panicked at the view from her window. For this reason, while other students had made the extracurricular effort to learn flight, Blaze had only just started to learn. She’d tried to find the right spell for her over the past few weeks, researching thoroughly, but none of them had worked with her specific type of magic.
“Alright, th-thank you Silver,” She managed to glance at him again, only to find that he’d leaned in closer, “What do you think the first step is?”
Silver’s hands slipped from hers, he fumbled with his chest fur in thought for a moment, “Well, it’s probably best to start at the beginning; you need to take off. From there, it’s just learning to control yourself; that gets way easier with practice!”
“Right, taking off…” She considered, still rather disgusted, “How would you recommend I do that? I don’t think your method will work for me.”
As if to exemplify why his method wouldn’t work, a gentle hue of cyan light overtook Silver’s frame and carried him into the air. He flipped to hover upside down, looking her in the eye as he sunk deeper into thought, “Probably not…” His eyes seemed to dance across her body, lingering on her hands before finishing at her feet, “I’ve been thinking about this for a while, you can make fire come from anywhere, right?”
With no more than a thought, Blaze allowed a pair of flaming plumes to emerge from her shoulders and dance in the windless night before having them vanish and growing a set of vague flame-wings, “Anywhere on my body, as much as I can muster.”
“Well…” He looked like what he was about to say was foolish, “What if you made yourself like a rocket? What if you shot fire from the bottom of your feet and pushed yourself into the air?”
It was, it was very foolish, “Silver, even if I could do that, it’d be incredibly unstable and almost impossible to balance. If my top half leaned over then I’d fly in just about any direction, I could race to the ground like a falling star.”
“I thought about that too!” He beamed, “What if you used your hands to make almost… stabilisers? Like what people put on a bike so they don’t fall over, only for flying.”
For as ridiculously as he’d phrased it, that was a fairly succinct counter to her issue. There was however a magnitude of issues still both swirling in her gut and with his plan, “Ok, but that presupposes that I can even make enough thrust to lift myself, Silver. I really doubt that I can…”
“Oh, have you tried before? Darn, I really thought it’d work…” He went back to thinking, almost seeming to scan her body again, but those words had made Blaze’s mind even more of a mess.
Her gaze broke from his and she hesitated again, looking at her hands and conjuring small flames. The rate with which flame emerged from her was something she could control but she’d never truly thought to, “Not really, no.”
“You haven’t? Can we try it then?” Her uncertainty must have been showing because he flitted back around, looking her in the eye, “I’ll stay right next to you, I won’t let you fall, I promise!”
She gulped, “Do you?” It was a question she already knew the answer to but worry was brewing in her gut.
“Of course, I’m here to help you, Blaze!” He insisted, preparing her arms as if she was already about to catch her, “I would never let you down.”
“Ok,” She took a deep breath, closing her eyes, “I’ll give it a shot…”
Blaze was rather unsure what to do with herself to become more aerodynamic, but she gave it her best. She pushed her heels together but kept her toes far apart, keeping her hands parallel but separate to her waist with her palms pointed towards the ground. Lighting a flame was easy, she had just done it with a thought, but producing a constant and controlled flame would be just a little bit harder. She focused her attention on the underside of her boots and centre of her palms, trying to pool all of her arcana evenly over those four spots.
A thought dawned upon her, “Should I I just let it go or should I jump and do it from the air?”
“T-Try just letting it go,” Silver’s voice cut through her focus, “It looks like you’re doing rea-
A single lapse in her concentration was all it took. As Blaze was trying to focus on his words, the seal keeping her flames from spilling free lapsed. A thunderous force, larger than any Blaze had tried to conjure before, burst from all of four of her extremities with an unrelenting roar and launched her straight up into the air. The moment she opened her eyes, Blaze was met with cloud but soon they passed and cracked to reveal an unending array of stars dancing around the moon. For a single moment, as her eyes lingered on the shining crescent above, she felt joy; she’d done what she thought impossible, she’d successfully taken off… but she was still soaring.
There was no ceiling to stop her and, much more terrifyingly, no safety net beneath her. She’d shot off without warning, she had no idea how fast she’d flown or what kind of noise she was making. It was possible she’d woken up the whole campus, it was probable that one of the nightguards had noticed! She was going to get them in so much trouble! As she glanced around herself in an attempt to find Silver, she forgot how important the positioning of her palms was and sent herself into an upwards corkscrew. Now spiralling, her hat having long fallen from her head, Blaze fought to regain control but soon found herself spinning on more than one axis.
Her focus and control waned, the fire at her limb’s ends snuffed and soon she reached the apex of her ascent. For the briefest of moments, she felt weightless, having tumbled up to mingle with the stars, but she very quickly found herself plummeting. With the wind rushing around her frame, Blaze couldn’t relight her form and, even if she could, her feet and hands were in such wrong positions.
She started to scream, the sound had just begun to leave her lips, when something soft found her back and hooked around the underside of her legs. She couldn’t have fallen for half a metre before that gentle touch had found her and brought them both to a standstill in the air. Lit by the moon more than his powers; Silver’s smile was huge and his eyes sparkled down at her. She’d landed in his arms; he was holding her back and beneath her legs, clutching her close to his body in an attempt to secure her. His face, his smile, it was all so close; she couldn’t recall anyone else ever looking at her like this, especially not after she failed.
“Are you alright? Don’t worry, I’ve got you,” He insisted, but before she could say a word his smile almost tripled, “You did it Blaze! You flew!”
“I-It was more like I exploded! Don’t be so naïve!” She tore her gaze from him only to be confronted by their current height. Despite her blush and false-fury, Blaze was forced to meet his gaze, “Don’t act like that was a success!”
“What’re you talking about, you took off!” He sounded so excited, “You managed to learn that so quickly, I was sure it’d be the hardest part, the rest should be a cinch!”
She felt him shift just a little, something popped into the corner of her vision; a certain black hat that’d been lost in her flight. Snatching it, simultaneously gripping him tight with her remaining arm, she used the garment to hide her face, “Stop being so naïve…it’s not going to be that easy.”
A brief silence overcame them and Blaze found herself shrinking further into her hat and, almost by mistake, deeper into his arms. Over the past handful of months, Blaze had been catching herself in these positions more and more often; every single time she had only herself to blame, though she’d usually berate him for his part in them. They’d be studying in the library, sitting side by side as they read, and her head would just so happen to find comfort on his shoulder, or they’d be walking across campus and she’d, eventually, notice that their fingers had intertwined. Prior to this year, Blaze hadn’t thought much of these occurrences, they’d just sort of happened, but idle gossip, fresh from the girl’s common room, had made her far more aware of these things.
Silver’s talent hadn’t gone unnoticed by their lecturers or, as Blaze had come to learn, their classmates. The bizarre bubbling sickness that Blaze had experienced when another student had expressed interest in the hedgehog and pried about their relationship was unlike anything she’d felt prior. Though she’d wanted to deny the rumour, she’d found herself entirely unable to.
Hesitantly, she flicked up the brim of her hat for a small glance at him. Despite her prior rudeness, he looked entirely unphased; the wizard in training was simply looking up at the sky and smiling, taking in the stars. The way the night-light seemed to colour his fur, let alone the expression it managed to put on his face, was just a little dazzling. It’d taken her a while to really understand it, but there was something rather… aesthetically pleasing about his form. Nothing she ever planned to admit aloud of course, especially not to him, but after that girl had mentioned it, the changes he’d undergone over the years and the way his eyes sparkled did make for a rather pleasing visage (even despite his silly robes).
Realising that she’d been thinking for much too long and noticing him turning back in her direction, Blaze quickly made a demand, “I want to try again.”
“Whenever you’re ready, I’m ready,” He affirmed, still smiling as his gaze returned to her, “You can stand on my feet if you want. That way you’d be up straight, it might help you get used to this.”
“It means I’ll be free of this embarrassing position, I’m willing to try anything,” She huffed but, moments later, caught herself and realised what she’d said. He was trying his best to help her, he probably didn’t even think this was embarrassing, “You’ll still… hold me, won’t you?”
“I won’t let go until you tell me too, I promise,” The hedgehog pledged.
She shifted in his grasp, clinging tightly to his shoulders, and, ever so gently, he slipped his hold from her legs. It took a little bit of fumbling but, eventually, she managed to perch herself on the tips of his boots. Despite how painful it’d surely be if they were on the ground, this change of position didn’t seem to bring him any discomfort as he glided his remaining free hand around her back.
The young witch peered over his shoulder and her gaze fell upon the thick cloud barrier beneath them. Up here, no lecturers or other students could see them; they were alone with the night’s celestial bodies. Though being above the clouds did frighten her, the fact that they couldn’t see the ground was making things a lot easier. She knew that Silver wouldn’t let her fall, she believed in his abilities, but having that a fluffy-fake ground beneath them was doing her a world of good. Gradually, she managed to shift some of the tension from her shoulders and hold him in a less life-or-death manner.
He seemed to notice the shift, “Alright, maybe you should start with your feet? That way we can keep holding each other.”
That made sense but, truth be told, letting go seemed a little easier than stepping off and into the abyss, “One foot at a time?” She hesitantly suggested.
“Try to use just enough energy to lift you but not to change how high you fly,” Silver recommended, “Once you’ve figured that out once, you should understand how it feels and be able to do it again.”
Blaze heaved a shallow breath and closed her eyes, “Okay… okay…”
She leant back just a little, allowing her left foot to depart from his frame. It took no more than a thought for her to produce a small flame but that would not provide enough thrust to keep her afloat. Slowly, gradually applying more power to her newfound thruster, Blaze felt precarious half of her body begin to shit up and away from the anchored half. Working down and up in smaller and smaller increments, she sought equilibrium for what must have been minutes before finally finding something close to it. She focused on the feeling of flames flowing freely from her heel, their exact measure and rate as well as the small pressure being put upon her knee and the greater one on the arch of her foot.
Once she’d held it for a few moments, she dared to open her eyes and look to Silver, “I think it’s time for the right one. Could you…” She hated the only way that she could think to phrase this, “Hold me a little tighter.”
Silver, without even hesitating, moved his hands to grasp the robes above her shoulder blades. The look in his eyes reinforced his prior promise and gave her all the motivation she needed. Her right foot left his boot and, though the shift in weight made her dip just a little, with its ignition, it was easy to make it match her left. Blaze found herself to be hovering, hanging in the sky by her own accord.
When she managed to tear her eyes from her boots, she found that his smile had tripled in size, “You’re doing it Blaze!”
“Sh-Shush,” She hissed, feeling herself grow redder as more flames sputtered from her soles, “I’m trying to concentrate.”
The feline took a moment; shifting the ball of her foot seemed to allow for a degree of dexterity on her part- if she angled her shoe correctly then the flames would correspond and allow her to drift. Slowly, gradually, Blaze managed to bring herself to circle the hedgehog and bring him to spin on the spot. Every time she dared to glance at him, she found an even greater look of amazement on his face. Eventually, finally, she decided to halt her practice.
“I think I’m ready,” She decided.
Silver simply nodded and, clearly trying not to disturb her, released the tension at his fingertips but did not shift his hands; he left that final move entirely up to her.
She slowly slipped from beneath his fingers but, just when as his arm were about to fall to his sides, dared to grasp his right hand, “I still want you to stay close though.”
Her movements were made more awkward and slow by her lack of an anchoring point but, soon, the two of them were gliding together. With each passing second of flight, as she acclimatised herself and grew accustomed to the movements, she felt the heavy iron ball in her gut gradually shrink. She refused to let herself think this was fun, especially not while she was holding his hand so tightly, but she did permit herself an internal admission that this wasn’t entirely awful. Skating over a sea of clouds, surrounded by starlight and hand in hand with her best friend? It was very difficult to think of this as awful, even if not seeing the ground was a huge part of it.
Tentatively, trying something new, Blaze managed to turn and face him while still flying in the same direction.
The shift came with a small increase in speed but Blaze took that in stride, “Is there anything you think I should try, Silver?”
“Well, the test is supposed to be fairly simple, it’s just a little obstacle course. It focuses on manoeuvring through the air…” He mused aloud before, in a serious tone, making a foolish suggestion, “If you’re alright with separating, we could play a game of tag?”
It was a childish proposition or, at least, that was Blaze’s first thought. Her second thought was far more positive though as she realised what his suggestion implied, his natural talent and experience flying meant that he could already soar to the academy’s standards. If she could even just follow his path then, surely, that meant she would pass too. There was only one problem- she’d have to separate from him.
Blaze brought herself to a halt, allowing her thumb to glide over his knuckles, “If I call out, I know you’ll come and catch me…” Something about this, assumedly the fact that her training had taken on such an embarrassing form, was rebolstering her blush, “But I’d like to hear you say it again.”
“If you fall, I’ll catch you, Blaze. I promise,” He swore, his smile totally vanished and his most serious face took its place, “You won’t even touch the clouds.”
Her fingers slipped from his, she was on her own in the sky, “So, how are we going to do this?”
“How about you fly away from me first and then, if I catch you, I’ll try to keep away from you?” He’d phrased it in such an honest way that, were it anyone else proposing it, she’d think they were being condescending. He really thought there was a chance that he wouldn’t be able to catch her and that he wouldn’t have to slow down so she could catch him.
Still, regardless of the difference between their skill, she was going to give this her best. Though it renewed that weight in her belly, even though she was certain that she would regret it mere moments later, Blaze pointed her toes skyward and rushed away from Silver, struggling to turn mid-air on order to see where she was going in this obstacle-less sky.
“W-Wait, Blaze, is that a yes?!” He called out and, by the sound of his voice, he wasn’t giving chase yet.
Deciding she needed this lead in order to make their game even remotely worthwhile, she didn’t answer him. Remembering the stabilisers she’d used for take-off, Blaze brought her hands to burn and, though she floundered for a moment, used their bonus thrust to shoot even further from him. That done, cloud after cloud vanishing beyond her feet, she dared to look over her shoulders and saw a cyan globule finally begin its shift towards her. Though she tried to fight it, a grin managed to wriggle its way onto her face as she looked forward. If she was bound to be caught and he’d surely gain on her soon, it was worth getting in a little practice… besides, he could surely use some training too.
With the simple quirk of her brow and through rolling her heels, Blaze feigned a movement left before shooting off towards the right. She didn’t even glance back at him after that, instead opting to try and alter her elevation; with a bit of effort, the young witch managed to align her body and crawl further into the sky as she flew away. Using her hands made all of this a lot easier, she could flare more energy into them to aid in adjusting elevation or simply increase the flames coming from one palm to force her path to bend.
“You’re doing great, Blaze!” A much too close voice called out, “I’m sure you’ll ace the test! You’re already so good!” It was getting closer by the second.
She’d known this would happen, it was an inevitability, but the pyrokinetic found that a competitive spark had stolen the spot of that metal mass in her gut. Her pulse was pounding, she knew her magic could hold out for another hour at minimum; she decided that the best way to learn was a trial by fire. Alternating hands and kicking as she went, Blaze managed to form eight quick zigzags before shooting left with all her will. Flare after flare burst from her limbs as she darted further and further above the clouds.
Unfortunately though, just as Blaze thought she was reaching the summit of what she could stomach, there was a flash of cyan light above. Blaze didn’t even have to glance to know what’d happened, Silver’s experience flying mean he’d clearly understood plotting the shortest route. Being in the lead was difficult, every harsh turn meant traveling further for the lead and a shortcut for the one behind. Simultaneous to that though, Silver was (perhaps unknowingly) about to teach her a technique she hadn’t even attempted yet. The only way to avoid him was to descend.
Blaze tried to lessen her output, but that proved far harder than increasing their potency. Once her upward thrust was spent, she began to plummet like a stone and fall feet first towards the clouds. Her hands flickered and sputtered as she tried to balance herself again, she straightened her back and shut her eyes tight as ignition after ignition failed to fully take hold. Finally, she managed to light her ignitions again… only to overdo it and rocket right back up. She shot right past him, very almost being caught.
As he rocketed up to give chase, frustrated, Blaze chose to continue to practice altitude control. Rather than snuff everything, she focused and manage to mute the flames on her feet. The difference was clear and immediate, she was slower and a lot shakier but this worked far better than trying to calm both sets of flames. She managed to drop directly in front of him only to then relight her boots and blast forward. The feline must have gotten too greedy and drawn too close because she soon felt something pad between her shoulder blades.
“Tag!” The moment she’d registered the touch, he’d called out as if they were kids on the playground.
She swivelled around in the air only to find he’d raced off in the other direction so quickly that he almost looked like a star on the horizon. Leaning into her movement, Blaze found herself flying faster than she ever had before. In the time it took to catch up to the grey wizard, Blaze had a moment to contemplate the rather miraculous change she’d experienced. She’d gone from being terrified of heights to dancing across the sky just like he could. Admittedly, she was certain those fears would return if she was on the other side of the cloud barrier or flying alone but flying around the test course with the instructors watching would surely prove easy enough. It’d been an exchange of tutelage, she’d given him notes and he’d helped her practice, but Blaze couldn’t help feeling a little indebted to her partner.
Some of that feeling waned when she caught sight of him and how he was flying though. The hedgehog flying with his back to the ground and his eyes trained upon her, he almost looked like he was sitting up in bed. Blaze understood why he’d chosen that position, it meant he’d been able to keep an eye on her and that he’d be able to fulfil his promise, but that didn’t stop it from stoking a more competitive aspect of her psyche.
It was just naivete, he didn’t know how cocky he was being, yet it still fuelled her drive! Blaze closed her fists for a moment, allowing pressure and tension to build in them just as she had when first taking off. It was terrifying to be frank but, knowing the direction she was rocketing and that the closer she was to him the safer she’d be, Blaze managed to steady herself and focus on building energy. Containing her flames slowed her in the short term, so much so that the grey hedgehog’s head cocked and he seemed to slow down. At the perfect second, just as she saw his mouth begin to open and the gap between them lingered around four dozen metres, Blaze reopened her palm.
Like catching a surprise shooting star out of the corner of his eye, he must have blinked in bafflement when he saw her for the first time. By the time he’d started to move she was already almost upon him, carried by sheer momentum more than thrust at that point, gaining more than a metre with each passing second. Finally, almost too late, he realised that he stood no chance of overtaking her- Silver’s arms opened wide and, with more than a little magic bolstering effort, he both was caught and managed to catch her.
Willing it as she entered his grasp, her flames snuffed themselves as any lingering momentum was absorbed by a combination of his psychic aura and fluffy body. Blaze found herself lying atop him, their muzzles very almost touching and the rims of their hats bumping. If it weren’t for the adrenaline currently coursing through her, she’d probably have had a lot more to say or complain about this situation but, for now at least, she was content to be back on the equivalent of stable ground.
“H-Hi,” He stuttered, plainly surprised and impressed by her showing.
“Hello,” She hummed, grasping at his shoulders to better secure herself, “How was that?”
His arms found her back and his smile quickly returned, she felt their bodies begin to descend, “You were incredible Blaze! You took to the air so well! You probably didn’t even need me for this,” That thought seemed to take the wind back out of his sails, “I-I’ll make up for the notes some other way… I’ll-
“You’re so naïve,” She cut him off, propping herself up slightly, “I wouldn’t have had the guts to come up here without you. You don’t have to worry about making anything up to me.”
The cloud barrier obscured her view of him for a moment or so but soon, she found his face and could see the grounds beneath. Weirdly enough, as she lay in his arms, it didn’t feel like the ground was all that far away. Or, well, that she wasn’t at risk of meeting it at ludicrous speeds.
Gently, slowly, he shifted upright and lowered the young witch to her feet before himself landing back near the heart of the amphitheatre. Now on the ground, a hold that’d once been for the sake of survival and security had transmuted into one born of comfort and kindness. Blaze found herself lingering in his grasp and in fact deepening her hold, the witch’s right arm managed to slip down and hold the small of his back. While she had performed subtle in this shift from practicality to affection, he wasn’t nearly so subdued in his shift. Her feet left the ground again as he hugged her with all his might, chortling as he did so.
When she returned to the ground for a second time and their eyes met again, bristles of heat crept across her muzzle. Without the moonlight, he was the only light for-
“And what time would the two of you call this?” A voice, tired and deep, sounded from one of the amphitheatre’s high seats.
Both their heads swivelled like they were about to be knocked off and their gaze fell upon a very cross and prickly looking figure, sat with a book in his right hand and crackling green energy in his left. The individual’s red eyes and dark robes, entirely lacking the oh-so-common hat most students and lecturers wore, gave away who they were and forced their joy to give way to panic and fear. Shadow the Hedgehog, the very lecturer who would be conducting the flying test, had caught them.
“Um,” Silver stammered, letting Blaze to the ground, “L-Late?”
“How astute,” He seemed to sneer, “And what say you of your current position, Blaze?”
“It’s my fault professor, I asked Silver to-
“N-No, it’s my fault!” Silver cut her off, “Blaze just wanted help, she did nothing wrong!”
“Endangering both your own and each other’s safety and being out of your dorms at such a late hour,” He tutted, “What kind of punishment to give you both.”
Blaze couldn’t help but throw a glance to Silver, the hedgehog looked entirely stern. No matter how they were dealt with, Blaze knew he would try to take it all on himself, just as she had. She was certain there was no way around it, that they’d both be punished, but, following a long and drawn out sigh, the usually cruel lecturer took a bizarre course of action.
“Pick up your things, go to your dorms and pray that I forget this infraction before I settle on a fitting detention,” Their eyes clashed again, confused, but before they could ask, the hedgehog gave a demand, “Well, go on, hurry along before I change my mind.”
They stood frozen for a second but, seeing his brows furrow, the two threw a quick glance to each other before rushing to pick up their things. He’d leaned in close as he went for his bag, “S-See you soon.”
“Yeah…” She managed to mumble, slinging her bag over her shoulders and allowing her shoulder to graze his, “Th-Thank you, Silver. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
They were forced to part ways with that as their goodbye, Silver walking
“And do remember, regardless of clouds, if you’re going to make quite so much light at night then people are going to notice!” The old man concluded his chiding, likely returning to his book, “We’re hardly in the right position to see an aurora…”
The walk back to the dorms was lonelier than her walk there by a wide margin. Though they’d parted so suddenly, or perhaps due to it, she could still see his smile in her mind. When they met again tomorrow, she’d try to make it up to him, try to engage first contact like she had in the sky, but the more that wizard’s grin lingered the more embarrassed she felt. While the pyrokinetic doubted Professor Shadow was the type to gossip, if word of their actions spread then the rumours would only get worse. Hopefully no one else had seen them tonight but, by the sound of it, they’d been rather hard to miss…
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For the prompt: “they thought they could get away with this?” With platonic Anxceit?
Title: Down Came the Rain
Word-Count: 1k
Pairing: Platonic Anxceit
Warnings: blood mention, torture/experiments done on sentient beings, said sentient being being referred to as “it”, body horror, violence, animal death, memory loss, crying, angst with a happy ending, sympathetic Deceit, please let me know if I need to add anything else!
I’m not sure I feel about this one, but I finished it and I think that counts for something.
Needle. Shock. Scalpel. Blood. Pain, pain, pain. Cell. Sleep. Repeat.
 Over and over again until he could barely remember a time before. In that dark cell, warm colors fluttered through his brain. Colors which formed shapes of a house and people. Laughter, crying, hugs, fighting. He was human before he came here, that much he was sure. He had a name and those he called family. 
Now blue gloved hands handled him. With steely eyes and frowns permanently stitched to their faces. They poked and prodded, reprimanding him if he got out of line. They referred him as “It” or “Experiment 1217″. They didn’t think of him as human.
How could they? Not after that fateful night, the one where he convulsed on the ground. It hurt, the pain tearing at every fiber of his being. He thought he was dying. He wished he’d died. Instead he woke to find himself changed. Transformed into a different being entirely. Long spindly appendages and far too many eyes. 
He shrieked, the sound terrifying him even further. It didn’t sound human. It sounded like that of a monster.
He tried escaping in this new form. He thrashed and bit to no use. They knew what to expect, after all. They were the ones to do this to him. They neutralized him, warning him that as second attempt would result in termination. 
He hissed at this, too wounded to say much else. They left him alone for a few days, without food or water. In that time, he caved into his new instincts. He scuttled on his inhuman black limbs and weaved a new home in the corner of the cell. 
He laid there, plagued with dreams of a home forever lost to him. Of a man who wore a bowler-hat and carried a cane. The image brought an odd set of emotions. Anger at the man for trickery. Gratitude for what the man had done for him.
“You snake!” He yelled in once a dream as the man cackled at him.
“What? It’s not my fault you have a terrible pokerface.” 
“Why you--” He lunged for the man only to ram straight into a cement wall. For the dreams never lasted. They always ended with reality hitting him like a bucket of ice cold water. 
When they placed a goat inside the cell on the third day, he wasted no time. He devoured it, satisfying his hunger. The small part of him still human was horrified. The monster was satisfied. So were the scientists.
“Fascinating, absolutely fascinating!” One exclaimed, writing something down on their clipboard, “It has taken well to the serum. We must thank our associate for bringing it to our intention.”
They ran tests on him. Dozens and dozens. Testing to see what scraps of humanity remained. Or perhaps testing to see if they could drain it completely out of him. Until he was just a monster, a being neither man nor beast. 
An old quote from something nestled in the back of his mind. Something about there being a difference between questioning if one could do something vs should one do it. Obviously, they only questioned the former and never the latter.
A man entered the cell now, light on his toes. He watched from the shadows, feeling the vibration of every step seep through his core. The man wore gloves. Not blue gloves. Yellow. He wasn’t wearing a white lab coat, rather his outfit looked like a maintenance worker. 
He didn’t understand. Were they testing to see how he’d consume human as prey? It had been awhile since his last meal.
He took a step forward, off his glistening structure, and the man froze.
Colors swarmed his brain. They stung him like wasps, over and over again.
“Virgil! You nearly gave your ole pops a heartattack!”
“Terrifying?! I think it’d be terrific, Virgil!”
“Virgil, I assure you that there is a minimal chance of this resulting in a fatal injury.”
“Hey Dr. Gloom, it’s time for your daily vibe check up!”
He startled, finding his willowy limbs wrapped around the man. Almost tight enough to constrict the man’s breathing. Yet the man didn’t look panicked. A strange emotion flitted across the man’s face. Not cold or calculating. No, something was wrong with the man’s eyes. They leaked out fluid of some sort.
He looked closer, noticing something even more peculiar. The man wasn't human. Not completely. Reptilian scales covered the man’s left side. One of the man’s eyes had a slitted pupil. The man was...like him. This was a test. Of course. They wanted to see how two specimens would react put together.
He growled, flashing his fangs in the man’s face. An intimidation tactic, one to show he held the upper hand in this situation. This invoked an odd stifled noise from the other. Perhaps one of fear?
But then the man spoke, and his words didn’t make sense to him. 
“They thought they could get away with this?”
The man sounded angry. Like the scientists when they threatened him with termination. Anger meant only bad things for him. He shook, unsure to attack or flee from the man. Would attack be the best option? Or would they be upset if he wounded an experiment of theirs?
Something soft brushed against the side of his face. A yellow gloved hand.
“Things are going to be okay now.” The man said, the words as soft as his silk.
He didn’t believe him.
“S-s-snake.” He hissed, eyes lightening with alarm at the action. They didn’t like him talking back. They’d rather him growl and snarl then speak words of defiance. Talking back meant punishment.
The man chuckled, clear liquid streaming down his cheeks, “I see you’re still one for creative insults.”
“You snake!” 
“What? It’s not my fault you have a terrible pokerface.” 
The man. The one from his dreams. With the bowler hat and old fashioned cane. 
“You,” He gasped, “y-y-you’re real?”
“Yes--” The man began, but it was all he needed to hear. 
A loud, guttural cry escaped his lips and he sagged against the man. Soon droplets of the clear liquid escaped his eyes as well. The man gathered his trembling form in his arms, gentle and secure.
“I’m here,” The man said, jaw clenched tightly, “and I’m never letting them hurt you again.”
And it was so.
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